#i always love reading ideas or feedback 🫶
bussyslayer333 · 2 years
yesssssssss!!! His assistant, that everyone (except for Jake) underestimates and therefore talks shit in front of, thinking that she's too dumb to understand and repeat what she's heard. Jokes on them; she is extremely intelligent and loyal. All the misogynists think she's not paying attention and just wasting time on her phone - the acrylics of her french manicure flying over the screen, the clacking noise filling the waiting area, while she blows giant obnoxious bubbles with her gum - when she's actually taking highly detailed notes on her phone to send to him before his meeting with these assholes. Jake always outmaneuvers them in meetings (thanks to her notes), but they never figure out how because no one expects the secretary.
When she first started, Jake also underestimated her but quickly realized that she was smart and could be an asset (turned ally, turned friend, turned more as the years go on) to him. As it turns out, she is highly trained with several years of experience in his field, but due to circumstances (what exactly? idk TBD) beyond her control was only able to find a lowly administrative position. Secretary and personal assistant to the CEO. They came to an agreement: for three years (enough time to fully cement his position as CEO), she'll act as his secretary/personal assistant and continue to spy/feed him info like they've been doing. In return, he'll bump her salary/benefits to what she would be making if she had been hired at her actual experience level and work with her to ensure that she'll be able to land any job she wants after the three years are up. Their plan works perfectly.
Over the course of their agreement, they get very close and add friends-slash-boss-and-employee with benefits to the arrangement. It works well due to their lack of free time (his job is demanding, and as his assistant, so is hers) and their shared kinks in the bedroom. He's on the dominant side (making her kneel under his desk once everyone else has gone home). She wants to please him (making sure he knows that she's not wearing panties during important meetings, then bending over and flashing him while picking up papers she "accidentally" dropped while leaving his office). Of course, they don't just have sex at the office. When she stops at his penthouse, they always usually hook up. She's usually wearing something casual and comfy, looking so damn sweet, and he can't help himself. He lets them get through whatever she came for (running through his schedule, finalizing travel plans, giving him his dry cleaning, etc.), and then he's pulling her toward his bedroom.
His favorite, though, is when he's sitting in his comfy chair, legs propped up on the matching ottoman. He'll sign whatever papers she puts in front of him and then slowly pulls her onto his lap. The sex they have in that chair is the softest, most intimate sex he's ever had. All slow movements and gentle caresses. It starts with them just making out for a long time, hands all over each other, unable to get enough of the other person. She rides him slowly; the only time he gives up control, lets her take what she needs from him. After he makes sure she's cum so many times she can't think straight, he allows himself to finish. They stay there, tangled together - exchanging soft kisses, trying to express how they feel for the other without words - until one of them has to move.
They never go beyond hooking up, and she takes that to mean that he will never care about her in the same way she cares for him. (He's been kind and affectionate outside the bedroom in their three years together, but in the way that a close friend would be - not a lover.) So as their agreement is coming to an end, she is preparing herself to move on and restart her career. And he is mourning the fact that he's losing not only a brilliant employee and great friend but the only woman he's ever truly cared for. In the end, they work it out, confess their feelings, and he promotes her to a position where he won't be her superior ("I didn't wait for three years to tell you that I loved you, only for us to not be able to be together because you still work for me."). And then they lived happily ever after.
babe this is the most incredible thing i’ve ever read and now i’m like 😦 bc i’ve just been writing her as a loveable airhead BUTTT this storyline you’ve created is so 😫😫😫
can totally imagine her riding jake and he’s all like “Look at you, my smart girl taking what she needs.” and when she gets all floppy from how good it feels he’s holding her up and coaxing her through it all !!!!
and he’s so attentive!! like maybe she was up all night working on something for him and she comes in the next day to see her fave coffee and a pastry with a little post it note stuck on her desk that everyone is whispering about:
thanks for everything gorgeous
- J xo
basically he’s a meanie to everyone but he loves his smart girl 🫶
AND WHEN SHES ALL HIGH UP THEYRE LIKE SUCH A POWER COUPLE (he defo lets her take the lead the night she gets her big job and he’d never tell anyone but he came so hard that night)
ty for these incredible thoughts babe!! i hope my ceo!jake still lives up to expectations 😭😭
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sanguineterrain · 1 month
Kurt wagner and tail stuff!!! I love that boy! I love how you write! I love the tail! Smashing them together we got a a little piece of heaven! So Kurt wagner with s/o and some tail action pretty please!!
(Like if you need some more then that: for example, the times before they were together Kurt’s tail always seemed to gravitate towards reader (I’m an advocate that Kurt’s tail is like a fricking mood ring) wrapping around them, touching them. The times when they were together! And the time reader wraps their hand or something around his tail or something)
Love your writing! You’re awesome and amazing! And I want to say in advance, thank you so so much for doing this ask! I will treasure it dearly! And if you don’t do the ask then thank you so so much to taking the time to read it! Have a lovely day!
ouuu this is a sweet request <3 tail boy! thanks nonnie :) hopefully I did him justice 🫶 changed the request a bit but kept the same idea about the tail. may write a part 2... we'll see!
kurt wagner (nightcrawler) x gn!reader. fluff, cooking, gambit and rogue trying to talk some sense into the reader.
note: I tried to capture kurt and gambit's accents. however, as always, I'm open to feedback on them. It's definitely not my intention to offend or miswrite anyone!
The smell of bubbling cheese wafts from your pot as you stir. It's been a while since you were able to cook for yourself and have a nice meal, always running out to do something or another for the good of the planet.
"Smells good," comes a familiar voice. A moment later, a tail curls around your wrist as you shake some paprika into the pot.
You look away from your stirring into golden, irisless eyes. Kurt grins at you.
"Mac 'n cheese," you say by way of greeting. "Want some?"
"Please und thank you."
Anytime you cook, you offer Kurt to share. You frequently have the thought that you spoil the hell out of him, but you can't help it.
He helps you out by putting away the milk and cheese. But he's never far; his tail remains on you. It slackens from your wrist, then explores up your arm and around your elbow.
It's nothing new, of course. The first thing you learned about Kurt Wagner is how physically affectionate he is.
"That tail seems to have a mind of its own, elfie," you say, smiling down at the pot.
"What do you mean?"
"It's always holding onto me." You turn off the burner.
"Ah." Kurt drops his tail. "My apologies. I can ease up, as you say."
You shake your head. "Don't. I don't mind. Never have."
So Kurt gives you one final tail squeeze. The fur on his arm tickles you as he brushes past. You watch him in confusion.
"Where are you going?" you ask, halfway through scooping two servings of the pasta.
"Not far," he says brightly. "Jean wanted me to bring spoons from the kitchen." He holds up three metal spoons with his tail.
He shrugs. "An experiment. Who am I to question a scientist's whim? I promise I will be fast."
He teleports away, and you have a mind to cover Kurt's bowl with a plate. You bring both bowls to the table. At last, a proper meal.
You don't mind eating alone, but that hardly ever happens with Kurt around. Even if he's just eaten, he'll nibble on whatever you've made. You don't know where he puts all that food—perhaps in another dimension—but he makes it a point to eat with you, regardless of whether you've cooked or not. Even if you're in the middle of the forest eating a tin of beans, Kurt will plant himself right next to you and keep you company.
He's a good friend. The best friend you've ever had, actually.
"Woo, smells good!"
Gambit comes in first, followed by Rogue, since the two are never seen apart anymore. Gambit, nosy that he is, makes a beeline to Kurt's covered bowl.
"And what's in here?" he asks, lifting the plate.
"That's Kurt's," you say. "You can get some from the pot."
"Mais, it's Kurt's, huh?" He glances at Rogue, who grins. "Hear that, chère? Not sure if I should take from the pot. Might take my head, too."
You squint as they share laughter. "What're you talking about?"
"Oh, nothin'," Rogue says sweetly, taking the seat diagonal to you. Gambit sits next to her.
Your frown deepens. "I didn't say you couldn't have some, G, I just—"
Gambit shakes his head. "Don't go worryin' 'bout that. I'm just teasin'. I think it's cute how you feed the furball."
"Excuse me, I feed myself first," you say, and shovel a forkful of pasta into your mouth.
You hate not being in the know. It happens frequently, being that you're not a mutant. You're here on a personal invitation from Charles due to your "technology skills."
Really, you'd been brought here to fix Cerebro. And after that, you'd sort of just... stayed at the school. Charles had offered you a room, Kurt had won your friendship (or, perhaps, you'd won his), and you'd never left.
"Well, what do you mean, anyway? So what if I feed Kurt," you say, unable to stand not knowing.
"Just seems like where you are, Kurt's never far," Rogue says, watching you eat.
"Yeah, so? He's my friend."
"Oh, un ami. Is that what we're callin' it?" Gambit asks, eyes gleaming with mirth.
"What else would you call it?"
They look at each other in that Siamese cats way. Often, you've had the thought that they can read each other's minds—no powers needed.
"You really don't know?" Rogue asks, voice softening.
"Know what?" you ask impatiently.
Gambit makes a quiet noise in his throat. "Y'all don't know. He's gone on you."
Your brows rise. "Kurt? Don't be silly, Remy."
"Oh, great. You're both in denial," Rogue says, rolling her eyes. "Haven't you noticed how touchy he is around ya? Always huggin' and clingin'."
"Kurt's like that with everybody," you say. "He's like that with Logan!"
"Mais, the tail, it never lies," Gambit says with all the wisdom of someone centuries older. "He don't go wrappin' that tail 'round anybody."
Rogue nods sagely. "True. And he's always puttin' that tail around you."
"But he's..." You put your fork down in frustration. "That's ridiculous. Kurt would've said—I mean, there would've been a sign. He would've told me. Kurt doesn't hide anything from me."
"This is new for him, honey," Rogue says. "He's never been in love for real. He's not gonna act rationally."
"Alors, look at it this way. La Raison parle, mais l'Amour chante. Hm? His body betray his words. It sings to you. Jus' like I sing to ma cherie."
He reaches to take Rogue's hand, eyes practically heart-shaped. Rogue lets him, smiling in that secret, shy way of hers whenever Gambit is sweet on her.
"Kurt is not in love with me," you say. "End of story."
They both heave sighs.
"Just watch his tail," Rogue says. "Kurt can hide a lot, but he can't control how he—"
You flinch as Kurt teleports into the kitchen. He grins and waves, then bounces around the table to greet the others.
"I'm back!" he says. "I hope my mac did not get cold. Will you be eating with us?"
"No, that's okay," Rogue says, looking at you meaningfully behind Kurt's back. "Rain check. We've gotta go train."
Gambit winks at you. "See y'all."
They disappear quickly. Kurt turns to you, blissfully unaware of your newly formed nerves.
"I am sorry I was gone for so long," Kurt says, sitting down to his bowl. "Jean had some questions about my abilities. Apparently, she's trying to replicate them in a machine."
"That's okay," you say. "Rogue and G kept me company."
Kurt beams. "They are so good for that, yes?"
He shovels a mouthful of mac 'n cheese into his mouth and groans in appreciation. His tail instantly curls around your wrist.
"Amazing!" Kurt says. "Perhaps your special ability is your cooking, hm? I would believe it."
You laugh. "Danke, elfie."
"Bitte schön," he says, eyes lighting up at your German. He frequently informs everyone about how good your German is becoming, even though you hardly know ten phrases.
His tail begins to stroke your arm. You wonder if he's aware of it. If he knows how his tail betrays him.
But no, that's outrageous. And even if it was true, it's not like the feeling's mutual, right?
"Oh, and," Kurt says. "I got us tickets to that show you wanted to see. They're playing it at the theater downtown. We can go on Saturday, ja?"
"You... oh. Wow. I told you about that ages ago, Kurt. You remembered?"
"Why wouldn't I?" he says, tilting his head. Like it hadn't occurred to him to be anything less than thoughtful.
"No, I'm just—thank you. That's really nice of you."
Kurt beams. "I am excited to watch the green witch und her pink friend sing!"
He keeps eating, unaware of the way he's made your world tip on its axis. Because now you know.
You're in love with Kurt Wagner. And the feeling just might be mutual.
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becomingmina · 10 months
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pairing: felix x female reader genre + warnings: established relationship, smut mdni!, reader is very shy, oral (m receiving) wc: 2.5k mina's note: Just sex. I don’t know what to tell you lmao Okay, sorry to the little followers of this fic. I literally was stuck and had no idea how to continue this fic. 🥲 And then I didn’t save my original ending and it’s doing my head in. ☹️ Guys, anyways I hope you enjoyed this. My box is open for feedback 🫶
other works here ; any comments and thoughts you can drop them here ; ty for reading.
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“Mmm- I’m gonna cum, baby,” Felix says, scrunching up his face.
You’re next to him on the couch, hand jerking off his thick length desperate to make him cum.
“Oh fuck- I’m cummi-,” he spills his white release into your hand, shooting some on his thigh as he buries his face in your neck.
You continue to pump him gathering his cum all over in your hand, slowly not to overstimulate your boyfriend. You slide your thumb over his tip before you remove your hand completely watching his dick soften. In return Felix let’s out a satisfied hum and presses a gentle kiss to your neck.
You should feel relieved that he was able to cum, but you feel guilty. Unable to say anything or move from his side - just your dirty hand playing by itself while you wait for him to make the next move. He finally lifts his head off of you and pulls you to settle on him as he leans back on couch.
“You comfy?” He asked placing a kiss to your forehead.
“I’m sorry that I didn’t-,” you try to apologise but he cuts you off.
“-You made me cum, baby and a lot too. Look at your pretty little hand,” he reassured you bringing his free hand to grab your wrist as he observes your hand that was covered in his cum.
You felt anxious - hoping your boyfriend didn’t say that just to make you feel better.
Felix knows how inexperienced you are: the past 8 months you’ve been sleeping together he had taught you so much about sex. He explored your kinks, located your g-spot, finding the angles and positions that makes you go a little dumb. He knows how flustered you get when he kisses you in front of his members, how shy you are when you initiate sex, how red you go when you see him without a shirt. So, when he was hard after a make out session on the couch, legs spread looking at you through hooded eyes muttering the words “want your mouth,” he wasn’t surprised or hurt that you shook your head no. With your big doe eyes brimmed with tears, of course.
Felix was fine with you taking your time, he never wanted rush or force you into anything you’re uncomfortable with. He also loved having any kind of sex with you- and you guys have a lot of sex too-, so it doesn’t bother him if you only ever given him hand jobs to pleasure him.
“Felix,” you uttered, wanting to continue the conversation.
“I’m sorry I’m not familiar with using my mouth yet,” you confessed.
“It’s okay baby, you don’t have to apologise,” gently brushing his fingers through your hair, looking down at your innocent state, smiling to himself.  
“But you always offer me a lot. Your fingers, your thighs, your cock, your mouth, your face,” you start to murmur. 
“Yeah, but sex isn’t a thing where you have to give me back what I give you. You have to be comfortable doing it first and if anything, I’m the one who should apologise for bringing it up. I-,” you shut him up with a kiss and he tries to pull back to continue his argument but he gives in.
“No baby, you don’t have to apologise. One day I’ll be confident enough to taste you,” you pull away to give him a shy smile.
“And I’ll wait for that day,” he smiled back at you.
“Why are you so understanding?”
“Because you’re so good to me,” he kissed your forehead.
It all started with his outfit. He had woken you up to kiss you goodbye before him and his members go off to one of their dancer’s wedding. You couldn’t believe it, waking up to the sight of a prince. Felix was dress perfectly in black. He had a dress shirt on with his sleeves pulled up revealing his veiny hands. And fuck, you couldn’t forget about how those tight pants were doing its job – sculpting his toned thighs and of course making your mouth water at the outline of his bulge.
You couldn’t get the image of his veiny hands attached to your hair as he guides himself into your mouth out of your mind. You have have been thinking about finally getting to taste him, finally pleasuring him with your mouth - which was something you know he craved. It got you so needy.
So, when he finally returned home you pulled him into his room and instantly smashed your lips on his. Felix pulls you closer by the waist smirking into the kisses when he hears you start to moan. You continue to devour his lips as you walk him back pushing him down to to the sofa. You immediately straddle him to grind down on him, desperate for some friction. You can feel him start to grow hard underneath you, his dick touching your little bundle of nerve.
“Hi baby,” you broke the kiss to finally talk, and Felix took that as a sign to divert his kisses down your neck. Your hands travel to his belt where you played around with the buckle taking it off. You lift your hips a little looking down to take a peek at how his boner was restricting against his pants. You immediately palm him and feel him twitch making you let out a whimper. God, Y/N, why were you such a slut – his dick is still covered.
“What is it that you want baby? You’re so needy tonight,” He questions, pushing you back down on his lap and halting your movements.
“Hmm?” He looks so fucked out already - his shirt was untucked, cheeks red, his blonde hair sticking to his forehead and his lips swollen from devouring you.
“Come on, tell me,” He brings a hand up to caress your face.
“Umm,” you couldn’t respond just looking down in-between where your bodies are meet again hoping he would get the idea.  
“What is it? You want to ride me dry? Or jerk me off?” He taunted smiling at you as he leaned back further onto the couch.
“Hm? Want me to eat you out?” Felix loves how vulnerable and speechless you get when you don’t want to admit something. He adores you so much for it, he finds it’s so cute.
“Want me to suck your tits baby?” he raised an eyebrow, he really had zero clue.  
“I want to suck you off,” you finally admit starting to move your hips on his again as you bite down on your bottom lip.
“Fuck...” he groans, head kicking back. You feel in twitch again under you.
“Please baby..”
“You want to suck me off, baby?” you just nodded. “I need to hear you say it again Y/N.”
“Yes, it’s all I’ve been thinking about all day Lix. When you woke me up this morning and I saw your outfit. You look so sexy in all black and.. and your pants. You left me all needy this morning. I waited all day for you to get back just to suck you off,” you confirmed
“Fuck could have told me before... before you got me all hot. I’m about to cum just listening to this baby,” he shuts his eyes in attempt to stop him for releasing right there and then. You lean forward to press a kiss to his mouth.
“Want to taste you now Lix. Ple-please guide me?” You were getting angsty.
“You’re such a good girl,” he never fails to let you know. “Okay, on your knees”. You get off him, quick to fall on your knees. He strips off his pants in the process leaving him in his shirt and boxer. You come to level with his hard on flickering your eyes up at him before burying your face on his thigh, trying to conceal how hot and flustered you were feeling at the sudden thirst.
“Hey, you’ve seen him so many times, don’t go all shy,” Felix chuckles running his hand through your hair stopping at the back of your head to lift you up so he can get you to look up at him. It was just like how you imagined - his hand in your guiding you - expect your mouth isn’t on him yet.  
“It’s okay, I’ll guide you. Do you want to take my boxers off, love? I’m so horny right now, it’s starting to hurt,” his eyes filled with lust.
You nod grabbing the hem of his boxers and shifting them down his legs, he lifts his hips up to help you. You pull them to his thighs and stopped just to gulp at his dick. It was red, you can see the pre-cum leaking already. Felix looked so hot; you couldn’t help but salivate. He chuckles pulling the rest of his boxer off and throwing it to the side then immediately grasping his base making you shuffle closer to him, your hands landing on his thigh. You have always given him hand jobs and you have seen his dick like every single day but something about this is making your heart flutter and you feel like you’re already sick dumb. Classic Y/N 🙄
“Start stroking me like you always do,” and you comply hands wrapping around his thick member as you start stroke him earning moans from your boyfriend.
“You can spit on it,” he orders. You gather your salvia and then then spit it out trailing down your lips and chin before it hits his shaft. It felt kind of dirty to do but Felix loved every seconds of it and this new side of you was riling him up so much. You resume your moments before spreading the salvia around, allowing wet noise to fill his bedroom. Felix bucks up at the wetness and removes your hand away quickly.
“I might finish before you even get to start,” he relaxes for a few seconds then guides your hand to grip his base again.
“Just let it happen baby, don’t force it in your mouth if you don’t want okay?” He brings his tip to your lips, and you lunge forward to place a kiss to it. As he threw his head back and closed his eyes at the contact, you take his head in your mouth and start to swirl your tongue around it. The way he feels on your tongue is something you never felt before. You can’t explain it. He was like squishy yet still so firm. You were already feeling a wave of pleasure rushing through your body.
“Uh, baby, just like that.. it feels so good already,” Felix struggles to speak. Your mouth was so warm and wet, and it felt better than he ever imagined but he needed more. Felix looks into your eyes, and you give him a nod indicating you want more. “Try to breathe through your nose,” He pushes your head down and you took all of him in, gagging when he hits the back of your throat, tears filling up your eyes. It was a new sensation, it felt so intimate. And seeing your boyfriend’s reaction to it made feel so overwhelming. Like you could cum untouched to how his trying to keep it together - him biting down in his bottom lip nearly drawing blood as his brows furrowed.
“God Y/N, that feels so- so good,” Felix moaned before he pulls you back fully, allowing you to catch a breather as he didn’t want you to panicked at the new sensation. He was still so sweet.
“You okay baby?” He asks, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear admiring how adorable you were.
“Mhmm, feels good in my mouth baby. I want more.” you smile to reassure him. Before he starts to guide you back, you were already on it, your hands attaching to his dick again. You take his head back in your mouth alternating between swirling your tongue around it and leaving kisses while your hand pumps the rest of his length. You then take him to the back of your throat again and start to gag around him. Felix can feel your throat clench around him and he knows he’s not going to last. He guides your head back and forward - setting the pace as you bob up and down on him.
