#i am not a consistent writer im sORRY
fandom-loveletters · 1 year
If someone were to request a letter from say, Eliot Spencer, would you be up to writing it?
Leverage is near and dear to my heart, so of course I'd be up to writing something! Now, whether you think I can do him justice is a different question altogether. I've written two letters for Eliot, here and here. Feel free to check them out and see for yourself! You can submit a request anytime, and I'll do my best!
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redstrewn · 1 year
Touchstarved eye art and design appreciation time :)
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- i think it's really fun that leander's eye shines are consistently green while the rest's are white or left out
- both mhin and vere are the only ones with non-black pupils. They're also the only ones who have extra lines in their eyes. Considering they seem to be foils, maybe these have meaning 🤭 Vere's eyes have the special ability to see what happened to you. I wonder what the red of mhin's mean, if not just signifying bloodlust.
- ais and vere are the only ones with sharp pupils. Makes sense since they're obviously monsters while the rest are hidden
- it seems like mhin is the only one who consistently doesn't have eye shine. I wonder if that means mhin stands out from the rest in a certain way.
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vaugarde · 2 years
this is probably the meanest thing i have to say about the wc fandom but sometimes ill see a take and ill go “good on you for your analysis skills but i think you are giving the erins wayyy too much credit”
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lockedfighter · 4 days
to those who are consistently so patient with my slow butt —- i thank you from the bottom of my heart . i’m constantly worrying about my lack of replies & concerns that people will deem me as uninterested but i can honestly say , that’s not the case at all . please forgive me if i don’t respond straight away . i have a couple of threads that are two months old ( and i’m so sorry , it’s taking me so long , loves ) . i’m trying to be faster and give the very best like people give me . i noticed i was no longer mutuals with a few wonderful writers in my drafts ( & while i do feel saddened by such , i completely understand and wish you all the absolute best ! ) but it did make me worry that i’ve been a terrible writing partner and just had to apologise . i shall cherish those threads deeply and will focus on everything i can so to not keep people waiting much longer going forward .
that being said , if i follow you ; i am 100% interested in interactions ! i may not be on all the time to like everything or respond quickly to ims but trust me , i would adore being friends and writing together at some point . i am so interested in your characters and lore / the stories we can create so pls never think otherwise . and to those who do follow me , genuinely thank you so so much ! i’m so grateful to be involved in such a wonderful community . i just felt i had to come on and express my apologies / appreciation . ♡
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considerablecolors · 2 months
"everyone in the family is mad at me because i changed the timeline" ok yeah sure but I CAN THINK OF ANOTHER REASON TO BE MAD
and before anyone says any shit this is 100% not an excuse to be racist and sexist or to hold allison to different standards than your favorite white male characters. part of what made that scene in season 3 so disturbing to me was the fact that the writers chose to have the only black woman main character in the show do that to a white man. she's one of two women in the core siblings cast at this point. she's also a character that initially, while prone to making mistakes and abusing her powers, always loved her family. in fact, her love for viktor and insistence on not giving up on him even when he was hurting the others was one of the main themes of the first season.
why did we have her do that of all people. why did we have anyone do that at all. it was completely unnecessary to do (and to SHOW ON SCREEN) but to have the gall to do... that... and then not even address it and have allison and luther act completely normally to each other...
ALSO UM. luther canonically not remembering his first time having sex because he was under influence, getting mind controlled by his sister to almost get sexually assaulted, and then becoming a stripper despite showing basically no interest in the actual aspects of it... girl am i going crazy or is this not a coincidence, in a competently handled show this could be an exploration of the way sa victims will end up sexualizing themselves but no. instead we get jokes about him wearing thongs 24/7 and A FLASHBACK TO HIM AND HIS SISTER THAT TRIED TO ASSAULT HIM DANCING TOGETHER LIKE THAT'S CUTE. HELLO. ARE YOU THERE LITTLE GIRL ON A BICYCLE IT'S ME I JUST WANNA TALK.
also here's the deal. luther is also not perfect at all. none of the siblings are, that's the point, but specifically, luther was incredibly shitty and abusive to viktor in season one. but the show took the time to properly address it, have characters act differently towards each other as a result, have luther explicitly apologize to who he hurt and show genuine remorse, and throughout the next three seasons they took time to have him make up for it.
