#i am a simple man we had no official artwork of him for AGES so now I cherish whenever we get a new one
loverlylight · 1 month
Oh hey, looks like we got some new Richard artwork!
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(Sorry they're fairly blurry, had to do screenshots and the original images were Small. And I know the second one is on the cover of the second Blackgaard book, but still.
...if they could just get around to that novelization of The Homecoming--)
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fanficwriter013 · 5 years
The Tower: The Queen of Asgard - 30
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The Tower: The Queen of Asgard An Avengers Fanfic
Series Masterlist PREVIOUS //
Pairing:  Avengers x OFC, Bruce Banner x Bucky Barnes x Clint Barton x Wanda Maximoff x Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanoff x Tony Stark x Thor x Sam Wilson x OFC (Elly Cooper)
Word Count: 1908
Warnings: None
Synopsis: The twins are now three and while the Avengers know that Clint and Thor are the biological father’s none of them know or care which blond, blue-eyed baby is related to which man.  When Riley gets the power to control wind and it becomes evident that she is the heir to the Asgardian throne, Elly, Steve, Thor, and Tony take the twins to Asgard to train her.
Not every Asgardian is happy with their king’s choice of consort, nor the impurity of the heir’s blood.  While others expect Thor to make things more official.  What’s clear is, the role of Queen of Asgard is not easily filled.
Author’s Note:  Written with @avengerscompound​
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Chapter 30: Preparations
Loki burst into my room early the next morning to wake me up.  I had been curled up tightly into Clarke’s side overnight, apparently, I’d started conditioning to move in close to warm bodies in my bed.  I jumped at the sound of Loki shouting at me and sat up quickly while Clarke just blinked around the room bemused.
“You need to get up!”  She barked.  “You!”  She pointed at Clarke.  “There is breakfast out at the dining room.”
“I don’t get to eat?”  I asked.
“You are being cleansed.  You shall eat after the bonding.  At the feast.  When you have been bathed you will be given a soup made of herbs.”  Loki explained, impatiently.  “Now hurry up.  I have too many things to do to be babysitting you.  Get up and go to your bathroom.  Now!”
I scrambled out of bed as Loki swept back out of the room.  Clarke got out of bed slowly and stretched.  “You think they’ll give your scalp a good scrub?  Get rid of those impure thoughts?”
“If they get rid of those, there won’t be any of me left,” I joked and we both started laughing.
“Okay, you go get cleansed.  I’m gonna eat.  I’ll meet you back here to dress,” Clarke said.
I should have guessed by the fact that Loki kept saying cleansed that it wasn’t a simple bath.  I was painted in thick, warm mud from head to toe and then wrapped in leaves and left for around half an hour.  After that, I was hosed off and given an enema.  They did hair removal everywhere except my eyebrows (which they shaped) and scalp.  Something I normally didn’t really do.  I was then taken into the large tub with four attendants and they started to scrub me down.
The water was hot and pungent.  I couldn’t quite place the scent of the soaps they were using, but they were floral and slightly woody.  They used large scrubbing brushes on my body and scrubbed my skin to the point that any part of my skin that wasn’t covered in the henhalda artwork, turned bright pink.  They washed my hair.  First with a soap.  Then with hot oil that they left in for a while, before scrubbing it with soap again and finally a cream-like substance I assumed was the Asgardian equivalent of conditioner.
When they seemed happy with how clean I was, I was led out of the bath and dried off and oil was rubbed into my skin.  By the time they were done, my skin glowed and my hair was as soft and shiny as it had ever been.  The cleaning had done something to the Henhalda too.  It was brighter and slightly reflective, and there were parts that now shimmered like they were alive.
I was given a thin robe and allowed to return to my room.  Clarke was already in there, along with Katveil and another 4 women.  Two were older, while two were around Katveil’s age.
Clarke was sitting on a large, comfortable-looking chair that had not been there before and three of the women were working on her.  One doing her hair, one her nails and one giving her a pedicure.  “Wow, they sure did clean you, huh?”  Clarke said.
“Oh, yeah.  Inside and out.”  I said, making Clarke pull a face.  “Morning, Kat,” I added smiling at her.
“Good morning, Elly,” Katveil said.  “I’ve come to do any touch-ups on the art.”
I nodded and the two of us moved behind a screen that had been set up for dressing.  “Are you excited?”  She asked as I dropped my robe and she began to look me over closely, touching up any spot she wasn’t happy with.
“Oh yeah.  A little freaking out.  It’s a big deal.”  I answered.  “You know, the big ceremony.  Living longer.  New powers.  Being cleansed.”
“I’d be nervous too,” Katveil said.
“You’ll be pleased to know that Hulk did great with the Henhalda,” Clarke said.  “I saw Jax at breakfast.  Well everyone really.  Loki is going to have the kids with her all day.  They’ll get ready with her and Thor.  They have no idea what’s going on but they’re super excited about all the things that are happening.”
“Oh, that’s good.  I’m glad they’re with one of their parents,” I said.
“Yeah.  They’re good.  Hulk has been in control since yesterday.  He fell asleep at one point while they were doing Henhalda.  Jax said he plans to stay in control until after the bath.  So it’s probably Bruce now, or Bruce soon,” Clarke said.
“Oh good.  There were definitely parts of the cleansing Bruce would not have enjoyed.” I said as Katveil turned me around.
“So I guess you get the nails and hair done next and then we dress,” Clarke said.
“Elly also has to drink the broth that was made for her. But that is essentially correct.”  Katveil said.  She stood back up and picked up my robe, holding it open for me.  “I am done.  Just stay standing for a little while.”
I nodded and slipped the robe back on.  “Thank you again.  You made the whole process very enjoyable.”
She hugged me and wished me good luck before leaving me with Clarke and the other women.  Just after she left Loki came into the room, carrying a bowl with the twins marching after her.
“Mommy!”  The twins, cried, breaking formation and running at me.  I crouched down and hugged them both.
“Hello, my little terrors.  Are you being good for Auntie Loki?”  I asked.
“Yes,” they both said in unison.
“D’joo know dat everyone has dis on dem?”  Pietro asked, scrunching his fingers on my arm where he could see the Henhalda.
“I know.  It’s pretty isn’t it?”  I asked.  The twins had both been fascinated by the artwork when they had seen me last night and they both had made up a story to go along with the bits they could see.
“Wiwl it go away?”  He asked.
“Eventually.  It’s just a special thing for today,” I explained.
“Okay, my darlings.  We have to take breakfast to all your parents.  Say goodbye to your mother.”  Loki said, with much more patience in her voice than when she’d come to wake me up.
“Otay,” they both said and hugged me again.
I stood when they let me go and Loki handed me the bowl.  “Drink all of it.  When it is time for the ceremony I shall return to take you personally with the twins.  Do not go with anyone else.” 
“Thank you, Loki,” I said.
“I shall be glad when this is over.  I need a vacation,” she said, playfully.  It made me chuckle and she shook her head and left the room followed by the twins.
“Did Loki…?”  Clarke asked looking from the door back to me.
“I think she did.  I’m her favorite,” I joked.
Clarke snorted.  “Don’t let her hear you say that.”
I drank the soup.  It was pungent and tasted really medicinal and did nothing for the fact I was ravenous.  I was then bustled into the chair where my hair was cut and styled.  My nails were painted and my makeup was done.
When it was done my nails were painted with the same iridescent oil slick style the fabric of my dress was and decorated with Celtic style knotwork in gold.  My eyeliner was done in a cat-eye style with gold and purple eyeshadow, and my lips were painted a deep red.  I had my hair braided in a thick, loose braid with a gold and silver hair vine adorned with crystals wound through it.
The women left and the tailors bustled in immediately helping both myself and Clarke into our dresses.  Clarke's was a shade of lavender to offset her eyes, in satin with ornate silver armor that sat on her hips, chest, and shoulders.  The skirt ended at her knees and she wore knee-high black boots with the same silver plating on the sides and toes.
“Wow, Clarke,”  I said as the women helped me into my dress.  “You going to be my bridesmaid or security detail?”
“I can be both,” she teased.
They did a last few adjustments on the dress and then moved me in front of the mirror while they fit the gold diadem and veil in place.  I couldn’t even believe I was looking at myself.  I looked like a queen from a fantasy novel, dressed in shimmering liquid color and lace and painted in ornate detail.  At my forehead sat a dark opal that shimmered with blue, red, and green and matched the rest of my outfit.
“God damn, Elise.  You are a queen,” Clarke cursed.  “Look at you.”
I smiled.  “Well, at least I look the part.”
“Good luck to you, my lady,” one of the tailors said bowing slightly.  “I shall fetch the lady Loki.”
The tailors left and Clarke came over and rubbed my arm.  “Ready to become Mrs. Odinson?”  She teased.
“That’s not how it works here,” I deadpanned.
She started laughing just as Loki came in followed by the children.  She had a floor-length gown in her usual dark green and gold.  The gold mostly forming panels around the bust but also running down her arms in elaborate scrollwork.  She had smokey eyes and black lips, and on her head, she wore her horned crown.
