#i am a libra sun moon mars and mercury
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brain-rot-central · 9 months ago
I came up with another spicy scene for what's supposed to be the domstarion fic and it makes me yell (in a good way). But in typical me fashion, the whole thing is rapidly becoming a switchbitch fic. You know me and my love of power balance.
Tavstarion switchbitch fic. It's just happening. I'm not fighting it anymore.
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harmoonix · 7 months ago
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~ Astrology Observations ~
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Having Venus in air sign or house 3H/7H/11H is the best indicator to show that you need lots of communication in your relationships, is a good placement if you like to be more extrovert
Cancer in your big 3 *Sun, Moon, Rising* are empathetic placements, cancer is usually connected so much with the mother nature and feels a deep empathy for everything surrounding
Sagittarius Placements especially in big 3 or big 6 (Sun, Moon, Rising, Mars, Mercury, Venus) is that BITCH. Wild, carefree, savage, all that plate. They're iconic
Can I please say how happy I am when I check (black, poc natives) charts and I see LEO PLACEMENTS???? EMBODY THAT FELINE INSIDE YOU. I love seeing Leo Placements in their chart 100/10.
Leo Venus is top, Leo Mars is fire, Leo Rising is a nuclear bomb. I LOVE THEM. The sun being your ruler makes everything to be perfect
Mars aspecting the Midheaven can bring you faster to the things you want to manifest in your career/job
I love how much Capricorn in big 3 (Sun, Moon, Rising) embodies the dark traits of the sign. Like Capricorn was always seen as a dark sign, I love the lore behind this sign and how much it can influence your life
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When the rhythm make it vibrate
Tell me how much can you take
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Venus aspecting Neptune or Neptune aspecting Moon can often have "love dreams" like dreaming about love, dreaming about a partner, or a relationship
Taurus Moon/Rising/Mercury/3H can have a very sensual voice.. like is so blessed by Venus vocally, I love their soft tone
Jupiter in Scorpio/8H/ at 8° 20° is a deep placement in a sense that it makes to discover your life the fullest, also gives you sexual power
Juno in Aries/1h may love a spouse who can take the lead in their relationship, not in a dominant way but more as a role
Jupiter aspecting Neptune can make you more of a dreamer if you have these aspects in your chart, like you can be a part of a fairytale movie
Mars aspecting the ascendant natives have an inner fire inside them that makes them so ambitious. They wanna achieve big things in life
The dark romance between Moon - Pluto aspects is not described enough on this app. There is something so intense about the natives who have the moon in aspects with a destoryer planet
Something I saw within the sun and moon in the 9H natives is that they love their culture/traditions so much. They may also love to share their culture with others
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Moon aspecting the ascendant natives is a sensitive placement in a good way. They can feel the energies around them and are able to protect from the bad ones
Venus in Sagittarius/9H may have a very funny love language. They're more playful in their love relationships. They can appreciate partners who have a good humor
Venus in Capricorn/10H may wanna be seduced first and to hit the rock, they wanna act dominant and all but they still a sensible side
Mercury in Gemini is a placement I rarely see. I'm not gonna lie. Even if Mercury is at home here, still is not seen that much, I love how social they can get, I ended up with one once, and we wouldn't stop talking at all
Even if Virgos are highly critical, we have to appreciate their self - care cus' is always on point.
Mercury aspecting the Sun natives can bring others in a good mood with their energy, somehow they always bring some peace in your life
Scorpio Mars should be classified as a sex king, like always horny, always in a mood for racing in bed, and always prepared ( I said king because Mars is a masculine planet)
Men with a Venus in the 6h/10h are husbands material placement. You won in life if your husband has these
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Cancer in the 10H/Moon in the 10H, the career or job you choose can play a big role in your emotional being and development
North Node in the 11H/ at 11° 23° or in Aquarius can get popular in online/wealthy on social media, some kind of influencer
Jupiter in Libra/Jupiter in 7H/Jupiter at 7° 19° have a deep need/focus for partnerships. This energy makes the native to be liked/loved by people
Jupiter aspecting Uranus natives have a knowledge of 'future', somehow they have an idea of how the future will influence the world
Lilith in the 1h/5h/8h/12h makes the native to have a sensual aura. Sensuality may play a big role in their lives
People have said that Lilith in the 6H can be one of the most difficult positions for this placement, and I don't blame them at all. Being the house of mental power and health with Lilith here, everything can go into chaos, but you have the power to manage the chaos 🤍
Air Mercuries/Mercury in the air signs 3H/7H/11h can be influenced more easily by music, feelings + music is what this Mercury has to give
North Node in the 7H/Libra can indicate that you tend to depend on others much more in this life, due to focusing only on yourself in a past life with Aries south node/south node in the 1H
Pluto in 2H may indicate intense experiences with your self - worth and your material resources. Sometimes, you may able to control both
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Melody fire, sweet pasi sewu
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Saturn/Capricorn over the 6H/12H might have a fight with their subconscious sometimes, feeling tired, sleepy, even if you sleep enough your body still loves to sleep/relax
Some astrologers have said that after your saturn return happens, you'll be a new person, you will change, and saturn returns happen to change you
Virgo over the 8H/12H can have lots of phobias. These houses can represent fear to some extent, so it can happen, like snake phobias, spiders, deep sea, insects, and many more
Juno aspecting the Moon can indicate you tend to fall in love with people who can understand your emotional needs
Juno in Gemini natives can end up calling their spouse with nicknames (it can be any nickname)
Juno in Taurus/2H may love when their spouse takes them to a fancy place/restaurant. They can also fall in love with ppl who have the same passion for food like them
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~ Not a heart on earth can beat my love ~
💚💚💚💚 On Friday we honor the love, THE day of Venus
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honey-bitch · 3 months ago
Astro Observations/ramblings🪐
- With Neptune aspecting many planets - I found out that the native can have an affinity for photography/ art. - 3rd house stellium may overthink a lot, a lot if going on in their mind -3rd house Lilith are absolutely RUTHLESS, I have a friend with this placement, and it could be 8 am and she's already told me to k*ll myself 3 times. All in good humour though, these people's words are lethal. Funny enough she's a a Leo sun moon and libra rising - People don't talk how having Neptune in the 1st house is such a melancholic placement. I have it and my mum has it, I can't get a grasp on her at all and I don't think she understands me aswell. -You should definitely check your synastry with your parents. My mum's north node is conjunct my mars in cancer, and I was kinda an unexpected, and I forced her to evolve into a more kind and caring person. -Mercury conjunct MC - are seen as very intelligent. People who I have never talked to just assume that I'm very smart (which I am 😝)
- Lilith ascendant/midheaven or scorpio placements/8th house placements, may enjoy horror and are fascinated by true crime.
- Sometimes 1st house synastry doesn't result in being someone's ideal. I met a guy with Capricorn mercury and it was so frustrating to talk to this guy. Which is funny because my ASC is in Capricorn.
-Scorpio mercury may feel like wounded if they reveal too much too soon.
