#i almost made a starter based on what happened last night but i think it's too soon for me tbh
miwhotep · 8 months
For my first post, I got a lot of rebloggings which was really encouraging that people really don't want to tear me apart for liking YuuMori Milverton, but they were also an interesting read related to what people thinks on what's in the original Conan Doyle story. So I've decided to make a post about how actually The Adventure of Charles Augustus Milverton happened - what different adaptations added or took away, and clear some misconceptions. Originally, I wanted to include the Moriarty the Patriot version of Milverton here, too - but I realized this post will be long enough on his own, so I made a different post just for the YuuMori one - its relations to the canon and further inspirations.
Little interesting fact as starter: Conan Doyle based Milverton's character on a 19th centurian art dealer called Charles Augustus Howell. Howell was friends with a poet/artist Dante Gabriel Rosetti - Howell was also his agent - and he and his artist lover, Rosa Corder faked Rosetti paintings together and sold it for money. There is also a theory that Howell was a blackmailer, but this never got proved. Howell might've died a mysterious death: he was found killed in his home with a coin in his mouth - but some historians doubt this story and state that he died in an illness.
Now, let's get to the Conan Doyle canon. A woman called Lady Eva Brackwell turns to Sherlock Holmes because Milverton got his hands on some love letters she wrote to her crush - but she is about to marry an earl who wouldn't react well to see these letters. Milverton asked 7000 pounds from her to keep silent - since she doesn't have that much money, she asked Holmes to help her negotiate a lower price with Milverton. Holmes invited Milverton to his office, but the negotiations failed - so Holmes and Watson tried to attack Milverton to take the letters away by force, but he pulled out a gun and told them that the letters are not with him - he is not stupid after all. After this defeat, Holmes chose a more extreme way to fight: he seduced one of Milverton's maid and engaged with her to get more information on Milverton's house. Then he and Watson broke into the house - but Milverton was still awake because he waited for a client, who turned out to be a vengeful woman whose life got ruined by Milverton. She killed him and got away. Holmes and Watson then burned Milverton's blackmail materials and escaped, but they almost got caught. Lestrade the next day turned to Holmes to help him solve the Milverton murder, but Holmes declined. At the end of the story, Holmes secretly showed Watson that the vengeful woman last night was a woman in a really, really high position.
That is my favourite Sherlock Holmes story ever since I'm a child and I found Milverton a really interesting villain: an irredeemable, despicable being who, with a seemingly nice smile on his face tells people in a kind voice, how much money he wants for not ruining their lives - he always maintains a gentlemanly behavior, because he doesn't need to act threatening - as a blackmailer, his whole existence is a threat. And he is the one villain who doesn't just make Holmes go illegal, but also makes him use an innocent woman to get close to him.
The story got adapted several times, most notably by Granada, Soviet Holmes and BBC. These adaptations changed several things compared to the original canon: the Granada added lot of blackmail stories NOT IN THE CANON: neither ball scenes was in the original, nor the outing the gay soldier to his fiance or Lady Eva's maid betraying her, or Holmes and Watson's pub investigation or Holmes visiting Milverton in his house... etc, etc, etc. Beside that the actor who played Milverton was superb, I never liked this adaptation - I love Granada wholeheartedly, but the later seasons felt really messy - they added too many things not in the books and the Milverton episode was also way too hard on the romance aspect (and the balls).
On the contrary, I love the BBC Sherlock version of the story (except the end) - Sherlock was really a hit or miss with me, but I think they modernized the Milverton case well (and Lars Mikkelsen was great). Milverton there was a media mogul called Magnussen - a foreigner, not English - who liked controlling people through blackmail and had an incredible memory similar to Sherlock. He also had a tendency of disrespecting boundaries (the piss in the living room). The misconception of Mary Morstan getting blackmailed by Milverton comes from here - in the canon, this NEVER happened, they never even interacted. Here, Mary was the vengeful woman wo distracted Sherlock and John's break-in to Milverton's and Sherlock ended up taking up the case from Mary, but unable to outsmart Milverton, he killed him in the end - which also didn't happen: Sherlock Holmes only ever killed in self-defense, he never murdered anyone.
The most faithful adaptation of the three is the Soviet Holmes episode, but even that added some further elements to the original stories: Holmes and Watson got hired by Mycroft to help on Lady Eva, they were absolute loosers when they broke in and Milverton there was an agent of Moriarty.
(However, there is one more adaptation what said to be even more faithful: the 1965 BBC one with Douglas Wilmer, but sadly I never got to see that series, only the Cushing parts.)
In conclusion, all of these adaptations differ from the Conan Doyle canon (why can't just people adapt the original story on screen faithfully once). But I like to think about Sherlock Holmes adaptations as a whole multiverse: alternate Sherlocks, Watsons or Milvertons - and everyone can choose their favourite.
And now, let's get to the next post: the Moriarty the Patriot version!
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firstumcschenectady · 2 years
"Contagious” based on Isaiah 51:1-8, Luke 13:18-21 March 26, 2023
In 2001, in a grand adventure, I ended up in Fairbanks Alaska so I I could drive home with my brother home who'd had a summer internship with the National Wildlife Refuge. While in Fairbanks I was gifted with sourdough starter that I still use today.
Three years ago, a whole lot of other people got into sourdough starter, and I happily shared mine, but I didn't go with the craze because I've already been on it for quite a while. Except last week I came across an article about “high hydration” bread and I suddenly realized that the 2020 sourdough craze where all of my friends suddenly made prettier bread than I ever managed to wasn't because of my lack of artistic skills after all! Instead, the “no knead” breads are actually high-hydration breads which get mixed differently and a particular style of bread I'd always wanted and failed to make was suddenly in my grasp.
On my day off last week I decided to try high-hydration sourdough bread, except I couldn't find the right recipe. The ones I found either required yeast (I think that's cheating) or bread flour (and I believe in a limited number of flour types in a home at any time). So, I just sort of made the same bread I always make, but with a different proportion of water. And then I waited.
The recipe with yeast said it would double in 90 minutes.
I started at 8AM.
At noon, I thought maybe it had fluffed, a little.
At 2 it looked the same.
At 4 I decided maybe I should refrigerate it for the night, and try again the next day – as recommended by another recipe I'd found. But I was doing something else so I didn't get up.
At 6, when I went to put it the fridge, voila, it had doubled!
Now, I love making bread, and it ALWAYS feels like magic when the bread rises, even with yeast, but more with sourdough. This time felt almost like the first time I'd ever made bread when I stared in wonder at what had happened. (My grandmother often used to look at me with affection and say that simple toys amused good children.)
Now, when Luke 13 says “it is like yeast that a woman took and mixed with three measures of flour until all of it was leavened,” I need you to know the “yeast” is actually sourdough starter. And sourdough starter in practicality is some partially made bread from last time, set aside for this time, from which a bit will be kept for next time. It really is just flour and water with wild yeast alive in it, that becomes concentrated by being fed with flour and water.
What I'm trying to say here is: IT IS SO COOL.
The flour and water that has invisibly hidden within it the wild yeast from the air all around us, is able to mix in with other flour and water, and the yeast grows and changes the whole batch – which can both make delicious bread and replicates itself for batches of the future too.
The yeast is, in one way of looking at it, contagious. Now, at this point of life most of us have some pretty negative connotations of the word “contagious,” right? In no small part because it is a word that reflects a POWERFUL reality, a way of changing things that can easily get out of control. Or, in the positive, it indicates the power of one small thing to bring enormous change.
The amount of sourdough starter within bread dough is almost negligible, but it changes everything. Mustard seeds are so small they can be hard to pick up... but the seeds grow huge and enable more life to come! (Also, the seeds when ground up have a potent, almost contagious flavor impact... just saying.)
I am so used to thinking about faith as active. We live out our faith. We nurture our faith. We nurture faith in each other. We work with God to build the kindom, and so on and so on and so on.
But in Luke, it doesn't sound like that. In Luke, the power of the kindom of God is potent, and contagious and unstoppable. Sure, the seed needs to find the right place to grow, but when it does … WOW, a bush so big its almost a tree! Sure, the bread needs to be fed and mixed and kneaded (or not?) and baked, but WOW, the bread does the rising on its own!
One of the weaknesses of living within the post-industrial revolution, scientific method, de-mystified, de-mythified world that we now occupy is losing track of those WOWs. It can feel like the work of building the kindom is on our shoulders, instead of being on God's shoulders where we have a chance to make our little contributions along the way. It can feel like we have control, when really we don't, and then it can feel like it is all meaningless when that isn't true either.
We can get lost figuring out how to understand God from the worldviews we occupy today. It is easy to do. (It happens to me rather a lot.)
For me, these kindom parables lighten the load a little bit. I can a plant a seed, but I can't make it grow. I can mix up bread dough, but I can't make that grow either. I can plant seeds of compassion, but I'm ALSO not responsible for making those grow. The contagion, the growth, the power of life within the world –that's not my work, it is God's!
And it is GOOD to have limits on my work!
On another grand adventure (you are hearing about more of those today that you should, proportionate to my life), I stood on the rim of of Bryce Canyon National Park and looked. At Bryce large columns of rock called hoodoos stand isolated, softer rock having been eroded away. On the top of those immense columns of rock, soaking up the sunlight, I found to my surprise – TREES.
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How? How did the seeds get there? How did they get enough soil to grow? How did they withstand the wind?
But also, thank God.
For me, those trees speak to the power and persistence of LIFE in this world. Life itself is contagious. How did those trees grow? Probably because other ones grew before them! And made soil, and the soil deepened, etc.
Because life brings life. Like yeast, and mustard seeds.
Because in the end, the power of life isn't ours, it is God's.
In Isaiah, we are reminded that God's power is bigger and longer lasting that even the earth itself. It is forever. God's love, and the power of life that God brings are eternal. God's work for justice and goodness (righteousness) will not end. It can't be stopped. It is contagious.
Friends, I have been in churches for my entire life (thanks Mom and Dad!) and for that entire time I've heard expressions of dismay at church decline. I've never known the church any other way, and I've never known the church not to be worried about it. It is, however, kind of a tiring story. One that doesn't seem to bring along a lot of life with it.
What if we put a little bit more trust in God? What if we trusted that God is at work bringing life into the world and partnering with individuals and groups who are working with God, and along with life comes love and compassion, justice and goodness, righteousness and hope? What if we let ourselves be bread dough, and let God work within us, and stopped worrying about how fast or how well we rise? What if we trust God is doing good work, and we don't have to control it? What if God's contagious power of life can't be stopped, and we couldn't even do it if we tried? What if all we have to do is hang tight and wait and see, and maybe have some joy along the way?
By the way, the bread was the best I've ever made.
Rev. Sara E. Baron  First United Methodist Church of Schenectady  603 State St. Schenectady, NY 12305  Pronouns: she/her/hers  http://fumcschenectady.org/  https://www.facebook.com/FUMCSchenectady
March 26, 2023
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annie-sae · 3 years
Wouldn’t mind
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Pairing: Kazutora x fem!reader, past Baji x fem!reader
Author note: This is my way of dealing with Baji’s death finally being animated, this is me comforting myself so I don’t keep crying.
Also, I posted this on AO3 as well:
Part of the reason you decided to get close to him was kind of the same reason why you decided to help out Chifuyu and the remaining founding Toman members in any way you could; even if that meant putting yourself in various fights. It was a way to honor his memory.
You met Baji Keisuke; your Kei; as nothing more than a child because you were neighbors and your mom happened to be friends with his mother which ended in them arranging lots of playdates for you both ever since you could remember.
Your mothers always said you were meant to be and they were right, so yeah, they were delighted once you two finally stopped denying yourselves and started to date.
You two got together after one time in which Baji got into a particularly bad fight and you found him on your way home; his hands all bruised but despite how much they must have been hurting he was smiling in that unique way of his that always told you that no matter the pain he won and enjoyed himself.
To be honest you didn’t like that he always got into fights nor how reckless he could be but you had to admit that there was always something about the way his eyes glinted that drew you in.
You dragged him inside your home, knowing that his mother would flip out if she saw him and taking advantage of the fact that your mother was to get home late, you pushed him to the couch, went to the kitchen for a bag of frozen vegetables, grabbed his hand after cleaning the blood off and held the bag to his knuckles hoping that it would bring down the swelling.
There was no way of knowing who made the first move but next thing you knew after that was that you two were kissing; the frozen bag laying on the floor long forgotten. After that you finally acknowledged your feelings and started dating. There was no grand gesture, it was just one of many moments that you shared daily yet it was perfect.
Baji liked to keep you away from Toman businesses so for the most part you didn’t actually know the rest of the members except for Chifuyu; whom you met on various occasions while going to visit your boyfriend; and Mikey that you met as a child since you were always following around Baji and in a way became your friend too; but that was it. He kept that apart from the side of his life that involved you because he was well aware of how messy it could get and he didn’t want to drag you into any trouble.
Yet his gang life caught up to him, crashing into your world and pushing you into a lonely abyss that still to this day left a hole in your chest.
You’d always remember that dreaded day when your mother came home later than usual without letting you know anything, eyes teary and red rimmed. The moment she looked at you, she pulled you into a strong hug and sobbed as she caressed your hair murmuring a string of words you couldn’t really make out.
She was the one to deliver the news of his passing, how she was late because she was at the Baji household and had to accompany his mother to claim her son’s body after the woman received a call from the police station telling her that the boy had been stabbed and bled to death.
The day would never come when you’d forget the pain that shot through your body as you learned that he was gone. It hurt unlike anything else you have ever experienced, as if someone was crushing your chest like it was made out of paper, air knocked out of your lungs and the only thing you could do was scream helplessly his name as you held for dear life onto your mother’s frame. You felt bile rise up your throat so fast that it was a miracle that you didn’t throw up.
His funeral wasn’t any easier. Not when you arrived and his mom pulled you to his casket saying just how handsome he looked, inviting you to see him in a way that you couldn’t refuse.
Around an hour after yourself, arrived Chifuyu who went to you after giving his condolences to his best friend’s mother that held him the way she used to hold her boy but now she’d never get the chance to do anymore.
If you were being completely honest, you couldn’t remember much more of that day, your mind was hazy, too many gaps in the memory of all that transpired.
Only two things were clear as day in your mind. First was the way that Kei had looked inside that coffin smiling peacefully and for a moment you almost fooled yourself into thinking that he was just sleeping, but he was pale, his canines weren’t showing and his eyes were slightly sunken but you had to agree with his mom because he looked handsome indeed. The second was that Chifuyu stayed by your side throughout the whole thing, in fact he was the one who told you what actually happened and you were thankful for it all.
He told you what Baji did and why he did it and you believed it the second the words left his mouth because you knew him well and if there was anything that defined your beloved boyfriend was his heart, how willing he was to give anything for those that he cared about; his unwavering loyalty; you just wished he hadn’t put himself on the line for that.
Twelve years have passed and a lot of things changed since his parting, for starters you became a member of Toman.
One night; around a month after everything happened; you went to the Musashi temple fully aware that it was the place that the boys used as their base and in front of everyone gathered there; bracing yourself; you walked towards Mikey, bowed deeply and begged for him to accept you as a member.
At first most of the guys there laughed at you while others frowned and called you names shooing you away but you stayed still, that was until a big hand grabbed you by the arm and that was when you pulled away from it and punched the guy square in the nose remembering the time Baji taught you how to pack a punch. The guy tried to send a blow towards you but was stopped by Chifuyu yet the whole commotion came to a halt with Mikey’s commanding voice.
“Y/N, you know this is a guys-only gang”
“I’m aware, Mikey, but” you clenched your fists “but Keisuke cared about this gang so I feel like I must join, to protect everything he fought for” you raised your head “he also taught me how to fight so you don’t have to worry about me being a burden on you and I know a few things about first aid, I can carry my own weight” you were thankful for your mother being a nurse and having taught you a bit.
He stared at you, his eyes giving away nothing.
“The first division can take her in” Chifuyu supplied.
Mikey raised a brow and looked at another blonde guy.
“Takemitchy, you are the first division’s captain, do you agree to take her?” the guy straightened up and after sharing one look with Chifuyu he nodded.
An uproar started as a lot of guys started to complain about how bad of an idea it was to admit a girl in the gang but Draken stopped them with one word.
Mikey looked at you once more, then he sighed and nodded.
“Then welcome, Y/N L/N, from now on you are a member of the Tokyo Manji Gang under the first division”.
Later that day you gave your thanks to Chifuyu and Takemichi, for getting behind you and promised to help them in any way possible but Chifuyu made you promise to be safe and only join them as a last resource because he couldn’t allow Baji’s girlfriend to get hurt since he promised him he’d take care of you.
You knew that your parents wouldn’t be happy with you being a part of a gang but you had to do it, it was a way to stay close to Kei and you needed that or else you would have gone crazy, you were also thankful because life had it that you were assigned to the division that used to be his.
Shit happened but you always took things head on and you had to admit that Chifuyu and Takemichi played a crucial part in you surviving all the crappy things that happened until the gang disbanded. While still a member you were extremely grateful for makeup since it helped you hide from your parents a good amount of nasty bruises that came from the fights.
The second thing that changed was that you moved out of your parents’ house from the moment you started college and although at first it was hard and you were living in a tiny apartment that resembled more to a matchbox yet it was the only thing you could afford at the moment with the part time job you had but you were decided to not return home, not because you weren’t comfortable with them but because they were already doing too much for you by paying for your studies so you didn’t want them to be spending any more money on you.
You managed and after a while you got a better job that meant a higher pay grade and you moved out of your tiny place to your current one that was bigger and just a couple of minutes away from the cemetery where the Baji family grave was.
Even when you had exams due the next day, even when you were way too busy, you still made it a habit to go visit him daily, it didn’t matter if you had to walk for long or that you were so tired you could have fallen asleep while standing, you still went to see him.
Your mother told you once that maybe you should let go, that he wouldn’t like to have you clinging to him this much and to appease her you went to a couple of dates once every three months but you never made it past the first date but funnily enough that landed you a few long lasting friendships with some of the guys you tried to date.
One time his mom talked to you and told you just how grateful she was with you for loving her son the way you did but that you didn’t owe him anything, that you could move on because she was sure that was what he would have wanted and maybe she was right; to hell you knew that she was; but it wasn’t a matter of you feeling like you owed devotion to him but more like no one ever compared to him, not a single person awoke in you the same feelings he did, not with the same intensity it was kind of like a beautiful curse because you grieved daily his absence but you wouldn’t want it other way, even if you went back and told yourself that by loving him you’d end up in pain, you’d still go through it all because the time spent with him was worth it and you told her that so she smiled and even talked with your mother making her stop begging you to date and leave you to your own devices.
Another thing that changed was you because you cut your hair really short; yet without needing it you still wore a hair tie on your wrist daily as if it was some sort of amulet because it reminded you of him.
Also, with the bigger place you adopted three beautiful cats that you loved dearly, first there was Blue; whose black hair shone blue under certain light hence his name; then there was Leo; an orange tabby cat you found one day and adopted instantly; and Jin; a maine coon that was your appointed guardian and didn’t like anyone around you nor him.
The three always slept with you; which made you thankful for getting a big bed when you first moved; and in a way they made your life less lonely because in their presence you felt as if Keisuke was right there with you which made sense because you two had made plans about living together once highschool was over and then adopt a ton of cats, all the cats your parents never allowed in the house when you were younger.
Of course things don’t always end up the way we plan them, you knew that better than most although to be completely honest you never expected Kazutora to come into the picture.
You new who he was, on one occasion Kei told you that him speaking on his behalf and taking the full blame for what happened with Mikey’s older brother was a big factor on him staying out of juvie so in a way you were thankful to him but you also knew; through Chifuyu’s retelling; what happened on that horrible halloween when you lost your whole world.
Even when you knew that everything had been planned out by Kisaki, for the longest time you were resentful towards Kazutora, even going as far as to curse his sole existence because hadn’t it been for him then your Keisuke would surely still be with you. It took you years for you to come to terms with everything and accept that Baji chose to leave all because he cared about that boy way too much.
You came to realize that by hating Kazutora, by wishing him the worst and spending so much energy in resenting him you were betraying Kei’s wishes.
His final will was to keep Toman’s funding members; Kazutora included; safe, he chose death, going down as a villain to his friends, all just to protect them, to save him so the least you could do was carry on his wishes and look after them, not only after Chifuyu and the others but you also felt the moral obligation towards Keisuke, to welcome Kazutora and help him back into his life.
Now, you went to help around Chifuyu and Kazutora’s shop, fully aware that it was their way of honoring his memory, by living out the dream he never had the chance for.
You could understand them because everyday you did the same, hell, you even went to study veterinary because that had been the plan all those years back; he was supposed to open his pet shop and you were supposed to be the one to tend to the animals, he always said that you had the best shot because you usually did rather good at school.
You met Kazutora the day after Chifuyu picked him up from prison. You already knew that he would be joining you two for lunch the following day because he told you in advance in case you weren’t ready to meet the man that had played a big part in your old boyfriend’s death.
Chifuyu by that point had become your best friend in the world, your constant support. What started as a way to cope with Baji’s loss, as both of you searching in the other for any vestiges of his existence with the passing of the years turned into something more, a fraternal bond forged through shared grief.
Chifuyu was like a brother to you and you knew that he saw you as a sister, you cared about him deeply.
If you were being completely honest, you were a bit torn when a month prior to the release, he announced to you that he’d be picking up the guy and was planning on welcoming him as a roommate and as an extra hand at the shop; that is if the other accepted. I mean, you’d have to be crazy to just accept it as it was, no questions asked because whether manipulated and messed up in the head, it didn’t change the fact that he was the one to stab him.
Of course you knew it hadn’t been easy for him to reach that, it was obvious that he had thought it through, you could see in his eyes just how much went into making that decision but that he was sure that that was Baji would have liked and you knew that as well because that was the type of person Keisuke used to be, a bit rough on the edges but so caring and willing to give for those he loved, and he sure as hell had proven how much he cared about the guy.
You had never talked to him, what little you knew about him was what Baji had mentioned all those years back when he almost went to prison and what Chifuyu told you, how he was getting the help he needed and seemed to be making progress but that was it.
To say it was awkward at first was a big understatement. He was extremely quiet and even after you greeted him he refused to make eye contact while you kept fidgeting in place trying to come up with something to say. Thank god for Chifuyu since he was the one to introduce you although he could have been a bit more careful when he introduced you as Baji’s old girlfriend, although you couldn’t blame him because there was no way around it, that was what you were.
The moment he understood who you were he froze, eyes focusing on his hands under the table. You noticed how uneasy he became and with a look you asked Chifuyu to give you a minute, thankfully he understood and trusting you excused himself from the table.
You reached out, stilling your hand in the middle of the space between you when you saw him flinch, something that reminded you of the time when you encountered Leo for the first time; hurt and scared. Kazutora in a way resembled him, something lonely and broken about him that gave you the final push to get close.
Just like you did way back for Leo you extended your open hand towards him, facing upwards to show him that you had no ill intentions and you rested your hand on the table just a few centimeters away from his arm, not wanting to startle him but wanting to show him that you were trying to get close.
“I don’t hate you, Hanemiya-kun”
His gaze zeroed on your hand and then eyes of the color of the lightest brown you’ve ever seen; almost the same shade as amber; met yours wary and trembling but you simply nodded confirming that you were being completely honest.
“Why?” his voice came out broken.
“Because Keisuke cared about you” you smiled, feeling your eyes get watery and Kazutora’s face became blurry due to the tears.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, I- I wish I could take it all back, I really do, I...” you heard the words come out cracked and you shook your head and reached for his arm.
“I know...it’s fine. Like I said, I don’t hate you, it’s been a while since that happened and I’ve made up my mind, I’ve already accepted it as part of life” that’s a lie and you know, you miss him every day so much that you still cling to the little things he left behind, that’s the reason why you haven’t been in a relationship after him.
You quickly wiped the tears out of your eyes and looked at him once more. “I’d like to be there for you, maybe be friends even, that is if you’d like that”
Kazutora’s mind was running laps. Was he hearing you correctly? Did you actually say that you wanted to be friends with him? Be friends with the guy that killed your boyfriend nonetheless. He couldn’t wrap his head around that thought, it was simply impossible, he was a villain, a rotten fruit that nobody had ever liked and that poisoned the only good things he had in his life, why would anyone want to be near him?
First there was Chifuyu; who for all he could gather used to consider Baji as his best friend; welcoming him into his apartment, offering him a place to stay and even a job no questions asked, that was already hard to understand, but now having you willing to welcome him? That was almost ridiculous because you surely knew, he saw the way you interacted with Chifuyu, there was no way in hell he didn’t tell you, so why?
Why were you being kind to him? So gentle? Why couldn’t you just scream and curse him? Heaven knows for how long he has been cursing himself, regretting everything he did, from Shinichiro to Baji. He deserved to be yelled at, to be shunned away from society, he was deserving of pain and should be tossed to the abyss of loneliness, forever in the dark, far away from the sun.
