#i always get an overwhelming urge to cry whenever i listen to this song
xsoapy · 3 months
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I can change
I can evolve
I can get up when I fall
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lgchyuk · 3 months
on this day, hyuk’s phone lights up with a text from yours truly. it’s short and sweet and straight to the point: this sunday, 6pm. come hungry. there’s a pinned location and no further context.
the address leads to a teppanyaki restaurant tucked away on the outskirts of seoul. upon arrival, the hostess would greet the birthday boy by name and whisk him to a cooking station in the back where a familiar face has already made himself comfortable – except rowon isn’t seated on the guest side; instead, he stands behind the iron grill, donning a chef hat and a stupid, matching grin.
cooking for hyuk is a given, but just dinner isn’t enough. at the end of the day, rowon’s a performer so that’s what he does: he performs. he puts on a show, does tricks and twirls with the spatula, cracks an egg into a ladle and uses the running yolk to write happy birthday. if hyuk looks away for even a second, rowon would ‘accidentally’ lose a spoon and catch it right before it flies past hyuk’s head. eyes on me. there’s fire, rhythmic drumming. he keeps his guest entertained with stories and jokes in-between plates of grilled meats and fried rice.
dessert doesn’t sell itself short on theatrics. rowon throws an arm around hyuk’s shoulders, pulls him in, and makes him listen to an off-key rendition of the happy birthday song. and when it’s all said and done, he brings out a slice of chocolate cake with a sparkling candle bearing the number 1.
“happy first birthday, hyukkie ~” a joke, of course.
when the phone screen blinked and he read the name there he had a faint idea what he would get. fighting the urge to be a brat and reply with something uncool like “i can't, sorry”, he just left his best friend on read and finished the dance routine he had been working on the past three days; only later that night, he sent rowon a message, a short “treat me good or lose me forever”.
he also fought the curiosity to click the pinned location for the next few hours until sunday, despite being really curious about what rowon had in mind for them, but he knew it was something special - whenever the older man acted like that, all mysterious, hyuk knew a special treat was being planned.
his driver took him to the restaurant and even when he asked when it was time to pick him up, hyuk shook his head, dismissing the man. he wanted the full experience there with rowon and even when he tried not to look surprised when he saw him behind a food station, he failed miserably.
hyuk tried many times during the development of their friendship to take everything very casually, not letting someone know how deep and damaged he felt sometimes and how scared he was of putting people in danger, but with rowon it was almost impossible. the older male had a magnetic aura, something that pulled you closer and made you trust him, sometimes blindly; hyuk was partially like that.
“you look cute, almost edible”, he teased, leaning closer to the grill as he watched rowon give him a cooking show. it made him smile, thinking about the countless times he tried to learn something from him and always failed - and after some time, he just wanted rowon to keep cooking for him, their bonding language came through food.
they talked, as if they didn’t share a dorm, as if they had kept secrets from each other for a long time, and hyuk felt so happy he realized this was probably one of his best birthdays. for so long he kept himself from really enjoying that date with people other than his parents, that this year he was just grateful to have good trusting people around, people like rowon.
he covered his ears when rowon started to sing, a tease, finally, because it’s obvious he liked it when his friend sang but it was also a way to hide how overwhelmed he was feeling. the warmth in his heart is evident when he fell into rowon’s embrace and giggled his thanking words, his voice was a little choked but he promised himself he wasn’t going to cry, “i love you too, old man. thank you for everything”
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cielie-voss · 2 years
Potatosoup and pouring rain
Eddie Munson x Reader
Summary: Eddie falls in love with his best friend y/n and they get closer one evening when she's feeling down after an argument with her parents and needs his kitchen to calm down.
Tw: mentions of sh, unaliving thoughts, depressions, bullying (chewing gum in hair), shitty and toxic parents. But it's mostly fluff and Eddie caring for his best friend.
I'm not quite happy with it, mostly because I'm not sure if I got him right. But I'm trying, ok? I'm still learning and I promise I'll be better.
And because you wanted to be tagged in anything I'll post, @rogue-durin-16 . ;)
My Masterlist
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It's not the first time he's found her in the pouring rain. It became almost a habit that they accidentally bumped into each other soaking wet from the rain. Whereby at these meetings there is always a certain melancholy, fear, almost panic and anger that overshadows his joy at seeing her.
Because when he looked into her eyes he knew that something was wrong.
Most of the time it was her parents who made her life hell. Punishing her for something she didn't do, giving her nonsensical tasks, or just yelling at her for no reason, or ignoring her completely. There were rarely other reasons.
She was good at school, she only got A's, was every teacher's darling, took care of the younger ones and tutored them. She was involved in clubs and helped organize various events. When you first met her on the street you would only assume that she was a very dedicated and fun-loving person. But when you got to know her intimately, the way only Eddie and no one else did, you knew she was doing all of this just to escape from her reality.
He wasn't sure how she could stand it all with her head held high. He admired her self-sacrificing way of taking care of everything and everyone while completely forgetting about herself. It was just her way of running away from her problems.
Whenever there was a charity event, he always brought her band-aids for the blisters on her feet and some crackers. Because he knew that she hadn't eaten anything all day except for probably a coffee and had bloodied her feet in her Converse. With a silent nod, she accepted the kind gesture and withdrew for a moment, but only at his repeated urging. They sat in a corner away from the hustle and bustle. He took off her shoes and put band-aids on the sore spots while she nibbled on the crackers in silence.
But it wasn't only him helping her. No, she too helped her friends, especially Eddie. She helped him with his homework, tutored him, listened to the songs he had written, made some suggestions for improvement, and showed up at every gig, clapping loudly and cheering.
Although she enjoyed hanging out with the 'freaks' a lot, she had a relatively neutral status at school, many liked her but most ignored her. And when Jason or any of the other jocks started picking on Eddie and the Hellfire Club again, she would step in and calm things down.
Although that had brought her some nasty nicknames and her reputation became more and more negative over time. But she cared very little about that. Above all, it was important to her to be there for her friends and to stand up for them.
This special friendship has now lasted for several years. They first met just before the summer holidays when she was 12, he was 14. He found her under the stands outside on the sports field, crying bitterly and curled up like a ball. Some idiot had gummed her beautiful y/h/c hair together and the more she tried to pry the sticky bubble gum out of her curls, the worse it got.
He didn't know what to do or say. To say he was just a little overwhelmed by the situation would have been the understatement of the decade. He knew what it was like to be bullied, what it was like to be an outsider, but he could take care of himself and knew he was better than caring what other people said or thought. But how was he supposed to convey that sense of self-confidence to a bundle so small, fragile, and crying?
He squatted beside her shaking and sobbing form and hesitantly placed a hand on her shoulder. After she flinched at the sudden touch and looked up at him (she hadn't seemed to notice him and was now surprised that someone was with her) he began patting her shoulder gently.
"It's ok" he started to calm her down. "I'm here, ok? Relax and we'll take care of your hair." He didn't know how, but somehow they finally managed to get the chewing gum out of her hair with a lot of effort.
But now they are older. She had confided in him, only in him. Her thoughts, fears, desires. She knew she was safe with him. She knew he would never look at her disparagingly for the thoughts that sometimes cross her mind, or for what she sometimes does to herself.
He noticed early on the cuts on her upper arm or her legs, the bruises on her knuckles or her bloody lips. And eventually she stopped trying to hide it from him.
"Sweetheart, you can't do that shit." were his words as he met her in the school parking lot one morning and drove her to a doctor for treatment of her hand, which was covered in bruises and red spots and could no longer clench to a fist properly. She knew he wasn't mad, at least not at her. Of course he was worried and she understood that and she also felt beyond nauseous at the thought of someone worrying about her, but there were moments when her mind went haywire and her body did things that weren't acceptable.
But before anything could happen this time, she found her way to school. She knew Eddie was there tonight with the rest of the Hellfire Club, continuing the campaign.
In her hand she holds a shopping bag that is now pretty soaked. She has now made it a habit to cook as soon as thoughts and emotions bubble up in her that she doesn't like. It's just hard to cook at home and try to calm down when the reason for her anger and emotional pain is constantly buzzing around her: her parents.
As the door slams behind the troupe and they stare into the relentless rain, their animated conversation suddenly stops. The older ones say their goodbyes and hurry through the rain to their cars while Nancy pulls up and lets her brother and his friends get in.
"See ya tomorrow!" Dustin calls out to Eddie. The latter, on the other hand, only waves in approval, his eyes resting on the figure leaning against his van. He presses his lips into a tight line and as Nancy drives off with the kids he takes a deep breath and makes his way through the rain.
When only a few steps separate him from the girl, he puts on a charming smile and puffs out his chest.
"M'Lady, you look like you need the help of a brave knight." After he has indicated a small bow and sees how the corners of her mouth twitch gently into a smile, he stretches out a hand to take the bag from her.
"Oh, thank you, your Lordship." she replies in a similar tone and pushes a few strands of wet hair away from her face. She hands Eddie the soaked bag, very carefully in fear of tearing it. He puts the bag in the van and looks back at his friend, who is still standing in the rain and makes no move to get into the car.
"Y'know you could've come in too." Eddie explains and waves his hand in the direction of the door of the school. "Then you wouldn't be soaking wet now." He leans his back against the driver's door, looks her up and down, and crosses his arms over his chest. After she tilted her head back at his statement and made a frustrated growling sound, he raised a hand and tried to cover his enchanted grin by picking at his rough lips.
"But I love the rain. I love it when the drops hit my head, my skin. The sound of the raindrops hitting the ground..." Dreamily, she stretches out her arms, closes her eyes and dances to a just in her mind present melody through the rain.
He watches her for a moment. He's relieved that, at least for the moment, she seems carefree and has found some kind of inner peace. But after only a short time he pushes himself away from his car and tries to grab her.
"Come on, sweetheart, you'll catch a cold. And what am I going to do at school without you?"
His gentle laughter tempts her to smile as well. He watches her impatiently as she keeps spinning and stretches her face towards the rain. To be honest he would love to watch her like this all night. She looks so relieved and truly content. But with the best will in the world he doesn't know how he's going to survive his everyday school life without her if she gets a cold now.
He probably doesn't like to admit it to himself, but he cares a lot more about her than he should as just a good friend. Every day he doesn't see her is an incredibly long and wasted day. But he just can't muster the courage to say something to her or to give her a hint. A perfect person like her would never return his feelings. And so he has to be content with what he has: her friendship, her loyalty, her pleasant presence that makes him forget all his worries, at least for a moment.
His fingers wrap around her wrist as she's spinning in circles on her tiptoes and pulls her towards him with a flourish. She presses her hands against his chest and they both stagger backwards until they slam into the van. A startled laugh escapes her as her back hits the cold metal and Eddie tries not to crush her with his weight. He braces his hands against the van next to her body, breaking his fall. Her wide grin is reflected on his lips as he looks down on her.
"Come on, prima ballerina." He tries to suppress a laugh, but fails and lets out a deep, satisfied giggle.
"But only because it's you." she agrees after a moment.
"Good girl." He pulls away from her and winks at her as he walks around the car and opens the passenger door.
"After you, m'lady." He bows again and extends his arm to politely show her the obvious way to the passenger seat.
It's only when she has slumped onto the seat and buckled herself in that she feels the cold creeping over her skin, starting to numb her fingertips. Her clothes are clinging to her body and Eddie can't help but notice how it accentuates every curve of her body. The way her stomach muscles tighten at that little giggle as she looks down at her trembling fingers, the way her chest rises and falls with each breath. Her hair is stuck in strands to her neck, and if he looks closely, he can clearly see her pulse through her now porcelain-looking skin.
He quickly realizes that it's not right for a best friend to stare at her like that and long to let his fingers slide over her wet skin, to feel her laugh under his touch. He takes a deep breath and shakes his head in an attempt to banish these thoughts and images as he leans back from the driver's seat and pulls out a blanket.
"Here, so you don't get too cold until we get to my place." He carefully drapes the blanket over her shoulders. She grabs the warming fabric and wraps it around her.
"Thanks, Eddie."
"For what?" he replies with a laugh and starts the engine. He knows exactly what she wants to thank him for but can't find the words.
Out of the corner of his eye, he can see her bending her legs and wrapping her arms around her knees. It takes a few moments before he dares to break the silence.
"Did you have stress at home again?" His voice sounds cold and serious, not as playful and artificial as before. He doesn't need an answer though, her turning her head and looking away from him was enough for him. He has known her for so many years and understands her without words.
"Did you -" he can't finish the sentence he had carefully composed in his head earlier.
"No." Her voice is dry and sounds hurt in a way. Is she hurt because she thinks he doesn't trust her? Is she hurt because she thinks he's accusing her of breaking her promise? He hates himself for even thinking she could have harmed herself and making her feel that she'd disappoint him.
"Even if it's hard, I don't intend to disappoint you too." she finally explains after a short silence and looks at him again. Any life and joy she felt before in the pouring rain has vanished from her eyes.
"Y/n you could never let me down in any way." Eddie assures her and carefully puts his hand on her knee. "No matter what you do." He feels guilty for making her feel so hurt with his statement and if he could he would love to take her in his arms and hug her right now. But he has to concentrate on the road.
After a few moments, his van pulls up in front of his trailer and he gets out to open the door for her. He gives her his hand and helps her get out of the van.
"I'll get you some dry clothes, you can dry yourself in the bathroom." She obediently follows him into the trailer and disappears into the bathroom after Eddie has fetched the bag with the groceries. He puts the bag in the kitchen before hurrying to his room and pulling from his closet a t-shirt, a pair of socks and a pair of pajama bottoms, all at least one size too big for her, but at least she's dry.
She peels off her clothes, relieved to no longer have the wet fabric clinging to her skin. Standing in front of the mirror in just her underwear, she eyes her reflection sceptically. But before she can think about it any further, a loud knocking noise snaps her out of her trance.
"I um...I've got some clothes for you. And a towel! I'm sorry I don't have any underwear for you." She can hear him clear his throat and take a few steps away from the door.
"Y-you can take the things. They're in front of the door." He has turned his back to the door in the meantime and is standing a few steps away to offer her the opportunity to take the clothes and the towel without him seeing her exposed skin.
He rocks restlessly from one foot to the other and plays with the rings on his fingers while behind him the door opens a crack and a bare arm reaches out for the pile of carefully folded fabric. After the door closes again with a slight click, he takes a deep breath. Only now does he realize how long he actually held his breath and didn't breathe, as if he'd forgotten how to breathe.
"Can I get you something? Water? A beer?" A beer? He's never seen her drink alcohol now that he thinks about it. He rubs his eyes nervously and would like to take back his unnecessary and stupid offer.
"Could you heat water for tea please? I would be very grateful." comes her voice from the bathroom. Tea. Tea? He doesn't even know if they have something like tea in the house.
"Uhm, y-yes. Yeah sure." he stutters to himself, searching the kitchen for something like a teapot. He didn't even know they had one and is all the more relieved to finally find it.
Triumphantly he holds the kettle up, fills it with water and puts it on the stove.
He leans against the kitchen counter and glances alternately at the bathroom door and the tea kettle, jiggling his leg nervously and biting his thumbnail.
After an awfully long time, the bathroom door finally opens and y/n emerges. For a brief moment, his heart skips a beat when he sees her, wrapped in one of his band shirts, his pajama pants hanging loosely on her hips. She has tied her hair in a bun so that her wet locks don't annoy her. Only the whistling of the tea kettle releases him from this unpleasant situation of speechlessness.
"Your tea water!" He explains a bit too late and hastily puts one of the dozen cups in front of her. She pulls a box of fruit tea out of her bag and hangs a sachet in the cup. After she fills the cup with water, spreads out the groceries on the counter and Eddie has taken a knife, she turns to him and gives him a reproachful look.
"And what exactly do you think you're doing?" She takes the knife from his hand. Actually, he wanted to help her peel the vegetables or cut the meat that she just put on the worktop. "Get out of my kitchen! I don't need any help."
"It's still my kitchen, sweetie," he laughs, shaking his head. She stands in front of him, chest popped out, chin up, eyebrows furrowed. If he didn't know that she is the most loving person in the world, he would almost feel threatened. But she is indeed the kindest, most polite and loving person in the entire world.
"Yeah, and that's your corpse I'll have to hide if you keep bugging me. So..." She raises her hands in defense and gestures in the direction of the living room, trying to motion him to sit on the sofa.
"You must be really out of your mind if you think I'm leaving you unsupervised in my kitchen with a lot of stuff to hurt yourself with." He puts special emphasis on the word "my" and stretches it out miserably. He crosses his arms in front of his chest and looks down at her pointedly.
"I swear to God, if you don't-" Still holding the knife she took from him moments earlier, she waves a pointing index finger in front of his nose.
"Ok, ok, I'll go and leave you to work in my kitchen. But at least let me watch you." He offers her before she can continue her threats and holds out his hand to seal the deal.
She looks at him incredulously for a brief moment before swinging the knife in her hand in an elegant, and for his taste a damn sexy, motion so that the blade is now pressed flat against her forearm and she can't stab him if she takes his hand to shake it.
"Deal." she explains, giving him her hand with which she is still holding the knife with her little finger and her ring finger and shaking it. How glad he is that she doesn't notice how his heart is sinking into his pants at this moment. Although her handling of the sharp tool worries him, he is just as fascinated and taken aback by it. As casual and effortless as she makes it look with, let's be honest, a weapon in hand, he can't help but admire her. Like having a master thief or assassin written straight out of a fantasy novel into the real world.
"And now..." she shoos him out of the kitchen, hands waving, and he tiptoes theatrically from her, only to stand on the other side of the counter. She spreads the ingredients out in front of her and when she sees him open his mouth to say something, she gives him her typical death stare. He closes his mouth and makes a gesture with his right hand as if locking his lips with a key and then throwing the key away. Without further ado, he follows her orders to leave her alone and sits in the chair, leaning his forearms on the counter for support and watching her more closely.
For the next few minutes he watches her as she peels the carrots and potatoes and cuts the vegetables into cubes along with the garlic, onions and meat. He notices a little something that has rolled in his direction. He takes it in his hand skeptically and turns it as he examines the whitish tuber.
"Shouldn't carrots be orange? And isn't that a bit small for a carrot?" He tilts his head and looks at her questioningly. As his words reached her mind, which had been busy with the recipe she had previously made up in her mind going over and over again, she froze.
Before she could let out a confused "What?!" he explains, "I mean, I accept every carrot as it is and even small carrots taste good, but...", he lifts the small tuber, which is not thicker than his little finger, "it's really puny. Is it all already ripe?"
"See! And that's why I won't let you help in the kitchen." She takes the tuber from his hand.
"That's parsley root and not a carrot, dipshit"
She turns away from him again, peels and slices what he's now learned is parsley root, and he mouths a long, embarrassed "oh."
While he watches her as she roasts the meat, then puts it aside, roasts the vegetables and deglazes with broth, he rather unconsciously drums around on the worktop. He feels a little out of place. Although he enjoys watching her stick out the tip of her tongue when she's tense, her strands of hair fall in front of her face and how she tries to blow them away while she has her hands full or chews her lip when she's thinking, it was just as hard for him to not help her. But she has forbidden him and he sticks to the deal.
Only when the vegetables are finally boiling, and she leans against the kitchen counter with her cup of tea, looking at Eddie over the rim of the cup, he dares to speak to her.
"What exactly are you cooking there?" he carefully tries to find out. Y/n swallows the tea and feels the warmth spread through her body.
"Potato soup." she answers curtly and takes another sip.
Potato soup? He can't remember ever seeing her eat soup.
"Soup? I didn't know you liked soup."
"I don't like it either." she replies with a shrug and he furrows his eyebrows.
"But I had a recipe in mind and thought I'd give it a try."
"What person doesn't like soup?" Eddie laughs. It is completely incomprehensible to him. There's nothing better than a nice tomato soup with garlic bread or chicken soup when you're sick.
"If I want to consume hot liquid, I'll drink tea, coffee or hot cocoa but soup? What's the point of eating liquid food? Why can't you just fry or bake all the ingredients? I mean..." she gestures wildly with her hands and almost spills her tea in the process, so Eddie, just in case, takes the cup from her hand and sets it aside.
"Thanks. Why do you have to puree the ingredients beyond recognition? Does the chef want to hide the waste he uses for the soup instead of throwing it away? You know, I think that's the only reason soups exist. Because people can throw away their kitchen scraps and others don't notice what they're eating."
"You think soups are just some kind of garbage to put to good use?" Eddie tries to keep a straight face, but bursts out laughing faster than he would like.
"I'm a healthy person, I can chew. Then why should I drink my food? Explain to me! Food that I can't chew is a drink and not food and it doesn't fill you up or satisfy you." With that she closes the discussion and crosses her arms in front of her chest.
Laughing, Eddie, who has meanwhile gotten a beer from the fridge, slides onto the floor with his back pressed against the kitchen cupboard, y/n does the same. She presses her toes against his and seems to stare into the void, lost in thought. His laughter stops after a moment and he looks at her worried. The argument with her parents is standing in the room the whole time like a purple moose in a green tutu, but nobody has dared to talk about it so far. But now this moose had pushed itself right into their line of sight and there was no getting around it anymore.
"Would you like to talk about it?" he asks cautiously after the pressure of her foot against his has eased. It takes her a moment before she answers.
"It was about university and stuff." she finally begins. Her voice sounds fragile and hurt, unlike usual when she is full of self-confidence and power.
"And I said I'd like to take a year off after I graduate, travel, see the world, relax, find myself. And my dad made a silly joke that I was only going to school, why bother recovering from anything? I would have enough time after school to find myself." A fake and rather disparaging laugh escapes her lips.
"And then I told them everything. Well, I really mean everything. How burned out I feel, how many times I wish I could just disappear, to stop existing. How I look at myself in the mirror some days and the reflection doesn't bother me. It feels like my body isn't my body. I told them about my nightmares, my anxiety, everything, showed them my arms." Tears burn her eyes and blur her mind. She pulls her knees to her chest and wraps her arms around her legs. Lost in thought, she begins rubbing her arms, feeling every little bump she's caused over the past few years beneath her touch. At first it's just a tear that slides down her cheek, leaving a burning sensation. Only a little later, others follow, leaving a damp trail on her dry skin.
"My father didn't take me seriously. Nobody took me seriously." She lifts her eyes and looks at Eddie. "How can you as a parent be so cold and not care when your child tells you they want to fucking die?!" She exhales a long and shaky "Oh God" while accepting the handkerchief
Eddie hands her.
He moves away from his wall and now sits cross-legged in front of Y/n. With trembling hands she wipes the tears from her face, lays her head against the closet door she is leaning against and looks up.
"My mother said I was possessed by the devil and needed to be taken to an exorcist." She snorts and shakes her head, still incredulous at her devout mother's reaction. Religion is a concept that Y/n could never understand, but at least now she saw something bad in religion.
"Yeah, of course. Everyone knows that the devil is a straight A student and spends his free time at charity events and collecting donations for the homeless." He looks at her mock blankly, his voice dripping with sarcasm. When Y/n lowers her gaze again and looks into Eddie's dark brown eyes, she can't stop laughing and Eddie's lips stretch into a wide grin. Mostly because he's proud of himself for making her laugh and glad to see her laugh.
"Don't listen to your parents, really. They're idiots in case you haven't noticed yet."
He strokes her arm in a soothing manner and gives her a confident smile.
"You know I'm always there for you. And it won't be long until you graduate and you can finally get out of this fucking hellhole and explore the world. But don't forget to send me postcards from where you are." His hand has moved to hers and gives her a gentle squeeze.
