#i am dado
i-am-dado · 1 year
i am often reading scp foundation secure classified protected database and am think "hmm these often remind ppl that there is no site 5", so dado has decided to create scp foundation site 5 by dado coming soon to man made island near you
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gaymeatcore · 1 year
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I Had a lot of fun filling in Sandcastle's template with Oxi Dado! Oxi constantly covers their whole body to hide their species, so I'm not saying wich one of these is their actual face
The free spaces are Shadow and Deadbeat with the joke one on the right being their pet wearing their glasses. I wonder if anyone can guess wich one of these is the real one.
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cutest-silly-nb · 9 months
my favorite dado gag is dado locations being named dado [thing] and [wildly different thing]
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zombified-queer · 1 year
Dado is objectively the funniest SCP PoI
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i-am-the-curvytree · 2 years
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ssa-dado · 6 days
0 - Symposium, definitely not Platonic love.
Aaron Hotchner x bau!reader (I hope I tagged it correctly woops)
No use of Y/N!
Summary: Hotch, after seeing you reading a book on the jet, picks it up out of curiosity. Late-night texts with you evolve from work to teasing philosophical banter about love, deepening your connection. Through this dialogue, Hotch reflects on both philosophy and his feelings for you, as the conversation subtly flirts with deeper emotions.
Genre: fluff, sapiosexual fluff.
Warnings: Implied alcohol consumption ; Reader and Hotch being completely blind yet marvellously insightful ; Philosophical discussions, I tried my best to make them as user friendly as possible ; Sir kink if you squint, although it's not intended in that way at all ; The story is set around season 3/4 before the team found out about Strauss' drinking problem, I feel so bad anyways.
Word Count: 2.9k
Dado's Corner: be kind this is my first ever Hotch fic and overall first fic I've written in English (yes, I indeed am a real Italian stallion) so there might be some mistakes, bear with me.
next part - set when they first ever met.
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Hotch sits on the couch, the soft glow of the lamp casting shadows across his living room, the house is so quiet, he briefly interrupts his late night reading session as he swears he can almost hear Jack’s light breathing from across the house. Those sweet thoughts, mixed up with the muffled night traffic almost lullabies him to sleep while the weight of another long week at the BAU settles into his bones.
His eyes immediately gaze down to his hands, firming holding opened the slim book: Symposium by Plato—a book he wouldn’t normally pick up on his own. The corners of his mouth quickly turn up as he recalls how he’d seen you reading it on the jet a few cases ago, sitting cozily and crossing your legs alone in a seat in front of him, strategically shielded from the table seats occupied by playing the rest of the team, including himself, busingly playing cards.
Every now and then his gaze automatically lingered on your stillness, the only movements coming from the swift air you moved while turning the page or adjusting your pose to be more comfortable, this sight intoxicated him. Your focus was so intense you didn’t even flinch at Derek standing up from his seat and leaning forward, while his hands gravitated towards the doctor’s bare neck after the latter just killed him off the game because oblivious of yet another variation they all added so it would make it easier to beat Reid. An attempt that ended tragically.
In that abrupt mess - from JJ laughing at the ironic hilarity to Reid using the highest-pitched voice his vocal chords could ever produce to defend himself from Derek's accusation of cheating - Hotch only remembers how your statuesque figure slowly had revived itself again as you glanced up to make sure no harm was done to the doctor. You made eye contact with Hotch and and you immersed yourself back to the slim book as soon the Unit Chief signed you not to worry and that he would tackle the situation himself. In a matter of fractions of seconds all your surroundings had disappeared again.
As soon as the Unit Chief was back into his office, curiously reminiscing about your hypnotic serenity, he’d ordered a copy.
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Now, as in the comfort of his living room slowly turns the pages, his phone vibrates with a message from you awakening him from his trance, immediately wonders why you would message him so late at night.
“Hotch, quick question: about the profile for the Winger case—should we revise the victimology section?"
…Of course, he almost started to hate how his role as Unit Chief always seemed to ruin his brief-lasting delusions.
He robotically types a response, a straightforward answer to your work-related question but as he presses send, his gaze lingers on the book in his hands. There’s somehow a temptation on his side to share the weird coincidence, to see how you might react.
"Good catch. I’ll review it tomorrow.” He writes.
“Wow that was quick, I didn’t expect you to still be up, did I interrupt your late night reading session?”
He quicky blushes, how could you know him so well?!
“You did. Don’t worry about it. By the way, I’m reading Symposium tonight." He blurts out
There’s a pause, and he can visualize your surprised reaction, how the sight of your smile would always warm his heart; almost immediately, his phone buzzes again.
"Wait, really, Symposium?!”
A small smile tugs at the corner of his mouth. He wouldn’t smile so much if you were standing in front of him, thankfully, the shield of communicating through texts allowed him to put down his.
You continue. “Not to raise your expectations too much, but that’s my all-time favorite book, just so you know!"
He swears he can hear the intonation of your voice reading that text, visualizing how you would face your palms towards him and raise your shoulders, trying to keep that non-chalant expression of yours and not perk a soft smile to him.
