#i am enjoying it a bit more than i thought. the feeling of Have To is a real bog hgfsh
ducktoo · 1 day
Syncing Dream [Aespa x M!Reader]
11. Gym-selle life
Note: Enjoy the fluff!
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It was a rare, calm afternoon at SM’s gym, and Y/n found himself with some unexpected free time. After that incident, he decided that his small frame wasn't cut it for this line of work. So, he started hitting the gym.
And it was always best to do a workout on a free day.
No schedules, no urgent texts from the group, and no chaotic last-minute changes—just peace. But peace didn’t seem to last long, not with Giselle around.
“Hey, boss baby,” Giselle’s voice rang out as she walked into the gym, a sly grin plastered on her face. She was dressed in her workout gear, hair tied up in a messy bun. “I heard you were looking for someone to train with.”
Y/n, who had been lazily scrolling through his phone while sitting on a bench, raised an eyebrow. “…Was I?”
“Well, you are now,” she declared, grabbing a mat and plopping it down next to him. “Come on, let’s do a workout together. I’ve got some steam to blow off, and you could use the exercise.”
Y/n snorted. “I do exercise, Aeri”
“You walk us from the van to the stage. That doesn’t count.”
“Hey, there’s a lot more to my job than that,” Y/n shot back, standing up to stretch. “Besides, I’m not that out of shape.”
Giselle crossed her arms and eyed him suspiciously. “Really? Because I’m pretty sure the last time you ran, you were dead after a flight of stairs.”
Y/n’s mouth opened, ready to argue, but he couldn’t exactly deny the truth. “Okay, fine. But that doesn’t mean I can’t keep up.”
“Prove it then,” she said with a challenging glint in her eyes. “Let’s do some cardio, weights, and maybe a bit of core. Think you can handle it?”
“Oh, don’t test me, Uchinaga” Y/n said, rolling up his sleeves and drove both of them to the gym.
The first few sets went as expected.
Y/n kept up with Giselle through the warm-up—jumping jacks, a bit of light jogging, and stretches. He felt confident. Too confident.
But as soon as Giselle cranked up the intensity with high-knees and burpees, Y/n quickly realised he might have bitten off more than he could chew.
“Fcking hell, you... do this... often?” Y/n panted, trying to catch his breath between sets. His legs were already feeling the burn, and they hadn’t even started with the weights yet.
Giselle, barely breaking a sweat, looked over at him with a smirk. “I’m fine, Y/n. You good?”
“Never better,” Y/n grunted, wiping the sweat from his brow and forcing himself to keep up. He wasn’t about to let Giselle think he couldn’t handle it.
The next part of the workout involved weights, and Y/n felt slightly more confident. He had done some weight training before—how hard could it be?
The answer: very.
Giselle lifted with ease, moving through reps with the kind of strength that made Y/n wonder if she had secretly been training for a boxing match. Meanwhile, he was struggling to maintain his form without collapsing under the weight.
“Come on, Y/n, you got this!” Giselle teased, watching him wobble as he tried to do a squat with a barbell. “You’re not gonna let me out-lift you, are you?”
Y/n gritted his teeth, determined to push through the pain. “Hell no.”
But by the time they got to the core workout—planks, sit-ups, and leg raises—Y/n was just about ready to tap out. He collapsed onto the mat, staring up at the ceiling as his abs screamed in protest.
Giselle, still full of energy, laughed and nudged him with her foot. “Tired already?”
“Damn…right I….am..,” Y/n wheezed, still flat on the ground. “Just... Gonna catch my breath.”
“Sure,” she chuckled, rolling her eyes. “Let’s cool down, then.”
After finishing up the workout, Giselle led Y/n through some stretches, and thankfully, they were much more manageable than the burpees. The two of them stretched in comfortable silence for a while, the intensity of the workout replaced by a relaxed atmosphere.
“I gotta admit,” Y/n said, still a bit breathless, “you’re in way better shape than I thought.”
“You expected me to be weak or something?” Giselle asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Not at all,” Y/n replied quickly. “It’s just... I didn’t expect you to be that strong. I’m impressed.”
“Well, we do have to keep up with choreography and performances,” she pointed out, grinning. “Plus, I like staying fit. Makes me feel good.”
“I can see why,” Y/n mumbled, rubbing his sore arms. “You almost killed me out there.”
Giselle laughed. “You’re just out of practice. But don’t worry, I’ll whip you into shape in no time. You’re gonna be running laps around the rest of us soon.”
Y/n raised an eyebrow. “You sound like you’re planning to make this a regular thing.”
“Of course I am,” Giselle said, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. “You’re officially my new workout buddy. So, no more slacking off.”
Y/n groaned but couldn’t help smiling. “Great. I’m doomed.”
Giselle just grinned, clearly pleased with herself. “You’ll thank me later.”
“Sureeeee” Y/n remained sceptical, but complied nonetheless.
After their workout, the two of them decided to reward themselves with a cheat meal. They headed to a nearby café, ordering some well-deserved food to replenish their energy.
As they dug into their sandwiches, Y/n leaned back in his chair, finally feeling the soreness in his muscles set in. “I’m not gonna be able to move tomorrow, am I?”
“Probably not,” Giselle replied nonchalantly. “But that’s how you know it’s working.”
Y/n rolled his eyes, though he couldn’t help but smile. “You’re evil, you know that?”
“Hey, you agreed to this.”
“Regretting it already,” Y/n muttered, taking a bite of his sandwich. “But thanks, Aeri. I do need to train after that happened.”
"I should say thanks instead, Y/n" Giselle smiled. "You looked surprisingly cool back there."
"No it wasn't. But at least it drives me to hit the gym" He chowed down his well-deserved burger.
She waved him off. “No problem. It was fun.”
The two sat in comfortable silence for a while, the post-workout exhaustion settling in. It was moments like these—just relaxing and sharing a meal—that reminded Y/n how much he appreciated his job. Sure, it was chaotic and exhausting at times, but he wouldn’t trade it for anything.
As they finished their food, Giselle glanced over at him, a mischievous look in her eyes. “Same time next week?”
Y/n groaned, but the smile on his face gave him away. “Fine. But next time, I’m picking the workout.”
“Deal,” Giselle grinned, already looking forward to their next session.
A few months had passed since Y/n’s “death by burpees” workout with Giselle. He had committed to their regular gym sessions, despite his initial reluctance. Cardio, strength training, and core work had slowly started to pay off. His stamina improved, muscles grew, and even his posture became more confident. However, Y/n didn’t give much thought to his own progress. To him, it was just about keeping up with the girls and doing his job better.
But aespa had definitely noticed.
One afternoon, while Y/n was grabbing some water bottles for the group, Winter’s voice broke through the chatter.
“Wait—when did this happen?” she asked, her brow furrowed in confusion as she stared at Y/n.
“Happen? What?” Y/n responded, blinking in confusion.
“This!” Winter gestured dramatically towards him, like she was pointing out something obvious. “Idiot. You’re... like... buff now.”
Karina, who had been mid-stretch, stopped and glanced up. “Oh my God, she’s right.” She sat up straighter, her eyes scanning his form. “Wow, you’ve definitely been working out.”
Giselle, not one to miss a chance to brag, gave a smug grin from her spot by the mirrors. “Told you I’d get him in shape.”
Y/n shrugged awkwardly, not used to being the centre of attention. “It’s just a bit of working out,” he muttered, scratching the back of his neck. “Nothing crazy. Just training to get stronger, you know?”
Winter stood up, her eyes scrutinising him with exaggerated intensity. “No, seriously. When did you get all... strong? What are you eating?”
Ningning, having missed the start of the conversation, wandered over. “What’s going on?”
“Y/n’s been hitting the gym,” Karina explained with a chuckle. “And apparently, he’s swole now.”
Ningning raised an eyebrow, walking up to Y/n and poking his arm experimentally. “Whoa. You’ve been hiding this under all those hoodies?”
Y/n groaned, quickly becoming flustered. “It’s just some muscle, nothing worth—”
“Nope, this is big news,” Ningning interrupted, laughing as she continued to poke him. “You’re all buff now, which means you’re finally ready for me to set you up with someone.”
Y/n blinked, taken aback. “…Dafug? You what now?”
Ningning grinned mischievously. “You know, now that you’ve had a glow-up, I can totally help you get a date. I know tons of cute girls. Heck, we can set you up with Seulgi-unnie for the lols.”