"I swear to you, you will conquer the world and if everyone knew you like I do, the world would be your oyster. You are such a wonderful person who deserves something so much better than that. And I would give anything I have to make you feel like that every day. You're the most important thing in my life and nothing hurts more than seeing you like that, Y/n." He wipes a last tear from her cheek with his thumb and carefully memorizes her facial features, her puffy eyes, her quivering lips. He tilts his head and a dreamy smile tugs at the corners of his mouth.
"You are the most beautiful, funniest, smartest, most selfless, kindest and most wonderful girl in the world and I am the luckiest guy to have you in my life." His smile grows into a laugh, he looks into his lap and shakes his head as if trying to get rid of a thought. "And by God, even if you drive me crazy sometimes..." he looks at her again and his gaze almost pierces her, with a shake of his head he banishes the curls that have fallen in his face. "...every day I can't see you laugh is a day wasted. It's the most beautiful sound in this fucking world. And I'm so, so crazy about you that sometimes it physically hurts."
A laugh escapes her too. But before she can answer him, thank him for the kind words and tell him how crazy about him she is, they hear a suspicious and dangerous crackle. The water boils and bubbles out of the stovetop.
They both jump up. Y/n jumps to the pot, yanks the lid up while Eddie grabs the hot pot with oven mitts and pulls it off the stove. She pierces the vegetables with a fork and nods meaningfully.
"And?" asks Eddie.
"Yup, the vegetables are done." she replies, putting down the fork and turning off the stove.
"Would you like me to help you?"
Y/n takes a deep breath, just smiles exaggeratedly wide and points to where Eddie was sitting while she was making the soup. She wipes the remains of the tears from her face one last time and takes a deep breath. In search of something to puree, she opens all the cupboards, but to no avail.
"Where the hell..." she mutters to herself as Eddie stretches out and leans over the kitchen counter and watches her.
"Are you looking for something specific?"
"Yes, I'm looking -" she falters and freezes in position. Eddie frowns and looks at her confused for a moment.
"Shit. What's that called?" She gestures with her hands and makes a noise, leading Eddie to the assumption she might mean a hand blender.
"Do you mean a hand blender?"
"Yes! Yes, exactly that!" When she'd realized it, she widens her eyes and snaps her fingers in his direction. How could such a simple word escape her?
"Do you have something like that?" she finally asks, following Eddie's index finger with her gaze. There is a hand blender on top of the cupboard. And to Y/n's disappointment, that blender is out of her reach. But that has never stopped her from trying anything.
First she tries to get to the kitchen appliance by stretching. Without success. Then she climbs onto the narrow kitchen counter, kneels down and stretches, but that too is without success. She's only missing two or three centimeters.
She can hear Eddie stifling a giggle as she tries to grab that blender without his help. But after a few moments she has to admit to herself that she can't do it alone. She sighs in defeat and wants to slide off the kitchen counter onto the floor, turn to Eddie and politely ask him to help her. What she doesn't realize is that Eddie is already behind her. He seems to have recognized her intention before her and now puts his hands on her waist to help her carefully on the ground. The touch startles her at first. But his hands feel so warm and soft through the fabric of her shirt that she curses the butterflies in her stomach that suddenly appear. An unfamiliar, but nice-to-the-touch goosebumps crawls over her body as she stands so close in front of him. As she turns to face him, his hands remain on her waist. It feels like he's never done anything else, like his hands just belong there. And as his words about how crazy he was for her echo through her head, she feels the heat rush into her cheeks.
"Do you need help?" he asks with a teasing grin. The triumph is written all over his face and doesn't help much against the storm of butterflies in her stomach. She swallows the lump that has formed in her throat and nods cautiously.
He pushes her aside a little bit, now climbs onto the work surface himself and stretches to effortlessly get the hand blender from the cupboard. As he stretches, she catches a glimpse of his stomach and back as his shirt rises, and it's only when he bounces back to the ground that she realizes she's forgotten to breathe.
"Here miss-I-don't-need-help-I-can-do-everything-by-myself." How she would love to kiss that smug grin off his lips. Their faces are only millimeters apart, they can feel each other's breath on their cheeks and both want a kiss, a kiss that is long overdue. Y/n's breathing is shaky as Eddie leans forward, his gaze lost in her y/e/c irises, he sets the blender aside and leans one hand on the counter while his other hand gently wanders backs at her waist.
She can feel his breath on her lips and would bet her life that he could hear her heartbeat. But before his lips can rest on hers and move together in a silent rhythm as if they belong to each other, the phone rings.
Eddie draws in a sharp breath through his slightly parted lips, tilts his head back in annoyance and lets out a frustrated noise.
It rings a second time as he picks up the phone and answers with a rather passive-aggressive "yes."
"Hey Eddie, sorry for calling you so late. But I think I left my homework in the hellfire room." When Eddie hears Dustin's voice on the other end, he closes his eyes and massages the bridge of his nose. He exhales calmly to banish his displeasure.
"Are you fucking serious, Henderson?" he just replies and throws Y/n a look over his shoulder. She is now busy pureeing the vegetables and refining them with cream and spices.
"Fine, I'll pick you up right away and we'll get your stuff." He interrupts Dustin as he starts mumbling something.
"Thanks Eddie, really, you're my savior!" If only he knew how badly Eddie would want to kill him right now.
"I'll be at your house, Henderson, give me ten minutes. Wait for me outside." Y/n hears who Eddie was on the phone with and turns to him. She pointed to the phone, then to the pot of soup, which was far too full for them to finish alone, even with Wayne's help. Eddie takes a deep breath and before Dustin can hang up, he says, "Hey, Henderson? Have you eaten yet? Y/n made... y/n made soup. She asked if you'd like something to eat, too." And as much as he hoped for a "No thanks," he was disappointed when the actual response was "Of course, thanks. Never thought she's a soup person"
Instead of answering Dustin's question, Eddie hangs up and looks at Y/n, knitting his brows and making a whining sound.
"I'll kill this little curly haired idiot someday." he explains as he pulls Y/n into a tight hug and buries his face in her hair.
She can't help but giggle and rub his back.
"If you like, I can stay tonight. My parents think I'm the devil anyway." She winks at him as he moves away from her, brushing some of his dark curls off his face. His eyes light up and bore into hers.
"You don't know how much I love that idea" He gives her a quick kiss on the forehead before he slips into his shoes and, heart beating loudly, sets off to get Dustin and drive him back to school.
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weebswrites · 3 years
Hello! You probably have a lot of requests right now so I apologize for adding on to it.
Would it be possible to request the brothers (+Solomon) comforting an MC that’s just super stressed with school and just life?
Recently, school for me has been..to say the least, mentally exhausting and there are just countless nights of crying or pulling all nighters cause I’m so behind (2nd quarter cause I started school rather late, it’s complicated). I’m so sorry for ranting about this. But yeah could I just request it to be super fluffy? If you end up writing this, thank you so much! Stay safe <3
The Demon Bros & Undatables: Comforting a Stressed MC
• He wasn’t sure how to comfort you when you first arrived in the devildom, but after a few weeks spending time together he picked up your comfort activities and items
• So when he heard you crying in your room late one night, a night he knew was the night before a big exam you’d been studying like crazy for, he knew what to do
• He went to the kitchen and grabbed a comfort snack and your favorite drink, stopping by his room to get a blanket that smelled like him before gently opening the door to your room
• You sniffled and wiped your face, turning to see who it was
• “Lucifer, hey. Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up”
• “You didn’t, my love. Here” he wrapped the blanket over your shoulders and placed the kitchen Items on your desk, close enough for you to reach them but far enough if you couldn’t eat then you wouldn’t feel forced. He then walked to your bed and grabbed your favorite stuffed animal, placing it in your lap and kissing the top of your head
• “What can I do to help” his voice was soft, and the two of you spent the night cuddled in bed, sitting against the wall as he quizzed you on facts until you both fell asleep (he set an alarm so you wouldn’t miss your exam, don’t worry)
• Gift-giving love language, despite his constant urge to sell your things
• So whenever you’re stressed over schoolwork, he picks up an extra shift at Hell’s Kitchen (secretly) and brings you a coffee / your energy drink of choice and a little trinket he saw that made him think of you
• Your desk has accumulated quite a pile of these little gifts, and when you look up at them it fills you with a familiar warmth that only his affection can give you
•  He has the best timing with these too, whenever you feel yourself getting overly frustrated you hear a knock at your door or see your D.D.D. screen light up with a text from him
• He also gives incredible shoulder massages? You had no idea, but when you’re hunched over one night and feel his hands straighten your back and start kneading the sore muscles in your neck you swear your soul left your body
• He’s a great listener and will let you vent to him any time, anywhere
• He doesn't sleep much anyway, so when you text one night that you’re coming over because you need to blow off steam he likes the message and prepares a blanket and stuffed animal for you to squeeze
• Bonus: he got a stuffed animal just for you to take your anger out on, a little bit so you wouldn’t squeeze one of his Ruri-chans, but also because he loves you
• He greets you with a hug, every time. Nights that you were especially fed up you’d collapse in his arms, crying or yelling or anything to just get the frustration out
• He holds you close and once you get it all out he whispers words of affirmation in your ear, always knowing exactly what to say to comfort you
• If anyone knows how to relax, it’s Satan
• So whenever you need to cool down you head to your favorite brother’s room (or the library. usually the library.) to seek refuge from your work
• The two of you are like soulmates, so whenever he sees you he can instantly tell how you’re feeling and what you need
• And no matter what it was, a hug or space to just be alone or literally anything, this man will get it for you
• He helps you study a lot too, the two of you worked well together so having him quiz you or help you come up with ways to remember things always made you feel more confident about what you were learning
• Will draw you a warm bath whenever you’re too overworked, filling it with soap of your favorite scent and lighting a few candles for around the tub
• He gives you space if you need it, but if you want to keep studying from the comfort of the bath he’ll help you
• Unless he notices that you’re too overwhelmed and working yourself past exhaustion. Then, he bans you from studying while you’re together (which he promises won’t be long, but he always makes sure it’s long enough for you to rest)
• Pulls out all the stops to make you feel the comfort you need and deserve, even giving you a gentle scalp massage as you fight off falling asleep in the tub
• Food is the way to his heart, but he understands that isn’t the same for everyone
• So he takes time to learn about what things make you happy, what things to avoid, and more
• When you drag yourself to his room late at night, exhausted from studying late and crawl under the covers with him, he knows what will help you
• He kisses the back of your head while pulling your body softly against his, and hums one of your favorite songs from the human world until you’re asleep
• You wake up the next day together, and he treats you to whatever you want for breakfast, making sure you eat enough to fuel your body for the day
• Knows the power of a nap better than anyone
• So when your head is falling over your textbook, he doesn’t hesitate to pick you up and carry you to bed
• “Belphie! No, I need to study. I’m good I promise” you reassure him, but the yawn that follows instantly negates everything you’d said
• “Sure, MC. Then for me, let’s nap together. It’ll be so nice” he lays you in bed and cuddles you, “all warm and comfy in bed, how can you not love this” but you can’t even respond because you’re already asleep
• mfer would just excuse you from the class /hj
• But if he couldn’t, he’d take you to his office and pamper you with anything you wanted
• Or if you just wanted to collapse in his bed and sleep for more hours than he thought was possible for a human to sleep, he’d absolutely let you
• Anything at all for his favorite human
• Knows how to comfort Diavolo, but when it comes to humans at first he doesn’t know what to do
• So you tell him what you need when you’re drained, and he remembers
• You knock on his door late one night, mid-yawn as he opens the door
• He wraps your tired body in a warm blanket, fresh from the dryer, and pulls up your comfort show. He turns on your favorite episode and snuggles next to you on the couch
• “Let me know if you need anything, MC. I’m here”
• “Thank you, Barbatos”
• Like Levi, he’s an amazing listener. So whenever you need him to be there, he’s listening actively and making sure you know your frustrations are heard
• But he’s also good with distracting you from your studies, so sometimes you take a break to watch a movie the two of you had been meaning to watch for a while, or get lunch somewhere
• You get to pick, unless you want him to, and no matter what you do he makes sure you completely forget about the books waiting for you back home
• Lets you sleep in his room whenever you want, and most exam weeks you basically move into his room. It’s a win win situation, he gets to spend time with you and make sure you’re giving your body what it needs, and you get a home away from home to study in (and the company of your favorite human)
• When you need a break from your studies, Simeon will read you a bit from whatever writing he’s working on
• His voice is possibly the most comforting thing in the world to you, and hearing him tell stories he’s written just for you gives you a sense of comfort that could cure anything
• If not that, then the two of you hop in bed and turn on whatever you want to watch to take your mind off your studies
• But your favorite thing to do was to tackle him into bed and cuddle, tangled together and just talking about anything and everything that wasn’t school
• You bake something together or go to the park, or anything really
• As long as it’s fun and lighthearted, and with Luke, you know he’ll bring a smile to your face and help you forget about your stress for a bit
A/N: Thank you for sending this in anon, and dw abt ranting <3 If you ever need to get it all out feel free to send me a message or anon ask and I’ll just delete it or whatever you’d prefer. I’ve been super drained recently as well so writing this was really therapeutic :’) I hope you’re having a good day so far and that this helps you feel better
Also sorry if some of these were shorter than others, I too am struggling with burnout
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
The Collaboration ~ OT7 [Request]
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GENRE: Fluffy, platonic, established friendship,
PAIRING: Platonic ot7 x Fem!Reader
A/N: I hope this is okay for you sweetheart! It’s been a while since I’ve tried to write ot7 so I hope you enjoy this
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The friendship that you had with the BTS boys was no secret, it had been public knowledge since the moment you meant them backstage at an award ceremony almost two years ago. One of your stylists had been recording you getting your hair and makeup done when there was a knock at the door and your manager walked in with them. It was hands down one of the best days of your life, even better than the day you signed your contract to become a singer and actress. The whole video consisted of you freaking out a little before finally coming down from the excitement and just talking with them. You'd been an ARMY for years so getting to meet them in person had been so surreal and then getting to call them all your friends was even more surreal to you. 
But the friendship was hugely publicised since you and BTS were both huge artists within the industry which meant a lot of articles were written about you and the boys together. Not all of the articles written about you both had been the nicest, some were and others were a lot worse. Some writing about how you were a nobody until it came to BTS. Some claiming you were dating one of the boys while others claimed that you were dating them all, which would be nearly impossible since you saw them as brothers and they saw you as a sister. Those ones happened to be your favourite to read but mostly because your fans and ARMY would be in the comments defending you or going along with it just to try and troll some people. There had been thousands of edits made to make it look as though you were dating which at first creeped you out and you made a statement about it which lead to less and less being made. It was nice to have that sort of vibe with your fans when they would actually listen to what was going on and what you did and did not like to see.
"The latest articles on us, have you read them?" You questioned Yoongi as you walked into his studio carrying two cups, one with your hot chocolate and another with coffee inside for Yoongi. You'd flown out to Korea for a break from your latest acting gig and decided to visit the boys while you had the chance to see them and actually spend some time together. Most of the boys were still working while you waited for them to go out to lunch with you, 
"What is it?" Yoongi chuckled taking the drink you were holding out for him as you brought up the article on your phone and sat down on the sofa behind you, the articles had begun the moment you touched down in Korea. It was going to take you a minute to be able to translate it all into Korean for him but you did your best, the Korean lessons with Namjoon and Jin were paying off really well.
"According to this one I'm using you guys for your fame, I'm only around you whenever I need to go up in fame points," You let out a small laugh at the thought of it. Were fame points even a thing? You continued to scroll through the website when went to the next one which instantly made you want to scream, Jimin walked into the room ready to tell you that he was ready for lunch when he saw the look on your face. It sent shivers up and down his back and made him feel like he was in trouble with you.
"You've got that murderous look on your face, Yoongi...What did you say?" Jimin questioned looking between you and Yoongi as he tried to figure out what could have been said to make you look this angry at something.
"Nothing...He didn't-" You mumbled as you scrolled through the article that was claiming that both of the fandoms were toxic together when it couldn't be further from the truth. Both fandoms were the sweetest you'd seen, ARMY had been so welcoming to you and your fans as well as vice versa. It honestly felt as though they were more like family members to one another than just random fans. You regularly found them defending one another whenever you went onto your personal Twitter account t update your fandom on things.
"A writer is claiming that our fandoms are the most toxic ones out there..." You mumbled as you brought up your keyboard and began getting ready to type out something on your page, you knew you were supposed to rise above things and if it had been about you you would have done. But since it was about people you scared about you had to take the matter into your own hands, 
@Y/NOfficial: Thank you to all of you that are always trying to be kind and treat everyone nicely. It's refreshing to see all of you act on behalf of me and other people on this app. You're always so kind and caring and I love to see it.
Along with it, you attached a photo of you with the boys from the night you arrived in Korea so that people would know what you were indirectly tweeting about and just like that people were coming to add smirking emojis or to start laughing about what it was you were actually talking about. 
"We should do something..." You muttered as you looked back at Yoongi and Jimin ideas filling your head within seconds. A collabortation between you and the boys had been in talk for a while but neither of your managers had come together to put the plan into action.
"What are you thinking?" Jimin quizzed as he sat himself down next to you looking over at your phone to see what you had just sent out.  
"We've spoken about it, Yoongi and I both have song ideas we've been working on..." Yoongi turned to look at you from his chair as he nodded along to what you were saying instantly knowing what you were talking about. There was a huge folder on his laptop dedicated to the work you'd both been doing together both long-distance and in person.
"I still have it all saved on my laptop if you want to take a look at it all." The statement was directed in Jimin's direction as you both waited for him to say something to it,
"Sure...What have you been working on?" He moved closer to Yoongi to take a look over everything and you smiled. The things you and Yoongi had been putting together were a backing track with some melodies and adlibs you'd both been doing overtime. It was far from being done but it was better than having nothing to go off, all you needed to do was get the okay from both of your managers and the rest of the boys. 
"I've been working on a rap part for Hoseok and Namjoon and Y/n has been writing her own lyrics for her parts," Yoongi mumbled as you grabbed a spare chair to sit down next to him with. Hitting play he let the melody and your rough lyrics fill the air of his small studio.
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The collaboration had been amazing, the song was one of your best works in your opinion and the videos were shot and ready to be released at a moments notice. Teasers had been being released all month between your account and the BTS one but neither of the fandoms had put it together that this would be some kind of collaboration. The teasers for the songs had been dramatically different from one another, Yoongi changing the melodies on his and yours just so that nobody would be able to place that they were the same track. Your Twitter had been focussing on releasing your parts in the video with your words and then the boy's parts only being theirs. The fans had no idea but there were a select few that had pieced it together bit by bit and were starting to realise what was happening but no one else seemed to piece it together. 
"It's almost midnight," You said over the call to the boys, all of them were sitting on skype with you as they waited inside Hoseok's studio this time. They were all sitting on the sofa in his room watching the countdown on one of the monitors, the plan was to release the music videos at the same time and wait to see what would happen with the fandoms.
"We've worked so hard for this," Namjoon chuckled as he handed all of the boys a small drink each to celebrate with, you had your own glass of wine to drink while you waited as well. Jungkook cleared his throat as he got up to give a small speech about how much he'd enjoyed working with you.
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"You guys worked so great, I don't know how I'll thank you enough." You whispered as you looked at each of them through the screen feeling an overwhelming urge to cry as you thought about how close you'd all grown as a friendship group. This time it was your turn to get a sappy speech but the countdowns began and you smirked looking at the titles, both the same song and video on each channel but the boys had their title while yours was left as. Y/n Y/L/N ???? For a little extra surprise to the fans. Taehyung began counting down from one minute and thirty seconds and the rest of you began to join in with him.
"5...4...3...2...1," The iconic BigHit entertainment logo and intro filled the speakers in your room and you let out a small squeal at the thought of it finally being live after the months of working on it. The boys cheered as the music started and Jin opened up the song for you all walking around their dorms on the screen.  
"I'm going to check Twitter!" You yelled out as you brought out your phone to see all of the different reactions that were coming out from the video. Mostly people freaking out thinking Youtube had crashed and placed both videos onto the channel until your line came up. In the music video, you walked onto the set and began singing through your part of the song as if it was casual. The video idea had been that it was just supposed to be a casual setting at the dorms and you randomly walked through the front door and sat with them while singing. The song was about friendship, which wasn't like a lot of songs any of you had written before but it felt like it needed to be said. That people could be friends or more like family members without having to hate one another or have everyone assume that they were dating. It was mostly a huge slap in the face to all the media outlets claiming that you couldn't be friends with the guys because they were...well guys.
"THE COLLAB OF A LIFETIME!" Someone had tweeted out with your retweet of the music video link, you smirked reading through everything that was on the screen, your whole dash refreshing itself every two seconds. Everyone seemed to be loving the fact that you had decided to finally collaborate with the boys, 
"They love it," You giggled as you sipped on your glass of wine in celebration of the song coming out, cheering along with the boys.
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The night continued on as you waited for people to react to it until you decided to go live on Instagram. The boys were all gone now so you wanted to see what everyone was thinking of it now so you set your phone up on your desk and got ready to read through everything.
"I can't wait to see your reaction videos tomorrow, you guys know I watch all of them." You laughed softly as you stared into the small screen of your phone reading through the thousands of comments that were flying through. Play with your hair if this was because of the article about you using the boys for fame. #Y/nandBTSTakeOver You smirked to yourself before playing with the ends of your hair and winking into the camera, going back to answering more questions from your fans and ARMY wanting them to know how the collaboration had come to be and if there would be more work with them in the future.
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Tagline: @lyoongx​ @mitzwinchester​ @fan-ati--c​ @kneel-begyourpardon​ @taestannie​ @rjsmochii​ @bisexualmess007​ @innersooya​ @sw33tnight​ @sweeneyblue1​ @jin-from-the-block​
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tonesplash · 4 years
painkiller (leah clearwater x reader)
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@super66legends87​ asked:
Hi! Can you do a Leah Clearwater x fem!reader where reader used to be good friends with Leah. When Leah shifts they stop talking and reader goes into the forest to take pictures to relieve stress, but catches Leah shifting. Thanks!
pairing: leah clearwater x reader
warnings: cursing, imprinting,kissing
a/n: whew i never thought i’d get this done. I have never written for leah before and think i need a refresher but i hope you like it! i dont think i used any gendered terms for the reader but this feels p sapphic to me lol. named after the beach bunny song of the same name.
Y'know, with how temperamental Leah had been the past few weeks before she completely ditched you, you'd think you wouldn't miss her as badly as you do now. You'd heard from her brother that their dad had passed away, but you hadn't been invited to any kind of funeral, and from then on, any calls to the Clearwaters went unanswered. 
Recently, it'd seemed that all of your friends on the reservation were too busy for you. Always ignoring calls or coincidentally busy on the days you'd wanted to hang out, going so far as dropping out of school so you couldn't even confront them then. You'd thought what you'd had with Leah was different, that despite the changes you'd both been going through that you'd miraculously stick it out and finally get to tell her how you feel. Evidently, it was too late for that.
So you threw yourself into your art. Photography had always been a nice outlet for you. Whenever you became stressed or upset, driving out into the mossy woods of Forks, Washington, and capturing the sights was as good as a long talk with someone you trust. And since she was apparently too busy, this was your next best bet.
You pull off of your favorite backroad outside of city limits and climb out with your camera bag in tow, fully prepared to spend the afternoon losing yourself in what the great state of Washington had to offer.
You had just gotten comfortable amongst the roots and rocks when a grey blur came barreling out of the woods. When it staggers to stop, you can see that it's a massive wolf. With gargantuan paws and lengthy but muscled legs that lead to an absolute barrel of a chest. Your camera slips between your fingers in your shock.
