#i also dont mind more mature stuff either
chrisrin · 2 years
i am once again asking for homestuck fic recs.
please send me any.
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mellosdrawings · 3 months
Hi~ Just doing a quick post for easier navigation.
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(Fox boy belongs to @the-fab-fox)
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-with love
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majorproblems77 · 6 months
Hi, Linked Maze fans! It's me again!
Ohhhh boy we are cooking and I am excited. Let's do a late-night ramble with yours truly
When I tell you I looked at these panels for a reasonable amount of time I was lying and it was longer than that.
Now a link to the comic page can be found Here! Please go give it some love :D
For the important stuff!
Linked Maze belongs to @linked-maze and its wonderful creator @frulleboi. (You should follow them, they are wonderful) And as a heads up, Linked maze is for more mature audiences! :)
As usual, you know the drill, Grab some water, Grab some popcorn and prepare for me to ramble at you for however long it is!
Here we go!
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Oh lordy it's the sun (you'll see why later.)
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He sniffin. Sniff Sniff
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Now, Everyone remembers the first rule of exploring. Dont run off! That includes you Wolfy!
Now I have a theory. Which I'll come back to in detail later. But just, Remember the shadow behind four for me. We'll get back to it.
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Warrior is the group Dad at this point. also, I love this side shot of him thank you.
Warrior. Speaking to Wolfie like he is a kid rather than a wolf.
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I dont think It'll be Sky. I think it'll be a hero we haven't met yet!
We interupt this comic analysis for unhinged analysis :D
Ready? Me too, lets go
Because, that shadow?
this one?
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I dont think it's wolfy, It can't be.
Wolfie's shadow has a definition to it. It has a shape.
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You can see the outlines of his tail, which is what we would see if it were him.
Where this one is a blob. Closer to a person.
Ie Winds's shadow
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the blob
In fact, if I had to give you a position for Wolfy right now. It's not there. Let me explain.
Remember the sun? (Me too, I miss it;-;)
The sun can tell us a bunch about time and stuff. But also where a person is (Because fun angles and maths that I know way too much about tbh)
So Wolfy's shadow hits another wall
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This wall looks flat so it can't be a corner. (Taking the grass as reference)
And his face isn't shadowed at all, So he himself isn't behind a wall. He's approaching one tho. So in this case I reckon Wolfie isn't visible at all to wind and Warriors at the point Four turns to them.
So who is this mysterious shadow?
It ain't angel. No way.
I reckon it is another Link group. And we are either going to meet the last of the Links we are yet to meet. Or we are pulling groups together.
You know what....
I think it's World or Spirit. And we are gonna see these guys interact before they meet the other larger group of heroes.
Though im leaning towards Spirit just because of the shadow's shape. (And the lack of Sheerow)
Let me know what you think because I'm not 100% sure and I'm interested in what you think.
Okay ramble over, but to be fair that's why your here right?
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Oh windddddd
the poor boy
I feel so bad for him he didn't deserve this. He probably tried to open his eye cause he was excited. :(
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The boyyyyyyy
He's trying to be a strong hero in front of these other heroes again. This poor kid i feel so bad for him.
They have expressive ears and it kills me to see wind sad like this.
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And his little ear lower of worry for the small I love him sm okay.
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Excuse me?
You can't leave it like that
Where's wolfy
Wheres four?
Will the small boy ever not be in pain?
I have questions!
Ahh okay okay I loved this update it was very fun. Im excited to see what's coming up in the next chapter.
Thats all from me!
Have a great night all! :D
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atticustimestwo · 6 months
do you mind sharing a bit more about your analysis of heart,,,
i'd love to!! (i assume this is about the heart critique piece i did a few months ago, but please correct me if im wrong!)
in terms of the "a critique on the treatment of hearts characterization" piece, i wanted to visually explore some frustrations i have had with how the fanbase seems to fall into some unfortunate patterns when it comes to hearts character.
frequently, i see heart infantilized - this either comes across as him being a kicked dog unable to help himself because he is too weak, a baby angel who did nothing wrong, or a feral gremlin child. i think flattening his character down to any/all of these is, for lack of a better word, a bit problematic?
; one reason being it just defeats the idea of emotions being a visceral, intense thing. heart is meant to represent emotion in its purest form; i feel woobifying him takes away from that concept because it shows having emotions as being inherently weaker or less mature. i think a lot of people kinda forget HMS aren't just tv show characters. they represent greater concepts that near everyone feels and feels uniquely - theyre more sensitive than your typical character. thats not saying treating them as characters is bad! everyone relates to them differently because they are so personal, they make them their own and i think thats really awesome!! ; but boiling them down to these really generic tropes and making heart a baby kinda defeats the idea that emotions are a real, visceral, multifaceted concept. ; another reason i think it can be problematic is that it sometimes unintentionally comes across really ableist? a lot of these 'fandom-y' tropes are already rooted in ableism in some way, which is bad on its own, but theres also the important addition that heart is frequently portrayed as blind.
ive seen people time and time again fall into stereotypes with heart that his blindness makes him weak/helpless/childish. truthfully I dont think people do this intentionally, but its still internalized ableism showing up. i recognize that a lot of the people who woobify heart tend to be on the younger side, so they dont really recognize that theyre flattening him down like that- not out of malicious ignorance, but because theyre kids who havent really had the life experience yet to grasp the full concepts of the album or realize they might be implying harmful stereotypes; that doesn't necessarily mean its okay, but i think its just them being uneducated cause theyre kids and they have yet to learn that stuff. ; all that being said, im not trying to police people on how they portray characters. im not any authority on this fandom/album by any means imaginable - im just a fan like everyone else here! like i said before, characterizing HMS is not inherently a bad thing at all ! its fun, and its what this fanbase is built on in the first place! its so great that everyone can interpret and relate to HMS so personally, i think chonny really hit it off with the concept for the album and the execution is stellar! seeing all the fanart and different interpretations of it and the characters is such a beautiful thing, no matter if its joking, lighthearted, or deep! ; at the end of the day, theres no wrong way to interpret this album, and theres no wrong way to characterize heart. more than anything that critique piece was built up frustration turned to a call to action for people to stop and think deeply for a moment about how they portray heart - to open eyes if someone might be unknowingly flattening or adding problematic ideas to their characterizations. and to just be mindful of that going forward! 💜 
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cerise-on-top · 6 months
Can i request fluff alphabet with graves? I dont mind what letters you do x
Hey! I did the first eight letters of the alphabet!
Fluff Alphabet for Graves
A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
If it was up to him, then he’d go grilling with you every day. Loves teaching you how to barbecue, telling you about how hot the grill should be, what its components are, how long the meat and sausages should be on the iron, that sort of stuff. Graves also loves inviting his Shadows to a barbecue as well. That way he gets to unwind with you and them and you get to know the people he works with. Those are the small celebrations he looks forward to the most.