Riley was wearing a white dress with a gold sash around the middle, while Pietro had white leggings and a gold tunic.  They both had flowers in their hair.  “Wow, mommy, you wook so beudifuwl,” Pietro said, awestruck.
“Thank you, honey.  You look very pretty too.  So does your sister.”  When I said that, Riley pulled a face.
“Are you ready?”  Loki asked.
I nodded and our small group made its way down towards the main hall.  Though we took a less direct path than we normally would take.  “I’m taking you to the front entrance,”  Loki explained as we walked.  “Thor will be waiting at the throne with the High Priest.  I shall go and stand with him.  When you hear the crowd quiet and the music start-up you will proceed down the main aisle to the throne.  Do you think you can handle that?”  She asked.
“I think I can do that.”  I agreed.  “What about the others?”
“They will be entering from different doors.  You will take the main one because you are the mother of the heir, and you will be accompanied by your children,” Loki explained.  “You should attempt to time your procession that you and the others all arrive at the same time.”  She stopped when you reached the doors and turned to look at me, her face set in deadly seriousness.  “Elise, when you go on your journey, remember who you are and what they mean to you.  Do not get lost in the fear of the unknown.”
I nodded.  “I will.”
“Good,” she said and reached to touch my arm before pulling her hand away and saying something in Asgardian to the guards by the door.  When she turned back she addressed the children.  “Alright, my darlings.  Take care of your mother.  I shall see you very soon.”
“We wiwl Aundie Woki,” they both echoed.  Loki nodded and slipped through a small side door.
I took a deep breath and looked over at Clarke and waited for the signal.
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vcg73 · 5 years
Witch!Kurt Chapter 41: Dearly Beloved
Just a happy wedding day!
After eating his fill of the mismatched buffet that his new sister-in-law had Conjured, sampling everything from chicken-and-waffles to bangers-and-mash, followed by a 90 minute sofa-nap in Adam’s arms, Kurt was more than ready to make his wedding day official.
“Are you sure you wouldn’t rather have Finn, or Fam, or whatever they’re calling themself now, take over as Best Man?” Elliott asked. “It isn’t that I don’t want the job, but I already stood by you for the first ceremony and Adam is having his brother for both, so with you finally getting your own brother back, I kind of thought…”
Kurt stopped the selfless offer with a hug-tackle, surprising a laugh out of his best friend as Elliott caught him and stumbled back a pace. 
“I love you, you know that?” Kurt said as he held his friend.
As he pulled away he took a moment to straighten the sparkly blue bow-tie Elliott had fastened around his neck, seeing that his enthusiasm had knocked it askew. The tie had been spell-cast to stay in its current state, growing or shrinking at need when Elliott changed in and out of his cat form. A jaunty blue-banded top hat - likewise enchanted - was perched upon his head, and the hug seemed to have done it no harm, but Kurt couldn’t resist giving it a little adjustment anyway.
“Think about all the things we’ve shared over these last few months, El.  With magic, Adam, and just day to day life, it’s been a lot! Your patience and devotion never wavered through any of it. Nobody in my life has ever been there for me in quite the way you have, especially when there was nothing to be gained from it except my friendship.  As much as I love him, that’s something that I can’t say of anyone else, including Finn. So as thrilled as I am to be able to have my brother here today with the rest of my family, you’re still the one I want to finish this standing at my side. Okay?”
Elliott was blushing at the rush of compliments. “Well, in that case, I wouldn’t miss it for the world. And don’t discount your friendship as being worth all the rest, Kurt. Beyond just the witch/Familiar bond we share, you’ve always been there for me when I needed a boost, or a kick in the pants, or just someone to go out and have some fun with. Even when you were busy enough to make my head spin, you always had a minute for me when I needed one. So, seriously, ditto.”
The two friends embraced again, then went to join the family. The remainder of the coven and Sebastian had already departed to get things set up for the reception, leaving just the two grooms, their families, Elliott, and Mercedes, whom Kurt had invited to join them, fulfilling a promise made when they were both small-town high schoolers with no idea whether this day would ever  come.
Seeing that everyone was ready, Henry Crawford ordered everyone to join hands, then he promptly whisked the entire group across the city, reappearing a block from the Manhattan City Hall. There was no point in the grooms avoiding one another before the wedding, and since both young men felt that they’d already been wed during the morning’s ceremony at their apartment, this was more of a formality for Adam and Kurt.
For all the fevered anticipation that led to getting married, the legal portion was very low-key. Kurt and Adam’s party simply waited in line at the Marriage Bureau door behind several other couples and their families, then went inside when they reached the front. Kurt and Adam presented their marriage license and identifications which got them a waiting room number. Everyone sat down on a set of comfortable green couches.
“Not sure if you boys are getting married or waiting on a driving test,” Burt commented, looking a bit grumpy as Kurt and Adam’s number was called, they and their best men went to a little window to fill out some paperwork as participants and witnesses, and then came back to wait some more.
Adam laughed. “Well, it is a government building,” he said, “and bureaucracy is a largely universal experience. Plus we chose what is probably one of the most sought-after wedding dates of the year.”
Noting that he sounded slightly apologetic for his choice, Kurt squeezed his hand. “It’s romantic,” he said. “I love that we’re getting married on Valentine’s Day. It’s worth a few rounds of waiting in line to know that in a little while, you and I will be legally married.”
As he was wont to do, Adam beamed brightly at the reminder of their soon-to-be wedded state, and the reaction brought answering smiles to every other face.
 A few minutes went by and they watched as one, then two, then three other couples were called ahead of them to enter what appeared to be some sort of atrium. The last step before the weddings would commence.
“It’s almost time!” Donny Crawford said with a sunny grin that matched his brother’s. “Are you excited?”
“I am,” Adam agreed. “This probably won’t take more than a couple of minutes, but the butterflies are doing an anticipatory conga line inside my stomach.”
His father chuckled and wrapped one long arm around his younger son’s back, gently gripping Adam’s neck and giving it an affectionate little shake. “As someone who had almost given up on the possibility of this day, seeing my eldest son back among us, alive and well and standing up to marry the love of his life, I have to say that I’m experiencing a few butterflies myself. Though mine seem to have centered a little higher.”
He tapped his breastbone and Adam nodded. “Me too, Dad. Me too. And it means the world that all of you came out to share this day.”
“We wouldn’t have missed it, sweetheart,” his grandmother said, reaching across the narrow aisle to pat her grandson’s knee in affection. “Your father is right. It’s a true miracle that you’re here, nearly yourself again, and embarking on the finest adventure any two people can ever take together. Assuming they’re the right two people, of course, and I have no doubt that you two are right. I feel blessed to be gaining another grandson, and after what I witnessed this morning, I feel even more sure that you’ve found your true partner in life.”
Kurt blushed as everyone looked at him with proud and loving eyes, but he refused to allow himself to shrink back or deflect the compliment in his usual instinctive fashion. What these wonderful people felt for him was as real, as genuine, as the similar feelings he felt for all of them. “Thanks, June.”
“And we feel the same way about Adam,” Carole added, looking at her new step-son-in-law with affectionate eyes. “His bravery and resourcefulness and strength are a perfect match for Kurt’s. Without each other, I don’t believe either of you would be standing here today, and neither of these families would be whole, never mind as happy as we are now.” She smiled at her son, not even seeing the discrepancy in the blue eyes that looked back at her with such profound love and joy. They were all becoming more accustomed to the duality of Finn and Sam with every passing moment, and “Fam” seemed surprisingly at ease with their new state.
“I’m just happy to be here today,” Finn said simply, giving Kurt and Adam a bright grin. “I’m happy to be anywhere, actually. And in a little while, we’re all going to an awesome party, and then I get to go back and see Lima again, thanks to you. Life is good, brothers.”
“Hear, hear!” Celeste seconded, taking Finn, who was sitting next to her, by the hand and giving it a little squeeze.
Mercedes and Kurt exchanged a significant glance when the young man blushed at the contact and squeezed her hand back before letting go with visible reluctance. It seemed someone had developed a hard and fast crush on Adam’s lovely younger sister. The question was, were the feelings coming from Sam, or from Finn? Was Finn destined for yet another long-distance relationship, or was this just a reaction to having a pretty girl flirt with him, however unintentionally, after a long absence?  
Either way, this was not a situation that Kurt felt up to worrying about just yet, especially since Adam did not appear to have taken any notice of it. And either way, Kurt was glad to see that Mercedes didn’t seem to be upset at the sight of her ex-boyfriend – or his body at any rate – making eyes at another girl. Thankfully, it appeared that his best friend had moved on when she left the city of New York.
After a few more minutes, their number was called again and the wedding party moved into the atrium, standing there for a short while as the couple ahead of them were having their ceremony. Then they were ushered into a “chapel”, really just a largish room with benches on either side and a podium at the front. It was decorated in rainbow artwork that made the two grooms grin at each other. It was a perfect setting.
Everyone took their places. Kurt and Adam joined hands in front of the podium, behind which a middle aged woman in a black suit dress waited, and Elliott and Donny stood at their sides. Everyone else took seats on the padded benches.