allison didn't get that chance, and that leaves such a bad taste in my mouth, and not even in the context of the show itself as much as the real life implications. im white, so i can't really give much of a genuine perspective and may be looking into things too deeply, but... the fact that allison consistently tends to be one of the most villainized characters in the show and portrayed specifically as manipulative and abusive and selfish... as the only black woman in the show since season 1 (unless i am forgetting someone)... feels so so so gross. (also having ray leave her and her child offscreen like come the fuck on)
everyone is talking about the treatment of five's character lately (and RIGHTFULLY so, believe me), but... allison AND luther i am sorry i am so so sorry they did this to y'all omg
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alekthesilly · 8 months
i am ever so sorry to bring up voltron in the year of our lord 2024 but. listen. im so sure this wasnt even done on purpose but i cant stop thinking. abt. it.
the symbolism of lance's first moment related to keith being him recognizing his mullet, (ignoring the fact of how gay it is to recognize your ""rival"" from his back alone when youre up on a cliff but,,,) when you think about it? its the perfect introduction to their dynamic - lance easily recognizes keith from afar, but even after talking to him, keith doesn't even remember they were on the same class. because of course he'd recognize keith's back, thats all he ever saw of keith- always behind him in everything. always second to him, but then ! as their dynamic shifts (back when voltron writers still cared abt giving them consistent character arcs-) and when shiro goes missing, lance becomes keith's second, but only because he now sees them as equals.
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wszczebrzyszynie · 11 months
this is Probably annoying but ohhhhh ive fallen in love with your space mining au.... is there anywhere to read it perchance? :•)
this is absolutely not annoying i love how many people are interested in it ... that being said i am not a writer and therefore there is no fic to read. and im not that good at consistent long projects so theres no comic to read either. you just have to imagine it. sorry
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sophsicle · 4 months
hi soph, i‘m writing this just because i feel like you oftentimes feel as if you owe anyone an update? i saw ur post rn and i wanted to tell you that you.do.not.owe.us.an.update, it‘s not as if anyone is paying you for your work on ao3, or as if you have some type of obligation, if you wanted to you could take a 3 month long hiatus and still no one would get to tell you „hey when’s the update coming!! hurry up!!“ that’s fucked up and i hope you realise that you‘re worth more than you put out on the internet, you don’t owe anyone SHIT
first and foremost you should be writing when YOU feel like it and when YOU are inspired and motivated to
sorry for the rant ❤️❤️
Thank you this is very nice!
Honestly, it doesn't bother me usually when people either ask for updates here or if they comment on the fic they like and say "update when?" because cool, it's nice that you're invested! it means a lot that you care! it's just when they're going into other fics to be like "why not update something else?" that it starts to feel kind of shitty.
and i DO get it. really i do. i am a feelings writer not a planner and so dealing with that as a reader i can imagine is annoying cause like. where is the schedule? what are we doing here? it is truly based on the whims of my tiny scatter brained heart. and i really do want to try and update as consistently as possible because i know it gets hard to follow a story if there are month gaps between chapters.
BUT also. im just having fun y'know? and i feel a little bit like people are forgetting the fun silly goofiness of this space
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justajsworkshop · 11 days
im so sorry for being so stupid but how do I be aware of something😭 and do I have to make it natural or something by being aware again and again?
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no, i love you for this question because i felt like a damn idiot for a while there because i was wondering the same thing. no joke!! i have another post on conceptualizing your I AM awareness that i just reblogged. but here’s an exercise i have for you (it’s very easy/fast).
look around you and pick one object to look at for like… 15-20 seconds. just look at it. contemplate it. observe it. that’s your awareness in action. that’s all it is! and it applies for whatever you bring into that lens of observation for whatever’s physical or nonphysical (thoughts, feelings, imaginal).
another word I’ve found to be helpful when understanding awareness is “attention.” attention, to me personally, is almost like awareness “in action” per say. it’s the use of your awareness. so, you’re actively putting your awareness somewhere. there’s a subtle difference (at least, i think so—but english is my first language and im a writer, so if it’s all the same to you, it doesn’t matter in the end. don’t overthink it).
basically, think about when you’re putting your attention on something: that’s you using your awareness—bring that subject into it. that’s all! don’t focus so much on making it natural or reaching a certain end point. because I AM is the end. to think of a desire is to bring the fulfilled state into your awareness, so fulfillment is the cause and effect all in one. it’s just a matter of deciding it’s yours.
just keep bringing your desired end back to your awareness and claiming it. either through an affirmation, mantra, 2 second imaginal scene, even a still image! you can daydream, meditate on it. whatever feels good for you! try some stuff out and see what you enjoy. you can do different stuff at different moments too. consistency with the method itself is less important. it’s just about bringing your desired end to your awareness (putting your attention on it) and saying, “that’s me! i am that i am with that experience!”
