#i also think he’s a lil too affectionate and sweet
3-aem · 10 months
Idk if anyone's said this but if your kitty had tiny black sunglasses they'd totally be gojo cat lolll
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;-; yea i know—
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sawruhh · 1 year
Headed to DC with the girls tomorrow and I’m very much looking forward to it but also excited to come back
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yamujiburo · 16 days
Got a few asks about what Pokemon I think Jessie and James would have if 1. they didn't just have the gacha machine and only caught Galarian Pokemon and 2. if they had the chance to go to Paldea
Jessie: Sandaconda, Snom➡️Frosmoth, Impidimp➡️Morgrem
Sandaconda is a snake Pokemon. Jessie should be allowed to have all snake Pokemon. Period. Love the idea of her finding it and being unsure of what the hell she's looking at because it's all coiled up but upon it briefly uncoiling she falls in love.
Jessie should have had an Ice Type Pokemon at some point for real. Snow and ice play two big roles in her backstory (eating snow/growing up in a snowy location and her mother disappearing in an avalanche). Her having a lil Snom that's not particularly useful but that she grows to love would be so CUTE. They eat snow together!! Then I love the idea of her going from not thinking much of it to getting more and more attached to it over the series and then having it evolve to Frosmoth after some time (it'd remind her of her old friend Dustox)
Okay this one's gonna take a little explaining but I think it'd be so funny if at the same time, Jessie catches a Hatenna and James catches an Impidimp (mostly because Jessie wants the cute one). BUT Impidimp starts gravitating to Jessie because of her negative energy, which it feeds off of. She's much easier to prank and irritate than James, who's too much of a sweetheart and a little less susceptible to pranks. Jessie never finds out that Impidimp is the one pranking her but notices that it's taken a liking to her for some reason so she and James end up trading their Hattena and Impidimp with each other. It later evolves into Moregrem
James: Polteageist, Toxel, Hatenna➡️Hattrem
I think James is a tea lover, and enjoyed fancy teas when he was a child. Since he's a collector of bottlecaps and Pokeballs, I could see him also collecting teapots/teacups. Maybe they're in a haunted mansion one day and he grabs a teapot thinking it's a rare find but it's actually a Pokemon to his surprise. Also I think he deserves to have an Antique form, so it IS a rare find.
James having another baby Pokemon to fawn over like Mime Jr. would be so cute. It's an egg that the trio find but Jessie's too lazy to take care of it and Meowth's traumatized after the Togepi situation, not wanting to go through all that again. Toxel is born and it's James' everything. It's a bit bratty and constantly vying for his attention, usually by shocking and poisoning him but luckily James has built up an immunity to both those things thanks to Pikachu and Mareanie.
As stated before, James catches Impidimp initially but trades it for Jessie's Hatenna. Hatenna was NOT okay with the amount of emotions Jessie brought to the table and couldn't stand to be around her, often going to James who's much calmer between the two of them. Annoyed by it not liking her and finding that Impidimp DID like her, Jessie demands suggests a trade, which James is okay with as he's been growing attached to Hatenna. After it evolves into Hattrem, it starts (affectionately) smacking him whenever he shows too much emotion, carrying on the "James' Pokemon beat the shit out of him" legacy.
Jessie: Flittle➡️Espathra
Flittle just seems fitting for Jessie. She's always wanting a cute little baby Pokemon but funnily enough, never really gets one in the show. She absolutely pampers it and dresses it up. It eventually evolves into Espathra. Still being Jessie's mini-me, it often mimics her, particularly when Jessie's angry
James: Arboliva
Arboliva just feels like a Pokemon James would have LMAO. I think it'd be really sweet if after a particularly bad blast off, Arboliva finds Team Rocket and helps nurse them back to health even though they're mostly okay. They're grateful to it, James captures it and it continues to try mother all of them (in a less aggressive way than Bewear).
Shared: Scovillain
Listen. It'd be SO funny if Jessie and James shared a Pokemon. They see two Pokemon in the tall grass one day. A Pokemon with a red head and a Pokemon with a green head. Only having one Pokemon each at this time, they decide it's a good idea to catch another each. They throw their Pokeballs at the same time and the catch is successful! Just one problem. They find out the two Pokemon they tried to catch was actually just one Pokemon and they don't know which of the Pokeballs they threw was the one that actually caught it. They argue about it for quite a while but then agree to share custody. Leads to some funny scenarios where they're both trying to direct it in a battle. The red head prefers Jessie and the green head prefers James.
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realcube · 2 months
Could you do a Saiki x touch-starved reader
(Also I love your writes!❤️)
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SAIKI K x touch-starved! reader hcs
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☆ saiki is very apprehensive to touch you
☆ mostly because he's not naturally very physically affectionate
☆ and also because if he gets too flustered he might accidentally level a whole country , ya never know
☆ but if he can read your thoughts so when he finds out that you're eager for hugs and cuddles n all that sweet stuff
☆ he learns to deal with it
☆ and finds ways to touch you that work for both of you
☆ he likes to sit next to you , shoulder to shoulder, just on the couch while y'all are watching something or on the floor while playing video games
☆ it sounds awkward and that's because it kinda is but he considers it to be peak intimacy
☆ and massages !!
☆ he doesn't mind giving / receiving massages at all , especially from you , in fact he really enjoys it
☆ that is the most at peace you will ever see him
☆ though iirc it's canon that trying to rub his back feels like chipping away at stone, but you make it work somehow.. perhaps a chisel ??