Entitled by that fateful coincidence, Hotch feels brave enough to decide to tease you - just a little - hoping the text doesn't sound that much so out of character for him as much as it does in his head, although he shrugs, sending it before he starts overthinking it.
“Your all-time favorite? A book about love? I should’ve known."
He pauses, imagining you raising an eyebrow, maybe with that knowing smile you wear when he’s teasing you. And even though he’s playing it off as a joke, part of him can completely see how you, could actually have a natural flare for romance - even if you never openly admit it and always tried the best you could to suppress that side of yours.
He decides to blame it on the years spent at the BAU when it was just the two of you along with Rossi and Gideon; At how you were recruited as soon as you turned 21, while the youngest person you worked with on the team and could relate to the most was Hotch himself, even if he was late in his Jesus year.
He quickly remembers how you would always overwork yourself - you both still do nowadays, that's why you're having a conversation at past 2 AM - He could see how you were always trying to prove your worth more to yourself rather than to your co-workers or even to the sketchy police officers and detectives somehow still stuck in the 1400s.
He had always admired you for your intelligence and acute instincts, and so does your nowadays team, immediately entrusting you with the nickname of "Prehistoric Reid" only because because you had started working at the BAU back when they still didn't provide the jet so you all had to move using the trains. Even if you already have 9 years of experience in the field, yet you were the 2nd youngest - still no eidetic memory though - this desire to always prove yourself never fully went away. One day you were the youngest, the other they assume someone way more genius than you were so you can't stand out anymore for merely for your intelligence.
You finally respond: "Well, it’s more than just a book about love. It’s actually quite of a concrete example of Plato’s take on philosophy - the whole thing told through dialogues, like a discussion among friends. But I won’t bore you with all the technicalities"
Hotch chuckles softly, picturing you downplaying your passion, trying not to sound too academic. What you don’t know is that he could listen to you talk about philosophy for hours - especially tonight, about philosophy’s take on love, no less. He doesn’t dares to say that, though.
"I wouldn’t say you’re boring me. In fact, I’m starting to see the appeal. But really, all-time favorite?"
He leans back into the couch, waiting for your reply.
You told him back when you first met that your first ever degree was in philosophy, and now recalling that specific information he's been wondering why exactly a barely-reaching-100-pages-long book holds such a special place for you, out of all the others he’s seen you passionately read during the years. A part of him is genuinely curious, the other part is trying to stretch as much as possible this conversation with you.
"Absolutely. I mean, think about it: a bunch of people crashing at their friend's house, sitting around, getting drunk, each giving their take on love while they feast at a banquet." You continued. "It’s almost like when we’re at Rossi’s, except instead of love, we’re all talking about criminology and cases while stuffing ourselves with his Italo-American dishes".
An image of Rossi pouring wine wearing an ancient greek costume - fake long white beard included - while everyone at the table delves into some intricate discussion about a case flashes through his mind, Hotch immediately chuckles at the comparison. He's sure you've imagined the exact thing too and he can almost hear you suggest hosting a real Symposium next time, his profiling skills never fail him as soon his phone buzzes again.
"Imagine if we recreated the Symposium at Rossi’s. Each of us giving our take on love. I can almost hear Reid's speech delving into the psychology of affection and its variations throughout the various cultures"
Quick on his chubby fingers, after laughing at the scenario, he types the continuation "In stark opposite, Garcia would follow him and pull out her tarot cards and read each of our birth charts, telling us who we're most compatible with based on our stars alignements"
While waiting for you, he stands up and makes his way towards his home bar, reaching for the scotch bottle, swiftly filling up his glass, silently blessing Plato for making this the longest light-hearted conversation you haven’t had in years. You were both either too focused on your work or actively suppressing your romantic feelings and ignoring each other. After all this time he would almost forget how the two of you were first and foremost very good friends. As the liquid burns the back of his throat, his phone buzzes again.
"That's actually really fascinating yet so intimidating, what about Rossi though? Of course he's hosting all of us but I feel he would totally blurt out some old-scool stuff he only understands. I know I'm not the only one who doesn't get his references, but I really feel bad whenever I don't."
He almost chokes himself after your other reply
"So, big boss, have I convinced you with giving us the free week-end or should I extend the invite our lovely friend Strauss? I fear that after a few glasses of Rossi’s wine all that angst towards you might turn into some ol' sweet love. I would watch out if I were you, Unit Chief"
You loved poking fun at him using his rank; It all started a few years ago to jokingly shrug away the awkwardness caused from how the co-worker you always used to joke around, spend the nights together in the same room, sharing your theories about the unsub and building up the profile with suddenly turned into your superior. As much as you both didn't want to admit it, something in your relationship had shifted since this happened, not to mention to the fact that it's much more awkward to admit to your boss you've been having a crush on your him for almost 9 years rather than to your co-worker.
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Now Hotch, encouraged by the slight booze, further teases you "And what do you think my take on love would be?"