- Don't look at synastry charts when you're just getting into a relationship, I had a crush on this on guy and we had great synastry and I romanticised the relationship to the extreme. But then I realised... shit he doesn't like me and just because his pluto is conjunct my moon and ascendant doesn't mean he's obsessed with me etc etc. ... I have Venus in my 8th house, very painful.
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lavndrmy · 2 months ago
Astro Observations #5 (Based on My Placements) 🪽
hey guys! its been a long time since I did these but here you go. These are only based on what I feel and experience so chill back and relax 🤍
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❤️‍🔥 Leo Rising: Yess I do love this placement it really gives me that cheerful vibrant youthful energy I always feel like I shine when I walk into a room and everyone kinda just stares at you I’m the introverted Leo rising tho lol but yeah no I don’t have thick shiny hair, bummer 😩 Overall 7/10
❤️‍🔥 Virgo Sun: I actually love this placement because it keeps me grounded and having that calm energy kinda book smart energy but the downside of it is having to deal with anxiety and shit phew 😮‍💨 Overall 7/10
❤️‍🔥 Libra Moon: Tbh I kinda hate having libra placements in my chart because it gives me that people pleaser energy having to please everyone and needing to fall in love and having crushes it’s exhausting but also having that pretty popular girl energy sometimes 💅🏼 Overall 6/10
❤️‍🔥 Virgo Mercury: Yesss I feel smart and intelligent lol but no really I actually adore this placement I wouldn’t have it any other way the brutal honesty and overthinking is real don’t get me started but yeah we only talk when we DO feel like it other than that we just observe most times 🤓 Overall 8/10
❤️‍🔥 Libra Venus: Oh gosh another libra placement great. nah but for real feeling the need to be in relationships all the time and needing reassurance is a big no for me my venus-saturn just don’t allow it to happen its kinda sad being a full time lover girl but YES we do flirt but we can be loyal if treated properly 🦋 Overall 5/10
❤️‍🔥 Scorpio Mars: Winner award goes to this placement! Yes its obvious I’m in love with this placement it really gives me energy in every aspect and determination the passion and boi oh boi I feel sexy most times the downside of it is yes the cliche revenge and jealousy yeah, not so good 💋 Overall 10/10
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❤️‍🔥 Sun in 1st house: Yeah I do vibe with this its just that no I don’t have no leadership qualities as everyone been telling and yes I hate having to attract attention all the time and being put in a spotlight but the aura is amicable you can’t deny 👑 Overall 7/10
❤️‍🔥 Moon in 2nd house: Foood indeed. I’m in love with food whenever I feel overwhelmed I will eat my favorite food if that what it takes to keep my emotions in check and yes I love keeping expensive material possessions and having a financial stability is also a mood boast 💸 Overall 6/10
❤️‍🔥 Mercury in 1st house: Ah yes the classic I’m an intelligent thinker placement nah but for real I do feel intelligent most times lol but yess the feeling the need to have all the information and knowledge is brilliant but also having to be that one witty funny friend that everyone has 🥸 Overall 8/10
❤️‍🔥 Venus in 3rd house: Woah the classic send me a love letter and poetry I’m so in love with this I feel charming and flirty having the advantage to keep a smooth conversations between an admirer and people its just very easy to navigate 💌 Overall 9/10
❤️‍🔥 Mars in 3rd house: Say that again and I’ll roast you and give you all my brutal honesty and receipts while we argue energy haha no but for real having to argue with people online most times just verbal argument when things do get heated 🗣️ Overall 6/10
❤️‍🔥 Mercury Retrograde: Speech delay? Talking and having to have a conversation with others feels heavy and misunderstood always made of fun of with the way I speak and text, having no trouble communicating with another mercury retrograde natal 📝 Overall 4/10
❤️‍🔥 Sun-Mars: It gives me energy? And yes I have a sextile aspect so it really do flows nicely and gives the endurance and energy physically and mentally it also gives you the need to serve in a military or navy career to release that physical energy that you need and yes we do have anger issues despite the positive aspect 🔥 Overall 8/10
❤️‍🔥 Moon-pluto: I am an emotional wreck rollercoaster yes I do feel everything so intense to the point that I feel numb at most times emotions are all over the place but I do hide my emotions pretty well when I need to. Having to experience that dark energy tho and knowing people’s intentions and be right 🎢 Overall 6/10
❤️‍🔥 Venus-Saturn: Yes and no I have a love-hate relationships with this placement because this placement keeps me in check and yes I can be loyal despite having an air venus, surprised. And no I hate having to wait for the love an actual love that you really deserve for a long time while having to watch others fall in love 💔 Overall 6/10
❤️‍🔥Mars-Jupiter: Reckless and Impulsive. This placement makes me feel goofy and funny lol and willing to take risk no matter how dangerous the outcome is the never ending energy but people do say I look funny when I get angry which pissed me off ngl 🥶 Overall 6/10
❤️‍🔥 Mars-Ascendant: Yes the bad bitch energyy indeed. I feel bad and sexy most times and yes I do get angry and do display that emotions on my face no matter how hard I hide it but downside of it is having to be misunderstood and people having bone to pick on you 👄 Overall 8/10
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jazzywrldastro · 3 months ago
✮Astro Observations - 1✮
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⇱ Mars in 11th- can have a few friends and it
means that there's only a few people that can be with you be with you. You have to look for friends sometimes you can attract toxic people. get along with men.
⇱ Libra risings- make decisions based on other peoples opinions and then regret them. Sometimes they want to please other people and make those decisions and then they quickly regret it after a while.
⇱ Mercury in the 12th - attract a lot of gossipers.
People can say stuff behind their backs. People can make up things about them and it's very quiet sometimes sometimes they don't even know about it. They need to be careful what they say to whom because people can be very jealous and envious and try to pull them down. (honestly I feel bad for these people.)
⇱ Venus in 11th - people find these people
beautiful even though they don't see it subconsciously (I actually have an 11th cancer Venus and people see me is very nurturing and very beautiful and i'm like " girl bye " but i actually really am)
⇱ fire signs - impatient as hell. they won't wait for you. if you don't give them too much or you don't give them all they'll leave you. If they have a Mars and fire sign, they're quick to resent very quickly if you don't fulfill their dreams they hate you when you cancel something and sometimes have to make one decision impulsively quick. I can kinda relate lmao 😂
⇱ Aquarius- they are often loners they spend time by themselves because they think it's easy. They like having their own freedom and hate when people try to take it from them.
♡ Venus or Mars in Leo- want the energy of
being in the spotlight and being seen for who they are, but in a nice way, not a negative way
✩ Your moon sign- is your safe place how you
emotionally comfort yourself. Mine is in Gemini so communication and talking basically comforts me talking when I'm upset even helps me to feel safe with air moon needs mental stimulation. Someone with a fire moon needs space. Someone with a water moon needs emotional support.
Venus is feminine energy and Mars is masculine energy (when you look at the sign of female, which is shaped f it represents the female, femininity, beauty, and love and when you I Mars it represents the beauty of a man, masculinity and power.
⇱ Gemini placements can be journalist. (I have Gemini placement and I love learning about new things in a blog.)