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
On the one hand, he loves the fact that you’re independent and can go a long time without him. It’s necessary since he’s away a lot of the time. On the other hand, he does love how dependent you can be on him. Even just the small stuff gets to him, such as you having forgotten your wallet and wanting some ice cream, or you leaning into him for comfort when you’re watching a scary movie together. Yes, he loves you, but he also loves it when you need him. You’re his world, and he’s yours. He’s the big, strong man in your relationship and he’ll protect you from everything there may be.
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
I feel as though he’d try to give you some unsolicited advice. You’re more than welcome to tell him to shut up, though. But other than that, he’ll try to crack some jokes here and there to get you to smile again. Also not above cuddling you and holding you close to make you feel protected and loved. Your panic attack wouldn’t be the first one he’s experienced, in all honesty. Sometimes, he helps with calming down his Shadows. Will calmly talk to you, play some games to help you get your mind off things as well. Will breathe with you too, if you’re okay with that.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
If it was up to him, then you’d be living on a ranch together. He grew up on one in Texas and sometimes wants to go back to that life. Just you being surrounded by cattle, sheep, horses and other kinds of animals. You’d have a nice German shepherd together and would tend to the animals together. Of course, he wouldn’t give up his PMC either, but he can dream about that sort of future. He doesn’t think it would ever become reality anyway. However, as long as he gets to spend his future with you, he’s happy.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
He leans more towards being the dominant person in your relationship, but he can be passive at times as well. Usually has his hand on you somewhere as well as an act of dominance. Loves having you sit on his lap too, sometimes even in public when there are no chairs. People should know that you’re together and that he’s the one protecting you. He’s more than happy to consider your suggestions, but it’s usually him who decides where you end up going. Especially if you’re indecisive.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
He’d be somewhat petty and resentful, but he wouldn’t let it out on you. He wouldn’t really let it out on anyone, he’s far too mature for that. However, you’d have to apologize to him for him to forgive you. As long as you’re being nice about it, he will. It’s rare for him to apologize unless he’s truly hurt you. When he was in the wrong about some fact he’ll usually ignore it. When he fights he gets a bit louder, his accent becomes a bit stronger, but that’s it. He won’t call you anything mean, but it will be known that he’s upset with you.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
He’s pretty grateful. Not as much as other people, though. He doesn’t always consider everything you’re doing for him. Not that he takes it for granted either, far from it, but he just doesn’t always think when he doesn’t need to. However, generally speaking, he is grateful for what you do for him. Will show it by either taking you on a nice date to somewhere you’ve always wanted to go, or by taking care of your home in your stead for a while. You, too, deserve to have a day off from it all, after all.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
There are plenty of things he doesn’t tell you. Sure, it may seem like he’s very open about his job, but you’ll always get the feeling he’s not being entirely honest with you. However, aside from job related things, he’s a very honest man. While he may sugarcoat some things for you sometimes, he will tell you pretty much everything. You can ask him about any personal detail and there’s a good chance he’ll tell you about it. In fact, I encourage you to do so, Graves enjoys talking about himself to you. Ask him about his plans for you and him and he’ll get quite sappy too and won’t stop talking for an hour.
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the-s1lly-corner · 8 months
Ragatha, Jax, and Kinger when the reader takes their clothing
this was originally going to be the full cast but then i realized that zooble and gangle dont really have.. clothes.. and also i already did pomni and caine in a similar post so uhuhuh!! yeah
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she walks in on you wearing her bow.. she had been looking for her; but if you want it shes more than happy letting you keep it! she has more than enough ribbon to replace it! i dont think she would mind at all, in fact i can easily see her encouraging it as long as its nothing too weird. hair accessories, jackets, dresses and shoes are free game in her eyes! i think this might even prompt her to get her hands on more stuff so you guys both have a wider wardrobe.. if youre doing it because you miss her, though, i dont think she would mind it either. she finds it endearing.. she makes a mental note to clear out her schedule for you
you probably snatch a spare pair of overalls (which.. he might not have since the clothing is attached to the body in the circus but shhh we can bend the canon for this post). you really think hes not going to make fun of you when he catches you? i mean sure hes not going to berate you or be too mean, but hes going to keep referencing it every now and then. deep down he does find it a little cute, though. like cute in a "aww theyre a wet cat". probably teases you/jokes about whether or not you can pull the clothing off.. might lightly call you a weirdo if you admit you did it because you missed him. its mean, yeah, but jax isnt the most. emotionally aware or mature
you take one of his robes, you just couldnt help yourself. it was just so warm and soft... and i dont think kinger would mind you borrowing it, either. i mean hed rather you be toasted and comfortable if youre cold! might offer you to wear the one hes already got on before realizing the fact it would leave him bare/j
probably busts out his other robes, that might have different colors or patterns.. lets you pick one you like.. unlike the others i dont think it would be him walking in on you or you missing him. how could you miss him if hes almost always hovering around you? i think he would just straight up offer to let you borrow his clothes if you ask. you guys are about to have the most comfortable cuddle session ill tell you that
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eminsunnytoons123 · 6 months
Since i have now made Camilla, afghan hound And baskerville hound's redesigns, I Said that i'll now post my headcanons for the muppets! =^///^=
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And for the sake of enjoyment And creativity, i'll risk it for all my besties/Brothers And Sisters/pen pals And for some more muppet fans =^_^=
And also im still thinking about more headcanons for them, just give me time to think ^///^; And i'll post the part two either tommorow or later! =^v^=
Lets start!
Kermit the frog:
• he is 22 years old in my AU, but he acts very mature for his age
• he is pansexual And polyamourous, he is dating miss piggy And fozzie
• he likes little jingle Bells, so thats why he has some on his Boots
• Uses prounouns he/him, but some muppets call Kermit an "it", mostly Constantine
• his parents AND over 3000 siblings have been seen in some episodes, but some of his siblings dont have lines
• he plays his banjo on the top of the boarding home And sings the rainbow connection song
• he still has his iconic And polite personalities, but he sometimes gets annoyed when some insults him, but not always
• he sometimes accidentaly calls Clifford a "she", but Clifford actually doesnt mind nor does he care about any prounouns that the muppets call him
Fozzie bear:
• he is 24 years old in my AU, but he still acts goofy And silly like always
• he is queer, pansexual And polyamourous, And he is dating Kermit And miss piggy
• he doesnt only use Rubber chickens, he even uses any circus-related stuff
• he uses his water flower to spray others as a prank, oh! And he LOVES april fools Day
• he secretly likes hello Kitty and any silly cartoons, And he has an hello Kitty pin on his hat
• his jokes can SOMETIMES be funny, but theyre most of the time horrible And bad, And others always groan, roll their eyes And get annoyed by fozzie
• he likes anything thats colorful And that has rainbow colors in it
Miss Piggy:
• she is 23 years old, but he acts just the same And mature like on the muppets
• she is bisexual And polyamourous, And she is dating Kermit And fozzie
• she LOVES the 70s, 80s And even 90s women Fashion, especially if they have Pink shaded colors in it
• she has her pet Foo-Foo the dog, but she even has Gloria estefan as her pet
• she likes any bracelets And necklaces that have pearls on them, but even any kind of Crystals on them
• she is french-british in the Group, but she mostly says "moi" like always And speaks some french words in her sentences
• she practices karate, And she always tests it on one of the muppets in the boarding home, except for the children/kids
Gonzo the great:
• he is 22 years old in my AU
• he is pansexual And non-binary, And they is dating Camilla the chicken
• gonzo uses any prounouns, but most of the muppets call him by "he/him/his" but gaffer the pirate Cat calls him an "it" And by "they/them"
• they likes doing their nails, he has his nails colored in a non binary colors flag
• he even does acrobatic tricks, not only anything thats dangerous, even sometimes Circus tricks
• gonzo has an tail, with an blue fluff on the end of it, just like how Clifford now has an tail
• he isnt only interested in girl chickens, but sometimes roosters (not in an zoophilic way.)