“That feels.. so good. Keep going,” And god, the gagging and muffled groans coming from you was like music to him. He has never hear you make this kind of noises before and he thought he was going insane turning into a pervert because it was so addictive.
“Uh, fuck.. I’m going to cum Y/N, where.. where can I cum?” He asked ever so politely even though he was struggling to breathe.
Although you and Felix has been together for a while, you had never swallowed his cum let alone ever tasting it. So him asking that made you push forward on to him, squeezing your thighs together. It was so hot imagining the way he gets to shoot his seeds in your mouth. Fuck, you wanted to get off as well, unable to hide your greed for your own pleasure. Indicating that you want him to cum in our mouth, your hands gripped his hip as you deep throat him, nose hitting his pelvic bone.
“I’m cumming,” Felix lets out loud whimper, scrunching up his face as your throat clenches. His hips buckle into you and his hot cum spilled down your throat. The sudden warm feeling in your throat made you roll your eyes up, showing the whites to your boyfriend. As much as Felix wanted to shut his eyes at the feeling of cumming, he couldn’t. He wanted to see your fucked appearance below him - tears running down your face, your cheeks a dark shade of pink, hair sticking to your forehead with a thin layer of sweat. Oh you look so sexy and vulnerable.
“Baby, you’re so hot right now-“ was all he could say as he empty the last of seeds. You swallow everything then pulled off with a pop, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand. Felix tastes better than you imagined and quite frankly, you wanted to taste more. Something about the way he was able to cum like this made you feel a sudden urge of confident. You were addicted to this already. Addicted to the way he was so full in your mouth. The way he couldn’t control his breathing. The way he was so vulnerable yet was still about to control you.
“You taste so sweet, Lix.” You confess looking up to smile at him. He can’t help but let out a airy chuckle, you were so cute from this angle. He couldn’t get enough.
“You were so good Y/N. Got such a pretty mouth. You might just got me addicted,” he says. “I think you deserve to be rewarded,” Felix’s thumb caress your lip.
“You were needy all day, waiting for me just to get home. So you can suck me dry. Tell me what you want to do and I’ll do it,” he was ready to return the favour.
“Anything?” You asked and he nodded.
“Can I suck you off again?” You looked up at him with doe eyes. Oh, he loved this new side of you.
“Fuck. You’re such a good girl.”
Um yeah duh.
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{🏷️ taglist: @rozaliee ; @in2heartz ; @juskz ; @lixiesundrop ; @straykeedz }
also photo pics cred to xingfulee on twitter 📸
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winterrrnight · 4 months
mystery of love
PAIRING: husband!soft!rafe cameron x wife!fem!reader
SUMMARY: rafe started to get more busy with his business, and you couldn’t help but start to feel neglected by him.
WARNINGS: soft soft SOFT rafe, he's so lovesick for his wife it is crazy (no it isn’t that’s practically canon), slightly suggestive content but it’s written with a fluffy intent, usage of nicknames like goddess & baby, and just loads of sweetness over all, very very slight angst (?) and intentional use of lower case
EDITH SPEAKS: this fic is more on this, you can’t look at that picture and not think that’s rafe, cause it is! thank you so so much to @glimodejun who commented their idea which prompted me to write this 🫶🏼 i was supposed to write a blurb but I got carried away, clearly, and this is pushing 2k words 😁
anyways, please please reblog if you liked this and feedback is always appreciated! thank you so much for reading 🫧
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oh will wonders ever cease? blessed be the mystery of love
↶ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊˎ-
it was starting to get a little out of hand.
you always knew how important rafe’s business was to him, especially after he inherited it all from his father. the burgeoning fire in him to make the business bigger and better than it had ever been and be so much more powerful than his father, who couldn’t give him an ounce of attention or praise his entire childhood was one of the biggest things fueling his motivation.
that, and wanting to give you everything you could possibly need in great abundance so that you never felt you were at a loss of anything under his roof.
so you knew he tended to sometimes spend longer hours at the office, to get everything done, to not let a single mistake fall into place in front of his eyes, everything perfectly coordinated and right up to his standards.
he always made sure to call you or send you a text if he was going to be late, informing you why he was going to be late, the tentative time he should be back home, with a small ‘i love you’ and ‘i miss you’ accompanied with the occasional red heart he only ever used for you.
since the past few days, unfortunately you hadn’t been receiving the texts you always did. if you did, it was short, something along the lines of ‘i’ll be late’. but no explanation as to exactly what had been keeping him busy, and no words of endearment at all. he started coming home really late, most of the times when you had tried your best to stay up till he comes home, but the exhaustion would always defeat him in the race and you’d be out like a light.
and the next morning wasn’t close to being better than the night. if you were lucky, you would catch him getting ready for work, and you would always prompt him to stay for at least breakfast. but he would be in a hurry and shake his head no, saying something like ‘i have to leave, it’s important’ and leaving you with a chaste kiss to your lips.
whatever you’d ask, his answers to you would be short, concise and quick, and you felt as if you’re catching the subtle drift of vexation and annoyance in his tone. was it actually there or were you just imagining it? you didn’t know.
and if you weren’t lucky, you wouldn’t even get to see him leave. by the time you would be up, you would only feel the cold wrinkled sheets next to you, the faint scent of him lingering in the air as a burning memory of the love of your life.
this specific night, exactly one week after since the first day this peculiar behavior of his started, you were seated on the edge of the bed after a shower, applying your lotion on your arms as you prepared yourself for another night of waiting for rafe, falling asleep in the process, and letting it be a mystery solved only by some higher power if you would see him in the morning or not.
as you were rubbing the lotion into your skin, you couldn’t help your wandering mind. how were you supposed to deal with this situation? were you supposed to confront him and demand answers? or were you supposed to tread slowly? you knew you were nearing the end of the american fiscal year; 30th of september being right around the corner. it involved loads of financial and accounting work, preparing end-of-year accounts and statements, and what not. so him being busy felt justified. but he should be able to spare a moment to at least send you a proper text, shouldn’t he?
no, you shake your head. you’re his wife, for god’s sake. you shouldn’t be reducing your worth down to some text. heck, you should be getting proper calls from him. you’ve been so wonderfully patient, not complaining for a second for the past week. the least you can get is a proper conversation with him.
as you made up your mind firmly, your thoughts were cut through firmly when the door to your bedroom opened. you looked up to see rafe entering inside the room, his blazer off and resting on his shoulder, and his sleeves messily rolled up to his elbows.
“hey,” he muttered as he closed the door behind him, keeping his bag on the side and disappearing behind the washroom door.
“hey,” you said quietly, your gaze fixed on the floor as you heard the washroom door close. you remained seated on the edge of the bed, clad in a satin black robe which he swore made you look even more of a goddess than you already did as you waited for him to come out.
you heard the shower run inside for some time, after which the door opened and you were greeted with rafe sporting a pair of grey sweatpants, his upper body bare with some water droplets still trickling down his skin.
as he came out, he saw you in the same position at the edge of the bed as before. “hey why aren’t you going to sleep hm?” he asked as he busied himself with applying his moisturizer to his face.
“no reason,” you muttered, your back to him as you kept your gaze down at your feet.
rafe was very quick to catch the dejection in your voice, and before you knew it, he was making his way around the bed to you, standing right in front of you as he looked down at you.
“baby, look up please,” he murmured softly, one of his hand coming to rest on your cheek.
you lifted your head up to meet his gaze, your eyelids heavy as you look up at him through your lashes. “yeah?” you mumbled.
rafe exhaled softly at your bleak tone. he sank down on his knees in front of you, his gaze coming to your level.
“listen baby,” he sighed softly, placing both his hands on your thighs right below the hem of the robe. “I… I haven’t been the best husband the past week and I’m… so so sorry about that,”
his heartfelt words reached your ears and caused your eyes to widen, your mind started to work away the gears to process his words.
“I haven’t been giving you the attention and love I vowed to give you on day one,” he whispered looking deep in your eyes, his own eyes softened to such an extent it had you melting completely. “I haven’t been communicating well with you I…” he muttered, running one hand over his prickly buzzed hair, “I didn’t mean to do that baby I’m so sorry…”
you wanted to say something, anything, for that matter, but you were rendered completely speechless when you started feeling him press kisses over your thighs.
“I hope you can forgive me,” he whispered into your skin, “I hope you can forgive me for everything I did… I’ll make it up to you I promise…”
your lips parted to let out shuddering gasps as you felt him slowly move the satin of your robe up to reveal more of your thighs, his lips pressing kisses against your inner thighs and trailing over your outer thighs.
“I’m so sorry… so sorry, my goddess…” he whispered. “i won’t ever do this again… you’re my top priority, always, and there will never be a second where you don’t feel that way…”
his words left a searing mark on your skin, his lips trailing up to your left hip bone. one of his hands came to rest on your right hip, rubbing gentle circles onto your hip bone through the satin of your robe, and his other hand shifted your robe even higher to grant him more access to your skin. his lips landed on your hip bone and he pressed the most tender kisses along the bone, a soft gasp escaping your lips at his actions. your hand came to rest on the side of his face, your head leaning back as you felt the sensations of his lips on your sensitive hip bone thrum all throughout your body, lighting up each and every nerve that constituted you.
“I love you so much…” he whispered against your skin, starting to gently suck on your skin, his eyes fluttering shut. a hum of pleasure tumbled past your lips, your own eyelids getting heavier. “I love you so so much darling and I’m…” his lips started to trail over your lower abdomen, pressing kisses through the soft satin of your robe that still covered your upper half, “I’m never making this mistake ever again I promise... please forgive me…” he pleaded, his lips making over to your other hip bone and kissing on it, before gently sucking on it the same way he did earlier.
“you only deserve the best…” he murmured, lips trailing a path down to your inner thigh again. “just the best… cause you are so amazing…” he whispered, nipping on the soft skin of your inner thigh. your fingers curled over the nape of his neck to give you some leverage, soft gasps leaving your lips, your eyelashes fluttering, and your chest starting to heave from every kiss and nip of his lips and teeth.
his both hands now rested on the sides of your thighs as they gently kneaded into the flesh and his lips peppered insistent kisses all over your inner thighs. he looked up from your thighs up to you, a pleading expression in his eyes, his lips slightly parted as breaths escaped them.
“please forgive me, my beautiful goddess…” he implored, his voice a mere whisper. “please please forgive me, I’ll never do the same I promise…”
you looked down at him, your fingers trailing to the side of his face to gently cup his cheek. he snuggled into the warmth of your hand almost immediately, his eyes closing for a moment as he let out a soft sigh, letting his lips press a chaste kiss to your palm.
“I forgive you, rafe…” you whispered.
that made him look up at you, his eyes widened and the pleading expression draining out to be replaced with a hopeful one.
“yeah? you do?” he asked, squeezing your thighs in return.
“yeah,” you whispered back, giving him a small smile as you trailed your fingers to the side of his neck, gently scratching your nails against it. he let out a soft exhale at the sensation, letting his head drop to your thighs as your fingers made their way to the back of his neck, continuing the scratching motion. he almost purred in your lap at the feeling, nestling his face into your thighs.
“thank you…” he whispered against your skin. “I won’t disappoint you again, I promise,”
you let out a gentle sigh as you looked at his buried face in your thighs, your expression softening more.
“I know you won’t,” you mumbled, leaning down to press a soft kiss to his head.
that night, he held you in his arms and kept you pressed against him, his warmth lulling you in the most beautiful slumber you had experienced in that past week. he made sure you fell asleep comfortably, his lips always pressing random kisses to whatever part of your skin he could succumb to, whispered sweet nothings stumbling past his lips to your ears to alleviate you to great heights.
↶ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊˎ-
TAGLIST: @runningfrom2am @saccharinesammie @maybankslover @totalswag @madelynie @chenslucy @ietss @elle-mp3 @viawritesstuff @wallsdreams @mistress-amidala @sadfury @sage-burrow @jamesbuckybarneswify @xxxlaura @thatsthewaythechrissycrumbles @callsignwidow @starkowswife @drewstarkeyswifehoe @jjchaer @f4ll-for-you @wearemadeofstardust0 @drewsmusee @rafegirly @addriaenne @leighbronk @rafesdrew @bejeweledreverie @raf3sgff @aerangi @drewstarkey1bae @moneymaybank @spideysimpossiblegirl @noahkahansorangejuice @rafesgiirl @theoraekenslover @fals3-g0d @personalfavsthatarerandom @b1mb0slvt @babypoguelife @ilyrafe @ladyinbl00d @thisisntannie @zyafics
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formulafics · 11 months
Scenario: its no secret that logan sargent isn’t single, but one thing that no one can quite figure out - not even his co workers - is who the mystery girl is. logan doesn’t reveal who until she’s no longer his girlfriend, but his wife. (requested)
Pairing: logan sargeant x fem!popstar!reader
A/N: it’s taken me 4 days of writers block to get this one figured out, but she is finally here! i hope everyone enjoys! <3
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liked by alex_albon, oscarpiastri, and 233,567 others
logansargeant the flight is always worth it to be with her
view all 2,345 comments
sargeantformula another day, another soft launch from logan 😔 when does the pain end?
logansgirl HE LOOKS SO GOOD
formulogan so either logan plays guitar or his gf plays guitar 🧐
⤷ norizzlando i thought that i could figure out something by looking at the music sheets but it’s beatles songs, and i doubt logan is dating paul mccartney
⤷ alexalbonooo23 STOP IT FHIS COMMENT IS KILLING ME 😭 “i doubt logan is dating paul mccartney”
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liked by oscarpiastri, alex_albon, maxverstappen1, and 356,789 others
logansargeant summer dump
view all 3,457 comments
alex_albon getting a little to close to using @/georgerussels tactics
rizzciardo logan pls just tell us who it is 😔 do it for your fans
⤷ norrisnation DO IT FOR AMERICA
formulaobssesed why is logan kinda…
ls2sargeant okay, but WHO is in the second picture? 😭
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in love
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liked by alex_albon, lilymhe, oscarpiastri, and 124,678 others
view all 2,467 comments
formulanorris the location being “in love” is sickening
⤷ piastrizz no literally i want want what him and his gf have
godblessls2 boy if you don’t just drop her @ rn
loscargirlie logan you wanna drop her @ sooooo bad rn
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logansargeant and ynlnsargeant
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liked by alex_albon, oscarpiastri, landonorris, and 467,892 others
logansargeant so glad my baby said yes. happy one year, my beautiful girl.
view all 5,678 comments
oscarpiastri happy anniversary ❤️
⤷ rizzciardo loscar crumbs 🥹 i love them
alex_albon happy anniversary! love you guys.
formulasargeant LOGAN WHAT????
ynfannacc the caption. not okay, young man.
rizzciardo the mesh of logan and yn fans in the comments is so funny to me 😭
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liked by logansargeant, lewishamilton, alex_albon, landonorris, and 789,367 others
ynlnsargeant what a night. thank you to everyone who came out tonight, i am so grateful for your support. on a side note, happy anniversary to my love, @/logansargeant. one year down, forever to go. 🫶🏻
view all 6,789 comments
logansargeant i love you so much baby.
⤷ ynlnsargeant i love you more. thanks for coming out tonight ❤️
ynsguitar the end of an era - she changed her username
⤷ ynloverforlife ITS SO CUTE 😭 she and logan are actually so cute together i can’t even be sad
ynsworld simultaneously extremely happy for you and feeling like my heart has been ripped out. ilysm </3
ynsnumberone i cannot believe i witnessed this kiss in real time
⤷ formulasargeant i have no idea how you survived because me personally? that would be the end
danielricciardo NO WAY. happy anniversary!
⤷ sargeantformula apparently only oscar, lando, and alex knew about their relationship. oscar was the only one who went to the wedding 💔 (not to mention daniel has always liked yn’s music)
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all feedback is appreciated! thank you for reading <3 - daelynn
general taglist | @renarots (special shoutout to her for always fueling the brainrot for these fics) @jsjcue @treehouse-mouse @harrysdimple05 @illicitverstappen @lovstappen @minkyungseokie
2K notes · View notes
pinkyqil · 3 months
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-Ride Or Die
Summary: mapi and r idk just read the fic 🤓
Notes: inspired by the request sent by nonny could be found here hope y'all enjoy this chapter ik it was supposed to be out by Monday 😭 i promise to actually start sticking to schedule I just get busy and don't have writing time so it take a while and as always feedbacks/asks/requesting a chapter or hcs are welcome 🫶🏾
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You and mapi had become very close during the season, even off and on the pitch she was like an older sister to you playing an important role in your adolescent life. If you needed advice she was there, you forgot something she always had a backup for you, a ride for partice she made sure to always show up.
Even though you haven't reached the stage to be helping mapi with adults things you always tried your best to show her how much you appreciated her. No matter how much you both get on each other's nerves the sisterly love and protection was there
it became known to the team how you and mapi ride hard for each other and today was a perfect example of that.
Today was game day like any other but the moment you and mapi stepped on the pitch getting to your position. It seems like the other team had it out for her.
Tackles came left and right even when she didn't have the ball on her feet your opponent didn't care either way. You started getting heavily irritated that the ref wasn't doing shit making you pass a stage of angry.
Your last straw was when an opponent came in with a bad tackle and mapi's face scrunching in pain but as usual the reefer was acting blind in the moment.
It was Ingrid who noticed your eyes floating with all sorts of idea and came too you.
"She's going to be alright just don't do something that you'll end up regretting". She told you.
"I wouldn't do such what makes you think of that". You said
"I could your eyes drilling holes into the opponent from a mile away". It was quite obvious to a few if your teammates that you would end up doing something your body language didn't give you away but your facial expression did and Ingrid was the one who understood what was coming.
"Mhmm I won't". You told her which was obviously a lie.
"I'll take your word for it".
"Fine". You said before heading back to your position.
It seemed like the other team continued on there bull shit seeing as the reefer didn't say do nor say anything. The same player who was getting on mapi seem to try doing it again and you knew if she did mapi would end being injured.
So you decided to do the only reasonable thing you ran fast, faster than you've ever done timing in your steps as you dashed and tackled the player sending her rolling so hard on her ass. That the reefer noticed and then decided to card which leaded to you big mouthing to the ref and getting pulled back by patri of all people.
In all cases the game was a tough fight but ended in your favor until you reached the dressing room where another set of caos was released with all the older player.
"que estabas pensando". It was alexia who spoke up.
"Wasn't thinking just doing what right". You told her
"¿Cómo estuvo eso cierto, nena?". This time it was Irene.
"Well for one of i didn't do it Maria over there would have been leaving the pitch with an injury".
"ella tiene un buen punto". Patri said
"La próxima vez hazlo de una manera más crucial". They told you.
Finding yourself a sit next to a very happy mapi after being let go by your captain's.
"entonces te preocupas por mí".
"Yeah Yeah I do care about you estúpido".
"Aye dejaré pasar eso".
No matter how much you both get on each other's nerves the sisterly love and protection was always there.
350 notes · View notes
Dreams come true - Aespa High school Au- Day one
Hey, long time no see people. This is dropping out of nowhere, but this afternoon I felt incredibly inspired so this is the result of some hours of works. I always wanted a long serie involving a gender neutral Reader X Aespa. I would define this as romance/slice of life. The idea is about an on going serie, but it depends but you people, so let me know what you think about it throw comments, asks, DMs, whatever, I just need a good feedback. Maybe in the next parts I will talk about this project more, but for now enjoy and good read🫶❤️
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"Oh man, I can't believe you're finally here. Do you even know how much I dreamed about going to school together? This is so freaking dope!", Mark exclaimed, jumping around you, all excited and hyper about your presence. And indeed,it was a dream coming true for both. Mark has been one of your best friends since the childhood and, even if at one point you start living in two different countries, yours friendship never changed. Just when both of you already gave up on the idea of living in the same city again, a miracle happened: you won a scholarship because of your grades. So now here you are, in your new uniform, on the street, directed towards the first day of your new school life.
It was exciting, very pressuring, but definitely exciting, as a proper first day of high school should be. Meeting new friends, new teachers, maybe even love? All these thoughts were spinning in your mind and you were so thankful that your best man was there to make everything easier. Mark was an extroverted, funny and good-looking boy, so you were sure you would have been an easy way into the class dynamics. And well...you were right: you were not entered in class yet and he already introduced you to Taeyong and Johnny. They were so funny and you immediately clicked with them. You had the hunch that this year was going to be fun.
Your entrance in the building was eye-catching since day one: backpack kept on just one shoulder, hands in the pockets and three of the most popular boys chatting and laughing with you. More than a student looked at you confused, asking to each other who the new face was. On the hallway of the second floor, where your class was, you were telling Tae of that time when Mark was so scared of an horror movie that he almost pissed himself off, when suddendly someone started running in your direction. "Oh my God, you're finally here", a girl voice screamed in your ear, making you deaf for few seconds, while launching her arms to your neck, pulling you in the most affectionate embrace of the last years.
You had not to see her face to recognize that voice; the voice who kept you company every night, the voice who shared all her secrets with you, the voice that sounds like home to you. "Aeri, I'm happy to see you too, but please stop choking me", you chuckled against her torso, while she kept squealing and squeezing you. If Mark was one of your best friends, Aeri was the definitely the other one. Honestly you know her through Mark, because back in the days you needed someone as nerdy and appasionate about manga and anime as you, so for Mark it was natural to make you two meet, even if just online. Considering that it was your first time meeting in real life, the affectionate behaviour of the girl was more than justified.