⇱ Taurus Venus- have good manners and (I could picture these placements as kids and listening well behaved to their parents)
⇱ Leo suns- like revealing clothes, booty shorts, camis ,bralettes and crops
⇱ Virgo suns- have tiny messes but not a lot of mess they'll be not okay with their room looking like a tornado
⇱ Libra suns/ placements like piercings ( don't matter where) ex -( I have a Libra moon friend that loves piercings and has a septum and body and lip piercings
⇱ Gemini suns-love hands they like the feeling of holding hands.
⇱ Scorpio suns - basically like Virgo ( they observe) but actually arent that mysterious ( they really arent the mysterious type )
⇱ Capricorn suns- kind of shy, dont show their personality fully until they are comfortable
⇱ Aquarius suns- will ask you anything out of the blue if it's something they learned.
ꨄ Pisces suns/ placements- will go above and beyond (the can be extreme) when pushed to that point ( oof I’m scared 😭)
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the-world-of-nai · 6 months ago
astro notes
water signs can be more mean girl energy because they are selective with who they pour themselves into, but they are also more genuine than air or fire signs imo
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lana del rey's aesthetic can be attributed to her cancer sun (nostaglia, antiquity, femininity, romanticization), leo moon (glamour, glitz, luxury, larger than life), and taurus venus (sensuality, tradition, material wealth, the finer things). her mysterious allure can be attributed to her scorpio rising and her sun mars mercury being in the 8th house (occult, taboo, mystery, sexuality, secrets).
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virgo moon are either hypochondriacs, or have legitimate health issues that make them very nit-picky when it comes to their daily habits (hygiene, diet, etc)
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sagittarius mars and venus can make an individual inclined to be a bit non-committal. when they do commit, it's unconventional and they need their freedom
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pisces sun and moon = innocent af, deer caught in headlights (if they're not alr tainted af)
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leos can be consumed with the notion that they must appear regal at all costs
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capricorn venus women stay superior because they know how to make a man chase them fr i am so jealous of this placement
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libra risings are indecisive af send help
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ariesprincesss · 2 months ago
Super Random Astro Observations Pt. II
View the first of the Super Random Astro Observations series here! 🔽
Super Random Astro Observations
Super Random Astro Observations Pt III
Just wanted to give a big thank you to the astro community for all of the love on my posts & helping me reach 100 followers!!🫶🫶🫶 (Disclaimer, I am not an astrologer just a silly girl that knows a ton of information on astrology🤓)
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-During mercury retrograde last year i actually met and separated from a particular person within that time span which was interesting because i have mercury retrograde natally so usually i don’t feel it as much, but my partner actually didn’t have retrograde mercury so i guess i felt the retrograde by association bc he was gone once mercury went direct.😭
-someone else’s name asteroid conjuct my sun the month i met them in my lunar return chart. This person 100% caught my attention…
-when i was younger i used to think taurus sun men were sooo boring. (i’m a fire sign lol)
-My Solar return had 11h Uranus when I had a friend who I never thought id speak to again randomly reach out to me. We talk daily now! I also started my astrology blog this year on a whim too lol.
-Sagittarius mercury in 11th house in a virgo degree in lunar return chart- the month i started my astrology blog!
-one of the closest friendships i have ever had, my moon was their rising ,& their rising was moon! (they were also a sag sun & u guys know i loveee sags sm.)
-a relationship i had where his venus was in my 1st house he was very much obsessed with me & always told me how beautiful i was. I didn’t feel the same attraction he had for me tho tbh so take this placement lightly😭.
-something i 100% recommend if looking to predict “fated” events use your natal vertex and look at different transits to it😗
-idk if it’s just me but gemini/sag/ aquarius /aries placements being potheads?? i’ve seen a trend im not sure if that’s like rlly accurate or not😭 i could also see cancer/scorpio/pisces placements too!
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-this person I was friends with had their sun in my 12h & i felt like they were my BIGGEST undercover hater. like i just distinctly remember how odd they would treat me at times…
-the year i moved i had 4h pluto in the solar return chart!
-looking back on it another year i had libra rising in solar return chart i was absolutely feeling myself, took so many pictures, changed up my aesthetic, changed my hair color , played around with my fashion etc. just freely expressed myself! felt sm more attractive to ppl especially w 1st ruler in the 7th. Definitely felt like my “glow up” year.
-7h stellium solar return chart ,7h ruler 9h Mars ,8h ruler in the 7th , Sun, Venus, & Uranus -i became like super obsessive over my guy friend i made at school that year😭 like I wanted him so badly but couldn’t bring myself to experience rejection…so i was just like super sad over that for whatever reason ? idk, yall know how it is when ur young lol.
-Uranus 7h solar return- did some online dating that year…. it was also in the 9th degree & all of the relationships were mainly online & long distance.
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atrologynuances · 9 months ago
astrology observations pt1
(some are brutally honest and some are very very general)
all signs included!!
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- cancer mars actually hate everyone in their head but will never show it.
- unevolved cancer suns are one of the worst friends along with leo suns, maybe is their need to shine brighter than everyone else
- libra mars, especially men, are scared to look weak in society so they’ll do anything in their power not to be in such position-it usually involves lying.
-people with saturn in the 4th house have had a rough childhood filled with limitations and oftentimes had to be displaced from their home at a young age.
-people with saturn in their 1st house do not really know how they look or their impact in society, some just exist if that makes sense.
-capricorn risings will go through hell and back before they find a lover, this is because their 7th house of relationships with other and open enemies is ruled by the moon which rules over emotions, and the moon is in detriment in capricorn.
-same concept with pisces risings, I find that they date people or might surround themselves with people that have a lower educational level than them (mercury is in detriment in their sign)
-pisces risings have the most beautiful captivating eyes yes, but they’re also pretty intimidating, an energy one cannot quite put their finger on, which is what makes it intimidating and scary.
-I know libra rules beauty, but all the libra risings i’ve met always had something off with their face (i’m so sorry). with them is more about the beautiful vibe they exude once evolved, as opposed to their looks alone.
-most scorpio sun men do look like rats, they’re small, talk fast, and have sharp teeth, or noticeable teeth.
-sagittarius seem to not like school that much or they really do, no in between.
-sagittarius sun men are the dirtiest men i’ve met, they’re also chronic liars and cheaters, and have the biggest victim complex. they will drop you if they think you bring them “bad luck.”
-most taurus sun women are opportunistic and liars, they have the face card for it though, which is why they always get away with it.
-taurus sun men are the creepiest people i’ve met, there is always something sketchy with them. the type that will love bomb you two weeks into the relationship and then drop you the week after if they don’t think you’ll be useful to them.
-leo venus, specifically the men, will never be satisfied with their partner long term. they tend to “settle down” with partners they’re not that physically attracted to.
-i’ve noticed that aquariuses, regardless of gender always have pretty long hair (please confirm if this is you or if you’ve noticed this as well). if they don’t have long hair they have an eccentric hair colors like fuchsia pink or neon green.
-aries sun men look musty, or at least the ones i’ve encountered.
-on the other hand, aries women are the most gorgeous people i’ve met, they have a tall pose that exudes confidence; they do tend to be two faced though, still very beautiful. also, they always work hard for what they got! “mama i’m the rich man” vibe.