Karina and Giselle burst into laughter, clearly entertained by Ningning’s playful matchmaking attempt.
“Oh, this is going to be good,” Karina teased, sitting back to watch the chaos unfold. “Let’s see who she has in mind.”
Y/n felt his face heat up, shaking his head vigorously. “Ok, please don—”
“Come on,” Ningning pressed, clearly enjoying his embarrassment. “I’ve got connections. You won’t have to stay single forever.”
Before Y/n could protest further, Winter, who had been watching the entire exchange with an unreadable expression, suddenly spoke up.
“He doesn’t need your help, Ning,” Winter said, crossing her arms and stepping forward. “He’s fine as he is.”
Everyone turned to look at her, the room going silent for a moment. Winter’s tone was oddly defensive, and it wasn’t long before Karina and Giselle exchanged knowing glances, their lips curving into mischievous grins.
“Oh?” Karina said, eyes glinting with amusement. “Minjeong-ssi, are you... jealous?”
Winter’s eyes widened in alarm. “What? No! I’m just saying—he doesn’t need her to—”
“Yeah, sure,” Giselle cut in, smirking. “That sounded totally platonic.”
Winter’s face turned pink as she struggled to find the right words. “I-I didn’t mean it like that!”
Ningning, ever the troublemaker, immediately pounced on the opportunity. “Ooooh, I see what’s happening here,” she teased, her grin widening. “Minjeong-unnie doesn’t want anyone else setting Y/n up because *she* wants to do it herself.”
“Stop twisting my words!” Winter protested, her blush deepening as she glared at Ningning.
Y/n, caught in the middle of the teasing, could only stand there, his eyes wide as the girls ganged up on Winter.
“Ya, this isn’t—” he started to say, but his words were drowned out by the escalating laughter.
“You’re blushing,” Karina pointed out, clearly enjoying the show. “It’s cute.”
“I am not!” Winter huffed, her arms tightening across her chest defensively. “You’re all ridiculous.”
The teasing only got worse from there.
“Don’t worry, unnie,” Ningning said with a wink. “If you want Y/n to stay single, all you have to do is ask.”
“I don’t want that!” Winter groaned, covering her face with her hands. “Can we just move on?”
Giselle, still laughing, patted Winter on the back. “Hey, no need to be shy. It’s okay to admit you care.”
“Ugh, you guys are the worst,” Winter muttered, her voice muffled behind her hands.
Y/n, meanwhile, was doing his best to keep his own blush under control. He had never seen Winter get this flustered before, and while he didn’t want to make things more awkward for her, the situation was undeniably hilarious.
After a few more minutes of relentless teasing, Karina finally took pity on Winter and waved her hands in surrender. “Alright, alright, let’s give her a break before she explodes.”
Winter peeked out from behind her hands, her face still red but visibly relieved. “Thank you.”
But Ningning wasn’t done just yet. “So, if Winter doesn’t want me to set Y/n up... does that mean she’s volunteering?”
“Okay, that’s it,” Winter groaned, grabbing a pillow from the nearby couch and tossing it at Ningning’s face. “We’re done talking about this!”
Laughter erupted once again as Ningning dodged the pillow, her grin as wide as ever. “Fine, fine! But just know, I’m always available for matchmaking if you change your mind, Y/n.”
Y/n let out a sigh, shaking his head with a chuckle. “I think I’ll pass.”
After the chaos of teasing finally died down and everyone had settled back into their routines, Y/n found himself replaying the conversation in his head.
He knew the girls liked to mess around, but the way Winter had reacted earlier... it left him with a strange, fluttery feeling in his chest. He wasn’t sure what to make of it. Was it just the usual banter, or was there something more behind her defensiveness?
As he helped pack up the practice room for the day, Winter approached him, her expression noticeably less flustered now that the teasing had subsided.
“Sorry about earlier,” she said quietly, glancing away. “They can be a bit... annoying sometimes.”
Y/n smiled softly. “Ehhh… I’m used to it by now. Got that every day.”
Winter nodded, her gaze still avoiding his. “I just didn’t want them making things weird for you. Ningning has a habit of taking things too far.”
“Don’t worry about it,” he reassured her. “Thanks for stepping in.”
She glanced up at him then, a small smile tugging at her lips. “Anytime.”
For a brief moment, the two stood there in comfortable silence, the noise of the others packing up in the background. And while neither of them said anything more, there was an unspoken understanding between them—one that Y/n couldn’t quite put into words but felt all the same.
As they left the practice room that evening, Y/n couldn’t help but wonder if things between him and Winter were changing.
Maybe. Just maybe.
And if they were? Well... he wasn’t entirely against it.
The next workout session was supposed to be business as usual—just Y/n and Giselle hitting the gym like they had been doing for months. It had become a routine, something Y/n had grown to not only accept but almost look forward to, despite the occasional grumbling when Giselle pushed him a bit too hard.
But today, something was different. Or someone was.
As Y/n and Giselle entered the company gym, stretching and preparing for another gruelling session, a familiar face strolled in behind them—Winter.
“Wait,” Y/n blinked, watching as Winter tossed her bag down by the mats. “Jeong, what are you doing here?”
Winter shrugged, acting nonchalant, though there was an unmistakable determination in her eyes. “What? Can’t I join you guys? I don’t always want to be the homebody, you know.”
Giselle smirked, clearly entertained. “You? Winter? At the gym? Voluntarily?”
Winter rolled her eyes but smiled, crossing her arms. “Don’t sound so surprised. I’ve worked out before.”
“Yeah,” Giselle teased, “but your ‘workout’ is walking to the kitchen for snacks.”
“She’s right, you know?” Y/n chuckled, stretching his arms behind his head. “I’ve never seen you step foot in the gym before.”
“Well,” Winter huffed, glancing between the two of them, “today’s a new day. I figured I should at least see what all the fuss is about since you two keep talking about it.”
Giselle raised an eyebrow, amused by Winter’s sudden enthusiasm. “Uh-huh. And this doesn’t have anything to do with the fact that everyone was teasing you about Y/n yesterday, right?”
Winter’s eyes widened, her face flushing as she shook her head. “No! It has nothing to do with that! I just... wanted to try it, okay?”
Y/n bit back a grin, not wanting to embarrass Winter any further. “Well, if you’re serious about joining us, uhhh welcome.”
“Great,” Winter said, a little too quickly, as she avoided eye contact. “Let’s do this.”
“Why do I feel like I’m dying?” Winter panted, clutching her side as she bent over, trying to catch her breath.
“That’s because you are.” Y/n deadpanned.
“Shut…up, Jung Y/n.”
Giselle, barely breaking a sweat, glanced down at Winter with a smirk. “Told you it wasn’t going to be easy. Welcome to gym life.”
Y/n tried to suppress his laugh as he wiped his forehead with a towel. Winter had gamely joined in on their usual warm-up routine, but it was clear she wasn’t used to this kind of intense exercise. While she might have been an idol, used to dancing and rehearsing for hours, the focused, relentless pace of their workout had caught her off guard.
Winter shot him a look, narrowing her eyes. “You think this is funny?”
Y/n raised his hands in mock surrender, still smiling. “Damn right, it is.”
“You’re such a piece of bull,” she muttered, straightening up and stretching her arms over her head. “I thought I was in good shape... but this is torture.”
Giselle grinned, tapping her on the shoulder. “Don’t worry, you’ll get used to it. Besides, it’s good to switch things up every now and then.”
Winter groaned but nodded. “I guess.”
Y/n couldn’t help but admire her determination. Despite her complaints, she hadn’t given up, and in a way, it reminded him of his own early days at the gym—awkward, out of breath, but still pushing through.
“Alright, let’s get back to it,” Giselle said, clapping her hands together. “Next up, we’ve got some core work. You ready, Winter?”
Winter hesitated, glancing at Y/n. “Do I have a choice?”
“Nope,” Y/n said with a grin, grabbing his water bottle. “You’re stuck with us now.”
After a gruelling session that left even Y/n feeling the burn, the three of them finally headed back to the dorm. Winter had survived—barely—and while she complained the entire walk back, Y/n could tell she was secretly proud of herself for sticking it out.
As they reached the dorm entrance, Winter paused, stretching her arms again. “I’m never doing that again.”
“Oh, come on,” Giselle teased, unlocking the door. “You loved it.”
Winter shot her a glare. “My body says otherwise.”
