#i am getting on my soapbox for this
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bazzybelle · 1 year ago
As the Easter Season comes up, I have a small reminder to give everyone.
Please, for the love of God, do EXTENSIVE research before going to get a bunny. A bunny is NOT an appropriate pet for a child. They are a massive commitment and require freedom, expensive care, and a lot of patience.
If you are one of those people who will go buy a bunny for Easter because it's cute (without doing proper research), you can go fuck yourselves. You are part of the problem of hundreds of bunnies being abandoned year after year.
I say this as someone who has a bunny and loves bunnies more than people at times.
Some things to consider:
- Bunnies can live up to 12-13 years. With bunnies becoming more popular and people learning how to properly care for them, the age keeps going up. When we first got our bunny, the minimum age was 6 years.
- They are animals who like to run and explore. They require SIGNIFICANT room to be comfy. Do not keep them in a cage!
- They require SPECIFIC veterinary care from a doctor who specializes in exotics. And even at that, you need to advocate for your bunnies. It is also important to get them fixed ASAP as it will prevent health problems in the future.
- THEY ARE PREY ANIMALS!!! They are hardwired to think everything wants to eat them. They will not be comfortable with you picking them up and snuggling them! I have had my bunny for almost 10 years. He has only JUST started snuggling up to me and only in SPECIFIC circumstances. It is EXTREMELY rare for a bunny to come up to you right away. It takes weeks of bribing them with treats and toys, getting down on the floor with them, and just giving them space and patience to explore and grow to trust you.
- They require A LOT of care and maintenance. This means brushing, clipping nails, bunny proofing everything (because they are masters of chaos and will chew everything).
There's a lot more I can say about bunnies. If you've read all this and are still considering adopting one, do your due diligence. There are PLENTY of resources available online. They are A LOT, but they can also bring so much love and joy into your life.
Bunnies are forever, NOT just for Easter.
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lazylittledragon · 4 months ago
y'know every time i feel guilty about bothering someone by singing along when i'm listening to music, i just remember that i have to tolerate my dirtbag brother screaming at his ps5 for hours every day so listening to muffled off-key fall out boy is probably preferable
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cogitating upon the similarities between the maedhros-maglor and celegorm-curufin relationships.. older sibling who is simultaneously protector and devotee and servant and role model and worse version and object of disgust and beloved and mentor and parent and lover and shame. and younger sibling who is bright and gifted and imperious but has never existed without this person and doesn't know if they could, at once the guard dog and the impenetrable tower and the cherished captive inside it—boss and cheer squad and side chick and tyrant and paragon and widow and defender and aspiration and spouse and publicist and responsibility, and never in a thousand timelines able to measure up... wild how two entire separate sets of individuals can both independently reach the divorced best friends rivals happily married unhappily married co-parenting intolerable to each other the loves of one another's lives beating each other up in a parking lot for eternity stage. and all while being brothers too !! forever the albatross about your neck kind of love
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tobebrutal · 3 months ago
you ever peruse zevran's wiki and just...
" He is the only companion whose default initial tactics is set to assist or "rescue" the Warden during combat by engaging any enemy attacking the main character. "
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queenofbaws · 7 months ago
tags so good i had to take a screenshot of them and send them to myself so i can find them later (the ashley/hannah parallels)
*sniff* i'm so flattered omg heheheheheh
seriously though!!! idk if i'm just not looking in the right places or what, but i see so few people bringing up the parallels between the two of them despite how CRAZY they make ME slkdfjksd
they're both presented as girls with huge, embarrassing crushes that lead them to sometimes not make the best choices; both a little geeky and on the meeker side; both fully capable of turning around and lashing out at the people who wrong them; and, coincidentally, they're both really close to josh
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idk. idk!!!!!! i just think that, of all the blackwood kids, ashley would be the most likely to sit and really stew over what happened to hannah (and by extension, beth) because that prank could've been played on her. it wasn't. but it could've been. and i think it would've gone exactly the same way, honestly. the others feel guilty because of the parts they played, but ashley? oh, oh i think most of her shame comes from understanding how easily it could've been her out there in the snow
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yaburnaee · 11 months ago
people conveniently like to leave out the bit where nesta tried to go after feyre in acotar when they talk about her not doing anything for the family. the fandom discourse is sooooo funny.