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altschmerzes · 1 year
just gonna say this though: i am profoundly disappointed and angry that ted lasso became just another show in a long line of shows that disregard and fail victims/survivors when writing narratives about child abuse.
what we saw at the end of that finale was supposed to be a montage of happy endings. everyone got what they wanted, what they needed, everyone was happy. but what they showed us was not jamie’s happy ending. it was his father’s.
because what we saw wasn’t an acknowledgement of anything that happened to him. (i would’ve had issues with this regardless, even if this had happened, but-) this was not a ‘let’s sit and laugh and smile and go through photos and reconcile’ that came after an acknowledgement, an apology, a validation of anything jamie went through. there was no recognition of what he suffered because of that man, no amends, nobody on this show ever once so much as used the word ‘abuse.’ once, one time, did one person refer to something that happened as ‘traumatizing.’ and it just falls in line with every other show out there who wrote a storyline about an abusive parent clearly approached from the point of view of a parent and not the point of view of someone who was victimized.
people can choose to reconcile with abusers for all sorts of reasons, and i get that. but jamie is not a human person making choices for complicated personal reasons. he is a character in a show being written by writers who are making choices, and none of those choices involved validating or even directly recognizing the profound harm caused by emotional, physical, and sexual abuse. in a montage of happy endings, that was not a happy ending for an abuse victim, when he was shown sitting happy and smiling and hanging out with his abuser, who never once took accountability for what he did, never mind the show allowing for the possibility that sometimes people CAN actually cause so much harm to others that they are not entitled to their victim’s time and forgiveness, and it may not be safe or healthy for them to give it. that was a happy ending for an abuser, who got what HE wanted, what made HIS life better.
i dont know why i hoped for better on this subject when this show has honestly consistently dropped the ball with recognizing and reckoning with the abuse it wrote, when literally every show seems to pull this shit. but im still, as an abuse survivor who loves this show, feel incredibly stung and hurt not only by what they pulled last episode but by what they added in there at the end of the finale. to anyone else out there feeling as hurt by that as i do, im so sorry. we deserve better from the people telling our stories, and we deserve versions of our stories that don’t prioritize Family Togetherness and Blanket Forgiveness Forever at the expense of the health, safety, and happiness of survivors.
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padawansuggest · 7 months
You know the most annoying thing (btw this isn’t the WORST issue it’s just that it’s mine and I am the writer of this post) about being 90%+ non-verbal????
It’s that I also have a stutter. Why does that matter??? Because the longer I go without talking the worse/weirder/newer issues it gives me.
Lately I’ve been repeating full phrases without being able to stop myself and sometimes I worry that dad (the person I live with and therefore talk to the most) thinks that im repeating things like… angrily or like I don’t think he’s listening??? One time I accidentally (because I rarely speak it means that sometimes automatic words come out instead of truly what you mean) used she for a friend of mine instead of they. I immediately caught it and corrected ‘they, sorry’ and normally, that would be that. Like i mispronounced my own GFs name because I knew someone with it pronounced another way first, so it took me a hot minute to actually consistently get it correct out loud. But. Instead of just saying ‘they, sorry’ I accidentally repeated the word ‘they’ in a stutter like 5 times, which then made me nervous because now it seemed like I was sorta mocking them.
So. It’s kinda scary when you start stuttering whole words instead of just syllables cause you get mix ups like that.
And then sometimes I stutter so hard that it straight up triggers an annoyance reaction and I become 50% less verbal in that exact moment because it annoyed me so much that now I’m having issues figuring out how to speak at all.
I used to ramble the stutter out of myself as a teen because I spoke well enough in school if I had something to say, but even then I barely spoke. But now. I’m like. Really, I have nothing to say. And I know you can say ‘just read out loud’ or something like that.
Great idea. Except sometimes the sound of my own voice scares me and I end up going non-verbal again.
Maybe I’m just. Not meant to talk very much????? Idk man.
I’m not even asking for help I just sometimes put an issue I have out there to hope that others can relate to it and help them feel better too.