This was the closest he could ever come to flirting with you, walking on that fine line and never pushing himself further. For Hotch, the gesture of basically asking you to profile him in a moment in which he was so vulnerable, breaking his golden rule of "never profile your coworkers" was the most romantic declaration of love he could ever think that of.
Your text brings him back down to Earth:
"Hmm, I imagine you’d give a thoughtful, analytical speech something with a lot of depth but surprisingly subtly humorous. You would wait for everyone to finish their own speech so you would be last, acknowledging all of us completely busted, only because you have self-control."
You feel the need to add something else, even if you know already he would read into it, at the way how you reserved a mere sentence to describe that scenario involving your teammates. On the contrary, you could write a whole book about him and all his hypothetical remarks, meticulously poiting out every small gesture or expression - or the lack of - of him. Since truth lies in the middle, you decide to dedicate him only another lengthy paragraph.
"You would start with something along the lines of ‘Love is a complex system of emotional responses influenced by myriad factors…’ as if you were delivering a profile, definitely using that same tone as well. You’d probably have us all analyzing every possible nuance and you enjoy watching us slobber, trying to quickly sober up to keep up with your impeccable remarks. Of course we would miserably fail at being analytical whatsoever, but you love whenever we make a fool out of ourselves."
He chuckles "You do know me too well"
He probably hints at the possibilty of having a weekend off with his next text "And since now you're making me think I might have to start prepare my speech about love, it wouldn't hurt to also include a few practical applications for the BAU team’s dynamics."
Ha. You wish he showed you what those practical applications consisted of. Hotch although interrupts even the possibility of recycling this genius quick witted remark with him, making sure to replace yourself with his archenemy section chief Erin Strauss, to not weird him out.
"Jokes apart, your take on love would be fascinating, I'm looking forward to hear it", he says.
"Only if you’re ready for philosophical debates after a few glasses of wine. Though, I’ll warn you - I take my Plato very seriously."
Hotch smiles at that, apparently he took his Plato quite seriously as well. What you're not aware at all is that the late-night session of Symposium you had interrupted wasn't his first.
"I’ll keep that in mind. But honestly, I’ve been finding parts of it… enlightening."
He had actually finished it for the first time less than a hour before you texted. What you actually interrupted was Hotch helplessly going back through certain passages that reminded him of you. He hypothesises your take on the subject of love, trying to gauge how you view it without revealing feelings he’s kept carefully hidden for a long time.
"Enlightening, huh? So you’ve gotten to the part where Socrates explains how love makes us better people?"
Hotch remembers that part well enough, but he hasn’t revealed just how deeply he’s been thinking about it - how, in his own quiet way, he’s been trying to connect those ideas to his life, and to you, so he chooses his next words carefully.
“Not yet." He lies, knowing that the part you appointed to would only come much later in the book "But I’m guessing you’ve got some thoughts on that?"
He imagines you smiling on the other end, maybe a little amused at how he’s obviously deflecting, although you don’t press him, but your next reply doesn't lack a subtle challenge.
"I do. But I think you'd find it pretty relevant, Hotch. Phaedrus talks about how lovers fight better together - how love gives them courage."
He quickly smirks and reminds himself how much he loves when you put him in the corner with the choice of your words, there was no way he could deflect that, since Phaedrus’s speech comes first, he couldn't say he hadn't read that yet.
Hotch's eyes flicker toward the book again, remembering Phaedrus’s discourse: the idea that love could make people fight harder, be stronger… it strikes a chord, reminding him of the strength he’s seen in you, in the unique way you both handle the intense challenges of your work when paired up together. He types, his words more deliberate now.
"Phaedrus might be onto something. Love as a motivator, as a way to push people to be better. What about you? Do you see it that way?"
There’s a slight pause before your next message, and he can almost sense your careful consideration, you’ve never been one to answer these kinds of questions lightly.
"Yeah, I think so. I mean, love isn’t just about being close to someone, it’s about making each other better, pushing each other forward. But that is not easy at all. It takes patience, discipline… and maybe a bit of faith."
Hotch’s expression softens as he reads your words. He admires your thoughtfulness, your ability to cut straight to the heart of something that most people shy away from. He finds himself thinking about how true those words are, how they seem to apply not only to love, but to the way both of you approach life and work. He types slowly, his words carefully chosen.
"Patience, discipline, and faith. Sounds a lot like what we do every day, maybe we’re already living it."
As he sends the message, he sets the phone down beside him and glances at the book again. He’s aware of the irony - that for all the deflecting, all the jokes, he’s learning more about you through this conversation than he would have if he had simply asked.
The words of Plato, the discussions on love, seem to take on a new meaning - one that feels personal, one that makes him wonder if he’s been missing something between the lines all along.
"You know, this conversation feels a bit like Socratic dialogue. Just without the wine. Maybe I’m learning about love through you and Plato’s dialogues in a way Socrates might’ve appreciated."