Rowlf the dog:
• he is 29 years old in my AU
• he is bisexual, And he is dating selena the brunette haired whatnot, who is a straight Lady but she supports rowlf being bisexual
• he sometimes gives Texas vibes to other muppets
• baskerville And Afghan hounds are his most close friends in the boarding home, but he gets annoyed by baskerville And his singing
• he is pretty much interested in any classical music that have piano music in it, like Mozart
• rowlf can sometimes be pretty sarcastic in the Group, like for example when someone tells him something exciting, he says: "okay, And?" And he Chuckles, but doesnt mean it in a rude way
Pepe the King prawn:
• he is 21 years old in my AU
• he is pansexual, genderfluid and polyamourous, And he is dating Rizzo And yolanda
• he has an childhood toy named topo sticky, even tho topo sticky COULD sometimes talk in the muppets, on TMS:LITBH he doesnt talk nor move. And Pepe sometimes gets embarassed when some of the muppets see him with his childhood toy topo sticky
• his actual name is Pepino Rodrigo Serrano Gonzales, because he had two mamas And one Papa (IN MY AU.), but some of the muppets found it hard to remember his real name, so Pepe just told them to call him "Pepe". But some of the muppets call him by his real name, like Mildred huxetetter And some other pretty much older And mature muppets in the boarding home
• he likes doing ballet, but not wearing male clothes for the ballet, only female clothes for the ballets like what ballerinas wear
• he sometimes does his acts with Seymour, but not only that, he even hangs out with him
• Pepe has an short wavy red hair unlike an spiky hair
Rizzo the rat:
• he is 21 years old in my AU
• he is bisexual And polyamourous, he is dating Pepe And yolanda
• he has an colorful hair with neon rainbow colors, but his actual hair color is either Dark Brown or blonde
• they has an patch on his tail because he Got Hurt when he was Younger, he was probably bitten by a cat And he even Got stitches because that Cat nearly ate off his tail, but only the top of it
• he is even a demiboy, And he uses he/they prounouns
• he infact does have hair in here, And before in the muppets his hair was NEVER shown
• he sometimes Chuckles And laughs at pepe's ballet, but he still loves him
Yolanda the rat:
• she is 21 years old in my AU
• she is bisexual And polyamourous, And she is dating Rizzo And pepe
• she has an puffy And more longer blonde-yellow hair unlike in her original version
• she is an perfectionist for makeup And Fashion, just like miss piggy
• she had an EX-boyfriend named William the rat, but then he wasnt Hanging out with her And he secretly had another girlfriend And he was clearly cheating on yolanda. It is pretty Unknown what happend to him, but here is an picture of William on yolanda's door of her room And it has an knife on it. And in the first episode of TMS:LITBH, she told Pepe And Rizzo this (read the scenario):
Pepe: "I dont know if deadly's asleep, okay?"
Rizzo: "how do you not know if deadly's asleep!?"
Pepe: "I dunno."
Yolanda: "you two are stupider than my EX boyfriend."
Rizzo: "wait! You have an EX?"
Yolanda: "well... I had him, I had that idiot named William. Now he is in his grave."
• so yolanda probably either joked about that William's in his grave, or she either really killed him, And its based on this comic I made on second of november 2023
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• she loves colorful bracelets, And she has three of them on her tail, And one on her wrist
• she likes baking muffins, cookies And small cakes
• she likes doing hairstyles, makeup, putting dresses on and any iconic And fashionable clothes, And she likes reading magazines And being with Rizzo And pepe
• she is british-american
Dr bunsen honeydew:
• he is 27 years old in my AU
• he is pansexual, And he is dating beaker
• he likes any weird And strange science And Experiments, just like the ones he makes
• bunsen actually does have eyes, And he sometimes Opens them but as if he is squinting his eyes
• he always wears safety glasses whenever he is doing one of his Experiments
• bunsen sometimes tests his new Experiments on beaker, but beaker doesnt get hurt or anything
• he is 28 years old in my AU
• he is bisexual And he is dating dr bunsen honeydew
• he sometimes gets nervous And scared when bunsen wants to try his Experiments on beaker, but he doesnt get Hurt nor does anything bad happen to him
• he sometimes even says: "beep!" Or "boop!" And sometimes even "hello!" And "bye-bye!"
• he likes gently petting small Animals, like kittens, bunnies, parrots... Etc
• he doesnt now wear an Scientist suit on TMS:LITBH
Thats now all my headcanons for the first two parts! I'll make the other parts tommorow =^_^=
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ripplestitchskein · 6 months
I've been binge reading your Helluva Boss and Stolitz posts for a while now and I love how mature and nuanced your takes are. I've run into a good deal too many Stolitz antis on Twitter who won't give Stolas and Blitzo's relationship a chance to improve later, despite the show clearly trying to do just that. I'm especially tired of people saying that their relationship is one-sided. And even when actual evidence is put out there that Blitzo actually does like Stolas back, they say it doesn't count because those hints are less than 5 second long small details rather than being spoonfed to them. Just argued with one of them on Twitter like an hour ago and that's exactly what they said. And they accused ME of not paying attention because in their mind, Stolitz was built up from sexual assault, and they think Blitzo's line in Western Energy "He can get hurt?" is somehow out of character which confused the hell out of me, and they kept insisting that Blitzo had "zero interest" in Stolas no matter what.
Thank you so much!! I do try my best to be as rational and logical as possible so I’m glad it’s coming through, not to say I don’t have emotionally based reactions or bias but in my meta analysis I try to set my personal feelings about the text presented aside and just talk about what it could potentially mean based on recurring elements, themes, and deliberate choices made throughout not just in individual scenes.