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tocomplainfriend · 7 months
saw your thread on valentino and am curious how you would have written him instead (sorry if you have already answered this). Make his abusive actions more subtle? Take more time in establishing his relationship to the other v's so we see that he wears different masks? I wont get into it, but ive been through stuff in the past and i personally am conflicted on how I would (re)write the val character. The problems outside of the show are a different animal entirely (with twitter/the storyboard person), I'm just talking like in the show itself.
He does seem completely different from Episode 4 to Episode 6 (in the cases he is talking with Angel) so there must be something off with his consistency.
I guess for me Im trying to identify what the major mistakes are (of his charcter) and how the show could have handled them better. I doubt there's a consensus since we all experience it differently, but it's a very interesting topic.
Sorry for taking so long!
God writing him! Could go so many ways (sorry for bad English btw)
A really basic idea! :
I personally would've taken the manipulative asshole at once. I think it is important to tell audiences going through something in the past, present, or future, how manipulation happens. Instead of taking, he is too stupid to do so. Many people that are or had being manipulated question themselves about this treatment so much. People don't need to be mastermind to be like this
I think of having the opportunity of having Angel's perspective vs Charlie! I hated they wrote Charlie as knowing what happen but never did anything? I think of having Angel by that point in the relationship where he is coming back to Val even if he constantly realizes how awful he is. Many people constantly judge the position (usually woman) coming back to an awful ex. Even r-pe victims can go thought this and face so much judgment cause people don't understand your actual state of mind nor your situation. Coming back to an abusive person never deletes their abuse. But when Charlie comes in, she meets someone who acts so nice and charming, specially to her being a princess. Which others in hell don't seem to do- thinking Angel is in good hands, making Angel feel more trapped.
Also, coming to Angel, I deal with Hypersexuality due to being a victim as well-. I believe is a really gross way of showing it. Hypersexuality doesn't equal saying cum all the time and sexually harassing others, it's a lot of unwanted thought, guilt, and feeling gross at your self. It is not something to double down on, it's something you shouldn't feel like it's your fault- indulging, without help, makes it worse for you.
Obcioulsy more than just that. Like Val making Angel feel like is worth comes from being under him, feeling like there is nowhere else to go. But again some small stuff, there are many others who their main thing is writing, many better people to ask!
Really basic, really. I'm not going to spend the little writing skills I have on this, sorry! But it was a nice ask anon!
Just a really basic idea.
There are many better writers than me out there! Search for their stuff! I mainly just like complaining than rewriting! I also recommend real stories like biographys of victims of abuse themselves if you want to read some real stuff.
Ty, for being so respectful!
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demontonic · 7 months
Ethan Landry - Perverted 3
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lets ignore how the last chapter i posted was in july and pretend that im a consistent writer please:3 anyways i hope everyone enjoys this because it took me so long to figure out what i wanted to do for it. if you havent read part 2 i suggest you do that for this to make sense
Word count: 2269
TW: knives, blood, murder, suicide
“Oh my god,” Your heart dropped as you realized the killing had connections to ghostface, after last night you wanted to believe it wouldn’t get this bad. Ethan squeezed your hand softly, attempting to break your attention away from the news channel. His efforts were in vain as your own mind swelled with an endless amount of thoughts and emotions. Did Ethan purposefully intend to make you swoon in order to get closer to the group? Who was the other Ghostface? Why now did the killings start when things had finally seemed normal? The room had broken off into conversations between each other, trying to figure out how they wanted to handle it. You on the other hand remain in shambles, shaking in Ethan’s arms as he pulls you back into your room.
A silence fell upon you both, there were no words to be offered in a situation like this. Sure he could try and comfort you like you hadn’t already known he was a killer and you could try and pretend you didn’t catch him leaving the scene of a crime. No matter what you two did, reality was inevitable, Ethan was a cold blooded killer and you were a potential victim falling in love with him. Nothing now could change it, prevent it, or create a path to a life in which you two live happily ever after. The facts were plain and simple, a bright red sign flashing right in front of your eyes, still you chose to ignore it. Today was supposed to be nice, you’d finally given into Ethan but to everyone else you’d won over the quiet nerd. It wasn’t until you felt Ethan’s hands cup your face gently that you’d snapped back to reality.
“I swear it wa-“
“Of course it wasn’t you but… you know who did it don’t you?”
“I thought so-“
“I’m sorry-“
“I am I didn’t know they were gonna do it tonight I swear I-“
“No, no, no- Ethan you’re not!”