 The officiant was plump and gray haired, with kind dark eyes and a grandmotherly air. In spite of the assembly-line of weddings she had doubtless been performing all day, she seemed to be enjoying the moment and smiled warmly at the young couple. She glanced down at the paperwork they had presented, verifying their names before beginning, “Ladies and Gentlemen, family and friends, welcome. We gather here today to witness the joining of Adam Crawford and Kurt Hummel in the union of marriage. This is a contract to be entered into thoughtfully and seriously, with a full realization of the obligations and responsibilities therein.”
 After the ornate rituals, and emotional grandeur of their Joining ceremony, followed by the drama of Kurt’s venture into the Void, both grooms were glad that they had opted for a simple wedding, yet as she spoke those words they nodded to one another, both very conscious of the magnitude of this moment, and how lucky they were to be having it after the long journey that had led them here.
“Do you, Adam, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband? Do you promise to love, honor, cherish and protect him, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?”
 Adam squeezed the hands he held and said firmly, “I do.”
 “And do you, Kurt, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband? Do you promise to love, honor, cherish and protect him, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?”
 Eyes shining, Kurt said, “I do.”
 “And will you now exchange rings as a symbol of your love and commitment to each other?”
 Adam accepted the band his brother handed to him. The actual wedding rings were as much a match as the Joining bands had been, a unique design that was Adam’s personal contribution to this grand day. His grandmother had taken his design to a jeweler she knew and trusted in London, and brought back the result; slim but well crafted white-gold bands with black tungsten borders, each etched with fine Celtic runes that were highlighted by a pair of tiny diamonds that had been transferred from the settings of his and Kurt’s mothers’ engagement rings. Burt and Bethany – who had inherited her mother’s wedding-set - had both been happy to donate the stones once they discovered what Adam intended.
The new rings were a lovely complement to the delicate silver rings they already wore and Adam smiled at this sight of as he slipped the new addition onto Kurt’s long slender ring finger, then repeated after the officiant. “As a sign of my love, to show the world that I have chosen you above all others; with this ring, I thee wed.”
 Kurt accepted the matching symbol from Elliott and placed it upon Adam’s hand, also smiling at the sight of the two rings nestled together on his finger. “As a sign of my love, to show the world that I have chosen you above all others; with this ring, I thee wed.”
The Officiant smirked and the two grooms and their Best Men chuckled when Burt and Henry both pulled out hankies and treated the room to a thunderous double honk of emotion.
“On that note,” the woman said with a grin. “By the power vested in me by the city, county, and state of New York, it is my pleasure to pronounce you husband and husband! You may kiss the groom.”
Family and friends applauded noisily as Kurt and Adam exchanged their very first kiss as a married couple.  
The Officiant shook hands with both young men, congratulating them, and then they were swept up in a flurry of hugs and kisses from their families.
 “Well,” Adam said, grinning as Kurt passed through the gauntlet of teary squeezes and was finally returned to his side where they kissed again with resounding enthusiasm, “That was easy! How do you feel, husband?”
 Kurt laughed. “Like it’s going to take me a little while to get used to hearing that word and knowing it’s real.” He held up his left hand, admiring the new addition. “This is beautiful, Adam. I know I said so when you first showed it to me, but it practically screams ‘envy me my gorgeous and intelligent husband’.”
 Adam kissed him on the side of his face, holding his own hand next to Kurt’s. “Well, if that’s so then this one definitely says, ‘luckiest man on earth’. Or maybe just the happiest one.”
 It didn’t make sense that Kurt should suddenly feel more important now than he had fifteen minutes ago, but he did. Signing the legal paperwork and going through the wedding ceremony had given him the sense of accomplishment and completion. After all of the false starts, endless doubts, and painful disillusion of his relationship with Blaine, this moment, and his complete certainty of its rightness, felt like the sweetest of victories.
 Recognizing that the officiant had other couples impatiently waiting for their own turn to see her, Kurt and Adam led their families out of the office and back to the street. The government building had too many security cameras, and the street outside was becoming too crowded to risk traveling by magic, so Elliott pulled out his phone and called up the biggest ride-share vehicle he could find. 
Everyone squeezed into the new ride, June generously offering to pay Elliott back for the service, and headed to the Vogue Ballroom.
As they walked toward the reception hall, Kurt put out a feeler, pleased to note the presence of a powerful ward that obliged by parting to admit their group as each individual or couple pressed their little silver key into the waiting heart-shaped box next to the door. The ward instantly slammed shut behind them once everyone was through, telling him that the complicated spell he had crafted was working perfectly.
 A quick blink of Sight showed that the room was also properly webbed by a series of interlinked spells grounded from centerpiece to centerpiece.
 For a moment, Kurt felt extremely proud of his work. Then he forgot all about it as he and Adam were swept into the room on a tidal wave of hugs, kisses, handshakes, back-slaps, and a cacophony of congratulations. 
Everyone they’d invited who had possibly been able to come on such relatively short notice was here. All of the coven, Maggie Banks, Janice Ugambe, Isabelle Wright, Chase Madison, Sue Sylvester, Mike Chang and his new girlfriend, Artie Abrams, Unique Adams, friends from the Spotlight diner, a few more from Adam’s home town, Apples both old and new, Troy, Dale, at least two dozen friends from NYADA, and even, somewhat to Kurt’s shock, Will and Emma Schuester.  
 Kurt had hesitated to invite the latter couple, considering how painfully short-sighted his former Glee teacher had been in dealing with those gifted in non standard (or Standard) ways, and the help that wild-witch Will had unwittingly (he hoped) given to Blaine. Yet he had not wanted to start this new chapter of his life holding a grudge, either, and it had felt rude to exclude the man after he had been invited to both of his former instructor’s wedding attempts with Emma. 
 She had ultimately been the deciding factor. Kurt had always liked quiet, quirky, sweet hearted Miss Pillsbury, who was not always successful in her attempts at helping students, but was one of the few authority figures at McKinley who genuinely gave a damn about them all. She had done her best to make sure that Kurt always knew he had someone in his corner, and he would always be grateful for the care she had shown him when his father was hospitalized with a heart-related coma. That alone was worth an invitation.
 Besides, it was clear from the Schuesters’ demeanor, hugging the breath out of him and then prattling on about how proud they were, how great he looked, and how nice it was to meet Adam, all with nary an awkward mention of Kurt’s last engagement; that they also wanted to move forward. Kurt was not quite sure if he should feel grateful or annoyed by this, but he ultimately just slipped an extra layer of warding around his inner walls to protect him from any Random influence that Mr Schue might potentially project his way – indicating for Adam to do the same – and decided to enjoy the attention without searching for a hidden agenda.
 Besides, Mr. Shue really was clueless enough to think they’d all had a happy-happy-joy-joy experience together, so he might as well let someone live happily in the past while Kurt moved forward into a much better and brighter future.  
For his part, Adam simply satisfied himself with an eyebrow twitch that was worth a thousand words to Kurt’s experienced eye, then graciously smiled and shook hands with the two teachers, thanking them for coming to celebrate the big day, then moving on by inquiring after the little sibling that the Schuesters’ son Danny was clearly expecting, from the prominent bulge at the front of Emma’s adorable peach-colored dress. The proud parents shared that they were expecting a daughter in just over three months, and Kurt had to physically stop himself from rolling his eyes when he heard that Will wanted to name the child Rachel. Emma clearly wasn’t entirely on board with that idea, from her uncomfortable facial expression, so Kurt knew that he was not alone in questioning the appropriateness of naming one’s child after a favorite ex-student.
They made their way through a few more well-wishers. Isabelle Wright nearly strangled Kurt with the enthusiasm of her hug, making him laugh even as he hugged her back. For such a tiny woman, she had a lot of power!  She hugged Adam too, beaming at them both as she wished them a long and happy life together.
The newlyweds took center stage on the large dance floor in the middle of the room when One Three Hill took to the stage, with Santana, Brittany, Mercedes, and Sebastian joining them as guest singers. 
Kurt and Adam first stepped into the arms of their proudly beaming fathers and did a simple box-step around the floor with them while their friends sang the Rod Stewart classic “Forever Young”. By the time they reached the lyric ‘When you finally fly away, I’ll be hoping that I served you well’, both of the older men were unable to stop tears from running down their proudly smiling faces, and by the time the song ended, each dancing couple had taken a stance that was little more than a tight, vaguely shuffling embrace. 
Then Henry and Burt handed their sons off to one another and the song changed. To the surprise of both grooms, Monica and Sebastian pulled out a pair of electric violins, nodded to one another, and began playing a gorgeous accompaniment to their friends’ serenade of the Etta James classic, “At Last”.
Dashing at his weeping eyes with one sleeve of his handsome so-deep-blue-it-was-nearly-black suit, Kurt smiled at his husband. “I don’t care if everyone on the planet told us this song was overused for weddings,” he said with a sniffle. “It’s perfect and I love it.”
“Agreed,” Adam said, sighing happily at the lovely music as he gracefully danced his beloved around the floor beneath the artificial starry night sky. “I didn’t know any of our friends played violin. Did you ask them to?”