He couldn’t fathom why on God's name was Baji’s girlfriend in front of him extending her delicate hand towards him. But even when he couldn’t understand he wanted to accept it. He knew he deserved nothing given how he had taken two lives but he wanted the embrace so badly.
He wanted company, friends, he didn’t want to be forever an outcast due to his bad decisions but instead he wanted to belong, to feel some sort of comfort, he wanted to bask in the sun’s warmth and for once in a very long time feel a bit of peace, he wanted saving, someone to tell him he was worthy even when he knew he wasn’t.
He looked at you once more, and something felt warm inside his chest; even his throat tightening; when he saw that you were still smiling gently at him despite the rebel tears that had escaped from your eyes.
“I’d like that” he smiled wobbly. “Also, Kazutora is fine”
“Then let’s be friends, Kazutora-kun” your smile grew broader and that was the start.
Surprisingly after that, it didn’t take long for you to grow comfortable with each other. He was quiet and would often be found spacing off but he was considerate towards you, actually he returned the same kindness you gave him, although it was evident that he was still wary and a bit rough on the edges he tried hard and you could see, so whenever he was having a bad mood you tried not to take it personally.
Through gentle words and patience, you won him over, even those around you were surprised at how quickly he warmed up to you but there was just something in him that pulled you, maybe that same thing that pushed you to adopt Leo when you found him malnourished and hurt on your way home from the cemetery or maybe it was something else.
Just as he warmed up to you, you warmed up to him. It was easy to talk to him, he was always willing to lend you an attentive ear, listening to your ramblings about the monotonous things that happened at the clinic, it didn’t matter that he knew nothing about the people you mentioned, he always listened like it was the most important thing in the world.
At first your interactions were always in company of Chifuyu, mostly at the shop while you went to visit which actually ended in you helping around to organize the merchandise or on the usual checkups on the animals to ensure that they were in the utmost condition for the moment someone decided to welcome them into their home.
Then, Kazutora started to walk you to the station but slowly that turned into him accompanying you all the way home and since he was taking the time to go with you you started offering him a cup of tea at your house before he’d leave again to get back to his and Chifuyu’s place.
That wasn’t the end of it because one cup of tea turned into two, then three and finally what started as a thanks for the inconvenience turned into hours-long talks about the most menial things just because.
Your cats loved him; Blue was always rubbing himself against his legs while Leo wasted no time to go lay on his legs and with a meow demand to be petted at the moment; but the most amazing thing of all was that Jin didn’t hate him, in fact he got way too comfortable with him which was a thing that you’d never seen, the only other person besides yourself that he liked was Hina, hell, not even Chifuyu had been able to charm the bigger cat and now apparently he didn’t mind Kazutora trailing behind you when even up to that day whenever he was visiting Chifuyu would get a growl from Jin but not Kazutora.
He was nice to your babies, he liked them and you could see that he didn’t change his demeanour towards them even when he thought you weren’t looking, in fact his voice got softer when directed at them and you were also the kind of person that trusted animal’s perception so the fact that your beloved cats liked him really told you that he had changed from what little you knew about his ways before being sent to prison after Baji’s death.
Kazutora started noticing the little things about you, for starters the way you’d always be singing a random thing off tune but with such energy that it was amusing but when asked he’d swear on his life that he wasn’t bothered that he actually liked it even though you knew very well that you weren’t a good singer but the opposite yet there was something powerful about having him joining in the middle of your singing, even when he didn’t know the lyrics he’d be humming along.
You were a sight to behold for him because in all the mess of his life he had never encountered someone as lively as yourself. Even after losing Baji you tried your best, you were determined and hardworking and so kind, not only to him but to every living thing no matter if they were animals, people or even plants, you amazed him because you were always so willing to be gentle to anyone.
You were a soothing presence.
That was not to say you didn’t have your bad days, after all you were only human and it was simply impossible to be at one hundred percent everyday the whole day, but you pushed through and you were always quick to ask for forgiveness if you had an outburst towards someone, you were the kind to not withhold apologies even when you weren’t at fault. He could remember a handful of times in which you apologized when he was the one to step on your toes.
You, of all people apologized to him, a social reject, a vermin, you apologized to him as if he was worthy, as if that was the logical thing to do but he knew that no matter what you did he knew that he was the one that still owed you a lifetime of apologies.
He wasn’t an idiot, he knew how much Baji meant to you even to that day, he noticed the little pieces of him lingering in your everyday, like how you always wore a hair tie around your wrist even when your hair was way too short for you to ever need it and whenever you had to get your bangs out of your face you used hair clips, never the tie on your wrist, the way you always cracked your knuckles as if getting ready for a fight even if you were only checking the animals and the way you carried yourself in a way resembled the way Baji used to.
He never told you but a few times he found you at the cemetery by coincidence while visiting Baji and there was something heartbreaking about seeing you kneeling on the ground with trembling shoulders despite it being a hot day. He regretted what he did, not only because he felt guilty or ‘cause he missed his friend but also for your sake because he wanted to see your happy smile, he never wanted to hear your cries ever again.
Just like him, you started seeking his company more and more, not only were you inviting him to stay and talk after walking you home but you made plans with him and just him, to go window shopping, for a cup of coffee, lunch dates, movie premieres; because you liked going to the movies so much and discovered that he was an enthusiast as much as you; movies on the couch, even just lazy sundays at your house playing the entire day with your cats.
Of course reaching this state was quick yet slow, it was hard to explain, like you were close to him and enjoyed his company, but it was different than it was with Hina or even Chifuyu yet you wouldn’t call it romantic, not at first.
Sure, there was something to Kazutora, you weren’t blind so you could see clear as day that he was rather handsome, probably one of the prettiest guys you’d ever met but there was something more, something that pulled you, something broken and lonely that tugged at your heart and told you to care for him.
At such a young age he had been to prison on two occasions and you could actually see that that was simply the tip of the iceberg. He had to mature too soon, he mentioned vaguely that his relation with his parents wasn’t the best and his eyes at times looked older than he actually was, plus it took a long time for him to get used to your affectionate ways because your love-language was physical touch. You had a special fascination with hair and all of your friends were used to that but Kazutora was like a kicked puppy that was only learning to trust in people once more.
You were a new breeze of air into his life, with your caring ways and funny nature he fell. For the first time in his life he had someone like you, at first it was difficult for him to realize that the fuzzy feeling inside his gut whenever he looked at you or even heard your voice meant what people called love but it was a given because he had never felt that way before.
For the longest time he felt like love was a lie, he remembered how bad his home life was, how strained and full of pain the things between his parents were, even now from time to time he had nightmares of his mother crying as his father hit her and then her begging him; only a child; to pick sides.
He wanted to hold you close, to keep you away from harm and to listen to your laugh for days on end, for once his heartbeat quickened for someone, he found a safe place in your presence, you were an oasis after years roaming the desert. You were such an unusual kind of certainty in his life that he never had but that he had searched for so long.
While Kazutora realized rather quickly; in comparison to you; that you had wormed your way into his heart making a home for you it took you around three years and others pointing it out for you to actually realize that he meant to you more than a friend.
The first one was your mother although not as subtly but rather by saying that she was happy that you were now with Kazutora which took you by surprise because you weren’t.
That wasn’t the end of it, but only the beginning.
The next one was Hina one day you were sleeping over at her house, but the cherry on top was Chifuyu.
“Hey, I know it’s not really my business, but when are you going to get together?” he asked one time when you went out for coffee.
“What?” you asked mindlessly, stirring some sugar into your beverage.
“Yeah, you’re kind of driving me crazy, it’s kind of annoying feeling like a third-wheel without actually being one, just get it over with” he spoke before taking a sip from his own cup.
“What?” you snapped your head back to him.
“Is that the only thing you’re gonna say?” he looked at you through half-lidded eyes.
“Yes, because I honestly don’t understand a single thing of what you’re saying” you shook your head and took a sip from your coffee.
“What I’m saying is that it’s obvious that you like Kazutora” he said matter-of-factly.
“Of course I like him, he’s my friend, I like you too”.
“No, you don’t, you like me as your friend but you like Kazutora in a different way, a lovey-dovey way” he deadpanned.
“No, Kei-” you began just like you did whenever your mother used to bring up your love life or thereof lack of it.
“Baji-san has been gone for years already” he cut you, wincing as he said that and to you his words felt like a slap across your face.
“Look, I know, trust me, I do, but it’s been long enough and if there is someone that makes you feel good you should go for it, he wouldn’t want you being unhappy for him” he sighed and with a hand pushed his hair back.
“He asked me to take care of you because he wanted you to be alright, he wanted you to be happy and he’d probably punch me if I simply stood by and watched you being miserable” he pushed his cup to the side, leaned over the table to grab you by the shoulders and looked into your eyes seriously.
“I know you like him, don’t be an idiot, it’s painfully obvious with how you look at him and spend almost all of your free time with him, Baji-san won’t be mad at you for finding someone new and I believe that he’d be happy that it is Kazutora of all people”.
Before you could respond to that, the sound of a new message cut you off and when you looked sideways to your phone on the table, a soft smile graced your lips when Kazutora’s name appeared on the screen. Without thinking you opened it and it was some random video of a kitten; somewhere along the way it became a thing between you and it reminded you of how Keisuke used to send you daily pictures of the cats that went to his house.
“It’s Kazutora, right?” Your face grew hot once you came back to reality, remembering suddenly with whom you were and what you were talking about.
“I’ll let you be, but don’t be an idiot and let yourself be happy” and just like that Chifuyu ended that conversation and quickly changed topics.
You knew you liked him, you felt warm whenever he was around you, his voice soothed you even on the worst of days and you looked forward to his messages. You had learned to find comfort in his eyes but they were a wrong shade; not brown enough.
He wasn’t Keisuke. He’d never be.
A few days later you found yourself in the shop, helping around but constantly sending glances in his direction, his back facing towards you, looking painfully similar to Kei’s even down to the hair length, although the color wasn’t the right match with it’s blonde streaks you could still fool yourself into thinking it was him.
But then he’d turn to look at you and send a smile your way and there would be a beauty mark under golden eyes and a tiger tattoo where it shouldn’t have been and that smile was lacking a pair of prominent incisives peeking through.
You knew it was wrong to look at him searching for Keisuke, searching for your lost love in another, clinging to the remnants of his passing through the world but you missed him so much.
At times you felt like you couldn’t even breathe, you had even fallen asleep in front of his family grave after a long day if you went to visit at dawn after not being able to make it at morning but you had to visit him daily in order to feel in his company because if you ever thought of skipping a lump appeared in your chest crushing your heart.
Yet, even then, even when you realized it wasn’t Baji your heart would skip a bit and your stomach would twist.
Later that night you found yourself walking home with Kazutora by your side in complete but comfortable silence, feeling the warmth oozing from his arm that was left hanging at his side lightly brushing against yours, rising even the tiniest hair of your arm.
Kazutora had been going at it over and over for months. At first, when he realized what he felt for you he decided to bury it deep and forever carry it in silence but as time went on he craved your presence.
He started wishing for more, more smiles, those smiles to be only for him, he even found himself looking forward to getting hurt while playing with your cats because it meant that you would be cleaning up his hands and putting on a band-aid with the utmost care and attention even if they were the most insignificant scratches ever.
He liked having your attention, he liked that you replied to any message from him almost immediately; unless you were attending to a patient then you’d reply as soon as possible; he also liked how your eyes would get bigger whenever something amazed you or if you found something even remotely cute.
Your constant ramblings plagued his mind at every hour no matter if he was asleep. Hell, he even went to Baji’s grave to ask for permission to love you, even if he did so in silence he felt like he owed that much to his old friend because you were his girl after all.
Why did it have to be you? Why Baji’s? Why did you have to come into his life and be like the sun? You were too much for him, too perfect, too good while he was nothing but a mess, too fucked up, too far away from repair. For fuck’s sake, he was the one that took your boyfriend away, he would have been better off handling your hate but instead you were there giving him so much it almost pained him, only adding up to his guilt.
This had to be some sick game of the universe. God must have been having the time of his life laughing at how the killer fell in love with the victim’s old love.
Before any of you knew, you had already gotten home and like it became custom you invited him inside for a cup of tea.
As soon as you opened the door, your three babies rushed to the entryway to greet you, Jin being the very first, you hadn’t taken two steps inside when he was already brushing himself against your legs. The other two weren’t too far but to your disappointment Leo approached Kazutora before even looking at you.
“I’ll stop bringing you here, you’re stealing them away from me” you pouted while kneeling down to hug Jin who looked at Kazutora with no distaste, then you picked up Blue and let him nuzzle your neck, after that still holding him you went to rub Leo with your free hand once he finally took notice of you and remembered who bought him food and toys.
Kazutora’s hearty laugh filled your ears pulling your mouth from the pout into a smile.
“Leo knows who’s the cool one” he winked your way. “I’m kidding, he likes you more” he looked down at said cat “right pal? Isn’t your mom the absolute best?”
“Oh, shut up, flattery won’t take you anywhere” You felt blood rushing to your face so you stood up hiding your reddening face into Blue’s fur.
You hurried to the kitchen and then, out of his sight was when you put Blue down and started to boil some water, hearing over it as the door closed and seconds later Kazutora appeared with the other two trailing behind.
You ended up splayed on the bigger couch in your living room, your back leaning against his side while Jin laid on top of your legs while in Kazutora’s rested the other two cats. At that moment you were with your eyes closed, mindlessly caressing Jin while you listened to Kazutora talk to your cats in a baby voice that you wouldn’t have expected from him the first time you met.
For him it wasn’t easy to keep his cool, he had to school his face even if you weren’t looking at him and oh, his heart was so loud it was about to jump out of his chest and he wouldn’t mind but he didn’t want you to listen.
I’m sorry Baji.
A  meow of protest fell on deaf ears since he had stopped caressing Leo and Blue, instead turning his full attention towards you.
You turned your head and suddenly you found yourself way too close to his face; so much you could’ve counted every single of his lashes; staring up at a pair of golden eyes that were looking at you and only you as if you had been the one to hang up the stars in the sky.
His features were delicate, so beautiful it was heartstopping, he looked almost otherworldly; and not only because the ghost of Baji’s face lingered in his in a particular way; but there was a certain glimmer in his eyes that you had been noticing from a few days leading to that one, only that then it shined brighter than ever.
Unbeknownst to you, your eyes were reflecting Kazutora’s shine and your heart was beating to the same tempo as his starting up a melody of their own with your breathing getting caught up in your lungs making up the rhythm accompanying your song.
You were being drawn into each other like opposite poles of a magnet, barely any resistance was there and soon enough you met in the middle. At first it was the softest brush; like when you first dip your toe before jumping into the water; but it started a whole revolution inside both.
The brush became a second and then your lips were pressing against each other, basking in the warmth that radiated off that single contact that sparked a bunch of reactions at the same time. Your heart went off, your lungs closed; forgetting for that moment that they needed air and not that man to keep kissing you; and for the briefest moment your mind stopped thinking about Baji.
Kazutora was ready to die, if he was sent to hell at that very moment he’d be glad because at least he got a taste of heaven and it was more than enough. He decided then and there that he was bound to be cursed because how did a monster like him manage to get a kiss from an angel such as yourself? It must have been a sin for something so tainted to even look your way.
He didn’t know when your hand placed itself on the side of his neck but he knew that he was yours, if there was any doubt of that up until that point, it vanished with the way you were gently caressing his tattoo as if you were tracing it by memory, as if you had paid close attention to him, as if he mattered, as if he was something more than a broken thing.
Something inside you moved when a whimper escaped his lips the first time you pulled away for a mere second in order to get air before going in once more, this time ready to open your mouth and let him take while you explored. It felt nice, new; which was to be expected since the last time you had kissed someone this way had been with Baji.
You opened your eyes and suddenly pulled away, almost as if his touch burned you; and in a way it could be said to be true; and your violent movement startled the three cats that you had ignored moments before, making them leave for your room.
The image of your beloved; death; boyfriend took Kazutora’s place, brown replaced gold and the beauty mark vanished, the yellow strands that framed his face turned jet black and the smile you’d been missing like crazy; that particularly his that showed his teeth was there.
You blinked a few times and his image left, allowing you to see Kazutora for who he was and not the ghost of him.
“I’m sorry, I don’t know what came to me” he looked at you with tears gathering in his eyes almost pleading and you realized how it must have looked to him.
“No, Tora, I-”
I’m an idiot, I blew this up. Again I’ve just gone and ruined what good I had.
“I’m going now” he stood up and left for the door, leaving you alone and cold on the couch.
I’m sorry Keisuke.
You stood up and went after, finding him in the doorway hastily putting on his shoes but you grasped his arm to stop him.
“I will leave right now, it’ll be like nothing happened” you caught a glimpse of a tear trailing down his cheek and that sight prompted you to speak.
“No” your other hand reached for the fabric of his shirt, securing him.
“I don’t want you to leave, I-” the words choked you, there was too much you had to say and your mouth wasn’t responding as fast as you would’ve liked.
“Don’t ask me to stay because if you do it’ll only hurt more when you tell me it was a mistake”
“But it wasn’t a mistake, I want you, okay? Kazutora, I like you” you at least managed to say the one thing that was clear in your mind, that had been clear for a long time but only got accepted after that one conversation with Chifuyu.
That certainly stopped him, for he turned around to fully face you and you saw his eyes filled to the brim in tears that he refused to let run freely.
You reached for his face as slowly as the first time you two met, giving him enough space to retreat, but how could he when the thing he wanted most was to be with you and bask in the calm that your presence brought into his messy life? When he didn’t give any signs of pulling away you smiled and cupped his cheeks as if you were holding a piece of glass; and in a way Kazutora was just as fragile as that material when it came to you.
He leaned into your touch, and you were bold enough to pull him in and rest your foreheads together, looking with all seriousness into his eyes, having deja vu of the first day.
“Why? Why? I- what I did to Baji, you know what I’ve done, I don’t”
“I really can’t say, I just do, it’s, it’s hard, okay?” you closed your eyes for a brief second before continuing.
“I swore that there wouldn’t be anyone else and now, now you are here and I like being with you but I know that is way different from how it is with anyone else, it’s something more, something I never thought I’d be able to feel again”
He smiled through his tears because after all he’s done, every mistake in his life said that he didn’t deserve you and yet there you were.
“But I also have to be honest with you” he braced himself for what would be your next words.
“I still love Keisuke, I will probably still be loving him even fifty years from now and that is something that will never change, he was my first friend, first time holding hands, my first love, first kiss, many firsts, he took most of them” you gave out a wobbly smile.
“He’s forever imprinted in my skin and I’ll always be his” he lowered his gaze at that. “But if you can accept that I’m willing to try this, I never dated; not really, not an actual relationship; after him but I wouldn’t mind it being you, I think we deserve a chance”.
His heart was thumping inside his chest making it harder to process everything so you waited while his mind raced. Kazutora looked into your eyes and knew he had to take the chance because you were what he needed and even if he was undeserving you thought him worthy.
A selfish part of him, the bad side said that he should be glad because if Baji was there he knew you would have chosen him, a thousand times you’d have chosen Baji over Kazutora and that pained him but what pained him the most was the fact that a tiny part of him was happy because now he had the chance to be with you.
He was taking the life Baji should’ve had, but he’d take good care of you.
He could live being second best if that meant he got to have you.
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chris-hartley · 2 years
Tell me about other choice based games, also have you ever played oxenfree?
Ooh boy. For starters, I saw this and went "oh god where do I start" so that's a warning for what lies ahead. PS: Have not played Oxenfree and don't know what it is but I will look it up.
This is a spoiler-free zone unless otherwise stated in the headings btw :)
I know you know about Until Dawn so I'm not gonna touch that. But that being said I have to mention the Dark Pictures Anthology since that wasn't listed in the post :D.
The Dark Pictures Anthology is another choice-based game created by Supermassive Games, which made Until Dawn. Where Until Dawn was 8 hours long, The Dark Pictures games are all much shorter, with Man of Medan and Little Hope around 4 hours, and House of Ashes being at 6.
Each one of the Dark Pictures games is based roughly on a real-life event. Man of Medan is the Ourang Medan ship, Little Hope is the Salem Witch Trials, and House of Ashes takes place during the Iraq War. And the upcoming game Devil in Me is rumored to be based on the murder hotel of HH Holmes. Of course, with each came the fabrication of the threat/monster.
The games themselves are hit or miss. Personally, I enjoyed House of Ashes the most out of the three, followed by Man of Medan, and then Little Hope (I hated the ending but won't spoil it). I think one of the reasons I did like HoA best, is because of the length, they were able to build the characters more and make you like them and wanna save them, which the other two I felt lacked in that department.
In the end, the way they set up the games was very similar to Until Dawn (and on the off chance someone is reading these and doesn't know), one of the big components of all choice-based games is that you can save or kill any number of the playable characters: Alex, Julia, Conrad, Fliss, and Brad in Man of Medan. Andrew, Taylor, Daniel, Angela, and John in Little Hope. And Eric, Rachel, Salim, Jason, and Nick in House of Ashes.
The one tie-through of those games is the recurring character The Curator (who fans flock to partially due to his dump truck ass). He warns you of what's to come in weird puzzle-like riddles, can flat out give you hints, and overall in my opinion seems like you're talking to The Grim Reaper or Death. In his office he has a bookshelf where there is a series of books with symbols on them to represent the four games (which I will have tattooed on me now!): a little ship for Man of Medan, a stick figure doll for Little Hope, an eclipse for House of Ashes, and a compass (although I keep wanting to call it a protractor) for Devil in Me.
Anyway! That's the Dark Pictures. On to the next one... one that hasn't even come out yet lol.
So this game is the next game slated to be released by Supermassive Games (on June 10th). It has been released that the game is a "spiritual successor" to Until Dan and like that game, follows a stellar star-studded cast featuring David Arquette as Chris Hackett, Justice Smith as Ryan, Ted Raimi as Travis, Brenda Song as Kaitlyn, Halston Sage as Emma, Skylar Gisando as Max Binly, Siobhan Williams as Laura, Ariel Winter as Abigail, Evan Evagora as Nick, Miles Robbins as Dylan, Zach Tinker as Jacob, Lance Henriksen as Jedediah, Ethan Suplee as Bobby, Lin Shaye as Constance, and last but not least Grace Zabriskie as Eliza.
The game is announced to be 10 hours long and the first 30 minutes (aka the prologue) have been released on IGN. The Quarry follows 9 summer camp counselors (Max, Laura, Ryan, Dylan, Nick, Abigail, Emma, Jacob, and Kaitlyn) on the last night of camp at Hackett's Quarry, and some spooky shit starts happening.
Also the character Eliza has been confirmed to be almost a Curator/Dr. Hil type of harbinger of things to come which is kinda cool.
From what I've seen of the teasers and stuff, my theory is that it's werewolves and possibly a situation of the campers being hunted by humans (think The Most Dangerous Game). But nothing is confirmed that's just what I think.
From what I've seen, I'm VERY excited for this game's release. 45 days so the hype is building!
Ah yes, the shortest choice based game. Created by Supermassive Games to show off a functionality of the PS4, which I don't think was used for any other game, lol.
The game follows Becky Marney (played by Katie Cassidy) as she investigates the claims that the guy they've had in custody/on death row for being The Trapper killer-- calling card boobytrapping the bodies of his victims to kill the first responders too-- claims he isn't the actual trapper but has been taking the fall for his friend Adam.
Throughout the very short 2 hour game, you play as Becky and Felicity Graves who are trying to figure out if the claims of the alleged Trapper are true. Once again it plays into the choice based to where both of the characters can die in an attempt to solve the murders.
It's a fun game! It's just built as a party game with the feature using your phones as the controller and the functionality to (when playing as a group) have Hidden Agenda's in order to get people to react one way or another to choices, although there is a single player mode where you don't have that but it's still on your phone.
Anyway you can watch my stream here!
Onto another developer! Quantic Dream (or David Cage). I remember watching one playthrough of Until Dawn and someone comparing it to Heavy Rain, which is next up.
Heavy Rain was (from what I know) the first game to follow through on the "your choices actually matter" as far as choice-based games go. It was released in 2010 and follows the story of Ethan Mars whose son has been kidnapped by the infamous Origami Killer that has been taunting the city for years. The calling card is that the kid goes missing in broad daylight and the father of the sons (it's always boys) receives a series of trials they must go through as a test to see if they're a good enough dad to save their son. Each trial succeeded gives Ethan a few entries into a really sucky Hangman game that when fully completed gives him the address of where his son is.
That being said, you also play as Madison, a reporter who is writing an article about the Origami Killer and accidentally falls in love with Ethan, Norman (or as I mimic his Boston accent, Nahman) Jayden who is an FBI agent sent to investigate this serial killer, and Scott Shelby who is a private investigator hired by the parents of the missing kids to help the police in their investigation.
