#i also say this as if i dont exclusively wear my hair in braids
greyeyedmonster-18 · 6 months
(anyway i just discovered hair oil and im about to make it my entire personality so sorry)
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mirukutchi · 7 months
Attempt 2 at writing this lol bc the first one got deleted by accident
I wanted to add my experience to that last post I rbed, bc it resonated with me, particularly the first part where men will call eachother 'girl' or 'feminine' as an insult(this is the only part im commenting on as i am not a transwoman so i have no input on that part of the post. )
I have pcos. I always have. I have a very strong masculine face/jawline. I always have. Ive always had a deep voice, as someone who was born a girl and identifies(at least in part) as a girl. I want this to be known bc its context lol
Guys are not the only ones who misgender as an insult, or to dehumanize others. Girls do it too.
When i was in elementary school i didnt have female friends bc all of them would laugh at me and say they didn't want to be friends with an 'ugly boy'
When i would go to the bathroom in-between classes, other girls would push me out, or yank me out physically and say that 'ugly boys' are not allowed in the girls bathroom.
My mom always made me have short hair, and she always made me wear jeans(and boy shirts bc they are more durable than girl clothes. This part was. Okay. I guess. I liked pokemon and ben 10 so my little brain didnt understand.) I was not allowed to have long hair and i was not allowed to wear dresses or skirts(ever since i was little ive wanted to wear only dresses but i was not allowed to...)
I talked like a baby(high pitched voice) for a good part of my childhood bc i knew that my voice was ugly and deep. When i started to go to speech therapy, i started speaking ""normally"" and my voice got so deep... i remember one of the last times i used my baby voice it was with a teacher and another student, and the student said "hey teacher, listen to (deadname?)'s REAL voice, she sounds just like a boy!"
That was a defining moment in my life.
In middle school, when i still wasnt allowed to have long hair and dresses, girls in my health class would look at me and laugh and whisper about how im actually a boy, and that i shouldnt be there. My face started changing too, my jaw got stronger... my voice got deeper.
I think in highschool people were too focused on other things to really bother me too much, plus people *generally* by that time knew me as a sweet and quiet person, not to mention i was the 'art kid' so that gained me some friends lol, also by highschool i was allowed to grow my hair out, down to my butt almost! And i was allowed to wear dresses and skirts and leggings(mostly leggings at that time bc i was still super skinny lol)
After highschool i had a crisis and shaved my head and tried out being a guy(ftm) but it was, personally, an identity crisis. I didnt know who i was, i had been abused, emotionally and sexually, all through high school by a guy i thought was my friend(i wish i had left sooner...) so i was struggling with what was 'me' plus i thought to myself 'everyone calls me a guy anyway so fuck it' but it gave me advanced dysphoria to be a guy :/
My hair is long now. Past my butt, i can sit on it. I only, exclusively, wear skirts and dresses. I wear a skirt to work bc i begged them to let me(i have autism and pants are a sensory nightmare but also i hate the way i look in them also i will look more like a guy)
Do you know how often i get misgendered? Admittedly not often, but it still happens. Usually its kids, but sometimes i get people calling me 'sir'. I want to scoff and be like 'how can they mistake someone with long braided pigtails and a dress for being a man' and then i remember my childhood.
Also im not writing this to detract from trans experiences, im writing my own experience as a woman-thing with pcos(if you dont know, it basically means that the cysts on my reproductive organs cause me to produce extra testosterone and not enough estrogen) who has frequently been misgendered by other girls
I want to clarify that im also only responding to the first part of the post, im not trying to say my experiences are in some way comparative to trans experiences!
Terfs do NOT touch this post ill shoot you on sight!!!!! Pew pew!!!
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faorism · 3 years
also! #nsfwtext: parker-gendered parker will preempt a discussion with eliot with okay!!!!! might be heading through some rocky language times but hear me out: i wanna lesbian date you.
and part of eliot is like, that is not how you use that adjective, but mostly eliot is like wow that is exactly how you use that adjective. hes like, why?
and parker is like,,,, again language = hard (and yes, they communicate the symbol out loud and it sounds like a symbol), but in my head ive been exclusively with men for the last thirty-five'ish years and it's been fantastic! but idk just..... would be nice to be on a lesbian date again? or *makes frustrated sound* idk, a what we are date? a date that's different than us going on a date without hardison.