As they stepped inside, they were greeted by Karina and Ningning lounging on the couch, looking far too comfortable for Y/n’s liking.
Ningning was the first to notice their return, her eyes lighting up with mischief as she sat up. “Well, well, well. Look who’s finally joining the fitness squad.”
Karina raised an eyebrow. “Minjeong, you? At the gym?”
Winter groaned, flopping onto the couch beside her. “Yes, and I regret every second of it.”
Giselle snickered, tossing her bag aside. “She did pretty well, considering she’s not used to it.”
“Used to what?” Ningning asked, looking between them.
“Working out with us,” Y/n explained, grabbing a seat in the nearby armchair. “Minjeong joined our gym session today.”
Karina blinked in surprise, then smirked. “And lived to tell the tale?”
“Barely,” Winter muttered, slumping against the cushions. “I don’t know how you guys do that every week.”
Ningning’s eyes lit up again, clearly not about to let this opportunity pass. “You’re just trying to keep up with Y/n, aren’t you?”
Winter immediately sat up, glaring at Ningning. “No! I just... wanted to try something different.”
Ningning’s grin only widened. “Suuuure. You weren’t worried about someone else setting him up with a date or anything, right?”
Winter’s face turned red as she scrambled for a response, but before she could defend herself, Karina and Giselle burst out laughing, joining in on the teasing.
“Not this again,” Winter groaned, burying her face in her hands. “I’m never going to hear the end of this, am I?”
“Nope,” Ningning said cheerfully, patting her on the back. “But hey, at least you survived the workout.”
Y/n, watching the chaos unfold, couldn’t help but smile. It was good to see Winter come out of her comfort zone, even if it was for something as simple as a workout. And despite all the teasing, there was a warmth to the way the girls interacted—an unspoken understanding that they were all in this together, through thick and thin.
As the laughter died down and everyone settled into their usual spots, Y/n found himself glancing over at Winter. She caught his eye for a brief moment, and though her cheeks were still pink from the teasing, she offered him a small smile.
Maybe she wouldn’t become a gym regular like Giselle, but the fact that she had joined them—even if just for a day—was enough.
“Next time,” Y/n said, raising his water bottle, “I’ll go easy on you.”
Winter groaned again but smiled. “You better.”
“Actually. Nah. It’s funnier seeing you suffer.”
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shirayuricky · 3 days
(oh you sound so busy 😓 and a month is so close omg may uni be take it easy with you, fighting!! i'll look foward to it then I'm sure it will be so good 🥹)
fluff but hard thoughts (???)
this one is REALLY long .. i'm sorry !!
well, it's so embarrassing and a bit weird / cringey actually but i thought about it out of sudden and can't get it off my head pls help (pleasee ignore this if u don't like it im so embarrassed so i apologize if u think it's too weird 😅
rlly ah why i thought abt it 🫠
this is abt gunwookie btw i love him smmm
for reference i wanted to add those pictures of him wearing that snorlax onesie but i don't know why i can't add images here
reader lives alone on her apartment so she's always spending her free time doing the things that makes her happy. she rlly enjoys having these self-healing times but still feels kinda lonely sometimes, that's when she ends up falling asleep cuddling her GIANT teddy bear she got on one of that big claw machines. only when she feels lonely, she tells herself. she is good on her own... but who is she lying to? she hugs that bear so tightly every single night, that's her best friend. she didn't got close to anybody at college and the routine is tough, that fluffy bear is the only one that always hear the feelings she holds deep down her heart and she feels comforted by that she even named him and takes it all around the house, when she's watching movies, cooking and baking or just being. one night she got so worked up after watching a romance movie with unexpected hot scenes that she just couldn't sleep thinking about it. suddenly she felt her body heat up while still holding tight to her bear cause she thought hugging him again would help her sleep faster even tho it didn't. instead, she started slowing grinding on it searching for some kind of relief. when she realized she was whimpering against the bear's soft cheeks and couldn't stop riding it so she started crying she felt so needy, sad and hopeless at the same time. she felt asleep bc of all the crying and her heart breaking she just wished her teddy bear could hug her back and take care of her.
deep in her sleep she felt a really soft touch, caressing her thighs, her waist and then hear face. she tought it was a dream, but when she felt a small kiss on her cheek she woke up to the sight of the prettiest guy she's ever seen and he was smiling so prettily and sweet but still he was a stranger, obviously she would scream. her high pitched scream almost broke the cute boy's heart. why was she screaming like this after telling him i love you every night. he was teary-eyed.
"WHO TF ARE YOU? HOW DID YOU GOT IN MY ROOM YOU PERV?" she was freaking out, who wouldn't though? she was so disturbed by the vision of a unknown -tall as hell- man IN HER BED wearing fcking bear pajamas. who is tryna prank her?
he tilted his head to the side in confusion and said "it's me gunwookie"
she blinked like five times before widening her eyes and again asking herself if this is a prank, how could it be, no one knows about her shameful friendship with a teddy bear, so how could he knows the name of it? he must be a stalker.
"what are your intentions? why are you... stalking me? how do you know me?"
and he looked even more confused than her
"i just wanna take care of you, i love you so much too, it was you who brought me here and I'm so thankful that you treat me so well" he smiled again
something sparked on her brain and she looked around her room searching for the giant teddy bear until she noticed he was there anymore... it can't be...?
"wait... are you my wookie bear? what am i saying? that's impossible..."
he just nodded his head and smiled again
"are you for real??" and gunwook confirmed but seconds later his smile dropped
"why were you crying earlier? i got so worried" and he pouted sadly
oh so he is really my bear, she thought
"I was feeling too sad and lonely gunwookie :( that's why"
"is there something i can do to make you better?" he asked and she just jumped on him giving the biggest hug ever, she needed that
"just stay here with me please gunwookie"
"okay i won't go anywhere" and he hugged her back
after a moment he speaked up again "I'm so sorry"
"why are you saying that, wookie?"
"did i hurt you? you were near me doing those sounds and then you started crying, i don't really understand what happened.. it sounded like you were in pain.. did i do something wrong? please explain me and i promised i will apologize properly to you and repair any mistake"
oh this is gonna be a really long night
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(oh 🍄 anon my tests for this week has ended and now i'm back to this. and i got your back! i found some pics of gunwook in a snorlax hoodie. if you're in anon, you can't share images, just links!)
so continuing on from where we left, you explained that you are not in pain, just desperate for pleasure. gunwook seems a bit clueless but when he gets what you're trying to mean, his cheeks blush in pink. he lets you take the lead, he doesn't want to hurt you. he just wanted you to feel satisfied in your sleep.
you ride his cock, bouncing up and down, as you interlocked both of your hands together with his hands. and his blush just gets more pink. he's getting flustered from the pleasure, sweet and soft moans spilling out of his lips.
after the both of you cummed, you tidied yourself up and gave gunwook a simple aftercare, solely made of cuddles. "sorry for that, i was just...needy." you apologised. "y/n, that's alright, at least you're...happy now." gunwook responded, wrapping his arms around you.
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weirdkpopgirl · 9 hours
Drunk Kisses | Mark Imagine #8
Title: Drunk Kisses
Genre: College AU, friends to lovers
Warnings: mentions of alcohol, drinking, making out
Word Count: ~2.6k
Author's Note: I am very sorry for how long it's been since I've last posted something. Lately, I've just been very uninspired to the point that I think my career of writing fanfic is coming to an end. Anyhow, I hope you guys enjoy this. I'm sorry if it's not that good. Thank you for reading ^ ^
Anyone who knew you even a little was well aware that you were not a party person. You were the type of college student who attended all your classes, got all your homework done before the due date, and spent your weekends stowed away in a library or your dorm room. 
In your world, going to college parties was strictly off-limits. Frankly, you’ve done a good job of avoiding them your entire freshman year. A few of your friends insisted that you were missing out on fun. But the idea of loud music, sweaty crowds, and the smell of spilled beer didn’t sound like much fun to you.
But that all changed your sophomore year when your roommate, Jooyoung, finally convinced you to come to a homecoming party. She knew how much you hated any sort of social event, and respected your wishes. Now that you were in your second year, she was a little less forgiving.
“Come on, (Y/n). It’s just one party. You can’t just spend all your time in our dorm!” Jooyoung whined, half-dressed in her outfit for the night.
Glancing up from your laptop, you sighed. “You know I hate parties.”