Its hindquarters are to you, and it looks to be in pain, stumbling to the side and violently throwing its head back and forth before its form shrinks and flinches down to the forest floor, leaving in its place the bare crumpled form of your best friend. You sit up in surprise to get a closer look.
The choppy hair of her head whips with it as she faces you, blushed red with exertion, and stained in angry tears, as she glares at you over your shoulder before her eyes soften with something you’d never seen directed from her at you before.
All at once, you are tackled to the forest floor. She seems to have grown a foot in your time apart, body corded in lithe muscle, so unlike the slender girl you knew before. Leah's stern expression doesn't match the tone of her voice as she keeps you pinned beneath her.
"You can't tell anyone, and I mean ANYONE, what you just saw." Your shock keeps you still and silent, like a deer in headlights, and when your brain continues to short circuit, she leans closer to speak quietly, her hair tickling your cheeks. Her scent and overwhelming heat immediately encompass you, leaving something warm and fuzzy to grow inside you.
"Promise me you will keep this a secret." Her voice is uneven and creaky like she'd been crying. You’d never found her more beautiful, cheeks suddenly on fire.
"Yo-” you stutter and pause to swallow. ”Your tits are out." Leah’s resounding laugh washes over you and makes you all fuzzy inside. You feel as if you could pass out. The heat rushing off of her is comforting and suffocating all at once.
"Yes, and they were out last summer when that wave got lucky, (Y/n); I need you to focus."
"I promise not to tell anyone that my best friend turned into a gigantic wolf if she would just put a shirt on." You rush out in one breath, eyes tightly shut. Amidst your disorientation, you still try your best to be respectful.
Later, after Leah had procured a pair of Soffe shorts and a tank top from rifling around in a bush and dressed with your burning face turned away, you both settled in your backseat for a serious talk.
You both start at the same time. 
That’s never happened before. You’ve never felt so out of sync. The emotional overload of the situation is making you jumpy, and you honestly can’t tell what Leah is thinking behind her dark eyes.
“No- you go ahead.” her firm tone leaves no room for argument and after that, the words just fall out. 
“What the hell Leah?” You didn’t mean to yell, and she flinches at your intensity at first, but you press on, incensed by your anxiety. “Do you know how worried I was about you? All I wanted to do was be there for my best friend and you- you shut me out! I thought you’d done something after what happened with your dad! With Sam?” 
 Leah remains silent during your outburst, respectfully listening, but looks like she’s holding herself back with the way her eyes anxiously flit over you. She begins to bounce her leg, shaking the carriage with the corded muscle and you notice for the first time how close your knees are, and it feels like a current is running between the joints, something inside you urging to close the gap, but your ire keeps you from being tender.
“A-and then you show up and you’re a goddamned wolf? Am I fucking dreaming?” Your hand’s card through your hair and nervously run your thighs as your anger turns to sadness.
“Lee… I was in love with you.” Your voice cracks at the admission and suddenly you are looking at your hands, playing with the hem of your shirt. “And you just left. I thought I meant more to you than that,” you admit, quieter.
Suddenly, the backseat feels a whole lot warmer, your tears are welling with emotion before she scoots closer, eyes warm, and you startle, now crowded against the window.
Leah pulls you in gently, first cupping your cheeks and regarding you quietly for a negative reaction before pressing her lips to yours. Your worry dissipates, and you’re just alone with Leah. In that moment there is nothing else but her and you are warm, and safe, and overwhelmingly loved. When she pulls away from the kiss, you can’t help but unconsciously follow before it breaks off. She lingers, propping one arm on the seat to support her head as she entwines your fingers. 
“After my dad I just…” She wavers at first but her voice firms up quickly, leveling her gaze with you and gripping your hand tighter in her sweltering hands as she speaks with conviction. “Shut down. And I'm sorry, that wasn't fair to you, and you didn't deserve that.”
“I wanted it to be you, but I couldn’t risk putting myself through that again (Y/n), you have to understand.” You shift uncomfortably, bracing for rejection, but she takes up your other hand in her own and squeezes reassuringly.
“But now I know, you were right here in front of me the whole time!” She says a bit too loudly at first. “It’s you. You’re it for me.” Leah excitedly scoots closer, more animated than you’d seen her in years. She drops one hand to tuck your hair behind your ear, eyes shining with adoration and you’re frozen on the spot.
“I love you.”
She kisses you again, harder this time, and you pull away before you can lose your train of thought again.
 “Leah- what do you mean I’m-” You reluctantly interrupt before she cuts you off with a final peck ,moving to give you room, intense concentration crossing her face.
“Do you remember? What Dad told us about the Spirit Warriors?”
You had spent many a night on the res, sleeping over with Leah to watch Seth or just sit by the fire and listen to the elder’s tales and legends. The night he’d relayed the story you’d both spent chasing each other around the house pretending to be wolves.
“Are you saying you’re….” You trail off, already knowing the answer when she nods, still watching you for a reaction. You guess that’d make the most sense. When you stay silent, she continues.
“And I know this is sudden and confusing, but (Y/n) I swear it will all make sense later.” Leah tangles your fingers again, bringing them to her face to kiss your knuckles nervously before continuing.
“You’re my-” she pauses, hesitating. “my imprint.”
You try your best to take this seriously but the words come out before you can stop them.
“Oh, so we are really in Warrior Cats territory now.” You really need to get some help.
“(Y/n) you are my soulmate and I love you. But if you bring up Warrior Cats to me like that again I will find the highest cliff just to throw you off it.” Her deadpan expression is marred by a smile she can’t fight, so you know you’re safe for now.
“Noted.” You giggle and pull her closer. “Kiss me.”
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jenosslut · 4 years
sugary euphoria
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pairings: mark lee x fem!reader
genre/s: fluff, suggestive, angst, romance
details: strangers to lovers!au, high school!au
warnings: suggestive content, suggestive humor, explict language
word count: 3k
synopsis: where two sunset lovers experience feelings they never knew existed through the journey of adolescence.
a/n: i absolutely hate how this turned out im so sorry. a special thank you to @navyhyuck, @heartyyjeno and @neojaems for beta reading this. an even more special thank you to @hunjins for always believing in me no matter what.
taglist: @hunjins @neovrse @mrkcore @moonbeamsung @jjikyuu @mellowvoidexpertfriend
couldn’t tag: @markslovelymaid
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you got me breathless, got me begging you to drive me insane
The weather stays warm, in hopes of smiling on everyone. The buoyant sun rays travel directly into the brunette’s eyes, though he doesn’t whine in exasperation like many would do as he is surrounded by his most favored people.
Ecstatic is how he feels around people he loves, and Mark absolutely adores his friends. Those six people- whom he labels as ‘idiots’- aid him to hold onto an endless amount of belligerent days, especially at school.
Even though Mark isn’t exactly the best with words and doesn’t prefer to demonstrate verbal affection, the legitimately adorable laugh escaping his lips whenever he’s around them is enough to let everyone acknowledge the amount of adoration he holds for the six boys.
“Are there two butts or one butt?” He hears Donghyuck question, who has an over dramatically serious expression accompanied with lips shaped in a pout pressed on his face.
“One butt Dongfuck, one butt.” Renjun is the one to respond between gritted teeth and heavy breath, thoroughly devastated with the unnecessary discussions Donghyuck never seems to leave alone.
“There’s two! They’re separate!” Chenle exclaims in an avoidably resounding manner, causing a couple heads to involuntarily shoot towards their direction in inquisitiveness; silently judging the group of boys.
“Why are we having this conversation again?” Jeno states, wrapping his arm around Jisung’s shoulder who happens to nod, displaying agreement in the older’s words.
“Ask Dongtruck.” Renjun says, raising his arms upwards in defence.
“Yeah ask Dongtruck- wait what?” Donghyuck continues, then widens his eyes at the realization; turning his head towards Renjun as his jaw commences to part.
“I’m selling a Dingdong for free, contact me for details!” Chenle screechs, throwing his hands towards the air as the boys surrounding his figure stare at him in incredulity. Many people’s attention switch onto the group of boys again, allowing them- except Chenle- to give reactions out of embarrassment.
“When will you learn to like, shut the fuck up?” Renjun silently shouts at Chenle’s face in exasperation, biting his bottom lip as he runs his hand in between his hair.
“We’re supposed to bully Yuckie here, not me! Gosh, what a traitor.” Chenle responds, letting a dramatic sigh escape his lips, poking his tongue inside his cheek.
“If only you used the creativity you use for Hyuck’s nicknames for pragmatic reasons.” Jeno states, shaking his head.
“How do you even know what pragmatic means?” Mark questions- more to himself- in a lower tone, glancing at Jeno.
“I’m not Renjun, Mark.” Jeno replies, patting Mark’s back as Mark nods at his friend’s words.
The moment Mark Lee turns his head towards the side, his eyes witness a smile; looking dazzling as ever. The sight of you standing exquisite, the most guilelessly enticing expression sitting delicately on your features is enough to cast anyone under your spell.
Your friend says something, you laugh again. Your eyes meet as you involuntarily turn your head towards his direction. Mark’s breath gets caught in his throat, thoroughly overwhelmed. You send him a wave, then boom.
Mark Lee bewitches under your spell.
I see rainbows when i think of us
First Date
First dates are cute, adorably delighting. Kind of awkward. But that’s fine, because it’s delirious. Maybe not euphoric, but definitely a form of ecstasy.
A new experience, a new person. Something contrasting, something exciting.
It’s not the transcendence that makes it appealing, because no first date is perfect. It’s the imperfection, the sheepish smiles shared throughout the day, the embarrassing-feeling sentences that appear cuter than embarrassing.
Maybe the occasion is cliché, maybe it’s not worth enough to be included in a million-selling novel. But the experience is worth it. A simple exchange of ice cream flavors, simple exchanges of words as you amble around a keenly alive park. Cliché, but new. Cliché, but delighting.
Things are a bit less expected in Mark’s case.
The arid leaves fall as a gospel choir, harmonized in such a way that celebrates each hue and shows how they complete each other. The fallen leaves create an alluring pathway as you amble exquisite with Mark besides your figure, hand in hand.
“I think i’m seeing rainbows.” You state breathily, head falling on top of Mark’s shoulder; coming in contact with the soft fabric of his maroon jacket.
“Where? It’s dark though, i don’t think that’s possible,” Mark responds, his eyes scanning through the sky involuntarily as he takes your words legitimately.
“It didn’t rain, it’s not sunny either.” He continues on analyzing his surroundings, not exactly sure of what you meant with the words you had previously put together.
“You make me see rainbows.” You smile, astonished at his oblivious nature.
“How do i do that?” He asks, eyes slightly wide as his lips unintentionally form a small pout.
“I was trying to be poetic, Mark. I know it was bad, you could've just gone along with it.” You let out a playful scoff, the small yet absolute smile continuing its appearance on your lips.
“No no it wasn't bad, i just-” He rambles.
“Oh my god, i’m joking. Calm down, i was just trying to say how you made me happy.” You let out a full hearted laugh this time, clearly amused.
“Oh…” Is all that Mark lets out at the realization, head turning towards the side in embarrassment as his heart skips a beat.
Cute, you think to yourself.
And yes, Mark Lee is indeed an adorable boy who enchants you in even more bewitching experiences.
I love the way I light up when you call me
Your feet play with the treacherously empty and dry looking sand while concentrating on the undulating sound of the shallow turquoise ocean. The majestic ocean seems to be wrapped in a darker color, which could easily be blamed on the endless darkness of the sky caused by the time being nearly five in the morning.
Your head lays on Mark’s shoulder while the jacket he had given you minutes prior- insisting that you were shivering- sits on your shoulders. He holds your body close to his own, feeling an- what he labels as- unreasonable urge to protect you from anything that could occur.
You sit there, a serene feeling captivating you as you listen to each other's alleviating breaths and heartbeats. You throw small sets of words here and there to create some type of a conversation, delighting in the consolatory atmosphere.
"Your heart is beating so fast." You softly speak in incredulity, eyes slightly wide at the unanticipated moment.
Mark widens his eyes, a sheepish smile commencing to play on his lips. He starts mumbling and stuttering as he tries to put together meaningful words, though they don’t make any sense to say the least.
“Mine is beating fast too, if that makes you feel better.” You don’t know where the sudden confidence comes from, yet you keep on staring right into his sparkling orbs with your own; the most ravishing smile sitting buoyantly on your lips.
Mark muttres out a few “Oh”s before lazing his visibly tensed body, slowly melting in your arms as you pull his body even closer to your own.
As the sun begins to rise, a song along with a valse melody commences to play out of the speakers Mark had brought. You softly grab the brunette’s hand, taking it into your own; signaling him to dance with a playful smile on your face.
Mark lifts himself upwards as the sheepish smile from earlier commences to display its appearance back on his features. He uses some help from your hand as he lets out a nervous chuckle, youthful hysteria running through his body.
The two of you sway your bodies according to the mellifluous melody rhyming behind. You recline your head on Mark’s chest, getting into a more comfortable position.
"You're beautiful." Mark’s graceful sounding whisper is heard clearly in your right ear after finally gathering up the courage to state a compliment, causing the smile on your lips to grow uncontrollably.
Before leaning in, you go through a whole debate about whether to kiss him or not inside your head. Finally, you lean in; mixing both of your uniquely ambrosial scents as you catch his lips in between your own.
Although the kiss isn’t exactly perfect, the experience is.
“Be my girlfriend?” Mark asks in a whisper as he uses his right hand to keep your chin up, staring right inside your eyes fervently.
“Yeah.” You whisper back with a heavy breath, not able to control the smile growing on your lips.
The newly rising sun accompanies your bodies as you try to move your lips against each other’s in the middle of a beach. Youthful giggles get thrown around as you share your first kiss, a feeling unfamiliarly intriguing enchanting you.
Maybe, maybe you had a future with Mark. Maybe he was someone who would be there for you during your worst nightmares, a shoulder to cry on after calamitous fights, a soul to share your overwhelming ecstasy with.
Though, you don't know that just yet. You never know what the future holds for you. So you completely give your all to him, living through each second of one of the many euphoric moments you share.
Mayhaps this is the beginning of a new journey...
I lose my mind when you whisper sweet nothings
Gratuitously, Mark guides your body towards his bedroom; hands all over each other’s bodies as giggles out of hysteria escape your lips. You run your hands through his brown locks, plunking them eagerly as your already plumped lips messily move against each other’s.
Mark lets out another breathy giggle as your noses brush, your hands traveling on his body. Your hands find their way towards the hem of his shirt, fingers fiddling with it; contemplating on whether to take it off or not.
Mark gives you a short nod, displaying approval within his actions as he sends you an adorable smile. You glance upwards to steal a glance from his features, only to get lost inside his doe orbs; sparkling in youthful enthusiasm.
He pushes your body onto his bed, trying to be as meticulous as he could. He helps you slide his shirt off as the kiss gets even messier. After unintentionally biting his bottom lip, you mutter out multiple apologies as Mark assures you; running his hands through your hair soothingly.
He pulls your body onto his lap, blushing when he sees your eyes glued onto his upper body. Your eyes meet when you move your head, both shying away at the shared stare. You land him a kiss, on his cheek instead of his lips. Giggles continuously flow through both of your lips as you keep on planting kisses on his cheeks.
Your lips land on his nose on accident when attempting to shower him in sweet cheek kisses, allowing another giggle out of timidity to be shared.
“I love you, like a lot.” Mark whispers admiringly, the adorably sheepish smile never washing away from his lips as the first ever “I love you” effortlessly falls out. You involuntarily smile at the statement, melting into his honeyed words.
“I love you too.” You whisper back, exchanging the specific three words for the first time.
You spend your night blissfully, not precisely knowing what you are doing. Yet you sure are delightful inside Mark’s tight embrace, heart clenching inside your chest at every amiable touch.
You’re my favorite mistake
“Mark,” You speak out, fidgeting on his bed uncomfortably as your fingers fiddle with the hem of your skirt.
“Yes, baby?” Mark replies; not exactly paying the most attention as his eyes stay still on the laptop seated on his desk, trying to get an essay done.
“Love, are you okay?” He questions when you don’t respond, diverting is doe orbs towards your direction.
“I’m leaving,” You say as your teeth immediately find their way towards your bottom lip, biting and peeling the skin off in apprehension.
“For university, i’m moving.” You continue, explaining yourself when he doesn’t display any type of reaction.
Mark finally lets out a small yet heavy “When” as his lips part, staring at you dispiritedly.
“This sunday.” You reply faintly after a pause.
“And you decide to tell me about it now? Three days before you leave?” Mark’s eyes go wide as his voice raises, visibly accustomed.
“Calm down.” You attempt to calm him down, though it doesn’t exactly work as he shouts even louder each time he parts his lips.
“Do you even care about my feelings?” Mark clamors.
“Mark, what are you saying?” You ask in incredulity, aching to believe you didn’t hear him accurately.
“Look Y/n, I support whatever you do. But not when you tell me right before it happens!” He continues as a scoff out of mockery follows his words.
“I’m sorry i just-” You start rambling, not having an idea on how to ease his emotions.
“A sorry doesn’t fix everything!” He extends, not allowing you to speak.
“I know-”
“Good that you know! I hope you don’t make the same mistake next time with someone else.”
“Someone else? Mark, are you seriously breaking up with me over this?” You ask as a feeling of overwhelming incredulity captures you. His words allow your eyes to widen as your lips part afterwards.
“What’s there to not break up over, Y/n? How do you expect to continue this once you’re away?” He shouts again, making you pause.
“Okay, i wish you the best.” You state with a shaky voice as tears commence to gliss up inside your eyes, causing them to look glossy. You try your best to not blink, holding your tears in.
You can’t cry. No, you can’t cry in front of him.
So you get up and leave.
You are still young.
Not everything lasts, not everything is meant to last.
Each moment is worth living without allowing a knot to form inside your stomach in worry. Experiences have reasons, purposes. So do you, you have a purpose. Cry your heart out after agonizing fights, laugh in delight with all you’ve got; enchanted in an overwhelming euphoria.
You are shaped by awkward encounters, innocently sheepish grins, pernicious altercations, anguished tears. Mistakes you make at eighteen become experiences you thank at thirty.
Sugary moments come to an end, so do the bitter ones. Nothing is permanent, nothing is promised. You can’t live with worry, you can’t live in pain.
Life is short, short enough for you to give each moment a chance. Short enough to feel everything, to live and not just exist.
Somewhere out there, there’s someone for you. Someone willing to cherish all your imperfections, someone willing to shower you in love as immense adoration dances in their sparkling orbs.
Love...love is alluring, fascinating, breathtakingly dazzling. There’s so much to explore within love, so much to explore within a person. New euphoric moments to be shared, new eyes to get lost in, new hearts to beat together.
Love with all you have, give people every ounce of what they deserve without worrying about the ending. Every moment comes to an end. Every kiss has a final share, every breakdown has a final tear.
There is a beginning to each journey, there’s also an ending to those journeys. No time is worth spending cooped up in your room with tears drenching on your features, no time is worth contemplating on whether or not to do something in worry.
Although this is an anguished ending to the previous chapter, it’s a sugary euphoric beginning for another one...
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cabinofimagines · 3 years
think of me
a/n ; this is one of my favorite songs to sing ngl but i also am really bad at songfics so i figured i should practice. and also i was feeling really gay all of a sudden and yeah it’s apparent. lmk what y’all think lmao
song ; think of me by sorry, peach
pairing ; piper x mortal!reader
warning ; hella feelings, hella angst, some gay yearning if you read it that way.
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“You cuff the sleeves of your t-shirts
You were never the type not to chat
You bit your nails every time you were nervous
I was so in love with that”
“I thought you told me you stopped this, Piper?” you whisper worriedly, examining her surprisingly soft hands in your own, ignoring the heat that ran to your face. She had a horrible habit of picking and biting at her nails whenever she got stressed or nervous. You’ve tried nearly everything to help her stop before she bit away the nail completely, but nothing stuck.
She sighed heavily, cutting her ever-changing eyes at you. You couldn’t tell what she was thinking, as per usual, but that didn’t stop you from clutching her hand in your own.
She smiled softly and moved to brush a stray hair from your eyes, “Don’t worry, I’m working on it!” With one swift glance at your intertwined hands beneath the lunch table, she continued to shovel food into her mouth.
You wish you had pressed her more about it after that, you really should’ve. But the warmth her hand gave, her slim fingers slowly falling between your own and resting there comfortably until the bell rang. The feeling was so intoxicating that you didn’t push the subject, choosing to just bask at the moment at present.
“You like to turn up your music
You regretted your stick poke tattoo
You held my hand every chance that you got
I was so in love with you”
You moved slowly, trying not to jerk her around or move too abruptly and drop her hand. She’d been adamant about holding onto you. She always joked it was because you’d get lost otherwise and she didn’t know how you’d survive on your own, but you kinda figured out that that wasn’t entirely true.
She wouldn’t admit it, but you knew she had abandonment anxiety. As much as she loves her dad, she was desperate for his attention, and she would do anything to get it. Though it seemed everything she did, every outrageous stunt she had pulled hadn’t done the trick. Mr. McLean was always too busy to deal with her.
From here you could see the wrinkle in her brow, way too in her head to notice what she was missing at the moment. You could hear every lyric her earbuds spat out, once again way too loud to be safe. You shook your head and stared at your hands, thumb smoothing over the small heart tattoo on her index finger. 
She swore she didn’t care what Ed tatted on her, but when she saw the shitty outline of a heart, the sigh of disappointment she let out was enough to show that she regretted it. It was cute if you squinted at a distance, but she’d never believe you.
Even though I want to let you go
I want you never to leave me behind
Let me be there in your memory
I will reside in the back of your mind
Where you’ll...
Of all the places you could’ve had your first kiss, you never thought you’d be kissed on the slide at the elementary school playground. But honestly? You can’t imagine it anywhere else
She met you at the end of the slide, watching you slide down the bright yellow plastic with a huge grin plastered on her face. You thought it was an accident at first, assuming she was leaning down to help you up and maybe lost her balance, but she pushed you back instead.
Her choppy brown hair hung freely around her face and the sunset’s golden hues washed over her features, making her skin almost shimmery. Her eyes resembled kaleidoscopes and her lips were pretty and full. You could never forget the feeling of overwhelming love that washed over you that day, at that moment.
And when she closed the gap, locking her lips with yours, you froze. You were so captured by everything that is Piper McLean. From the tickle of her hair across your cheek, her nose brushing against your own as you kissed, and the sweet citrus scent that lingered around her.
In that moment, pressed against the burning plastic of an elementary slide, you knew that Piper had captured your very being. And you weren’t going to fight back.
Think of me, think of me, think of me
Think of me, think of me
Think of me, think of me, think of me
Think of me, think me
You love my hair when I cut it
You patched up my skin when it cracked
You told me you’d always be my biggest fan
I was so in love with that
You watched her carefully as she placed to bandaid over your knee and smoothed out any creases. She looked up with a grin and moved to peck your forehead gently, calling you clumsy and helping you up off the concrete. The skateboard you’d fallen off of rolled off to the side, almost forgotten the moment you hit a rock and fell off.
It was embarrassing. You just wanted to show her how hard you’d been practicing and you managed to find the only rock at the skate park and eat shit. You scratched the back of your head, fiddling with the strands that were now shorter than before. 
Piper let out an amused hum and moved a hand to your hair and brushing it softly so she wouldn’t mess it up, “I like this,” she mumbled, trailing her lips up to your ear and kissing the corner of your cheekbone lightly, “it makes you look more grown-up.”
