#i also cannot believe they had him post that video with the caption
edwinspaynes · 12 days
Love how upset the fandom at large is on behalf of George. Netflix did him so dirty.
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accio-victuuri · 9 months
cpn time: yibo’s new songs 🎧
here we are, two songs and a bunch of short video clips later, but this post will be more about the lyrics. if you haven’t listened to the tracks then please enjoy bystander and everything is lovely first before anything else. i’m so thankful that wyb has kept his promise to fans of bringing us a new song every year and also performing it during nye. he may not be the most obvious when it comes to appreciating his fans but this is the best example of his commitment to sharing himself to fans and treating us.
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i will start with some minor clues before we get into the lyrics and all that clowning interpretation. 🙇‍♀️
1. The first 3 photos that yibo-official released as soon as it turned 12:00, one of them was color pink, or you can say, very light shade of red. His photos released before had a more solid red like that from a traffic light but this one leans more towards pink.
A very nice choice of color knowing how he relates pink to being the color of love and and all the other symbolism we attached to it.
& when yibo posted it, he placed the pink one in the middle vs yibo-official’s who placed it on the right.
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2. Same choice of words between their studios, especially with reference to the gap of time. We are definitely looking closer than a normal fan would when it comes to their studio’s captions, edits, posting time etc and to a normal fan this would just fly over their head. but the amount of coincidence between the two is too much!
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3. QQ released parts of the lyrics and this one, the chorus of everything is lovely ( up to the part talking about love of coming home ), the word love was mentioned 23 times. Love Zhan. I mean, we all know this boys loves 2 and 3 😂😂😂
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4. The timing of release for their projects this day. Another example of how they don’t overlap with the day or time. XZ’s marie claire was between 10-12 and then WYB stuff of course started coming out at 12:00. this follows their pattern 👀
5. I really like what this bxg discovered, the way everything is lovely was written, if you turn in upside down it may read wyb loves xz. 🤯🤯🤯
for those of us who have been subjected to xz’s artwork and the little things he hides, this should be believable to you. he is known to do these things, even without the cpn intention.
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I gotta say, i’m leaning more towards this song, i didn’t expect it! I just love how it sounds and i’m with those who felt nostalgic while listening to it. it seems familiar and brand new at the same time. The melody of the first few lines got me thinking of words ( bee gees ) and the guitar/drums played are excellent too! I hope he sings this with a live band please! 🙏🏼
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I often watch, listen and feel like reaching out to touch.
Holding a handful of seawater to see it’s dreamlike color.
this is more of a song ( atleast to me ) that speaks of who WYB is as a person. a bystander/spectator/onlooker. he is someone who observes people and keeps quiet first before engaging. but that doesn’t mean he is indifferent, in this song, he talks about admiring the things around him.
i’m also thinking of a wish to be a bystander. XZ/WYB repeatedly said that the super power they wish to have in invisibility so they just roam around without people noticing them. in a way, it’s wyb’s ( and by extension xz ) wish to be able to do this.
Embrace all the joys and sorrows of life. Listen to the plucked feathers speak, wings aiming for the vast sky.
Watch a fallen leaf repeating until the four seasons bring it back to the branch. I cannot see another galaxy but believe in me in a more distant place.
i see this as basically yibo and zz’s view in life, they are willing to go through the good and bad. their lives may seem ideal because they are celebrities but it’s far from that so they just have to focus on the good.
Don’t ask me what i’m looking for, let life pass through.
it’s him just wanting to be left alone, to allow him to go through his life without people watching his every move. or maybe there isn’t anything he is looking for or aiming for, he is just enjoying and going through his life. This line speaks to me so much! There’s really no need to be constantly trying to achieve things and be exhausted by the end of it. Sometimes, it’s okay to sit back and enjoy the simple things.
I have discussed this song before, especially the chorus that covers a lot of the CPNs. I feel the same way about my interpretation of those lines even after learning the lyrics of the whole song.
My hands, accustomed to patting my head, opening up the memory of the river and pond. There are always a few good friends by the side.
Listening to the cicadas, watching the fishing boats.
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WYB who likes to pat his head as an example 😂 so this is really from his POV and a more personal touch to start this song.
Listening to the cicadas and watching the fishing boat? This paints a picture of them during CQL shoot and hanging out.
I’m cackling tho at bxg interpretation of the lines that talk about river & ponds and then him having friends on the side. So who are the friends by that pod? Turtles? LOL. 😂😂😂😂
How to distinguish between people, whether post-00s are young or very mature.
This is so WYB. Reminding us of when he always made a point to say that GG looks so young or that they have no age gap 🥹🥹🥹
Under the mud, lotus roots finally grown. Please, lotus flowers do not look back.
Lotus roots/ Lotus flowers. What a peculiar choice to include in the song. Maybe there is some deeper explanation here that has something to do with culture or what but as a clown, our minds went to CQL.
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It’s a part of the story and who can forget that behind the scenes of WYB pulling out those lotus seeds for XZ? 🙃
I tightly hold on to the people i once lost.
I like the way some people have interpreted this line. If what we think is true, that they lost each other at some point after the cql shoot then this line makes sense. They had some time apart after that shoot and XZ went to Japan to clear his head. The people around them also encouraged to take this time away from each other and get out of character. But they still found their way back as XZ/WYB. 🤍
The main thing in this song tho is— everything is lovely because you (xz) are in everything. 😭😭😭😭
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r0-boat · 10 months
Random Emmet hcs
Just a collection of random thoughts I had about him every once when I had various thoughts about him. Or things I've changed my mind about when I made posts like this similar in the past. Anyways enjoy! ( I miss writing Submas :( )
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Sfw below cut for length
Follow me on this blog for multifandom writing content (mostly Pokemon)
He's very competitive when it comes to anything with competition although he's very good at Pokemon battles, because to him winning a battle not only means better in skill and raising your Pokemon but also a bigger Bond with trainer and companion he is actually happy when he loses because it still means he has a lot to learn and grow which he is always happy to know more, and he gets to see a happy trainer and happy Pokemon celebrate their victory is there a greater reward than that? But for some reason video games he becomes a sore loser no yelling no Tantrums just silent anger stowing in his Petty thoughts he'll never act out.
He was lying on his living room floor with a blanket topped over him in a T-shirt and sweatpants when he was sick because, for some reason, the floor felt better than his own bed.
Hangs up memes around the office or sends his friends semi cursed images / memes for no reason with little too no explanation. And has a whole folder in his phone just for joltik/other bug pokemon image memes, just in case he needs to react to anything he can't put into words.
I still think he likes to play scary games but his favorite ones are the ones he gets to play with his friends and laugh at their deaths. Skyla and Emmet give each other Petty nicknames and fight with each other on the regular especially over text online and in games. They fight like siblings which is funny because image is actually really close with his brother and doesn't understand why a lot of people aren't packed with their siblings. Sometimes, your sibling's actions can get on your nerves, but their family are sometimes the only ones who can understand you.
He takes self degradation even if they're jokes very seriously.
If Emmet could he would be a full-time joltik breeder I mean don't get me wrong he probably has dozens of them but I mean those breeders that have cool morphs of like certain lizards, snake and insects. Because I refuse to believe in the world of Pokémon that they are no Pokemon that are the same species but with different patterns/ fur or scale color/ breeds etc. He tried to do it himself, but he was stopped by a certain someone
Emmet cannot have TikTok downloaded as much as he loves the app; he will spend hours and hours on it and flood his poor brother and Friends with 99+ notifications. One of the depot agent managers runs the official TikTok account, and before they post anything, both brothers have to check for inappropriate content.
Emmet is either very photogenic or takes very cursed blurry photos there is no between. They'll either be a photo that looks almost professionally done with perfect lighting with his loose tie and shirt half buttoned while another one will have the lighting making it look like his eyes are glowing while the entire photo is dark with his hand coming down on the camera with a caption that says "POV: you're a bug Pokemon"
Still trying to win Nimbasa's hottest Bachelor after his brother who had one the last 3 years in a row😔
Genshin player/bias
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lovelylionh3art · 10 months
i am genuinely so upset rn. i dont think ill be able to read jegulus ff anymore, and im genuinely distraught. basically i had a regulus to my james. im an enfp for context and i genuinely act way too much like james its scary. and my girlfriend was so much like regulus. she was a little mean, okay alot mean. and she had a dry humour, it was hilarious. and we dated originally for like almost 6 months. then she broke up with me cus she was going through things mentally and couldnt handle a relationship, then eneded up getting with someone two weeks later which (??) but anyway she eventually broke up with him and sent me a huge apology and we were friends for like three weeks? maybe a month? idk. she posted this video talking about a girl in the caption and all of my friend group were really confused cus she hadnt spoke about likening anyone, i found out that she was still inlove with me and really wanted to try again because she knows she fucked up alot and really didn’t wanna loose me, and im weak and i was still inlove with her too, so i gave in -kind of- because i basically told her i wasnt in the right mindset for a full relationship, we could get there eventually but not atm. and she was okay with that and we took it slow for a couple weeks.
then it happend again… -kind of- because this boy has started liking her from our school, and she says its not related but i have no clue. she messaged me saying that she doesn’t think we should get back together, that we dont suit each other and that
get this
she loves too little and i love too much.
you know what makes that gut renching?
i read a jegulus fanfiction the night after that happened and that exact -word-for-word- sentence was in it.
i fucking balled im not kidding. i was so so broken after that. because i had so so much faith in her to change for the better, to be able to let herself love without feeling guilty or undeserved. and i didn’t know how to help her and i feel so horrible about that you have no clue. i harbour so much guilt for not being able to give her a safe enough space to come out of her shell, or let herself sink into her feelings. and i know logically its not my fault but i still feel guilty about it.
she isnt a physical touch person at all, she struggles with it, and she also struggles with communication and talking about her feelings. and thats just not workable for me. i need to be able to talk about problems in a relationship otherwise it eats at me and i overthink it.
we are two completely different people and i genuinely thought we made it work really well, i loved her. she loved me. i was so so ready to hurt and work for us, but she wasnt. and i cant change that. i can hope and want and wish. but i cant change anything. she made her decision and now im stuck at the fucking restaurant and even if shes still in the building shes at a different table in the corner and i cant see her anymore. she might even be stting with someone else and im still at our spot, alone and waiting. i shouldnt be waiting. she already paid the check. but ill sit here until the owner kicks me out and even them ill wait outside for it to open again.
im spiralling and i cannot believe let all this happen twice. but its just who i am.
so yes, this is why i dont think ill be able to read jegulus anymore.