Unfazed by your weak excuse, Jooyoung rummaged through her closet in search of something for you to wear. She didn’t even bother to look through yours, knowing you didn’t own anything remotely party-appropriate.
“You’re coming, and you’re going to look cute,” Jooyoung insisted. “Just give it a chance! You might even have fun for once.”
You opened your mouth to argue that you had plenty of fun without frat parties being involved. But before you could say anything, Jooyoung tossed a sleek black dress on your bed. It was a simple yet elegant dress, with thin straps and a figure-hugging silhouette. 
 “Here put this on. Trust me, you’ll look amazing,” she urged, flashing you a grin. 
Amazing wasn’t the word you’d choose when you reluctantly got up from your desk and changed into the dress. But before you could back out, Jooyoung was dragging you out of the dorms. As soon as you stepped outside with her, you regretted agreeing. You could already hear the sound of thumping music from blocks away, causing your stomach to knot as you approached the house.
It was even worse than you imagined once you got inside. The air smelled like alcohol and sweat, the bass from the music rattled your ribs, and people were packed together tightly, shouting over the noise.
Jooyoung’s eyes widened when she recognized someone she knew in the crowd. “I’ll be back!” she yelled over the music.
“Wait—” you began to protest, but she had already vanished into the sea of people.
Swallowing hard, you weaved through the crowd to follow after her. Just as you were about to give up hope, you felt a tap on the shoulder. Turning around, you were met with a familiar face. Lee Donghyuck. 
“What are you doing here? I thought you weren’t the party type,” the boy teased, clearly surprised to see you in this type of setting.
You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms, feeling a bit self-conscious. “I’m not. Jooyoung made me come.”
“Hm, I see,” Donghyuck nodded with a smirk. “Want a drink?”
You eyed the plastic red cup he offered, raising an eyebrow. “You know I’m not twenty-one yet, right?”
“Yeah, like that’s ever stopped anyone from drinking underage,” he chuckled.
Wanting to stick with your rules, you shook your head. “I’m not drinking, Donghyuck.”
“Why not? You scared?” Donghyuck cocked his head, knowing exactly how to push your buttons.
Your stomach twisted, more out of pride than anything else— because you weren’t scared. You just didn’t want to end up like the sloppy drunk partygoers who got absolutely wasted. But Donghyuck’s taunting words and the smirk at you struck a nerve, and something inside you snapped.
With a determined expression, you snatched the cup out of his hand. “I’m not scared,” you said, before downing the drink in one go. 
The burn of the alcohol burned your throat immediately, causing you to pull away in a grimace. Donghyuck’s eyes widened in surprise, clearly not expecting you to go through with it.
“That’s the spirit!” he laughed, slinging an arm around you. “Come on, let’s get you another shot.”
One shot turned into two, then three. You weren’t sure when you lost count, but the edges of the room soon started to blur, and the music didn’t sound so painfully loud anymore. Your body felt light, and everything seemed warmer. Fuzzier. You stumbled through the crowd in search of Jooyoung but instead bumped into someone else.
“(Y/n)?” The sound of his voice instantly made your heart stop for a second. 
It was Mark Lee, a junior you knew from InterVarsity. He was someone you’ve admired from afar for quite some time now. The kind of guy everyone liked, always smiling and joking around with his friends. You’ve been crushing on Mark since last year when you saw him perform on the worship team. But you hadn’t dared to pursue anything beyond friendship.
“I didn’t expect to see you here,” he said approaching you, his words slightly slurred.
He hadn't had too much to drink, having come as the designated driver for his friends. But it was tough to resist joining in with all the pressure around him.
“I didn’t expect to be here either,” you replied with a giggle, feeling more at ease than usual.
Mark’s expression shifted to slight concern as he noticed your flushed cheeks. “Are you…?”
“Donghyuck may have given me a few drinks,” you explained, swaying slightly on your feet.
At the mention of your mischievous friend’s name, Mark let out an exasperated sigh and shook his head.
“Of course he did,” he muttered under his breath. “Come on, let’s go outside.”
He grabbed your hand gently, and the contact sent a jolt through you. With his guidance, the two of you pushed through the crowd together, stepping out onto the porch. The cool air outside felt wonderful compared to the stuffy house you were just in. You smiled, closing your eyes and leaning against the railing.
“You okay?” Mark asked, a hint of concern in his voice as he contemplated whether he should get you some water.
You opened your eyes to look at him, suddenly feeling bolder. Maybe it was the alcohol, or maybe it was the fact that you two were alone in a quiet space. You’ve never been this close to him before. But now that you were, you could see all the features of his that you admired. His dark messy hair, the way his lips curled into a soft smile, the way his eyes glinted under the dim porch light.
“You have really pretty eyes, you know that?” you blurted without thinking.
He blinked, taken aback by your compliment. “Uh…thanks?”
“No, like they’re so pretty,” you continued, stepping closer to brush your fingers over his cheek. “I could get lost in them.”
His eyes widened at your touch, but he didn’t take your hand away. “Is that so?” he asked, a slow smile spreading across his face.
By now, you heart was pounding erratically in your chest. But before your brain could override your desires, your hands found their way to his shoulders and pulled him down toward you. Mark was frozen when your lips met his, as even the tipsy version of him hadn’t anticipated this boldness from you. But once he processed that you were kissing him, a switch went off in his brain and something shifted.
Mark’s hands found your waist, pulling you closer as the passion seeped into the kiss. His lips were warm and firm against yours, and the taste of alcohol lingered between you. Your fingers quickly became tangled in his hair, and you pressed yourself against him, feeling the heat of his body through his shirt. Mark groaned softly into your mouth, his hands sliding up your back, one hand cupping the back of your neck as he tilted his head to kiss you more deeply.
Your lips moved like a dance, slow and rhythmic, but growing faster with each passing second. At some point, you felt the soft brush of his tongue against your lower lip, and you opened your mouth for him. The kiss was intoxicating, and the most exhilarating sensation you had ever experienced. You could feel his breath mixing with yours, your lips only parting for brief seconds before crashing back together, more urgently each time.
“I’ve been wanting to do that for so long,” Mark whispered against your mouth when the two of you finally pulled away for good. 
Your hand remained on his neck as you gazed into his eyes. Even in your drunken state, you could see the intensity in them. “Me too,” you said softly, resting your forehead against his.
The rest of the night was a complete blur to you. You woke up in bed the next morning with a splitting headache, and the sunlight streaming through the window shades only made it worse. As someone who had never had a hangover before, you had never felt so miserable.
Groaning, you lay back in bed and tried to recall what happened last night. You vaguely remembered the party, and Jooyoung running off, then Donghyuck pouring shots for you. Your stomach twisted at the thought. Why did I let him talk me into drinking?
Rolling over, you grabbed your phone from your nightstand, trying to ignore the fact that it felt like someone was pounding your head with a hammer. The screen instantly lit up with a few notifications, mostly emails. But one in particular made your heart stop.
Mark: Hey, how are you feeling? You okay?
Your breath hitched as you read the text over and over again to make sure you weren’t dreaming. Slowly, the memories from last night began flooding back, and a rush of panic accompanied them.
“Oh my gosh,” you muttered under your breath.
The two of you kissed last night. It wasn’t just one kiss either. It was so many times that it was almost neverending. Clasping a hand over your mouth in mortification, the realization hit you. You made out with Mark Lee, the guy you’ve barely been able to hold a conversation without stuttering since the day you’ve met him. This couldn’t be real.
You sat up quickly, causing your head to throb even more. Knowing you couldn’t just leave Mark hanging, you typed a response with wobbly fingers.
You: I think I’m okay, thanks. You?
As you were mentally kicking yourself over and over, your phone buzzed again. Sighing to yourself, you picked up the device again to see what he said.
Mark: I’m good, don’t worry. Want to grab some coffee?
         I can bring you some aspirin if you need it :)
A small laugh escaped you at his kind offer, as you replied with a simple “Sure.” Even though a part of you was nervous, you knew that you needed to talk to him. Nibbling on your lower lip, you anxiously waited for him to reply. Your heart jumped when he responded so fast.
Mark: Great! Meet me outside in 10?
With a sigh, you got up from bed. Your gaze flickered to the empty bed across from you— Jooyoung wasn’t there. You wondered if she came home at all last night. But knowing her, she couldn’t have gotten into too much trouble.
