#i always draw serafina
lomappreciationblog · 3 months
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Friendly little reminder that Legend of Mana's release date anniversary is coming up soon! It's on the 15th of July, and this year is also the 25th anniversary! (this is going by the Japanese release date, which was 1999).
I'm really, really hoping to be able to draw proper fanart for this year's anniversary, though I am a bit intimidated seeing as I've never really made art which I think comes close to expressing how magical this game is...but here's to trying, and I have two weeks to do it.
Hoping to see some love for this game when the date does come around though! The Japanese fan artists I see on Twitter definitely knock it out of the park every time, their works are so cool...
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min-xie · 6 months
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help i cant stop drawing fem neuvillette
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tragedybunny · 6 months
Love Fool
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Serafina is having trouble sleeping and Astarion does his best to help her relax.
༺Pairing༻ Astarion x Serafina (Female Tav/OC)
༺Warnings༻ Completely terrible nicknames for body parts, sexual innuendo
༺Word Count༻ 652
༺A/N༻ This is just a short, silly fic for the bg3aprilfoolishness challenge. Read on AO3
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“Can’t sleep,” Serafina fussed, laying next to him, drawing a sigh from Gale. Screw Gale though, the love of his life was infinitely more important. 
“And what should we do about that, my love,” he purred. With Cazador out of the way, he felt free to do whatever was necessary. 
“Feed off me, it always makes sleepy,” she wheedled. 
He wasn’t sure that was a particularly good idea. Sera hadn’t been sleeping much, or eating much, as things were building to the final confrontation with the Netherbrain. But, if she said that’s what she wanted. “I’m yours to command, my sweet.” 
Pulling her close, he lapped his tongue over the healed bite marks in her neck, and dug his fangs in. She tasted divine, as always, and he felt a familiar stirring in his groin. Why was her blood an aphrodisiac? Gods knew he’d drained enough of their enemies without his cock getting hard. 
Beside him, Sera giggled and Gale audibly groaned. “I’m going to get some fresh air,” he muttered, stalking off with his pillow and blanket. 
“Oops,” she whispered. He pulled his fangs from her neck and licked it cleaned, 
“Perhaps if he found a bedmate of his own, maybe Halsin, since he seemed so desperately eager to have company.” 
“Stop,” she smacked his shoulder before giggling again. His hips had pressed into her thigh, and she could obviously feel what her blood was doing to him. “Did I get you all wound up?” She teased. “You make it too easy.” 
Sassy little thing, he moved his hands to pin her shoulders down. “And you aren’t as easy.”  He covered her lips with his, and felt her shiver. Good thing Gale was already gone. 
But when he pulled away, she was giggling again. “That’s what I need to sleep, a little bit of the love rod, quality time with my favorite meat.” She was laughing loud enough the rest of their companions were stirring. 
Maybe he had drank too much from her, but she seemed happy enough. He nipped her ear playfully, smiling himself. “I think you may finally be losing it, my dear Serafina.” She shook with repressed laughter, her arms wrapped around his neck to keep him close. If she was enjoying herself, he might as well play along. “Good, because I am in desperate need to be inside that tight little love box of yours.”
They were both cackling by this point, as Astarion shifted himself between her legs, thrusting his hardness against her. “I swear to Mother Gith…” Lae’zel threatened from across the room. 
Sera moaned and bit her lip, trying to keep from provoking the room any further. “Tell me more.”
He bent over and kissed a line from her throat to the swell of her breasts, trying not to smile. “Allow me to start by worshiping your most perfect milkers.” His lips continue their path. “And then I’d love nothing more than to fertilize your lady garden, to bake in your love oven.”
“Oh please, gift me with your man seed, fill me with your daddy sauce.”
Astarion lost it, he collapsed on his side next to her, both of them howling with laughter, all eroticism lost. “If the two of you do not stop it I will forcibly separate you!” Jahiera shouted to the agreement of everyone else. 
Sera covered her own mouth, eyes watery, before calming enough to speak. “I’m sorry, I ruined it.” 
Astarion looked at her, his beloved Serafina, his Sunlight, the most relaxed he’d seen her in days. “On the contrary, that was perfect. And we still could, if you want.” 
“Truthfully, I think I’d rather…” She cuddled up close to him, tucking her head under his chin. 
“I think you’ve got the right idea, my love.” He wrapped his arms around her. Within seconds, he felt her breath steady and her heart slow as she fell peacefully asleep. 
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lewis-winters · 8 months
Day 13: Fear
Part of my OC-tober 2022 (that will get fucking finished in 2024 so help me god)! Well. We're indulging this time around with some Baldur's Gate 3 on my Band of Brothers/HBO War Blog. I guess. Honestly, with how many OCs I have in other fandoms, I might just start playing around with them for this prompt list, too!
tw: If you're starting to notice a pattern in my writing with parenthood, in iterations of both problematic or good, uuuuuhhhh no you fucking don't.
They’ve been sitting by the fire in the Elfsong tavern for a whole of hour, in perfect silence, before Jaheira chooses to break it. “You will not return upstairs.”
It’s not a question. Still, Pasiphaë answers it as one. “Not until they’re all in bed. I’ve no patience right now,” she tells her with a deep sigh. “For anyone or myself. I… do not like who I was today.”
Belligerent. Jumpy. Too slow to react, too impulsive in her decisions. Near unrecognizable, as compared to her original cool and collected demeanor at the beginning of their journey. She expected better of herself, and her companions definitely deserved better than the kind of mess she’s become. But they’ve been running on near fumes for the past few days, having been tossed about here and there by Mystra, Shar, Lorroakan, cultists, Orin, and Cazador, all alike. On top of that, Serafina had decided to join in on their quest, despite Pasiphaë’s explicit orders for her to get out of the city while she still could—truly, there was a time when her sweet little girl would obey her with no question, but alas! she’s inherited her other mother’s bullheaded-ness. Pun intended. Not for the first time, Pasiphaë found herself wishing that Melisandre were still around to share in her pride over their daughter’s immense bravery. The abrupt reminder of what she no longer had—after several months of not thinking about Mel even once—had been enough to throw her off her rhythm completely. The day had already started being kind of shit.
Ulder Ravengard and his unfortunate decision to mouth off about his son’s new appearance was the last straw.
“I lost my temper.” The verbal dressing down was spectacular while it was happening. Invigorating, even. Pasiphaë doesn’t remember the last time she’s felt such catharsis. After the months of non-stop action, it was good to release it all.
It was the stunned silence afterward that felt particularly… damned. “I shouldn’t have done that.”
“Bah, he deserved it,” Jaheira scoffs, waving a dismissive hand. “He is better off for listening to your wisdom.”
“Calling whatever that was ‘wisdom’ is too generous.”
“But it is what it is: a mother’s wisdom.”
Pasiphaë snaps; “I’m not Wyll’s mother,” and Jaheira tilts her head back and lets out a hearty HA! loud enough to draw the attention of other patrons.
“You are not just his mother, that is for sure,” Jaheira says, wagging an admonishing finger at her. “All of them seem to have attached themselves to you like little suckling pups to a bitch’s teats.”
“Your metaphors leave much to be desired, Jaheira.”
“You were protecting your pup, is what I mean,” Jaheira shrugs. “Even if it is from his own blood. Wyll holds you under no contempt for such a display. I may even go so far as to say that he’s grateful for it.”
“Perhaps.” Oh, but Wyll loves his father so—even when the man has done nothing but abandon him. Pasiphaë knows it isn’t right to get between father and son, not as a simple party member, and most certainly not while one still holds out hope for reconciliation. She might’ve just ruined Wyll’s chances back there, with her vindictive nature and even sharper tongue. If she had, would he ever forgive her?