(sorry for this)
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duckprintspress · 2 years
"And Seek (Not) to Alter Me" Story Teasers: Theresa Tanner and Nova Mason
Presenting And Seek (Not) to Alter Me: Queer Fanworks Inspired by William Shakespeare's "Much Ado About Nothing"
Duck Prints Press has launched our second Kickstarter, running now through April 14th, 2022 - And Seek (Not) to Alter Me, a gorgeous collection featuring the work of 16 authors and 16 artists in a full-color, A4 size soft cover size-style book!
Today, we're highlighting 2 more of our authors...
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Author Spotlight: Theresa Tanner
Biography: Theresa Tanner (she/her): My father’s family was in newspaper journalism, and he taught me how to get to the heart of a story and how to proofread. My mom was an Army doctor, and her family included a long history of educators. I grew up to teach high school science and write stories, so I’d like to think both sides would be proud of me. When I retire from teaching, I plan to pursue writing as my second full-time career. When not teaching or writing, I enjoy playing with my cat, video games, knitting, listening to music, streaming TV, and, of course, reading. I live in West Texas now, but have lived in Maryland and Germany, and have traveled through much of the United States and Western Europe.
I’ve written several novels with the help of NaNoWriMo, although none are yet published. I have several hundred works on Archive of Our Own, primarily in the Supernatural and Yuri!!! on Ice fandoms. I currently also enjoy Miraculous Ladybug, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Boku no Hero Academia, Star Wars, Star Trek, Mass Effect, and The Lord of the Rings.
Story Title: Hero’s Moon
Tags: love letters, misunderstandings, mistaken identity, mlw, pining, setting: college, setting, college, wlw
“You’re not cursed. No such thing as curses.” Beatrice quickly tossed the letter she hadn’t quite finished toward the trash, then picked up the phone. It was open to Hannah’s Instagram, recognizable by her profile picture: a basketball hanging in space like a sun, with a tennis ball and a golf ball “in orbit” like a planet. Beatrice had been avoiding Hannah’s social media; she did not care to find out Dick Boy was real and not a figment of Hannah’s imagination. “Okay, what’s my cousin got to do with anything?”
Another long groan, and Claudia tangled her fingers in her long black hair, pulling it ever so slightly. “She’s so… perfect! I always knew there was never much hope. Only a fool’s hope.”
“Uh-oh. You’re quoting Gandalf. This is serious.” Beatrice looked more closely at Hannah’s Instagram feed. The first picture was of the moon. That made sense—every full moon, Hannah took pictures and shared the best one, captioned with a fun fact about the moon. Next post down was a picture of Uranus with a moon in transit, captioned I wonder if Margaret ever gets tired of the jokes about mooning her dad? “Who’s Margaret?”
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Author Spotlight: Nova Mason
Biography: Nova Mason spent a significant portion of her childhood fantasizing about dragons, spaceships, and other worlds. She is now, allegedly, a grown-up, with two kids, and more varied interests. Dragons, spaceships, and other worlds are still pretty high in the list, though.
Story Title: The Journal of Don Pedro; or, the Straights Are At It Again
Tags: asexual character, canon compliant, mistaken character death, pov first person
Well, if I cannot throw off the scent of the wedding-hounds by a marriage of my own, then I shall have to throw them on the trail of another. Luck is with me, for Beatrice proposed two targets for Cupid’s bow: my brother, and Benedick. I confess I am not confident of my brother’s adequacy for the task. She finds him handsome, but I know not his inclinations for love. I know Benedick. He rails against the sacrament and the very notion of love; I believe his fiery passion against it can be diverted to flow another direction. Leonato, Claudio, and Hero have joined my cabal and vowed to assist. With luck, Leonato will gain not only a son, but also a promised nephew before the wedding bells ring on Monday.
Want to know more about And Seek (Not) to Alter Me? Check out our Kickstarter campaign!
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kuroos-moon · 4 years
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E-girl S/o 
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☾ pairings: ushijima x reader, oikawa x reader, kuroo x reader 
☾ request: headcanons for Ushijima, Oikawa and Kuroo reacting to or being interested in/dating a girl that is kinda goth/e-girl/edgy? Like they wear a lot of black, like scary movies and video games, have a very sarcastic personality?
☾ warning/s: none
☾ a/note: not rlly sure if i did e-girls justice on this one im sorry 
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Ushijima Wakatoshi 
• Doesn’t get the “oh, I didn’t expect girls like y/n are your type” 
• Like?? Uhm, wdym it’s self-explanatory you’re just so eye-catching 
• Yes, you caught the Ushiwaka’s eye 
• You’re not dating or anything, let alone have started a conversation 
• But there’s an impressive number of people who know he likes you a lot
• Wakatoshi’s blunt and genuinely honest for most times if not all of his life 
• “You like anyone?” “Yes.” “Really? Is it that cute girl from your cl-
• “Y/n L/n.”  
• Knows how much you love black bc it’s not rlly hard to miss, you wear it on you every chance you get
• And now you’ve cursed him with remembering you every time he sees the color 
• You heard of the rumors that one of the nation’s top three aces likes you and you don’t believe them ofc 
• Not that you don’t know you’re pretty, you love your reflection but you just reckon you’re not his type yk? 
• He’s more of an admire and fall for you more from afar type of dude
• Totally stops and stare when you walk in the gym wearing a short black skirt and a black top, with boots and chains and all 
• Doesn’t know a thing about fashion but damn, you’re so hot?? 
• Cannot hear even his own coach
• Hopes you’re not going on a date 
• “Geez, y/n, is it someone’s funeral?” “Ah, Satori-chan, why are you even out of your cascket?” 
• Kinda thinks you’re mean bc you’re sarcastic and his humor rlly isn’t up to your level lmao sorry but he wants to know what’s it like to actually talk to you 
• So he does, once he bumps into you on his way out of the gym and you just awkwardly stare at each other 
• “I like your style. Your outfit.” He says, and he is not even shy on the outside at least
• “uh thanks?” you just kinda smile at him bc ydk what youre supposed to do this is wakafreakingtoshi we’re talkin bout 
• “you like black a lot.” “yeah, I do, what of it?” 
• “you really look good in it. You own the color,” he says that like it’s no big deal before he walks away 
• You totally crush on him after that encounter 
• Basically, he doesn’t have a type. he cannot distinguish cute girls, e-girls, or any ‘type’ of girls
• What he could so naturally distinguish though, is you—his lovely darling in black—and the rest of the female population he couldn’t care less for 
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Oikawa Tōru 
• You’re his most treasured babygirl and no he doesn’t take any criticism 
• Your taste in fashion? 💯/💯
• Is maybe a tad bit too in love with your pretty boy and e-girl dynamic in pics bc his Instagram is flooded with them 
• Hypes you up in your socials, in his, and in real life 
• Goes for captions like: “choke me like you hate me, y/n-chan” and “step on me and I’ll apologize instead” 
• He’s so cheesy but you love it :>
• Lets you pick out his clothes once in a while though you have different tastes and preferences 
• You return the favor too sometimes and it’s not even a compromise on either of your parts 
• You just have fun with your own things and you’re having fun in trying out things the other likes too yk? 
• One thing that shortens his lifespan is when you watch horror movies together 
• HOW ARE YOU NOT SCARED? Loves spending nights like this with you nonetheless though
• “y/n-chan is the ghost gone?” “yup, you could open your eyes now.” “thank g- hey!” 
• Is the rare male teenager who’s kinda knowledgeable in make-up products bc of u
• He knows what kind of eyeliner you use and if he sees something kinda cool when he’s out, he’ll buy it for you
• Or tell you about it: “y/n-chan do you know this eyeliner called ***? I don’t know if it was the lady’s sales talk but I think you’ll like it”—wholesome and thoughtful
• Flexes you a lot and will not tolerate all the “Tōru and y/n don’t really look good together” 
• “Right? She just doesn’t complement him right.”
• He’s childish and more so when agitated, not even Iwaizumi could hold him back
• “Oh yeah? THEN LOOK AT MY FABULOUS NAILS” flexes all ten of his fingers which you painted black just last night on your bedroom floor 
• You just flip your hair in their direction and drag Toru away bc you’re too unbothered <33 
• “y/n-chan back me up here, you have the bitchiest attitude towards me so let’s work together and unleash our sass on them so they shut up, okay?” 
• It’s really rare for him to be that way with his fans but he’s the numero uno y/n-stanner ofc he won’t take that crap 
• “your makeup and taste in clothes aren’t even half as good as y/n’s.” sticks his tongue out ✨maturely✨
• Hates when he has to play Karasuno bc you once mentioned you could imagine Tobio having the same aesthetic as you 
• You also might’ve jokingly told him that “Toru I should’ve gotten a boyfriend from Karasuno, it’d be cool to tie their jacket around my waist and cheer for him at the same time.” 
