#i am also a usamerican
under-a-lilac-moon · 20 days
18th century jon so he can wear his hair in a queue and prance around being a silly pretty little guy and when he travels to the usa he sees alexander hamilton and is like 'el-oh-el these 'revolutionaries' who think they're so great while they're actually just colonisers i'm gonna go back to england and fight for abolition while staying silly through the horrors even though the magnus institute doesn't exist yet'
i think that would be pretty delightful if just for long-haired jon
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tiltedsyllogism · 3 months
urgent poll on vital national security matter
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please reblog, obvs
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faustodisco · 1 year
Actually if we want to talk about the lilienne/joyce ship I would like to bring up that it plays into the bourgeois woman’s fantasy of class dynamics in a relationship (à la lady chatterley), as well as the upper/middle class idea that their identity as women supersedes said class dynamics (and therefore they believe themselves to be in no position to oppress women of the working class) in a way that lends itself to reactionary movements like TERF ideology. As someone who lives in the uk and has been heavily affected by said ideology, joyce actually put me on high alert just by her voice and appearance.
I think it’s a mistake not to acknowledge that joyce is heavily thatcherite coded (the hair, the posh accent etc) especially when compared to lilienne who plays into the working class british woman archetype: she sounds welsh (considered a ‘lower’ accent), has young children, is a widower etc. It is fairly common to see the ‘confident mum who has to single-handedly support her young family’ in soap operas and other media, and she definitely plays into that stereotype.
Anyway, the ship is on the surface level a fun one, but let’s not overlook the framing as a one-sided and rather sinister set-up.
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wolfgirlboyjester · 3 months
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i have this idea of xigbar moving into a replica body and it having features from both his original body and braig's body (since a replica takes the form of the heart inside it), so the left is what that would look like (based on my own luxu design)
the right is just black canon xigbar for fun smile
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loveoaths · 1 year
it fucking kills me that i have seen NO ONE talking about the reaction jess jordan, kendall roy’s assistant, has. because it is jess, and rava and sophie roy, who have the reactions that twitter and reddit and all the succession lovers are looking for in shiv, for some goddamn reason. it’s jess who not so subtly pleads with greg to delay calling the election, who is blown off dismissively and ignorantly by greg who cannot understand or even SEE how strong of a panic reaction she is havjng. to him, and every other roy and tom and everyone else at their level, this is just another crazy day with literally zero consequences. a fascist dictator president will literally not change the quality of their lives as rich white people. but it will change jess’ life, as a biracial woman. it will change rava and sophie roy’s lives, in spite of kendall’s money and protection. and the show purposefully cuts off their reactions — jess blinking fast and breathing hard and about to have a panic attack meltdown in the hallway, rava and sophie scared in the back of an SUV — because the show isn’t about them. the show is about the roys, who do not care about the consequences of their actions, partially because they never have to SEE the consequences of their actions. greg does not see jess freaking out; even when she is clearly panicked in front of her he cannot see her pain and if he could, he wouldn’t care. it’s only when he turns his back on her that she starts to break down, which is a great if painful blocking choice. not only is it realistic — she can’t lose face in her workplace, she can’t react negatively when she works for the guy who owns the Devil Right Wing Fascist TV Network, and she most certainly can’t react any way people don’t like because she is one of the few, if not the only, black women in the building and working for the roys. while greg sighs and laughs about this day being crazy, she is having a meltdown as she fears what this election result means to her. if rava, a wealthy woman of color with a powerful ex husband, is scared, how much more scared is jess? is everyone else under jess?
but the show cuts off her reaction and takes us back to shiv because this show is from the roy’s pov, and this episode is largely from shiv’s pov. shiv “cares about democracy” and the country to an extent, because democracy only effects her to an extent. she knows on paper this election is bad news. she also knows it’s not going to change her life directly because she’s rich. like her brothers, who do not care at all who is President, who only care about which candidate will give them what they want, shiv is more upset because this election means she isn’t getting what she wants. she’s going to lose her power in the potential matsson deal. because that is how the roys chose who would be president: they chose the candidate they could buy and who could sell them control over their interests for the lowest number, and meincken outbid jimenez by a landslide. tldr the reaction people are looking for in shiv and in the roys were there, but in jess and rava. and even rava and jess aren’t progressives, aren’t “feminist icons”, they’re also complicit and victimized all at once, like shiv is, but with far less say and power. it’s almost like… the show about face eating leopards… is making a point that if you get in a cage with a hungry leopard, at some point you will run out of steaks to throw at it and it, too, will eat your face off. huh.
