#i am fucking manifesting it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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the girl I'm tattooing just asked for a break, so I got her wrapped up, she’s gone for a cigarette, and I jumped on tumblr because GUYS—
today is a GOOD DAY!!! I am feeling blessed <3
an actual snippet of the conversation I had with my boss when I got in this morning:
me: I’ve had to order new batteries for my machine, but they won’t be here until the weekend, so I might need to borrow someone’s battery because I’m pretty sure I’ve got an engraving piece later.
bossman: yeah, you did have an engraving, but I swapped you with **** because someone requested you.
me: what the fuck? (lowkey devastated because I love engraving, but also??? REQUESTED?! BY NAME?) what for?
bossman: someone saw your flash on the ig. they want the neo-traditional envelope with poppies and roses. (gives me more details while I try not to pass out bc I was literally crying yesterday about wanting to do a neo-trad, am I manifesting???)
THEN he said I could be in charge of the music in the studio today, so I'm torturing everyone with my inconsistent ass, we are jumping through genres like you wouldn't believe. it's going from Mike Shinoda, to Hozier, to Friday Pilots Club, to Dead Poet Society, to Doechii, then back again at breakneck speed. and I am thriving!!!! (even if all the others are not, heh. I have to put up with some shite from the guys.)
I'm so happy rn I could cry—happy tears—aaaand I have cut down my appointment time by like at least an hour so it means more time to write when I finish up for the day because I won't be last out and have to lock up the studio <3
life is good. we are winning!!!!!
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calebslittlecrow · 2 days ago
Take Action (or: why we have methods) Alrighty, so, ever noticed how we've been raised with this idea that if you want something, you gotta work for it? No shortcuts, no freebies getting handed out after a certain age - just hustle and pure grind. And the bigger the goal, the more effort you need to put in. - Want to get a good job? You really need to get those good grades. - Want to get good grades? Say goodbye to your free time, hanging out with your friends will be a distant memory and you need to study as if your life depends on it. - Want to own a house? Well, lets hope you enjoy working ridiculous hours and saving every penny for years to come. Then, you step into the wonderful world of manifestation and shifting, and suddenly people tell you - “Oh, you don’t actually have to do anything! Just trust and let it happen.” And your brain? Immediate confusion. Error message. What did you say? Just do nothing? Huh?
After spending your whole life on the effort=results train, the idea of "just trusting" and "needing to do nothing" just feels wrong, in a way. You try to shift, try to just be in the feeling of your DR, and your brain starts short-circuiting all over the place: - Am I doing this right? - Should I be doing more? - Wait... am I doing TOO much??? Send help x.x And sometimes, depending on who you ask for help with that, you will get the classic "just stop overthinking it!". Ah, yes. Never thought about that. Just... let me hit that "no overthinking" switch in the corner real quick 🙃 Well, for some that advice can help of course, but for others it is easier said than done. A Helpful Trick To Reduce Overthinking: Give Your Brain A Task
Unlearning the mindset of needing to do something? Yeah, that can take forever to change. The second kicker? A lot of people don't even realize they have this mindset. It's just that deeply embedded in the way we think that it feels incredible natural. But guess what, my besto friendo? You don't necessarily need to unlearn this mindset. You just kinda... need to put your brain at ease. Instead of forcing yourself to be suddenly okay with "doing nothing and still expect results", you can show and tell your brain: "Hey, we took action! We did the thing! That means we will shift, because action=result!"
That's why shifting methods exists (outside of giving you the feeling of being in your DR). Not because you need them to shift (spoiler alert: ya don't), but because it helps tricking your brain into feeling like it has done its job. And when your brain believes that, it relaxes instead of overanalyzing everything. If you think about it - your brain just wants to check something off a list. It doesn't even really care what the fuck you do, as long as you can say afterwards "we did it, and we will get what we want". It Isn't about the method or what makes you shift, it's about confidence and convincing yourself that it is working, no matter what. At the end of the day, your thoughts and assumptions shape your reality. Your brain doesn't make you shift, but it's like the middleman to your subconscious, which does play a role in shaping your experience. If your brain is hardwired to believe that some kind of action is necessary, then give it that. Even if it's just the tiniest, most random thing out there. Do it, and then fucking own it. Be confident (or very stubborn) in trusting that it will happen. You did something, so something has to happen in reaction to that. That is how it works, right? And if your brain starts overthinking again, just remind it that you already did the task necessary and to kindly shut up <3
(Obligatory "this doesn't apply to everyone, if it resonates great, if it doesn't, also good" °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°)
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zipyolip · 1 day ago
Stop asking and Start DEMANDING! When it comes to the Universe, you boss that bitch around!