You inhaled sharply, too sharply. You choked suddenly, eliciting a hearty laugh from the girl in front of you. You playfully glared as you collected yourself, clearing your throat and moving away to collect your board.
“Jeez, i’m a whole ass clown today.”
“Just today?”
You groan and she chuckles, wrapping her arms around you from behind, resting her head on your shoulder.
“Why don’t you try it again?”
You shook your head, “No I’m gonna fall again and then you’ll just laugh at me again!”
She gave you a firm squeeze, “Promise that I won’t. C’mon, I’ll be cheering you on the whole time!”
“You dream like nobody’s judging
And do everything that you want to
You always wanted the most out of life
I was so in love with you”
Nobody would think it with how much trouble she puts herself in, but she’s actually very thoughtful. You could spend hours on end listening to her plan out the future, trying to push away the butterflies that appear each time she mentioned you as apart of it.
She had everything planned out in this perfect little scenario and it was so sweet... and a little sad. She spoke about how she would convince her dad to leave the fame behind so they could do things like they used to. She wanted you to meet him and have him tease you about your relationship with her. 
“Like a normal dad, y’know?”
You’d hum and scooch over to snuggle into her side, wrapping an arm around her middle and burying your face in her neck. Her sweet scent filled your nose, intoxicating you and coaxing you into a peaceful sleep.
“You’ll see, Y/n. It’s all gonna work out.” 
“Say that I happen to make you cry 
when I told you you were being unkind
Honestly, I tried to leave you be
But you reside in the back of my mind
So I want you to...”
You didn’t argue often, but when you did it was never easy. Piper has always been a really sweet girl, but she has a tendency to lash out when cornered, you knew that all too well. You tried leaving her alone to calm down but then she brought up the one thing you never expected to hear.
You turned with an icy glare, “Did you just...?”
Piper’s expression faded into a one of shock, not believing the words that came out her mouth. She stuttered, reaching out for you and flinching when you brush her off.
“Y/n I’m sorry--”
“That was really uncalled for, that’s not okay.”
A tear fell from her eyes, “I shouldn’t have said that, I wasn’t thinking. Please don’t walk away!”
You huffed and glared down at the floor, trying to stop your hands from shaking, “You never think, Piper. Whenever you get angry you just say whatever you’re thinking!” 
“Y/n I--”
You gave her one more glare before turning on your heel and marching away, ignoring the ache in your heart when you heard her breakdown behind you.
“Think of me, think of me, think of me
Think of me, think of me
Think of me, think of me, think of me
Think of me, think me”
“I want it to hurt
I want it to ache
I want you to know how it feels
To have your heartbreak
To feel all the things that you do
And everything I go through
When i”
You stared across the street, frozen in place as if you’d seen a ghost. Your eyes welled with tears, watching the girl who never left your thoughts carry on as if you never existed. She looked nearly the same, hair still choppy and braided, that mischievous glint in her kaleidoscope eyes. She looked happier.
Beside her stood two boys, one stood taller with short blonde hair and furrowed brows, the other stood shorter with a mess of curly black hair and an impish smirk on his face. By the looks of it, they were waiting for the bus to arrive, Piper and the shorter boy sharing stories and jokes while the taller one sat deep in his thoughts.
You sniffled, your heart racing and aching and you tried so hard to ignore it all. You urged your feet to move forward, begging your legs to take over and continue walking home. But you were stuck.
Funny how you were the first to walk away when you had her and now, now you were stuck in place; longing for the girl who sat a street length away.
The blonde boy looked up suddenly, tensing as he probably felt your heavy stare. He stared back with a stony look, tilting his head in confusion when you didn’t react. 
It was only when he brought it to the attention of Piper and her friend that your body began moving again. You shuffled down the street at an awkward pace, never looking back despite the gaze on your back.
Piper McLean may never see you again, but you sure do hope she thinks of you. A least a little bit.
“Think of you think of you think of you
Think of you think of you
Think of me think of me think of me
Think of me think of me too”
taglist ; @smileitsisa , @beneaththeiceandsnow , @hermionessimp , @fangirlofanythingrickriordan , @a-taken-url , @noisyalmonddreamer , @mmmelanie​ , 
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chunhua-s · 4 years
requested by: @aiiishiiiteru
➪ hmm mayhaps i could request some iwa fluff 👉👈 (ofc hehe), mmm maybe of him finally being able to confess how he feels to his best friend or anything fluffy with iwa please mwah 😚
genre: fluff
soulmate au: among the general population, only a select handful are born with soulmates. how do those without find love?
warnings: uhhhh this is my first time writing for iwa and i hope i did well for my darling wife nona 🥺 this reader insert will be neutral in appearance since it’s a request!
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hajime iwaizumi isn’t one of the chosen few who are born with a soulmate. there’s no writing on his body, or special birthmarks, and he doesn’t hear whatever song his imaginary destined partner listens to. but that doesn’t stop his heart from racing whenever he thinks of you.
the you who put the stars in his night sky and danced under the moonlight with everything made of joy and happiness and unadulterated laughter. the you who sang the graces of the morning sun to him and played melodies of lavender meadows, where he could lose himself in everything that you had to offer. thoughts of you spin his world on its axis and pulls it along to a sweet tune that he can’t get enough of — the tune is every single word that falls from your lips, he latches on to them and drinks them up like the gospel itself. he considers, more than once, whenever he gets lost in your starlit eyes as you excitedly laugh about whatever you’re telling him; this must be what it’s like to have a soulmate. it must be the way your eyes shine with mirth and joyous laughter, the way it all sends bolts of electricity through his body. each and every part of him wants to hold you for longer than he’s allowed to as your best friend, and there are nights where he pictures himself crossing that blurred line and stepping into your court to kiss your hands, your cheeks, your nose and your lips. he’s hungry for everything that you’ll give him, but he hesitates, locks his hands in metal binds and ties them around his heart because he’s so afraid that if he does step into your court, that you’ll step away and put a divide between you. hajime iwaizumi loves you too much to consider losing you on his feelings, and so he seals them behind his lips and never dreams of showing them to your eyes that shine like midnight stars.
he exhales on a heavy breath, his body falling back into his mattress as the sappy kdrama’s credits play on. next to him is you, laying on your stomach to turn around and look back at him with a familiar grin that forms crescent moons on your eyes.
“so??” you urge eagerly, “what’d you think??”
he sighs once more, gazing at you from his comfortable place on his bed with his hands folded behind his head. he tries to ignore the fluttering of his heart at the sight of your smile, though it’s a losing battle as he sees you waiting for his answer. “i think,” he begins, lets his word hang in the air for dramatic suspense before he grins teasingly, “that you’re a hopeless romantic if you really enjoy stuff like this.”
he easily catches the pillow that you chuck at his head, his grin growing wider as he takes in your look of mock offense from his words. “it’s true!” he laughs, “it’s not like it’s anything new— you’ve always been like that!” he watches the way that you push your lower lip into a pout and tries his best not to let his heart run out of his chest. hajime iwaizumi wants to keep his affections for you a secret, but you make it harder for him to do so without even trying.
“well i take pride in my hopeless romantic lifestyle,” you huff, groaning with the effort it takes you to sit up and face him, legs folded beneath your body and arms pressing down into the mattress.
“oh yeah?” he rumbles with a chuckle on his lips. his gaze softens in something like a sleepy daze that causes your heart to flutter in your chest. he looks handsome like this, you think; he looks at you as if you’re the most precious thing in the world, and it causes the affections that you’ve been fighting down since high school to stir around inside your stomach and threaten to pour from your lips. iwaizumi’s right about you — you are a hopeless romantic, and you’re hopelessly in love with your best friend.
you pout, feigning annoyance as you turn your head away with a ‘hmph!’ hajime’s quick to recognize the beginnings of your pettiness and shuts it down quickly by wrapping his arms around your midsection, pulls you into his chest as your laughter rings out inside his room. he revels in the sound of it as his fingers dance around your sides, drawing more sounds of innocent happiness from you as you topple on top of him. “what was that?” he hums over your giggles, easily thwarting your playful resistance and turning you over on your back. he straddles your lower body with his legs and resumes his attack. “still wanna catch an attitude with me? hm?”
tears form on your eyes from your laughter as you push at his stomach, admiring the hard feel of his abs in the back of your mind as your cheeks begin to redden with all your giggling. “i wasn’t—” you gasp, “i wasn’t having an attitude!”
iwaizumi paused momentarily, allowing you to catch your breath beneath him. your face is flushed and your hair’s a mess; your lashes are wet with your joyful tears as you desperately swallow what air he’s allowing you to. the thought that comes to him is intrusive and causes his mind to hit against a sudden wall: you look absolutely blissed out.
he recognizes the danger and quickly tries to withdraw, moving to lay next to you instead of straddling your waist as naturally as he could manage. “uh-huh, sure—” the words are lost on his tongue, stolen by a moment of surprise when you suddenly push against his shoulders, climbing on top of him with vengeance gleaming in your eyes. confusion sounds dull beneath the sound of blood rushing through his body when your hands try to mimick his earlier ministrations on his sides, though as he recognizes what you’re trying to do, he grows a smug grin when your own smile falters slightly.
“huh?” you sound out. your fingers pause when you don’t get the reaction you sought for. there’s no panic or uncontrolled laughter that comes from the man beneath you, no pleas for mercy like you imagined hearing. there’s only hajime’s wide lipped smile that’s full of all the confidence that you’ve seen on the court, when he knows a set comes directly to his open palm for him to steal a victory. “huh??” you complain again.
“(y/n),” he smirks, propping himself up on his elbows, pretends that his face isn’t as close to yours as it appears to be in that moment. he feels the hunger and yearning for you turning in his chest like giant waves against the ocean cliff, but for these few seconds, hajime iwaizumi wants to be selfish. he wants to believe that the light shining in your (e/c) eyes isn’t just an illusion; that the reflection of the years he spend pining over you isn’t just a figment of his wishful imagination. in this moment, hajime can pretend that you love him too. he realizes too late that his broad grin has melted into something tender that pulls at your heart, and his next words come out on a whisper that he’s so scared to let out, for fear that it would break the fragile air that had settled around the pair of you. “i’m not ticklish.”
“you’re not?” the question you give to him is redundant, though every intelligent thought has long since faded from your mind, leaving behind nothing but the sight of the boy you love looking up at you as if gravity’s pulling him into you. right now, the green colour of his eyes are like emeralds in the darkness of his room, the light from his laptop causing them to glow so beautifully that you forget how to breathe. when your mouth opens, you’re certain that he can hear your heart crying out for him beneath the breaking in your voice as you breathe out a helpless “oh.”
the world slows, trickles until it stops, leaving the both of you in a pocket of time where the only thing that the only thing you hear is your hearts beating in tandem. the bump, bump, bump that bounces from your chest to his, the rushing of blood that sings on ballads and romance melodies, his eyes that pull you in and tangle you up in red strings, it’s enough to overwhelm you and drown your senses. it’s so much, it’s too much that it causes your eyes to sting behind unshed tears that blur his face beneath you. you don’t know why he’s leaning forward, but you don’t think too much of it when you meet him halfway — you can’t think about how’s of why’s when your lips are touching his, just like you’d imagine them doing so many times before. you feel your world tilting on its axis and something explodes inside your chest, your entire body feels as if it lights up with an all consuming flame as his mouth moves against yours. your breath vanishes on winter’s winds and leaves you desperate for air, desperate for more of him when your hands reach out for his face to pull him even closer. everything you’ve felt, every moment you’ve spent loving him is poured out from between your lips and he drinks it up like a man whose walked through the desert, like you’re the oasis that he’s been reaching out to for so long that the taste of you burns him deliciously. his heart sings your name in praise and glory when he pulls away from you, and he finds himself wanting so much more from you when he catches the sight of (e/c) fire that burns on embers in your eyes.
he can’t fight the smile that takes over his face at your weak voice. it’s hard to build his thoughts into anything comprehensible when he’s struggling to breathe again, basking in your weight on top of him and his arms locked unto your waist. your gaze on him is dazed, as if you’re wrapped up in a dream, wrapped up in him, and you look so perfect, so unreal, that he wonders if it’s a dream. “oh,” he echoes; his voice sounds deeper and rumbles with something that makes your body tremble. you burn with the feeling of it, you let it erase logic from your mind as you melt into his searing gaze.
“so, uh,” you stutter, “are we—” the words trap themselves inside your throat, hiding behind your lips as if speaking them would break you from this moment in time and cast you out from an illusion you don’t want to wake up from.
iwaizumi lifts one hand to hold your cheek, he runs his thumb across the reddening skin and smiles when your own hand comes up to hold on to him. the picture is so tender, so sweet and filled with the love that the both of you feel for each other; here in his room, nothing exists outside of the both of you, your world becomes iwaizumi and (y/n). “do you want to be?” he asks you gently. he hopes that you don’t notice the way he holds his breath and anticipates the words that you’ll say next, fearing that he’ll hear a rejection despite the way that you’re looking at him right now as if he held your heart in the palm of his hands.
he feels his breath escape on a single sigh when you nod, tears glistening in your eyes as you squeeze his hand. it’s so surreal to him, how within these passing seconds, he’s suddenly acquiring everything he’s ever wanted. it’s as if he only blinked and you’ve somehow become his on a single breath, and it causes his head to spin, he feels as if he’s been swept off his feet and tumbles past the softness of his mattress. he’s holding you so closely, the world in his hands and he can only laugh when you press your lips to his again. everything feels right, as if it’s all slotted into place around him and built a universe out of star-kissed dreams and galaxies that shine brighter than the sun. you are his galaxy, the woman who spins his world on its axis and pulls him into her each time.
he decides, as he holds your body and falls with his devotion, that even if he doesn’t have someone’s name printed on his body, or even if there’s no red string that connects him to someone halfway across the world, that he wouldn’t want a soulmate if it wouldn’t be you.
tadaaa!!! so i added a small twist to the original request to add it to the soulmate universe but for the most part i stayed true to it! writing for iwa like this made my heart a lil softer for him ngl 🤧 nona you have excellent taste in men. honestly iwa would be such a sweet boyfriend — i picture him as a place of comfort and someone who would always be there no matter what, like i don’t know how to explain it but.......... he’s quietly reliable? he won’t always declare it like someone like daichi or asahi would, but you’re always aware that he’ll be there for whatever you need him for, like he reminds you in small ways without actually meaning to push that point. he reassures you without trying to!
this is part of a series, so please send me an ask or dm if you’d like to be apart of a taglist! i’m currently taking request for haikyuu characters and soulmate au’s, so please come and leave your requests for those as well! thank you for reading!  ♡
taglist: @nishiya-is-baby @aiiishiiiteru
previous: wakatoshi ushijima | next stop: atsumu miya!
ps: even if the next spot is taken by a character, you can still send in requests! don’t be shy :D
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velianmagicalgirl · 3 years
A Letter to my Favorite Person
So I wrote this thing for Bono... I started working on it last night but I severely underestimated both how much I wanted to write and how long it would take me to write it so I had to finish it up today. So I guess in that I discovered that me and B have something in common. We're both writers and we both turn everything we write into novels because we are incapable of writing anything short. So here it is, I'm putting it under a cut because like I said, it's quite long (3500 words). It's also full of sappiness the likes of which you've never seen before. So just be prepared for that. You've been warned. But otherwise, enjoy :) (and Bono if you read this I'd not know whether to be super happy and amazed or to throw myself out the nearest window...)
Okay, so how do I even start something like this… Believe it or not, I’m not always the best at expressing my emotions or how I feel to other people. It’s not that I don’t know how I feel, I’m pretty good at that, but when it comes to talking about it, that’s where the words just kind of leave me. I guess I just kind of worry that if I truly express what I say, people won’t understand what I mean or something like that. And because of the fact that I tend to experience emotions very strongly, I worry that I might come off as too much to people.
But screw it, a lesson I’m in the middle of learning is that for people you care about, it’s important to communicate with them and tell them how you feel because, well, nobody’s a mind reader.
And well, I just have a lot to say and I want to say it. So here goes (prepare for ultimate sappiness the likes of which you have never seen before. You’ve been warned)
So, to my dearest Bono, the man who has changed my life, I just want to say… thank you? Wow, like you’ve never heard that before, right? But who says hearing “thank you” a lot is a bad thing? Obviously if a lot of people thank you for something, then you’ve done something right, and something right you’ve done indeed.
Obviously I’m sure that on some level you know just how much your music and you yourself have helped people, touched them, made their lives better, etc. I mean, you could see it every night when you got up on that stage in front of all those thousands of people. But those stadiums can only hold a few thousand people at a time and there are so many more people around the world that have been touched by you; your words, your songs, your activism and the fact that you actually go out there and attempt to make a positive impact on the world.
It reminds me of how in Paris in 2015 the entire audience sang the whole first verse of One without you having to do anything. The look on your face said it all about how happy you were, and how amazed you were. Or how, in Berlin in 2018 when you lost your voice during Beautiful Day, I’m sure you were terrified, but you didn’t need to be because the audience picked up the words and sang for you. You told them “thank you” afterwards, like you’re always so surprised at what people would do for you, or how much you inspire others, but you don’t need to be, because just that kind of guy.
I was originally going to write a poem or something, before I decided on writing this because I felt it was easier for me to get out everything I wanted to say like this, but one of the lines I thought of for the poem went a little something like this:
There is a man that has everything But he gives it away like nothing There is a man that has everything But he gives it away for nothing There is a man that has everything But he gives it to those who have nothing
I was just thinking about this the other night and it just kind of came to me that “wow, here is a man who has quite literally everything but is also incredibly humble and kind to everyone to the point where nobody that’s met him has ever had a bad thing to say about him,” and I just kind of thought to myself “wow.” I don’t really know where I’m going with this, but I just wanted to point that out. I guess my point is that, you look out in the world and sometimes it’s so easy to get overwhelmed by all the darkness and the terrible things that people sometimes do, that it’s also easy to forget that there are still good people out there that are doing their best to make the world a better place for no other reason than because they want to, and because they think it’s the right thing to do. People like that are pure souls; they are rare but that doesn’t mean they don’t exist. And you sir, are one of those people. You may not want to be called that but it’s the truth. It kind of reminds me of the Lord of the Rings quote, “there’s still some good in this world, Mr. Frodo, and it’s worth fighting for,” and of course, the lyrics to Song for Someone/13 , “if there is a dark, then we shouldn’t doubt that there is a light, don’t let it go out.” Honestly, I think this may be one of the most important lyrics in any of your songs because it is just such a universally important message. Whenever you’re going through a hard time, it’s important to remember that there is a light, that you are not alone, that the darkness can be fought.
But anyway, going back to what I first said, you may have some idea of the amount of people’s lives you changed but do you really know just how many that is? And over the course of so many years? That must be an impossibly huge number.
But anyway, after this stupidly long preamble (preramble) I guess I should finally get to the whole entire point of this letter or whatever you’d call it. But hey, I guess that’s one thing we both have in common right? Everything we write turns out to be insanely long and rambly. And tagenty. What was I saying? Oh, right.
I just wanted to say that you mean a lot to me. I am one of those uncountable people that you’ve helped in some way. In a myriad of ways actually. In so many ways.
Over the past year, my mood has gone up and down like a rollercoaster for obvious reasons. Sometimes it was so hard to be positive about anything when you looked out into the world. Sometimes I would just give into despair. What were any of us doing? What was the point of anything anymore? But other days I would feel great. I would feel like I was a better person than I was before. And I would be so happy and grateful for all the friends I’ve made that I didn’t have before. And then I would go back down again. It was a real rollercoaster, and still is.
Basically, what I’m saying is, a friend once told me not too long ago that “U2 has a habit of coming into your life right when you most need them,” and looking back on that, I can say she was right. It all happened on December 25th, 2019, you know, Christmas. I was thinking of buying myself a record player but it turns out my parents were nice enough to buy one for me. Of course they got me some records to go along with it. There were a lot of them actually, but I don’t really remember them. I just remember the one that stood out to me more than the others: The Joshua Tree by U2. I actually got really excited when I saw it because I had actually heard it before, a long time ago but I never actually got around to listening to the whole thing, so I was happy that now I had the chance. I don’t think my mom realized what she had started when she did that, and neither did I at the time. I’m not going to recount the whole entire story here because that’ll take too long (that’s another story) but basically that was the moment that U2 and you too (wink wink) entered my life. And what happened a few months later? The entire world changed.
But you know what? It was okay because I had you there. Suddenly it was like I had a new friend there with me, and anytime I wanted a reprieve from the world outside, all I had to do was ask. You could make me smile, you could make me laugh, you could make me cry, but in a good way. I immersed myself in all the stories of things you had done for people, putting your kindness on display. How you could make someone’s entire day just by smiling at them. I would read those stories and I would get this feeling like my heart would burst and I would get this huge dopey smile on my face and then I would go scream into a pillow to get out some of the emotion. And then I would feel silly because here I was, a 21 year old girl, sitting alone in my room, and the guy I was basically tripping over was 59, about to turn 60! And now he’s 60, about to turn 61! And I am still only 22. But you know what, that doesn’t matter, because sometimes people are just that good, and you’re one of those people.
I remember reading one story in particular about some kids who were sitting outside your studio. You saw them, got out of the car and went up to them and signed the albums they had. You could’ve stopped at just that, you’d already made their days, you’d already given them enough happiness to power an entire country for a year, and certainly nobody would expect you to do more. But you did. You allowed them to come into your car and you drove them around for a bit while showing them a preview of How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb. And I just thought to myself, “who does that? Surely this can’t be real? Surely this person can’t be real,” but you are real. And you really did do that. And for no other reason than out of the kindness of your own heart. You didn’t have to do that. You didn’t have to do any of that. But you did. Because you’re just that kind of guy. Later on in the story, Larry mentions to the reporter who was in the car when this happened, that “he really has this insatiable urge to be all things to all people, even when we try and stop him,” and I think that’s the perfect way to describe it. Making other people happy is genuinely something you enjoy and you will go out of your way to do it for no other reason than because you know just how happy you will make those people.
And then I’m sure my parents saw what was happening and they laughed and teased me and said “oh there she goes” and yeah, they were right, there I went. And here I am still am. I don’t even know if this is making any sense anymore but sometimes, when you’re telling someone how you feel, it doesn’t always make sense. Because emotions, these weird tricky little things of the human experience, don’t always make sense. But what I mean to say does make sense, at least in the way that these kinds of things can.
These things that I feel aren’t just surface level little crushes. I think they are more than that. Because it isn’t just about how you look or the fact that you are a singer or whatever (although those things are nice I must admit, especially the first one ;) ) but something deeper. It’s because everything you do, everything you say, comes from your heart. Everything you do oozes that sweet beautiful passion of someone who really means what they say, and lives it. You’ve said it yourself before, when you’re singing, you’re not merely just singing the songs, you are living them, you are them and I think that’s beautiful. And in an era of fake people, I think that is a big part of what drew me to you. I think I could tell by watching you and listening to you that you weren’t like the others, you were real and you lived every second of it.
And I just think it’s great to have someone to look up to that is real and undeniably himself. I could learn from that. Really, I could learn a lot of things from you. Because you are so wise and intelligent, sometimes I am just wowed by the things you manage to say. You know a lot of things about the world that I couldn’t know simply because of experience. I guess you could say that I am innocence and you are experience. It’s very interesting when innocence and experience can interact with each other. The experience sees the forgotten youth and the innocence sees the wiseness and intelligence that comes with having lived the world. And both of them can learn from each other.