and... eliot is intrigued but also still just coming into his crunchy granola he/him dyke self so its terrifying to say yes but! he does because hes like...... gotta gotta try for those gender good time feels.
and so they plan it, and they are both kind of nervous which hardison tries hard not to swoon at for how adorable they are. and eliot ends up making parker help him get ready. and he knows it's not necessary cuz facial hair feels kinda gender null for him, but eliot does ask parker to shave his stubble because he wants to look Nice. and also of course braid his hair. and other than that's hes in the same slacks and plaid and with all his accessories hes been rep'ing since kingdom come.
and parker femmes it up by wearing a lip stain that's slightly pinker than their natural lip because they are kinda like,,,,,, really delighted about this and was like,,, OOH maybe ill be lipstick today! otherwise they are in their same old same old. (again, not really the way that works but also exactly how it works.)
and they go to a favorite restaurant and they get their usual and they chat and maybe they go on a short walk which hardison has pre approved for having appropriate amounts of benches when eliot needs a break. and it's pretty much what they always do but the entire time, they both have butterflies in their stomachs. theres more giggling and blushing than usual.
when they get back to their home (a one story ranch style), hardison is in the living room playing games and the two come over and kiss him and wish him luck,, hardison is like, my pjs are already in the second room so! dont worry about me. have fun, he'll say with a dirty wink.
and so parker and eliot slink to their room and they have sex and theres a lot of the same (it's hard to be novel and new after so many years) but it also is novel and new, and theres a trick or two parker and hardison practiced. (hardison had said, yes babe of course yes please lets do what the fuck you need to make it good for eliot. and yeah he didnt really get off on it the way eliot will but god what a difference it makes that parkers hands know what to do.)
and afterward, eliot is like. holding parker close and is sweaty and happy and smiling and into their ear kisses, okay so im in lesbian love with you too.
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thehouseofgrey · 3 years
what do you think about magnus in neons??? *eyes emoji*
Funny you should mention 👀
As a teenager I wasn’t allowed to be like,,, emo. Like our parents just wouldn’t let us wear all black. Probably an attempt to keep our mental health from tanking but 🙃🙃🙃. Point being, since I couldn’t wear black, I went the opposite direction. I wore exclusively neons from ages 11-15. It got me bullied a lot. But I don’t care cuz I loved it then and I intend to bring it back into my wardrobe now at first opportunity. All that said,,,
Okay okay organizing thoughts. The first thing y’all should know is that we’ve already seen Magnus in a neon. Electric blue is a neon. This is electric blue for reference:
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[ Image ID: just the color electric blue]
I’ll put a note here that pure red is also technically a neon but it’s a neon I hate with a burning passion so we will not be acknowledging her further. Magnus rocks red so really it’s rather unfortunate that neon red sucks so fucking much
But there is, I would argue, a much better much sexier sister color to red that looks lovely in neon and would look so good on Magnus I’m getting lightheaded just thinking about it. NEON PINK! Neon pink, I would argue, is the god of all neons. Even if you hate neon green, blue, orange, yellow, purple... I’ve never met someone who hates neon pink. (If you do, no you don’t ❤️ /j) Magnus in pink lipstick or eyeshadow
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[Image ID One: a close up of shiny neon pink lipstick on tan white skin
Image ID Two: a close up of a matte neon pink eyeshadow with black eyeliner and false lashes on a heavily airbrushed white woman
End ID]
Like the pink eye shadow with a black dress, pink fishnets AND a pink leather jacket. God sign me the fuck up. Magnus in a bright pink pencil skirt. Good shit. Chefs kiss. Mwah. Pink heels pink heels pink heels. Especially like a pump. Or like a chunky heeled boot. God I’m getting carried away. Okay okay okay.
Let’s also talk about a underrated babe: neon purple
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[Image ID Left: a very skinny white woman with a handful of small tattoos on her arms. She’s wearing a short tight dress that’s purple with blue and green glitter.
Image ID Right: a mannequin in a knee length, holographic purple A line skirt.
End ID]
We never got to see Magnus in purple of any kind which feels like a crime. But neon purple would present such an opportunity for him to play with glitter and shimmery silvers. Neon purple was made for holo silver. You can’t change my mind. I’m right. And neon purple and holo silver were made for Magnus Bane.