☆ he also pats your head, another thing that you might find awkward but comes naturally to him in terms of affection
☆ he's very hesitant to cuddle because he's afraid his super strength might activate and he might crush you
☆ if you're tried and you ask him to carry you to your bed , assuming he'd pick you up bridal style and you'd have a cute moment
☆ you couldn't be more wrong because he'll pick you up with one hand carry you to your bed like a platter of shrimp
☆ he is even very nervous about holding hands because again, super strength
☆ and it makes him feel the tiniest bit bad because like.. he is depriving you of normal boyfriend/couple experiences bc he's a psychic
☆ bc if he was just a normal boy, he'd find a way to overcome his adversity to touch and physical affection for you because he knows you like it and it's the least he can do
☆ but it's obviously a bit harder when you're a psychic
☆ sometimes he practises by hugging pillows but that usually just results in torn pillowcases and feathers/cotton like.. everywhere
☆ and plus the stakes are a lot higher when it comes to you so he's more likely to get anxious and mess something up
☆ but he makes up for it by being sweet in ways you might not expect
☆ like he tends to feed you desserts a lot, and he doesn't even realise how intimate it can be, he just thinks of it as normal to want to share some of his favourite food with a person he loves
☆ and if you get a bit of icing on your lips, he'll wipe it with a napkin for you
☆ he also doesn't mind it when you touch him
☆ since less can go wrong that way
☆ like you could legitimately start using him and human jungle gym and he couldn't care less
☆ in fact, he secretly enjoys it
☆ sometimes you think you can catch him out and surprise him with a hug attack but of course that hardly ever works because... he's psychic
☆ so you'll just pounce on him and instead of falling over like most ppl would, he stays upright and you are left hugging and clinging onto him like he's a tree
☆ also he'll never admit it but he loves lil kiss on the cheek !!
☆ makes him feel very much loved and afterwards and so enamoured and he thinks he does a good job at hiding it but you can always tell bc his expression goes from 😐 to 🙂
☆ a very subtle difference but you as his s/o notice it immediately
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fae-of-fiction · 1 month
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✧ — 𝐲𝐨𝐮’𝐫𝐞 𝐥𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐲 𝐲𝐨𝐮’𝐫𝐞 𝐜𝐮𝐭𝐞! ᡣ𐭩₊˚.⋆⁺₊
✧ — 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐛𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐲 𝐜𝐮𝐭𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬; isagi yoichi, itoshi rin, itoshi sae, nagi seishiro, michael kaiser ᡣ𐭩₊˚.⋆⁺₊
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✧ — had this sitting in my drafts, and seeing as writer’s block has me in the absolute worst of chokeholds right now, i thought i may as well go ahead and post it while i try to get past this random blockage. i just want to give a huge thank you to everyone who has sent in a request for your unending patience — i promise i will get them done asap!
✧ — 617 words
✧ — this is a sort of companion piece to ‘cutie pie’ (though it’s absolutely not required to read that one!) i just know that these boyos have cute lil habits that they do! as always, thank you so much for reading and i hope you enjoy! <3
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isagi stutters horribly when he’s nervous. he’ll trip over words, consonants, syllables — literally everything.
it’s as if his ability to speak has just completely abandoned him, and it’s the cutest thing to see — especially when his cheeks flare up and he can’t meet your eyes.
isagi still does this even after your relationship has deepened, particularly if you do something that he finds incredibly stimulating — he turns into a stutter-y, buttery, mumbling mess, and teasing him is just too easy when he’s in this state.
just tread lightly if you do so, because once isagi gathers himself, he’ll return your teasing ten fold.
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rin becomes absolutely pouty when you don’t refer to him by a pet name — sometimes, he may even think you’re angry with him, and will start to “subtly” pester you to get to the root of the issue.
of course, rin denies this profusely; which is also incredibly cute, because all the while he’s refuting the claims his cheeks are quickly coloring. it’s certainly a shocker for him to become so upset about it, especially since he seemed so indifferent when you had first picked up the habit — rin wouldn’t so much as blink an eye when you called him “babe” or “baby.”
but now if you don’t, rin will do everything in his power to make you do so again; discreetly, of course.
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sae has a quirky habit of playing with your fingers.
you aren’t entirely sure if it’s simply something subconscious or a way to deal with excess energy, but it’s cute nonetheless. sae will actively seek your hand just to fiddle with your fingers.
he does it when you’re holding hands, when you’re sitting or laying next to one another, when you’re walking; it truly doesn’t matter what you’re doing — as long as you’re around him, sae is playing with your fingers.
it’s actually incredibly relaxing when he does this, for both you and sae.
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when talking about video game lore or random trivia, nagi lights up like a kid in a candy store.
it’s rare to see him so enthusiastic and fired up about something, and so you always indulge him. wether it’s through an inquiry as to what he’s currently playing or asking him for game recommendations, you always ensure to prod at his interest.
nagi also becomes exceptionally happy when you ask him for his help with a game you’re playing, and he likes to crowd as close as possible to you while he guides you. sometimes it’s pretty difficult to concentrate on the game with his cologne in your nose, his warmth against your skin and his voice in your ear — but you manage pretty well for the most part.
after all, you just want to see his cute enthusiasm. (mostly.)
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kaiser absolutely cannot handle his liquor; the man gets drunk off of a singular glass of wine. and when kaiser is drunk, he’s extremely affectionate — more so than usual.
he’s never been one to shy away from being vulnerable when the two of you are secure in the presence of just one another, but when he’s drunk — kaiser really doesn’t care who sees the lovestruck, sickly sweet, doting and slightly overbearing boyfriend that he truly is.
“c’mon, baaaaabe. one more kiss, ‘kay? jus’ one. please?” kaiser will whine while he practically hangs off of you, completely blind to the dumbstruck audience his antics have attracted.
you’ll have to placate him — you really can’t help but to do so, he looks so cute when he’s vulnerable like that. not to mention, he looks at you absolutely awestruck when you do, and slurs away happily about how perfect you are, and how lucky he is to have you.
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blkkizzat · 1 month
kali. elaborate on choso's dick😋
pasiiii bby!!! omg yass i would love to expand on bbygyal chosito's ochinchin.
our chositos dick is the perfect size tbh. its not lung penetrating long like gojos or rip your walls thicc like tojis. but clocking in at 7.53 inches long and 5.58 inches in girth (avg girth is 4.8-5.3). so hes still above average but we don't feel like we are dying taking it hfkshfkjsd.
color wise? tip: #db6e79 (you're low key kinda scared how rosy and angry it looks) shaft: f5d8c6 cummies: #fcfbfa
you feel just the tiniest bit of discomfort. i say tiny cause this man is HUGE on foreplay so you will be more than ready and stretched out (i mean it, it dont matter if y'all in the backseat of the car he will BE your seat and want you to ride his face for at least 20 minutes, thats quickie foreplay to him LOL).
his tip is slighty larger though so getting it in or just the tip is a bit of a struggle but its not too bad onces hes inside. there's an upward curve to his dick that deliciously scrapes his tip along your g-spot when he pulls out and slams back in. oh you couldn't squirt before? best believe you a fountain now bitch shdkfdfhbksj.