Over the span of the game, you complete the trials as Ethan and investigate the crimes as Jayden and Shelby, ultimately finding out who the killer is and bringing them to justice.
And the best part? You can kill or save all of them in a number of ways (including Ethan's son who you never play as but still).
I played this game a few years ago and while the graphics have aged with time, it is still a fantastic game and if you haven't played it (or watched a stream) I recommend it. Here is my personal stream of the game if you wanna check it out.
In 2018, Quantic Dream released its most recent game, Detroit: Become Human, which much like Heavy Rain makes good on it's promise to create a game where your choices do really matter. And this time, the graphics are UNREAL. It's roughly 10 hours long and follows the city of Detroit, Michigan way in the future (I'd say nearly 80 years from now but I don't know the exact date). In this future, we have developed a humanoid Android robot to do pretty much every job for us that we don't want to/can't do for ourselves.
The game follows 3 story lines where you're playing as the androids Kara (played by Valorie Curry), Marcus (played by Jesse Williams), and Connor (played by Bryan Dechart). Connor is a police assistant android whose mission is to help figure out why androids are slowly becoming sentient ("deviant") and exhibiting human-like traits like having emotions. Marcus, who has become deviant and with a group of others, begins to lead a resistance to show humans that they just want to be treated as equals (noted: your resistance can be peaceful or riot-like depending on your choices). And Kara starts off as a nanny/maid for a family but rescues the little girl from her abusive father and runs away in search of a better life for both of them.
Their stories start off separate but soon overlap with Kara ending up seeking help from Marcus, and Connor hunting down the shelter of deviant androids who are apart of the resistance. And like all the others, you can kill or save all three of the main characters along with the non-playable side ones (North, Simon, Josh, and Luther).
Once again. 10/10 game. My stream is linked here.
BEYOND: TWO SOULS (spoilers)
Another game by Quantic Dream, Beyond: Two Souls is different. Where as the other games give opportunities for the characters to die throughout the game and alter how it ends that way, Beyond has a pretty strict choice based nature.
The plot is you follow Jodie (played by Elliot Page) as she grows up and learns to make sense/become friends with the entity she was born linked to. She starts off as a child who is undergoing tests led by Nathan Dawkins (played by Willem Dafoe), eventually gets recruited by the CIA, and falls in love. The whole time you're playing as Jodie and her entity Aiden (pronounced eye-den not like how you'd normally say aye-den).
Eventually the game builds up as Jodie begins to learn where Aiden came from and why they are bonded and it ends with a big choice.
Either die and join Aiden in the afterlife, or live and have her ties to Aiden be severed. If you choose to live you also have the choice of being able to be in the established romantic relationship with CIA agent Ryan (played by Eric Winter).
Not gonna lie the first time I played the game I had to sit and stare at the screen after it ended cause it hit differently personally for me (as someone who also lost a twin prior to birth-- like Jodie with Aiden). But it was still fantastic nonetheless.
LIFE IS STRANGE (spoilers)
2015 was a good year for games. Because it gave us Until Dawn, and Life is Strange. LiS is the first game of a series created by Dontnod and Square Enix. It follows protagonist Max Caulfield as she discovers she has the ability to rewind time because she witnesses her best friend Chloe Price get shot at the hands of Nathan Prescott (the entitled rich kid).
She rewinds and manages to save Chloe, but her choice creates a ripple in time as she begins to see visions of the town of Arcadia Bay destroyed in a huge tornado.
The game goes on and on as you (along with Chloe) investigate the mysterious disappearance and eventual discovery of the murder of Chloe's "friend" (*cough* girlfriend) Rachel Amber.
But as you continue playing, you keep having to use Max's rewind powers in order to save Chloe's ass more than once and that leads to the dramatic choice at the end of the game: Sacrifice Arcadia Bay (and everyone living in it) to save Chloe, or Sacrifice Chloe to save the Bay-- also called Bay or Bae due to an option to be romantically involved with Chloe throughout the game.
Personally I think that ending is amazing because it really says a lot about what people value as they choose which one to save. It's a phenomenon known at the Trolley Problem and honestly so interesting. It's one of the reasons I love watching people play it for the first time/discussing the choice with others.
Ah yes, Before the Storm, which was an interesting addition to the LiS universe. It's a prequel to the original game where you instead play as Chloe Price in the year prior to Rachel's disappearance while she is also dealing with the grieving of her father's death and mother's eventual remarriage with the security guard David Madsen.
Where as the main LiS game is split into 5 episodes, this game is only 3 (with an optional 4th as part of the deluxe edition). And in the original 3, you basically get a glimpse into Chloe and Rachel's friendship/relationship if you choose that path.
You witness Rachel's parental issues and the drama that comes with that, an accidental wildfire, you get to participate in Blackwell's production of The Tempest, and play DnD with Chloe's friends Steph and Mikey.
As for episode 4 (titled "Farewell"), you get to see the day that everything goes wrong for Chloe. Max announces her family is moving to Seattle on the same day that her dad dies in a horrific car crash. This episode made me BAWL my eyes out, mainly due to the fact it ends with Max leaving Chloe a tape in which she promises to keep in touch with her after she's gone, and in my playthrough of the main game, I chose Bay and therefore they never see one another again after she leaves.
Overall, the game is a great addition to the series. And it really gives a glimpse into Rachel Amber's personality and why exactly her and Chloe were so close. You can watch my stream here.
Not gonna lie this game is heavy, topic wise. The story follows brothers Sean and Daniel Diaz who are on the run from police after an incident of police brutality that left their dad dead (which resulted in Daniel discovering he has telekinesis powers and accidentally killed the cop who killed his dad.)
The two of them, now wanted criminals, start hitchhiking down the west coast of America heading for Mexico where their dad's family lives. Along the way they run into a LOT of trouble. They work on a pot farm, accidentally have a run-in with a religious cult, and reconnect with their mother who'd abandoned them years prior and stay with her in her desert commune.
One thing I really liked about this game is while it exists in it's own space, there are callbacks to the original LiS game (being able to see Arcadia Bay in either ruins or thriving, and getting to interact with David Madsen on the commune with different interactions based on the ending of main game). Also I felt it delivered more on the choices mattering. Where as I felt LiS's didn't matter aside from the ending one, this game mattered a lot more and had several endings.
Throughout the game you're playing as Sean (the older brother) and depending on how you choose to essentially raise Daniel while on your journey, the game can end in a number of ways which I really liked. Even if the looming topic was very heavy.
The last one! Woo! If you've read this far consider me giving you a pat on the back cause good god did I write a lot about these.
True Colors follows the story of Alex Chen, a young girl who moves to Haven Springs, Colorado to live with her brother Gabe whom she hasn't seen in several years to being separated in the foster care system.
Everything seems too good to be true, and it is. After a shady event in the mountains of Haven, Gabe ends up dead in a horrific matter (not a spoiler it's in the trailer) and now Alex is in a new place with a load of strangers as she attempts to figure out how to navigate the loss of her brother.
And it wouldn't be a LiS game without a superpower, though Alex's is a little less farfetched. She's an empath, who can sense people's emotions and if they are too strong, can become overwhelmed with them.
You go through the story, learning all about Haven's (shady) past as you search for exactly why Gabe died. You become friends with the locals, and possibly even have a romantic relationship with either the rugged (and handsome) park ranger, Ryan Lucan, or the town's local nerd and radio DJ Steph (who is the same Steph that is friends with Chloe in Before the Storm-- a great call back!).
The game also had an option to have a DLC (called "Wavelengths") in which you are playing as Steph along her journey and transition from living in Arcadia Bay to living in Haven Springs and you get to actually be a radio DJ which was my fav part. It also confronts her dealing with the fallout of the events of the main game and how she processes it.
That's all about the games I have played!
So I may have a lot of experience in these games, but there are still some I know that exist that I have not played yet. Those being Twin Mirror (created by Dontnod), The Walking Dead series, and I guess now Oxenfree -- I assume it's one as well. I do own Twin Mirror but haven't played yet, and the other's are on my to-buy list!
Thanks for reading!
Sorry I go on about this! This is just scratching the surface.
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impulsivefanwriter · 3 years
A Tiny Spark Leads to a Roaring Flame (But Flames Can Always be Doused by Water)
Heeyyyyy so y’all know the Reverse Thanos Snap AU for SPBNR? Basically everyone but Smith/S!Kai gets sent to the M!verse. Everyone. The entire population of S!verse Ninjago City & a few surrounding areas. Except poor Smith. Essentially it happens because S!Garmadon tries to send Smith to a place where he can't mess with his plans, and ends up sending everyone away from Smith to take him out of the equation. 
The second part to this AU is that the S!Ninja end up searching for Kai in the chaos and grab the Red Ninja before jetting out of there with the Bounty. Except... they didn’t grab Smith (who’s still home), but rather Red (M!Kai).
Red thinks the S!Ninja are babysitter clones created by Garmadon after he somehow turned Lloyd younger without his memories & is trying to raise him to be his new General #1. With this in mind, he pretends to be S!Kai, and waits for the moment he can rescue Lloyd.
What would happen in the S!Ninja discovered his deception/their mistake of grabbing a wrong Kai and mistake Red for a recreated Aki (aka Bizarro Evil Clone Kai) before he could enact his plan?
Well, this is that idea. (Title inspired by how a crack AU spiralled into a beautiful angst-fest)
Enjoy. :3
Red was going to get Lloyd out of here tonight. 
Away from these Not-Friends made by Garmadon to emulate the Ninjaforce. Away from this flying ship built to emulate Master Wu's ship, so familiar and yet so off. Away from this false reality and back to the real everything where they could hopefully get his memories back and his age back and everything back to the way it was before the city descended into chaos.
He just had to... bide his time. Be patient. 
FSM, he was bad at being patient. 
His hands itched to grab Lloyd and run now, but he was horribly outnumbered and without his mech. No matter how badly he wanted to, he couldn't rush this. If he did, he would make everything worse. Like he always did.
But fate- or rather, Lloyd- had other plans.
The little version of his younger brother- yes, they were roughly the same age normally, shut up, Lloyd was still his younger brother- had been... eying him weird all morning. Not like Not-Jay and Not-Cole and Not-Zane, but like Not-Nya. Like he actually knew instead of suspected. These babysitter clones seemed to think he was the Not-Kai, and if that was the opportunity the universe was going to give him, then by the flames of the departed world was he going to skip this chance to save Lloyd.
Currently he stood on the deck of the ship as they parked in the sky a few meters above the docks on the outskirts of the city. It wasn't the docks with the Bounty warehouse, curse his luck, but it wasn't the endless sky or the empty ocean (though it was still too close to that murky, haunting water for his liking. Water was his sister's domain for a reason). At least he could sneak Lloyd off in the cover of night, maybe find someone in the city who wouldn't recognize the Son of Garmadon this way and would be willing to help them hide until they could make it back to the real ninja.
"Kai," Not-Zane spoke suddenly next to him. 
Red would never get used to the way his voice... lacked the same effect the real Zane's had. The effect that Kai and the rest of his team had assured their friend over and over was unique, special, but in a good way. To embrace it. That it wasn't noticeable, but when it was, that it was so Zane that his friends didn't care that it was different. 
This 'Zane' sounded much too different than his own. He hadn't recognized Kai's tested line of 'road work ahead' when they passed one of the many construction signs littering the city (even more so since the chaos happened a week ago), and instead had responded with 'a great deal of work to fix in the city'. 
Seriously, Garmadon, do better research on your clones.
Not-Zane was also much too... calm. Too 'wise' compared to the wild teen that was Zane. And he walked without heelies or whatever Zane used to slide around like a boss, though he was still silent. And that meant, like now, he snuck up on Red fairly often- and Red was training to be a Ninja, so that took serious talent. 
"Kai," Not-Zane said again, and Red finally broke his gaze from where he'd been staring over the railing, planning tonight's escape route. "Lunch has been made for over an hour. Are you alright?"
Red forced his brightest smile. "Course I'm alright! Just trying to figure out what happened, as usual."
Why Lloyd was suddenly like, 8, and without his memories. Why the Not-Friends were on this Not-Ship and had mistaken him for Not-Kai. Why the city was in a state of disarray and chaos. 
Not-Zane studied him, then turned to give the city a sad look. "I'm not sure myself. My scanners can't seem to figure out what is happening. It is as if... blocked by some force."
Red winced, then expertly disguised the move by leaning against the rail. Zane never would use 'my scanners', despite how often Red and the others assured him it was okay. Yet another reason why this wasn't his friend.
"You know Ninjago City," Red said with a weak laugh. "Always one crisis or another. Always those annoying Garmadon Attacks"
This seemed to satisfy Not-Zane, who nodded thoughtfully. "This event definitely seems to have Garmadon's hand in the mess."
He patted Red on the back. "Well, don't worry yourself ragged, Kai. Come in for lunch soon, alright? We have training for Lloyd later."
Ah, right. Training. AKA what Red assumed was how Garmadon was planning to shape this impressionable version of his friend into his new General #1.  
"I'm ready for training now, Zane!"
Speaking of Lloyd- 
The little gremlin came up from the hull with the rest of the Not-Ninja. Red hated when the entire group was together; it was way more difficult to act as Not-Kai around them, especially around Not-Nya. 
For starters, Not-Jay had a notch in his eyebrow that the real Jay never had. He was missing the iconic freckles, and the scarf, and the fluffy hair, though you could always say it was just a wardrobe change. What you couldn't change was the personality differences. This couldn’t be Jay. Jay was anxious and quiet, his jokes (while plentiful) said more timidly and his newest ideas shared with hesitance that only shrank after years of encouragement. He would never be this loud, ever. 
Not-Cole was the leader, probably because Lloyd was so young. But even then, in Red's team, Nya would probably take second-command. Cole was their sturdy support, yes, but he was chill, laid-back. Ready to follow and support his friends to the ends of the earth with his tunes and occasional sarcastic wit, but not lead. Not like Not-Cole, who was more serious and commanding and didn't. listen. to. music. Red hadn't spotted a single record or boombox in the room in the hull. That was a tragic oversight on Garmadon's part. The members of his research team should be Fired.
And then there was Not-Nya. Who wore a dress with confidence that his sister would love but never publicly wear. Who had short hair- Nya had tried that style once, and decided it itched around her neck too much- and jewelry, and a giant flying Samurai mech suit. His sister had the Water Strider Mech, and Not-Nya had a flying combat suit. Sure. Close enough. Personality-wise they were similar. 
Similar at first glance. Nya was fluid and adaptable to whatever role she needed filling. She was spunky, and as fiery as him when it came to tempers, though she knew how to keep hers in check (she had to, right? No one called her hot-headed and impulsive and reckless and blamed her temper for mistakes or damage or whatever the news comments liked to say about the Fire Mech). Not-Nya was also adaptable and independent-minded, but she seemed more rigid. More doing her own thing. 
Point was, everyone wasn't actually his friends, despite how much they tried to prove they were. And they kept acting like he was this Not-Kai, who was just as hot-headed but apparently more mature and training-oriented and basically the better, cooler (or hotter, perhaps, for the fire theme of the red ninja) him, since his acting never seemed to fully convince them. Trying to impersonate a standard he couldn't seem to reach, some legendary hero he wasn't- er, wasn't yet! Yeah! He just needed to prove himself, be better, and he'd be fine. Just... fine. Yeah.
Mini-Lloyd (Red was tempted to call him L'ilyod in his head, but that felt wrong somehow, like he was infringing on some kind of copyright law) stared at him like a goddamn falcon, and he wasn't talking about the bird that circled the ship. He had this bowl-cut Red would tease him about endlessly after all this was over- seriously, how had Mr. Fabulous Hair started with this mess? Garmadon probably didn't even have hair, so there was no way the guy knew how to style it, and it was very evident based on Mini-Lloyd's hairdo. 
Red noticed that all of them were staring, actually. Despite his relaxed rest against the rails, his fingers behind his back clutched the cool bar with a dull shake. He didn't notice how the metal seemed to glow red under his touch. 
"Training, right, we should get onto that," Red tried. "What do you want to start with, Lloyd?" 
"How about a little game?" Lloyd asked with complete innocence. "What we were playing last week before we got interrupted."
Oh sh!t. 
"I-I don't know, shouldn't we start with stretches? Or how about some sparring, that's always more fun than a game!"
"But I wanted to continue our game..." Mini Lloyd said, and FSM's sake, he couldn't deal with that pouting look.
Okay. Okay, don't panic. Think logically. What kind of game would an 8-year-old Lloyd like to play with him? Something physical, so no board games- he liked to test his mettle against Zane on those, and sometimes he would almost not-lose. Logic puzzles also fell more on Jay's area. Trivia, especially music trivia, was a bubble between the anxious motormouth and Cole. Video games fell on team building, and wouldn't classify as a training warmup.
"Well," Red said, taking a hopeful stab in the dark. "There's not too much space on the deck for... tag..."
Lloyd nodded, looking satisfied. The Not-Ninja looked- well, their expressions were hard to read because of how different it was compared to his friends. But Red was a master of deception (well, fire, but eh, technicalities), and he had them fooled, and he just had to keep it up until nightfall so he could rescue Lloyd and explain in a safe location-
Orrrrr improvise. Okay, yep, he could improvise. 
Red lunged forward and grabbed Mini Lloyd's wrist from where he had his hand extended in an accusatory point. He ducked under Not-Jay's attempts to grab him- fast, but not as fast as his Jay, his Jay who could disappear from an awkward social interaction in the span of a flickering lightbulb- and dragged his younger brother with him as he vaulted over the railing. Not-Zane almost managed to yank him back onto the Not-ship, but his icy grip caught only empty air as Red pulled Lloyd into a tight hold and ducked.
He hit the dock below with a stumble, rolling back onto his feet and taking off with a very stubborn green ninja in tow. It took all his strength to drag Lloyd (kicking and screaming like he was being kidnapped or something when Red was just trying to rescue him, for FSM's sake. Lloyd didn't know that, but he could still try to be at least a little more considerate.)
The wooden docks creaked and shuddered underfoot and Red grimaced; whoever rebuilt them after the latest Garmadon attack had shredded them like newspaper clearly hadn't wasted any unnecessary change. It certainly didn't help that Lloyd packed quite the punch for someone so small. Red definitely would come out of this with bruised shins and arms from where Mini Lloyd tried to push him away, but it would be worth it to keep his teammate, his younger brother, safe.
Then green filled his vision and broke his hold on Lloyd's wrist, sending him skidding across the dock planks as he was sent flying. When he finally rolled to a stop, neck and shoulder stinging from where the blast had caught him (no burns, just jitters like he'd been shocked), he had to take a few seconds to re-orient himself. Did the Not-Ship have cannons or something? What hit him from behind, so close it could have hit Lloyd?
Lloyd. Was Lloyd okay?
Red pushed himself to his feet, ignoring the bleeding scrapes on his hands and legs from where he'd gotten banged up by the splintered docks. His gaze, sharp and frantic, searched for signs of green. The warning of more blasts, the flash of the fabric of a gi, anything.
He spotted his brother in the arms of Not-Cole. No, no, no-
And suddenly Not-Nya was there, given a boost by Not-Jay. Her grip was as if she were wearing the robotic mech suit, harsh and powerful and near in-human. She threw Red back to the dock floor as her face twisted with the fury of a storming ocean. A resounding crack rang out over the harbour.
Red couldn't tell if it came from the planks under him or his own shoulder.
She pinned him to the wood, barking accusations and threats in his face faster than Not-Jay could talk. Red blinked through a haze of pain, trying to focus on her face and words. She was missing the beauty mark on her face, he noticed. Yet another tell she wasn't his sister.
"-scar on the wrong side-" And it was hard to hear again over the ringing in his ears. He tried to throw her off, get back to Lloyd, anything, but he was-
Her hands suddenly got in his face, slamming his left cheek to the wood. She was close- close to his face, close to his eye, close to his scar- pushing and prying as she tried to do something. Red picked up in his struggling, his attempts to free himself turning to desperate shoves and wild clawing like a trapped animal. He wouldn't let this creation of Garmadon's finish the job that teen had started all those years ago. 
"Or better yet, he needs to shut his damn mouth."
The flash of a knife. His vision half-blurry. Blood- so much blood- and a lasting scar.
"-contacts-" "-red-" "-struggling-" "-we know what he- it- is already-" "-not the real Kai-" "-wish-" "-Garmadon-"
He had to get away. Get Lloyd away from them now.
In one surge of strength- and yep, his shoulder definitely wasn't okay after that move, as if he'd ripped it not just from its socket but from its very attachment to his body- he knocked Not-Nya aside. If he could’ve seen through the red haze, he might have noticed red embers dancing around his fingertips as his desperation and fear tapped into something deep in his soul.
He tried to shoot to his feet, tried to run for Lloyd (held so tight in Not-Cole's grip, surely they were hurting him, he couldn't let that happen-). He roared, "LEAVE MY BROTHER ALONE!", but before he could take another step through Not-Jay and Not-Zane in his path, the docks gave one last ominous shudder  before deciding it had finally had enough.
The planks crumbled underfoot like charred firewood in a crackling campfire, and Red was sent tumbling into the frigid ocean water below.
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lyricalporcupine · 3 years
Tumblr media
Finally done though I am not happy with it lmao imagine that
I can’t remember if I posted the snippet that this piece is based on but it’s under the cut anyway. Please enjoy!
(Note: Takes place several weeks after arranged marriage. There is an attack from another tribe and it’s the first real fight Beau’s been in. They haven’t had their first kiss yet, let alone had sex. This takes place before all that)
The last thing Beau remembered was an arrow piercing her belly, near her hip, a shout, and total darkness. 
She woke up some time later, though she’s not sure how much time had passed, in her bed. The furs were heavy but soothing, the familiar scent of animal musk and the sweat of herself and Yasha prominent deep in the fibers. 
She felt a large, calloused hand holding hers and she took a deep breath and slowly blinked her eyes open. The hut was cast in its typical dimness. The ever present fire was softly crackling in the middle of it and when Beau turned her head toward it, she saw a large bodied silhouette. 
“Yasha?” Her voice cracked, throat dry. She tried to swallow and her throat stuck, causing her to cough. 
The hand holding hers pulled away and she watched, with bleary eyes, as the figure picked up a waterskin and held it up to Beau’s mouth. 
“Drink,” came the familiar voice of her wife. 
Beau raised her head and drank deeply from the canteen, her hand wrapped loosely around Yasha’s wrist. After a few deep gulps Beau pulled away and took a deep, shuddery breath. 
“What happened,” Beau asked as she settled back into the bed. She blinked her eyes and her vision refocused and she watched as Yasha corked the waterskin and sat it aside. 
Yasha herself resettled beside Beau, legs crossed. “You were hit with a poison tipped arrow,” Yasha said softly. “We thought—“ Yasha paused, swallowed and tried again. “I thought I was going to lose you.”
“How long have I been knocked out,” Beau asked, her voice still rough. 
“Half a day,” Yasha replied. “Give or take an hour. After the healers did all they could I moved you to our bed.”
Beau reached for Yasha’s hand and the barbarian quickly gave it, her grip light. “Have you been here the whole time, watching over me?”
Yasha’s gaze fell to the bed and she gave a small grunt. “Mostly. I did have some matters to tend to that couldn’t wait. There are more I need to deal with.”
Beau nodded and released Yasha’s hand. She tried to push up into a sitting position and hissed in pain. “Fuck.”
Yasha was immediately hovering over her. “Be careful,” she said softly. “Please.”
Beau groaned and moved the blanket from her lap. She found a bandage wrapped around her belly and down around her hip and upper thigh. The bandage was stained a light red and she looked up at Yasha. “What did the poison do?”
“I was told it kept your blood from clotting,” Yasha answered. “There’s also a chance the wound may be infected. It’s a very large gash.” 
“Greeeat,” Beau snarked flatly. 
Yasha reached out and gently laid her hand where she knew the wound was. Her palm began to glow and warmth flowed from Yasha and seeped deep into Beau’s skin, even through the bandage. Beau felt the pain severely lessen even if it didn’t fade completely. 
“That feels great,” Beau said with a groan. When Yasha pulled her hand away, Beau looked up at her. “You have healing magic?”
“Some,” Yasha said softly. Her eyes were still cast down and she wouldn’t meet Beau’s gaze. “The healers in the tribe are good at what they do. They saved your life. But I’ve been trying to find a cleric. It’s been difficult. Not many people want to be part of semi-nomadic tribe in the wastelands.”
Beau reached for Yasha’s hand and, once again, Yasha freely gave it. “I do,” Beau said softly. 
That got a small smile from Yasha and she gently squeezed Beau’s hand. “After today, I’d say you’ve earned your place in our tribe.”
Beau smirked. “I didn’t earn it by marrying you?”
Yasha’s smile turned into a smirk. “Sadly, no. In fact, that made the other tribe members more wary of you. They wanted you to go through the standard trials to induct you into our clan.”