“No, I didn’t know either,” he admitted. “Elliott told me he had a surprise for us and I’m guessing this is it. I knew Monica played a couple of other instruments besides piano, but I’ve never heard her. And Elliott and Sebastian must have gotten even closer than I realized for him to have convinced Sebastian to play for us. The guy I knew in high school used to insult singing groups who ‘needed’ instruments. Probably because New Directions usually had an accompanist. The idea that he played one, or maybe more than one, never occurred to me.”
 Adam chuckled. “Somehow that sounds about right. Either way, it’s lovely and I must remember to pass along my compliments to them both.”
As the music changed again and other couples began filing onto the dance floor, Kurt and Adam moved themselves to one side to continue under less of a spotlight, only to turn and suddenly find themselves face to face with Sue Sylvester.
Sue simply looked at them for a few seconds, seeming to note every bit of them from the bones outward, and both young men felt as if they were held in the grip of a force-field, unable to move. Whatever she saw seemed to satisfy the woman, for she stepped forward, breaking the spell by crushing Kurt in an unexpected embrace, then punching him in the shoulder hard enough to knock him a little off balance. She shook Adam’s hand and said, “Porcelain is a good kid, one of my finest. Appreciate how lucky you are to have him, don’t screw this up, and for god’s sake lay off the hair gel! Now, which way is the bar?”
Adam mutely pointed behind and to the left and Sue stalked off without another word. He self-consciously touched his hair, which had indeed been gelled lightly to give it a tidy appearance to go with his formal wedding suit. “Too much?”
Kissing him somewhat apologetically, Kurt smiled. “Just right. Don’t mind Sue. She’s just … like that.”
He laughed. “I noticed that when we met before, but I must admit that her manner takes some getting used to. I also hadn’t expected anyone to show up for a wedding reception in a bright orange track suit.”
Kurt laughed with him. “Yeah. She’s like that too. You learn to love her.”
“Well, as long as she continues to love you,” Adam said, dropping an affection kiss on Kurt’s nose as his arms came to circle his new husband’s slender waist, “She’s all right in my book.”
Kurt smiled. “She likes you too. You’d have noticed if she didn’t, trust me.” He broke off, making a pleased sound when Adam danced him closer to the buffet tables and he spotted a tall tiered tray of pastries, including a stack of white-frosted, heart-speckled miniature vanilla cupcakes that had been arranged artfully around the tall wedding cake that Johnny’s uncle had delivered as promised. Brittany had Conjured the little cupcakes just for Kurt, knowing how much he loved them, and Kurt showed his appreciation by snagging a few and taking turns eating them and feeding them to his beloved after they had paused to gain everyone’s attention and cut a small ritual slice out of the wedding cake, posing for a few photos taken by the photographer that Artie had found for them. 
“How are you feeling?” Kurt asked an hour later. It was the first time he’d had a chance to ask. After the cake photos, they had been pulled aside to pose under the graceful silver and blue archway for several more shots, both by themselves and with a variety of family and friends. They had done a bit more grazing through the buffet, and enjoyed a few more dances, well wishes, and toasts. While they hadn’t been able to arrange a formal dinner, given the short space of time this building was reserved, their guests had not seemed to mind. They had been approaching the live microphone between trips to the buffet and expressing good wishes when and as the spirit moved them. “Is the crowd bothering you at all?”
 Adam looked surprised. “You know, actually it isn’t,” he said, in a wondering tone. “For the first time since my rescue, I don’t think I’ve been afraid or uncomfortable even once today. Not when we were outside, or after we arrived here. I’m not sure if it’s because we’ve been completely surrounded by loved ones all day, or if your excellent warding has given me a sense of protection, or if this morning’s rituals have finally pulled me past the threshold of my fears, but I feel entirely relaxed.”
Kurt’s eyes were shining as he heard this news. “Oh, Adam, that’s wonderful. I knew you’d been doing better, because I haven’t felt any panic attacks from you in several days, but I was sure that between opening the Void this morning and being surrounded by so many people this afternoon, you’d be climbing the walls. I’m so proud of you!”
He grinned a little sheepishly. “So am I, actually.” He kissed Kurt lightly. “But since we both know that I wouldn’t be anywhere near this state if not for you and all of your excellent care over these past few months, let me just say thank you and that I love you with all of my heart.”
“I love you too, Adam,” Kurt said, heart in his eyes. “So much.”
A sparkle of mischief entered Adam’s eyes. “However, even if I am feeling in tip top shape, I wouldn’t object to a little fib if you want to claim that the crowd is overwhelming me and that we need some quiet time.”
Kurt laughed. “Why Mister Crawford, are you trying to get an early start on our honeymoon weekend?”
“That’s Crawford-Hummel to you, sir,” he teased back,“and I most certainly am! It’s half three already. Our hotel should be ready for check in by now.”
Grinning, Kurt said, “Let’s make one more round to thank everyone and say goodbye. I want to check on Finn and make sure he’s doing okay, since we won’t see him again before my family heads back to Ohio tomorrow. Then we’ll ask Santana to give us a quick trip home to grab our overnight bags.”
 “And then?” Adam asked archly, raising an eyebrow.
“And then,” he purred, “you and I will take a cab over to that gorgeous hotel suite your grandma reserved for our wedding gift, and I will have my wicked way with you, and you will have yours with me, for the next 48 hours.”
He punctuated his promises with kisses until Adam looked almost dizzy with joyful anticipation. “Why my darling husband, I do believe that you’re casting a spell over me.”
 Kurt grinned. “I certainly hope so.”
 The End
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comicteaparty · 5 years
May 9th, 2019 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party chat that occurred on May 9th, 2019, from 5PM - 7PM PDT.  The chat focused on Lodestar by SasstastiKim.
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Good evening, everyone~! This week’s Thursday Book Club is officially beginning! Today we are discussing Lodestar by SasstastiKim~! (http://lodestar.smackjeeves.com/)
Remember that Thursday discussions are completely freeform! However, every 30 minutes I will drop in OPTIONAL discussion questions in case you’d like a bit of a prompt. If you miss out on one of these prompts, you can find them pinned for the chat’s duration. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is fun and respectfully appreciating the comic. All that said, let’s begin!
QUESTION 1. What is your favorite scene in the comic so far and why?
My favorite scene has to be... the coffee shop book place thingy. With taylor! Sarcasm max.
Letter Bee
Elliot being told to trust his new friends by his mother.
Author note: chapter one is getting "remodeled" so any suggestions are welcome
My favorite scene? Probably be this one: http://lodestar.smackjeeves.com/comics/2597078/ch2-pg-17/ ...It's so atmospheric, and that is a very good and creepy looking heart. I'm into the atmosphere. Under @SpazztastiKim's cute artwork lies something deceptively dark...
I looooooovethe backgrounds in that sequence
Yes, very dark. >:3c
yeah i got second that as my favorite scene. cause the atmosphere is to die for. and i love how contrasted it is from the previous scenes cause you go into it and immediately go "oh no a spooky dream"
Also, Kim -- if you are interested in critique, etc, I can throw you thoughts in private, but I didnt' like, make any notes or anything. It's your comic and I figured that you were doin' errything to have fun! (And get some good creepiness in there too)
You are welcome to!
Okay. I'll do that offline and another day, then. But I do think you've got a good story here, so please don't feel obliged to open yourself up to such feedback!
Thank you
Let us gush over how superb becky's optimism is
im busy gushing over the dialogue on this page http://lodestar.smackjeeves.com/comics/2749604/ch3-pg10/
Honestly I just really like the magic effects, not gonna lie
like its so silly and yet reminds me of youth
I'm looking forward to more magic and ghost stuff
cause these are random convos i would have as a youth with ppl
Same here!
It's so dramatic, and... man,... I remember being like that when I was younger
I don't recall if it's stated in-comic, but how old is everyone?
Not stated yet. You can guess tho XD
elliot was a 30 year old man this entire time
Ahahaha. I was guessing 14~15
Im not allowed to guess because i kinda know XD
Either way, I'm guessing high school for all of them, but nobody's a senior XD
Except for ally
Shes like younger, like idk maybe hr high ish?
I actually dont know for sure her age
i wouldve guessed middle school personally. but its hard to tell cause i need to see more adults
Maybe? She throws me a little bit? XD She's probably 13ish?
Shes a precious cinnamonroll and needs protected at all costs
yeah id peg 13ish for ally personally too.
idk if she need the protecting. she is not the one who got tackled to the ground
I would not fight her
She will tackle you to the ground in l o v e
I do also really like how everyone's designs are unique
So it's really easy to distinguish who's who (and I'm pretty sure if it was a greyscale comic, it'd still be very easy... Which is really good)
Yeah kim
I'm getting the feeling that there are spoilers in that answer
OP... someone noticed
I can't help but feel like there are some alternate world or reincarnation shenanigans afoot
elliot was an elf in a past life and the birth he witnessed was from back then
ya know what scratch that
he was the elf prince
Okay so I'm not the only one that thought that though
just make everyone a prince
Pfft yes
What's with the lanterns though... hahaha
But I really do have to wonder what all is going on there. The wolf skeleton was warning him about a thing he... sealed away.
Was it sealed tho?