-people with north node in the 1st yearn for relationships, even if they don’t admit it.
it never seem to happen for them romantically, or at least not until the second part of their life.
-people with venus in the 7th are either loved of hated by people, they are mostly loved depending on the conditions of their venus but there’s something about them people can’t seem to shake off (something positive).
-a gemini anything will scam you and you won’t know until two years later lol.
-seriously though, am I the only one that has noticed gemini suns (only) being favored by the universe when it comes to them seeing the consequences of their actions. they could do half of the world wrong, and will still come out winning in the end. this is why most of them go about life like there’s no tomorrow.
-virgo risings struggle with their health from a very young age.
-virgo venuses are quite captivating, I know venus is at fall here but their elegance will have you second guessing why.
-since we’re talking about virgos let me add that virgo suns are very consistent with how inconsistent their personality is. they’re also picky eaters.
-if the ruler of your 5th house falls into your 6th house you might be a controlling and manipulative mother.
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oopbangtan · 9 months ago
Hello everyone! It has been a while, but don't worry, my research has never stopped. So ofc I am back with:
Astrology Observations- Pt.4
I want to start by asking: Who gave Sagittarius Venus the reputation of being nonchalant when it comes to the one they love?? This rumor must have started from a Sagittarius Venus, 'cause most like to pretend that they don't care, that they are not affected by anything, but LORD how good at pretending they can be. Keep in mind, I am not throwing any shade, though you show your feelings the least out of all the fire signs. But after all, I have also noticed Sagittarius Venus likes to observe, take notes, and learn about the one they truly love. They will observe and adapt to the one they truly want. Of course, that only applies if you're interesting enough for them and always give them something to think of, something new to understand and feel.
Libra/ Cancer/Pisces/ Taurus Moons tend to have this weird habit of romanticizing their past relationships. This also applies to 8H and 4H moons/ stelliums.
CANCER VENUS MEN DO NOT GET OVER THEIR EX EVER. I mean, in general, Cancer Venus individuals prefer to try again for the 14th time with an ex than to give someone new a chance. But I have noticed that in particular, these men have this ultimate fantasy of having their ex reach out to them, IF they're not the one reaching out, of course.
11H stelliums will almost always be those people who are known by everyone for some reason. They could literally do nothing and somehow have people in their business. They also have the biggest chance of becoming well known on the internet.
Cancer placements women like to nurture, Cancer placements men like to be nurtured. No one wants to cry in a woman's arms more than a Cancer sun/moon/mercury/venus/mars man. They like to be big babies.
I know everyone likes to sleep, but no one seems to be prioritizing their sleep as much as Taurus placements do. Especially Taurus Venus. BUT, when it comes to sleeping their problems away, definitely Pisces placements stand out, especially Pisces Mars.
It is 3AM, so I might as well get some sleep. Hope you like and relate to my discoveries <3
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st4rtar0t · 10 months ago
Details about your future partner
physical appearance, astrological details and more
In this pick a picture we will get to know some information about your future partner, this can even be your future spouse or somebody you will have a long term relationship with. I know you are really curious about them so why not read this and like and share if you feel that this reading has resonated with you?
Pick a picture from below
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DM for personal readings.
Picture one
Some of you may already know this person. I see that you know this person from a work setting. They are really hardworking and they put their best in everything they do. They are a master at their craft. I also see that they have had their heart broken in the past and they no longer want to take any risks. This person is really attractive and a lot of people have their eyes on them. They know how to have deep conversations and I also see that they hate small talk. They are always energetic and have a youthful smile. However they have a sense of mystery around them. It's like they are always Hiding a part of them from others. They are family oriented and they will always put their family before anyone else. I also see that they are just your type. They are really protective of the people they love and they will do everything in their power to help others around them. You may Meet this person through social media or through an online platform. I see that you guys will be talking a lot to each other. For some of you, this person is already stalking you and you can feel it. The only reason why this person isn't approaching you is because of their past relationship. This person is really attracted to you and they want to have long term relationship. They only date to marry.
Physical attributes: dark/tanned skin, buzz cut, brunette, ginger hair, puppy face, golden retriever energy, sharp jawline, narrow eyes, thick eye lashes, blue/brown eyes, wide nose.
Key words: childish, eyes on you, watching, spiritual union, lust, lesson, co-worker, short trip, water body, fox, R,A,T,M,O. Explorer, possessive, lots of love, overflowing love.
Astrological details: Virgo rising, Taurus moon, Mars in Aries, Venus in 2nd house, Gemini Mercury, Neptune in 12th house.
Picture two
They are definitely spiritual and if not spiritual then they are definitely interested in being a better person every day. I also see that they have deep understanding of human heart and are quite empathetic. But that doesn't mean they'll carry the burden of others. I see that they like the freedom they have. It seems as if you already know this person or you will be getting to know them soon, sooner than you think. You first conversation may start as an argument or you may not like them at first, its giving enemies to lover vibes. You or they can be an introvert or One of you may not talk much. Some of you may have a fake account that you use to stalk people and they know about it? Or they may collect information about you before talking to you. I am getting a little to no information about them its like the universe does not want you to know about them, it may be a surprise.
Physical attributes : straight nose, beautiful side profile, big or unique ears, full lips, mole under eyes, sharp teeth, dark hair, blond hair or some, fit body.
Key words : bold choice of clothing, snap chat, sunglasses, 11, hot headed, red, T, V, X, May, October, November, pet dogs, younger sibling, gardening, leaf, watermelon.
Astrological details : Scorpio sun, Uranus in Pisces, Virgo moon, Venus in earth sign, Jupiter in 1st, mars in 4th, Libra moon, Pluto dominant,
Picture Three
( Some of you may also be attracted to picture 2)
They're kind of replaying old memories in their head at this moment. They have a tendency to always think about what could've been instead of living in the moment. Sometimes they're just not feeling it, like they're out of sync with everything around them. They feel as if the world is moving but they are frozen. but they are okay with it as long as are helping out and sharing what they've got. Their sense of accomplishment may come from helping other both financially and mentally. They're all about hard work, always grinding and putting in the work to make things happen. They don't like drama and competition, if they feel like you are competing against them they will just let you win. They'd rather keep things peaceful and drama-free. When it comes to love, they're total romantics, just going with the flow and following their heart. They may be a hopeless romantic. They have immense live for their work and they do for a living. They're always honing their skills and perfecting their craft, putting in the effort to be the best at what they do. And at the end of the day, they're someone who feels pretty good about what they've achieved, just living their best life and enjoying every moment. They are grateful for everything that comes their way. No matter blessings or blessing disguised as disasters. Just soaking it all in and feeling grateful for where they're at.
Physical attributes : coloured hair, red hair, tattoos, veiny hands, curly hair, big eyes, sharp jawline, locks, big hands, may wear boots most of the time.
Key words : Horse, 9, 24, 15, pink, water body, red velvet, Venessa, butterflies, absent father figure, garland, gold, nose ring. April, August, June.