before you even see his dick you see how hard its thumping in his tattered black jeans. bbygal gets REAL excited at the thought of fucking us and he's not soo overly large where his cock is too heavy to still twitch as much as it does. you will visibly see (and noticeably feel beating against your walls inside) how fiercely his dick twitches in anticipation/excitement of feeling you.
when do you first see his dick, whether he's a virgin or not, you think he's already cummed his pants once you see how the fluids are slowly but steadily dribbling out of his tip. nah, mamas, thats just his pre. you really don't even need lube at all with how wet he gets you and how much pre is coating him. that said, if you thought he leaked a lot of pre out of his pretty little mushroom tip, just wait until that man is cumming inside of you. buckets hoe. BUCKETS. to the point you think there might be something medically wrong with him...
there definitely is something mentally off tho because normally guys that cum as hard as he does (body spasms, pitchy lil whines and throaty moans), would be too sensitive to continue. but he will cry thick tears rolling down his redden cheeks and onto you at the intensity of his sensitivity as he continues to rail into you. which is a good thing too because he definitely came not even one minute in.
yeah our bbygal is a minute man but our lil minute man is a trooper (no actually he just crazy asf for you to the point of masochism) and will stay hard by activating blood manipulation. yeah RIP your coochie, you better start writing the eulogy once this happens.
best to keep our baby in positions facing you so he can every once in a while snap out of his coochie hypnosis by slowing down or speeding up based on your expressions/cries. otherwise with your face stuffed in the pillow and muffled cries, he might go a little overboard in backshots. the jiggling of your ass rippling against his flesh and splashing your fluids like waves will have him transported thinking he is in the middle of a euphoric ocean, losing himself in the motions.
this is why he might not be the biggest or thickest but you will still be just as sore in the morning cause he will fuck you the longest. oh you passed out? don't worry you gave him the somnophilia pass. you don't remember? oh baby, that's cause you were far too fucked out by the time you did. tbf you didn't even remember your own name then.
but don't worry our bbygyal is sweet and is king of aftercare... once you do eventually get that aftercare... in the morning. yeah he also fucked himself unconscious and fell asleep inside you. hugging you tightly to him you're only a tiny bit crushed and overheated. but its okay cause he is so cute the way he is tonguing your nipple and cooing affectionate noises for you like a baby even in his sleep.
just softly pet his hair and try to get a few more minutes of sleep tho... you wouldn't want to wake him just yet.
you're still tired and he will have morning wood you'll have to deal with once he wakes up. ;)
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byechristopher · 9 months
Dates with Chris.
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Author's note: not requested (edit: someone requested it after that, pft) but shit, I am in need of some good old fluff with boyfriend Chris, you know? Do not copy/steal my work. :)
Warnings: not smut but, could be suggestive. Minors dni!
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I feel like Chris is the type of guy that would take you to lil dates all the time. It doesn't have to be something big, you know.
He would be very spontaneous about it, too – "come on, lemme take you to the movies!"
He knows better than to put any pressure on you before any date. He is spontaneous, but that doesn't mean he'll complain if you take a lil too long.
He definitely is the type of guy that showers his girl with compliments, not only before y'all leave, but also on the way, but also during the date and just – he never stops.
"You look so good.. please be my girl."
"I am your girlfriend, Chris. Stop." he laughs and kisses you at that.
He holds your hand and kisses you the whole time. Not only because he couldn't care less about what the world thinks, but also because he is proud to have you and wants you to feel like the only girl in the world; you are.
I feel like he wouldn't be too formal when it came to dates – he would definitely pick up a random flower while you're walking, and if there weren't any, he'd just try to find a flower shop to get you something.
"I couldn't decide which flower to get you.. so I got all of them?"
He loves it when you dress up. It doesn't matter if you just show up in your hoodies and jeans, he still thinks you're the most beautiful girl in the world – but he thinks is cute when you take your sweet time to plan your outfits, even if the date is just for ice cream.
He definitely is someone who teases you under the table, with every chance he gets. He giggles every time you slap his hand away.
"Babyyy, I'll stop, I'll stop." he would say, but of course he doesn't really stop.
He would take you to your favourite restaurant, or the park that you both love, the movies, anywhere.
His favourite date would be somewhere where you can see the whole town, in the night, on the hood of the car, while holding you in his arms – this is where he's having the deepest conversations of his life.
"You're the love of my life, you know that? The woman of my dreams."
You're definitely having sex with him in the car afterwards.
He also definitely offers to carry you the minute you show any sign of discomfort – it's the cutest thing in the world. Same thing with his hoodie. If it's too cold, you're wearing his hoodie whether you like it or not.
"It's not ruining the outfit, God! Just wear it already."
Chris is also the type to plan cute, silly dates at home; like, he'd cook something for you and would pretend to be your chef at a restaurant or something. He'd wear an apron, change his accent and everything.
"Welcome to Stromboli Restaurant, mademoiselle. Bon appétit."
Overall, he's very affectionate, very playful, he loves you and cherishes you more than any other girl, so he makes sure to show it to you all the time.
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darkpetal16 · 2 months
Quick question for all the boys: what nickname would they give to their partner?
ALL?? OK BABE I GOT YOU. but like I can't do an "all" post again there's just too many now lol.
Underfell!Sans (Red): Babe (all), sweetheart (for the shy or introverted babes), doll/dollface (for the feisty babes)
Underfell!Papyrus (Edge): Love (but very sparingly, he’s not fond of nicknames):
Underfell!Wingding (Fell): My dear / My love / My other half / My heart (all emphasis on the my)
Underfell!Asriel (Prince): doesn’t use nicknames unless explicitly asked to. Might refer to you as partner / mate / spouse however.
Underfell!Grillby (Fellby): Sweet girl/boy/pup & Little firecracker.
Underswap!Sans (Blue): Not fond of nicknames but will occasionally call you his puzzle piece. If you ask him to call you something specific, he will.
Underswap!Papyrus (Stretch): Honey, honey bear, honey pie, spicy honey, and if he wants to be ornery / annoy others in public. . .honey bunny wunny.