“You couldn’t have convinced them otherwise,” Beau asked. 
Yasha gave a small shrug. “I could have. And considered it. But a lot of them do not like what I’ve done with the clan since taking over. They think I’m soft.”
Beau’s eyes dropped to Yasha’s hand still held in her own. She flipped it over and began tracing her fingers along the various grooves along Yasha’s palms. “I remember you telling me our wedding night that the Skyspear position isn’t hereditary.”
“That is correct,” Yasha said. 
“So how did you become the Skyspear?”
Finally, Yasha looked up at Beau. Her eyes were hard, cold, but it wasn’t  directed Beau herself. “I killed the last one.”
Beau’s eyebrows raised. “Can I ask why?”
“It is tradition,” Yasha said. “To gain a new Skyspear you have to slay the previous one. That’s how it’s always been.”
“Alright,” Beau said. “But I have a feeling something happened to make you challenge her. You don’t seem like the type to want the power.”
Yasha shook her head. “I did not.”
Yasha fell silent and Beau waited. When it became apparent that Yasha wasn’t going to elaborate, Beau decided to prod her a bit. “What changed your mind?”
Yasha’s eyes fell again. She was silent for a long while but Beau could tell it was because she was considering her words. 
“Tribal life is hard,” Yasha began. “There are certain rules and oaths one takes when committing to the clan. To become a member you undergo severe trials. Survive them and you become a member of the clan and earn your name. Before becoming the Skyspear, my clan name was Orphanmaker.” As she spoke her old name, sadness tinged Yasha’s voice and Beau gently squeezed her hand. 
“Once you become a member,” Yasha continued, “you vow celibacy until an appropriate mate is chosen for you.”
“You don’t get to choose your own spouse,” Beau asked, disbelieving. 
Yasha shook her head. “No.”
Beau picked up on the grief in Yasha’s tone and quickly put things together. “But you did anyway. Didn’t you?”
Yasha smiled at Beau’s quick mind. “I did.”
“What was her name,” Beau asked gently. 
Yasha’s smile grew and became wistful. “Zuala,” she said quietly. 
“Can I ask what happened to her,” Beau asked softly. “I’ll understand if it’s too painful to discuss.”  
Yasha surprised her by shaking her head. “It is painful but. I want you to know.
“We married, in secret,” Yasha explained. “And we were happy, for a while.” 
Yasha’s face fell and Beau knew why. “You were found out.” It wasn’t a question but Yasha nodded slowly. 
“We were.”
Beau’s heart sank. She was sure she knew how this played out but found herself asking anyway, “What happened?”
Yasha took a deep breath and released it slowly. “We were taken into custody and held for a day. Or less. I’m not sure. Then the Skyspear called for Zuala and she was taken from the cell. 
“I managed to escape,” Yasha continued and Beau could hear the emotion causing Yasha’s throat to thicken. “I ran to where they had taken her, which was to the executioner. But I was too late. I watched, too terrified to move, as they killed her.”
Beau felt her eyes burn, bison blurring slightly from tears. “Yasha…”
Yasha shook her head slightly but continued. “I’m…unsure what happened after that, exactly. It’s a blur. I blacked out and the next thing I remember was standing over the Skyspear, my sword plunged into her chest and hearing her gasp for breath. 
“More fights happened after that,” Yasha continued. “Some clan members claimed I was the new Skyspear. Others said I had betrayed the clan. Some of them attacked me and I fought to defend myself. Most of them did not survive.
“To make a long story…slightly less long, I became the new Skyspear. I changed a lot of things. No more assigned mates, for starters.”
“Yeah, I can see why you changed that,” Beau said. 
Yasha smiled at her. “I also put a stop to the children fighting.”
“The kids fought,” Beau asked, surprised and slightly aghast. 
Yasha nodded. “I fought many other children while I was a child. Most of those fights were to the death.”
Beau’s welted widened and her mouth hung open. “You killed other kids?!”
Yasha’s head hung with shame. “I was being primed as the Skyspear’s greatest weapon.”
“And then she totally fucked you over,” Beau said. 
Yasha shrugged. “I knew the rules. So did Zuala. But.”
“The heart wants what it wants,” Beau said softly, to which Yasha nodded. 
They sat in silence for several moments. Beau was lightly running her thumb across Yasha’s knuckles when Yasha finally spoke up. 
“I was scared.”
Beau looked up from Yasha’s hand. “Scared?”
Yasha nodded. “I saw you get hit with the arrow. And when you fell I feared I had lost you.” 
Yasha looked up at Beau and the human could see fear in Yasha’s eyes. But there was something else there, too, that caused Beau’s breath to catch. 
Yasha pulled her hand from Beau’s, only to flip their positions and to hold Beau’s hand in hers. “I have grown fond of you, Beauregard. Far more so than I expected, especially given how little time we’ve known each other.” Yasha’s eyes fell shut and she took a deep breath and blew it out of her nose. “I do not wish for you to get hurt.”
Beau reached out with her other hand and lightly gripped Yasha’s wrist. The barbarian’s other hand lightly laid across Beau’s, gently holding it in its place. “Y-yeah,” Beau said, stuttering slightly, feeling her heart beat rapidly against her ribs. “I like you, too, Yash.”
Yasha gave Beau a small but genuine smile. She squeezed Beau’s hand before gently pulling hers away. “I have to go,” she said, quickly standing. 
Beau’s heart immediately sank. “You’re leaving?”
Yasha sighed as she made her way to the yurt’s leather flap that acted as a door. “I need to check with the healers and see how the others are doing.” She turned back to Beau. “You wish me to stay?”
“Of course I want you to stay,” Beau said softly, almost sadly. 
Yasha looked at her for a moment, then to the flap, and back to Beau again. She moved back to the bed quickly and bent forward. She raised one hand and gently cradled the back of Beau’s skull and leaned down to place soft kiss at Beau’s hairline. Yasha pulled away only to press her forehead against Beau’s quickly. 
“I’ll be quick,” she whispered before pulling away and quickly headed outside. 
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hopeamarsu · 3 years
Of potions and myths - Chapter 2
William “Ironhead” Miller x f!reader
Word count 3,1k
Warnings: This one is pretty mild, but there is tiny amount of angst sprinkled in. Reference to an attempt at drugging ones date (nothing happened!), mythical creatures and potions. This chapter is from WIll’s POV
A/N: I just couldn’t let this one go and it’s turned into a bit of a gremlin to be honest. I have to thank my love Thia @clydesducktape for encouraging me to explore this and Will, the man has honestly swept into my mind from completely left field. Not that I’m complaining! 
Chapter 1 - Chapter 3
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The morning dawns and as the pale light of the sun hits Will’s car bonnet he stretches out, feeling his spine pop loudly as it protests the long hours sitting in the front seat. Despite the back ache, he does not regret spending the night watching over you. He would never regret it and the feeling both thrills and surprises him.
As he waits for the world to wake up with him, Will’s mind turns back to the previous evening and everything that happened. He’d been out alone, a rarity given how close his pack normally is, and originally had only thought of grabbing a single pint before heading home. But something had drawn him in, made him sit in that corner booth and watch the people milling around him, before his eye set upon you and your date. 
It had looked normal enough, two people talking and seemingly on a date, but he hadn’t been able to look away. Had he felt the mysterious pull even then? Maybe, maybe not. As he watched, you had turned sideways to dig through your bag for something and that’s when it had happened. With shaky but quick hands, the man had produced a tiny vial from his pocket and emptied it into the drink closest to you. 
Anger, white-hot and blazing, surged in his veins immediately and before Will had even fully realised what he was doing, he had walked over and opened his mouth. He had watched with pride as you had confronted the man and then with worry as you hurried out of the pub. He knew he had to follow you, to check that you were alright. 
He turns the memories in his mind, trying to pinpoint the moment when the magnetic connection came into play. He knows it was sudden, the warmth of it all creeping up his back and enveloping him completely as he felt all your emotions jumbling around in the aftermath of your date. 
He knows that in that moment and the ones that followed that he desperately wanted to crush you into his arms, snarl and growl at anyone trying to approach you and rip the throat of the man trying to hurt you. His inner wolf was in full-on attack mode. It had taken every single bit of training Will had gone through to keep the wolf in check. But the connection still persisted and he was powerless to stop what it wanted of him. 
Which leads him here, sitting in a parked car on the sidewalk of your apartment, his wolf alert and ready to jump into action. He doesn’t feel tired or weary at all. There is this need inside of him to be close to you, to protect you. It’s almost desperate at this point, how every nerve ending inside him wants to be close and make sure everything is perfect.
As Will runs his eyes across the street, scanning for anything that might be a threat, the front door opens and you step out. Immediately his eyes snap into your form as you pad across the front yard and into the street, your steps bringing you closer and closer by the second. You look beautiful in your sleepwear and an oversized hoodie wrapped around your body to shield you from the morning chill. You’d look so pretty wearing his hoodie, Will thinks absentmindedly as he tracks your movements. He steps out of his truck just as you reach him.
“Good morning.” 
“Morning. Did you sleep well?” He doesn’t even try to hide the fact that he’s been here all night, Will knows you know. The air around you hums again but it’s more muted than last night and as Will tries to reach out mentally, he finds himself blocked. Your shields are back up, full force, and he hides his approval in a barely-there smirk. 
“Pretty okay. Would you want to come in? I think we have a lot to discuss. I have fresh coffee,” You offer with a small smile. He agrees quickly, the hum between your bodies elated that you invite him in, and follows you inside, hand hovering near your back as you lead the way. When you open your front door, Will is hit with a smell of jasmine, salt, candle wax and thyme and he recognizes the small display next to your door. Protection spells. His pride swells even more as he knows you’ve done this to protect yourself better.  
The second the door closes, the hum ramps up and Will can feel the tendrils from last night appear again, stronger than it was when you were standing outside. He wants to touch you, hold you, bite you, claim you. But he doesn’t make a move, planting his feet firmly into the floor and clenches his fist to keep his hand steady and by his side. It’s not his place yet, you need to talk first. 
Will watches as you close your eyes, taking a moment to ground yourself too, before you open them and look straight at him. He likes it, how forward and confident you are as you do not try to hide or cower away from him. With another small smile, you gesture for him to follow you into the kitchen. It’s difficult to move when everything in him calls for you and your body, but somehow he makes it and as he sits on a kitchen chair and watches you move in your domain, Will finds himself enjoying the view and domesticity of it all. 
It tugs him deep inside, the mere idea that he could get to watch this morning after morning. Is it too fast to hope for these things? Possibly, but for Will, it doesn’t seem to matter as his mind keeps refueling the dreams with mental images of you in his own kitchen, padding around the hardwood floors with bare feet and dressed only in his flannel. 
The flashes move to images of you in his bed, your head on his pillow or chest as the morning light dances on your skin. Evenings spend on the couch, cuddling under a throw blanket and nights in his kitchen when he spoon-feeds you something he’s cooked for a date night. You with his brothers, sitting around a campfire as you trade jokes with them and they with you. 
Will is jostled into the present as you hand him a steaming cup, careful not to touch him in the process much to his approval and dismay, and take a seat opposite him. The first sip of the hot liquid feels like heaven on Will’s tongue, the notes hitting just right and he hums in approval. Keen eyes follow you copying his movements and for a while, it’s silent and comfortable as you sip from your respective cups.
The connection tingles in your sternum and you place the cup on the desk, hands flat on the surface. Your eyes reach for his and Will finds himself entranced by the hue in them. He would love to catalogue the flecks within those orbs. 
“I, uh… I spent some time last night looking into this. Us. The hum and connection.” You stumble a little in your words and there is an urge to hold your hand in comfort but he refrains. This is important, he reminds himself, more important than his carnal desires and his inner wolf huffs in displeasure. 
“I don’t have a lot of books at home, so I’ll need to continue this at the museum later on, but… this seems rare. Really rare. I don’t have a name for it or an explanation yet though and I would need more information from you as well before I, we, can venture deeper. Would it be alright with you? Are you comfortable sharing things with me?”
His immediate reaction is yes, ask what you want and he’ll tell you everything and that stops him in his tracks. This could lead to dangerous territory quite fast. It’s within his training and pack rules that his status, what he is and what he has done in the past are not to be discussed with outsiders.  “What kind of things?” Will asks instead.
“Well… For starters, what type of mythical are you? I know it’s invasive to ask but given that you are with Delta, you are clearly not a mundane. I’m hoping that will give us a clue on where to start looking.” It’s a reasonable question and it does give you both a starting place. Will relaxes his shoulders and releases the breath he’s holding before answering. No point in hiding after all. 
“I’m a werewolf. But I haven’t heard of this type of connection between two wolves before. May I ask, what type are you?” 
“I’m a… I don’t know exactly. I’ve always been interested in potions and history and spells but my family isn’t witches nor do I belong into a coven. I was raised as a mundane. As far as I know, there are no mythicals or supernaturals in my family lineage.”
He hoped the question would be easy for you, to give another clue, but instead it seems to have had an opposite effect as Will watches you drop your smile. You seem conflicted and embarrassed at the confession, hunching your shoulders a little as you shrink into yourself. The connection between tugs at Will’s heartstrings loudly and he’s unable to deny himself or it anymore. He reaches over the table and takes your hand in his, feeling oddly pleased as his hand engulfs yours. 
The second skin meets skin, golden and silver tendrils burst out of your skin and a gasp leaves your lips. You both watch with curiosity as they snake up his arm and under his Henley and under your shirt as well. Will can sense how warm they are, filling him up completely. He tracks their movement based on their warmth as they dance on his skin until they go still but remain tingling when they cover his entire body. He looks at you and sees the lines glow faintly all over your body. You look ethereal to him and he feels himself falling for you even more.
“It feels so warm…” You whisper, awe in your voice as you look at your connected hands. “It does. It’s not hurting you, right?” Will questions, running his thumb across your knuckle. He knows it doesn’t hurt him but he needs to be sure, his wolf poised to take away any discomfort you might feel. For all he knows it’s different for you than it is for him and he can’t help himself, the need to protect is far too strong now that you are touching each other. 
You shake your head, biting your lower lip as you catalogue the feeling. It calms him immediately but at the same time arousal courses in his veins as he witnesses just how alluring your mouth looks. He wants to surge forward, kiss you until your lips are swollen and bruised and your mind is filled with only him. His eyes are honed in on the sight, how the lip disappears and reappears plumper and plumper. He can practically hear his own blood rush in his ears as your eyes track the golden lines in his forearms.  
“Please stop that,” Will is unable to hold in the groan as he watches you chew on the flesh in concentration. “Huh?” Your eyes snap into his face, wide with surprise and you try to tug your hand free, but he only squeezes it tighter. Will knows his eyes have grown darker again as his wolf is howling to be let free. It wants to break free, tug you into its embrace and never let go. 
“Please stop biting your lip. It makes me want to bite it,” He growls and watches with delight as you shiver at his tone. You release your lip but the tender flesh, plush with blood pumping rapidly inside, calls to him. And once again he is unable to deny it, his resolve truly broken when you are this close and a harsh tug at your hand lifts you up from your seat and into his lap. 
You look at him, studying his face as Will raises one hand to your cheek. Another burst of tendrils escape once his calloused hand connects with the soft flesh and he shivers with the sensation. Fascinated, he watches as the small tendrils wrap around his large fingers and bleed into your cheekbones and up your forehead and hairline, creating patterns that make you glow again. 
Will searches for your eyes again before speaking in low tone, your faces close to one another. His eyes drop to your lips and all he can think of is pressing his mouth to them, finally having a taste of what the connection teases him of. 
“Do you want this?” 
Do you want me? 
“You need to say the words, sweetheart, before we go any further.” 
I will not be able to stop once you give me permission. Tell me no and this all stops now. It will break me, but I will honor your wishes.
“Kiss me, Will.” 
Your words have barely left your lips when Will claims them. It feels like something bursts out of his chest as he tastes the coffee, the cherries you must’ve had earlier and something uniquely yours. You taste of heaven and all the good things in the world and he never wants to stop tasting you and identifying the notes hitting his palette just right. He deepens the kiss by running his tongue on your lower lip, begging you to grant him access to nirvana. Once you do, opening up shyly, he feels he’s ready to burst into flames when he gets the first real flavor of you.   
The wolf howls in joy as Will continues to explore your mouth, dipping his tongue inside it to battle with yours. He feels your hand on the back of his neck, tugging at the hair as you pull him closer and closer. The hand that was holding yours releases its hold before pressing against your lower back to push your chests together. He wants you close, closer than you are now and his wolf agrees. The clothes separating your skin from his feel itchy and constricting but Will is grateful because it keeps him somewhat coherent. As much as he wants to, needs you, craves you, he needs to tread carefully and not lose himself. 
All too soon the need for air is too much and you pull back, ending the kiss. “Is this… Umm, is this normal?” You sound winded, out of breath and the wolf preens, happy to have made you like this. Will shakes his head minutely, pressing his forehead into yours. He needs to feel his skin connected to yours, can’t let it slip even for a moment. He traces your neck with one finger, enjoying how you tremble again in his hold. 
“No, I don’t think so. I haven’t felt like this before.”
“Me either. But this feels big.” He nods. 
You breathe in sync for a minute, matching each other as the tingling of the tendrils flickers. Will rubs his thumb on your lower back, lazy circles that make you quiver minutely, a sensation that he eagerly abrobs in his own body. 
“What does this mean?”
“I don’t know, but I want to keep exploring this, us, and this connection.”
“Me too.”
You speak in whispered tones, within your own bubble, even if you are alone together in your apartment. Tentative hands move across the planes and curves of bodies as you trade a few more kisses, each one accompanied by the hum and tendrils that skip from one patch of skin to the other, bathing the room in luminescence.   
Will agrees with your assessment earlier, there needs to be more research into whatever this is. And he knows of only one place to look for answers. “We need to visit the pack elders.” He tells you quietly as you pull away from the latest kiss, still stroking your neck and shoulder in a calming manner. 
“Are they willing to help?” You question softly, knowing how strict some packs are, not allowing any outsiders to enter the area deemed for pack members only. It’s the same for some of the witch covens you’ve tried to approach, hoping to learn more and explore your skills only to be turned away because you are mundane. It has broken some of your spirit, being turned away one too many times, even if you’ve come to terms with it and understand their reasoning. But as the sadness of it all breaks through your shields, Will is almost pushed back by its magnitude.
He wants to take away all the pain you've ever felt, the hurt you feel almost too much for him and his wolf to handle. But he can’t do that, Will reminds himself ruefully, he doesn’t know how. So he gathers you close, placing his hand on your neck as he guides you to rest sideways against his torso, his other hand resting on your hip, offering comfort this way. You breathe in his scent, calming cedarwood and juniper berry tones, and close your eyes to rest for a moment. 
It takes a lot out of you to hold up the shields and they slip whenever your feelings become too much and often they are projected outwards, letting others feel them too. Lack of training and lack of skill, you think but don’t voice it out loud. But you are glad he’s not running from you because of that and burrow in a bit deeper, a pleased sound leaving his chest as Will feels you get closer. He kisses your forehead gently before speaking, the vibration of his chest low and comforting.
“They are. The Miller-Morales pack might not be the biggest out there, but we are tight and welcoming. The elders will help us figure all this out. I promise you.”
Of potions and myths taglist: @mylifeisactuallyamess @luxmundee @innerpaperexpertcloud
Everything taglist (I fully understand if you want to skip this one, please let me know and I’ll remove you!) @clydesducktape @wayward-rose @themuseic @miraclesabound @clydesfavoritegirl @a-true-janian-reply  @10blurredsmoke10  @caillea @mariesackler​
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dinner-djarin · 3 years
Next To You (Bucky x reader)
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Just a little one shot I wrote after watching FATWS on repeat. (I tried to make it gender neutral but I may have missed something so I'm sorry if it's not!)
Rating: Mature
No use of Y/N
Word Count: 2.6k
Summary: Bucky is having nightmares, and you're there to comfort him. Based on the Julia Michaels song If You Need Me. (so if the ending sounds dumb go listen to the song you'll understand why lol)
Warnings: Fluff & angst I guess idk, kinda dark themes, because well it's Bucky. Just two people who have definitely been through some shit. Oh ya that reminds me swearing. Suggested that intercourse has happened but nothing descriptive. A little (a lot) about trauma but mostly about nightmares. If I missed something pls lemme know, I don't want anyone to feel triggered reading. But if you can watch the show and be fine, you'll probably be okay with this.
Also just letting you know if I put ~ its cause I switch the focus from Bucky to reader, but I'm not switching POV completely its all written in reader POV.
Every night brought pieces of the past. He never knew which memory would be dragged to the surface once he let his subconscious take over - clawing and scrapping against the walls he put up, begging to be let out; to be confronted.
Some nights were worse than others of course.
He wasn’t sure how he was ever going to out run the monsters of his past. For a while he just stopped sleeping. It may not have been a permanent fix, but he thought some relief was better than none at all. He used to go days, even weeks, without sleep during the war, so he figured it might be the best way to silence the past.
Dr. Raynor, however, caught on quick.
A lot of her methods seemed like bullshit to Bucky. He could tell she was genuinely trying to help him, but he doubted anything she had anything to offer him that would prove to be effective.
But at the end of the day she was definitely no fool. He had a tough time lying to her. She didn’t take anyone's crap, and that might have been the only reason he trusted her, even a little. It may have been the only reason he actually gave it a sincere try (besides the fact he’d be arrested if he didn’t).
So he probably shouldn’t have been surprised when she caught on to his sleep strike. In fact she called him out on it only three days in. He thought he’d get longer than that. Even so, he was almost relieved. After only 72 hours he already felt the nightmares slowly creeping into the day. Every time a door slammed or a car horn blared his body tensed. Every time he turned a corner he’d reach for a knife he no longer carried. So maybe it was better to let his past haunt his nightmares. That way he’d be alone when the memories took over. That way he wouldn’t hurt anyone else.
But he made a mistake. He did what he told himself he could never do. He let you get too close.
Falling asleep in your arms felt better than any therapy session he could ever imagine. It was the first time in forever he could remember what it was like to be his younger self. The version of him that marvelled at the idea of flying cars; who thought he could save the world by enlisting. The dreamy eyed boy who was hopeful for the future, who thought he had a future.
Lying next to you made him feel in control, like his problems didn’t matter. He was there to keep you safe, and warm, and comfortable. He never thought he’d feel like that with anyone. He didn’t think he was allowed.
You didn’t question his metal arm for starters. When Bucky took off his jacket, after the hundredth time you insisted - “It’s like 100 degrees in here Bucky, please take it off, you’re gonna melt” - he thought he’d instantly regret it. But you simply looked at it with wonder for only a moment, before returning your eyes up to his own. Staring back at you, he saw the wheels in your brain click into place. He could almost hear your thoughts as you decided what your next move would be.
In the blink of his eyes you tore your shirt off and stood completely still in front of him. For a moment his emotions were mixed, and he worried where your sudden advancement came from, but then he saw it. A thick white mark slashed across your torso.
You took only one step forward before speaking. “It’s not exactly… I know it’s not the same thing at all. But the scars - the marks we carry - they’ll be with us forever, whether we like it or not. Even if they remind us of the worst pieces of ourselves, or the worst moments of our lives, it reminds us that we can move forward. And it reminds me that there’s something to move forward to. I don’t know…it doesn’t really make any sense but somehow it’s almost comforting.  To know that something will always be with us, till the end”
His mouth was on yours in an instant.
He had been hesitant to let anyone in. After coming back - after going through everything he’d been through - he felt like damaged goods. He worried that the minute he let himself be happy, everything would come crashing down again, and he had good reason to believe it. It just kept happening over and over. It seemed like every time he found even a small amount of peace, the battle made its way back to him.
But when he found you, when he felt you, he felt peace. The softness of your skin, the gentle wave of your hair, the light scrape of your fingernails against his back and chest, your quiet moans muffled by his own mouth on yours. Being with you made the horrors of his past melt away. Even when you clamped down around him and bit into his shoulder muscle, even when he knew you’d left marks all over his skin. Knowing they came from you made all the difference. They didn’t remind him of the wars he fought, or lives he took, or the atrocities he committed. The sting of your nails and teeth weren’t pains from his past, they were reminders of his present, of the possibility of a life he could have. With you.
But in the end he knew that it was all wishful thinking. He knew he wasn’t cut out for that type of future. He knew you deserved better.
So he decided to let you off easy, to disappear from your life, leaving your shared experience to the confines of your bedroom. A memory, nothing more. He knew he’d have to sneak away once you fell asleep, because that way it might not feel real. Everything that happened between you might disappear with him.
But then he fucked up.
He was waiting for your breath to even out, a sign he would take to mean you had fallen asleep, but after listening to the air rush out of your body, and watching your bare chest rise and fall, your hypnotic essence overpowered his will, and he fell asleep alongside you.
Only he wasn’t asleep for long.