LooLoo Land is a perfect example, there are some moments in that episode I heavily dislike (Blitzø shoving the dolls down his pants, the “as long as she washes it” convo, and Stolas being sexually inappropriate in front of his kid) so I do understand some of the criticism. It was also episode two and being a creative myself I know firsthand that things like that happen. You put in things early, for a joke, a laugh, to highlight personalities and they don’t necessarily come across the way you intended or jive with where the story ends up. Which is why a lot of my analysis takes in the entirety of what we have so far, the recurring stuff, not just individual moments or one off lines.
I’ve always maintained that it’s crucial to remember that creators are not perfect beings who are getting their story from on high fully formed, they make mistakes, they get inspired and take things in a different direction as things develop, they can contradict themselves over time. It happens.
It’s also a cartoon so it’s limited in how much it can even do, how expressive the characters can be, how much time they have to explore and the medium absolutely comes into play when analyzing it. Art has always been and will always be subjective, and unless the creator flat out contradicts something it’s largely left to interpretation, but that interpretation cannot be based on one scene, or one episode, or a one off bit of dialogue or a single expression either.
I always encourage not wasting your time arguing with people who are still serving up early content talking points or who dont have media literacy as a learned skilled. I know it’s super hard, I’m guilty of it myself. I was so close to going off on a “Stella and Stolas are mutually abusive” take last night you have no idea. It was more the dude was just being deliberately obtuse to the point I stopped myself and was like “they have to be trolling, no way someone believes this”. You can’t change their minds, they obviously don’t want to engage with the material from a place of good faith, and it just bums you out at the end of it.
A lot of them are really young too I find, which may be part of the disparity. I’m 38 so I have a lot of different experiences to draw from they haven’t had yet. I’ve been a fandom girl since I was a kid, I’ve always been a shipper and I also create things so my perspective is further down the line and with lived experience some people don’t have yet. I’m reminded of this daily, my oldest son is 18 and we have many conversations where I’m reminded about how much you learn as you grow older and the assumptions you make as a younger person. This is not to say that younger people can’t think critically but it is a skill and it improves over time like any other.
I also encourage people to think of what is being said and why. There is a lot of hate for VivziePop as a person. My understanding is she said some things early on and created a hate base that is going to deliberately misinterpret just to validate their initial assumptions about her motive and character. With popular things there is always a small subset that hate a show because of its popularity too, I don’t think because they are jealous like some speculate but because they didn’t personally enjoy it and don’t like feeling like they are missing something, so they take it in a “it must be the children who are wrong” Principal Skinner approach. They can’t see why people love it so those people must be ignoring what they didn’t like about it and they must tell them.
Sometimes people like another ship or another character more, and their ship might involve one half of yours, or they don’t feel their character is getting the same focus and attention because of yours. So instead of just letting everyone enjoy their own things it’s now a competition, a source of resentment and they must make that everyone else’s problem.
And I’ve talked about the fascistic purity culture that seems to encroach into fiction spaces as well that is also at heavily play. Any time a character does anything that is vaguely “toxic”, “problematic” they are immediately painted with the SA brush, the creator is promoting it and the fans are enabling it and are somehow directly responsible for it existing in the world. You can’t do anything about them except enjoy what you like, look at it critically within your own personal comfort level, and as always, my favorite thing to say “kill the cop in your head.” Not just with fiction but everything.
I’m glad my analysis is being enjoyed, and I super appreciate your feedback on it. Come to my inbox anytime and we’ll enjoy the ride together!
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rzyraffek · 2 years
Odd request, but could you mess around with slashers x gn/male partner who gets seasonal depression or it gets worse when the weather gets crummy? It's been raining for a while where I am and could go for a little comfort, haha.
Possibly Brahms or Billy Lenz? Or anyone else you really want to write.
Can do🌼 If anything here is not accurate please feel free to let me know i really dont want to offend anyone🌺
They/them partner with masculine features okay? Because it might get confusing to read when everyone has he/him pronouns i really hope that you dont mind i just know it wil get confusing
(Sfw) (Request open)
Billy Lenz👽
What you mean seasoned depresion? Doenst sound tasty? He does not belive in long words.🙄
At first he will think that his partner will just be sad for whole winter(or other season but Winter/Autumn is pretty common) which is upsetting because he loves winter. But when he finally understands what being depressed means, he will do his best to be useful
Even if they dont have Energy to leave bed/ do anything in hause, he will stay with them, at first he might talk but if they arent in mood for that he will just keep them company. Its his way of saing 'hey im here for you its gonna to be okay🌼'
He cant cook but if he sees that they were avoiding food latley or just not leaving their room for a while, he will bring them choco pudding
If his partner is cis-man and they grow a bread(and it gives them disphora) he will help them shave it. Like yeah Billy is silly chaotic goblin man but u seen him? Either he has testosterone level -5 or he knows how to shave
Also if they feel bab when weather is gloomy he will just cover the Windows? No Windows=no weather affecing them, easy😎😎😎 (thats billy saying that not me)
Overall 9/10 wont force them to talk to him and will give food
Brahms Heelshire
He knows what it is, but its still heartbreaking to see them like that
If depresion goes hard like hard to the point they cant leave the bed. You remeber how in every Brahms headcanons i mension that you have to help this guy take a Bath? Yep its reverse now. Now He takes care of them
I know that Brahms is a lil bebi boi lil shmol bebi men, but he can get mature if he wants to, he will bring them tea, headpats and warm words. He will probably avoid talking at first, but its because he feels like walking on minefild, NOT because of them being depresed, but because he knows that he sometimes gets angy at random stuff and he really desnt want to yell at them
Hes more happy to give them hugs and lay in bed with them (of couse if they want to)
He will try light up the mood with good dinner or a nice walk around the mansion.
Will spend more time with you, but if you need space he will understand
Overall 8/10 tries his best to light up the mood by being romantic gentleman. Will bring you tea -2 points for being british
Yautja (hes here only because i have funny ideas)
Wym mental health?? Season makes ur brain go not good?? I- my beloved we are on spaceship rn wym
The idea of depresion itself is pretty new for him, so they need to teach him
He will go 😨wym you sick in mind and theres no medicine? 😓aww man 😍 i guess I will stay by urside and help you with anythin u want😈
This guy will pick you up and carry you everywhere u need to be. U need to take a shower? Boom. You are hungry? Watch him speerun cook some pasta with salt and kechup (he has No clue how to food)
Will cuddle
Again if any of those make their partner uncomfortable he wpnt do it, those are just sugestions. Also I know that depresed people arent just little sad bolls without Energy to get out of bed. But he doesnt know that! He didnt know depresion exsisted till 3minutes ago!
6/10 acts like his lover is shmol sad Ball, and will baby them around
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prototypelq · 10 months
So, I stumbled upon a video about Adi Shankar today (that's the netflix anime exec and showrunner), and I...now feel much, much more positive about the whole thing!