Underswap!Wingding (Thread): My dear, my little patchwork, darling, marshmallow / cinnamon spice / pumpkin pie.
Underswap!Asriel (Buttercup): Dummy (affectionately). He gets embarrassed by nicknames.
Mafiafell!Sans (Hit): for feminine presenting partner: doll face, sweetheart, lil lady, cookie. For masculine presenting partner: pal, buzz, lil gent, dish. For neutral, mixture of both depending on his mood.
Mafiafell!Papyrus (Boss): He doesn’t do nicknames, per se, but instead waxes poetry for you about you in private. He’d also prefer it if you didn’t give him nicknames in public. Reputation is very important to him and his family and he expects you respect that.
Mafiafell!Wingding (Don): Muse, my dear, darling, puppet, marionette, toy
Mafiafell!Asriel (Heir): Meadow, my haven, my sunshine (if early riser) / my nightfall (if late sleeper)
Slumbertale!Sans (Slumber): Buddy, chum, pal, bucko, friend, fella who naps with me, pillow, blanket, kitten (if you nap often) / puppy (if you do not take naps often), the one who makes plans, my worser half (jokingly), my alarm clock, etc. He’ll come up with obscure and odd nicknames depending on your routine together.
Slumbertale!Papyrus (Mayor): MY RIGHT HAND! There is no bigger compliment because this fella HATES to rely on anyone so if you’re his right hand then you’re someone as invaluable to him as his own right hand.
Slumbertale!Wingding (Abyss): Dewdrop.
Slumbertale!Asriel (Unending): My dream come true, dreamer, buttercup, butterscotch, butter biscuit
Slumbertale!Grillby (Sleeby): His nickname will be dependent on your favorite drink. For example if you like pina coladas he’d call you his sweet coconut, and if you like soda he’d call you his pop-heart.
Horrortale!Sans (Axe): No nicknames unless you specifically tell him to. He just doesn’t think about it.
Horrortale!Papyrus (Sugar): My little meatball, Strawberry jam, rhubarb pie, my berry, love, heart, SOUL
Horrortale!Wingding (Ghost): my heart / our hope
Horrortale!Asriel (Yarrow): butterscotch, cinnamon bun, and sun drop
Horrortale!Grillby (Calcifer): no nicknames!
Reapertale!Sans (Reaper): Nothing set in stone. He'll come up with one time nicknames for puns. Like if you were burned alive & died to met him, he'd call you hot stuff. If you drowned he'd call you a mermaid with lungs. Things along those lines.
Sciencetale!Sans (Doc): he tried nicknames. It came out awkward because he kept stuttering and he was deeply embarrassed so he never did it again.
Sciencetale!Wingding (Professor): Treasure
Siren!Sans (Siren): That’s a human concept, so he wouldn’t choose any. You can tell him what you want him to call you and he’ll accommodate.
Siren!Wingding (Apex): Same as above.
Dustttale!Sans (Dust): Idiot, fool, daydreamer, dreamer, (and very rarely when he thinks you aren’t listening) my miracle
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bomber-grl · 11 months
Damian Wayne relationship head-canons ♡
Pairing(s): Damian Wayne x Gn!reader (no specific pronouns)
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I’m sure we’re all aware of how cold and indifferent Damian usually is
So he was definitely… something when you two first met
Ofc he begins to soften up and w/o being cringe, he’s definitely a tsundere
Like he feels love towards you but he refuses to admit it at times
Now, many people around you definitely were surprised when the two of you guys got together
No one expected Damian to actually love someone
He’s not really into PDA
I’m sure we would’ve all came to the conclusion of this
He’s not very physically affectionate, at least not when he’s in the right state of mind
You see,
Giving Dhar Mann
He’s always on guard
Even with you
Sure, he loves and cares about you but he can’t help but have some sort of guard up
However, when you see sleepy Damian and try helping him into his room, he began spouting nonsense and cuddling into you
You were surprised by this but also the fact that Damian even let his guard down so much??
You totally mention it the morning after 😇
You think Damian is a huge annoyance?
Yea well he becomes even more annoying after you begin dating
He’s just a silly little guy 🤷‍♀️
But yea, you think he’s a know it all now? 100x worse after
Poor you, man
Bro won’t even shut up until I threaten to reveal sum u heard him say during the time he was sleepy
Even then he threatens you and advises you keep your lights on at night 😔
Aside from him being a significant annoyance and being very aggressive, he’s also really sweet
It honestly surprised you since he was raised to be an assassin and is pretty emotionally constipated
He’s always gifting you stuff
They’re usually small stuff in the moment
Like little notes, origami, and just little candies or snacks that he has
If you mention how “cute” it is he‘lol ignore you for the rest of the week
But yea, and bro is rich too
So best believe he’ll be like those grandparents that but a shit ton of whatever you said you liked 5 years ago
You like hot Cheetos? Best believe he’ll buy them for you and throw them at your head then walk away
You’re like??? I told you I liked them last year and you’re still buying them for me?
Plus, as I said, he rich rich
So he probs buys u rich people shit
Idk what examples, I’m poor
So 😍😍 am I right?
And here you are with your lil notes and origami roses
Like damn
He claims he likes them but still
U gotta get rich bestie
Pretty much it
Honestly considering he’s a billionaire Bruce Wayne’s son, ima go ahead and guess theres a bunch of paparazzi and it’s all over headlines of your relationship once it’s revealed (by u or on accident)
And there’s obviously different reactions from different crowds
There’s fans who are upset that you “stole” their “man”
And then there’s the rest who don’t rlly care but are shocked depending on who you are and just cuz Damian never expressed interest in romance
You just love getting dragged online 😍
But he’s not their man he’s yours sooo🤭🤭
Extra- when you announced your relationship Tim rlly doubted it’s legitimacy
Authors note: hope u liked :))
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hisaame · 1 year
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— ⧽➻Wanderer with a crush!˒˒ˋˋ
『its how i think wanderer would be id he had a crush,,, and this takes place obviously after he stopped being 'scaramouche'.』
╰ˊˊtw: soft wanderer (help), cursing, wanderers past trauma (kabukimono/kunikuzushi) its just a lil bit tho, spoilers.╎ + its a wanderer x reader type shit, so he falls for you!