Astrological details : Libra descendent, Uranus in 5th, mercury in 10th, Venus in 4th, Taurus Venus, South node in Virgo, Jupiter in libra, cancer rising,
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northopalshore · 2 months ago
💍 Briede persona chart:
Northopalshore's Briede Persona chart
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The Briede persona chart explains your natal Briede asteroid (19029) placements with more depth. If you are interested in women, it tells you about your wife ; usually their character going into & after marriage but still shows what their character is like in general. In a woman's chart, it tells them about themselves as a wife/after marriage. In this post specifically, I'll be analysing my own briede persona chart. Meant to be used as a guide and also my own theory based on observations. A prediction.
Briede Masterlist coming soon...
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☆ Reminder: often times certain characteristics of your spouse/yourself will be seen through your perspective in the Briede (19029) & Groom (5129) persona chart. After all, it is still your chart.
Libra (°26 Taurus)
I'll appear very approachable and reasonable. Generally seeming very friendly and open minded. I will put a lot of effort into my appearance, making sure I look presentable at all times. Finding comfort in how I look. People will notice me for my calm and down to earth demeanor, as well as dressing in a way that complements my appearance.
Sun in the 7th house, Taurus (°19 Libra)
I'll be very focused on the marriage & relationship. Being somewhat of a peacemaker and the problem solver, decision maker, planner and adviser.
Mercury in the 7th house, Aries (°26 Taurus)
I'll be more stern when it comes to making decisions, often being the first to address any issue that may arise in the relationship. I'll accept compromises as long as they are fair and justifiable to both me and my partner. When it comes to communication, I will take the lead. It gives me the impression that I'll be the one going through family decisions. In charge of making the final call.
Mars in the 5th house, Pisces (°6 Virgo)
After marriage, I will shift a lot of my time and energy into creativity and artistic projects. It's still work, but I will be very passionate about it. Working on something I truly believe in wholeheartedly. Seems like I will have a lot more time on my hands to do what I really like, or for some reason I will naturally be more drawn to my roots.
Moon in the 8th house, Gemini (°13 Aries)
I might be a little fussy and get overly attached to certain things after marriage. Being very obsessed with my own thoughts and worldview. I'll be somewhat clingy and protective over my spouse & family as well. Overthinking a lot about very random things. I will not be able to hide my thoughts, mood & emotional distress. I might grow to be very cautious or paranoid as well when put under pressure. But on a regular day, my thoughts function very well (i.e mercury in the 7th house).
Being a wife will add more complexity to the way that I naturally process my emotions. Having to think more and control my impulses.
Venus in the 8th house, Gemini (° 0)
My love life will be something that changes me deeply. It will open a lot of doors for me, test my creativity, & force me to try new things (Gemini). Teaching me to love wholeheartedly but at the same time be able to let loose & release control.
I've been reading into vedic astrology lately. And a lot of it really aligns to what I've been analysing in my western charts as well. I have Rahu in the 1st house & ketu in the 7th. Meaning that in order to feel complete in this life, I must focus on myself & my ambitions. To let go of control over matters relating to my spouse and relationships, accepting it as it comes (ketu in the 7th house).
The 7th house however, is a house of desire. It's natural to have a strong pull or curiosity concerning matters of the 3rd/7th/11th house. In my case, the more I try to manipulate or control the fire, the more severely I am burnt. The lesson here is to let go & love without the need to be obsessed.
Jupiter retrograde in the 12th house, Libra (°9 Sagittarius)
Years after the marriage, there is this sense of clarity that I may gain from being around my FS, our friends & family. Feeling this sense of contentment. Suddenly everything will make sense, and the dots are connected. This is something I'll likely keep to myself for the most part. What really shines here is inner contentment with my own growth and directions. Marriage life seems to have a calming effect on me.
Saturn in the 9th house, Cancer (°22 Capricorn)
My studies could be hindered by my marriage life. Changing my initial plans to pursue some form of education or a different career path. This is something that may not go that well with my parents at first (they insist that I go through masters & PhD as well in the current path I'm taking). I may have to make a tough choice regarding this in the future. Naturally, I may find myself maturing with family life and catering more towards my husband and children.
Neptune in the 4th house, Aquarius (°17 Leo)
Neptune can symbolize one's greatest motivation or ideals in marriage but also how they may relax or unwind, lessons that I could learn after marriage. In my case, it seems that I'll be taught how to truly let my imagination run wild. Finally being given the opportunity to nurture the dorky animated version of myself. Also means living away from my parents or birth place. Home will be a safe space for me to be myself with my spouse and family.
Pluto retrograde in the 2nd house, Sagittarius (°24 Pisces)
Money. Money is... Well, I might feel rather guilty about money at first. Compared to my FS, I won't be able to support him the way that he does me financially i.e I won't be much help at first (I have Jupiter in Libra in the 2nd house in my Groom persona chart, this man does not need me for money lmao). This is something I might try to solve myself or hide from him so I don't become a burden, even if he does want to help it just doesn't feel right to be fully dependent on him financially. I'll still long for financial independence. My financial situation will also change going into marriage.
Uranus in the 5th house, Pisces (°10 Capricorn)
Shifting careers. Taking on a lot of new responsibilities, taking part in more important events, trying new things, gaining new interest. Making a career out of a passion project. Taking more creative liberty in my career. Having a lot of fun at home, does it mean I'll be working from home? I've noticed that retrogrades in this persona chart can act sort of like the 12th house in a way in terms of illusion and things which are hidden. Maybe I'll finally work on that game or shoujo manga I've been putting off.
Chiron retrograde in the 4th house, Aquarius (°3 Gemini)
I might be rather fearful of becoming a mother. Having doubts on whether or not I am fitting or ready to become one. Contemplating the changes that it will bring into my life. Knowing that when it does happen, nothing will be the same. There might be something related to a miscarriage as well, carrying guilt or a burden surrounding fertility or worthiness.
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Starr (4150) in the 8th house, Taurus (°29 Leo)
Gaining sudden fame/recognition, hate, or unnecessary attention after marriage or as a wife. As I said it's likely that my identity will be intertwined with my love life and people may have .. their own strong opinion on that. It's likely that a certain reputation will stick with me as a wife, although I'm not really sure what that could be yet.
Briede (19029) in the 9th house, Gemini (°29 Leo)
In marriage, I will act as the guide. Perhaps my FS will often come to me for advice or just to vent his thoughts and things he may be passionate about. I might be a bit more extroverted around my spouse or after marriage, being more bold and taking the lead. A little dramatic, and animated.
Groom (5129) in the 6th house, Pisces (°25 Aries)
My FS will be very invested in his career as well. Perhaps branching out and doing things that align more with what he believes in, his true "expressions". He'll be very determined and hardworking. He may take somewhat of a backseat or supporting role for some reason, going with whatever plan that I come up with. Trusting the process. That being said, he's still anything but lazy. Still very eager to start something new in a direction he may have not considered before being with me.
North node in the 6th house, Aries (°22 Capricorn)
Another °22 ? Damn. Literally working with him will change my life. For better or for worst? We'll see. We may be working on something significant to both of us, something that we are both passionate about and believe in.