What I've learned, is that Adi is basically El Donte with Vergil-drank-a-whole-Monster levels of hype&energy&perfectionism in tv series industry. The guy is clinically unhinged and deranged, which I think could fit the DMC anime tone nicely.
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He has been making gaming adaptations for a long time now, and his works all come from a genuine love and care for the source material, enhanced with a special Adi TM take on the whole thing. Sadly, I've just learned of his other works, so not exactly best source for this kind of thing, but I got the feeling the guy likes to gore and darken up the source, spice it up with self-irony, and sew everything to skeleton made out of pure-geek love and obsession over the original.
He had a sort of El Donte arc in the industry, as the guy liked to come in shattering doors and expectations of 'normal' executives and investors, but he seems to have matured a little to start combining the best of fan-love and big investor money into amazing and unique works of art. He is most known for working on Castlevania series, but personally the show I learned about (and was sold on to give a watch) is Captain Laserhawk.
Captain Laserhawk is Ubisoft doing a RARE INDEED creative take on their stuff, basically they gave Adi creative freedom over every franchise Ubisoft has ever owed, and a result of that was a.... an adult show which roasts the ever-living hell out of Ubisoft, their practices and everything, with Rayman doing news-anchoring, drugs and then having an existential crisis? Oh, and also for animation he specifically commissioned a studio known for the...furry carnal desire series they uploaded to their own page.
The most bizarre thing is that Adi said he had a Ubi-lawyer follow him to every meeting to confirm that, yes, Ubisoft gave a green light to all of this.
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So, uh, yeah gotta give Captain Laserhawk a watch, I wanna see Ubisoft roasted.
Mind you, Captain Laserhawk was Adi given a free-out-of-jail card on going unhinged, so he did not disappoint. His Castlevania show seems to have been loved by all fans, and seems to be much more tone-according to the series, as far as I can tell. At least, I've heard nothing but praise for that series. Also, knowing japanese studios, I think Capcom was keeping a close watch over everything, still, if Adi's previous work is to go by, then this anime is sure going to be
Adi claimed to have played all the DMC titles, so he knows his source, and I now believe that those manga in the latest anime preview weren't for show either. We also know the father of the series, Hideaki Itsuno, oversaw the anime production to some extent, so I'm sure it's going to tonally fit DMC. I also wouldn't mind a darker take on this series at all. The anime would be the perfect form to do that, too, as DMC is a world where demon incursions are a frequent occurrence, this HAS to affect the people of this setting somehow. The games can't really tap too much into that either, cause the gameplay of this series is 'bully your opponent back into hell' basically, these games are f u n, and you can't really have fun gameplay and a depressing story, the tone clash wouldn't really work.
DMC5 tried, but it is still mostly a very fun experience, the tragedy of the Qlipoth attack is highlighted only in the beginning, and the game even ends with Nero brightly lit and looking around the ruins, which works for him as a character, but the human tragedy that happened has already been forgotten by that point.
This is not a critique, I wouldn't have DMC any other way, but I DO want additional material that brings the setting down when we exit the 'sparda idiots' radius, and I feel like with Adi at the helm that's exactly what we might get with the anime. Oh, he also claimed to have been working on the anime all this time since 2018, and with his drive and obsession over every project I feel like Adi is not exaggerating, the production of that size and obsession could have very well taken over five years in the oven.
So yeah, I am now feeling much more excited for the whole thing. That's a very nice feeling)
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weixuldo · 2 years
Enigma// Ch 2
Modern!Anakin x Reader
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(a/n: So I’ve got an idea about this story, but dont worry I’m gonna juggle this one and unconditionally :) as always ty for reading and I hope you enjoy this one just as much as my other stories)
as time goes on you grow closer to Ahsoka, though you still wonder about her friend...
Warnings: cursing, alcohol, mature content?, anakin is an asshole, PTSD, 
A few weeks passed without seeing the group from that night, though you had become closer with Ahsoka. The two of you had exchanged texts and did study sessions quite often. You found that not all D1 athletes were complete assholes. The two of you liked to go club hopping on friday nights and tonight in particular the two of you were already buzzed by 7:30. 
You enjoyed Ahsoka, she could make friends with about anyone, her jovial spirit mixed with her seemingly infinite wisdom drew so many people to you guys. But the more you hung out with her the more you remembered her friend, Anakin. 
You hadn't seen him since the night you first met him, though you wished you could have seen him more.
There was just something so interesting about him…
“Hey!! Ready for a shot?” Ahsoka smiled, placing two small glasses on the table in front of you. You smiled and took one from her. The two of you downed the vials of liquor and began to laugh. 
“Ahhahah, that one burned” she laughed making a face at the drink.
“I’ll get the next round, but we’re doing a mixed drink” you offered, to which she threw a thumbs up. 
She plopped down on the stook next to you and pulled out her phone. Ahsoka was a curious girl, she seemingly could drink forever and not have a hangover, but at the same time keep up her healthy D1 physique and talent. Tonight her hair was in box braids and she sported a simple maroon slip dress. 
You were also dressed up and the two of you were definitely collecting the attention of all kinds of people. You took a look around to look at your fellow attendants, there were some conventionally attractive people, but you couldn’t get her friend out of your head.
Shamefully you had tried to find him on all social media but were saddened to see he either didn’t have a profile or the one he did have, had no posts. You glanced up at your friend who was deeply invested in whatever text conversation she was having on her phone. 
You were filled with liquid courage so why not ask the question that was looming in the back of your mind for months.
“Hey, Ahsoka… remember your friend Ben and the other one?” you asked, trying to sound innocent.
“Yeah, Ben and Anakin,” she said, still typing.
“How do you know them?”
She set her phone down and smiled, “Yeah, so Anakin was my neighbor when I was a kid and he was friends with Ben. But we got a lot closer when they went to high school because they did ROTC and my dad was the Commander for their school. When they would have to go to meets I liked to tag along so they kinda made me like their little sister. but when I finally went to high school ROTC they were already in the real military, so yeah” she shrugged near the end. 
Makes sense why he had all of that military stuff.
“That’s really cool Ahsoka! Ben seems really sweet and so does Anakin… kinda… Is that why you were celebrating with them? Because of the military job? ” you trailed off.
She let out an abrupt laugh, “Sorry! Hah, Anakin isn’t the best at first impressions, and yeah funny thing is I’m gonna be doing basic training with the same sergeant they were under.”
“That's nice” you smiled “And yeah… I really don’t think he wanted anything to do with me”.
She gave you a funny look, “Well, he did let you stay at his house, so he doesn’t totally hate you”
“I was drunk, he probably woulda done that for anyone” you scoffed.
“Hmmm I don't know F/N, He’s quite picky as to who is allowed in his “cave”. He could've just said no.”
You pondered for a moment before speaking again, “Is he nice? Cause he was a little scary”.
“He’s honestly a sweetheart if you get to know him, he just keeps a lot of walls up because he’s scared too.”