• Was so mad at you about it and refused to talk to you for days because he’s just so not childish at all 
• “Ugh, why don’t they just change their team color to pure orange. Chibi-chan domination.” 
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Kuroo Tetsuro
• Already took an interest in you from what he observes is an interestingly snarky character 
• Has been seeing you in only your uniform at first though but then he finds himself thinking a bit too much about you one night
• Stalks your Instagram <33 
• Jaw drops, heart beats a tad bit faster, his yearning grows 
• You’re so pretty. So good in black. Your poses? The whole vibe of your feed? He doesn’t know what to do with his admiration you’re just so freaking meant for him
• He gets it’s not the usual style for most girls in school, and tbh he didn’t know he’d like it so much, he just does now
• Knows there was no saving him once he starts imagining scenarios about you before he goes to bed
• This dork starts to know more things about you—it’s really cool that you play the same games as him 
• Is up to date on your posts, your ig story, and your tweets but why in the world are you still not in bed at 3 in the morning? 
• You just love gaming, huh? Should he start a conversation with you about it? He played that often too with Kenma
• He just can’t seem to though bc he’s nervous and lowkey intimidated 
• Once witnessed you jokingly exchange snarky comments with your friends and you even flipped them off 
• It’s settled then, he’ll graduate without talking to you sad kuroo noises 
• You once posted a pic flexing your matte black nails on a weekend and when the weekday came, he was so excited to see them in person 
• But your nails are no longer painted, and he was so disappointed bc they looked rlly attractive to him 
• Voices out his thoughts mindlessly. “You removed your nail polish.” 
• Everyone—including you—is surprised. Your desks aren’t even next to each other but his body was facing you 
• Cringes internally once he realizes he had said it but is so surprised when you smile at him. 
• “It’s not allowed in school, it’s a shame, you think they were pretty too, right?” 
• He cannot function, he totally did not prepare for this—and to think he had so many nights imagining different scenarios about you. 
• He was rlly popular and you thought you acted too confident; you just curse yourself for it. “Oh, uh sorry I thought you saw my post.” 
• You look away, embarrassed. “Yeah,” he chuckles a bit. You cringe. 
• “Black really suits you, and your nails were pretty, wish I could’ve seen them today, that’s all.”
• And who would’ve thought your relationship would bloom since then 
• All because he’s so interested and mesmerized with everything about you <3 
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General Taglist [Open]: @noyasbitchh @dinablossom @haru-the-secret @strayczennies @lalisbitch @tinymidgetsstuff @animebs @astrealia @kittykitkatstrawberry @hajimesbbygrl @kellesvt @24hr7dysdizzy @arnxldss @elianetsantana @vicassa @floraraine @beanst0ck @leinnah @kageyamasgirl @deafeningart @minibobabottle   @franko-pop @moonlightaangel @throughtheinterstices @micasaessakusa @dixonsbugaboo @thevillagehiddenintheinternet @ultzuko
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ranveer--singh · 4 years
A little boy’s idol
A/N - I decided to write a fluffy one shot with Henry Cavil having a son because of his ig post for father’s day. Hope you all enjoy this, likes, comments and reblogs are much appreciated. 
Thanks to my lovely betas @footballfangurl and @lawsandother for reading this and helping me expand my ideas. Love edit/manip by @eastwesthomeisbest​
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If anyone wants to be added or deleted from the tag please dm me
Tags: @sciapod @littlefreya @yespolkadotkitty @chamomilebottom @iloveyouyen @fishcustardandclintbarton @hell1129-blog @captainbigdy @jolly-polly @demivampirew @ellixthea @shellbilee @dangerouslovefanfic @luclittlepond @mary-ann84 @avsensio @madbaddic7ed @brexrif @dancingwendigo @wondersofdreaming @viking-raider @evnscvll @penwieldingdreamer @emelinelovesjc @seb-owns-these-tatas @iguessweallcrazyithinktho
"Daddy," 4-year-old Aarush spoke, waddling into the main bedroom in his superman onesie. Henry had just woken up, rubbing his eyes and letting out a huge yawn. "Daddy," Aarush spoke, not able to get on the bed which made him cry softly.
Henry jumped out of the bed like a lightning bolt when he heard his son cry. He embraced the 4-year-old in his arms, rubbing his back softly. 
"Daddy," Aarush repeated, wiping his eyes with his hands, looking up at Henry with such admiration.
"Yes buddy," Henry said, stroking his son's curls and giving him a kiss on the forehead.
"I want to be like you," Aarush said softly poking at Henry's arm. This made Henry's heart burst with joy, his son had his curls and his nose but had his wife’s eyes and pout. They were so similar, even in their actions, that his wife sometimes teased him about it.
Aarush showed his arms, making Henry smile just watching his kid imitate him. Only a week ago did Henry sit with Aarush as they watched the movie man of steel. He took a real liking to superman and wanted to be just like him. 
"Buddy, do you know what makes superman strong?" he asked softly, trying to not wake his wife up. Aarush shook his head no, looking at Henry talk with his eyes opened curiously. Henry placed a hand on Aarush's chest.
"His heart, it makes him stronger. Gives him the strength and courage to succeed," Henry spoke softly, getting this warm fuzzy feeling just talking about superman to his son. Aarush crookes his head to the right just like Henry does, looking confused about what was said. 
"Buddy, you know superman has an 's' on his chest," Henry spoke, looking at Aarush trying to process the information.
"Yes daddy, it's the red 's'," he giggled, smiling as he remembered the iconic 's'.
"Well done, buddy," Henry smiled, ruffling his son's hair. "Now that 's' is a sign of hope, it means you're striving to become a better person." Aarush smiled, listening to Henry talk so fondly about superman made him happy. He clapped his hands, excitement coursing through his body.
"Daddy can we go watch sups," He couldn't say superman, so would end up saying sups. Henry smiled again at the reminder that his son was almost a carbon copy of him, loving superhero movies and enjoying watching him play video games. Aarush also idolised superman and was always sleeping in superman pyjamas.
Henry turned his head to see his angelic wife fast asleep next to him. She is currently pregnant with their second child, which they were overjoyed about. He was looking forward to meet his new little princess and see her running around like a little copy of his wife. 
He swooped Aarush into his arms, leaning down to shower him with multiple kisses to the face.
"Daddy," Aarush squealed, looking up at Henry with such love. Henry smiled down at his son, cannot believe how lucky he was to have Aarush as a son. He leans down again to pepper him with more kisses, enjoying the little squeals coming out of his son's mouth. 
Henry held onto his son firmly, getting up from the bed as quietly as possible so as to not disturb his wife. He walked down 2 flights of stairs to the cinema room slowly, which was located in the basement. He pushed the door open, switching on the lights, every few seconds glancing down to see Aarush clutching at his chest hair. His head resting on Henry's chest gave the perfect opportunity for Henry to stroke his hair again.
"Buddy you look tired, let's watch the movie another time," Henry said quietly, stroking Aarush's chubby cheeks with his index finger.
"Nooo, daddy, sups time, sups time," Aarush insisted, lifting his head up to look at Henry with a tired half-smile. This made Henry melt inside, could his son be any cuter. He walked towards the big red leather recliners, slowly sitting down with Aarush in his hands.
Henry grabbed the remote and flicked through countless movies stored on the TV. Finally, he finds Man of Steel and presses play, telling Aarush to turn around as the movie is starting. Henry couldn't help himself from hugging his only son.
Aarush would clap every time superman was on screen, calling out "sups, sups," making Henry feel immensely proud. Henry now started to play with Aarush's curls, exactly how his wife would do. It always made both father and son relaxed as they lay into her arms.
In the middle of the movie, Aarush shuffled around trying to find a comfortable position on Henry's lap. He could tell Aarush was tired, by the number of times he yawned and by the way that he started leaning against Henry's chest.  
The movie was coming to an end, Henry looking down to see Aarush was fast asleep. His small hands grabbed at his chest hair for support. Henry smiled, brushing the small curls away, bending down to give Aarush soft kisses on his chubby cheeks. 
Henry didn't want to move from his seat, he was happy and content with Aarush laying on him. He enjoyed stroking those curls, just humming a soft melody. This was the perfect way to spend his morning with his son watching superman.
He didn't hear his wife had now come down the stairs, walking towards the door and peering in to see Henry and Aarush bonding. The sight in front of her, got her heart melting as a huge smile spread across her lips. 
She unlocked her phone and raised it, snapping many photos of the father and son duo. When she had told Henry she was pregnant with their first child, he was over the moon, buying many baby books and getting advice from his brothers.
When Henry found out she was pregnant with their second child, he couldn't keep his hands off her. Any spare time he got, he would rub her feet, make her some cheesy dish, even take Aarush to the park. 
He was a very hands-on father, since the pregnancy of their second child, he took it upon himself to look after a very active Aarush. While she would sleep or need her alone time, Henry would read to his son, helping him count as well as teaching him about life. 
She found it hard to choose one particular photo of her two favourite boys. Then finding the perfect one of Henry wrapping his arms around Aarush, kissing his face which showed how much he loved him. Since Henry was married and had children he didn't mind posting about his personal life from time to time.
Opening Instagram, she selected the picture to post, writing the caption which defined Henry:
"A true hero isn't measured by the size of his strength, but by the size of his heart."
She tagged him in the post, smiling as the picture was now out online for everyone to see. Closing the phone, she shoved it back into her pocket watching as his phone pinged with a notification. 