.... Maybe not
but, I mean, it's hella vague I feel like the wolf is protecting Elliot tho
I get that vibe too, wasnt nice atthe end tho >:T
No, but this probably has happened before
Ya think?
when you say this are you talking about the dream itself or like the sealed away creature thing?
http://lodestar.smackjeeves.com/comics/2612346/ch2-pg18/ Well, the wolf says that Elliot's been dragged away before
so the thing that's hunting Elliot in his dream proooooooooooooooooooooooooobably has gone after him before
unless the "Birth" in question means it manifested in physical form
that theory did occur to me
cause of the dream themes
that this is basically monster in the dreams
rip everyone
I mean, I know kim loves horror movies SO
Nightmare on Elm Street: The Dream Warriors II
so the thing about the pointy ears that actually interests me the most is that elliot didnt seem to notice all that much or care. and like i know there was a bloody skeleton wolf scaring the crap outta him, but i feel like hed have at least been a little like "hey i am an elf boy now"
also the fact that the dream did not start off with pointy ears
they only showed up with wolf dude
It might be a sign of magic or something. Or maybe he and his ghost are just used to the pointed ears showing up
I didn't notice tyhat!
I did have to re-read that part when I looked at this earlier this week -- it was like "waaaaaaaaaaait a minute"
Hmm WHEN did the change happen again?
Hm indeed
It seems to be a slow transition to be honest
you know who we haven't mentioned yet- TOM my favorite character.
http://lodestar.smackjeeves.com/comics/2456424/ch2-pg11/ On this page, they start to look slightly pointed http://lodestar.smackjeeves.com/comics/2505393/ch2-pg12/ AND THEN He starts to hear things and cough... And magic shows up in the next page
Here for the moment, the little one is being very fussy this evening. I think my favourite scene was in the night terror in chapter 2, where we just had the glowing eyes - and then Mandy's glowing hand. Creepy and atmospheric.
Scrolling back to read, I liked how Elliot was thankful not to be a hobbit when he woke.
Imagine if he woke up and HAD POINTY EARS
the rest of the cast would have been howling
Also, he's focusing on the important things: Not being a dream zombie
i will be surprised if that doesnt happen one day. that he wakes up with elf ears and has to explain to everyone that surprise, hes an elf now
QUESTION 2. Dreams seem to be central to the story at hand. How do you interpret Elliot’s latest dream? Was it a dream, or was it something more? Whose birth did Elliot supposedly witness, and what exactly is it hungering for? Who is the black wolf that delivers the warnings to Elliot, and why is Elliot the one tasked with helping to defeat whatever the wolf is warning him about? Additionally, if this is no simple dream, why doesn’t Elliot remember this supposed event? Last but not least, what do you make of Elliot’s appearance change within the dream, and what do you think the meaning of the lantern is?
I don't think it's a nightmare on elm street kind of thing, because Crystal Lake was dropped as a reference, so these sorts of things already exist in the characters' universe.
Chapter 4, Elliot joins an elf help group.
but see thats the genius of it. drop the refs, nobody thinks anything of it and is like "ah just a red herring"
and then boom
dream murderer
THE DREAM WAS A WARNING I don't know if the "Starve it" Though... well. Maybe it wants to eat his dreams. Dream eater. OH MY GOD ELLIOT'S BEING HUNTED BY A DROWZEE
That would be sneaky!
It can't be a simple dream either way. Mandy joined him. That can't be a normal thing for ghosts. Can it?
yeah starve it really interesting. cause what do you have to deprive the creature or whatever it is of to starve it? is elliot just not supposed to get eaten? is it dreams? is it ghosts?
although maybe its the lantern
no way that was just a dream
Maybe. The lantern did come out as danger started to come near
that was a vision
what is Mandy anyway
didn't he say that she was never alive to begin with? Or was he speaking generally
....What if Mandy was a victim of the thing?
or even worse
mandy is the thing
Mandi is an imaginary friend taken form because of El? Maybe? Like, Can El manifest things?
Without knowing it-
that could also be true
but im now sticking to the she is the thing one
cause it would explain why the wolf kicked her out
and said "no dream warnings for you"
I know she's not like... real but she HAS FEELINGS DREAM WOLF
OH, but aside from just El having that one nightmare, apparently it's a prevalent problem going on- so it's not just isolated.
ya know, i just want to point out if the dream wolf is going around warning ppl, the strategy is not very effective. fear is not the answer wolf.
Based on the comic description... We'll have to see more about that though
I dunno, if you scare someone enough, they'll stay away
maybe el gets royal treatment of being warned
maybe the wolf is protecting the place where "it" is
while everyone else just gets stalked with EYES
it's because he's acutally Frodo Baggins
and the thing after them is Melkor. Or Sauron.
obviously its voldemort
you mean, he who should not be named!
What about the Babadook
my bad
where elliot lives the dream wolf is just how the letters are delivered
Baba Yaga
http://lodestar.smackjeeves.com/comics/2597078/ch2-pg-17/ so i wonder who all the creepy ppl are in the bg
Maybe it's like regular dreams, you don't really remember them unless you're woken up in the middle. So the wolf is waking everyone up with love bites.
like was the creature born cause ppl were like "yaay sacrifice"
Oh, great, the wolf is my cat
if that's what you call a LOVE bite...>>
the wolf is reading the wrong book of how to talk to humans
There were five witnesses to the birth maybe, Rebel. They were summoned to the place in dreams.
I'mma go out on a limb and say the people in the BG were part of the creation. THE COUNCIL OF CREATION A bunch of high elves that decided one day, "hey, let's just do this whole thing and nothing can go wrong" And Elliot was like, "NOPE" And died and went into another world where it was nearly unleashed upon them.
Justin, what are your thoughts on the Wolf and the Five people on Chapter 2, Page 17?
They're looking at a heart.
Can I bring it home and call it Maniac?
good name for it
Anyways hey there, sorry I'm a bit late
Room's getting redesigned but to stray from going offtopic I wanted to drop in and hand out and see what we're all talknig about tonight
they are looking at a heart. Elliot was the mage who betrayed the council and realized his magic was for healing not the dark arts
Yep. We're talking about this week's comic -- Lodestar. As is the usual thing on the Thursday Bookclub~
Oh yea
http://lodestar.smackjeeves.com/comics/2597078/ch2-pg-17/ But really, I wonder what "it" is. .... Maybe there was a ritual.
Is that white line it's eye
Also -- did Eliot's magical scratch appear when the lantern showed up I'm just noticing this Does magic have a price?
i assum eyes, the white line is its eye
that page did have the atmosphere of ritual
mostly cause of the heart
you dont hold beating hearts unless youre doing a ritual
idk i couldnt figure out when the scratch showed up. id have to look again super close
It's def. Skooky
http://lodestar.smackjeeves.com/comics/2547332/ch2-pg14/ It's this page, Rebel
I ruined the feel of this image
meme material
I mean- MAYBE the wolf thing, wants to be empathetci?
"The woods cried out: FEED ME pls can i haz yer dinner hoomin"
also likes hoomin heartz
The whole glowing eyes thing is pretty cool. Not sure how the effect is done, but nice.
It's not like I LIKE you or anything! B-BAKA!
kiss kiss fall in the lake!
Also likes hoomin necks They are like beef, but more gamey
Maybe the demon is actually that aunt, the one who made the tea.
Nom nom
... I mean, dreams can be representational
so you got a Mama Wolf protectin' her youngins
maybe- el is part dream wolf?
i'm dead
Yis. Summoned Elliot into town so the ghost Mandy could help.
"My other form is also a wolf."
elliot wasnt real all along
he was summon
Oh no
MAYBE- el is the creation woooooo
This isn't Final Fantasy 10, Rebel
unless we're getting meta, and we need El's father to be the wolf -- a summon from a dream becomes a dreaming summoned beast...
I mean like-
We haven't SEEN el's dad yet so
"Hey, you OK?" "Does this look "Okay" to you?!"
_okay I'm done
Back to the comic
yeah i was just about to say this is really gonna mess up the archives if it continues since i cant include images XD
Yeah lol
I feel like the joke has run it's course anyways
I'm crying
You can only hammer in a joke edit so many times before it stops being entertaining
onto the scratch. i get more the impression that the scratch was gonna happen anyway and the lantern showed up saying "hey stop scratching my boy"
image: [Elliot: don't make me Tidus- I wanna be Cloud]
you wanna be a Cloud?
giant SWORD
Oh that Cloud
QUESTION 3. Early on, we learn that Elliot is supposedly psychic or an empath. Do you think Elliot is telling the truth about mostly just seeing ghosts, or does he really have other psychic powers as the others accuse him of? Who exactly do you think Mandy is, and what do you make of her closeness with Elliot? In other words, how do you think the two met? Do you think Elliot was born with whatever powers he has, or does it somehow tie into the creature he was warned about in the dream? Overall, how do you think Elliot’s abilities will help or hinder him in his task? What about in general for his newfound life in the town?
Elliot would not be a good Cloud, honestly. He's got too much personality, and too little damage from experimentation
Well we've seen a demon and a ghost so...
I THINK Mandy is his sister from another life. Or his best friend. And she couldn't be reincarnated with him, so she stuck around.
was gonna go with his stillborn sister who never was
But she was stated as never having BEEN alive?