Eventually the past caught up, as it always had a way of doing. Images, and sounds, and smells all came flooding back to his uninhibited brain - sleep made him an easy target. He was vulnerable to every torment he caused, and every mission he was forced to carry out. Tonight was no exception. His brain managed to sift through every wall he thought he had up, and trudge yet another painful memory to the surface. The image of himself taking life after life, cruelly and viciously. There was no remorse, no stopping him. He saw every crime lord and politician he was made to terminate. Until his brain moved away to a new idea. The image of a young woman. Innocent and pure. But in the way of his mission. The Winter Soldier spared none.
He woke up in a blind panic. His surroundings were unfamiliar. Something was wrong. Was he being held captive or-
“Hey,” you made yourself known to him, and he twisted his head back to see you sit up beside him. You were quiet, and a worried expression blanketed your face.
Is he angry, you thought for a moment? No. Your brain was tired, and it was slow to process. Not angry, scared.
You knew from the minute you saw his arm that there was more going on. You already had some suspicions, nevertheless you expected there to be something like this.
For a moment, the two of you stared at each other in silence. You watched him regain his breath, and you carefully shifted your legs to sit crossed underneath you.
His steel blue eyes cut through the darkness, pinning you down. You wondered what was going on in his mind, what he might be doing to regain his grip on reality. You knew this moment too well. The quiet. The darkness. The fear. Not sure of how to move forward.
You were scared too, but not of him - more like you were scared for him. You knew he must be going through something, and you wanted to be there to help, but you also knew that was easier said than done. “Being there to help” was a nice concept, but in reality - well things were generally more complicated. You didn’t know if it’d be alright to approach him, mainly because you were unsure of your role in all this. Were you really someone he wanted around when he was so obviously vulnerable? You’d never seen him so raw and exposed, like a wound you wished you could tend to, while also fearing that your interference could make things worse.
You knew he wasn’t going to ask for your help, you could see he wasn’t that kind of man, but maybe if you made the first step, and let him choose - maybe he’d let you in. So, you held out your hand and waited. After a moment, you saw him move, only slightly though. His eyes darted down towards your hand and he subtly lifted his fingers off the bed. But it only lasted a second. He froze again, hand hovering near yours, and that’s when you realized he had been reaching for you with his left hand. You had been wary to touch it before, you thought it was probably a sensitive subject. Something about the idea of touching his metal arm seemed more personal, if that was possible. Like only the most trusted people in his life might be allowed to… and maybe not even then.
You felt your own eyes drop to your lap, an almost nervous energy now emanating in the space between you. But just before you could drop your hand too, his fingers hesitantly entwine with yours.
You shot your eyes up to see his right hand grazing the palm of your left. As your gaze slowly elevated, you found your way to meet his own eyes, only to notice the very sudden change in them. Whatever fear or darkness hid their before had now melted away. You couldn’t place it, but whatever emotion he now held sent a chill from your core to your fingertips. A lump in your throat formed and for a moment, you thought you might never be able to breath again. The look in his eyes was almost soft, but with a hint of yearning. Fire was blazing through every nerve in your body, while a chill kissed your skin, making every hair stand on edge.
Feeling outrageously brave, you took your free hand up to his jaw and held him there, gently swiping your thumb over his cheek, and allowing your fingers to reach slightly past his hairline and to the back of his neck. You wondered if he could feel the raging storm of your emotions through your touch.
“You okay?” you managed to whisper to him.
“Nothing I haven’t dealt with before” his answer pierced your ears with a hard tone, refusing to let any vulnerability resonate in his voice.
You shake your head at him, wishing he wouldn’t play pretend. “Okay then,” you mumble, letting your hand drop from his face. But as it fell, Bucky was quick to grab it, and hold it with a gentle squeeze. When you looked at him again, you knew he meant it as a reassurance, trying to tell you that he was okay.
He couldn’t handle the way you looked at him. Like you could see every thought in his head. A knowing gleam in your eyes told him that you didn’t believe him, and you’d be right not to. He wasn’t okay. He never really was. There was so much darkness surrounding him, poisoning every inch of his life. But you. Your touch was gentle and your voice was kind, and even though he had just seen your scar, he couldn’t help but think your world must have been so much brighter than his own. Looking in your eyes, he almost wished he’d never met you. He was so afraid that his pain might infect you too, the only good thing he had left. He wouldn’t ever be able to forgive himself if he let that happen; if he let his past ruin your future.
He wanted to leave, he needed to get out, before any of that could happen.
He slid off the bed quickly, and made his way to grab his clothes, but before he could you grabbed his hand - his left hand.
“Please Bucky don’t.” was all you could say. But the way your voice broke, on the verge of tears, fear of being rejected, of being left alone in the dark by the only man you ever wanted to let in - it was enough to stop his heart. He stood there, frozen from your touch. You kept his hand in yours, and for a second you worried it was too much. You worried you betrayed whatever trust you had built with him. Just holding his bare metal hand felt more violating and revealing than the fact that both of you remained completely naked. But you didn’t want to pull away. You didn’t want him to think you were afraid of him, afraid of the fact his hand could pulverize yours in a second - because you weren’t. You’d felt his touch. You knew how gentle and caring he could be. And you wanted him to see it too. That he wasn’t defined by his worst fears.
You pulled your body towards him, kneeling at the edge and facing him, “You don’t have to leave.” you spoke softly, as if he might be spooked and run off if you were any louder. “You don’t have to push everyone away. Please don’t push me away… I-”
Before you could finish, he was crashing into you. His tongue invading your mouth, like he was trying to soak up your unsaid words. His hands held your waist in place against his, steady and strong, but there was still resistance in his fingers; a hesitance to use too much force with you. You could feel how he feared he might hurt you.
Slowly you leaned back, feathering your fingers over his shoulders to guide him with you, and when he hovered over you, you let them slide into his hair, grabbing what you could and leading his head down…
You lay there in the dark with your head on his chest, listening to his steady heart, feeling the crisp sting of metal graze your back. And even though you knew it was ridiculous, all you could think about was how you wanted to keep him safe. The man was stronger than any other human being, and probably thought you were fragile and helpless, and needed his protection more than anything. But still, you wanted him to be okay. You wanted him to know he could be safe.
“I’ll fight them for you.” you whimper quietly, suddenly worried that Bucky may have already fallen back to sleep.
“Huh? Who- what do you mean?” his words stuttered and tripped over his tongue. His half sleeping brain was suddenly running a mile a minute trying to decipher your statement. Who were you fighting? Why would you need to fight them for him? Surely he was more capable of fighting anyone off. He should be protecting you-
“The monsters” you said a little louder. The words feel childish and awkward in your mouth, and once you said them, you wished to take them back. But you decided to push forward, “if you want me to… if you need me… I’m here”
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Well, this is the last chapter of the sort of… intro part of this fic. But there is so much more to happen.
im always gonna tag @helleborusangel and then the scattered au was made by @hermitcraftheadcanons
False killed another drowned while Stress continued to fix up their base. A creeper had managed to show up and destroyed a bit of their base, and before they could fix it there was another, and then drowned were coming up from the ocean. While the two of them would have loved to move further away, even head towards spawn, but they had tried that already and it didn’t go well. Stress had gotten killed and was sent back to her spawn in the middle of the coral, leaving False to run back and help her out.
They hadn’t managed to get any beds to set spawn, as right now they weren’t even sure if beds would work since their starting spawns were messed up as well as chat bugging out and regen not working. So, because of all that they were on the island closest to the coral reef and were setting up a base there. With everything going on, they were doing pretty well, having gotten a good starter base set up and were almost at full diamond.
They hadn’t set up a nether portal just yet, prioritizing better armor. Of course, they would head in for the first time with iron armor for scouting so that they wouldn’t lose their hard work to a bad spawn, but if they were going to explore that dimension without regeneration, the more protection they had, the better. The priority after that was getting their way into a fortress and finding supplies for potions. Blaze rods, netherwart and glowstone were going to be a priority, but while it would be nice to have regeneration potions, but the pair had found melon seeds in a shipwreck, so instant health would be a much safer option.
False heard Stress call out to her, and then the fighter killed another drowned before running back into the base, the whole place now patched up and better lit than before. For the most part, it was just the essentials with the only decoration being the style of the build itself, but there was one exception, that being a small tank that held a tropical fish that had been stuck with Stress where she had first spawned.
“Well luv, do you fink we’re prepped enough to head to the nether?” Stress asked, ready to switch her armor up. “I’ve already got a portal set up that we just need to light.”
“Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. Plus we might be able to find Wels and Keralis since they seem to both be in the nether.”
“Oh, Keralis is in there too?” Stress asked, taking her comm out to look at the messages.
“Well, he got killed by some piglins and also got Hot Tourist Destinations, but never actually used a portal to get to the nether.”
“Alright, well when we get through, we can look for the two of them.”
Keralis was once again very glad he could make stew out of the new nether fungi. While he had found a few red and brown mushrooms, he hadn’t found many and fighting hoglins in a mishmash of armor wasn’t the most appearing idea right now. There was the slight problem of it not being mushroom stew and instead some suspicious stew, and he was getting various effects from it, but some food was better than nothing at all.
The builder was glad he had at the very least spawned in the warped forest, so the most he needed to worry about were endermen and any stray piglins that wandered into the forest from the nearby wastes. And even then he had gold armor so they wouldn’t really bother him unless they saw him opening his own chests which he didn’t think was fair.
Using some bone meal he had obtained from a soul sand valley, Keralis worked on getting another crimson fungus for some more stew. Warped fungi was easy enough to get, seeing as how he was in a warped forest, but crimson was much harder. But hopefully he wouldn’t need to do that much longer.
With his supplies from the forest and nearby basalt delta, Keralis had gotten plenty of gold to trade with piglins. The mobs gave him supplies in return, and they had almost given him enough obsidian for a portal into the overworld. Where he would end up when he got to the other side, Keralis had no clue, but either way it would be better than the nether.
He sighed when the bone meal ran out and there were still no crimson fungi. If he wanted to eat later that… day? Night? Just… later on in general, he would need to either head to the crimson forest, or get more bone meal. And right now, the soul sand valley was closer.
Keralis got geared up and then started the trek to the other biome. He already had a safe path there, so he took his time to walk and not tire himself out and need food he didn’t currently have on hand. That said, he was keeping his eyes out for any trouble on the path as well as looking for any piglin he could barter with. He mistook a ziglin here or there for their unzombified counterparts, but unluckily there didn’t seem to be any normal piglin in sight.
But while his luck for piglin seemed to be low, his luck in general was not, because he was able to spot a portal on a hill in the wastes. And it wasn’t a ruined portal. Even if it had been, Keralis likely would have gone to it to see if there were any supplies he could use. But instead, this was just a lone, lit, hermit made portal.
Keralis booked it to the portal, nearly falling into a gap in the netherrack that led straight down to lava. But he was fine and no mobs were around to attack him. So he stepped into the portal and let the magic whisk him away, coming out on the other side a few moments later.
He was glad to see stone brick on the other side of the portal, something that didn’t really appear in the nether. A set of stairs was nearby and Keralis walked up them, finding a nice looking starter base sans beds, but with a small aquarium with a single fish. He moved over to a window and looked out to see the sun rising and no monsters around. He could also see the ocean and a coral reef under the water. After days in the nether, it was an amazing sight, and Keralis just sat there to take it all in. And also hopefully meet whoever built this place when they returned.
Scar had majorly screwed up and found himself caught in a death loop of sorts. He had accidently lost his footing while pruning some chorus plants and tumbled into the void. When he respawned, he happened to be looking right at an enderman, who promptly killed him. And then killed him again when he respawned. And then yet again. Eventually he wised up enough to keep his eyes closed tight for the next respawn, and he was left alone, but keeping his eyes closed suddenly seemed like a horrible option.
The end was already quiet enough, and other than the feeling of the endstone under his feet, Scar could have mistaken himself for floating in the void. It had been so quiet before with only the sounds of endermen, but now it was louder. Scar snapped his eyes open to look around for the source of the noise, only to get killed again, but then he was careful the second time, looking for what was making that new noise.
It sounded like whispering, but it definitely wasn’t endermen. It also sounded too close to just be something quiet in the distance like the shulkers at the end city. Feeling a little frustrated, Scar shouted, hoping whatever was making the noise would hear him and answer. “Hello?! Is anyone out there?!”
Scar couldn’t help but let a shiver go down his spine as the whispering stopped. That probably wasn’t the best sign, but at the very least whatever was making that sound could hear him. Though understanding might be a different story. “Hey, if you can, I need some help! I’m kind of stranded out here!”
Scar paused, hoping for an answer. At first none came, but just before he completely lost hope, he heard a familiar voice. “We may provide some help. You have done a number of things that we can repay you for. But that amount is still not much, and when we stop, we will stop unless you can give us more.”
Scar knew the voice of the vex. Technically he and Cub had left that behind in season six, but desperate times did call for desperate measures. The vex didn’t tell him how many times they would help him, so he knew he would need to be careful with using that help. That being said, he knew there was one thing that would definitely help. “Are you able to get me back to the overworld? Preferably somewhere safe?”
There was more whispering as the vex discussed between themselves, but after a few moments, they responded. “Unfortunately, we are unable to do that. A higher power is the reason you are here in the first place. However, there are strings we may pull to give you access to an escape.”
“That’s good enough for me.” Scar replied. While it wasn’t an immediate exit, having one on the way was still a good thing to have. “Um, well, do you know who the closest hermit to me is? Other than TFC that is, since I know he’s in the end with me.”
Scar was pretty sure that would be a good question. The closest player would likely be whoever was almost to the end themselves, or maybe they were in the stronghold. Once he knew that, he would hopefully have another request that the vex would allow and they could send a message to them for him. But instead, the vex gave him a much more unfavorable answer. “Look up.”
Scar was confused, but then carefully looked up, avoiding the gaze of any endermen. He scanned the horizon for something, anything that might show signs of a hermit, but there was nothing. His next guess was that maybe a hermit had already claimed an elytra and was flying around, so he looked further into what passed as a sky in the end. And then he saw the bright color that was Bdubs.
At first Scar wanted to smile as seeing his friend, but then he realized the man wasn’t wearing any sort of elytra and was falling fast. Without much more thought, Scar backed up and watched Bdubs get closer before he finally ran to the edge of his small island and jumped. Scar yelled Bdubs’ name as he reached for the hermit, the other man not reacting until Scar managed to grab his arm. Bdubs’ eyes shot open and he looked around in surprise before his eyes finally rested on Scar. “Scar! How did you get down here?”
“You were falling past the island I’ve been stuck on. Look!” And Scar pointed to the island which was rapidly disappearing above them.
“I thought I was just ages into the void. I lost my comm forever ago so I had no clue how far down I was. No wonder I haven’t died.”
“Yeah, well sorry that I can’t really get us out of this. But maybe you can shift yourself a bit to the side so maybe I can catch you when you respawn again.”
Bdubs chuckled, glad for some sort of hope. “Yeah. See you in a couple days.”
The two held onto each other as they continued to fall, but Bdubs watched in horror as Scar was the only one of them to take damage from the void. A few moments later, he disappeared into smoke which Bdubs tried to grab on to in vain, but a moment later, it was all gone, and he was back to falling alone.
TFC hid behind an obsidian pillar to catch his breath as the purple magic of the dragon’s breath was blocked by it. He was running low on health again, so he needed to be careful about getting near the dragon so she could fling him up at the right time. Without blocks, bows and arrows, ladders, or anything really, TFC just had to hope that he could reach the crystals and punch them just before dying. He had already managed to take out two, but there were still plenty to go, especially the caged ones.
There was a roar and TFC cursed as the dragon phased through the pillar and he found himself falling a moment later. He wasn’t close enough to any of the pillars with crystals to try and take them out. That was, unless he somehow managed to catch himself on the iron bars around the nearest crystal and not kill himself. But that was unlikely. He was already old and prosthetics weren’t the best for stuff like this.
So, it ended up that TFC found himself hitting the ground and respawning on the obsidian platform again. He slowly got himself to sit on the platform without managing to throw his back out and used it as some time to rest. He knew the dragon would probably find her way over to him eventually, but right now he was done with fighting.
He pulled out his communicator to check on how everyone else was doing, frowning upon seeing Scar’s many end related deaths. TFC wondered if it would have been better if Scar were the one stuck on the island instead. He could probably deal with the dragon better than him. Probably anyone could. Maybe once upon a time defeating the dragon alone was a feat he could manage, but his old bones weren’t built for that anymore.
He knew it was probably in vain, but TFC tried to send another distress message into the chat. He didn’t really have many other options for what to do, and for all he knew, it could eventually fix itself and everyone would just assume it was still broken if he didn’t check. But, with a sigh, he just got another error message. Maybe another time, that’s all TFC could hope for.
Etho continued to shiver in the covers of the bed he had been put in. When he respawned on top of a mountain, he was surprised to see Grian and the bots up there. Even though there weren’t any trees or animals or life whatsoever other than the other people themselves, they had somehow managed to get a bed and some food. And looking at his communicator, they had managed to somehow all keep from dying from the cold, only having a few instances of falling or even one of starvation.
Etho looked over to Grian, who was currently sitting in the snow and shivering even more than he was. The avian had their wings wrapped around himself and was rubbing his arms to keep warm. Etho had tried more than once to get out of the bed so that Grian could use it, but the bots had both insisted he use it instead.
At first, he had complained, saying he would be fine and he didn’t want Grian to deal with the cold like this. But then he watched as Grian suddenly summoned purple flames in his hands, the fire’s warmth reaching the bed at least a little. The color seemed to reflect in Grian’s eyes perfectly, his irises matching the amethyst color at the moment. At least, that was Etho’s first thought, but then he remembered Ren and Impulse’s eyes being different colors, and suddenly he wasn’t so sure.
“S-So, how did you g-guys get this st-stuff?” Etho chattered out, making the two bots tuck him into the cover more.
“Dad made them.” Jrum answered. “When he respawns, he’s able to use magic to make us stuff like food or this bed.”
Etho nodded, but then looked up again. “Wh-why hasn’t he tried making something to get you guys down?”
The bots didn’t immediately answer, instead looking at each other nervously. “Well, something’s been up with Dad. When we got here his wings got weird looking and then there was that thing.” And Jrum pointed to the small ice and bedrock structure Etho had spawned next to. “And then he started attacking us so we had to push him off the mountain and when he respawned he wanted us to abandon him here and then you showed up!”
“S-so in other w-words, s-something’s wrong w-with him, b-but y-you don’t kn-know what.” And the bots nodded. “W-Well, th-that sums up a l-lot of th-things going on. L-Like e-every time I r-respawn, I sh-show up n-near someone e-else.”
“Or s-something l-like that. I s-started out at s-spawn with Joe a-and Beef.” Etho paused to rub his arms for a bit more warmth. “When I res-spawned, I w-was in a r-ravine with Ren. H-He s-suddenly attacked m-me like your d-dad did so then I w-was in the e-end.”
“Did you find Scar or TFC?” Grum asked, surprised when Etho shook his head.
“Neither. B-Bdubs is s-stuck in the v-void and isn’t d-dying. I d-didn’t see him but I f-found his c-communicator. I d-died before I c-could find out m-more. After that was th-the desert.”
“So Iskall or XB, right? They’ve both died of dehydration so that means they have to be somewhere hot.”
“Y-yeah, probably. But I d-didn’t see anyone. J-just a l-lack of dead b-bushes.” Etho explained. “A-anyway, s-sort of at that point I r-realized I w-was a-appearing n-near other p-people, s-so I made s-something to j-jump off of t-to send me e-elsewhere.”
“Okay, where did you go next?” Jrum asked before getting an idea. “Oh! And are you able to look at coordinates when you show up there, because then you might help people who are safe figure out where those who aren’t are!”
“Y-yeah. I’ve g-got access to those. J-just haven’t taken advantage of th-that too much. I s-spawned with Imp-pulse next a-and used a-all the time I h-had to tr-try and break a block w-with him.”
“Well, he’s still dying a lot, so if you did, it doesn’t look like it helped much.” Jrum said, Grum elbowing him. “Ow! Hey! It’s true, isn’t it?”
“Yes, but you shouldn’t say things like that. Etho is doing the best he can in a situation like this.”
“I-It’s fine. I g-get it. After th-that, I sh-showed up h-here.”
“And you have surprisingly lasted the longest up here based on the death messages.” Grum agreed. “Well, actually, it was longer when you were with Ren, but it’s getting close. You slept for a while when we first got you into the bed.”
Etho nodded. “H-How long h-has i-it been?”
The bots both looked up at the sky to look at the sun before looking back to Etho. “It’s been at least a day. We weren’t really paying attention to when you showed up. Uh… it’s sort of like… the middle of the fifth day we’ve all been stuck in this season.”
Before Etho could respond, there was a chirp and Grian started using fire to warm himself up again. Etho stared at the avian and then Grum and Jrum carefully moved Grian closer to the bed so the warmth of the fire would reach him, but not too much in case they upset Grian. “When we first got you into bed and you fell asleep, Dad got upset and attempted to attack you, so we’ve been trying to keep that from happening again.”
Since Etho wasn’t stuck in the snow, the cold wasn’t enough to kill him, so the bots did their best to keep him warm and fed. At the same time, they talked things out with Etho about what they could do since Etho could find people and Grian seemed to be able to get them necessary items.
Eventually, night fell and Grian forcefully got closer to curl up with the bots, each of them finding themselves pinned under one of their dad’s wings. They were worried about Etho at first, especially when Grian moved closer to the bed, but the only thing then needed to worry about was Etho’s bones accidently being crushed when Grian plopped himself onto the bed and tried to squeeze all four of them on the mattress made for one person.
Surprisingly, they all managed to get to sleep in that position, but it didn’t help advance the day forward like the first time Grian used the bed. Despite being metal, the combined body heat of Grian and Etho kept all of them warm, as well as from them just being out of the snow. Since the bots technically didn’t need to sleep, they mostly stayed awake to keep an eye on things, though taking it in shifts so they didn’t overdo it. But the night was calm, and it looked like everything was going to be fine.
And then just as the sun was coming up over the horizon, things changed. Grian got up suddenly, winding Etho and causing the bots to fall to the ground. His wings were puffed up in agitation and flames came from his hands, though his hands were over his ears, making it look like his head was on fire.
Jrum was the first to get up and go over to Grian, but the avian’s wings just swiped at the bot and kept them away. Grum tried next but just got the same result, though he was hit away at a different angle, nearly sending him off the edge of the mountain. Etho, despite having nothing except a bit of food, got up from the bed to get close to Grian, managing to dodge his wings.
By the time Etho reached Grian, he had started hyperventilating. The ninja put his hand on Grian’s shoulder and he whipped around, bright amethyst eyes staring unfocused at Etho. “C-can you t-tell m-me what’s up? What’s going on?” Grian didn’t respond verbally, but his eyes flicked over to the pillar next to them on the mountain. “That’s c-causing it? L-Let’s s-see what w-we can do a-about it.”
Etho walked over to the pillar and looked it over before trying to break the ice since he obviously could break bedrock. He was a little weak from the cold, but Etho was sure he could do this. He had done it for Impulse, and that was underwater. The thing was, he couldn’t get far before he found himself face down in the snow, a hand on the back of his head keeping it down so he couldn’t look up. With a bit of struggling, however, Etho was able to twist his head to the side and his good eye looked up at Grian.
With his voice muffled by the current situation, Etho tried to say something to Grian, not sure if he would hear or even respond. “Grian, what are you doing?”
For a moment, Grian didn’t answer, then he cocked his head to the side confused as well as gave a smile. “Oh, do you mean-?” He cut himself off by laughing. “What I'm doing is making sure you keep going. You won’t fix anything like this.” Etho tried to question what Grian meant, but there was suddenly more pressure pushing him down and preventing him from talking. “Go on now. Freeze to death. You’re only really getting that here.”
Etho was vaguely aware of the bots trying to get him to the bed and pull Grian away, but they didn’t seem to be strong enough for that. There was the clank of metal hitting together, then on stone further down. “Welcome to day five. I’ll speed us through so we can get to the good stuff.” And then Etho froze to death.
As the sun was rising, Joe got up with a start. Something didn’t feel right. He jumped out of bed and went looking for Beef, finding him still taking a nap in his own bed. Joe shook the other hermit awake, not wanting to be alone if his new bad feeling was dangerous at all. Beef complained a little at first, but when Joe explained further, he dragged himself out of bed and geared up.
Swords were drawn as they left the building, looking everywhere they could for danger and making sure to watch each other’s backs. Any mobs from the night were dying from the sun aside from some creepers which they took care of with a couple arrows. But other than all that, there was nothing that really stood out.
Giving up, they started back to their beds, taking a different path back, and then suddenly Joe realized what was the problem, and why he felt off the night before. “Beef, I think that’s our problem right there.”