As if reading her thoughts, Jaheira tsks. “We mothers, we always want what is best for our children. Nobody can fault us for that.” There’s a small smile on her face; a tiny quirk of the corner of her lip that feels conspirative. Like they’re in on a joke together.
Technically, they are. Pasiphaë smiles back. Or tries to. “Whatever you say.”
Their conversation, once again, falls to silence. Patrons come and go, and the tavern keeper’s boy comes once and twice to stoke the fires until, finally, they fizzle out into glowing embers. The night grows even quieter soon after, with the patrons quickly disappearing out the door, or into other rooms, until, finally, it is just them, and the occasional drunkard outside.
“You can go. Rest,” Pasiphaë says, aware that it is late. Tomorrow (later?), they are to confront Gortash. “We’ll need all our strength come morning.”
“You are determined to keep vigil.”
“Someone has to.”
“If I were to climb up those stairs, I would not be surprised to see some of your pups waiting for you by their fire,” Jaheira chuckles, standing up with an exaggerated groan—her knees are not what they used to be. “No doubt, they will send me back down again—or even come down themselves—if I return empty handed. Come, now.”
She offers her hand.
Pasiphaë stares at it.
Something in her chest shudders with anxiety and—is it her imagination? The tadpole behind her eye, wriggling with a sordid kind of glee?
“I fear I cannot be to them what they need me to be, Jaheira.”
Jaheira frowns, confused. Still, she keeps her hand out. “And what is that?”
What, indeed? A leader? With the amount of times she’s failed them? Perish the thought. A caretaker? Barely. Her hands are not made for healing, anymore. Certainly not with the Triad’s silence and her simmering resentment over it. And what comfort she could give is quickly dwarfed by the enormity of all their suffering. What use is a lullaby, when she couldn’t even hold Karlach enough to soothe her tears? What use is her sword, when it can scarcely keep Lae’zel from the betrayal of her kin, queen, and god? Clearly, Pasiphaë couldn’t even call herself a protector—just two days ago, she’d failed to protect Astarion from his worst possible self, leaving the burden to Gale, instead; and just last tenday, Shar had taken from Shadowheart her last connection to her past, while all Pasiphaë could do was helplessly watch. Hells, she certainly couldn’t protect Wyll, who only ever looked to her for wisdom and guidance. Or even Gale, whose final decision haunts them all—Astarion, especially, who has begged her over and over again to make Gale see reason. But how could she, when all she could think about is his fate as both Faithless and Discarded? She understands too well the challenge that lays before him to possibly talk him out of his task in any way that matters. The blasted Wall remains a prominent phantom in Gale’s mind as much as hers; but while she’s resigned to her own fate, that doesn’t mean he should be, too.
Gods, but what will she tell Morena, then? Tara? Astarion? That she let their beloved boy die, simply because the folly of the gods and their selfish nature was too strong for her to fight? No. That would not do.
And yet. She hesitates.
“If I am their mother, as you say I am,” she tells Jaheira. “I am a shit mother. My Melisandre would be ashamed to see how poorly of a mother I am being.”
Jaheira knits her brows together. “Your partner?”
“Yes.” Her beloved. The mother of her children. The balm to her soul. The light in her darkness; Pasiphaë is never going to see her again. “She was always better at this than I—my children—I was never—”
“Serafina seems to adore you.”
“Now,” Pasiphaë entreats, feeling the blasted tadpole wriggle and squirm behind her stupid eyes the more distressed she becomes. “I have failed her before, terribly, and it was only time that allowed those wounds to heal. Time is not on my side, now. If I fail them—when I fail them—”
She stops. She cannot bear to think of it. But it is inevitable. “I fear that it is not a matter of if, but when I fail them, Jaheira. I am cursed to repeat my mistakes. And when I do… gods when I do…”
“You will not.”
“You are a fool to—”
“Ha!” Jaheira barks, snatching back her offered hand to reach out and shake Pasiphaë by the shoulders. Like she were a kitten being pulled back by her scruff. Gone is the amicable, conspiratorial smile, replaced thoroughly by a stern glare. “It is you who is the fool to let such thoughts paralyze you!” She lets her go, wags a finger in her face, “you have fallen out of practice in the art of seeing yourself as what you are. What you are truly capable of.”
“But I am capable of failure!”
“And you are capable of triumph!” Jaheira snaps, throwing her hands up in the air in frustration. “Why are you so determined to fail?”
Pasiphaë blinks. Blinks again. Something hot rolls down her cheeks and she scrubs at them with her hands. They come away wet.
“You said, once, that you are destined for the Wall of the Faithless. This is the truth. In many ways, you are,” Jaheira continues, kneeling on the ground so as to catch her eyes. “But you are not dead yet. Your pups are not dead yet. Pull it together; you must see this—if not for yourself, then for them.”
For them. Yes. For them. Children are only as resilient as their parents, Melisandre used to say. Whisper in her ear, when the worst of the grief had taken over as their baby girl cooled in her arms. Phaedra is gone, but Xenodius and Serafina yet live. For them, Pasiphaë had rallied. Taken up what strength she had left, and trudged forward.
Get up, she thinks Melisandre would say, now. Get up, my love. They are hurt, but they are yet living. Get up.
“I wish I had your wisdom,” Pasiphaë says, finally, after a long moment of silence. It comes out in a croak, barely a whisper, barely even words. Still, she manages a small smile. “True mother’s wisdom.”
Jaheira tsks. But slowly, she too returns a smile. “You have it. As I said: you are just… out of practice. Come, now,” again, she gets up on her creaky knees with an exaggerated groan.
And offers her hand. “Your pups might sleep better, knowing that their mother is nearby.”
This time, Pasiphaë takes it. “Their bitch of a mother?”
Jaheira laughs. Laughs and laughs, even as she pulls Pasiphaë toward the stairs and their camp. It’s loud and bawdy and definitely a great disturbance. But it does sound like music, and Pasiphaë likes hearing it. “Just so!”
Pasiphaë Elago is my Tav. She's a moon-elf, and a Paladin of Ilmater/the Triad turned Godless Paladin-- it's a long story. She's named Pasiphaë because her late wife, Melisandre, was a druid whose wild shape was a bull. I think I'm funny. Before the events of BG3, she was an adventurer in her own right, and is technically retired and is literally broaching 500 by the time she's kidnapped by the Ilithids. That being said, because she's so old and had just lost her wife a few years prior, she doesn't romance the BG3 characters but accidentally adopts them all during their whole tadpole ordeal. Oh make no mistake, Astarion, Shadowheart, Karlach, and Lae'zel tried to hit that, but she shut that down so fast-- "Some of you are as old as my eldest grandchild. It's awkward." Team Mom! Total GILF!! And also!! suffering. Help her, she thought she was done having to parent like this after watching 2 of her 3 children (the last died during the Spellplague) grow up, move out, and make families of their own. She's supposed to be RETIRED, damnit. She's trying so hard. She just wants a NAP.
Speaking of Greek Myths, isn't it funny that Astarion shares a name with the Minotaur? I swear, I didn't think of that before naming Pasiphaë. I did, however, think of it when naming Ariadne Ancunin, my other BG3 OC, who happens to also be Astarion's biological sister. The name's important. Ariadne gave Theseus the power to kill her Minotaur brother, after all. But that's for another day entirely.
None of this makes sense to any of you. That's fine. It's for ME.
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Today is Ghost Ship's 1-year anniversary, so I'm going to give out some lore, voice claims and random artwork in celebration.