Pulling yourself together, you washed up in the bathroom across the hall. Once you returned to your room, you slipped on some jeans and the first sweater you could find. Anxiety churned in your stomach as you walked outside.
Mark was already waiting outside your residence hall, his hands shoved his pockets as his shoes tapped rhythmically against the pavement. His face lit up with a smile when he spotted you, somehow making you even more nervous. He greeted you with a soft wave which you returned with a small smile.
“Hey, you sure you’re okay?” he asked, noticing you squinting against the sunlight.
You gave him a light nod. “Aside from feeling like someone is pounding a hammer in my head, yeah I’m good.”
He chuckled in response, and a brief silence followed. Swallowing hard, you cleared your throat.
“Um…about last night, you began, feeling your cheeks heat up. “I-I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to get so drunk, and I don’t usually act like that. I’m sorry if I made things awkward or—”
Mark’s expression softened as he stepped closer, gently placing his hands on your shoulders to steady you, cutting off your rambling. “It’s okay, (Y/n),” he reassured.
You blinked, surprised. “It is?”
He nodded, his gaze locked on yours. “Yeah. I’m not gonna lie, I was surprised to see you at that party, but…I don’t regret anything that happened last night.”
His words made your heart skip a beat. A part of you had worried that Mark only kissed you because of the alcohol, but from the look in his eyes, it didn’t seem like just a hazy memory to him.
“Did you…regret it?” Mark then asked, his eyes searching yours with a hint of uncertainty. He was pretty sure that his feelings for you were mutual. But he wanted to be sure that it wasn’t just the alcohol talking last night.
You hesitated for a moment before answering. “If I’m being honest, no, I don’t regret it. I just wish it didn’t take my getting drunk to finally express how I felt about you.”
Mark’s shoulders relaxed slightly at this, and a small smile tugged at the corner of his lips.
“I’m so glad to hear that…because I’ve felt the same way for awhile now,” he paused, softening his voice. “I just wasn’t sure if you liked me back.”
Your breath caught in your throat as his words sank in. “Wow…I had no idea. I mean, I’ve liked you for so long, but I was always too nervous to say anything.”
You watched his smile grow wider and his eyes brighten up. His expression was a mixture of relief and anticipation.
“Well, now that’s all out of the way,” he said, slowly taking your hand. “Will you be my girlfriend?”
You felt your cheeks flush again, but this time, it wasn’t from embarrassment—it was from the sudden rush of hope that maybe, just maybe, things between you two were finally falling into place.
“I…I’d really like that,” you breathed, your voice trembling with excitement and disbelief.
Mark’s grin grew wider, and he squeezed your hand gently. “Good,” he said, his tone full of warmth and sincerity. Then, with a playful smirk, he added, “So, uh… can I kiss you again?”
Your stomach fluttered. This time, you weren’t drunk. This time, you were fully aware of what she was doing, and the idea of kissing him—sober—made her feel nervous in a different way. But you smiled, stepping closer until you were right in front of him. When you gave him the yes, Mark’s lips were on yours again. 
His lips were warm, and they moved gently against yours, sweet and careful. You felt your heart race as you kissed him back, your hands resting lightly on his chest. His thumb stroked your cheek as your lips pressed together, and this time, you could feel everything—the softness of his lips, the way his breath mingled with yours, the way his heart beat steadily under your palms.
When you finally pulled apart, the both of you were smiling, your foreheads resting against each other like the night before. Although you still weren’t a party person, your dislike for them lessened just a bit now.
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kurishiri · 9 hours
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16 . . . alfons main story (with letter)
꒰ ִ ֺ ⊹ @ notice ⊹ ֺ ִ ꒱ this translation may not be 100% accurate or contain creative liberties due to characterization or narrative flow purposes. if you enjoy, please consider reblogging, but don’t repost these or claim these as your own!
— by the way, if you want “alfons’ side” of this chapter, i would recommend giving the ecb story from roger’s past records a read! i copied and pasted some lines from there in this chapter as well.
— cw: mentions of child labor or abuse.
Roger: Even after getting hurt by that villain of a man, you just never learn, do you, lil lady?
Roger’s face was right there before me, so close I could feel his breath.
He was honestly a wonderful person, and I was sure if we had met at the bar, without knowing the circumstances, I would have happily gone along with his slightly rough invitation.
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Kate: I’m really sorry... but right now I’m not in a headspace where I can humor your jokes...
K: Besides, I thought you mentioned you choose your partners?
Thankfully, Roger withdrew his hand from my shoulders, albeit not without a wry laugh.
Roger: You’re right, I did mention that, but I would absolutely take a woman like you any day.
(Could it be he came here to cheer me up?)
My heart, having felt cold and hollow, now felt a tad bit of warmth.
(Oh, come to think of it...)
Kate: ...If I remember, you are doing research on the Cursed ones, right?
Roger: That I am, but what of it?
Kate: If it’s not too much trouble, could you tell me what Alfons’ tragic fate is...?
When I asked Roger what had been occupying my mind since before he came, he shrugged his shoulders, his movements stiff.
Roger: If he knew I was the one to tell you, he’d hate me more than he already does.
Kate: Then whatever you say here will stay between the two of us.
Roger: I mean, sure, but I’m pretty sure he’d still catch on even if you didn’t say a word.
R: Well, despite what I said, I’m more than convinced he couldn’t hate me any more at this point, so I don’t really mind.
(Now that we’re on this topic...)
I remembered I couldn’t help but feel the way Alfons acted toward Roger made me a bit uncomfortable.
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[1] So you two go way back. (+4 / +4)
[2] Does he hate you?
[3] Which one of you is older?
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Kate: So, I take it you two go way back?
Roger: And what makes you think that?
Kate: Well, I guess when you two were speaking, it looked like you weren’t pulling any punches on each other, so to speak... but also I felt you two were a bit distant...
K: So I thought something might’ve happened that made it that way, perhaps.
Roger: Well well? Look at you and your keen eye. But as for the reason he holds some deep-seated grudges against me——
R: ...It was because the one who had told him what his ‘tragic fate’ was so casually, was none other than me.
R: His life had always been a bit twisted, so to speak, but then I came in and wrung it more.
Roger: You want in on it?
(If I nod here...)
The story that Roger was about to tell——
Surely, it would cover a part of Alfons that he would never let me so much as step in.
(...I wonder, will knowing more about him really do much?)
(Perhaps, knowing would actually make it harder to forget.)
I bit my lip slightly.
(But, even so——)
Even if it was just a tiny fragment, I wanted to grasp at his true form, however much of a mirage he may be.
Kate: ...Yes, please tell me more.
—— Flashback ——
The story I’m about to tell is neither a dream nor illusion.
It is nothing but the ‘truth’ that one can’t escape from——
Once, there was a boy who bore ashy gray eyes: an orphan from the East End.
And ever since the time he was aware of what was going on around him, he had been subjected to harsh labor at the orphanage.
The work environment was poor at best, and even a slightest mistake would result in corporal punishment.
However, this boy held a certain skill as well.
He knew the art of escaping from the reality that dealt him with hardships and rendered him famished and in pain by dreaming.
‘This isn’t me’——such were the chants of the boy who looked into his own reflection in the muddied water.
Whenever he did this, his consciousness would distance itself from him, going somewhere outside. And so, even if he was being punished, he felt nothing.
Not to mention, there were countless children who died as well.
...Children whose names he could no longer remember. And when the time came, it would surely be the same for him as well.
——But even so, there was but a single thing he had held dear in his heart.
Gray-eyed boy: Come here, won’t you?
Out in the alleyway, there was a trembling kitten.
He never had much bread in the first place, but nonetheless he split it with the kitten; he would fall asleep while hugging it to his chest on colder days; and he would pet it on the back of its neck.
Whenever he did so, his heart would calm down.
(That’s right, I’m different from those adults. Because unlike them, I have love in me.)
(And I’m different from those nameless kids too, because I’ve got this fella here.)
(This cat knows me, if no one else. It remembers me too.)
Thinking this helped keep his sense of self.
Gray-eyed boy: I love you... so that’s why, if no one else, you have to remember me, okay?
The kitten’s warmth, the feeling of its soft fur, and the small meows...
Surrounded by bricks that were on the verge of falling apart, that very place was the ‘reality’ he lived in.
—— End flashback ——
—— Flashback ——
Roger: Huh. A cat...
One fateful day, the young boy met another named Roger in the East End.
Roger appeared slightly older than the boy who was polishing shoes out on the streets.