It was quiet again after your slight outburst, it didn’t anger him but then again, did he even have the right? His hands stayed glued to his lap while he watched you go through the motions in silence. He wanted so badly to know what you were thinking, did you hate him? Have you ever hated him? Would you hate him now? You didn’t even have an answer, you wished you did but the feelings flowing through your body were indescribable. You wanted to hate him, you wanted to tell everyone he was one of the killers, maybe then it would end with no more death. What you wanted and what you’d decided before you even knew you had was set in stone. You wouldn’t say anything, ever, to anyone. If they found out you would say you didn’t know but, you didn’t want your friends to get hurt. Ethan knew this, he’d wanted to sympathize and stop everything once he’d truly begun to like you but, of course he couldn’t.
“Please- just listen to me before you hate me for the rest of eternity.” The bed shifted quietly when he tried to meet your clouded gaze but it was to no avail. Swiftly he’d kneeled on the floor, his body shoving your legs apart giving you no choice but to stare into his eyes. The same brown eyes that had instilled fear into your soul when you were hiding in the alley, that had made you blush and stutter. The same eyes that had seen you so vulnerable and raw and held the same adoration you’d once felt; before you’d discovered his little hobby.
“I wanted to stop it but they wouldn’t let me, I’m outnumbered. It's plain and simple. Even if we tried to run away from all of this and salvage whatever this is, chances are they’d come for us if they finish the job. I don’t want anything to happen to you I-“
“But you want to kill the only people who’ve ever really been my family in exchange for what? Fame? Plot? Fun?”
A knock came from the door abruptly ending the much needed conversation. Tara opened the door softly, explaining that Quinn had called her Dad for information on the Ghostface killing that was undoubtedly connected to the group. Ethan had sat on the floor in front of you while she relayed the order of events. Eventually she left, saying that they’d be going to the station to answer some questions which were pretty standard by now. You’d offered to accompany the sisters but they decided it was best to handle it alone. The entire group dispersed, breaking off into pairs and trying to grasp onto the slight normalcy that remained. Ethan had convinced you to follow him to an unknown location, claiming that he would explain everything once you’d gotten there. Of course you were concerned with the sudden idea of being alone with him but you still tried to have some sort of trust.
“I… I know that this is all going so fast and happening so sudden but, I need you to know all the facts before-“
“Before what, Ethan?” He slowed to a stop when you interjected, you sounded so drained and defeated and it hurt to know he was the reason. He could try and tell you it wasn’t his fault and that he had no part in it but he did, no matter how badly he wanted to make you happy.
“What the fuck.” You whispered to yourself, trying to comprehend why Ethan would bring you into an abandoned theater. Sure it fit pretty well for his alter ego, it makes sense considering he wanted to explain everything. At this point you’d wanted nothing more than to leave rather than bare witness to what horrors could be lying within the old theater. Of course you were right, you’d wish you hadn’t seen it, the dedication to the series of Ghostface murders. Actual evidence encapsulated in glass boxes, clothing placed on mannequins, drawings of victims and killers next to each of their own murders. Ethan walked you down to the end, it was right next to the original Ghostface killer’s display. Your necklace, gifted to you by someone you’ve held dear to your heart, was laying in one of the display boxes. Alongside it were hand drawn pictures of you and the group, and a singular box seemingly a tribute to Dewy. Your necklace had been snatched off your neck the first time you had been attacked, Amber had always admired it. The natural formed ruby was an heirloom, before your childhood friend had committed suicide she’d gifted it to you on your 16th birthday.
“My brother was obsessed with the murders, obsessed with the concept of a horror movie being real. He’d always make short films, stories, chapters to a book that he could never finish. Richie was fucked up but he was the only person who took care of me, you have to understand that Sam took the only comfort-“
“No Ethan, he’s not your only comfort at least not anymore- Ethan you have an entire life to lead. Richie made his decision, based on a wild fixation to someone else’s tragedy.”
“Wouldn’t you protect your loved ones? Would you not kill to protect that precious group you call family? That’s what I’m doing, that’s what Richie is to me, don’t you understand this is to avenge him-“
“He killed people for fun and when he was killed it ended the meaningless game he was playing. Don’t you understand the way he’s influenced you into thinking what he did was right?” Silence, anxiety, anticipation and the sound of heavy breathing separated you two. Ethan seemed to be contemplating his next moves whereas your eyes trained on the mended necklace lying on the table. It would’ve brought you to tears being reunited with the priceless gift if not for the conversation he’d initiated.