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He thought it couldn't be possible, but it happened. he was already upset at himself for allowing himself to spend time with you. And with those soft and sweet smiles of yours, he'd almost always looks away—and what you wouldn't notice was his his blushy pink cheeks that would always fade back into his normal pale, color when he'd turn to look back at you, tilting his hat a bit to hide his own smirk.
The guy had even known you when he was once Scaramouche, you'd catch his eye from time to time, but he never really thought about talking to you. Back then he just thought of you as a 'pretty girl', then he'd scoff and turn away. He even wished he'd gotten the chance to have one chat with you before he deletes himself out of existence as Scaramouche. You always seemed to look at him with that cheerful smile. But he's glad he got a chance to befriend you, and now, as a normal person.
He didn't even think puppets could fall in love, nor did he think his porcelain face could turn red! But it began happening more often often the more he hung out with you. Being a wanderer made him not be busy—unlike his past self as Scaramouche who always had things to do. He despised that old part of him, but now he's a changed man alright. He's still vedy cautious and trying his best not to show any vulnerability, he wouldn't wanna remind himself of the rime he was a pathetic, dumb doll who allowed himself to be betrayed.
But he wouldn't let you betray him, no. You're stuck with him.
He didnt exactly understand the concept of „love“. He's seen couples in Sumeru and didn't quite get why they were so affectionate, prepping kisses on eachothers lips and always holding hands. He'd sometimes even cringe at it. Even imagining himself like that with you felt weird... Wait, whys he thinking of it in the first place!?
After finally accepting the fact he's in love after days of trying to convince himself he isn't, he began to think—would you feel the same? That thought made him anxious, if you saw him as only a friend. If he really wanta you, he'd try.
And he did.
He'd go to the library more often, looking for romance books and even looking arouns him to make sure noones looking. He doesnt wanna be caught reading something so embarrassing... He read a few stories, even some tips and tricks on how to flirt, which he found pathetic. Who would wanna say "did it hurt when you fell from heaven" to someone they like? Pathetic! But as he read some romance stories, short and simple, he just couldn't help but imagine how it would be with you... How soft your lips would feel against his, and they way your twos fingers would intertwine.
And then he tried some things out.
He has tried pinning you against a wall, fortunately getting a reaction od you having a small blush, but then brushing it right off and smiling like he didn't do anything. Then he even grabbed your chin between his indec finger and thumb to make u look up at him—and you didn't even have a reaction! Wasn't that something common people did to get people to be flustered!?
He was beyond frustrated, even ended up asking Nahida for some help, to which she happily recommended for him to write you a letter, if he was too scared to say what he wanted it in person. 𝖧𝖾 called it pathetic and stupis, and a waste of time at first, but then he immediately began writing one after.
It took him so many tries, so many crumbled up papers on the ground, to the point Nahida also helped him come up with words to write. At last, finally, he decided to be sneaky and put it in your mailbox, knowing you will be opening it soon. He was a flustered mess as soon as he was rushing away once he put the letter in.
He'll definitely be even more flustered if you tease him about the letter the next day... ♡
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callsign-rogueone · 5 months
that time of the month
fourth wing boys (Aaric, Brennan, Bodhi, Dain, Garrick, Liam, Ridoc, Sawyer, Xaden) x reader
how our favorite boys would take care of you when you’re on your period [request]
words: 588
🏷: no book spoilers. gender neutral, no pronouns used. mentions of periods, cramps,, etc. soft and fluffy. these are kinda short bc it was hard to not make them repetitive — I think they all give excellent care + cuddles 🥰
Aaric is a quiet support kind of guy to me. he’ll be by your side, but not overbearing or too touchy. really good at playing with your hair and massaging the back of your neck if you get migraines (like I do) he also sleeps flat on his back and perfectly still like a total weirdo, so he’s great to use as a body pillow.
Brennan is the number one man for the job, and I’m not just saying this because he’s my favorite. he’s a mender, so he can literally stop your pain, and he can get stains out of clothes super easily. also just a very nurturing and gentle person, takes excellent care of you all week.
Bodhi is going to use this as an excuse to cuddle you and take naps all week (I love how the Bodhi girls have collectively decided that he’s just a lil cuddlebug 🥺). expect lots of murmured words of affirmation about how strong you are and how much he loves you.
Dain, the overgrown boyscout he is (I say this affectionately) is prepared. he knows when that time is coming up, and he is properly equipped to take care of you. has everything you need in both his room and yours. also gives a 10/10 back massage (canon, actually.)
Garrick insists that you spend the week in his room, because his bed is more comfortable (it honestly is) and that way he can take care of you. he’s very nice to cuddle up with. lets you sleep in his clothes, too, for maximum comfort. has a secret stash of all your favorite snacks, too — he’s been getting them from the fliers. don’t tell Xaden. (Xaden totally knows, and is also getting snacks from them.)
Liam makes sure you’re eating even if you have no appetite, and that you’re staying hydrated, etc. you might grumble about it, but absolutely nobody can say no to that face. he knows not to take it personally if you get mad at him, because you’re hormonal + in pain. gives fabulous cuddles, too, and lots of sweet words.
Ridoc knows not to make any jokes at your expense or fuck with you when you’re feeling fragile, instead showering you with cheesy verbal affection to get the grumpiness out of your system and get you feeling a little better — as much as you can, when you feel like your insides are being ripped out. uses his hands like ice packs for you, holding them on any place that’s particularly achy.
Sawyer was a little awkward about it at first, but now he’s a seasoned boyfriend who knows what you need and does it without you needing to ask; snacks, cuddles, back rubs, so on and so forth. helps you with whatever’s particularly difficult this week. ties your shoes for you so you don’t have to bend down and strain your back, etc.
Xaden can sense that you’re in pain, and the minute he’s able to, he’s scooping you up and whisking you away to rest in his arms. abuses his wingleader privledges a little bit, letting you have the worst day(s) off. don’t bother trying to lie to him and say that you’re fine — he knows you aren’t. don’t question the sudden change in his normal tough-guy persona either; just enjoy it.
++ none of these men are at all scared or grossed out by a little blood. they’re men, not boys, and they’re used to it anyway, going to this deathtrap of a school.
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childeel · 1 year
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✦ childe, zhongli, xiao, baizhu.
the liyue men 's reaction to if they had an affectionate s/o
notes — feminine terms used, fluff!