And for a man that is so unapologetically, so unabashedly, so undeniably himself, I could learn a thing or two from that too. I’ve always watched you be loud and proud, say what you want, be spontaneous, and go out on a whim. Whenever there was something you wanted to do, you would just do it, (whether you should’ve or not) and sure, that’s left you in a few bad situations, but you still did something. You were never left wondering “what if?” You have always been a man of action and I admire that about you. You’ve never been one to care about what others thought of you and that is something that I admire so so much. Me, not to be dramatic, but I feel like that was stamped out of me some time ago. I find myself always caring about what people think, even if those people aren’t even around. I feel like I can hear them in my head when I’m alone, just trying to do something I enjoy. And sometimes I start to wonder if it’s really other people or if it’s really just me. But I need to learn to be unapologetically me, just like you. Because after all, I’m the only person who can, right? So maybe if you stick around for a bit longer, I can do that. But only if you stick around.
Because of all that, you really are such an inspiration to me. You’re really someone who goes after what you want instead of just sitting there wondering what other people would think. And maybe I should do that too.
You’ve shown me the power of song, the way that music can move our souls and transcend us to that other place. Music is an amazing thing I think, and I’m sure you agree. It has the unique power to transcend barriers and bring people from many different places together. And I’ve been constantly wowed by your ability to write. So much of music is empty these days it seems, but you fill that hole with your irresistible passion once again.
Everything you write comes from the heart, and where else could it come from but there? I don’t think it’s possible to write the things you do without throwing your entire soul into it, which is what you do. And when you sing those same songs, the passion is on another level. It really is infectious, contagious, irresistible and incredible, it pours out and spreads over everyone like a wave until they’re all caught up in this feeling, this high that takes you to another place, if only for a few minutes. While you’re there you can find important answers to things that you wouldn’t have found otherwise. It’s a magical place.
And I think I understand just how that feels from your perspective now. When I’m alone and there’s no one around, I like to sing too. I’m not very good, in fact, I listened to myself once and wanted to throw my entire computer out the window, and I beat myself up over it for days. I told myself “how could you possibly think you were good? You don’t even know anything” and then I started thinking “what’s the point if I’m not even good?” but then, a few days later, I realized that it doesn’t really matter whether you’re good or not, what matters is if you enjoy it, if you have fun, if, in that moment, you feel like you’re releasing something held captive in your soul, if you’re telling the world (even if that world is just your bedroom) what you have to say. What matters is if, in that moment, you go to that other place. And, if you do, then that’s really all that matters.
So, because of you, because of your passion, your refusal to be anything other than unapologetically you, I think I will try. And maybe someday, we’ll meet and sing a duet together (HA!).
Another thing I love about you is your dedication to the things you love and care about. I have a feeling that anyone who knows you personally is very privileged because they get to know one of the kindest, sweetest, and most caring people there is. And of course who benefits from that the most? Of course your special woman, Ali. I used to think that such beautiful relationships like that weren’t possible in the real world, and that they only existed in fiction but it makes me happy to see that they are possible. Maybe not possible for everyone, but just the fact that they are possible at all makes me happy.
A friend told me that she met you once, in Boston in 2018. She called out your name and you looked at her, your eyes met and she forgot everything she had been meaning to say, but according to her, that was alright because your expression softened like you just knew what she wanted to say. And you know what? I believe it, because that’s just the kind of person you are. Kind, gentle, sweet, and softhearted, with eyes that can see right through us (and hopefully they’re not afraid of anything they’ve seen). I know I said at the beginning of this that it’s important to communicate because people aren’t mind readers but scratch that, maybe you are one, and I’m not writing all of this because I want you to know, but just because I wanted to be the one to tell you.
And finally, I just want to say, on a more personal note (as if this whole entire thing hasn’t been personal) I am so grateful that you came into my life. I feel like I was saved in a way. At the beginning of 2020, the world outside was good, but the world inside me wasn’t quite so. I don’t want to go into details because honestly, it’s just too embarrassing to think about and sometimes I wish I could just forget it all, but for a few years before that moment on Christmas morning, I had lost my way. I had strayed from the path and stumbled into somewhere strange where I shouldn’t have been, and I was stumbling about, constantly trying to make sense of where I was and I just kept falling. But then on that morning, and over the next few months, a light appeared. It called to me and showed me how to get out of the place I had fallen into. And when I had finally gotten out, there was a man standing there with gorgeous blue eyes and the most beautiful smile I had ever seen. He reached out his hand towards me and I grabbed it.
And so, over the next few months, even as the world outside turned dark and scary, the world inside me had turned into a light. Even as the world outside turned dark and scary with so many questions, so many unknowns, it was okay, because you were there. The first new thing that I had seen from you was in March 2020 when you put out that song you called “Let Your Love Be Known” and I think that’s what I’m doing right about now. I’m letting my love be known.
I know that in reality, you probably wouldn’t want to hear all this stuff practically elevating you to God status or something, but as you’ve said before, you already have a messianic complex, so why not puff it up a bit?
But for real, thank you. Thank you for existing, thank you being a light, thank you for being there, thank you for helping me.
Just thank you.
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uwua3 · 4 years
saw you in a dream.
🌸🎮 chigasaki itaru
summary: this was the one game itaru couldn’t win, no matter how many times he tried
warnings: car crash, hospital, major character death, simulation (existential), surrealism
author’s note: another song fic! this actually made me cry for a long time, even if it’s not as long as my other pieces. this holds a special place in my heart ♡ i am sorry
we all cope differently. whatever you do, i hope you’ll feel better ♡ this won’t be forever, you’ll see them again one day. this focuses on what happens you lose a loved one, and what being in between life and death feels like. enjoy~
word count: 3,602
music: saw you in a dream – the japanese house (i highly recommend listening while reading)
Itaru didn’t remember what happened after the incident. All he knew was it was so dark, he couldn’t hear your screams, and the wreck around him was gone. He couldn’t move, but there was no pain. It was like, this wasn’t real. Was any of this real? What made this possible? What happened?
Itaru tried to shake himself awake, but he already was. His eyes were open but he couldn’t see a thing. It was just, nothing. Everything was gone. You were right beside him before he... what did he do? Were you okay? Did something happen? It was like Itaru had no control over his own body, like he was just in a vessel. Was this his body to begin with? Maybe, it wasn’t his time anymore.
Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!
Itaru couldn’t locate where any of his limbs were, what it felt like to be connected. He knew they were still attached, but it’s like all the nerves in his body were severed. Was he still inside his body? Who was he? Itaru wasn’t breathing, but he felt fine. There was nothing, and he was becoming nothing as well. It was just black. How long had he been here? Where were you?
Then, everything came back to him at once. The blackness split into fragments, pieces of his location overwhelming his vision. First, came a distant, blurry gloved hand pulling him away from something. It wore a fireman patch. Next, the load roar of an ambulance siren parked across from him. Then, Itaru could move his neck, he looked down, his car was flipped over. It was destroyed, the engine bursting into flames as a bright light overtook his senses. Finally, a stretcher. It was white, suddenly more figures were around him. Staring. Watching. Touching.
Itaru blinked. Once. Twice. Where was he?
Itaru closed his eyes. But, life wasn’t a game.
Itaru suddenly could breathe again. Itaru woke up with a start, sitting up as the oxygen mask on his face released a muffled gasp. The room was just as white as before, but the ground didn’t feel like it was moving anymore. Itaru moved to check his inventory, he must’ve played some game too long. But, the moment he tried to shift around, Itaru winced as he felt the tug of IV needles piercing his veins.
Itaru tried to pull the mask off, struggling as his vision went blurry again. He heard the door slam open and a rush of hurried conversations. Felt something push his chest back down to lie flat against the bed. A shot to his arm. Something that sounded like an apology.
Then, nothing, again.
Itaru was back into nothing. It was black again, and he couldn’t move his body. Back to square one, maybe he reset the game on accident. Maybe, this was the loading screen. Itaru wondered how he got out of it the first time. Was he lying down? Which position was he even in? Was this just his mind?
Part of the black parted, and Itaru couldn’t do anything as he watched the black curtains reveal a pixelated screen. Without warning, Itaru was sitting in the middle of his room. He was back. His clothes were messily thrown across the room. Empty packets of chips and crushed cans of energy drinks were piled in his trashcan. Multiple game titles were scattered around him as he sat, a controller in his hand. The screen was off, now.
It was a dream? Itaru stood up, about to leave, before a light came from the TV.
The countdown on the screen reached zero as the console powered to life. Then, a fade in to a cutscene. Itaru slowly sat back down, eyes never leaving the screen as he saw your smiling face. There you were, happily talking about whatever was on your mind in the passenger side of his car. Cutscene him was holding onto the wheel, giving back answers that made you laugh even louder. On screen, the headlights illuminated the road as he turned on the corner, about to say something before a bright light consumed the room.
Itaru felt a hand on his shoulder.
“Wait!” Itaru felt himself manifesting, forming, growing back into his body. He was becoming something, he had no place in the realm of nothing anymore. Itaru reached out for the mysterious person behind him, but he was gone.
Itaru opened his eyes to a white light, just like the one on screen.
Itaru didn’t remember what happened. He stayed on schedule: doing physical therapy to get his legs back to walking (he was making a speedy recovery, apparently), eating hospital cafeteria food at the same time everyday (it was stale, he missed takeout), and staring at the white ceiling of his room, willing the light to come back.
Something happened, though. No one would tell him where you were, or why he was here in the first place. It’s been months since he last saw you... did the staff not allow visits between patients? Whenever he asked for you by name, they had no idea. It was like you input a different character name or something.
Itaru didn’t like this video game. It was too reptitive. The faces were too realistic. Everything about this simulation was breaking the fourth wall.
Characters didn’t call him Taruchi, the name he always put in when asked. They called him Chigasaki Itaru, his full name. He didn’t know why he put his entire name, he didn’t remember when he even did that. I guess anything for the immersion, right?
What day was it? What were his missions and goals? Did he have a list? Itaru glanced around his room to see if there were any options, but it was the same blank slate as always. Did you see this, too? Were you playing as well? Did you like the game?
Maybe, the purpose was to get his main character back to full health. His injuries were serious, it was lucky he could even walk again. Itaru tried to dig in his memory for the prologue, but came up with nothing. Just his dark room with a paused scene. How could he fully play the game if he didn’t understand what was going on?
That night, Itaru watched as his nurse gave him the sleeping pill again. It was like this for a while, Itaru thought maybe taking the drug would level him up or something. Itaru put the pill in his mouth and lodged it to the side, feeling accomplished when the nurse didn’t even bother checking since he always did. Maybe, he was going to advance to the next stage!
The lights switched off. Itaru closed his eyes. Then, a light flashed.
Itaru opened his eyes, seeing the same screen from months before. He was standing alone again in his room at the Mankai dorms, but it was perfectly clean and he was in the center of it all. The door was blocked off and the console was still on. Itaru stopped, looking down at his design this time. He wasn’t wearing his character’s usual hospital gown, but a familiar outfit.
Itaru didn’t press any buttons this time before the countdown began again, beeping every number until it reached zero. Itaru sat back down again to watch the cutscene before he saw a leather jacket out of the corner of the frame. Itaru compared the outfit on screen with his and proudly whispered a quick “yes!” under his breath. Him and the cutscene character had the same clothes, he was going somewhere!
Cutscene Itaru wore a leather jacket, vivid purple dress shirt, and black tie. His red eyes were somewhat focused on the empty street, and his smile was one for the ages. He looked, happy. Content. Like, this was the happiest moment of his life.
You appeared and Itaru wondered how the game producers designed the characters to look like you two so well. This time, Itaru could hear the audio from the scene as it repeated and rewinded, starting back at you talking.
“Come on, did we have to go out this late to buy some video game you could have pre-ordered?” You complained, but held a teasing smile as you jokingly punched Cutscene Itaru’s arm. He nudged you back, eyes glancing back at you with such love that Itaru didn’t know how they even managed to edit that in. It felt almost, real, in a way. Itaru had the urge to take off his jacket for a moment.
“First of all, it’s your favorite video game series. I wasn’t going to let you miss out on the experience of being the first in line for a release.” Cutscene Itaru reminded you, hearing your laugh out of frame as he tapped his fingers against the wheel. The scene changed its angle, going out to show the car driving in the dark. A subtitle appeared: 5 A.M.
“Secondly, I have an even bigger surprise waiting for you~” Cutscene Itaru teased as you smacked his arm again, impatient for whatever he was planning. Cutscene Itaru casually turned, about to come around on a corner before the scene paused at the same time it did last time.
Itaru groaned, rubbing his temples as he tried to find out what just happened. He leaned back into his beanbag, dropping the controller onto the ground with a thud as he felt a migraine coming on. It was like, he knew what was going to happen next but he didn’t know how to find out.
Itaru opened his eyes. The white light was blinding and his nurse was by his side with morning breakfast. He was back in the hospital.
“Good morning, Itaru.”
“Call me Taruchi.”
A beat of silence then the same thin–lipped smile from before never left her face. Did she always do that?
“Good morning, Itaru.”
Itaru skipped his medication again. No one suspected a thing, he was doing something right. Itaru wanted to finish this game and get the hell out. It’s been so long, Itaru forgot when he started playing. What was it even called? Why’d he buy this stupid stimulation?
Itaru was in the same position as before, against his beanbag with the controller by his side. The screen was still loading, and the place was clean like before. But, the sheets weren’t made. The bed was obviously slept in. Itaru didn’t remember taking a rest in his room, was someone else here? The door was open a crack, Itaru went up to close it.
It was difficult, adjusting to a body with impaired legs. Itaru always wondered what happened to his character and if he would genuinely recover. It’s been such a long time, Itaru missed having a functional body. How many days of work has he missed? Where was everyone else? Didn’t they wonder what happened? What was he doing?
Itaru went to go sit back down, grunting since his legs weren’t what they used to be. Picking up the controller, Itaru furrowed his eyebrows as he stared at the buttons. There was only one blinking, the “A” button. Guess he couldn’t fight with what the developers wanted. Itaru pressed the button. The loading screen went away, the cutscene kept going.
You grinned, distracting him with your happiness as you rested your hand against his forearm. “A surprise?” You wondered out loud, and Cutscene Itaru nodded, mimicking closing his lips and throwing away the key. You said something about him being no fun. You leaned back into your seat, moving your hand up to his and holding it gently. Cutscene Itaru squeezed your hand back, clearly on cloud nine. He was about to open his mouth before the white light entered again.
“Shit! I can’t wake up now!” Itaru complained, shutting his eyes. But, he stayed the same. He was sitting in his bedroom before he heard a deafening crash and haunting scream from the speakers. Itaru warily opened his eyes, it looked like the scene was in reverse. Itaru saw a car flipped upside down. The engine caught on fire. The piercing cry of an ambulance siren ruined the stillness of the night. Someone was holding onto Cutscene Itaru, who was glassy–eyed and blank. He wasn’t breathing, but his hand was still in yours.
Then, Itaru saw you. You were tightly holding onto his hand even though there was so much blood. The scene was awful, but he couldn’t look away. Cutscene Itaru’s legs were bent out of shape, his skin was covered in scars. Itaru subconsciously ran his fingers across the scar around his calf, watching the same one on screen get made as Cutscene Itaru’s leg was stuck under the door.
You two were seperated, never to be seen together again. Itaru caught a glimpse of something glittering in the firefighter’s hands as he was reporting what happened to the police officer running out of his patrol car. It was... a ring. And it was that game you loved so much, he did pre–order it.
Then, everything came back all at once. He wanted to propose that night, pretend he was taking you to some video game store when he had a whole evening planned. He was going to gift you the game, surprise you and when you were about to say this evening couldn’t get any better, he was about to get down on one knee. It was going to be a night secluded on the mountains, a spot set up at the edge where you two could see the whole city. It was going to be perfect, you were going to say yes.
Itaru was going to marry you.
Before Itaru could do anything, the scene ended as an oxygen mask was shoved onto his face and his stretcher was inside the back of an ambulance.
Cutscene Itaru seemed to look directly into the camera, the same pair of eyes staring back into Itaru’s. They were the same person, that was him.
“Where are they?”
Someone sat down next to him, setting their chin on their knees as they pulled their legs up. They remained silent, looking forward at the finished cutscene. No credits, the game wasn’t done yet. Itaru couldn’t bring himself to see who it was, taking in a shaky breath before they placed their hand on his forearm. Then, his hand. He felt himself squeeze back.
“You have to end this game, Itaru.” You said.
Itaru closed his eyes, and he was back in his hospital room. The same nurse was sitting by his bedside, holding breakfast. She performed the same smile she was programmed to.
“Good morning, Itaru.”
Itaru put his hands together, wanting to feel the last of your touch. His ring finger was empty and bare. He knew what happened now.
But, Itaru blinked. Once. Twice.
He looked around, seeing an unfamilar nurse. Where was he? Where were you?
Itaru was in a video game store, this time. He was in front of a display, hundreds of games at his disposal as he rapidly looked around. It was just him, alone again. Was this the final stage? He’s been playing for so long, he already unlocked the backstory. Itaru wanted to go home.
Reading the titles, Itaru flipped through them but none of it made any sense. They were just his name with the subheading, “Day #” with numbers going all the way up to 8,395. It didn’t make any sense, what kind of faulty game was this? Itaru left the stand, searching around the store but the rest of the games were the same. Itaru was about to give up before he noticed the same screen at the front counter, the same controller’s “A” button blinking.
Itaru went over and saw a disc was popped out. It was labelled: What Could Have Been. Itaru pushed it back in, and pressed the button. He felt like it was the end, he was reaching the conclusion. The last episode. As he was about to lean forward to watch, his head dropped. He closed his eyes, and suddenly he was on a mountain. It was night time. His legs didn’t hurt that bad; he felt younger, stronger, better. Who was he this time?
You came out of no where, staring at the city lights at night on a mountain cliff. The distant city seemed so small, like you two were on top of the world and urbanization was insignificant. The wind ruined your hair, but you looked so, dreamy. Itaru was breathless, confused, mesmerized, so many emotions at once. How were you here? Did he win the game? Was this it?
“I can’t believe I let you trick me! But, I can’t be too upset when I have the best game in the world!” You exclaimed, holding the game up in the air. Itaru couldn’t move, even though he had full control this time. What did he have to say? What was he supposed to do?
You sighed, looking out to the horizon again. You were so content, so happy, so real. You smiled, like everything was okay in the universe.
“Life can’t get any better than this.”
Itaru put his hand in his jacket pocket and felt something cold. Something metallic. Something, that was calling his name. Itaru slowly pulled it out, seeing a ring gripped tightly in his shaking fingers. This was it. The game wanted him to propose, this was what his character was meant to do.
But, he was too late. Suddenly, Itaru woke up and was back in the video game store. The “A” button still blinking. The screen loading. This time, you were standing behind the counter with the same clothes you had the day of the accident.
You didn’t look happy with him.
“Itaru, what are you doing?” You asked, but your tone was so sad, so exhausted, so tired. You looked like you’ve been here forever, like you wanted to leave. Itaru didn’t understand, were you here this entire time? Why couldn’t he save you?
“How...” Itaru started but you shook your head, holding your finger up as if you couldn’t bear to hear his voice. Itaru wanted to take your hand and tell you it was okay, but it wasn’t.
“Itaru, you have to stop playing this game. Finish the scene, and you’re done.” You ordered, your existence flickering like the overhead lights. You seemed translucent, like you were here and somewhere else. Where were you?
Itaru closed his eyes again and he was on the mountain. You said your lines just like before, holding the game up in the air as you smiled, gazing out at the horizon.
“Life can’t get better than this.”
Itaru pulled the ring out, knowing this was he was meant to do. How did the game know he wanted to propose? Why did it feel so real?
Itaru was about to say your name, but he stopped himself. Itaru looked down at his clothes. He was wearing his hospital gown. He was older. He was the same person he is now. You looked at him, and you smiled even though the tears in your eyes were evident. You saw him.
This, this was enough. Itaru got down on one knee, on the verge of tears himself as he took in the sight of your face. Something told him, he’d never see you again after this.
Itaru held the ring out and you started crying, saying yes over and over again. He put it on your left ring finger and held your hand, squeezing it.
In the video game store, Itaru smiled as tears streamed down his face. This was the happiest he’s been in months. You were his partner for life. You said yes, you two were going to get married.
You watched him behind the desk, struggling to maintain your composure as you stared at the ring that appeared on your left ring finger. You knew you two couldn’t get married, at least, not in this game.
Your hand moved to the power button.
Itaru hugged you close, his arms holding you tightly as he breathed you in. This, was enough.
“I love you.” Itaru whispered, both in the scene and in the video game store. You paused, staring at the outlet and back to the love of your life.
“I love you, too.” You responded, holding his hand one last time.
You pulled the plug.
Itaru woke up. He remembered everything.
You stopped playing the game.
A long, long, time ago.
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pairing: Peter Maximoff/reader
summary: Peter Maximoff wants to feel at home.
Song: Home by Cavetown
Warnings: insecurity issues, abandonment issues
other notes: holy fuck, i’m really proud of this one. Peter Maximoff deserves the world and I’m determined to give it to him. 
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(gif is not mine, credit to @shhh-no-ones-home​)
Often I am upset that I cannot fall in love but I guess
This avoids the stress of falling out of it
        Peter remembers the days he spent in his mother’s basement, lying on his bed absentmindedly staring at the ceiling. He remembers the crippling feeling of loneliness, the fear he felt during those late nights, the anger that festered in him every day he was alone. He didn’t believe in love-- at least, he didn’t think he could ever love or be loved. Of course, he loved his mother and his sisters, that was a given, but he couldn't shake the feeling that he was dragging them down. He couldn’t shake the idea that he was a leech, a loser that was so emotionally drained all the time that he still lived in his mother’s basement at the age of 27. He didn’t think he really deserved love. Sometimes he made excuses for his feelings; every rom-com involves heartbreak, after all, and if he never fell in love he’d never have to feel that. But Peter couldn’t help but yearn for someone to love him, even if it did involve a bit of heartbreak. All Peter wanted was to feel at home.
Are you tired of me yet?
I'm a little sick right now but I swear
When I'm ready I will fly us out of here
        Peter remembers the day he met you. He remembers the way you smiled at him when he introduced himself, and the way butterflies erupted in his stomach and the way his heart skipped a beat any time you looked his way. He suddenly felt the need to be close to you, the urge to have you pay attention to him and only him. He got scared, scared that he was being too clingy, too needy, scared that you’d get sick of him and run away like everyone else. He may be the fastest man on Earth, but he could never keep up with those who ran away from him. He waited for the day that you’d snap, the day that you’d confess that he’s been nothing but a bother and a burden and that you wanted nothing to do with him. That day never came. Peter soon saw his fears grow into something much bigger. He was absolutely terrified of the fact that he was falling in love with you. The scariest part? He started to believe that you were falling in love with him, too. 
(Mmm) I'll cut my hair
(Mmm) To make you stare
(Mmm) I'll hide my chest
And I'll figure out a way to get us out of here
Ooh, Ooh, Ooh, Ooh
        Peter remembers his schemes, his elaborate plans and stunts done only to get your attention. He remembers the day he walked into your classroom with bright red hair, he recalls the flabbergasted look on your face that preceded your faux cries of pain. He quickly dyed his hair back to it’s original silver hue the moment he realized you didn’t like it. He always finds himself smiling whenever he thinks of the way you stroked his hair the day it went from red to silver, the soft stroke of your gentle hands as you whispered into his ear. He leaned into your touch, and for a second, he wasn’t afraid of being in love. That was only for a second though, and the dreadful thoughts and beliefs that he was on borrowed time returned. He figured the only way to stay sane was to stay away from you. He soon discovered that being away from you was much, much worse than being afraid. 