“My family was always so focused on Rich, trying to get him to be a normal kid and dealing with his problems at school. Quinn was exactly like she is now and the only girl so you can imagine what little that left me. Even through all of that he made sure I felt seen, if not by anyone else, by him.” Ethan spoke as if he already accepted the fact you’d never be able to agree with him, and he knew better than to argue. He reached into his pocket and slipped a glove over his hand before reaching over the glass box. Sliding the lip over just enough to pick up the ruby necklace before closing it back up.
“Dad got most of this stuff but Richie took this from Amber and gave it to Quinn as a last minute gift. Amber was the one who snatched it off you but I’m sure you figured that out. I fixed it without question but it feels wrong not giving it back to you.” It hung off his fingers, holding it in front of your face with what seemed like no more life in his eyes. With a small sigh you grabbed it by the roughly shaped ruby, he dropped the chain and stood silently as you admired the seamless fix. A mistake in hindsight because by then he’d placed his other glove on, slamming your head against the glass table. Thankful it was thick enough to prevent it from breaking upon impact, much less could be said about you.
Tears filled your eyes as you wailed from the pain in your temple, your legs barely holding the rest of your weight as he pushed down on you. Then it clicked, he was leaning his entire body onto you, his knife was pointed into stomach.
“I just wanted you to be able to understand the purpose of everything. You are so fucking stubborn, I don’t want to do this but I can’t let them live with his blood on their hands.”
“So you’re going to kill the one person who was willing to look past your little hobby instead of leaving your past behind? Ethan you are being fucking used-“
“No I’m not! I loved Richie, he wasn’t perfect but he treated me better than anyone-“
“Anyone? So fuck me and kill me that’s fucking bullshit, I should’ve known better than to be stupid enough to get involved with you!” Your sobs rattled your entire body, it was hard to even differentiate between his tears and yours. From where he was his tears fell onto your cheek, mixing with your own on the table. It pained him to even speak to you like this, to inflict so much fear and suffering onto you because you were right. You were trying to love him, trying to look past his faults, trying to have a normal life with him. Ethan seemed to only sabotage his own happiness especially now when he’s hurting the last person that’d be willing to love him the way he wanted.
“It’s-It’s not like that I love you-“
“Don’t say that while your knife is digging into my body you sick fuck.” Disappointment could only be heard in your cries, disappointment in both Ethan and yourself.
“Oh but it was different last night you stupid bitch!” His hand pushed your head harder into the glass, beginning to crack under the pressure. A complete 180 from the sniffling boy he was half a second ago, it terrified you despite it being one of the things that had lured you in.
“You’re such a petty asshole, I bet I was the only girl who even gave you the time of day.” Laughing in his face was his breaking point, grabbing you by the hair and tossing you onto the floor in front him. Pain riddled your spine and it was then you felt the thin wound on your abdomen. Bittersweet as the hand he’d slashed at the night before covered the leaking cut. Just as fast as he’d thrown you he was on top of you, pinning your arms down with his knees.
“Why can’t you just accept their fate? We can be together happily, alone, in peace once it’s all over. Please I’m begging you my love, don’t make me do this I don’t want to!” His face was red and wet with the rush of tears spewing from his eyes, his knife pointed at your throat while he pleaded with you. It sounded so sweet and tempting as he always was, your little obsession being your own demise was all too perfect. You knew what your choice was so you turned your head, searching for the necklace he’d lured in with. With the ruby being in sight you felt calm, at ease with your end, it felt that if anything, at the very least you’d be with your friend once more.
“Fucking kill me already you piece of shit, lowsy excuse of a man!”
The next morning everyone was convinced it was you, after not returning to the dorm it was easy to pin it to you. Yet here the group was, following Gale into an abandoned theater, stumbling upon your lifeless corpse leaned against the stage. Blood pooled around you, sourced from your throat which had been slit open. However the silver chain shown clearly under the stage lights, with ruby barely noticeable amongst the crimson liquid. Ethan in shambles crawles next to you, cradling your cold body and rocking back and forth begging for you to wake up.
