#i am just happy he found it funny i guess
anodesu · 1 year
I'm immortalizing this because I absolutely cackled when it happened.
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with what you just said omfg. please. 🙏🙏🙏
Spiderman Kiss (Fluff)
2012!Turtles x reader
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A/N: I’ve been binging too much TwoSet, so this took me four days to make. Why? Because violins, baby!😂 And YES, I just saw the title of their latest video, and NO I don’t have guts to watch it😭
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Warning: None💚
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The peaceful quietness of your bedroom was disturbed, when you heard light tapping against  your window, making you look up from whatever you were doing. A soft smile spread across your face, already knowing who you would find outside your window.
With a happy skip in your step, you made your way to your window, opening it and letting the cold night air of New York City enter your room. And there you found him, hanging upside down from the fire escape over yours, smiling at you with that sweet boyish smile and pretty blue eyes.
“Leo”, you smiled, feeling giddy at the sight of your turtle boyfriend hanging outside your window. “What are you doing here?”, you asked, climbing out on the fire escape. “You haven’t told me you would come by”.
“I just thought I’ll come by to say hey before patrol”, he smiled, watching as you came closer to him. Even upside down, you made his heart skip a beat. “Can’t a guy just check in on his girlfriend?”
“Of course you can”, you smiled, standing right before him.
The two of you smiled at each other for a moment, before your hand came to rest on his cheek, your thumb stroking his jaw.
“Will you come over after patrol?”, you asked. “My parents won’t be home before tomorrow”.
“When you ask so nicely”, Leo chuckled. “Of course I will. Anything for my girl”.
You bite your lip, feeling butterflies fly through your stomach. Something that tended to happen when Leo decided to play up his charm. And so, you softly pressed your lips to his in a soft sweet kiss. When you pulled from the kiss, you found Leo smiling from ear to ear, looking at you with pure love in his eyes.
“I love you, Leo”, you smiled, pressing a kiss to his forehead. “See you after patrol”.
“I love you too, (Y/N)”, Leo hummed, savoring the feeling of your lips against his forehead. “See you later”.
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You were talking down the street, returning home after a long night out. Even without your headphones, you probably wouldn’t have noticed the familiar figure coming down from above, hanging upside down in the streetlamp you were about to pass. So when you suddenly felt a tap on your shoulder, you turned with your fists up, ready to fight like your boyfriend had taught you. But when you then found your boyfriend, hanging upside down before you with a smirk plastered across his face, you let out a sigh of relief.
“God damn Raph, don’t do that”, you sighed. “You almost scared the shit out of me”.
“I was going for your pants, but I guess that was one way to do it”, Raph chuckled, his eyes lingering on your for a moment. “On your way home?”
“One were to think that you were the genius turtle with those detective skills”, you laughed, making Raph pull a playful grimes.
“Ha ha, very funny”, he said, reaching one hand out for you, perking his lips. “Now, come here. Gimme a kiss”.
“What if I don’t want to”, you asked, not putting any effort into hiding your smile, as you took a step backwards, getting just out of his reach. Raph gasped in an overly dramatic manner, making you giggle at his antics.
“It’s not nice to lie, (Y/N)”, Raph said, faking an angry expression. “Now, give me a kiss before I get mad”, he continued, pecking his lips once more.
You couldn’t help but giggle, giving in with a bright smile. Holding Raph’s head in your hands, you pressed your lips to his in a small peck that made him hum playfully when you pulled back.
“You look pleased”, you smiled, still holding his head in your hands.
“I am”, Raph smiled. “But I would be more pleased if you gave me another kiss”.
You let out a happy laugh, throwing your head back. Your, oh so charming teaseful boyfriend, always managed to sneak in comments like that.
“Okay, you whining baby”, you smiled, before pressing your lips to his again, feeling him pull you closer with his free hand. This kiss was longer and deeper than the first, yet still short and sweet, making both you and Raph feel tingles in your stomachs.
Raph pulled from the kiss with a very satisfied look on his face, giving you that smug smile once again. “See, that wasn’t so bad”.
“Dork”, you smiled, nudging him slightly on his shoulder.
“All me dork all you want, babe. But even I know you like it”, Raph smirked, before getting ready to climb back up the lamp pole. “And when I get back from patrol, you’ll get more”.
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“Donnie?”, you called out, looking around Donnie’s garage lab. But with him being nowhere to see, you did a turn on the spot, taking in your surroundings once more. Where could he be? You had texted him several times, but he still hasn't answered you. And that was an hour ago! “Babe?”
“Up here!”
You looked up to the rafters of the garage, finding your turtle boyfriend on the beams above, fiddling with wirings and all sorts of strange things, that you still had no idea what their names were.
“What are you doing up there?”, you asked, crossing your arms as you smiled up at your boyfriend.
“What does it look like I’m doing?”, Donnie smiled. “I’m fixing the lights. And the electric wires… and the heat… pretty much everything”.
“Okay, but why?”
“Well…”, Donnie sighed, sitting back up on the beam, looking up as he thought. “First Leo came and asked me to fix the lights, because it wasn’t strong enough to let him read. Then Mikey came and told me he had problems with his outlets. And then Raph started yelling up about the heating in his room. And since the wires and all access points are up here, I just decided to get them all done”.
“I guess that makes sense”, you said, taking a seat in Donnie’s chair, watching as he continued to work. “Do you need any help up there?”
“No, no, I got it”, Donnie said, not taking his eyes from what he was working with.
“Okaaayyy….”, you said, not feeling fully sure about his answer. “But please be careful, babe”.
“I’m always careful, (Y/N)”, Donnie said with a smile and his eyes closed, making you uneasy straight away. “I know what I’m doing, so there’s no need to worRY!-”
And just like you had feared it would happen, Donnie fell off the beam and tumbled towards the ground beneath. But before you could even let out a sound, and before Donnie could reach the ground, he found himself tangled up the wires he had just been fiddling with, leaving him hanging upside down just before you, with a sheepish smile. "Whoops".
You stood from the chair, crossing your arms with a smug smile, as you walked towards your tangled up boyfriend. “Seems like you do”.
“This wasn’t part of the plan”, Donnie said, looking up as his lower half tangled up.
“It wasn’t?”, you asked in a teasing manner. “Well, at least I know where I can find you now”. And then, before Donnie could ask what you meant, you took his face in your hands, before pressing a kiss to his lips, making him hum in pleasant surprise. “Now, let’s get you out of all that”.
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With a sigh you laid back on the bed, turning your head to watch your boyfriend on the floor, as he tinkered around with his latest action figures. That was what happened when he got his hands on a new collectible. That was just how it was. You knew better than to get in the way of Mikey’s hobbies, but damn, sometimes you would get bored just watching him, when you had hoped that day would have been all about a couple time.
“Mikey”, you said with another sigh, trying to catch the attention of your turtle boyfriend.
“Yes, babe?”, Mikey asked, still not taking his eyes off the figure in his hand as he moved its arms around.
“When will you come and cuddle?”
“Just a moment babe, I just got to look through the rest first”.
You let out another loud exacerbated sigh, spreading your arms out on Mikey’s bed like seastar. Mikey still had several boxes on all new figures to go through, and you were getting impatient. ADHD can’t spread to other people by touch, but by this point you fully believed that you had gotten it from Mikey. Ever since you had gotten together with the orange clad turtle, you had started taking on many of his mannerisms. Such as his tendency to sigh in annoyance when getting impatient. And funnily enough, Mikey never seemed to notice when you did so. Just like right now. No reaction. Not what you wanted. So you had to do something about it. And you knew just how.
You scooted yourself around the bed, until you laid with your head resting down the side of the bed, allowing you to look at Mikey with your head upside down. You pucked your lips, making loud and obscene kissing noises. But… still nothing.
Right! That’s it! And with that you grabbed a hold of Mikey’s head, pulling him towards you as he made a surprised sound. You pressed his lips to yours, kissing him while you were still laying upside down on his bed.
“What was that for?”, Mikey asked with a smile.
“Because I’m getting impatient!”, you whined, trying to hide your smile. “And you’re just sitting there looking like a snack! What do you expect me to do?”
“You know what?”, Mikey said, laying his figure down on the floor before coming to a stand, smiling at you. “You’re right. Cuddle time!”
You did not have time to move before Mikey decided to jump on to the bed, throwing himself on you, letting you scream out in laughter, when he started attacking your face with kisses. You regretted NOTHING.
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mirohlayo · 11 months
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( lando doesn't like when you give your attention to someone else, when all he wants is to be with you )
warning : fluff, some jealousy
word count : 2.7k
!! english not my first language !!
you greet acquaintances as you walk and try to find your way in the paddock. you walk towards the McLaren garage and then your eyes search for your boyfriend. shortly after, you find him next to oscar and some engineers. they're talking and have serious faces. you want to greet them (lando actually) but you decide to not intrude their conversation because it looks serious and important, probably about the qualifications. so you wait. a little long. maybe a little too long. lando doesn't seem to have noticed you. well actually you arrived 30 minutes earlier than expected and that's why lando have no idea that you are here, waiting for him.
so you keep waiting. and waiting. time passes and now you've been waiting for 20 minutes. you know very well that the conversation was going to last a little longer, races are really important for lando and his team because it's their jobs. so instead of wasting your time and wait for him, you decide to take a walk inside the paddock, because as time passed you got bored.
a lot of people are present of course. engineers, journalists, racing teams, staff and the drivers' friends and family. but now you're used to that crowd. you're dating lando for quite a while now and attending almost all his races enabled you to be comfortable with this environment and atmosphere. and actually you really enjoy it. being able to meet new people, having funny conversations with them, the stressful feeling of races and qualifications, happiness when the racing team does a good job. you know that you're a very lucky person to have access to all of that.
you keep walking slowly, observing here and there around the paddock. then you find hamilton, saying goodbye to some guys and he notices you right after. you smile at him as he walks towards you, smiling back to you. he stops himself in front of you.
- nice to see you here y/n ! he says with a great smile.
- nice to see you too lewis ! you answered.
- why you're taking a walk alone ? he frowns a bit and then raises his brows like he found something. your boyfriend is too occupied right ?
you laugh and nod.
- yeah, looks like he was having a serious conversation with the engineers, i didn't want to intrude. but it's okay, i enjoy walking alone around the paddock.
- would you like to walk with me a bit then ? i've finished checking things with my team and i'm not gonna lie i need some distraction, he adresses to you a big smile.
part of you want to decline your friend's offer but you remember lando is still in the mclaren garage and if you join him now he'd probably be still here talking, not having time for you. and it's been a while since you last spoke with lewis.
- okay, let's go. but just for like 10 minutes, otherwise lando will wonder where i am and search for me all around the paddock, you say in a grin.
- don't worry, i won't take up too much of his girlfriend's time, he joked.
you guys start to walk slowly, enjoying the presence of each other. lewis is actually a good friend of you. well it's thanks to him that you're now lando's girlfriend. you're one of his closest friend, you know him for some years now. one day, he asked you to come to watch him pilot. you said that you didn't have the time, too busy with your job. he had to beg you and made you free up time to come over and watch a grand prix. finally, you gave up and went a sunday to the race. and you don't regret coming that day, because it's when you met for the first time lando. and now he's your boyfriend. lewis really deserves an appreciation for that.
- when i think that at the beginning you were a supporter of Mercedes, he grin and look down at your mclaren hoodie. the number 4 was on the back of it.
- guess tastes change, you answered playfully.
- especially not because of one particular boy, he's now giving you a implicit look.
- oh please shut up, you say in a smile and hit his shoulder.
he laugh at you. sometimes you forget lewis can be very teasing when he wants.
- but it's okay, i like lando. especially because he got me rid of an irritating girl, he jokes and can't hide his vicious smile.
- you lewis !! you give him a blow in the ribs and  shoot a black look. you try to bite back a smile but his laugh and teasing can't help it.
- i'm not going to remind you that roscoe loves me more than you, you tease him. and well, it's the truth.
- don't even try to continue on this topic. you know it breaks my heart y/n, he says and place his hand over his heart like he was hurt.
- so dramatic, you laugh and roll your eyes.
you can't deny it but your teasing game with lewis is something that you really like. you missed these interactions with your friend. and so does he.
you both are so into your teasing game that you don't even realizes you're now in front of the mclaren paddock. and what you also didn't noticed was how lando is looking at you two.
he finished his checking conversation with the engineers and oscar not so long ago. he thought that you were already in the garage waiting for him. but how suprised he was when he found out you were not here. first, he thought you were just in the toilets, or in his drivers room. so he calmed down a bit and went to his room. but you were not here too. then he started looking for you, searching everywhere until he finds you here in front of him, laughing and joking with hamilton. you look happy, looking at him with a playful look and smile, slapping his arm and then shoot him back a black look trying not to burst out laughing at the dumb things he says.
lando can't help but felt his heart tightens. the way you are just having a fun time with lewis, laughing like it is the funniest moment of your life, your hand touching his shoulder so that you don't lose your balance because you have this habit of almost falling to the ground when you're laughing to hard. and that usually happens when you are with lando, when he makes you laugh because oh he loves the sound of your laugh and your big smile, especially when he's the reason of it. but seeing you in this exact state with his driver friend instead of him, he just doesn't like that at all. yeah, he hates it. and he also feel guilty about it. he likes hamilton because he's his friend, but above all because it's thanks to him that you're his girlfriend.
he feel like he has no right to feel like that, because originally you are a friend of hamilton and he met you after him, when you were already one of his closest friends. if lewis didn't bring you that sunday, lando wouldn't be bere to be yours. but he also can't stand seeing you being so close to him, like it's just the two of you against the world. he just wants to be the only one for you, to be the only one that make you smile and laugh like that. just him and you. just you giving him all your attention. maybe he was just a bit insecure.
he sigh and take a deep breath. then he walks towards you two. he stop himself behind you and in front of the other driver and you are still laughing like kids until lewis notices him.
- looks like the prince if finally here for his princess, lewis says earning a grin from lando.
- yes, i come to save her, he reply in a grin but with an annoying tone, that he hopes you haven't heard. it comes harsher than he wanted.
- i am a troublemaker or something ? lewis joked and tease his friend.
- of course you are, you're always bothering me when lando is not here ! you say, still teasing him.
- oh stop i already know you loves him so much and would rather be with him than me in any situations, the mercedes driver give a playful look to the mclaren driver while saying this to you.
- of course, he's lando norris. how can i not love him ? you reply softly.
lando feel his heart lights. he can't help but smile at your sweet words. you look so in love with him it just makes lando so so happy. he drop his gaze on you and you give him a big smile, the one he cherishes with all of his heart. he wrap his arms around your waist and pull you close to his body.
- oh please don't do that in front of me, lewis says and act like he was disgusted, just to tease and bother you.
- not my fault if you don't have someone to hug, you reply, defending you and your boyfriend.
- yes it is, he reply back to back.
- no, it is not.
and like that you guys keep arguing about why lewis never hugs people and that he's maybe in need of affection. and lando was just there, trying to follow the debate.
you are just giving almost all of your attention to hamilton instead of him. and lando just hates that. he just want to run away from you and eclipse himself for the whole day, distancing himself from you until you give him your divine attention. maybe he is childish for thinking like that, but he just feels so jealous right now. for him, lewis is just stealing his girl. he should be the one debating with her, not the one who is here on the side and just standing like a bot. he is getting more jealous and angry. and he doesn't like that.
so, instead of just explodes in front of you two, he try to get your attention by squishing your hand, or your waist. reaching his hand to replace a strand of hair on your face, pull the sleeve of your hoodie, randomly kissing quickly your cheeks or the back of your hand. he just keeps touching you gently and softly and each time you look up at him and give him some bit of attention he feels relieve and happiness fills his body. but not a second later you're back talking and laughing with lewis. and then he can't stand it anymore.
he walks away from you and left you here with hamilton, not even daring to look back. he feels like an idiot for his shit behavior towards you and his mate but he gets sick by just seeing you so close with an another man than him. he knows damn well jealousy is not something good in a relationship, but he's so done. he is so annoyed and irritated by what happened that he completely forgot he has the qualifying. he enter the mclaren garage in a virulent way, and some people notice it, oscar being one of them.
- hey mate, you look like you're going to kill someone, oscar joked as he comes closer to the driver.
- maybe because that's what's going to happen, lando reply in a irritating tone.
oscar get silent for a moment and frown. he examines lando's expression.
- what happened ? he asked cautiously, not wanting to make things getting worse.
- nothing, don't worry, lando reply coldly.
- you're sure ?
lando turn to face his teammate and calm down a bit. he sigh and pat his shoulder to reassure him.
- yeah, just some silly things i think about. he pause for a second and then he gives him a determined look. let's do our best for the qualifying mate !
oscar smiles and nod his head, even though he's still worried about his friend statement.
and then, the qualifying takes place.
you're now waiting for your boyfriend in his drivers room. you know something bad happened, or maybe you did something wrong but the way your lover just left you in the middle of the paddock like an abandoned child makes you worrying about him. he looked angry, furious and frustrated because his walk wast fast and he didn't even look back. you want to know and understand why he reacts like that.
the race just finish some minutes ago, and lando will come soon into his driver room to dropped some stuff out as usual.
and then the door opens. you meet his eyes, and they're a lot of different emotions in it when he realizes that you're here. you stand up and guide yourself to him.
- lan, you whisper softly.
you try to approach him but he moves and take a step back. you're hurt.
- can we talk about what happened please ? i know something bother you.
he lift up his head to meet your gaze. and he didn't expect to see your hurt expression on your face. now he feels even more guilty than during the race. because yes, he regretted his behavior and how childish he was towards you when he was on the track. he couldn't concentrate fully on the race because of you and his shit actions. and now seeing you in this state makes him want to kiss you and hold you tight. his heart is crying.