He sends the message, a small smirk on his face. He knows how much you would appreciate the unexpected extra philosophical remark about Socrates even if he knows little to nothing about him apart from that his idea of love in Plato's book. To impress you he totally forgets how only just a few moments before he stated he hasn’t read his discourse yet. A few moments later, your reply comes through.
“No way! Aaron Hotchner now delves into the Socratic dialectics?!"
Now you smell the lie so to make sure you trick him with the next text "Well, maybe you should read something by Socrates next, he was quite the conversationalist, you would rely a lot to him, especially after all of this philosophical banter"
"Any recommendations?" He naively takes the bait
"That’s the thing, Unit Chief - Socrates didn’t write anything. He relied on his students to record his thoughts. It’s all oral and dialectical. The dialogues are his legacy, not written works, maybe that’s why it’s such a rich experience—like having an ongoing conversation with someone through the ages."
Hotch leans back, wishing these moments would linger forever, hoping the words you exchanged could be eternal just like those exchanged by the men he was reading about, now printed with black ink on the paper resting in his hands. He's surprised he doesn’t feel the tiredness of the week anymore or neither the need to sleep. Damn, he has so much energy he's sure he could run a whole marathon, but only if you’re out there watching him.
"Well, if our conversations end up like Plato’s dialogues, I think I’m in for a rewarding challenge. Just don’t make me drink too much wine before our next discussion."
"Unit Chief I thought you had self-control and didn't need to be babied like us mortals"
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His phone buzzes with another message from you.
“Sorry if I ask, I’m curious - what got you interested in Symposium all of a sudden? I didn’t think philosophy was your usual reading material."
Hotch takes a moment to think, considering how to respond without revealing too much.
"You know, it’s funny. I saw you reading it a while back and it piqued my interest. I guess I wanted to see what you found so engaging about it. And honestly, I’m finding it pretty compelling - there’s a lot more depth to it than I expected."
His cheeks turn into a light shade of pink at your last response. "Unit Chief, do you believe you might need some professional insights on that speech you needed so urgently to write?"
"I definitely might need a hand - if I'm not wrong you do have a philosophy degree, don't you?"
Symposium might just become Aaron Hotchner's all-time-favourite book as well, after all.
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sgiandubh · 2 months
Anon rebelde.
Una lectura apasionante la lectura de la crónica de la aparición de Cait en Highlanders.
Lo primero mis más sinceras felicitaciones a las dos asistentes a la con y a ti por la magnífica cobertura de un evento que había despertado mucha expectación, ya sabes, Tony y Sam en segundo plano y en que terminos saldrán en la conversacion. Debo decir que Cait no me ha defraudado, cariñosa con sus fans, parece que disfrutando después de tantos años ausente y con ese despiste crónico que padece cuando tiene que poner en un contexto conjunto las tres palabras mágicas, Tony, marido y Sam. Sigo pensando que tienen a la vista el final del túnel y eso hace que relajen un poco los nervios, por eso la necesidad de la guardia pretoriana cerca para evitar esos deslices freudianos de confundir a sus maridos cuando Cait siempre ha tenido muy claro públicamente, recuerda ese clip de promoción de OL donde Cait , con un seco telewife, contestó a Sam cuando se dirigió a ella como su esposa.
Dear (returning) Anon Rebelde,
Solo tengo el dudoso mérito de atravesar todos los abucheos, arrullos y entusiasmo meretricio (¡vaya!) de sus mejores fans, en un intento de comprender qué diablos pasó en Birmingham. Fue lo más cerca que estuve de la experiencia real y fue consternada, en serio. Dicho esto, creo que las mamás de S pueden verse y sonar mucho peor en París, y lo harán, si él se va. Sin nuestras chicas, no hay dados: el mérito es exclusivamente de ellas, de su valentía y su generosidad. Solo soy el escriba y el comentarista lateral. Pero esto es lo que me escribiste en español:
'What a fascinating read, that chronicle of Cait's appearance in Highlanders.
First of all, my most sincere congratulations to the two attendees at the con and to you for the magnificent coverage of an event that had aroused a lot of expectations. You know, Tony and Sam in the background and in what terms would they feature in that conversation. I must say that Cait has not disappointed me, affectionate with her fans, seems to be enjoying herself after so many years away and with that chronic lack of attention she suffers when she has to put together those three magic words: 'Tony', 'husband' and 'Sam'. I still think that they have the end of the tunnel in sight and that makes them relax their nerves a little, hence the need for the Praetorian Guard nearby to avoid those Freudian slips confusing her husbands. Yet Cait has always been very clear publicly, remember that OL promo clip where Cait, when she answered Sam with a dry telewife, when he addressed her as his wife'.'
Thank you so much for the kind words - as I said, I have very little merit in all of this and very few things to add. They paid for those tickets, took that plane, went there, stayed in line, patiently listened to all the bullshit, etc. I just transcribed and tried to bring some context, that is all.
I am still baffled by Steve Himber's cheap circus. I could understand the logic of his presence there, in theory. But I am constantly nagged by a very honest question: do all celebs have this kind of Petulant Pitbull at their side, while meeting their fans?
