#i always play new games on easy first for the story though.
sukimas · 10 months
everyone knows that the canonical touhou mode is hard of course don’t they. that this is explicit
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solkara · 3 months
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❛ 𝐕𝐎𝐘𝐀𝐆𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐀 𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐄𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 , rhaenyra targaryen ❜
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⌗ 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 , you since you were young you would be a sailor just like your father you loved the water but the only thing that you loved more than the sea was your family
⌗ 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 , rhaenyra targaryen x fem! velaryon! sailor! reader
⌗ 𝐬𝐨𝐥'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 , so this is gonna be a two part thing for sure cuz I just had so many idea's to write down lol also reader is 3-4 year's older than laenor and laena in this fic also in the next part there might be a bit of rhaenyra's pov heheh
house of the dragon masterlist , next part
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⌗ you were the eldest daughter of the sea snake. you had every reason to be as prideful as you were. you were the blood of old valyria and the daughter of the richest house in the seven realms. what wasn't there to be confident of?
⌗ growing up you were given the best of everything. the finest clothes jewellery and food. and while you had always been more on the masculine side. preferring sword fighting and play fighting with your father over more lady like actives. they never punished you for it though. if anything they encouraged it. well your father mostly did.
⌗ and your mother was supportive as long as you kept good manners when attending events and court. which was easy for you as long as you stayed far away from any form of lannister. as they had a natural talent for being able to bore you senseless. but something that never failed to excite you no matter how many times you were told it. were your father's stories of his adventures across the seas.
⌗ you had heard all of the stories more times than you could count. but you didn't care. as each time you heard them you seemed to become more and more fascinated. you begged your father to take you on one. but to your dismay you were always greeted with a firm no. before being told "wait until your older and you will be able to go on a voyage by yourself".
⌗ and so began the patient waiting game. as the years ticked by you were constantly bettering yourself for the day you could finally venture off alone and you became an older sister to laena and laenor. who quickly became your whole world. you adored being an older sister.
⌗ though you wouldn't admit it out loud you were closer with leanor. as laena was always off with the friends she had made in court. while the two of you preferred to spend your days sparring, going for dragon rides together on seasmoke and riptide, and talking about the things you had in common. one of them being. that you preferred goose. and he preferred duck.
⌗ the two of you guarded this secret with your lives and often covered for each other. as the other ventured off to meet with a lover. and when your parents found out about what the two of you had been doing. you defended each other when they said that. "this was just a faze". the two of you would die to protect each other so that made you going away all the more difficult.
⌗ it was your eighteenth name day. and your father had gifted you what you had always dreamed of. your very own ship which you had proudly named tides. in honor of your dragon. with a crew of loyal men to accompany you on your first-ever voyage. the twins did not leave your side all day begging you not to go. it broke your heart. the fact you couldn't take them with you. but you promised him that you would return with gifts for both of them. which calmed the two slightly though they were still upset.
⌗ as you hugged your mother, and kissed your siblings goodbye, you looked to your father who stood their watch. eyes shining with pride as well as unshead tears. pulling him into a hug you felt him burry his face into your hair before inhale your sent. as if he was trying to mentally memories you. as the two of you broke away you couldn't but smile at him.
⌗ and smiled even wider at him when he gifted you two new swords engavred with your name and house velaryon's sigil. and compass which had been attached to a gold chain to make a necklace which was also engraved. thanking your father for the gifts and saying your final goodbyes before departing. on your ship as riptide followed from above as wherever you went he went.
⌗ the moon's you spent at sea where truly some of the best days of your life. you and your crew had become somewhat of a family. spending your days and nights drinking singing songs telling stories and gathering treasure. while exploring the vast seas from essos all the way to yiti.
⌗ during which you indulging in your fair share of women of all shapes sized creeds and colours from common to high borns you had a taste of it all. though you never slept with them more than once. as you were not someone who was easily tied down. seeing yourself like the water free and forever changing.
⌗ you wrote your family often exhanging letters with your father and laenor the most. sharing tales of your adventures and other things that you had done while away. and you did return home to driftmark on rare occasions. once for laenor's wedding. which you didn't really care for as he was clearly miserable and it ended in disaster.
⌗ and the other time was to visit. with both times your parents suggesting you remain home for a while. but you politely declined as now that you had a taste for adventure you were unwilling to part with it. but that would quickly change after a turn of tragic events.
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anon , hi !! so i saw that you're currently taking requests, so i have something in my mind, hehe. so, this would be a Rhaenyra x Velaryon fem!reader, and the reader is Laenor's older sister, who is a sailor who just came back from her long voyage on sea after finding out that his brother was murdered. the reader knows that Laenor prefers men more than women as Laenor is also aware that the reader prefers women. the moment the reader has set sail, she immediately heard some rumors how Rhaenyra ordered someone to kill her brother, and this sparked some hatred towards Rhaenyra. but, on the other hand, Rhaenyra is quite taken by the aura and confidence that the reader is giving. Rhaenyra made it her mission to try and properly explain the situation to the reader without the prying eyes and ears. Rhaenyra's only problem is that the reader doesn't trust her enough to be in a secluded room with her alone, whereas the reader is always glaring and avoiding to be near at Rhaenyra anytime the reader spots her in her point of view. you can choose the ending hehe >_<
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hurts2think · 2 months
hii! Can i req a red x f reader ?I dont rlly have any good plots in mind but maybe like a enemies to lovers trope where red & reader met at auradon prep for the first time and the reader totally caught red’s eye but red denies it and is mean, then gets jealous and confesses in the end
Something like that!
♥️Red Hearts x Fem!Reader♥️
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Reader pronouns: She/her
Pairing: Red Hearts x Fem!Reader
Plot: Very low-key rivals to lovers. Reader is a Knight in training who's a rule follower while Red is rebellious and doesn't live by the rules. Red joins R.O.A.R, the fencing inspired game from Descendants 2.
Word Count: 2.6k
Extra: This is the first fanfic I've wrote in a VERY long time and also my first ever x reader fic. So I hope it's good <3 thank you for reading.
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Auradon Prep was always your favorite place to be. It felt like a place you could finally fit into. Before you, your parents were knights and protected their kingdom, and they expected the same from you. So naturally you signed up for R.O.A.R aka Royal Order of Auradon Regiment.
R.O.A.R was what you looked forward to the most for your junior year at AP. You heard the horror stories of it being a boys-only sport until the famous Lonnie, daughter of Mulan, once became captain and changed the rules for good. Now R.O.A.R actually became a female dominated sport at AP. Which you didn't really mind either way who was in the team, as long as they were easy to get along with.
Unfortunately, there was a new person on the team this year. You heard of her, everyone has, but you never had any real contact with her. You'd be lying if you said you weren't a little annoyed with her constant sour attitude and the need to break rules. This girl was of course, Princess Red from Wonderland. Her bright red hair and her punk-esque style made her stand out from the rest. You thought she'd be... Mad. Like how everyone supposedly is in Wonderland. But she seemed to just be any other girl with a bad attitude.
"This costume is stupid." The red girl declared, "And is the mask really necessary too?" She complained as she was getting ready for practice in the locker room.
Most people ignored her. Many students were pretty intimidated by her, which made you feel bad to some degree. Even if she wasn't the most well behaved, it was still a pity she didn't seem to make friends easily. So after a moment of silence from the rest of the team, you finally spoke up,
"It's a uniform, not a costume. And it is required. The mask is to keep us safe too." You explained, unintentionally coming off as a little harsh. But that was what most people expected from you. Always by the book, a little cold, and stubborn. Not that you meant to come off that way. But being surrounded by knights your whole life, you kind of picked up that attitude. But really once people got to know you, you were sweet and a lot more easy going.
"Right. Whatever." She shrugged, leaving the locker room once she was dressed and ready.
You sighed and finished getting ready before following everyone else out to the strip where practice would finally begin.
"Okay team, as you know, we have a new member with us so let's make sure she feels welcome and a part of the team." The Captian, Nilly, declared to everyone. And though your eyes stayed fixed on the Captian, you couldn't help but have your gaze dash to Red for a quick moment. She didn't seem too enthused by the 'warm welcome'.
"Now, let's not waste any more time and get started." Nilly said, pairing up everyone to fight each other before her gaze fixed on you as she thought for a moment, "Why don't you go with Red? Show her the ropes?" Really it seemed like Nilly was worried that Red would break some rules or not play fairly. Since you were next to be Captian, it was only fair for you to be the one with her.
You didn't sigh or groan, you just gave a firm nod at the command as Red came over to stand across from you.
Your eyes locked together, her attitude had been nothing but lazy and rude, but now you could see the determination in her face. She definitely wouldn't go down without a fight.
"...lower the point, mask down," you suddenly snapped back from your thoughts to the sound of Nilly's voice. Then the game had started.
Swords clashed, people jumped around, it was overall a pretty chaotic sport like most of the sport in Auradon. But it wasn't a sport you've ever gone defeated in, and maybe that's why it was unexpected that Red seemed to be a total natural. Maybe you let your guard down a little bit and she got the upperhand at first before you really had to focus and lock in.
After a couple minutes of swords clashing and people getting out of the game, it was suddenly just you and Red left. It was pretty shocking to everyone that the new girl made it to the end. You kind of hoped people would assume you were going easy on her since she was new, but really, she was putting up a good fight.
Of course, practice and determination beats beginners luck so in the end you won against her.
You take your mask off and offer her a hand, "Good game, you fight well." You said, as you said pretty much after any match. But you really did mean it. She fought very well, maybe they had something similar in Wonderland so she already had practice because she was very good.
She looked at your hand but didn't take it, "Yeah, you too." She said, walking past you without any other word. Her tone sounded far from sincere which made your brows furrow and a frown appear on your face.
At the end of practice, Nilly announced that she wasn't going to be at school for the next week and that you would be taking spot as temporary captian. You had to hold back your smile, but really you were excited! You would've actually already been Captian this year if it wasn't for all of your honors classes and after school activities that kept you busy last year. But this was a great opportunity to prepare for next year and college!
And as the new temporary Captian, you felt obligated to take full responsibility for every member. Especially the new one. So after dinner, you took it into your own hands to show up at Red's dorm and discuss the expectations and rules of R.O.A.R.
But before you could knock, you heard a noise from inside. A... Spraying noise? You noticed the door was slightly cracked open, peaking inside your eyes widened.
Suddenly Red turned around to see your astonished face. Then her eyes narrowed, "what're you doing?" She asked, standing in front of her completely vandalized and spray painted walls.
"What are you doing?! Do you know how much trouble you'll get into??" You asked, accidentally raising your voice before talking in a hushed tone so no one around would get nosey and get her into trouble.
"So? It looks better this way. I couldn't stand the boring yellow walls. Yellow is not my color." She said, looking back at her work with a satisfied smile.
"But— It's—" you struggled to find the words, "If a teacher finds out you'll be in so much trouble." You finally said, giving her a judgemental look.
Red huffed and plopped down on her bed, "Then a teacher won't find out. Don't you ever have any fun in your life? Or are you one of those princesses who only live by the book?"
You couldn't believe this girl's attitude, "First of all, I'm not a princess... I'm a knight." You corrected confidently, to which she rolled her eyes, "And second, people follow the book for a reason! You can have fun without being... Uhm..." You try to find the right word.
"Exactly!" You exclaim, "Just..." You see that she was giving you a mocking expression, "Okay. Nevermind. I'm not here to talk about this." You sigh.
"Great. So can you leave?" She asked, but it seemed to be more of a demand than a question.
You simply ignored her and pulled out a small booklet from your coat pocket, sitting on a chair in her room. "As the temporary Captian, I wanted to discuss some things with you. You're an excellent fighter but you broke a couple rules... But it's okay, I'm here to go over all of the rules with you." You smiled for probably the first time at her.
"A rulebook? Seriously? You're cute n' all, princess, but did you miss the entire conversation where I just said rules were boring and that you're boring for following them?" She sat up, looking you straight in the eye, unamused by this topic.
"Well you'll be kicked off the team if you can't follow some basic rules." You replied, sensing this was going to be harder than you imagined.
To Red's demise, you sat there for the next hour, reading every single rule and explaining them to her. She kept her eyes locked on you the whole time, though you felt she might not actually be listening. More like she was studying you as if you were a weird looking bird at a zoo.
She observed the way you sat so properly and the way you spoke and moved was filled with confidence and almost demanded respect. Then she observed your features, your eyes, hair, face, style of clothing. It was all kind of attractive. Though you had a strict attitude, she was sure she could pull you to be more level headed and laid back. But once you finally finished and closed the book, it snapped her back to reality and before her thoughts really ran wild.
"Any questions?" You asked.
She just stared at you for a moment in silence before standing up, "Nope. You explained it so well. This was a very... Informational meeting. I think I learned a lot."
Red was most definitely being sarcastic, but you weren't necessarily the first person to pick up on sarcasm so your face lit up a little when she said that, "Oh! Really? We can go over all of the stances too and—" you suddenly cut yourself off and frowned, "Oh. Sarcasm?"
She nodded, giving a passive aggressively smile, "You can leave now."
You sighed and stood up to leave but not before saying, "You know, Red. I think you really have the opportunity to do great things. Your a great fighter and.." you look at the vandalized walls, ",a great artist too. If you could just do it the right way and—"
"Okay I don't need to be lectured by you." She said, putting a hand on your back to guide you out of her room.
You eventually left and mentally cursed yourself for wasting your time with her. She probably didn't even listen to a single thing you said.
But now Red was left alone in her room with her own thoughts. She couldn't understand how someone could be so by-the-book and proper. It was like that girl really was a knight who did school part time.
But something about her really stuck out to Red. Maybe it was the determination or the way her entire person demanded a respect that most people of real authority didn't have.
At the end of the week there was a school dance. Red didn't know why schools seemed to presistent on having a dance every 3 months, but she wasn't really complaining. It's not like she had anyone to go with. She was still relatively new and didn't have any friends. Well, kind of.
After her little meeting with you, she found the knight-in-training barging into her room more and more often this whole week. Offering to help her practice, help with school work, it's like you made it your goal to 'fix' Red or something. But Red secretly found it endearing. Your conversations became more playful and flirtatious, well, on Red's side at least.
She found your reactions entertaining. The way you'd look away from her and your confident attitude suddenly goes weak. A simple arm around the shoulder and wink was enough to make you melt.
Though you never actually considered the fact Red was actually romantically interested, no matter how many times she said "Well, aren't you cute?" To tease you. There was no way she actually felt anything. Right?
This year you were put in charge of doorkeeping so you had to make a guest list of everyone that was attending the dance. And now as the day was ending and people were preparing for tomorrow night, you were making the rounds to all of the people who hadn't signed up to see if they were going.
You found Red at the dining hall and approached her, "Red. You haven't signed up for the dance." You said, getting straight to the point as she was sitting at a table, drawing while eating a bowl of chocolates.
"I'm not going." She said, not even bothering to look up at you.
"What? Why? It's your first dance, and no offense, but you don't have many friends. It could be a good opportunity to make friends." You advised, taking a seat next to her.
"Sounds awful, I'll pass."
You sigh. Before you could say anything else, a girl you recognized took a seat in front of the two of you, "Hey, (y/n)." She greeted with a smile. Her name was Tina and she was a cute girl who talked to you plenty of times but you wouldn't consider yourself friends.
"Hello, Tina." You responded, taking your eyes off Red to look at the girl.
"So... Are you going to the dance?" She asked you, which had Red look up from her drawing for the first time.
"Yes. I'm the doorkeeper this year, but after that I'll be with the rest of you guys." You explained.
"Sweet. I can't wait to see you there. You're not going with anyone, are you?" She asked, leaning towards you and her body language becoming much more flirtatious.
"No. I mostly will just be making the rounds to my friends and hanging out with them." You didn't seem to catch onto the flirting, but Red definitely did. And, man, if looks could kill. Tina would drop dead.
"Well, I can't wait." She smiled before getting up and waving then leaving.
"Dude..." Red said, looking at you.
"That girl was definitely trying to ask you to the dance." Red said, though it wasn't in a teasing way. If anything, she didn't look too happy about it.
"Huh? What? Tina? No no. She's just a friend and was probably curious." You said, there was no was Tina of all people wanted to go to the dance with you.