Right okay my next points require addressing a bit of an elephant in the room. I love hsj with my whole chest and he makes a magnificent Magnus. But, Magnus would be dark skinned. He’s Indonesian. And there are just some colors, especially bright colors like neons, which look better on darker skin. None of this is up for debate.
That said, Magnus would also rock the fuck out of neon yellow orange or green. Like there’s no color this man couldn’t own. Dark skinned people are out here in real life inventing color all the time. Magnus has had hundreds of years and all the money to perfect this. And neons lend themselves so well to mixing colors and patterns in ways that regular colors, I’m sorry to say, just don’t.
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[Image ID: a Japanese teen girl standing in a brightly lit parking lot. She has her hair in two braids which she’s holding, one in each hand. She’s wearing a neon pink baret and a neon pink button up shirt with big red, yellow, green, purple and black flowers. it’s tucked into a bright yellow and white checkered skirt held with a medium sized black and gold belt. She also has on pink socks and pink platform sandals. End ID]
This is what I mean by pattern and color mixing by the way. (And Magnus in a miniskirt? Inspired. Effervescent.) Fashion, makeup, jewelry, and generally self decoration is one of the most fundamental ways humans have always expressed themselves. Magnus knows himself. Knows what fits him. Knows his colors and patterns. I’m sure he could come up with combinations I can’t even dream of. And neons provide an excellent medium for it.
Magnus could inspire even more gender envy in neons tbh. He’s not androgynous in the way of like man plus woman or woman plus man. He’s androgynous in the way of like where you’d never doubt what gender he is even though he’s made gender his bitch, y’know? He’s fully feminine, fully masculine, and fully androgynous all at the same time. Idk what this paragraph is for actually now that I’m at the end of it.
Basically, Magnus is a bit of a peacock. He’s hot, he knows it, he flaunts it. The neon aesthetic just suits the mould of what we already know him to be. Neons is the next evolution of the glitter and matte orange or blue eyeliner.
Don’t let me get started on this shit or we’ll be here all day
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[Image ID One: a close up of black and white checkered lipstick. The mouth is hung slightly open so you can see the front teeth.
Image ID Two: a picture of acrylic nails. Some of the nails are painted black with rainbow roses. Some are black with abstract rainbow ribbons. Some are painted rainbow tie dye with black drip lines coming down from the cuticle. The rest are clear acrylic with rainbow splatter lines.
End ID]
Neon Magnus Supremacy.
That is all.
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mermaidsirennikita · 6 years
hey, i wanted to ask you if the headpieces bona of savoy wears in medici s2 are accurate? it just that her whole wardrobe its the best of the season but the headpieces dont seem right, even if the hairstyles do? but you seen to know better
This is a cool question–and thank you for asking me. It’s been a while since I did my research on Milanese women’s fashion. If anyone wants to add anything, feel free–but I’m digging into my notes!
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Bona in Medici vs. Bona depicted by Giovanni dall’Orto
Medici almost exclusively depicts Bona with her hair gathered into what can really be described as something like a low ponytail, with a band encircling her head and a chin strap. This does seem to be done to evoke a kind of Milanese identity separate from that of Florence, but it’s ironically really not in line with the (few) images we have of Bona, including one by Giovanni dall'Orto. This is (I believe) because it’s calling forward to a very fashionable time in Milan–which can partially be attributed to Beatrice d'Este, who was known for her taste in fashion.
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Lady with an Ermine by Leonardo da Vinci
The thing is that the women I suspect they’re modeling Bona off of were painted in Milan by either Leonardo da Vinci or artists following Leonardo. Ludovico was ruling Milan during that era in which it had its greatest artistic production–not Bona’s husband, Galeazzo Maria. What comes to mind is Lady with an Ermine by Leonardo, which depicts Ludovico Sforza’s mistress Cecilia Gallerani. This would have been a couple of decades after the time that Medici is attempting to depict; she has the band and middle part, as well as the gathered hair in the back (which may or may not be braided). It’s not a thin ribbon or strap under her chin as Medici depicts with Bona, but her hair (with a bit of cloth, from what I’ve read). The band on her forehead (a lenza) is also holding a veil in place, which gives it a functional element lacking in Medici’s depiction.