This is where my complete lack of experience as far as fandoms go is showing with trooping colors, Anon Rebelde. Something is definitely not normal, there. Fire that dick.
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vacantvisage · 2 days
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The Trans Bathroom, Wo/Manhouse 2022
I was moved from the office to the bathroom after my installation was considered too dark by the at-the-time director 4 weeks into the project, but I persevered and finished this on the last day.
Description of the whole work as well as my former proposal are under cut (very long):
Trans Bathroom Description:
The bathroom had dado style walls, the bottom half being pink square tile and the top half being yellow and pink floral ribbon wallpaper, the two halves separated by white rectangular tile. It also came with a pink metal laundry can I decorated with a bouquet of pink, white, and blue flowers I painted.
I embroidered and smocked blue and pink satin fabric to emulate a watery wave pattern coming out of the tub and sink faucets, attaching them with wire. There is a square window above the tub that I also have a smocked white satin curtain.
Around the sink I painted a pair of candlesticks, two makeup brushes, and mascara in the colors of the trans flag based off my own transition process at the time (mascara for a mustache, two makeup brushes for my adam's apple and cheek bones. i am proud to say i no longer need to use them 3.5 years into my transition). Flanking the sink are two large willow-like bouquets of white, pink, and blue hand painted silk flowers.
I added blue wallpaper inside the medicine cabinet. Inside the cabinet I glued blue needles, syringes, and alcohol pads as well as placed a pink painted block shaver with a white cord. Directly underneath the cabinet is a small and narrow sliding door for a cubby where I put all my at-the-time empty testosterone bottles in. A little over 10 I think.
These very same bottles are some of the ones I used to create my Crown of Thorns headband.
Around the sink, I brought both real and LED white candles to decorate the empty spaces.
Around the tub are several shampoo/conditioner/body wash bottles I painted in the trans flag colors.
On a towel bar above the tub faucet, I hand-embroidered a wash cloth and hand towel with "My body is a temple housing divine, through stitches and scars apotheosis is mine" and "the trans bathroom" where most of the words are in blue print and the words Temple, Stitches, Apotheosis, and Trans are pink script.
On another towel bar above the tub length-wise, underneath the window, I have three white binders in my at-the-time size (Large) with hand embroidered chest scars in three stages - stitches, scars, and blooming flowers.
Out of view in the right corner of the tub I also created tulle "foam" where the smocked pink and blue "water" was spilling out of the tub. There is also tulle foam in the sink I believe may be hard to see.
Around the room in general I printed out the papers my gender clinic gave me in larger sizes, which includes a subcutaneous injection site map with a smily face my nurse drew for me, the effects of testosterone and when they are estimated to take place, as well as i drew and designed my own "how to wear a binder" infograph poster in the way i was taught to wear one.
I was also told to hang two pictures of myself, one pre-transition and one at the time of the project, but I photoshopped them out as I am uncomfortable with them.
On top of the toilet I had all of my real, used pink drawing needles, blue injection needles, and used syringes inside a clean and unlabeled juice bottle flanked by fat pillar candles. On the wall in a cloth ring I put a pink tie. In the corner was a pink lattice shelf I decorated with more painted blue, pink, and white flowers and white candles.
Former Proposal Description:
One of my former proposals was a full size skeleton (La Santa Muerte) wearing a pride flag (with teal and hot pink included) as a dress with a handmade saint's crown, handmade mariposa rosary, and many painted flowers standing behind an ofrenda.
The ofrenda was going to be covered by flowers, candles, butterflies, and a series of smocked satin in a rainbow that was going to be sewn into the blood-red shag carpet and stained at the ends to look like blood as symbolic of the importance of rainbows, blood, and death in both Mexican and Queer culture (and butterflies in Mexican and trans culture).
I had painted the walls to match the carpet so it was very dark and intimate, began smocking fabric, painting flowers, and arranging the altar, but sadly 4 weeks into the project the director told me this was too dark, too goth, and not singular enough. After critiquing my intersectional work into the ground with nothing to present to Judy Chicago, I was switched with a sculpture of a woman bleeding from a self-inflicted abortion.
The statue is very beautiful and meaningful, but there's certainly an underlying statement for a cis white director to push aside a trans man of color and an intersectional piece about blood and death to make way for a cis white woman and a piece about blood and death.
Judy had given me the entire office after enjoying my very first draft for using just the office closet to create a rainbow made of fabric, and Nancy Youdelman had stood up for me, but ultimately my queer and latino identity was reduced to being goth and dismissed by a cis white woman who preferred familiarity over learning something new.
this director has since been fired from Through the FIower.
I am determined to one day create my ofrenda.
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spanishskulduggery · 10 months
Can you put Qué in front of anything to add emphasis or an emotive like "¡Qué asco!" or is it specific to certain words?
Not everything, but a lot of things
Normally it's nouns or adjectives... usually it's nouns that involve emotions, but again not always
Some common ones:
¡Qué lindo/bonito/precioso! = How cute! / How nice!