First off is the lore, which is mostly just random niche facts that don't really fit into any story but can still be used in asks and stuff as an Easter egg of sorts:
From ARG-03 and onwards, ARG robots have a 'child mode' which can be switched on either manually or automatically and forces said robot to follow/protect said child. They also cannot swear while in this mode, as they automatically censor themselves. (ARG-04 version of this mode is glitched, so only the censoring part works, but it's always on)
ARG-02 is the only ARG robot to have never received a captain, so it's a bit of a sore spot for him
All of the ARG robots can be deactivated, however they will eventually force themselves to reboot.
ARG-02 is the only alive entity that can access true void (basically a dark void where ghost are trapped in) and can use it to teleport
ARG-02 likes drawing and was taught by Miyoko in true void (antagonist in MTBYW) however his boss doesn't like him drawing but allows him to help with putting on his face paint (the reason why his boss has put this on is actually explained in the story, so you can just assume why for now lol)
ARG-02 has his own mech which he made with scrapped part
Sophia actually did have romantic feelings for William pre-falling off the ship, but she just didn't tell him
All of the ARG robots except for ARG-01 can mimic other people's voices
Here's also some artwork I've done by I haven't bothered posting, one of them is a shitpost on the fact that when I was proofreading most of the Osservas I imagined having British accents and the other two are a bit more angsty and have a minor amount of blood in them (one of them is Ghost Ship's finale and the other is a teaser image for another route in the ask-blog)
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Now for the voice claims they'll be split into a 1/2 post because I have way too many characters, so here's part 1:
William/Captain (pre-facing being melted off):
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seradyn · 1 year
15 questions
I got tagged by @blossom-adventures to answer some questions, so here you go :)
I’ll tag @ticklemycucumber @sillylittlevulpine and @broteinshake69 if they’d like to do it too 💕
1. Are you named after anyone? Nope, my name was a spur of the moment thing. I was meant to have a different name. When my mom gave birth to me, she saw me and said “That looks like a Serafina” (yes that’s my real name and I don’t mind sharing :)) A similar thing happened with my sister, who also has an S name.
2. When was the last time you cried? It was either Tuesday or Wednesday night. I got hit with a very intense depressive episode, and ended up crying myself to sleep.
3. Do you have kids? In this America? Not a chance. I’m hoping to get a hysterectomy at some point soon too, so none of that for me.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? I used to, but not as much anymore. I’ve learned it can be hard to tell when people are being sarcastic or not, so I don’t do it unless it’s extremely obvious.
5. What sports do you/have you played? I’m not an athletic person, but I was on my high school’s Dragon Boat team. I loved it, and I wish there was something at University like it. We have a rowing team, but it’s not the same. The city I grew up in has a big river flowing through it, so we got to spend an hour on the water rowing through downtown. We also participated in a festival that the city holds every year, doing dragon boat races. It was so fun, and we even won gold one year. I still have the medal.
6. What’s the first thing you notice about other people? Probably their style of speech, the way they talk. I use it to gauge what kind of person they are, and how I should act around them.
7. Eye color? Blue.
8. Scary movies or happy endings? Both. Both is good. I’m a big horror person, my favorite movie is 1979 Alien, followed closely by the 1986 sequel, Aliens. My Dad and I have bonded over watching horror movies together, we’ve watched The Shining, The Exorcist, and other classic horror films. The Shining is also quite excellent, and it was filmed in my home state.
9. Any special talents? I used to draw, but I don’t do it so much anymore. Writing is more my speed now, and I’ve been doing it since middle school. That 186 page book me and my friend wrote will never see the light of day, though 😂
10. Where were you born? Oregon, USA.
11. What are your hobbies? Gaming, reading, writing, music. You can almost always find me engaging in one of these.
12. Do you have any pets? She’s not technically mine, but my roommate’s cat, Peaches, acts like I’m her human 😂 Recently she’s really embraced being a lap cat, and she screams all the time. I love her little meows
Cat tax:
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13. How tall are you? 5’4”
14. Favorite subject in school? Japanese
15. Dream job? I absolutely despise this term. I do not dream of labor, of being a corporate slave. However, I’m hoping to someday move to Japan and become a citizen, either teaching English, or working with business executives to translate between English and Japanese companies.
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alma-amentet · 2 years
No one tagged me, as usual, but I feel bored and lonely (also as usual), so let’s go.
Do you play an instrument?
Used to dabble with the guitar and sing in the past... It was so long ago. Now I don’t - have no time.
Favorite book characters?
Serafina Pekkala from His Dark Materials 
(HDM is one of my fav book series ever. I never liked Harry Potter - read just two books, wasn’t interested much and gave up. But this... This is love, for sure. You can tell where I took my Tarnished’s name - Lyra).  
Liriel Baenre (Elaine Cunningham’s books are also love. As much as I’m not into Salvatore and others, I love her stories)
What's your star sign?
Cancer. I also have ascendent it Scorpio, and always note it because I don’t like general characteristics for Cancer. Like, shy and quiet people who like to stay at home, care for others, inclined to have a big family... They usually don’t care about their style\appearance. That’s definitely not me. Though yes, I may be shy and anxious and staying indoors, mostly due to mental problems. I’m also a show-off. And never wanted a traditional family - like, with children.
Favorite color scheme?
Green and brown. 
Teal or torquise and gold (remind me of Ancient Egypt, there was a time I was pretty much fond of Egyptology)
Naps or long sleep?
Long sleep. It’s really hard for me to sleep during day, even if I’m tired or sick. So I’d rather have good night sleep.
What languages do you speak?
English and one other one.
I tried learning German, then French... Gave up and forgot most things.
For now, I just want to feel better, happier, more inspired than I am now. That’s all. If I have enough energy, I may make more particular plans, but not now 
Also I’d like to improve my drawing skills. To do that more efficiently, I need to learn to concentrate better. 
Short or long hair?
I love long hair, but growing it and caring for it is pain... Mine never grew well, so I gave up long time ago. Also I love bright fancy colors (also I’m early gray. Started getting gray since 13, and now in my 30s I have hair grayer than my 70 yo mother. Yeah, that happens).
So I prefer wigs or other extensions. Currently I have gray synthetic DE-dreads, this way I can look stylish and not like a dull old lady, with no need to dye.
Tea or coffee?
Wine! lol 😏
If there’s none, then probably tea. I’m not a big fan of hot drinks, don’t drink them too much.more often I prefer just water
Bring a fictional character to life or go into a fictional world?
Go to fictional world. The reason I like fantasy is because I need to escape it, not a fan of modernverses. And if I try to imagine some modernverse, the characters are... weirder, geeks and fantasy nerds like myself, who are still more like portal-travellers than just people next door.  
Not tagging anyone. 
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once again i feel like you always get the worst things in your inbox and tags i am so sorry about that u deserve so much better. ANYWAYS hestia is so cute tell me about her friends in the jellicle tribe! who does she hang around with who does she get into the most trouble with <3
hello lovely anon!!
i feel a little better today, this ask made me just a little emotional and smile so big bc absolutely the way to lift my mood is to ask about my baby, so ty for this <3
Hestia's main group of friends consists of Jemima, Jubilee, Tumblebrutus, and Pouncival!
Jemima's her ride or die, they're platonic soulmates. Even before they find out that they're actually sisters, they're closer than anything, and remind the older cats a LOT of Munkustrap and Tugger's dynamic, which makes them smile. Hestia and Jemima tell each other absolutely everything, they have no secrets between them!
Like Jemima, Hestia and Jubilee are as thick as thieves. I feel like everyone absolutely refers to them as Tugger and Mistoffelees' twins, because they're basically attached at the hip from the second that they meet. Jemima and Jubilee definitely know Hestia has a crush on Tumblebrutus before she even knows that, and are always the two she knows she can go to if she needs to vent or talk about something.