"Oh, you're the usual tsundere, such an idiot", she commented, letting you finally go, but still showing her brightest smile. Of course this scene got attentions and reactions. "Man, I wish Giselle would squeeze me too against her ches-", the desire of Johnny was interrupted by a slap on the neck of Tae, a scene that already smells like routine. "Aeri? Did I hear correctly?", a petite girl with blonde short hair appeared from behind your best friend smirking. "Yes, Aeri. How am I supposed to call her if not with her name?", you answered her, confused, looking at the two girls like if you were missing a piece. "No, you're right, Aeri is her name, indeed, but apparently she's too cool for that, she prefers that we call her Giselle", the blondie explained, taking a good look at you. "Stop it!", the japanese scolded her friend, slapping her arm. "Don't listen to Minjeong, she talks like that, but we all call her Winter here", she added, introducing finally the name of the other girl. "Uh? Winter? Is that because you like the season?", you asked, trying to find a sense to that odd name. "No, it's just because she's a cold bitch", Aeri immediately replied making you wheeze and receive a slap back from Minjeong.
After all the chaos of the past minutes, you all went into the class, because the lessons were about to start. However another moment of confusion got you inside: no one was taking a seat or leaving their stuff. "You look adorable when you are confused", Aeri teased you, pinching your cheek. "Leave my bestie alone, it would be confusing for everyone. Listen to me, this school has a weird tradition: the first day our seats are decided through a draw, in this way we avoid fights for the best spots and we're encouraged to interact with new people or some shits like that", Mark explanation was totally in his stile but at least the concept was clear. It looks like your dream about sitting with one of your best friends was destinated to remain a dream. You shrugged, whatever, you were just happy of being in the same class and you wanted to make friendship with everyone anyway.
Miss Sunny, your homeroom teacher, arrived soon enough and after introducing you to the class quickly, she immediately started the draw. Every name called got a reaction from the whole classroom. The most fun part was when Johnny and Tae were picked to seat together, making both of them curse under their breath, it was the fourth year in a row as deskmates. Another interesting pick, probably just for you, was when Mark and Aeri became deskmates too; you for sure didn't expect them to sit together. But honestly you were too busy thinking about your own fate: all the people you met were already picked, even Winter was already called. "The next student is...drum rolls...oh! The new arrived!", miss Sunny exclaimed, making everyone fix their gaze on you. You were still acting cool and nonchalant, but all that attention was killing you inside. "Let me see, where can you seat? Mhh, even if you're acting all tough, you seem a good kid...alright, go seat in the third row, on the window side. I'm giving you a coveted place, so study hard to thank me", your teacher decided, smiling at you warmly. Everyone in the class seemed to love miss Sunny and you were starting to get the reason: she was solar, funny but not nosy. You can feel the affection and love she had for her students and viceversa, even a crazy head like Mark seemed to respect her.
You went to seat, letting you go on the chair lazily, already exhausted from those attention, but relieved that the worst part was gone...probably. That scene alone made Mark and Aeri chuckle and giggle, you were just so...you in their eyes, every action screamed your essence and personality. For example everyone attached their backpack to the back of the chair, but not you, you just left it on the floor. You didn't even think about it, you were just curious 'bout your deskmate, and it was about to be decided. "And next to the new student...drum rolls...Ningning! Finally our youngest came out!", Sunny announced, reading the piece of paper she picked from the box. A short girl with brown hair collected in a neat ponytail shyly walked towards you, holding tightly her satchel. She was clearly embarassed and she said nothing nor looked at you until the teacher went ahead with the draw.
"N-nice to meet you...I'm N-ningning, but you can call me Ning if you want...I'm the youngest of our class so please take g-good care of me", she introduced herself with a soft voice, stealing glances of your figures at the end of every sentence. For some reason that made you feel at ease, it's not like you were glad about her embarassment, but meeting someone more shy than you gave you like a sense of peace. "The pleasure is mine...Ning. Let's be good friends from today, alright?", you spoke with a soft tone, offering her a kind smile and that had probably a good effect on the younger girl, because immediately seemed to have less difficulty in looking at you, furthermore the tiniest smile appeared on her lips. "Oh, wait, your name...you have to be the friend of Gigi", the tiny girl commented, realizing that your name was too familiar to be a case. "Gigi? Oh, you mean Aeri, I already forgot that here she is called this way...however yeah, I'm her best friend", you nodded, stealing a glance of your bestie, who seemed interested in your convo with Ning, even if you doubted that she could hear anything. "That's very good know. I'm very close to Gigi too, so any friend of hers is also a friend of mine", she concluded, finally showing you a proper smile, and damn if it was cute.
The first few hours of lesson flew away easily, it was more an introduction of the programs of the various subjects and some news regarding the school in general; for someone like you who was used to take few notes, you didn't even have the need of opening your backpack. Your antics surprised someone in the class, they made also raise more than an eyebrow, but probably they just had to get used to you. Talking about the class in general, you were not a lot of students, 15 to be precise, and in a way or another you already met and talked to like half of them, it was definitely a good number for your first day, at least in your standard. Ning was cuter and more comfortable with you at every chance of conversation, Winter, even if introduced as cold, was actually very funny, she always had a ready answer; Johnny and Tae were a constant show, always bickering and making the class laugh, meanwhile Aeri and Mark got you covered in every occasion, you just needed to look at them and the problem was already vanished.
One person though catched your eye fast enough: it was a beautiful and pale girl with long and black hair; despite her good look, it was not that the reason of your interest: you actually got her looking in your direction more than once. Now, you were not the type of person who starts to talk with strangers, but you had to ask her if it was all good. So, during the first moment of pause, you got up and walked towards her, gathering all the courage a shy ass like you could collect. "Ehm...hi, sorry to bother you, but I noticed that you looked at me frequently, so...do you need something?", you asked, trying to sound as nice as possible, you didn't want to be rude or anything, you were just curious. "Oh, I...", the girl looked at you, completely surprised, almost shocked by the fact she got caught. "...I was not looking at you, I just want your place", she blurted out, trying to escape from the embarassing situation. "Do you want...to sit next to Ning?", the tone of voice during your question was clearly disorientated by her reason. "What? No...I meant your place next to the window: I like to watch outside during the classes so...", the pretty girl explained herself, letting out an embarassed laugh at the end. Why does she always have to end up in these situations?
"Don't mind her, Karina is just a loser in a hot girl body, you'll get used to her soon", Aeri reassured you, while sitting on a table of the cafeteria. "She's actually one of my closest friend here with Minjeong and Ning. I wish that you could have met her in better circumstances, but it's fine, it's still pretty normal for her standards", she shrugged, taking a bite of her lunch. Somehow that info made you feel a tiny bit guilty, you didn't want to make her life harder or similar, maybe later you could have tried to apologize. "Winter, Ning, Karina...how many best friends you have, I guess my best friend role is pretty common", you teased her with an evil smirk. "Yah, you dummy! That's not true, you know that you're special", she scolded you, starting to hit your shoulder lightly. Now that you were finally living her, you were noticing how much she physical and affectionate she was; she has always been sweet and kind online, but this was a different level. However you were not complaining about it.
"Aww, the special friend, you could have said that best friend meant girlfriend", Winter joined the teasing squad, while joining your table with Mark. "Oh, shut up! We are just best friends, I told you", Giselle complained, throwing a bit of food to her friend, to hide how hard she was blushed. "Excuse me? Best friend? That person right there is MY bestie, so please keep your dirty hands away, thank you", Mark said, making Aeri gasp, indignant. "Shut up too, Mark Lee! You may even be the person who made this friendship born, but now our connection is way stronger and deeper. And what have you said about my hands? No, because I'm about to smack your dumb face with these and then...", the war of the best best friend was already started and you playfully rolled your eyes back, knowing that this discussion would be part of your daily life from that moment. "This is all your fault", you accused Winter, pointing your plastic fork towards her, while laughing. "Divide et impera, my dear", the blondie laughed back, before winking at you.
On your way back to class you let the other three go ahead, you stopped to a vending machine, buying a snack for apologizing to Karina. With poor nonchalanche. you placed it on her desk, coughing to get her attention. "So, yeah...this is for...before...because...you know...". Why was apologizing that hard for you? You just had to say sorry, and instead you were there blocked, looking like a complete idiot. "Thank you", Karina said smiling, interrupting your rambling, "you didn't have to, it was my fault, but I really appreciate it", she added with a calm tone. In that moment the loser was missing, it was the hot girl talking to you. "Oh, well, let's just forget that silly episode and become friends", you proposed, looking down to hide your red cheeks. "Friends? Sounds good to me, call me Jimin then", she accepted, caressing softly your hand as proof, and you really used all your will to not scream. Jimin really shocked you, you didn't expect her to have this deadly dualism, your heart was definitely beating faster.
You returned to your seat, still recovering from that unexpected interaction. And yet it was not the moment to relax, because Ning was looking at you with a demanding stare. "Well? What about me?", she asked, making you mind go blank. You started to blink your eyes non-stop, giving her the signal you had no idea of what she was talking about. "What about my snack? You took one for Karina but not for me, your deskmate?", she asked, scoffing and crossing her arms. "No, Ning, wait, I-", your explanation was interrupted by the fact the Ning suddendly stood up and that really made you panic, you didn't want to create a case your first day. "No, Ning, listen, it's not as you seem, it's because first it happened a thing, let me just explain-", you were interrupted again, this time by her laugh. Ning seated again, laughing so loudly that the whole class turned their heads in yours direction. "Oh my God, look at your face, the fear in your eyes is so funny", she said, holding her stomach. You looked towards your two best friends, searching for a sense of all that: Mark just shook his head while Aeri mouthed "she's a bit crazy". "Oh my God, I'm so sorry, it was just a little prank, you are not mad at me, right?", she asked, whiping away her tears and honestly you were about to give her a lesson, but then she leaned towards you and put her face on your shoulder, giving you puppy eyes. You sighed, giving up: her cuteness made you weak, maybe soon or later you will be able to resist to pretty girls.
It was long and tiring, especially on a mental level but your first day of lessons got to an end. Your social battery was so low, you just wanted to go home and rest. Mark and Gigi proposed you to hang out after school but honestly they knew so well that you were going to refuse, but it was still worthy to give a try. They at least got permission from you to take you home, or better, to the small apartment you were going to live for the next year. All the people you met that day were funny, interesting and shit but it was nice to spend your time with just your best friends. They brought till in front the door of your apartment and, after trying to enter without success, they finally went home too, but not before a last hug: Mark hug was very brotherly, while Aeri just squeezed you again. You went in, plopping on the small couch and looking at the rooftop. It was just the first day and you were already exhausted, but why then couldn't you stop to smile and be eager for the next day?
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cannellee · 1 year
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୨୧ alpha! Kazutora x omega! Reader (smut)
— alpha kazutora's out of jail and he only wants one thing from his omega<3 (basically just sex)
cw: rough sex, blowjob (m!receiving), facefuck, cum swallow, light face slapping, name calling...
(I hesitated a lot before posting. it's my first time writing full smut, I read a lot of it but I'm not necessarily confident in writing it as it feels a bit awkward😭 but I had this idea and thought I had to share it! feedback is greatly appreciated! I hope you'll like it!!🫶🏼)
my masterlist : ☆
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imagine a fresh out of prison kazutora, who doesn't expect anything when he crosses the border of the prison.
he'll probably go to his place, it's been a long time since he's been there, he should do a lot of cleaning first.
but then you appear like an angel, wide smile and innocent puppy eyes, welcoming your criminal of an alpha. but you don't care what kazutora is, you've been waiting for him for so long, and you missed him and his touch so bad.
you're so desperate for him you couldn't even cum on your own without thinking about him. his absence felt heavy all this time and you're so happy he's finally here.
now you're bringing him to his place that you've been cleaning and maintaining like a good partner would. you already prepared a warm meal beforehand for him and kazutora has a hard time keeping a poker face.
of course he didn't forget you all this time, he's only been thinking about the day when he could finally get his hands back on his pretty omega.
and now you've even cooked for him when everyone else has most likely forgotten about his release. you're the perfect omega for him, absolutely submissive and loving to take care of your alpha.
kazutora is beaming and his hands are soon enough grabbing the flesh of your thighs, biting and licking every parcel of you exposed skin.
he's so fucking horny and you can sense it by the way his musk and pheromones are embalming the air. you're basically breathing nothing else but the smell of his arousal. and his pheromones, oh you don't think you've missed something more than his strong pheromones. they always made you feel dizzy and never lost a chance to remind you of your place.
and today as well, your alpha hasn't felt the touch of an omega for so long, it's only right as his omega that you submit yourself to his desire. and it's not like it bothers you either way, you're so eager to please, to prove to him that you can still satisfy him in ways others can't.
this is why you drop to your knees without him having to utter a single word. and without wasting time, you hastily unzip his pants and let his powerful pheromones hit your nose even harder. you take his big cock into your mouth, not even caring about the noises nor the mess you're making. kazutora likes it more when you're covered in spit anyways. so you suck and lick and kiss every inch of his cock, swallowing his whole length when he asks you to. the face you make when your pink lips are stretched by his aching cock, contrasting with your big doe eyes, any ounce of purity gone, all of this makes him want to ruin you.
kazutora doesn't last long before pounding into your throat, your gags being the only noise you both can hear beside his breathy moans. when you hear his soft praises, of how much of a good little slut you are, you can't help but want to please him further. you begin to fuck your face on his cock, your nose hitting his pelvis every thrust of your head and your nostrils only breathing in the smell of his musk.
your eyes are so wet, you can't see a thing anymore. there's a pool forming between your legs that's begging for relief, but you ignore it the best you can, focusing on your alpha's pleasure instead. and when kazutora proceeds to grab a fist full of your hair and go even harder on your throat, you're sure you can see stars.
you barely have any chance to breath and your jaw is aching so much, still you don't move an inch, your instincts fully satisfied knowing you're serving your alpha just like should.
and kazutora needed exactly that, your compliance and will to do basically anything to satiate his desires. and he swears he would go back to prison any day if it meant being able to use your throat as a flesh light each time as a welcome back.
you can feel his release is soon by the way he's clenching your hair even rougher it almost hurts. your eyes are rolled in the back of your skull and your mind is solely focused on his pleasure. everytime he hit the back of your throat with more power your gags are getting louder and louder. with his cock getting bigger and harder, you tighten your lips around it with more care and make use of your tongue expertly.
he finally grabs your head and grants you with a long and loud growl, he pushes your head and makes it meet his stomach, you make sure to swallow everything he's giving you, sitting still like the obedient omega you are. his salty cum is flowing down your throat and you're not sure when he's going to stop.
kazutora is very pleased and when he finally lets you get some air you're gasping and spit is drooling down your chin like a dumb puppy. your lazy eyes and lolled out tongue are kazutora's favourite and if he wasn't this tired already he would make good use of your sluty ass to cum a second time.
but he considers it as enough of a good round an lets you go, not without making sure you've swallowed every drop he's offered you first.
he scoops the little drops which went down your neck when you tried to catch your breath and gives it to you. he calls you a good girl and spits in your mouth to let you know you did a good job sucking him off and you're sucking eagerly at his sperm covered fingers, too dumb to understand a word he's saying anyways.
you watch him pull his pants back up and you feel a comfortable sense of inferiority being the only one looking so messy. and kazutora must feel it too because the next thing you know he's slapping you softly on the face and pulling you up with a warm smile across his face. taking care of you after a good session makes his alpha happy.
you're glad you could be of use to him and you find yourself purring loudly when he holds you in his big arms, covering you with his scent you oh so love.
after bathing you and cleaning you up, he's tucking you inside the nest you made beforehand. your throat is sore but you find the strength in yourself to chirp happily, kazutora's heart go crazy at the sound he loves so much. he can't feel anything but pure bliss and he owes it all to you, his delicate and perfect omega<3
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lixzey · 1 year
ᴡᴇʟᴄᴏᴍᴇ, ʟᴏᴠᴇʀ ᴏꜰ ᴍɪɴᴇ !
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hi, my name's ellie and welcome to my blog!
i just started writing on this platform last september 2023. i've been writing fics since i was twelve (yes, it was cringe) on wattpad. i would love to read your feedback, or be friends! my inbox is always open for anything 🫶🏻
anyway, here's some lil facts about me:
i'm 21 years old • she/her • filo-canadian • enfp • libra baby • mother of a four year old girl • a gryffindor child of aphrodite • has adhd and wears glasses • has photographic memory • loves writing (obvi), music, and reading
- i live in the philippines, so pls bear with me. i try to be awake the whole night so i can post when most of my followers are awake
- as i've mentioned, i am a mother to a four year old. so when i get delays in posting, blame her (lol pls don't blame my kid)
- pls don't be rude to me :( i cry at the simplest things :( so hate will definitely be deleted.
xoxo, el 💘
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ divider by @saradika-graphics
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‼️All of my works are purely fictional and are intended for entertainment only. I do have a wattpad account of the same username (lixzey_), but I haven't posted anything that I have written there aside from one. Please do not repost any of my works on any other site. ‼️
The Story of Us - In which you are Timothée Chalamet's high school sweetheart. After a messy break up ten years ago, Timothée is Hollywood's it boy, while you are a rising star. The two of you will star in a new movie, what could possibly go wrong?
Letters - One day Timothée receives a package from someone unknown: a basket of eighteen letters. Letters from a girl named y/n. A mysterious fan who poured her heart out in her letters and is trying to fix herself. As Timothée begins to read, and the letters begin to run out, he finds himself falling for this girl.
Until one day he stopped reading.
Because she stopped writing.
Can't Help Falling In Love - In which two strangers accidentally get married.
Forever Yours
Heart to Heart
My Girl
The Girl With Hair Longer Than Rapunzel
24 Hours
Bride for Rent
The Unknown Number
Bad idea, right?
Catching Feelings
Over and Over Again
Angel Eyes
Risk It All
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Foolish Ones - Theodore Laurence
Crazy Little Thing Called Love - Wonka
Choices - Paul Atreides
Against All Odds - Hal [The King, 2019]
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STAND ALONE `✦ ˑ ִֶָ 𓂃⊹
• Rising Star
• Daddy's Angels
• More Than Words 🔥
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THE MARAUDERS `✦ ˑ ִֶָ 𓂃⊹
James Potter
• Almost A Love Story
• Must Be Love
• To All The Boys I've Loved Before
• Once Upon A December
• Me Before You
Regulus Black
• Monster Among Men
• To The Moon and Back
• Protego Maxima
• Forever and Always
Remus Lupin
• Professor, Professor
• Head Over Heels
• Seven Minutes to Forever
• Timeless
Sirius Black
• Golden
• The Name of The Game
• If Only
• Safe and Sound
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Luke Castellan
• Serendipity
• Sincerely, yours
• Lovelorn
• Late night cravings
• blood runs thicker than water
Leo Valdez
• leo valdez x dionysus!reader headcannons, friends to lovers
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lainsshop · 7 months
Being His First Soul ૭୧
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Pairing: Alastor x First Soul ! Reader
Tags: i don’t even know tbh..
A/N: I honestly tried to make this as canon as possibly but I think I failed cause I don’t know but! Please enjoy this, I accept any feedback! And if you have more ideas I’ll make sure to put him here!🫶
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How you met. To be honest, there’s so many scenarios of how you two met, maybe you both knew each other when you were alive or maybe you both played a bet, perhaps you were a hopeless sinner who just got there around the same time where he manifested..?
But one thing is for sure is that you two made a deal when you first interacted, you were just that dumb to know his real intentions, darling!
Since you’ve been with him for quite some time, he expects you to be on your best behavior all the time! Which is to never question him or anything like that, yes, you can curse and stuff like that but never try to cross him or there’ll be consequences.
Maybe there was ONE time where you did and it didn’t end up pretty- “I expected better from you, reader-“ He would absolutely use your real name to show you that he isn’t joking or anything like- he’s 100% serious with you.
This mf is the definition of manipulation! He wouldn’t exactly physically hurt you but emotionally..? Maybe, just perhaps. He only does it to show you where your place is, nothing more.
His protection. I feel like he would grow fond of you over the years since well- you’re his first soul, you’re basically around him all the fucking time!
He needs help with something? Summons you. He needs someone to help him on this charity thing? Summons you. He needs someone to help him with his broadcast? Summons you. It’s always you who summons first cause he knows you will do it no matter what, you either learned that from the hard way or easy way.
I feel like you would be friends with Husk and Niffty. Well- it was easy to make a friendship with Niffty but with Husk? Nah, that took a lot of time, that mf was hard to crack but he eventually did, only a bit, just a tiny bit though.
Speaking of friends, you of course met Rosie and Mimzy, you either hate or like Mimzy, I don’t know but you absolutely adored Rosie, she was like a breath of fresh air for you, she was like Alastor but in a better way, you know?
You knowing his intentions. This is hard to explain kinda cause I feel like you would know his real intentions by now like you can read him like a book, you know? Since you’ve been together for so long so I think you can read him with ease.
Playful banter. You’re either going along with it or being annoyed by it and Alastor enjoys that! He loves your reactions to his banter or comments that make you have an entertaining reaction.