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Beatrice d’Este in Pala Sforzesca by the Maestro of Pala Sforzesca
Another possible comparison is the depiction of Beatrice d'Este (the wife of Ludovico Sforza, and therefore the duchess of Milan–like Bona) in Pala Sforzesca. She also has a lenza. There is nothing under her chin. Her hair is more obviously braided or at least gathered in the appearance of a braid, and is in the proper style of the coazzone, which is what I assume Cecilia’s is in as well–it’s a long braid, and the somewhat severe middle part allows for more decoration, like veils, ribbons, and jewelry as seen in Beatrice’s depiction.
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La Bella Principessa, attributed to Leonardo
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Bianca Maria Sforza by Ambrogio de Predis
We also see a similar look with Giovanni Ambrogio de Predis’s depiction of Ludovico’s niece, Bianca Maria, and the drawing some attribute to Leonardo and call “La Bella Principessa” which is of a young Milanese noblewoman (perhaps Ludovico’s illegitimate daughter).
I do think that Bona’s hair in Medici is meant to evoke the coazzone/lenza look of Milan, but the lack of braid is kind of a fail in my opinion as these braids are clearly meant to show off the wealth of the woman and her family. (Women did sometimes wear false braids as well.) You should see ribbons and jewels there, not loose hair. She’s also missing the trinzale, the cap on which we sometimes see these jewels. Not sure where they’re getting the ribbon/cord under the chin from. None of the Milanese paintings of women I studied (which were really 1480s-1490s-ish) featured this, though Lady with an Ermine comes close.
Again, I think that much of this is coming from a desire to model Bona’s look off of some kind of Milanese identity, but the artistic depictions of Renaissance Milan that we are most familiar with are from a later date. It’s an attempt, which is really more than we can say for the Florentine women much of the time–Clarice, Bianca, and Lucrezia et. al are often give somewhat vague loose hairstyles. This is kind of classically used in period dramas–especially the ones set in Italy, based off of what we see with shows like The Borgias and Borgia: Faith and Fear, plus s1 of Medici. Which is kind of a shame, as Italian women often had very elaborate hairstyles and headdresses. I mean, the effort was made, but imo the bit of beading we see on Bona’s headdress really don’t do the job–I wish there was a veil, a trinzale; I wish there was MORE.
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caiotlyn · 7 years
Home for the Holidays
Title: Home for the Holidays
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Words: 1462
Warnings: mentions of parental death, slight angst
A/N: Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, my lovely readers! Here’s a fluffy little Christmas fic for y’all. Hope you’re all having a wonderful holiday, and if not, feel free to message me or send me an ask and we can hang out! :D
This fic takes place pre-season one, so Sam‘s just left for college, and Dean’s on his own.
Also, this is my first time using a tag list, so I’m sorry if I tagged you on something you didn’t want to read or if you just didn’t want to be tagged in general. Just send a me a message and let me know you want off!
Feel free to check out the rest of my masterlist!!
The dingy bar smelled strongly of smoke and alcohol, but Dean needed a drink, and that was all he could focus on.
He huffed as he sat on the barstool and gruffly asked for a beer. The bartender  gave Dean his drink and hurried off to help the next customer. Dean took a swig from the bottle, not really caring that the drink tasted funny.
He had been somewhat emotionless these past few days; for once he’d be spending Christmas alone. Sure, he never celebrated much when Sam and their dad were around, but at least he wasn’t holed up in some random flyover state getting drunk off bottom shelf liquor.
“Is that Dean Winchester I see sitting alone on Christmas Eve?”
Dean spun quickly, recognizing the person’s voice almost immediately.
“Y/N?” The girl jokingly curtsied, and the two laughed. “You’ve gotta be kidding me!” Dean hopped off the barstool to pick the girl up and spin her around. “How long has it been? Three years?”
“I think we’re coming up on four now, but who’s counting?” Goodness, that smile on her still seemed to melt Dean’s heart, even after all these years. “What’ve you been up to? Where’s your old man?”
“He’s, ah, occupied at the moment. I actually don’t know where he is right now. I split off from ‘im a while ago.”
“Oh… well that’s too bad. Last time I saw John he got so drunk that he started telling me stories about your toddler days,” Y/N said with a chuckle.
Dean jabbed a finger at her chest playfully. “I’ll have you know that I was an adorable child.”
“You keep sayin’ it, and I just might believe it.”
“So,” Y/N started as she took a seat at the bar, Dean joining her. “What’re you doing in a crappy bar on Christmas Eve, anyway?