And judging from his attire, he was probably not a noble, but more likely than not he had come from a relatively more well-to-do family.
‘I heard some rumors about the orphanage, so here I am,’ Roger had said, wanting in on the boy’s story, almost to an excessive extent for some odd reason.
Roger: So? What’s that cat doing now? After all, the fact you’re polishing shoes out here now is because you got kicked out from the orphanage, right?
When talking about the cat, the boy’s ashy gray eyes seemed to soften ever so slightly.
Gray-eyed boy: That fella’s still at the orphanage. Someone there’s probably looking after it, maybe?
Roger: .........And you? What’s your name?
His name——that young boy had an inkling that he had forgotten he even had such a thing in the first place.
Gray-eyed boy: ...Alfons, I think.
Roger: You think?
Alfons: Well, I heard it was written on the box I was in.
That alone was enough to hit home the fact that he had been abandoned the moment he was born.
He had no memory of the time before he found himself at the orphanage.
And that orphanage was the very one he had been recently driven out of.
Roger: Do you really not know the reason you were kicked out of the orphanage?
Alfons: How could I? It was so sudden, so...
—— End flashback ——
When the needle on the clocks overlapped, I found myself back in the present time.
Roger: I had heard a certain rumor circulating around at the time, so that’s why I tried to get in touch with him.
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Kate: A rumor...?
Roger: Yeah. A rumor where ‘the director of the orphanage was made into a cat.’
(Did he just say... he was ‘made into a cat’...?)
Kate: What in the world does that mean...?
Roger: At the time, I already knew I was Cursed, and I had already begun researching about Curses at that point.
R: Through my father, who was a town doctor, I searched around for any documents about patients who could possibly be Cursed.
R: And it was among those I found something particularly strange, that being rumors of a person who could ‘overwrite other people’s perceptions’——
R: And there were strange cases of amnesia where that came from.
When I thought of Alfons’ face, I stifled a breath.
Roger: White could be perceived as black, and vice versa——there are a great many who experienced that firsthand, thinking such things were reality.
R: But interestingly enough, none of them could remember who had made it that way. Their name, what they looked like, where they lived, everything.
R: And when I checked the registry of that area and any records... I was confident there was some unnatural ‘white space’ there.
R: It was clear as night and day that there was a single person who had just up and disappeared to thin air from both memories and records. ...Strange, isn’t it?
R: I was more than sure that person who held such an ability was a ‘Cursed one.’
At that moment, I had a bad feeling.
But nonetheless, I simply swallowed my breath and continued to listen.
Roger: So when I first heard the rumor that there was a ‘human who had turned into a cat,’ I thought he would be Cursed.
R: And at the time, I was hoping to find a Cursed one aside from myself in earnest.
R: ...That’s why I ended up doing something rash.
—— Flashback ——
Roger: You’ve got some strange ability, don’t you?
All of a sudden, Roger had asked this with a serious expression, causing Alfons to back away with slow steps.
Alfons: What do you mean, ‘strange ability’...?
Roger: You know, like by touching somewhere and whatnot, you can make people think any lie as the truth. Something like that.
Alfons: ...Any lie... as the truth...
Roger figured that since Alfons hadn’t asked what he was talking about, he probably was at least somewhat in the know.
Believing this without question, Roger took a step back before spreading both his arms.
Roger: So try something on me, won’t you? Anything’s fine.
Alfons: ...
After staring at Roger closely for a while...
Alfons: ...If you pay me, I could do it.
He made a proposal to the well-dressed Roger.
And from there, the two did this and that to test his ‘ability.’
After all, Alfons himself didn’t know how to activate it.
Roger: Looks like just throwing words out won’t do it.
Alfons: So then I’d have to touch you somewhere too or something?
And then, Alfons held Roger’s hand, touched his forehead and whatnot, and after a lot of trial and error——
Alfons: “This isn’t shoe polish, but your most favorite food.”
—— End flashback ——
Roger: When he touched the back of my neck, his ability activated.
Kate: ...And how did you know that?
Roger: Well, by the time I came to, I realized I was eating shoe polish, and he was there on the side laughing and pointing his finger at me.
Roger, laughing it off, continued the story.
—— Flashback ——
Roger: I knew it, you really are Cursed.
Alfons: Cursed?
A: What in the world are you saying, mister [1]? Just hurry up and pay me, will you?
Alfons’ eyes grew cold, and he extended his head, waving it.
And Roger grabbed both of his shoulders.
Roger: You have the ability to distort the minds of other people. You saw it yourself before, didn’t you?
R: And those who are Cursed will have to face a tragic fate as a price for their abilities.
Alfons: Wh... what’re getting all excited for?
There are those who were cast with a Curse since the moment they were born——such people are known as ‘Cursed ones.’
And at this point in time, Alfons still didn’t grasp such a meaning.
Roger: I mean the Cursed ones are born “to commit sins and meet a tragic fate.”
Alfons: ...Are you sure you shouldn’t go to a hospital, mister? There can’t be such a thing as a tragic fate and all.
Roger: I know it sounds like a lie, but it really is true! And I think in your case, it would probably be——“to die without leaving your mark on anyone’s memories.”
R: That’s the fate you bear.
Alfons: ——!
In exchange for an ability a normal person could never have, they were dealt the hands of a ‘tragic fate.’
Roger: But, I’m sure these fates can be changed. In fact, I’ll do just that.
R: After all, I was finally able to meet someone other than myself who’s Cursed! Hey, do you——
Alfons: .........get out.
All of a sudden, Alfons pushed Roger on his chest. Hard.
Roger: ...? What’s up with you? Looking pale as a sheet like that.
Alfons: Whatever, just get out of my sight!
Pushing Roger so hard he was almost sent flying, Alfons ran away——
never to return there again.
—— End flashback ——
Roger: ...And then a little while after that,
R: I heard a rumor around that ‘there was a kid who could show weird illusions over at the slums.’
I was reminded of how I had seen Alfons in the warehouse that had long become ruins, showing illusions to the people there.
—— Flashback ——
Alfons: I have been doing these things even prior to joining Crown, you see.
A: So I see no reason to stop, simply because I’ve been told to, or it’s a supposed ‘national secret’ and what have you.
—— End flashback ——
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Roger: At the time, I was hoping he could work with me on my research...
R: But if I had to say, I got too caught up in talking about his fate, and as a result I had ended up pushing on him a reality he could never go back from again.
Just like that, I felt as though a hole had opened up beneath my feet.
The past I didn’t know of,
the day I had first understood what his ability entailed, and... the ‘Curse’ his body had ended up bearing.
(“To die without leaving his mark on anyone’s memories”——such was Alfons’ tragic fate.)
to be continued…
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Acceptance is important, you know
Good day to you. How have you been faring?
...So I do ask, though I couldn’t really care less, if I had to be honest. But even so, do make sure to eat and sleep properly, alright?
After all, would you not agree that destroying your body and suffering because you had been pulled by the whims of some irresponsible hedonist is nothing short of a ludicrous tale?
The quickest way to overcome a lost love would be liquor and food, along with the discovery of your next love. Such is usually the case.
If you indulge in a delicious liquor, I imagine you will come to realize this love was naught but some silly affair. In fact, I’m more than certain of it.
Should you seek out a pleasure no deeper than the surface, then I will be more than happy to play together with you once more.
Well then, until next time.
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[1] Here, Alfons refers to Roger as [お兄さん] (onī-san), which literally means “big brother,” and it could be used to refer to someone else’s older brother, but here it’s used more in the context that Roger is a guy a little older than Alfons, so it’s just like a casual way to call someone you’re not super close with or don’t know the name of, not because they are blood-related in any way. Think of it kinda like “bro” in modern terms maybe?
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꒰ ִ ֺ ⊹ @ tags🏷️ ⊹ ֺ ִ ꒱ @drachonia @.comment, send an ask off anon, or dm to be added or removed!
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fictionadventurer · 8 months
I thought that it was stupid that Brandon Sanderson had the narrator of Tress of the Emerald Sea call all the unnamed sailors "Dougs" when he could have just called them, you know, sailors. But then I started using the term. Turns out having a word for "yes, we know that realistically all these individuals have unique identities and personalities, but they're not the focus of this story so we're going to treat them as faceless background characters" is surprisingly useful.
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apocalypticdemon · 2 months
I am so beyond ready to quit this job. Wednesday cannot come fast enough.