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childe ⟢
let's be honest, this man absolutely relishes in all of the affection that you give him ૮(ㅅ´ ˘ `) !! when he has a particularly annoying day at work, he finds peace knowing that he will come home to eagerly open arms, and a plethora of kisses. i think that childe would also be an affectionate partner — physically, and in any other form too. so realistically, you two are the kind of couple that 'll make passbyers gag at the sickly display of open affection you two throw at eachother.
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zhongli ⟢
i don't think that zhongli is a physically affectionate partner himself; and that he prefers to show his endearment for you through his actions and words more than anything — but that's not to say he doesn't enjoy having an affectionate s/o, i feel like his s/o being affectionate would make him dote on them even more ( ◜‿◝ )♡!! when you walk into your shared bedroom while zhongli has busied himself with something, and you slide yourself into his lap, wrapping your arms firm around his waist — all he can do is give you a soft smile, and a gentle kiss to the temple of your head.
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xiao ⟢
honestly, i don't think xiao would know what to do at first — he'd be kind of startled and taken aback, physical and intimate affection with mortals is not something he is used to (´-﹏-`) !! it takes him a while to understand it, why you would want to be practically stuck to someone twenty-four-seven was absolutely beyond him and his very independent mindset — but it wasn't until he found himself missing your secure hugs, and your tender kisses, after being away from you for a mere few days, that he concluded maybe all of his mortal's smothering and affection wasn't too bad after all ...
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baizhu ⟢
awwwe i think that baizhu would be really happy if he had an affectionate s/o (* ' ᵕ ' *) !! he would often find you coming into the bubu pharmacy, making a bee-line for his office — and just throwing yourself into him, peppering an abundance of soft and sweet kisses all over his face! he cherishes you and your very open way of showing your love for him, and when his body is weak and feeble, he swears he can feel himself gain a lil bit of his strength back with every kiss you give him.
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b4mpyre-k1zz3s · 2 months
The Jackass Guys Taking Care of You while you’re Sick HCs!
Johnny Knoxville X Fem!Reader, Chris Pontius X Fem!Reader, Steve-O X Fem!Reader, Bam Margera X Fem!Reader, Ryan Dunn X Fem!Reader
Warnings: Mentions of illness, pet names (ie. darlin’), alcohol
An: While writing this, I was actually bed bound for two days to to a nasty respiratory illness, so I think you could guess where my inspiration came from XD Ironically enough, in between writing this and coming out I got sick again. Boy, what an immune system I have! I get sick frequently and one thing I can always count on making me feel better is writing about the guys :)
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You had no appetite, you could barely leave your bed, and you had a temperature of 101.9. Yep, with how sick you were, there was no way you’d be able to go to work.
So you called your boyfriend to help take care of you
“Oh, darlin’…”
You were in sore shape, and like the amazing boyfriend he was, Johnny went to helping you feel better right away!
Really, he missed his calling as a doctor or nurse with how sweet and considerate he is to you
Helping you out of bed if you’re weak on your feet and to the shower, assuring you how much better you’ll feel after you get a lil’ steam in your system <3
And after you get out, he’d sit behind you and gently comb/brush our hair for you, no matter how many times you mumbled to him that yes, you were sick, but you could take care of your basic needs yourself
But you secretly enjoyed being babied by him
If you couldn’t stomach much, he’d bring you some warm tea and fruit with a kiss on the forehead before he went to set up the humidifier
When Robitussin and NyQuill weren’t making a dent in your fever, Johnny got a little creative,
“If it doesn’t make you better, you’ll forget you were sick in the first place!” He explained, handing you the mug of hot water, lemon, and a splash of bourbon
A hot toddy, he told you it was called, something his mama used to give him when he was sick at home
And that thing worked.
Your eyes were falling close as you murmured, half asleep already,
“Thank you, Dr. Knoxville…”
“You look like shit.”
Lack of bedside manner aside, he is probably the last person you want taking care of you while you’re sick.
“Well thanks, Bam- I feel like shit.”
Feeling a little bad for you he asked if you needed anything
So you asked for something to eat- maybe soup and warm tea?
But all you received was an uncrustqble (which you bought because bam doesn’t like the crusts on his sandwiches) and a bottle of water lobbed onto your bed from the doorway.
“D’you think you could grab me some tissues too?”
With a groan, Bam disappeared into the bathroom before you heard all this thudding and an exasperated, “Fuck!”
Before he emerged with a roll of toilet paper.
Sure, maybe he wasn’t Florence Nightingale, but he did what you asked and you honestly didn’t even expect this much from him
He mumbled, disticnt affectionate tone in his voice as a smile crept onto his face as he walked by your bedside to ruffle your hair a little,
“You’re a real pain in the ass, Y/N.”
“Time for your sponge bath!”
Chris is a firm believer in the fact that laughter is the best medicine
So that’s why he walked into your room wearing one of those sexy nurse outfits.
And while you appreciated the sentiment, you didn’t really need the sponge bath
You also didn’t need the rectal thermometer he proudly offered to you,
“Time to take your temperature! Roll over!” He chuckled that sweet stoner laugh of his, “Kidding, kidding- it’s one’a the normal ones.”
Or when Chris pretended to “accidentally” drop said thermometer next to your bed and bend over to pick it up with his ass in full veiw.
Soon, you began to recognize the click clack of cherry red high heels as the sounds of Nurse Pontius,
And you’d come to anticipate his spectacular bedside manner ;)
In fact, this whole ordeal just left you more endeared to him
Yes, even when he asked to warm your boobies up because in his words, they looked really cold.
“You know, your probably the best nurse I’ve ever had.”
“What’s goin’ on?”
He stumbled into your room, having kind of forgotten why you called him,
Steve isn’t so much of a caregiver as he is a heating pad
But damn it if he isn’t a good heating pad
He’d just walk into the room and lay down next to you, all warm and cozy- a heaven for your shivering, sick body
Despite how nice it felt to cling to him, he isn’t much help besides that given the fact he fell asleep five minutes ago (not that you noticed)
“Hey, do you think you could grab me some-“ Yep. Out cold
So you had to tear yourself from the comfort of your bed to make yourself soup
And when you return, all shivering as you slip back under the covers,
Of course that’s when he wakes up.