"Sam’s in California, Dad’s who knows where, and I’m here–not much to it.”
"Well, if you’re up for it, I’m getting some friends together, and we’re gonna be celebrating the holidays up at our cabin. Why don’t you join us?” Y/N smiled warmly. “It’d be a great time to catch up. From what I’ve heard, you and your dad have been all over the place.”
Dean didn’t have to think twice about his answer. “I’d love to.”
Y/N’s cabin wasn’t anything special. It was a typical log cabin in the woods. Snow covered the entire property, and white string lights trimmed the roof. Frost covered the windows, but Dean could see the warm glow of light and the numerous silhouettes of the people inside.
Immediately entering the cabin, the smell of apple pie and honey-glazed ham hit Dean’s nose. His eyes drifted to the living room where a group of people were talking over beer, and a fireplace crackled in the corner.
Dean felt a bit out of place–like he was intruding on an exclusive family event.
Y/N seemed to notice Dean’s uneasiness and took his elbow and led him to the kitchen.
There, a woman with long, braided hair and a puffer vest was taking a pie out of the oven while a bald man with a lumberjack-esque beard was chopping carrots.
“Rebecca, Quentin!” Y/N called, holding her arms out for a hug.
“Oh, it’s so good to see you, doll,” Rebecca said as she returned Y/N’s embrace.
“How’s it going, Y/N/N?” Quentin asked.
“I mean, you haven’t managed to burn down the cabin yet, so I’d say pretty good.”
Quentin threw a piece of carrot in her direction and mumbled a “shut up.”
“Guys, this is my friend, Dean.”
Rebecca and Quentin both said a cheery “hi,” and Dean was put a bit at ease. Y/N excused herself and Dean from the kitchen, eager to show him around.
“Come with me for a second,” Y/N said.
She led Dean down the hall past the living room and into a bedroom, closing the door softly behind them. Dean looked around the room, taking in all of the details with interest. He assumed this was Y/N’s room based on the photo garland above the bed. One specific photo caught Dean’s eye. It was a polaroid photo that Y/N had taken of the two of them the last Christmas they saw each other.
Dean gifted Y/N an instant camera that Christmas, and she couldn’t stop taking photos all day; Dean had to stop her so she wouldn’t run out of film too quickly.
This photo in particular was taken by Sam. It was the Christmas before he left for college. Y/N and Dean were both sat on the floor in front of their puny little tree. They were wearing matching Christmas sweaters that Sam had gotten them and had their arms around each other, laughing with wide grins and rosy cheeks.
Dean remembered loathing the holidays, but as soon as Y/N showed up, everything was instantly better.
Dean’s mind then drifted to the years when Y/N first came into his life. They were both tweens who were cooped up at Bobby’s at the same, and they’d been almost inseparable. John finally picked Dean and Sam up after a few months on his own, but by then Y/N was already long gone, out on the road with her own father.
They ran into each other a few years later, both seventeen and getting ready to start their adult lives. They were both at Bobby’s again, this time for completely different reasons. Y/N’s father had died while hunting a djinn, and Dean was just stopping by for supplies. He saw her huddled in the corner of one of the guest bedrooms, and his heart nearly broke. She wasn’t crying or anything–her face wasn’t even red.
She just looked numb. Empty. Broken.
Dean knew because she looked the exact same way he did when Mary died.
He slowly entered the room, and as soon as he sat on the bed, Y/N wrapped her arms around him and sobbed into his chest. They spent the night in each other’s arms, and Bobby didn’t seem to mind one bit.
After that night, Dean promised himself that he would never see Y/N like that ever again.
The Christmas that was captured in the photo was the first one where Y/N was actually herself.
Now here they were: celebrating the holidays together in a cozy cabin and finally catching up after so many years.
Y/N laid down on one side of the bed and patted the spot next to her. “Don’t be shy, Winchester. We’ve done this before.”
Dean slowly climbed in next to her, and she snuggled into his side. They laid there for a few minutes without talking, simply enjoying the other’s closeness.
“Uh, not that I really mind, but why’d you bring me in here?” Dean asked, breaking the silence.
Y/N sighed and shrugged her shoulders. “Just wanted to be near you is all.”
“You’ve still got feelings for me, don’t ya, Y/N/N,” Dean teased.
“Shut up,” Y/N replied, shoving his shoulder.
“So what if I did,” Y/N said after a few minutes.