“Scared of what?” you asked.
“Scared of people judging him or looking down on him for shit he’s done or shit he deals with” she said flatly. 
“Hmmm…” you smiled. “Maybe not the best time, but is he single?” you asked, alcohol heating your cheeks.
She grinned at that, “Yes, yes he is… why do you ask?”.
“Oh, I don't know…he was kinda cute” you looked away.
“Would you maybe want his number?” she asked
You snapped your head towards her, “Yes?!”.
Both of you started to giggle, “let's order the next round first” you offered.
Once you had your new drinks perched prettily in front of you she began to give you his number. 
“Sooo, I just want to let you know he has a lot of baggage… buuuut you should totally go for it” she smiled.
Baggage? You wanted to uncover his secrets. As you typed his number into your phone you realized neither Ahsoka nor you would be doing this, or even discussing this sober. You hoped she wouldn’t remember all of tonight. 
“just want to make sure, do you think he’d be comfortable with me having his number?” you asked sheepishly.
She giggled and pulled out her phone, “I think he’d be blushing on the other side of the screen”.
“Yeah, I know him really well and ever since we stayed at his place, he’s brought you up several times” she remarked as she sent the contact information.
“Really? Me?” you asked, astonished.
“Mhmm, he's been like “Where's your little friend Ahsoka?” and hinting at inviting my other “Friends” over when we hang out, and I know he knows you’re the only one I usually hang out with outside of them and school” she laughed as she brought her drink to her lips.
Once she was done she added, “and trust me, that is him showing interest. I haven't seen him like this in a long ass time”.
“I don’t think I did anything particularly outstanding to earn his attention” you lamented, adding his contact into your phone. 
She shrugged and finished her drink.
It was now around 10:30 or was it 1:00? Ahsoka was still going strong, dancing with some random people you two had just met. She was quite impressive.
You, on the other hand, were winding down at the bar. you drank more than you usually did and were debating if you should go back to the dorms tonight or find someone to stay with.
Your insides felt warm because of the alcohol sitting nicely in your stomach. Your cheeks were rosy and you were feeling fucking fantastic. You observed the people in the club, some were dancing, others heavily making out, but a couple across the floor caught your attention.
They were sitting together, hands entwined and you saw the guy crane his neck to kiss her head. They looked like they were supposed to be at a romantic picnic, not a club. They were so lovely, so caring, so perfect…
You wanted that. 
You wanted that so bad. 
The alcohol definitely made you bold, because you reached into your purse and pulled out your phone. Before you knew it your message was sent up in a small bubble.
You placed the phone back down but it dinged almost immediately. 
Who is this, and how do you get this number?
“Its F/N, Ahsoka’s friend, and she gave it to  me”
Why do you need my number?
You felt yourself blush, why did you need the number?
“Idk? I have just kinda been thinking abt u…”
He took a while to respond to that
It's Friday, the two of you must be out, how long have you been drinking?
“Maybee, and idkk”
You laughed at his concern, it was kinda cute.
Soon you heard your phone ringing, it was him.
“Hheelloo?” you answered
“How long have the two of you been out?” you heard him say from the other side of the phone. His voice was a tad raspy but just as good as you remembered. 
“Umm, I don't know since like 7:30??”
“Christ! Its fucking 3 in the morning F/N!” he growled.
You felt a nice sensation shoot to your core. Your name sounded so nice on his tongue. You wanted him to say it again.
“We’re fine, we were just gonna get an uber or somethi-” you were cut off by a wobbly Ahsoka.
“Who ya talking to?!” she asked
Giggling you told her “anakin”
She excitedly shouted, “Ahhaha! Hey Sky guy!! Come and *hic* party with us!!”
“Damnit, where are you two?”
Ahsoka giggled and told him the location.
“I’m calling Ben to pick you two up, you better be fucking glad he doesn’t have work tomorrow”
You were saddened at his words, why was he not coming?
“Where exactly is he gonna drop us?” you shot back, harsher than you intended.
You heard him sigh on the other side, “He’ll drop you two at my place, it's not safe for you two to be unsupervised”.
“Says who?” you said back.
“Me. i’m not going to stay on the line with some irresponsible college students”
Ahsoka butted in, “HEY! Don’t act like you were any better than we are, I know for a fact you do just as much as us Anakin Skywalker!” and with that she hung up.
She huffed and crossed her arms, “he thinks he’s so much better than us because, what? He’s older? Cause he doesn’t club? He’s just as bad, he just does it alone” she huffed with a frown. 
(A/N: ok, so if you dont know what ROTC is its basically like the junior military program in highschools, it may just be an american thing? But anyway, ik Ahsoka’s parents arent in actual cannon, so they wont be and integral part of this story anyways. Also I do not condone getting this drunk lmfao)
taglist: @dnamht @sxoulohvn @angeelcoree @wtf-andys @httpeachesblog @katsukiswrld @jetiikote
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honeylikesyanderes · 2 years
Hiiii honey! I hope your having a fantastic day! If You want to answer then could I request yandere karma with a shy timid cute smart/nerdy s/o? They are intelligent but they don’t have friends so he doesn’t really need to manipulate them but they are both still in class e and teenagers so you know bullies and stuff and he’s just clingy and protective of them? Feel free to take your time or ignore bye bye!
hi my love!!
hmm i like your idea anon
i'm just gonna make this a highschool au!
karma and darling are both 18
that being said:
hope you enjoy!
18+ minors dni (like fr, there's violence and blood in this)
gender neutral reader/darling
likes and reblogs are highly appreaciated
if there’s something i missed or something that you're still curious about, feel free to send me another ask!
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karma as a teenager is a bit different from karma as an adult
he's less quiet and a bit more impulsive
but he's still very very charming
kinda like a boyish charm
karma is very popular in high school
especially since its a private school and everyone knows how influential his family is
he's still a lot more mature than his peers
that being said
assuming that darling is the shy intelligent type, teen! karma would be sooo into it-
i think his yandere tendencies with a shy darling would just start off as him being protective
he might not acknowledge that he's a yandere at this time
he might just assume that he's 'protecting someone who can't protect themselves'
then down the line, he gets to know you
and he falls so hard.
you're perfect.
everything he's ever wanted.
so he becomes even more protective
and more clingy
he follows you everywhere
and where he cant follow you, he's either sending bhodi or his sister to follow you.
and when they cant follow you everywhere, our dear karmichael gets an idea.
concealed cameras.
karma has always been tech savvy
so making tiny concealed cameras were a breeze.
(he attached them to your bag and phone when you weren't looking)
a few days after he installs the cameras, he realises that he needs to hear your conversations as well!
he doesn't want any boys asking his beloved out ofc
so after pulling an all-nighter
he created tiny concealed mics!