- yeah, sure.
- why did you walk away like that ? something happened i know it, you start.
he avoid your gaze and start playing with his fingers. he's nervous. he does not want to reveal that he was so jealous of lewis because you would think he's such a kid and immature. a moment of silence fill the air. you notice that he looks nervous, so you try to help him.
- it is because of me ? you ask gently.
- not really, he answers still not looking at you.
- lando tell me what's wrong. i want to know because i'm confused and i don't want you to keep things to yourself. you can talk to me baby.
- i'm so sorry love, he says. then the second later, you're in his strong arms. he pulls you very close to his body and hide his face in your neck. so so sorry. i didn't intend to hurt you.
you sigh and gently rub his back.
- i'm not. just tell me how you feel lan. i promise i already forgave you, just tell me about your feelings please.
he goes silent for a minute, keeping you close to him.
- it's just... i didn't like the way the two of you interacted later. you were laughing a lot because of lewis and you kept making jokes with him. and i felt like you were ignoring me and enjoyed more his presence than mine. i don't like when you're close to an other man. i want you just for myself. i know this is selfish and childish because originally you're one of his closest friend but you were giving all of your attention to him instead of me. i was huh... jealous.
you move a bit away just to look at his face. you can see how guilty and hurt he is, like he was begging your pardon through his eyes. this picture breaks your heart in two. sometimes you feel like you don't deserve him.
- ohh my sweet boy... i understand how you feel. you have the right to feel like that. i was having fun with lewis because it's been a long time since we last saw each other and i didn't even think that it could have affected you so much. i'm so sorry love... so sorry. you know i also want to keep you all to myself.
- we're quits i guess.
you laugh softly and hug him. his hands rub your back slowly.
- i just want your precious attention y/n, lando says close to your lips.
- now you'll have it lando, you reply in a grin.
he smiles wide and pulls you closer. god he just loves you so so much, it sometimes hurts. he leans in and kisses you, squeezing your waist as you cup his face in your hands.
and you'll never leave his side, giving him all your attention for the rest of the day. and the rest of the week-end.
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luveline · 1 year
i see ur thinking abt the marauders and i was just thinking abt them too!! i just saw a thread on twt abt how much men hate their girlfriends but wont break up with them (😖😖) and couldn't stop thinking abt how james would be so BAFFLED reading it!! would you be able to write something for that? its perfectly fine if not!! ily <33
I luv you! I'm not sure what thread you mean but I made a guess, sorry if it's not right ♡ fem, 1k
modern au. cw mention of toxic/hurtful relationships
"What is that?" James asks, pushing the sheets back as he climbs in beside you. His bowl of cereal is heaping, upwards of ten weetabix doused in milk, sugar, raspberries, blueberries, and a generous squeeze of honey.
"What?" you ask, showing him your phone screen. 
James leans over you to scroll back up. "Men who hate their girlfriends?" 
"Oh, it's like, people posting their screenshots, I think." You click on the tweet he'd been pointing at and show him the replies underneath. "It's just boys who act like they don't love their partners but won't break up with them either, there's loads on there." 
"What?" he asks, holding his bowl in one hand. "Can I?" You give him your phone happily, watching as he reads through some of the examples, screenshots from different websites and forums. "'Recently had to tell a friend's bird that he was calling her all sorts of names. I'm loyal to my friends, but you could hear the hatred in his voice sometimes. She left him two days later and he was surprised, for some reason.'"
James' eyebrows pinch. He continues, "'Am I in the wrong for asking my husband to stay awake with me during my early morning labour? He keeps bringing it up.'" James shows you your phone screen. "Like, he's mad she didn't let him sleep through the birth of their child?" 
"You know, there was a video on there a few weeks ago where a girl had put together a compilation of her boyfriend play fighting with her, and each video got nastier and nastier." You reach for the spoon to his bowl to start chopping up the weetabix the way he likes. "He was kicking her legs from under her and she was laughing it off. Once or twice, I'd think it was funny, but he wasn't even laughing himself." 
"Why the fuck?" James asks. 
"I don't know. Can I have a raspberry?" 
"They're in there for you to steal…" James watches you chew. You try not to pay too much attention to his staring, plopping your phone down in the sheets between your legs. "Why are these boys getting with women they don't like?" 
"I don't know, Jamie," you tell him honestly, wading through his bowl for another raspberry. "I think they get comfortable." 
He accepts the spoon back from you and you slouch down the fabric headboard together. James eats his weetabix slowly, the TV sending a light blue light into your otherwise dark room. "It's a bit late for supper," you murmur. "Were you hungry?" 
James puts his bowl on the nightstand. Coils of curls brush your forehead as he leans down, one big hand on the back of your neck and the other stretched across the shoulder furthest away from him, holding you in place as he kisses the top of your head. It's a weighty kiss, full of love. "I love you. Don't ever let anyone treat you like those boys on your phone, yeah?" 
You hum lightly. "That's what boys are like." 
"I know. I'm just begging you not to let people do that to you." He rubs your shoulder roughly, a massaging that hurts in the good way. "You know, if you can. I get that it's not their choice." 
"Yeah. I think people want so badly to be loved that they'll take the pretend kind. I was lucky to find you before you found someone else. You always make me happy." 
"This is what I mean," he whines, resting his cheek on your forehead. You sigh happily at his touch, more than ready for a night of his arms around you, a heavy leg thrown over your hips to lock you in. "You think you're lucky because of those dickheads." 
"No, it doesn't have anything to do with them. Just you." 
James sits up to turn your face to his. "Love you," he says, kissing you quickly. 
"Love you too. Don't stress about the phone, babe, you're not the audience they're looking for." 
James hears your teasing tone toward the end, poking your side. "What's that for?" 
"Nothing, just, you tried to follow me into the bathroom last night even when I told you I wasn't showering. If you're that eager to sit with me while I pee, I doubt you'll be the kind of guy who ends up on that forum." 
"It wasn't about the peeing, stop trying to shame me," he grumbles, again pulling you in for a hug, "it was separation anxiety. I miss you."
"I get why these women end up like that, though," you say quietly. "I get why they stay. If you started shoving me for a laugh or whatever, I'd think about this, because you love me. Does that make sense? I'm so happy right now that I wouldn't want to believe that you didn't love me anymore." 
"I know. It's fucking sad. I can't believe they do shit like that, it's pure selfishness." James settles back in his pillow. "I wouldn't ever do that shit to you. I know everyone says that, but I have to say it anyway." 
"I know, Jamie. Don't worry. I'm not worried about it, only talking." 
You offer him your hand. James takes it, rubs the back of it, brings it to his lips for a barely felt kiss. "Is there anything happy on that app?" he asks. 
"Uh, I saw a video of a baby girl who only stops crying when her cat comes to check on her. Or a pregnancy reveal where the boyfriend starts crying and begging her to get married." 
James rests his face on your shoulder, snuffling into your skin contentedly, "Ah, so my future. Put it on, angel." 
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angelsrcute · 3 months
Haloo :D im wondering if u r taking requests now but if u r can u write a fyodor with immortal female reader ? It would be wonderful if u can can but u can ignore this request if u want to
“ But can't you see my dear? I am your doppelganger ♡”
(´∀`*)ε` ) ౨ৎ N–sfw content !! ; Dom!Immortal!Vampire!Fyodor + Sub!Immortal!Vampire!F!Reader ➜ cws: Modern au, Jealous!Fyodor, Vampire themes, fwb → lovers, alcohol mentions, biting, unprotected sex + use of lube, tit play, overstimulation, creampie, oral sex (f receiving), slight Yandere!Fyodor(?), Soft!Fyodor.
꒰ † ੭ — this ended up being my longest fic ever, lol, 1.3k words!! I am taking reqs! + a lil inspiration from olgami, it's such a good webtoon. (人´∀`)♪ Translation: "Мышка" (myshka)
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When humans age, they die and pass on to the afterlife, don't they? Death was something that never came to you, ah immortality, such a cool thing. It was more like a curse to you, humans coming and going, years passing by but still no one seemed to notice the same face walking among them for all these decades. Faces unrecognisable as you try to remember their names, their relation with you, not that it mattered anyway.
Relationships were a nuisance, blink and they're already gone, dead, as you stand in their funeral. It was a really funny thing, oh how you wished you could die instead of watching your loved ones die.
Fyodor Dostoevsky. Not a famous name for humans but for vampires, they say he's the oldest vampire to ever live. Have you ever met with him? You did, decades ago, in his bed, in his mansion, fyodor needed some relief and so did you.
He was the one who saved you from your death, why? Because he thought you were interesting. He'd take care of you and teach you how to hunt, how to kill people and make sure no one finds out. He seemed like a lonely man too, house deep in the woods, living all by himself.
The other vampires though, had this bloodlust, to kill him, to become the lord themselves. Everyone clawing at any chance they get, to paint their fingers red with his blood. You never understood their reasoning, what's so good living a life like this?
Dressed in the finest silk and jewelries, he liked seeing you in white clothing the most. He said it made you look like a saint, the saint that brought some change to his boring life. He definitely wasn't a fan of other vampires eyefucking you at meetings. Well, they'd end up going missing anyway.
Cleaning up after him was annoying, why did he have to be so busy? that also playing the piano as he drank wine. Blankly staring at the body in front of you as you clean the floor, muttering curses at him.
It didn't take long but you fell for him, yearning for his touches, but you could never confess, fearing it would ruin your relationship. Your body burning like fire as he kisses you, snapping his hips against you, dress ripped off and discarded on the floor.
“You liked that dress? I'll tell them to make one for you again, money isn't a problem for me.”
Cold slender fingers playing with your nipples as he decorates your neck with bite marks, drawing blood from them. Tongue darting out to lick the blood as he whispers about how sweet you taste to your ears. Your nails digging into his shoulders as your eyes roll back from pleasure, his hands holding your leg up at this point.
Everything was going smoothly until one day he disappeared, without a single word. All the other vampires went crazy over this fact. Some were happy thinking he finally died, some just disappointed that they couldn't be the one killing him.
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You returned to Russia after a lot of years, travelling all over the world, everything was different to you, with the years, technology also grew, like for instance, this human was staring into a phone. Bumping into you and not saying a single apology but they had the audacity to curse you instead, calling you blind.
Well, guess you just found yourself dinner, how lucky. Hiding the body with no effort, muttering to yourself “The world would be a little better without people like this.”
You went down an alley, there was a nice bar here, you remembered. Entering it, you took a seat after ordering your favourite drink. From the corner of your eyes, you could see a stranger coming up to you, sitting beside you, “I've never seen you around here, darling, do you need some help? I know a really nice place around here–”
The man went on rambling about nonsense, poor attempts at flirting, and why is he even talking about himself, you don't remember asking. Quietly sipping on your drink as you ignored the stranger. The stranger, though, seemed offended, “Hey I'm talking to you, whore, if you don't want attention, dress up more!”
Now that part really got on your nerves, what were you supposed to wear, a long ass winter jacket? You could just pretend to play along and just kill this guy, not even interested in drinking his blood! But someone else's voice stopped you, a voice too fucking familiar.
It was none other than fyodor, you watched as he grabbed your wrist and pulled you by his side, eyes narrowing at the stranger with a smile, “It's really rude to flirt with someone's lover, don't you think? You'll walk away from here and remember nothing.” The guy on command, got up and left the bar, the people in the surrounding, definitely didn't care.
“You look like you've seen a ghost, Мышка.” He chuckled, as if he just met you yesterday and not decades ago.
“What the fuck? Where the hell were you for all these years!?” You shouted at him, burning a hole into his face with your glare, “Of course I'm surprised, am I not supposed to be when you appear like that? God!”
“Let's discuss it somewhere private, shall we? I know a hotel nearby.” You hated how composed he seemed to be, but still followed him, giving him a chance to explain himself.
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“I was a bit hurt, dear, why didn't you tell the man to leave? or were you interested?” He asked while sitting down on the bed.
“Is that what we're talking about? Give me an explanation, fyodor, where the hell were you?”
“A bit busy, don't mind me, I had business that needed to be taken care of.”
“That's it? You could've at least told me a goodbye! or sent letters.”
“Ah, but that would give away my location, wouldn't it? I didn't want any disturbances, but enough about me, where were you? I couldn't find you in my mansion.”
“I was travelling, and I did not see a point in staying there if you weren't there but you really had me worried, you know?” You sighed, sitting beside him.
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Well this was supposed to be meeting up with a past ‘friend’. So why did this turn into a fucking session? According to a certain someone, he wanted to make up for his mistakes!
Currently between your thighs, lapping up your folds like he hadn't eaten in years, savouring the taste like it was his favorite meal. He teased your clit with his tongue, gently flicking it, before sucking it into his mouth. Your moans and whines were music to his ear, he could feel you were close, his tongue speeding up to make you cum.
“F-fuck…gonna cum–” You stammered before cumming, lewd slurping sounds filling the room before getting up and kissing you, slipping his tongue in your mouth, making you taste yourself. A string of saliva joining your tongue after he breaks the kiss, he definitely likes seeing you like this— face flushed, hair disheveled, neck decorated by pretty hickeys by him.
You don't remember what round it was, all you can feel is the way he keeps fucking his cum back in your cunt. Sweat glistening on your body as you can't help but let out whimpers due to overstimulation, “T-Too much, fedya…slow down–”
“I'm sure you can cum for me again, my dear.”
He kisses your tear soaked face while rubbing soothing circles on your clit to calm you down. You pull him closer to kiss again, running your hands through his soft hair before he cums in you for the last time and pulls out.
Fyodor runs you a warm bath and then puts you on the bed, climbing in to cuddle with you, well, such a memorable get together isn't it?
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Taglist: @blueberrisdove
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circeyoru · 7 months
Suddenly I had an idea for the series unwanted soul (⁠◠⁠‿⁠・⁠)⁠—⁠☆
what would happen if the reader encountered cursed cat Alastor and saved it the same way they saved Alastor. The cat will cling to the reader and will bite anyone who tries to get close, including Alastor him self <⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)⁠>
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Go to MASTERLIST for the works. This ask is for {Unwanted Souls}.
OMG!!! That's a good doodle!!!! I like calling it Bambi. (it's not like Alastor knows what Bambi means, am I right?)
Okay. 2 ways this can go. Before and after Alastor's save that you found Bambi.
If it was before finding and saving Alastor.
You would get attached to it quick. And you saved it too? It's attrached to you. The creature was something of an odd cat to you because it had the ears and tail of a deer, so you had to call it Bambi. Yup. There's nothing against you distanting yourself from animals, they were something you like when you were alive. But you never had a cat before and want one. So this was the perfect opportunity! You got it healed up quick with your powers and gave it a nice home or hospitality for a while. When it was all healed up, you opened the door and asked if it wanted to leave. You watched with bated breath as Bambi took slow steps to the opening of the door. It paused and stared at you, you thought it was saying goodbye so you waved bye to it. Then it somehow managed to close the door shut and cling to you after scaling you like a cat post. "I guess means you're staying, Bambi!" Then Alastor enters your life. You save him the same, but Alastor got annoyed when there's a cat version of himself in your care. His fixation on you was even faster and stronger when there's Bambi around you. Even worse when you showed it more affection than Alastor himself and the cat was taunting Alastor all the time.
If it was after finding and saving Alastor.
The meeting was a bit funny. There was a weird sense of deja vu when you saved the cat thing. You thought it was Alastor trying to get your attention again but in a cat form. So you picked it up and gave it a weaker healing so it wasn't dying on you. "Come on, Alastor, let's get you home." You got home and set Alastor into the sink, washing off the semi-dry blood on it. You mutter and scolded it, still thinking that it was Alastor. When the front door opened and closed, then there were quick footsteps to where you were, you got confused real quick. Turning around, you saw Alastor. "Dear! Why did you leave without me!? What if some lowly demons were preying on you?! What would I— What is that?" "I thought this was you." You blinked twice, looking at the cat in your sink. "Guess it wasn't?" Alastor was against you keeping the thing, even offended when you named it Bambi. Why does it have a cute name that doesn't match its disgusting appearance? (the pot calling the kettle black....) He was fighting for your attention already, now he has to share? No!
No matter the cases, in the end, Alastor and Bambi set aside when it comes to protecting you and making you happy. Their personalities are the same, just different forms. Their obsession is the same, you.
But when it comes to fighting for your attention and affection. All's fair in love and war.
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Wicked Games 10
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Warnings: non/dubcon, cheating, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Character: Steve Rogers
Summary: you had a one night stand. Or did you?
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging ❤️
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The tears strike like a flash food. Sudden and stormy and completely overwhelming. The world around you disappears behind the wall of your grief. 
When you float into a lull, your swollen eyes taken in the room. You lay in a bed, not your own, none of this is yours. It’s all him. It belongs to him. What about you? Do you belong to him now? Is that what this is? Or is this just about what that part of him inside of you? 
You hiccup and sniffle, rubbing your raw nose as your head pulses. A ripple flows up your back from an unexpected touch and you wince. You hug yourself and angle to see behind you. 
Steve slides his hand up to your shoulder and squeezes, “honey, can I get you anything?” 
You shake your head, the movement aching in your skull, and turn back to the face the room. He sighs and drags his hand down your back. Despite yourself, his touch is soothing. 
“You’re tense. That’s not good for the baby,” he says. 
“Please, not right now,” you plead. 
He’s silent. His fingers continue to rove around your back and walk along the curve of your side. “You’re not excited to be a mom?” He asks. 
You close your eyes as your lip poke out.  
“I’m excited,” he says. “To be a dad. I’ll be a good dad. And a good husband.” 