Pouncival's the brother Hestia never got to have (before Ares shows up). He's the one she can always go to if she needs a laugh, or if he knows she needs to be cheered up. I don't talk about their friendship that much, which honestly is a CRIME, because they're such good friends, and Hestia can absolutely relate to about his kittenhood, and growing up a little too fast and trying to just find her place.
and Tumblebrutus...
I've talked about Tumblebrutus and Hestia so much, but y'all know I never get tired of talking about them. They're soulmates. From the second they meet, it's obvious to absolutely every single Jellicle in the Junkyard that there's something special about their relationship. Hestia's the first one to get Tumblebrutus out of his shell, she's the one he opens up to, he's the one who gets her to feel comfortable with showing off her magic, and he's one of the first cats she tells about being Macavity's daughter.
I think a lot about the Jellicles, and how each of their Lives keeps them tied to the cats who were most important and connected to them. That's why Anthea and Charon are Serafina and Hades' new lives, it's all about keeping those cats close together. For cats who were romantically matched, or who had an incredibly strong platonic relationship, I think their souls would just keep on finding each other as their Lives go on.
Magical cats feel more of a draw to their soulmate (i'll just use the word lmao), and find it easier to connect.
Cats like Demeter and Munkustrap, who go through hell but are still able to find one another.
Cats like Coricopat and Tantomile, whose magic has been tied to the other from their very first Life.
Cats like Hestia and Jubilee and Jemima, who might be biologically related in one Life, or never connected in another, but who always end up as sisters.
Cats like Bombalurina and Tugger, or Tugger and Mistoffelees, who absolutely go between their Lives as either romantic soulmates or platonic soulmates.
and cats like Tumblebrutus and Hestia, who are destined to find and love each other in every single one of their Lives, no matter where they end up.
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hedonistbyheart · 5 years
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Kaisa and Sophonax
A very soft protest of how these two are portrayed in the new series.
Also I love this ship <3
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rachelillustrates · 3 years
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Mermay day 17, "Rockabilly"
(Uploading her on her own, instead of catchup-posting, because she is SO fabulous.)
Got reminded of the lovely Serafina from "Tangled the Series/Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure" - an actual, canon plus size Mermaid from Disney!!!
I haven't gotten to finish watching the series yet, so I hope she shows up again by the end 💕 She already has a strong Rockabilly vibe, imo, but I tried to push it a little further for her here (seriously, she is so fun. Must treasure her always always ....also I know I got her tattoo on the wrong arm. I was drawing from a screencap and still wanted to include it 😅).
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lomappreciationblog · 3 months
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There have been a few versions of illustrations of the male protagonist for Legend of Mana, with Shinichi Kameoka's official art for the game and HACCAN's rendition of the character, which is used in the now discontinued Echoes of Mana, the Teardrop Crystal anime, and the animated opening for the HD version of the game. I guess I should repeat for clarity, but male Hero also has an official name, Shiloh! It's what the anime and Echoes of Mana used.
All of these art above are taken from the art book, the first two being the official art for LoM and an illustration for it, and the 3rd one is Mr. Kameoka's special illustration for what I believe is the Mana Series's 20th anniversary?
I don't have good copies of HACCAN's illustrations, but they're easy enough to look for if you search for the anime or the opening for the HD version.
All that being said, I want to pose one question now...
What in the world is Shiloh's real eye color???
Because I just realized now that in Kameoka's special illustrations he has green eyes, but in the original art, it's gray.
...it gets even more confusing if you factor in HACCAN's version because there, he definitely has blue eyes then lol.
I'm currently drawing him and I went with gray eyes because I'm relying mostly on the original character art, but I'm a bit confused now haha.
Mr. Kameoka designed both Hero/Shiloh and Heroine/Serafina, but he doesn't really share much explanations for them, the most the art book gives is, that in his version, Hero is a silent warrior, and Heroine is a kind person. Which does show, since Shiloh in the original LOM art is always frowning!
Shiloh in the anime is much more typical good-hearted hero who's very cheerful, he's basically a cinnamon roll in Teardrop Crystal haha. So cute!
And there is also Toto from the manga, who is much goofier (still heroic, but leaning towards a dumbass sometimes lol).
I do find it cute that Shiloh changes personality depending on the illustrator, though in my heart of hearts I do have to say I have a bias myself for Kameoka's original version of the frowney, silent warrior (with a heart of good underneath!)
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goddessofeternity · 3 years
Chronicles of the Supernovas: Chosen
Chapter 14: A New Experience
I probably looked like a damn fool walking through the streets right now. I wanted to see and touch and talk to everyone. It was so…odd to see others that looked just like me. I know that other species looked humanoid, but seeing the same skin tones and similar horns was eye opening. I know I had to be focused on the mission, but I just wanted to talk to everyone around me. Seeing other people like me was just so…it felt so good. Ka’seem was nothing more than a shadow right now…I heard him chuckle at my enthusiasm a few times, but I ignored him. I would enjoy this as much as I could and maybe…maybe I could learn something about my family. Sure it has been centuries but I could hope for something.
“Huh? What is it?”
“You have to focus…I know you want to look around but, you’re drawing attention to us.” I glanced around and sure enough they were starting to stare. 
“We could stand to mess around a bit right?” He was about to retort, but I rushed ahead anyway. “The planet is wrapped in a barrier that no one can get in or out of. Please Ka’seem please!” I fluttered my lashes at him and he ran a hand through his bangs. I knew that he caved everytime he did that, I mean he could never resist the baby doll eyes. No one could really.
“Make it quick Nerissa…very quick.” I squealed and hugged him before rushing away before he really changed his mind. I wanted to try some of the local food and maybe flirt a little bit too. If I slept with anyone then the others would rip my head off. Not to mention that Serafina would also be pretty pissed off about it. 
I turned as a man walked up to me and my eyes widened as he approached me. His muscles were practically jumping out of his shirt. His skin was dripping with sweat and I had the strong desire to lick it all off of him. I bit my lip as he entered my personal space and he gave me a crooked smile and I wanted to tear him apart on the spot. I wanted to really give him the time of day, but I just smiled and flipped back my ponytail.
“Can I help you?”
“Yeah I think you can cutie. How about we go somewhere more private to discuss some things?”
“Not a fan of public acts of affection?”
“Oh trust me…there isn’t going to be anything tender about what I’m gonna do to you sweetheart.” This guy was really starting to turn me on and I wanted him to ravish me so badly. I guess I could always come back in my free time to play around. “As much as I would love to play…I’m a bit busy right now. I could always come back to visit though.”
“That just won’t do, cutie. I’ve never seen you around before, and I’m not about to let you slip away from me.”
“You don’t have much of a choice in the matter, now if you’ll excuse me-” He grabbed my elbow and yanked me against him and that pissed me off. Now I love rough play as much as the next person, but when someone just touches me when I clearly state I’m not in the mood?
Well…he was about to see a different side to me.
“I offered to come back…and this is how you treat me?” I smiled as I placed my hands on his chest and looked up into his eyes. He started to move back and I’m sure it was because my eyes started to glow, the fear in his eyes made my smile wider. He didn’t get much further because I had a tight hold on the blood flowing through his sexy figure. 
“Walk with me…” I turned and with a curl of my finger my handsome little puppet followed obediently. No matter how much he tried to dig his feet into the dirt, he wasn’t going anywhere. “I was being so nice…but now you’ve gone and pissed me off.”
“Let me go you little witch-” I grabbed his face and slammed him against a wall in the alleyway I dragged him to.
“You really need to watch how you talk to me alright?” I paced for a bit before I really looked him up and down. “What’s that on your arm?”
“N-Nothing…just a tattoo.”