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bookishfeylin · 2 years ago
Ok I know I’ve said this many a time before BUT. The way the narrative has no problem with Tamlin's abuse, but rather his seeming lack of a good reason for it, hence why Rhysand's abuse is excusable (he has reasons and HAS to abuse Feyre for the greater good) while Tamlin's isn’t (he does not have reasons and therefore is not abusing Feyre for the greater good). The way Tamlin is unwittingly and seemingly accidentally given canonical reasons to act as he does, with nearly every conscious abusive choice he makes having a legitimate concern behind it. The way this is almost barely touched on in the narrative because it undermines the differences between him and Rhysand and makes it so that they BOTH are abusive (because once you acknowledge they both have reasons to act as they do, the conclusion is no longer ‘Rhysand's abuse is ok because he had reasons but Tamlin's isn’t because he had no reasons,’ but ‘They’re both shitty and abusive and Feyre needs to dump them both for thinking it’s ok to abuse her if they have ~good intentions~.’) The way it’d be a stronger testament to the themes of this series if both of them were simply called out and if Feyre ditched both rather than the text running in circles around itself. The way, the minute you think about this series for longer than two seconds, it all falls apart because of the endless hypocrisy. UGHHHHHHHHHHH
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emberglowfox · 2 years ago
Heyyyy, I stumbled upon your blog just a few hours ago and I'm already hooked, but I am wondering about something.
So, if your Link is transmasc... uhhhh how did his top surgery go down? I don't think "ye olde medieval fantasy land" Hyrule has anyone (alive by the setting's present day) with the tools or skill to do it the modern way, and I also don't imagine magic methods would leave scars.
Sorry if I'm overthinking this, I'm just genuinely curious if there's an answer.
honestly, there's any number of answers to this. i tend to go with whatever's funniest to me (i've seen lots of "shake r stick to remove tits" jokes in the tags of that rauru drawing, which make me laugh) but i take it you're looking for a serious answer here, so i'll take off my jester cap for a moment.
i see this question a lot: "how would he have top surgery in an old time-y setting? they didn't have surgeries like that back then", and i feel like this kind of disregards the fact that this is a fantasy setting. sure, surgeries like that didn't exist in our ye olden times, but we also didn't have giant murder robots stomping around on tentacle arms, or fairies that can make a crop top deflect a sword, or so on. maybe he got purah or robbie to do it with sheikah tech! maybe, due to the fact that there are huge monsters stomping around everywhere attacking people, hyrulian medical technology is far more advanced than we realize, and they have even cosmetic surgeries (done somewhat differently, obviously, but still). maybe he got a great fairy to do it with magic, and just asked them to leave scars because it looked cool and/or he wanted to be openly transmasc. maybe, as some comics have joked, he just did it himself with the master sword, because he's built like that.
okay, i'm getting into joke territory again, but i'm sure you see my point. zelda, and most fantasy, plays by its own rules-- why do we have to return to the 'standard' rules of realism to place trans people in it? why not have fun and get creative with it, you know?
TL;DR: i don't really have a set headcanon 'this is how link got top surgery' in mind when i draw him, but there's basically infinite ways it could have happened by nature of fictional fantasy.
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riding-with-the-wild-hunt · 2 years ago
with my whole heart i truly think elwing/eärendil is the most sweepingly romantic ship in the legendarium. like. what if we were the only two people like us ever in the whole world yet by fate and chance and tragedy we found each other. what if we built a home and a life at the ends of the earth and against all odds it was good. what if we knew no help was coming. what if we chose to live anyway. what if i flew through the storm to find you. what if i knew you and held you even in another shape. what if you told me not to follow and i did. what if i let you make the choice for us both. what if you gave up even the touch of the world you loved so we could stay together. what if we saved that world but not for us. what if our love--for each other, for the world--was so strong that it rent the fabric of the universe. what then.