“Husband?” You his and lean forward so that your almost face down. You just want to stop feeling, to stop thinking, to stop being, and he won’t let you. 
“Yeah, we’ll get married. Make sure the kid grows up right. With both parents.” 
You laugh sardonically. The sort of brittle laugh that hurts. Nothing’s funny, in fact, it’s far from. 
“You don’t even ask me. You just tell me? Yes, Captain, whatever you want.” Your eyes well again, this time in futility. 
“I’m doing the right thing. I’m being a good man. I’ve seen this world. Thing’s aren’t what they used to be. Men like me, they don’t exist. They have no sense of tradition,” he says. 
Tradition? It’s a particular sort of code word that makes all the flags turn red. You suck in your breath and gather your strength. You sit up shakily and look over at him. You can barely keep your head up. 
“I don’t remember. You know that, right? That night is... nothing. It never happened. Not a single second. I woke up and I was blank. I didn’t know it was you, not until you found me, mocked me in that store,” you scoff and your vision rings in agony. “That’s how much it meant and this...” you look down at your stomach. “I guess that’s the consequence.” 
You hear his breath, feel him shift. He sits up, his torso naked. He stares forward as you drop your head and cradle it, bending your knees to support your elbows. He clucks and reaches over. He brings his phone over his lap. 
“Don’t remember.” He taps on the screen so hard you can hear it. 
He angles the screen to you and you reluctantly tilt your head to see. You know before you look. Of course, that’s why he didn’t forget. He has it right there. He recorded it all. 
“...you’re so sexyyyyy...” you slur towards the camera. Your voice, your expression, the way you sway, it’s plain to see your drunk beyond sense. “Come on, cap...” you shake your naked tits at him, “you said you could do this all day.” 
He snickers from behind the lens and approaches the bed. You turn over and show him your ass. You can see a glisten between your legs. It’s not the first time but you wish it could be the last. His hand enters the frame and he dips his fingers between your folds. You moan and wiggle against him. He pushes inside and you can hear how your cunt clings as he pulls out. 
“Stop,” you fling your arm over to shove the phone away. “I can’t watch that--” 
“You wanted it. You said you wanted me. That night was... magical.” 
“It was—I’m married and we’re strangers.” You insist. 
“Was. Were.” He snarls. “I told you I loved you and you said ‘if I weren’t married, Steve Rogers, I could love you too.’ You. You said that.” 
“I was drunk out of my mind,” you rub your temples as your stomach starts to churn. “I was stupid and angry. Well, I’m still stupid.” 
“No, you were unhappy. Your husband didn’t treat you right. We both know it. Everything that’s happened doesn’t change that,” he says. 
“Maybe not but...” 
“But what? You don’t have to slave away in some crappy apartment. I have a penthouse. We have a penthouse. It has lots of room and if you want more room for the kids--” 
“Kids? Plural?” You exclaim, so loud your ears ring. 
“One thing at a time, sure,” he says. “I’m telling you, you don’t have to do all of that with me. All I’m asking is for you. That’s all.” 
You look at him, your eyes dry and sleepy, your cheeks parched. “Maybe I want to be on my own,” you murmur. 
“That’s not what you told me,” he retorts and looks at his phone again. He drags his thumb over it and puts the screen up again. You see yourself. You watch the worst night of your life. 
“You love me, baby?” He asks as you slide up and down his dick. 
“Yes, yes, yes!” You grope your chest as you bounce. “I love you, Steve. I love you.” 
You cringe and shake your head. His fingers whiten as he grips the phone tighter. You slump, defeated. 
“You’re not going back to work. Once they see this, they won’t want you,” he blacks the screen. “But I want you, sweetheart. You and our baby.” 
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eccentricwritingbaby · 11 months
part one! part two part three
lando norris x fem!reader
summary - y/n y/l/n just needed a coffee when she walked into the shop, she didn’t expect to also walk out with a date. 
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you had just recently moved to monaco in order to get away from the ordinary life that you found yourself having. you were a person who needed adventure and opportunity which just wasn’t happening in your hometown. you maneuvered your way through the streets in order to reach your favorite coffee spot for your much needed afternoon pick me up. once inside, you patiently waited in line until it was your turn to order. 
“double espresso with almond milk, please,” you spoke quickly to the barista taking your order.
“no problem,” she smiled as you gave your cash to her while leaving the rest of your change in the tip jar. you then moved right over to the side in order to wait for your brew to be finished up. after a few moments the barista called out your order and you reached over to grab it. by doing so your hand was covered over by anothers and you briefly pulled your hand away.
“i guess there's two people in this shop with great taste,” you heard a swift british accent say to you.
“i guess so,” you chuckle, “i apologize you most likely ordered before me that's most likely yours,” you speak to the handsome stranger. 
“please take it, I don't mind waiting,” he says to you while eyeing you a bit, “but only on one condition,” he adds.
“and what may that condition be?” you question with a teasing smile, enjoying the attention from the attractive man.
he moves slightly closer to you and continues with his proposition, “that you wait with me for my order as well,” he speaks with a smile.
“well kind sir, you’ve just made yourself a deal,” you wink while grabbing the coffee and taking a seat at a nearby table. he moves over to sit at the seat across from you while taking you in.
“have i seen you somewhere before?” you ask, looking at him a bit longer.
he gives a quiet laugh while proceeding to say, “i do not believe we’ve met, love. i would’ve remembered a face like yours. i’m lando, by the way,”
“y/n,” you reply, “its lovely to meet you lando,” 
after many more words exchanged and lando’s - technically yours - coffee appearing, you sadly had to make your way out of the coffee shop and into your plans for the day ahead. you and lando begin to exit the shop, still laughing here and there at different inside jokes you had come up with in the mere hour that you had together. once you reach a certain navy lamborghini, lando halts his movements and speaks.
“well this is me,” he sighs, “but i do hope we can see each other soon?”
“i’d really enjoy that, lando,” you say as his heart feels as though it has skipped a beat with the sugary way you say his name. 
“then how about tomorrow night? are you available for a date?” he asks quickly.
“i don’t know, i may have other plans with a random stranger i met at a different coffee shop,” you tease.
“ha-ha very funny,” he bites back, “what if i grab your number and we sort this out later,” you smile and hand over your phone while he loads his number in.
“well i have to leave, but it was very nice meeting you, lando. hopefully we see each other again very soon,” you smile back up at him while he gives you his signature smile right back.
“same for you, y/n. i’ll call you,”
“i’ll be waiting,” you give him one last wink and begin your walk away. he was enjoying the view of you walking away when your movements quickly halted and you turned slowly on your heel. 
“holy shit, mclaren!” you look back at him and begin laughing, “that’s why you looked familiar!” you said between laughs, “wow i am so dim, i’m so sorry,”
he gives you a shy smile while nodding, “i actually am quite happy you didn’t catch on, i appreciate some normalcy sometimes,”
“well in that case, if you want something normal, you’re going to have to work for that date, mister,” you reply while giving a sly wink and continuing on your way. lando smiled and hopped into his car. he would definitely be working for his date with you, but it would very much be worth it - and he couldn’t wait. 
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blackkatdraws2 · 4 months
I'm involved in a Stanley Reblog Chain and put effort into these drawings so I'll post them here too.
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[The other characters belong to insomniphic / beartitled / and marionette-j2x]
[Just me rambling underneath!] ↓
Tumblr has a tag limit and it grates my nerves to no end to know that I can't ramble as much as I'd like to...
Stanley and the bad bitch he pulled by being a loser. Imagine having a hot babe deform reality just to be together with you because he sensed you were feeling lonely without him. [WHEN IS IT MY TURN?!]
It's funny because with the general vibe of their AU, it would make sense for him to show up in the most flashy but also unnerving way possible. The Narrator's [Black's] arrival has to grab people's eyes since attention and views are what he's all about.
I wasn't sure what type of characterization they had so I just played it safe and [tried to] draw how my characters would respond instead of blindly guessing how the others would talk or act around each other. [My Stanley is antisocial and an anxiety-ridden freak.]
Also, I've been wondering what their height differences actually were when I saw my Stanley have to look up at Marionette's Narrator [since this guy is pretty damn tall] so I did a bit of digging and this was what I found.
I had a lot of fun making this by the way. It's been a while since I've participated in any Reblog Chains that involved character interactions and making comics, so it's a real throwback to when I first started posting TSP art in 2023.
Stanley here is an absolute social shutoff teehee, but he does talk back when talked to. His responses usually leave no openings to continue the conversation though. He's the type of guy to stay on the corner and watch everyone else.
As for the Narrator [Black] he's a bit strange. He's proper in public, but he doesn't think the other people are special [or not as special as he is at least]. He just doesn't care to be honest, he keeps to himself [along with Stanley] and that's it. It's a miracle for Stanley to have even pulled somebody like Black considering their personalities are the type to clash with one another. [They love each other though, genuinely. Despite how deranged they can be towards each other sometimes, that development took a long time to be nurtured into something healthier for those two.]
Also, 4th wall breaking in action!!!!!!!!!!!
Black didn't want to interrupt this comic since it was made for Stanley but after the other three came in he lost reservations and came in as well.
[Copy and Pasting the tags of my other post because I am NOT re-writing all of this...]
These two would probably just stay in their own spot [somewhere quiet and more alone]. This place is a bit too crowded for their liking. But I would be very happy to jump on any opportunity to make my guys interact with the others!!!!! Don't be afraid to throw a bone [prompt] for me to bite on, okay?
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threepandas · 2 months
Bad End: Eve
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You know how most Otome games are vaguely historical? Usually some non-specific mishmash of European countries? But fluffier and with more bows? It had once "gotten" to me, I think. I remember looking for outliers. Non-joke ones. Something that wasn't just "but this time with hats!"
I found one.
And now? Now I'm not sure if I curse that day or thank whatever force of nature lead me there. I guess... I guess it depends. Would I still have ended up HERE? If I had not found it? If so, then I genuinely and actually fucking rue it. Like... like actual "you'll rue the day! Bwahaha!" Type rue it. That's me. Ruing.
But? If it was always going to happen?
Then I guess...
I guess I'm weirdly glad. Because at least I have some fucking idea of what's going ON. Terrible, as it all is. Fucked, as the situation is. At least I'm not... not confused. Blind and at the mercy of those around me. Ignorance truely isn't bliss. All it does is leave you to try an fill in the blanks yourself. Usually with something far worse.
Not that the situation could GET much worse, by much.
I was in an Otome game. NOT a flower, high society, and dragons kind either. No. I? Was in a Dark Sci-Fi otome game. "Fate of man" was thrown around a lot. Power of luuuuv~ and such. Also, you know, HORRIFIC ethical violations. Human experimentation. Cataclysmic events and humanity "starting over".
All the high drama sci-fi concepts you could expect. It was a romp. Had good art. I'd had fun! Which is why I remember it so clearly.
Less fun when you're IN IT.
When you AREN'T one of the characters you KNOW will survive.
In fact, are one of the characters you know WON'T fucking survive. And will probably die MESSY. Horribly. Cause see, our BELOVED Harem collecting Protagonist? She? Was AN Eve. "AN".
Take a wild fucking guess what THAT project is about.
Did you say "breeding a better race of humans"? Ding ding ding! With humanity currently fucked, they want to FIX the problem by FIXING humanity. And of course, fuck ethics! Volunteers? Why use those?! Let's horrifically mad scientist our way to atrocity-ville! Make it all the more "God rightfully punishing us for our unforgivable sins" when we get wiped out!
Fffffffuck YOU, plot! I have to live here too!
You may, in fact, be picking up a slight note of stir crazy. A "wow, this lady rambles like a mother fucker" vibe. You would TOO, if you were stuck in a FUCKING TUBE. All I can do, day in and day out? Is wake, think, observe, then go right back to sleep. I can't even eat! I got a TUBE for that!
I... I miss showers.
Everything is GOO.
I'm an Eve. And if it weren't for the air tube controlng my breathing? I'd laughing hysterically until I died. And no, not in the "oh how funny" way. God. Oh... oh god. What a way to die. NONE of the Eves survive "the program".
Those IDIOTS are so OBSESSED with making bigger and bigger, better and better, FUCKING JUGGERNAUTS? That the Adams? Have long since reached the point of "mindless killing machine". UNSTABLE is putting it lightly. There is sexual dimorphism and then there's literal incompatibility.
But GOD FORBID the scientists admit that THEY are the ones with the inferior product.
It... it was even part of the game's plot. The scientist who made "Eve" HID her while HE made an Adam. I do not have that luxury. Somewhere, there is an unstable BESERKER being told I'm his "wife". That we're going to be HAPPY together. That he'll get to put his bruising, blood soaked hands anywhere he WANTS... just after he WINS me from the other Adam's.
Got to prove HE'S the best specimen, after all.
It makes my skin crawl. All I can hope, is that I can either provoke the bastard enough to kill me before they have a chance to stop him, or? I use my own enhanced strength to snap my neck. Maybe bite my tounge. Like HELL am I letting an Adam get near me.
The hiss of laboratory doors.
"Perfection at last..." Comes a relieved sigh. "All those HIDEOUS specimens. Why they make me suffer them, I'll never understand. We should have terminated them months ago. My poor project, they really think they're WORTHY of you..."
There's a derisive laugh. The scientist strolling into the lab I've been developing in, familiar. I watch him casually shrug off his lab coat and dump is bag. Hang his coat over the back of his chair. Turn, as he does each day, to STARE up at me. His eyes are a pale, pale purple the likes of which I've never seen before.
There is almost a red tint to them, though maybe that's the lights. The goo. I can never tell. He always looks ENTRANCED by me. Floating, visored, connected to far too many tubes an' wires. I'd think it was the fact that I was naked if it weren't for the way his gaze doesn't seem to drift lower then my shoulders. Seems more entranced by the way my hair moves, as though under water.
I've never once heard him talk about me lustfully.
But that doesn't mean he doesn't SCARE me.
"Let's begin, shall we? Time for your daily doses, mmm?" He says, voice dangerously affectionate. As though i had CHOSEN to do this to myself. As though he were merely reminding me of my morning medicine and not the hell ahout to come. "Going to be good for me? I know you shall, you always are."
He turned back to his desk, his computer. A few keystrokes... and I could feel the pod above me begin to hum, as it awoke. Oh god. Oh god it never got easier. From the corner of my eyes, bright chemicals slide down thind lines and into my veins. Like lines of lava. Bolts of electricity and pain. It was... AGONY.
My muscles seized. Brain screeched, first to the screaming I wish I could make... then static. With the long practice of daily pain, it took me far away. The click, click, click of keys. The sound of his voice, so terribly PLEASED, as I hung there and just TOOK it. No restraints, no strugging, no damaging myself. Just unbearable fire in my veins and a brain far, far away.
"Good girl~"
Distantly a phone rang. He made an annoyed sound, but picked up regardless.
"What. I'm in the middle of- ...Excuse me? I'm quite sure I did not hear you correctly. I said 'NO'. She's not-....I will NOT BE-...What. Are you out of your god damned MIND? That pile of scraps you call a project is coming NOWHERE near my-! ....you think you're clever, don't you?"
"Fine. You want to TALK? Let's TALK, Anderson. I'll be there in five."
From far away, past the pain, I watched him chance down at something at the screen. Back up to me. He hung up the phone but did not pause the program. Instead, calmly rising from his desk. Shrugging on his lab coat. Rounding the desk and striding towards my bio-tube.
"Hmmm, honestly, it should have been spaced out over a few more days... but you can take it. Endure a bit longer for me, would you, darling? Daddy's going to go deal with something for just a moment, he'll be right back, my perfect girl. Be good."
He leaned forward, pressing his forehead to my tank. One hand splayed next to it like he badly wished he could touch. Could stroke skin. Hold his creation close. It was not the first time he had done this. Small, covetous, little actions like he wanted to crawl inside my skin and STAY there. Like he cursed the glass that separated us.
He pulled back. Shifted to the side and kneeled. He... had hidden something behind my bio-pod? When? Apparently before I had become aware. Because I had not known about it. A black shoe box. I watched him open i-GUN. Thaaaat was a gun! Fuck. Well at least? By the time anyone thinks to look in on me? The overdose will probably have killed me?
There is a cold, terrible smile on his face as he rolls to his face. Tucking the gun into an inner pocket. It has a silencer. He leans forward one last time. Lightly kissing the glass of my pod, as though heading off to work and not to very obviously kill somebody. The pain continues. Builds. I watch him leave.
With nothing to anchor myself on... time blurs.
I think? There are alarms? Red lights flash. Then they stop. There is shouting at one point. But then silence. An explosion? Or am I hallucinating? Pain. My nerves are on fire. I don't want to have SKIN. Please... please make it STOP! Calm foot steps? Come to kill me? Please come to kill me. Make it STOP.
The lights died a... time? Ago? Emergency lights on now. Generators in the room are loud. Why can I still hear the feet? Footses? Words. H..hurts. please.
The pain eases to a stop. Aching but nothing new. Over? Oh, thank god. I can sleep now, right? But... sound? New. At my feet. Gurgling. Wha-? The very top of my head feels cold. Then my forehead. Then my temple's and ears, cheeks, jaw... wait. Is? Is the tube...DRAINING? I open my eyes.
When did I close them?
He's back.
Standing right in front of the tube. Blood staining the hem of his coat, lingering marks of his massacre cleaned but not quite scrubbed from his body. There are little off red stains on his cheek, from what must be blood splatter. They look like tiny freckles.
I'm... I can't...
I reach as the tube down my throat is pulled almost carelessly away by the machine. Choke, suffocate, as the same is done for my air tube. But then it's done... and I can BREATHE under my own power. Gasp and splutter, as the goo sloshes around my knees. Then it's gone. And the tube I've been leaning my weight against is roughly pulled away.