Red just shook her head and sighed, "You're lucky you're so cute. It doesn't matter you're totally oblivious."
Though she said it as an insult, you couldn't help but feel your face heat up at the comment.
"Well... It doesn't matter either way. I'm not interested in her like that." You said, suddenly feeling the need to separate yourself from Tina. You didn't want Red to think you liked Tina at all. But you didn't exactly know why you were suddenly so defensive about it... Obviously Red didn't care... Or maybe she did. You found it very hard to read Red. Which was one of the reasons you liked her so much
Red looked like she suddenly got an idea, "You know what. I think I will go to the dance."
"Yep. Wouldn't it be a shame if someone else was dancing with my Knight-in-shining-armor at the dance?" She smirked, putting an arm around your shoulder.
"Red... Are you asking me to—"
"Don't. Don't say it. I might throw up." She frowned but you smiled.
You took her arm off of you and instead held her hand, leaning against her slightly, "I'd love to go to the dance with you."
Red put her face in her hand, "Gross. Don't make it cheesy." She said, but it was obvious she was trying to hide her flustered face.
"Shut up, it's adorable." You laughed, nudging her arm and she finally smiled at you. An actual genuine smile.
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jayflrt · 6 months
𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐧 𝟕𝟖𝟔 19. attention seeker
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welcome to the second act. warnings for this chapter include depictions of alcoholism and family issues
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Yeah, right.
Shin Yuna heard phrases along those lines all the time. Whenever she watched other people's content, a good majority of the influencers would rant about how difficult their life was, or how stressful their workload was when it came to recording and editing.
Sure, it took some effort to edit and upload new content. Yuna allocated several hours a week to do so, but all she had to do was set up a livestream for the cash to start rolling in. Wear something skimpy. Bat her lashes at the camera. Pout a little. Play up the damsel in distress act. It was simply too easy.
princessval***: omg girl pls stop drinking 😭 onlyyuna03: she's so messy i love her luvyuna***: you're back already? i thought you were taking a break onlyyuna03: @luvyuna*** you must be new LOL she always does this
But this—the flood of comments that poisoned her screen—was the curse of putting herself on the internet.
It wasn't like this during her first year of streaming. Back in high school, Yuna's parents were fighting every day, and since she didn't have any friends to talk to, she turned to the internet. She would stay up all night in random Discord servers, chatting with strangers and confiding in them about her family issues.
Naturally, these chats turned into voice calls, which later turned into video calls. Initiated by her, of course. No one else had their cameras on, though; Yuna quickly grew comfortable being in the spotlight, basking in the glow of praise from strangers. Comments like 'you're so gorgeous' and 'you should be a model' made her forget all about her family issues for a split second. Like that, it became like a drug for her.
Yuna, who was starved of attention, relished in the validation she got from online strangers. Strangers who wouldn't even share any personal information about themselves, going by fake names and hiding how old they were.
Soon after, she made her own Discord server, inviting everyone who wanted to see her get in front of her camera and talk about her day. She knew how to play her angles well, acting as if she was everyone's girlfriend while using them to satisfy her need for attention. It was a classic marketing strategy: Yuna knew her asset was her beauty, so she used it to her advantage.
All she had to do was send a picture of herself or talk in a cute voice, and everyone would fawn over her in seconds. In a life where Yuna's own parents neglected her, she found people who cared. Maybe their intentions weren't in the right place, but they were present and ready to listen to whatever she had to say.
She got ambitious, deciding to start live-streaming to a wider audience. Yuna started on Twitch, playing various games like Overwatch and League of Legends. She didn't have to be very good as long as people liked her face and stayed for her reactions.
As she grew a following, she moved to YouTube and TikTok, doubling her follower count in only months. Before, she would be talking to an audience of around 20 people, but now she was racking in thousands as soon as she went live.
Of course, there came drama, too. And Yuna found it exhilarating.
If someone called her out on something, all she had to do was come up with some sob story about how she didn't deserve to hear that, and everyone would come with pitchforks to defend her. She was very calculative in that way, knowing exactly when and how to turn the tide if it wasn't in her favor.
For some reason, that never seemed to work with her parents.
"You're a disappointment," her father spat at her the day she showed him her Yale acceptance letter. She had sparkles in her eyes and a bright smile all day, only for her to feel completely crushed. She couldn't understand why; it was her father's dream for her to get into Yale, after all. "This is the only acceptance letter you've got, huh?"
Yuna hesitated. The competition for all of the Ivy League schools was rough this year; she had been getting rejections left and right, but she thought her family would be satisfied with Yale. After all, it was her father's alma mater.
"Yeah," she answered in a small voice. She looked down at her acrylic-damaged nails, neglected from years of biting the skin until they bled. "I thought you'd be happy with Yale."
"Happy?" Mr. Shin barked out a laugh. "You didn't actually get into Yale on your own, you know that, right?" He scoffed when Yuna gave him a confused look. Then, Mr. Shin slammed his phone against the dinner table, causing his wife and daughter to flinch. "Five hundred thousand. I paid five hundred thousand to get you in. Mr. Nakamura only paid two to get Kazuha in, but I had to pay five. That's how useless you are."
"Sunoo? You know my old boss's son?" he would provoke her for the rest of dinner. "He got in all by himself. You know Hyejin's son—Anton—he got into Yale and Brown on his own, too."
"You need to work hard, Yuna," Mrs. Shin said before stabbing at her salad. "Your dad could only get you in as an undeclared major. You need to get into pre-med on your own."
Tears prickled her eyes, but she stayed silent. Even her college acceptance was a fraud; she had done nothing out of her own hard work.
Except her skyrocketing career as an influencer.
The high of her fame only lasted a short while, though. During the summer before her freshman year of college, Yuna's parents discovered what she had been getting up to on the internet.
Shameful, they called it, as if Yuna was committing a crime.
Yuna's parents were surgeons, and rather good ones at that. They both got their undergraduate degrees at Stanford, and then their doctorates at Harvard. The two of them became neurosurgeons after their residency and board exams, and then transferred to Mercy Health where Mr. Shin became the Chair of Neurological Surgery, which set the bar a little high for Yuna.
She was never spectacular. She was always more interested in makeup and clothes instead of science and medicine. Yuna would've rather worked toward a career as a fashion designer, often dreaming about fashion shows she could design for. She knew she would make it far, too—even Donatella Versace told her backstage during Paris Fashion Week that she had an eye for fashion, and that she could go far.
The few times she visited your house, she remembered meeting your mom, a well-known fashion designer herself, and showing off her sketches. Yuna distinctly recalled her words of approval, and she had to bite her tongue whenever your mom would offer to take Yuna on a tour of her studio, only for her parents to turn down the offer.
Her parents were so adamant about Yuna following their path to becoming a surgeon that they threw away all of her sketchbooks and colored pencils when she showed them her work. Even when she got the opportunity of a lifetime to be taken under Vivienne Westwood's wing, her parents crushed her dreams under their heels.
From a young age, she knew that hard work was only determined by her parents. Her true efforts were simply considered a waste of time.
Naturally, Yuna let out all her emotions when she live-streamed. It just so happened that her parents found out through the families of people who knew her. First, she would be grounded. When that wouldn't work, she would get all of her devices taken away. When she found a loophole around that, she would have to endure her father's rage.
Halfway through her first year at Yale, her parents disowned her.
She was on academic probation after her first semester. While she was trying to file a restraining order against someone who was stalking her (who claimed to be a fan), her grades managed to slip until she failed most of her classes. The worst part was, she had been expecting her parents to worry about the stalking incident, but they only cared about her GPA. Casting Yuna away was just protecting the Shin family's shiny status.
Everything was gone. Yuna was no longer part of the world you and Sunoo lived in. All her connections to the medical field, all her connections to the fashion industry—all out of her grasp. Still, maybe it was her flickering hope to somehow please her parents that kept her on the path to become a doctor. Not that it something she was genuinely interested in, but she knew it was the only way her parents would take her back.
Now she had to keep up her influencer career to support herself financially. There was no way she would be able to pay off tuition, even if Sunoo had generously paid the deposit for her small apartment. She had to keep up with bills, rent, and utilities all at once, and it was all too much for an eighteen-year-old to handle.
She got used to accepting help because of that. You helped foot some of her bills, Sunoo helped with tuition, Anton helped make sure she was eating, and the money she got from streaming and posting videos was enough to cover the rest of her expenses.
Even with an outlet to express her concerns to her fans, though, Yuna was struggling with barely making friends. You, Sunoo, and Anton were the only ones who lent a shoulder and an ear for her to dump all her pain and worries to. But she still had to hold them at arm's length. After all, all of their upper-crust families were in close contact with each other.
And then there was Lee Heeseung.
He was a new face in the socialite scene. No one had heard of him or his family before. Heeseung was probably Yuna's ideal type—handsome, intelligent, popular, and someone who hadn't been sucked into her world yet. Although he was alledgedly close to you and Park Sunghoon, no one else had any idea of what his family did.
Over the years, Yuna was terrified that she had built a reputation among the rich families that were in her circle. She could feel the disdain in their eyes when she was at social events, steering clear of every adult that looked as though they wanted to probe her for information about her college admissions.
Heeseung, however, was like a breath of fresh air. There was no judgment in his eyes when Yuna spoke to him, and that might have been the very moment she fell for him.
He was different. He didn't have any expectations of her nor did he feel uncomfortable when he found out she was a streamer. She liked that he came from a humble background, and he never judged her from where she came from. Even when Yuna confessed that she had been disowned, Heeseung never looked at her with pity in his eyes. He simply told her that he would be there if she ever needed him, and he left it at that.
She tried her best to get close to him, but the closer Yuna got, the more she saw under the surface—the more she realized she was heading toward heartbreak. It was clear as day that Heeseung was deeply in love with you, and it seemed as though he had no intention of considering any other woman. Even Yuna could tell he would give up everything in a heartbeat for your sake.
Yuna did her best to avoid conversations about Heeseung with you. She figured that if they never brought him up, then you wouldn't start to feel differently about him.
To her relief, you started dating Park Sunghoon.
Yuna used Heeseung's vulnerability to her advantage. As much as she liked him, he was a coward when it came to his own feelings; Heeseung could only bring himself to come clean about how he felt for you after you started dating another man. Of course, he was turned down—ignored, even. In your mind, you just wanted to keep up the fantasy of having a close childhood friend to the point where you had Heeseung bottle up everything he felt.
Yuna thought you were cruel back then, but she was even more so.
She knew that Heeseung couldn't do anything about his feelings no matter how much it ate at him, so Yuna pretended she wanted to listen to him go on and on about how miserable he was. It was all because of you, and, for a period of time, Yuna despised you for it.
Months rolled by, and Yuna found herself going over to Heeseung's dorm room nearly every day. They talked about anything and everything, and then the conversation would eventually shift to you. Yuna felt something chip at her heart every time he mentioned your name, but she braved through it all.
"Thanks for coming over," Heeseung murmured, running a hand through his already-messy hair. Yuna could smell the alcohol on his breath when she sat down next to him on the floor. Heeseung laughed. "One-month anniversary. Y/N always told me she found those stupid."
Yuna pressed her lips into a thin line. She remembered walking to class with you last week and hearing you gush about everything you bought Sunghoon for your one-month anniversary as a couple. She thought it was sweet back then, but hearing it come from Heeseung made Yuna feel sick.
"You don't have to thank me," she said, hugging her knees to her chest. "I just wanted to be here for you."
The first time she tried to kiss Heeseung was that night.
The first time Heeseung rejected her was right after he stopped her.
"I can't," he said at the time, drawing away from her. "I'm sorry, it's just—"
"You're not over Y/N," she finished for him with a twinge of bitterness.
He shook his head, saying nothing. Yuna felt a surge of misdirected anger.
Yuna knew from the moment she met you that people like you were the shiny gold coins that everyone wanted to have, and people like her were rusted-over pennies on the sidewalk to be stepped on and forgotten. She was a fool to think that Heeseung would see past that.
"I know that." Her tone was sharp as she got to her feet, and Heeseung followed suit right after. "But I suggest you get over her soon because it's not gonna happen."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Exactly what I said. Y/N would never go out with you. She already turned you down, anyway."
"Is that so?"
When Yuna turned around to look at Heeseung, his expression was like stone. Something ugly was twisting its way around her heart, squeezing out every semblance of affection she ever had for you.
"Yeah," she replied with a simpering smile, "because she's just too nice to choose the guy who broke her friend's heart."
"And," she said louder, cutting him off, "Sunghoon doesn't know, does he? Wouldn't he feel really betrayed if he found out?"
Heeseung kept his face impassive, but Yuna could tell he was seething. She cornered him quite well.
She kept that farce up for years. It was easy keeping Heeseung in line when you only had eyes for Sunghoon, and Heeseung was just so easily discouraged by Yuna's words. It was almost like he had no hope that you would take his word over hers, and that sent Yuna on some sort of power trip.
Her relationship with you was strange. Maybe it was at that moment when she realized that she was someone important to you, and that made her feel invincible somehow. She could do anything as long as you were on her side.
She liked drinking. Not because she particularly liked the taste of alcohol, but she loved the feeling of forgetting all her responsibilities. Every rotten memory of her parents would bury itself under the sand for the time being, and all she could feel was adrenaline pumping through her blood.
But she was never exactly in control. It only took a year to slip up in front of her friend group (thankfully when you weren't around), so she begged Karina, Yeonjun, and Giselle to keep quiet about her crush on Heeseung. They weren't even extremely close at the time, but they knew better than to tread on a situation between you and Sunghoon, whose parents were far more influential than theirs.
"It's only gonna cause more problems if she finds out," Yuna told them through choked sobs. "If Y/N finds out, things will never be the same between us, and Sunghoon doesn't even know that Heeseung has feelings for Y/N." As Giselle stroked her hair gently, Yuna said, "I can get over him on my own. Just please keep this from Y/N."
Karina and Yeonjun exchanged nervous looks before they reluctantly agreed. She had always been wary about Karina. Giselle was overly-empathetic to her situation, Yeonjun was a good listener because he thrived off of drama, but Karina had always seemed more skeptical.
And, as Heeseung knew, Yuna always found a way to silence people who she felt she couldn't trust, so she played dumb when she outed Karina on live.
It was a stupid move on her part, to be fair. Yuna deeply regretted it as soon as she realized what she said. Karina iced her out for months, and everyone else was on the colder side—even Sunoo, who had been her close friend for so long. She always felt strangely jealous of Sunoo, who got the approval of her father when she couldn't, but seeing him give her the cold shoulder nearly sent her over the edge.
"I apologized so many times!" she cried to him. Sunoo kept his guard up, but he always heard her out when she needed him. "I just don't know what else to do. I keep fucking up."
Sunoo frowned. "Do you even feel bad about what you did, or do you feel bad because you were caught?"
Yuna didn't respond to his question, but she knew exactly what the answer was. Was she pathetic? Probably.
She ruined everything. She always ruined everything.
Maybe it was just easier that way. Yuna knew that if she tried her best to please everyone, it would still never be enough. Hurting them before she cared too much was just a defense mechanism, as selfish as it sounded. If you chopped down the tree before it grew too tall, it wouldn't hinder the plants under its shade from growing.
The thing was, Yuna received blow after blow all her life without any acts of mercy. She was struck over and over again, and no one delivered the final coup de grâce.
Naturally, Karina came around and forgave her. Another missed blow. It was like Yuna was drunk off the drama itself because if she kept acting out and causing all these problems, then she could keep everyone's attention on her.
And then she wouldn't have to be so alone.
But the cycle went on and on, so when Yuna found herself texting Jay and Sunghoon in her drunken stupor, she hardly considered the consequences when she mentioned the long-kept secret of Heeseung's first love. You trusted her to keep your conversation with Jay about breaking up with Sunghoon to herself, but she violated that as soon as she could, too. She wasn't sure what it was, but whenever she looked in the mirror, all she saw was that she was as bad as her parents.
Yuna was fated to fall into the same destructive cycle over and over again until it stabbed her in the back for good. Until she bled out, though, everything was fair game.
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SUMMARY ▸ private investigator jay park just wants to complete his mission quietly and move on with his life. you, his new assignment who keeps consuming his thoughts, don't make that very easy for him.