Why do I feel like you have this instinct when something happens to Alastor? Like when he made that deal with someone you felt it or when he got hurt from fighting with Adam you also felt that, is like you’re connected with him but not in that way, you know what I mean?
Even if you’ve been together for so long, you honestly still haven’t seen his vulnerable side like yes, maybe you’ve seen him lose his composure and curse at someone cause they pissed him off but nothing more, you could’ve sworn that he didn’t curse or anything like that so imagine you’re expression when he did like damn😭
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muiitoloko · 1 month
hi author! i really love your difficult woman series and was just wondering if there’s ever gonna be a new part (preferably something with fluff moments—they need it)! 🫶🫶
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Title: Passion in Rebellion.
Summary: What begins as an act of defiance evolves into an unexpected exchange of emotions, blurring the lines between hatred and desire.
Pairing: Karl Hoffmeister × Fem! Reader
Warnings: none.
Author's Notes: I had a blast writing this one, and I hope you all have just as much fun reading it! 🎉 As always, I’m all ears for your feedback—bring it on! 😄
First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth and Seventh part here.
Also read on Ao3
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The room was dark, the only light coming from the moon filtering through the heavy curtains. You clung to your pillow, trying desperately to find some semblance of sleep, but the rhythmic, thunderous sound of Karl’s snoring filled the room like an unwelcome symphony. It was loud, persistent, and oddly surprising—how had you not noticed this last night? Perhaps you’d been too emotionally exhausted, too worn out by the events of the day, to hear it. Or maybe Karl hadn’t slept much then, his mind consumed by anger and frustration. Whatever the reason, tonight was different, and Karl was snoring enough to wake the dead.
You sighed irritably, sitting up and glancing over at Karl. He was sprawled out on the spacious bed, his large frame taking up more than his fair share of space, his mouth slightly open as he snored with the abandon of someone completely at peace. Even Mouse, lying between the two of you, seemed to be displeased by the noise, his small ears twitching every time Karl let out a particularly loud snore.
For a moment, you entertained the idea of grabbing your pillow and pressing it over Karl’s face, ending the torture once and for all. The image of his surprised expression, followed by blessed silence, was tempting. But of course, you didn’t do it. You weren’t a murderer, no matter how much Karl’s snoring was driving you insane.
You let out another frustrated sigh, glaring at Karl as he continued to sleep soundly, oblivious to your suffering. His head was tilted back slightly, his mouth open in a way that made him look ridiculous, yet somehow endearing. You couldn’t help but notice the way his chest rose and fell steadily, the soft gray hairs on his chest peeking out from beneath his nightshirt. His face, despite the somewhat comical position, was relaxed, almost peaceful.
You shook your head, trying to banish the thought. This was Karl Hoffmeister, the man who had ruined your life, who had trapped you in this suffocating marriage. There was no room for sympathy or attraction here. And yet… as you studied him, you couldn’t help but notice the sharpness of his features, softened by age but still undeniably strong. The gray in his hair and mustache only added to the dignified air he carried, a man who had seen much of the world and made his mark upon it.
Despite yourself, you found your gaze lingering on his face, taking in the details you had refused to acknowledge before. The slight curve of his hooked nose, the way his hazel eyes crinkled at the corners even in sleep, and the strong line of his jaw. He was older, yes, and a little chubby, but there was a certain rugged handsomeness to him, a maturity that spoke of experience and authority.
You huffed in annoyance, shaking your head again. What was wrong with you? This was Karl! You weren’t supposed to be admiring him, especially not in the middle of the night when his snoring was threatening to drive you mad.
Another loud snore interrupted your thoughts, making you flinch. Even Mouse let out a small, disgruntled whine, as if to say, “Can you believe this?” You reached down to pet him, trying to soothe both him and yourself. But as the snoring continued unabated, you knew something had to be done.
You leaned over and nudged Karl’s shoulder, trying to wake him without being too rough. “Karl,” you whispered, your voice laced with irritation. “Karl, wake up!”
He didn’t stir, his snoring continuing as if nothing could disturb his slumber. You tried again, a little more forcefully this time, shaking his shoulder. “Karl!”
Finally, Karl’s snoring hitched, and he let out a loud, snuffling snort before his eyes blinked open, bleary and confused. “What… what is it?” he mumbled, his voice thick with sleep.
“You’re snoring,” you said flatly, crossing your arms as you glared at him. “I can’t sleep with all that noise.”
Karl stared at you for a moment, his mind clearly still catching up with the fact that he was awake. Then he frowned, his brows knitting together in mild annoyance. “I don’t snore,” he grumbled, turning over onto his side as if that would end the conversation.
“Yes, you do,” you insisted, exasperation coloring your tone. “You sound like a freight train. Even Mouse can’t stand it.”
Karl glanced at the puppy, who was indeed staring at him with a look that could only be described as disgruntled. He sighed, clearly not wanting to argue in the middle of the night, and rolled onto his other side, facing away from you. “Just go back to sleep,” he muttered, his voice already starting to slur with drowsiness. “It’s not that bad.”
You clenched your teeth, resisting the urge to smack him with your pillow. “It is that bad,” you snapped, but Karl was already drifting back to sleep, his breathing evening out as he settled into a more comfortable position.
You groaned in frustration, flopping back onto your pillow as you stared up at the ceiling. The snoring resumed almost immediately, though it was a bit softer now that Karl had changed positions. Still, it was enough to keep you awake, the sound grating on your nerves like nails on a chalkboard.
And yet… as you lay there, trying to ignore the noise, you couldn’t help but think back to the way Karl had looked just moments ago. Peaceful, relaxed, even… handsome. You shook your head again, refusing to admit it to yourself. No, Karl Hoffmeister was not handsome. He was infuriating, arrogant, and controlling. There was no way you were going to start thinking of him as anything else.
But as the night wore on and sleep continued to elude you, those thoughts kept creeping back, unbidden and unwanted. You found yourself stealing glances at Karl, taking in the way his hair caught the moonlight, the strong line of his jaw, and the way his chest rose and fell with each breath.
“Stop it,” you muttered to yourself, trying to push the thoughts away. “He’s just an old man who snores like a bear.”
But even as you said it, you couldn’t completely shake the image of Karl’s face from your mind, the surprising realization that maybe, just maybe, there was more to him than you had allowed yourself to see.
The thought lingered as you finally drifted off to sleep, the sound of Karl’s snoring fading into the background as you found yourself reluctantly admitting, if only to yourself, that perhaps Karl Hoffmeister wasn’t entirely unattractive. Not that you would ever tell him that, of course. Not in a million years.
Karl rolled over onto his back again, his body settling into the mattress with a heavy sigh. For a brief, blissful moment, the room was silent, and you allowed yourself to hope that maybe, just maybe, the snoring had finally stopped. But then, with a rumbling breath, Karl let out another loud, thunderous snore, reverberating through the room like an angry bear.
Your eye twitched. Enough was enough.
Without a second thought, you grabbed the nearest pillow and, with a firm grip, began whacking Karl with it. The first hit landed squarely on his chest, startling him awake. But you weren’t done. You hit him again, and again, each strike accompanied by your frustrated commands.
"Stop. Snoring!" you exclaimed, punctuating each word with a solid thump of the pillow.
Karl flailed in confusion, his arms flapping as he tried to shield himself from the unexpected assault. "Ow! What the—?!" he yelped, his voice still thick with sleep. "What are you doing?!"
Mouse, who had been peacefully dozing between you both, bolted upright at the commotion, letting out a startled yip before leaping off the bed and scampering to a safe distance. The little puppy watched the scene unfold with wide, bewildered eyes, clearly unsure what to make of the chaos.
You didn’t stop. You were a woman on a mission. "You! Need! To! Stop! Snoring!" you demanded, each word emphasized with another hit of the pillow. Karl’s attempts to shield himself were futile; you were determined to get your point across.
Karl, now fully awake and painfully aware of the pillow onslaught, managed to grab hold of the pillow mid-swing. "Stop, stop!" he protested, half-laughing, half-grimacing as he finally managed to wrestle the pillow away from you. "What are you doing, woman?! Are you trying to kill me in my sleep?"
You glared at him, your chest heaving from the exertion. "I’m trying to get you to stop snoring!" you shot back, your voice dripping with exasperation. "You sound like a freight train! How is anyone supposed to sleep with that racket?"
Karl stared at you, his hair disheveled and his eyes wide with a mix of shock and amusement. The absurdity of the situation seemed to hit him all at once, and despite the lingering pain from your pillow attack, he couldn’t help but chuckle. "You attacked me with a pillow because I was snoring?" he asked, incredulous.
"Yes!" you retorted, still seething. "And I’ll do it again if you don’t stop!"
Karl laughed harder now, the sound deep and rumbling, which only served to irritate you more. "Well, if that’s what it takes to get your attention," he teased, his voice still laced with amusement, "maybe I should snore more often."
You narrowed your eyes at him, grabbing the pillow back with a swift tug. "Don’t you dare," you warned, brandishing the pillow like a weapon. "Or I swear, I’ll make sure you regret it."
Karl raised his hands in surrender, still chuckling as he leaned back against the headboard. "Alright, alright, I get it," he conceded, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "I’ll try to keep it down. But honestly, I had no idea I was such a menace in my sleep."
"You are," you confirmed, though you couldn’t help the small smile that tugged at the corners of your lips. Despite the ridiculousness of the situation, Karl’s good-natured response had taken the edge off your anger.
Karl watched you with a fondness that caught you off guard, the warmth in his gaze softening the tension between you. "You’re something else, you know that?" he said, his voice gentle.
You huffed, still clutching the pillow defensively. "Well, if you weren’t snoring like a bear, I wouldn’t have to resort to drastic measures."
Karl shook his head, his smile widening. "I suppose I’ll just have to be on my best behavior from now on, then," he remarked, his tone playful.
You nodded, finally lowering the pillow and setting it back on the bed. "You better," you replied, but the threat had lost its sting, replaced by a lighter, more teasing tone.
Karl reached out, gently taking your hand in his. The gesture was unexpected, and you felt a small jolt of warmth at the contact. "I’ll try to be more considerate," he said sincerely, his hazel eyes locking onto yours. "I know I’m not always the easiest person to live with."
For a moment, the room was quiet, the tension that had defined your relationship for so long easing just a little. You looked at Karl, really looked at him, and saw a man who, despite everything, was trying—maybe not always in the right way, but trying nonetheless.
The brief warmth of the moment between you and Karl dissolved as quickly as it had appeared. You stared down at your joined hands, the weight of his touch suddenly unbearable. It felt wrong, too intimate, too close. Without thinking, you ripped your hand from his grasp as if his touch had scalded you. The abruptness of your movement made Karl flinch, his expression shifting from surprised to something darker and more pained.
For a moment, Karl's face fell, his hazel eyes clouding with a deep, unspoken hurt. The way you had recoiled from him—so sharp, so immediate—cut him deeply, a stark reminder of the gulf that still existed between you. Despite the softening moment just seconds ago, the rejection hit him with the force of a blow, his chest tightening with an all-too-familiar bitterness.
You didn’t look at him, unwilling to see the pain you knew would be reflected in his eyes. Instead, you turned your back on him, pulling the covers up around your shoulders in a clear signal that you wanted nothing more to do with him tonight. "Just work on your snoring, Karl," you muttered, your voice flat and cold, the words meant to end the conversation.
The silence that followed was heavy, oppressive, filled with all the things left unsaid between you. Karl didn’t respond, his lips pressing into a thin line as he turned away from you as well, his back rigid with tension. He pulled his pillow closer, burying his face in it as if that might somehow muffle the hurt that was surging through him. The earlier moment of lightness, of connection, had been an illusion, shattered by the cold reality of your rejection.
Karl lay there, staring into the darkness, his mind racing with thoughts he didn’t want to confront. The pain of your withdrawal, the way you had pulled away from him with such vehemence, was like a knife twisting in his chest. He had thought, for just a brief moment, that maybe things were changing between you—that maybe, just maybe, there was a chance for something more than the cold indifference that had marked your relationship so far.
But the look in your eyes, the way you had yanked your hand away as if his touch had been poison—it was all too clear that you still saw him as nothing more than an obstacle, a barrier to your freedom. And that realization, more than anything else, made the bitterness rise up in him like bile.
He closed his eyes, trying to shut out the image of your back turned to him, the distance between you a chasm that seemed impossible to bridge. He had tried to be patient, to understand, but your rejection felt like a slap in the face, a cruel reminder that no matter how much he might want things to change, the past was something neither of you could escape.
The room was filled with the sound of your breathing, slow and steady as you drifted off to sleep, oblivious to the turmoil you had left in your wake. Karl lay there, staring into the darkness, his mind too restless to follow you into slumber. The ache in his chest grew sharper with each passing second, the bitterness hardening into something more corrosive, something that threatened to consume him entirely.
He wanted to reach out, to shake you, to demand to know why you were so cold, why you recoiled from him as if he were something vile. But he knew that doing so would only push you further away, would only confirm the worst of his fears—that you could never truly care for him, that you saw him as nothing more than a captor, a jailer holding you against your will.
The thought made him clench his fists, his nails digging into his palms as he fought to keep his emotions in check. He had never imagined that love could be so painful, that the person he wanted more than anything could also be the source of his deepest hurt. And yet, here he was, lying in the same bed as you, feeling more alone than he ever had before.
The bitterness festered, twisting inside him like a cruel, unrelenting force. He had tried to be gentle, to offer you the comfort of his presence, but you had thrown it back in his face, rejecting him with a coldness that bordered on cruelty. And now, the only thing he could do was lie there, staring into the darkness, his heart aching with the knowledge that you might never see him as anything more than a burden.
Karl’s breath hitched slightly as he forced himself to calm down, his mind swirling with thoughts he didn’t want to acknowledge. The hurt was too raw, too fresh, and it made him want to lash out, to do something—anything—to make you see how much you were hurting him. But even as the anger simmered beneath the surface, there was a deeper, more painful truth that he couldn’t escape: he still cared for you, despite everything. And that, more than anything, was what made the bitterness so unbearable.
Finally, after what felt like hours of staring into the darkness, Karl turned his face into the pillow, closing his eyes as he tried to will himself to sleep. But the hurt lingered, a dull, throbbing ache that refused to be ignored. And as the night stretched on, the silence between you only grew heavier, an unspoken reminder of the rift that lay between you—a rift that, no matter how hard he tried, Karl feared he might never be able to bridge.
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The next morning, you awoke with the events of the previous night still fresh in your mind. After a quick breakfast and some light conversation with the household staff, Liselotte arrived to help you get ready for the day. As she carefully brushed your hair and helped you into your dress, you couldn’t help but recount what had happened the night before, your voice tinged with a mix of frustration and amusement.
"Honestly, Liselotte," you began, a small smile playing on your lips, "Karl looked like an ogre while he slept. His snoring could wake the dead! I had to resort to drastic measures just to get a moment of peace."
Liselotte paused mid-brush, a soft laugh escaping her lips. "An ogre, madame? Surely it wasn’t that bad."
"Oh, but it was!" you insisted, shaking your head with mock seriousness. "I thought the roof might cave in from the noise alone. I had to whack him with a pillow just to get him to stop."
Liselotte’s laughter grew louder, her eyes crinkling with amusement as she imagined the scene. "Poor Herr Hoffmeister," she said, her voice light with humor. "He never stood a chance against you."
You grinned, pleased to have lifted her spirits, even if only for a moment. "Well, someone had to do it. I can’t let him think he can just snore his way through the night without consequences."
Once you were fully dressed and ready, Liselotte followed you out of the bedroom, still smiling softly at the memory of your tale. As you reached the door, you were a little surprised to see Hans standing there, his posture stiff and formal. He gave a polite nod as you passed, but you didn’t dwell on it, quickly turning your thoughts to breakfast.
When you entered the dining room, you found Johann and Elisabeth already seated at the table, engaged in light conversation. Karl, however, was nowhere to be seen. You took your usual seat, and moments later, Anna appeared with a plate of food, setting it in front of you with her usual efficiency.
You glanced at the empty chair beside you, then turned to Anna, your curiosity piqued. "Where’s Karl?" you asked, your tone casual as you arranged the napkin on your lap.
Anna hesitated for a moment, then offered a polite smile. "Herr Hoffmeister is having a meeting with his assistant in the office," she explained. "He wanted to take care of some business matters before joining you."
You nodded in understanding, though you couldn’t help but feel a small sense of relief at his absence. The tension from the night before still lingered, and you weren’t quite ready to face him just yet. "Thank you, Anna," you said, your tone warm as you picked up your fork.
As you began your meal, Johann suddenly stood up, wiping his mouth with his napkin. "I think I’ll take a walk into the city today," he announced, his voice cheerful. "A bit of fresh air will do me good."
Elisabeth looked up from her plate, her expression brightening at the prospect. "Oh, Johann," she said, her tone sweet and almost coquettish, "would you bring me something back? A pretty piece of jewelry, perhaps?"
Johann rolled his eyes with a good-natured smile, clearly used to his sister’s requests. "Women and their taste in jewelry," he muttered, though there was no real annoyance in his voice. He turned to you, his expression still light. "And what about you, [Your Name]? Anything you’d like me to bring you from the city?"
You paused for a moment, considering his offer. Then, a mischievous smile tugged at the corners of your lips, and you couldn’t resist the urge to inject a bit of humor into the conversation. "A fairly thick book that I could throw at Karl’s head would do nicely," you replied, your tone playful.
The room fell silent for a split second before Liselotte, who had been standing quietly by your side, stifled a laugh, her hand covering her mouth to muffle the sound. Anna, who had just been arranging some dishes on the table, couldn’t help but smile as well, though she quickly elbowed Liselotte in an attempt to maintain decorum. Hans, who had been hovering nearby, shot both women a reprimanding look, though even he seemed to struggle with keeping a straight face.
Johann, meanwhile, let out a hearty laugh, clearly amused by your remark. "A book it is, then," he agreed, still chuckling as he grabbed his coat. "I’ll find you the thickest, heaviest one I can."
Elisabeth, on the other hand, looked slightly less amused, her lips pursed in mild disapproval. "Really, Johann," she said, her tone prim. "I don’t see what’s so funny about that."
"Oh, come on, Elisabeth," Johann replied with a grin, clearly enjoying the banter. "A little humor never hurt anyone. Besides, [Your Name] has every right to want some reading material. Who am I to deny her?"
You gave Johann a grateful smile, appreciating his lighthearted response. "Thank you, Johann," you said warmly. "I’m sure whatever you choose will be perfect."
With a final smile, Johann nodded and made his way to the door, still chuckling to himself as he left the room. The momentary tension dissolved, and the atmosphere lightened as the conversation shifted to other topics. You continued your meal, the earlier frustration and anxiety fading into the background as you enjoyed the company of those around you.
You took a slow, deliberate sip of your coffee, the rich, dark liquid warming you from the inside as you savored the brief moment of calm. Across the table, Elisabeth sat with her hands folded neatly in her lap, her expression composed but distant. Her eyes, however, betrayed a coldness that hadn’t been there before, a sharp, icy glint that made your stomach churn with unease.
Setting your cup down carefully, you locked eyes with her, a calculated move to gauge her reaction. “Elisabeth,” you began, your voice measured, “when do you plan to tell Karl the truth about being the one who helped me escape?”
The question hung in the air, heavy and pointed, cutting through the thin veneer of civility that had settled over the room. Elisabeth’s expression didn’t falter, but you noticed the slightest twitch in her jaw, a fleeting sign that your words had struck a nerve. She blinked, her eyes narrowing slightly as she met your gaze, her lips pressing into a thin line.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Elisabeth replied smoothly, her voice steady but with an edge of defensiveness that she tried to hide. “I had nothing to do with your little escapade. You’re mistaken.”
You felt your irritation flare, the casual dismissal of the truth stoking the simmering anger that you had been trying to keep in check. “Don’t play dumb with me,” you retorted, your tone sharper now. “You know exactly what I’m talking about. You were the one who gave me the money, who saddled the horse for me. And now you’re standing there, lying through your teeth to Karl and everyone else.”
Elisabeth’s eyes flashed with something dark and calculating, a flicker of the manipulative nature that she kept so carefully hidden beneath her polite facade. But she didn’t back down. Instead, she tilted her head slightly, a mockingly sweet smile curling at the corners of her lips. “I’m afraid you’re mistaken, dear,” she said, her tone condescending. “I had nothing to do with it. Perhaps you’re simply confused after everything that happened.”
The audacity of her lie made your blood boil, and you could feel the tension in the room ratchet up a notch as the employees, who had been quietly going about their tasks, began to exchange uneasy glances. Liselotte, who had been standing at a respectful distance, subtly moved closer to you, her expression carefully neutral but her eyes betraying her concern.
“Confused?” you echoed, your voice low and dangerous. “Oh, I’m not the one who’s confused here, Elisabeth. You’re playing a dangerous game, and it’s only a matter of time before Karl finds out the truth. You may think you can manipulate him, but trust me, the truth has a way of coming out.”
Elisabeth’s smile faltered for just a moment, a flicker of uncertainty passing through her eyes before she quickly masked it with a cool, unaffected demeanor. “You really should be careful, [Your Name],” she said softly, her tone almost pitying. “Accusing me of something like this without proof could have serious consequences. You wouldn’t want to find yourself in an even worse situation, now would you?”