I collapse forward, my muscles having never actually supported me in this life.
Arms catch me. Wrapping me in a possessive hug. A hand immediately burying itself in long uncut hair, even as the other wraps itself around my torso to lean me against his body in a cradle. My face is pressed to his neck by the hand in my hair, cradling my head and neck. I can feel breath against the goo wet crown of my head.
"Finally~" he breaths out, whispering it against me like a sigh. "My beautiful, perfect girl. My darling creation. It took so LONG. Those retrobates interfering at every turn, lusting after you like ANIMALS, trying to keep you from me. Then, worst of all, trying to toss you to some pack of savages? Oh, darling~ Daddy's been so worried for you."
"But we'll be okay now, won't we? I finally have you. All fresh and finally finished. My perfect Eve. You can pick any name you want, of course. You and I will be leaving this ugly little place. Daddy has PLANS. A fresh new world, just for you, sweetheart."
He laughed, his hug tightening in a way that would have left bruises had I been a normal human. Kisses were pressed to my temple. A cheek, rubbed against my hair. He seemed... seemed GIDDY with it. That nothing could stop him now. There was no glass in his way. I could not move yet. My muscles twitched when I tried, but that was it. I wasn't even sure I could talk yet, if I tried.
"Aaah~♡ Welcome to the World, Darling. My Perfection. My Eve. This time no snakes or Adams to tarnish you. To get in your way. Just you and your Father~"
Next: ->
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isadollie · 2 months
Hello! I saw your headcanon requests are open, could I request headcanons for husband! and dad!Kenma (with fem wife reader). Kenma is such a sweetheart, I feel like family life with him would be so cute. If possible, I'd like the baby to be a little boy that looks so much like Kenma, but I'd be happy with whatever you write. I hope that is ok. Tysm <3
husband! and dad! Kenma [headcanons]
fem!reader, post-timsekip ofc, just pure fluff i guess lol
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★ he never really imagined to have kids of his own but.. here he is
★ when he first found out you're pregnant was like super scared lol
★ "how am i supposed to take care of a baby when i barely manage to take care of myself"
★ ...ouch.
★ anyway..
★ first thing he did was to call Kuroo and ask what he should do
★ was just so clueless
★ kept on repeating he's gonna mess it up
★ but he didn't!
★ a few months into your pregnancy, he was already a pro at taking care of you lol
★ he became soo excited, but like.. internally. he's not really the type to jump around and shout in happiness yk
★ decided to keep it a secret from his fans, cause he wanted to ensure that both of you are safe
★ first thing he bought for the baby was a tiny cat onesie with like little ears you know
★ also bought some family friendly video games...
★ ...and tiny headphones with a mic (where did he get that tho--)
★ but then his baby is born and he's like:
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★ kinda have a feeling like it was his first time seeing a baby this small in general
★ is definitely too nervous to hold his son at first
★ super anxioussss
★ but then with time he learns
★ he's a good dad!!
★ i can defo picture him napping with his son lol
★ also he learned to cook when you were pregnant so that you could rest more
★ now uses this knowledge to feed the two of you
★ my boy had to get a whole bookshelf for cooking books and how-to-take-care-of-a-baby books
★ nah jk he looked it all up online
★ i think he'll be very protective too
★ like when your son grows up a bit, there is absolutely no way that Kenma will let him cross the road unless he holds his hand 😤
★ also you have to stop him a bit cause he would buy this kid everything he asked just like that
★ "daddy look! *points to the car toy he sees in the shopwindow* it's so cool!"
★ and then next day you see a whole ass car in front of your house... not a toy.
★ it's both funny and annoying to be honest
★ in the end you did keep the car though
★ whenever someone mentions that his son looks just like him he would be SO PROUD
★ his whole phone gallery is now basically photos of the three of you and your pets
★ would scoff at Kuroo anytime he calls himself an "uncle" or even worse "the coolest uncle"
★ to sum it all up, Kenma never thought of becoming a father but now that it actually happened... he's thinking of having another kiddo :P
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this was actually so much fun to write!!! thanks for the request :3
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Some even even more little descendants incorrect quotes with mostly Glassheart/CharmingHeart
(and other ships)
Chad: Adulting is hard.
Chad: How do I quit?
Chloe: Time travel.
Red: Die.
(sheesh. Also CHAD! HIII)
Chad: So you’re dating Chloe?
Red: What? No! I’m just buying them an accessory since they have terrible fashion sense.
Chad: That’s literally a wedding ring.
(To be fair. Maybe they don't have wedding rings in wonderland, and Red is genuinely just buying her accessories. But not because Chloe doesn't have style. She just wants to give Chloe stuff.)
Cinderella: Red, when’s your birthday?
Red: Why? So you can look up my natal chart? So you can figure out my weaknesses? So you can destroy me?
Chloe: …So we know when to wish you a happy birthday.
Chloe: You have some serious intimacy issues
Chloe: You know, I really wish you’d just admit you made a mistake sometimes.
Chad, stirring their coffee: I prefer it with salt.
(he would never admit he's wrong. He'd just word his way around it)
Chloe: How stupid do you think I am?!
Dizzy: You really want an honest answer to that?
(Chloe is oblivious to her attraction to Red. Their fighting is actually flirting)
Chad: If you don't stop talking, I'm going to jump out of that window.
Chloe: ...We're on the ground floor.
Chad: I know but I want a dramatic exit.
(Go off drama king ✨)
Chad: Ow!
Dizzy: What’s wrong?
Chad: I have this weird pain right above my eyebrow.
Dizzy: It’s called a stress headache. I got my first one when I was four.
(canon. Also oof)
Computer: Please enter a password.
Chad: *types in Chloe*
Computer: Your password is too weak.
Chad: How fucking DARE YOU-
(Slay big brother. He knows what's up)
Audrey: Hey!
Chad: What do you want?
Audrey: Remember what we were talking about yesterday?
Chad: Nope.
(Yes king. Stand your ground. keep away from her)
Audrey: I'm not mean. Name one mean thing I’ve ever done.
Chad: When we were younger, you convinced me eggs weren't real.
Audrey: They're not.
Chad: Haha, very funny.
Audrey: I'm serious. Didn't you hear?
Chad: No... what happened?
Audrey: ...Why would you fall for this again-
(I think that's what they were talking about. And he's mad)
*The gang's thoughts on stabbing*
Audrey: Would never stab anyone.
Chloe: Would stab someone in retaliation.
Dizzy: Yells "I won't hesitate, bitch!" first.
Celia: Would stab without warning.
Red: Would stab as a warning.
Chad: It depends, I guess
(the charming siblings +cousin and their girlfriends)
Chloe, singing: I don’t want a lot for Christmas, there is just one thing I need—
Red: A family.
Audrey: A better love life.
Celia: Mental stability.
Dizzy: Money
Chad: *clueless* Bagels?
(... yeah-)
Chloe: Go to hell!
Red: Where do you think I come from?
(Wonderland basically is Hell with The Queen of Hearts)
Dizzy: You got a date yet Celia?
Celia: No...
Dizzy: Well you do now! Get your ass up and hold my hand!
(Slay ✨🙏. Which I had that confidence)
Dizzy: Hey Chloe, wanna third wheel on my date with Celia tomorrow?
Chloe: Sure.
Dizzy: Red! Wanna third wheel on my date with Celia tomorrow?
Red: ..sure, I gues-
Dizzy: Great! I've always wanted to go on a double date!
Red & Chloe: ...
Chloe: Dizzy...
(You'll thank her later, Chloe.)
Dizzy: I honestly feel like some of our conversations here are almost word-for-word accurate to the generator.
Celia: Yup.
Red: Maybe the generator is watching us.
Chloe: Wouldn't that imply this conversation will be added?
Dizzy: ...
Dizzy: Wait—
(Oh no. They found out! Got to run!)
Hope you liked it!
I ship Chad and Audrey as Exes
Also I want Chad and Chloe interactions in the next movie. Would love it if Dizzy was also there.
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moronkombat · 1 year
I'm not sure if you do funny requests, but if you do, maybe a single parent s/o with two chaotic kids dragging along Syzoth, Tomas, Kenichi, and Johnny to gift their mom a boyfriend?
i chose to do syzoth and tomas because i am feeling sleepy from all the typing. im sorry!!!
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"Where are you taking me again?" Comes Syzoth's inquiry.
"To see mom." A small voice says.
"Yeah, she'll be very happy with us!" Comes another.
Syzoth's brow squirm in confusion but as two little hands guide him, just gently pulling on his fingers, he finds himself unwilling to pull away. Their smiles are that of happiness and he too once knew the happiness of a child.
But he hasn't the time to think about it, not when he feels a tug from the two little ones that pull him further. He hears some shouting then, panicked and calling. Names? Soon he doesn't have to guess who these names belong to.
A woman comes into view and her eyes dart to the children holding Syzoth's hands. "There you two are!"
She is rushing over to them now, kneeling down to check on them. She appears nervous and breathless, having been searching for her children for sometime now.
"We've brought you a present, mom!"
"Yeah, we've found you a boyfriend!"
What? Suddenly Syzoth is blushing and the woman is chiding her children before her gaze finds him. She stands then.
"I am so sorry, sir." She begins rather embarrassed.
"It's...alright." Syzoth says, giving a half smile, "I'm just glad they found their mother."
"You and me both, and you two-" her gaze snaps to her children, hands at her "-no more games about this, alright?"
Her children merely seem to laugh and giggle and Syzoth can't help but smile.
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"So, what's your name again, Smokey?" Says someone much smaller than the Lin Kuei member
"It's Tomas."
"I like Smokey better. Don't you?" A small pair of eyes find another.
"Yeah. It sounds a lot better."
Tomas raises a brow as he follows these two kids who have claimed to have lost their mother. They rather calm to be without their caretaker, aren't they? That's what Tomas thinks but how was he to turn away two small children in need of help?
Shouting hits his ears and his brow quirks. The two children seem to speed up and so Tomas steps a bit lighter. When turning the corner he is met with a woman who appears most frantic. She is quick to run over, taking the children into a hug and Tomas figures this must be there mother.
"Where have you two been?!" She demands but her children appear ever calm.
"We went to go find you a boyfriend. His name is Smokey. Our plan was done perfectly, right?"
"Yup yup!"
Tomas feels awkward, rubbing the back of his neck. "They told me they lost their mother..."
"Oh did they?" She gives her children a look but they play rather innocent.
"Thank you for bringing them back to me and I'm sorry you got caught up in their game."
"Don't mention it. Just happy to bring them back to you. My name is really Tomas, by the way."
"Well, Tomas, it is good to meet you."
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meggannn · 3 months
AITA for not accepting my EX coworker's feedback on my personal project and destroying his favorite toy when he refused to leave?
I don't really see how I'm the bad guy but I thought I'd ask in case there's a new perspective I'm lacking. I am very rarely wrong but I admit I have miscalculated before.
I (M, none of your business how old I am) have an old coworker, Vance* (M, ??? maybe like 100, it's hard to guess dwarven ages) who I used to get along with okay. We'd occasionally share some banter and have the odd disagreement on how a project needed to be handled but it was nothing major. Last I knew him, he had a side job as an author and I enjoyed reading his books. We worked together for a few years but this was about a decade ago.
The thing is though, I've always been a bit of a lone wolf. During my time at that old company, I'd been wanting to leave that job as soon as I started it, to pursue my real passion project. I was only there for as long as it took to support my own goals. As soon as we achieved a major milestone at the company, really the only reason the company was founded, I decided to leave without warning. I understand this is rude among many cultures nowadays but I knew they would no longer need me, and I was planning on traveling quite a long ways for my new job and it was unlikely I'd see any of them again, so I thought it would be best for everyone if I just cut ties.
It's now been about ten years and I recently made a major step in finally finishing my project. Not to exaggerate but you could really say this is truly the most revolutionary thing in at least several millennia. It will be something truly special and people will understand its brilliance once everyone really gives my project a try with an open mind.
But just as I was about to complete it, I heard a voice I haven't heard in a decade. It's Vance, with his favorite crossbow (he named it Blanca*, that's not important but just so you can understand he's a guy who likes to nickname things). He stalked me across the continent! Then just showed up and rudely started providing feedback, as though he was part of this project! And he called me by an old nickname he thought was funny back when we were still working together. Look, I would be happy to talk to him any time, but just not then, you understand? And especially not if he was going to try to talk me down from completing my pièce de résistance!
I've had a long time to consider my goals and actions. I truly believe my passion project will change the world for the better. I explained all of this to him. But he wouldn't back down, and then he AIMED Blanca at me, fully loaded. I just couldn't abide that. So I destroyed Blanca.
Now everyone on the internet is upset with me, but I think that's a huge overreaction; not to brag or anything, but I could have done much worse to him. So tell me, AITA?
Please note that I am ONLY accepting judgments on if I am the asshole for DESTROYING BLANCA, not for working on my passion project. I will not apologize for that.
*Names have been changed to protect my anonymity.
(thanks to @zombolouge for the help)
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lila-lou · 11 days
✨His true fate - Part 21/?✨
Summary: Jensen hasn't been happy for years. But it seems almost impossible for him to escape. After another nasty argument between him and his wife, he decides to visit his ´former´ best friend for his birthday. Back in Austin, an encounter awaits him that will turn his life completely upside down.
Pairing: Jensen x Reader
Warnings: Language, age gap, fluff
Word Count: 4615
A/N: English isn’t my first language, so please be lenient. 💙✨
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Instead of responding with words, Jensen leaned in, capturing your lips in a deeper kiss. His hands found their way to your waist, pulling you closer, and you could feel the warmth of his body against yours.
As you kissed, you felt tiny water droplets from his damp hair falling onto your face, making you giggle. Jensen pulled back slightly. “What’s so funny?”, he teased, his eyes twinkling with affection.
“You’re dripping water all over me”, you laughed, wiping a few stray droplets from your forehead.
“Oh, am I?”, he said, leaning in and shaking his head slightly, causing more droplets to rain down on you. His playful gesture only made you laugh harder.
“Jensen, stop!”, you squealed, trying to shield yourself with your hands. But he just grinned wider, clearly enjoying your reaction.
“All right, all right”, he said, finally relenting. “I guess I should finish drying off”.
You nodded, still giggling. “Probably a good idea”.
As Jensen grabbed a towel to dry his hair, you took a moment to appreciate the lightness of the moment. It was a stark contrast to the intensity of your earlier conversation, and it felt like a small but significant step forward in your relationship.
Once he was properly dried, Jensen started to get dressed. You watched him as he closed his belt and grabbed a simple white shirt. He had been hitting the gym more often lately to stay in shape for his role as Soldier Boy, and it had paid off well. His muscles were more defined, and his movements carried an easy strength. You bit your lip, admiring the transformation as you sat on the bed.
Jensen noticed your gaze and the slight blush on your cheeks, and a playful smirk appeared on his face. “Enjoying the view?”, he teased, slowly buttoning his shirt but leaving the top few buttons undone.
You felt the blush deepen but met his eyes with a smile. “Maybe”, you replied. “You’ve definitely been putting in the work”.
“Well, it’s nice to know my efforts aren’t going unnoticed”, he said, stepping toward you. There was a mischievous glint in his eyes as he closed the distance between you, stopping just in front of you.
You looked up at him, your heart racing slightly at the proximity. “You know, you’re not the only one who’s been working hard”, you teased back, trying to keep your tone light despite the flutter in your chest.
Jensen’s smile widened as he leaned down, his hands resting on either side of you on the bed, effectively trapping you in place. “Oh, I’ve noticed”, he murmured, his voice low and filled with affection. “Believe me, I’ve noticed”.
You felt a playful spark in your eyes as you mumbled, “Didn’t seem like you spent that much attention earlier”. Your voice was soft, teasing, referring to how quickly things had escalated before. Normally, Jensen took his time, worshipping your body with a careful, loving touch.
Jensen’s eyes twinkled as he leaned even closer, his breath warm against your skin. “Oh, so you’re saying I’ve been neglecting my duties?”, he teased, his voice a seductive whisper.
A shiver of excitement ran through you, and you couldn’t help but smile. “Maybe just a little”, you replied, your voice light but your meaning clear.
His eyes darkened with a mix of desire and amusement. “I guess I’ll have to make it up to you later”, he said, his lips brushing against yours in a tantalizing promise. “But for now, we have a date with Jared”.
You whined softly, not ready to let him go just yet. Pulling him closer, you tugged him down so he landed on top of you, pressing your lips back to his in a passionate kiss. Jensen’s initial surprise melted into a deep, hungry response as he kissed you back, his hands finding their way to your sides, holding you firmly yet tenderly.
For a moment, everything else faded away, and you were lost in the sensation of his lips on yours, the warmth of his body against yours. The world outside ceased to exist, and all that mattered was the connection you shared.
Jensen pulled back slightly, his breath coming in short, ragged bursts. “You’re making it very hard to leave this room”, he murmured against your lips, a playful glint in his eyes.
You smiled up at him, your fingers trailing along his jawline. “Maybe that’s the point”, you whispered back.
Boldly, your hand moved between your bodies, cupping him through his jeans. He inhaled sharply, his eyes widening in surprise and pleasure. You could feel him harden under your touch, and his reaction sent a thrill through you.
“Teasing me now, are you?”, he asked, his voice husky with desire. He bit his lip, trying to maintain some semblance of control.
“Just a little”, you replied, your tone innocent but your actions anything but. You gave him a gentle squeeze, feeling the heat and firmness beneath the fabric.
Jensen groaned softly, his hips instinctively pressing against your hand. “You’re going to be the death of me”, he said, his voice strained with both amusement and arousal.