“That’s a really impressive tattoo. I've never seen one like that before…”
“Yeah well-”
“Except in a few gangs that I know about…really high profile ones. Dealing with murder, rape, prostitution…” I stopped and gave him a pointed look. “Child trafficking.”
“Alright look…what are you, law enforcement or something?!”
“Oh…I’m much higher than that. Why don’t you tell me where the rest of your little gang is? Or better yet…how about a black market that I know is somewhere on this planet.”
“I have no idea what you mean.” This guy is really fucking dumb. I was a split second away from drowning his ass, but he could be useful. He lost his chance to be my meatstick and I was a bit upset about that, but I could cope. He wanted to play then so could I. I dragged him forward and snapped his arm and before he could scream I held my hand over his mouth. He sank to the floor as he screamed into my hand and I chuckled as his eyes swam with anger.
“Just tell me what I want to know and I’ll let you go. Of course if you tip anyone off…I’ll break more than just your arm.” I removed my hand and he spit at me, but I gathered it in the air before he could and sent it right back at him. “In case you haven’t realized…I have control over water and well…liquids in general…so try that again and no one would be able to tell the difference between you and a raisin.”
“Fine! Fine you fucking bitch! There’s a meeting area here on the planet. They change the password each time. I was supposed to receive the new one today.”
“Alright…so where is this meeting point?”
“I…I can’t tell you that.”
“So I guess you are that stupid huh?” I snapped his left leg easily and he cursed and spit at my feet. “Wow…such a tough guy.” I leaned against the adjacent wall as he cried out on the ground. It honestly was sheer luck that I ran into him, but I wouldn’t complain about the circumstances of it all. I wanted to still explore and it might be selfish to do now but…if I left now…I don’t think I would have the courage to come back. I had avoided this place for so long, and now that I’m here, I wanted to make the best of it. I’ll just let him here and do what I have to do.
“You be a good boy and I’ll come back for you.” I shoved a rag into his mouth and went away to see if I could see if he had any friends moving about. I really wanted to explore, but it didn’t seem like I’d get the chance to. It was a bit annoying that the people were looking at me so much, I mean I didn’t look any more different than they did. I had heard from Zache that they were a bit wary and distrusting of strangers, but I guess that applied to others of the same race. It would probably be harder than I thought to get information, but looks from the local populace would not deter me. 
“Now…where to start?” I spotted some Onkai begging by some of the rundown houses and figured that would be a good start. Making my way over, I smiled at the men but they immediately stood up and left their spots. I frowned and put my hands on my hips as I watched them leave. Was I really that intimidating and hostile looking? 
I thought I was pretty cute.
“Ka’seem is probably having better luck than I am? Knowing him he probably already knows what the hell is going on.” Now I feel crappy. The others were much better at this than I am. They had years to perfect all of this espionage shit. I have no idea why Lady Serafina thinks I can do this shit. Walking outside the town, I felt like I was being watched. It was most likely the friends of that guy I left in the alleyway. He couldn’t move from his spot, but that didn’t stop his mouth from working though. 
I licked my lips thinking about a possible fight breaking out. It would be good to let off some steam since it had been some time since I got laid. I kept walking the dirt path and whoever this person was they were keeping their distance from me. I guess that was smart, but I would get bored if they didn’t make a move soon. Hearing a branch break, I turned on my heel ready to strike, but paused as a little girl looked at me with wide eyes.
A child. Of course it was just a child. Here I thought I would get some excitement.
“Hey sweetie,” I knelt down and smiled at the girl and she smiled back. “You can’t sneak up on people like that…you could get hurt doing that. Where’s your mommy and daddy?”
“I dunno.”
“You don’t know? Hmm…do you remember where your house is?”
“I think so…”
“How about you show me what you can remember?” I held my hand out to her and she grasped my hand tightly. “When you get back home you can’t wander away from your parents. It’s dangerous for such a cute girl to be by herself.”
“Ok…” She was so cute, but the presence I had felt before was still staring holes in the back of my head. It seemed that I was really being followed, the little girl just happened to be there. 
Or was it something more?
I looked down at her as she held my hand and skipped along. For all I knew, she could be one of the creatures that the Darkness had made. A monster using the guise of an innocent child, but the one we had seen seemed incomplete and uncontrollable. Unless, the Darkness managed to perfect one in such a short time.  
I glared down at her as we kept walking outside the settlement. I slowly held her hand tighter as I looked down at her. If it was true…I would not hesitate to chop her down on the spot, no matter if she looked like a child or not. If she made even one move I didn’t like, I’d separate her head from her tiny shoulders. I took my eyes off her for a second to look over my shoulder, letting whoever was following know I knew they were there. It didn’t seem to matter because once I turned around they kept following.
“Hmm? Yes?”
“Here comes my mommy…” I glanced up and there was indeed a frazzled looking Onkai running towards me. She promptly scooped her daughter into her arms and kissed her repeatedly.
“Oh Marin! You scared me half to death! You can’t ever do things like that again!” She finally looked at me and smiled. “Thank you for bringing her home. I-I have some money if you-“
“Oh no no…I’m just happy you have her back.”
“You…you don’t want any money for this? Most would only do this if there was a reward.”
“Well maybe I’m just not most…but if you want to reward me some information would be nice.”
“Information? I’m not sure what I could tell you, but I’ll do my best.”
“I need to know about the children being kidnapped and the black market here on Zhikar.”
“What? I-“
“I’m just trying to make sure other children don’t end up taken from their families. If you are worried I can guarantee the safety of your family.”
“Who…who are you?”
“Just a friendly stranger with a whole lot of power.” She bit her lip as she looked down at her daughter, before gesturing to follow her. I couldn’t help but stare at her home, but only in sadness. She only had a sheet for a door and there was no glass on the windows, so the hot air blowing in all the time must have been awful. The roof had patches and a hole right in the middle. It looked like she was trying to grow something, but considering there was no water close, it all withered up. Entering her home, I leaned against the wall as her daughter ran through the house. 
“The black market is…was a myth. No one really believed that it existed, not until all the children started to disappear. Even more so when people openly admitted to selling their children. I’m almost sure the government knows about it…but they’ll do nothing about it.” She sighed as she sat in a chair. “There was…there was a warning that was spread out a few months ago…if word got out that someone said anything then that person and their family would be killed.”
“I promise you that nothing will harm you or your daughter. I will personally make sure that you are protected.” She smiled a bit before she continued.
“I heard rumors that it was on the far south of Zhikar…and that the only way to access it was if you had a passcode and something else. I’m not sure what the other thing is, but that is all that I know of.” 
“Hmm…thank you for the information. That really does help me out a lot.” It seemed that my little pet from earlier was right about the password thing, but he failed to mention the second stipulation. I smiled and went to leave, but her daughter stopped me at the door and handed me a fruit. “Oh sweetie, you should keep that for yourself and your mama.”
“It’s for you. Thanks for bringing me home.” I looked at her mother who smiled and nodded at me. I graciously took it and had a small bite, and I had to suppress my moan. It was so juicy and tender and I could get used to it. I would have to get some fruits sent to my house after this was over. After finishing the fruit and saying bye, I went to find Ka’seem, but not before watering their little garden. Fruit that was that good needed good water to help it grow.
“How long are you going to follow me?” I chuckled as I stopped in the middle of the road. “We could fight, we could fuck, you can leave. Any of those options work for me.” The bushes rustled and a woman walked out and I of course had to check her out. Pretty eyes and hair, plump tits and I wish I could see her ass. She had what looked like a gun attached to her hip, which her hand hovered over. She was really cute and I really didn’t want to damage that pretty face. “Nervous?”