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makncheese12 · 1 year
Top Shelf
Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7
Jenna Ortega x fem!reader
Summary: being the kid of a well-known book store owner was easy, so was running into famous people. But being book smart doesn’t make everyone people smart.
Warnings: my writing, language(bad words😯), my attempt at being funny, mention of gun shots and head shots, mentions of my favorite book(literally love Ruta Sepetys sm omg.
A/N: part 2? I am going to make you all suffer through the most oblivious slow burn. R if going to be so dumb/oblivious it’ll hurt you all🫶🏻
Word count - 3.6k
Credits: @novmoth (my friend from school who feeds into my delusions and gives me more ideas for this story🫶🏻)
(bare with me English is not my first language🥲 I’m getting help from my friend to edit it)
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You were born to it.
The books. The films. The music and video games.
It was your life, literally. With your parents being owners of the infamous establishment called ‘top shelf’, you had no choice but to.
And you wouldn’t ever change.
Books upon books, movie after movie, games old and new and music that could last you weeks. Who would want to change such a life?
Your father was the first to start it.
He was poor man in Washington but had just enough money to buy it from the man who owned the small movie shop before he retired. He slowly started added book shelves and video games to the mix. Getting few customers but enough to survive day to day during the time of his early years
Your mother was a wealthy run away. Wanting something different and new in her life when she met your father. The man was playing on his game boy behind the counter before he saw her.
The poor boy and his run away wife, a classic really.
The rest after that is history.
As soon as they found out your mother was pregnant with you, they used the rest of her money they saved and went to New York where they bought the huge abandoned apartment complex.
They broke all the insides down and built what you now know as your second home. Hundreds of video games, films and music in one section and thousands of books in another.
Thus, Top Shelf was born only two weeks after you.
You met many friends there in the comfort section where students and business people worked as you all goofed off.
Your had also met your small friend group during your younger years, the four of you all never letting your father have the peace he wanted and dragging him all over New York.
With the thousands of books and hundreds of video games and films your parents sold, you had money. Lots of it.
But your mother made sure you never let that get the best of you, never. It went against everything she went for when she ran away.
She would make sure you would work for and earn everything you got, always.
She never let you have too much online activity, in case her family found you and made sure you were both street smart and book smart.
Your neighbors made sure you were street smart more than anything but you still gave her credit for trying.
Though, the book store was beautiful in every season. Winter was a favorite and when it was busiest. It was too your favorite.
Your father lighting the public fire place, your mother setting soft seasonal music, hell even the cheesy Christmas cartoons on the TV’s set the mood for the perfect bookstore vibe.
The lights dim just enough to where it almost felt like dark academy yet the plants that grew down the upstairs railing made the entire place feel more alive.
“Bullshit!” You yell out as you throw your head back onto the head rest of your chair, groaning loudly as the photo sound of your death snapped in your ears.
“Man, he’s fucking using cheats!” Dru calls out through the mic before his name pops up above to yours in dark red on the screen as you respawn.
“Of course he is, he’s a pussy.” Mj says, as her name, too, pops up on the screen.
“Oh come on, guys!” Lyle says through his staticky mic. “You all just suck.” He laughs
“Now I know your cheating, dude. Your mic is acting up again, just like last time!” Dru says, the sound of his voice booming louder than needed and you roll my eyes.
“DD, just because you like to replay games without using cheats doesn’t mean the rest of us do.” Lyle says in a matter-of-fact tone.
“It’s multiplayer, stupid! It’s meant to be fair for everyone!” Dru says making you snort. “Says the guy who chases around little kids and steals their horses making them cry.” Mj says making Dru blow into his mic making loud, unnecessary noises.
“Quit that!” You say taking one head phone off your ear. “Tsk tsk tsk,” Lyle starts. “Such a sore loser.”
“I’ll show you sore loser, get on Elden ring and we’ll test your irritation.” Dru says, mic now muffled by his own spit.
“Your tank build is not enough to stop me, comet azur will always save the day.” He says in a sing-song voice.
“And you call me a try hard, yet you’re the one always using a broken spell.” Dru complains. “Theres nothing I have to try hard at when I can just hold a simple button.” The sound of Dru’s groans become louder as his spit clears out from his Mic. “Same thing!”
You laugh once again before picking up your phone and looking at the time.
“Shit!” Your eyes go wide at the sight, 8:48 AM.
You quickly throw the head set off and push yourself out of the chair, opening your closet grabbing a quick pair of jeans and a hoodie before rushing to put it all on.
Your cat skids across the floor, startled by your sudden movements before a crashing in the your pile of books and out the door.
“Shit, shit, shit,” you mumble as you jump up and down to put on your shoes, failing at not falling and race toward the door. “Sorry!” You call to your cat who yells at you next to his food bowl.
You grab your keys and rush out the door before slamming it shut and locking it.
“Ay, y/n!” Your neighbor, Rosa, shouts from beside her door. “Quiet will you! I just put Nona to sleep!” She yells raising her news paper tapping your head with it.
“Sorry! sorry, Señora Rosa.” You whisper yell as you try to push her weaponized hand away. “I’m just a little late.”
“And I just got a moment of peace! Quiet!” She says giving you one last wack making you try and shrink away from her as you rush toward the stairs.
“You got your pepper spray, right?” She calls and you raise your key chain to show her the attached small can. “¡Buena niña!”
You rush down the stairs and push passed the glass door, almost slipping on the ice before running down the street.
Your phone buzzes in your pocket making you quickly take it out.
“Hello?” You ask without knowing who it was.
“Arthur Morgan would be very disappointed at your sudden disappearance from an important mission.” Lyle says before sighing.
“It’s multiplayer, there are no main missions.” You say, trying to avoid the ice on the ground before stopping at the red hand across the street. “Plus, we were in the middle of four way 1v1. He’d be more upset that we were going against each other.”
“Loyalty is everything in such a game,” he says, sarcasm in his voice and you imagine him shaking his head. “Of course he would be upset at my bullet in DD’s head.”
“Why’d you call me exactly?” You ask watching the hand turn into a green man walking before taking off again.
“Well, you just yelled ‘shit!’ Before disappearing on us, had to make sure someone didn’t break in and kill you.” He replies casually as if he knew that weren’t the case. “But after hearing you continue on your ‘shit’ rant and the door slam I figured it was okay, just had to call and make sure, y’know?”
“Ever heard of a text, loser?” You ask, barley missing a man walking and looking down at his phone. “Gross,” he says before making a gagging noise. “why waste such time typing when I can simply just hit one button?”
“You’re so lazy.” You laugh out loud as you run across another street. “Work smarter not harder, Y/N. You should know this with that big brain of yours.”
“What if I want to work both smarter and harder?” You ask, running up to the glass window to see the books lined up. “Well, then your just weird.” You roll your eyes.
“Just kidding. I guess you can do both, I just personally prefer the alternative.” He says as the sound of guns shooting fills the phone. “Yeah, also sorry about leaving.” You say pushing into the store being greeting with the familiar smell of books and the warm smile of my mother.
“I forgot I had to get ready for work.”
“You’re at top shelf?” He ask and you reply with a ‘mhm’. “I might stop by later to say hello actually, I need a new game anyway.” He laughs as the sound of Dru yelling in the back ground becomes more prominent.
“Sounds good, see you loser” You say as you take your sweat shirt off, leaving you in your tank top you hand before leaving. “Later,” you hear him say before hanging up.
“Good morning,” you hear your mother say as you pull the staff sweat shirt over your head and pull up your sleeves. “Mornin’,” you reply before kissing her cheek.
“Wheres dad?” You ask looking around before your eyes setting on the woman stack a pile of books into one pile.
“He’s going to be out of town for a few days,” she says carrying the pile to the check back station. “A vacation, I insisted as I continue your training.” She says making you smile.
“We both know he needs it, he’s getting older.” She says and your smile fades as you nod. “So are you.” You mumble and she, too, nods.
“You know him getting old is different from me getting old.” She states, sighing quietly.
“What’s todays task?” You ask, quickly changing the subject at the sight of her sad frown. She looks at you for a moment before smiling once again.
She moves to storage closet and unlocks it, allowing you to see the boxes upon boxes along with stacks of different other things.
“To be a good store owner, you have to know your customers.” She says returning with a large box that you quickly take from her.
“Just put it on that table — and to know your customers, you must socialize and help them throughout the store.” She finishes as you take the box to the table noticing the label romance written across it.
“That also means having to work while helping the customers, so you’ll be on stock duty as well.” She says with a smile.
You mentally say to yourself. Stock duty required work of you finding the places of different books, movies and games which also meant finding new things you didn’t know about before.
“One more thing,” you mother says as she walks behind the counter to finish opening up the store. “No head phones.” Your eyes go wide.
“But ma!” You call out to the lady who switches the sign from closed to open. “What else am I supposed to do when I stock!” You call, holding onto the white cords and swinging them around.
“Help the customers and socialize.” She laughs out making you frown. “I should call CPS.” You mumble carrying the box to the sorted area before hearing the woman’s laugh.
“Sure, call ahead but don’t be disappointed when they decline a twenty year old.”
You roll your eyes before continuing down the aisle.
“And after you sort those, get the others out of the storage closet!” You huff quietly as you glance back with a small playful glare on your face.
“If I wanted to work out, I would have gone to the gym.” You say and she rolls her eyes. “You’ll be just as sore in the morning, trust me.”
Hours hand passed, since you last seen the romance box having moved on to the horror section of the films.
You search through their placement areas, looking at all the old cinematic master pieces, the many Dracula films placed neatly next to each other, in order of both year and name.
Horror was one of the favorites when coming here, your father being a collected through his years he had many people couldn’t get their hands on.
Sure you could watch it online now but where’s the fun in that when you have a real copy with the static noises and written voices on screen. Some people still had some class left in them.
You hear a book hit the floor making the library echo as heads turned toward the cause of the sudden interruption of their silence.
“Shit—” You hear someone say quietly, making you roll your eyes as you place the rest of the CD’s in their rightful places before making your way toward the aisle the noise came from.
You subtly make your way toward the aisle while acting like your checking the books before taking a peek around the corner.
You see a rather short girl — shorter than the third shelf — craning her neck to look up at all the books in front of her.
Just to your luck, your mother placed a box for that genre next to the end of the shelf and you picked it up.
You make your way down the aisle and set the box toward the middle before looking up the girl who was already staring, and boy was she something.
Freckles littered across her tan skin, strands of her short hair fell from her half up half down style, her eyes — damn her eyes — they were the prettiest brown you’ve ever seen.
You smile lightly before picking up the first book and reading both the authors name and the title while trying to slow down your racing heart.
Who was this girl? Matter of fact, what was she? She wasn’t a regular, that’s for sure but you always get random people coming in so it didn’t exactly matter.
After putting away a few books, you glance up to see the girl a few feet away and on her tippy toes, reaching for a book on the fifth or sixth shelf.
You snorted quietly catching the girls attention making you quickly look away to keep yourself from laughing.
“You think this is funny?” She asks and you begin shaking in quiet laughter.
After a few moments, you compose yourself and stand shaking your head.
“No, not at all. Would you like some help?” You ask taking step toward her. She narrows her eyes. “Are you making fun of me right now?” She asks, both amusement and annoyance in her voice.
“Why would I do that? It’s poor customer service.” You say with a smile before watching her own smile grow.
“It’s poor customer service to laugh at a customer.” She mumbles before stepping back. “Please.” You walk up and grab the book.
“Look how easy that was.” She says, taking the book you held out for her. “Being six-foot-two does have its perks.” She says looking over the back of the book.
You roll your eyes but your smile only grows. Looking down at the book you nod and raise your eye brows, “that’s a good one, read it a few years back.” You say, making your way back to box of books.
“I’d hope so, for all the work I had to do to try and get it.” She mumbles making you smile and shake your head. “Anything else good?” She asks, looking down to you.
“You’re asking me if there’s anything else good in here when there’s just by the look of it thousands of books here?” You ask, smirking at her when she rubs the back of her neck.
“Yes, there is, I’ve read more than I can count. My recommendation board is up by the front desk if you want to check it out.” You say before placing crave by Tracy Wolff into the slot.
“You must have come here a lot before working then? If you’ve read so many books from here.” She asks, following hot on your trail with the book tucked between her arm. “Oh, for sure,” you say nodding. “The owners and I are real close, we were together a whole nine months before I was born.”
Her eyes widen slightly at the information. “You’re parents own this place?” She asks, gesturing to the entire book store and you nod, smiling.
It felt like you were a teenage boy, flaunting his muscles to a girl he finds attractive.
“Wow,” she says looking around once again. Book still tucked tightly into her arm as she did so. “Just wow. Your parents have taste.”
“More like their people pleasers.” You say shaking your head. The real other reason why horror is so popular in the movie section is because of their request.
Every week they check their request list and buy everything people ask for. New books, new movies, new music and games, there’s always something new. You’re surprised there’s still room, then again the place would be as big you supposed.
“They like having their customers choice their number one priority. It’s good business.” You say looking up to the girl who had a look of wonder in her eyes as she stared down at you but there was also something else. Something you couldn’t quite place.
She stares at you for another moment before speaking again, “do you.. know who I am?” She asks and your furrow your eye brows in question.
“Should I?” You ask tilting your head. She stares for another moment again, eyes scanning your face and it’s features as if searching for something.
Her smile then grows, as she shakes her head. “You shouldn’t, or rather shouldn’t have to. It’s just a surprise.” She says, tucking her hair behind her ear.
You knit your eye brows together in confusion.
She walks out of the aisle and you catch the light smile on her face as she does.
What the hell? You wonder to yourself as you place the last few books away.
You were pretty sure that was the last section, unless your mother put out some more stuff you didn’t notice. You’d just check out the to-do list.
Your mother and father always had one for both you and their own sake. Adding things so no one would forget.
As you made your way to check out, you see the girl walking in the general distraction as well.
“All set?” You ask, placing the box inside the others, moving past the small door attached to the low counter.
“Yep,” she says once again staring at you.
You take the book you got for her earlier along with another you recognize almost immediately. “Between shades of gray?” You ask, looking at her as if she were serious.
“Your description seemed trust worthy enough to make me interested.” You glance over to see your board clearly flipped through before nodding.
You scan both books. “Careful, it’s sad, dark and traumatic. It’s one of my favorites though.” You say looking up at her, she pauses for a moment, staring at you once again and just smiles and shakes her head.
“I think I can deal with a few of those.”
“Bartering or buying?” You ask. “Bartering,” she replies and you nod. “Good, I need to get a review on what you think.” You say with a smirk and you see a glint of something in her eyes.
“Name?” You ask and she looks at you a little confused. “We have to know whose using our books, how else do you think we send emails threatening to charge or get them back?” You snort.
“Oh, your totally right.” she says quietly before taking out her credit card.
“Jenna Ortega..” she says and you nod, typing in the name before reaching for the credit. Her grip on the card tightens at your lack of response.
You pull the card gently but her grip is to hard for you to take.
“Can I… get the card?” You ask, looking around slightly uncomfortably with the stone like stare she was giving you.
“Are you sure you don’t know who I am?” She asks letting go allowing you to swipe the card.
“Again, should I?”
You both stare at each other, both confused and entrapped by the other.
You find is strange how she thinks you know who she is or why you don’t know her.
Maybe she was some big deal somewhere off and you still have yet to hear about her.
Her name did ring a bell but you weren’t sure. Was she a person you knew from your child hood? An old friend trying to reconnect? Maybe some relative on your moms sent by the older ones to investigate if it was really you.
“Miss Ortega?” You’re both broken out of your thoughts as two large men stand behind her. “Time to go.” he says gesturing to a few people who were standing and staring in your general direction.
One grabs the bag off the counter before quickly walking towards the door.
“Looks like I gotta go,” she says, smile now suddenly shy with others watching. “Don’t worry, I’ll return your book Y/N.” She says before walking toward the door, one of the men right behind her.
“Yeah, you bet-“ you pause after the the realization hits you. “Wait, how’d you-?” You begin to ask before watching her gesture to her chest.
You knit your eyebrows together, you look down to see the name tag right under the library symbol.
She was strange.. cute.. but strange
Read next sort here!