You bit your lip, giving him a tighter squeeze. “It’s not the first time you’ve said that”, you teased. His reaction to your touch sent a thrill through you, and you could feel the heat building between you.
Jensen’s eyes darkened further and he leaned in, his breath hot against your ear. “And it won’t be the last”, he murmured.
You grinned, enjoying the power you had over him in that moment. “Well, we can’t have you dying on me just yet”, you said, your fingers tracing a slow, deliberate path along his length.
Jensen’s breath hitched, and he gripped your waist tighter, his control slipping. “You’re impossible”, he managed, his voice a mix of frustration and need.
You leaned in, pressing your lips to his ear. “But you love it”, you whispered, giving him another squeeze.
He groaned again, his resolve crumbling. “We really need to go”, he said, though he made no move to leave.
“Do we?”, you challenged, your hand continuing its slow, teasing movements.
Jensen closed his eyes for a moment, struggling to regain control. When he opened them again, his gaze was intense. “Yes, we do. But later, you’re mine”, he said.
“I’ll hold you to that”, you replied, giving him one last squeeze before letting go.
He took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. “You make it very hard to be a gentleman”, he said with a wry smile.
You mumbled playfully, “You absolutely weren’t a gentleman earlier”. Pecking his lips quickly, you rolled away underneath his arms and stood up, smoothing down your soft dress with a satisfied grin.
Jensen chuckled, watching you with a mixture of amusement and desire. “Touché”, he said, adjusting his shirt and running a hand through his hair, attempting to regain his composure.
You turned to face him, feeling the lightness of the moment. Just then, there was a knock on the door, followed by Jared’s impatient voice. “What’s taking you so long in there?”.
Jensen rolled his eyes and grimaced at the discomfort, discreetly adjusting his boner. “Great timing, as always”, he muttered, trying to find a more comfortable position.
You stifled a laugh, walking over to the door and opening it with a playful smile. “Sorry, Jared. We’re ready now”.
Jared stood there with his arms crossed, an amused yet impatient look on his face. “I swear, you two are worse than teenagers. Come on, I’m starving”.
You stepped aside to let him in, and he glanced at Jensen, who was still trying to compose himself. “You good there, man?”, Jared asked, a smirk playing on his lips.
Jensen shot him a look that was both annoyed and amused. “Just peachy”, he replied, finally managing to adjust himself to a more comfortable state.
Jared laughed and shook his head. “Alright, let’s go before you two get distracted again”.
With that, you all headed out of the hotel room and down to the lobby. The cool evening air outside was a welcome relief, and the city’s energy was invigorating. Jared seemed ready to dive into a conversation, his usual exuberance leading the way.
Just as Jared was about to ask how things were going, he caught sight of Jensen’s face. “Again, Jensen?”, Jared asked, raising an eyebrow in a mix of concern and frustration.
Jensen groaned, clearly annoyed. “Yeah, Jared, again”, he replied, rolling his eyes. He was not in the mood to delve into the details right now.
You muttered under your breath, “Apparently, just I don’t get to know”, feeling a bit left out and frustrated with the secrecy.
Jensen shot you a disapproving look, his jaw tightening. “Not now”, he said quietly, but firmly.
Jared, sensing the tension, decided to defuse the situation. “Alright, alright, let’s not get into it here. We’re supposed to be having a good time. Let’s just focus on getting some food”.
You nodded, trying to let go of the frustration. The last thing you wanted was to ruin the evening. As you continued walking, Jared managed to steer the conversation back to lighter topics, sharing amusing anecdotes and keeping the mood as light as possible.
At the restaurant, you found a cozy table in a quiet corner. The atmosphere was warm and inviting, and the food smelled delicious. As you settled in, the initial tension began to ease, replaced by the comforting hum of conversation and laughter.
Jared’s efforts to keep things light paid off. Gradually, you and Jensen relaxed, enjoying the meal and each other’s company. The conversation flowed easily, and soon you were all laughing and joking as if nothing had happened.
It felt like the earlier frustration had been forgotten, replaced by the camaraderie you all shared.
After a while, Jared leaned back in his chair and glanced at Jensen. “Hey, Misha texted me earlier. He wants to grab a drink later. You in?”.
You felt a pang of discomfort at the mention of Misha. You remembered all too well the incident at the convention in Austin, where Misha had hit on you, unaware of your relationship with Jensen. Neither Jared nor Jensen had told him who you really were, and it had created an awkward situation. One that meant, with Jensen gone for drinks, you would be alone in the hotel room tonight.
Jensen hesitated, glancing at you. He could sense your unease, and it was clear he was torn. “I don’t know, Jared”, he said slowly. “Maybe we should just call it a night”.
Jared raised an eyebrow. “Come on, man. It’ll be fun. We haven’t hung out like this in a while”.
You interjected gently, trying to defuse the situation. “It’s okay, Jensen. You should go. I’ll be fine here”.
Jensen shook his head, his expression softening. “No, I don’t want to leave you alone. We wanted to spend time together”.
You smiled at him, trying to reassure him. “It’s just one evening, Jensen. I can go check out the city”.
Instead of calming him down, Jensen’s expression grew more serious. “No way you’re going out there on your own. Seattle isn’t exactly known for being the safest place, especially at night”.
You appreciated his concern but didn’t want to be the reason he missed out on spending time with his friends. “I’ll be careful. I won’t go far, maybe just explore some nearby shops or grab a coffee. I’ll be fine”.
Jensen’s jaw tightened, and he looked at you with a mix of worry and determination. “I don’t like the idea of you being out there alone. Please, just stay here. We can both skip the drinks and have a quiet night in”.
You sighed, grumbling under your breath, “You’re so stubborn”.
Jensen shot back, a playful glint in his eye, “Right back atcha”.
Despite the frustration, neither of you could suppress a grin. It was clear that you both cared deeply for each other’s well-being, even if it meant butting heads occasionally.
Jared, sensing the playful tension, chimed in with a chuckle. “Well, it seems like you two have it all figured out“.
The three of you shared a laugh, the atmosphere growing lighter. After finishing your meal, Jensen paid for dinner, and the three of you started walking back to the hotel. The cool evening air was refreshing as you strolled along, chatting and enjoying each other’s company.
Just as you were nearing the hotel entrance, Misha came around the corner, not looking where he was going, and stumbled right into Jensen.
“Whoa, easy there!”, Jensen said, catching Misha by the shoulders to steady him.
Misha blinked in surprise, then broke into a wide grin. “Jensen! Jared! Hi! I just checked in. You’re not staying at the usual?”. He glanced over and saw you, recognition flickering in his eyes before a hint of confusion set in.
You could see the wheels turning in Misha’s mind as he remembered the Austin Con. His expression shifted from surprise to complete bewilderment, clearly lost as he tried to piece together what was happening between the three of you.
Jensen, sensing the awkwardness, pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. “Misha, it’s a long story”.
Misha looked between you, Jensen, and Jared, his confusion deepening. “Wait, so… you guys know each other…?”. He pointed between the three of you, trying to make sense of the situation. Jensen glanced around, noticing a few people starting to pay more attention to the group of actors standing together. The last thing they needed was to draw a crowd.
“Yeah, Misha, we know each other”, Jensen said quickly, his tone indicating that he wanted to move the conversation indoors. “Let’s head inside and talk. We don’t need to make a scene out here”.
Misha nodded, still looking a bit bewildered but willing to follow Jensen’s lead. The four of you made your way into the hotel lobby and quickly headed towards the elevators. Once inside the elevator, the awkwardness was palpable, but at least you were out of the public eye.
Jensen opened the door to his and your hotel room, letting everyone step inside. The atmosphere was still charged with confusion and anticipation. Once the door closed behind you, Misha raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms. “Care to share?”, he asked, looking pointedly at Jensen.
You stood awkwardly in the room, not sure where to position yourself in this unfolding conversation. Sensing your discomfort, Jared laid a reassuring hand on your back. “Come on”, he said gently, “I’ll show you the rooftop bar. They’re gonna need some time”.
You nodded, grateful for the escape. As you and Jared made your way out of the room, you could hear Jensen start to explain the situation to Misha.
Jared led you to the rooftop bar, the cool night air and the view of the city lights providing a welcome distraction. “Sorry about all the awkwardness”, Jared said as you found a quiet corner to sit. “We should have handled this better”.
You smiled at him, appreciating his understanding. “It’s okay, Jared. Things like this happen. I just hope Misha understands”.
Jared nodded, ordering a couple of drinks for the two of you. “He will. Misha’s a good guy. It’s just a lot to take in all at once”.
You both sat in comfortable silence for a moment, enjoying the view.
Back in the hotel room, Misha sat down, still looking slightly bewildered. He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees, and asked, “So, who is she?”.
Jensen hesitated for a moment, rubbing the back of his neck as he gathered his thoughts. Finally, he started to explain. “We met a few months ago at a liquor store in Austin. Jared and I were picking up some liquor for Jared’s birthday, and she was there. We got to talking, and I just couldn’t get her out of my head. One thing led to another and… it just clicked”.
Misha listened, trying to make sense of it all. “So, it’s been a few months, and you’ve kept it quiet all this time?”.
Jensen nodded. “Yeah, it’s been kind of crazy with everything going on, but it felt right. We wanted to keep it just for us for a while, you know?”.
Misha’s expression softened a bit, but there was still a hint of confusion. “What about Danneel?”.
Jensen took a deep breath, clearly anticipating this question.
“Danneel and I… we’ve had an understanding for years now. We’ve been together for the public, for the sake of appearances, but we’ve both been seeing other people for quite some time. It’s been complicated, but it’s what worked for us”.
Misha listened intently, his confusion giving way to understanding. “So, it’s been more of a business arrangement than a real relationship?”.
Jensen nodded. “Exactly. It’s not something we talk about openly… obviously. But we both agreed it was for the best. We didn’t want to deal with the media frenzy or the impact on our families. But now… I’m planning to end things for good”.
Misha leaned back, processing the information. “Wow, that’s a lot to take in. I had no idea”.
Jensen rubbed the back of his neck once more, the tension evident in his body as he processed everything that had been said. “Yeah, I know”, he mumbled, the weight of the situation lingering in the air between them.
“I always liked Danneel, you know”, he admitted, glancing sideways at Jensen as though testing the waters.
Jensen raised a brow at that, muttering under his breath, “Yeah, you’re probably the only one”.
Misha blinked at the comment, caught off guard for a moment, before a small smile crept across his face. It was an open secret among their circle that Danneel wasn’t exactly the easiest person to get along with. The only one who seemed to have found common ground with her, outside of Jensen, was Misha.
“Well, somebody had to”, Misha quipped, his tone lightening the mood slightly. There was no malice in his words.
Jensen chuckled softly, shaking his head. “Yeah, I guess so”.
There was a moment of comfortable silence between them, the kind that comes from years of friendship and shared experiences. Misha, always the peacemaker, leaned forward again, his voice softer now.
“You’ve got to do what’s right for you, man. And if this is what you want—really want—then it’s the right move. You deserve to be happy”.
Jensen sighed, a weight visibly lifting off his shoulders after hearing Misha’s words. “Thanks, man”, he said sincerely. But then he added, leaning in slightly with a knowing look, “Just, you know… you’ve got to keep this on the down low. No one’s supposed to know what’s really going on yet”.
Misha raised an eyebrow, a small grin tugging at his lips. “Me? Gossip? Never”, he joked, but there was a twinkle in his eye that told Jensen he knew exactly what Jensen was getting at. Misha had always been known for spinning a good story.
“Seriously, though”, Jensen continued, the lightness still there but a hint of urgency in his tone. “I can’t have this getting out. We’re still figuring out the timing of everything. The last thing we need is the media picking it up before Danneel and I can handle it our way”.
Misha nodded solemnly, the humor falling away as he recognized the gravity of the situation. “I get it, Jensen. My lips are sealed”. He mimed zipping his mouth shut and throwing away the key, earning a small chuckle from Jensen.
“Thanks”, Jensen said again, more earnestly this time. “I know it’s a lot to ask”.
Misha waved it off with a smile. “Hey, you’ve always had my back. Now I’ve got yours. We’re good”.
Jensen let himself sink into a chair, feeling the tension ease slightly after the conversation. He sighed heavily, running a hand through his hair, trying to shake off the weight of everything. It had been a lot to get off his chest, and now that it was out there, he felt like he could breathe a little easier.
Misha noticed the shift and grinned slyly at Jensen. “You know, Jensen”, he began, his tone teasing, “she’s pretty… well, pretty young, huh?”.
Jensen shot him a look, one that was half-amused and half-exasperated. “Really, Misha? You’re going there?”.
“Hey, I’m just saying, Ackles”, he said. “You’re not exactly getting any younger, and here you are with someone who probably still gets carded at the bar”.
Jensen groaned, rolling his eyes but couldn’t help the laugh that escaped him. “She’s not that young, Misha”, he replied, shaking his head.
“Young enough to be your daughter?”, Misha teased, his grin widening as Jensen did the quick mental math.
Jensen blinked, his face scrunching up in exaggerated thought. “Wait…”, he began, only half-joking. “Oh man, don’t make me fucking think about that”. He laughed, but there was a touch of disbelief behind it as he rubbed a hand across his face. “I mean, technically…”.
Misha cackled, thoroughly enjoying the look on Jensen’s face. “Yep! Technically, you could be getting Father’s Day cards”.
Jensen groaned, his face still buried in his hands as Misha continued to laugh. “Misha, for real, stop”, Jensen muttered through his fingers. Misha was clearly in his element, and once he got going, there was no stopping him.
“Oh, come on”, Misha teased, grinning like the Cheshire cat. “You’re telling me you’ve never heard her accidentally let slip a ‘Daddy’ during—”.
“MISHA!”, Jensen barked, his eyes wide with a mix of horror and amusement. His face turned a little pink.
Misha laughing even harder now. “What? It’s a valid question! You’re telling me that hasn’t crossed your mind at least once?”.
Jensen shook his head, still trying to stifle his laughter but also clearly mortified. “You’re a sick man, Collins. A sick, sick man”.
Misha’s grin only widened as he leaned in closer. “Oh, don’t act like I’m the only one who’s thought about it. You can’t tell me there’s not a little part of you that likes it—”
“Misha”, Jensen interrupted, his voice half pleading, half amused.
Misha just shrugged, clearly enjoying himself way too much. “You’re the one who’s dating someone young enough to—”.
Jensen raised his hand in surrender. “Alright, alright! I get it. Can we please move on from this?”.
Misha chuckled, but finally relented, holding his hands up in mock surrender. “Fine, fine. I’ll give you a break—for now”.
Jensen shook his head, a mixture of relief and exasperation on his face. “Thank you. I don’t know how much more of that I could take”.
Misha, still grinning, leaned back in his chair. “You know I’m just messing with you. If she makes you happy, that’s all that matters”.
Jensen’s expression softened, and he nodded. “She does. More than I ever thought possible”.
“Well, since you’re on the topic”, he began. “I can only imagine what it’s like for you. Must be pretty amazing”.
Jensen rolled his eyes, bracing himself for what was coming next. “Misha, don’t you dare…”.
But Misha was already back on a roll. “I mean, she’s probably pretty tigh—”.
Before he could finish, there was a knock on the door. Jensen and Misha both froze, and then the door swung open. Jared and you stepped in, fresh from the rooftop bar.
Jared took a step into the room, casually glancing between Misha and Jensen with a smirk. “All sorted out?”, he asked, his tone laced with amusement as though sensing the playful tension that still lingered in the air.
You stood beside Jared, biting your lip as your gaze shifted from Misha to Jensen. Misha, however, let his eyes linger on you a little longer than Jensen appreciated, his smile still playful but edging on something else entirely. It was harmless, but it was enough to send a flicker of protectiveness through Jensen.
And even though Jensen wasn’t typically the guy to get all touchy in front of friends or make grand gestures of possession, something inside him clicked at that moment. Without a second thought, he extended his hand toward you, his fingers beckoning you to come closer.
You noticed the subtle shift in Jensen’s body language and immediately slipped your hand into his. He gave your hand a gentle squeeze and pulled you close, right to his side.
Jared, ever the observant friend, sensed the slight shift in Jensen’s demeanor and couldn’t resist. He smirked, glancing between Jensen and Misha with an amused gleam in his eye. “Uh-oh”, Jared teased, crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow. “Looks like Misha’s mouth ran a little too loose again, huh?”.
Misha shrugged, still grinning mischievously. “What can I say? I live to entertain”, he said, feigning innocence as he leaned back in his chair. “Jensen knows I’m just messing around”.
Jensen let out a small, forced laugh, still holding you securely at his side. “Yeah, you’re always just ‘messing around’”, he replied, the playful edge in his voice not quite masking the underlying hint of annoyance.
You looked at Jensen, catching the tension in his jaw even though he was trying to keep things light. His arm tightened slightly around your waist, a quiet reassurance to himself as much as it was to you.
Misha stood up with his smile still in place, but there was a glimmer of sincerity in his eyes as he extended his hand toward you. “Alright, let’s start fresh”, he said, his voice carrying that playful charm, but with a hint of genuine respect. “Misha Collins, Jensen’s friend—not the guy trying to get a drink with you like a few weeks ago”.
You couldn’t help but laugh at the way Misha so casually acknowledged the awkwardness of that previous encounter. Jensen’s grip on your waist relaxed as he watched the interaction, his jaw unclenching slightly now that Misha was making an effort to clear the air.
You took Misha’s hand with a smile. “Good to meet you again—under different circumstances”, you replied, shaking his hand warmly.
