#i also went a lil insane
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andr0nap · 2 years ago
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traveling on thomaback 🪶
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feketeribizli · 1 year ago
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emilie the perfumer 🥀🍒☕♥️📿✂️
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kindahoping4forever · 1 year ago
Ashton performing with Eternity Speedway @ Desert 5 Spot LA - 11 April 2024
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torchickentacos · 4 months ago
do you have any pokeani fic recs for the classic vibe (read: the content is unhinged and wild)
Referencing this post- long reply but I give a few pointers in these fics' direction at the end!
I'm gonna be so honest anon, I'm not sure I want to actively rec some of them 😭 A lot of them are very of-their-time (usually 2007-2013) and, while HILARIOUS, often contain things that I really don't want to 'recommend' (homophobia, sexism, a lot of slutshaming, some REALLY out of pocket stuff that is not properly warned for, etc). OBVIOUSLY I am not reccing the yikes of things so much as the rest of it (the hilarious unhinged side), but the current fandomscape leans bad-faith and assumey and I'm just not keen to fuck around and find out tbh. Ye olde fic reccing takes a level of understanding of other time periods and attitudes and customs in fandom and on FFN that I'm... not sure that all of tumblr is always very good at tbh lol. If you guys really want me to and if we can all understand that it was a different time and that enjoyment of batshit insane fics does not equal agreement with everything said or depicted in them, then come back and I'll consider it again. But for now, I'm MORE than happy to tell you guys the best ways to find them on your own lmao. It's not hard once you get it down, and anything I'd rec, I've found through this method.
First off, FFN's search system is just frustrating imo. Between a less-than-intuitive UI and people not bothering to tag characters and ships and genres properly, using it the same way you'd filter stuff on Ao3 is a fool's errand (unless you're doing it by word count/completed/etc, which is objective and automatically tallied I think). You're better off using key words. I usually ignore the filters. The only thing I filter by is fandom at the start page (all of Pokemon is under 'games' in FFN and I don't bother narrowing it down to animeverse personally due to aforementioned mistagging or an entire lack thereof).
So, what key words do I use? When looking for that specific brand of insane campy 2000s kitschy wild unhinged stuff, I usually default to searches like "PS CS IS" (poke contest ikari, there's a lotta stuff in there, sometimes there's ORS/LGS/OS/ES/AS etc and you won't always know the acronym and it's just a surprise tbh) or trope related searches like "Assassin" or "High school" or "Vampire" other words you might find in a summary. You can also search by character names (in the search bar and not in the actual filters, which are not reliable in my experience). I'd say to go for tropes and AUs as far as keywords go. I'd ALSO say to not filter by completed, because that'll filter out a lot of two-week-passion-projects that someone dropped as soon as it got flamed, and there's some fun ones in there.
That's about it, but if you find one good fic then it's worth checking the rest of what the writer has. A lot of them have a bunch of unfinished fics and there's some hidden gems. Have a good time reading, and the search is half the fun! Come back with any funny lines you find if you want :)
#it's so hard because I truly love these classic era insane fics but you've gotta understand that they're from like 2008#and I'm just not going to open myself up to any possible bad-faith interpretations.#it's also hard because like while I'm not a big blogger#there's enough of you guys that I am hesitant to do name/title-dropping for this sort of thing specifically.#I don't want someone to see this and think we're doing it to make fun of the fics#and if someone went and did that from a rec of mine then I'd be really fucking sad about it.#I love these insane 2000s fics even though a lot of them are flawed and a little yikes sometimes.#it's not an ironic enjoyment at all. it's genuine. They're nostalgic and fun and unreserved (albeit-again-a lil' yikes).#they're from when a lot of people wrote only for themselves and leaned fully into that level of self indulgence#and it's really sweet in a way to read them so much later and to see how much fun someone had writing it#now that we're all older and more aware of what we make and more nervous about how it's perceived and aware of quality.#you also tended to see a lot of author's notes about school and summer camp and writing between life#and it's just. idk. it's got such a specific feeling to it. like damn I hope [author] had a nice choir rehearsal in 2009.#I hope their swim meet went well and that their dad stopped being annoying or whatever.#none of this is ever to make fun of the fics or to be mean-spirited. i would hope that people know at this point that I LOVE cringe#thank you very much lol.#I am cringe's number one defender. go be cringe and genuine. it's better than being condescending and bored.
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devilishdelights · 10 months ago
some mermay dateables + trio (what do we call them?) and what i think they’d be !! :]
diavolo i’m thinking a big ass grand octopus
barbatos is that alien looking squid at the bottom of the ocean. it suits him
luke is a clown fish LMAO or a sea angel (hoihoi)
i’m thinking simeon as a white + black koi fish!! i just thought up of that today and i really like the idea
thirteen vampire squid (ty lex)
mephisto. seahorse. like what else would he be
idk about solomon or raphael though!!