A/N : Some parts once again rushed🧍🏽‍♀️This is just an introduction I suppose, the details will get better I tried my hardest🥲
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meazalykov · 4 days
getting what she wants
lena oberdorf x oc x USWNT!reader
part one of five
summary: lena knows she gets what she wants
warnings: cheating, angst, 18+ (smut? not too detailed and mostly suggestive)
oc description here
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you and your girlfriend had always been complicated—never simple, never easy. 
it started back in 2021 when you and sloan played at psg. the chemistry on the field between you two was undeniable, but off the field, it was a different story. 
the beginning wasn’t so bad, though. she caught feelings for you shortly after she went through a breakup, but you didn’t think much of it. you were happy that someone was interested in you, someone as gorgeous as sloan. 
if you were to tell anyone about it now, you'd say it wasn’t the worst relationship, but it definitely wasn’t the best either.
sloan was magnetic, and in those early days, you were drawn to her like everyone else was drawn to her. the older woman was a fierce defender in paris, while you were a threatening midfielder that scared the defenders on the opposite team. 
the woman would pull you in, wrap you up in her intensity, and you’d get lost in the way she’d look at you, the way she’d run up to you if you took a hit on the pitch– it was like you were her whole world. and for a while, it felt like you were.
savannah was always there, in the background, but you didn’t mind. you played with both of them on the united states national team, and savannah never seemed like a threat.
she was just part of the past with sloan—something you didn't think twice about. you had bigger things to worry about, like football, your career. you weren’t the type to get jealous over old exs that your girlfriend had.
things shifted in 2022 when you left for bayern munich, after you spent three seasons with PSG. 
the move was huge for you. it was a chance to grow, to focus on your game in another league, and push yourself to new heights. 
sloan went back to the states, joining portland thorns. her contract didn’t expire with PSG but she didn’t want to stay if you weren’t there.
the long distance was rough, but you both promised to make it work. you'd have late-night calls, texting between training sessions, and sending each other pictures of your day, trying to stay connected despite the time zone difference.
but then, overtime, you started noticing things. 
small, subtle shifts. the first time sloan told you that her and savannah texting again. at first, you were alarmed until sloan told you that savannah, who played for louisville, was going to go up against the thorns in the NWSL that week. 
you told yourself it was nothing. they’d known each other forever; of course, they'd stay in touch. your mind brushed it off, telling yourself that your trust in sloan was stronger than whatever history she had with savannah.
but it didn’t take long for sophia, your friend on the national team who played at the same club as sloan, to notice. 
during one of your national team camps, the ones against china in florida, she pulled you aside, a concerned look on her face.
“have you talked to sloan recently?” she asked, her tone light but her eyes searching.
“yeah, of course,” you replied, a little confused by her question.
sloan was still recovering from an ACL injury, so her club and national team agreed to have the 26 year old play for only portland games for now. she wasn’t called up for the national team so you couldn’t see her this time in the states.
sophia sighs in hesitation,
“i don’t want to stir anything up, but sloan was showing me some tiktok on her phone unaware that um...well,, i saw some messages. between her and savannah. they seemed kinda... i don’t know, close?”
you felt your stomach drop, but you forced a laugh. 
“it’s nothing. they’re just friends.” you convinced yourself. 
“just be careful, okay?” sophia didn’t look convinced. 
you nodded, but that seed of doubt had already been planted. 
later that night, you couldn’t stop thinking about it. the way sloan’s messages had become more distant, the way she’d brush off your questions with a quick “i’m just busy babe” or “practice has been rough.” you tried to push it down, telling yourself it was all in your head.
until one day, you couldn’t anymore.
a few weeks later, you were scrolling through your phone after a long training session in germany when you saw it. videos. 
they were everywhere—sloan and savannah, out at some club in portland, laughing, dancing, and way too close for comfort. the headlines were brutal, and your stomach twisted into knots as you scrolled through the comments, people speculating about what was going on between them.
you couldn’t breathe.
immediately, you dialed sloan’s number, your fingers shaking as you waited for her to pick up.
you had to run into your living room, since lea and georgia were staying over your house and were sleeping in the guest room beside your bedroom. there was no way that you would wake them up, even in this condition.
“hey, babe,” she answered casually, as if nothing had happened.
“what the FUCK, sloan?” your voice cracked, the anger and hurt pouring out all at once. 
there was a pause on the other end, just long enough to make you feel even worse.
“it’s not what it looks like,” she finally said, her voice too calm, too rehearsed.
“it sure as hell doesn’t look good,” you shot back. 
“you’re out partying with savannah? after you told me there was nothing going on?”
sloan sighed. 
“i told you, it’s nothing. we just went out for drinks with our teams. it’s not a big deal.”
“not a big deal?” you couldn’t believe what you were hearing. 
“sloan, everyone’s talking about it. you’re all over the news. do you even realize how this makes me look? do you know how this makes YOU look?”
you hated how much you still cared about her and her image. of course everyone on the internet was dragging sloan’s name through the filth for your defense. 
“you’re overreacting. savannah’s just a friend who happens to be my ex too. you need to stop letting other people get into your head.” sloan said, annoyed. 
but you couldn’t calm down. how could you? not when the entire world had just seen your girlfriend getting close with her ex like it was nothing. 
your heart ached, torn between the love you still had for sloan and the anger bubbling inside you.
“i can’t believe you,” you whispered, tears stinging your eyes. 
“i trusted you!”
“and i haven’t done anything to break that trust,” sloan shot back, her voice harder now. 
“look, if you don’t trust me, that’s on you. i can’t control how people perceive things.”
you hung up the phone without another word, your chest heavy, the pain sinking deeper with every passing second.
as you collapsed onto the ground, you felt a pair of arms catch you. the vanilla scent of the person’s chest told you that it was lea schuller hugging you as you cried. 
weeks afterwards– you threw yourself into training, trying to ignore the hurt, the betrayal. but it lingered, gnawing at you, distracting you during every practice, every match. no matter how hard you tried to focus, your mind kept wandering back to sloan, to those videos, to the lies.
you couldn’t go to the states to confront her, and that only made it worse. you were stuck, miles away, helpless.
many months later, it's July 1st 2024. despite everything—the distance, the arguments, the emotional drain—you and sloan were still together. 
maybe it was the comfort of it all, the familiarity. you’d been with her for so long that the thought of letting go felt impossible. breaking up seemed like more effort than just sticking it out. 
even if things weren’t great, they weren’t unbearable. or at least, that’s what you kept telling yourself.
sloan wasn’t seen with her ex again. in fact, she never mentioned savannah again, and you didn’t ask. but the tension hung between you like a fog, thick and ever-present. every time you checked social media, every time her name came up in conversation, your stomach would knot up, the unease always lingering. but nothing ever changed.
after each conversation with sloan, you felt empty. like a weight had been lifted, but at the same time, it left a hollow space inside you. the next few days passed in a blur. 
you threw yourself into training, desperate to block out the pain, but even football wasn’t the escape it usually was.
that’s when lena oberdorf started showing up in your life. she’d recently moved to bayern from wolfsburg, and though you’d played against her plenty of times, you never really knew her well. she was fierce on the pitch, strong and confident. 
in fact, you had a perception of her since you fell victim to her side tackles on many, many occasions. but you started to notice lena’s behavior around you after training, she was different—softer, a little shy even.
it started with small things. lena would linger after practice, making conversation, asking how you were doing. 
at first, you chalked it up to her being friendly, trying to settle into her new team and make friends outside of the ones she knew from the national team.
a week later, before the national break that will lead into the olympics– training was going well. your focus was locked in on the drills as the team worked through possession exercises. 
everything felt sharp, crisp. your legs were taking you towards the goal until georgia came in hard, a tackle from the side catching your leg at an awkward angle. you hit the ground hard, a sharp pain shooting through your ankle.
“y/n!” you heard georgia’s voice above the ringing in your ears as she stands up from the ground. 
“shit shit shit!!! i’m so sorry. i didn’t mean to—”
before she could finish, lena was already by your side, practically sprinting over from the other side of the field. 
she dropped to her knees next to you, her hands immediately on your shoulders.
“are you okay? where does it hurt?” lena’s voice was frantic, her eyes wide with concern as she looked you over, clearly scanning for any sign of serious injury.
“i’m fine, lena,” you muttered, trying to sit up. 
“just... give me a sec.” the pain wasn’t as bad as you first thought. it was more of a shock than anything.
lena wasn’t having it. 
“you don’t look fine,” she insisted, gently pushing you back down as you tried to get up.
“you should stay down for a bit. what if it’s worse than you think?”
georgia hovered nearby, an apologetic look on her face. “i didn’t mean to go in that hard. really, i’m sorry, y/n.”
“what the hell, georgia? you didn’t have to go in on her like that—it’s training, not a match!” lena shot her a glare, her protective streak kicking in immediately.
“i know, i know,” georgia said, holding up her hands in surrender. 
“i was just going for the ball, i didn’t mean to hurt her.”
you could see the tension building between the two of them, 
lena getting more worked up than necessary. it wasn’t the first time lena had gotten overprotective over you, but this was definitely one of the more intense moments. you placed a hand on her arm, trying to calm her down.
“lena, seriously, i’m fine. it’s not a big deal.”
but she wasn’t having it. “no, it is a big deal. she should’ve been more careful.”
georgia rolled her eyes but kept her distance, clearly not wanting to escalate things. the rest of the team had started to gather around, watching the scene unfold with a mixture of concern and amusement.
“she’s tough, lena,” georgia said with a small smile, trying to diffuse the situation. 
“she’s not made of glass.” you wanted to giggle after georgia said that, but you didn’t want to piss off a protective lena. 
“maybe, but that doesn’t mean you can just throw her to the ground,” lena snapped back, still kneeling beside you, her hands hovering protectively around you like she was scared you might fall apart any second.
"you're one to talk about putting people on the ground!" georgia says before laughing at lena's smirk, a smirk she tried to hide knowing that georgia is right.
the team, noticing the bickering, started exchanging looks. 
a few stifled laughs could be heard, and you knew exactly what was coming.
“uh, lena?” tuva called out from behind you, a teasing grin on her face. “y/n is okay.”
tuva pulls lena, gently, away from you as you stand up. your ankle is sore but not painful. you were okay.
“you do realize y/n’s taken, right?” lea whispered to lena, but you still heard it.
you groaned inwardly, knowing exactly where this was headed.
“yeah, lena, i don’t think her girlfriend would be too happy about all this... care you’re giving y/n,” giulia added, her voice dripping with amusement.
lena flushed, her cheeks turning a shade of red you hadn’t seen before. she quickly stood up, brushing off her shorts, though she still hovered close to you, as if she wasn’t quite ready to leave your side.
“i’m just making sure she’s okay,” lena muttered, avoiding everyone’s eyes.
you couldn’t help but laugh a little despite the situation. “lena, seriously, i’m fine. you don’t need to go full paramedic on me. besides guys, you don’t have to mention her while we are here”
“oh!” sydney says, laughing. 
the teasing continued, the team now fully enjoying the spectacle. 
“she’s going full-on protective mode, isn’t she?” pernille chuckled, giving lena a nudge. 
“you’ve got it bad, oberdorf.” madga joins. 
“it’s just concern,” lena muttered, clearly embarrassed now, trying to avoid the teasing looks being thrown her way.
you finally managed to walk, rolling your ankle a bit to check for any real damage. again, it was sore, but nothing too serious. you were fine—like you’d been saying all along. 
“see? i told you. i’m okay.”
“well, that’s a relief,” lena mumbled, though the look of worry in her eyes hadn’t completely disappeared. she stood a little closer than necessary, and the team noticed.
they noticed how you let her stay close to you too.
“yeah, ‘relief,’” georgia echoed, shaking her head in amusement. 
“seriously though, y/n’s fine. no need to be so protective, lena—- i’m sorry y/n.”
the teasing continued as the team dispersed, but lena stayed near you, still looking a little flustered. 
“i just didn’t want her to be hurt,” she said quietly, her voice barely above a whisper.
you gave her a soft smile, appreciating her concern, even if it was a little overboard. 
“i know. but it’s okay. i’m tougher than i look.”
lena saw lea’s smile turn into a quick frown at that, she makes a mental note to question her best friend about that later. 
after that morning in training, you began to notice the way lena looked at you. there was something more in her eyes, something you hadn’t picked up on before.
the next day, after a tough session, you were sitting on the sidelines, catching your breath, when lena plopped down beside you.
“you okay?” she asked, her voice gentle, her eyes scanning your face.
you nodded, forcing a smile. “yeah, just tired.”
but lena wasn’t convinced. “i’ve noticed you’ve been... off lately. is it sloan?”
lena asked lea why you seemed off. lea told her the backstory about your relationship with the portland thorn’s defender. she did her own research afterwards, realizing how bad it really was.
the mention of sloan’s name made your stomach twist. you didn’t want to talk about her, not now, not ever. 
“it’s complicated.”
lena hesitated for a moment, then quietly said, 
“you don’t deserve what she is putting you through, y/n. you deserve someone who’s going to put you first.”
you glanced at her, surprised by the intensity in her words. there was something in the way she said it, the quiet conviction, that made you pause.
“it’s not that simple,” you mumbled, looking down at the ground.
“we’ve been together for so long, and— i don’t know.”
“maybe that’s the problem,” lena said, her voice soft but firm. 
“maybe you’ve been holding on to something that’s already gone.”
you didn’t respond. you couldn’t, because deep down, you knew she was right. sloan wasn’t fighting for you anymore, and maybe she never had.
lena stayed by your side for the rest of the day, offering silent support. 
and as the days went on, her presence became something you looked forward to—her quiet smiles, her easy laughter, the way she’d stick around just to make sure you were okay.
it wasn’t long before you started noticing the little things she did for you. bringing you coffee before training, giving you rides home, offering to help with your recovery sessions after each training. 
it was subtle, but there was a certain care in everything she did, something you hadn’t felt from sloan in a long time.
one afternoon, the last training before the national break for the olympics, lena comes up to you after the showers. 
“hey, you want to grab dinner?” she asked casually, but there was something in her tone that made your heart race a little faster.
“uh, yeah, sure,” you replied, caught off guard.
you ended up at a quiet restaurant, tucked away from the usual chaos. 
over dinner, lena was different. more open, more confident. she asked about your life, your interests outside of football, and for the first time in a while, you found yourself genuinely enjoying someone’s company.
halfway through the meal, she leaned back in her chair, her eyes locking onto yours. 
“y/n, can i be honest with you?”
your heart skipped a beat. “of course.”
“I've been attracted to you for a long time,” she admitted, her cheeks flushing slightly. 
“since before you moved to bayern. but i didn’t want to say anything because... well, i knew you were with sloan.”
you blinked, taken aback by her confession. “you... have?”
she nodded, her gaze unwavering. “yeah. but i’ve been watching how things have been going with you two, and... i just want you to know that you deserve someone who’s going to treat you better. someone who has respect for you.”
you stared at her, not sure how to respond. it wasn’t that you hadn’t noticed lena’s growing presence in your life, but hearing her say it out loud, admitting her feelings so openly, was something you hadn’t expected.
“lena, i...” you started, but the words got stuck in your throat. you didn’t know what to say. part of you was still reeling from sloan, from the hurt and confusion that came with it. 
but another part of you—a part you hadn’t allowed yourself to acknowledge—felt something for lena too. something more.
she must’ve sensed your hesitation because she quickly added, “i’m not trying to pressure you or anything. i just wanted you to know how i feel. whatever happens, i’m here for you liebe. no matter what.”
her words hung in the air, heavy with meaning, and for the first time in weeks, you felt a glimmer of hope. maybe lena was right. maybe you did deserve more.
as the night went on, you found yourself relaxing in her presence, the tension from your relationship with sloan slowly easing away. 
it was different with lena—easier, lighter. and when she walked you back to your apartment later that night, there was a moment where she hesitated, standing on the doorstep, her eyes flicking to your lips.
you could’ve kissed her. part of you wanted to. 