“What?” I chuckled as I pulled the sweat running down her brow towards me. She flinched and unholstered her gun and pointed it at me.
“Onkai don’t sweat that much despite this heat, then again I don’t sweat at all.” I flicked her sweat to the ground before crossing my arms. “Why are you following me? Keeping tabs for a boss of yours?”
“It is no business of yours stranger!” She held her gun tighter and I was highly amused by her strength right now. “You entered this place with that strange man and have been asking too many questions. I don’t like strange beings on my planet and near my people, especially those in control of the weather.”
“Actually it’s just water sweetheart. Although…I guess I have kicked up a few storms and the rare tsunami.” It had been awhile since I had done that. “I really have no time to deal with you and since you don’t look like a threat I’m gonna pick up my toy and find my friend.”
“He’s dead.” I turned and grabbed her shirt and pulled her close. I slapped her gun away and narrowed my eyes at her. 
“What did you say?!”
“I…I said that he’s dead! I went to check on him and he was dead! You murdered him!”
“What? When I left he was still very much alive!” I let her go and started to pace in frustration. “Fuck…this isn’t fucking good. I needed that asshole.”
“You expect me to believe that you didn’t kill him?”
“Look little girl…I don’t have time to deal with you right now and your righteous thing you have going on right now.”
“Little girl? What are you nineteen? You have no right to be calling me that!”
“Fuck off…” I turned to head back to town, but one of her bullets hit my horn and I stopped immediately. “Now why would you do that?” I slowly turned around and smiled at her as the sky grew dark and it started to rain. She took a step back, but still held firm as she looked me right in the eyes. She really had some balls on her and I kinda liked that, but she wasn’t about to disrespect me though. 
“You might have been sweet to that woman and her daughter but I don’t believe that for a second! You have the look of a senseless killer in your eyes! I have to protect my people and I don’t give a damn who you are!” 
With her resolve clear, she started to shoot at me and caught them in little water pockets as the rain came down harder on us. She wanted to protect her people huh?
Let’s see about that.
As she reached around to pull out another gun, I darted forward and sliced it in half with my ax. She gasped at my speed and coughed as I kicked her in her midsection. She rolled the muddied ground, before she managed to stop herself. She coughed and squinted at me through the rain and I licked my lips as I stared at her. Her clothes weren’t doing anything to hide that figure now, and I’m happy that I made it rain. She pulled out a knife and charged at me and started swiping at me, but I ducked and slapped it from her hands, but she kept up her momentum and hit me with a backfist across my face. It made me stumble back and I smiled as I tasted blood.
“You have some fire in you.” I licked the blood that came down my chin and winked at her. She was taken aback by the action, which was what I wanted. Throwing my ax away, I grabbed her by the throat and slammed her down against the muddied ground. I tightened my grip and she tried desperately to kick and scratch me. “You really should have just kept walking, cutie.”
I really didn’t expect what happened next though. She pulled a second dagger from her leg pouch and when it collided with my ribcage, I gasped and stumbled away from her. My mind started to swim and I coughed out blood. I looked down at the blade and I couldn’t even touch it, let alone pull it out. She stood up and her eyes widened. I stepped away from her as I tried to breathe, but my mind was starting to swim. My blood was really pouring out of me and I dropped to my knees.
“It really does work…”
“You bitch! What the fuck is this?!” She flinched at the volume of my voice before she spoke up.
“It’s supposed to be a weapon that can wound a god. I…you’re a god…”
“A Goddess you stupid bitch!” My vision was really getting weird now. It had been a while since I was this hurt and this cocky little bitch was probably feeling so smug. “Get this out of me. Now!”
“Why should I? What have the gods ever done for me? You and that friend of yours will bring nothing but trouble to my people. One less god the better!”
“Stupid child!” I looked up at her with a fury. “I’m an Onkai too you brat! I-I’m trying to s-save our people! The…the black market…and c-children…”
I fell onto my hands as I gasped in pain and I could feel myself about to pass out. The others are gonna be pissed when they find out. My storm fizzled out as the ground started to spin out. “I…I only want to help them…just…g-get it…out.”
This little bitch was stubborn, but even still, I kinda liked that. If she did the right thing in the next ten seconds, maybe I might add her to my-
“Ahh!” I yelled as she ripped the dagger out my ribcage. She was so lucky I didn’t beat the fucking breaks off her. I gathered the blood that escaped out my body and carefully put it back. Holding a mass of water to my side, I slowly healed myself. Sitting back on my ass, I watched as she walked away from me. “Change of heart cutie?”
She looked at me with disdain. “I’ll be watching you, and I will kill you if you threaten anyone.”
“How are you gonna do that?” I held up a sphere of water with the dagger in it and she looked at her hip quickly before she frowned. “Names Nerissa by the way…next time we should meet in the bedroom!”
She turned up her lip before continuing down the path. I waved and blew kisses at her, but once she was out of my sight, I looked at the blade warily. I had heard of these god-killing items, but I never thought I would see one in the flesh, let alone be attacked by one from some random person. I’ll bring it back and let the others know to be careful. Standing back up, I shakily went to town and pulled the water from my clothes and hair. The locals were trying to figure out where the sudden storm came from. I tried to spot Ka’seem, but all I saw were the men who were with my toy from earlier looking at me. 
Grabbing the attention of a woman, she pointed me in the direction of what appeared to be a brothel. I’m pretty sure he was the one who said I needed to be focused. Entering the building, the smell of sex and drugs was heavy in the air. Men and women were walking around with barely any clothing on, and I had to keep myself in control. If I touched even one of them, I’d want a sample of them all. 
“Hey…” I waved a man over and rolled my eyes at his attempt to seduce me. “You see a man with green eyes and a brown ponytail?”
“Mmm…yes. The human took a few of our best girls into the back room. We could go back there and play if you-hey wait!”
I had already gone on my way, ignoring everyone that even glanced my way. My wound was healing nicely, but not as quick as I wanted. I’d have to have Celica look at it when we linked back up. Stopping at the door, I made sure that I didn’t hear or Serafina forbid…see a naked Ka’seem, before I peeked in the room.
“Hmm? Nerissa?”
I walked into the room and shook my head at the women sleeping on the bed. He stretched and pulled his shirt back on before walking over to me. “Five? That’s a low number for you.”
“Didn’t have the time. So…how was your little adventure?”
“Well…” I filled him into what I had managed to get into in the last hour. The frown that increased by the second told me how annoyed he was. I didn’t even flinch as he was suddenly in my space and lifted my shirt to see my wound.
“Ka’seem I’m fine,” I laughed and lightly smacked his shoulder as he knelt in front of me. “The wound is healing a bit slowly, but I’ve never been good at healing.”
“Yeah well…Celica will make sure nothing scars your pretty skin.”
“Ha! A scar here and there would be cool though. Battle wounds are fun.”
“You really want a scar from some random woman who surprised you?”
“Yeah on second thought…that isn’t really cool at all.” That would be a shitty story to tell people. “I’m gonna have to get her back.” 
“Where’s the dagger?” I gestured toward the open window and my sphere of water came through with the dagger. “I thought it would look more…grand…”
“Yeah…it’s pretty plain looking.” We stared at it for some time before he looked at me. “What?”
“We have to go and get the others. Those guys that you said were stalking around outside are here and I think they’ll be here for a while.” 
“Shh! I think they already suspect that I was tailing them. I got a room in here just to throw them off me a bit.”
“Oh…so that’s why you slept with all these women?”
“That well…haha…shush you.” He blushed and I laughed at him stupid face. “Just hide the dagger somewhere and we can get it back when this is over.”
“Right…” I looked over at the girls and smirked. “You think I could have some fun before we tell the others?”