That she wasn't real?
She's real for sure
She could also be a magic spirit, so she was never alive in the sense that humans would comprehend
Real blue
Elliot is all digital. He's in the Cloud.
Elliot: I'm sorry Mandy but you're not real. Mandy: I'm...I'm floating right here and we're talking. Elliot: No, still not real.
Maybe- El got the magic powers? ? From his last enounter that almost took him? And maybe mandi is some form of like... side kick from that?
Cloud saves? @mathtans
I do think Elliot probably has other powers, but I don't think he actually knows about them. As to Mandy, I like Rebel's theory.(edited)
El goes on Dr. Phil, gets told "Perception is reality" Mandy laughs because... well
so basically mandy is his familiar?
>Dr Phil I haven't heard that in a long time
Seems like it
honestly, El would just sass his way out of dr. phil's show. they'd be like plz leave
thats when they send him to jerry springer
How did Mandy get her name? She must have existed at some point. Elliot doesn't seem like the type to just come up with that name, he's too introverted.
Maybe she has some sort of secret magic name
Maybe Mandi named herself?
or came with a name?
and "Mandy" is just short for like Almandiasoriginamyeriath
Bless you.
cough kabo that's... I'm dying XD
HEY I know what "Bless you" means in some places!
if we go with reincarnation being in this, maybe mandy isnt real cause she hasnt moved on in this life, has no memories of her past, and is basically just an empty shell floating around
That's an interesting theory
I've seen stories with spirits like this
I'm curious to see what Mandy is later in the story, though. Like, if she's not real, then what is she. I'm pretty sure if she got kicked out of the dream, she's got some substance to her.
well i guess it largely depends on what elliot's definition of real is
i could also argue elliot is just deluding himself as to whether shes real or not because its how he protects his sanity
cause elliot doesnt seem fond of the idea that he has powers
so if he pretends none of its real its fine
Yeah considering that he got REAL dark real fast when Becky kind of prodded him about the idea of it being... odd-
but thank god for Mandi she reeled that back in fast.
Elliot's been through some crap, hasn't he
I FEEL like it- He's been through something- :/ but what? WHO knows-
Elliot remembers the great elf war
maybe el is actually an elf from another world, and this is an isekai story and we have no idea
"Remembers" only in his dreams
reverse isekai?
i am ok with this
Y'all would be great at DnD
I'm going to get yelled at aren't I?
is not a DnD player(edited)
I'm also cool with it being a reincarnation story, or just that El gets to see all sorts of monstrous things because he's got some sort of magic shenanigans going on
poor unfortunate soooooul
im ok as long as elliot lives to tell the story cause the world would be a lesser place without his snark
I would cry
I would actually FLY TO KIM'S AND we'd have a long talk
-tosses the idea pretending I never planned it-
Maybe Mandy will start possessing people. Suddenly Becky gets real mellow. Suspicious.
Oh good just what we need
Ghosts doing ghost stuff
wait maybe mandy is just the manifestation of elliot's lantern hence why she was never alive and isnt real
WAIT, Is there a risk of people actually dying in this story ... ...Kim are you going to kill off Elliot
I feel like Becky would out.... do a ghost?
SHE IS JUST TOO MUICH spirit for them XD
Tom though is probably doomed for possession
Poor Tom
.... Oh god you're probably right Rebel
Becky is the one that would go " NO YOU DONT! " and unpossess herself with will power
Tom gets possessed and he seese EVERY HORRIBLE THING he's forced to do to feed the hunger
turns out the hunger is just really into chocolates
They break into a Godiva shop with Tom's body
Did someone say chocolates?
http://lodestar.smackjeeves.com/comics/2771909/ch3-pg14/ I wonder what flavor everyone's getting then
The Wolf isn't super keen on the whole Chocolates thing though, because, y'know, theobromine poisoning...
so that's why the wolf says STARVE it
Tsundre wolf cannot consume ice cream
well at least a chocolate quest would be more pleasant than alternatives XD
Chocolate Ice Cream? :3
thats going too far in the sweets department questing O_O
Hey, at least Tom won't have to gorge himself on other things. But they do find out their local big box store was robbed of all its chocolate rabbits around easter...
Truly the worst that could happen to this town(edited)
but after Tom is freed hed never want to eat chocolate ever again
That's a tragedy.
RIP Chocolate rabbits.
i want to see more tom though. i appreciate his calm demeanor in the face of the girls rampant amounts of energy
Tom seems like the, solid rock founddation of the group type
I like that idea that Mandy is just the manifestation of some object. Maybe something Elliot carries with him. A watch? He was good at pegging tea time.
also cause tom is the useful one. cause becky is like "FARM FESTIVAL" and Ally is like "SWIMMING AND ICE CREAM" meanwhile tom is being a good boy and researching stuff for elliot
Tom is a good counterpoint. He understands all the characters too.
Like Hey let's do the job our club is suppose to do, shall we?
Elliot is a time lord
Oh yeah, the Farm Festival is sure to be a plot point. It's a metaphor for something.
mystery solved(edited)
I mean, if this were ouran host club, he's kyouya ... the only one that keeps the club on TASK
Elliot's consciousness is trapped in a pocketwatch. With Mandy.
ya know i could dig time lord elliot tho for reals. cause it explains why hes an elf or something. he just time travels and forgets he time travels. but why he knows how to save ppl from falling stuff
The farm festival will be... full of lore. About how they had the festival to appease a hungry beast.
oh boy
They farm
Hey, the heart could have been a Deer Heart
was it though?
Coulda been.
QUESTION 4. As the comic opens up, we meet a slew of characters and learn some notable things in regards to dream. What do you make of the fact another person is supposedly having intense dreams similar to Elliot’s? Does this have anything to do with the creature, or is it simply a red herring? If it does have something to do with it, what do you think Elliot will have to do about it to help the victim? In general, how do you think the dream club Elliot joined will help him in his overall task? Moving on from Elliot, which of Elliot’s friends are you looking forward to learning more about? In what ways do you think these friends might help Elliot deal with his problems and his quest?
How intense we talking? Like, Math Test insane?
WELL Becky has every intention of making sure el has a social life, some what-
Tom will probably ensure no one dies- or he'll die trying.
dark no
dont even suggest tom dies
What if
he does die tho
protect that child
no protect that child
Ally tho
or dont and be optimistic and assume him becoming a ghost will make him the most powerful being
Ghost Tom
Elliot's the replacement Chosen One. The current one in town is having trouble.
current one?
esplain Mathans
So, if we were to categorize these characters as horror characters...
like horror movie horror, or like scary movie parody horror?
Oh dear, this is gonna be fun >:3
.... Elliot's our Canary, though sometimes the canary lives Tom's dead. I'm sorry. Becky will be scarred for life, but probably will be the one carrying the plot and making sure everyone survives. Allison... She will not be in the horror parts. She'll be the character that calls the cops at the end.
rip Tom.
no all of you need to stop killing off tom
Just straight up kill off Tom
the next page of the comic is literally just a dagger flying through the window and stabbing tom in the heart
I'm pretty sure I saw the next page, can confirm
tom actually falls backwards out of his chair and LANDS on a dagger. effectively killing him off. Then the comic ends. Tom was the danger ALL ALONG(edited)
Dear god
That's cold
A twist to make m night shyamalan proud
Lol Justin if you believe that you obviously haven't read through this comic
no no the comic continues. the wolf comes back and is like "bro i told you to starve it not kill it. youre under arrest. this is a sting operation"
Elliot gets hauled off to DREAM JAIL
Mandi is denied visitation rights
Becky becomes his laywer
then elliot becomes a dream defense attorney and has to prove his own innocence
becky would be a scary lawyer
i could just see her taking the floor and talking for hours
and her client is found innocent just cause the jury wants to go home
She'd probably make a good case though-
@Kabocha Even if I did that's still pretty cold lol
Jury: She talked for 5 hours, but... she wasn't wrong innocent!
Wolf thing : damn it!
Ghost Tom: Language...
Elliot: @#$% the establishment! throws a chair
Everyone just has the surprised pikachu face, after that!
That face is glorious
at this point i think were just all drunk and have gone mad with power
lol probably
im really curious to see what happens at the farm festival tho. mostly just cause maybe nothing bad will happen and theyll just have fun. like go on a nice hay ride
that will not trigger unpleasant memories and not start a fire to the whole festival
hay rides are included tho
Maybe we'll find out that they have a sleep study at the contest
And then after it's been ALL good- and it's all fun and stuff-
why am I thinking contest
Oh god what's happennig here now
then it will go downhill
Yep. It'll be a hot mess. AND FREDDY RETUR--- wrong series
id really want to see elliot in a sleep study now tho
just imagine the scientists face afterwards
as theyre like wtf are these readings
oh boy
"This boy never enters REM sleep!?"
what is life
"How is he alive?!"
my question exactly ^^^ lol(edited)
elliot was the one to have never been alive to begin with. the whole mandy thing is him projecting
it would explain why some scenes have her split off of him?
oh that would be a twist.