You had already started eating when Steve took the bowl from where it was resting on your lap to steal a few bites himself
When you pointed out that he just used the same spoon you did (and would probably get sick too), he just shrugged,
“So what? I don’t care.”
“Are you dead yet?”
While there was an unmistakeable tone of sarcasm in Ryan’s voice, he really was concerned
Out of all the guys, he would be the one to get worried sick (no pun intended) about his ill girlfriend :(
But he played it off well, saying that he didn’t have anything to do that weekend despite canceling plans with Bam to look over you
So he might as well sit by your bedside to make sure you’re okay!
Or that he just conveniently rented all of your favorite movies because he wanted to watch them, but you’re free to join him if you wanna watch
And, despite your warnings that you’ll get him sick, he’d have no problem with laying down next to you if you can’t sleep
Because that’s what the two of you usually do! No reason to break routine because of a stupid cold.
“C’mon! With you shiverin’ like that, how could I not? It’s like seein’ a kitten out in the rain…”
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starshadyy · 2 months
what your favorite splatoon character says about YOU!
obligatory “this is a joke” disclaimer, please don’t take offense i’m only being silly👉👈
☆ ★ ☆
callie: you are a diehard squid sisters fan. you have an intrinsic sense for design and are probably super creative. you hate it when people misinterpret her. others wouldn’t assume it, but you actually need therapy more than most others on this list…😔
marie: you’re really intimidating but probably super nice. you’re actually good at the game and are well-versed in the meta. you may not be the best at communication, but you have a strong intuition and are good at reading people
pearl: an absolute feral crackhead who needs to be kept on a leash. definitely queer. nasty majesty is your national anthem. you breathe life and energy into every situation you enter, and others appreciate you for it. you are pearlina’s strongest soldier! 🩷🩵
marina: you are a massive nerd /affectionate. you either wanna be her friend or you have a fat crush on her. you listen to splatoon ost all the time. your room is packed with stuff from the media you like, including mountains of plushies
shiver: you join her team during splatfests even when you don’t necessarily agree with the platform. you’re likely very sarcastic and always speak your mind. oh yeah, and you’re a weeb
frye: you loved her from the start and defended her honor back when everyone was clowning on her design. you’re very talented but humble about your accomplishments. you would bite someone if allowed
big man: you act laid back but are probably filled with anxiety. i get the vibe that you would own an unconventional pet of some kind [turtle, frog, ferret, etc.]. you’re for sure the mom friend. you know nothing about splatoon lore
captain 3: you are the BACKBONE of this fandom and i have nothing but respect for you. you’re probably ranked pretty high in competitive and are likely a completionist
agent 4: you grew up on splatoon 2 and were sure that they would show up in side order only to be… uh, half right? i’m so sorry sweet prince /gn. don’t you worry, your day [splatoon 4] is fast approaching…
eight: you’re very analytical and derive great joy from the story aspects of splatoon. you either write or read fanfiction and maybe cosplay too. you LIVE for the found family trope, and also probably ship them with captain 3. you have amazing taste :]
neo agent 3: you think lil buddy is the most adorable creature to walk the planet. you wish their initial outfit was actually accessible in the game. you’ve probably only played splatoon 3
cap’n cuttlefish: you’re an og who’s been around since splatoon 1 but still know next to nothing about the lore. you don’t main a weapon, and instead prefer to bounce around. you are… an inscrutable crackhead who i want to study
dj octavio: you’re willing to die on the hill that he is not a villain and only did what he did to support his people [you’re right btw]. you’re actually really chill and fun and i have a lot of respect for you. also, i’m liable to believe that you ship him with cuttlefish, don’t you? DON’T YOU?!?
commander tartar: you’re… ME??? villainous characters are always your favorites. you think octo expansion is a masterpiece [and you’re entirely right]. you’re a splatoon scholar and scour every obscure twitter post and artbook note to satiate your hunger for that sweet sweet lore. there’s something deeply wrong in your head.
mr. grizz: you play a lot of salmon run but are actually kinda bad at it [shhh i won’t tell]. you suffered through after alterna just for his backstory log and the bear ears. i’m going to go out on a limb here and say… you have daddy issues
smollusk: you LOVE the idea that marina and pearl are its adoptive moms. you’ve beaten side order with every palette. you overuse the “🥺” emoji. you miiight be a little annoying, but your heart is in the right place… probably
acht: either the chillest person you’ll ever meet or the most insane. probably both. you’re 100% queer and probably neurodivergent too. i bet you listen to will wood and / or tally hall. i wanna be your friend
harmony: you know every chirpy chips song by heart. you’re probably really sweet and i know you make banger fanart. you have an affinity for cute things and i bet your favorite pokémon type is fairy. DEFINITELY neurodivergent.
cq cumber: ???you both confuse and frighten me!!! what can i even say? you’re a cryptid! but honestly, you’re kinda iconic. i salute you, you freak of nature🫡
iso padre: I LOVE YOU. you’re accepting of all people and are just an absolute saint in general. daddy issues, but you’re coping way better than the grizz fans. also, i’m betting that you’re neurodivergent
sheldon: i didn’t think you existed, but turns out that you do? you actually listen to his rambles. splatoon 2 is your favorite game in the series. you’re able to see the value in things that others tear down and y'know what? i respect that [not saying i approve of your character choice though]
judd: wait, why him? ohh wait, i know! you probably just don’t care about splatoon’s story at all and / or love cats. there, that’s totally it, right?
lil judd: you either DON’T know his lore and just like the cute little kitten, or you DO know his lore and you’re unhinged. i’m scared of you
spyke: you’d bark for him without hesitation and DON’T pretend you wouldn’t. you clown. you absolute freak. i know what you are. /j
murch: if i had to bet, you’re probably the shy type who prefers to let others do the talking for them. you might secretly be a little freaky though, and i think you should embrace that side of yourself. you’re safe here. be free.
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strawbxrryanime · 7 months
I'm just thinking about him bc he's just so tall and strong and muscular and I just want him to hug me and protect me.I'm literally just thinking about him making me dumb on his fat cock and breeding me senseless and then taking care of me.
(Also just imagining him just taking care of me)
loving this idea <3 and just imagine what he could do with his hands...