The veiled threat in her words sent a shiver down your spine, but you refused to let her see that she had rattled you. Instead, you leaned forward slightly, your eyes boring into hers with a steely resolve. “The only one who should be worried about consequences is you, Elisabeth,” you replied, your voice cold. “Because when Karl finds out the truth, there will be no one left to shield you from his wrath.”
The silence that followed was thick with tension, the unspoken challenge between the two of you palpable in the air. The employees, who had been trying to remain discreet, were now openly watching the exchange, their faces etched with concern and discomfort. Hans, standing near the doorway, exchanged a troubled glance with Anna, who quickly looked away, her expression conflicted.
Liselotte’s hand gently brushed against your arm, a silent gesture of support that bolstered your resolve. You could feel the weight of everyone’s eyes on you, but you didn’t waver, holding Elisabeth’s gaze with an intensity that spoke of your determination to see this through.
Elisabeth, for her part, seemed to realize that the game she was playing was far more dangerous than she had anticipated. Her composure remained intact, but there was a tension in her posture now, a stiffness that betrayed her unease. She glanced around the room, taking in the silent but attentive audience, and you could see the wheels turning in her mind as she calculated her next move.
“I have nothing to hide,” Elisabeth said finally, her voice cool and measured. “And I’m not afraid of the truth, because I know that I’ve done nothing wrong. But if you feel the need to continue with these baseless accusations, then by all means, go ahead. Just remember, [Your Name], that you’re the one who tried to escape. You’re the one who lied to Karl. Perhaps you should be more concerned about your own standing in this household, rather than trying to drag others down with you.”
Her words were sharp, a calculated attempt to turn the tables on you, to shift the blame and cast doubt on your credibility. But you could see through her ploy, and you knew that the only way to win this battle was to stand your ground, to refuse to be cowed by her manipulations.
“I’m not afraid of the truth, either,” you replied evenly, your voice steady and unwavering. “And I’m certainly not afraid of you, Elisabeth. I’ll make sure Karl knows what really happened, whether you admit it or not.”
Elisabeth’s eyes narrowed, the icy coldness returning as she realized that you weren’t going to back down. For a moment, the two of you remained locked in a silent standoff, the tension between you crackling like electricity in the air. The employees around you shifted uncomfortably, sensing the intensity of the exchange but unsure of how to intervene.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Elisabeth broke the silence, her voice calm but laced with an undercurrent of bitterness. “Very well,” she said, her tone clipped. “Believe what you want, [Your Name]. But I have nothing to hide, and I’m not afraid of your threats. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have more important matters to attend to.”
With that, she rose from her seat, her movements graceful but rigid, and swept out of the room without another word.
You let out a slow breath, your hands trembling slightly as the adrenaline from the confrontation began to ebb. Liselotte stepped closer, her expression concerned as she placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder.
“Are you alright, madame?” she asked softly, her voice filled with genuine worry.
You nodded, though your mind was still racing, the events of the morning replaying over and over in your head. “I’m fine,” you replied, though your voice sounded far less confident than you had intended.
Anna, who had been quietly observing the exchange, stepped forward as well, her expression troubled. “Madame,” she began hesitantly, “if I may… I think you should be careful with Elisabeth. She’s… she’s not someone to be underestimated.”
You met Anna’s gaze, seeing the concern in her eyes, and nodded slowly. “I know,” you said quietly. “But I can’t just let her get away with this. I won’t.”
Hans, who had been standing near the doorway, finally spoke up, his voice grave. “Madame,” he said, his tone respectful but firm, “you have our loyalty, but please… be cautious. There’s more at play here than meets the eye.”
You looked around at the faces of the employees, each one marked with a mixture of concern and loyalty, and felt a surge of determination. You weren’t alone in this, and that knowledge gave you the strength to continue the fight.
“I will be,” you assured them, your voice steadying as you spoke. “But I’m not going to back down. Elisabeth thinks she can manipulate everyone around her, but she’s going to learn that I’m not so easily swayed.”
With that, you took another sip of your coffee, the warmth of the liquid grounding you as you prepared yourself for the battles that lay ahead. The road was far from easy, but you were determined to see it through. You would uncover the truth, no matter the cost, and you would make sure that Elisabeth and anyone else who tried to stand in your way would face the consequences of their actions.
You finished your breakfast quickly, eager to escape the tension that had settled over the dining room like a thick fog. As you wiped your mouth with a napkin, you stood up, announcing casually, "I think I'll take a walk through the gardens with Mouse."
No one questioned your decision, and you were grateful for the respite. You needed time to clear your head, to process everything that had happened. With a quick glance around the room, you left, heading toward the parlor where you had last seen Mouse. The little puppy was curled up on the couch, fast asleep, his tiny body rising and falling with each peaceful breath.
"Mouse," you called softly, your voice gentle as you reached out to stroke his soft fur. The puppy stirred, blinking up at you with sleepy eyes before jumping off the couch and trotting after you, his tail wagging enthusiastically.
As you made your way out to the garden, you took a deep breath, letting the fresh air fill your lungs. The gardens had always been your sanctuary, a place where you could find a moment of peace amidst the chaos of your life. Mouse scampered ahead of you, chasing after a butterfly with joyful abandon, and you couldn’t help but smile at his innocent playfulness.
But as you walked, you began to notice something strange. There was a soft sound behind you, a quiet rustling of footsteps that followed your every move. You glanced over your shoulder, half-expecting to see nothing, but to your surprise, you found Hans, the old butler, walking a few paces behind you. His expression was as stoic as ever, his eyes focused on you with an unwavering gaze.
You frowned, confused by his presence. Hans had always been a reliable but discreet member of the household staff, never one to intrude on your personal time. Why was he following you now? You tried to brush it off, thinking it might be a coincidence, but as you continued your walk, Hans continued to follow, maintaining a respectful but noticeable distance.
Mouse barked happily as he darted through the flowerbeds, but your mood was far less cheerful. The constant presence of Hans behind you was beginning to grate on your nerves. You stopped suddenly, hoping that Hans would continue walking, perhaps heading to some other part of the garden. But when you stopped, so did he, standing there with the same impassive expression as before.
Your patience wore thin. You turned on your heel, facing Hans directly. "Hans," you said, your voice tinged with irritation, "what exactly are you doing?"
Hans hesitated for a moment, as if weighing his words carefully. "Herr Hoffmeister has instructed me to accompany you wherever you go within the house and its grounds, madame," he replied in his usual formal tone.
You blinked in confusion, trying to process what he had just said. "Accompany me?" you repeated, your voice rising slightly in disbelief. "You mean to tell me that Karl ordered you to follow me around like a guard dog?"
Hans didn’t flinch, his expression remaining calm and collected. "Yes, madame," he confirmed. "Herr Hoffmeister is concerned for your safety and wants to ensure that you do not attempt to… leave the premises again."
The realization hit you like a cold wave, and you felt your face flush with anger. This was Karl’s doing—his way of controlling you, of making sure you wouldn’t try to escape again. The thought of being watched, of having every move monitored, made your blood boil. How dare he? The nerve of the man!
Your anger rekindled, spurred on by the indignity of it all. The confrontation with Elisabeth, the sleepless night, and now this—Karl had pushed you too far. You gathered up your skirts, determination fueling your every step as you stormed back toward the house, Mouse scampering behind you with confused little barks. Hans followed as well, maintaining his dutiful distance, but you barely noticed him anymore, your mind focused solely on Karl.
You didn’t bother knocking when you reached his office door. You pushed it open with more force than necessary, the door swinging wide as you marched inside, your heart pounding with fury. Karl was seated behind his desk, deep in discussion with his assistant, but you didn’t care. All you could think about was the indignity of being treated like a prisoner in your own home.
"Karl!" you snapped, striding over to his desk and planting your hands on the polished wood surface. "How dare you!"
Karl looked up, clearly taken aback by your sudden entrance, his hazel eyes narrowing as he took in your fiery expression. The assistant, sensing the brewing storm, quickly gathered his papers and made a hasty exit, leaving you and Karl alone in the room.
Karl leaned back in his chair, his expression shifting from surprise to irritation. "What is the meaning of this?" he demanded, his baritone voice carrying an edge of annoyance. "I’m in the middle of a meeting."
You didn’t back down, your eyes blazing with anger. "How dare you have Hans follow me around like a jailer?" you spat, your voice trembling with indignation. "I’m not some criminal that needs to be watched every second of the day!"
Karl’s expression darkened, his irritation morphing into something more dangerous. He stood up, his imposing figure towering over you as he placed his hands on the desk, leaning forward slightly. "You don’t seem to understand, Mrs. Hoffmeister," he retorted, his voice low and menacing, "that after your little stunt, I have every right to be concerned about where you go and what you do."
You glared at him, your anger bubbling over. "Concerned? Is that what you call it? You’re not concerned, Karl—you’re controlling! You think you can keep me under lock and key, but I won’t stand for it!"
Karl’s eyes flashed with frustration, his voice rising as he shot back, "And you think you can just waltz in here and demand that I trust you after what you’ve done? You don’t know who you’re dealing with."
"Oh, I think I know exactly who I’m dealing with!" you shot back, your hands gripping the edge of the desk as you leaned in closer, refusing to be intimidated. "A man who’s so terrified of losing control that he’d rather turn his wife into a prisoner than face the fact that he can’t force her to love him!"
The words hung in the air, sharp and cutting, and you could see the impact they had on Karl. For a moment, his expression softened, the anger in his eyes replaced by something more vulnerable, more hurt. But it was only for a moment. Karl quickly masked his emotions, his expression hardening once again as he straightened up, towering over you with an air of authority that made your heart pound with a mixture of anger and something else—something you didn’t want to acknowledge.
"And you," Karl said, his voice cold and measured, "You may think you can defy me, that you can win this little power struggle, but you’re wrong. You’re my wife, and whether you like it or not, you will abide by my rules."
You stared at him, your breath coming in short, angry bursts. The tension between you was thick, electric, a charged silence that seemed to stretch on forever. You could feel the heat radiating from his body, the intensity of his gaze, and despite your anger, you couldn’t deny the pull between you, the magnetic force that made your skin tingle with a mixture of frustration and something deeper.
"Is that a threat, Karl?" you asked, your voice barely above a whisper, laced with both defiance and challenge.
Karl’s eyes bore into yours, his expression unreadable as he leaned in even closer, his breath warm against your face. "No," he said quietly, his voice low and intense, "it’s a promise."
The tension was almost unbearable, the air between you crackling with unresolved emotions. You wanted to scream, to push him away, to make him understand that you couldn’t—wouldn’t—be controlled. But at the same time, there was something in the way he looked at you, in the way he spoke, that made your heart race, that made you question whether this battle was about more than just control.
You stepped away from the table, your eyes blazing with fury as you stared at Karl. His dismissive attitude, the way he had waved you off as though you were nothing more than an annoyance, only fueled the fire inside you. “We’ll see how much your guard dog can handle,” you spat, your voice laced with defiance.
Karl didn’t even bother to look up at you, his hand waving dismissively in the air as he sat back down at his desk. “Go on, then,” he said coldly. “I have work to do. Hans, escort Mrs. Hoffmeister.”
His complete disregard for you sent a fresh wave of anger coursing through your veins. You turned sharply on your heel, grabbing your skirts and storming out of his office. Hans was already standing outside, his posture straight and formal as always. As soon as he saw you emerge, he fell into step behind you, his expression as stoic as ever.
You were in no mood to be followed like some prisoner on a chain. If Karl wanted to play games, then so be it—you would make sure Hans regretted every step. Without saying a word, you began to walk, your pace brisk and determined as you headed down the hallway. Hans, true to his duty, followed you closely, his footsteps echoing behind you.
But you didn’t stop at the end of the hallway. Instead, you turned and continued walking, your pace quickening with each step. Hans, to his credit, kept up without complaint, but you could hear the slight hitch in his breath as you continued your relentless pace. You took every turn, climbed every staircase, descended every one again, making your way through the house like a woman possessed. Your steps echoed in the vast corridors, your skirts rustling with each hurried movement.
Hans, however, was not as young as he used to be. The exertion was starting to take its toll, and you could hear his breathing becoming more labored with each passing minute. But you didn’t stop. You didn’t even slow down. Instead, you headed for the gardens, the fresh air a welcome contrast to the stifling atmosphere inside the house.
Once outside, you didn’t pause to admire the view or take in the scent of the blooming flowers. No, you kept walking, pushing forward with a determination that bordered on stubbornness. Hans was struggling now, his steps faltering slightly as he tried to keep up with you.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity of walking, you heard him behind you, his voice strained. “Madame… please… could we stop for just a moment?” Hans panted, his words coming out in gasps.
You stopped abruptly, your own breath coming in quick bursts as you leaned against a nearby wall. Hans, grateful for the respite, collapsed into one of the garden chairs, his chest heaving as he struggled to catch his breath. He groaned softly, clearly exhausted from the ordeal, and you couldn’t help but feel a small, petty sense of satisfaction at his discomfort.
But your break was short-lived. You weren’t about to let Karl’s little game dictate your actions. As soon as you felt your breath returning to normal, you straightened up and began walking again, your pace just as fast as before.
Hans, still slumped in the chair, looked up at you with wide, disbelieving eyes. “Madame… please…” he begged, his voice hoarse. But you didn’t stop. You didn’t even look back as you continued on, determined to make your point.
Hans watched in despair as you practically ran across the gardens, your skirts billowing out behind you as you went. He groaned again, slumping back in the chair, his strength completely spent. There was no way he could follow you now, not when his legs felt like lead and his lungs burned with the effort of simply breathing.
Just then, Karl appeared, making his way into the garden with his usual purposeful stride. His eyes narrowed slightly as he took in the scene before him—Hans sprawled out in the chair, panting heavily, and you still marching determinedly across the grounds.
Karl didn’t say anything at first, his gaze shifting from Hans to you and back again. He crossed his arms over his chest, letting out a long, resigned sigh as he watched you.
Hans, noticing his boss’s presence, managed to lift his head, following Karl’s gaze toward you. He let out a soft, breathless chuckle, shaking his head in disbelief. “Herr Hoffmeister,” he wheezed, his voice strained, “you have a… very difficult wife.”
Karl sighed again, rubbing his temple as if to ward off an impending headache. “Yes, Hans,” he replied wearily, his tone laced with a mix of frustration and reluctant admiration. “I’m well aware of that.”
They both stood there for a moment, Karl watching your retreating figure with a mixture of exasperation and something else—something softer, almost amused. It was clear that you had no intention of making this easy for him, and while it frustrated him to no end, there was a part of him that couldn’t help but admire your spirit, your refusal to simply submit to his will.
“You’d better rest, Hans,” Karl said finally, his voice gentle but firm. “I’ll take it from here.”
Hans nodded weakly, grateful for the reprieve as he slumped further into the chair, closing his eyes as he tried to catch his breath. Karl, however, straightened his posture and began walking toward you, his expression a mix of determination and weary resignation.
You hadn’t noticed his approach, too focused on your own thoughts and the burning anger that still simmered inside you. It wasn’t until Karl was almost beside you that you realized he had followed you into the garden. You stopped abruptly, turning to face him with a defiant glare.
“What do you want now?” you snapped, your voice still sharp with lingering frustration.
Karl didn’t respond right away, his hazel eyes studying you intently. The garden was quiet, the only sounds the soft rustling of leaves and the distant chirping of birds. The tension between you crackled in the air, a silent standoff that neither of you seemed willing to break.
Finally, Karl let out a slow breath, his expression softening slightly as he spoke. “You’re exhausting Hans, you know,” he said, his tone surprisingly gentle.
You crossed your arms over your chest, refusing to be swayed by his change in demeanor. “I didn’t ask for his company,” you retorted, your voice cold. “You’re the one who decided I needed a babysitter.”
Karl’s lips twitched slightly, as if he were holding back a smile. “You’re right,” he admitted, his voice quiet but firm. “But I didn’t expect you to be so… relentless.”
You raised an eyebrow, caught off guard by his candid response. The anger that had fueled you began to ebb away, replaced by a cautious curiosity. “What did you expect, then?” you asked, your tone less harsh now.
Karl hesitated for a moment, his gaze locked onto yours. “I don’t know,” he replied honestly, his voice softening further. “But I didn’t expect this.”
For a moment, the two of you simply stood there, the tension between you easing just enough for something else to slip in—a faint, hesitant understanding. You still felt the sting of his earlier actions, the way he had tried to control you, but there was something in the way he looked at you now that made you pause, that made you wonder if there was more to Karl Hoffmeister than you had allowed yourself to see.
But the moment was fleeting, and you weren’t ready to let go of your anger just yet. You took a step back, your expression hardening once more. “You can’t just expect me to fall in line, Karl,” you said, your voice steady and resolute. “I won’t be controlled by you.”
Karl’s eyes darkened slightly, the softness from before fading as he straightened up, his posture once again commanding. “I’m not trying to control you,” he replied, his voice firm. “But I will do what I must to protect you, even if it means making difficult decisions.”
You met Karl’s gaze head-on, your defiance simmering just beneath the surface. “I don’t need your protection,” you declared, your voice laced with disdain. “I don’t need anything from you, Karl.”
Karl’s eyes darkened, his brow furrowing as he took a step closer, his large frame casting a shadow over you. “Oh, you don’t need anything from me?” he repeated, his voice dripping with sarcasm. “Then tell me, what exactly do you want? To be left alone? Is that it? You want me to stay away from you, is that it?”
You tilted your chin up, refusing to back down. “Yes, that’s exactly what I want. Stay away from me, Karl. I can’t stand you. I can’t even stand to breathe the same air as you.”
Karl’s expression hardened, his hazel eyes flashing with anger. “You can’t stand me, can you?” he growled, his baritone voice low and menacing. “Well, too bad, because that’s your duty as my wife! Put up with me!”
You couldn’t help the bitter laugh that escaped your lips, the sound harsh and mocking. “A duty you forced me into, Karl. Don’t pretend like I had a choice.”
Karl’s frustration only grew, his voice rising as he continued to speak. “I know you don’t like me,” he said, his tone bitter. “I know you think I’m old and fat, but you’re mine. Mine!”
You barely heard his words, your attention momentarily drifting as something caught your eye. Over Karl’s shoulder, you noticed Elisabeth standing at the guest room window, watching the two of you with an expression that was difficult to read. But as you saw her there, an idea began to form in your mind—a way to get back at her, to make her as angry and frustrated as you felt.
You interrupted Karl’s tirade with a suddenness that made him stop mid-sentence, his eyes widening in confusion as you stepped closer to him, your demeanor shifting entirely. “Kiss me,” you ordered, your voice firm and unwavering.
Karl blinked, his anger momentarily replaced by bewilderment. “What?” he stammered, as if he hadn’t heard you correctly.
You didn’t wait for him to catch up. Instead, you moved even closer, your hand coming to rest on his shoulder as you stood on your tiptoes, your lips brushing against his ear. “I said, kiss me,” you whispered, your voice soft and enticing.
For a moment, Karl was completely thrown off balance, his mind struggling to process the sudden shift in your behavior. But then, as if something clicked into place, he finally leaned in, capturing your lips with his in a kiss that was anything but gentle. It was rough, possessive, and filled with the pent-up frustration and desire that had been simmering between you for so long.
As his mouth moved against yours, you opened one eye, glancing over Karl’s shoulder to see Elisabeth’s reaction. The sight of her standing there, her face twisted with anger and jealousy, sent a thrill of satisfaction through you. It was working—she was furious, and you reveled in the small victory.
Karl, oblivious to your true intentions, deepened the kiss, his hand coming up to cup the back of your neck, holding you firmly in place as his lips claimed yours. The intensity of his kiss surprised you, the raw hunger in it catching you off guard, but you didn’t pull away. Instead, you allowed yourself to get lost in the moment, using Karl’s desire as a weapon against Elisabeth.
You kissed Karl back, wrapping your arms around his neck, feeling the surprising strength in his embrace despite his age and appearance. His grip on you was firm, almost possessive, and it sent an unexpected thrill through you. The kiss was intense, a mix of frustration, anger, and something else you couldn't quite place. You were doing this to spite Elisabeth, to show her that you had the power to make Karl bend to your will, but there was something about the way he held you, the way he kissed you, that made your heart pound in a way that was both confusing and exhilarating.
Karl seemed to sense your hesitation, but instead of pulling back, he only deepened the kiss, his lips moving against yours with a fervor that took you by surprise. His hand, which had been resting on your waist, began to wander, sliding down your side with a deliberate slowness that made your breath hitch. When his fingers grazed your thigh, you stiffened, a strange shiver running down your spine as you felt the warmth of his touch through the fabric of your dress.
But Karl didn’t stop there. His hand slipped under your dress, his fingers brushing against your bare skin, and you felt a jolt of something—something that you didn’t quite understand—deep in your core. It was an ache, a dull but insistent throb that made you gasp against his mouth. You had never felt anything like it before, and it was both thrilling and terrifying.
Just as you were trying to process this new sensation, Karl’s hand moved higher, his fingers squeezing your ass with a possessive firmness that made your eyes fly open in shock. The sudden, intimate touch sent a bolt of electricity through you, and without thinking, you broke the kiss with a gasp, your heart racing as you stumbled back.