“thanks for tonight,” you whispered, your voice soft.
lena smiled, her expression gentle. “anytime, y/n. i’m always here for you.”
something in the air had shifted after she said that, leaving only the quiet between you two. 
lena was standing just a little too close, her gaze a little too intense, and you could feel the weight of everything unsaid hanging in the space between you.
her eyes flickered down to your lips again, and for a moment, she seemed to freeze. your heart pounded in your chest as the silence stretched on, each second amplifying the tension between you both. 
you couldn’t tear your gaze away from her, drawn in by the way she was looking at you, the unspoken desire clear in her eyes.
the way she cares for you, the way you’ve been burying your attraction for her. It was too much. you wanted her.
your mind was racing—everything with sloan, the mess of your relationship, how complicated it all was. 
but in that moment, none of it mattered. not with lena looking at you like that.
you made the first move, your body acting on instinct before your brain could catch up. 
leaning in slowly, tentatively, you closed the gap between you, your lips barely brushing hers at first. 
you paused, just for a second, giving her the chance to pull away if she wanted to. but she didn’t.
the second lena kissed you back, everything else melted away. her lips met yours with a sudden intensity, all the built-up tension finally spilling over. 
her hands were on you in an instant, one sliding to the back of your neck, the other finding your waist, pulling you closer as the kiss deepened.
it wasn’t gentle—not by any means. there was an urgency in the way she kissed you, and the way you kissed her. she’d been holding back for far too long, and now that the floodgates were open, there was no going back. 
you responded in kind, your hands gripping the front of her hoodie, pulling her even closer as you kissed her harder, your body pressing against hers.
lena’s hand slipped under the hem of your shirt, her fingers warm against your skin as they traced the curve of your waist, making you shiver. 
the feeling of her touch sent a jolt of electricity through you, your heart racing even faster. your lips moved against hers in sync, the kiss growing more heated by the second, both of you caught up in the intensity of the moment.
you broke apart for a brief second, both of you gasping for air, but the space between you barely lasted a heartbeat before lena’s lips were on yours again, even more desperate than before. her body pressed into yours, pushing you gently against the door, and you welcomed the pressure, your hands finding their way into her hair, tugging just enough to earn a quiet groan from her.
“lena,” you breathed against her lips, not even sure what you were trying to say, if anything at all. her name came out like a plea, like you were drowning in her and needed more, but didn’t know how to ask for it.
“y/n,” she murmured back, her voice low and husky, her breath hot against your skin as she kissed along your jaw, trailing down to your neck. 
the sensation sent a shiver down your spine, your knees going weak as you clung to her, desperate to stay grounded in the overwhelming rush of feelings.
her hand gripped your waist tighter, holding you against her as her lips moved across your skin, finding every sensitive spot that made you gasp, your fingers tightening in her hair as you struggled to keep up with the intensity of it all.
you weren’t thinking about sloan anymore, or the complications that would come from this. all that mattered was the way lena was making you feel—the way her lips felt on yours, the way her touch set your skin on fire.
and when lena pulled back just enough to look at you, her eyes dark and filled with something raw, something intense, you knew there was no going back. 
you reached your left hand behind your body, keeping your right on lena’s waist, as you unlocked the door. 
pulling the taller woman inside, you didn’t think twice before taking her into your bedroom.
the sex was amazing. its been nearly 18 months since you last tine you’ve did anything, thanks to your long distance relationship.
the girl back in portland didn’t come across your mind once. just the moment between you, the girl who's sleeping in your arms, and the fact that you’ll have a flight back to the states for national duty in the morning. 
part two here
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hornedstorys · 3 months
POTA Caesar x reader - turning Page Part 1
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It's been far too long since I've seen the films! It's time to change that! I hope you like the story anyway. And I have no idea how many parts this story will have. Maybe 2-3?
Warnings: sfw, very slight closeness, friends to lovers, slight angst, slow burn - english is not my native language
Content: You were Will's cousin and lived with him. You and Caesar grew up together and loved playing together. But you got older, feelings changed, just like events in the world.
German Version
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When you heard the news from Will that he had rescued a baby chimpanzee, you almost died of curiosity. You really wanted to see the baby!
You were downstairs at the front door so quickly and pulled it open before Will could even think about putting his keys on.
"Where is he?" you asked hastily and Will laughed, then you noticed the box in Will's hands.
"Is it in there?" you were about to look for yourself, but Will just managed to block you and shook his head in amusement.
"Take it easy, (Y/n). Let me come in first, then I can introduce you to him."
Him? So he was a boy, you thought to yourself and followed Will into the kitchen. Your eyes followed the action excitedly. Then finally Will opened the box and a little chimpanzee appeared, blinking at Will and you with curious golden-green eyes.
You almost fainted at the sight of the baby. He was so cute! Carefully, the little one stretched out his tiny hands and with wide eyes you pushed your finger towards him. He accepted it gratefully.
"He's really cute! Is he going to stay?" you asked and Will nodded: "For now, yes. I couldn't possibly leave him in the lab." You nodded understandingly and didn't take your eyes off the little monkey.
"What's his name?" you asked and Will shrugged.
"Caesar," Will smiled and you looked at the little Ape with big kid eyes.
"Hello Caesar!"
It was amusing to watch Will trying to be a surrogate mother to little Caesar. You tried to help as much as you could, even though you were only ten years old. Still, you tried to help and take care of Charles, well at least you tried to talk to him and play games with Charles. But his Alzheimer's didn't get any better.
You felt so sorry for him and it seemed like it was getting worse every day. But you had no idea about the plans Will was making, you didn't even know what exactly was going on with Caesar and what the researchers in the lab were doing with the Apes, maybe you were just too young at the time to understand. You had fallen too much in love with the young Ape that you cared for so much that you only had thoughts for him. He was growing so fast and learning so quickly. It fascinated you.
With a heavy snort, Caesar let his breath slide against your neck. You giggled. You had just been playing tag, but Caesar was much faster than you.
"Stop it Caesar, it tickles!" the little monkey made happy noises. You sat with him at the dinner table. He was so clever, he had already understood how to drink from a bottle of milk when he was only one day old. Now he was nibbling on a few apples and looking at you with shining eyes.
Three years later, Caesar had learned to use the toilet. Which surprised and amused you at the same time. He got cheekier and started teasing you by breathing against your neck. He knew it tickled you. But then you had your moments where you tried to beat each other at chess.
He was always one step ahead of you, he always won. And sometimes, when you were lucky enough to win, you could see something in his eyes. Something mischievous, but also something gentle. He let you win on purpose. You really had the feeling that you were sitting in front of a human and not a monkey.
Will did tests with Caesar in between. He was just as fascinated by his intelligence and wanted to test it. You looked at the whole thing with a critical eye, because you saw from Will how the monkeys were treated in the laboratory and also how Caesar's mother Bright Eyes was killed. The monkeys were not seen as living beings, but as guinea pigs.
"This time I win," you growl, sitting opposite the monkey who looks at you mischievously. You had another game of chess and this time you thought you would finally win. You made your move and were so close to winning, but your hopes were dashed when Caesar made his move. Your mouth fell open and you almost fell off your chair.
"You've won again?" you shouted in disbelief and hit your forehead on the tabletop, not too hard of course. This monkey had now beaten you for the fifth time in an hour. He was so quick with his moves, while you took a little longer. Caesar grunted in amusement and you looked at him in offense. He was making fun of you, great.
Soon Will's girlfriend Caroline joined us. She had helped you with Caesar, she really knew a lot as she was a vet. You went for a walk together in the park with Caesar, Charles and Will. The young monkey really blossomed when he was out in nature and he wasn't even afraid of dogs. You soon found that out when Caesar snarled and stood up to a German shepherd who didn't even know what was happening.
Caroline and you got on really well and you were also glad that you were finally not the only woman in this male household. You were no longer a child but a teenager, your body was changing and so were your moods. As a result, you were more easily annoyed by Caesar's games. He had got into the habit of teasing you and testing your limits. But you couldn't blame him, after all he was getting older too and entering a kind of puberty.
Still, he was gentle with you, he had never hurt you before. His every touch was deliberate and controlled, he could well appreciate that his strength was so far above yours that he could kill you with ease. Of course he didn't want that. He liked you, you had grown up together and you were family to him.
It was another one of those days when you were sitting in the garden reading a book in the evening when everything was quiet. You were far too focused on the book that you didn't notice the shadow in the neighboring trees and how it dropped to the ground with ease. Soft footsteps came closer to you and suddenly someone breathed gently on the back of your neck. Startled, you dropped your book and pinched your neck where you felt the breath so Caesar wouldn't have a chance to do it again.
You giggled and gave him an offended look. Wait a minute! You got up and walked towards him. You tried to tickle him too, but Caesar was quicker and dodged your hand. He liked this game. Caesar was faster than you and before you knew it, he grabbed you by the hips and pushed you against him. His green-gold eyes met yours and there was silence for a few seconds. You just looked at each other.
His eyes fascinated you, they looked so human and yet different. Those golden speckles in his eyes glowed and you only noticed it now. His hard chest was warm against yours and he too seemed lost in your eyes. His gaze was equally pensive.
"Caesar," his name came through to him and he liked the sound of you pronouncing each letter. Your scent wafted into his nostrils and he breathed in and out deeply. He knew that these feelings were only arising because he was changing physically. At least Will had explained to him that he could be going through a kind of puberty, much like humans. Was that why he saw you a fraction differently than he had the years before?
The barking of a neighborhood dog snapped you out of your thoughts and Caesar's grip loosened, but it took ages. Your pulse beat against your neck and his eyes fixed on him. He only now saw how soft and fragile your skin seemed and how easily he could break through it with his sharp canines. He had never noticed it when he was younger. He had seen you differently and now. You've changed, you've grown up and… He shook his head quickly and turned away, disappearing into his room.
You looked after him, puzzled. But he left you with a comforting warmth that frightened you.
But that evening was just the calm before the storm.
You watched Will's car drive away with tears in your eyes. He and Caroline had taken Caesar and they had just left you behind. They knew you were just trying to free Caesar and now they were taking him to a monkey house. You slumped on the floor crying, holding one of Caesar's T-shirts in your hands. It still smelled like him. He really did have a pleasant scent.
You closed your eyes, then you made a decision. Days later, you secretly grabbed Will's car keys and took his car. You drove to the monkey house where Caesar was supposed to be living now.
The blond guy who took you to him wasn't exactly sympathetic and you scowled at him as he stared at your neckline. Still, he had taken you to Caesar's, but it had cost you the last of your cash, which you had to hand over to this idiot to get him to take you to Caesar's.
When you arrived at Caesar's cage, you froze. He was sitting in the corner, his gaze fixed silently on the wall. You stepped closer to the bars and gripped the cold metal with your trembling hands.
"Caesar, I'm here," you spoke softly, hoping it would calm him down a little. When the monkey heard your words, he immediately jumped up and walked quickly towards you. He didn't take his eyes off yours for a second. Your hand slipped through the bars and gently stroked his cheek. His head leaned into your touch and you felt the tears gathering in them. He looked so exhausted, but you could see how the fire in them hadn't gone out yet.
"I'm so sorry," you breathed and a tear escaped your eye. His big thumb gently stroked it away and his eyes looked at you with affection.
"Not your fault. Caesar, was bad," he gestured and you immediately shook your head and contradicted him: "You are not a bad monkey, Caesar! You are the gentlest and kindest monkey I have ever met!" Again a tear rolled down your cheek and again the chimpanzee wiped it away. He was just trying to protect his family when this neighbor just couldn't control himself. Nobody wanted that to happen.
'You have to go,' grunted the monkey. He didn't want you to stay in this horrible place any longer, "I'll be fine," he gestured further. He saw the struggle in your watery eyes and that you were already thinking of a plan to get him out of there, but he didn't want to. He would find a way himself.
"I love you, Caesar. Don't forget that," you whispered and stroked the soft fur on his face again. You were the only one allowed to touch him there and he enjoyed that touch, and what he enjoyed even more were your words, even if he couldn't fully appreciate what you meant.
"Caesar loves you too, (Y/n)."
A few years had passed. The virus had taken everything from you. Will, your family, everyone. You had escaped when people went crazy. They started fighting for things, be it food or places to sleep. You were scared and didn't want to stay in the city any longer. You packed up what you needed and disappeared into the forest. The only place that was safer than the city.
As on many nights before, you sat by the fire and stared into the flames. You thought about the past and especially about Caesar. There wasn't a day when you didn't think about the monkey and you wondered what had become of him. The loneliness consumed you more and more with each passing day and your fear grew. The forest was dangerous and you were mostly lucky that no bear had caught you yet.
You survived by eating berries, although you had bad experiences with some of them. Some of the ones you found were poisonous and made you throw up quite badly afterwards. That was the last time you picked those particular varieties.
You sighed and rubbed your eyes against your forearm as you rested your face on your arms. Suddenly there was a crack in the undergrowth and you tensed, then the earth began to shake. Confused, you stood up, what was going on?
You looked around in panic as the first deer came towards you and with a wobbly leap you jumped to the side to avoid landing under the animal's hard hooves.
A few seconds later, more came. It was a mass panic that was triggered and it forced you to run. Your heart pounding, you ran through the undergrowth, hoping not to be trampled to death by the herd.
What had happened? What had startled the animals so much? You almost tripped over a root, but you quickly managed to catch yourself and keep running. But you almost missed the next danger ahead of you, a ravine. You wanted to stop, but one of the big deer crashed into you and you were thrown down with a scream.
You hit a rocky outcrop with a hard thud. Pain shot through you like a bolt of lightning and your head rumbled. Every movement burned and you were afraid to move, you didn't know if anything was broken. You tried to stay calm, breathing heavily.
"Take it easy, (Y/n). It's going to be okay," you tried to tell yourself, but you could feel how much of a lie it was and tears gathered in your eyes, you sobbed.
"Caesar…" came out of your mouth subconsciously and images from the past flashed up again and an arm with dark fur. He came towards you as if in slow motion. He looked so real. Your brows drew together and you stretched out your arm too.
Suddenly the arm sped up and in a flash the large, rough hand grabbed your wrist and yanked you upwards, followed by another hand. A cry of pain escaped your throat as your body began to burn again. You were laid down on the floor and your eyes blacked out for a moment.
A dark shadow hovered over you and green-gold eyes looked down at you, worried but critical. Rough hands scanned your body for injuries and a hissing sound came from your lungs.
Then you opened your eyes, the blurry outline above you becoming clearer and clearer until you could make it out. Your heart skipped a beat and your eyes widened.
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fallingdownhell · 7 months
May I request Zhongli, Itto, Kaveh and Cyno with an s/o who's got crazy good luck? They could win any challenge or game presented to them, never get hurt (to badly), and are always making loads of cash (somehow).
I can imagine at least one of those characters getting jealous over something like this.. Characters Included: Itto; Cyno; Zhongli; Kaveh Content: gender neutral reader; established relationship; crack??; some fluff and comedy; nothing too serious here, just some funny headcanons Word count: 942 words Have fun with this<3
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the man, the myth, the legend himself..
he gets SO incredibly jealous. When he challenges you jokingly at first, and you keep winning against him..
His pride is on the line here, okay?
you win a match of TCG against his amazing deck? That's fine, he can always challenge you for another round
but when you keep on winning and winning, he gets more and more desperate with each passing round
okay, screw TCG. How about a beetle fight? He's sure to win this, no doubt about it!
...what do you mean he lost again?
he's heartbroken. Will fall to the ground in disbelief. Have the gods truly forsaken him now?
a little drama queen about it, but it wouldn't be the Itto you know and love if he wouldn't act like this
still, you do feel a bit bad about it. To the point where you decide to only do the bare minimum and let him win against you, so he'll cheer up again
when he does win, his spirit is back up again immediately, bloating about his superior victory for the rest of the day. Like, seriously, he won't shut up about it anymore
unless someone were to mention all his previous losses, then he's back to sulking again
however, the next day, all is forgiven and forgotten again
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one night, after dinner, he was talking about his new deck in TCG when you decided to ask him if he could teach you how to play
immediate sparkles in his eyes as he gets all excited and pulls out a new set of cards for you. He's been waiting for this day to come!
takes his time to explain the rules to you and helps you build your deck. If you ask him questions, he answeres them paitently
then comes the time for your first duel. Even though you are his partner and it's your first ever match, he doesn't plan to go easy on you. Well, maybe a bit, but he still will take this match very seriously
But when you end up winning against him, he's dumbfounded. How did you manage to do that?