Misha grinned, shaking his head as if laughing at himself. “Yeah, let’s just pretend I didn’t spend half that night cluelessly trying to charm you while Jensen here probably wanted to strangle me”, he quipped, glancing at Jensen with a wink.
Jensen let out a low chuckle, his earlier annoyance fading as he saw the tension dissipate. “You have noooo idea”, he grumbled. “But I appreciate the do-over”.
Jared, watching the scene unfold with amusement, clapped Misha on the shoulder. “Well, better late than never, right?”.
Misha nodded, his grin widening. “Exactly. Now, with all that sorted, how about we get some drinks?”.
A/N: Please let me know what you think.🥰
Part 22
Taglist: @cheynovak @chriszgirl92 @jenniferr0323 @angelbabyyy99 @cevansbaby-dove @muhahaha303 @jackles010378 @suckitands33 @n-o-p-e-never @mayafatimakhan @ladysparkles78 @viviandarkbloom06 @jassackles @evasmlp @acklesaddict67 @mostlymarvelgirl @emma1998sblog @mishaesque @headinthemoon87 @hobby27 @winchesterwild78 @impala67rollingthroughtown @manicjk @kr804573 @zaratahir @djs8891 @winchesterwild78 @jamerlynn @whimsyfinny @libby99hb @deansimpalababy @deans-queen @kawaii-arfid-memes @faephoria @stoneyggirl2 @fitxgrld @luvr4miya @yikeschoices @lyssalvus @soab1967 @luvr4miya @didi0666 @impala67rollingthroughtown @cheekygirl2309
114 notes · View notes
hyuckmov · 2 years
haechan — gold-skinned, eager baby pt.2 read the first part here! 
haechan x fem reader wc: 11k genre: fluff, smut 18+ minors dni warnings: chest/boobs/nipples fixation, dirty talk, fingering, oral (f recieving), unprotected sex, choking, finger sucking, blowjobs, handjobs, mirror sex, overstimulation, a little bit of dacryphilia (crying), hair pulling, dom/sub dynamics (haechan doing both), tittyfucking, thigh riding, this list is making me feel embarrassed minors dni i am so serious, breeding kink, a bit of saliva play i guess, aftercare , haechan is a mastermind male manipulator (in a cute way), me using mark as a plot device or: in which haechan is competitive (read: eager to please), and determined to find out what about him makes you lose all control
a/n: where do i even begin. writing this was so exhausting but also so rewarding at times but also i feel like i'm going to take a break from writing smut after this, i've literally written almost everything i could think of for this fic. i think what we liked from part 1 was haechan being needy and subby so i did add in scenes for that dw <3 i know i describe a lot of what they are thinking in this fic so hopefully it doesn't bore you... if it does... please sugarcoat it for me in your review (just kidding but also like...please don't be mean) anywayy... do send me an ask/reply if you liked this, as per tradition, i hope this is at least a little bit hot :) happy valentine's day!
haechan would say that his standard of living had increased exponentially since your second anniversary. 
the two of you had become more open with each other, communicating your frustrations and needs more easily. there was also a faint buzz of something in the air, moments when you would look over at him and he would feel a blush spread across his cheeks, burn low in his stomach. it felt a little like he was falling in love with you for the first time — it had been a while since he had felt so vulnerable and loved by you. 
"what are you thinking about?"
but perhaps the most significant improvement made to his life was the way he could now reflect on your loving and healthy relationship with his face nuzzled against your boobs.  
"love you so much," he mumbles against your skin, placing a small kiss on your cleavage. "that's what i'm thinking about." 
he feels your hand come down to stroke his hair gently, and he closes his eyes at the feeling. sunday mornings with you in bed: you scrolling through your phone while he's given the freedom to love on his favorite parts of you, have become just another routine that started ever since your second anniversary. 
focusing on freckling kisses on your warm skin, he's then completely unprepared for when you card your fingers through a handful of his hair only to give it a light, but still significant, tug. 
the sensation sends a feeling shooting down his spine, a slight shudder to his body as he lets out a small gasp muffled against your chest. feeling something stirring in the pit of his stomach, his legs twitching on the bed, he nuzzles his face into your chest. 
"again, please," he mumbles. 
he feels the giggles you let out at that right from where his face is pressed up against your chest. kicking his feet, he whines lightly in protest.  
"what's so funny?" 
"found something else you like," he hears you muse. "you're so sensitive, baby."
frowning, he sits up. the visual is slightly amusing — his hair mussed up, his lips swollen. 
"it's not fair," he states. you reach out a consoling hand to him, and even as he continues to grumble, he still intertwines your fingers gently, a contrast between his unhappy tone and his tender actions. "you have too much power over me." 
"what are you talking about?" you laugh, and he scowls. 
"you know." he mumbles. "you can just flash your tits at me and i'd do anything you ask-" 
"i can?" 
"and now you know i like it when you pull at my hair," he whines, a permanent pout forming on his features. "it's like there's nothing i can do that makes you go crazy." 
"that's because i love all of you," you soothe. "all of you makes me feel crazy." 
"do you have any kinks you're keeping from me?" 
"you're my kink," you tease, but your smile drops when he scowls. "sorry." 
there's a pause. haechan looks at you, hard. scanning your face, his gaze doing a slow drag down and up your body, his expression darkening. something had shifted in the air, and suddenly you're a little scared to breathe too hard. 
"i'm going to find it," he breathes. 
"i'm going to find it, and then i'm going to make you beg for me to fuck your brains out." 
"what the fuck?" 
but haechan shakes his head, and when he next refocuses his eyes on you, his eyes have the familiar twinkle in them. moving over to you, he cups your face in his hands and plants a kiss on your cheek. 
"love all of you too," he beams. "i'm going to go make breakfast, okay?" 
and with that, he all but skips out of the room, leaving you sitting on the bed, feeling unsettled and also just a little bit excited. 
the first time he tries it, it's a complete disaster. 
it's not that haechan isn't good at observing you and what you like. when you go shopping together, he doubles back when you're not looking to take photos of items you've picked up to examine, making mental notes of their price and when he could get them for you. point something out to him, and haechan runs back to the store if you leave him alone for just a second, the bag hanging from his arm when he returns as he tries to hide how fast his heart is beating from sprinting. make an off-handed comment about how good a dish looks on instagram, and he's looking up the recipe before the video ends, and you can bet on the fact that you're having it for dinner the next day. 
it's just that when it comes to him, he has no clue how to begin. you had laid out the perfect plan for him because you knew exactly what he wanted — meanwhile, he was starting from scratch. 
so in the end his brain goes to the one thing you've told him you enjoyed. after all, considering how many times he's seen you fall apart on it, you must like his cock, right?  
"why are you so far away…" he whines, exaggerating his tone a little. you're seated on the other end of the couch, head against the arm rest, your laptop perched on your lap as you work on something. at his words, you lower the screen a bit, peeking over the top of your knees with your eyebrows raised. 
"what's wrong?" you frown. "are you okay?" 
"come here and sit on my lap," he says quickly, before the embarrassment can get to him. "i missed you," he adds, patting his thighs for emphasis. 
that evening, he had chosen to put on a pair of gray sweatpants that usually left little to the imagination. he didn't wear them often for that exact reason, not wanting to make you feel uncomfortable in any way. however, that was kind of at the top of his agenda right now. 
shrugging, you make your way over to him, settling down in his lap with your back pressed against his chest. his chin rests on your shoulder as you open up your laptop again, typing in a few extra words on your document as mumble to yourself under your breath. 
and then nothing. 
haechan doesn't really know where to go from here. his plan had actually only involved one step: putting on the sweatpants. asking you to sit on his lap was already improvisation on his part, hoping that by getting you close he could hopefully get you to react. but here you were, sitting peacefully, happy in your boyfriend's warm touch. 
unsure what to do, he figures he might as well get comfortable, bringing his arms around to hold your waist. feeling like this was turning out to be a complete bust, haechan sighs and buries his face in your neck, huffing a little as he wonders if he should just give up and spend a nice evening cuddling with you. 
but then suddenly, haechan jolts. troubled by your slow progress at your work, you’ve started to absentmindedly fidget, wiggling your hips uneasily and even bouncing a little in his hold as you shift around some more. his arms reflexively tighten around you, his breath catching in his throat as he feels something stirring in his navel. 
"sorry." you whisper sheepishly, trying to keep still as you continue your work. but behind you, haechan is grinning as if christmas had come early. 
"don't be," he murmurs, voice dropping an octave. gripping your hips again, he begins to move you on his lap so that you're grinding down on him. "keep going, sweetheart." 
you bite your lip. you really wanted to pay attention to haechan, the sinful way he began to rut against you and the feeling of him slowly getting hard creating a soothing haze in your mind. "i can’t. my work…" you mumble. 
haechan freezes, thinking to himself. you weren't giving in yet. he wanted you to beg him, but so far he had initiated almost everything. "okay," he breathes, settling back down and removing his arms from your sides, even though he could feel himself getting hard. "okay, i'll stop. focus on your work, baby." 
confused, and a little worried — because when haechan wanted something he usually never stopped to get it, — you try to snap out of it. "maybe i'll go work in the bedroom…" you suggest reluctantly.
"sure," he replies, easily. crossing his fingers and hoping you didn't truly mean it. 
but before he knows it, you're standing up, the absence of your weight on him making him feel doubly empty as you begin to walk unsteadily back to your room. a slightly sad expression on your pretty features, the tension in the air making it difficult for you to look at him.
it's the look on your face that makes haechan forget all about his mission. 
"y/n wait-" his voice is high-pitched and breathy. he was more affected than he realized he was. 
at the sound of his voice, you turn around. immediately putting your laptop down on the dining table, you all but run back to your eager boyfriend, skidding slightly on the floor. clambering back into his lap, this time straddling his waist, you smile as he leans in to kiss you, frustration making his movements a little rougher than usual. 
punching him lightly on the shoulder, you glare at him for playing with your feelings. "did you really want me to go…?" nervously, you fiddle with the hairs on the nape of his neck.
"no," he says firmly, kissing you again and pressing you closer. "never."
you beam at him, happy you had such a sensitive and caring boyfriend. anyone else would have found your reaction laughable, but haechan just got you. it warmed your heart to no end. 
"y/n…" pulling you back to the current situation, haechan gently thrusts up, reminding you he was still hard. "can i…?"
"yes," you say, excitement making your reply come out rushed and flustered. "please."
smiling to himself, he pulls your sleep shorts to the side, pressing his fingers hesitantly to the seat of your panties before he falters. 
"you're so wet," he breathes, tugging your panties to the side too so he can stroke your folds with his long fingers. rubbing quick circles into your clit, he pulls you down by your shirt so he can kiss you heatedly. 
holding on to him, you feel your thighs start to tremble, unable to hold yourself up with the feeling of his hand between your legs. as he runs a finger along your slit, rough fingertips sending jolts of pleasure up your spine, you lean your weight almost entirely on him. "please, -" you gasp, not sure what you were asking for, but somehow he's even more desperate than you.  
a groan rumbles from his chest as he impatiently lifts you off his lap, maneuvering you so you take a seat on the couch. scrambling to kneel on the floor between your legs, he pulls you to the edge and pushes your legs upwards, practically folding your body. your feet planted on the couch, your breathing grows heavier and heavier as he tugs off your shorts and panties, leaving you completely exposed to him. the sight makes him moan out again, and he pauses.
"can i lick you?" breathlessly, and almost in a trance, he presses a kiss to your thigh, arms coming up to hook around your thighs and keep them open. "pussy's so pretty baby…" he murmurs, blowing air on your clit and making you tilt your hips towards his mouth. "i just know it'll taste sweet."
"don't tease," you plead. haechan's only ever done this a few times and on special occasions, usually more for you than for him. but when you look at the way his eyes are glazing over, his tongue peeking out to wet his lips hesitantly, you know he wants this just as much as you do. 
"wouldn't dream of it." and with that he dives in, his tongue flat and wide as he licks up your arousal. alternating between flicking at your clit and lapping at your entrance, his moans fall from his open mouth freely, muscles in his arms flexing as he presses you further in the couch and tries to keep your hips from bucking up into him. 
when you feel him dip his tongue into your tight entrance, your hands fly to his hair, curling on his strands around your fingers. the feeling going straight to his cock, he whimpers as he loosens a hand to ease a finger into you, his mouth suckling on your clit. 
"cum for me," his mouth detaches from you sloppily, and you swallow as you see his chin dripping with your juices, his lips wet with saliva. "wanna feel you cum on my fingers so bad…" dipping his head back down, he flicks at your clit harshly, his fingers pressing against your walls. you feel your back arch off the sofa as your thighs clamp down around his head, his tongue still working on you as you cum, hard. 
your hips buck against his face and his nose bumps against your clit as he kitten licks at your folds, lightly overstimulating you as you ride out your high. pushing his head away gently, you’re just beginning to put down your legs when you're startled by his hand, shooting out to prevent them from closing entirely. grasping your thigh. 
"please?" haechan's eyes are blown out and wide as he rises up on his knees, his hands trembling slightly as they move higher up your thighs. "i'm so hard…" you take in the way his hips absentmindedly move against the edge of the sofa seat. fully hard in those sweatpants, looking absolutely sinful the way he chases any form of friction. 
"of course," you breathe, lying back on the couch as he enthusiastically tugs down his sweatpants, his cock slapping up against his navel, the tip red and leaking precum. propping himself up with a hand, the other gripping onto your waist, he closes his eyes as he slides in, the two of you letting out moans as you shiver from the sensitivity. before you know it, he's fucking you into the couch, whines falling from his lips freely, rising in pitch as his eyes screw tightly shut. you close your eyes too, reaching out to grab onto his shoulders, the feeling of him stretching you out pushing you close to your climax again. 
haechan has completely lost all grip on reality. he feels your walls sucking him in, wrapping around him so tightly he can't even pull out properly. the rhythm of his thrusts jagged and needy, his hips rutting into you in a frenzy, he's only able to last a few more seconds before he's cumming, his hips stuttering as he feels you tighten around him again. his throat is hoarse, and he wonders if he was screaming instead of moaning. under him, you're also coming down from your high, smiling as you see how winded he is.
"you okay?" tapping him gently on the cheek, you give him a small kiss on his cheek as he blinks dazedly at you. "haechan?" you give him another kiss. 
"yeah-" he mumbles. "fuck." he realises he's still pressed on you, so he gets up, giving you more space to sit up and breathe. as he collapses on the other side of the couch, he takes your hand in his and presses a kiss to his knuckles, lips still sticky. "was i too rough?" he murmurs, worriedly. "i'm sorry, i just really lost control at the end-" 
"it was perfect," you assure him, crawling over so you can hold him. "i liked it," you smile. 
his expression clears, and his eyes crinkle into a smile that mirrors yours as he kisses you sweetly on the tip of your nose. "you were perfect," his eyes sappy with love, he feels sleepiness overcome his body. "i'll run a bath and we can relax after, okay?" 
it's only after the bath, and after the impromptu supper he makes for you, when the two of you are in bed, when he realizes that he's completely lost the plot. today's attempt had told him nothing, except maybe he was going to get addicted to the feeling of eating you out. 
looking at your sleeping form in bed, a light smile ghosting on your lips and the glow of being taken care of by your boyfriend shining on your face, he shakes his head and decides that for now it doesn't matter. he'll figure it out eventually, he knew he would.
the second time haechan tries it, he starts out slow. 
"your fingers are so pretty." 
you're out running errands with him, and as the two of you stroll back to the car, his fingers brush yours and he takes your palm in his. now, holding up your clasped hands to examine his fingers, you smile sweetly at him. "i think you have really pretty finger joints." 
"yeah?" it's a small compliment, but haechan always liked being praised, even for the smallest things. "thank you, baby." 
he doesn't want to build any expectations for himself, or expect any reaction from you immediately. he's sure that that's what went wrong with the first attempt. did he really expect you to fall to his feet when you saw him in those sweatpants? it was silly. it was childish. haechan could do better than that. 
he starts out by not taking off his rings when he's around the house, hoping that the sight of them on his pretty finger joints could stir something in you. so far, nothing. (although you did ask him if you could get another set of couple rings together. he said yes.)
he starts picking up activities which show off his fingers more. asking you if you wanted to watch him play the piano, or the guitar. still mostly nothing, although the activities did bring you closer together, his cheeks burning as you praised him for his talent. 
happy that your boyfriend was sharing his interests with you, you asked him to help you with your baking, wanting to reciprocate with your own creative date-night ideas. he was nothing but sweet to you when you brought up the idea, accompanying you to the store for ingredients and helping you set up the kitchen. sure, he seemed to want to hold your hand throughout almost the whole thing, following you around the kitchen like a lost puppy, but once you assigned him to the task of melting the chocolate the two of you fell into a nice rhythm, his soft humming filling the kitchen as he busies himself with the hot water. 
"is the chocolate ready?" 
"yeah," he mumbles, lips pouting with concentration. he looks up to see you smiling at him, tilting your head in curiosity as you watch him stir the melted chocolate a few times. 
and suddenly, he knows exactly what to do. 
dipping two fingers in the chocolate, he holds it up to your lips. "wanna taste?" he asks, as casually as he can.
flustered, you swat his hand away gently. "i can do that myself," you try, shyly. 
"come on," he urges you. his eyes, which have been zeroed in on your lips, flicker up to your eyes and you can see them glint. "just a taste," he says, softly. 
inside, his heart is beating hard against his chest. although it was only the two of you in the kitchen, he could tell from the way you looked at his fingers that you were flustered, hesitating over the idea of sucking on his fingers so boldly. if he could just get you to do this…
he watches with bated breath as you swallow, inching forwards. grabbing his wrist to keep his hand steady, you stick out your tongue to lick at his fingers cautiously. you're just able to taste a hint of the chocolate, when haechan pushes forward and his fingers are enveloped in the warmth of your mouth. 