“How dare you!” you cried, the words slipping out before you could stop them. Your hand moved on its own, landing a sharp slap on Karl’s face that echoed through the garden like a gunshot. The force of the slap sent Karl reeling, his eyes wide with surprise as he stumbled back, his hand flying to his cheek in stunned disbelief.
For a moment, both of you were frozen, the intensity of the moment hanging in the air like a charged wire. Your chest was heaving, your mind a whirlwind of confusion and embarrassment as you tried to make sense of what had just happened. You brought your hands to your mouth, shocked by your own actions, and by the feelings that Karl’s touch had stirred within you.
Karl was equally stunned, his eyes locked on yours as he tried to process the situation. The red mark on his cheek was already beginning to darken, a vivid reminder of your reaction. But instead of anger, there was something else in his gaze—a mix of bewilderment and, oddly enough, amusement.
“How dare you touch me like that!” you screamed, your voice trembling with a mix of outrage and something you didn’t quite understand. You gathered your skirts and turned on your heel, fleeing back toward the house as fast as your legs would carry you. “Pervert!” you spat over your shoulder, the word carrying with it all the confusion and embarrassment that was coursing through you.
Karl didn’t respond. He stood there, still holding his cheek, his expression a strange mix of shock and… was that a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth? As he watched you run, his eyes narrowed slightly, the wheels in his mind beginning to turn.
She asked me to kiss her, Karl thought to himself, the realization making his heart beat a little faster. His lips curled into a slow, almost self-satisfied smile as he replayed the moment in his mind. She asked me to kiss her, and she kissed me back. Despite the slap, despite the sharp sting still lingering on his cheek, Karl couldn’t help but feel a surge of triumph.
You had kissed him. You had wanted him to kiss you. And that, more than anything else, sent a thrill through Karl that he hadn’t felt in years. He could still feel the warmth of your lips against his, the way your body had responded to his touch, even if you hadn’t fully understood what you were feeling. There was something there, something deeper than just the anger and frustration that had fueled your earlier argument.
As Karl stood there, watching the house where you had fled, he felt a strange sense of satisfaction settle over him. Yes, you had slapped him, and yes, you had called him a pervert, but that didn’t change the fact that, for a moment, you had let down your guard. You had allowed yourself to feel something, even if you didn’t fully understand it.
Karl’s smile widened as he turned back toward the garden, his mind already working on what to do next. He would give you time, let you cool down, but he wasn’t going to let this go. Not by a long shot. There was something between the two of you, something powerful and undeniable, and Karl was determined to explore it, no matter how much you might resist.
Inside the house, you slammed the door behind you, your heart still racing as you leaned against the wall, trying to catch your breath. Your mind was a jumbled mess of emotions—anger, confusion, embarrassment—and something else that you didn’t want to acknowledge. Your hand was still tingling from the slap, the image of Karl’s stunned expression seared into your mind.
What had just happened? You had asked him to kiss you, had wanted him to kiss you, and then… and then you had felt something, something that had made you panic, made you lash out. The memory of Karl’s hand on your thigh, his fingers squeezing your ass, sent a shiver through you, but it wasn’t entirely unpleasant. It was confusing, disorienting, and you didn’t know what to make of it.
You had never been touched like that before, never even imagined that a man’s touch could make you feel… like that. It was wrong, wasn’t it? The way your body had reacted, the way you had felt that strange ache deep inside you. It had to be wrong. And yet, the memory of Karl’s kiss, the way his lips had moved against yours with such intensity, was still lingering in the back of your mind, making your heart beat faster every time you thought about it.
You shook your head, trying to clear your thoughts, but the confusion remained, a tangled knot of emotions that refused to be unraveled. You didn’t understand what was happening, didn’t understand why Karl’s touch had made you feel that way. All you knew was that you couldn’t let him see how much he had affected you. You couldn’t let him think that he had any power over you.
“Pervert,” you muttered to yourself, the word feeling hollow even as you said it. But despite your best efforts, you couldn’t shake the memory of Karl’s kiss, the way it had made you feel both scared and… something else.
You took a deep breath, trying to steady your nerves. Whatever had happened, you would make sure it didn’t happen again. You would keep your distance from Karl, avoid him as much as possible, and focus on finding a way out of this mess. But even as you resolved to do so, you couldn’t help but feel a strange, unsettling excitement at the thought of what had just happened.
And Karl, standing in the garden with a satisfied smile on his face, was already planning his next move. You had opened a door, and he had every intention of walking through it.
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whoxeology · 8 months
can you write the sfw alphabet with percy? hihii i thought it was so cute and i really love ur writing style!!
- b 💖
A/N: AGHH OF COURSE I CAN. This is my first request and I’m so excited. I'm so happy you enjoyed my writing :3 Thank you so much for request B 🫶🏼
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⛧☾༺♰SFW Alphabet♰༻☽⛧
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PAIRING: Percy Jackson x Reader
WARNINGS: Established Relationship, Swear Words, Possible spoilers for TLT, Kissing, Making Out, OOC Percy.
W.C: 3.05k
A/N: I have not read the books only knowledge I have of Percy is from the movies, TV series, and multiple fics I have read. While making this I have Logan Lerman Percy Jackson in mind but feel free to imagine him as you wish. With that being said this is purely for fun and these are just my headcannons. You are more than welcome to disagree and leave feedback.
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Percy is the personification of affection. Whenever he's around you (which is always) he has to have your attention directed towards him. His love language is obviously touch so numerous hugs and countless kisses throughout the day. He's not afraid of PDA hell he's proud to show you off as his. He'll kiss you like there's no tomorrow when he leaves. Only to be back an hour later. When he's with you he will always be touching you in some sort of way. Hand on the small of your back, holding your hand, arm wrapped around your waist any way for him to remind himself that you are not going anywhere.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
You would be at camp before he was, it would be similar to his and Luke's dynamic (Minus the betrayal). You would be friends with Luke, meaning he would introduce Percy to you. Percy being Percy would go straight into his usual sassy self. Seeing as you and Percy were much closer in age you and him would hit it off. He found himself as protective, as loving, as sarcastic towards you as he was towards Grover.
After being told that someone he calls a friend would betray him he didn't think it would be you or Luke (He was definitely wrong about one of those) and when it was found out to be Luke he kinda ices you out. He thought that considering how close you and Luke were you had to know. When he finds out that you really didn't know about Luke he lets you back in. Slowly as if he's still on guard and worried about you suddenly also being with Kronos.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Percy is touchy in public when it's just the two of you he practically lives and breathes in you. If you are in his cabin (Which is always because he has his own cabin) then he'd love to lay on your chest, arms secured tightly around your waist, and your legs wrapped securely around his waist. Like a koala on a branch.
Sometimes when Percy has had a rough day he likes to cuddle with you in his lap. Having your hands tangled in his hair while his hands drift from tracing your spine to caressing your hips. Your legs are on either side of his thighs as his legs are slightly bent pushing you further into him.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
When it comes down to settling, Percy would love to be with you for the rest of his life. However, the idea of having children with you would concern him a little. Not because he doesn't want kids with you more rather because he wouldn't want to put you or the children in danger. If you guys did have kids he would certainly wish for all boys but the second your baby girl was born he'd adore her with every fiber in his being. She'd so be spoiled and reign over her brothers.
Percy sucks at cooking but at least he's better than Luke. He knows how to cook the basics eggs, spaghetti, blue cookies, etc. He'd always try though. For you, he's willing to learn loving the way your eyes light up when you eat whatever concoction he made up with. Even when it's not edible.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
No. Percy would rather be dragged into the depths of Tartarus than break up with you. Oh lord and if you tried to break up with him. Good luck.
"Percy I think we should break up" "No" "No? What do you mean no this isn't your choice" "You're right it's OUR choice and I said no" "Percy this isn't up for negotiation" "I know I said no and that's it, sweetheart you are not getting rid of me that easy nice try tho" " I hate you" "You know you love me"
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
From the moment Percy saw you he knew you'd be the end of him. He'd be anything you'd want him to be. A friend, a best friend, ..... a lover. He knew that if you just wanted to be friends he would be by your side through everything, If you wanted him to be a lover he'd probably run through camp cheering then run back to you and twirl you around. He'd be yours from the moment you saw him.
The only marriage he saw growing up was his mother's and Gabe's. He knew he would be nothing like Gabe. He would want to marry you whenever you were ready. He would be the best husband he could possibly be.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Physically Percy is strong. Like really fucking strong he killed a minotaur by himself at age 12 During training sessions, he goes easy on you unless you tell him not to (Even then he's still holding back). Other times Percy would try his best to be softer around you in fear of hurting you.
Emotionally Percy is deflective. Percy isn't the type to sit down and talk about his feelings. When his feelings get too much he tries to ignore them. He asks about your day, he's overly active in camp activities, he's up and about. When it comes to your emotions Percy tries his best to comfort you. He is not entirely sure how to handle emotions too well but he tries.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Percy hugs you as if you are going to disappear. He hugs you any chance he gets. He'll come up to you and wrap his hands around your waist while yours go around his neck. Stupid grin on his face while you and him rock back and forth. Or sometimes when you're busy he'll come up and hug you from behind head resting on your shoulder watching you as you do whatever it is that you're doing. His hands always soothingly slip under your shirts the feel of your skin on his makes him feel at peace.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Percy knew he loved you since he first saw you so of course he would say it rather fast. Most of the time it was a quick "I love you" before he ran off to do gods know what but on your first date he looked into your eyes and practically bared his soul to you and said in the most hushed voice "I love you" as if this time he feared you would disappear or would suddenly realize you deserved better.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Percy wasn't the type to get jealous. Only because he didn't have a reason to be. Everyone in camp knew he was your boyfriend. No one dared to make a move on you especially when your boyfriend killed a minotaur at 12 and is the son of Posiden. However, when an old friend of yours showed up in camp things went a little sour. The newcomer was not only gorgeous with his wavy blonde hair, beautiful tan skin, and piercing honey-brown eyes but he was naturally funny, talented, and really fucking flirty. He'd always be with you and seeing as you were an old friend you felt obligated to show him around. When Percy found out that this hunk was an ex of your good gods was he beyond jealous. He immediately stuck to your side and made sure Mr. Supermodel knew that he was yours and was not going to be replaced.
He'd call you baby, love, and doll in literally everyyyyy sentence. He'd take your hand and interlace it with his and examine your hands together very visibly while you talked to your friend. He'd stare at your friend as he kissed your cheek. While you were mid-sentence he'd whisper something in your ear that would either make you lose focus by giggling or turning bright red while being speechless.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like?)
Percy can hold his breath for quite some time so his kisses are so long you feel as if you'd faint. Percy kisses with his all. Trying to get in your skin basically. He'll wrap his arms around you or pin you to a wall and push himself impossibly closer to you. He loves to kiss you anywhere he can. Your hands, your lips, your arms, your legs, as well as other places of course.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Percy can not be trusted around children. Swear if you left a child with Percy they would learn enough curse words to make Hades himself gasp in shock. If they're older and a bit more hardheaded leave it to Percy to knock em around. With the younger kids at camp, he'd definitely scare them a few times while training.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Percy is not a morning person. Most of the time you'd wake up, manage to get ready, have breakfast, and have at least 2 training sessions before he even stumbled out of bed. On the rare occasions when Mr. D dragged Percy out of bed and into the mess hall Percy would manage to say at least 2 sarcastic comments to and behind Mr. D's back and sneak in a least 3 cuss words before promptly falling asleep with his head smashed into the table.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Since Percy has his own cabin you and him often spend the nights together there. The two of you are entangled within each other grasp. Since your cabin was fuller than Percy's you would stash some of your belongings in his cabin per his request of course so that it felt more like your place too. You had a mushroom blanket that you crocheted years ago that Percy had draped over his bed. It wasn't at all symmetrical or pretty since it was the first one you ever made but Percy cherished it nonetheless. You'd often times sneak out of his cabin with him and go to the lake. He loved to be in the water and you loved to be with him. You'd stay out way past curfew and swim until your legs burned and your fingers were prunes.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Percy would unknowingly say things around you that made you wonder out loud about his past. It took him some time to open up but after you guys got together he'd tell you all about his life over a short span of being together. You'd be in the lake with his arms around his neck and legs around his waist as he told you about his mom. He told you about her smile, her hugs, her famous blue cookies. His eyes would sparkle brighter than the stars themselves as he talked about her.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Percy is impulsive but he does not lack patience. If anything he has more patience than most. He knows this and he uses it to his advantage. Seeing as he makes everything around him into some kind of joke he loves to antagonize his enemies into attacking first so he can learn more about them. The only times when he'd lose his patience is when someone would talk about his mother. his friends, or you in a negative tone.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Percy's mind is all over the place. He doesn't remember which Disney princesses you were obsessed with in 4th grade but he does know the story behind your name. He seems to forget the bigger details and rather latches onto the smaller the ones that others seem to forget about. He doesn't remember your favorite artist but he does remember the beat of that one song you loved as a child but were never able to find the name of.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Percy's favorite memory in your relationship was the moment you said I love you back to him. Percy would always say "I love you" before running off. This time you had told him you were going to sword train with Annabeth and he said that he loved you and that he would find you later he had to see Grover. Percy was shocked when you pulled him back by his armor and kissed him deeply before almost breathlessly whispering that you "loved him too". He practically skipped his entire way to Grover and was blushing the whole time.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Percy is extremely protective over you. Not in an overbearing way because gods know you can handle yourself but Percy would rather be there for you and keep you safe than find you in a position that would require you to protect yourself. In Capture the Flag when you are on the opposite team he finds ways to flirt with you instead of fighting. When he and his teammates stumble upon you and your teammate he tells him that he has you when in reality you most likely end up holding a sword at his throat while you straddle him playfully of course.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Percy will gift you the moon if he thinks it will make you happy. Every morning you'd wake to a single flower from him. Every day was a different flower. It surprised you how he even managed to find so many. Every time you'd receive a flower from him you'd book press them. Yes, it took a long time but they looked beautiful once they were done and framed.
On dates and anniversaries, Percy would tell you the night before to be at his cabin at 10 pm and to dress comfortably. The next day you'd wake up and he'd be gone. That whole day you wouldn't see or hear a single peep from him. The first time he did it you freaked kinda worried that something had happened to him. Grover told you he was doing Percy things and just to be at his cabin. Of course, Percy would be there and he'd take you for a stroll through the forest that led to a lighted picnic area. He'd leave camp to personally get you your favorite takeout, a new book to add to your forever-growing collection, and a new pack of Polaroids for your camera. How he got the money he'd never tell. All that mattered was that these were gifts that he knew you'd love. After the forest, he'd take you to the beach and you guys would swim till well past curfew. Having to run away soaking wet, clothes in hand, giggling manically as Mr. D almost catches y'all.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Swearing. Look swearing is fine we're young adults and there's nothing wrong with it. However, Percy has a really bad habit of dropping curse bombs all the time. Around your peers, the younger kids, hell even Chiron. The face he makes when he realizes he very loudly said "what the fuck" around Chiron is always funny.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Percy has some self-esteem issues deeply rooted in him from his childhood. He'd never consider himself to be jaw-droppingly gorgeous. Not like you of course. You'd tell him how gorgeous and he'd just blush your words making him feel prettier. Eventually, you'd have to knock him down a few pegs or else he'd turn into a bobblehead.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Percy is attached to you. Like deep-rooted attached. He wouldn't be able to focus on anything if you were gone for a long time. He'd constantly think about you and become worried the longer you were gone.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Once you and Percy start dating and he's more comfortable with you he's so gossipy. He will literally be so involved in the tea you tell him and vice versa. When he hears something really juicy from the other campers he practically runs to you to tell you.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Dishonest and Disloyalty. Loyalty is Percy's biggest moral. If you were disloyal to him it would sever any friendship/relationship with him (Luke). Along with honesty. If you are loyal to someone, truly care for them, or even just mean well then why would you lie.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
When Percy first joined camp he couldn't sleep too well the nightmare of his mother getting crushed replaying over and over in his head. Eventually with you by his side, he was able to have a better sleep schedule.
He tosses and turns a lot in his sleep oftentimes accidentally bruising you in the night. You'd have small bruises on your legs from where he'd kick you and smaller ones on your arms from where he would accidentally elbow you as he turned. He'd also have bruises from where'd you kicked him back of course he was such a heavy sleeper he'd never wake up and wouldn't notice till days later.
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for a possible suggestion/request: reader is being silly and teasing melissa, melissa gets playfully annoyed and threatens to "get" the reader; reader sees it as an empty threat because melissa would never hurt her and cheekily pushes her buttons further, which ultimately results in the reader losing a very one-sided tickle fight 😭❤️ (though perhaps still "winning" to the reader because 1) physical affection and 2) they got melissa to be silly with them too 🫠🫶🥹)
Speaking From the Heart Pt. II
Pairing: Melissa Schemmenti x reader
Summary: Melissa is trying to get some work done, and r just wants her attention
Word Count: 1.9k
A/N: Thank you for the request, nonnie. I hope I did your idea justice!
P.S. I'm just now realizing that I already wrote a physical touch headcanon. Oops. But this one is cute and fluffy and silly and I loved writing it. I hope you all enjoy reading it. Okie bye!! <3
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Physical Touch
You were big on physical affection and luckily so was Melissa. It took some time for you to figure it out, but she was a huge softie. At any given moment, Melissa was likely to display her affection through touch. She was observant and enjoyed learning all the things that made you melt. At home, you loved when she would wrap her arms around you and place kisses on your neck. In public, she would be discreet with her actions, but she still made sure her adoration was evident. If you were walking side by side she would link your pinkies together. If you were in an unfamiliar place, she would place a hand on your lower back and guide you around. She always made you feel utterly safe and cared for, and while you appreciated the heartfelt gestures, you liked to have a little fun every now and again.
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The steady pitter-patter of rain held your attention as you sat on the couch. You watched the raindrops as they hit the window and made their descent to the ground. Sometimes one droplet became two, creating a large bead that would race down the pane faster than your eyes could keep up. The light rapping of precipitation on the roof was soothing and almost relaxing enough to make you fall asleep.
There was just one thing missing: Melissa. She was right there with you, sitting at the coffee table grading her students' worksheets. For some reason, though, it felt like she was miles away. Her back was facing you (maybe that had something to do with it), but you could almost picture what she looked like. Red reading glasses sitting on the bridge of her nose, eyebrows scrunched, and lips in a small pout as she deciphered messy handwriting. You watched as she tapped her pen on the stack of papers – something she did to help her think. She was deciding which encouraging note that student would receive.
“Oh, I know,” the redhead murmured once she figured it out. She was always attentive and deliberate with her feedback, firmly believing that her positive comments helped her students’ confidence. 
God, she was so cute. You let out a sigh, becoming painfully aware of the space between you two. Maybe you could distract yourself for another thirty minutes. Her stack of papers seemed to be slimming down, and you were certain she’d be done soon. You picked up your phone, choosing to scroll through the messages you’d received. Seeing a Tik Tok from one of your friends, you clicked the link before remembering you’d sworn to a vow of silence. Melissa had been hesitant to let you keep her company, knowing she’d be running the risk of you interrupting her. You could only sit with her if you were going to be quiet because she’d lose focus otherwise. 
She was already a week behind on grading, and you let out another sigh at that realization. Really, your only options were to sit there and watch the rain or to read your book (something you already grew tired of since you’d been doing it for the past hour). You truly just wanted Melissa’s attention at this point.
“Something wrong back there?” The woman asked as she scribbled dark ink onto stark white paper.
You startled at the sound of her voice piercing the quiet, “No, why?”
“You’re doing a lot of sighing,” she noted, not bothering to look back at you.
“I’m just bored.” You answered truthfully, a slight whine in your tone.
“I’m almost done,” she updated you before murmuring, “What the hell?”
You assumed that wasn’t directed toward you. She must have read a crazy answer on one of the worksheets. Her kids were known for writing down some wild things. 
You decided to watch that Tik Tok after all. You came to the conclusion that it wouldn't bother her too much if the volume was low. However, as soon as the video began to play, the teacher noticed.
“Hon,” she said in a cautionary tone.
“If you don’t turn that phone off, I’m gonna break it.” She huffed.
Any other time you’d feel the effects of her words, but that particular statement didn’t have her usual boldness. She wasn’t the best multitasker, unable to grade papers and be stern at the same time. She’d have to stop one thing to do the other and you knew that. So, you continued to play the video, turning the volume down lower in hopes that it would fix the issue. If she really wanted to stop you, she would.
“Y/N.” She whipped her head over her shoulder giving you a sharp glare.
“What?” you asked, a smile playing on your lips as your theory was proven to be correct.
She put her pen down and moved to face you. “Turn it off. I’m not kidding.”
“Okay, Mel.” You smiled sweetly, with the intention of not giving her any grief.
Then your finger slipped and you accidentally scrolled down to the next video. Your eyes widened and your mouth rounded in surprise. Unbeknownst to Melissa, you had meant to exit out of the app, but your phone seemed to take its own interpretation of your actions.
Melissa got up from the floor quicker than you expected her to, and before you knew it she was walking over to you. The same look from before took hold of her face, and you tried not to focus on how pretty she looked in her glasses. A smile planted itself on your lips as you admired her and that seemed to provoke the woman.
“Something funny?” she asked, raising her eyebrows.
“No,” you shook your head as she walked closer to you. “It’s just– that was an accident. I was trying to close the app.” 