He'd quietly mumble something about beginners luck, then challenges you to a rematch. This time, he plans to go all out
...and he looses again
now thourougly confused, he's looking at his cards like he might find the answer in them, while you are laughing your ass off. Your stomach hurts from all the laughing, but you can't calm down. Cyno's just so cute when he looks so shaken up
it's a mystery to him, how you could win against him, despite him having the better cards, the better deck and obviously having more expierence playing the game
in the end, he does swallow down his pride and congratulates you to your win, though he will work his deck over and challenge you again at a later point in time
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as an adventurer, it is unavoidable that people get injured every now and then. It's just a risk that comes with the profession
and yet, Zhongli has never seen an injury on you more severe than a cut and maybe some darker bruises
don't get him wrong, he's glad that you're not getting hurt all the time. It's just that your stories and the results don't match up most of the time
"And get this. Then, a huge rockfall comes falling down in our direction! Can you imagine that?" "Darling, that's very serious. How did you manage to avoid that?" "I don't know. Guess I just got lucky. I only got hit my a small one on the head, but it wasn't even big enoug to give me a concussion, so all's good!"
"I almost fell down a cliff today!", "A group of Ruin hunters attacked us today!", "We got locked in a cave, but luckily, they were connected to other caves, so we got out no problem."
almost every other day, you come home with a similar story and every time, Zhongli questions just how much luck one single human can possess to come out mostly unharmed every single time
still, every time you set out for work, he can't help but worry about you. What if one day, your luck runs out on you? You reassure him that you're careful, but it does little to appease his mind when you come home with yet another tale to tell...
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Kaveh isn't one for gambling, never has been and never will be. Though, he knows that you like to induldge from time to time, so when you invite him to come along with you, he agrees
and then he witnesses you winning each and every game you partake in. Doesn't matter how rigged the games might be, you make it look so simple
with a huge grin on your lips, your arms raise into the air as you declare your victory one again, and he's left dumbfounded
when he catches a quiet moment, he can't help but ask you about it
"I don't know. I just always had really good luck when it comes to those type of games.", would be your nonchalant explanaition
now he gets why you don't go out to play more often. You'd get banned from every single location if you were to do this regularely
Going home from a place like this with such a massive win.. he's too stunned to speak, but nonetheless very impressed and proud of you for it
will accompany you more often when you want to go out to gamble again, just to see your excited and joyful expression again
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blindmagdalena · 1 year
Homelander POV with “looking at wedding ring in finger”
from this prompt list. just some rambling fluffy homelander x reader feelings. 🖤
To a man with enough strength to juggle approximately a dozen Mack trucks with minimal effort, there are few things in this world that he would earnestly consider heavy. Except for, it turns out, a single gold band around his ring finger. He's barely left it alone since he put it on, always either twisting it on his finger or flexing his gloved hand just to feel it shift, hyperaware of the weight of it.
Not because it's uncomfortable. It's new, certainly, and it's taking a little getting used to, but not because he doesn't like it. He just can't quite believe it's real. That you're real.
Before the ring, Homelander would scrounge for a variety of ways to remind himself of the reality of you. He would spray your perfume under the collar of his suit or carry any kind of tactile article of yours with him. Something tangible to keep him grounded when he is so characteristically prone to flying, both literally and off the handle.
Now, all he need do is tighten his fingers together, or press his thumb to the band. Even through his gloves, he can feel the metallic press of his wedding ring. It soothes him, gives him something easy and inconspicuous to fidget with, and without fail it makes him think of you.
A comfort in and of itself.
It feels good to call himself a married man during interviews. He can wield it like a shield or a blade, depending on the context. Your existence alone is enough to protect him, affording him a sense of normalcy that he's lacked for the majority of his life.
His experiences in this world have been so utterly alien, with every human part of him fabricated by Vought.
Not you. You're genuine, you're real, and you're entirely his.
No more sickly sweet stories of a family that never existed. No more gritting his teeth through recollections of baseball games he never played. He no longer needs to read scripts to appear human to the world. When he talks about you, it's like he comes alive on screen for the first time in his life. You protect him without ever having to even be there.
And yet you are there. Any time he glances off camera, or off stage, he can almost always find you in an instant. You never fail to smile, to wave, to be present when he looks for you. It's not just the heat of his skin that gives the ring warmth, it's the love you leave in it when you kiss it every morning before he puts his gloves on.
It's you. The warmth is you.
"Heyyy," you coo as he walks backstage, opening your arms to him. He immediately scoops you up into an embrace, lifting you clean off of your feet and spinning you in a little circle, startling a giddy laugh out of you.
"Whoa, what's all this about?" You ask, arms looped around his neck, a slightly bewildered edge to your smile.
"You saved me out there," he says. He can tell the depth in his tone catches you off guard by the way your eyes widen, expression faltering. "You did. Y'always do. Thanks."
He knows by the lingering confusion in your gaze that you're not sure what he means, but that's fine. You'll understand. He'll thank you properly when it's just the two of you, and he can write his gratitude on every inch of your body with his lips, his tongue, his fingers.
"I love you," he says, kissing you with such intensity, the two of you forget for a moment that you aren't alone.
"I love you, too," you say breathlessly, blinking yourself back to reality, thoroughly flustered. "Phew, wow, alright. Good, so..."
You glance around, taking note of the number of people trying their best not to stare while very clearly needing Homelander's attention, but all he can focus on is you.
"You better get back to work," you say, trying to put some authority in your voice.
He grins, setting you back on your feet. "S'pose I better," he agrees, though his hands linger on your waist a little longer. "Wait for me?"
"Always," you vow, the glint of your own ring catching the light as you touch his face. You give his cheek a playful little smack. "Now go. Before you ruin both our makeup," you chide, smiling as he slips off, casting one last look back at you.
He squeezes his hand into a fist, feeling that ring firm between his fingers.
It brings him such peace that even when you're not with him, you're never really gone from him.
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blasphemecel · 6 months
Michael Kaiser, Alexis Ness — Food Analogy
PAIRING: Michael Kaiser/Reader/Alexis Ness WORD COUNT: 3.3k TYPE: Humor, Bad Flirting (it's never been worse), Rivalry WARNING(S): Canon-typical football derangement, tw Kaiser, tw Ness, tw Y/n 💀 NOTE: This is the Dog Walking origin story does anyone remember me hi?
Believe it or not, Isagi never took you for a nutcase. Can your words sometimes be a bit absurd in nature? Over the top, maybe? Yes, but the environment you’re in is easy to blame. Otherwise, you’re a respectable individual, if not aloof, always keeping a certain distance from everyone else.
This is all to say, there is no way Isagi could’ve anticipated the utter nightmare he is in the middle of right now. If there was, he would’ve ran away the moment he heard your footsteps approaching after Kaiser blocked his shot and gave him that shitty speech.
You seem to have witnessed the whole thing, and with Kaiser gone, you wrap an arm around Isagi’s shoulders. “Do you know what he said to you?”
“In German?” asks Isagi, confused. “No.”
“What’s so special about you that one of the New Gen World XI players is picking a fight with you, huh? Because it was the last goal? He didn’t even glance at me and I finished the course before you.” Your eyes narrow at him with easy, second-nature condescension. It’s the first time you’ve hurled such provocations his way. “You’re always hogging the spotlight, you know?”
Isagi huffs, annoyed by your attitude. “Try harder in the next match, then. I don’t know what you want me to do. I’ll devour you either way.”
“Stop telling people you’re gonna devour them, you cannibal. It’s so tasteless.” You click your tongue, bemused by his lack of style — no wonder you get along with Aryu — and then you gesture at Ness and Kaiser in the distance. “Look at him. He even has a servant. It’s not fair. I want someone to do my bidding!”
“Why are you acting so childish right now?”
You push him off of you like you weren’t the one who got so close to him in the first place, then stalk up to Kaiser and Ness with the confidence of someone on a mission. At this point, Isagi knows he should look away, and yet his attention is glued to whatever is about to ensue like he’s a spectator of a car crash.
Ness offers you a fake smile and reaches out to hand you the same translation gadget he’d given Isagi earlier, but, of course, because you’re insane, you decide the most appropriate course of action is to take out one of his and shove it in your ear. He blinks.
“You seem vulnerable and easy to boss around,” you say. Wow, what a first impression. Ness’s smile slips. “I’m looking for a henchman or a goon or something similar. Are you interested?” Then you address Kaiser. “That was a cute little show you put on for Isagi. For how long did you practice it?”
“It was improvised,” he lies.
“Sure it was.”
“Who the hell are you?” Kaiser shoos you away with a wave of his hand. “Third rate actor trying to intrude on my stage. Bo-ring.”
Isagi cannot discern if Kaiser doesn’t recognize you from the U-20 match for real or if he’s just pretending in order to insult you, but his best guess is that you’re going to make him… very aware of your identity after this.
This is, perhaps, the most insulting thing to ever happen to Isagi.
The field falls into a conclusive silence, everyone still lingering by whatever spot they’d been in during the game before it finished. Isagi knows he’s staring at you like a serial killer, eyes drilling holes into your side profile with utmost offense. The football-induced neurosis he usually gets lost in while playing is yet to wear off, which is probably why he’s taking this to heart.
Without a doubt, you were ahead of him at least in the final moment, despite failing to stand out for the rest of the match. You’d predicted he wouldn’t cave in and pass to Kaiser and got in range, jumping in between them out of nowhere, stealing what was supposed to be Kunigami’s goal.
Though what made your outplaying him so galling is that it was all a way of picking a fight with fucking Kaiser. Not even with him, but with Kaiser. His act of relenting — of not trying to score on his own because of concepts like rationality and recognizing limits — became an instrument in this stupid fight you’ve been picking.
Then Isagi watches you figuratively spit in Kaiser’s face because, of course, your obnoxious ass can’t just win and leave it at that. No, unnecessary amounts of gloating seem to be what you run on, and now you grab Kaiser by the chin and mock his introduction, “On your knees, Bastard München.”
This is the worst transgression of Kaiser’s life. You’ve addressed him like he is a dull, unnoteworthy part of a collective, not even bothering to say his name while sporting the shittiest sneer he has ever seen. He’s pissed, and all he can do is stare in confusion. Despite his long going career as an instigator, this response (to his general existence and demeanor) is still somehow unique and, worse, effective.
When you let go of him, you withdraw your fingers from his face like he’s dirty. You shrug, then raise your hands in the air in a victorious manner, and you look happier than Isagi has ever seen you before. “Ta da. All eyes on me.”
But the shitshow doesn’t appear to be anywhere near over because while everyone else is frozen, you’re approaching him now, unperturbed by the attention you’re receiving as if it’s your birthright. Like you were made for the spotlight.
“Isagi, didn’t you say you were going to ‘devour’ me?” you ask once you’re right in front of him, your exterior growing more complacent by the minute. “Didn’t you challenge me? Seems to me like I’m too big for you to chew.”
If nothing else, though, unbeknownst to himself, Isagi, too, is insane. He has unreasonable amounts of determination and loves when things get difficult just so he can chase the satisfaction of overcoming them, among his other eccentricities. “This was just one match. We’re one for one now. I’ll defeat all of-”
“What are you two doing?!” Ness asks through a tight, passive aggressive smile. You hadn’t noticed him closing in on you, too high on your own power trip. He grabs you both, one shoulder in each hand, and squeezes with a death grip. “Do you think this is your show? This is Kaiser’s team, not the figure-out-which-good-for-nothing-is-slightly-better team. Either behave and follow the rules, or face the consequences.”
“Good for nothing? Shut up, little midfielder, you’re too scared to stand on your own feet, so you have to degrade yourself as Kaiser’s boytoy instead. I guess his shadow is a comfortable spot to hide in with how enormous his head is,” Isagi says. His tone is so matter of fact, it leaves minimal room for argument.
“He’s good, though. I can see potential in him to be almost as good as Sae. I want you to pass to me, too, Ness. Right? You can emphasize my star qualities with yours, can’t you, Ness? I can shine on you. It’s fine by me.”
It’s like two predatory animals are staring him down, trying to gauge his taste through smell alone — you with your fake innocent, curious expression, and Isagi, who doesn’t seem to realize he spewed vitriolic insults with the nonchalance of a weather cast announcement.
For sure both of you would’ve gotten a broken ankle each the way Ness is gritting his teeth right now, but emerging out of his stupor, Kaiser intervenes. And when Kaiser speaks, he commands Ness’s full attention, rendering him speechless. He pushes Ness out of the way, deeming this a fitting way to insert himself in the conversation. Then he looks you in the eyes with a… smirk? Isagi was hoping his dolour would last a little longer. “I figured out what your role is.”
“I’m not interested in starring in movies made by incompetent directors.”
“You’re going to be my love interest,” declares Kaiser, not at all fazed by your dismissal. “I’m not that bad,” he continues, because naturally, nice people always have to declare themselves as such. “I can recognize when someone has skills. You’re my darling in distress, and I need to save you from the peasantry of Blue Lock, so your talent can flourish. That’s your role.”
You continue observing him with mild amusement like what he told you was normal. Meanwhile, Isagi is wondering if your stunt earlier gave Kaiser whiplash or vertigo or something. Maybe he went and snapped. Clearly, these aren’t words coming from a sound mind.
Even Ness, who at this point should to some degree expect Kaiser to be deranged, gasps. Whether at his audacity or lack of shame, it’s not clear.
“How unoriginal. Think of a better one.” You shoo him to decline the proposal. “Besides, you already know I’m more interested in your lapdog.”
“What?!” Ness calls out, now moving onto being offended. “Are you rejecting Kaiser? And you- me?! What?!”
Isagi’s entire face scrunches. Did this man seriously not even flinch after getting called a lapdog?
Apparently no longer finding this conversation a proper source of entertainment, you wave them off dismissively and walk away without sparing them a second glance. Isagi watches as Kaiser stares creepily at your retreating silhouette with this little infatuated(?) smile on his face.
What is this lunatic so happy about, anyway? Does he even realize he was the perpetrator of his own public humiliation ritual? Leave it to Kaiser not to understand that he embarrassed himself.
Ness runs after you, yelling objections, but at this point Isagi isn’t even listening. He doesn’t want to listen. Neither are you, if the way you’re picking your ear and not responding to him while ducking out of his way is anything to go by.
After everything cools down a little and everyone has scattered about, Bachira inches towards Isagi. Easy-going as ever, hands interlocked behind his head, he says, “You’re all psychos on your team, huh? Must be fun.”
Oh… Yes, Bachira witnessed all that… Everyone did. Isagi almost forgot. The vortex of the utter absurdity of this situation sucked him in for a second there.
Isagi doesn’t even bother removing his sweaty uniform before he approaches you, looking all determined. He can’t get it out of his head… Did you read him? Or was it a guess? You got there too fast, as if you foresaw what he was about to do before he even decided it. “How did you know I was going to pass to Kunigami?”
“Isagi, don’t ask me narrow-minded questions. We just had a match and I need to revitalize myself,” you tell him as if what you’re saying makes perfect sense. It’s like you make it a point to phrase everything in the oddest way possible.
“Narrow-minded? Could you stop being a pain in the ass and answer me?”
“Well, you weren’t about to pass to Kaiser, and you used to be buddies with the ginger. So, pray tell, where else could the ball go?”
Surely, it wasn’t as predictable as you’re making it out to be?
“You could’ve collided with them, lost your starter spot and cost us the game without even touching the ball. It wasn’t worth the risk.” Isagi isn’t really sure why he’s even saying this. It paid off for you, but he needs to understand the intricacies of all the ways his rivals are ahead of him just so he can overthrow them. You’re another mark on his football hit list.
“Since when are you so trifling? You’re losing me more and more by the minute here.”
“What are you even on about?”
“I’m a striker. I’m sublime. I score. And you’re asking me why I chose to score?”
Isagi tries to glean some hidden wisdom from this statement — there is none — but before he can at least offer a response, Yukimiya intrudes on your conversation by talking about something wholly irrelevant.
Yukimiya berates him. You fade into the background of this conflict, observing, while everyone else makes an attempt to de-escalate the argument. To make matters worse, Kaiser makes an obnoxious entrance and delivers a useless speech about how you all better follow him and blah, blah, blah.
“What a stupid thing to say,” you point out, taking a step forward as if to challenge him. Isagi doesn’t like that he has to bear witness to you and Kaiser making eye contact again. “We’re in Blue Lock. Would the world’s best settle for just surviving?”