She watched as Henry grabbed his phone, unlocking it to see what he was tagged in. A huge grin spread across his face, the picture melted his heart. He read the caption, looking up to see his wife had walked into the room. 
"Hey baby," she chimed, walking over to sit on the armrest. She reaches out to run her fingers through Henry's curls, moving them away from his face. 
"Hi," he spoke, yawning softly. She leaned across to press a delicate kiss to his lips, making sure not to wake up Aarush. Henry smiled, pulling back to place his free hand on the baby bump. Her eyes fluttered as she felt the baby kick.
Henry grinned, looking up at his wife with such admiration. 
"Thank you for the post, love, you made me the happiest man." She smiled, stroking his cheek with the back of her hand. 
"You're welcome baby," she said softly. Suddenly her stomach rumbled, making them both laugh, looking down at her stomach.
"Let's go put Aarush to bed, then make some food," she chimed.
"Sounds like a plan," he chuckled, wrapping his arms tightly around Aarush so he wouldn't fall as he got up. 
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fvckyouimaprophet · 3 years
this is your annual reminder that taika waititi brought his personal assistant (who is 12.5 years younger than him)—with whom he was having an affair—to be there for his second child’s birth and then dipped to go spend a week with her in nyc while his wife took care of their newborn and 3-year-old kid.
and his wife, chelsea winstanley—who has worked with him and constantly talked about how among creative couples, husbands get all the credit and women get categorized as their wife—worked on jojo rabbit as a producer and posted a photo at the oscars with her mother and captioned it: “way better date than a seat filler! (for those of who who have sent me sweet uplifting messages you know what I mean).”
EDIT (4/30/22): This post has had a resurgence with OFMD, so I wanted to add a few things based on notes and asks I’ve gotten.
I cannot find the source, and I’m pretty sure it was deleted, but there are bits of this out there if you Google (particularly Chelsea Winstanley’s comments). Essentially, the original things I saw were a deep, stalker-ish social media dive of him, his personal assistant, and other people who were around him but not famous (mostly crew).
There were screenshots/videos of stories of him at house parties while he was married with his personal assistant on his lap and his arm around her and their faces basically against each other (in the background of videos in ways the poster might not have noticed). Maybe even of them kissing, but I’m not 100%. The personal assistant also posted about going to visit Chelsea Winstanley with him (I believe hospital photos or something of that sort). Somewhere within the next two days, the personal assistant posted photos in NYC with Taika Waititi. If I recall correctly, I believe while he was in NY, Chelsea Winstanley posted about the difficulty post-childbirth and dealing with this alone (the details are a little fuzzy at this point). The post did include links wherever possible (eg not for Instagram stories or Facebook posts but to Twitter and Instagram; those did understandably start to get deleted after they were linked to and got traffic/comments, however).
Chelsea Winstanley has said things (like what I referenced above) that make it clear it was a very bumpy divorce.
All that said, I obviously don’t think it’s right to stalk random people. I’m not condoning that bit of it, but it was very clearly all true.
And while I don’t think this means you can’t ever enjoy his work, I think the fact that he’s gotten the status of Very Enlightened Man whose interviews have also been pointed to as proof of his thoughtfulness around feminism and portrayals of women… is a little suspect. I posted this with the caption “pls stop praising this man as a revolutionary with radical politics,” and that’s what this comes down to.
I also wanted to acknowledge that he abused a power dynamic (as someone who is personally very sensitive about those issues and the ways men are able to whitewash or rehabilitate their image).
I’m cautious of stan culture generally and placing celebrities on pedestals. I’m cautious of thinking you know a celebrity because of the image their PR team has helped curate, especially if they tie it to characters they play. I’m cautious about tying your sense of morality to the celebrities you like or stan. I make a lot of posts critiquing this stuff, and I think about it a lot as someone who used to engage in it.
This isn’t the sole case that I’ve seen of this by miles, but I posted this at a time when I kept running into praise about that aspect of Taika Waititi over social media. It bugged me, so I posted on my blog. But to me, this is just as much about that as it is about the larger narrative around fan culture.
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snowonthebeachmp3 · 3 years
February 2016
Feb 11th - Kanye debuts his song Famous at his Yeezy fashion show. It contains the infamous lyric, 'I feel like me and Taylor might still have sex / Why? I made that bitch famous.' Gigi Hadid and Austin Swift are quick to express their disapproval. (x)
Feb 12th - Taylor's publicist Tree Paine releases a statement saying "Kanye did not call for approval, but to ask Taylor to release his single 'Famous' on her Twitter account. She declined and cautioned him about releasing a song with such a strong misogynistic message. Taylor was never made aware of the actual lyric, "I made that bitch famous.’" (x)
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Ruby Rose condemns Kanye, tweeting, 'Too many lines crossed. If I put myself in the shoes of the women he has hurt recently. Victims of Bill Cosby, the slut shaming, Amber… And now my dear friend Taylor.. Right before another huge moment for her.. Can I still support him and call myself a feminist? A friend? No.' (x)
Kanye claims on Twitter that Taylor thought the lyric was funny and that she came up with it herself. He also claimed Taylor told a mutual friend over dinner that, 'I can't be mad at Kanye because he made me famous!' (x)
Sometime in the days leading up to the Grammys - Taylor's 73 Questions with Vogue interview is filmed in LA (it is not published until April, soon after her Vogue cover is released). In the video, she says she is currently busy 'working out and getting ready for Grammys' (presumably referring to rehearsals since she was the opening performer that year). (Update: turns out the interview was filmed on the 2nd Feb.)
Some other answers she gave in this interview:
What are you completely bored of in life right now? Clickbait.
What's your favourite food? I mean, if we're just saying, like, what I wish I could eat every day if calories didn't count, is like, chicken tenders.
What's one thing you still have from your childhood? My insecurities.
What's something you've always wanted to try but you've been too scared to do? Coachella.
What advice would you give to anyone who wants to become a singer? Uh, get a good lawyer.
What's the one thing you wish you knew at nineteen? If I could talk to my nineteen-year-old self I'd just say, hey, you know, you're gonna date just like a normal twenty-something should be allowed to, but you're going to be a national lightning rod for slut-shaming.
What do you think is the most important life lesson for someone to learn? That karma is real.
Feb 15th - Taylor attends the 58th Annual Grammy Awards in LA. She opens the televised show with a performance of Out of the Woods (x) and debuts her Anna Wintour-esque bob (x).
After her performance, she is seen crying in the audience while Selena (her plus-one for the evening) comforts her. Apparently she is upset about missing a note while performing. (x) (video)
1989 wins Album of the Year, making her the first woman to win this award twice. In her acceptance speech, she references the situation with Kanye, saying, 'I want to say to all the young women out there, there are going to be people along the way who will try to undercut your success, or take credit for your accomplishments or your fame.' (x)
Taylor attends the Republic Records afterparty with friends and then-boyfriend Calvin Harris, who was not there for the awards show itself. (x)
In her 2020 documentary Miss Americana, Taylor had this to say about the 2016 Grammys: (x)
My life had never been better. I had won album of the year at the Grammys for a second time, which I never thought was a possibility. And I remembered thinking afterward, oh my god, that was all you wanted. Oh god, that was all you wanted. That was all you focused on. And you get to the mountaintop and you look around and you’re like, oh god. What now? I didn’t have a partner that I climbed it with that I could, like, high five. I didn’t have anyone I could talk to who could relate to what I was – you know? I had my mom. But I just wondered, shouldn’t I have someone that I could call right now?
Feb 16th - Calvin posts a photo of Taylor accepting her AOTY Grammy to social media with the caption, 'Congratulations to my beautiful girlfriend.' (x) I cannot believe this post is still up 💀💀
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Taylor goes for lunch with Scott and Andrea at Cecconi's in LA. (x)
Feb 17th - Taylor is seen out shopping in Beverly Hills. (x)
The NME Awards take place in London at the O2 Academy. Taylor wins Best International Solo Artist but is not there in person. Instead, a pre-recorded video of her accepting the award is played at the ceremony. (x) Her outfit and haircut suggest that the video was filmed on the same day as her Vogue 73 Questions interview at her LA house.
Feb 19th - Taylor announces on Twitter that New Romantics will be the next single from 1989. (x)
She is seen getting off her plane in Reading, PA (x) and visiting her childhood home. (x)
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Feb 20th - Taylor is the maid of honour at her childhood best friend Britany Maack's wedding in Pennsylvania. (x) She brings Vogue reporter Jason Gay with her, and he writes about the weekend for Taylor's Vogue cover story, published in the May edition. (x)
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A few excerpts from that weekend (not published until almost two months later): (x)
Swift says she is ready to lie a little low. After the wedding, she will go to New York, where she will be spotted dining with her friend Lena Dunham, and then be seen a week later in Los Angeles with her brother, Austin, and her friend Lorde at the Vanity Fair Oscar Party. As for future plans . . . who knows? For the first time in years, Swift is not sure exactly what is next. She is very much OK with this.
So what the hell are you going to do with the rest of your life, Taylor Swift?
“I have no idea,” she says, with a sigh that’s more blissful than anxious. “This is the first time in ten years that I haven’t known. I just decided that after the past year, with all of the unbelievable things that happened . . . I decided I was going to live my life a little bit without the pressure on myself to create something.”
Because I’m a hopeless cheeseball, I can’t help asking: Being part of this wedding, does it make Swift think about being married some day? For the past year, she has been seeing the Scottish DJ-producer Calvin Harris. Harris is not here with her, but in early March, he and Swift will post cutesy notices on social media—his on Snapchat; hers on Instagram—commemorating the one-year status of their relationship. Soon after, both will post photographs of an idyllic, whereabouts-unknown vacation in the tropics, with ts + aw written in the sand. (Harris’s given name is Adam Wiles.)