Turn off your porcelain face
I can't really think right now and this place
Has too many colors, enough to drive all of us insane
        Peter remembers the strong feeling of being completely overwhelmed. He remembers how many things he felt whenever he got too close to you. He always seemed confused, yet content. The mansion, however, was a different story. It never stopped being overwhelming, it sometimes got so bad that he had to find a corner and hide away for a while; he needed to shut off his brain. There were days where it got really bad, and Peter would refuse to leave his room, collapsing under the pressure of being an X-Man, of being a mutant, of just being Peter Maximoff. He thought he was going insane-- he really believed that he wouldn’t make it. But then you’d be there to comfort him, to keep him grounded in reality for a while, and he’d be all right. 
Are you dead?
Sometimes I think I'm dead
Cause I can feel ghosts and ghouls wrapping my head
But I don't wanna fall asleep just yet
        Peter remembers the times he spent with you in your room. He remembers the way he’d lay his head on your chest and listen to your heartbeat as you’d gently stroke his hair and listen to the rain. He’d always been so hesitant when it came to physical affection; Peter was unimaginably touch starved yet so convinced that he didn’t deserve affection that he avoided it overall. Once he did allow physical affection, he couldn’t get enough of it. He was always craving it, always desperate to feel your skin on his. He relished every touch like it was the last, he lived in the warmth that you radiated for as long as he could each night because he was so very afraid that he’d be cold again. It was heaven. Every morning that he woke up in your arms felt like a dream, and he often wondered if he actually was dead. He wondered if a mission had gone south and he’d been sent to heaven where he could be with you forever. Every night he was afraid to fall asleep, he was so very afraid that you’d be gone when he woke up. He always fell asleep with a tight grip on you, pulling you as close as possible. Almost as if you were going to disappear.
(Ooh) My eyes went dark
(Ooh) I don't know where
(Ooh) My pupils are
But I'll figure out a way to get us out of here
        Peter remembers the feeling of utter emptiness the first time you fought. He remembers the shame he felt when you walk away from him, but he felt a dreadful, crippling fear overtake him more so than shame. He’d been reckless on a mission, he’d gotten too cocky during a fight and it almost cost him his life. He remembers seeing you walk into the hospital wing of the mansion and he remembers how horrible he felt when you started crying. He remembers how disappointed in him you were, how worried you seemed. Neither of you shouted, no voices were raised, but your words hurt worse than yelling ever could. You weren’t mean, no, you were concerned. You expressed how much you cared for him, how badly you wanted him to be happy and safe. He pushed you away, and the moment you left the room he broke down. Hank thought he was in pain due to his injuries, and Peter was too embarrassed to admit what he was crying about. He went to sleep cold that night. 
Get a load of this monster
He doesn't know how to communicate
His mind is in a different place
Will everybody please give him a little bit of space?
         Peter remembers the first time he discovered his mutation. He remembered running down the street with his friends and before he knew it he was 30 miles away from his house. Sometimes, when he sleeps, he hears their screams. They all called him a mistake, an abomination, a monster. After a while, he started to believe it. His friends all ran away, and Peter resided in the basement from then on. He did everything he could to be liked, to be accepted; he hid his mutation, broke 8 world records, hell, he even went to the Olympics and won. They had taken away his medals once they found out he was a mutant, recounted his records, and exposed him to the world. He shut himself off from the world, believing that all he’d ever be was a failure. An unlovable, mutant, monster. 
Get a load of this train wreck
His hair's a mess and he doesn't know who he is yet
But little do we know, the stars
Welcome him with open...
        Peter remembers the days where the shame consumed him. He remembers the tears he shed alone in his basement. His intrusive thoughts and insecurities couldn’t be drowned out by any of his Pink Floyd songs. His past failures and disappointments couldn’t be diminished by his high scores he got on his stolen Ms. Pacman machine. There were days where he wished he could be anyone else. He projected himself onto the characters on his T.V. and in his video games. He adopted the personalities of all his favorite characters until he was a shadow of his former self, a mangled bunch of nothing that couldn’t cover up what Peter was. He got so confused, losing touch with who he was until he couldn’t tell the difference. He lost sight of where the fiction ended and Peter began. It was all so ironic, he was so desperate to be anyone other than Peter Maximoff and when he got his wish, he wanted nothing more than to be himself again. The shame only grew from there.
Get a load of this monster
He doesn't know how to communicate
His mind is in a different place
Will everybody please give him a little bit of space?
        Peter remembers the first time he saw you use your mutation. He remembers the way you moved through the air and sent little bursts of energy across the room. In that moment, Peter didn’t see you as a monster. He didn’t think you were unlovable or evil or a mistake. He thought you were amazing. He thought you were extravagant. He felt a swell of pride as you bested Warren in a fight, he loved you with all of his heart. It didn’t matter to him that you were a mutant-- he loved you regardless. That’s when he realized real love can’t be lessened or dampened by something as futile as a mutation. Peter realized everyone who called him a monster didn’t really care about him. He stopped thinking about them and started thinking about how much he loved you, how he’d lay down his life for you. Suddenly, Peter wasn’t so afraid.
Get a load of this train wreck
His hair's a mess and he doesn't know who he is yet
But little do we know, the stars
Welcome him with open arms.
Peter remembers the day that he realized he didn’t have to hide anymore. He remembers the way you’d told him he had nothing to be ashamed of. You had looked him in the eyes and told him you fell in love with Peter Maximoff, the clumsy, caring, gentle, kindhearted man that he was. You fell in love with Peter Maximoff and all of his hurt and insecurities and fears and shame. You fell in love with Peter Maximoff and his great taste in music and his unique sense of humor and his amazing ability to best anyone at Pacman. You fell in love with Peter Maximoff, the silver mutant who had previously believed he didn’t deserve love and that no one could ever really love him. You fell in love with Peter Maximoff and for the first time in his life, Peter wasn’t ashamed to be Peter Maximoff anymore. 
Time is
Tracing his face
But strangely he feels at home in this place
        Peter is a bit older now, and so are you. Peter loves to look back on his life every now and then just to see how far he’s come. Peter isn’t ashamed, nor is he afraid. He’s content. He’s happy. He’s unashamedly himself. He’s married. He’s married to the first person he’s ever loved. He’s married to the only person who made him unafraid of love. He’s married to the only person who could keep him grounded when everything got too overwhelming. He’s married to the person who always kept him warm when he slept. He’s married to the person who only ever wanted him to be safe and happy. He’s married to the first person who made him unafraid. He’s married to the only person who showed him that being Peter Maximoff wasn’t a bad thing. He’s married to the only person who ever made him feel at home.
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suhfleur · 5 years
dear, my dear • jaebeom (intro - 1/?)
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• pairing: soulmate!jaebeom x reader
• genre: romance, angst, smut
• warnings: cursing, sexual content
• word count: 1.6k
summary: in a world where a touch can lock the doors of the heart, his voice opened the doors to your soul as he filled it with joy.
a/n: i wanted to do something emotional. So here it is.
Maybe it was something about the weather that made your day start different. The sun was shining so bright it almost hurt your eyes, the few clouds in a sky toned in a shade of blue so intense thay it was as if the sun was willing to give a great gift to those who saw it. A happy scenario.
As you looked up at the sky, as soon as you left your home, you could feel re-energized, ready to face another day full of emotional challenges. At least so far you feel you could make it.
The vibration in your phone made your heart beat faster, anxiously waiting for that message to come from the one that didn't come out of your head.
New message from def.
[06:40] def: Good morning, sunshine. Ready to conquer the world today? :)
You grinned, letting out a slight laugh through your lips. How could someone you have never seen in your life have so much power over your feelings?
[06:41] loftv: I'm not really confident that I can conquer the world, but I think I can earn at least a good grade on this accounting test! Have you had your breakfast and your vitamin C? If you still have the flu, I'll hit you.
You met him a little over three months ago, when you accidentally found his Soundcloud page and, oh man, you were so grateful about this day.
At first, you were enchanted by his voice and how he knew how to build his music and convey enough emotion that you could feel it all, as if you were experiencing everything with him. Song after song you could understand everything he was talking about, even in the sexy songs that weren't sexy enough to make you embarrassed, but maybe they were enough to mess you up, but you wouldn't admit it.
With each release of a new song from him, you felt your stomach turn over and over again and someone really needed to tell him how his songs brought peace. So you thought, why not me?
And that's where it all started.
You sent him a private message, just in order to express your feelings about those songs and that's all, it never crossed your mind that he would stop to even see that message, and not only he did see it, he answered too. Your kind words were answered with thrilled words, full of excitement, you had massaged his ego and his heart with your sincere words and he truly felt grateful for that. And when you thought that was all, there is where it comes your friendship.
He would release a song, you would comment something and boom, you two always manage to make a totally random conversation that was out of the main topic. Just like you two knew each other for a long time. It was something funny to see growing.
First, you two started with short messages, most of the time, he texted asking your opinion about a song he was composing or a beat he thought he was doing wrong. Then began the little questions like "can you help me with your opinion on this song? How was your day?", and after that, everything was built in a natural and simple way.
But you two kept your identities a secret, even the real names, which would be a stupid idea for you if you weren't the person who suggested it. Maybe even today you think it's stupid, but your insecurities and fears screamed way louder in your chest than the urge to see him up close.
Everything was built so perfectly, what if you met and your real friendship was not what you two expected? That's what you liked to say, but the truth is that maybe you were nothing like what he expected and that thought was the only thing that made you afraid.
These thoughts about everything that has been going on, kept you out of orbit, always, and while thinking about it you always got to the subway without even realizing it.
The subway station was full, as usual, and you should have gotten used to it, after all you were the one who chose to study at a university on the other side of the city, but still, sometimes you felt pure and intense laziness about having to deal with so many people and about being eventually touched by them also, especially when you could found your soulmate like that.
A touch.
In all your years of life so far, you thought it was silly and theatrical, why should you be predestined for someone you might not even know? It sounded stupid, it is stupid, that's what you always claim. But your friends always described to you that finding your soulmate was overwhelming, not in the sense of oh I just met the person I supposed to spend the rest of my life with, but the most like oh my god my whole body is being raptured because I just touched someone else. Sunny said that when she found her match, her heart nearly popped out of her mouth, the intense need to search for more of that person was fascinating.
All that you heard seemed... too good.
You just wanted to not think about it, not think about the idea of people having expectations about you, about expecting you to be everything they always dreamed of. You just wanted to be you and you alwaus could be you with him.
Always with him.
Taking your cell phone out of your pocket, you open your conversation with def as you hear the sound of his voice bring peace to your soul.
[07:07] loftv: The station is so full that I can barely breathe. What would I be without listening to you? Pure stress. I owe you lots of drinks.
[07:08] def: can I change the drinks for back massage? I’m getting old and sick...
[07:08] def: cof cof...
[07:08] def: :(
You laugh to yourself.
[07:09] loftv: Why are you being so dramatic for? It’s 7 a.m., come on!
[07:09] def: trying to persuade you. wanna see you before dying, lily of the valley.
Lily of the Valley. You always wondered why he called you that. You asked him why, but the answer was always the same: "when we see each other face to face, maybe I'll tell you about it.”
[07:11] loftv: I promise we are going to see each other, ok? Just let this test period pass. I promise. Trust me.
[07:12] def: you listen to my awful unfinished beats, of course I trust you.
[07:13] def: I have to go now. talk to you later, loftv.
You smile to yourself and put your phone away again, watching the crowd and the nothing extraordinary people there, but you found yourself looking at that specific face just a few steps ahead of you.
He was always there on Thursdays, at 7:15am. In a gray and black plaid shirt over a gray tank top, the black hair that had once been in a mullet was now just below his eyes, the once discreet piercing was now replaced by a small silver hoop and he kept writing something on the his phone.
The subway guy was handsome. As fuck.
Whenever you saw him, every Thursday, you would think "wow, whoever has this man as a soulmate will be lucky". You even thought it wouldn't hurt to have him as your soul mate. Honestly. His side profile was a killer point.
Your funny thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of the train, and along with that, the absurd movement of people crowding in front of the door while you were dragged unwillingly.
Today was a day of hell, apparently.
People kept pushing you as you tried to get on the train, until the moment they pushed you onto someone and your whole body broke down.
You felt a specific hand grasp your wrist so you wouldn't fall, and with that tiny touch your body fumed as an electric shock of pure adrenaline ran through your body, from toe to the last strand of hair. You felt breathless, your heart was running over its own beats, and an overwhelming urge to cry rose in your chest, as if he were shouting "oh, I finally found you."
You tried to turn your head to find the owner of that hand, but soon you were already pushed into the train, while your eyes went desperately searching for that someone.
Then the doors closed and the train departed.
Your kepft static for a long time as you tried to assimilate why and you could hear Sunny's words in the back of your head.
The need to search for more.
The trip to your destination was a big and confusing blur. Your heart was still pounding and somehow you were happy.
Your day went by wind, you still could not put your head in place, everything so twisted that you spent the bigger part of the day without talking to def, which rarely happened in all these months.
It was night when you regained some of your brain back, while leaving work.
Sunny felt you out of orbit through class and at work, but decided not to question. She probably knew that only one thing could ruin you like that, and for now, she wouldn't talk about that. So she said she would take you home, even if her home were in the opposite side of yours.
As you directed yourself toward her car, you pulled your phone out of your pocket and saw two messages from def on your phone.
[9:00 pm] def: loftv...
[9:09 pm] def: i just found my soulmate. a few minutes ago.
And while you were sitting in the passenger seat of Sunny's car, you felt your chest burn a little.
He had found someone who wasn't you.
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upinmyfeelz · 4 years
Red -  Yandere! Tendou x Reader
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Hey! If you’ve stopped on this little story there are a few things I want to mention. First, please read the bold warnings below, just encase. Secondly, this is my first one-shot I’ve written, well written and put out here, as well as being my first Yandere fic ever! So please be kind, although constructive criticism is always welcome!   
I would also like to mention some songs I listened to which inspired this, you could even listen to them as you read if you like! 
Cologne, by Alec Wigdahl
Nightmare, by Set it off
High Enough, by K.Flay
There will be Blood, by Kim Petras
Lemons - Demo, by Brye
Warnings: Gore, toxic relationship, abuse, violence, rape, self-harm and more dark themes. Also its a little bit of a slow burn? If you aren’t comfortable reading these kinds of things, please don’t click on this one as I don’t intend on upsetting anyone. If you suffer from some of the topics in this story, I’m sorry you have or are going through it and just know that help can always be found, even in the smallest of ways. 
10.3 K words / 40 ish min read. 
Without further adieu, I present to you my first Yandere Fic! Have fun!
The air was thick with tension as the hilariously underestimated Karasuno high scored yet another point against the powerhouse team of Shiratorizawa, bringing the game to a match point. Meaning that if they score the next point it won’t be Shiratorizawa going to nationals. The stands were in chaos with suspense, some fans screaming loudly while others stood back in a cold sweat, eyes fixated on the court in anticipation. There was a small pause as the players set themselves for another round, their setter readying the ball. The players had given their all, the evidence in the sweat that dripped from their every pore and were now running on nothing but determination as their joints ached from overexertion. While things were tense enough for the powerhouse team with their position at nationals seriously at risk, what they didn’t know was that a much bigger event for one of them was about to be set in motion by this very game, something involving the unsuspecting girl in the stands.
Your interest in the volleyball team’s notorious blocker started with something so small and cliché it was almost pathetic. The day had been like all the ones before and it had come to its usual lunchtime break when your eyes got distracted from your very animated friend by the streak of red in your view. Your eyes then focused to see that, yes, that tall guy really did have bright red hair. It was that same shade of hair that you began to pick out in crowds during school assembles and you found that you were pretty good at noticing whenever he was in the same room as you as your eyes always wandered over to him naturally. It created a strange sort of feeling in the pit of your stomach, it was as if your subconscious was attracted to him or there was some kind of unseen force that drew you to him. So, naturally the more you noticed him the more you became interested in him. You began to collect all the little snippets of information about him you could get your hands. From what you could see, he had a childlike aura surrounding him as was always smiling while also making others smile. He walked through life with a spring in his step and he had a carefree attitude towards things that, in the long run, didn’t actually matter. After seeing all of this you found yourself wanting to know even more about him but this time you wanted to find out from the man himself; as you wanted to be one of those people he smiles the brightest for.
So, when the class representative came in during the morning class to ask for audience members for Shiratorizawa’s up-coming important match, of course, there was no way you couldn’t go. However, you realised with a sinking feeling in your chest, you were going to have to go alone. There would be no way your friends would want to come, not after their reactions to your crush.
     "He’s just so weird! I don’t see it."
     "I don’t get why you like him of all the volleyball team, I get nothing but creepy vibes from him."
     "Honestly, I’d say it’s better you stayed away from him. They say he’s nicknamed as a monster!"
     "Speaking of monsters! He shares the name with a really creepy one that can read your mind, Satori!"
Your frown deepened as you remember their comments. First of all, on the court, he was nicknamed the ‘Guess Monster’ because he was extremely good at guessing the attack and stopping it. Secondly, he was not creepy, he was just a little more extroverted and eccentric, which you’d take over boring any day. But of course, even when you tried protesting this to them, they just got even more annoying about it, which made you more defensive. It was a headache trying to talk to them about it so you actually should be thankful for going to this game alone, it would give you a chance to watch the game in pace.
And so, you found yourself front and centre to their match, your voice joining the masses as you cheered for your team to win as they always do. You as the game progress it became more apparent that this was no ordinary, straightforward, game as Karasuno seemed to continue to take the lead, leaving Shiratorizawa on the ropes. There was a lull of silence through the hall as both teams set themselves up for another toss which had the potential to send your team home. Feeling an overwhelming urge to give them one last push, you flung caution to the wind as you shouted at the top of your lungs.
Red irises darted to yours within seconds of your shout, your cry had awoken everyone in the stands as they erupted again with their chants. Those crimson eyes still held you captive as the moment shared between you seemed to go on forever. At that moment you witness a shift in his gaze as his eyes narrowed from their wide exploded position from the shock into something darker, something intangible. Then those eyes left you, focusing back on the game, and you felt as if you could breathe again as a shiver of cold ran through you.
The feeling Tendou got when your eyes locked for the first time after you cried out his name was nothing like he had ever felt before. His entire existence felt weighed down and defined by this very moment as if he had been living in a simulation his whole life leading up to this one moment that had pulled him from his dream state into a vibrant reality. All of his senses felt heightened when he had heard his name fall from your lip, saw your eyes widen in shock as they met his own. Everything pulled him towards you at that moment, as if all his ties of reality had now been tethered to your existence. While he struggled to put a name to these newly awoken, primal, feelings he shifted his focus back to the court. He had to finish off here and figure out what to do about all of this. However, he found himself unable to give the last part of the game 100% of his attention because of the nagging feeling on the back of his head that you were in crowds, alone, and without his attention.
The day after the match had gone by as normal, classes in the morning were a drag and lunchtime was ever the same. So, when you went to your last class of the day you really didn’t expect much and were just looking forward to heading home so you could be done with the day. It almost slipped your mind a certain someone was in this class but found it to be a pleasant surprise when you see his familiar red hair sitting on his usual seat closer to the front beside the window. Feeling a little chirpier, you took your seat diagonally behind him and took your notebook out. The class was dragging on. Your motivation for the day was hitting rock bottom and there was nothing you could do about it, no amount of positive re-enforcement from yourself about the day almost ending or glances in his direction could change that. However, you were snapped out of your self-pity spiral by the girl in front of you subtly sliding you a folded note across your desk when the teacher has his back to the class. Making sure you wouldn’t get caught, you unfolded it to see scribbly handwriting.
“Meet me out back after school. Alone.”
Vague. You tensed up a little wondering who would single you out like that. As you made your way through possible people in the class that’d want to talk to you, you found yourself coming up short. You hadn’t upset anyone, as far as you knew, and you didn’t really talk to anyone in this class. Unless… your eyes flicked over to the spiky red hair in front of you. The game yesterday. Had you upset him with your rather obnoxious cheer for him? Did it throw him off his game? You frowned at the thought of causing him problems from wanting to show him support. You had to own up to whatever this was for, so you sent a quick text to your friends telling them not to wait up for you without disclosing the details. They would be opposed to meeting up with him alone, saying you wouldn’t be safe. You rolled your eyes at their thoughts, sure the concern was appreciated but it was just a boy from school wanting to talk, on school grounds none the less, not much could go wrong.
Suddenly the time had gone in faster with the added anticipation of meeting Tendou and the next thing you knew; were on your way to the meeting point. Reaching the back door, you one-over-ed yourself as you made sure nothing was out of place. Then, taking a breath, you opened the door.
‘Well, hello! I knew you’d come, tell me, did you figure out it was me?’
There stood Tendou Satori in his full glory, up close and personal. While you had expected to see him, it was still a little overwhelming and it left you a little flustered.
‘I-I wasn’t completely sure, but I guessed it was you, Tendou… ’
‘Oh? And just who else did you expect to meet? Did I disappoint you?’ Tendou tried to keep his tone light and playful but his eyes revealed a different story, one he wasn’t able to fully contain as it leaked a little into his words and face. To think you had been contemplating someone else in his place, even a little bit, infuriated him to a whole new level he never knew he could reach. Taking a sharp breath in through his noes he blinked his expression away to a more neutral one and gave his head a playful tilt as he stared into your eyes, daring you to lie to him.
‘N-No! You didn’t disappoint me, Tendou.’ You flushed under his intense gaze, it unnerved you a little, it was as if he was staring into the depths of your soul. You fidgeted with your hands as your eyes found his shoes. ‘I honestly didn’t know who or what to expect… I-I haven’t upset you, have I?’ Your mind cast back to the ominous note he gave, and you felt a spike of panic.
‘I don’t know, have you done anything that I should be upset about, Angel?’ He bent himself over leaning into your personal space for emphasis, so his face was right in front of your own. Were you hiding something from him?
‘D-Did I, um… Did I somehow throw you off your game yesterday with my shouting? I-I’m sorry if I did I-’
‘No, don’t apologise for that.’ You shouldn’t be apologising for finally revelling yourself to him, it irked him a little, but you meant well. He kept that closed eye smile pinned to his face. ‘I really liked it, especially since it was all for me! Although I think next time you cheer you can call me Satori.’ He winked as you as he brought his face closer hoping you’d catch onto his intention.
Tendo was smirking as he raised his eyebrow at you, it was so adorable to watch his little angel fret over possibly upsetting him. Now he just needed to be close to you and keep her closer to him. He had to make his move now, he was sure that just from the looks of your fragile frame you simply couldn’t last another day without him to protect you. Heck, he was surprised you’d managed it this far on your own! Poor dove must’ve been aching for his attention and care for a while after all he had noticed there had been a set of eyes on him recently. He felt a little stab of remorse for not noticing your pleas sooner. Now was his chance to make it up to you, and he wouldn’t let it slide this time as he did on the court yesterday.
‘A-Are you sure that’s o-okay?’ You looked so flustered as you picked up on his implications, was he serious? Did he really want to drop formalities so quickly and actually start seeing you in that way or …? You got a little shock, what if you were misreading the offer entirely! ‘I-I mean, why would you, um…’ How were you supposed to ask this and clear things up?
Tendou watched you squirm a little under his intense gaze before he put you out of your misery and clarified what he had meant.
‘Of course, it’s alright, can’t have my girlfriend calling me by my last name, can I? People would think we were fighting!’ He leant closer to whisper in her ear. ‘Besides I want you to be my personal cheerleader from now on, so no looking or cheering for anyone else. Okay?’ He took both of your smaller hands in his for emphasis. And oh my god, all he could think about was how your hands fit perfectly in his own, how soft and delicate they were, just like you, just like his petite Angel.