(he also attached them to your phone and bag when you weren't looking)
(you should really pay attention more to your surroundings darling.)
karma observes you through the cameras
<they're connected to his phone fyi>
btw teen karma is pretty violent towards bullies.
anyone that makes you feel bad for being intelligent/ a nerd?
they come to school with their head bashed in.
someone talking to you in a disrespectful manner cause they know you're shy and you wont say anything back?
they're suddenly seen wearing turtlenecks everyday for the next month.
(rumour says that they have handprints on their neck from an attempted strangulation)
another person touches you in any way without your explicit consent?
they come to school with the arm (or both arms) that they used to touch you spontaneously broken.
a love rival confesses to you even tho youre already his?
they randomly start vomiting blood in 5th period.
(karma's sister is good with poisons)
if darling is a scholarship student and someone makes fun of them for being less advantaged,
karma will report their parents company for tax evasion/fraud/embezzlement/money laundering
this will cause their accounts and assests to be frozen
and they will become paupers overnight.
then it becomes clear to the entire school.
dont fuck with y/n unless you're willing to face the consequences.
darling on the other hand knows that karma is behind the punishments given to their antis
(its kinda obvious, lets be honest)
and they don't mind it too much
they do beg karma to be a little less mean with the punishments
but teen karma is very stubborn, yet still very charming
so he'll manage to convince you that being mean is for the best
cause rich teenagers are dicks.
and they deserved to be treated as such.
basically, teen karma with a shy intelligent darling is basically just karma showing his true nature over and over again.
he's ruthless, unforgiving towards offenders and he is the judge, jury and executioner.
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davekat-sucks · 9 months
actually, if that very polite and not at all deranged karen anon thinks bro's fights with dave were abuse, do they also think dirk/brobot's battles with jake were abusive too or nah because dirkjake are soulmates4evur? and that one was even worse because jake said brobot touched him inappropiately and made him uncomfortable, so add sexual harassment to the list too. oh wait, jake is a man and toxic yaoiz, so nevermind his feelings don't matter, just like jade somehow raising herself since she was a toddler and having to do taxidermy with her dead grandfather's corpse doesn't either. like nuDave said, his friends were just whiny bitches, it's all about that strider self-insert manpain.
i bet baby dirk, who ALSO raised himself and did acrobatic pirouettes off of a building, orchestrated that too since birth with cal. evil son of a bitch. no apple juice in his baby bottle for a month.
and now that i think about it, how come john crocker/poppop didn't transition if june was always meant to be?... nevermind, that is also probably baby jane's fault too for killing him too early at the tender age of 86. add murderer, fascist AND transphobic to HER list of crimes.
omg i cant take it anymore! i dont want my very realistic, gritty, tonally mature and emotionally fulfilling comic be ruined by those beasts! someone stop these bigoted abusive emotionally manipulative babies please! I WARNED YOU ABOUT THOSE BABIES BRO! I TOLD YOU DAWG!
They probably don't think Dirk's brobot on Jake is abusive. Jane may have gone worse with the sexual harassment under the influence of the Juju and the tiaratop when mind controlled by HIC (before actually going on rape in Epilogues), Dirk was able to do it in a more indirect way with his robot and Auto Responder-HAL. Considering what we don't know much about how Alpha Bro Dave raised Dirk, it can be assumed Bro Dave might have been more neglectful of Dirk's feelings before he chose to go fight ICP and dying. Leaving Dirk left alone for himself from then on. The Bro Dave could be like the one we know, thinking of irony and whatnot. So add that personality in an adult form and you got a dude who can't be honest with himself and thinks bad shit is good and any genuine good stuff is bad. Yes, Bro Dave would try to do a good thing in fighting ICP so that HIC won't fully takeover, but it doesn't erase the fact he CHOSE to leave Dirk alone. It's not like Grandpa English, Grandma Harley, or Poppop John Egbert, where they died in accidents. He and Alpha Mom Rose Lalonde, CHOSE to leave their kids behind before the game started. Jane was just lucky to have Dad Crocker around. Poppop's death likely mirrors to Nanna's in that a meteor hit him when Jane and the other kids were sent from it, with Dad Crocker raising her as his daughter. Guess the fandom will think Jane is transphobic for accidentally killing him. But considering it was JOHN himself who sent the kids on the meteor in the first place to make it happen, does that mean he is killing himself in a sort of sense? That's not a good implication at all. Dirk and Dave are awful people, yet nobody calls them out on it.
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wyrmguardsecrets · 16 days
I never fully understood the mdni thing. maybe that's just because I'm someone who grew up on rp and am still in the young adult range so I empathize, but years ago mdni never really existed. There were still 18+ guilds for mature themes don't get me wrong but you'd see minors more commonly rather than them hiding like we tend to see more recently at least thats what ive experienced? Which I feel does more harm than good and this community is so anti-pedo you'd think theyd be more active in protecting minors rather than warding them off from an actual safe space in rp for those who happen to be in the scene. I guess I dont understand being uncomfortable around them (mind if theyre trying to romance rp and stuff, I can see the dilemma- like irl puppy crushes), but otherwise its like are you doing something that would give you reason to be uncomfortable- like are you going to be uncomfortable if a child happens to talk to you in public in real life? That just makes me wary of you as a person but idk is there like reasons I'm overlooking? When it first started people made it into a purely legal thing-"18? now we can erp!!" or "not 18? people will accuse me of being pedo" which is disgusting and I expect nothing less of Moonguardians but please tell me this isnt everyone with mdni?
99% of adults just don't want to interact, befriend or mingle with minors n they don't owe anyone an explanation for it either cuz it's perfectly normal. like yeah you'd not ignore a kid in public space but you also wouldn't invite them over to a party either i fuckin hope
but everyone should be keeping anything over pg13 private cuz yeah kids are around on this teen game
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jesterthebestsir · 4 months
To 🎩 anon (you turned off anon and I'm not sure if that was an accident or not),
"Dear jester I loved reading all that you had said, i found it rather interesting and i feel that we have the same way of processing each event, methodically and in order ! The situations are rather chaotic, but sifting through each element has helped me tremendously to sort out everything.
I deeply thank you for sharing all that with me.
Seems i relate to you even more now, i am also very mature for my age (same as you) and have become rather burnt out with my schooling and life just in general. I was in a period of time where I had lost all sense of feeling, as i had spent years and years tied to people and in lots of emotional turmoil. He got me out of a very awful time, showed me what true love and kindness was. Never have i experienced that in my life, nor did i ever want to. But now that i have, i don't ever want to let go. Even though he is turning 20 in 8 days
At first, i was scared. Couldn't tell him about that specific factor of me. Although recently, i did, and i somehow knew that he had already known, yet was still too afraid i'd get left again. Seems like he cant leave me either but i guess thats a little fucked up hahaha im glad you realise the pros and cons with your situation and know that although you're obsessed with her, you know its for the better to be apart. I am yet to learn that hahaah !