¡Qué bien! = How nice!
¡Qué asco! = Disgusting! / Gross!
¡Qué suerte/casualidad! = How lucky! / What luck! [sometimes with casualidad it can come off like "what a coincidence"]
¡Qué barbaridad! = What nonsense!
¡Qué alivio! = What a relief!
¡Qué desgracia! = What a disaster! / What a mess!
¡Qué gran idea! = What a great idea!
¡Qué mal! = That's terrible!
¡Qué frío! = It's so cold!
¡Qué calor! = It's so hot!
¡Qué lástima! = What a shame!
¡Qué pena! = How embarrassing! / What a shame! / So sad! [it can mean a lot]
¡Qué sorpresa! = What a surprise!
¡Qué emoción! = How exciting! / What a thrill!
¡Qué rico! = Delicious!
¡Qué amable! = How nice/kind!
¡Qué generoso! = How generous!
You can also see this used in more complete sentences like ¡qué susto me has dado! which is literally "what a fright you gave me" but kind of like "you gave me heart attack!" or "you scared the daylights out of me!" kind of feel
Or something like ¡qué asco me das! "you're so gross!", or vaya, ¡qué emoción! "wow that's exciting!"
It's also important to know that if you're just saying it it's considered neutral gender... aka it looks masculine like ¡que tonto! "how foolish"... but if you're saying something like ¡qué tonto/a soy! or ¡qué tonto/a eres! for "what a fool I am!" or "you're so stupid!" has to match the gender of the person/thing you're talking about
If you're looking at poetry or lyrics you might see like ¡qué bello ocaso! "what a beautiful sunset!" or ¡qué bella mujer! "what a beautiful woman!"
You'll also find that just like English you can say more or less the same thing just using a noun or its related adjective... like ¡qué generoso! "how generous" and then ¡qué generosidad! "what generosity!"
And to be more emphatic (or maybe a little sarcastic, depending on your tone of voice) you might say qué generosidad la tuya which is literally "what generosity yours is / you've got such generosity" but it's like "wow aren't you generous"
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inairthings · 4 months
Todo lleva a Buddie ❤️‍🔥
Everything leads to Buddie ❤️‍🔥
🇪🇸 - 🇬🇧
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🇪🇸 FOX España o lo anteriormente conocido como FOX España ahora llamado Star Channel, propiedad de Disney, es Buddie, es algo que ha quedado claro hace mucho con numerosas publicaciones de Buck y Eddie o por separado tanto en Twitter como en Instagram, y es genial, en especial que ahora hay una persona más en la ecuación que en mi opinión tiene menos expresividad que un muro de hormigón, sí, es Tommy Kinard, el supuesto interés amoroso de Buck, digo supuesto porque es una relación demasiado rara, un tío que aparece solo para escenas de lo más tontas, para justificar su presencia en la serie. Buck se merecía algo mucho mejor, ¿soy anti Tommy?, totalmente, me declaro hater de Tommy, pero no una de esas haters dañinas, o para ser más precisos anti Bucktommy, simplemente no me gusta el personaje y quiero desaparezca de la serie, de todas formas, eso lo dejo para otro post porque todavía estoy un poco indignada con el final de la Temporada 7.
Buddie va a ser canon, de eso no hay duda, son muchas las pistas que han dado de que sucederá, solo espero que no sea en el último minuto de la serie, eso también da para otro post, ¿por qué ser Buddie?, resumen, porque Buck y Eddie tienen una química explosiva.
(ACLARACIÓN: que se odie a un personaje no significa que se deba odiar al actor que lo interpreta, él solo está haciendo su trabajo, hay que saber separar realidad de ficción).
🇬🇧 Fox España Aka FOX España now called Star Channel, property of Disney, is Buddie, it's something that has long been clear with numerous posts by Buck and Eddie or separately on both Twitter and Instagram, and it's great, especially that now there are one more person in the equation who in my opinion has less expressiveness than a concrete wall, yes, he's Tommy Kinard, Buck's supposed love interest, I say supposed because it's a very WEIRD relationship, a guy who appears only for silliest scenes, to justify his presence in the series. Buck deserved much better, am I anti Tommy? Totally, I declare myself a Tommy hater, but not one of those harmful haters, or anti Bucktommy to be more precisely, I simply don't like the character and I want him to disappear from the series, anyway, I'll leave that for another post because I'm still a little disgusted with the end of Season 7.
Buddie is going to be canon, there is no doubt about that, there are many clues that have been given that it will happen, I just hope it is not in the last minute of the series, that is also something for another post, why be Buddie? because Buck and Eddie have explosive chemistry and they are lovely.
(IMPORTANT INFO: just because you hate a character does not mean you should hate the actor who plays him, he is just doing his job, you have to know how to separate reality from fiction).