Juno (3) in the 6th house, Aries (°13 Aries)
In the in any persona chart (love centric) Juno & union tells you where you both come together to create or work on the most often in your relationship. Here, it means the same thing I've been saying before; working together as a team when it comes to work or daily life. Perhaps it would be odd to see us apart at work or when going somewhere. Even if we are apart, people will still bring up the other "Hey Gaia, where's your husband?".
Ex: My mom & dad both work best together as parents/at home, they always debate their decisions w each other. They're both homebodies lmao. My mom's Briede PC Juno is in the 4th house, my dad's is in the 8th. Both are in Libra/Libra degrees. In my Dad's Groom persona chart he has Juno in the 12th in Libra (°15 Gemini) while my mom has it in 7th Sagittarius (°22 Sag).
Union (1585) in retrograde in the 12th house, Libra (°21 Sagittarius)
I may still keep certain doubts about our union or future to myself, letting go of control over the outcome of the relationship whether it will last the way I want, or go the way I expected. We will both be together somewhat behind the scenes. The inner workings of the relationship is something I may prefer to keep private.
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Grand Trine (Libra Jupiter 12th house, Gemini Moon 8th house, Aquarius Neptune 4th house)
There is this strong underlying feeling of both contentment and spiritual understanding. Being able to really sit back and feel the changes as well as the things in my life from multiple perspectives. This gives me the vibe of a "guru" in a way. My intuition, my thoughts and feelings are all in alignment. Overseeing things.
Sun conjunct Boda (1487)
My marriage is a key part of my identity. Literally. Having a lot of pride, being protective and being seen as a wife. When people think of me, they also think of my marriage. It's in the 7th house, which means to me, my marriage means the world to me.
Mercury conjunct North Node
There is going to be something significant with the way that I think or speak. Perhaps my mind will be very influenced by the thought of the future. Perhaps I will be taking, negotiating, advocating much more after marriage. It makes sense looking at my MC persona chart. Something similar to Brigitte Bardot. It's in the 6th/7th house, I will be prioritizing my work and connections. Speaking my mind. Starting something that is part of my life destiny.
Pluto trine North Node
Change is & will continue to be a common factor in my life. Since it's related to the 2nd (Pluto) & 6th House (NN) this change will further enhance my career & destiny. Finding ways to embed "change" into what I do, creating something new and impactful for my future.
Venus conjunct Starr (4150)
My love life may be very well known. People will recognize me for my charms and my interests. Both are in the 8th house , something about my love life is a big influence to those around me. Mostly concerning their opinion of me. The "shock" factor is what a lot of people will associate with my love life or relationships. There is this strange appeal or obsession around it.
Mars conjunct Uranus
I'll be more experimental after marriage, being more curious, trying new things, going to new places. I will likely be given a lot of room to do whatever it is that I want. Be it working on strange hobbies or projects that come to mind. I may do a lot of... Strange things artistically lmao. Maybe I'll finally perform a burlesque dance or start that indie game project I've been wanting to do. Whatever it is, I'll be doing a lot of new things. It's in the 5th house, both are in work centric degrees (Virgo & Capricorn) in Pisces. Something related to performance and art or the creative world. I might be doing them on my own as well or be the one to pursue it.
Lilith opposite Chiron
Lilith in the 10th & Chiron in the 4th. I might feel like I am being held back by certain things going on in my home life in the future. Perhaps I may find it difficult to fully express myself or act independently without support or backup.
Groom square Pluto
There will be a lot of changes & challenges that my FS & I have to face. Being together will not be easy as factors like distance, misunderstandings, self-centeredness and outside factors can come clawing at us, but as far as I am concerned a relationship is not without its trials & tribulations. It happens to every relationship, how & when it manifests are the only dividing factors. Marriage will also change my FS a lot in a way that might be "harmful" to him.
Saturn trine Groom, Groom trine Midheaven
My FS will be a driving force of long-term support for me. As rocky as things may get he'll still be a reliable support system.
Saturn conjunct Midheaven
Man. Work is literally the highlight of my marriage life. Through marriage, I am able to reach greater heights, success and career stability. Literally having the support to do the things that I aim for, reaching goals and a certain status in the long-run. Ketu in the 7th house & Saturn DK hits hard(vedic). "Your spouse is your greatest supporter".
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Thank you for reading ♡
@northopalshore briede 2024 all rights reserved.
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whitlovealways8 · 9 months ago
Astro Observations #1
I am not a professional astrologer but I have been studying for some years and have made some accurate world predictions; as well as, predictions for myself and loved ones.
Why do capricorn placements have anger issues? Especially Capricorn suns born in January. I can't begin to count how many I have encountered.
Libra suns are so indecisive and passive aggressive!
Cancer children love their mamas. It's a shame for those who do not have good relationships with their mom.
8H placements are as intense as having scorpio placements outside of the 8h imo. So many transformations, it feels endless.
12H moons hide their emotions well until they are under the influence of alcohol.
Moon-Mars synastry is so intense, that you want to have children with that person. Some do.
11H placements were really meant to be seen in this world.
8h suns Idk how you do it. But allow yourself one birthday where you enjoy it to the fullest without being triggered and crying.
Gemini placements are a wealth of knowledge. They really just want someone to share their little fun facts with. People who are intimidated intelligence wise tend to try to humble them or resent them for this.
Aquarius placements can be a bit selfabsorbed. But their ruler is Saturn so they get karma back quickly. And sometimes harshly.
Aries placements can be a bit extra at times. I get it their Martian, pero Scorpio placements do not act like that.
6H people really do love animals and being of service. Its also a great synastry when its reciprocated.
The theme of your upcoming SR chart really does match the natal house of that sign.
Pisces Rising may have moved a lot due to their gemini 4h.
Mars in the 3h or mercury rx in 3h is the worst time to buy a car. Investment will be wasted.
Venus rx esp in 7h or 5h in solar return chart brings back a relationship with an ex.
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Are you still reading??? GREAT 🥰😊
Moon transiting your 8h or scorpio moon transits really does bring intense, eye opening dreams. Don't believe me. Track your dreams during scorpio moon each month.
Look to common themes across your SR chart, Lunar return chart and transits to your natal chart for the year. Eg. If your SR chart rising is your natal chart 4h and your lunar return has a 4h stellium, big changes on the home front.
Uranus transiting 4h in SR or Natally can bring big changes on the home front too
I hope you enjoyed. If you have any questions ask down below. I'll be doing more of these.