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m-itsukikoga · 14 days ago
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turtleramen · 2 years ago
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yes every new interest i have has to go thru the classpecting stage. i just think its a really neat character analysis tool (both in regards to individual characters and character dynamics)
i put the lil cheatsheets for what aspects mean and what verbs classes use since apparently it isnt common knowledge u learn in school (!?)
bonus: derse and prospit positions confirmed
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no text version under the cut as well just because
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journey-to-the-attic · 1 year ago
friends are currently debating whether 'lost in the citadel' or 'montero (call me by your name)' is the better solphisto song and here are the main points for each side of the argument:
"lost in the citadel works for both perspectives and their tragic yuri romance" (lines 'i need time to get up and get off the floor / i need time to realise that i can't be yours' given as main example) - jo
"montero cos those two definitely want to f-" - james (perhaps better known as captain bhole)
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anambermusicbox · 11 months ago
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manofthepipis · 2 years ago
Do you think Data Recovering will be longer or shorter than System Rebooting? I feel like we’re already approaching it with word count. Congrats on 250k words by the way! These are literally my comfort fics I’m SO happy there’s so much content. 😭
Also also, I saw in your tags a possibility of a Jevil side fic??? Literally SCREAMING I miss the guy so much oh my good a whole fic dedicated to him?? That would be FANTASTIC. Super excited to see your future work! ❤️❤️
aaa thx for asking!! :D im so so happy you like my writing!!!!
with srpsb i wrote it all before uploading it like i wrote it and im like 'huh i should probably share this' and then did weekly updates, making edits/changes to the plot as needed so it ended up being long but everything was pretty much in one piece while being uploaded
however with data recovering i'm just having fun with it like with interactions and such :D it was SUPPOSED to be a shorter version (and by shorter i mean i was gonna wrap it up in like 50k maybe) but then it got away from me but i do have a complete idea of how it's going to go, i just have to get there (slowly but surely) and it is deeeefinitely looking to be longer (whoops)
(also bc i used to be a huge DR fanfic reader when ppl started writing them and there's so much i wanted ppl to write with spamton's character and so i decided to do it myself lmao)
i am doing a lil jevil fic! in data recovering i don't have jevil showin up for a while so i wrote more spam and jevil interactions on the side bc i miss him too ♥️
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patron-saints · 2 years ago
drove diagonally across the whole state of washington today please clap
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1eeminho · 2 years ago
story time with sari 😀
#im working on my CV rn and it made me rmb my first job at uni and how it ended and oh god why#i had to quit bc my mental health was so fucking shitty i couldnt deal with the work load so i went to one of my colleagues whos-#responsible for us student workers and i told him i had to quit and he asked why and i said bc of my health bc i cant lie but also didnt-#wanna tell the full truth and he very carefully asked whats wrong and i said i didnt wanna talk abt it was so awkward#AND THEN#at the time he wasnt only a phd student but also doing his psychotherapy training (insane man) and he happened to work at the practice-#where i went to get therapy at the time so basically what happened was that i sat in the waiting area and suddenly he comes walking around-#the corner and we just look at each other like 👁👄👁#and he left bc he was with a client but ten minutes later he came back super nervous and reassured me that hes under-#patient therapist confidentiality and that he wont tell anyone at work that he saw me there etc etc and it was NICE#but it was also . such a weird situation and my lil anxious mind was like well at least he knows i wasnt fucking lying !#why would he think that in the first place but oh well dhjdjdk#anyways i just got reminded of this bc i read the certificate i got from working there and it said i quit out of my own choice hdjdj#ah memories#also reminded me how im in a much better place now mentally which is nice bc i felt rock bottom yesterday lmao#okay story time with sari is over i gotta get back to writing that CV
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mer-se · 2 years ago
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Yesterday 🌳🐿️⛈️🐚
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aria0fgold · 23 days ago
Just had an amazing battle experience in Ultra Sun. So I've unlocked the wormholes, fought Necrozma, and instead of heading into the next tials, I've just been hunting for legendaries. Found Tornadus and it was Horrendous, doesn't wanna get caught. So restarted the game like-- Twice, in hopes of winning against starting rng for the catch rate. It worked with that Wretched Cobalion (didn't wanna get caught easily until I restarted which ig refreshed the rng) so it ought to work again.
But instead what happened is that I managed to get Tornadus down to 1 hp with my Marowak's false swipe after the lil shit made my Raichu faint. And it was still So Difficult to catch it got my Marowak to 1 hp as well (Got the "Marowak toughed it out so you wouldn't feel sad" prompt). So what I've been doing afterwards was just throwing and cycling around Pokeball, Great Ball, Ultra Ball at it then tabbing out. Somehow. Each time I tab back in, Marowak is Still Alive. And I was like: Has it just not been attacking???
Heard a hit sound, it attacked, so I expected to see my Marowak fainted but No, it was still alive. So then I was so confused and decided to stay and watch. Turns out-- Marowak Constantly toughs out Every hit and dodges the other hits all while Tornadus cycles between attack moves and terrain moves (Tailwind + Rain Dance). My Marowak was insane for that.
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james-fun-in-the-sunderland · 7 months ago
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if you hate her i think you should kill her !~
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