#i am grasping at straws for this
highlifeboat · 8 months
Melony is insecure transmasc or transman? You seem to be using those interchangeably :p
I don't even know if transmasc would be right.
But I think her wanting to socially trasition to using male and female pronouns interchangeably still counts as transmasc.
Like, it isn't exactly what I'm going for, because Mel doesn't wanna physically transition, and doesn't really have the dysphoria or anything, so it kind of takes away that whole... aspect of what I want. But still leaves the worry of telling people.
So it's something, at least.
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causalityparadoxes · 4 months
Interesting that the Doctor says his adopted family is the reason he uses a title. Except thats not quite true is it?
Sure they are stuffy aristocrats who love ranks and titles but Tecteun, Rassilon, Borusa, Romana, Pandad, Andred, Rodan, Darkel, Flavia, and practically every other non-renegade timelord (and even some renegades like Drax) still use regular (if not human) names.
But you know who does often use titles? THE GODS. Those from before or beyond the universe's constraints. The Toymaker, The Guardians, The Maestro, The Trickster, The The Beast, The One Who Waits, The Gods of Ragnarok, The Entity, etc. Even those with 'names' often have descriptive ones like Time or Swarm.
Is it really the Doctor's adopted family that made them identify with titles? Or is it perhaps traces of their 'birth family' peaking through?
More than anything I just want to know if RTD is going anywhere with this. Did he just need a quick way to get new audiences on board with calling the main character the Doctor? Or does it mean something.
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tamarhasoddthoughts · 16 days
Do you ever think about thiam and be like ‘damn we really could have had it all if they made those two losers canon’ because shipping thiam sometimes is so fucking ridiculous sometimes because I really don’t know if me and thousands of other people are all just collectively looking at these two with rose-tinted glasses and think they’re in love or that they actually LOOK at each other like that. What do u mean Liam literally brought theo back from hell? And was one of the only people who fought tooth and nail for Theo to stay out of it? What do you mean that Theo quite obviously became Liams anchor when Hayden left? What do you mean that Theo CONTINUOUSLY saved Liams ass over and over again after being shown as a selfish and deceitful person throughout the previous season? What do you MEAN that they parallel a CANON couple? What do you mean that most all of Theo’s smile are because of Liam? What do you mean that Liam became Theo’s grounding person since he doesn’t need an anchor(Liam said Theo’s name in that scene and Theo snapped out of the hallucination of Tara I’m going crazy)? WHAT DO YOU MEAN THAT THEY LOOK AT EACH OTHER SO LOVINGLY AND YEARNFULLY AND BEAUTIFULLY?????? WHAT DO YOU MEANN???
Do u ever think about thiam because I do
Like the context of thiam is so insane how were they not canon im going crazy
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jaybirdscoffee · 4 months
the vague oplita mention in episode eight set my psyche aflame and i haven’t been able to calm down since
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1x2 | 3x5
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cosmothealien358 · 6 months
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Y’all don’t understand- I saw the spoilers and I’m hanging onto every last hope that LEGO canonizes this despite what was (probably) confirmed in the captions. Cole being queer is actually so important tho. It makes so much sense for his character. Man’s popped up on screen in 2011 and has been covered in rainbows ever since. I could write an essay on the obvious queercoding of his character since season 1, and with Geo, it’s one agonizing step closer to switching from subtext to text. This would be a bigger step for LEGO than having queer background characters or pride stickers, but it would mean so much to its queer audience. And, again, it fits Cole, especially with his current relationship with Geo.
Please LEGO just do it, it’d be so easy, just one kiss or one scene. PLEASE.
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newtmas-supremxcy · 4 months
Charles made a face when niko said "I know what it's like to want something you can't have." !!!
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isas-bathbombs · 6 months
“Do you feel ashamed when you hear my name?”
art: @brisa-art @expiredsoda @dead-finch-420
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floralcrematorium · 10 months
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feelin particularly upset about being in a creative slump, so here's a messy Fran sketch for the dash! I'll fully digitize this and make him pretty someday!
Francis in a corset and pearls is my absolute WEAKNESS
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majachee · 10 months
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Sensory issues 🤯 autism? 🤨💥
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piqtescue · 1 month
my youngest sister just recapped me on the entirety of evolution™️ as i am that fan that stopped watching after thomas bc my heart was just too broken and shes telling me about rossi lore and shit and im just like:
"... okay so its just pretty little liars at this point..."
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undermounts · 3 months
okok so we all know Matt Rhodes’ comment about elves going bald after a millennia/Solas wasn’t always bald raised a lot of brows and we were all like “oooh will we see Solas with hair in a flashback/mural”
well WHAT IF now that this bitch (affectionate) is speaking into Rook’s head, Solas might also be able to project memories to Rook as well???perhaps to help fight G&E and share knowledge? very spirit of wisdom-y
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chronic-cynic · 10 months
"'You're so different,' he says, shaking his head and squinting at me.
'I may have grown a few centimetres since I was eleven.'
'No, it's—' He stops himself.
I put down my phone. 'What? It's what?'
'You're more serious.'
I don't remember not being serious. As far as I'm concerened, I came out of the womb spouting cynicism and wishing for rain." (Oseman 73)
This is an analysis of Tori Spring and her unreliability as a narrator. It will be incredibly long, so I hope I do not bore anyone.