Two souls one body?
i had considered that as a realistic possibility. or more that mandy is just an aspect of elliot's soul
-watches with entertained glee-
Oh maybe?
http://lodestar.smackjeeves.com/comics/2704817/ch3-pg4/ off topic but i just noticed that computer has a pear on it and that makes me laugh
Like the NICE version of who El is, and all the snark remained in the actual body
El is just Snark
that's it
Shoutouts to Pear Products
Sorry, called to crib. Have we talked about the title yet? With "lode"star? Is that like a metaphor for Elliot's powers, or something else?
we have not talked about it.
(As to explaining about the chosen one thing, the person with night terrors in town wasn't responding properly, so that's how Elliot ended up in town too.)
We havent'
i assumed it was a play on a lodestone
I don't actually know about the title so much
What is a lodestone?
“A lodestone is a naturally magnetized piece of the mineral magnetite. They are naturally occurring magnets, which can attract iron. The property of magnetism was first discovered in antiquity through lodestones.”
elliot is the attracter of evil
el is an unlucky person
poor kid
Mandy being part of his soul is interesting. It reminds me, I liked in the first chapter how there were hints of her at times, and eventually it became clear.
Oh yeah, and I loved the Pear Computer, Rebel. Glad you remembered to mention it.
Yeah, I thought it was like lodestone, but being a star, maybe it's good somehow even though there's a burden involved.
i liked the small hints but at the same time i was confused and wondered if he was communicating telepathically with becky XD
I'm curious to see where this all goes. There's not enough information to really like, get super crazy with fandom yet
I did wonder where the thoughts were coming from.
Also, before the end, gotta mention the Becky and Ally ship. Those two can feed off each others' energy, it's sweet.
they can power the entire town with their energy
i will support the elliot/tom ship
Since the CTP is ending in a bit, thanks for the CTR, and thanks for the cool comic as well @SpazztastiKim, it was fun checking it out
There you go. Can't ship Tom with his sister, after all.
El == shippable with everyone honestly
El is shippable with the wolf?
I MEAN, as Friends?
El seems like he needs more FRIENDS
Anyway! Thank you Kim! I look forward to seeing where this comic goes~
and boy and his aggressive wolf friend
Wolf's name is probably Lodestar. Got it from a book.
Best with it, Kim!
Sadly, this wraps up this week’s Thursday Book Club chat for now. Thank you so much to everyone for reading and joining us! We want to give a special thank you to SasstastiKim, as well, for making Lodestar. If you liked the comic, make sure to support SasstastiKim’s efforts however you’re able to~!
Read and Comment: http://lodestar.smackjeeves.com/
SasstastiKim’s Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/SpazztastiKim
SasstastiKim’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/SpazztastiKim
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hillyans · 6 years
Characters: Pey’j
This post will be updated when new information comes out.
Species: Hybrid (pig/human)
Born: 2385 (age ?? in BGE2, age 50 in BGE1)
Gender: Male
Shares DNA with: Unnamed Pey’j clone, Player Character
Occupation: chief cook of the Gada in BGE2, handyman, inventor, and chief of the IRIS Network on Hillys in BGE1
Relationships: Jade (unknown in BGE2, adoptive niece in BGE1) Dakini (captain) Knox (fellow crew member) Shani (fellow crew member) Callum (fellow crew member) Uma (fellow crew member) Geneva (aunt; unseen character)
Status: Alive
Chief Cook and a familiar face to most of you Space Monkeys who know and love Pey’j from the original Beyond Good and Evil! In this prequel, he’s still the beloved-uncle type who believes in tough love and has a penchant for a certain Old-Earth alcohol, which is the not-so-secret ingredient in the dishes he cooks up for the crew.                         - Official Site, 9/27/18
BGE2 Development:
6/12/17 E3 2017 Trailer Breakdown:
Chris: Now, I know I'm not the only one who looked at this and heard:
[Zhou Yuzhu: "Peyjin."]
Chris: What he said just there, and thought of our beloved Uncle Pey'j from BGE.
Michel: Right! There is a direct connection, you know, so he's very clearly saying "Peyjin" which is kind of a divinity for this kind of hybrid. It's a way to add depth and to show how deep the world can be. And even though those hybrids are created by humans, they have their own religion. Because BGE2 is a prequel to BGE1, we want to add a lot of details about how the world is, those names, "Pey'j"... is it a common name, a divinity name, so... Sometimes you know, in some religions, you give the name of a divinity to a boy or a girl... So all these details are here to make people understand more about the world of BGE.
2/28/18 Instagram: Michel Ancel posts a picture of a bust that looks suspiciously a lot like Pey’j.
6/8/18 Instagram: Ancel teases artwork from E3 2018. “A good friend of mine is back in Beyond Good and Evil 2 . Get prepared for more surprises during the 2018 UbiSoft E3 conference !!!”
6/11/18 E3 2018: Pey’j is shown in the trailer. “And Pey'j is back as the the incorrigible Chief Cook of the Gada.”
6/11/18 E3 2018 Trailer Breakdown (video):
I think last year people sort of thought when they saw Zhou Yuzhu, the big hybrid from the criminal underworld, that perhaps that was Pey'j. So it's pretty cool this year that it actually is Pey'j. We were super excited about being able to reveal the fact that he's going to be in BGE2.
Pey'j, as you can see in this image, is carrying Knox, who was wounded. You can see how close these guys are. They've probably been flying in space for a very long time in this crew and they know each other very well and they're always helping each other.
6/11/18 Instagram: Ancel says that even though Jade has forgotten her past, Pey’j remembers. 
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9/28/2019 Inside Look of Beyond Good and Evil 2 with Ubisoft Montpellier - 2019 ZBRush Summit:
"So let's start with Pey'j. Pey'j is probably one of the most iconic characters in BGE. Originally, he is the best friend of Jade, who is the main character of this game, so you can imagine the importance of him. Our goal was to bring a new vision of him without destroying the old one. So how did we do that? First step: we start with some 2D artwork, just to figure out which emotion we want to give him, what narrative part that he will have, and at this stage, everything is possible. The only question which is important is "what makes Pey'j's identity?
Secondly, Pey'j has got a very long history. And I don't know if you've noticed, but in the original BGE which was more cartoony, Pey'j was based on a really round, primitave shape. And, well, it makes him much more easy to recognize. So while we decide to keep this philosophy, but we decide to pass from a round shape to a more hexagonal shape just to bring a more mature and tough feeling. So that's why I use a weight on the screen as a symbol of what emotion we want to give to Pey'j. This shape process I think is a very simple way to communicate with the character artist. That's all the process is based on. Collaboration between the concept artist and the character artist, we need those kinds of tools to speak together."
“We start with the most complicated part of this character, it's the head. So Sebastien gives me concept art of his head and asked: "try to match it". Okay, so I have made a rough, and as you can see, ugly model of Pey'j after some couple of hours. And then, Sebastien provided me with comprehensive feedback of the character he wants. At the beginning of the process, all the feedback is "macro feedback". And I make my ping-pong with him, and after that other feedback, going more in detail in the character. And that was done."
Pey’j in BGE1
Profile (official website):
Age: 50
Occupation: Handyman
Personality: Grumpy, yet attentive and endearing, Pey’j is a fighter who’s seen and done it all. He’s often seen hanging out in the Akuda Bar with a stiff drink and a cigar, telling jokes and old stories of his life experiences.
Special Skills: A mechanical and electronic genius, Pey’j is renowned for his skills as a handyman and his ability to fix anything he gets his hands on. He keeps Jade’s equipment up and running, and is constantly inventing new gadgets and machines for Jade Reporting - or just for the fun of it...
Background: Pey’j is a hybrid being - half-man and half-hog. He’s Jade’s adoptive uncle and has brought her up since she was a child. Despite his reservations and fears, he’s been a great influence and tutor for Jade, and still tries to protect her and help her out with her missions whenever he can.
Current Residence: Pey’j lives on the small island in Hyllis with Jade in a cozy lighthouse that he built from scratch many years ago.
Vehicle: Pey’j doesn’t like to drive – Jade’s usually behind the wheel. He does take care of all the vehicles mechanically, though, and he has a special place in his heart for his famed Beluga Spaceship.
Prized Possession: His Jet Boots – a one-of-a-kind invention that allows Pey’j to blast himself or other objects high into the air.
What He’s Doing Now: Pey’j spends a lot of time with Jade - in fact, you will usually find him right by her side on her reporting missions. Otherwise, Pey’j spends most of his time in his workshop, although no one is really sure what he does down there!
Official Guide (Bradygames):
Characters: Meet Jade’s adoptive uncle and cantankerous right-hand pig. Pey’j is a mechanic and inventor-- indeed, a couple of his inventions play a large role in this adventure. Use his Super Action Jet Boots stomp to bounce certain opponents into the air so Jade can bat them into distant targets. His dogged (or perhaps we should say pigged) loyalty keeps him at Jade’s side despite his reservations about the evolving adventure.
Live Chat Interview with Michel Ancel 10/21/2003: 
Question 6: (BircGuest-24085213): Hello - How much of a part will Jade's friend 'Pey’J' play in the game?