Dean leaned his head back to look at her face and found that she was completely serious. His heart did a flip, and a wide smile broke out of his face. “Well I’d say that I still have feelings for you, too.”
Y/N peered up at him and smiled. Without thinking, Dean leaned in and kissed her, cupping her face with one hand. For a moment she didn’t respond, and Dean was getting ready to pull away when she winded her fingers in his hair. The beer on his tongue mingled with her peppermint chapstick. A feeling of warmth bubbled up in Dean’s chest, his sense of longing now fulfilled. He and Y/N fit together seamlessly, like the kiss was meant to be.
A soft knock at the door abruptly ended the moment.
“Food’s ready!” the voice on the other side called.
“Be there in a second!” Y/N replied.
She turned back to Dean and groaned into his chest, and he chuckled at her annoyance.
“C'mon,” he said. “Let’s go get some of that delicious pie.”
“You and your freaking pie.”
The atmosphere in the main part of the cabin was one of comfort and happiness. The food was great, and the people were more than eager to welcome Dean into their little family.
Although he barely knew anyone, he had Y/N by his side, and that was good enough.
Dean might not be seeing his family for quite some time, but with Y/N, it was like he was already home.
Mrs. Whozeewhatsis Tags (+ a few others that I think might enjoy this):
@mrswhozeewhatsis @thinkwritexpress-official @itsemmyb @ezauraemmaline @matteson-crazed @charliesbackbitches @crzcorgi @ellen-reincarnated1967 @gryffindorable713 @deerlululucy @walkingencyclopediaoffandom @growleytria @thegleegeneration @samtomydeanwinchester @supermoonpanda @sis-tafics @amaranthinecastiel @becs-bunker @meganwinchester1999 @kittenofdoomage @samanddeanwinchester67 @ferferelli @iridianuniverse @the-morning-star-falls @strange-inhumanity-blog @ackleslaugh @fangirling-instead-of-working @eyes-of-a-disney-princess @kayteonline @spnsimpleman @faith-in-dean @mamaimpala @winchesterfiesta @sleep-silent-angel @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @gadreelsforbiddenfruit @trenchcoats-and-bees @curliesallovertheplace @jencharlan @not-so-natural-spn  @thebunkerismyhome @feelmyroarrrr @beachy2014 @fandom-book-nerd @tia58 @sams-little-toy @deansleather @faegal04 @sunriserose1023 @saving-things-hunting-family @winchesterswoonathon @jotink78 @lucifer-in-leather @i-dont-know-how-to-write @everyday-supernatural-af @notnaturalanahi @howmanytuesdaysdidyouhave @supernatural-jackles @babypieandwhiskey @avasmommy224 @chelsea-winchester @spn-fan-girl-173 @besslincoln-bruh @shelovesallthethings @girl-with-a-fandom-fettish @revwinchester @deanwinchesterforpromqueen @quiddy-writes @hexparker @atwistoffate @evilskank-inthemegacoven @there-must-be-a-lock @percussiongirl2017 @ilostmyshoe-79 @luci-in-trenchcoats
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soonhoonsol · 4 years
Okay done for now -rant anon
(1) Okay so, I'm from Denmark. Aka I'm white. Which means apparently that I inherently have no culture. And that's what I'm sick of. I'm sick of people disregarding and disrespecting the culture we have. I so often hear "white people have no culture" "you're white stop acting like you have culture" and I'm sick of it. Danish culture and danish history is wildly mistreated everywhere in the world. People wear "Viking" helmets that have horns when that's wrong. Those were rarely (very rarely) used and
(2) Only for ceremonies, like weddings(if you were super special) or some special rituals for the gods. Horns were mainly for drinking, which, when you cheered it was important you banged the horns hard enough together that a bit of you drink spilled into everyone drink and vice versa. This was to avoid anyone poisoning the drinks (as they would have to drink it too) which is also why you start every meal with cheering and why it's super rude (like deadass you will be scolded) if you cheers with an
(3) Empty cup or if you don't drink immediately after. And don't get me started on what marvel gas done to our mythology, how they have morphed and twisted the stories into something unrecognisable. Thor and Loki are not brother. Loki and Odin are blood brother, meaning Loki is Thor's blood father. Thor's wives is supposed to have the longest golden hair as she is the goddess for harvest. Everything is wrong with the marvel interpretation. Everything. And people depicting Jörmungandr as a serpent
(4) Or even a dragon when it's a worm. A huge worm. Child of Loki btw, which many don't know and wrongfully say it's some random elder beast when that's wrong. And people not realising that just because white people don't have "flashy" "exotic" or otherwise "outthere" culture doesn't mean we have none. Our societies are just as coloured by culture as any other ethnicity and I'm so done with apologising for being born in a notheren country.