Beef looked over to Joe, then to where Joe was pointing. Right where the main building of spawn was, or at least, where it had been. Standing in its place, towering above the other buildings, was a tower of various blocks like obsidian, bedrock, endstone, blackstone, and more. The pair moved to get a better look at the new building, finding an entrance at its base which was a few blocks above the surrounding terrain, though it had also appeared with a hill.
“Well, I think we should stop working on makin’ more shelter.” Joe spoke up after they had just stared at the tower for a few minutes. “We can make signs to tell people what’s up, but we need to gear up and find X and Grian.”
28 notes · View notes
My Roommate is an Apparition: An Apparition A-Pink-ciation of Culture
Based on characters created by @reddpenn
From the diary of Lily:
When I was little, I used to talk to my stuffed animals all the time.  They were my soft, cuddly friends who were always there for me, and even though they never spoke a word, I always imagined I could hear what they wanted to say.  Even as an adult, I still treat inanimate objects like they’re people too.  In fact, everyone does at some point or another in their adult life.  Anyone who has ever argued with their car that refused to start knows what I mean.
But recently, I realized that sometimes people can do... well the opposite. That sometimes we don’t treat people (who are actual, real people) like they’re people.  It’s not something we consciously think about, but it’s more like we forget that, well, people are people.  I know this sounds really dumb, but I felt like I needed to write about this after a... well after an “argument” I had with my roommate.
I’ve lived with my roommate for a few months now, and I thought I had gotten to know them pretty well.   They like to watch cartoons (like, seriously LOVES them) and we had worked out a TV viewing schedule to make sure that we got along together.  But the other day, I realized that I wasn’t necessarily treating them like they were their own person.  I didn’t mean to do that, but it just kind of happened, and...
...well it gets really complicated because, technically, they aren’t a person.
I mean, they aren’t human; they’re an apparition.
It made me think about all those stories about monsters and ghosts.  Like a ghost used to be human, but then they died, and their spirit became a ghost.  Do we still treat the ghost like the person they were when they were alive?  Outside of a few exceptions, the answer’s a definite yes.
But what about an apparition? It’s kind of like a ghost, but it’s not. I mean, it’s not the soul of someone who died or anything. They just sort of exist. (Would Slimer from Ghostbusters be an apparition or a ghost?).
So anyway, reason I’m bringing this all up is because of what happened last weekend. I was channel surfing through the Cable Guide and as I’m flipping through, I pass by Boomerang (you know, the cable channel that spun-off Cartoon Network to hold all the older cartoons?) and all of a sudden, my roommate appears out of nowhere (literally) and practically grabs the remote out from my hands.
“Hey! What gives!?” I say to them.
They immediately change over to Boomerang and my TV screen is suddenly filled up with the color pink. At the same time, my roommate starts “doot-ing” along with the song and goes, “Doo-Doot! Doo-Doot! Do-Doot-Do-Doot-Do-Doot Do-Doot-De-Dooooooooo-Doo-Doo-Doo-Doo-Doooot”. I have no idea what they’re doing, but then the cartoon starts up and it’s the Pink Panther.
Rhetorically, I go, “What’s this?”
“Pink... Panther...” my roomie says.
And then I make my first mistake by saying, “Huh. Never seen it before.”
Now if I had been paying attention to them, I probably would have seen the face of shock they were making. “You... NEVER... saw it!?” They gasped.
“Nope. Must have been before my time,” which was totally true. I mean, I later found out my Dad used to watch it when he was a kid. It wasn’t on TV when I was growing up. (Why am I defending myself for not watching a specific cartoon?)
Anyway, roomie asks, “Watch... with me?”
And then I, being a total dumbass, say, “Nah. Think I’ll get some dishes in,” before getting up and walking away.
If I had stayed put for just a few seconds longer, I would have heard them asking, “...please?” (In case you’re wondering, they told me about that later.)
Yes, I hurt its feelings.  Yes, it was insensitive.  Yes, I am sorry.  But like I said, the thought didn’t even cross my mind back then.  As far as I knew, as long as my roommate had their cartoons, they were happy.  It didn’t occur to me that they cared about anything other than the cartoons themselves.
For the next week, my roommate made sure I knew, now and forever, that this was not true.
My first clue that they were mad at me was later that evening when I went to the living room to watch my usual shows.   It was my turn on the TV, and usually I have to pry my roommate away so I can watch what I want to watch. But that night, the instant I walked into the room, they changed the channel to what I wanted, put the remote down on the couch, and left the room without saying a word.  I thanked them, plopped myself down, and went straight into couch potato mode.
This should have thrown so many red flags in my head, but for some reason, it didn’t.  Maybe I was being too self-absorbed at the time? Maybe I was just tired and thinking, “Aww man, I gotta work tomorrow!”?  No matter the excuse, mistakes were made, and I started paying for them the very next morning.
My “haunting” kicked off with waking up to find most of my rock collection missing.  I have a particular affinity for pretty rocks and gems (I’m kind of a rock nerd) and have my favorites out on display.  But that morning, the only rocks that I could see were the pink ones.  Someone had pilfered almost every pebble from every pedestal to perturb me.   (I saw a chance for alliteration and took it! So sue me!)  I was still waking up and too tired to care about it at the time (me making excuses again) and had work, so I got ready to go and left.
Now I’m not sure how they did it, but my roommate did something to my car radio.   I turn it on and all I get are tunes by Henry Mancini.  Fifty percent of the time, it was the Pink Panther theme, twenty-five percent was the theme from A Shot In The Dark (I had to use Soundhound to figure out that one), and the rest was a mix of some of his other work.   It didn’t matter what station I tried changing it to!  Although I did learn that Mancini composed Baby Elephant Walk, so that’s something.
By now, I’d already figured out what was going on (roommate did it), but couldn’t really do anything about it because I still had work to go to.   As if the daily grind working at an art supply store wasn’t hard enough, I had to work while having the dang Pink Panther theme stuck in my head all day.  Not even the music that played over the store radio could get rid of it.  (Given the quote un-quote “music” they play over the speaker system, I eventually considered it a good thing.)
Then I came home, and that’s when things REALLY escalated.  First words out of my mouth after I walked in was, “Hey, I’m hoooOOOOOLY~!”  Every single wall in the apartment, from the living room, to the kitchen, to the bedroom, and even the bathroom...
All of them were painted PINK!
Like strawberry frosted doughnut pink!
As I’m gawking at the interior design sugar rush nightmare, out walks my roommate from around the corner.  Immediately, the first thing I noticed was that they had feet. (Normally, they don’t have feet; they just kind of “hover” or “emerge from the ground” or something.) They had their eyes closed, head held up, and made a point of showing off these noodle legs they had constructed by skipping every other three steps.
They were doing the Pink Panther shuffle.
They walk out of my line of sight and I run over to have a word with them, but by then they disappeared.  I look around and all I see is more and more pink.  From behind me, I hear a mix of snickering slash wheezing.  Like you ever hear of this cartoon dog named Muttley?  They were laughing like him.  And of course, I turn around, and the only thing I see is more pink!
I knew that my roommate could be ornery at times, like that time I tried to get an idea of their daily routine by setting up a webcam, but this...
I mean, where did she even get the paint?  (Upon reading back here, I realized I referred to them as a ‘she’ even though I’m not sure if they are a ‘she’ or not.  Yeah, I can edit it to a more neutral pronoun, but something tells me I ought to point this out instead of editing it, for some reason.)
I was half tempted to get back at them by painting the walls back to their original color (they do sell paint by the gallon where I work, and I get the employee discount), but realized they’d just paint(?) the walls pink again.  Like I’d turn around after thinking I finished only to find the work I did completely undone.  I could just picture my roommate doing that and finding it hysterical.
Anyway, tacky as the pink walls were, I didn’t get too angry about them.  For starters, my lease agreement said that I couldn’t paint the walls without landlord approval.  But my lease agreement also acknowledges that my apartment may be haunted.  If the landlord ever brought it up, I’d just tell them the “ghost” did it.  Second, these pranks my roommate was pulling were kind of amusing and didn’t really bother me that much.  (I mean sure, I wanted my rock collection back but I doubted my roommate would have thrown them away.  They know how much they mean to me.)
The one thing I was putting my foot down on was that I wasn’t going to ask my roommate what was wrong.  I got the hint, sure, but I wanted them to know that if something is bothering them, they need to, y’know, actually say something instead of leaving spooky pink clues.  They were being a butt, and my hope was that when they saw how much the pink wasn’t bothering me, then they’d finally open up.  This went on for about a week with me going about my daily routine only to be surprised by the occasional pink interruption.
Like on Wednesday, I go to the fridge to get something to drink, and all I find in there is Pink Lemonade.  It actually wasn’t that bad, but I have no idea how my roommate actually got it given that they never leave the apartment.  Thursday, I get a notification saying a package arrived, and find my roommate used my debit card to order the entire Pink Panther cartoon series on DVD.  And earlier on Tuesday, I got a call from my landlord asking if I knew why someone had called in an order, in their name, to have Owens Corning insulation installed.  In case you weren’t aware, that’s the pink insulation who has “you can guess who” as their mascot.
So, Friday rolls around, and by now, the entire apartment is pink.  Like EVERYTHING.  The furniture, the electronics, the toilet, the sink, the appliances, the TV, and everything in between has been made pink somehow.  I’m not sure who out there still makes pink toilet paper, but apparently my roommate has either some special powers I don’t know about yet, or they got connections.
At this point, since my roommate had yet to approach me about “The Pink-ening”, I began playing the reverse-psychology card.  I came home and got to making dinner.  While some of this was a bit more expensive than what I usually spend on food, I figured it was worth it if it meant getting my roommate to talk to me.  My menu included delicious smoked pink salmon, some crab linguine with a nice amount of pink to it for a side dish, and some mashed red potatoes that turn out nice and pink if you got the right recipe.  To wash it down, I picked up a glass of pink lemonade from the fridge, and in the freezer, some strawberry sorbet.
I get down to eating at my pink table, with a pink wooden chair, pink napkins, pink silverware, pink glass of pink lemonade.  It took a little more effort to put this together, but I made an exaggerated point of showing off how good this pink meal was and how much I was just enjoying all this pink.
About halfway into my meal, I get a feeling that someone’s standing behind me.  It’s hard to put into words how you know someone’s there especially since my roommate doesn’t really eat or breath.  It’s like the hairs on the back of your neck become sensitive like cat whiskers and can just... feel that someone’s there.  Usually sends a chill down my spine when that happens, but this time, I was ready and waiting for it.
“Care to join me for dinner?” I say without turning around.  If I had, they probably would have vanished on me again like they had been doing all week.
“Looks... good...” they say in their ever so familiar by now raspy voice.
“Got something you want to talk about?” I ask between bites.  There’s a brief pause as my roommate thinks to themselves.
“...yes,” they finally answer.
“Okay.  Pull up a chair!  It’s been a while since we just, y’know, talked and stuff,” which was true.  
The instant I said that, I realized that even before the “week of pink” began, we hadn’t spent a whole lot of time together outside of our usual TV time.  I had long since figured out that my roommate wanted me to watch Pink Panther with them, but I just thought they wanted to show it to me to show off how (subjectively) good the cartoon was.  Only then did it hit me that they wanted me to watch it with them because they wanted to watch it together with me.  It was like they were hoping for some roommate bonding time or something like that.
Now, it wasn’t like we weren’t talking to each other before this.  I greeted them whenever I saw them, and let them know whenever I came home or was leaving. but we hadn’t actually talked, like... “talk-talk” in a few weeks.  Instead, the conversations over the last few weeks were like the kind of conversations a person would have with their pet cat or pet dog.  Like you’d talk to them, but not really expect an answer from them.
I had been treating her like a pet more than a person.  (Did it again!  I’m thinking I’ll ask them later what kind of pronouns they’d like me to use, or if they’ve even given any thought towards gender or anything).
My guess is that my roommate picked up on this themselves, and just like a disobedient pet who is bored, lonely, or other, they made a mess of the place.  Maybe they were thinking that if I was going to treat them like a pet, they would act like one too?
Of course, I didn’t mean to treat them like that.  I don’t think anyone really does mean it when they do.  It just kind of happens without thinking about it.  The whole reason I’m writing this down here in you, diary, is so that I can make a mental note slash reminder to be careful of doing that kind of thing.  It’s especially important to remember when interacting with other people, like my co-workers or the store customers.  (Unlike my roommate, they can’t get on my case by making my entire apartment pink.)
Now where was I?  Oh yeah, our talk.  I think I remember the most important bits of it.  It went something like:
“So, whaddya wanna talk about?” I ask between bites of food.
“Pink...” they say to me.  I wait a moment, expecting them to say “panther” after that, but it when it doesn’t arrive, I step in.
“Yeah!  Pretty amazing what you did with the place!  I didn’t know things could even get this pink!” which was one-hundred percent true.
“...Thank...you...” they say with a smile.  I can tell that was not the answer they were expecting as I could have swore they turned and blushed.  Although I couldn’t tell because of how pink everything else was.
“Although,” I add, “I don’t think the landlord is going to like the apartment being this pink.  If it stays like this, they might kick me out.  And we wouldn’t want that, right?”
Now my roommate, the apparition, actually looks shocked for a moment.  The thought hadn’t entered their head, and for a moment, they looked a little scared.  “N-n-n-no...” they stuttered.
“Well, I’m sure together, we can get this place back to the way it was before the next time they have an apartment inspection.  Whenever that is,” I reassure them.
“Yeah...” my roommate nods.
“Say I got some time off this upcoming weekend.  Want to watch some Pink Panther with me?”  (Oh my God, you should have seen the smile on my roommate’s face when I asked this.)  “I see I have the DVD collection now, apparently,” I say with a wink, “and we can even watch the movies together too.”
“...movies?” they ask.
“Yeah, the Pink Panther was a movie first before it became a cartoon.  It was a live-action movie, but... well some of it’s like a cartoon here and there.  Lots of slapstick comedy that I think you might like.”  They were practically beaming and agreed immediately.  
After Friday’s dinner, we watched some of the cartoons (which are actually pretty funny) and for the upcoming weekend, we’re doing a Pink Panther movie marathon with cartoons mixed in to spice it up.  I also found out that my roommate doesn’t just watch the cartoons, but actually knows a thing or two about them.  Like how Friz Freleng, one of the directors and creative minds behind the original Looney Tunes cartoons, was involved in the Pink Panther’s creation along with a new studio after he left Warner Brothers.  I don’t know how my roommate came to know so much, but it’s pretty cool.
Anyway, I got me some sweet, pink treats to snack on during the movie marathon.  The apartment is still pink as can be, but my roommate said they’ll take care of it once the marathon’s over.  Exactly HOW they plan to take care of it, I have no idea.  Oh well.  No use pinking too hard about it.
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mrslittletall · 3 years
Title: Fire and Ashes Fandom: Bloodborne Characters: Laurence the first Vicar/Ludwig the Holy Blade Word Count: 7.052 AO3-Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32196505
Summary: Laurence has been sick with the beastly scourge for a while already and he knows that he will transform soon if he doesn't find a solution...
(Author's note: My entry for the Soulsborne Chain Game I host on my headcanon blog @headcanontheshitoutofsoulsborne. I wrote the starter entry for it. Please check out the completed chain here. Everyone did such a great job and deserve the praise.)
It was time for the usual morning mass and Laurence was feeling terrible.
In truth, he had felt terrible for a while now.
His body had been plagued with fevers that made him feel like he burned from the inside and he swore, sometimes it even felt like he managed to melt things he touched.
He was suffering from intense nausea that he couldn't stave off... sooner or later he would end up in front of the toilet, or any other receptacle he could reach in time, and vomit out whatever he had eaten prior. The worse thing however, was that the vomit was uncomfortably hot and he sometimes had the feeling that he was throwing up literal lava. Judging by how red it looked, it may have been true, but Laurence still desperately hoped that it was just blood. Which was more than unsettling in its own right, but would be a lot better than what he feared it was.
The last symptom and the one that made him absolutely sure about which sickness he was suffering from, was the hunger... the desire to bite into anything vaguely human shaped and the times in which he had wanted to dissect a corpse and found himself having stuffed a finger in his mouth... or worse.
His hands were concealed by gloves. It was usual for him to wear gloves anyway, but in this times and days, he never removed them, because of his prolonged finger nails that reminded him very much of claws.
It was more than clear for Laurence that he was infected with the beastly scourge, the plague that had befallen Yharnam all this years ago and he didn't know just how much time he had left.
However, his poor state wasn't a reason to neglect his duties and so he stood up on the gallery to hold the mass like every morning and recited the prayer, until he was at the last few verses.
“Remain wary of the frailty of men.
Their wills are weak, minds young.
Were it not for fear, death would go unlamented.”
Almost done. Laurence took a deep breath and raised his voice to speak once again.
“Bless us with-”
A sharp pain stopped his words and he clasped a hand at his chest, where his heart was. That... that never had happened before. At the same time, the nausea washed over him. Oh no, not here, not in the open, with all the citizens and all the church ministers watching him.
Already they stared at him, clearly confused why he had stopped. He couldn't... couldn't stay here. Clasping his other hand over his mouth, he turned around to run... only managing a few steps before his body forced him to throw up right where he was, hot reddish vomit seeping through his fingers and hitting the floor with a sizzle.
“Vicar, what was that?”, he heard a voice next to him, one of the church ministers. More voices joined in soon.
“Your grace, did you just...?”
“...That looked like blood...”
“Are you feeling alright? Should we prepare a blood ministration?”
Laurence didn't feel ready to speak. He had the feeling when he opened his mouth, that the rest of his breakfast would make it out. He raised a hand, the one that wasn't clasped over his mouth and dismissed them. He didn't need any help. He just needed to be alone.
Before anyone could say something, Laurence was making a beeline to his office, shutting the door behind him with a loud noise and then... vomited out the rest of his breakfast into a bucket he had positioned there just for this case. I was filled with a little bit of water, to cool down the far too hot vomit. Even now he could see how the water in the bucket started to steam.
After he was done, Laurence wiped his forehead. The fever was back. He took a few steps back and then practically fell into his chair that was lined up with his desk. His breathing was slow and heavy and he needed a few minutes to even think about pouring himself a glass of water and washing the bad taste in his mouth away.
He looked down at his desk, where his notes were strewn everywhere. How long had he worked last night? Desperately trying to find a cure that he hadn't managed to find for years? Laurence removed his gloves and looked at his hands, seeing that his fingernails had prolonged even more over the night.
How much time had he left? Weeks? Days? Hours maybe?
He raised his head and got up, stepping in front of a mirror that was standing in his office. The claws were not the only clue. He could see the fangs, when he bared his teeth, small, but they were there, as well as his left eye which had started to collapse. One of the earliest signs of the scourge.
His gaze wandered to his door. After what happened just now, he shouldn't let himself be seen like that. He went to his door and turned the key in the lock, letting it stick before going back to his desk, where he sat down with a frustrated sigh and started to sort through his notes. As long as he still had time, he at least had to try. He wouldn't succumb to the scourge that easily.
As Laurence sorted his notes, his hand brushed against a certain item. He picked it up and stared at it.
A failed experiment from the early days of the Healing Church. A rune with which they had tried to control the beastly scourge, to at least let these people remain their humanity, if not their form. He knew that it was futile. The rune wouldn't help him, it would probably simply speed up his transformation.
Why did he have it still here? He didn't know. Maybe he had tried to base the cure around it. Laurence didn't remember. His memory was often hazy nowadays and so he brushed the rune to the side, instead reading up on the notes he must have worked on yesterday evening.
There must be a base to start somewhere. He only needed to find it. Wishing to be able to better concentrate, Laurence hooked himself up on a blood ministration. He would need the focus.
He almost missed the knock on his office door.
That Laurence had suddenly left the gallery mid prayer had been a cause of concern for Ludwig. He knew that Laurence hadn't been feeling well lately, as hard as he tried to hide it, but that had been the first time he had actively run away before having spoken out the adage to its end.
While everyone else present was starting to leave after a brief confusion, either going to their shops, workplaces or starting their duties in the church, Ludwig made his way up to the gallery, where he found the church ministers in the middle of a heated discussion.
“Excuse me, what happened here?”, Ludwig raised his voice to drown out their argument. “Where is Vicar Laurence?”
“Ah, Sir Ludwig, we were discussing this just now.”, one of the church ministers replied, while several others stared at Ludwig, making him feel like a whole row of eyes stared at him. “He seemed to be in pain and then threw up... it looked like blood.”
Ludwig had shouldered his holy moonlight sword as usual, but when he heard that, his grip around tightened and his eyes widened. “He did WHAT?! Why has nobody followed him?”
“He gave us a sign that he would be fine and you know how he is.”, the church minister said. “He would have just sent us away. We were actually just discussing how we could approach him about the issue, because...”
The church minister pointed at the ground and Ludwig could see that there was clearly a hole burned in the ground, an acidic smell coming from it.
“Is that where he...?”, Ludwig asked and before he could finish his sentence, the church minister nodded.
“Yes, where he threw up.”, they finished for Ludwig.
“That's not good... it's literally burned. I will go and try to talk to him. You stay here. Don't do anything withOUT my approval.” Ludwig waited until all of the church ministers gave him a bow and then made his way to Laurence' office with an uneasy feeling in his stomach.
As he stood in front of it, he took a deep breath and then knocked at the door. “Laurence? I am going to come in.”, he said and tried to turn the handle, only to notice that the door was locked. “Laurence? Open the door, please.”
Laurence froze as he recognized the voice outside the door. The voice of Ludwig. Ludwig was the last person Laurence wanted to have in his office right now. He was a Hunter. He would recognize the signs, the signs that Laurence successfully had hidden from Ludwig for so long, by having him pushed away and shut out, a behaviour that he still didn't know why Ludwig tolerated it. He had been horrible to him and still, Ludwig would come and just tell him that it was alright, he would wait until Laurence felt better.
Only that Laurence knew he wouldn't get better, not when he wouldn't find a cure. So Laurence raised his voice and said: “I am fine, Ludwig, I am busy. Just go away. Please leave me alone.”
Ludwig couldn't come in and see him, he would notice the collapsed eye, the fangs, the prolonged fingernails. He would be forced to kill Laurence at the spot, as was the rule for church hunters, no one infected was to be left alive, but Laurence didn't want to force Ludwig to do this. Especially not when he had failed to make Ludwig hate him. Why had his boyfriend to be so kind and understanding?
“Laurence, I have been considerate with you for weeks now.”, Ludwig said. “I know you aren't feeling well and that you don't want much company, but... you have thrown up blood today at the morning mass. Blood that was hot enough to burn a hole in the ground. Laurence, whatever it is, that ails you, you don't have to go through this alone. Please, let me help you.”
Laurence felt a sharp stab in his chest at his words. This time it hadn't been from the scourge. He knew it was because Ludwig would be willing to stay with him and help him out and he wished so much that he could get into his arms and confess everything to him, but Laurence knew that he couldn't.
He couldn't let Ludwig know. He had to try and use all the time he had for finding the cure. How much he wished to just tell Ludwig the truth, he could, he just had to open the door and leave him in and confess about his ailment to him, but... he couldn't. Ludwig was the most loyal hunter of the church. He wouldn't stop because it was Laurence and Laurence knew that the action would break his heart.
“This none of your business.”, Laurence said, as cold as he could manage, even though he felt hot tears drop down his face. Not as hot as his vomit, but still hot enough to steam when they dripped on the ground. “Leave me alone. You can't help me.”
“Laurence, please.” Oh, Laurence just hated how pleading Ludwig's voice was. “You haven't been yourself lately. Please let me help you. I want to help you, but how can I help you when you don't let me be part of your life?”
More tears forced their way out of Laurence' eyes as he got up and walked towards the door and extended a hand, leaving it on the handle. He just had to unlock it and let Ludwig in and... no, he couldn't. He shook his head and sank down in front of the door, with his back to it.
“I... I can't...”, he sobbed, not being able to hold his tears back. “I just... can't...”
“Laurence, are you crying?!”, Ludwig shouted and frantically tried to turn the handle, several clicking noises proofing that his efforts were fruitless. “Let me in, Laurence, please.”
“No.”, Laurence said, his voice coming out strained. He took a deep breath and then shouted: “Just leave me alone and don't come back!”
“...”, there was an audible silence in front of the door. “I can't force you to open the door...”, Ludwig said and he must have removed his hand from the handle, because it went back to its original position. “But I won't leave you alone either. Just... please tell me what's wrong. Please, Laurence, just give me a chance.”
Laurence didn't reply as he got up, gaze on the ground, wiping away the fresh tears in his face.
If I let you in, you have to kill me.
The unspoken words hung in the air. Laurence couldn't bring himself to say them. He also couldn't bring himself to tell Ludwig to leave him alone anymore.
“Sir Ludwig, there have been beast sightings at the outer rim of cathedral ward!”, a hurried voice sounded, not belonging to Ludwig obviously.