Lucas, as we know, had been Tori's best friend throughout elementary school. He had a dream, to chase after his childhood best friend and start a beautiful romance—which was nicely foreshadowed by the line: "'[The Great Gatsby is] about...' He pauses to think. 'It's about someone who's in love with a dream'" (72). However, he realizes that she wasn't the person he thought she was. Or rather, she isn't the person she used to be.
Alongside Lucas, there are two other characters that hint at the fact that Tori was never this pessimistic: Mr. Kent and Becky.
Near the beginning of the novel, Tori mentions how she and Kent know each other quite well because he has been her teacher for over five years. And, throughout the novel, Kent continuously shows his concern for Tori and her attitude towards life. It would make a lot of sense for him to be this concerned if he had actually seen life in Tori to begin with. Along with that, it is very clear that Tori is liked by the teachers, as stated by Becky on page 79. Again, it would make more sense for this to be the case if she was a different person when she was younger.
Finally: Becky. Throughout the novel, Tori feels incredibly jealous towards her best friend, and she feels the gap between them comes from the fact that Becky moved on while she stayed exactly where she was. However, during their argument after the Solitaire party, Becky says, "you've changed. I might have changed too, but you definitely have. And that's not necessarily a bad thing, but it's true" (310). This completely contradicts everything Tori has told the reader.
The scene in which Tori reads her old diary illustrates my point perfectly.
"Up at the crack of 10:30am. Becky et moi went to the cinema today and saw Pirates of the Carribean (is that how you spell it???) 2 and OMG it was SO GOOD. Becky thinks Orlando Bloom is the fittest. Then we went to get pizza in the high street she had Hawaiian but obviously mine was plain cheese. YUM! She's coming round next week for a sleepover too. She says she needs to tell me about a boy that she likes!! And we're going to eat so much food and stay up all night and watch films!!!!!" (274)
It's very clear with the exclamation marks and enthusiasm in her tone that no, she was not born serious. Unlike now, Tori used to be genuinely happy to listen to Becky's relationships with boys. And—my favourite detail—the use of French in the second sentence. The word "moi" was almost always used by tweens as a quirky replacement for "me" (source: me. I used to use that word all of the time because I thought it was cute and silly. Gross). This is my favourite detail because of an earlier scene with Oliver when Tori says, "Are you suggesting that Charlie is better at Mario Kart than moi?" (63). Now, this could just be a coincidence, but I like to think that this is Tori's inner child being revealed to her little brother, especially because she would never speak to anyone else in that way. But, I digress.
So, I have now established how Tori has been unreliable with the way she describes herself, but what else has she been lying about? I think the most obvious answer is her hatred and lack of knowledge about literature.
Unlike everything I explained above, Tori does admit to lying near the end of the book, saying that books scare her because of how personal they feel. However, there are many things that contradicted her prior to this reveal. For example, her grades in her previous English class—as mentioned by Kent—and the way she used to read with Lucas.
After Lucas speaks about the books he is currently reading, Tori tells the reader, "I nod as if I understand. I don't. I don't know a single thing about literature despite studying it for A level" (72). Yet when Michael tests her on famous literary works, she is able to answer every question correctly, once again contradicting everything she has said.
Her unreliability is not deliberate, it comes from lies she tells herself. However, it seems like she knows the truth deep down. But I guess she is justified. After all, it feels better to say you were born serious than to admit to the damage the world has done to you.
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Athena isn’t dead, she just knows that Zeus is stubborn and can be cruel, but he is still her father and he is the god of Justice. she fakes her death to ensure that Zeus would get Odysseus free. She knows calypso won’t let him go, and that she needs someone who can truly fuck calypso up to get him out of there.
Athena is Zeus favorite daughter. She made a “dying wish” and I think her faking her death is to ensure that not only Zeus but the other gods step in to get Odysseus home.
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goatsghost · 9 months
asian-ifying the batfamily with technically-not-quite-canon evidence but it makes enough sense in my head:
dick is half romani/half white, and it sounds like romani people are considered indo-aryan, and come primarily from india but also any of the surrounding countries in that area, so we’re good here
BUT, to be extra, i’m also heavily leaning into the wfa live action that got cancelled, where dick was going to be played by yoshi sudarso (indonesian), who i love. AND dick’s voice actor in gotham knights is christopher sean, who’s mixed japanese/white
basically what i’m saying is that the dick in my head deserves to be a poc at this point
cass is already canonically chinese/white
damian is also already canonically arab/chinese/white
jason, though he is canonically fully white, before finding out his biological mother was sheila haywood, both he and bruce briefly consider lady shiva (for some reason). so. he must at least look to be mixed race for it to be a genuine possibility
also his va in gotham knights is chinese (stephen oyoung)
for tim, i am still living in the era when ryan potter made a video to campaign to be tim drake for ben affleck’s batman. it didn’t work, they didn’t want a robin for those movies, but from then on he became the tim drake in my heart
though in titans (which i haven’t actually watched), it looks like his character is blasian? (jay lycurgo) so i’m here for that too, tim is just meant to be mixed race <3
duke i’m coming for you next
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noa-nightingale · 1 year
I rewatched The Man With The Twisted Lip and I am definitely reading too much into this but I still liked this little moment:
Holmes reads the letter Mrs St Clair’s husband sent to her to Watson- it starts with “Dearest”, and at exactly the moment when Holmes says the word, Watson very briefly looks up. :3
I just think it’s neat.
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