#to be fair it's bc school starts again in a few weeks#but idk. every day at this office feels like sandpaper on my skin. people always ask me shit i dont understand#and every case is so individual there's no set checklist to follow to troubleshoot#so most of the time I just grind my gears and get stuck#it'd busy more days than not.#and it was advertised to me as data entry only. client interactions was not what i signed up for.#it's all client interaction.#we're short staffed so nobody gets to take the back office and have a break.#when we weren't short staffed i was the new guy and only got 1 day in the back a week while everyone else got 2.#all my coworkers are conservative but talk like they're apolitical.#i thought it'd be fulfilling bc im helping people get benefits#but many are rude or impatient as any other service job. I'm constantly trying to direct people that don't want to listen#or explain the intricacies of something i barely understand.#and i don't want to lead people astray bc you have to start over if you blow a deadline.#but there's just nothing redeeming that i enjoy.#i hate customer service. i hate constantly asking questions. i like seldom few of my coworkers.#i can't be me at work.#and i don't care about the work itself anymore.#this job made me cry every day for weeks last month from sheer stress and overstimulation.#i almost cried myself sick several times.#the only reason I'm not there anymore is bc i dont fucking care anymore.#it took me 2 months to burn out. 2 months!#i was training for half of that!!#idk. everyone decided i was smart and could pick it up quickly so. even though everyone else got 4-6 weeks of shadowing#you can make do with 3 before you start doing stuff solo.#which feels unfair. i wasn't ready for it. and i resent the decision quite a bit.#plus it's been a nightmare for me in terms of external stressors and my generally deteriorating mental health. so.#all in all. i hate it here.#and i can't wait to turn in my notice so i can gtfo in 2 weeks#i am so tired. free me. let me go back to my music please
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keeps-ache · 3 months
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think this is funny. anyway. the Thoughts are back at it again
#just me hi#doodles#Theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Characterssssssssssssssssssss#[<- projecting things so hard it's experiencing Physical Effects] Lmao#what if . what if the. the. they. the. you know what i mean ??#LIKE. [stares over your shoulder]#head in hands. what am i supposed to do about this gbfhsbvhf#//btw how is it only a thursday lol#it should be friday. or saturday. the timing is long this week i think !#that's#//<- forgot what i was going to say lol; my previous tags popped up and i think that's fun hfbhvs :3#here they are:#that's crazy!#that's me!#that's insane#that's crazy#that's it#hfhbsfh - i seem to be regularly bewildered hfbvhsf#which. well yea lol#//oh yea guess who's halfway done with those refssssss :3#it's meeeeeeeeee :DD !! i'm almost done !! :D#i am enjoying it a bit more than i thought. the feeling of Have To is a real bog hgfsh#//speaking of bog guess who ALSO got their sleep thing figured out#i may just have busted sleeping habits lmao; staying up til 12-2 is actually so great#i wake up at a reasonable hour and don't feel like a mixture of cement and pop rocks got poured into my body and soul overnight hfbshfvh#plus sleeping in twos is working pretty well; stay up til an ungodly hour one night and then the second go to sleep at about 11 or 12#cuz then i can actually Sleep! it's working pretty well hfvhs :>>#//that and i'm figuring out how to drag myself through stuff w/o some outside force compelling me :33#frequent breaks help with morale (if i don't forget what i was doing while doing that lol) and 30 minute timers are a godsend fr fr fr#//AH i've run outta tag space - ciao from here then i guess hfsbvh !! :>
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sysig · 6 months
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#Doodles#SCII#Helix#ZEX#Crackship#Teisel#Meme#I am on a roll with these lol#I knew adding Teisel to my list was only a matter of time#I am a weakwilled individual with one fatal flaw#Anyway (lol)#ZEX really has his work cut out for him with Teisel haha - it's very fortunate he's so determined and enjoys a challenge 'cause otherwise!#Teisel is hard to pin down - I mean Other Than That lol - he's an interesting guy :0#Rough around the edges and a family man ♪ And if I get to draw long hair and big muscles then all the better hehe#And he has a cute nose! He has the bridge of the nose thing that I like so much!! Yes!!#As for the rest of him - hm! I've only had passing thoughts up to this point and getting into his head is...Something lol#It's well done to be certain it definitely Makes Me Feel it's just hard to ascribe a name to that Feeling just yet#Needs a bit more time to tumble smooth I suppose lol#One thing I know I like because it makes me sad - lol - is ZEX projecting some of his feelings about DAX onto Teisel - unexpected!#It's extremely interesting how despite his deep abiding love and fascination with Otherness he's gotten increasingly homesick#Finding things charming about humans that remind him of VUX! You can tell he's a bit desperate for the familiar :'0#So isolated from even himself ah 💔 Hang in there ZEX!#At least he has some fun distractions hehe ♪ New things to learn and consider! Teisel keeps throwing him curveballs!#Both of them circling each other like ''? Isn't it your turn?'' lol#They both come off as aggressive in their own way and then swing-and-a-miss lol#And then there's how Teisel frames him as far as age goes - or really how everyone does pffft#It is So funny to me every time anyone refer to ZEX as ''old'' now that his age has been more or less established - at least pointed at#The fact that he might not even be in his human-equivalent 50s what is this who this lol he's not old! And Max /definitely/ isn't haha#He is the slightest itty-bittiest willowiest little twink y'ever did see pfft#I have been waiting to use that meme template for someone for ages I am so glad that I finally got the chance ♪
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mitamicah · 9 months
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piplupod · 1 month
life is actually so easily wonderful if the abusers are not around. heaven on earth. i can breathe for a few days <3 i've already gotten so much done and its only been 24 hours. i have 48 more hours of this relief to savour.
#i did dishes. i cooked. i moved a whole couch. i cleaned a bit. i've read 30% of a book. and i've got More cleaning planned to do#not just Wanting to do it. actually realistically planned. it is Achievable for once. because i dont feel the crushing weight of terror rn#is this how normal people feel ????? is this why life is so easy for everyone else in comparison ????#you can just. do things. without The Terror hanging over you and crushing you to death ???????#i want to cry lol#every time the abusers are away for more than a day i get a brief glimpse into how life could be and i want it to stay#i want to live in this forever#i think i could have a life if i could just. live like this. all the time.#but the fucked up part is that i know if i ever escape from this place i will probably crash and burn for a while lmfao#there is Grief and Suicidality waiting under the surface for me to leave this place. and then it will overwhelm me for a while#but i do hope i can get to a place where i can feel that bc it will mean i have made it out and that there is a path ahead of me#instead of just a closed door that i sit at and hope will open#however i will say... that i still want to die HFDSJKL like thats still very much present. i do want to die quite a lot still#but at least i have some relief from The Terror right now. i can experience joy unrestricted for a few moments here and there#its a little bit frustrating to be having such a pleasant time of relief and to still have ''jfc i need to kill myself soon'' in my head#i mean not just in my head i also feel it in my chest and stomach and feet and hands and shoulders.#but the Thought is echoing and the Feeling is there. even with the pleasant relief of abusers being away.#ARGHHH I DUNNO this sucks but i am enjoying what i can. its lovely to have some space and to let my guard down a little#and the book i am reading is Really good#pippen needs 2nd breakfast#suicide tw#abuse tw
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girlcrushau · 6 months
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#me? about to use tumblr as a diary again? in 2024? unfortunately:/#but here have a waterfall i saw on a hike last week as payment#i am sO tired and exhausted emotionally after dating#there's this guy that i fr thought was going to last and be around for a long time. we spent like every moment together that we could for 2#months straight and if we werent physicaly together we were texting or calling or on ft . just every part of our day had the other in it#not once did i ever feel unwanted undesired or uncared for. not once did i feel that i wasnt sure of his intentions. i felt safer with him#in those 2 months than i ever did with any one else i could think to compare to.#until one day he just didnt think it important to communicate any more. after 3 days of nearly nothing .. hardly any talking . i asked if#he was ok if we were ok. what was going on in his head. he said some ive just been with my buddies and family and havent been on my phone#and just. immediately thats heartbreak yanno. thats :// thats what they say when theres a new girl. but there'd never been a reason to think#there was another girl so i was like ok we're gonna trust bc this dude has been So good in every way. so i said imy but i understand. enjoy#your time with your buddies and with your fam -- i cant wait to hear about it (and hold you)#and i havent heard from him in the 3 weeks since. just randomly#so last night#i send the dreaded 'i miss you' text.#i dont expect to hear back and i accept the hurt that will come with that and the confusion that i've felt settles deeper into my heart#until this afternoon i hop on ig and see a hard launch that was posted an hour after my text was sent#that shit kinda hurt different. but also sent me into a bit of a delirious state where all i could do is laugh bc are you for fucking real#did she see my message? i know it. bc i know him and i know that he wouldnt hide anything from the person he's giving his heart#and his softness to. i can almost imagine how he showed her and promised her theres nothing to worry about#and there really isnt anything to worry about because he genuinely is the type to give his all to the relationship he's in#which feels silly to say after what happened w us. like no there wasnt a title ever#it sucks to call it a situationship because a month ago we were laughing in bed together about how we could never bc we were all in.#just the timing of the hard launch makes me giggle. did my text push them to have a conversation about what they are. was she really the#reason that he went away on me.#im trying not to blame myself . trying not to think about the phone calls i didnt answer. about what i could have done differently. trying#not to think about where we would be if i didnt let my anxieties hold me back. if i wasnt scared about what he'd think of the parts of me#that i keep hidden just a little bit longer than the rest.#and at the same time im trying not to put him on a pedestal. but that pedestal is just where i wholeheartedly believe he belongs#he set the bar for me. he set the standard. i was never too much. i was never too little. he made me feel perfect just as i am
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lovelaceisntdead · 11 months
Oh. having a bad time.