“In broad daylight?! They are getting more and more brash.”, Ludwig gasped. “Laurence, I have to go, but I will come back and then I want for you to talk to me.”
There was around half a minute of silence before Laurence could hear footsteps that moved away from the door. Soon, they faded and Laurence took one step towards his desk, when the pain from earlier hit him again.
With a cry, he fell to his knees, doubled over in pain. This pain certainly was worse than earlier, he felt like he got ripped apart from the inside. Alongside the pain, he felt an itching sensation on his head, so much that he wished he could move and scratch his scalp open. It continued until the itching sensation became a new wave of pain, so intense as if something, anything wanted to force its way out of Laurence' head.
He spent a small eternity in this agonizing pain when it stopped as sudden as it had started. Breathing heavily, Laurence got up on his knees, staring at the splotches of blood on the floor, already sizzling into the carpet. He raised a shaky hand to touch his face and found blood. He couldn't remember getting injured, had he self harmed in his pain?
He slowly got up on his feet and limped to the mirror in his office, stopping before he even was in front of it. He didn't need to come closer to see what was wrong as his hand shot upward to confirm what he saw.
Antlers. He had grown some antlers, that now adorned his head, a thin stream of blood accompanying the place where they had forced their way through.
“I might have less time than I thought...”, Laurence gasped as he went a few shaky step to his desk and let himself fall down on his chair.
He could as well use this time and try to see if he at least managed to find a base for the cure. If he would transform and had to die anyway, he wouldn't just take it with his head bowed, he would scream and fight against it.
So Laurence straightened himself up, took a deep breath and then started to work.
An hour or two later, Laurence had scattered a variety of documents over his desk. Ideas where the beastly scourge came from. The first idea and the one he had followed the longest had been that it escaped the labyrinths. They had seen beasts down there and it felt like the most logical thing, that after they got unsealed, the sickness that was responsible for the beasts in there would be able to come out.
Though, they never had learned how the people down there had transformed...
Another idea had been that it was the fault of the vilebloods, but that couldn't be. As much as Laurence loathed, the beastly scourge had been there before the vilebloods had come into Yharnam and it didn't vanish once the executioners had been done with their job. The vilebloods had been beasts of their own, but that was a thing that Laurence couldn't blame on them.
A third theory, a theory that Laurence always had dismissed immediately, was that maybe the blood could be at fault. That instead of getting them closer to ascension, that humans would regress and that was the cause of the beastly scourge. Laurence had tested the blood rigorously and had been sure that it wasn't the case, but.. right at the moment he was staring at the newspaper story about Old Yharnam.
He remembered that night far too well. Finally having acquired enough umbilical cords to summon a Great One, one of the ascended, he had stepped outside and done the ritual, seeing as the Great One came from the moon. He had stepped forwards to ask her his questions, when Gehrman suddenly appeared and said something to the Moon Presence... and that had been the last time Laurence had seen Gehrman.
Shortly after, the worst hunt that had ever happened took place. Almost everyone in Old Yharnam had transformed. It had to be the influence of the moon, Laurence thought, as he stared out of the office of his window during that night, seeing the blood red moon in the sky.
In the end, Old Yharnam had to be burned down and sealed shut before the beasts would spread into the other parts of the town. Shortly after it happened, the blood red moon vanished and the longest hunt ever had been over... and Laurence had come out of it as a broken man, even though he didn't let it shine through.
Now that he looked at the article again, he noticed something. The article mentioned the sickness that had ailed Old Yharnam during that time.
Ashen Blood... in truth it had been a poisoning caused by the church. It hadn't been exactly on purpose, but the Old Yharnam citizens had been stubborn and when Laurence had learned that the poison of their research had leaked into the groundwater, he hadn't ordered for them to stop, instead he had brought the holy blood to Old Yharnam, to cure all these people and sold them on the holy blood.
A large amount of people had gotten the blood at the same time.
A large amount of people had transformed into beasts at the same time.
How could he have been so blind?!
Laurence shot up and practically ripped his current blood ministration out of his arm, a small stream of blood running down his arm, the wound closing shortly after, the healing effect of the blood taking action.
Laurence cleaned his arm from the blood and continued to think. That couldn't have been the only cause. There must have been a second cause. Not everyone who took the blood transformed. He himself had taken the blood almost daily for years and he was transforming only now.
Maybe it really was the moon...
Whatever it was, the blood certainly was one of the causes. Of course they could prevent further cases by ceasing to use the old blood, but that would be difficult.
Yharnam was reliant on the old blood. The whole town was based around it. If he would take it away, then the whole town would collapse. He would need a lot more time to figure out who to take the blood away from Yharnam.
The safest bet would be a cure, then they could keep using the blood without fearing the side effects...
Laurence sighed as he noticed that his train of thoughts involved the future, a future that he certainly wouldn't live to see anymore.
Though... with one of the causes figured out, he had a base to at least start. He leaned over his desk to search for a few more documents when the pain came back and this time it was paralysing. He fell down with his chair and convulsed on the ground for what felt like it was a really long time, paired with the same itchy sensation he had felt earlier, paired with an intense pain in his arm.
When the pain ended, he was lying there, gasping for air. It took him a few minutes to get up again. As he looked down on his hands as he propped himself up, one of them wasn't human anymore.
He could see long claws coming out from far too long fingers, the whole hand covered in shaggy fur and as his gaze followed his arm, he could see that it extended to it. His whole left arm had transformed into something so utterly inhumane that he wanted to retch.
Instead he walked the few steps to the couch and flopped onto it, cursing when he bumped his new antlers and then staring at the ceiling.
With the realization earlier about the old blood being one of the causes for the beastly scourge, his initial thoughts had been about how to handle this whole mess.
Now that his own transformation had completed another step, he had become aware that he had doomed Yharnam.
“All I wanted to do was help...”, he murmured, surprised that his voice still sounded human instead of beastly screeches leaving his throat. “I just wanted to help...”, he repeated, as if he wanted to convince a listener that wasn't there.
If only he had thrown the blood away once Master Willem had warned him about it. He probably owed the old man an apology. An apology that he would never be able to speak out. Was the old geezer even still alive?
As Laurence stared at the ceiling, he thought about all the friends he once had and had lost one way or the other, but almost all of them had left his life related to the old blood.
Caryll, who refused to study the old blood and had stayed in Byrgenwerth for their own studies about conversing with the Great Ones.
Maria, one of the best hunters he had ever seen, who got so disgusted with her own actions that she had chosen to take her life instead of living on with the guilt. She had been one of the most vehement defenders of the theory that the blood could have been at fault.
Gehrman, the first Hunter that Laurence had ever employed, the one he had lost to the Moon Presence. No, he had lost him earlier even, when his heart broke into a thousand pieces after Maria's suicide.
Micolash, his best friend and rival, who had become more and more recluse, stopped helping Laurence with the blood ministrations altogether and vanished one day to never be seen, but Laurence knew about a group that was antagonistic to the Choir and while he himself didn't fully trust them himself, the only person in charge of a group that would be able to mess with the Choir was Micolash.
Only Ludwig was left... and Amelia, his adopted daughter and future Vicar, and he had done his best to push both of them away in the last weeks. Especially Ludwig. That Ludwig still wanted to speak to him, baffled Laurence, he had been nothing but an asshole to him lately.
Laurence let out another deep sigh as he rubbed over his forehead, with the far too large beastly hand, feeling hot and sweaty. He could stay here and self loathe until he ran out of time... or he could get up and write down what he had found out so that Amelia and his church ministers could continue his research.
The most important thing would be to wean Yharnam from the blood. Laurence slowly got up. He had to make peace with the fact that he would die soon, maybe he already had made it, but he at least didn't want to leave Yharnam to ride into its certain doom.
It was difficult getting back to his desk. His vision seemed to swim and blur in front of him. Had he gotten up too quickly? No, it was the advanced transformation.
Just as Laurence had sat back down and straightened a piece of paper, taking up a pen to write down his last will, there was a knock on his door.
He froze briefly, asking himself if Ludwig had come back already? If, he would just send him away again. He needed to write his last will and after that... well, he probably would surrender and let himself be taken out before he became a danger to the church.
It wasn't Ludwig however. The voice outside of the door belonged to one of the highest ranking church ministers.
“Your grace, open the door. We have reasons to believe that you have been afflicted by the beastly scourge. As sad as this observation makes us, you know our rules and there can't be an exception, not even for you.”
Pinpoint the cancer and rip it out of Yharnam... Laurence remembered his own words about the matter.
Laurence opened his mouth to speak, to tell them that he would come to them later, that he needed to be alone now, but he was shaken by a horrible coughing fit. There even seemed to come smoke out of his throat... They certainly couldn't see him, when they would see him like this, they would execute him right away and he couldn't let that happen.
Couldn't they have discussed for half an hour more? All these boring meetings and today of all days they came to a conclusion early.
“Vicar Laurence, if you won't open the door, we will have to break it down. If you have nothing to hide, you will be able to open the door just fine, won't you?”
Damn. Laurence glared at the door, cursing his church minister in his mind with a dozen profanities in the span of a few seconds. He cleared his throat and finally managed to speak.
“I wish to be alone right now. I have urgent business to attend to and it can't wait only because of your outrageous accusations. I will make time for you later.”
So that they could execute him... Laurence cringed at the thought, but the church ministers didn't take his words. Of course, what had he expected? If he hadn't anything to hide, he could have just opened the door.
“Break the door down.”, the church minister ordered and Laurence knew that they had a hunter with them, probably multiple. He stared for a few seconds as the door got repeatedly knocked with a blunt object and only when it started to splinter he stared down at his still very blank last will.
In his panic, he wrote down the first thing that came to his mind.
“Fear the old blood.”
Just as he had finished writing, the door burst open and he could see a dozen church ministers as well as a few hunters out there. They stared as much as him as he stared at them.
His appearance was proof enough that he indeed had been afflicted with the beastly scourge.
“Vicar Laurence, you are hereby under arrest!”, the church minister announced in a clamorous voice and Laurence could see how the hunters stormed inside his office.
“Wait!”, Laurence said, both hands in the air, showing that he wasn't armed. The hunters stopped and looked at him, the church minister behind them having scrunched up his face.
“Don't show mercy just because he used to be our vicar.”
Speaking in the past of him, right in front of him. Laurence didn't had time to be offended though, he needed to tell them.
“Please listen to me!”, he said and then his world seemed to stop as his heart skipped a beat and the pain came back full force, in such a force that he couldn't speak anymore, only scream... a scream that didn't even sound human anymore.
From the corner of his eye, he could somehow see how the hunters started to move in his direction again. Laurence brushed over his desk... where was it.. his last will had been just in front of him, but which paper was it? It must be the one with fresh ink, but... he couldn't find anything with wet ink... instead, his hand closed around a small object.
It was the rune. Beast's Embrace. In the back of his mind he knew this was a bad idea. It had never succeeded before, but maybe it would help him regain his sense for long enough so that he could tell them about the dangers that the old blood possessed and how to handle Yharnam after his death.
Laurence embraced the rune with his beastly hand and concentrated on the arcane prowess inside of it... feeling how his pain eased down at first, he already was opening his mouth to speak, when his whole body felt like it would burst.
Failed. was the last conscious thought Laurence ever had, when his bones shifted and his veins popped, rearranging his body in a way that should be physically impossible. He heard how his clothes ripped open when he started to grow, he could feel the itching sensation of fur covering his skin accompanied by a blinding pain. Laurence couldn't see anything anymore, he only heard some shouting in the distance. He wanted to open his mouth to scream, but only a garbled screech came out of it as Laurence realized that his face had twisted into a snout with a row of razor sharp teeth.
He was crouched on the floor, with a claw on his hand... hissing because of the pain... He could smell blood... his blood... It hurt so much, so very very much... But, there was the smell of flesh... human flesh and he felt hungry... so very very hungry... maybe the flesh would help him ease the pain.
He took a step towards a smell and felt a new pain, sharp and annoying, at his leg and when he looked down he saw his attacker. He raised his hand and flattened them in an instant, the sweet smell of blood filling the air. He raised his hand to look at it, the urge to lick the blood clean of it strong, when a second sharp pain hit him.
Growling, he stepped forwards, glaring at the ones in front of him. He rose to his full height and let out a blood curdling screech, as he raised both of his arms into the air and then his fur ignited into fire.
He had to feast... that would stop the pain... it would stop the hunger... he had to hunt them down! With a second screech, he lunged at the first human that was dumb enough standing in front of him.
Once Ludwig returned to the church, it was on fire. With a gasp, he jumped off Midnight, his horse, and ran towards the entrance, stopping when he saw a black robed church hunter stare fearfully at the church.
“Hunter! What happened? Why is the church on fire? Why aren't you helping with evacuating?”
“Sir Ludwig, thank the blood that you returned! It's Vicar Laurence. He... turned. He had the scourge and hid it and now he is the most gigantic beast I have ever seen. He already has killed and devoured a dozen black robes! It was him who ignited the church, he's literally on fire! He's... he's out of control!”
The church hunter took a few steps back after his rant and took a deep breath before he fell down to his knees and... seemed to pray. Ludwig could hear how he called for the aid of the Great Ones, faintly, when his own mind raced.
He had heard them, the words of the black robe. He had been very clear about it. Laurence had turned... his Laurence did have the beastly scourge, the one he loved more than anything in the world, the one who had done his damn hardest to not let Ludwig be part of his life for the last few weeks.
It had been so obvious, but Ludwig had decided to ignore him.
Laurence always had eaten his food without saying a word, but had vanished shortly after and often Ludwig had seen him come out of the bathroom wiping his mouth.
He did have increasingly fevers, sometimes they seemed to be getting so worse that he felt like he was on fire.
He never had taken off his gloves.
He had stopped to see Ludwig altogether for the last three weeks, telling him that he was busy and not feeling well and didn't want to get his ailment to spread to him because the holy blood had troubles with healing it.
“Laurence... why haven't you told me...?”, Ludwig said, tightening his grip around his holy moonlight sword before he rushed into the church. Even though he knew that the black robe didn't have any reason to lie, even though he had seen the signs, signs that his past self had ignored, a part of him still wouldn't believe that it was Laurence after he had seen him with his own eyes.
Inside the church, there was chaos. Smoke, flames and rubble. Ludwig covered his mouth and nose with his shawl and approached a group of black robes that tried to free a trapped blood saint from a column that must have fallen on her leg.
Ludwig easily lifted the column and after the blood saint had been safely pulled out, he grimly said: “Where?”
With a shaking hand, one of the black robes pointed deeper into the church. Another one added in a low voice: “Follow the flames...”
Ludwig was doing exactly that.
He actually did find a beast inside the church, in one of the conference rooms where it was busy trashing chairs and tables. The black robe hadn't lied, that was the tallest beast he had ever seen. Easily seven meters or more.
Knowing how small and scrawny Laurence was, Ludwig barely could believe that the beast could be him.
The beast was literally on fire. It wasn't because someone had ignited it, it's fur possessed a fiery quality on its own. When it screeched, a sound that made Ludwig cringe and wince, he could see burning hot magma gathering in its throat.
The left hand was mutilated into a giant claw, far larger than the right claw. The snout was filled with a row of razor sharp teeth and a set of large antlers grew out of its head.
In the corner of his eye, Ludwig saw two black robes approaching the beast, their weapons raised while the beast was distracted smashing and igniting another chair, but the moment their attacks connected with its rear, it stopped and turned around.
Ludwig had never been faster to join a fight, his holy moonlight sword blocking a hit of that immensely large left claw. The force was enough to even knock him several feet back.
“Leave!”, Ludwig ordered the black robes. “Help with evacuating the church! I handle things here!”
The two of them were on their feet in an instant and ran towards the direction of the grand cathedral, while Ludwig eyes his foe.
Could that really be Laurence?
There was a glimmering of gold in front of the chest of the beast.
Ludwig's eyes widened as he recognized what it was.
The Vicar's pendant... Laurence would always wear it, every single day. There was no doubt.
“Laurence...”, Ludwig choked out, feeling tears form in his eyes, tears that didn't had time to spill, because Laurence used his moment of hesitation to hurl him into the next best wall.
Ludwig was blinded briefly by pain as one or two of his bones cracked. He slammed a blood vial into his tight and stood up again, he was the captain of the church hunters. He was used to receiving injuries like this. Nothing that the blood couldn't handle.
...Laurence had always said this.
Upon seeing that his prey had escaped him, Laurence screeched and his large claw came rushing down once again on Ludwig. Ludwig stepped to the side, a technique that Gehrman had taught him. A technique that each Hunter should master, or they wouldn't stand a chance against the beasts they fought.
“Laurence...”, he said again, now feeling the tears in his eyes spilling. “You aren't recognizing me anymore, do you..?”
No, of course not. Nobody had ever come back after transformation. There was only one thing Ludwig could do right now.
Give him a swift death.
Ludwig dodged another swipe of that large claw and propelled his sword into Laurence' right leg. He screamed in pain and... what sounded like frustration.
Ludwig removed his sword and saw far too hot blood gushing out of the wound, igniting the carpet around them.
“You didn't want for it to be me...”, Ludwig murmured to himself as he circled around Laurence, who growled and spluttered at him. Ludwig had always thought that the beasts still looked a tiny bit human. It was no different with Laurence, as grotesque as his body had become, the way he still kept himself upright on two feet and the way he mostly used his claws for attacking... it was one of the most uncanny things about being a hunter. The knowledge that once this wretched abomination had been a human.
It was different when it was his own lover and the head of the church though.
“You didn't want that I had to kill you.”, Ludwig finished his thought. “I would love to make it painless for you, but...”
Ludwig's voice trailed off as he was unable to finish the sentence. He knew that he had to strike Laurence down, he knew that he had to inflict a mortal injury on him to stop his rampage, but... it felt so hard to take the next step. Ludwig looked down at his arm and saw that he was trembling.
That had never happened before.
The arm holding his sword was trembling.
Next thing Ludwig felt was an intense pressure around his chest as Laurence' claws enclosed around his body and lifted him up in the air.
Ludwig stared at Laurence' face.. the face that wasn't his boyfriend's anymore. That was the face of a beast. A beast that would kill anything that crossed its path. A beast that was a danger. For the church, for Yharnam. A beast that had to be taken out.
As Laurence opened his mouth Ludwig wrestled his right arm free of his grip and then drove the sword deep into the open maw of him.
A garbled screech was to hear. Ludwig tried to shove the blade even deeper inside, but get hurled against the wall before he could even properly grab it. This time he had been prepared however and managed to endure the impact with minimum damage.
Laurence was howling in pain, bringing both claws up to his snout, fumbling for the sword stuck in his maw. Ludwig rolled himself up and put a safe distance between him and Laurence, as he managed to remove the sword and hurled it towards the same wall Ludwig had impacted with, blood gushing out of the wound. Blood that looked a lot more like lava.
Ludwig's feet carried him over to the place where his sword had landed. He grabbed for it and as his hands enclosed it, he could see the little lights. His guiding moonlight.
“My guiding moonlight... are you sure about this?”, he said, but he didn't have a reason to not believe its guidance. It always had been right. Ludwig turned around and looked at Laurence, who, in the meantime, had recovered from the pain, blood seeping out of his mouth as he growled in Ludwig's direction.
As he saw how Laurence set up for a lunge, he took the holy moonlight sword with both hands and directed it towards Laurence. He concentrated on the little lights and he was sure about it, they guided him towards a specific strike.
As Laurence executed his lunge, Ludwig ran towards him, following the little lights, jumping in the air shortly before Laurence' large claws let the ground shake and while Laurence was open, he rushed down and drove his sword into his skull, right where his eyes normally would have been.
He could hear the skull cracking as Laurence shrieked in pain. Ludwig landed on the ground, a hand still on his sword as Laurence started trashing around. Ludwig held on for dear life until Laurence laid on the ground, exhausted. Ludwig used that time to remove his sword, wincing in pain as far too hot blood gushed over him and made his skin blister. As long as Laurence was still stunned on the ground, he had to act quickly. Ludwig took a big swing with his sword and let it crash down on the wound.
Laurence cracked skull broke with an audible sound and he twitched for a few seconds.
Then, he stopped moving altogether.
Ludwig slowly approached Laurence. He didn't appear to be breathing anymore. It was over.
All the adrenaline of the fight left him at once. He felt tears streaming down his face. He collapsed on his rear, vaguely aware that the fire the room was coated in wouldn't stop burning and he likely would be reduced to ashes soon if he didn't move.
Nothing of it mattered to him in the moment however. He itched closer to Laurence' dead body, hugging the giant beastly skull, not caring that his burns got even worse as his tears freely fell down and produced steam on Laurence' still hot body.
“Oh, Laurence...”
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Supernatural stars reflect on the show's undying legacy
Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, and Misha Collins discuss 15 years of fantasy, family, and flannel. 
"We only get one shot at this." Sam and Dean Winchester are surrounded. The monster-hunting brothers are standing on the edge of a cliff. They look to Castiel, their brother in arms — or is it wings? — but even he can’t help. One move in the wrong direction could ruin everything. After years of fighting demons, going toe-to- toe with Satan himself, and saving the world multiple times, they once again find themselves in a position of having to perform under pressure. But this situation is unlike anything they’ve ever dealt with before. All eyes are on them as they have one shot…at getting the perfect picture.
It’s a dry, hot August day in Malibu — when people were still allowed to gather outside — as Supernatural stars Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, and Misha Collins prepare for the last setup of their final Entertainment Weekly cover shoot. With a bottle of champagne in each of their hands, Ackles once again reminds them they get “one shot” to do this right. But if their characters can shoulder the weight of the world, surely these three can handle a photo. Read the whole story below
The champagne soaking is meant to be a celebration of 15 years, of making television history. Supernatural, the story of two brothers destined to save the world, is the longest-running genre show in the history of American broadcast television. (So old, the first three seasons shot on this thing called film.) What started as an underdog story, living its first few years on the verge of cancellation, has become an institution, a milestone to which other shows aspire. Supernatural not only survived the move from The WB to The CW after its first season — it’s now the final WB show left standing — but became the backbone of the now highly successful CW network. Over the years, the sci-fi series has aired on every weeknight, helping to launch shows including Arrow and The Vampire Diaries. The network moved it one final time, most recently, to Mondays, to help Roswell, New Mexico expand its audience. “Supernatural is a major link to many of the shows that we have successfully built to market,” The CW’s chairman and CEO Mark Pedowitz says. “Almost every one of our shows has had it as a lead-out or a lead-in.”
And to think, it all started as a promise to bring horror to television. After Supernatural creator Eric Kripke had finished working with Warner Bros. on 2003’s Tarzan series, he pitched the idea of a reporter who travels around hunting urban legends. As he puts it, it was a Kolchak: The Night Stalker rip-off. But when he realized the story would benefit from having brothers at its core, he started writing. “At the time, The Ring and The Grudge were huge hits in theaters,” Kripke remembers. “We said, ‘We’re going to take that experience and we’re going to put it on TV,’ and the initial goal was to be scary.” After Warner Bros. passed on his first, what he calls “uptight,” draft, Kripke had to reassess the kind of show he was creating. “I canceled all my Christmas plans and wrote that second draft in three weeks,” he says. “That was when the show got its sense of humor, because I was locked alone, over winter break, in my office. I couldn’t do anything fun, so I started entertaining myself.”
The show was still scary, but it was also funny and, over the years, would continue to evolve. Sure, you could say it’s a little bit X-Files — in its early days, the show often used the line “The X-Files meets Route 66” — and there were definite Star Wars influences (Sam and Dean were originally based on Luke Skywalker and Han Solo). But no combination of pop culture is going to perfectly describe Supernatural because the show has managed to do something remarkably rare in the age of peak TV, where audiences are so overwhelmed with content that an original idea seems foreign: It’s created a truly one-of- a-kind experience.
For starters, it’s a show about two flannel-wearing, beer-loving, blue-collar dudes from Kansas who for a good chunk of their lives traveled from cheap motel to cheap motel, paying for gas and greasy diner food with a mix of fake credit cards and money they earned scamming people at the pool table. “Almost all television is about rich people or, at the very least, middle-class people,” co-showrunner Andrew Dabb says. “The fact that we’ve been able to take this Midwestern blue-collar approach to this genre feels like we’re breaking the mold.”
But the mold-breaking didn’t stop there. Supernatural might’ve started out as a horror show with some snarky one-liners, but it evolved into some of the boldest, most experimental (and certainly strangest) stories on the small screen. “We’re a show of big swings,” co-showrunner Robert Singer says. “I used to say, with every idea, ‘This will be a home run or they’ll cancel us,’ but every year we wanted to do something really nuts." And when he says nuts, we’re not just talking about the episode with the talking teddy bear or the murderer targeting imaginary friends. Those are just some standard monsters of the week. We’re talking about the black-and-white episode shot like a classic Hollywood monster movie, or the episode that introduced Chuck (Rob Benedict), a prophet — who’d later reveal himself to be God — who was famous for writing a book series called Supernatural. That, of course, led to Sam and Dean attending a Supernatural fan convention as the show continued to redefine what it meant to inject a series with meta humor. And the swings never stopped. Season 13 featured a Scooby-Doo crossover as an animated Sam, Dean, and Castiel solved a case alongside the Mystery Inc. gang. And in season 14, after giving God a sister a few years prior, the show made the Big Man Himself its final villain. “I don’t think any idea, barring some production concerns, has been viewed as too crazy,” Dabb says. “Because we know that our fans are smart and that they’ll follow these guys anywhere.”