“I’m just taking things as they come,” Swift says. “I’m in a magical relationship right now. And of course I want it to be ours, and low-key . . . this is the one thing that’s been mine about my personal life.”
“I think the world is so bored with the [Kanye] saga,” she goes on. “I don’t want to add anything to it, because then there’s just more.”
Feb 21st - Taylor donates $250,000 to Kesha after she loses her lawsuit against Dr Luke and Sony. (x)
Taylor goes to New York and visits the Vogue offices. (x) She also meets Lena Dunham for dinner. (x)
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Feb 22nd - Demi Lovato tweets, 'Take something to Capitol Hill or actually speak out about something and then I'll be impressed.' The tweet is widely interpreted as shading Taylor following the news of her donation. (x)
Taylor is papped arriving at and leaving Milk Studios, a photography studio in NYC. (x) I think this was when they shot her Vogue cover (she wore a wig for the cover shoot and only bleached her actual hair in April when the magazine came out).
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Feb 23rd - Kanye brings up the Famous controversy while onstage at 1 OAK nightclub in LA. He claims Taylor said “Ooh Kanye, I like that line!” when he told her about the line 'I feel like me and Taylor might still have sex.' “Then she won her award and said something completely different! She not cool no more. She had two seconds to be cool and she fucked it up.” (x)
Feb 24th - Taylor and Jack Antonoff go for dinner at the Maia restaurant in LA. (x)
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Feb 28th - Taylor attends the Vanity Fair Oscars afterparty in LA. (x) She is photographed with Lorde and Austin.
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Intro // February // March // April // May // June // July // August // September // October // November
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accio-victuuri · 1 year
SBMS Clowning Series ☀️ v.4
I can’t believe we’re so close to the finale which is episode 36. It’s always so fast when these dramas are released but i’m not complaining that we got it faster than his other dramas. We also have a lot of content — from photos, bts and interviews. 💪🏼
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The reason why I want to make this part of the round up is this scene in SBMS, it’s the last scene that the crew shot which is when SY and JB were watching fireworks. Especially the line JB said. I think i’m not the only BXG who thought of XZ’s wish for WYB when they heard this : “I hope you don’t come to the complicated and boring world of adulthood soon. It means i hope you grow up slowly.”
It’s a pretty popular CPN that the long bday messages are made by ZZ so to hear something similar in the show is sus. You can say that it’s a usual “wish” or that ZZ is not the scriptwriter. and that’s right. However, ZZ has improvised a couple of scenes in this drama. ZZ has worked closely with the scriptwriter and director of the drama — so we cannot remove the possibility that he may have brought up this line or idea.
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there are instances in this drama when we CPNd and thought that ZZ improvised it and we were right. for example accidentally holding JB’s hand @ the subway or the thing about you s/o being your “charger”. so i’m not gonna be surprised if one way or another we get a confirmation about this. 💓
anyway, moving on to other stuff…
• “Eating” the tissue after eating. Normal people will just wipe it or will do that but not for long like they do. With the examples, it looks like WYB does this more and GG was infected. Lol.
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• The BGM of recent douyin posts from both sides is the same 🙃. I don’t know how popular this song is now in douyin, cause this is tiktok after all certain sound clips become popular and everyone start using it. But it’s interesting that it’s videos posted the same day.
some are saying that since the SBMS post was “romantic”, this is WYB’s answer. He is matching the BGM. Also the caption ( YBO official ) had a star emoji in it. Why didn’t he just make it the sun 😂😂😂 I think the star can be connected to the Douyin update from the day before, where ZZ was holding a star toy.
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• This will make the most sense to those who watched the recent episode, but there is a scene where SY asks the “bear” if Jian Bing is the most beautiful and it lights up meaning yes. Lol. That kind of shamelessness in praising reminded us so much of WYB!!!!!
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• XZ WHERE DID YOU LEARN THIS MOVE HUH? Is this one of your improvs? I’m screaming!!!!
It’s like he got tips from the things WYB did before, who was younger than him and what worked to make him like/love the gremlin more. 🤣🤣🤣
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• For some next level clowning, in ZZ’s weibo video post — what number do you see? 8? 👀
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Interview highlights. This covers ZZ’s recent content for SBMS promos. Ones that remind us of bjyx clues and symbols. Just to disclaimer that the purpose of this is not to portray ZZ as someone who can’t be his own person. How we always have to connect things back to WYB in everything he says does not mean any harm. It’s all CPN. We are very much aware that ZZ is his own person. 😌
What stood out to me was when he talked about evaluating himself everyday so he can improve. This is something similar that he has with WYB. They only want to be better and expand their skill set. They are also open to criticism.
There was also a part where he talked about equality in relationships when there is an age gap.
“being equal in any relationship, no one is higher or lower than anyone else, everyone is in a very fair and equal relationship and in getting along.”
Do you have some experience in this ge? I have to say they are equal — especially in spoiling each other. ^^
AND LASTLY HOW HE expressed his interest in playing a charming and cute villain. Lol. He said a couple of times already, someone please listen. WYB already did Mister Ye who is sort of the villain. I hope ZZ can play something like that too.
His answers tend to very similar in these interviews and i think that’s largely because the questions are similar. Especially they ask about his experience in the drama or his interpretation of Shengyang as a character.
But in this interview, he was asked about being an actor and his answer 😭😭😭
I’m definitely still on the road to acting and becoming an actor myself. This road is still very long. I have to walk it step by step in a down-to-earth manner. It’s more interesting to me.
I mean. Just look at the tagline of my blog. Yep, the road ahead is long. We will be here for you ^^
How he talked about memorizing his co stars line as well. Some CPFs are speculating that this started with CQL. It’s because him and WYB were sharing one script book. Which btw, he never did again with his other co stars.
THIS PART which made me giggle. They were asking about the heroine he would want to play with and he completely goes back to his desire of playing the villain 🤭 If you don’t wanna answer it, just say something else. Of course a co star is important, but I think for ZZ, he is more into his role as an actor. He is focused on himself.
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Also this one. A very thrifty GG! Practical. It’s in line with the fake rumors that he scolds WYB for impulse buying 😅😅😅
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bisluthq · 3 years
Guys we’re making sex jokes in a dead website like please
NONE OF IT IS DEEP (except Taylor and her lollipop).
Like girlies please it's just for fun. It's not for Taylor. It's not for Joe. It's just us having fun making jokes about sex shit. I don't know for sure who she's fucked - hell, maybe she was a virgin until she met Joe. Hell, maybe she's saving herself for marriage.
But if she goes to Evan Spiegel's company holiday party and sits on his lap and makes out with him and then says they're just friends I'm not like... 100% going to believe her. If she goes on multiple dates with the dude who is basically the exact same person as the one she eventually endgames with and his team runs bullshit pressers about how he's dumping her but he continues to hang out with her and leave venues with her, I'm not like... 100% going to believe either the pressers or them saying they're just friends. If she can't muster up two fucks to make out with Harry Styles properly despite that clearly being the purpose of the videos they were making I'm not like... 100% going to believe this was a lifechanging love story.
I don't know that I'm right. Honest. But also I don't care that much.
I love her music and her personality. I love Joe's acting and his personality. I enjoy discussing the two of them, individually and together. I don't know either person. Fuck, maybe they're both assholes. I just don't know.
But they're public figures who benefit from people discussing them.
And at the end of the day it's not that deep.
Some people think Ed wrote Tenerife Sea for Taylor. I think that's literally the stupidest theory ever and kinda gross because 1) Beth's name is literally in it lmao what is Beth chopped liver?? 2) Taylor's said she doesn't like being shipped with friends and it's weird for her and Ed's been nothing but a friend for years, in fact she helped set him and Cherry up and the two of them sat at their table at Joe's fucking birthday. I think it's stupid but I also don't care enough to go beef with people who say this, because they're entitled to their opinion.
I don't think me saying "she was with Douglas for a few months but it wasn't that deep and it seemed like his press team didn't like it" is the same as "shipping her with her friends" because last time I checked her and Douglas... aren't friends lol they're two people who had a thing for a few months. I don't think being like "lmao when Matty's NME table captioned her coming over to say hi as awkward that sure as shit implies shit went down" is "shipping her with her friends" because come the fuck on what horny twenty something girl was trying to befriend Matty fucking Healy??
I run my blog with the mantra that I am not embarrassed of anything I say except maybe how much I like her lol. And I don't claim to be right, because who knows for sure? Like I say, maybe the basement baby crowd is right. Wouldn't that be fucking funny? Defs would stop liking her because that's craaaaay but like I CANNOT KNOW FOR SURE IT ISN'T TRUE. I can say it's incredibly unlikely, and never been seen before, and doesn't make any sense but... Rachel Dolezal doesn't make any sense and yet.
Maybe her and Douglas were just close friends for a while. Maybe she was mentoring Tom Odell. Who knows? Not me! But I can't offer disclaimers every time I make some joke post my dudes and this isn't worth getting pressed about.
At the end of the day, honestly, personally... I don't really care. Like for me it's just fun. What's fun for me is when it's fun/sexy/realistic ideally altogether. But I also don't fucking know, and don't claim to know anything ever tbh because how the fuck can you know gossip for sure? How can you know museship for sure? How do you know she didn't write the song inspired by a dream or fantasy or a cool phrase she overheard and then applied it to someone she knew?
But it'll be a very boring blog if all I say is "we don't know anything, we don't know what her songs are about to her, we don't know her at all, and maybe she's completely different irl" ya know? That just won't be fun or interesting imo. It'll be the Debbie Downer of blogs. Accurate and right but fuuuuuck who wants that?