"now come on," he breathes, a thrill running down his spine as he sees your eyes widen. gently but firmly, he continues to hold your gaze. "suck." 
this was it. a smile spreads across his face as you begin to suck on his fingers obediently, looking up at him through your lashes. he'd won. except…he wasn't really sure anymore, what with the way your tongue was now swirling around his fingers as you continued to lick them clean. the feeling of it foreign yet familiar, making his breath catch in his throat as he’s reminded of the fact that it had been a while since you’ve sucked him off.
but while he was still struggling to figure out who had the upper hand, you already released his fingers with a pop, looking at him knowingly as you went back to measuring ingredients. 
a pause. 
shaking his head a few times to steady himself, he tried to stay confident, putting on his cockiest smile as he sidled up to you. 
"did you like that?" 
"like what?" 
"you know what," he wraps a hand around your wrist to halt your movements, pushing your measuring scale and various other bowls to the side so you focus on him. "did you like sucking on my fingers?" 
"i felt what you were doing with your tongue, baby." he relishes the way you can't look him in the eyes. "i know you liked my fingers, but i didn't know you liked them that much…" he muses, voice low. a heavy hand snakes up to rub your waist. "wonder if you would like my hands somewhere else…" a flicker of need courses through his body as the words leave his mouth, his hands wandering up to your chest to palm your boobs. "or…" he trails off, biting his lip to try to keep his thoughts to himself.
confused as to why he had gone silent, you finally look up at him, feeling your eyes widen in surprise to see that haechan's demeanor had done a total shift entirely on his own. rather than the usual hard stare and stony expression that accompanies his low tones and rough touches, his lashes flutter with need, teeth tugging mindlessly on his lip as he is completely and wholly distracted by the soft feeling of your chest in his palm. 
"haechan?" you prompt him. 
"fuck, sorry-" he blurts out, unsure of what he was apologizing for. "it's just…", breathily, he scrabbles at your bra, tugging it down so he can touch your nipples. "they fit perfectly in my palms…" and there it is: the familiar pitch of his voice that tells you he's going to start whining soon. 
you can't help but laugh at him, amused as much as you are in awe of him. "did you really just dirty talk yourself into this state?" 
"yes. wait, i mean, no-" troubled, he furrows his brow as you begin to take off your shirt. "uh…"
"we can discuss this later," you soothe, leading him out of the kitchen, the idea of baking long forgotten.
1.12 am, haechan: don't get distracted by boobs.  1.12am, haechan: don’t look at boobs.  1.13am, haechan: don't touch boobs.  1.13am, mark: what the fuck ?????
“you taste good,” you murmur, touching his cheeks lightly as you lean in to kiss him again in the darkness.
eagerly, haechan sits up. you’re startled by the sudden movement, blinking at him blearily, but soon you’re being tugged up and into his lap, him rearranging your legs haphazardly so you’re straddling him as he leans against the headboard.
but haechan kisses you before you can finish your sentence, his remarkably soft and pillowy lips moving against yours with a soft fervor. 
“feel good?” he asks, expectantly.
“yeah…” you mumble, a little dazed. 
“used a lip scrub,” he states, proudly, kissing you again to punctuate the point. “and i’ve been using a lip sleeping mask for the past 2 days.”
“you taste like strawberry,” you point out, weakly.
“lip balm,” he breathes, almost buzzing with excitement. “you like?”
“yes,” you smile at him, endeared by how happy he was. you lean in, kissing him again, sucking gently on his bottom lip and making him sigh into your mouth. pulling away, you fail to notice the way his eyes light up in anticipation, only to flicker with confusion as you dip your head to snuggle into his hold. burying your face in his chest, you give him a gentle pat as you close your eyes, ready to return to the peaceful state of dozing off you were at when he had first kissed you goodnight. “sleep well, baby.”  
his puffy lips, his puffy sweet strawberry-scented smooth lips, pucker slightly into a pout. “y/n?”
“you don’t wanna kiss me more?” he whispers, the words a little pathetic in the silence of the room.
“tomorrow, baby.” you assure him, stifling a yawn as you feel yourself drop off. “sweet dreams.”
sighing, he pats you gently on the back as if you were a baby, lulling you to sleep. this really wasn’t as easy as he thought it was going to be. 
sweet dreams he thinks bitterly to himself, closing his eyes too.
all the thinking was taking a toll on haechan's brain. 
he was good at games, he was good at strategy. but the thing was, this felt less like a game and more like an experiment: the observation required, the long-term planning, introducing new variables, and analyzing your reactions to see if his actions had the desired outcome. 
he tried revisiting the hand thing. 
"look at how pretty my fingers look around your neck." 
he slides his fingers out from between your legs slowly, smearing your arousal on your thighs before coming up to steer your chin back towards the mirror. the image is so lewd that you want to look away again — you, wearing only his shirt. haechan's chest pressed up against your back, you sitting between his spread legs, your thighs propped apart by his own. one of his hands squeezes lightly on your throat as the other trails back down, two fingers stretching you out as much as he can. 
choked moans fall from your lips as you shake in his hold when you cum, his rings digging into your throat. he releases you almost at once, letting you come down from your high as air floods back into your lungs, murmuring praises into your hair as he cleans you up, while you were too tired and hoarse to speak.
but that was that. you never brought it up with him or requested he do it again, although he knows that if he asked you wouldn't deny him. so he filed it away for next time. 
he tried thinking of things he loved about you. he loved to kiss your neck — so he tried wearing necklaces, tilting his head back more to showcase his jawline, encouraging you to kiss him there. but the most you'd done was ask him if his neck felt sore. 
it was a friday, and haechan decided to leave work early, to see if he could get a headstart on a new lead he had. you had stared a lot at his legs the other night when he had taken you out for dinner, saying they looked pretty in the skinny jeans he was wearing. if that wasn't a directive, he didn't know what was. 
and so he made a short detour on his way home, stopping by the mall to pick out a pair of ripped skinny jeans. he liked the way they hugged his thighs, the slivers of soft skin that showed underneath. 
that's how you find him, when you arrive home. standing in front of the bedroom mirror, scrutinizing his appearance in the mirror. 
"i'm home…" you call out, before stopping. in the mirror, haechan can see your eyes widen and his heartbeat quickens with excitement. you're clearly distracted, unable to tear your eyes away from his legs. was this it? 
meanwhile, you can't stop staring at your boyfriend. usually in sweatpants or baggy jeans, you haven't seen him dressed like this in a while. there are so many rips in the jeans he practically didn't have to wear them, and yet somehow they're positioned in a way that made you want to suck bruises onto his smooth skin. 
your eyes flicker up to his, narrowing slightly when you see the expression of pure unadulterated glee that takes over his features. the corner of his lips quirked up smugly, his eyebrows raised in a challenge. 
and it just flips a switch in you. 
"did you dress like this for me?" you ask, softly. walking over to him, you tug him closer by the belt loops of his jeans, leaning in so your lips brush his. "did you want my attention that badly?" 
haechan falters. this was not how it was supposed to go. 
"can't think of an answer?" you mock. trailing your fingers down to his thighs, you scrape at the exposed skin there with your fingernails, making him jolt. "you were so confident just now, baby…" you pinch him, and he sucks in a breath. "what happened?" 
"i…" at the sight of you tugging your shirt off, his splutters out in alarm. "wait! don't-" feeling stupid, but panic overtaking his brain, he squeezes his eyes shut. "don't take off your shirt." 
you burst out into genuine laughter. getting more and more flustered by the second, he slowly opens his eyes, peeping a few times to make sure your shirt remains on. "don't make fun of me," he mumbles. "it's just that, i get really distracted if i see them, and-"
"oh i know," you assure him, kissing his cheek. "i mean, i was going to let you fuck them, but i'll just suck you off instead." 
he protests the entire time as you push him to take a seat on the edge of the bed, babbling on and on about how this was supposed to be about you. however, the moment you take your position, kneeling between his legs as you reach out to palm him through his jeans, he falls silent. 
"these are new…" he mumbles, weakly. he can't help the way his hips begin to squirm under your touch. 
"aww…"  you squeeze him tighter over the denim and he whimpers. "bought them just for me?" 
"yeah…" he admits, swallowing hard. "y/n…can you…" 
you finish his thought by undoing the buttons on his jeans, tugging down the zipper as he lifts his hips obediently, tugging the material down to free his hard on. when he starts to remove his jeans entirely, you place a hand on his to stop him. grinning at him, you place a light kiss on his thigh. 
"i really like these jeans," you explain. 
you can feel haechan's eyes on you as if he were in a trance. looking up at him, you coo at the sight: his mouth hanging slightly open, drool spilling around his mouth from how he's been licking and tugging at his bottom lip from just the feeling of you touching him over his jeans. reaching a hand up, you wipe his saliva off with your fingers as if he were a baby, his tongue darting out to lick at your fingers. indulging him, you push them into his mouth: full, heart-shaped lips, wrapping around your knuckles as he sucks obediently. 
extracting your fingers from his mouth, you comfort him with a pat on the cheek as slowly, and with a light touch, you start to rub at the pink tip of his cock with your wet fingers. the stimulation makes his legs jump, and he lets out a cry, hands scrabbling and twisting at the sheets. neediness seeping out from all the pores in his body, your hand becoming slick with his precum as you pick up the pace, giving him longer strokes along his shaft. 
you look up at him, and his face is contorted with pleasure, eyebrows furrowed and eyes squeezed shut. his head thrown back, you can see his adam's apple bobbing as he gasps for air. 
"do you like your reward, baby?" you tease, taking your hands off his cock to dig your nails into his thigh instead. the feeling makes him wail, eyes opening to focus on you, blinking away the spots in his vision. 
he nods, still gasping for breath. "don't stop," he manages. "please, don't stop." 
"i'll take care of you, baby, i promise" you ease, hands going back to stroke him, although at a much gentler pace. "keep your eyes on me, okay? i want you to think of this every time you see these jeans…" you take his tip into your mouth, pressing your tongue into his slit. and without any warning, his hips buck into your face and he's cumming messily, all over your mouth and chin. 
"sorry," he moans, unable to control himself. "fuck, i'm sorry,-" his words are twisted into a loud cry at the sudden feeling of both of your hands on him. cum makes the slide easier as you twist your wrists in opposite directions, watching as haechan's whole body spasms — his movements jerky, grabbing at your arms to push you away while his hips continue to thrust forward into the pleasure. you feel a sense of excitement rush through you too as you survey how his thighs shake, muscles in his legs spasming. 
"thought you told me not to stop," you bite your lip, putting on a confused expression. "i promised i'd take care of you." 
haechan is too far gone to respond. tears begin to run down his cheeks as he cums again, globs of cum oozing from his slit. finally stopping your movements for good, you climb up onto the bed next to him, letting him reach for you and pull you close. his tears stain the shirt on your shoulder, and you run your hands through his hair to soothe him. 
finally, his breathing evens out and he plants a soft kiss on your shoulder. 
feeling a little guilty, you brush the hair out of his eyes as you try to read his expression. "are you okay?" you ask, softly. 
he gives you a dopey smile. "yeah," he kisses you again, letting the feeling of your lips moving against his ground him. his hands ghost over your thighs, and he starts to pull you into his lap. "you want me to return the favor…?" 
"no, it's okay." smiling at him, you cup his face in your hands before you realize that your palms are still filthy with drool and cum. "we should probably get cleaned up…" you murmur. 
"i'm never wearing any other pair of jeans," he sighs, contentedly, letting you guide him towards the bathroom.
later that night, haechan is lying in bed, reflecting on what just happened. sure, he hadn't gotten you needy and desperate, and in fact he'd done all of the begging, but this was definitely a step in the right direction. it was the biggest reaction he'd gotten from you yet, one that was entirely initiated by you, his cheeks warming at the memory. 
"can we talk?" 
"of course, baby." clearing his head of his thoughts, he pulls you in closer to him, heart warming at the feeling of you snuggling up to him. "is everything okay?" 
"yeah," you say in a small voice. "but i wanted to ask you if you're okay." 
hearing the soft concern in your voice, he tries to remember if he said anything to you about feeling upset, or unhappy, but nothing comes to mind. 
"yeah i'm fine," he frowns. you look up at him with skeptical eyes, and he lifts a hand from where it's wrapped around you to stroke your hair, hoping to comfort you. "what's wrong?" 
"it's just this whole…" you sigh. "you trying to find ways to make me feel good." 
"is it too much?" panic starts to seep into his brain as he runs through the things he's done with you, and to you, these past few weeks. he's sure he made sure you were comfortable with everything, but there was always the possibility that you were appeasing him. maybe he'd gone a little too far with the choking. "i can stop if you want, i didn't think-" 
"no, that's not it-" you interrupt, placing a hand on his chest. "i'm okay, everything's okay." moving up a little bit on the bed, you press a soft, close-lipped kiss against his lips. it takes a few seconds, his body still frozen with uncertainty, before he relaxes and kisses you back, deepening the kiss and holding on to you tightly. 
"i just hope you know that i love you, so much," you say when he pulls away. "and, you don't have to do anything special to make me feel crazy about you." 
"i meant what i said that day," you insist. "i know i've mostly been in control recently, and you think i have so much control over you now…but i want you to know that even before our second anniversary i've been just as obsessed with you." 
shyly, haechan bites his lip in thought, your words making him feel more flustered than he would have expected. 
"see?" you continue. "i think you look so pretty when you bite your lip. and i love your hands…" you reach for his palms and place a soft kiss to his knuckles. "love your fingers, no matter what you're doing with them. love your legs, love your moles…" 
"okay, okay." he buries his face into his pillow, a warm glow spreading through his body at your praise. "you can stop now," he murmurs. 
"love all of you." you finish, burying your face in his chest again. "love everything you do, so don't worry, okay?" you mumble, sleep slowly taking over your body as a weight is lifted off your chest. watching haechan observe your reactions extra carefully has been endearing, and being on the receiving end of his constant affection has you dizzy in more ways than you show.  you just hoped that his relentless attempts to please you and read your mind didn't mean he felt unconfident about how much you loved him. 
but haechan doesn't respond. a sense of disappointment blooms in his chest, and he can't for the life of him figure out why he felt so forlorn. it had seemed so simple: he wanted to find out how he could have you needy and eager for him, just as he was with you. just like you had tested out his obsession with your boobs — and at the thought, his hand guiltily strays downwards to palm you over your shirt, needing at least some form of comfort on this confusing night, — he had tested you. and while you responded eagerly to whatever he did, there was no denying that you didn't usually initiate it, and he doesn't know if he would classify your behavior as needy in the way he wanted you to be.
maybe he just needed to tease you a little more. or maybe he needed to deny you pleasure just as you were about to cum. maybe, if he initiated it, and then suddenly left to do something else-
"you're thinking so loud, baby," he snaps out of it with a jolt, feeling you shift in his hold, your eyes opening groggily and a pretty pout settling on your lips. "go to sleep, please," you groan.
haechan lets out a groan of his own. "i'm confused…" he mumbles.
but he shakes his head. you've already reassured him, and honestly he thinks he'll go crazy if he hears you profess your love to him again. 
drumming your fingers on his chest, you hum lightly, thinking to yourself. "will you feel better if i let you fuck my tits?" 
"yes please," haechan sighs, sitting up and shaking the sleepiness from his body before clambering over to straddle you, practiced hands pushing your shirt up. 
and as he lets out a soft wail — feeling you licking at his tip when he thrusts all the way up your cleavage, his hands scrabbling for purchase on your soft breasts, — he almost believes he's okay with giving up this game he set for himself. 
haechan spins the controller in his hand and waits for his next game to load. 
he had let the whole thing fall from his mind. he'd gotten some pretty good sex out of it, and he felt closer to you than ever before, and that was all that really mattered in the end. now, he could actually focus on his favorite past-times without wondering what you were doing, could wake up each day and not stress over what he should wear. he was sure he would get over the disappointment, pushing the uneasiness from his mind completely as he slumps further down in his gaming chair and starts to think about how to get past his opponent instead. 
faintly, he can hear the door push open behind him. you must have entered the room. "hey," he calls out. "i just started another round but i can come spend time with you after i'm done, okay?" 
no response. weird, but maybe you were distracted with your phone. 
"i was thinking," he continues. "do you want me to cook dinner or should we order in? i've been craving pasta but i need to know if you prefer mine or-" but he cuts himself off when he notices you hovering next to his computer, a large oversized shirt hanging from your frame. it's the look on your face that makes him forget everything about dinner or pasta or cooking. 
"y/n?" he blinks. "what's wrong?" 
"i need you," your soft voice whiny. 
"um…" surprised, he's taken aback as you sit yourself down on his lap, straddling one of his thighs. he drops his controller clumsily, arms coming around to hold you as the game goes on ignored behind your back. "are you hurt? or is it…do you-" he sucks in a sharp breath when he feels your wet core moving on his bare thigh. you're not wearing anything except for the shirt. 
you start moving, rolling your hips onto his firm muscle as if it were second nature, your eyes locking with his and he gulps at the desperation in them, pleading with your expression for him to help you. 
"fuck, baby, what's gotten into you?" what should he do? panicked, he sits up in his seat, the movement making his thigh muscle tense and you let out a whine, your swollen clit extra sensitive at the feeling. "baby, not here," he coaxes, alarm in his tone as he wonders if you're going to cum right then and there. his hands going to your waist, he feels you press down harder on him, your moans increasing in pitch as you ride his thigh without a care in the world, egged on by the feeling of his skin on yours. 
"baby, wait, get off for a moment, let's get on the bed," he tries to move again and it jostles you, and you roll your hips even faster. 