“Nerissa…we really should handle this now.”
“Oh so you can have fun and I can’t? Besides…no one is going anywhere anytime soon and the others don’t have to know about anything. I saw a pretty blonde sitting at the bar. I know how much you love blondes~”
“I do like blondes…alright look! An hour and that’s it!”
“An hour and a half!”
“Fine, fine!” He shook his head as I skipped out of the room to handle some business. “The others can not know about this. They will crucify us and feed us to some tentacle monster or some shit.”
“Ooh kinky~”
“I hate you.” He smiled anyway and I winked and left the room. I immediately scanned the room to snatch us the good ones before Ka’seem did, but I caught sight of the gang of men from earlier. They looked me up and down, but I sauntered past them and started to make my move on a tall and muscular Onkai, who I’m sure could choke me out in the best way possible.  
“Skip the small talk and fuck me big guy.” He gave me a sexy devilish smile before taking my hand and leading me away, but I managed to grab a tiny female on the way too.
I rolled onto my stomach and sipped the kinda shitty wine that was brought to me. It was about time to get going. It was more than an hour and a half, but Ka’seem didn’t come to get me, so he probably lost track of time. I kept it quite tame with only my two partners, and I had to give them credit for keeping up with me. Feeling the bed shift, I turned to smile at one of my bed partners.
“Hey, how was-” I didn’t expect the hand around my throat squeezing the life out of me. The woman rolled out of bed and held a gun against my head. He chuckled and I took notice of the tattoo that seemed to materialize onto his skin. 
“Sorry doll. It was fun, but this is your last stop. My superiors don’t take kindly to people who ask too many questions about their business.”
“You have an amazing tongue…too bad that I won’t get to sit on that face of yours anymore.” The bitch smiled as she pressed it more against my head. “You and that friend of yours is gonna have a real tough time getting out of here.”
Oh they were hot and bold. I smiled as I peeled his hands from off my neck. “Oh you messed with the wrong bitch. I’m not just some simple woman with an amazing tongue.” 
Now, in retrospect, we should have planned this out a lot better than we did. I wish that we weren’t so stupid as to let things escalate how they did. I wish that I could take it all back, but I couldn’t. It often made me wonder why Lady Serafina thought I was the right person to do this. I was a child amongst the Gods, and nothing reminded me more of that than this day.
Next: https://www.tumblr.com/goddessofeternity/678692984962891776/chronicles-of-the-supernovas-chosen
Previous: https://goddessofeternity.tumblr.com/post/666691394431287296/chronicles-of-the-supernovas-chosen
Thanks for reading!
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coochiequeens · 3 years
Wait Ben was unhappy with his marriage but made a decision to stay because he had kids. He decided to cope by drinking, around his kids. Now that he’s sober and dating JLo he’s throwing shade at the woman who tried to help him.
Ben Affleck is more candid than ever in his latest appearance on The Howard Stern Show.
On Tuesday, Dec. 14, the Tender Bar actor spoke to Howard Stern about his divorce from Jennifer Garner and the impact it had on their three children, Violet, Serafina, and Samuel, saying, "Part of why I started drinking was because I was trapped."
Ben said that his and Jennifer's 2017 divorce was a long time coming, but they stayed together as long as they did for the sake of their children.
"I was like, ‘I can't leave because of my kids, but I'm not happy, what do I do?' And what I did was [I] drank a bottle of scotch and fell asleep on the couch, which turned out not to be the solution," he explained, adding that they eventually realized they didn't want their relationship to "be the model that our kids see of marriage."
And while Ben and Jennifer were no longer in love, he said it wasn't the dramatic breakup that was portrayed in the media. As he put it, "We had a marriage that didn't work. This happens. She's somebody I love and respect, but to whom I shouldn't be married any longer."
"We did it amicably. We did our best. Did we have moments of tension? Did we have disagreements over custody? Was stuff difficult for us? Did we get angry?" he continued. "Yes, but fundamentally it was always underpinned with a respect."
Ben added that he "knew she was a good mom" and "hoped" she felt the same towards him.
But it was his children's view of him that he was most concerned about, sharing that he knew it was time to seek help for his addiction "when I felt as if it impacted them."
"The cure for addiction is suffering, you suffer enough that something inside you goes, ‘I'm done,'" he said of the decision. "I'm lucky because I hit that point before I lost the things that were most important. Not my career or money—it was my relationship with my kids."
And he believes that if he was still with Jennifer, he would "probably still be drinking."
Now that the actor is sober and divorced, he said that he's "not cured" but he has "not wanted to drink once."
But it wasn't just his drinking that impacted his kids. Ben said that he is considerate of his personal relationships and the attention they draw to his children's lives, acknowledging that his romance with Jennifer Lopez is a topic of interest for the public.
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facelessxchurch · 3 years
I am glad that you agree with my assessment that Leibniz Nef would find M!Serafina receptive. How do you think Serafina reacted when her version of Nef got turned to dust in book one?
I think she felt guilty.
She had been so obsessed with torturing the killer of her husband that she had been neglecting everything else. Nef had always been clever and competent, so he was the last person she was worrying about. After all, that sly man is like a cat, always landing on his feet. Until he didn't. If only she had taken him with her, like Eliza, instead of allowing him to stay on his own in Ireland, surely then he would still be alive.
Also, imagine after the back-hand when Prime!Sera pulls Leibniz!Nef into a hug, he's startled, tensing up as he expects more pain. It takes a while for him to relax and wrap his own arms around Sera, nuzzling into her embrace. He let's her burry her hand in his hair and gently rub his back with the other. It had been so long since someone had been soft to him. Had comforted him. His relationship with Harmony had been loveless and Mev had calmed down but was still hurt and emotionally distant. When she draws back to cup Nef's cheek with one hand, her thumb stroking his cheek, he is fully devoted to the royal couple again. Especially to his queen who was giving him the forgiveness and protection he had been craving ever since he had betrayed Mev.
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hatters-workshop · 4 years
Chapter 18: Fog and Ice
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A very different feel to this chapter than most of the rest, and it's very much on purpose. I wanted to give a feeling of the calm before the storm. It's also the biggest ensemble of characters I haven't drawn before haha. Poor Roger, Lee and Serafina Pekkala, sorry I haven't had the chance to draw you anywhere else yet but at least you made it in the series at all. I used Lee Van Cleef as a starting point for Lee's design as apparently that's who Pullman was inspired by/named Lee after. So it seemed sensible to use that information. Also it was fun drawing the kids sleeping on Iorek, I always imagined them snuggling up to each other and the big bear for warmth and him grumbling for a moment before accepting it. I think this is also one of the few moments towards the end of the book that either Lyra or Roger feel any kind of peace, so I liked the idea of them getting a chance to just sleep amongst the clouds, while the adults talk of invisible wars and Lee lies about ever giving up flying, but is honest that whatever happens... he's definitely on Lyra's side. God damn this girl, picking up parental figures wherever she goes.
Other illustrations in this series:
Book cover || Chapter 1 || Chapter 2 || Chapter 3 ||Chapter 4 || Chapter 5 || Chapter 6 || Chapter 7 ||Chapter 8 || Chapter 9 || Chapter 10 || Chapter 11 || Chapter 12 || Chapter 13 || Chapter 14 || Chapter 15 || Chapter 16 || Chapter 17
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msiopao · 4 years
Sera with the Members
a/n: mark is in this because dream is now a fixed unit and he’s part of the lineup!!!!!!
