#i am my harshest critic
panye · 1 year
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eddiesfaerie · 2 years
hi @ everyone who requested some lil eddie things in my inbox; i am not ignoring, just scheming :) im a v slow writer and a perfectionist so please be patient with me while i churn out some filth <3
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truly-hopeless · 3 months
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luverofsupernatural · 2 years
I'm trying to write something that aligns more with jse ego cannon
Wish me luck
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dolorianwolf · 9 months
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I’ve made like 10 of these posts and I make all of them on the same procreate canvas. According to canvas statistics I’ve put six hours of my life into these. Anyway enjoy the fruits of my labor.
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timeofjuly · 1 month
I’ve been too scared to reread rtc to work out what needs to happen in chapter 13 because I convinced myself that the whole fic is a flaming pile of cringey flimsy garbage, but ya know what, I finally gathered the courage to (skim) read it and it’s not as bad as I thought lol. My interpretation and understanding of the characters has changed a lot since I started writing it (thank you to all of the extraordinarily talented writers in this fandom whose works have since shaped my characterisation for the better) so if I could go back, I’d make some different choices. But - and this is me putting this into words in an attempt to convince myself of its truth - this is a hobby, not a test. I’m not a failure because I’m not retroactively meeting the standards I have for my writing today with words I wrote six months ago. Are there bits of clumsy writing and mischaracterisation? Yes, absolutely. Does that mean I’m a bad writer and a bad person who should throw their laptop out the window and never write another word again? Probably not lol, even if rereading that mischaracterisation makes me want to do exactly that.
I’m glad I’ve pulled the bandaid off and reread it, a) because I kinda know what I want to happen in the next chapter now and b) because rereading it, despite the Shame and Embarrassment, reminded me that I actually like writing rtc. Even the bits I cringe at now - I remember having fun writing them. And then I looked back at some comments and remembered how much I love the sense of community that comes with putting myself out there, even though being perceived by others is probably my biggest fear. I like writing, and I like sharing my writing. Why am I letting shame ruin this for myself? I want to stop feeling icky and embarrassed about things I worked hard on.
Anyway. All this to say: I like writing rtc, despite the flaws I see in it, so I need to learn to work through my learned response to imperfection, which is to just feel terrible about it lol. I’m going to start messing around with chapter 13 soon. I really do miss playing around in the rtc world and I’m so excited to show you all what I have planned for the characters <3
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andromedaexists · 5 months
there's an audiobook shaped email in my inbox but that'll have to wait for tomorrow because i don't know if i can handle listening to the words i wrote right now
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lesbiancolumbo · 11 months
writing is so annoying. this is a masterpiece jk it's the worst thing i've ever written in my life no it's fine ugh this sucks no wait actually just looked at it again and it's amazing. all in a span of two minutes. hell and suffering.
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northern-passage · 2 years
this morning before work i thought "why not play through tnp again?" because ive already read the lea and clem routes to death, i decided to start noel's and... i think i have a new favorite character. i love xem so much and he and my (nb) hunter will be boyfriends (gender neutral) !
idk why i was sleeping on noel, but the connection xey have with my hunter feels deeper somehow? than in the other routes ive done. i feel like my hunter and noel understand each other better than the other ros (which is not a dig at them! i still love them too). maybe it's because they're both hunters, or maybe the way i play my hunter is just more suited to noel's route, but nonetheless i love it and him and i had to let you know <3
thank you, i'm glad to hear you like Noel. especially glad to hear that you feel like xe has a connection to the hunter, that's definitely what i was going for with his route.
Noel's ch1 branch is still my least favorite out of all of them and i have to physically stop myself from going back and editing it for like the hundredth time.... i'm looking forward to ch2 for him because we'll get to learn a bit more about xem and i think it will help me balance things out and give xem the depth i think xir character is lacking so far.
it's hard with a wip and only having one chapter out with Noel only just being introduced - he's more soft-spoken and less sus (looking at Clem) than the other characters so i understand he doesn't feel as dynamic as they do in chapter 1. but in chapter 2 we'll get a nice reveal about xem (and i'm probably going to edit xir route in ch1 again tbh)
anyways thanks for sharing :-) i know i am my harshest critic but i still always get really excited when people talk about how much they like Noel 💗
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dressagecow · 2 years
Here’s 1-1, 66.2%. There’s some stuff I’d like to clean up for next season - contact is a bit shaky, canter is a bit unbalanced, stretchies could be stretchier. But overall I’m very pleased with how we did!
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goofytime69420 · 15 days
sorry to all of my haters (me) who wish to see me fail
if i continue going to therapy and healing - it’s over for you bitches (literally just me)
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zebrafiz · 24 days
I have never seen such difference and Attractive male sims before. 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥵🥵https://www.tumblr.com/zebrafiz/752862649976602624/practicing-male-sims-eugh?source=share
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doughmonkey · 5 months
For my 'critic', who attacked me and my fics for the second time, let me quote a briliant retort:
"My personal stance on creating art in general is sort of an "all publicity is good publicity" philosophy: art is, at its most basic level, supposed to rouse emotions, and this is true of writing most of all. It doesn't matter so much whether those emotions are positive or negative. Making good art is just a skill; making art that people notice is a gift. Building on the old adage that you have to make bad art before you learn to make good art, I say, making bad art that bothers people is a step to be proud of. If you're getting under people's skin, you know you're on the right track."
But wait! This brilliant person continues what to do with unjust and scathing attacks, answering the question how to feel about abusive reviews:
"Powerful. Debauched. Transcendent. My self-indulgent little fantasies about stupid cartoons have made someone so furious that they devoted a fraction of their precious, limited time in this universe to try to insult me for pretending wrong with my imaginary barbies. I sit atop my luxurious throne of cringe, untouchable, and they, a self-appointed jester, debase themselves before me. I have ruined some twerp's day. I live, as the kids these days say, rent free in their head. The gratification is unparalleled."
Thank you, Hyperotretian, for your wise and helpful words. I am going to live by them.
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dorenarox · 1 year
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??? People...LIKE my videos???????
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stanchett · 1 year
bye why am I so embarrassed of my art
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lemonswriting · 2 years
red pen my beloved <333
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