I find solace knowing we have had similar experiences, although how unfortunate they are, we will find what works for us and what helps us get better. I hope you dont mind my little rambling haha I love your posts tremendously and i am glad you are doing better!
i guess i should make an anon hmmm :3
-🎩 anon"
TL;DR: Find a way to wean off him
My situation seems to be somewhat different than yours as you're still in contact with him and know much more about him than I do about her, I'm not sure how deep your obsession is with him but I'll give you some things that'll at least help you wean off him:
Highlight his flaws:
For me, my obsession centered around entitlement and objectification; she was only a girl meant to help ME through MY problems and give ME comfort. Any time it seemed like I was doing something for her, it just so happened that my attempt of self-gratification just so happens to benefit her (EX: I want to kidnap you because I don't see you as your person, but something to be owned). The more I took the time to look at how she looked, her misspellings, and her overall demeanor, I stopped seeing her as a concept meant to please me and more as a person, a person I didn't want to date.
Consider your personality:
As I grew up and started to become my own person, I realized that my personality didn't mesh as well with hers; I was easily distracted, easily annoyed, mentally unstable, emotionally dependant, but physically distant, and hypersexual. That didn't go well with how naive, childish, and go with the flow she could be and that didn't sit right with me. What if I yell at her?! What if she's uncomfortable with my advances, how would I react? What if I become too dependant on her?! Would that annoy her?! Write about him:
I didn't write about her too much, but it did help me realize how truly fucked up our one-sided "relationship" was looking back (even just a day later) at my writings that were begging myself to let go of her really made me break those rose colored glasses
Hang out with friends more:
I know it's insanely cliche, but hear me out!
As I hung out with my friend more and talked to her less, I found myself becoming slightly more dependant on them as they were healthier to be around and can keep me from doing stupid stuff like contacting her again.
Indulge in fiction:
Around 2020, I found myself getting deep into a series (that I still love to this day) that kept my attention and slowly took over my brain, almost replacing my affection for her. I found so many characters that acted just like her and a lot of them annoyed me, which I think solidified my first point of only like her as a concept and not a person.
Consider the future:
Ask yourself: a couple years from now, when you're 18 (assuming you're a minor, but if not just imagine yourself older), do you see yourself with him?
Showing him off to your parents?
Doing mundane tasks non-romantic tasks like doing laundry?
What would being with him look like?
Do you want to get married to him? Have kids? Grow old?
How romanized is your future with him? When you look at your future with him do you see an ideal person, an almost god-like being with zero flaws or do you see him?
My answer to half of these questions was,"God no"
Like I said before, I don't know much about your situation; how long you've known him, how long you've talked to him, ect ect. so these might not be helpful, but I, at the very least, want you to distance yourself from him a bit, especially if the age gap is as bad as mine (16/21).
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visionthefox · 6 months
I agree, it felt like Sun wasn't saying everything, and hasn't for a very long time, and the only time when he speaks his mind are his outbursts, and those are just yelling and screaming rather than processing things, it makes sense though why he'd be like that When Old Moon was around, Sun couldn't talk things out with him because Old Moon rarely had a supportive response, and more often than not he was ignored, brushed off, mocked, belittled, or had it turned on him, and while New Moon is better in that he has voiced support for Sun, after everything with Old Moon and New Moon sharing the anger and some of the habits, Sun may not feel like he can open up with New Moon Lunar is their little brother, who isn't the most mature, and he also has a lot with all the astral stuff going on, and when he was first introduced he was Old Eclipse's ally, and while he has moved far past that since then, it all does not make him the best candidate for it either Earth is great with this stuff, but as you've said, family members should not be therapists for their family, it's just too close to be effective most of the time, I also wonder if he feels like he can't open up because she's family, that he doesn't want to burden her with his much darker thoughts, or because of the stuff happening with the Creator before getting rid of Forgor every time Sun or Moon would talk about the Creator Earth would have a negative reaction, both might be a reason why he doesn't want to open up to her though I personally feel like its because he doesn't want to burden her Monty would more likely make fun of Sun as Monty doesn't take Sun seriously, not like he does with both Moons, and Foxy I am not sure about, are they anything more than acquaintances because of the whole FC thing? Sun never got close enough to Solar for them to have a connection despite Solar having a positive effect on the others, like how he was giving Earth therapy for her issues And nevermind counting on anybody else Sun basically doesn't have nor feel comfortable talking genuinely with anybody around him, he never has, and I can't see anybody besides maybe Earth being able to help him process everything in a way that isn't screaming, that is not good for mental health in the long-run, he needs someone that can get him to talk, and that he can talk things through with, who can take the darkest stuff with maturity and empathy, at least that's what it feels like to me
yeyeye im with ya anon! Sun is keeping A LOT of things hidden and locked on his mind. and I can tell if is actually a canon move or more of a bias look of our side since for us? makes sense he just-- cant ! he cant be as open because his issues arens as easy as " I feel less" or "im stress out" is way deep.. this dude is been alive over 12 years now- 10 years of Moon hitting him, mocking him , telling how stupid he is, how he pushed him aside- Golden never sided with Sun unless he was begging him to.. now sure, he has nice people around, but after having to bottle up your feelings over 10 years, is not easy to let go.. the time he did he got locked in a bunker to be forced to look at himself.. how much did that silly move on OldMoon damage him? enough to make him worry to speak up too much. Eclipse had to say some truth to Sun.. he is rather violent when he lets go of his fear.. (I totally believe Eclipse didnt give him the power to lift Monty to a wall, nah , that was all Sun's force! he never dare to use) I feel with Earth is both - dont want to stress her out and lack of trust, she's been a sister for 2 half years.. for me? is not enough time for Sun to even let her know all of his issues.. he cant tell how well she will reach to him being too open to what he feels and how he thinks on his dark moments.. and those issues are.. down deep and bad, as I showed once, his self steem is nearly up but not enough, he still thinks he is too stupid to help! when he literally was capable of so much! he feels he's weak, he killed a wither storm! , and the "you used to be happy" or "you look better now" dont help at all when he is here, sitting after a shock, walking in after being left alone for too long, putting on a happy ask again.. I know she NOT meant any harm, but in her own shock she wants to think he is ok.. now, we need to also keep in mind, the support did helped him, to at least let go for some bad habits! but we can see its not a constant help, specially now, he feels less due to this all.. (I had a test over his drinking but thats off topic) ANYWAYS YES YES YOU RIGHT ANON! as a whole Sun is a liar, who hides his true self under a "im all ok" smile, when he cant, he lets out sooo small pieces of the bigger image, and when he sense is "not the best time" he puts his mask again. now.. Will Moon notice the mask? Old Moon didnt.. will he try to TALK to him? face to face? or will rather do the "go talk to her, I cant help you" when all Sun needs is to FACE his brother and know he HEARS him.. Old Moon never cared to try.. so Sun can only Assume NewMoon is just the same way.. he cant bring himself to care when "theres a bigger issue here!"
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