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was the person who made Sera comfortable since he reminded her of home
always asks if canadian bacon is better than american bacon
‘i dONt kNoW, sERa! mEAT iS mEaT!’
she didnt actually cry on stage when he was leaving but she cried when it was just the two of them and he recorded for the last time
it was her idea for hyuck to buy him a big bottle of ketchup
CANNOT believe that mark was a churchboy and ends up acting up in music videos
the duality SCARES her
calls her finny since her name is serafina
sera has her own room but she has an extra bed so he sleeps in there when he spends the night
learned this watermelon shake to help mark’s hangover
english all the time
ever since they met, mark has always placed his elbow on her head due to her short height
sera learned this fried rice recipe from her mom and he goes over to their dorm for breakfast
‘mark bls dont touch anything. get out of the kitchen and go watch tv or something’
always brings up his messed up eggs
‘gordon spitting facts tho’
whenever he feels too overworked or too pressured, sera has always made it a point to come over to their dorm and have a movie night with just the 2 of them with his favorite snacks and drinks
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omg these two
sera is typically not mean but when renjun starts, she becomes ruthless
always calling out his fake personality
‘everyone, don’t believe him! he’s 2 faced!’
‘what are you even saying! you act like you’re so quirky and giggly but you yeeted jisung into the wall last night!’
so yea, they fight a lot
but its very playful and they know where that line is drawn and not cross it
he talks to her about space and aliens and she listens to every word bc renjun sounds so confident and happy whenever he talks about that stuff
they’re actually 10 days apart but sera acts like she’s 10 years older than him
‘okay, granny’
always in awe whenever renjun draws and paints and she really likes seeing him in his element
unbeknowst to her, he actually draws her a lot
wants to frame all of his work 
they go out to the roof and stargaze
he steals her airpods just to watch her go crazy
once hid her phone in the fridge
lives for his vocals
cannot believe how much he’s grown from chewing gum era to now
her heart strings were tugged when he cried in dnyl
renjun always says that he wishes sera was born as his little sister bc they act like they’re siblings
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so their is kinda complicated
sera’s closest to him than all the members bc 1, he was her first friend and 2, he has cats
before, when they still went to school, her and jeno always went together
yes, jaemin and jeno and her went together in the beginning
but jaemin was in the hospital and recovering so it just became them 2
also, she goes to visit his parents so she can see his cats
this results to his parents and older sister adoring her
‘bongsik, nal, and seol are my kids’ - lee sera, 00 line vlive
she always craves for attention and when it isnt given bc he’s too busy playing, she just walks into his room and sits on his lap while he plays
tries to get his attention by saying stuff but he teases her by acting like she aint there
‘fine, i’ll go to jaemin’
jeno wasnt supposed to be blonde for the comeback but they were just messing around and next thing they knew, jeno’s tips were bleach blonde
when shes on that,,,, time,,,,, hes the only one in the dorm she listens to
not even johnny, who’s practically her father
collabs with her mukbang show and jsmr
he mentions her like at least once whenever he has lives that she’s not in
steals his glasses all the time just to watch him wander around with this confused adorable face
hugs are so cute w these two and czennies see them hugging in videos and she can barely reach his shoulder 
forehead kisses and sweater paws for daysss
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drop dead gorgeous boy
shes not safe from jaemin’s affections
*cue jeno glaring at him for stealing her*
we all know how much he loves the members and whenever sera breathes, he busts his uwus
takes so many pictures of her
sera buys him lots of lip balms and carmex but he always forgets to put them on
sera hates peaches but she buys him peach flavored sweets whenever she sees them
sera is also an attention whore so she always runs to him and wraps her arms around him and he squeals by how cute she is
bought him an expensive camera for his birthday
has a polaroid picture of him in her clear phone case
actually, her phone background is an old picture of predebut sera, jeno, and jaemin
one of the rare moments where she cried was when she found out that jaemin wouldnt be in a few comebacks bc he was sick
kept visiting him and jaemin cannot repay her enough
the dorm is full of ryan and winnie plushies from the sofa, a tiny winnie plush on the corner of the island counter, and their bedrooms
sera is the one who always throws away the his satanic drink even though it’s still full
‘yah, you need to think about your health and if it your body is tired, dont fight it by trying to drink these to keep your energy’
sleepovers with them are often and sometimes found sleeping on the spare bed in her room
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our big babie
oh boi when he got hurt
sera called him twice a day, one in the morning and one at night, just to check if it’s still hurting and making sure he’s resting
forever remembers when he dressed up as a girl 
‘you see, i’m not the only girl member. dongsuk is just on hiatus right now’
his name on her phone is ‘man-child’
when he went on tour with 127, she really missed him
like she missed him so much that she kept posting on instagram for him to hurry back home
still mad that he moved dorms to be with the older members
when sera got sick, she made him sing ‘no longer’ to her like a lullaby
when he asks sera to do something for him, usually she says no because he asks her to do ridiculous things but his aegyo always convinces her
thinks his color amblyopia is so fascinating and adds more into the unique traits he has
another attention giver and she loves hugging him because he gives really warm hugs
one time, jeno and sera had a fight and it got so bad that hyuck had to be called and he was the only one who got to talk some sense in sera to talk to jeno
but the legendary markhyuck summer fight was resolved because sera yelled at them and cried since they are best friends and they shouldnt be like that to each other
they made up since ‘wow sera cried’ and ‘the members are ready to beat us up if we continue this’
and by members, like all members, including the older ones
sera knows how much being the moodmaker title burdens him so she tries to ease that burden by talking to him just the two of them
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look how adorable he is UWU
he is 1/2 of sera’s sons
like she’s whipped for him and jisung and he knows it too
‘yes, i will give you the world, the stars, and the moon’
thinks his laugh is endearing and is sad that it isnt that high-pitched anymore since his voice got a little deeper
cannot believe how much he’s grown too
when he speaks in chinese, sera thinks its the cutest thing 
‘can we give his scalp some rest? its not healthy for the boy’
trust fund babies
you know how chenle has 3 airpods?
sera went through 4 phones since she keeps losing or breaking it
dont ask how bc shes as clumsy as namjoon
had this phase where he wouldn’t stop back-hugging his noona and she just left it alone
always buys him snacks and cooks him a lot of food bc she thinks he’s too skinny and wants him to be healthy and gain some fat on those cheeks again
on their break, she went to china with jisung and her lock screen is a picture of her and chenle holding his nephew
triggered her baby fever
czennies ship them but he makes it clear she’s the older sister he’s never had
nct dream took a vacation to her hometown and she bought them basketball tickets so chenle could see his idol
his mom practically adopted her since she goes over to his apartment all the time whenever the others are getting too much for her
she misses him so much its not even funny
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our maknae is growing up :(
sera had the whole family sit and watch the first episode of dancing high
so proud of her boy
she called him during the show and it was shown and heard about her telling him to take care of himself and to not be too hard on his body and that she’s waiting for him at home
as the youngest member overall, sera babies him the most
he obvs takes advantage of it and she used to cuddle him to sleep when he was younger bc he had a hard time sleeping
again, cooks for him a lot since he’s a growing boy and making sure he takes vitamins and drinks water and limit sugary things
she calls his mom to give him updates about her son
remember his phone that he used until it actually died?
sera actually bought him a new one before that happened and just casually gave it to him
‘i know this was going to happen so i just took care of it. i have to take care of you, jisung-ah’
hypes him up whenever he dances bc wow this boy is actually talented
doesnt really like skinship but he tolerates it when she holds his hands bc theyre so much bigger than hers
one day just woke up and she got so confused when jisung grew up
‘did you grow in your sleep?’
loves his awkward nature and she keeps saying how adorable he is and cute he is whenever he acts cool
god, she’s just so whipped for him
but tbh, who isn’t?
aaaahhhhhh i cannot believe our wish came true and they became a fixed unit and we really getting a comeback and an mv in the 29th!!!
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