She’d made her way onto the couch, placing her legs on either side of your body and angling herself so she was leaning over you. Funny how a few minutes ago you were dying to be near her, but now you felt nervous under her gaze.
“Mhmm,” she nodded, “I bet you did.” Her hand reached out to snatch your phone.
 You were quicker than her and swiftly moved your hand before she could catch you.
“Y/N, come on.” She tilted her head and reached out for the device again. “I don’t have time for games.”
“I’m not playing games.” You laughed. “If you want it, you’re gonna have to try a little harder.” 
Moments later, you found yourself in a struggle trying to keep your phone safe. Once she realized where things were going, Melissa resorted to the only thing she knew would give her the upper hand. 
“Melissa, I swear to God if you tickle me.” You gritted through heavy breathing.
She grinned at you before moving her hands down to grab at your sides.
“Melissa! Stop!” You tried to wriggle out of her grip, legs kicking and hands grabbing at her, but it was no use. She had you pinned down to the couch and you were too weakened by laughter to fight back.
“I’ll stop,” she paused when you looked at her with hopeful eyes, “if you apologize.”
“I-It was an acc–” you giggled and gasped through her attack. “An accide–”
She didn’t even give you the chance to finish what you were saying. If the words weren’t “I’m sorry”, then she didn’t want to hear them.
“Melissa!” Your eyes started well up with tears as you used your last bit of available breath to let out a laugh. “Stop, I can’t breathe!”
“Apologize,” she smiled, knowing that she was going to win this fight. Your phone was long gone, had dropped out of your grip once she laid her hands on you.
Your breathing troubles increased and the muscles in your stomach were burning, so you caved in. “Okay! O-okay! I’m s-sorry.”
After your confession, she stopped as promised. You were breathless with tears streaming down your face from laughing so much. Melissa was laughing nearly as much as you, and it was probably because you looked like a hot mess.
“That was so uncalled for.” You pouted as she loosened the grip her legs had on you.
“It was so called for,” she mocked. “You wouldn’t turn your damn phone off.”
“I tried!” You exclaimed. “Clearly my phone has a mind of its own.”
Melissa reached up to wipe your tears away. “You’re strong. I thought you were gonna fling me off of this couch.”
“I thought you were gonna let me die on this couch.” You looked at her with wide eyes.
She threw her head back in a cackle, “Don’t be so dramatic.”
“I couldn’t fucking breathe, Melissa!” You emphatically motioned to your lungs.
“Poor thing,” she cupped your chin with her fingers. “Maybe next time you’ll keep your phone off.” She moved to get off the couch, but you reached for her arm to stop her in her tracks.
“I think I deserve a few minutes of cuddling for my troubles.” You proposed the idea hoping she would give take pity and give in.
“Your troubles?” she looked at you quizzically. “I’m the one who has to spend the next hour grading.”
“Please,” you whined as she started to move off of the couch again. “Just for a few minutes.”
“No, because a few minutes always turns into a few hours.”
“Please, baby.” You gave her puppy dog eyes. “I’ll help you finish grading.”
At the sound of you calling her baby, her eyes softened and you knew you were about to win this debate. She may be the queen of coercion, but you were also pretty good.
“Fine,” she conceded, “but only for ten minutes.”
She laid back on the couch and held her arms out to welcome you. You happily took the invitation and snuggled up to her chest. You placed a kiss on her collarbone to show your thanks, a chuckle escaping your throat.
“What?” She asked, her fingers already making circles on your back to calm you.
“Nothin’.” You continued to laugh quietly.
“Tell me.” Melissa couldn’t help but join in on the laughter, finding it infectious.
“You’re such a softie.”
“No I’m not,” she grumbled.
“You are.” You looked up at her. Even though she disagreed with you, you could see the twinkle in her eyes.
“You sure you wanna talk to me like that? When my hands are this close to you?” She asked, alluding to the fact that she wasn’t afraid to start a tickle fight again. 
“Hey, let’s not get crazy.” You eyed her cautiously.
“I’m not soft.” She scrunched her face in disapproval.
“Whatever you say, Lissa.” She was soft for you whether she admitted to it or not. “You know we're gonna be here for more than ten minutes, right?”
“Yeah, hon, I know,” she laughed. “If you wanted my attention you could have just asked.”
“Well, where’s the fun in that?” You winked at her. “Plus, you were busy.”
“I’m never too busy to cuddle.” She placed a kiss on the top of your head as you moved to rest on her shoulder. “I love being close to you.”
At that confession, you looked at her with raised eyebrows.
She rolled her eyes. “Okay, maybe I see what you’re saying.”
“You big softie.” You teased again.
“Stop it.” She poked your side. “Or I’m gonna get you.”
“It’s okay. I love you just the way you are.” You smiled, sealing the deal with a kiss.
Previous Chapter
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winterrrnight · 1 year
wish I had you
PAIRING: rafe cameron x fem!reader
SUMMARY: rafe made a huge mistake and lost the love of his life.
WARNINGS: angst, angst, angst! Absolutely no fluff, it's all angst, swearing, drugs, drug overdose!, heartbreaks, very small mentions of s*lf h*rm
EDITH SPEAKS: I'm back!!!! My exams were, something, but now I'm finally back and writing again 🥹 oh I'm so happy! I'll be getting onto my requests too, but for now, requests are back open! So get in any and all ideas you may have :)
This is so so so sad, and yes, Rafe is pretty much the one doing all the wrong here. No, it doesn't have a happy ending, it's pure angst. It's the reason I'm breathing right now, and also the reason I'm breaking inside. I hope this makes you feel a roller coaster of emotions :')
The fic is inspired by one of my favourite artist, Ruel makes insane music and please check his stuff out if you want to 🫶🏻 and also listen to this track while reading this so the level of sadness and heartbreak just 📈📈📈📈
Please please please like and reblog if you liked this!!! Feedback is always appreciated 💝
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I watch her on the sidewalk, her hand intertwined with his as he sways their arms, both of them laughing. I feel the same pain in my heart which I experience each time I see them together.
Each time I see her so happy with someone who isn't me.
He's the one who gets to take her to little dates, click her pictures, surprise her with flower bouquets, when it is supposed to be me. I am the one who should be taking her to little dates, clicking her pictures, and surprising her with flower bouquets.
He kisses her cheek after pulling her closer to him from her waist the same way I used to do. She giggles just the same way she used to do with me. Her eyes sparkle and the most beautiful smile pulls her lips, and my heart used to flutter each time her irises gazed into mine.
But I don't get to experience that anymore. I don't get to see her smiling at me. Instead, each time we come across each other in public, she pretends she doesn't know who I am. Like I don't exist in her world anymore. And her boyfriend makes sure to pull her even closer to him and give me a glare if I even glance at her.
And I completely deserve that. Everything we had went down the gutter because of the way I am.
↶ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊˎ-
I slowly open the door to try and make as less noise as I can. I creep up the stairs, each move of mine calculated, but when I peek inside the room, i notice she's awake, sitting on the edge of the bed with her head in her hands.
I notice her body is moving as she is crying, the sobs escaping her silently. I feel my heart break at the sight. What have I done?
"Babe, hey..." I say softly, as I push open the door. She looks up at me, her eyes wide and red. Whenever I used to open the door after coming home from a long day, she would look at me with love in her eyes, but right now, there is nothing close to love in those eyes.
"Don't, just don't-" she whispers, her voice shaky and strained. Her cheeks are stained with her tears, and as she steps away from me, her footsteps are just as shaky as her voice.
"Just hear me out this one time, I was-"
"NO!" She yells, cutting me off. Her yell takes me by surprise, causing me to flinch slightly. "I don't have time for your excuses Rafe, I'm done with you, I'm done with this all. There's nothing you can say or do which can help defend you. Go back to your drugs, and Barry, I don't care," She moves towards her closet and gets a bag, and starts to put all her belongings in her bag.
I want to go ahead and stop her, get on my knees and beg her to not leave me, but my feet remain glued to the ground. I look at my feet, and hear the sounds of her frantically throwing stuff in her bag and trying to stuff it all in.
Suddenly, it is all silent. I look up to see her back towards me, and her arms at her sides. The bag she is stuffing is kept by her side on the ground, its contents spilling out.
"You know what today is?" She whispers.
I look at her back with my eyes wide, trying to comprehend what she is saying. What is it today? I rack my brain for answers but it turns up with nothing.
"It's our five year anniversary," she whispers, "and you promised to take me to Paris, where you and me will get on top of the Eiffel Tower to kiss just as it strikes midnight for today."
I want to jump off a 20 storey building.
This is too much.
I never knew how capable I was of fucking perfectly curated relationships up.
"But you forgot. Just the way you forgot about me. You've forgotten me completely, Rafe. All you care is about stupid shit, about your drugs, and your gold, and whatever the fuck it is. But I know you stopped caring about me a long, long time ago." She turns around now, her eyes looking everywhere but at me. "I waited, waited for as long as I could. I thought you'll come back to me. I thought you'll realise you're in the wrong and you'd want to correct it. But that moment never happened. I was just giving myself false hope." Her voice cracks towards the end and more tears stream down her face. She moves her hand to wipe them, and I have this sudden urge to hold her face in my hands and wipe her tears.
But I've lost all privileges to hold her, fuck, I shouldn't even look at her anymore.
"I'm ending this all here, I cannot hold onto this short thread of a relationship which you cut off so long ago. I need to let go, solely for me and my health." She sniffs and bends down to stuff everything in her bag messily and zip it up. She picks it up and hangs it on her shoulder.
My vision starts to get blurry as tears form in my eyes, as I watch her walk out of this room. These walls saw us share our most intimate moments together, and now they're seeing it all fall apart.
"Bye, Rafe."
Her last words echo in my ears as she leaves this house.
I've lost her forever.
↶ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊˎ-
As I watch her walk away with her new boyfriend, I have this urge to rip everything apart and bang my head against a wall until it bleeds.
Since she walked out that door, I have been a mess. I don't know who I am anymore. I was so in love with her, I wanted to marry her. I loved showing everyone that I got the best girl one can ever get. She loved me beyond the human capabilities, and made sure I was doing okay at all times.
My addiction to drugs worsened as I find myself each night either in my home with my cocaine or at some party with as many alcohol cups I can down. And it all continued getting bad when I blacked out from the drug consumption at a party and woke up in a hospital bed.
I lost my entire business, I lost my entire soul. I lost who I am, and at this point, I don't know how I'll continue to live life.
Because I want her.
I want her to hold me and run her hands through my hair, and remind me all is okay.
I want her to kiss my forehead and whisper sweet little nothings in my ear.
I want her to rub her hands on my back and tell me she'll always be there for me.
But I don't deserve anything good in life. And I certainly don't deserve an angel like her.
I will always love her.
close my eyes but what's the use, cause my mind still dreams of you.
↶ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊˎ-
TAGLIST: @runningfrom2am @saccharinesammie @maybankslover @totalswag @madelynie @chenslucy @ietss @elle-mp3 @viawritesstuff @wallsdreams @tahliac11 @sadfury
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formulafics · 10 months
Hi, love your fics!! ❤️❤️ Could I request a charles x reader? One where she's also a driver (your choice which team) and she's from Poland and their flags just look like 🇵🇱🇲🇨 and it's like a "funny" coincidence to the fans or something, maybe it's a charles and y/n thing to always point out how similar their flags are
Scenario: time and time again, your flag gets mixed up with your boyfriends’, and vice versa. this time around, something a little more interesting than just a mixed up flag happens.
Pairing: charles leclerc x fem!reader (mclaren driver)
A/N: i’m so sorry this has taken me so long to get to! thank you so much for your patience 🫶🏻 this is actually such a cute idea, i love it. i hope you enjoy the fic! <3 ALSO THIS IS MY FIRST CHARLES FIC ‼️WHO CHEERED?
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liked by arthur_leclerc, oscarpiastri, f1, yn_ln, and 1,360,155 others
charles_leclerc good to be back on the podium…even with the flag mishap. i wouldn’t want it to be any flag but @/yn_ln’s.
view all 12,345 comments
yn_ln i could say the same for your flag. congrats on p2 baby you deserve it! 🥰
scuderiaferrari if you can’t beat them join them. right @/yn_ln ?
⤷ yn_ln 👀
⤷ rizzciardo hey so what does this mean lol
landonorris get a room
⤷ yn_ln bet 🤭
leclercnorrisrussel WE CAN BE WORLD CHAMPION I SAID
lovelyleclerc yk its a good day when yn and charles are on the podium together
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liked by charles_leclerc, arthur_leclerc, landonorris, alex_albon, georgerussel63, and 864,562 others
yn_leclerc (accidentally) took his flag, joined his team, and now taking his name. 🤭❤️
thanks lando for taking the pictures 🫶🏻
view all 9,652 comments
charles_leclerc through sickness, health, and mixed flags 😂
⤷ yn_leclerc forever and always baby ❤️
landonorris thank god i don’t have to spend another year with you
⤷ yn_leclerc just bc we aren’t gonna be teammates doesn’t mean we aren’t friends 🤨 you’re not getting rid of me that easily mister. also i gave you photo credits i expect you to be nicer
pierregasly congratulations ❤️ love you guys
maxverstappen1 💙
georgerussel63 congrats guys 💙
carmenmundt so happy for you both! congratulations, mr and mrs. leclerc! ❤️
paularon_ @/arthur_leclerc can be the flower child at the wedding!
stardustf1 serving parents more than ever with this one
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yn_leclerc and scuderiaferrari
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liked by charles_leclerc, alex_albon, f1, paularon_, arthur_leclerc, landonorris, and 876,542 others
yn_leclerc a wise man once said “if you can’t beat them, join them” and join them i did. 🤭 can’t wait to see what the 2024 season brings!
view all 7,672 comments
charles_leclerc i love you ❤️ can’t wait
⤷ yn_leclerc i love you more
oscarpiastri thank you for the seat
⤷ yn_leclerc your welcome pls take care of lando
scuderiaferrari happy to have you! 🥰
lovelyleclerc everytime i get the notif that you post, i go insane. i just wanted you to know that!
norrisnation i’m gonna miss you in mclaren but im so happy for you 😭🧡
ynsnumberone MOTHER
⤷ rizzciardo it truly isn’t a yn post if there isn’t someone in the comments calling her mother
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thank you for reading! all feedback is appreciated! — dae <3
💌 | @renarots @jsjcue @lovstappen @illicitverstappen @treehouse-mouse @minkyungseokie @lokietro @spidersophie @arkhammaid @vellicora @stopeatread @motorsp0rt @leclercvsx @cixrosie @piasstrisblog @vroomvroomverstappen @harrysdimple05 @sadieurlady @fastcarsandshit @kortneej81 @i-love-ptv @pretty-little-bunny382728 @elliegrey2803 @yagirlhayes
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ikigaisvt · 1 year
A cupcake, a friend and a love story.
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how your favorite cupcake at your favorite café runed by your friends led you to meeting your boyfriend.
pairing: seokmin x gn!reader words count: 5.9k content: strangers to lovers, non-idol au, fluff, some very poor comedy and a little bit of angst (on reader’s side), seokmin and reader are college student, 95z line regular appearance as café owners, mentions of minghao and wonwoo (implied college students.) warnings: some cuss words, only a tiny bit of skinship (hands holding and implied kiss) note: hi everyone! this the very first work i am posting on here; i hope everyone will like it!! i’m always open to feedback as long as you’re being respectful 🫶🏻 there are some cuss words as stated in the warnings so if you’re uncomfortable with that please don’t read! minors are allowed to interact with this fic as it is only fluff but please do read my pinned as i do not allow minors to follow me.
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You are late. Again. What really strikes you the most, when you run down the usual busy streets to get to university, is how much life can change in so many ways with only one encounter. A rushed morning routine, sleepless nights, a constant smile, and a heart full of love. This all happened because of one person, Lee Seokmin. Your own special love story.
As you walk on the 13th street during a chilly Wednesday afternoon, you find yourself in front of Heaven’s Cloud café once again. I guess I really am obsessed with their strawberry filled cupcakes, you mumble to yourself as you push the door open. This comes to no surprise to you as Wednesday afternoon comes with your weekly stops at this café.
When you enter you are immediately hit with the different scents of all the pastries. This is such a nice place with its mint and pink aesthetic, the couches all around the place and their bookshelves filled to the brim. You walk over to the counter where Jeonghan, one of the workers, and a recent friend of yours, is greeting you with his usual angelic smile.
“Hey you! How are you doing today, y/n?” he says while arranging some pastries behind the counter, “I’ll be there in a sec.”
“Yeah, sure! Take your time. I’m fine, what about you? Was today busy?” you ask him as you wave over at Joshua who just came in for his shift.
“Are you worried for my business? You are starting to sound more like my business partner than Seungcheol or even Joshua.” he jokes around as he walks behind the cashier, “What will you have today, my dear y/n?”
“I told you to stop calling me sweet names! I don’t want anyone to get the wrong idea.” you say as you reach over the counter to lightly hit him on the arm. Unfortunately, you miss him. One day, you will get him, you think to yourself. It’s what he deserves for putting you through so much misery.
“Don’t worry, y/n.” answers Joshua as he ties his apron around his waist, “It’s not like there is anyone who wants to keep you to themselves, is there?” Jeonghan laughs out loud as Joshua finishes his sentence. You will get them both, one day. These evil twins deserve it. Sometimes you wonder why you are even friends with them. They’re lucky they fuel your body with their delicious pastries and their sweet drinks.
“I was here to get my precious pastry, not get attacked, Hong Joshua.” you snicker around.
“And I am here, waiting for your order. Even though I probably know it by now.” Jeonghan throws back at you.
You continue joking around with Jeonghan as you hear the door’s jingle behind you and Joshua says their usual “Welcome to Heaven’s Cloud!”. He stands behind the second cashier and start taking the order of a brown-haired – and cute – boy who is probably around your age. You don’t notice him that much as you start telling your order to Jeonghan, “I’ll take a latte and one of those strawberry filled cupcakes, to go please.”
“-and one of those strawberry filled cupcakes.” You hear the brown-haired – and very cute – boy. You don’t pay him much attention as Jeonghan lets you know that your order will be out soon.
You wait for your order for a few minutes while looking at some new books that Wonwoo brought over at the café. You know he brings over even more books ever since you two have been friends. You’re lucky to have him too. You will have to thank him properly one day. You hear your name being called and go back to the counter, exactly at the same time as a certain Seokmin gets called out – probably the cute boy as he is the only other customer in the café.
“Here’s your latte.” Jeonghan says as he hands you your drink, “Unfortunately, Seokmin, ordered the last strawberry cupcake,” he says as he glances at the cute boy whose name is now confirmed, “do you want anything else?”
“That’s not very nice, Seokmin! You deprived y/n of their pastry!” teases Joshua as Seokmin looks at you with an apologetic look on his face.
“It’s okay, don’t listen to him!” you reassure him, “Do you have any cookies? I would like-” you start to ask Jeonghan.
“Do you want to share the cupcake with me?” you hear Seokmin suggests.
“Me?” you ask as you turn to him, pointing to yourself.
“I don’t think there is anyone else he could ask that to, y/n.” Jeonghan whispers, loud enough for everyone to hear.
“Oh, shut up Yoon Jeonghan!” you voice out as you give him a look and he holds his hands up in sign of retreat, “Are you okay with that?” you turn back your attention on Seokmin, “Because that would be greatly appreciated. Today was a long day and I really like those cupcakes.”
“Yes, It’s okay! It’s on me, don’t worry.” he answers as Jeonghan already hands you your change back, “Let’s go, let’s seat down.” he says as he starts going over to the couch.
“Thanks!” you say cheerly to Jeonghan as you head towards the seat Seokmin picked.
After a few minutes of observing you, Jeonghan and Joshua exchange a knowing look before Jeonghan whispers a “maybe there is someone who wants them to themselves now.” Which goes unnoticed by you or Seokmin, too engrossed in getting to know one another.
You wake up, the next morning, with a smile on your face. How could you not after meeting such a sweet soul as Seokmin? He was nice, funny, a gentleman. He reassured you countless time about you not being a bother. He handed you napkins when you spilled a little of your latte on the table and let you rant about the books you recently read. You had such a nice time with him that you didn’t even realize you were late for your weekly Wednesday’s movie night with your roommates. When you checked the time, you were already late, and you knew you were stuck with a week of doing dishes as a penalty. You quickly said your goodbye to Seokmin as you grabbed your stuffs hurriedly while he looked at you with a fond expression – unseen by either of you but noticeable to anyone else.
What you two only realized too late is that you did not exchanged numbers. All you could do was to believe your paths will come to meet again.
As you lay around in your bed, daydreaming about his sweet smile and everything you two talked about, you don’t realize how fast time passes by. It’s when you roll over on your stomach, a natural smile on your lips, and grab your phone that you realize that 30 minutes have already passed, and your smile immediately drops.
“Shit, I’m late!” you say out loud to yourself as you jump out of bed. You grab clothes in haste, rush into the bathroom and twenty minutes later you are outside, running in hopes to get to class in time. Lee Seokmin, this is all your fault, you think to yourself. Day one into my life and you already make a mess of it.
A few days later, you stride along the street to get to Heaven’s Cloud café. You convinced yourself to come get a cupcake since you had busy days but deep down you know it’s not your only reason. You just hope the real reason will be here.