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carolinemoon · 2 months
🇪🇦Sé que estoy bastante sola en este supuesto pero para mí esos encuentros de Daemon y Mysaria que muchos asumen como infidelidad a Rhaenyra podrían ser porque Daemon no de por muerto a su hijo Viserys y quiera buscarlo con ayuda de Mysaria y de los contactos que está posee ...al final Mysaria era una ex prostituta lysena y se sabía que todos los barcos de la triarquia que sobrevivieron al gaznate eran de Lys...no me parece descabellado, además creo que la fractura en la relación podría venir por la desaparición de Viserys porque siempre me ha dado la sensación de que Daemon no estaba presente cuando sus hijos fueron enviados a Pentos ...lo veo más verosímil que Daemon retomando su relación de amantes con Mysaria bajo el mismo techo donde se encuentra su esposa e hijo, además si Rhaenyra estaba consintiendo esa infidelidad de una manera mucho más publica y humillante ... Por qué se pondría así con lo que le dice Mysaria de Nettles y Daemon? No lo sé, tras analizar los hechos creo que la ruptura de la pareja está ahí ...en la desaparición del pequeño Viserys y también en el impacto que esté hecho tiene en Aegon.
🇬🇧I know that I am quite alone in this case but for me those meetings between Daemon and Mysaria that many assume as infidelity to Rhaenyra could be because Daemon does not consider his son Viserys dead and pretends that Mysaria, who has so many contacts and spies at her disposal help him to know more about the possible whereabouts of his son...in the end Mysaria was a former Lysene prostitute and it was known that all the Triarchy ships that survived the gullet were from Lys...it doesn't seem crazy to me, and I also think that the fracture in the relationship could come from the disappearance of Viserys because it has always given me the feeling that Daemon was not present when his sons were sent to Pentos... I see it as more plausible than Daemon resuming his relationship as lovers with Mysaria under the same roof where his wife and son are, also if Rhaenyra was consenting to that infidelity in a much more public and humiliating way... Why would she get like that with what Mysaria tells her about Nettles and Daemon? I don't know, after analyzing the facts I think that the breakup of the couple is there...in the disappearance of little Viserys and also in the impact that this fact has on Aegon.
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i-am-dado · 7 months
dado im putting you in the aces and eights canon are you proud of me
dado very much would enjoy the opportunity to sell to the cowboy men
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esuemmanuel · 6 months
I'll open my hands, it's already late… There's no one in the room but me. I tense up a little, I can't help it. I know I'm present and I sense that I won't be able to keep my tears to myself. I have been sad, my soul has hurt so much. I don't know if it's the world that stabs me or if it's my dreams that tear my heart, and it hurts… it hurts to see… it hurts to feel… it hurts to breathe… it hurts to live… and I can't… I can't help it… Who can help it if they feel so much? And I don't know what I'm looking for here or anywhere else, I could cry locked in a notebook, under the light of a candle, in some secluded place. But, here I am, in this room without doors… with windows to the world… and to the wind, the one that slowly sneaks through the curtains to come and caress my skin. I tremble… and cry. It's late already, I couldn't help it. Once the knot is untied, the water is born… it slips and soaks… it drowns and impregnates my name with blue. I am tired, but, at least I have given the leaves to drink what I had promised them: a piece of my soul and an aching moan.
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Abriré las manos, ya es tarde… No hay nadie en la habitación, excepto yo. Me tenso un poco, no puedo evitarlo. Me sé presente e intuyo que no podré guardarme el llanto. He estado triste, me ha dolido tanto el alma. Ya no sé si sea el mundo el que me apuñala o son mis sueños los que me desgarran el corazón, y es que duele… duele ver… duele sentir… duele respirar… duele vivir… y no puedo… no puedo evitarlo… ¿Quién que sienta tanto puede evitarlo? Y no sé qué busco aquí ni en cualquier lado, bien pudiera llorar encerrado en una libreta, bajo la luz de una vela, en algún lugar apartado. Pero, aquí estoy, en esta habitación sin puertas… con ventanas al mundo… y al viento, ése que se cuela despacio por las cortinas para venir a acariciarme la piel. Tiemblo… y lloro. Es tarde ya, no pude evitarlo. Una vez que el nudo se desata, el agua nace… resbala y empapa… ahoga e impregna de azul mi nombre. Estoy cansado, pero, al menos le he dado de beber a las hojas lo que les había prometido: un pedazo de mi alma y un doliente gemido.
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04.05.2024. 00:10 am. "Okej si, mala."
Da li drvo proizvede zvuk u šumi kad padne, a nema nikog da ga čuje? Da li cela ja, takva kakva jesam, postojim, ako me niko do sad nije stvarno video i doživeo? Evo opet sam se rasplakala. Ubola sam živac, jebeš tu usamljenost koja me prati ceo život. Do sada od svih osećanja, to je bilo uvek najbolnije, to su želje deteta i jedina osoba koja je moja sam ja. Pa čak i to, ako sledimo duhovnost je kao - ko si ti? Da li uopšte postoji sopstvo? Oduzmi sećanja, okruženje, ljude, stvari i šta je još ostalo? Ako izbrišemo sve, počnemo od nule, postoji samo potencijal. Sopstvo, koje, iako je iluzija, takođe je nešto što se stalno menja, stalno teče, stalno evoluira. Možda je moja prednost što nemam nešto čvrsto u šta bih se uobličila.