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heyyouknowbts · 3 years
Shipping BTS members is cultural misunderstanding & projection
Long post, text post, the kind of post I don’t normally post post.
Just some thoughts I needed to get out. I don’t consider fanfics with ships as being relevant to this, because there is that inherent assumption on account of the word fiction, lol. And in before I use ships as part of my BTS as Florida man series; they’re never meant to be taken seriously. A lot of times I changed the gender from a headline or made it gender neutral for the memes.
I am really amazed in general about the stories people make up about BTS members and the narratives that get pushed in the fandom that have 0 basis in truth but someone took 2 crumbs from a grainy photo or some fake captions and tweeted it out and here we are.
The way BTS members have grown over the years to freely express physical affection for one another has been repeatedly misinterpreted by some fans as them being gay lovers, and it’s to the point where many elevate them as “gay icons”. That is problematic for lots of reasons, mainly that none of them are openly gay, the members themselves have expressed they do not appreciate being shipped, and it requires speculation on the sexuality/relationship status of public figures we don’t know at all.
Korean culture is extremely conservative, and while BTS members have been shown to be progressive in their perspectives on lgbt+ rights and issues by comparison, that is not the same as actually coming out as gay, nor should it be interpreted as a subtle nod/wink to hint at their sexuality. There is also a lot of, “Well, [Member] had this one gender-ambiguous comment about relationships so they MUST be gay or bisexual,” or, “[Member] wearing a rainbow omgggggg.” It’s pure projection/speculation that is being pushed and packaged into a narrative, and some fans are accepting that as truth.
This falls into that broader category of magical thinking that is incredibly common due to our inability to psychologically cope with the rapid developments in technology that have changed every aspect of our lives. We have easy access to so much information, more than we ever have in human history, and despite that people are constantly seeking out delusions, lies, and conspiracies. Those delusions and conspiracies are pushed out as truth, and people deeply internalize these beliefs and reject anything that contradicts them. There is a suspension of disbelief involved when people read and see things online that I won’t go into detail about because I don’t want to write all day, but it’s key for understanding why people can latch on and believe this stuff to be true. Ever wonder why suddenly there are so many people who believe the Earth is flat? Or why Trump was able to do what he did, despite most people hating him and him being completely incompetent and narcissistic? Anti-vaxxers? Covid deniers? Welcome to the age of magical thinking, we live in it. (Creepy side note, the Unabomber predicted people would start behaving this way and wrote about it in his 1995 manifesto.)
Anyway, back to the shipping and cultural misunderstandings. I feel it needs to be said that I am not Korean, and my experiences with Korean culture consist of several friendships from childhood through high school where I spent time in the homes of my Korean friends, several visits to Korea while my parents lived there (plus their experiences living there as told to me), and then of course my experiences with Korean popular culture (mainly dramas and K-pop). My perspective is still very much that of a western outsider, but as an outsider I think I see where the misunderstanding is for a lot of people.
Koreans (generally) are more affectionate in same-sex friendships. It is socially acceptable to touch your friends, to show physical affection towards your friends in public, and even to be naked around your friends (see public bath culture in Korea). Verbal expressions of affection between male friends, saying things like, “I love you,” and “I miss you” to a friend is not only socially acceptable, but common.
This is a stark contrast to western culture, where men physically touching other men in any way that isn’t assault/aggression is treated as a threat to masculinity and/or an assumption of homosexuality. Most men feel they cannot express affection towards their male friends, as they have been socially conditioned into believing it will emasculate them in some way. This is changing and many men are rejecting that social norm, but it’s glacial change. When people view BTS members’ affections for one another through the western, homophobic lens, it can be easy to misinterpret that these men are lovers, forbidden, hidden, or not. And whether any of them actually are or not is irrelevant. We don’t know, and we can’t know, and anything beyond that is projection.
There is also idol culture at play, where there is a false sense of intimacy created between fans & the artist. We feel like we know them better than we do; that’s purely by design. I appreciate the affection BTS members have for us as fans and what they are willing to share about themselves with us, but I don’t treat that as if I actually know them. However, that line can get really blurry, really fast for fans.
Idk I just get creeped out by some of the shipping content I see. I’m thinking of the really weird photoshopping that people do to pictures of the members, zooming in on “details” of them touching each other in photos and videos and building these creepy narratives around them, that kind of stuff bugs me.
All of this was inspired by this Reddit post about Taekook shipping conspiracies, and how there is this pocket of shippers who actively hate Jimin and try to push this weird, false narrative of him antagonizing and interfering in their relationship. I’ve seen stuff about Jimin getting unnecessary hate before, but this just really irritates me. If you made it this far into my babbling, thank you friend :]
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punkcryptids · 4 years
this is the one form of social media i can vent on and be confident no one is gonna find it, it won’t start drama and i can just go the fuck off
i have this ex friend right? really mf toxic, i cut her off last year n shit is all good, right?
anyways, last week i found out she has been consistently posting abt me on her tik tok, just indirects, since aT LEAST may, probably longer. and i told her the fuck off, made my own shit behind “obsessed” by mariah carrey, after some comments back n forth, the whole incident is said n done, she blocks me. ok cool
here i am, finding out the bitch is *still* making indirects. its a lil less obvious, so of course there’s the possibility it’s not me but knowing the situation im p sure it is-- the caption was like “if you side w someone because they’re crying but dont care about what they did, i hate you” or something like that. and im just at my wits end dude,, (a tiny bit of context; our friend group completely left her when i did, n all of them commented on my video + people who were kinda in our friend group but not completely if that makes sense-- one of the kinda in the group ppl commented on her video n she responded “wtf did i ever do to you” so thats why i think the caption has to do w me)
it doesnt make me as anxious as it used to but it makes me angry dude. n the indirects were really fuckin wild. im not tryna explain the situation too much because it was a whole year of verbal/mental abuse that i somewhat tuned out because *trauma*, but she was making wholeass posts abt my relationship. thats what is was, each n every time. 
makes sense bc it was the whole fucking issue when we were friends, but they were straight lies. shit abt how he cheated on me and-- she KNOWS its not true. SHE KNOWS, the whole issue is she was overly involved in my relationship because we were both her best friends.  
the whole reason this incident happened in the first place was because two days before i made my thing calling her out, she posted ANOTHER indirect. idk how many of yall are on tiktok, but it was the trend “introduce yourself as why you and your ex bsf dont talk” and gUeSs wHaT iT SaID?? “i dont like when my friends get cheated on”. its amazing the mental gymnastics she has to go through to feel correct in the situation. AMAZING. making up whole ass events that didnt happen (when we had our lil confrontation she cited him cheating on me when WE WERENT TOGETHER dnkjfheifjoewi) 
god this probably reads so weirdly because its a random insight to a situation without full context + it jumps all over. im sorry about that i just physically cannot dude. im a legal adult next year, class of 2021 babey and it fucking blows my mind theres still this middle school drama bs going on. and i cant do shit, because all she will do is block me when i call her out on her bs and then continue to post abt it. when it first happened it made me feel happy and relieved that i stood up for myself for once but then finding out shes doing the same shit shes just a fucking coward.
ig whats sending me more is the one comment she left on my video was “bell would you like to say this to my face” n then BLOCKED ME N CONTINUED TO SHIT TALK I-
i know i need to work on letting it not bother me-- she will talk her shit, she will spew her lies, and at least all of the people who were there for the situation know shes wrong-- n thats all that matters. but anxiety is a bitch sometimes. plus i guess it just hurts, she was such a gaslighting, manipulative person n it fucking hurts to see her lie and turn that shit on me. esp because my mind is littered with mental instability that i will start to bELIEVE IT HDhnfiujfo. it makes me mad that i have to deal with the trauma she gave me n she gets to sit there making tik toks lying about what happened to strangers online to validate her. what bothers me even more is it wasnt even about our relationship really. it was just about MY relationship with my boyfriend which feels so fucking weird. especially bc half of her tiktoks are directed at calling me a bad person (+saying how much better she is than me lmao) n missing my bf (who she calls her “brother” even though she gaslit him and manipulated him all the same djifhbdi) and the other half is like she misses me ??? considering the latest indirect (before she blocked me) was abt why we arent friends anymore
i cannot stress enough how fucking done i am. it stresses me out because i cut her out of my life so i wouldnt have to deal w it and i feel like i cant escape her and i hate it i want to move out of this fuckign town so i never have to have the possibility of running into her 
but if i do run into her you bet your ass im calling her pussy ass out >:) 
also shoutout my therapist who will get the run down (probably a summary of this post) of this situation tomorrow hehe 
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polygamyff · 5 years
36. Part 2
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Sitting on the edge of the bed, I can’t stop smiling “did I make your day? This really makes me happy to see you smile this much, you have done so much for me Robyn. This, like right now. This isn’t your issue or your fault, you didn’t need to stay here and look after me like a baby, you have a baby but here I am hindering you, I honestly can’t thank you enough, when I went through this it would be me alone, I never had an ulcer before but when I would have this, I would be alone. I would see nobody, I never do like seeing anybody. I look like this, I would call room service, tell them to leave the food outside, which I rarely ate anyways but when people would call I would say I’m out of the country, I just don’t like seeing people. I mean look at me” he laughed “but I just saw you doing all this for me, I was like I need to marry this woman. But honestly I do appreciate you, from the first time to now, you really rode for me and I do love you. Imagine that though, if I never pursued you and I near died then, I would be dead. You would have seen my name and then ingnored it thinking who this nigga” pulling a face holding his hand “don’t say that but you’re probably right, I would have saw and just ignored it but that also makes me sad. To think you was so alone, even being here the only person harassing me is Shawn, he is adamant to see you but I keep on saying no to him, that wife bitch would have been happy to know your died” I shuddered at the thought “and she still wouldn’t have got nothing, I did a prenup with her, you know her and Kellen fucked. We was generally doing our own thing, but then I found you and I don’t regret shit at all. Best ever” he’s so cute “well you got me now, I will always be here for you if you let me be there, you get some rest. You need to have a bath today too, then I will do your fingernails” leaning over and pressing a kiss to her lips “I love you” he said “your beard annoys my life” move off of the bed “I love you too” let me go and stare at my bags “oh can you get miss boo thang?” Pulling a face “who?” What is he on “the bear, I want it so I can hug it” my heart fell, my baby, I love him so much “let me go and get it” making my way out, my baby wants the bear. I swear he pulls on my heartstrings every time, seeing the bear on the couch. My baby wants it, he actually likes it “I’m back” running back in the bedroom “boo thang ok? I like it, I want it in bed with me, she is cute” holding it out to him “thank you Bonita, she can lay on my chest” I chuckled “rest up” I love him, he means so much to me.