You flushed under his stare again and you began to worry about the amount of blood going to your face and head right now as you went dizzy with excitement. He was asking you out! Him! The guy you’ve been drawn to for a few months now! You let out an excited squeak in reply as you told him yes. His face split with the biggest grin you had ever seen, and he tugged you towards him as he caged you in a hug, spinning you.
‘You’ve made me so happy, Angel!’
However, just as abruptly he pulled away to hold you at an arm’s length to look you in the eye as he said in a light but bordering on a sombre tone as his face still held his smile but his contrastingly chill eyes sent a shiver down your spine as he spoke.
‘But I’ll say this again, you’ve got to promise me not to look at anyone else, okay? Only me.’
You nodded in earnest, the look he was giving you had scared you a little, but, you thought, maybe someone had cheated on him in the past and he needed the reassurance? If so, you would readily give it. Placing your smaller hands onto his larger ones that gripped your shoulders, you squeezed them in affirmation.
‘Don’t worry, Ten-S-Satori! I’ll keep my eyes on you!’
Just like that, the tension in the air dispelled and he was left grinning again.
‘That’s a good Angel! I’ll walk you home today, so lead the way!’
It had been a little while into dating Satori now and you had begun to settle into a new norm with your hyperactive boyfriend. He would walk you to and from every class, regardless if he was in the class nearby or not, he somehow always managed to be there when the bell rang. When you had asked him how he made it to your class so fast, curious to how he got away from his own classes or if he was even going to them, he’d simply brush off the concern and saying, “The thought of seeing you made me go at the speed of light!”. He also whisked you away during breaks, taking you straight from your class to a new spot you both found that was secluded from the rest of the school which was always remained desolate of people. “A perfect spot for us to have some alone time, those other people hog you too much!” At the beginning of your relationship with Satori, he also had you sit with him at your own table at lunch. However, that didn’t last long as something had unnerved him which made you both moved to have your lunches somewhere far away from others.
It happened just a few days after you and Satori had started dating. You were still getting used to the new normal of not sitting with your friends during lunch, as Satori insisted you pay him all your attention as he was your boyfriend after all. Everything was going smoothly; you had managed to find a table that was empty and in the corner of the hall so you both sat down and began to chat away about nothing at all. Then another plate was placed down beside Satoris. You looked up to find Ushijima had taken his place beside his friend as he nodded to Satori, who had tensed at his fellow player’s arrival. Goshiki also sat beside the ace, wanting to talk about their recent practice more about how well he was doing on his route to be the future ace. Both men stopped in their tracks when they saw you, their eyes freezing for a moment before looking over at Satori. Goshiki was the first to speak up.
‘You never told us about your girlfriend, Tendou!’ He then turned to you and gave a little bow with his head, ‘Nice to meet you, I’m Goshiki Tsutomu!’ You smiled and bowed your head in return and looked at Ushijima as he too done the same then introduced himself.
While they were saying their hellos, Tendou could feel himself burning all over. It was like he was itching all over. His eyes remained fixed on the lunch box in front of him, unable to look at anything else or he might explode. His right side, where they sat next to him, felt like it was on fire as he had to witness them looking at his treasure, his sacred angel that was for his eyes only. Knowing they were looking at you right now was hard to prosses and he felt the snake of jealousy wrap itself around his lungs travelling all the way up to constrict around his throat making it almost impossible to breathe. His mind was doing overtime as it burned with one thought over and over and over again, someone else is looking at my sacred treasure. His heart was beating out of his chest and he was filled to the brim with burning hot fire that threatened to seep out of his pores if he let it. Then you smiled. You SMILED at someone who wasn’t him. And Tendou saw RED.
Standing Abruptly from the table, Satori lifted his lunch, grabbed your wrist from across the table and pulled you from your seat. He spoke in the lowest tone you’d ever heard him use and it terrified you. Scrambling to get your stuff as Tendou continued to drag you away, you never even got to excuse yourself as you left the two men wide-eyed wondering what had happened. When you and Satori hand reached your spot, he dropped everything and roughly shoved you against the wall. One hand rested on the wall above your head while the other was in your hair tightly, you winced a little at his grip but said nothing. His breathing was heavy as he rested his head on yours with his eyes closed. His hand in your hair started to move, slowly twirling your hair and running his fingers through it, then he moved to trace the side of your face, which led him to your chin until finally, his hand rested menacingly on your throat. His thumb resting on your pulse. He finally opened his eyes to look into your own petrified ones. He was the one to break the silence.
‘From now on, we’re eating here.’
Not wanting to agitate him further you nodded in submission. You’d keep your questions for later when he was calmer, right now your mind was going crazy with fear as his overpowering figure engulfed you.
‘You looked at someone else, Angel. You promised me you wouldn’t do that. You said, “I’ll keep my eyes on you!”’ He mocked your tone in a sickeningly high sweet one of his own before growling. ‘You lied to me. My Angel shouldn’t lie.’
Your eyes widened at the accusation and the threat that was laced in his words as you started to sweat. You noticed his eyes hadn’t lost their fire. A little confused, your brow frowned a little. You had only spoken to Ushijima and Goshiki, you hadn’t flirted with them or anything. Unless a smile counted? Did it?
‘I-I was only smiling-’
His finger on your pulse pressed down as he let out a heated breath and he tightened his grip on your windpipes. His eyes narrowing into small beams.
‘Only Smiling, huh? Angel, do you even know what a smile can do?’ He looked so furious, but it was more than that. There was something else in his eyes, something you still found you couldn’t understand, it was that same look he held when their eyes first met. You were skating on thin ice. ‘You don’t do you?’ He sighed as if the weight of the world was on his shoulders and he took a moment to collect himself.
‘You don’t know that it’s your smile that brought me to you, one that holds all of your light. You showed it to someone else. You can’t do that, you promised you’d only look at me and you need to keep your promises. I’m doing this for your own sake! If you got me with that smile, and that look in your eyes, can you even imagine what it could do to someone else?! Do want someone else to have you, is that what this is?!’
He looked positively crazed now and you wanted to simply run away. You normally felt so safe, protected, around Satori but this was nothing like that. He was terrifying. It was as if he had read your mind as he relaxed his actions. He released his grip on your throat and moved it to the back of your neck, stroking it in soothing motions. The corners of his eyes began to tear up as he looked away from you off to the side, biting his quivering lip. Clearly, there was a deeper-rooted issue that he needed help with, maybe this was something he was struggling with. From the looks of him now, he seemed remorseful for hurting you. You felt slightly guilty and ashamed for your thoughts of abandoning him when he clearly needed your support.
‘I-I… I don’t want anyone else Satori, I-I never realised I made you feel that way. I’m sorry.’
You looked down to his chest unable to meet his eyes. You were sure you were only being friendly, but from the looks of it, you had begun to screw up with your just-blossoming relationship with Satori. This was something you’d have to try and address with him later. In the meantime, you were going to have to be more mindful. Taking in a small breath, albeit a shaky one after his hand’s tight grip leaving you a little bruised, you met his eyes.
‘Don’t cry, Satori. Can you forgive me?’
Some tension left him as he could see your little eyes look up at him pleadingly and as he felt your shaky hands come up to his face to caress his cheeks while wiping the tears away. Perfect. Of course, he would forgive you, his angel. You truly were far too precious for this world, you had to be shielded from it at all costs. No one else deserved to see this look in your eyes, they were all too tainted and dirty. He was sent to guard you, be your best blocker against people trying to defile you. He leaned into your palms and closed his eyes, relishing the moment.
‘Of course, I forgive you.’
Then he snapped his eyes wide open staring unblinkingly right through you, tears nowhere in sight.
‘But, don’t let it happen again. You won’t like what happens.’
Ever since that encounter, you both ate alone at your spot so no one else can disturb you. You also found that you never saw Goshiki and Ushijima again, and when you asked after them Satori got really hostile. ‘Why are you even thinking about them? You’re with me, you don’t need them.’ Even when you explained all you wanted to do was apologise for being rude, he had snapped back ‘They don’t need your apology, you shouldn’t be so concerned about other people and what they think.’ Any retaliation on the matter was met with a hard stare that unnerved you to no end.
Months into this relationship you found that the glamour of it had long since worn off. You were second-guessing yourself at every turn, walking on eggshells around Satori and other people, worried about what would set off your explosive boyfriend. You couldn’t meet up with your friends anymore, ‘They’re backstabbers, just look at them! They haven’t even tried to keep up with you so why should you keep up with them?’ Which was true, he had a valid point. Not one of your friends had tried to contact you since the second week into your relationship, which was strange. Normally they would at least text you if you couldn’t see them much during the day. Satori had also put that down to them being jealous of you, which you couldn’t understand but according to Satori, there was a lot of things you didn’t understand that you needed him to explain for you.
Honestly, it was getting exhausting. Satori was wearing you down by the minute and ever since that day during lunch similar scenarios kept coming up. You would space out in the wrong direction in class, which he would take as you looking for someone else. Or, heaven forbid, you would take too long getting dressed in the morning which implied you didn’t love him as much as he loved you and your parents were keeping you from him. It got more and more ridiculous as time went on and the punishment got even more severe. It started out with a hand menacingly placed on the back of your neck in the presence of others, squeezing a little too tight or sharply yanking on the back of your hair ‘Playfully teasing’ you enough to leave tears in the corners of your eyes. If you really upset him, he’d wait until you were alone so that he could ram you into walls, giving you mini concussions, and bruised you silly with his tight grip or from spanks on any area he saw fit. He never held back for one second if he felt you deserved it, leaving you in tears every time only to kiss them away after explaining how you deserved it, how it was to help you keep your promise you were having so much difficulty keeping.
So, there had been a build-up to your situation now, which was you being utterly terrified of your manipulative, abusive boyfriend who had warped your mind with fear to submit to him. You really felt helpless. There was no way out, he’d simply find you and the punishment would be so severe you wouldn’t be able to show your face in public for weeks. But you had to try, you can’t just accept this and live the rest of your life like this. That was an even more terrifying prospect, living with this for the rest of your life was not an option. Feeling a little determined to start somewhere, you snuck out your phone while you were in class. The substitute teacher you had right now wouldn’t notice a thing and the lesson you were covering was actually one covered a few weeks ago by the regular teacher. They always say to start small, tell someone, baby steps. While you hadn’t contacted your friends in months, you knew they would understand. They’d help you. You sucked in a breath as you hit send with a shaking thumb.
“Hey, sorry it’s been so long, can we talk?”
It didn’t even take her long to reply, she must be in her free period right now.
“Hey, er, now’s not a great time. I’m a little caught up with something.”
You blinked at her reply, had you really driven her that far away? You’ve been such a horrible friend to her lately that you guess you deserved that. Not wanting to lose hope, you tried to apologise first.
“I’m sorry if I am interrupting something, but I really need to apologise to you. I’ve been a really shitty friend to you lately, ever since I started dating Satori, I noticed I’ve not spoken to you. I’m really sorry.”
You watched as the typing bubbles appeared on the screen quickly then went away for a moment before they reappeared.
“Look, you’ve got Tendou now. Just leave me alone.”
Why was she acting like this? This wasn’t like her at all, had she changed drastically since you last spoke to her? Feeling a little dejected you let out a sigh, but this was important. If she knew you actually needed serious help, she’d understand. You tried again.
“Look I’m really, really sorry, for leaving you for Satori. But he is why I need help right now, he’s scaring me. I’m planning on how to break the news to him that I can’t do it anymore but I’m too scared! Please, I know you can hate me for not being a good friend but please, please help me figure this out.”
There was a moment of silence as you watch her read the reply. The minute lasted longer than an hour for you before she franticly texted back.
As soon as you saw those messages you could feel your heartbeat in your throat, every limb shook on its own accord and you swear there was no blood left in your body as everything turned stone cold. Your nausea must’ve shown on your face as you raised a shaking hand to be excused to the toilet because the teacher didn’t even question it, only giving you a look of sympathy that was all too fitting and telling you to try sipping some water. None of which helped your current predicament. Stepping calmly out of the classroom you sprinted in the opposite direction of where you think your friend was knowing he’d be on his way from there. That sentence haunted you, HE’S COMING, and kept you going at a speed you never knew you could run at, but you guess things change when you’re threatened.
HE’S COMING. Your mind was a mess, you looked up ahead to find yourself at the end of the corridor, you didn’t even know where you were going so you took the first turn that came to mind. HE’S COMING. You went left, straight on, through the doors and ran frantically down the stairs. Hoping to buy some time, you hid under the staircase. You sat with your legs hugged to your chest as you rested your head on your knees, rocking a little. HE’S COMING. Trying to get one cohesive thought was hard enough at the moment, so you had absolutely no clue what to do next. Should you run out of school? Or Should you go to a teacher? HE’S COMING You should go to a teacher; they’d help and know what to do. HE’S COMING. At the very least, they’d be there to protect you. HE’S COMING He wouldn’t do anything with them there. HE’S COMING Taking a deep breath in, you lifted your head and opened your eyes. Only to be met with a pair of dead, stone-cold vermilion eyes that stared back, unblinkingly into your soul. His head tilted to the side.
‘What’s wrong, Angel? Scared?’
He brought his face closer to yours so your noses were touching, never breaking eye contact. You could feel his breath on your skin, he was like a predator checking that his prey was actually dead and not just acting. You felt dead at that moment, unable to even feel your own heartbeat as you went cold and stiff under his glaze. The sheer amount of dread that filled your body weighed you down to the floor, your body turned to stone, like a deer caught in headlights only you knew the car would run you over. Shivering, your eyes glazed with tears as your lungs started to fail you.
‘Shhhhhhh, Angel, don’t cry. That’s what you told me right? Don’t cry.’ He mocked as he stroked your cheek, his eye twitching as you flinch. ‘It’s everyone else around you, isn’t it? They’re making you feel this way, getting you to say these things to hurt me?’
Tendou knew, deep down, why you’d decided to run. However, his mind wouldn’t let him accept that explanation. His mind was sent reeling when he had seen those texts. It had been just another day as he went to check up on how well your little ‘friends’ were holding up their end of the bargain when you started to reach out to one of them. She thought she could hide her phone in time for him not to catch the flash of your name across the screen, but she was, oh, so, wrong. He then demanded she hand her phone over, which she did. He noted that she had already replied to you, saying she was busy, not bad but a little stiff for an excuse. He then saw the typing bubbles, so he kept it to see your response. “…I’ve been a really shitty friend to you lately, ever since I started dating Satori, I noticed I’ve not spoken to you. I’m really sorry.”? “I’m really sorry.”? He had already TOLD you about apologising to other people, they didn’t deserve your apologies and besides, you shouldn’t even be THINKING about anyone else. Why would they matter when you two are together? He felt his brow frown and his mouth slip into a scowl. He clearly needed to teach you a lesson tonight, one you wouldn’t forget in a hurry. He replied in place of your friend, trying to get you away from her. Something along the lines of “leave me alone”, that usually worked, people couldn’t handle bluntness well. The typing bubbles appeared again, just what were you playing at? What he saw next; he wasn’t prepared for.
“Look I’m really, really sorry, for leaving you for Satori. But he is why I need help right now, he’s scaring me. I’m planning on how to break the news to him that I can’t do it anymore but I’m too scared! Please, I know you can hate me for not being a good friend but please, please help me figure this out.”
Red. Everything went red. His head throbbed as your words echoed in his mind ‘I can’t do it anymore’. ‘I’m scared.’ You now had a fucking reason to be.
He had to try and think straight but every time he thought back to those words and something in him burned. It was like when Ushijima and Goshiki set their eyes on you but this time it was worst, so much worse. What he felt now, was like staring into the abyss and having it stare back into you, this all-consuming rage that just took over his body without him having any say. Heat radiated all over his body and it felt as if he was being licked by blue flames as his skin crawled, boiling over and the blood in his veins turned to acid. His eyesight was going haywire. How could you ever want to leave him? You couldn’t. It was impossible, you were his angel. You called on him that day. You sought him out. You smiled at him. He had seen it when you first started dating, that innocence, where had it gone? What went wrong? Where did he go wrong?!
An image of you flashed through his head, of you smiling at Goshiki, smiling at Ushijima, glancing at your friends, texting your friends, being looked at in the hallways, being looked at during class. Being looked at and looking back. Of course, how could he have been so stupid? He had made such a grave mistake and his poor, sweet, now falling, Angel is paying the price for it.
He mindlessly gave your friend back her phone as he left to find you. He should never have left you as you were, so exposed to the outside world. He had let the world taint you, all because he was to blind to see what it was doing to you. If only he had seen this sooner, maybe things could have been different. But it was okay, he was on his way. He would make it all better now! He’ll right the wrong and save his darling angel from falling from grace before it was too late. He’ll save the day; you just leave it to him. He’ll need to find you first and he couldn’t be too slow about it either, wouldn’t want you getting into more trouble or falling further! He wanted the corridors around the class you should’ve been in but, as expected, you weren’t there, your friend must have told you to leave. Just further proof that the world was poisoning you. He mindlessly went to your spot. He remembered the many times he pressed you against that wall, hand on your throat while his mouth was on your lips. If only it had stayed that way, but it was his fault for not noticing you struggling. He heard shallow breaths. His eyes widened as his ears perked up at the sound, could you really be here of all places? He wandered around to under the stairs and sure enough, you were there, all balled up. He made sure not to make a sound, he wanted to just watch you for a moment, engrave every detail into his mind all over again. You just being here had to mean you still needed him, still loved him, even if you wouldn’t admit it because you came to a place where both of you would wander off to too feel safe. It was your safe haven because he was here.
Your head lifted and your eyes met his own, you looked so fragile. Tears threatening to spill over, shaking like a leaf and pale as a sheet. Poor Angel, what have they done to you?
‘What’s wrong, Angel? Scared?’
Everything blurred for you as you were straight-up panicking. The rocking increased and you buried your face in your knees again with your eyes squeezed shut, wishing it would all go away. Arms encircled you, drawing you closer to them. Your mind wasn’t even registering it was Tendou at this point. Nothing was registering past the shock. He rocked you and combed your hair, wanting to have a moment of peace with you. He kissed your head.
‘Let’s get out of here, Angel.’
Your head shook franticly as the fear rose in your eyes again. He sighed, knowing it was wishful thinking that you’d be cooperative. He put in a little more force.
‘I’m not asking.’
Still, the same response was repeated back to him. His eye twitched and he cracked his neck.
‘You asked for this, Angel.’
And your world goes dark.
The first thing you could feel was the thin layer of sweat that covered your body as you gradually regained consciousness. You started to slowly become aware of the rest of your body like you had woken up from a really deep sleep. Every part of you felt heavy and you found you couldn’t lift your arms or move your legs as they felt weighted to the bed you were currently lying in. Looking around to gauge your surroundings didn’t help much as everything was pitch black, making it impossible to see anything. Feeling groggy, you frowned your brow thinking about how you had gotten here in the first place.
The last thing you remember before your world went black was staring into his wide eyes in terror. There was an ache from the side of your head which served as a reminder of where he had hit you, which you couldn’t even see coming because he was that fast in serving his blow. Volleyball had served him well. Your heart sped up a bit as you remembered him, where is he now? More importantly, how much time do you have before he comes back? You couldn’t see right now, so you’d better get up and start searching for a way out. However, just as you went to move your stiff limbs it was brought to your attention that you were tied down to each bedpost by what looked to be cushioned handcuffs. Your raised head hit the pillow as you let out a sigh in frustration. Of course, you had been restrained, you hadn’t been very cooperative with him.
You started to panic as you struggled to come up with any solution to get out of this mess. You pulled and pulled on all four restraints, none of which were giving-in any time soon. If you couldn’t get out of these restraints before Tendou came back… you shuddered to think what would happen to you. You knew you couldn’t take him on directly either; the man was a machine, a genius guessing machine at that. You really cursed your past self for not trusting your friend’s instincts more. If you had only listened to them and stayed away, you might not be in this mess right now. Your friends. They could still save you! They knew he was after you, she had even told you she was going to call for help! That’s it, just pull through until they can get help and you’ll be okay. Just breath, that’s all you have to do right now, just keep breathing…
The door opened with a creak and light came flooding in, casting a shadow on the floor. Tendou had been finishing up the last of his preparations for tonight, everything had been set and taken care of. All that was left to do now was enjoy his time with his precious angel and right his mistake while asking for her forgiveness for his ignorance.
You looked so pretty all tied up like that on his bed, just like a present on Christmas morning ready to be unwrapped. However, he felt his eyes darken as he drank you in, knowing that while you looked so good and pure right now, he had failed the main goal of his guardianship which was to keep you untainted by the world. It was as if their eyes had left traces on your precious skin, they might as well have left fingerprints all over you as Tendou examined your exposed flesh from a closer angle. He felt that familiar lick of rage inside of him as he knelt by your bedside and laid his head on the bed in a bow to you. It was all so overwhelming to him, the feeling of failure, of rage, of pain, of protectiveness. He needed to take this slow, go through all the motions or this wouldn’t work. And he couldn’t fail you this time, he wouldn’t. His voice was thick with emotion and remorse as he croaked out,
‘Angel, there’s a lot I want to explain to you before I do anything, so please hear me out, okay?’
When there was a slight pause, he moved his face and flicked his eyes up to your face. Vermillion eyes daring you to protest but also holding so much emotion. There was still that one unreadable look in his eyes.
‘I-I’ll listen, S-Satori, but-’
‘There should be no “but’s”, Angel. All you have to do is listen, so I’ll take that as a yes.’
‘Why am I being t-tied up? C-Can’t you let me go?’
A hard look crossed his face and instantly she felt the ghost of a hand around her throat, thinking back to all the times before when she had ticked him off in some way.
‘If you’re willing to listen, all your questions will be answered in time.’
It was not up for further debate. He turned his face back down towards the bed, regaining the air of someone submitting themselves for confession.
‘Angel. I failed, and I am so sorry. You were put into my care by whoever it may be, be it fate, destiny or some kind of deity. My one goal through all of this was to protect you from everyone, to keep your aura clean from contamination. To keep you as pure as the day you were entrusted to me. I tried so hard. I made sure no one got too close to you in class, I took you to and from everywhere so as you’d have minimal exposure to people. When I noticed others looking at you during breaks or lunches, I took you away so it was just me you could see. I regularly made sure that no-one would even dream about coming close to you so that you could remain as you were. However, I failed to see…’ A small hiccup sounded through the eerily silent room as Tendou let his tears wet the bed covers. ‘I failed to see your struggle, Angel. I failed to see that even minimal contact was too much for you, that they were still poisoning you. I had thought about taking you away from it all nearer the beginning, I really did! I just thought that it would cause more complications and that what we had going on at that time was enough. I didn’t realise just the environment was toxic for you. I’m so sorry for failing you and not doing the right thing sooner, I swear to you it won’t ever happen again. I don’t care what it costs, I will do what I need to do for you.’ He, almost shyly, raised his head to now look you in the eyes. ‘Angel, can you forgive me?’
You lay there stunned at his words. How could you even begin to process what he just said? He thought he had somehow failed you by keeping you in amongst society. There was so much wrong with all of his speech. He wanted to keep you all to himself, but it was more than the typical boyfriend ‘I don’t want to share this side of you’ because he wanted to isolate you from everyone bar himself. First things first, you had to get yourself out of this crazy situation. So maybe when he said he’d do the right thing for you, it meant listening to you? You sure hoped so because this might be your one shot at it. Schooling your fearful expression a little, you look back at him.