(5)  We have just as much history and culture as any other countrym and don't get me started on the "yeah but your history is enslaving other countries" fuck that. First off, we didn't enslave entire countries, we got slaves. YES GOT. Slaves were used in trades by everyone. We sold danish slaves, English slaves Irish slaves everyone could be a slave. The slaves gotten from Africa were mostly giving in trade by chieftains (aka they were already slaves, usually war slaves from attacking other tribes)
(6) Every culture in the entire history of humankind has taken slaves, from their own people and from other countries. In so done with people ignoring history just because America is that one loud child ™. As if being loud means your argument is valid. As if Americans aren't one of the biggest changers of history (aka they just write what they want). Like for god's sake, Denmark is a kingdom, we have traditions for watching the new years and the queen's prepares a speak. Our military regularly holds
(7) flight shows and other exercits for the queen and the countrym we literally have the oldest and the first flag in the world. First and oldest theme park in the world. the longest unbroken chain of monarchy in europe and even aome parts of asia. we are so much more than just white people without culture. just because some people are loud doesnt mean theyre valid. and dont get my started on braids and hairpins. apparently its wrong and racist to ca african braids and asian hairpins but when people
(8) ca dane braids and hairpins its okay and just " a normal braid you cant claim that" excuse you but normal dkesnt exist across cultures like that. ove seen people wear ceremonial warrior and ritual braids only recorded in dane history and call them normal and fashionable. like no, at keast, at the very least. recognise that those are not your culture's braids and that you dont have an inherent right to wear them. if you can do it for the africans why not for the rest of us.
(9) and ive seen people calling danes racist and say we ca when wearing hairpins when theyre a part of our history too. they arent exclusive to parts if asia, they were used by our ancestors too, in different ways, and different styles than im asia. we have a right to wear them too. -fuuny rant anon (more like angry rn) (lowkey dinoe but still upset) (also there's so many typos I'm so sorry)
(10) Oh and also. Not saying Vikings invested braids. Braids have been used everywhere and no one can claim the invention since it has appeared independently in multiple cultures. However people wear Viking style braids for fashion when those braids were for actual warriors, ready to join Valhalla. Young boys still learning to fight couldn't wear them. Some braids were only for significant fights, others were for rituals. Also getting back to something else that bothers me. Vikings weren't all warrio
(11) Rs. In fact, the word Viking wasn't even used until later. Danes or Norsemen were mostly farmers and merchants. Only a handful were warriors (as any country should have a decent fighting force in case of enemies) I'm sick of the Viking age being depicted as a while society of bloodthirsty men and boring women, when that's such a minor part of that time. Also women were allowed to fight as much as any man, they even held more power than men in some household or otherwise they were equal. We had
(12) equality between genders with women being in charge of economics, often gifted daggers in presents and even encouraged to cut of the jewels of any man rhat attempted to rape them. they would even sometimes hang these in their houses to discourage strangers from making the same mistake. in just. So done. So sick. So tired. Of people disregarding and generalising all white people as having the same lack of culture
okie so there’s a lot to unpack here. i just wanted to put a disclaimer here that i’m not very familiar with your culture so i apologize beforehand if i say anything offensive.
i think people just lump so many different races into “white”, which tbh is kind of dumb. and you’re right, every country has its own culture. it’s ignorant people that act like that doesn’t exist.
i wanna point out that you are not your ancestors!! you are NOT responsible for things they did. 
i’m not exactly sure about the Marvel aspect because idrk what people say about Thor and Loki, but from what you mentioned it seems to be the main trigger for this rant? please correct me if i’m wrong
but yes, again to reiterate, you are NOT your ancestors. you should not be blamed for things they did. and for people who just ignore white culture, or more specifically Danish culture in this case, walk away from them. like, for real just walk away from them. if they’re not going to open their minds to at least find out a bit about the history, then they’re not worth talking to at all.
screw those ignorant people. they’re not worth it at all.
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