Now what are you? You are Pure AWARENESS!
The only thing you've ever needed to manifest/shift is to exist. Always has been.
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thefishywizard · 1 year ago
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POV: you are Willy Stampler
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scornedethnographer · 1 month ago
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Nora @ us when we keep asking about the golden raven
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jaynovz · 2 days ago
Okay, follow up on this for @kettleninth orig tags: #V fucks a lot but doesn't get emotionally involved. J only fucks ppl he's emotionally invested in.#in the case of the other they fall in love with each other's minds first#are both DTF very quickly but don't manage to talk about or explore it for various reasons#cue years of yearning and UST#YEARS#there are many takes but this is my favorite one
So while I am certainlyyyy gonna end up (and currently am in fact) writing some fic where they do fuck, lol, my actual hard analysis/meta take is that they don't manage to get there during canon. bc while they both fall in love QUICKLY, near IMMEDIATELY even, Jayce's manifests in excitable affection that Viktor would just chalk up to being part of his personality, and Viktor clamps down on his affection and attraction as much as possible, downplays how big of a deal the whole thing is.
Bc like... I think part of it is they both think "oh I'm just having a big silly crush and I shouldn't ruin the best partnership of my life" and then they both sort of, deal with it in their own way, but they're so enmeshed and inextricable from each other's lives that, well, I mean it's like jumping straight to marriage without even having held hands? but they think "this is normal" and it is, for them. but they also DO NOT talk about the rest of it, imo.
and the reason I think they keep side stepping it is they're not actually very good communicators when it comes to non sciencey stuff. And precisely because they don't really understand the other's affection, bc it's different from what they're used to and how the other proceeds, it's confusing.
An allosexual grayromantic who's never been in love but likes to fuck for fun is sort of the opposite of a demisexual romantic who ONLY wants to fuck ppl he's in love with/emotionally connected to. Like, I headcanon that Viktor has slept his way up and down the engineering department on the downlow bc he likes sex, it's fun, it's a diversion. But after Hextech and Jayce, he's really too busy to bother with it as much
And then Jayce, ppl are likely fucking throwing themselves at him, but he's similarly wrapped up in Viktor and special interest, so it's not til Mel makes a VERY OBVIOUS move on him after 7 years that he's like "oh!" bc I also think it's clear that Jayce is big crushing on both Mel and Viktor from the word go. They're both sides of his arc, that's text.
But from Jayce's POV, Viktor doesn't seem to be interested in that with him, so he doesn't push it. And then as soon as Mel is forward about her desires, J is super jazzed to jump into bed. And he's like, I mean he's enamored, he's puppy about it. When he puts his head in her lap and confides to her, she's very surprised bc I don't think even the ppl closest to Jayce have quite realized how deep and significantly his emotions run and how that determines who he trusts with intimacy. From the outside, he's putting on such a good showpony performance as the Man of Progress Golden Boy that one might assume he's getting mad laid. But nah I think Mel is one of his first tbh. Maybe not THEE first, but maybe second or third.
anyway uh. the boys of progress are either 1. super busy 2. don't understand the other one is in love with them 3. in Viktor's case find emotional intimacy increasingly difficult, especially when put in context of his growing illness 4. don't want to ruin the partnership by broaching it and so
5. this is how we get married in the cosmos and die for each other and shit without having held hands or kissed and we've been Yearning Hardcore for like 10 years and walking into the lab when they're Vibing is like... the intellectual attraction and UST is palpable can be cut with a knife, it would be less gay if yall had anal sex rn, and literally Jayce keeps introducing Viktor as "partner" with no qualifiers before it sooo
okay this got long.
TL;DR: Viktor is very candid with sex in his early years but squirrely as fuck about emotions and Jayce is basically the opposite. And they probably don't talk about it until they're in their field of flowers by the stream, lol, and when also Viktor is now an eldritch beast of their combined making.