"don't care," you whine. "need you now. wanna cum now…" tears prickle at the corner of your eyes. you're so frustrated that it hurts, you needed him so badly but it's like he'd forgotten how to touch you entirely. "haechan," you groan. "i need your fingers, anything…" the hot friction on your clit making you fall forwards, burying your face in his neck. 
still flustered, haechan tries his best to help you out, wracking his brain of what to do. tensing his thigh muscles, he bounces you gently on his leg, one hand steadying you and the other scraping lightly across your nipples, just the way you like it. gasping at the sudden stimulation, you whimper in his ear to let him know you were close, your arms grabbing haechan's hands and guiding him to move your hips for you. 
you cum just like that, a high whine and your body shuddering, haechan continuing to bounce you on his thigh to help you ride it out. as you recover, he realizes that he's winded and breathless too, the reality of what just happened sweeping over him. 
but what exactly just happened? 
"if you don't mind me asking…" he panted. 
you nodded, still in your head. "yeah?"
blinking up at you politely, he licks his lips nervously before asking, "what did i do? and, how do i do it again?" 
shaking your head you hug him before clambering off his lap. "like i said," you reassure him with a kiss on his cheek before you stumble off to clean yourself up. "i love all of you." 
"you guys need to leave me out of your sex life," mark grumbles, the moment the call connects. "i want the best for you, dude, but i'm not that invested in your personal happiness, okay?" 
haechan scoffs at that. "firstly, it's not like i'm not privy to your sex life. been a good boy for mommy recently?" 
"i was just-!" 
"and secondly," continues haechan, ignoring mark's splutters and protests, "you owe me." 
"i owe you?" 
"haechan's fucking obsessed with your tits…" he mocks in a clumsy voice, scowling at the memory. "you gave her an unfair advantage-" 
"i don't sound like that-" 
"so you owe me. now help me figure this out." before mark can think of some other way of protesting, haechan begins to ramble on and on about his feelings for you, and the dynamic in the relationship as of late. he analyses your reactions to him, the varied success in his attempts to get you riled up, your conversation together when you convinced him to drop the matter.
"but then, this morning i swear i'm just doing nothing-" he cuts himself off, feeling his breath hitch as the vivid memory hits him with full force. remembering how it sounded when you begged for him. the feeling of you moving on his thigh, of you guiding his hand to your core. 
everything he ever wanted, and he had no idea how he got it in the first place. 
mark is staring at him blankly. "this morning…?" he prompts. 
"nothing," haechan shakes his head quickly. "basically, she kind of jumped me, and i'm still trying to figure out why." 
"jumped you like in a bad way…or-" 
"in a really good way," haechan mumbles, suddenly feeling a little shy. not wanting to describe exactly how it felt for you to use his body like that, when he wasn't even trying. 
"okay, uh, cool." mark nods a few times, frowning slightly to himself. "you sure you were doing nothing?" 
"i was playing a game in my room." 
"could've been the gaming?" mark suggests, half-heartedly. 
"but i do that all the time," haechan sighed. "she doesn't do that with me every time." if only it were that easy, he would have you figured out in 3 seconds flat. 
"what were you wearing?" 
"just some shorts and a shirt." 
"could've been your thighs…?" mark tries. "she told me she loved your thighs." 
"could be…" distracted, haechan blinks. "wait. my thighs?" 
"yep," mark winces. "i won't quote exactly what she said, because i don't want to hear myself saying that to you, but just take my word for it." 
haechan thinks about it, hard. but then he shakes his head. "fuck, i think i did it wrong. i mean i tried legs and it didn't work, and i thought thighs were included in legs for obvious reasons, but-" 
"or maybe it just had nothing to do with you," mark shrugs, reaching for his drink to take a sip. "maybe she's just ovulating or something."
"she's just what?" haechan balks. 
"um…ovulating." mark freezes, immediately wishing he hadn't brought it up. to hell with haechan's sex life. "it affects the hormones and it might results in a higher sex drive for her or-" he cuts himself off when he notices that haechan is staring at him, stock-still in his seat. "um…it's part of her menstrual cycle…?" mark tries.
haechan looks at him blankly. 
"basically, it's like when her ovaries-" mark winces. "dude, i'm not about to explain your girlfriend's ovaries to you." 
"but i can't ask her," haechan finally speaks up. 
flustered, mark runs his hand through his hair a couple of times before deciding to just rip the band-aid off. haechan could be very persistent if he wanted to be, and he didn't want his phone blowing up with texts about this. 
"basically, in the days leading up to her…um…her period, her hormones levels are messed up because her body's preparingforababy," mark rushes through the sentence, hoping to god his girlfriend wasn't currently standing outside his room, listening to him poorly explain what a woman's menstrual cycle was. 
thankfully, haechan gets it on the first listen. "so she might be extra…" 
"yeah," mark cuts in, feeling his face burn. somehow, haechan seems to be taking in this information extremely calmly, as if he were sitting in a life sciences class. "um, so, can i go now?" 
"sure," haechan says, absentmindedly. "thanks mark-" but the call ends before he can finish the words. 
slowly shutting the screen of the laptop, haechan stares at the empty wall before him and just thinks. could it really be that your neediness this morning wasn't a result of his doing at all? he tries to think back to previous months, because if mark was correct, this wouldn't be the first time this has happened: but for some reason, he can't recall a thing. he's always too lost in the feeling of you to ever notice things like what day it was happening on or whether it mirrored your behavior from previous months. scheming and plotting was truly not his style. 
what exactly was he trying to do with this experiment? was he really trying to find a way to get to you just as you had to him? but he did have you just the way he wanted. this morning had proven that. 
so what if he couldn't figure out if it was his hands or his thighs? you had promised all of you to him. said you loved all of him just the same. 
so maybe it was time to make good on that promise. 
haechan has been on his phone the whole day. 
normally, you wouldn't really mind. he was so loving and attentive all of the time, that a little bit of absent-mindedness didn't bother you. it's just that today, you wish he were paying a bit more attention to you, especially because you can't seem to get him out of your mind - what with it being your peak day of ovulation.
the thing is, haechan was always somehow so attuned to you that he never left you feeling restless and needy. you rarely had to ask him for anything, because he would always deliver of his own accord — wanting you as much as you wanted him. it had been fun, in the weeks leading up to your second anniversary, seeing how riled up you could get him, and exactly how far he would go. even while he claimed to be doing the same to you, he was still the one to initiate everything, leaving you more than satiated afterwards, each time. and although his efforts had unsettled you, you'd eventually told him, hoping that it wasn't some underlying miscommunication or problem in your relationship causing the sudden eagerness to take you anywhere and everywhere. 
and ever since, nothing. chaste kisses on cheeks, arms around your waist while you cuddled. somehow, subtly, control had shifted back to him as you waited on his next move, waited for the next time he would approach you to try something. you suspected he didn't even know that he had control, skipping around the apartment, unaware that you were practically begging for him to make a move.
this morning, you couldn't take it anymore. your dreams the previous night punctuated by visuals of haechan eating you out, of him letting you ride his thighs, of him playing with your chest. the moment you heard him in the next room, raspy voice ordering his teammates around, and the moment you caught sight of him in his shorts, you had decided to indulge in your own needs, to hell with waiting for your boyfriend to take care of you. 
but almost an entire afternoon had passed since then, and you could feel the space between your legs getting wet again, your brain flitting back to the scenes from your dream. shuffling into your bedroom, you see haechan lounging on the bed, disappointment flickering at the back of your mind when you release he had put on some sweatpants instead. still on his phone, he barely looked up at you when you approached him. 
raising his head to look at you, he raises his eyebrows. you falter as you see his closed off expression. 
"yes?" he responds, softly. 
swallowing, you press on, sitting down opposite him. "can you…can you please…" you take a deep breath, fiddling with the edge of your shirt before you realize that yes, that was the perfect way to get him to notice you. removing your shirt quickly, you see him look up from his phone, his eyes flickering down to look at your bare chest, lingering slightly before moving back up to your face. 
"can i please…?" he repeats, face devoid of expression. 
you balk. haechan never acted like this with you. embarrassment, and a little bit of indignance, rises up in you, and you have to stop yourself from whining. "you know," you bite your lip, imploring him to understand. 
he sighs. "speak in full sentences, baby." going back to his phone, he clicks on a new tab. "i can't read your mind." 
"i need you," you blurt out, feeling delight rush through your body as he looks up at you. finally. 
but he makes no effort to move. "why?"
confused, you make an impatient sound. "what do you mean, why?" 
"why are you suddenly so needy?" he asks, voice steady and calm. his eyes stare at you, gaze unwavering. "was it something i did? or did something happen to you?" 
"i don't know what you mean…" you hesitate, but your answer doesn't mean anything because he's not really listening. setting his phone down, he pushes you onto your back with a slight roughness, crawling over to you.
"thought i was doing it for you, baby-" he confesses, quietly. "trying to figure out if you liked my fingers, or my thighs…seeing if you liked it when i use you…" towering over you, he takes in the tension in your body, your shaky breaths as his fingers trail up your stomach, leaving goosebumps in their wake. 
"but i was wrong," he muses. you hang onto his every word, mind attuned to the syllables falling from his lips, body sparking at his slightest touch. 
"was doing it for me," he breathes. "i wanted to see you this fucked out before i even touch you." his hand caresses your upper thigh, tutting lowly under his breath. "messy baby, dripping all over the sheets…" 
unable to take it anymore, you try to sit up and move towards him, pushing your body up on your elbows, but haechan's hand whips out and he shoves you back down onto your back with a firm palm.
"don't move." he soothes, but there's a warning in his tone. slowly, he eases your legs apart to settle down in between them, and you whimper slightly from how he manages to make you feel so exposed.
"when was the last time you'd been good for me, hm?" his thumb traces soft circles on your soft skin. "i give you a little bit of power and it goes to your head…doesn't it, pretty?" his face leans closer, his lips almost brushing yours as he speaks. 
"it doesn't-" your voice trembles, as his palms press down firmly on your thighs, spreading you open wider. 
"have me touching your tits, stroking you all the time," he breathes. "does it feel that good?" 
"thought you were letting me use you, but all this time you were using me," he ignores you. "all i wanted was for you to sit on my lap and beg for me…" suddenly, his hand moves, and you feel a sharp sting as he flicks at your clit with his thumb and forefinger over your panties. a loud whimper leaves your mouth as you feel your thighs jerk, and embarrassingly more of your arousal seeps out onto the sheets. your hand reaches out, trying to hold on to his wrist so he stops teasing you, but gently, and almost lazily, his other hand manages to grasp both your wrists in his hand. 
"but no matter what i tried…" he continues, and you can tell he's saying it for himself more than you. his hand moving as if on instinct, his fingers beginning to stroke your folds over the fabric, paying no attention to the way you trembled and squirmed at his touch. "you would still sit there on the couch, waiting for me to come take you…" 
"i'm sorry-" you sob, your throat closing up.
"you're so spoiled." and for the first time this evening, he kisses you lightly on the corner of your lips. you tilt your head, trying to catch his lips with yours, mouth open and ready, but already he's pulling away, smiling to himself. "spoiled." he repeats.
"haechan please-" you try to free your hands so you can do something — touch him, or even touch yourself. "i need-" 
"you need me to fuck you?" he tilts his head, the harshness of his words contrasting with the gentle, and almost mocking way he says it. "is that what you want to say?" 
shame burns low in your stomach, and you nod imperceptibly. mirroring you, haechan nods too, his eyebrows raised.
"say it," he insists. "say you need me to fuck you."
at your hesitation, he backs away slowly, the warmth of his body leaving yours as he starts to slacken his hold on your wrists. immediately, your hands shoot free and you pull at the hem of his shirt pathetically, trying to keep him close to you.
"i need you to fuck me," you whine, trying to hold your gaze with him even as his eyes go dark. "please, don't go-" 
"how long were you going to make me wait?" he seethes, flicking at your clit again, fingers roughly pulling at your panties and making them snap against your skin. 
you can't think of anything to say. you whine his name, and he scoffs at how wrecked you sound. 
"why didn't you tell me your body wanted a baby, hm?" 
you freeze. what? "you m-mean…" you stutter, as haechan begins to tug your panties down your legs. 
"needy baby fucks herself on my thigh because she wants a baby in her, is that right?" his voice thick. 
"yes," you hear yourself say. there was no point in denying it, you needed him so badly. and the idea of him putting a baby in you, of fucking you so full of him until you were swollen and full… 
"then prove it." sitting back up against the headboard, you follow him eagerly, no longer caring about how you acted around him, your skin burning hot from the way he was speaking to you. he let you strip him of his sweatpants, your mouth going dry at how hard he was. maybe you could suck him off first, and in return he could finger you-
a rough hand shoots out to grab your chin, forcing you to look up at him. "focus," he demands. "i want you to ride me." 
hurriedly, you start to straddle him, lining his cock up to your entrance before you hesitate. he hadn't really prepped you yet, and although you wanted it so badly…
you cry out as he shoves two fingers into you, sighing at the way you fall forward into his chest at the feeling. curling his fingers in you, finding your soft spot effortlessly, he murmurs close to your ear. "tell me if i'm being too rough, okay?" if possible, his words make you even more needy, and you nod, hips chasing his hand. "don't wanna hurt you," he mumbles, before stilling his fingers and pushing you back. 
"why am i doing the work here?" he muses, condescendingly. "i thought you wanted this." 
nodding vigorously, you begin to grind on his fingers, whimpering when your clit bumps the heel of his hand. a hand on his chest to steady yourself, you move the other downward and try to shove a third finger into you, wiggling your hips as he relents and starts curling three of his fingers against your walls. 
"cumming," you gasp, feeling something tighten in your core. his thumb comes up to stroke your clit, and you're about to tumble over the edge, when suddenly he yanks his hand away, leaving you throbbing and empty. a sob rips out from your chest, the built up pressure of having him act differently around you, of needing him for the whole day, washing over you like a tidal wave. 
"crybaby," he coos, wiping your tears away with the hand still slick with your arousal. 
"please," you choke out. "cum, i wanna…let me…" pawing at his chest, you try to lift his hand back up and guide it in between your legs, but he grabs onto your wrist instead, forcing you to stay still.
"just want you to cum on my cock, that's all," he soothes. "don't you want me to fill you up?" 
gulping, your breathing slows as the words seem to calm you. "yes," you mumble. 
"good girl." grabbing your hips, he eases you down onto his cock, groaning as your walls spasm around him, your entrance fluttering uncontrollably. "fuck," he muses. "did you just cum?" 
feeling humiliated, you nod reluctantly. "was sensitive…" you mumble. he laughs, stroking your cheek as you take all of him. he gives you time to recover, stroking your back tenderly as you get used to the feeling of him in you. 
"ready?" he urges, thrusting his hips gently. 
you nod, placing your hands on his shoulders as you begin to bounce in his lap, your thighs still shaking from your previous climax but the feeling of him too good to ignore. trying to pick up the pace, you stare at where your bodies are connected, the wet sounds of you sliding on him embarrassingly loud in the room. you only realise you've been letting out a steady series of moans when he brings a hand up to squeeze your throat. 
"tired?" he pouts at you. you nod, begging him with your eyes to take over. "thought you said you wanted my baby," he mocks. your hips continue to circle even as you lose the strength to lift yourself up and down. feeling his tip brush against a spot inside you, you wail as you feel yourself clench hard around his thick length. 
"please help me," you gasp. "wanna feel you cum inside me, want you to fill me up-" and haechan, tired of waiting, finally gives in. 
he pushes you back onto the bed again, his arms pushing your legs up so they brush his shoulders, hips tilted towards him as he rams himself back into you. letting out a low moan, he begins to thrust hard into you, snapping his hips such that the blunt head of his cock repeatedly brushes your g-spot. 
"you gonna cum?" he mocks, sarcastically. "or do i have to do that for you too?" 
your hands find your clit, rubbing circles on it frantically as it immediately brings you to your high.
the feeling of you cumming around his cock, your warm and tight walls milking him, pushes him closer and closer to his own climax. 
"where should i come?" he breathes unsteadily. 
you don't respond, still too lost in your own pleasure. a hand comes down to pinch at your nipple, and you whine incoherently. 
"where should i come?" he demands again. 
he can see you struggle to piece together the words in your head. he hadn't asked you this in a long time — ever since your first anniversary, when you went on birth control and he celebrated by finishing inside you, the feeling of you raw making him come undone faster than he would have liked. 
"w-where?" you make a sound of confusion. 
"should i come on your tits," he pinches your nipple again, 
"on your face," a light slap across your cheek,
"or inside?" 
"inside," you moan, beginning to thrust your hips upwards to meet his movements, desperate for him to finish. 
"good girl," he breathes, and with a final stroke he's cumming, pushing deep inside you as you feel his warmth fill you up inside, seeping out where your bodies connected. 
the two of you stay like that for a while, him stroking your hair and peppering kisses on your face. you holding on to him for comfort, whimpering whenever he made an attempt to leave, burying your face in his chest. it's after you've mostly recovered when you finally let him go get something to clean you up with, and after you drank the glass of water he insisted you have, when you finally get a hold on what just happened. and a question comes flitting into your mind. 
"yes, baby?"  you open your eyes, and squint at the angelic expression on his face. "tell me…mark didn't have anything to do with this, did he?"
tags: @91qowngus, @joonpantheress, @sundhaelatte, @jaemboi64, @sassy-author, @krazy-kpoppy, @9900z, @kosmoreads, @matchahyuck, @donghyeok-okie, @bbh-kji, @isearchedtheyooniverse, @bettyschwallocksyee, @babyjenono, @prdshobi
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