I love how Ally has set this out, she has matched up the shoes and bags, I am here for it. Getting my phone out from my pocket, I am going to put this on IG of course. Tapping on IG and then tapping the plus sign, pressing record. I am about to show off my bags, fuck these haters let them see what he got me. Slowly going along the line of bags I have got, I cannot believe I have near every fucking colour of Hermes bag, like what the fuck, this is amazing. Stopping the recording, muting the sound. I do not deserve that man at all, who does this for their girl, nobody. Captioning the video ‘Every colour of the Rainbow, and heels to go with. Thank you @MauriceDavenport, I love you X’ I know every bitch is going to hate, they going to hate me, pressing send on the video. He knows I love bags; I would wear just heels and be butt naked for him, I would suck him dry. I swear I need to get the chance to suck him dry because he deserves, you know what. I didn’t include the little bag, it’s Reign’ but I am going to post a picture because I am being selfish but how sweet is that, to think of his daughter like that. Walking over to the bag, aiming my camera to the bag and taking the picture, I must be the luckiest girl alive. Captioning the picture ‘Can’t forget Reign’ first Hermes bag, only the best for the heiress’ I cackled to myself, I cannot, because I am going to shake the fucking table, the table is being shook I don’t care. Pressing send on the picture, I swear he has really made me happy, I can’t thank him enough for this.
Reign is just placing the bag in her mouth, she doesn’t understand the worth at all and I am not amused so I will keep it until I feel she understand the worth of it “what are you like, if only you understood why mommy is so happy. Your dad really made me happy with bags, I can’t wait for us to be home, in an actual home” hearing my phone go off, the tone which meant it is a facetime call. Reaching behind me, grabbing my phone and seeing it’s Marquis “woah, ok. It’s grandad, what does he want” did I do something, accepting the facetime “oh look, Joy. It’s connected” old people and electronics “look it’s there” he said, I laughed “this is different?” I questioned “yes, we assumed you would be awake, we timed it with breakfast time for the hotel. I wanted to see my little valentines, how is she?” letting out an oh “here is me thinking you wanted to speak to me” I chuckled “Oh I do too, how is you and Maurice, both ok?” I feel like I made him ask now “he is getting there; he is ok and we are fine. He’s in my good books right now, but I am joking. Reign is here, she is doing tummy time, let me just sit her up. One moment” placing the phone down “come here, let’s place you on my lap and then we can see grandma and grandad” Reign was actually enjoying tummy time too, picking the phone up “look Reign, look who’s on there” she is busy looking at her toy on the floor “Reign, little princess it’s grandma baby hey!” Joy got in the camera, Reign soon looked at the phone “let me look woman” Marquis said, I have never seen this man smile so much, he is so happy to see Reign “my sweet grandbaby” Reign smiled, Marquis’ deep voice really made her smile “aww Marquis, she knows us” Joy said, quickly taking a screenshot because this is so cute “are you on the jet still?” I asked “we are, long way to Tokyo” I guess it is “can you tell Ally thank you, she will understand why” she really did what she did for him, it made him happy but also me and she didn’t have to do such a thing.
I am about to upset people today, I am in the mood for it because Tiffany posted her deformed bump, girl please. That child is nothing, fuck out of here with that. I am posting the screenshot because you can’t get any higher than this, Joy and Marquis look so happy and I kind of missed Reign smiling with the side of my ugly face but oh well, captioning the picture ‘Family meeting’ pressing send on the picture as I made my way to the bedroom “uh, Reign. Don’t be trying to snatch my phone now” locking my phone, pushing open the bedroom door “me and boo thang been waiting, what the hell? Reign you took ages!” Maurice held up the bear up, Reign got ever so excited “what on earth baby, dang. You going to give me bruises” she out here kicking her legs “we been waiting Reign; you took so long. I have been awake for ages” walking over to the bed “I think she is very excited to see you, how are you? Did you even sleep?” this girl is making the most amount of noise, acting like she doesn’t see him “she is not about to let me speak, are you ok to have her now? You know she could squash you” Maurice shuffled up on the bed “yeah, I am good. Reign, you got a new sibling. Mi Amor, I missed you too. I know, I know” Maurice took her from me “oh wow, Reign. The love, I feel it” she really missed him, her reaction is so adorable. She missed her dad a lot, hugging him back too “Mi amor, no he estado bien, I am sorry” poking my lips out “she missed you Maurice, you need to start thinking of her when you being a dumbass” my poor daughter.
He is really so goofy, I can watch him all day with her “no Reign, we have to be kind. no escuchas baby. Look, aww” he hugged the bear, Reign just didn’t find it amusing “now you do it, you be nice. Look awwww” he placed the bear on her shoulder, Reign grabbed the bear and is using it as a rag doll “it’s good that she can sit up, with support that is” I said “yeah, it’s better” Maurice took the bear from her, he held it to his ear “aww no, boo thang don’t like you so sorry Reign. She is having to retire now, she is going say bye. Look bye” he used his free to wave at the bear and then placed it on the nightstand, Reign is looking to where he put it. She looked at Maurice and then let out a high pitch squeal “I missed your face so much, boo thang gone now. She needs to sleep so it’s just me and you Mi Amor” Maurice picked her up “I hope you been nice to your momma, she got to deal with me. You can’t be a diva too” Reign don’t be nice to anyone unless they got her bottle with them “y’all both are annoying by the way” walking around the bed, let me check my Instagram while they are playing. I have been really bad today, imagine if I tell Maurice what I been doing and saying, I am just in that mood to be annoying but it’s working, I mean come on. Why did that bitch post her pregnant fucking belly for what, my IG loaded up and there we have it, like girl no. Climbing onto the bed and shuffling over to him “wow, this is funny to me, she really hates me” I said aloud “who does?” Maurice asked “Tiffany, so like I’ve posted picture of what you got me and she posted an ugly ass baby bump picture and then I posted another screenshot of Reign on facetime with your parents, then she posts a picture and the cheek of her putting a wedding picture of her stating Mr and Mrs Davenport, like girl. Calm down” Maurice chuckled “you play too much, stop competing, she is angry, I mean what did you do really?” I shrugged “I think because I put Reign’ Hermes bag and said the best for the heiress?” Maurice shook his head “there you go” I rolled my eyes “give me your hand, now” I said “what?” Maurice pulled a face “I said” reaching over and grabbing his left hand closer to me “what are you doing now?” he is acting like he don’t know “actually, hold Reign’ hand” Maurice placed his hand over my phone screen “stop, we don’t need to prove anything to anyone. Social media is the devil. I hate it” he won’t let me be great “whatever” I mumbled.
It’s a little hard when I see his dick, I really want dick but I can’t “just be careful, let me help you lower yourself down” I don’t want his ulcer to get anything on it while he gets in the bathtub, this is so sexually annoying for me, I want dick, I want sex and I can’t. holding his arm as he placed his arm at the side and lowered himself in slowly “there we go, keep your foot out. Is it the right temperature for you?” he nodded his head “it’s so far down, Reign really took out of me you know. Are you annoyed with me, seems like you are?” shaking my head, sitting on the edge of the tub “no, I’m not, why would I be?” I hope he don’t think that I am “with the Instagram thing” letting out an oh “I just don’t think you need to prove anything when you have everything, they know what you got. Evil eye Robyn, people hate gives you evil eye. My grandma told me that, evil eye. When I did see her, people see and they don’t like it and envy it, that just brings bad vibes. She said to me, and it’s funny. She said Marquis got evil eye, and I did too. I goes it’s what is in the genes, but she calls it that and at times I do believe her. Hate is no good, we don’t need it Robyn. We don’t need to prove anything; I just want to get better. For you, for Reign, for my parents. People like Tiffany and that family, they wish I die, they will assume what I am doing, they will think where have I gone, they will love to see me like this, look at me. Do I look good? I look bad, I only got you here with me, that is it. That is because I love you and I only accept you to see me like this, you think I am happy I am tired from playing with my daughter. It’s hard, I don’t need people wishing shit on me even more, I don’t want anything more happening to my family. I just don’t want you to feel I am angry with you, or that you are upset with me. They don’t deserve to know anything; odd picture here and there is fine. I have a hateful family when the cameras are away, and my grandma she was good, but she was resentful to her sons unless they was the boss of the company, this is why she said we was cursed. I am sorry if I upset you, but they don’t deserve anything from us” nodding my head “I am not upset with you, just I wanted to annoy her even more. But I do understand, I always do find your life so interesting. The way you grew up, I get it and you are right” maybe I was getting too into being revengeful, they don’t deserve to know my life.