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imagine. - the heights of pleasure
"Shhh... my love, nothing's ever going to come between us~" Baji would contantly whisper, it's that whisper that gets you already to your knees, losing your stature. Baji's big strong and muscular body, just wrapping around your waist tightly. Making you feel like the best person in the whole wide world, making you feel like you're his, and he's yours.
Baji's bronze eyes, his veiny hands, the way it feels and slides around you, the way it teases you. The way he constantly craves for you. The way you're addicted to his touch, the way he'd mutter utter sweetness into your ear that you could play day to night like a love song. Baji's love for you was always affectionate, a way to claim you his.
Your eyes roll back as you moan without a care in the world on his fat, veiny cock. Baji is unraveled and thrilled at the heights of pleasure he's giving you. You'd always open up to him, and he'd always protect you no matter what. It's the way you were made dumb by riding him, trying to do it all on your own but as you try to take in all of his length by slowly going down, you're immediately left convulsing with your mouth ready to scream.
Baji would go rough on you most times, he'd fuck you dumb and keep breeding you, he'd feel all of you, your tight gummy walls as you craved for his cock, your senseless face as you rolled your eyes back to make a perfect picture for Baji to endlessly play in his mind over and over. As he fucks you senseless, slamming his length down you, he'd always come to whisper. He'd praise you for riding him, for at least trying to make it.
Baji had always spent the nights thinking about you every single day, perhaps even still trying to spell your first name correctly, but who cares? Because you can't form a single sentence right now, you were too dumb on his girthy cock to even notice the distractions in the background, and Baji was too busy fucking you in the moment to notice either.
As Baji cums inside of you mostly, and you've been fucked dumb, he comes to treat you. Baji praises you, cleans you up, helps you walk or at least try to move your legs, and Baji smirks as he hugs you and holds you close and kisses your neck, marking you all the way to your lips, and engulfs your tongue with a passionate long kiss in the moonlight.
"I'm going to take real good care of you Y/N~" Baji would constantly whisper, he's going to protect you like there's no tomorrow, as he hugs you and caresses your cheek.
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joelsbeard · 3 months
More headcanons about pre-outbreak!joel's love languages 😍🤭 I think I've talked about some of them in cuddling with pre-outbreak!joel and fluffy pre-outbreak!joel as well.
Overall, I feel like joel would be a very affectionate person, and also all 5 love languages apply to most people of course, but I think his main ones are physical touch and acts of service (oh my god and words of affirmation?? this man is basically everything lol this is too hard)
His hand is ALWAYS on your thigh while he's driving (you're his passenger princess duh) or holding your hand. He's always stroking your thigh with his thumb, or holding your hand and bringing it up to his face to press kisses to the back of it 🙈
He loves when you put your hand on the back of his neck when he's driving hehe but it can also sometimes get really distracting and he almost crashes the car one time while you're massaging the back of his neck bc it feels so good
I know that man looks sexy as FUCK when he puts his truck in reverse LMAOO with his hand on the back of your seat and you're looking at him all like 😍😍😍
Occasionally when it all becomes TOO MUCH you just give in and end up parking somewhere and either fucking in the back seat or he'll push his seat back so he can fuck you in his lap ;)
He's always touching you (lol) especially in public when you guys don't really show pda, he'll always be holding your hand or have his hand on your lower back or tuck you under his arm. Whenever you sit down at home most of the time he pulls you over to sit on his lap or hold you against him with his arm over you.
He loves wrapping his arms around you from behind and squishing his cheek against yours
Acts of service would totally be one of his love languages because he's such a MAN and he wants to provide!!! 😤😤lol
He always mows the lawn (sometimes with his shirt off if its hot or if he wants to give you a little show of course), and anytime there's something around the house that needs to be fixed he can do it (also just because of his background in construction so obv he knows how to do repair stuff)
LATER when you have sarah and ellie (I'm probably going to do family hc's with them as well at some point hehe 🙈) he always helps you out if he notices with struggling, and will pick up more on doing chores around the house, or getting up for late night feedings or diaper changes.
As a southern man, you know he's always calling you pet names (baby, sweet girl, and my girl are your favorites 😍) honey and sweetheart are ones he also uses, but he rarely calls you babe bc that's what you call him hehe, or baby or my love, and he melts every time.
As a touchy ass couple you're always giving each other massages when you can tell the other is stressed, or just bc lol bc why not. Most of the times someone ends up stripping and yall fuck afterwards lol.
You love hugging him from behind and putting your arms on his chest under his arms (he's taller than you duh) and pressing your face to his back
He loves when you also run your hands up and down his chest through his chest hair and his happy trail hehe
Speaking of height, I don't think he would necessarily tower over you bc he's not insanely tall, but his definitely bigger than you and he's BROAD, perfect for picking you up.
you guys are OBSESSED with each other, other than being very clingy you guys are also just soulmates, so you're pheromones are totally compatible and you love sticking your face in his neck or his armpits lol, especially when he's a lil sweaty ;)
He loves you so much he loves eating your ass hell he probably even loves your cute little toes too
When y'all do each other's laundry you're definitely smelling the hell out of each other's clothes LMAOO
You put this man on a skincare routine lol. Though like most men, he somehow has perfect skin washing his face with just water 🤨 he listens to you when you give him a sunscreen and moisturizer to use. He's probably pretty reluctant at first because he thinks he doesn't need it (please wear sunscreen yall lol) but he eventually starts using it regularly. It also helps in the beginning when you bribe him saying if he uses them consistently for a week and a half you'll put out lol, but i mean yall fuck on a regular basis anyways, it still incentivizes him ;)
He starts doing face masks with you, and he lets you put some ridiculous bunny ear headband on him for face mask nights because he loves you lol. Even though he might've been grumbling a little at first. Sometimes you'll even give him a little pampering since he works so hard after all :( and you do his skincare while you let him relax (sometimes he'll even fall asleep bc its so relaxing) and you put on some music while you give him a little facial and use your undereye masks on him (pookie always looks tired :( ) and you cleanse and exfoliate his skin and give him a little face and neck massage too. You can't help but lean down and give him little kisses as you give him a facial bc he's so adorable especially in that little headband lol. And his skin is always ✨glowing✨ afterwards lol. He loves getting pampered by you
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