“None of you will be the world’s best and I’m here to show you. By the way, I meant what I told you earlier. Don’t go fading into obscurity following the wrong king. I really can’t stand it when someone doesn’t know how to use their talent, and your talent would make a good accessory to mine.”
“The only king I obey is my desire.”
“You say that now, but I’ll get you in the end.”
“Did you walk in here half naked to try and seduce me? You jezebel…”
Isagi makes the wise decision to tune out the rest of your bickering with Kaiser for the sake of his ears and mental clarity. Still, he can tell there is something here which is evading him. If he can identify everyone’s priorities — Kaiser’s need to live out his emperor fantasy, and your hedonism, and Yukimiya’s dedication to his ideals — can he use this knowledge to his advantage and come out on top?
You’re fighting with Kaiser again. It’s not real fighting, though, is it? Isagi has become well-acquainted with all sorts of depravity since the beginning of his stay at Blue Lock — most often had been the victim of it, even — so he can recognize it with ease. Because of this, he pays you minimal attention during the unfortunate moment when he needs to waltz by.
But the next display of obscenity, he truly does not anticipate. He turns around the corner of the hallway on the way back to his room, and what does he realize he’s seeing? Ness peeking his head out from behind the corner to watch you go at it from a distance, that’s what. Why is he even doing this? He’s always doting on Kaiser, so it’s not like it’d be weird if he was there, up close and personal. He’s literally making it stranger than it needs to be.
“What are you doing?” Isagi blurts out, before he can think better of asking.
Ness startles. Apparently he’s been focusing so intensely on… observing you and Kaiser, he didn’t register someone passing by a few inches away from him. He opens and closes his mouth a few times before eventually coming up with, “I, uh… Um, I- I… Uh.”
Isagi almost lets it go, but then Ness says,
“Everyone has their… interests and passions, so… You can’t judge me.”
“Wait, this is an interest and a passion to you?”
“Um, I, uh.” Ness’s face contorts into that reflexive creepy smile Isagi has come to expect of him. “Yes. Now go away, you’re interrupting me.” Oh no, he’s becoming confident in his… Whatever this is.
Isagi exits the vicinity with an unnecessary amount of caution. He can’t tell if the feeling of someone’s gaze burning his back is just paranoia on his part.
Today’s bullshit: another one of your arguments is unfolding, and this time, Isagi doesn’t have the choice to feign ignorance. You’re supposed to be splitting up in two for a practice match. Obviously this devolved into an inane dispute about who the biggest hotshot is. Isagi, holding the glorious title of ‘captain of Team B,’ tries to follow the plot of this whole thing. Mainly to figure out a way to make you and Kaiser shut up and get on with the game already because your voices now automatically register as a cacophony in his head.
“I’m not going on your team unless I get to be the captain,” you say. “And Ness passes to me.”
“I won’t play midfielder if you’re center forward!” Ness protests.
“Come on. We’d be a hit together. Stop pretending.”
“You’re putting yourself on quite the high pedestal there,” Kaiser says. “Is the altitude messing with your head? Don’t give yourself vertigo now.”
“If you died on the field, I’d do a penalty kick while standing on your corpse.”
Leave it to you to escalate things for the sake of getting a reaction out of Ness. He shakes you by the shoulders back and forth while yelling something unintelligible as Kaiser snickers, maybe finding this to be an amusing or god forbid romantic mental image.
Why are they acting like children? Isagi holds back an audible groan or perhaps an onslaught of derogatory words. He’s not sure how to solve this, though. You’ve been going in circles for a few minutes now, and Kaiser got mad when you said you’d be on Isagi’s team, and Isagi got mad when you tried to steal his aforementioned prestigious title, too.
The debate of who the superior striker is — objectively it’s Kaiser, but Isagi admires your dedication to your delusions in the face of Ness’s sectarian wrath — continues. Then, it happens. Something awful to honor your skills.
“What did you call it, Yoichi? Devouring?” asks Kaiser, before turning his attention back to you, sly smile on his annoying face and all. Then he puts his stupid hand over your loony head and pushes it aside, giving a good view of your neck. “I think in that case, I might want to take a bite out of you.”
Oh my god, Isagi thinks, stomach churning, and truly, he might vomit. The state of affairs has never been more dire than this. No way that demented freak just did this without any shame?!
You open your dumb mouth, probably to respond with a snarky remark (which will inevitably somehow make this ten times more inappropriate). Isagi won’t stand for this.
Interrupting you before you’ve even begun speaking, he points an accusatory finger at Kaiser first. “You’re a pervert. Not only are you a pervert, but you’re doing it right in front of everyone. All the time! What’s wrong with you?”
He stares at Isagi incredulously. “What?”
Next, you enter the line of fire. “And you try to provoke him into doing things like this on purpose! Just so you can embarrass him! You’re a pervert in a much more pretentious and obnoxious way. You’re enjoying this!”
“What the fuck,” you blurt out. This is the first time he’s heard you sound defensive. “No, I’m not. We aren’t doing anything.”
“Yeah, we aren’t doing anything,” Kaiser agrees. “Fuck off, Yoichi.”
Isagi ignores these protests. They’re futile, anyway. He knows he’s right. Even if he isn’t, all of you deserve this slander in his opinion. For a moment, Ness makes the mistake of assuming he’s been spared, but, “You’re the worst, though. You like it when they fight over you. You have no self-respect.”
“Wh- What?! But I didn’t even do anything!”
“Yeah, that’s the thing, suck-off.” Isagi grabs him by the wrist and tugs him over to his side, apparently having decided this is the answer. “You’re going to be on my team.” Then he glances at the two of you, and that part of his brain which he tries to ignore when he’s not on the field sends a spark of joy and satisfaction coursing through his veins at the unadulterated indignation on your faces. “Deal with each other, yeah? Since you’re so inseparable.”
Noa tells everyone to hurry up, and the rest of the spectators mutter in agreement before Ness can even regain his senses and put up a fight. His eyes are wide and glossy, his jaw is hanging, and he is looking at Kaiser and then at you and then back at Kaiser with the sadness of a character in a Shakespearean play.
Kaiser looks like he is about to pop several blood vessels.
You huff, cross your arms, and pout. Why does Isagi always win?!
Thyere so embarrassing omfg im laugihing so hard
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nearest-dearest · 1 year
The String (Wally x reader)
After reading a story to Julie, the rainbow monster is dead set on finding her soulmate and you tagged along without much of a choice in that matter.
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“Awe! How romantic!” Julie swoons after you just finished reading to her. More specifically the part about how the two main characters found each other through the red string of fate. Where soulmates are connected by a red string tied to their finger. The red string is strong too, it may twist, tangle but it will never break. And all this info came from the new romance book you ordered last week and wanted to share it with Julie.
Julie suddenly gasps “Do you think I could find my soulmate through the red string?”
You couldn’t help but let out a little laugh “I’m sure you can Julie, but only if you can see the red string though.”
“Fear not dear neighbor! For I have a plan!”
And that’s how you ended up outside Julie’s house. A red string tied to your own finger while Julie does the same to herself.
“Julie, I’m not sure this will help us find our soulmates.” You voiced your concerns before she can enact her plan of throwing her red ball of yarn to any “lucky” passerby that could catch it.
“This is just a theory! Don’t worry (Y/n) dear. Who knows, maybe your string could land on Wally!”
The last sentence had you sputtering your words. “What?! Why would you say that? You’re making it sound like I like him! I mean, I like everyone in the neighborhood, including Wally. But it’s not like I like, like him!” You said all of that so fast that you ended up taking a deep breath after you’re done.
Meanwhile, that knowing smirk on Julie’s face never left, but okay, she’ll play your game “Sure (Y/n), I’ll drop it, but it could happen.
Should’ve known it wouldn’t be easy for her to fully drop it. Now you’re wondering what could’ve happened if you hadn’t blushed or stared during Wally’s little singing two weeks ago. Ever since Julie found out, she hasn’t stopped alluding to it when the two of you are alone. And when the others are there, she carries on as if she knew nothing. At least she’s great at keeping a secret. But you couldn’t really find a fault within you to like Wally. The painter is already attractive, he’s also talented and charming and you always find an aura of calm and serenity whenever you’re with him.
And as your silly little crush grew, so did how Wally make you feel. One moment you feel serenity and the next feeling is confusion. You don’t know if this is love or just infatuation. Is it because he’s so. . .
You know Wally like any other friend you had, but there’s something about Wally that makes you want to know more. But will he ever allow it? Does he even like you the way you like him?
“Awe, (Y/n) Vandermeer. Of course, Wally likes you!” Julie suddenly says.
You paused. . .
“Wait! Was I saying all of that out loud?!”
“Unfortunately, yes. So, you do like Wally!”
“I—” You sigh out your defeat. There’s no denying it anymore.
“Nothing to be ashamed of neighbor! After this experiment, you’re sure to know whether Wally likes you or not!”
“Again, Julie, I don’t think this is how it works.”
“You never know until you try! Now let’s look for our soulmates!” Julie is the first to throw her yarn, and it landed on. . .
A rock!
Julie skipped her way to the rock until she was close enough to pick it up. Lovingly staring at the rock like it’s made of gold “Who knew you were so close the entire time!”
You shook your head at the display, but the smile on your face suggests a playful expression and tone.
“Now it’s your turn (Y/n)! Go find your soulmate!” Julies calls back to you.
You stared at the ball of yarn in your hand. The hesitancy kept you from throwing it. Although, it may land on a rock as well, and you and Julie can have a laugh about it. Everyone in the neighborhood is inside their houses or backyard. It seems like a safe and shame free action. With a deep breath, you got ready to throw it as far as you can. In the count of 3. . . 2. . . 1. Off goes the yarn in the air. Landing on. . . It landed on nothing, it just kept going and rolling away.
“Uh, I’ll be back Julie!” And with that, you began chasing the ball as it unravels. This is one good bunch of yarn; it’d be a waste to just leave it all behind. Let alone just leave it littered— Okay! How long is this yarn?! It goes on forever! You better catch up soon, the ball is getting smaller too.
Then the yarn stops.
And it stopped by. . .
Wally’s feet.
Oh no
You suddenly felt your legs freeze to a halt on the spot. As for Wally, he picked up the ball of yarn to examine it. Then he looked up and met your gaze. Wally smiles.
“Ah! Hello neighbor, is this yours?” Wally offered the ball of yarn.
“Hi Wally! Yes, it is, thanks.” You say in a fast speed, hoping he doesn’t ask about what you were doing.
“No problem! If I may ask, what were you doing?”
Plan failed.
“Uh, nothing much! Just helping Julie with a knitting project, that’s all!” Great plan, just lie like second nature why don’t you?
Wally gave a little laugh “No need to lie (Y/n), you can tell me! I won’t judge.”
Darn, he’s so perceptive it’s endearing!
“Okay then.” You caved in, it’s been a long day and you don’t feel like dodging anymore. “Julie thought she could find her soulmate using the red string of fate, and thought it was also a good idea to help me find my soulmate too.”
“Soulmate?” Wally wonders.
“Yeah, now if you’ll excuse me I gotta go now.” You started taking your leave, at least you tried to. Because the sudden feeling of Wally’s hand holding yours had freezing like ice.
“Wait! Can I just do something first?” Wally asks.
“Uh sure?” Still feeling a little flustered that Wally held your hand, you ended up mindlessly agreeing to his request. You couldn’t even see what he was doing because you were too busy looking down to cool down the heat on your cheeks.
“Done!” Wally announced.
“Wait, really? That was. . . Fast.”
If you weren’t red already, then you sure look like one big giant apple. Wally had tied the other end of the yarn. On his pinky finger.
“And to make it easier for us.” Wally then snapped the extra thread with the blade he uses to sharpen his pencil.
“Don’t take the string off your finger. Okay Neighbor?”
Were Wally’s last words before walking away to Home.
Leaving you flustered and quiet from where you stand.
And giving a Julie in hiding pride over the outcome “All according to plan.”
All according to plan indeed Julie.
All According to plan.
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ponett · 4 months
ive seen you post about doctor robotnik's ring racers occasionally on twitter and would like to hear your overall thoughts on the game
I'm enjoying it a lot! It plays well, has a ridiculous number of unlockable characters and tracks, and is generally just really polished. This would be impressive even for a paid indie kart racer that cost like $20-$30, but for a freeware fangame that's somehow built off of Doom? It's nuts. So much love and care went into this. I've been having a lot of fun playing through all the Grand Prix cups and clearing out the challenge board, which I've only completed 47% of it even with over 15 hours of playtime logged.
It's absolutely one of the most hardcore kart racers I've ever played, though, and that's gonna turn some people off. While playing solo even easy mode can be difficult, especially thanks to the rival system that gives one CPU buffs over the others. Anything below 150cc is a complete joke for me in Mario Kart, but even playing on the "normal" difficulty in Ring Racers (now renamed "intense" in the 2.2 patch) kicks my ass, and if you place poorly in a Grand Prix race it gives you a game over and makes you redo the race. I can't even imagine touching the higher difficulties at my current skill level.
This is compounded by how technical the game is and how many options are at your disposal. Spin dashing, tricks, fast drops, collecting and spending rings, an item roulette that can be manually stopped, a high risk high reward chargeable melee attack when you have negative rings, the ability to harass and be harassed by other racers while positioning yourself before the start of the race, gates that can only be passed through when you have a high level of boost, lots of items with different quirks that reward skilled play. And of course, perhaps most daunting of all to new players, there's the game's unique slope physics designed to mimic how they work in the 2D Sonic games, which will often require you to either spend rings for a small boost or stop and charge up a spin dash to get up a steep hill.
All of these add a lot of complexity to the game that can be pretty daunting early on, which is why it has an infamously long story-driven tutorial to introduce all of these mechanics. I'm not sure said tutorial actually does the best job introducing how those mechanics will actually be put to use in races, but I can't blame them for thinking the game needed it. (I do have to admit I am annoyed by the game's insistence upon framing everything via Sega Saturn inputs, though. I had to open the settings screen to figure out what buttons the tutorial actually wanted me to press.)
Some of these things have already been addressed in the first couple patches, of course. You can now exit the tutorial way earlier, some unlock requirements have been relaxed, there's an option to let the game automatically use your rings for you, easy mode has been made easier, a handful of problematic courses have been tweaked, etc. And I'm sure they'll continue to refine the game based on player feedback. But it's probably always going to be a fairly hardcore game. It's hard and has a high skill ceiling by design. Nintendo's never gonna make a super technical new Mario Kart for sickos - not on purpose, at least. They need it to be a pick-up-and-play party game that sells 70 million copies. But a freeware fangame not beholden to shareholders can experiment more and try to cater to that more hardcore crowd. Say what you will about Ring Racers, but it absolutely has a specific creative vision of its own beyond "Sonic Mario Kart," and I respect that even if the game sometimes frustrates me
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revuestarlight-pbta · 2 months
The Dev of Revue Starlight PbtA Rambles For A Bit
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So, Revue Starlight ReLIVE has announced end of service.
It feels weird. People have joked about the game being on life support for so long as if it'd happen any day now, to the point where it started feeling like "if Starira was going to EoS, it'd have happened already!" So, now that the announcement has come, it's kind of wrapped back around to being shocking.
I was one of the first to play it when the global servers launched back in 2019, before I even touched the Revue Starlight anime, stage plays, or other media. Though I do have my qualms with how the game was run, to put it lightly, the stories it had to tell and the characters it had to share always had a special place in my heart.
I don't doubt that Revue Starlight as a whole is going to sunset anytime soon, as we still have tons of stage plays - the heart and soul of the franchise - coming out through the foreseeable future, as well as El Dorado coming out very soon.
However, what does give me pause is thinking about the stage girls that never really got their own footing outside of the mobile game: in particular, Rinmeikan and Frontier. Some of their characters have gotten the chance to play supporting roles in the stage play and other media, but they've never been able to assemble the cast necessary to give them a major focus compared to Siegfeld, Seiran, and, of course, Seisho. With Starira sunsetting, it makes me worry that they won't have a "home" any longer, nor will it be easy for people in the future to access the stories that they do have.
...With that in mind, it gives me renewed encouragement to continue working on the Revue Starlight TTRPG. I want this to be a vehicle for anyone to create & experience new stories with all of the Stage Girls for as long as people are willing to meet at a table and roll dice.