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lazzarella · 2 months
Still always thinking about that single emphatic pushup Boom did in the We Are behind the scenes after the first love scene with Aou 
And if I'm not thinking about that, I'm thinking about their high five moments later lol
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strangebrew · 4 months
i keep getting wap blogs in my recommended guys im Scared
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doctorwhoisadhd · 6 months
is that how british people pronounce hurricane???????????
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tallbluelady · 9 months
you don't even realize your impact, do you?
"What exactly were the pixies calling me back there? I'm a bit surprised that 'sapling' didn't catch on with them from Feo Ul," Rowan asked as she ducked with Urianger under an overhang to hide from said pixies.
"With thy blessing of the Echo, thou shouldst ascertain the meaning of their words, shouldst thou not?" He leaned out to check if they had given up on their harassment ploy.
Rowan shrugged. "Sometimes it wavers when I'm not paying enough attention. But it sounded like they were teasing you for having a... Ey-o Lie-ah?"
Urianger froze at that and Rowan saw a blush start to creep up his ears and cheeks. 
"Star Dream. Of all the things they recall of thee..." he muttered.
"You told the pixies about me?" Rowan asked.
He nodded. "Surely thou knowest of thine importance to m- to the Star. Tis only with the Blessing of Light and the Echo combined that thou mayest slay the Lightwardens. But beyond that, thy generosity and determination serveth as an inspiration and guidance to all that meet thee."
"Much like how stars and dreams guide astrologians?" Rowan asked, politely ignoring his slip up.
"Precisely. Fae runes are wont to not directly translate into our own tongue, so adaptations must be made."
She nodded. "It does sound rather pretty. I almost wouldn't mind being called that if the one calling me that weren't threatening to turn me into a leafman."
"They shan't get the chance. I shall render thee invisible once more, then we may regroup with our comrades."
Rowan nodded again, a little sad that she didn't get to hear Urianger speak it himself.
Thanks for the prompt!
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ik it's just bc that's harlan guthrie's native accent but the fact that john the brain demon has a canadian accent just tickles me for some reason
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kurp-stuff · 24 days
I was tagged like 2 weeks ago by @gabriellovescandy
(my on repeat list was literally 4 songs from descendants red last week so i didnt see the point of doing it then....but now it only has one 🫠👍)
(yeah i still have 2 from the same artist, which is because i often listen to one artist playlists + I also just really like twrp so i have them in my likes a lot too)
im tagging @patapoulpe @ultrajhera @avenxizz and whoever who wants to do it
(i dont want to bother you guys so im bothering only a fine selection of privileged people)
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ayrennaranaaldmeri · 1 month
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repurposedmeatlocker · 9 months
Very little people talk about the odd experience of having parents or one parent from a particular country/culture, but you grew up largely disconnected from it.
Like, on one hand, it is a part of you. You might even have the opportunity to visit said country occasionally and see extended family. But on the other hand, your communication is limited because you understand the language only a little bit or not at all. Usual cultural norms you know you should share, you can not connect to. A part of you can't help feeling guilty as if you have purposely allowed something to become lost (even though this isn't actually the case).
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djarinova · 17 days
will poulter reposting taylor's endorsement caption on his story. so true king
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yellow-yarrow · 26 days
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Usamericans when they love the freedom of speech
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skyburger · 4 months
tbh i think theres many things 2 be said about british vs. american cultural differences but the one i keep thinking about is like. Why do americans take themselves so seriously
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