‘I-I forgive you, Satori-’
He sprang into immediate action, up from his bowing position right on top of you on the bed to give you the tightest hug you’d ever received. His breath was tickling your neck as you squirmed beneath him.
‘Oh, thank you so much! I was so scared you wouldn’t forgive me! That would cause so many more problems…’
‘But, listen, Satori…’
He pushed off the bed so he could face you.
‘Yes, Angel?’
‘Can you untie me, please?’
His expression snapped from bubbly to eerie neutral at the drop of a coin.
‘I’m afraid I can’t do that.’
He looked at you like you were some incompetent child who had just asked why you can’t see you dead pet again.
‘You see, you’re still infected, Angel. We need to clean you all up first.’
‘C-clean me? I can clean myself, Satori.’
He clicked his tongue and continued to speak in a condescending tone while stroking your cheek with the back of his hand.
‘Oh, I know you can, I know, but this is a special kind of cleaning that only I can do you see.’ He gave a smile that didn’t look as if it belonged on a human face. ‘Don’t worry though, I won’t expose you too much. It’s just on the parts that are dirty.’
He then lent over you from a straddling position above and began by removing your tie.
‘R-Really, Satori, please don’t. I can do it myself, please.’
‘Tut, tut. The more you protest the more it shows me how badly you need this. It isn’t something you can do alone, Angel, because once you’ve got this kind of dirt on you it infects you mind so you can’t clean it off properly. Besides, you need me for this.’ He sounded all too happy about this outcome, and you weren’t in a great protesting position. However, that didn’t mean you had to give up.
‘Tendou, I said no. Now stop taking off my shirt! I thought you’d listen to me?’
Your words bounced right off him, leaving you with a cold feeling inside as you seen his eyes darken at the use of his last name. He unbuttoned the whole of your shirt and you had noticed that your shoes, socks and shirt were also missing; leaving you in nothing but pants, a bra and an open shirt. Why he hadn’t pre-removed that as well, you wouldn’t question and just thank whoever was above that he hadn’t, not that it was offering much protection now. While you were now mainly exposed, you still remained warm as the room seemed to have been pre-set to a warmer temperature, as if he’d known this would happen.
If you were uncomfortable and scared now, there were no words to describe just how terrified you felt when Tendou then proceeded to take out a decently sized blade from his pocket.
‘What are you doing with that, Tendou?’ Your voice came out in a fragile whisper thinking that if you spoke too loudly, you’d somehow break the safety bubble that the quiet provided you with.
‘I’m about to make up for my mistakes, Angel’ He had a twisted smile on his face, and you had to push the raising bile down from your throat, as you watched him bring the blade down. Somehow it disturbed you, even more, to see that, instead of slicing you open, he painstakingly dragged the blade across his own forearm, creating a large gash in its wake that immediately gushed blood down his arm, trickling down his palms and dripping from his fingers onto your stomach. You had a harder time keeping the sick down now as you watched him repeat this process further up the same arm with the same results.
There was a twisted look of fascination in his eyes as he made the incisions in his arm and watched the blood spill from himself. It was in that moment you could finally read what was hidden behind his guarded eyes this whole time, pure unadulterated insanity. He was a breed separate from the rest. This is the reason he was called a monster because he was a demon. The hardest part to swallow was how painfully obvious it had been from the start. The many signs you had simply ignored and driven by suddenly flooded in front of your eyes. Your friend’s warnings came back to you like a stab in the gut, they had said he was creepy along with being called a monster and you had dismissed everything. Even when you had come face to face with this lurking demon inside him when you stared into his eyes and he stared back with his hand wrapped around your throat after body-slamming you into a wall for looking at Ushijima and Goshiki. The gut feeling you had towards him, the pull you thought you had felt to his red hair, was really a massive warning trying to alert you to the danger that awaited beneath as it pointed to the one thing that should trigger alarm bells. The colour red.
The red that was now currently pouring down on you from above as he squeezed his heavily bleeding arm over your exposed flesh. His face menacingly hovered above you with the edges of his screwy grin turned up completing the unhinged look that covered his face as he finally let himself go into a rabid frenzy above you. All you could do was lie there, trying not to choke on your own vomit, while you prayed to whatever god there was that you’d make it out of this alive.
This was it. Tendou could feel himself go lightheaded with the amount of excitement he was experiencing. Having you below him like this was all too much. He hadn’t anticipated this being so … euphoric. He had, admittedly, made a show of giving himself the cuts because he simply wanted to see that expression on your face again, that one when you looked like you were either going to cry, pissing yourself or passing out from fear. When he’d first seen it at school with you curled up under the stairs, he hadn’t gotten to fully appreciate it in his blind rage. But, now, he got to see it in its full glory, and it did not disappoint. There were tears and snot dripping down your flushed and blotchy face, your eyes looking a little pink with how hard you were crying. God, the things that face did to him. Needless to say, the combination of your expression as it was, you being tied beneath him, and his blood beginning to cover every exposed inch of you… he was beginning to have a little bit of a situation on his hands. But he wouldn’t indulge himself, no, not yet, his Angel wasn’t herself just yet. You needed to be fully cleansed before he touched either one of you like that.
He was making good progress on covering all of you in his blood, he would start by kissing the area, dripping the hot, sticky substance on you and rubbing it around the area before moving to the next. It was a slow, rewarding process as he began to feel the catharsis as he washed away the stains of other’s eyes and touches from you with his own DNA.
‘Yes, Angel, that’s it your doing so well. It’s working so nicely; can’t you feel everyone else being washed away and being replaced by me?’
There was nothing but continued crying from you, but he was too far gone in his own head to really register anything you were saying anyway.
‘Don’t you just love it? … Being covered …’
He kissed down her red smothered neck, trailing down the valley of her equally blood-coated breasts to then kiss her stomach.
‘… All the way from your head…’
He kisses further down, running his crimson hands down each of her legs, to then kiss the red arches on either of her feet.
‘… Right down to the ends of your toes, in nothing but me.’
Once he was satisfied you were fully dowsed in his blood, looking oh so pretty. He decided it was now okay for him to let loose a little. He mounted you again, this time his lips went straight to your mouth, smothering any protests in the process. His hands found your own above your head and he wove his fingers between your own. Immediately he growled and began grinding you so hard into the mattress you felt it dip and spring up again. Your mind was screaming in protest and you felt your chest tighten as you struggled to breathe both from his aggressive onslaught on kisses and your other-worldly fear of this man. While your mind was crying, other parts of yourself awoken as it would under normal circumstances. You tried to tell it repeatedly that this was not regular circumstances and you’d like to have some dignity. Biology never really listens.
Tendou was panting now as he trailed hot, sloppy kisses down the side of your jaw and throat. Everything was just getting too much for him, yet he couldn’t help but crave more and more of you. Nothing was enough. He bit down hard and was rewarded with a yelp from you, smirking he kept up his attack.
‘How does my Angel like having me on top of her like this, hmmm?’ He released a hand from her hold to quickly undo his belt and his fly, just to get closer, keeping the layers for more friction. His eyes rolled to the back of his head at the next thrust of his hips, you were so wet for him. Had you felt this way the whole time too? Did you get the same overwhelming feeling from seeing yourself fully claimed and covered in him? His mind just couldn’t keep up with the rush of feelings that kept crashing over him like a tsunami every two seconds. His eye barely knew where to look, everywhere on you begged for his attention. He licked a line up the drying blood up the middle of your throat to then steal your mouth in a heated kiss by first shoving his tongue inside. What he hadn’t counted on was you fighting back a little by biting down so hard on his tongue that it drew blood. This almost sent him overboard as the act of protest immediately backfired on you, sending him on another hysterical spiral. He kept up his brutal pace with you as he pulled his face back with a look across his face that spelt ecstasy.
‘Angel! Yes, yes, yes! O-Of course, a-ah… l-let’s make a blood bond right now. I can’t believe I didn’t think of tha-ah-t.’
He then assaulted your mouth once more only this time he came with teeth as he bit down hard on your own tongue. He then let out a groan as your tongues swirled around each other, mixing the blood and saliva. Everything was getting hazy and the sides of your vision began to blur. It was too much. He was getting closer to the edge too from the way he was panting and franticly rutting against you. His free hand clamped down on your airways suddenly as he stiffened up, gritting his teeth he said.
‘Don’t you faint again on me! UgH! Now, my sweet sweet Aaangel. Oh, fuck…nh, cum with me, DO IT! NOW!’
It was almost shameful how easily pushed over the edge you were by that. That tone, the hand, the feeling of him everywhere and the lack of oxygen just sent you teetering off the edge and your vision went white. You questioned yourself silently if you were some kind of sick masochist before blaming the entire thing on lack of oxygen going to your brain.
Coming down from his high left Tendou with a radiating kind of afterglow. His twisted mind still shining through as he did one last thing to fully satisfy himself, for all his hard work he deserved a reward to. He reached into his messed up pants taking his cum on three fingers before he took them to your mouth, putting them in. From your mouth, he also gathered your mixed blood and saliva, all while revelling in your fucked-out face with his cum in your mouth. Taking his fingers from your greedy mouth, he made sure he collected everything on his fingers before he thrust them deep inside you, stuffing you with your bonded blood and his cum. He kept that up for a while, listening to your oversensitive whines of protest before he then took some of your juices for himself. The taste of you and him together, in every way, blood, cum, sweat and spit in his mouth was otherworldly. There was nothing like it. He lapped up everything, swirling his tongue around the combination of you both in a drunken haze, you were bonded forever now.
Well, he was about to work on the forever part of that fantasy. Seeing you so boneless was perfect for the final step in his plan. Everything was perfect, it couldn’t have gone better, you were both now connected forever. He let his weight press gently down on you as he sang your praises for being so good for him as he kissed you softly, stroking your hair with one hand while the other remained laced with your own. He then trailed his hand down from your hair, along your side to then reach into his side pocket where he gripped the smooth fabric. Only the best silk for his Angel. Trailing back up, he released your hand to bring it to the sides of your face as he continued to distract you while he delicately wrapped the soft material around your neck. Your brow frowned at the sensation, but the fabric was so smooth and gentle, was he giving you something?
Your eyes went wide with panic and you gasped as the smooth silk violently constricted around your windpipes. Your eyes franticly searched for his, pleading for your fucking life again. You shook your head and thrashed against your restraints.
‘Sh, sh, sh, hush now.’ He stroked your cheek with such a gentle, bubbly look on his face. ‘You wouldn’t want to end our perfect moment like this, would you? I’d hate for you to remember it like this…’
The noose around your neck tightened again and you’re sure your face was going a darker shade of red and you franticly gasped for air, making strangled noises you’d hear in horror movies. But the tighter it got, the less oxygen you received, and your eyes began to roll around, your limbs losing their fight to survive.
‘No, no. Look at me, look here.’ When, for some unknown reason you did as he asked, he cooed. His blissed-out face looking to disgustingly happy, he was fucking giddy, as he spoke his last few words to you as you started to drift off and see stars.
‘They say you relive the last few moments of your life over and over again for all eternity. I really hope that’s true, Angel. I’m so happy I could fill those moments for you, and don’t worry, you’ll be my last moments too!’
The last thing you saw was the hysterical look of twisted love on his face, with his signature deranged smile and the unhinged look in his piercing vermillion eyes that you hated. Fuck the colour red.
‘I love you, My Angel.'
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beautifulmadnesss · 4 years
“Make Peace with Your Feelings” JJ Imagine Part 2
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Summary: Olivia is the younger sister of John B and has always followed along with the Pogues. JJ was like a second brother to her and often crashed at their place. She really struggles after her fathers disappearance and she starts to self destruct, even JJ is having a hard time getting through to her.
Part 1
A/N Thanks so much for all the love on Part 1! I also forgot to mention the title comes from the song When You Know by Neck Deep. Check it out here
“What the hell, Liv, it’s 9am,” John B yelled after he passed by the door to my dads office and found me sitting on his desk drinking a bottle of rum. 
“You drink all the time.” I retorted, getting really tired of him judging me all the time. 
“Yeah, with my friends and I stop before I get completely shit faced. You have a real problem.” He sat down in the chair, facing me. “I’m really worried about you.” He added softly. I felt my stomach turn in a knot. We really had avoided any form of emotional communication since the night our dad disappeared. “When Dad gets back he’ll feel like crap if he finds out you’ve been doing this to yourself.”
“Dammit John B, stop saying that!” I snapped, standing up and towering over him for once. “He’s not coming back because he’s dead. He fucking abandoned us for some made up treasure hunt.” 
“You don’t know that,” he argued. “Plus he didn’t do it on purpose, he just-”
“Look around! There’s five times as much about this shipwreck than there is about us in this entire house. He kept this stupid office locked and spent most nights in here obsessing over this bullshit.” I grabbed the nearest stack of papers and tossed them aside. 
“So, you’re pissed at him for checking out and caring more about this than his family? Sounds like someone else I know. He’d be ashamed of you and-”
“John B, thats enough, dude.” Pope interrupted. I turned to see him standing in the doorway with Jj and Kiara.
I looked back at my brother who was staring at me with pure hatred. I felt an overwhelming urge to just destroy something, anything. The papers and maps scattered on the desk just as my dad left them caught my eye. I cleared them with one swipe of my arm. 
“Fuck off, Liv,” I heard John B mutter before storming out of the room. 
I didn’t even stop to see where he went. Anything I could find, I wanted to break it. I took the pencils and snapped them in half, ripped all the pages out of the binders, tore the maps off the walls. I took the clock and threw it across the room. The stupid lamp that was always on every night when I laid in my bed and just wanted someone to come read me a book made me so irrationally angry. Repeatedly I slammed it against the desk until it broke in half. I grabbed one of the books off the shelve and tried to rip it, but it was to thick. Only then did I realize that I was crying. My entire body went limp and I let the book fall, collapsing onto the floor in sobs. 
I pulled my knees up to my chests and wrapped my arms around myself, digging my fingernails into my palms. I was trembling and completely overwhelmed with emotions. When I felt someone wrap their arm around my shoulders and lay their head on me, I jumped at first, but then stayed still as my sobs turned into silent tears. 
“I’m going to go get something for your hands. I’ll be right back.” A small part of me was disappointed to hear Jj instead of my brother, but I was really just glad not to be alone. 
He returned with a wadded up handful of paper towels and I smiled at him gratefully as he gently pressed them to my hands. Ever since I was a little kid, whenever I got really stressed I would ball my hands into fists so tightly my fingernails would dig into my palms. 
“You okay?” He asked, watching me carefully. 
“For a screwup? I’m okay, I guess.” 
“You’re not a screwup.” 
“John B is right. I’m a mess. It’s just when I’m drinking it’s easier to forget how scared I am. My dad is gone, my uncle is partying somewhere else, and who knows where my mom is. Eventually someone is going to realize that John B and I are completely alone and we are going to be put in foster care. There aren’t any homes on the island and there sure as hell aren’t any homes that are willing to take two teenagers, so we are going to end up on the mainland in separate homes. I’m about to be completely alone and I’m terrified.” I started crying again, so Jj moved to sit next to me and I laid my head on his shoulder. He was always so easy to talk to. I guess because I felt like he understood what it’s like to feel like you can never do the right thing no matter how much you want to. 
“That definitely sucks and you have every right to be scared. I don’t know what’s going to happen, but I can promise you that you won’t ever be alone.”
I looked up at him, accidentally brushing my nose against his cheek as I did causing me to blush. I opened my mouth to say something to him, but instead just found myself leaning up to meet his lips. Something I had been dreaming of for far longer than I was comfortable admitting. 
“Guys, with guns, here to kill us!” Pope yelled, banging open the door, causing us to both jump backward and my head to bang against the desk. 
“Why the hell are there guys with guns here?” I asked just ask John B and Kiara came in and slammed the door behind them. 
John B pulled out my dads compass and opened it. The word Redfield was scratched onto the the lid of the secret compartment in my dads handwriting. 
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” John B wasn’t listening to me, he grabbed JJ. 
“Where’s the gun?” He interrogated. 
“It’s on the porch,” Jj answered after a second of thinking. He ran out the door, but immediately came back in when the front door opened and one of the guys yelled my brothers name. 
“What the-” Jj clamped his hand over my mouth to keep me from yelling out as these guys started trashing the house. I was confused and scared and still a little flustered from nearly being caught kissing my brothers best friend. His hand on my lips and arm around my waist holding me against him wasn’t exactly helping anything either. 
Part 3 Part 4
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omg-imagine · 4 years
⊱ Till We Meet Again ⊰
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Request: Johnny Wick x Reader - He left you a goodbye letter. (tbh I don't know how to describe my request but something that might be inspired by the song "Fragile" by Tatsuro Yamashita -Anon
Pairing: John Wick x Reader
Words: 1.7k
Warning: Angst
A/N: I do hope you enjoy this one! I loved writing this 😊
The bright rays of the sun trickled through the cracks in the blinds, illuminating your bedroom in a soft yellowy haze. Turning to lie on your back, you rubbed the sleep away from your eyes before they settled on the cold empty space beside you. You smiled, thinking John was probably up early to prepare you both breakfast like he usually did.
But then you noticed the stillness in the air. You didn’t smell the eggs and bacon coming from the kitchen nor the sound of the radio station John always listened to in the morning as he cooked.
Had he left in the middle of the night?
Once you got out of bed, you reached for your robe and slipped it over your bare body. You winced at the soreness in between your legs, a lovely reminder of the night prior. As always, John never ceased to amaze you. He was committed to bringing you the most pleasure, knowing perfectly well where to touch you, what to do to you so that you begged him for more.
You padded out of the bedroom and entered the quiet living area. The coffee maker was untouched, the shower wasn’t running, and John’s shoes and clothes were gone.
It wasn’t common for John to leave so suddenly and without warning. Even when he’s running late, he has never failed to give you a kiss or say goodbye before heading out of the door.
But lately, he’s had a lot of things in his mind. You could tell from the moment he entered your apartment last night that something was troubling him. You wanted to talk about it, but you had lost your ability to speak once his lips trailed kisses down the side of your neck.
Sighing, you walked to the kitchen and started looking through your fridge for something to eat before deciding on just cereal with milk. You walked around the counter with a bowl in hand when you stopped short, your eyes catching sight of a piece of paper resting on top of the dining room table.
Curiously, you moved to the table and realized that it was a letter in John’s handwriting. This wasn’t new to you. One of the things you loved about John was the letters he would write to you whenever he was gone on business for more than a week.
For a quiet man like John, he had his way with the written word. His letters, which were filled with the sweetest things, would bring you comfort while he was away, and you’ve kept every single one he wrote for you to revisit over and over again.
Smiling, you picked up the letter and began reading it quietly to yourself.
My dearest Y/N,
If you’re reading this, it means that I’m long gone. You’re probably upset right now that I had left without saying goodbye, but I just couldn’t bring myself to say this in front of you.
I’m writing this letter while you’re still asleep. It’s around two in the morning, and you were exhausted from our lovemaking that you didn’t even notice me slipping out of bed. I don’t think you minded, though. You were so quick to hog the blanket and take up the entire bed space.
Before I left the room, I gave you a kiss on the forehead and said goodbye then (don’t say that I forgot, because I didn’t. I could never). You stirred, whispering my name in your sleep as I fought the urge to go right back under the covers and hold you close.
You should have seen how disappointed I was to win that battle.
Anyways, they’re right, you know? New York is a city that never sleeps. You have a perfect view of the skyline from the window by your couch. The buildings are lit up brightly, taxi cabs are driving up and down the road, and there are still people out walking on the sidewalk, enjoying what the night could bring.
It’s nice to see this side of the city from your living room. I’ve never had the chance to appreciate its beauty even if I see only a fraction of it.
I’m currently getting sidetracked here because this is the hardest thing I have ever done. I’ve gone through many acts of violence, suffered injuries that could have killed me. But none of them could compare to the amount of pain I’m experiencing leaving you.
It’s circumstances that prevent me from living the life I want to have with you. You know that already, and you’ve understood it, much to my surprise. But my past is something I cannot easily run away from. The longer I stay, the more you are at risk, and I will not allow myself to bring any harm to you.
Once I leave your home, I will do whatever it takes to get out of this life. We cannot be together until I’m guaranteed my freedom. I don’t know when we will see each other next. It may be weeks, months, or even years.
Truth be told, there’s a possibility that I may not be able to return.
I’m sorry that our future remains uncertain, but I want to let you know that your love is what will keep me going. I will fight, my darling, and I will win. I will do what needs to be done and if I accomplish this, I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you.
Trust me when I say that you are my everything, Y/N. You are the most beautiful person with the kindest soul. I could have never imagined falling so deeply in love with someone, much less being loved in return.
For years, I’ve lived in solitude, knowing that my days are numbered. When you came into my life unexpectedly, it was as if everything cold and dark in my life turned warm and light. You brought so much joy, so much laughter that it seemed impossible at first. I had thought that this was all a dream.
But every night when we make love, and I wake to see you in my arms the next day, it reassures me that this is real.
You are real, and I will forever cherish the moments I was lucky enough to have shared with you.
I am not an easy man to love. It’s difficult to think otherwise when all I have is blood on my hands. But you’ve shown me true patience and understanding. You made me see that I am much more than the Baba Yaga. You reminded me that I am human, and I do deserve to be loved and to be happy.
And for that, I can never thank you enough.
I end this letter by saying this once again; I love you, Y/N, and I will continue to love you with all my heart until my last breath.
But for now, this is goodbye, my love.
Till we meet again.
Yours always,
Jonathan Wick
A single teardrop slid down your cheek, landing on his signed name at the bottom of the page. You were angry, upset, hurt, worried, and scared. You didn’t know whether to scream, cry, or both. You were feeling so many intense emotions that it quickly overwhelmed you.
Your hands trembled as they continued to clutch tightly on the paper. Your heart was beating so fast, and your knees buckled, almost collapsing. You caught yourself just in time by gripping onto the edge of the table.
And that’s when you saw what he else had left behind for you.
It was his black silk necktie— the one he had on when he showed up at your doorstep last night, and the very same tie he had worn the evening when you first met. You lifted it up and held it in your hands, sliding your fingertips across the soft material.
“John,” you whispered his name gently, wishing that this was all a bad dream, and you would wake up to find him sleeping next to you.
But sadly, this was reality. You knew about John’s dangerous life, and he had always warned of the risks he was putting you in by being with you. But your love for him was much stronger than fear. You understood what could happen, but all you wanted was to be with John.
Still, he couldn’t bear the thought of losing you. You were never going to be safe around him, so he had to run. It broke your heart knowing that he was all alone again, but then you remembered that he promised to fight. No matter how much it hurt, he walked away to fight for his freedom, to win himself a chance at a normal life with you.
Wiping your tears away, you took the letter and headed over to your desk on the other side of the room. You pulled out one of the drawers which contained photographs of you and John, as well as the collection of letters he had previously written to you.
Folding the newest letter up, you placed it neatly on top of the old ones. Then, you brought the tie you still held up to your lips, giving it a kiss before safely storing it away inside of the drawer. You promised to yourself that you would keep it safe in the meantime because if John were to return, he was surely going to need it back.
Walking to the glass window that John had mentioned earlier, you never realized until now how truly beautiful your view of New York was. Cracking open the window, you were greeted by a cool gentle breeze, the sounds of joyous laughter below filling the empty air. It gave you a momentary sense of calm.
You let out a sigh as you continued gazing out of the window. Somewhere out there, you knew that John was fighting to be with you, to be by your side again. You hoped with your whole heart that his goodbye was indeed temporary, and the last line in his letter held true.
Because if they did, you would be right here waiting for him, ready to welcome him back home.
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