Creating a game that sits at an intersection between two already independently niche circles of interest - Revue Starlight and indie TTRPGs - is, simply, kind of a ballsy thing to attempt and drum up support for. However, Revue Starlight is a franchise that is near and dear to my heart. I might even be able to say that it saved my life, and gave me the strength to keep on going. I want to continue sharing my love for it through a medium that, too, is precious to me.
Maybe meeting up with your friends and pulling up character sheets isn't quite the same as emerging in a theater in costume and acting before an audience. Nevertheless, it's a way that we all can play characters and step on a "stage" of our own, as Stage Girls of our own design.
So, as ever - it's on to the next stage! Maybe I should write a prewritten Rinmeikan or Frontier one-shot...?
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gnomebinary · 5 months
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This is my protocol bingo! (Thank you as always osric.com).
Lena is just doing her evil job - No thoughts, no morals, no alligence. Girlboss.
Nobody ever finds out Jmart's real names - I just think that would be tragic, and fit in with what RQ have been saying about this not being too attached to Archives.
Redemption arc - There was a notable lack of these in Archives even though forgiveness and making a conscious effort to behave morally were important themes in the later seasons. I'm ready for Mr Bonzo to have Kylo Ren's exact redemption arc where he's redeemed mostly through kissing. I don't even care who he kisses.
Froyo trip - It's pretty clear that we're being told that this is Somewhere Else through things like the Archives staff having tea and the OIAR staff having coffee. The s1 Archives gang iconically got icecream, so I'm gunning for a froyo trip, and a Gwen monologue about preservatives.
Colin dies first - He's just so killable. Plus, Celia can't die until they do her reveal and they'll probably want to build up to it, Sam can't die because he's the driving force behind investigation into Magnus, Alice can't die because she kinda makes the whole show, Gwen can't die because she's mid-arc and it is of the type that if left unfinished it would be anticlimactic not tragic, and Lena can't die because the impact would be pretty low.
Nostalgic PC games - I LOVE that RQ appears to be into old tech. I want to see Chester and Norris play Catz 5. Lowfi retro charm.
Dyhard - I go back and forth on this one, it feels too obvious what with the hot drinks imagery workplace annoyances to lovers stuff, but at the same time it does Just Make Sense.
Somebody becomes disabled - In Archives people were injured a lot, but none of that amounted to a long-term physical disability, except for Melanie's blindness. Feels like something to do in Protocol.
Police brutality - Feels like a theme that Jonny still has more to say about, and an incredibly easy one to weave into this kind of story.
Alice is hiding something - I actually think she isn't but y'all are saying it.
Alice naming stuff has consequences - She does it so much and Colin warned her off it, clearly seeming concerned but not explaining why, I think it will have unforeseen and damaging consequences.
Someone has a pet - In Archives, especially in the earlier seasons, everyone was notably unattached. Martin has a mum to take care of, but nobody has partners or children. I think this was partly because it made them easier to manipulate, and partly because it meant that tragedy could be dialled up: Sasha dying was sad, but not as gutwrenching as Daisy dying because Daisy's relationships were more fleshed out because it was later in the series. We're already bucking that trend with Celia's son, so I think we might see a pet too. Also, the pet will probably die.
Alice dies in the last season - Alice is very killable but she's also the heart and soul of the character relationships, so I think they will kill her but they'll wait to do it, and then do it mid-final season as an OOH THEY WENT THERE turning point, like how Tim dying brought in a new, darker era for Archives.
Conclusion that love isn't what makes you human - At London Comicon in October, Alex or Jonny (I forget) said that if Archives was about what makes you a monster, Protocol is about what makes you human. I think it's kinda trite if love is the answer, and I think the conclusion re love will be that monsters can love, because that's cooler. Hell yeah romantic monsterfucking.
Celia evil - I LOVE that we're seeing another Welsh person, but she doesn't sit well with me.
Agnes returns but we don't hear her speak - The tree on the other side of the rift is still alive, and if that universe was this one then that means that Agnes may still be alive. Jonny and Alex have said that they regret not doing more with Agnes, and I don't think they'll miss out on the opportunity to use her again. However, I think the fact that she doesn't speak is central to her tragic character and role as Jon's character foil, and I don't think they'll change that. I actually posted a tiktok about this.
Scene on London public transport - We're already seeing our gang at the pub and on dates, I think we're going to get some tube content.
Jmart fate worse than death - They're going to have us WISHING that they died in mag200.
Fears never treated as separate - I just think we're over that.
Breakup - They're getting the character relationships in early, so I'm predicting an onscreen breakup, because that's one of the few ways that we didn't see relationships between characters going bad in Archives.
Gerry's life gets ruined again - I'm sorry guys but I don't think they're going to let him have peace. He's going to get dragged into the OIAR situation and he's going to suffer.
Alice's brother lives - People are already noting similarities between Alice and Tim, I think that it'll be essentially the same character beat again if her brother dies. Adapt, improvise, overcome, RQ.
Another Michael - Just another character called Michael, unrelated to the four existing Michaels. I wasn't going to put this because Jonny is very aware of the four Michael problem, but this man plagurised his own full legal Christian name, so anything is possible.
Jack is Agnes' Jack - I think it's cool if we all think about how there was actually a massive age gap between Agnes and Jack because she didn't seem to age past her twenties, so he was absolutely a child when she was an adult. Not that I want to have Discourse or anything, that relationship was hecked up and complex in plenty of other ways, just because it's interesting.
Onscreen kiss - They said they wouldn't do it during Archives and then they did and it wasn't that gross, so I'm ready to see it happening again. They might have a relationship between allosexuals this time, I don't think they're going as far as onscreen fucking, but I'm game to be surprised. Insert joke about reusing the whimpering noises from Archives here.
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vedurnan · 3 months
my elden ring player characters
the elden ring dlc comes out soon, is everyone excited? let's talk about our elden ring characters. i will begin.
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i played through elden ring right after the game released when almost nothing was known about it, and so my first encounters with its world were full of mystery. i had no idea what was awaiting me so i imagined my first character as a foreign knight from a land across the sea, the very distant kin of an ancient warlord, just like the game's story describes our player character. this gave birth to...
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i loved how her history and personality came together in my head naturally as i played through the game and came to know its world. we walked in parallel together through a strange digital landscape and made big decisions in the game before the community of players had figured out what the consequences of those actions would be. it lent itself perfectly to the "doomed knight" character she took on as our travels continued. she's a strength build with a lot of fire incantations on the side, very fun to play for me :)
next i wanted to try a dexterity character with bleeding damage, and that playstyle made me feel like a cheating asshole because it was so strong, like i was some kind of cunning & depraved highwayman...
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unlike lorence who came into the service of the evil serpent from a faraway place, i imagined myrtle as a gelmir local, someone who is totally adapted to the nightmare landscape & murder ecosystem of the mountain of blasphemy. lorence and myrtle both fit dark souls "invader" archetypes very cutely in my mind, and when i play as either of them i like to use my recusant finger every once in a while even though i am terrible at pvp. beware dude, we will get you!
i also wanted to try something really different which i had never tried in any of these games before, a pure sorcery character. the royal academy atmosphere of raya lucaria was fun to adventure in but didn't feel like a type of character i wanted to inhabit, so i imagined once again that this new sorcerer was from lands far away...
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i think u can see my earthsea fanfiction showing here, but that's fine with me. i imagine ternfeather as someone from perhaps a bit farther away than lorence, having only heard vague stories or out-of-date historical information about the lands between. i imagine the voyage was long and difficult and he must have been looking forward to a warm welcome from his new colleagues, but instead they started shooting glintstone shards at him :(
i use a lot of sleep magic on this character, which can make some combat encounters very difficult but others extremely easy. that highly specialized feeling seems fitting for a character with an academic background to me, & i also enjoy how sleep magic is connected to a folkloric figure of mixed or indeterminate gender within the game's story. very satisfying!
as i played through the game on these characters i became really enamored with the FLAME OF FRENZY and i knew i had to play a character centered all around it. i also wanted to play a very faith-focused character build so this worked out nicely...
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i tried to play odile very close to her backstory as a random frenzied commoner, so she doesn't wear any armor other than her clothing and usually only uses a club and frenzy incantations (although sometimes i can't resist using vyke's spear). following the frenzy storyline through the lands between and into the depths under the capital was so fun, everything about it is dope 2 me :)
damn this made a long post! i like to imagine that these four adventure together kind of like a darkest dungeon party, or like service industry workers or something. they are all from very disparate backgrounds and don't always get along that well, but the circumstances of their dying world have bound them together as companions
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thevelria · 1 year
Are you looking for a vampire? (vampire!Gojo x fem!reader) (SFW)
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Author's note: I've never written vampire Gojo before and I haven't even seen too much of fics with him as a vamp. So I wanted to try something new since I love vampires and I love Gojo.
Also huge thanks for my lovely @ladycheesington as always <3
warnings: mentions of blood but other than that it's pure flirt and fluff
Big yawn and an even bigger stretch eased your pain. It was dark, late at night but you were still working on the research. As a journalist at a famous newspaper you had to sacrifice your sleep from time to time. You never complained, though, because you loved your job, your coworkers and surprisingly you had a wonderful boss. 
Supernatural stories of yours made into a series in the magazine. Your readers loved your work and nudged you for a while to come up with something about vampirism. Weeks, even months have passed and you kept searching for any proof of their existence.
As you were walking down the street you felt like someone followed you. The bit of a rainy night, the chilly wind and your lack of sleep made you think your mind played a game with you. 
The key slid easily into the lock and heard that clicking sound before opening your front door. As you stepped in you took off your shoes and placed your umbrella into its holder a funny feeling rushed through your body.  “I’m so tired.” you mumbled as you walked into the living room and turned on the lights. 
Crystal white hair and a pair of piercing blue eyes greeted you. Instantly you froze in your action as the shock took over your body. You wanted to scream or run away but instead you stood still without a slight move. A few seconds passed when you grabbed your phone in your pocket and tried to dial the number of the police. Before you were able to hit the call button the device simply disappeared from your palm. Your eyes widened and your lips parted. 
“I’ve heard you were looking for a vampire.” the raspy voice broke the tense silence and you snapped your head to the unknown man. The second you noticed your phone in his hand you frowned. “Okay, this is interesting.” you thought to yourself. 
“Who are you?” you breathed heavily. “What do you want? Why are you in my home and how did you get in and…” you kept shooting all the questions without a break. 
“Easy.” he chuckled. “As I said I’ve heard you were looking for a vampire, so  thought I would visit you.” 
Insanity? Probably. But you walked slowly to your desk, grabbed your laptop and placed it on the table before you took a seat right in front of the unknown handsome man. “I swear I’ll be so ashamed if he’s going to kill me.” you thought.
“Are you trying to say you are one of them?” you frowned.
“I’m not trying, I am literally saying that.” he smirked and flashed his fangs slightly. Your eyes widened and you gulped big. 
“Well, I might regret this but would you give me an interview then? First you could start with your name…” you clicked your tongue but regretted it instantly. Maybe giving an attitude to a vampire wasn’t the best idea. On the other hand he just chuckled and nodded. 
“I’m Gojo Satoru, nice to meet you.” 
After a few minutes of basic and boring questions, such as how old is he, where he comes from etc, you asked him about his past. Gojo surprisingly answered every question you asked him. He talked for hours about his home, he described the centuries he lived in with so much detail it amused you. 
“You’re telling me you were turned in the 1700s?” your eyes widened. 
“Exactly. It was a messy night. I was drunk and reckless and blinded by those big, fat boobs.” he cleared his throat. “I mean I was tricked…”
You pulled a slight smirk while shaking your head a bit. “Power of the boobs.” you whispered.
“You know I can hear you, right?”
“Sorry.” you felt as the blush crawled upon your face.
After talking about the 1700s he stopped out of the blue.
“Why did you stop?” you looked up at him confused. You noticed him staring at your neck like a beast gazes at its prey. “Uhm, it would be a shame if you killed me now.” you tried to hide your nervousness. “You know, before I publish your story and all…”
“I would never hurt you, darling.” he growled. 
“Will you continue? I think we just got to the end of the 1700s.”
“No, not tonight.” he slowly stood up and pushed back the chair. The confused look on your face made him chuckle. “I won’t tell you everything at once, so I can see you tomorrow night too and the day after.” he smirked. 
You blushed from head to toe, you had no idea what was gotten into you but this crystal white haired man definitely had an effect on you. 
The next night you were more eager than you expected. You were sitting in the living room waiting for the vampire. Excitement and fear were mixed in your mind and you had to admit it was going to be harder to handle than it seemed in the beginning. Sweaty palms rested on your thighs, slightly squeezing your own flesh and hoping to ease the tension. Then like a flash of light he appeared in front of you, sitting on the chair lazily once again. 
“Shall we start?” he crossed his legs as he laid back in his seat. 
The upcoming nights seemed exactly like this. You were sitting and waiting for him. There was one thing, though, that kept changing night by night. The feeling of enjoyment. The euphoria he gave you every single time he appeared in your home. You started to feel more and more comfortable around him. He never even once showed any sign of threat, he always acted polite and gentle and maybe he flirted a bit but you weren’t sure about that. 
The realization hit you hard when you noticed it was supposed to be the last night you met him. The story, his story, was about to come to an end. You didn’t want that at all. 
“Hello, beautiful.” he greeted you with his typical sweet smile, flashing his mesmerizing blue eyes at you. “Before we start I have a question I need to ask.” 
You nodded without any words. 
“Would you like to go on a date with me?” he said it as if it was all natural to ask.
“Excuse me?” your eyes widened.
“I like you and you like me too.” he shrugged.
“How do you know that I like you?” you raised one of your eyebrows.
“Oh, drop the act, sweetheart. I can hear your heartbeat. It speeds up the second you see me, whenever I smile at you or compliment you. Oh, just like now. It’s really sweet, you know.” he kept teasing. 
“Okay, okay, fine. Stop it, please.” your cheeks became as red as a tomato. 
“I take it as a yes.” he chuckled as he reached his hand out for you to take. 
There was a huge ferris wheel in the city with cabins which seemed like the perfect place for a date. While you were sitting in it he told you the rest of his story. The way he got into this city and how he heard about you. You tried to focus on his words, you really did try but couldn’t take your eyes off his pinky rose lips. The single thought of feeling his lips against yours drove you wild. Gojo noticed it and playfully made a joke.
“You should take some notes, darling. but you can taste my lips later, if you still want to.” 
Suddenly you choked on the air and cleared your throat. “I wasn’t looking at them like that.” you snapped back. But you both knew it was a lie. You were definitely looking at them like that. 
Satoru leaned so close you could smell his minty breath. “You sure?” he whispered. His words sent shivers down your spine and you lost it. With one quick move you grabbed the back of his neck and crashed your lips against his. His lips tasted just as you imagined if not even better. The second you felt his tongue entering your mouth a soft moan escaped you which encouraged him to keep going. 
After a few sloppy kisses the ride ended you had to leave the cabin. Satoru kept silent but frowned his fingers with yours and you walked to a park hand in hand. 
Billions of thoughts were rushing through your mind when you arrived at a bench and you decided to sit down. The charming vampire kept talking and talking, adding bits of details to the story to be full. A slight smirk crawled upon your face as you started to draw little circles into his palm. Satoru read you like a book, he knew what you were thinking about.
“Are you really sure about this?” he leaned so close he was able to lick your neck. 
“Please!” you begged as you tilted your head a bit, giving him more access. 
At first it felt painful and weird but just a second later the uneasy feeling was replaced with joy and pleasure. You couldn’t help but moan into the night as he kept sucking gently on your neck. Everything happened so quickly you didn’t even realize when it was already over. 
Not even a single drop escaped, he savoured all of it. Maybe the adrenalin, maybe the lack of sanity but you wanted to kiss him more than anything. And so you did. You kissed him. It was a sloppy kiss, an aggressive one and you still tasted your blood on his tongue. 
Even if you were ready to spend the night with this charming vampire he appeared to be a gentleman. 
“We should stop before I lose my control, darling.” he broke the kiss and laid back a bit. 
“What if I want you to lose control?” you teased as you bit his lower lip. A dangerous growl escaped his mouth. His super speed allowed him to take you home in a heartbeat. 
Before you even realized you were laying on your bed and were about to experience how a vampire acted when he lost his control. 
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