You also hope that Jeonghan is not, despite all the love you have for him, because you know for a fact he’ll understand why you’re coming. You don’t want him to meddle into this. Even though this is nothing. Absolutely nothing.
The usual jingle of the door welcomes you as you walk into the very familiar place. Seungcheol, who’s behind the counter, greets you and waves at you. You like Seungcheol. He runs the place along with Jeonghan and Joshua, but he deals much more with everything that needs to be dealt with for the place to run smoothly; from scheduling all the way to accounting. Which is why you are surprised – but not disappointed – to see him working behind the counter today. You quickly scan the place and realize that he is not here. You walk over to the counter and greet Seungcheol.
“Why are you behind the counter? Did the evil twins let you down?” you ask jokingly.
“No,” he says with a smile, “they have the day off. Went out of town to see family. Today’s a calm day so it’s only me!”
“Well, at least when they’re not here we don’t have to be scared about being attacked by their antics.” You two joke about.
You really like Seungcheol. He’s much more composed and calmer than his same-age friends. He tends to give you more advices about anything while Jeonghan and Joshua are the ones who will make you laugh.
“Yeah, you’re right,” he laughs softly, “so what brings you here?”
“Your strawberry filled cupcakes brings me here! I will have one, for here, please, with a cinnamon latte.” you say as you start looking for your wallet.
“Thanks,” Seungcheol tells you as you hand him the money, “go sit down, I’ll bring it to you.”
You make your way to your favorite spot after thanking him and you look at the shelf where Wonwoo puts the books he brings over. Just as you were about to pick your new read, the door jingles and you see him. The reason. His eyes immediately lock with yours and he smiles brightly.
“Y/n!” he says loudly as he walks over to you, “How are you?”
“I’m good! What about you?” you beam at him.
“I’m very good actually.” he starts, “I’ve been searching for you.”
He what? “You were searching for me?” you ask, surprised.
“Yeah, I came here yesterday to see you some more but Jeonghan told me you only really come on Wednesdays.”
“Oh, yeah,” you start, a blush creeping on your face, “I was busy yesterday but I wanted to stop by once more this week. So here I am now.”
“Well, I’m glad we stopped at the same time,” he says, a soft smile making its way on his face, “Is it okay if I join you?”
I have been waiting for that, you almost say. “Yeah, sure! Go order and come hang out with me.”
He comes back with both orders – his and yours – “I told Seungcheol I could bring over your order.” he says as he puts the tray in front of you.
“Thank you, that’s sweet. So, how was your week?”
“Oh, it was fine. Just went to study for a test with a friend on Thursday and I absolutely killed that test! So, I’m here to treat myself for a good job.” he says with a laugh, “What about yours? Were your roommates mad you missed movie night on Wednesday?”
“You definitely deserve that treat right now.” you tell him with a smile, “They were not that mad, really. I mean I do have a penalty but that’s the rules! I wouldn’t have changed anything else though.” As soon as you say it, you regret it. You don’t want to sound like you are flirting because you are not.
“Me neither, don’t worry.” He tells you, his smile hidden behind his cup of coffee.
“By the way, do you know it’s bad to drink so much coffee at almost, what, 6pm?” you snicker as he puts his cup down.
“Well actually I have a study session planned at 6pm until-” he says as he looks at his watch, “Oh fuck, I’m late!”
He jumps out of his seat and grabs his things; “I’m so sorry, y/n, I have to go!” he says hurriedly, “God, why do we keep making each other late?” he mumbles under his breath, “Bye! I will see you around!”
You watch him run out by the door and down the street, smiling sweetly as you follow him with your eyes until he disappears at the corner of a street. It’s only 5 minutes later that you realize you once again forgot to give him your number. But weirdly enough, you have the feeling you’ll see him again soon enough.
1 hour passes by as you work on one of your assignments until you decide to go back to your apartment. You grab your bag, sling it on your shoulder and bring back the trays of dirty – but empty – dishes to Seungcheol.
“Oh, thank you.” he tells you with a bright smile when he notices the trays.
“Yeah, Seokmin forgot to bring his tray too so there you go.” you tell him.
“I didn’t know you knew Seokmin.” he says you as a way to start conversation as he organizes some utensils. Since the café is empty you two can talk freely.
“You know him? Like is he a friend?” you start interrogating him. Maybe you are a tiny bit curious.
“Well, I mean, he is a good friend of Jeonghan so yeah. Jeonghan likes him a lot. He says he’s kind, and he can easily play pranks on him and well, you know how Jeonghan can get.” he explains while he wipes his hands clean.
“Oh yeah, I know how he can get sometimes.” you chuckle, “But he’s right. Seokmin is a very kind person.” you tell him without realizing the smile making its way on your face.
“He really is,” he says as he walks up to you, “he has a really good heart.” he adds on, looking at you a certain way. Oh no.
“Oh god, no, it’s not like that.” you immediately warn him.
“Never said it was.” he says with a slight smile, “But if it was, it wouldn’t be such a bad thing, y/n. He’s a really good person. I know we aren’t that close, or you aren’t the kind to confide, even to Jeonghan or Joshua, but what I know is that you deserve someone good. Someone like Seokmin.”
“I don’t know, Seungcheol…” you tell him, surprised by his words. You didn’t know Seungcheol thought so high of you.
“All I’m saying is that if it was, if it ends up becoming something like that, it wouldn’t be so terrible.” he reassures you, “And don’t worry, I’m not Yoon Jeonghan. I will act as if this conversation never happened.” he says as he mimics locking his mouth with a key and throwing it over his shoulder.
On your way back home, you think that Seungcheol forgetting about the conversation doesn’t help the fact that, try as you might, you can’t seem to be able to get over what he told you. Despite being tired, you can’t seem to find sleep and you turn in your bed trying to make your mind forget about the conversation. It’s only at dawn that your body finally finds sleep. It may have to do with your realization that maybe Seokmin could be a good person for you. The good person.
It’s only a few days later when you find yourself striding along the familiar street where Heaven’s Cloud stands. You come into the café before your class, in hopes to see the boy who searched for you once – now is your time to search for him. You walk to the counter as Jeonghan greets you.
“What are you doing here, again? Are you in love with someone here or what?” Jeonghan sneers.
“I’m just here to see my favorite café employee! Did you miss me?” you tell him teasingly as you look at the new pastries.
“Yeah, I guess… But it’s unusual for you to come around so much…” he says with a pensive look, “I will figure out what makes you come back because we both know it isn’t me.”
“There’s nothing to figure out–” you start bickering back just as the door opens and you hear someone talk. Oh. You know this voice. Without even realizing, a smile and a slight blush make its way on your face. You turn around just for your eyes to lock with Seokmin’s who’s currently talking to a tall, very well-dressed boy. He gives you a little sign as to say that he’ll come talk later.
You don’t notice Jeonghan looking back and forth between you two but he catches your attention; “Oh, I figured it out.” he says with a slight laugh.
“No, you didn’t.” you say way too quickly for it to be casual.
“I definitely did! Oh my, y/n likes someone!” he starts to tease.
“Stop it! You didn’t figure out anything!”
‘What didn’t he figure out?” Seokmin interrupts, “Because, not to take side, but I feel like when Jeonghan figures something out he’s kinda always right.”
“It’s nothing, Seokmin really,” you say trying to act composed while you give a look to Jeonghan. “How are you today? I haven’t seen you in a few days!”
“I’m good, what about you? I’m glad to run into you, I’ve started missing you.” He says with a big smile.
“I’m glad too!” you tell him as you feel your cheeks burn.
After ordering and getting your orders – and some more looks from Jeonghan – you two are sitting down at your usual spot. “So, did you make it in time last time?” you ask Seokmin after setting down your cupcake.
“Absolutely not! I was lucky Minghao – my friend – waited for me. And I told him you were the one keeping me hostage so he forgave me.” he adds with a smile on his face.
“I did not keep you hostage!” you laugh around with him.
“That’s true, I was with you willingly.” he tells you with a slight blush on his face, “You’re like my favorite café partner now.” he says as he brings the cup to his lips.
“I like the sound of that.” you tell him softly, “Do you have classes today?”
He blushes profoundly, “In the afternoon. What about you?”
“Yeah, I do, I have a class in- shit, in 15 minutes.” you say with a laugh, not even surprised anymore that you are late after meeting up with Seokmin “Well, I will be late.” you say before finishing your latte.
“Well go!” Seokmin says hurriedly while watching you gather your things with not the pressure that late people feel.
“Wait,” you say as your grab his hand in one hand and a pen, you just pulled out of your bag, in the other. “I’ve been meaning to do that.” you say as you start scribbling something on his hand, “There you go! I’m going now. Bye Seokmin!” you tell him before turning around and heading towards the door. Before going out, you turn around one more time towards him; “Oh, and Seokmin? Please use that.” you say nodding towards his scribbled hand before finally going out the door and running down the street to get to your class.
For a few minutes Seokmin is stunned because you, the girl of his dream, just gave him your number. The scribbling your favorite café partner followed by a series of numbers on his hand is the proof of his surprise. And at that precise moment, Seokmin feels his heart burst with love.
It’s been a week since you gave your number to Seokmin and today is the only day you two don’t have something planned together. He told you he was busy with studying for the upcoming finals – which you should be too. As you walk the street to get to university, you think about how you two talked and saw each other so much you didn’t have time to miss one another. All your conversations start in the morning and ends late at night, sometimes face to face, other times over phone or text. You don’t think you ever felt as safe and happy with anyone else. He’s the only one who can bring out certain sides of yourself and the only person in the world who will ever make you forget time. It’s like any time you get with him, your world stops and it’s only you two, talking and getting to know each other in a way no one ever got to know you. You’ve opened more to him than to anyone else. And you think this must mean something.
As you get closer to university, you notice, just down the street, that you once again found yourself going to Heaven’s Cloud café. As you check the time on your watch, you decide to make a quick stop to take your latte and your favorite cupcake in this world.
The jingle of the door welcomes you as you step into what could be called your second home. Just as you start walking towards the counter where Jeonghan stands, greeting you with his usual smile, you hear the door chime behind you again and out of curiosity you turn around and your eyes meets two brown eyes you know very well by now. “Seokmin!” you yell out as you realize who is standing before you, “What are you doing here?” you ask him.
“Oh, uhm my study session got cancelled? Last minute emergency from Minghao.” he tells you, “I kind of wanted to ask you to hang out since I was free but I didn’t want to assume you were free for well, me.”
“I’ll always be free for you, Seokmin.” you tell him with a smile, “So do you want to hang out here?” you say as you start walking with him towards Jeonghan.
You don’t even see how Seokmin blushes greatly at your words or how he stutters when he lets you know he would really like to hang out with you right now.  
“Hi you two!” says Jeonghan cheerly from behind the counter, “Did you two came in together?”
“We just ran into each other when getting in the café.” Seokmin explains him, “What do you want? It’s on me!” Seokmin tells you.
“You sure?” you ask as he nods to give you confirmation, “Okay Jeonghan, I’ll get a latte, per usual, and a cupcake filled strawberry.”
“Per usual,” Jeonghan answers sassily, “What about you, Seokmin?”
“I’ll just get an americano and a strawberry filled cupcake too.”
“Do you want to share one again?” Jeonghan teases as you and Seokmin glare at him, “I’m kidding! I’ll bring your order, just go seat down.”
You and Seokmin make your way towards your usual spot by the window as your arm brush against his. Oh, how much you want to hold his hand right now. You seat down first as Seokmin takes the seat in front of you and you two starts catching up. As you hear him talk about anything, you realize how much you missed him. But more than anything, you realize how much you like him. Not the same way you like your classes, or your friends and not even that strawberry filled cupcake comes close. You don’t like him. You love him. You’re in love with him. You’re in love with him and you’d give him all the strawberry filled cupcakes and some more if it’s what he wanted.
Your realization is cut short as Jeonghan settles the tray with two drinks and only one cupcake. “Okay so, I guess we’re short on cupcakes again…” Jeonghan explains with a chuckle, “Do you want anything else?”
“I think we’re good with only one?” Seokmin asks you as you nod to agree, “Yeah, it’s okay Jeonghan, don’t worry about it.” He says with a smile before Jeonghan makes his way back to the counter.
“Go ahead, y/n!” he encourages you, “It won’t be the first time we share something. We literally did it the first time we met.”
As you reach for the cupcake, you think to yourself how you would never have thought you’d meet the one you like by sharing a cupcake.
“What did you just say?” Seokmin asks you with a look you never saw on his face.
Oh. Shoot. “Nothing, absolutely nothing.” You tell him, trying to keep your calm. Did you really just say that out loud?
“Me too, y/n.”
“Me too what?” you tell him, hoping he is saying what you think he is.
“I also never thought I’d meet the one I like by sharing a cupcake.” Seokmin tells you, expediently waiting for your answer.
“I like you, y/n.” he says with the most serious expression you ever saw on him, “No, scratch that. I love you. I love how you scrunch up your nose when you laugh. I love how you look at the world. I love how you get obsessed with so many stories that never really exist outside of their pages or your heart. I love how you show so much empathy to others. I love how you pull down on your sleeves when you’re a little cold. I love how you can get riled up quickly but still love your people more than you’ll ever love yourself. I love you. All of the parts that makes you, you. I love it all.”
“Oh, Seokmin…” you tell him softly, with tears in your eyes, “What did I do to deserve all this?” you take a deep breath, trying to calm yourself down, “I love you so much. I think if I told people how I fell so fast for you, they’d never understand. They’d never understand us. What we are, what we feel for each other. In the span of a few weeks, you showed me what love really look like. Ever since reading all of these stories, I have hoped to find my own person and all the waiting time was worth it because now I have you.” you tell him, “Or well, I hope I can have you.”
“You have me, my dear y/n. Ever since I walked into that café, you had me.” he tells you as he holds your hand, “I guess we have to thank Jeonghan for all of this.” he chuckles.
“Jeonghan?” you ask, confused, “Why Jeonghan?”
“He’s the one who told me to come check out the strawberry filled cupcake on that particular day.” he explains, “Which is weird since he knew you’d come here that day and you’d take the only cupcake.”
“Oh my god,” you mumble under your breath, “he didn’t.”
You hear Seokmin asks you what you are talking about while you make your way through the empty café towards the counter. You’re surprised to find Seungcheol standing there, talking with both Jeonghan and Joshua.
Jeonghan notices you first; “What’s up, y/n? Need anything else?”
“You three. Come to the table please. I need to talk to you.”
The three of them look at each other, confused and not used to you being so upfront. Still, they follow you and bring chairs to sit with you and Seokmin.
“So,” Seungcheol starts, “what is it?”
You look between the four-man sitting with you before starting, “Me and Seokmin like each other.” You hear Seokmin gasps next to you, not expecting you to say that.
“That’s great!” Joshua almost screams, “is it not?” he says as he looks at Seokmin which answers him with a I’m-as-confused-as-you expression.
“No, it is.” you say calmly, “You see, I never really thought too much about all of the “there’s only one strawberry filled cupcake” ordeal. I mean, things like that could happen.” You say as you look at Jeonghan. He might be a good pranker but you’re good at reading people. You got him, you think to yourself. “But when I think about it, it seems a little weird to me. You tell me you’re out of your best-seller pastry in the middle of the week? As if you wouldn’t anticipate by having enough stock?”
“Things like that could happen…” Seungcheol cuts you off.
“It could. It could also be all a coincidence and if so, I’m really sorry.” you say, believing in your words, “But, honestly, I don’t believe in those coincidences when Yoon Jeonghan is involved.” you say before adding a not to be mean when looking at Jeonghan.
“Jeonghan,” you start, “did you, perhaps, set me and Seokmin up?”
Seokmin starts hissing “He did what?” as Jeonghan starts denying when Joshua almost screams; “Okay he did it! He set you up!”
Jeonghan looks at him with rounded, surprised eyes; “Joshua!” while his friend looks at him with a sorry look. “Best friend card is revoked!” Jeonghan adds.
“Can someone explain me what’s going on?” Seokmin blurbs out.
“Let me do the honor,” Jeonghan starts, everyone listening intently, “I knew our dear y/n came into the café every Wednesday afternoon after her classes and I knew Seokmin badly wanted to come to the café so I told him to come-”
“At the same time as me.” you cut him off.
“At the same time as you…” he says, “And I knew you would take a cupcake, because when do you not-”
“I don’t think you’re in a position to tease her.” Seungcheol adds in the conversation.
“Okay, first of all,” Jeonghan says with a finger pointed at his oldest friend, “don’t cut me off, that’s rude. And secondly,” he says, lowering his finger and looking at you, “I’m sorry, I will not make fun of you for liking this cupcake anymore.”
“Anyway,” he starts again, “I knew you would take this cupcake and I told Seokmin to specifically take the same one as yours and I only put one in the display.” he confesses.
“And how did you know I’d ask to share?” Seokmin starts asking, “And how did you make it so we would literally come into the café at the very same time? Did you hire someone to spy on me so you could plan it all to the second?” he starts panicking while you chuckle at his reaction. He’s so cute, you think to yourself.
“No, I didn’t do that, I was not that eager for you two to get together, come on now.” Jeonghan says with a laugh. “Everything that happened between you two was natural. I just forced you two to meet earlier than what would have, eventually, happened.” he says, looking between you two. “And as for the first question, Seokmin,” he says, fixing his eyes on him, “you’re literally an angel. I was almost afraid you’d cry when you realized you took away their favorite pastry.” Jeonghan says with another chuckle, “I always call myself an angel but we all know I’m a demon in disguise. You’re the angel. I knew you’d do it.” Jeonghan adds as Seokmin blushes looking at you.
You really love him. You take his hand in yours as you turn to look at Jeonghan. “Why did you do it?” you question your demon-like friend, “I’m not mad, I just want to understand.”
“Oh god, you’re not mad?” Jeonghan answers excitedly, “Oh thanks god, I thought I lost my strawberry-filled-cupcake lover.” he jokes around.
“Jeonghan, you’re on thin ice here.” you try to say seriously despite the smile on your face.
“Okay, okay, sorry.” he says as he gets suddenly way more serious, “It’s just… I always see you hanging out here alone, reading your books or studying. And I know you never talk about it but you yearn for something bigger, preferably in the form of love. Any love.” he explains, “I also know you feel alone. Your family and friends are far away, you left them to come to this city and I know you miss being well surrounded.” he says with a sympathetic smile, “Of course, you have people here, but you don’t let yourself have your people because you’re scared you’d have to leave them one day or another.” he continues, “And I know you needed someone that would make all your walls come down and that person is Seokmin.” he admits, looking at your lover, “He’s love in the form of a person. I knew he’d be good to you. I knew he was who you needed.” he adds on, “And I think I did it for myself too. I like talking to you, hanging out with you but I always knew you were keeping up your barriers around me, around us. And, you can ask Joshua or Seungcheol, I always talked about us becoming best friends in the future. And I just did what I needed to do so I could become your person too. Your person in a different way.” He clarifies when he hears Seokmin snicker at his words.
Well, I guess he is better at reading people than I thought.
“Jeonghan…” you say softly, teary eyed, “Where did that come from? I was supposed to be mad at you, not grateful!” you say with a laugh.
“Hey, no! You said you weren’t mad at me!” he says, smiling big, “You’re not a liar now, are you? Or did Seokmin corrupted you already?” he teases, again. There is the Jeonghan I’m used to, you think.
“I think you are the one who corrupted me.” you throw back at him, watching him laugh. “Thank you, Jeonghan. I hate saying it but you were right. All along.” you start, “I wish things were done differently but I also know I’m grateful for how things are now.”
“So, are we good here?” Seungcheol asks.
You look between the four friends and when you see Seokmin smiling at you reassuringly, you decide everything is very good; “Yeah, we are.” you speak.
“Okay, we’re going to go back then.” adds Joshua as they organize the chairs.
“But, hey, Jeonghan,” you say, getting his attention, “wait for my revenge. Because it will come.” You let him know with a smile on your face.
“But you said we were good!” Jeonghan says loudly, as you shrug, “And what about them?” he says, pointing at his two best friends, “They knew and they didn’t say anything!”
“They’re my favorite now so they get a pass.” you throw back at him, an angelic smile on your face while Joshua and Seungcheol snicker next to him, “Now you all can go back to work. I want to enjoy alone time with my boyfriend.” you say looking sweetly at Seokmin.
The 3 same-age friends walks away as you hear Jeonghan mumble “I think I made a mistake by setting them up together… I’m not ready for them to be disgustingly in love.”
“I have never seen someone stand up to Jeonghan like that.” says your now boyfriend while looking at you with heart eyes. You can see it now. How his eyes lit up when he’s next to you and how his smile doesn’t fade away.
“He’s nothing, I swear. He likes annoying people but he gives up easily once you tell him off.” you let him know while looking at him with the same fond look.
“That’s good to know,” he tells you, “When’s your next class?”
You look at your watch, noticing how your class starts in 5 minutes; “I’m late,” you tell him softly.
“What? Well go! I’ll text you later.” He says hurriedly, waving his hands at you as to make you leave.
“It’s fine. I’ll be late.” you say as you hold his hand over the table and look in his eyes, “There’s other classes but there’s no other you.” you tell him as you lean over the table.
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thank you so much for reading my first work! i hope you like it, don't be shy to reblog and tell me what you thought about it 🫶🏻
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