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postsforphil · 6 months ago
submitting mysteries by the yeah yeah yeahs for phil (seems like his alt rock vibe)
there's something about this song that i think 18-22y/o phil particularly would really enjoy. just the certain pettiness that comes with that age ig, but also the energy of "i can't imagine not coming back to you but also idk who i hate more me or you" is so,,, it's fitting, is what i'll say. i like this submission
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sleepless-in-starbucks · 6 months ago
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ongreenergrasses · 8 days ago
update for married off anon…I can feel an idea for this itching in my head so I think that it’s coming, but much like Postlude it’s going to most likely be a gargantuan fic. so it may take a while but it’s definitely cooking rn
also an update for everyone else, my brain is absolutely fried from speedrunning an LSAT practice test (I did it in like. an hour.) so any ask that requires more than two brain cells isn’t happening tonight skdjdjfnf but unpopular opinions are fine if anyone else would like to share with the class
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bandedbulbussnarfblat · 4 months ago
y'all ever randomly get mad all over again over some random stuff from an old fandom? anyway, fuck once upon a time for completely misunderstanding ariel's character
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rainbowsparklecur · 1 month ago
i am going to try to psychoanalyze myself hold on. i think one of the reasons i am always so scared of sharing my art and headcanons (especially headcanons,,) is because i spend a lot of time observing the homestuck fandom. a place that is from what ive seen filled with tons of different headcanons and interpretations of characters and also people yelling at each other and hyperanalyzing and vagueposting about said headcanons and interpretations of characters
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cuteniarose · 1 month ago
Book 1: Korra, Mako and Bolin get electrocuted in the water at the probending final – are completely fine, walk it off within 5 minutes
Book 3: Ming-Hua gets electrocuted through water in the caves below the Northern Air Temple – dead, apparently
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ohsweetflips · 2 months ago
on the one hand i love harping and moaning over missed opportunities for previous dragon age companion cameos bc sometimes bioware really whiffs it (i long for the world where merrill is the eluvian expert instead of morrigan) but. on the other hand. sometimes it’s like. why would that character show up. answer quickly. the answer can’t be that it’s because you like them. it feels very reminiscent of having to accept that our wardens will never make another appearance.
#edit: panicked and added ‘instead of morrigan’ to clarify. this is a bellara love zone#‘zevran should have been in veilguard’ and what would he do. he canonically does not fuck with the crows.#like ik a lot of us are still mourning our inquisitors being super in the background and missed cameos#and sidelined love plots if you didn’t romance solas#and etc etc etc#but can morrigan be an example that sometimes an extended cameo makes a character worse ASLDJSJFJAJJDJS#like varric imo is the only continued main character who remains overall consistent#and even then depending on how you played da2 vs. inq that could be a false statement#but like. i banked on josephine being in veilguard when i figured that we would see antiva#and that the inquisition would still have some presence#she literally however. has no place in the plot of veilguard.#and also since i’m on this soapbox already#i also mourn what the inquisitor could have been in veilguard#i did love his (mine) presence where it was but also very like. blank slate insert.#i too had theories upon theories of how big the inq’s role could have been#and i went near apoplectic when bioware said that the inq’s story was over after trespasser#and i am still mad today that drinking from the well of sorrows had literally no actual impact on the story#bc solas is in rook’s head and morrigan has the aspect of mythal#however. sometimes. when i see people now be like ‘the inq shouldve been the hero of veilguard’#i just kinda. softly side eye like. we had nearly a decade preparing for this. we’ve known since trespasser that they won’t be.#and even then bioware confirmed in like. what. 2020/2021? that da4 would have a new hero#like trust me i get the umbrage and if i dwell on it then yeah past frustrations boil up#but also tbf trespasser did end with the inq literally saying that they need to find people that solas doesn’t know#besides i love rook as a hero i think they’re fun#i saw someone say that rook was brought in to make the game accessible to new players and even if that’s true#i think veilguard is near impossible to play if you haven’t played /at the very least/ inquisition and it’s dlcs#but yeah tldr. honestly as i come to play veilguard more and love it more and more i will naturally become more critical#as i am with inquisition (my beloved game that i sometimes want to uproot)#but honestly. i wanted to enjoy veilguard so after a while i just had to like. put my inq back in his toy box and accept that he’s gonna be#a bit of a paper doll for the rest of the games
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