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orcelito · 1 year
Revealing myself as a 98 vashmeryl truther by how I write vash and meryl's interactions in itnl
#speculation nation#itnl shit#THEYRE JUST SO FUNNY and i love them 😭😭😭😭#so yes this is a trimax fic but i am just gonna. push my 98 agenda for their relationship hfkdhfj Just a little#idk their dynamic is just more Present in the anime than in the manga. and it works for the setup i have so There.#also yes this is a vashwood fic IM ALLOWED to enjoy other dynamics too#toeing the line a little bit on the slight undertones but nothing will come of it#i. plan to have an acknowledgement in this chapter. chapter 13#vash makes a joke that could be interpreted as flirty and she's basically like 'Dont Deflect. you dont see me like that anyways.'#vash realizing that Yeah there kind of is a dynamic there. but also hes so focused on wolfwood he wouldnt wanna lead her on#it's like. this is just kinda part of being an adult ykno lol like#sometimes you have feelings for your friends and you can acknowledge it even & if youre mature enough about it it's Fine#he'll let her believe he has 0 possible interest in her bc it's easier that way. for both of them.#he doesnt want her to get her hopes up. doesnt wanna lead her on.#and YEAH MAYBE IM A POLYGUN TRUTHER I THINK ALL 4 OF THEM WOULD BE GREAT TOGETHER#for the purposes of this fic im keeping it to just the vashwood#but i cant resist... a lil sprinkle here and there......#like them meeting with a goddamned meet cute & then vash subsequently being an Asshole by getting her hopes up & then dipping#thats like. the vibes. thats the thing. vash realizing he needs to nip this in the bud bc he Cant be what she wants him to be.#im just. man. i have some Thoughts about this all.#if you couldnt guess vash & meryl r having some relationship development this chapter. im excited !!!!#they Will be friends!!!!!!! soon.
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astrxealis · 2 years
i think it's just. so lovely whenever i see fanart of blue period? considering that. it's all about art. idk if my artist friend/s (either irl or online) are into blue period but i hope that if they do get into it they will enjoy it (and make pretty fanart hehe or any kind of art medium to be honest, as i think it's all beautiful) !! <3
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tkbrokkoli · 2 months
#aaaaaaaahhh i missed sm on tumblr i just quickly checked some blogs and it made me sad and happy at the same time#but i rly gotta focus on studying for my exams ugh. even tho i was away on the weekend w some of my friends lol. it was so fun#i haven't had sleepovers w friends since i went to highschool which is over a decade ago#it was so good and fun even tho i didn't get a lot of sleep. but i caught up on sleep on the days since and yesterday and today ive been#feeling p energized c: today i. registered? or maybe declared is a more fitting word. that i wanna change my name and gender marker#and now i have to wait until the end of the year to actually change them. but it's in motion!#i also made an appointment for a chest ultrasound so now i just need a psychiatrist to be able to get top surgery w the surgeon i picked#i recently had a job interview for a student job as a mentor! it won't pay a lot but a bit money is more than nothing#and i enjoy being a mentor so i hope ill get the job. haven't heard back yet#also i found out that all the fellow students that i have become friends w are queer. i am friends w almost all my fellow students that#are queer except w one person. it's funny bc when we all started becoming friends we didn't know that the others were queer.#well i outed myself in front of professors and the class multiple times bc I didn't pass back then so it was obvious that im queer#but i didn't know abt the others. we all just gravitated to each other which is nice. one of them isn't even out to family or friends#at home and another one told me I'm the first person they've come out to so i feel p honored that we can be open and ourselves w each other#we watched so many queer movies and shows on the weekend i loved it#i never would've thought i'd come this far. look at me being mostly mental-illness-free medically transitioning and having a social life#being more comfortable w myself than ever#now i just gotta get a nice degree and a well paying fun job (i've had a shitty fun job before) and tackle all those medical issues i have#like exhaustion. but one step at at a time. i truly feel so good rn!! :D hope you guys are doing good as well#personal log stardate
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toastsnaffler · 3 months
woke up feeling ruffff but took my meds and went back to bed for a while n I feel a bit better
#only slept 4 hrs yesterday so was rly hoping to get a solid nights sleep today bc i probably won't tonight....#but i didnt sigh. but my options are either to plough thru w today and make myself do this even tho i dont rly feel like it#or cancel plans and stay in and mope which will inevitably turn into self harm so rly the latter is a non option lmao#its all okay ill get into the swing of things n have a good time once im thereee#and i always knew i was gonna feel a bit like this like its an open wound for me i just need to be careful not to touch it#bc how i feel isnt based in reality its just insecurity n vulnerability n ik it can take months to fully recover from a previous episode#and part of the recovery process needs to involve facing potentially triggering situations instead of avoiding them#bc otherwise ill get increasingly worse bc its not possible to always avoid and ill be defenceless again when it does happen again etc#like its part of rebuilding my sense of self n confidence n hopefully i can eventually start to trust other ppl again n lower my guard#bc it sucks being contorted into this defensive pose all the time and i would like to allow myself to feel genuine connection w others !!#and to stop instinctively flinching and waiting for the hit im tired of my mind telling me ppl r lying + trying to hurt me when theyre not#im being a bit dramatic like i am doing a LOT better than i was a few weeks ago. n i def can handle this one#and the risk of triggering myself is much much lower anyway in this specific situation. so long as theyre not hiding shit from me again#i can think of several ways that risk could skyrocket n unexpectedly spiral out of my control n it makes it hard to breathe just imagining#but i need to believe that it wont. so if-no WHEN it doesnt then next time ill have proof that i can navigate it n i wont feel so anxious#it makes me laugh how stupid this is from an outside perspective. my brain causes me so much weird n 100% unnecessary distress#but its the only brain ive got n will always have so i need to work with it!!#anyway all that aside i genuinely am rly looking forward to this afternoon!! ive rly wanted to start doing more nice things for myself#n the fact it coincides w missing smth that could incite my rsd is kind of for the best even if it is making me anxious#i cant let my life revolve around anticipating how ppl might upset me n basing my decisions off minimising that damage#n while it would be nice to have company.. well ik its just as fun going alone bc ive done it before! n i need a reminder of that#ah im gonna turn myself in circles if i think much more. i dont need to justify anything#i hope they have a nice time and i hope i have a nice time and i hope that eventually someday we can have a nice time together instead#of separately. and i hope that someday ill feel included and wanted by other ppl and wont be posting on tumblr every time this happens LOL#this comes across like im saying i need to learn how to enjoy my own company or whatever but i prommy i already do..#what i actually need to learn is how to trust n enjoy the company of ppl i care abt without constantly being scared theyll hurt me....#but thats not happening today cuz i got other plans woooo OKAYY im gonna stop ruminating and get some chores done sjdkfh#.vent#<- well not rly a vent bc its not like im channelling feelings here im just rambling bc i have a lot on my mind. but still#this is prolly incoherent i keep putting my phone down and doing other things and then adding another thought LOL
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