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harmoonix · 8 months ago
Astrology Observations
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She comes from the favela
Hills of Santa Teresa
Underneath the Redeemer
And the sun in the sky
🌴 - Pisces in your big 6 (Sun, Moon, Rising, Venus, Mercury, and Mars) make the native to be a big dreamer! Their dreams and spiritual world is endlessly beautiful 🥰🥰
🌴 - Why do I have a feeling Libra and Cancer placements cry at happy endings?? Is their energy right there! They don't like when good things end 😀💔
🌴 - Sagittarius Placements especially Venus/Mars/Mercury so blessed, these planets give a tropical aura to the native 🦋🦋🦋
🌴 - Taurus/Pisces/Libra Placements need to live artistic lives, life is poetry, life is art, life is music, you are a muse in your own world 🪭🪭
🌴 - Jupiter/Saturn in the 9H or at 9° 21° degrees are blessed with very good knowledge! They're always the wise one in the group! 🏛🏛
🌴 - If you have multiple aspects to your Sun, you can often have personality disorders lime bipolar disorder! Always in a change of a mood💣💣
🌴 - Those with fewer aspects to planet Mars in their chart don't get angry that fast. They're more calm and peaceful 🦭🦭
🌴 - People always say sister signs belong together, yet here I am a Capricorn biatch always getting in arguments with Cancer placements!! I got enough!! No hate to cancers tough!! Everyone is different 😊🫶🏼
🌴 - 2025 will be a very changing year for me omfg😭 I will have Scorpio Rising in my solar return next year! If I'm gonna make it out alive I will make more solar return observations
🌴 - Imagine having a favorite planet in your birth chart and that planet is being the one with the less aspects 😭😭? Sun is my fav planet and I have like 3 aspects this is bullshit already
🌴 - People with Venus - Mercury aspects are appreciated for their voices! You have a very beautiful one!!👏👏
🌴 - When you have Saturn in late degrees like between 20° to 29° usually means Saturn has to finish something in this life💞
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🌴 - Moon in your 8H and Moon in Scorpio natives are the first ones to heal you! Usually, when you have people around you with those placements, it means you need healing💆‍♂️💆‍♂️💆‍♂️
🌴 - Venus in the first degrees between 0° and 10° need to focus on themselves first! You should always be your biggest priority
🌴 - Mercury at 9° and 21° is so talkative, and they always speak so fast and jump from subjects to another
🌴 - Scorpio, Cancer, and Pisces in the 2H usually become addicted with the thing they buy/spend money on
🌴 - Moon in the 9H is a very beautiful placement to have if you love traveling around the world this placement gives you the chance to do that (Moon at 9° 21° too)
🌴 - It is known that people with Capricorn/Aquarius Placements have beautiful legs! Take care of all your body parts in order also in order to love yourself take care of your body
She come from the favela
Ask me 'e aí beleza'
🌴 - My Mom has her Venus in the 5H and she loves to do a lot of sports, she is so hard to beat at any ball game like she always wins 😭😭
🌴 - Moon in your 10H or at 10° 22° degrees can indicate your feelings are exposed to the world or the people around you! And you may be afraid to show them your true feelings
🌴 - Saturn in water signs always make sure to not speed the natives healing process! It always comes with the time
🌴 - Aries/Gemini and Leo Placements are possibly the most curious people you will ever meet because they learn things everyday
🌴 - Moon between 5° and 10° can be the most active moon placement when they're surrounded with things they enjoy
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🌴 - Juno asteroid between 10° and 19° degrees can indicate a spouse who's gonna teach you a lot of things
🌴 - Lilith between 20° and 29° is usually when Lilith feels the most powerful because she feels like she can run the world, is empowering
🌴 - Capricorn and Pisces placements can find comfort in isolating themselves if they actually need it!
🌴 - I don't think there is someone who can understand Aquarius Moon natives feelings better than themselves, because is their inner world after all
🌴 - Not an astro observations but since this post is targeted around travelling, there is a legend that says when your soul is in love with a country/place is probably because there is someone waiting for you in that place or country Do you think it is true guys?)If the theory is true my soulmate is living on the other side of the globe 🤡🤡🤡
🌴 - If Gemini or Mercury sits in the 6H you probably like to talk or to spread awareness and warnings about specific things like maybe a conflict or a war or any other crise
🌴 - Sagittarius Mars can have a good accent when they try to speak a foreign language it work if your Mars is also in the 9H or at 9° or 21°
F A V E L A 🇧🇷
🌴 - If your Pluto sits in the 11H or at 11° 23° you can attract envy from people around you especially friends are the first envy targets
🌴 - Saturn/Capricorn in the 12H can feel so tiring! Is usually because it is a very deep placement to have for the 12H topics make sure to rest
🌴 - I love how ambitious are natives with Saturn in the 6H or Saturn in Virgo/Saturn at 3° 15° 27° degrees, they really make the job done
🌴 - In my opinion Saturn really loves the middle houses like 5H/6H/7H/8H because it teaches the native hard lessons through learning where in other placements Saturn will mostly do lots of practice with the natives like the 1H or 2H
🌴 - Saturn in Aquarius/Saturn in the 11H/Saturn at 11° 23° will teach you how to value your true friendships and in the same time to learn how a friendship is suppose to work
🌴 - Lilith in Sagittarius/9H and at 9° 21° Most times can end up losing their faith or beliefs or simply changing them! (This can not apply to everyone)
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🌴 - In the Vedic astrology placements in the 9H and 12H like Venus, Moon or Sun can find their spouses usually a bit more later in life
🌴 - In the Vedic astrology your nakshatra plays a big role in your personality, appearance, beauty, which one is yours? Mine is in Chitra 🫶🏼 find your nakshatra here! You'll need to do a nakshatra calculator first
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🌴 - Aries Sun/Moon and Rising natives are so naturally charming, I swear their faces play such a big role in their beauty, especially the eyebrows
🌴 - I think is easier for mercury in fire signs to call and tell you everything instead of writing messages, I think they wanna say it face to face
🌴 - Moon and Sun can be introverted in the 2H/4H/6H/8H/ and 12H because these planets usually are more mysterious in those houses
🌴 - Jupiter in Virgo/6H and at 6° 18° have so much luck when they're looking for a job! It might actually be manifested into your subconscious
🌴 - If someone has their Jupiter in the same sign as your Venus, they can be so much into you without realizing it is something that grows over time
🌴 - Virgo Moons think more logical than others because they loveee to keep it in order, everything has their own time in this space
🌴 - If you have your 11H connected to the 8H your *fake* friends may want to use you for money, take care of such people (How they can be connected? Look if the ruler of the 11H is making an aspect with the ruler from the 8H)
🇧🇷 Deep in the colors and the streets
Lost in the funk favela beats
Prisioneira 🇧🇷
🌴 - If your 7H is connected to the 10H can indicate your spouse can be the breadwinner and the provider in the relationship (How they can be connected? Look if the ruler of the 7H is making an aspect with the ruler from the 10H)
🌴 - Your 7H Lord/Ruler and its aspects can also tell you a lot about your spouse and your relationship with them.
🌴 - Mars in the 1H/3H/10H tend to really be turned on easily, I swear they're always there ready for something to happen
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🌴 - Chiron in Virgo can indicate someone who may be very controlling and strict even with themselves but also with other people
🌴 - Virgo south node can indicate someone who worked in the favor of service and devotion in a past life
🌴 - I honestly love the trio of the natives with horns like Aries Taurus and Capricorn?? Horn creature - like are so beautiful!!
🌴 - Saturn in the 1H natives are more comfortable being alone than with people who stress them 24/7
🌴 - Leo and Cancer placements usually have very shiny skin, or their skin color might be really pretty (it can be any skin color) it will just make your appearance charming
Chorando estará ao lembrar de um amor
Que um dia não soube cuidar
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Canção riso e dor, melodia de amor
Um momento que fica no ar
Damn this post took so long, but it ended so good! Let Venus to bless the aether! 💞🦋 Harmoonix
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erosastro · 10 months ago
Astro observations 💜✨
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💜 Scorpio placements are the types to dish but can’t take. So they’ll be telling you some ish and expect you to take it lightly and laugh but if you do it back to them, they be mad and defensive af😭 and I’ve seen this with so many Scorpio placements it’s insane.