(Michel): Pey’J is very important in the story and for the gameplay. You'll spend about one third of the game with him but , for the other part, he will still have a very important role (but I can t say too much.... )
Question 12: (dreamdancer5): why is Pey’J styled like a pig? and not like a man or anything else?
(Michel): please, instead of snipe, read style in the "having their own...." sentence....I m sooooo tired.....need some holidays :).... (Michel): I like the spirit of self derision. Pey’J is very important; he's got a strong personality but looks like a beast. I believe that most of us have more inside that outside our appearance. If you finish the game, you’ll see what I mean.
Early Storyboard: (unused and revised in final game)
Age: 56
Race: Hybrid clone          Sn-b5234
Name: Pey’j
In-game Dialogue & Cutscenes (SPOILERS)
“For Jade” Mdisk:
Jade, You inherited generosity and courage from your parents. You know, I think about them a lot. We were very close friends.
Twenty years ago we were forced to separate because we were all having some major problems with the authorities. Your parents put you under my care… to save your life…
We came to Hillys. Back then, it was a peaceful planet. I had hoped to raise you there safely. But the conflict spread. Now, you must know something… if I was able to get here, it was thanks to the "Beluga”, the spaceship that I designed and built with your father.
It still exists. But I haven’t exactly finished getting it back in top shape. You’ll find the check-up report on my desk.
The “Beluga” is at our place. You have to enter a code into each one of the consoles to open the secret hiding place. I can’t say any more on this Mdisk about it, but I hope this information will be useful to you, if, one day, you have to use the “Beluga”.
No matter what happens, good luck, Jade…
Uncle Pey'j
DomZ Priest (cutscene):
DOMZ PRIEST: Shauuuuuuuuniiiiii. You have finally come back to me… You have served your master well, Shauni. You alone have brought the Hillyans to me. They have followed you blindly.
HH: Miss Jade ?!
DOMZ PRIEST: DorthKaul  Pahkahn! You are not who you think you are. The pig has hidden your origins from you…
PEY'J: Jade!  NO!!  Don’t listen to him! Hhh!… Aaaarrh!…
DOMZ PRIEST: You are the source of my powers the instrument of my strength. They took you away in the hope of destroying me. But I have survived, feeding me with only the most miserable of sacrifices. They made you human. But you are not like them. You are mine, Shauni, and I am going to kill the human part of you.
HH: Jade!!
DOMZ PRIEST: Shauni DomZ ThindraaaHHH!!
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paintedout · 7 years
October 5, 2004 | Barjac
Michael Auping: Titling an exhibition Heaven and Earth, as we have done here, requires a little explanation. Perhaps we should just begin with the very simple question, do you believe in heaven?
Anselm Kiefer: The title Heaven and Earth is a paradox because heaven and earth don’t exist anymore. The earth is round. The cosmos has no up and down. It is moving constantly. We can no longer fix the stars to create an ideal place. This is our dilemma.
MA: And yet we keep trying to find new ways to get to ‘the ideal place’, the place we assume we came from – to find the right direction.
AK: It is natural to search for our beginnings, but not to assume it has one direction. We live in a scientific future that early philosophers and alchemists could not foresee, but they understood very fundamental relationships between heaven and earth, that we have forgotten. In the Sefer Hechaloth, the ancient book that came before the kabbala, there is no worry of directions. It describes stages, metaphors, and symbols that float everywhere. Up and down were the same direction. The Hachaloth is the spiritual journey toward perfect cognition. North, south, east, and west, up and down are not issues. For me, this also relates to time. Past, present, and future are essentially the same direction. It is about finding symbols that move in all directions.
MA: You are not a ‘New Age’ spiritualist. I know that for sure, but some people who see your images may wonder just what your position is in regard to religion.
AK: My spirituality is not New Age. It has been with me since I was a child. I know that in the last few decades religion has been made shiny and new. It’s like a business creating a new product. They are selling salvation. I’m not interested in being saved. I’m interested in reconstructing symbols. It’s about connecting with an older knowledge and trying to discover continuities in why we search for heaven.
MA: I can see fragments of continuity in your works between symbols that are ancient and those that take a more modern form, and for me that suggests a kind of hope within your landscapes. But there are also some very dark shadows in your images, literally in terms of color , as well as in metaphor and content. It is as if in the same image we see a liberation of knowledge but the dark weight of history.
MA: Christian images are apparent in your work, but in many ways not as apparent as Jewish or Gnostic references.
AK: Later, I discovered that Christian mythology was less complex and less sophisticated than Jewish mythology because the Christians limited their story to make it simple so that they could engage more people and defend their ideas. They had to fight with the Jewish traditions, with the Gnostics. It was a war of the use of knowledge. However, it wasn’t just a defense against outside ideas. It was aggressive. Like politics, they wanted to win. You know, the first church in Rome was not defensive and not aggressive. It was quiet. It was spiritual in the sense of seeking a true discussion about God. It was exploring a new idea about humanity. But then there was ‘iglesias triumphant’, the Triumph of the Church. And then the stones were stacked up and the buildings came, and the construction of the Scholastics, Augustine, and so on. They were very successful in limiting the meaning of the mythology. There were discussions about the Trinity and its meaning. anyone who had ideas that complicated their specific picture was eliminated. This made Christianity very rigid and not very interesting. Whenever knowledge becomes ridgid it stops living.
MA: In 1966, you visited the Monastery at La Tourette. Was this before you made the decision to be an artist?
AK: I began studying law. I didn’t study law to be a lawyer, but for the philosophical aspects of law, constitutional law. I was interested in how people live together with out destroying each other. I went to La Tourette while I was studying law. It may sound strange to go from the study of law to La Tourette, but it really wasn’t. I had always been interested in law from a spiritual aspect. A constitution is not unlike the idea of a church doctrine. People need a context or a content, something to bind them together. This could be stretched to mythologies. Law, mythology, religion – they are all structures for investigating human character.
MA: Why did you go to La Tourette in the first place? I don’t imagine that you went only to see a Le Corbusier building. You stayed there for three weeks.
AK: The Dominicans were there. I liked their teaching. They have an interesting history. I had read that they had many discussions with Le Corbusier about the shape of the building and the materials. It was a point in my life when I wanted to think quietly about the larger questions. Churches are the stages for transmitting knowledge, interpreting knowledge and ideas of transcendence. It’s a history of conflicts and contradictions. A church is an important source of knowledge and power. Le Corbusier knew that. I stayed there for three weeks in a cell. I thought about things. In a place like that you are not simply encouraged to think about God but to think about yourself, Erkenne dich selbst. Of course, you think about your relationship to god. Also, for me it was an inspiring building in the sense that a very simple material, a modern material, could be used to create a spiritual space. Great religions and great buildings are part of the sediment of time; like pieces of sand. Le Corbusier used the sand to construct a spiritual space. I discovered the spirituality of concrete – using earth to mould a symbol, a symbol of the imaginative and spiritual world. He tried to make heaven on earth – the ancient paradox.
MA: Could we go back and talk a little bit more about your education as an artist? You went to the university in Freiburg.
AK: Yes. But first I had a nineteenth-century idea that the artists is a genius – that art comes out of him naturally and he doesn’t need any education. I had always thought this, even as a child. You could say that I had too much admiration for artists. I thought they all came from heaven. Later I found out than an artwork is only partly done by the artist, that the artist is part of a larger state of things – the public, history, memory, personal history – and he must just work to find a way through it all, to remain free but connected at the same time.
MA: And later on you went to see Joseph Beuys, although you didn’t officially study with him.
AK: No. I was living in the forrest in Hornbach and had made some canvases. I had heard of Beuys and so I took my canvases to Düsseldorf to show him. He was impressive. I liked him very much. His dialogue was broad and he could be very impressive. He had a world view, not just the view of an artist. I think I appreciated him more because I had studied law.
MA: How so?
AK: Art cannot live on itself. It has to draw on a broader knowledge. I think both of us understood that at the tim ewe knew each other.
MA: Although I never met him, you and Beuys seem very different to me. He was more extroverted and you are more introverted, or at least less public.
AK: We were different, and as a young artist I needed to question that difference. Nevertheless, I learned a lot from him, even though he was not my teacher. I could talk to him about larger issues.
MA: In his interviews and writings, Beuys often evoked the word ‘spiritual’. How do you think he meant that?
AK: That is complicated. We were both in Germany at a certain time – a time when a dialogue about history and spirituality needed to begin. It was difficult to separate the two subjects There was a sense of starting over. To evoke the spiritual not only looking at ourselves but into the history of our nation. It was not just a matter of a critique. It had to be deeper than that. So yes, Beuys was a spiritual man. The artist is naturally spiritual because he is always searching for new beginnings.
MA: Here on the grounds of your home in Barjac, France, you are creating a monumental installation of stacked concrete rooms or ‘palaces’ that go up hundreds of feet into the air, asa well as a sprawling series of connected underground tunnels and spaces containing palettes, books, and lead rooms. Are you working your way through the palaces of heaven?
AK: I follow the ancient tradition of going up and going down. The palaces of heaven are still a mystery. The procedures and formulae surrounding this journey will always be debated. I am making my own investigation.
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