The End :D I hopes you liked this small series and please don’t be shy, leave requests for any of the characters in my masterlist or horror movie franchises as I’d love to do more with the horror genre. I simply wrote the first one based off a song so it was very difficult for me to turn it into the miniseries but i promise i did my best and i hope you liked the ending<3
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marleysfinest · 9 days
ok first of all mar. what a fantastic event you're hosting!!! i will literally never get enough of telling people i love them. second of all i am a very sappy very affectionate person so i'm not sorry if this gets long. in no particular order:
@ghost-1-y : my very first friend on here. so kind and supportive and lovely and wonderful to talk to always. and a great writer on top of it all!!!
@sugurei : my ride or die, my fellow feral being, the older sister i wish i had. u r my favorite enabler & my life is better for having you in it
@peachdues : a deeply talented writer that i am deeply blessed that i get to talk to. passing angst back and forth is truly a pleasure and sometimes gives me a laugh even if it gives me chest pain AHAHA
@dr-runs-with-scissors : CAL MY BELOVED i love you so fucking much. talking to you every day is truly a gift. my life has been much richer since we stumbled across each other and realized we both already enjoyed each other's work. i love you.
@mitsuristoleme : kay!!! my lovely lovely noble blood beta reader. you are wonderful in so many ways i can't even begin to explain. i'm so glad we talk even tho our time zones are so different. keep killing it at uni friend 💜
@threadbaresweater : lin you are my cool aunt jsyk. your writing & fandom takes & posts about real life stuff are all things i am endlessly glad i have the privilege to see on my dash
@2kmps : cort, your honesty is always refreshing, and i admire your dedication to your craft. i'm so glad we've started talking more lately!
@bloompompom : the sweetest kindest most lovely artist on this site!!! being in your orbit is a blessing
@oceaneyesinla : roxy, your constant encouragement and sweet words never fail to make me smile
@teddybeartoji MICKEY i love being insane with you. your excitement about things is contagious and it is so so wonderful
YOU!!! mar you are such a joy to see on my dash, i can never get enough of you fr
there are so many more ppl on this hellsite that i love with my whole heart but i am only human and cannot properly articulate my feelings. but know if we're mutuals or i see you consistently in my notes, i love you so bad and am squeezing you so tight & with so much love
this is what im TALKIN about fallon thank u for sharing the love!!!!! look at all these stunners!!!!!
share the love in muvva’s feel good 500!
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smoosnoom · 1 year
hi im so sorry to bring up relatively old drama but why am i getting dragged into the entire clique stuff 😭
i talk to exactly two people on here in any sort of consistent basis, only one of which is actually a writer - please try not to make any assumptions about me, especially when i try my best to keep to myself on here, i really do not like getting involved into any sort of discourse within fandoms, and i usually consider it a waste of time
if u would like to chat abt literally anything ever, my askbox is always open :) but please don't include me in things i have no business being mentioned in
anyway ! only posting this because a few comments on my ao3 fic (which . why are u mentioning this on a fic of mine 😭😭😭) rubbed me the wrong way . if u also have no clue what the clique stuff is, just like i didn't, then pls feel free to scroll 👐
thank u
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zhongscara · 5 months
spoilers below
sorry to make everything abt scara (i am unfortunately obsessed with him) but its crazy how his interlude quest which is basically a massive traumadump still has him taking accountability for all the shit he did in his own little shit way. nahida says that his actions could very well be seen as evil and taking his memories back would mean gaining all that trauma and all those crimes and he's like. "Well i made those decisions for a reason so i'll stand by them bc thats what makes me Me."
while arles quest felt a lot more like. "Yes im literally still being shown as someone intimidating and aggressive but i have a sad backstory i infodumped on you so you should be able to connect the dots and give me the benefit of the doubt. also other playable characters you probably care about are going to insist that im not that bad after you saw me threaten and berate them."
like SIGH the "she's actually not THAT bad!!!" felt like such a copout. it's not that i think she should've been a manically laughing stereotype like the previous knave in that fucking short but like 😭 at least stay consistent on her questionable actions instead of having people "forgive" her bc she could've done worse???
at the end of the scara interlude we dont get an npc or playable characters waxing poetic about how he's actually doing good in their eyes 🥺 or whatever. with scara we're allowed to still be suspicious of him, we're allowed to question if he really IS serious about helping nahida.
it's just frustrating to see that the writers CAN allow that sort of ambiguity to exist (frex when we first see scara during the parade of providence event, the narrative has us worry if he's going to do something backhanded etc) but w arles quest it felt a lot like the game going Well she's not AS bad as the previous knave so cut her some slack :/ JSJAJZJAJSJAJSKSJ
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