Nedostaje mi taj život od pre, nedostaje mi da budem zdrava, da živim. Ali i sad živim, i sad sam živa, zar ne? Evo ovaj tren. Bolest mi je dosta toga i uzela i dala. Zar mi nije uzela toliko iluzija, zar mi nije pomogla da pogledam mnogo dublje u sebe, u život, u stvarnost, zar mi nije dala iskrenost, a oduzela izgovore i obmane, pogotovo sebe? Tačno je da sam drugačija osoba nego pre svega ovoga, vrednujem drugačije stvari i drugačije posmatram mnogo toga iako sam se tako dugo trudila da budem neka koja više nisam. (..) Biće kako mora, kontrola je odavno iluzija koju sam takođe izgubila. Ja kontrolišem evo ovo, jedino ovo, a i ovo je previše kompleksno da bih do kraja sebi davala zasluge. I to je Bog, to je ta, kao, ljubav prema "sebi". Volim to u meni što me prevazilazi. 
(..) sve sam zbrkala u sebi i iz nekog štita povredila sve uključene. A opet bez neke ekstremne megalomanije jer nisam samo ja sjebala, doneli su i oni svoju prošlost, svoje traume, svoje želje, snove, strahove, tripove i sve se lepo zbrčkalo u jednu čorbu gde više ne znaš šta je čije i od koga je počelo uopšte. Vasko Popa je rekao "vrati mi moje krpice", sad razumem tu pesmu na jednom totalno novom nivou. To su puste želje i pozivi, nema na kraju moje, tvoje. Kako ide ona pesma, od Dade Glišića, ček da guglam tekst. "Nema moje i tvoje, kad ljubav prođe, sve je ničije, i samo hrabri se bore al' tvoje srce za moje nije". Jebeni Dado Glišić. 
Terapeutkinja je rekla da vizualizujem sebe kao drvo koje je nekako uzemljeno, postojano, stabilno, zajedno smo došle do te vizualizacije. Malo me je trigerovala danas ali ajde, možda ima nešto u tom geštaltu zbog čega vredi istrajati. Dopada mi se što nema predubeđenje o tome ko sam i što sam do sad bila skroz iskrena sa njom. I sa sobom, isto. Dopada mi se što se osećam pozvano na to, kao da mogu da dođem "as I am". Come as you are. Pitam se da li može da me razume, ali definitivno me oseća, i vraća mi, imenuje, to što dobija. To je dobro, možda mi to treba. Ranije je dosta bilo fokusa na to da nisam ja kriva itd, sistemsko viđenje i shvatanje i nekog uzroka i posledica, ovde je kao ok, da, i? Šta ćeš s tim? Pogledaj u sebe. Neka tvoja glava bude samo tvoja briga.. ne daj da joj govore, neka sama otkrije, Kaća.
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lotus-pear · 8 months
Hi! Couple statements
1. I would like to remind human beings and other spectating creatures that Kate Bush exists and you should listen to her
3. ¿Que tipo de español te enseñaron? Espero q no te hayan dado español de España… estaba visitando en noviembre y ese acento estuvo pegajoso pero not affectionately, yk? Como q, cuando volví a casa, fue raro escuchar el dialecto regular. Estoy escribiendo en español pq soy homofobica al francés. Anyways, momento de verdad, ¿cual gue la peor palabra que aprendiste a decir?
4. I meant to ask, what’s your take on that character design question you asked a while ago? What are the reasons for your favorites? And what attributes do you mainly like to keep in your own art style?
Aaaand that’s a wrap up of my drop in, stay safe kids, don’t do too many drugs, and don’t leave your math test early out of exhaustion like I did 😇😇
hi pookie!! ley me go through these one by one holdon
i have never heard of this woman in my life. but yes. go listen.
funny TODAY???? sry to infrom you but i'm ALWAYS funny in case u didn't know
homofóbico al francés estoy llorando LMFAO😭 aprendo español de américa latina pero también sé sobre "vosotros" aunque nunca lo usamos en clase....perooooooo prefiero español latinoamericano
wait character design?? be more specific bbg i forgot i made a post like that
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simlicious · 1 year
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I hope you're not yet sick of these walls, because there will be more 🤪 I just made this dado variant that is a bit more minimalist and tested it with some rainbow effect patterns. I want to spice things up a little, as you have seen the original color schemes so often by now 😆 I also worked on a more "maxis match" variant that also matches the baseboards from the regular baseboard & crown wall variant. I'm not entirely happy with how it looks yet though. I did a bit of research and looked at a bunch of EA's walls to see how they made them and I think I know what I gotta do now to fix them up a little :) I think I am also making more "alpha-style" ones, taken from photographs. At this point, I just go with the flow 😎
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Maxis match style in action. I like the way the "handrailing" is slightly above counter height! So far, all my dado variants are of the same height.
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