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creepingsharia · 5 years
Virginia: Muslim State Senate Candidate Cries 'Islamophobia' When He’s Quoted
Qasim Rashid has for years been a professional liar, a one-man cottage industry of deception and hypocrisy.
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Qasim Rashid, an Ahmadi Muslim who is running as a Democrat for the Virginia State Senate, is enraged at the dirty tricks of his opponent, Richard Stuart. “My Republican opponent,” fumed Rashid in a video last week, “is launching anti-Muslim, Islamophobic attacks against me questioning my loyalty to the United States and questioning my ties with terrorism, I mean just the most ridiculous, meritless claims that are imaginable.” What did Stuart do to warrant these charges? Why, the racist, bigoted Islamophobe had the temerity to quote Rashid’s own words.
Rashid, according to WMAL, “posted a screenshot on Twitter of one of the ads paid for by incumbent Richard Stuart’s re-election campaign. It shows a picture of Rashid with a caption ‘QASIM RASHID DOESN’T BELIEVE ISLAMIC TERRORISM EXISTS.’”
Straight out of the Richard Nixon playbook, right? With an unsavory dash of contemporary “Islamophobia.” How low can Stuart go? He is, as far as Qasim Rashid is concerned, a prime example of the anti-Muslim hysteria that has overtaken all too many people in Donald Trump’s America.
But there’s just one catch: Stuart’s claim that Qasim Rashid “doesn’t believe Islamic terrorism exists” is based on the words of none other than the notorious Islamophobe Qasim Rashid. In his own defense, Stuart was able to point to a 2018 tweet in which Rashid declared: “No such thing as Islamic terrorism. Terrorism has no religion.”
Stuart’s campaign manager, Cooper Mohr, accordingly responded to Rashid by compounding his candidate’s dastardliness, and actually had the temerity to claim the defense of the truth: “These ads are based on actual tweets from Rashid and other public statements. We stand by all of our ads and will continue running them.”
[CS: Rashid has tweeted it at least twice, see here]
The truth? What’s that? Brushing aside Mohr’s defense, Rashid said that Stuart was “fear-mongering” about his Islamic faith. To that, Mohr came back with yet more truth: “Mr. Rashid is crying foul to deflect attention from his radical positions,” Mohr wrote. According to WMAL, “Mohr went on to say none of the ads mention Rashid’s religion, and Stuart’s record shows he supports religious liberty.”
Meanwhile, Rashid “said he will not respond to the ads with counter-attacks but will instead focus on the issues.” Yes, of course. Just pay no attention to Rashid’s countercharges that Stuart was engaging in “anti-Muslim, Islamophobic” attacks and leveling “ridiculous, meritless claims.” Rashid said piously that he was not going to respond, and he is obviously credible.
Note also Rashid’s straw man: he charged Stuart with “questioning my loyalty to the United States and questioning my ties with terrorism,” but there is none of that in Stuart’s ad. All it says is that Rashid doesn’t believe that Islamic terrorism exists, which is what the man actually said.
Rashid’s unhinged and disingenuous response to being quoted is not really any surprise. Qasim Rashid has for years been a professional liar, a one-man cottage industry of deception and hypocrisy. He has whitewashed Muhammad’s support for torture and the reality of jihad violence and Sharia oppression; dissembled about the Qur’an’s sanction of deception of unbelievers; lied about the presence of violent passages in the Qur’an; lied about the Qur’an’s sanction of beating disobedient women; lied about the nature of Sharia; called for limitations on the freedom of speech and expression to outlaw behavior and speech some Muslims may find offensive; and lied about Muhammad’s stance toward the persecution of Christians. He has even blamed Christianity for Islam’s death penalty for blasphemy. He has also claimed that “the teachings of Islam could help us prevent more sexual abuse scandals.”
When challenged about the “facts” he has presented, Qasim Rashid (like virtually all other Islamic supremacists) responds with furious ad hominem contempt, but never answers the refutations of his articles on substantive grounds — because, of course, he cannot do so. Just as he has behaved now toward Richard Stuart. It’s characteristic of the dishonesty that has marked Qasim Rashid’s entire public career that he would sling multiple smears at his opponent and then claim he wasn’t going to respond at all.
If Qasim Rashid is elected to the State Senate in the state of Ralph Northam, he will fit right in.
Robert Spencer is the director of Jihad Watch and a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. He is author of the New York Times bestsellers The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades) and The Truth About Muhammad. His latest book is The History of Jihad From Muhammad to ISIS. Follow him on Twitter here. Like him on Facebook here.
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25 Times Harry Styles Was A Little Shit
The 8-12 raccoons disguised in a trench coat and pretending to run a  functioning website ( @staff ) decided to delete one of our most popular posts, an ode to Harry Styles being a little shit for his 22nd Birthday without preamble or reason. Well you can’t keep a good bitch down just like you can’t stop Harry Styles from being a Little Shit so I’m remaking this post ANEW, FRESH FROM THE ASHES IT RISES TO BRING MIRTH AND MERRIMENT TO HARRY STYLES AND ALL OF YE ON THIS, HIS 25TH BIRTHDAY WE BEGIN...
...At the beginning. 
1) Harry is but wee, but his penchant for mischief is already honed:
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The problem we have here, friends, is that from a young age he learned he could annoy everyone to the point of breaking but that he was cute enough that no one was ever actually mad at him. 
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Harry that’s for the flight attendants and the passengers’ safety...ok fine one more knock-knock joke...
2) We’re jumping ahead to a more fully formed Harry as he fully embraced being a Little Shit on the OTRA tour. I mean...
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You know exactly what you’re doing Harold. HAROLD.
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3) Being a little shit, knowing we were all DYING to see the thigh tattoo, he chooses the teeniest-tiniest red shorts imaginable and dares to even look sexy playing DODGE BALL
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4) wHO on EaRTh and gave this immortal alien being the cause to be such a little fucking shit getting a tattoo on live television and react to it thusly! >>>
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HOW DARE YOU SIR? SIR! sir my eyes...
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5) As Harry grew to bedevil and bewitch and be the pest everyone loves, Niall was caught in his path but ever his willing victim. Poor Niall...
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But also lucky, lucky Niall...
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6) When Harry went solo, he needed a new love of his life to harass constantly on stage...enter long-suffering stoic Mitch. The perfect foil to all of Harry’s little shittery
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(Author’s Note: the above is in the author’s top ten of favorite harry photos of all time. it is his entire essence distilled.)
7) BEFORE SNL WITH THIS LIL CHERUB FACE BUT WE KNOW THE DEMON WITHIN you guys he literally sent kiwis out to the crowds waiting to get in and then played Ever Since New York like...wtf what a little shit
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9) the gall to be such a little shit and be like ‘oh the world thinks i’m sexy rockstar who reminds them of Mick Jagger but what they don’t know is that i’m also a huge dork who just wants to make people laugh”
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10) The best, dumbest sketch and the true lasting melody of “oh-OH! OH-oh OH PARTY AT MY PARENTS HOUSE” is such a power play:
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11) When this just...absolute...little...shit deciding that he would try his hand at acting and his first role would be in a Christopher Nolan war epic that was NOMINATED FOR MANY MANY AWARDS
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I will make Christopher Nolan pay for making MY SON cry.
12) We’re not going chronologically but this is my masterpost so NEXT IS WHEN HE CUT HIS SIGNATURE LONG CURLS BY POSTING THIS PHOTO with just the caption “Whoops.”
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13) i can’t...i don’t...just this
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14) that one time he took his girlfriends fur (or ostrich feather, i can’t tell) coat and had a jokey little strop on the street holding to-go bags
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15) Tour Harry when he’s annoyed because he knows he can absolutely take the shit out of his fans but we all know he’s kidding and it’s such a give and take my god i hate him but also in that i cannot. Please welcome Grand Master Sass
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16) In the same photo shoot providing us with the likes of THIS
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AND this!???!? why?!??! BOTH?! OH the dualitY OF MAN
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17) Pink suit. This look. Sting. STING. Curls. WITH STING.
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18) He wore leather pants exactly ONCE and it was to board a plane and NEVER again
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19) Prancing. Wearing the world’s finest of suits and clothes and for thousands of people PRANCING for all he’s worth
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20) He took his most rock n’ roll, fan favorite song that is sexy and gritty and a little weird and gave us...a video with puppies, children cake...and this fucking SMIRK
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21) Speaking of Kiwi...let’s talk about the absolute SHIT creating a signature pose for his signature song
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22) The tweet that sparked the original post. This moment is PEAK and still may top them all in terms of being the biggest Little Shit that ever shat
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23) The man’s love affair with a Gucci suit and frankly all floral prints and inspiring an entire fandom to be a little bolder and a little braver in what we wear as long as we feel we can touch a little of his stardust when we wear things that remind of us him:
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24) This Little Shit actually went on two world-wide tours within a year all with one album and this Little Shit did his actual best to keep prices on the tickets low so fans could actually see him and he’s one of the most well-known pop-stars in the world and would you believe this absolute Little Shit. Oh and he sold buttons with his toddler face on them as merch:
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25) Finally, finally, finally he’s such a GODDAMN LITTLE SHIT HE IS KING OF THE LITTLE SHITS AND I COULD NOT POSSIBLY LOVE ANY MAN MORE THAN THIS ONE RIGHT HERE and how much he loves to make an entrance, vamp, and get all your love and give it right back. Happy birthday, to the one and only Lord Dame Sir Harold Elizabeth Styles. I’ll love you to Jeremy Bearimy and back.
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