💜Speaking of Scorpio placements, they can be shit talkers too, especially if they have Gemini and Sagittarius placements. Gemini and Sagittarius kind of have that reputation, esp geminis but y’all have no idea how conniving scorpios can be, especially if they feel like they’ve been done wrong/things don’t work out the way they wanted it to.
💜Promise this isn’t a Scorpio roast lol I’ve just been noticing some patterns especially with the whole drake and Kendrick thing 💀
💜the sign you have in your seventh house is who you’ll be naturally drawn to, to some extent your fifth house too (you’d be attracted to them). For example, if you have Pisces seventh house, you’d be attracted to Pisces placements. If you have Capricorn fifth house, you’d be attracted to Capricorn placements. It could also work for the planets in that house. So if you have Sun in seventh in Pisces you could also like Leo placements.
💜Your best friend(s) could either have one or more of your big three in their big three too. For example if you have an Aquarius moon, your best friend could have an Aquarius Sun or Rising. It could even be the exact same placement, so if you have a Virgo moon, your best friend could also have a Virgo moon.
💜Aquarius, Aries and Pisces placements are most likely to experiment with their hair and try wild styles/colours.
💜Saturn in 8th house could mean a delay in intimacy, especially sexual intimacy. It could also indicate a fear of death/losing someone close to them.
💜Chiron in third house can show a difficulty in early learning phases and issues with siblings.
💜Lilith and Pluto in first house come across as very intimidating (they are).
💜Aries and Sagittarius mercuries are some of the most blunt people I’ve ever met.
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💜Let me love some Scorpios a bit because I feel like I’ve done y’all dirty I’m sorry 😭🫶🏽 Scorpios are very protective over their friends. If you mess with someone close to them, you mess with them too.
💜Libra, Aquarius and Leo placements like to take random pictures of everything. Their camera roll is probably filled with sunset pics then a random pic of a fire hydrant.
💜I’m still learning about solar return charts but it’s definitely true what they say about a ninth house stellium. You could plan a trip and travel during that year and also consider furthering your education, especially tertiary education. I’ve already planned a trip and am going to do my honours lol.
💜Gemini and Virgo placements love reading. They’re fr proper bookworms. Ruled by mercury, it’s not surprising that they do.
💜Honestly, Sagittarius placements are some of the most optimistic and happiest people I’ve met. (Yes even mercuries). They’re always looking at the brighter side of things and are more of a “glass half full” type of person. I don’t think I’ve ever met a pessimistic Sagittarius placement person.
💜Ruler of the fourth house in the ninth in your solar return could indicate moving away/out of your house and possibly abroad.
💜I’m sorry but Leo placements cannot take a hint 😭 especially if they’re rejected in some way, they’ll still try their luck and flirt with someone even after they’ve rejected them.
💜Venus in 11th have a lot of their friends that develop a crush on them. They’re alluring and unique and it draws a lot of their friends in.
💜Aquarius, Pisces and Cancer placements LOVE the beach. They feel the best when they’re in the ocean.
💜Right then after a lot of debate, the signs that can really hold a grudge are Cancer placements, Scorpio placements and Libras(yes Libras!! Especially Mars, they’ll be hella passive aggressive).
💜Don’t piss off Aquarius placements. They may be sweet but if you ever piss one off, they’ll act like you don’t exist. Especially Aquarius Moon and Mars.
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thank you for reading!
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venus111 · 9 months ago
Astrology observations
༯ you might share the same mercury,moon and sun sign with your favourite artists
༯ if you have Chiron in Libra/7th house you can be a blessing to other people, my friend has this all of his exes have gotten married and whenever he has a crush on someone he will hear that person is getting married to someone else lol
༯ you’ll notice you’ll become more gossipy and toxic when you have 8th house/12th house synastry with someone, people say my behaviour changes when I’m with my cousin
༯ December Sagittarius natives are more adventurous than those born in November , they are the ones that get anxious and stressed at the thought of travelling
༯ your sun sign can show your body features that you look at trying to fix, my mom is a Capricorn first thing she pays attention to when looking in the mirror is her teeth and she’s always worried about her teeth( brushing many times)
༯ Venus in Sagittarius/9th got attractive thighs
༯ just found out am a Capricorn rising with a stellium in 2nd house and moon/Lilith in 8th house FML
༯ natives that have fixed Venus sign can get obsessed with one song and they’ll start to hate/lose interest when they see the music video
༯ Taurus placements can be scammers if undeveloped
༯ Neptune in 8th house have horrible nightmares
༯ I have seen many scorpios love wearing the colour red
༯ most top athletes have Aries placements
༯ Aquarius/leo placements wear varsity jackets
༯ cancer placements binge watch tv shows
༯ Pisces sun with Aquarius placements can have a phase of being players when young
༯ Pisces Mars and Libra Mars avoid confrontations
༯ Leo risings natives can have problems with their step siblings
༯ Libra risings have huge age differences with their siblings
༯ Libra placements have the habit of commenting on people’s appearance
༯ the signs that you hate is your 12th and 8th house
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ranastro · 6 months ago
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People with Mars in Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus are usually very hard-working and ambitious, focuse on work;
Mars in Pisces can be sociable, intuitive, not bullying the weak; some people with the Sun in Aries can become a manager, leader of groups, teams;
Mars in Libra/7h is usually not aggressive, they perform well in a collective environment; exchange, communicate and expand relationships + they like to dress elegantly, gracefully, and neatly;
Venus in Gemini often attracts the opposite sex because of their cheerfulness and humor, and has many relationships around them;
Venus in Sagittarius is so funny, honest and cheerful, they value friendship and family relationships, and care about their lovers. If someone accidentally wants to capture them, they will quickly disappear without a trace and return to their freedom;
Moon in Pisces can be dreamy and like to compose stories with spiritual themes, beyond the scope of the earth, colors, shapes, meanings, time, … they can also be vulnerable;
Moon harsh aspects to Chiron can have a significant that they and their mother have many different views on life and are prone to arguments, the same meaning as the Sun harsh aspects to Chiron. They can be raised/educated by someone other than their parents.
Sun conjunct/ trine/ sextile Mercury can be beneficial for academic studies and communication;
Where Scorpio/8h is showed that there is a transformation there. For example, if at the moon, it shows that they can experience many fluctuations in their inner world that make them change a lot, they can also have a dark sense of humor, many people are attracted to their high energy;
There are many different positions that show love for animals, in which Capricorn, Sagittarius,… can have a high possibility of being kind, connected and loving to animals, and in return they can also receive love from animals;
Leo/5h positions is often quite prominent because of their hair, it can be thick, long, fluffy, unique color,… giving them a dynamic, vibrant appearance.
Hi, this post is my perspectives, pls choose details that are relevant or useful to you. I am always here to hear from you. Always welcome you guys ~ Thank you ~
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