Demisexual Jayce and gray-romantic Viktor. That's the whole post.
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ittybittyfanblog · 25 days ago
quick fic/blurb idea i got from a prior reblog—
broke postgrad art student who ‘accidentally’ acquires a sugar daddy by some weird turn of events (?) non-sexual!! (…probably) but essentially, it’s just sylus throwing money at you as his primary love language lol
student loans? ✨ paid off in full ✨
electives/clubs you want to join but cost extra? don't worry about it baby girl, you're in. no questions.
materials/equipment/textbooks you need for a class? oh, look, everything you were stressing over just got priority FedEx’d to your doorstep literally the same day.
debating whether to eat that technically not-yet-mouldy week-old loaf of bread in the cupboard? well, you don't have to, because now you have fresh groceries delivered every three days at five PM like clockwork.
and yes, you get an allowance. daily. and the less you check how much is being sent to your account, the better. (for your sanity.)
maybe sylus buys you a condo near campus, too. after all, he can’t have you taking the metro late at night. unacceptable. not when his smart, very capable girl is dead on her feet after a late shift at that part-time job he still hasn’t convinced you to give up.
smart, capable, and so damn stubborn.
(he’ll just buy the building complex where the charming, little gift shop you work at is located. not that he'll jeopardize an innocent business, nor your employment, lest you get mad at him. ah, he'd figure it out. eventually.)
and he’s not trying to be smarmy about it. not in any way, or capacity, not at all, no. just the simple fact that he can provide for you—that he gets to be the reason you're able to chase your big girl dreams, do everything you want and more—already gets him off like crazy.
sometimes, though… you wonder if you’re taking too much advantage of your....... sponsor's....... generosity. it bothers you, more than a little bit. that he gets the short end of the stick, or what seems like.
so, uh, you try to give him... something in return.
the first booby pic you send him gets an immediate, resounding reply of just: “no.”
your initial, knee-jerk reaction is to be offended—(you sent that willingly, damn it.) if not for the fact that he's the first to like every selfie/photo you post on your socials, and comments stuff like, "gorgeous," "my sweet girl," and a frankly offensive, "prettiest flower out of the bunch," in every group photo you're in, like the kind of odd, senile relative who plays favorites.
then, as soon as you graduate, you get hired. immediately.
and you know how, back in the day, artists had these rich ass patrons who paid for everything so they could literally just exist and create? yeah, that’s you now—after signing a non-renewable contract with a frankly ridiculous upfront deposit and a bond agreement that (upon closer inspection) basically states in the fine print that you're more or less ensured to get whatever you want... as long as you don’t work for anybody else.
but hey, job security is rough these days. you'd be stupid to turn it down. really, you're practically living the dream here.
(you just find it kinda weird that page 46 of the document looks suspiciously like a prenup agreement—wait a damn sec, what's this about marriage now–)
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clockworkreapers · 1 month ago
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You know... If we could have charms, if there was a way... I'd so want them
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genomesoldier · 2 months ago
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I need to shoutout the Chance player who shot his flintlock at me (Telamon) because I walked up behind him and scared him apparently
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sakuraluck · 5 months ago
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when they took out the instruments, i just knew we were never going to recover
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autisticaradiamegido · 2 years ago
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day 147
psychically induced chronic illness squad
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once-more-with-anxiety · 16 days ago
Charles Rowland is in love with Edwin Payne Charles Rowland is in love with Edwin Payne Charles Rowland is in love with Edwin Payne Charles Rowland is in love with Edwin Payne Charles Rowland is in love with Edwin Payne Charles Rowland is in love with Edwin Payne Charles Rowland is-
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exactlysizzlingdonut · 1 month ago
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Also the way he wraps his fingers around the bars at the start 😜😜 MAMAAAAA 🗣️
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I think I like my men a tiny bit insane and animalistic.
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volosdarling · 1 year ago
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kayzean · 9 months ago
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I- I'm... I'm going to scream.
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uorufein · 5 months ago
Can you believe it guys? Alien Stage Round 7, just a week away! Round 7 is in a week! Woo-hoo! I am shitting myself over this information. Alien Stage, just a week away. Oh, wow! Can you believe it? Round 7, just in a week! It got here so fast. Round 7, just a
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