So long as each episode features Sam and Dean — and the occasional heartfelt talk on the hood of the Impala — the show can do just about anything, which is another reason Kripke had to rewrite his first draft of the pilot. Originally, Dean was the only brother who knew about monsters growing up, bringing Sam up to speed later in life. It wasn’t until Kripke figured out that they needed to be in this together that the series snapped into place. Because at the end of it all, they’re two brothers bonded by the loss of their mother and a life spent on the road with an absentee father. (It just so happens that their mother was killed by a demon and their father hunted them.) The familial dynamic — the irrational codependency, as the angel Zachariah (Kurt Fuller) once called it — is the most important part of the show. “The first inkling I had that we had something special was shooting the pilot,” Kripke says. “It was the scene on the bridge when Sam and Dean talk about their mother. It was the first time that you really saw their chemistry and their connection as brothers on full display. Because I’ve always said this show begins and ends with whether you believe that sibling relationship.” But Sam and Dean weren’t just the center of the show. For many years, they were the show.
Supernatural has never been an ensemble drama. For the first 82 hours of the series, Ackles and Padalecki were the only long-running series regulars — Katie Cassidy and Lauren Cohan briefly joined for season 3, appearing in 12 episodes combined. But Sam and Dean weren’t just in every episode; they anchored every episode. (They skipped table reads because there would’ve been only two actors there.) “I had many moments of not only questioning, ‘Can I keep this up?’ but an answer of ‘I cannot keep this up,’ ” Padalecki, 37, who’s been vocal about his struggle in the early seasons, says. “I borrowed strength from Jensen.” But even Ackles, 42, admits it was a tough job. “The 23-episode seasons were nine and a half months of filming,” he adds. “It was a lot of work, but I always came back to: I still enjoy it, I still like telling the story, I still like these characters and the people I work with.”
Not only did the guys stick around, they built a reputation of having created one of the warmest sets in the business, with a number of crew members staying with the production all 15 seasons. It all dates back to a talk Kripke had with his stars during the filming of the series’ second episode. “I said, ‘The show is about your two characters, and with that comes this responsibility,’ ” Kripke says. Padalecki remembers the exact setting of what he calls their “Good Will Hunting moment,” a bench in Stanley Park in Vancouver, where they film. It was a chat both actors took to heart. “We’d both been on other sets,” Ackles says. “We knew we wanted to enjoy it, to have fun with our crew; we wanted them to like us and us to like them and to have fun doing what we do.” It’s an attitude Pedowitz hopes bleeds into other CW shows, an attitude that launched an annual tradition where the CW chairman/CEO takes his new casts out to dinner with the Supernatural guys, a chance for the vets to share advice. “It’s always the most flattering situation,” Padalecki says, recalling a moment he had a few years back with the late Luke Perry, who was a part of the Riverdale cast. “Luke was sitting next to me and he was like, ‘What y’all have done and what we hear about you guys, it’s really cool to be associated with y’all in some way, shape, or form,’” he recalls. “And I’m sitting there pinching myself.”
It’s a behind-the-scenes legacy that’s perhaps just as impressive, if not more so, than the onscreen legacy. Collins, 45, who started as a guest star and the show’s first angel in season 4, has become the show’s third-longest-running series regular, and he still remembers walking onto set his first day. “When you’re coming onto a show as a guest star, it can be a little bit nerve-racking,” Collins says. “Coming to this set, it was an immediately different vibe. Think- ing about working on other shows in the future, that’s something that I aspire to bring with me.”
A similar reputation extends to the fans as well. Not only is the #SPNFamily one of the most dedicated fandoms out there, it’s also known to be a pretty nice one. (Not many fandoms can say they’ve helped launch a crisis support network for their fellow fans.) But their dedication isn’t just about seeing what crazy twist God throws at Team Free Will next. Thanks to fan conventions and social media, the viewers are just as invested in the lives of the actors. Supernatural’s not just about the words on the page, it’s about the actors saying them. “When you’re dealing with the public taste, there’s an alchemy of great writing, a great idea, and the close-up that’s required,” Peter Roth, chairman of Warner Bros. Television Group, says. “You need stars who you want in your living room.” And you need stars who want to be in your living room, and who, even after 15 years, care so deeply that they get emotional while taking photos in Malibu.
"It's going to be a long eight months," Ackles declares. Standing on that same ledge, an hour before the champagne shot, Ackles, Padalecki, and Collins walk away from a group hug after unexpectedly starting to tear up. It might be the setting — looking out over the ocean — or the occasion: their last-ever photo shoot. Or maybe it’s the fact that they’re almost a month into filming their final season.
It had been a question posed to the stars for years: How long will this show continue? How long can it continue? “Even my mom and dad were like, ‘When are you going to be done with this?’” Ackles says with a laugh. It was a decision the network and studio had ultimately put into the actors’ hands, and it was a conversation they’d been having for a while. Back in 2016, Padalecki told EW, “If we don’t make it to [episode] 300, I think Ackles and I will both be truly bummed.” But in season 14, they hit 300…and then kept going. While filming episode 307, they announced the upcoming 15th season would be the end, which will bring them to a total of 327 episodes when all is said and done. “[Jared] and I were always married to the fact that we never wanted to go out with a diet version of what we had,” Ackles says. “We wanted to have enough gas left in the tank to get us racing across the finish line. We didn’t want to limp across.” Padalecki remembers the moment it hit him — not the decision to end it, but rather the opposite. “We had that moment where he and I both realized that we didn’t want it to end,” he says. “It finally got to a point, ironically, where it was like, ‘I never want to leave this. I could do this until the day I die, and then if I get the choice when I’m dead, I’ll re-up!’ But you never want to be the last person at a party. We just knew. That’s not to say there haven’t been vacillations, but we all trust the decision that was made.”
Starting in July 2019, the cast and crew returned to Vancouver to begin filming the final season, but in March 2020, with two episodes left to go, they were sent home. For years, fans had wondered what, if anything, could stop the Winchesters, and now it seems we have the answer: a global pandemic. As sets closed amid social-distancing measures due to the spread of COVID-19, it didn’t take long for fans to start connecting the dots, sharing relevant GIFs from episodes that featured viruses, most notably Chuck telling Dean to hoard toilet paper “like it’s made of gold” before the end of the world in season 5’s “The End.” (Did we mention that Supernatural is also kind of psychic? In a season 6 episode, Dean calls Sam “Walker, Texas Ranger,” which just so happens to be the role Padalecki has lined up after this ends.)
When production paused, it all felt a little like we were living in an episode of the show, just waiting for Sam and Dean to drive up in Baby, open those creaky doors, and save us. They might not be able to do quite that, but the thing with the Winchesters is that they never stay down for long. When Supernatural is able to safely resume production, it will. And though there are only two episodes left to film, fans will enjoy a total of seven unseen hours, including the return of Charlie (Felicia Day) and a mystery woman who visits the bunker and, for some reason, gives Sam and Dean all the holidays they never got to celebrate. “She makes Christmas for them and Thanksgiving, birthday parties, and all that. It’s a very good episode,” Singer says, adding, “I don’t know when it’s going to air.”
That’s the thing—no one knows, not even the guys who took out Yellow Eyes, stopped Leviathans, defeated Death himself, and are supposedly destined to be the messengers of God’s destruction. But Sam and Dean do know the value of a good plan B. “Obviously it’s a horribly unfortunate situation we’re in, but the silver lining is that it gives us an opportunity to recharge,” Ackles says. “We had just finished episode 18, we shot one day of episode 19, and I was reading these two monster scripts thinking, ‘It’s like we’re at the end of a marathon and they want us to sprint for the last two miles.’ I feel like this almost gives us an opportunity to refocus and go into the last two episodes and hit them with everything we got.” Because when they do return to set, shave their quarantine beards, and step back into Sam and Dean’s shoes for the last time, they’ll have one shot at ending this thing…and they’re determined not to miss. 
Photos: Peggy Sirota for EW 
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earthblooded · 3 years
Just a drink - Rayllum Modern AU
Rayllum - Modern AU
Rating: M
Warning: Suggestions to adult-themed content, but nothing explicit.
Synopsis: Rayla's roommate, Nyx, convinces her to take a break from work for a night out, leading to a fun night, but eventual regret.
This is a fic that's been in my head for way longer than any other fic I've written for TDP but I never really had the time or energy to write it. I still technically don't have the time to write it, but I sure did find the energy tonight.
It'll probably turn into a multi-chap fic at some point, but I'll hold off uploading to ao3 until I intend to do so
“C’mon Rayla, you work yourself to death.”
Rayla sighed, leaning away from her laptop. She wasn’t a workaholic as many people pegged her to be, she just liked to keep herself busy. Getting any work done was becoming more and more challenging with her roommate breathing down her neck. This was the fourth time she had asked her to go out drinking.
“I can’t Nyx, it’s a Sunday and I need to be up early for work tomorrow.” Rayla chewed on her lip, glancing at the time – 8 pm – she still had time to get some reports finished before an early night.
“Well, everyone says Sunday is the new Friday, so maybe you should just come out.”
She stopped typing to raise her eyebrow, casting a skeptical look at her friend. “Who says that?”
“People.” Nyx answered, before waving her hand dismissively, “and anyway, you need the time to chill out. You’ve clearly been stressed because you keep snapping at me about dumb stuff.”
Rayla considered this, wincing when she recalled several occasions on that same day she had been short with Nyx about housekeeping, turning off music, her poor habits... “Fine, I’ll come out, but you can’t pester me about this again for another month.”
Rayla gave her a week to break that deal.
“I thought we we’re just going for drinks.” Rayla said, as they queued to get into a club.
“I think they do drinks here.” Nyx nodded, pointing to a poster for drink deals on the wall. “Look, 2 for 1 on shots.”
“You know what I mean – like beer in the local, not clubbing.” Rayla watched a group of young women staggered out, giggling. “Nyx, you know I hate this, please can we go somewhere else?”
“No was Jose. You’re going to let loose tonight and tomorrow you will thank me.”
“Don’t be so sure.”
Heaviness was the only word she could use to describe how she felt waking up the next day, her ringtone blaring in her ear. She wasn’t hungover, she barely drank anything, but she was tired – having arrived home at ridiculous-o-clock.
Home... no not quite, she realised, as she opened her eyes. Her bedroom didn’t have stacks of canvases and paint pots on every available surface. She sat up suddenly as her eyes scanned the room, trying to identify anything familiar to give her a clue as to where she was. Her clothing was scattered about the floor, her purse and contents among them. Light cast in through floor-to-ceiling windows, adorned with vine plants wrapping around the curtain poles. Sheer white curtains hung from them.
She pulled the duvet around her shoulders, feeling exposed despite still wearing underwear. She had a fairly good inkling as to what happened but there was one thing missing...
“Oh, you’re awake!”
Ahh. This is what happened.
She was greeted by a man in the doorway of the room, his brown hair ruffled, pupils blown wide as he regarded her and his t-shirt neckline was askew revealing the pink mark she had left him on his collarbone. This along with the state of the room, painted a fairly clear image of what had happened, even to those not involved.
In his hands, he held a tray with a small French-press, a couple of mugs and a plate of some sort of pastry. He crossed the room, setting down the tray on the bedside table as he sat opposite her.
“Coffee?” He offered, pouring a mug.
“Hmm,” she smiled, accepting it. As their fingers brushed, her mind flashed to the night before – his breath in her ear, lips on her skin, hands and body tending to her needs – she shifted uncomfortably as she felt that same heat rise up in her again. “Is this how you treat all the girls you bring home?” She asked, her eyebrow raised.
“I’ve never really had a one-night stand, so no... but maybe I’ll start.”
“Oh, just the one night we’re having, is it?” Rayla said, feigning offence. She’d never felt so bold before, but with this guy, she felt comfortable.
“Not if I can help it.” he replied, his eyes landing on her lips as he leaned forward.
Rayla’s ringtone blared again and the man’s head dropped into the crook of her neck as he groaned. She laughed, consoling him by smoothing down his shaggy hair as she picked up her phone.
Nyx was calling... holy shit 6 missed calls.
Her eyes flicked to the clock in the corner of the screen – 8am.
“Shit!” Rayla sprang free from his embrace and his lips on her neck. She bundled her clothing in her arms and hurried to the door. “I’m sorry, I have to go - I need to go home and change before work.”
“Wait, what about your coffee?”
“Sorry... you drink mine. You’ll need it after the night we had.” Really not the time to flirt right now, Rayla she chastised herself, lingering by the door as she watched him rise to protest further.
“What about breakfast? My aunt always said that breakfast was the most important meal of the day.” He raised an eyebrow, in an attempt to tempt her... and it almost worked.
“I don’t have time. I’m sorry – we'll do this another time and we’ll have breakfast, okay?” He sighed, but nodded in agreement. “Great, where’s your bathroom?”
Rayla came out a few moments later, having dressed and made herself semi-presentable for the commute back to the apartment. She found the man in the hallway, a brown bag in his hand held out to her.
“What’s this?”
“You should never miss breakfast.” He smiled, placing the bag into her waiting hand. “Here’s yours, to go.”
It was almost 10am and Rayla was sat in her office, staring at the reports she had yet to finish. The ones she should have finished last night if Nyx hadn’t have dragged her away.
Nyx. Rayla had just enough time to change and freshen up when she got back before heading to the office, but hadn’t caught up with Nyx yet.
The dial tone rang twice before she picked up.
“Oh, my gods, Rayla?”
“Yeah, sorry. I didn’t have time to call you back and you weren’t home when I got in.”
“I went to work early. Are you okay?” She asked, but gave little time for Rayla to answer before she continued. “When you didn’t answer for the fourth time last night, I assumed you’d been kidnapped. Police said I had to wait 24 hours before reporting you missing.” She grumbled the last part and Rayla shook her head in amusement. Rayla felt lucky to have someone who cared so much for her, even if she was a bit ridiculous sometimes.
“Sorry for worrying you. I was with a...” she grimaced, knowing full well how Nyx would react “guy.”
Nyx squealed on the other end, but Rayla knew to hold the phone away from her ear and had prepared in time. “Tell me everything! Who is he?”
“Some guy from the club.”
“What’s his name?”
“I don’t know”
“Okay... great.” She said sarcastically. “Well, I know you never ever put out on the first night, so what happened? Were you drunk?”
“No, Nyx, I had that one tequila shot you forced me to drink and that it.” Rayla heard a knock at the door, and glanced up to see Soren wave at her through the window. She raised a finger, indicating she just needed a minute. “Look, I promise I’ll tell you everything later. I need to get back to work.”
“I’ll hold you to that.” Nyx said before hanging up.
Rayla sighed – telling Nyx was definitely a mistake she’d live to regret.
“Hey Soren, come in.”
“Happy Monday, boss.” Soren said, striding in, as chipper as he always was. He was her second-in-command in their team. His up-beat attitude meant that she delegated a lot of the more hands-on work to him, while she worked on the nitty-gritty in the background. “New guy is here; you want me to send him in?”
Recruitment wasn’t something that she usually delegated to Soren – she had little faith in his judgement based on his previous hires – however, she was called away to other meetings on the day of interviews and so the responsibility fell to Soren, begrudgingly.
Rayla picked up the neat stack of documents on her desk, ready for the new recruit to sign his life away. “Yes, please – Callum, is it?” She read from the contract at the top of the pile.
Soren nodded, beckoning the new starter in. From her peripheral, she saw Callum walk into the room and she raised her head to greet him.
“Callum, sorry I missed the...” she trailed off as familiar forest-green eyes met hers. He was a lot more put together than he was a mere two hours ago – his hair smoothed tidily, the shirt and jacket concealed any marks of passion. His expression stayed neutral but Rayla saw the recognition flash in his eyes as they swept over her.
She fought back a shudder as the heat rose in her again but before her mind ran wild with memories, she realised how wrong it all was. She was in trouble.
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UC 51.13 - Wolfson, Ox vs Bristol
I am allergic to dairy. Or at least I believe I am. This is different to lactose intolerance in that it has symptoms more in line with your typical bout of hayfever, rather than those of a more gastrointestinal bent that you get with intolerance. In other words - cheese makes me sneeze. 
I first discovered this about a year ago when I had something containing milk after a month of testing out various vegan cheeses (having previously been a cheese sandwich on the daily kind of guy). I was completely wiped out with a runny nose, runny eyes, achy joints, heavy head kind of illness for about a day or so. Now, this is a kind of illness that had been plaguing me for years, but I’d never stopped long enough to think about what the cause could be. I just sort of assumed that I was a person who would always suffer a base level of ‘having a cold’ and would occasionally and seemingly randomly get taken out by an extreme instance of it every once in a while. 
After this first incident last year I conducted an experiment on myself whereby I swore off all dairy products for a month and then consumed in as little time as is physically possible, a large takeaway pizza with extra cheese and a large portion of cheesy chips. The next day I was struck down by the same severe sniffles and was forced into a life sans-cheese sandwiches for the first time in living memory. I called the GP to see if they’d be able to do some tests or something to try and find more out about it, but they basically told me that they thought I’d solved the mystery already - so why would I need anything from them. 
Nearly a year goes by with no further cheese-based indispositions, until last Thursday when, on a work trip, and having not eaten since breakfast, having skipped lunch in anticipation of a larger window for the consumption of a full meal which did not materialise, I bought a superfood wrap, the ingredients of which I had read and believed to be safe. However, it turned out that it contained copious amounts of feta. Realising this only once I had taken the first bite, I resolved to finish it. In any case I was absolutely starving and this was the only food I was likely going to see for the next few hours. How bad could it be, anyway?
Very bad, as it turns out. To the extent, indeed, that most of Friday, Saturday and Sunday were complete right-offs (other than the fact that I was able to binge without guilt the entirety of Squid Game). To the extent also, that I spent a not-insignificant amount of time trying to research exactly what it is that's wrong with me (i think it could be something to do with the fact there is a lot of histamine in cheese, and this messes about with the way my immune system deals with threats… If anyone has any insights on this subject they would be greatly appreciated), in the hope of potentially being able to mitigate the issue in the future. 
Usually when I delve this deep into a subject there is the prospective chance that said research will serve me well in future quizzes. With this in mind, and with the hope that it acts as sufficient justification for this self-centred ramble about cheese, I am really hoping for a three part bonus set on the role of histamine in the immune response tonight.
Anyway, (any usually when I make an apology for my rambling I’m being flippant, but in this case it really is genuine, because there isn’t really any excuse for this level of frippery in the introduction to any blog post), sorry for the gigantic diversion from the scheduled programming; here’s your starter for ten. 
Bristol have made seven University Challenge quarter-finals, without ever making it to the semis, which is quite impressive in more ways than one. Wolfson have never made the semis either, but they only have a sole quarter to their name, meaning they have a ways to go to match their West Country rivals.
Wolfson’s Williams introduces himself with one of the biggest smiles I’ve ever seen on a contestant, and its pretty infectious. By the time Paxman gets round to asking the questions I’m positively grinning. The jolly fellow himself is the first to get some points on the board, recognising various revolutions before anyone else. They take two bonuses on the words of the acronym TARDIS. 
Bristol’s Woodcock negs the next starter, coming in very early with India, and then rapping his hand on the desk when he’s told he’s wrong. Wolfson aren’t able to pick up the points, and returned the neg with one of their own next time out. Williams takes his second of the night with Shackleton and beams his head off again. They take two bonuses, including one which is a very obvious description of an electron - the kind of question that has no business appearing on the Challenge.
Nowakowski is first to recognise Granada for the first picture round and he bloody well dabs. He pauses for a brief moment and then literally, and energetically, dabs. I don’t know what else to say about this. It is beyond description almost. Brilliant, mind, but beyond description. A third starter for Williams increases Wolfson’s lead, but they can’t capitalise on the bonuses. The next ten pointer goes to Nowakowski too and… this time he raises his glass of water like he’s cheers-ing the crowd in celebration. I really hope this dude has a full set of different celebrations for each time he gets a question right. We shall see…
Following an amusing discussion between the Wolfson team in which Nowakowski says of Chopin, ‘Well, as a Polish man I wouldn’t call him French, but you’re the captain’, Woodcock makes up for his earlier neg and gets Bristol back on the move. They keep going courtesy of Brian on the music starter, as she gets The Shangri-Las so quickly as to elicit some murmurs of appreciation from Paxman. They then take the lead with a bonus set on film titles made of international country codes and pretty quickly they are thirty points clear.
Aggarwal hits back for Wolfson with an early buzz of Ramanujan, but they don’t make many inroads on the bonuses, and Bristol seize back control with a pair of consecutive starters. They take two bonuses on events happening in years in which the second two digits are three times as large as the first two digits - a lovely UC contrivance which initially seems to make the question more difficult but actually makes it a multiple choice guessing game.
I hadn’t realised it, but Bristol are now ninety points clear. I don’t quite know how they’ve done it, because Wolfson seemed like they were doing okay, but fair play to them, they’ve been excellent after a shaky start. The game is over at this point, but Williams gets in a little joke with a guess of Dr Gilssando on a question featuring the word glissando. Good lad. 
Hang on, if Wolfson can get a few more points they might be in with a shot of the play-offs, and Nowakowski is still pretty pumped when they he gets a bonus question right, yelling Uzbekistan, baby. It isn’t enough to get them the 140 points they need to come back for the repechage, but Paxman comments on his enthusiasm at the end of the match, in one of the most surreal exchanges I’ve ever seen on the Challenge. 
He asks Nowakowski why he was so psyched about his Uzbekistan answer, and Nowakowski says ‘Phenomenal country, great people’, to which Paxo says ‘That’s enough from the Uzbekistan tourist board’. Nowakowski then points a finger at the camera and says ‘Poland approved’. This description doesn’t do it any justice, so if you haven’t seen it already do go and watch it (and if you have then watch it again, its really quite something)
Final Score: Wolfson, Ox 110 - 165 Bristol
I’m going to miss Wolfson, and in particular Nowakowski, so, so much. But full congratulations to Bristol, who dealt with the boundless charisma of their opponents most admirably. See you next week for the last first round match!
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Why Charlie Weasley may or may not have a bipolar disorder in Hogwarts Mystery
(Warning, this post contains spoilers to events in year six, along with side quests that have been pulled and may (or may not) be re-released.)
(Warning this post contains descriptions of major depression along with other mental disorders.)  
I would like to start off by saying that I am not a licensed or qualified professional. I am an 18 year old college student who took one semester of online psychology. All the information I will be presenting today comes directly from my intro to psychology textbook. So please take what I say with a grain of salt. 
Now let's dive in. For starters, there are two major bipolar disorders. Bipolar I and bipolar II. Both are DSM-5 disorders. Bipolar I disorder is characterized by extreme mania, with manic episodes lasting at least one week. Depressive episodes are common for people with bipolar I disorder, they are not necessary for an DSM-5 diagnosis. Bipolar II disorder is characterized by lesser episodes of hypomania and major depressive episodes. The main difference is bipolar I disorder is defined by extreme mania, while bipolar II disorder is defined by major depression. 
Manic and Hypomanic behaviors- 
Abnormally upbeat, jumpy, or weird.
Increased activity, energy, or agitation.
Exaggerated sense of well-being or self confidence (euphoria.) 
Decreased need for sleep. 
Unusual talkativeness. 
Racing thoughts. 
Poor decision making. 
Substance abuse. 
Major Depressive behaviors- 
Depressed mood. 
Loss of interest or pleasure in activities. 
Significant weight loss or gain. 
Insomnia or hypersomnia. 
Restlessness or slowed behavior
Fatigue or slowed behavior. 
Feelings of worthlessness or excessive (inappropriate) guilt.
Indecisiveness/inability to think. 
Thinking about or planning suicide. 
Keep in mind that since Charlie is a fictional character we can’t really get a good idea of what’s actually going on inside his head, and all we have to go off of is dialog and actions shown directly in Hogwarts Mystery. 
People don’t tend to begin showing bipolar symptoms until their teens or twenties, which makes sense as to why the first real manic episode we see from Charlie occurs at the beginning of year five. If you are a long time player of Hogwarts Mystery you may remember the side quest ‘Egg Hunt’ that triggered in year five chapter two before Jam City pulled it for ‘maintenance.’ During this side quest Charlie asks the player to assist him in illegally buying a ‘dragon egg’ from a man in Knockturn Alley. This side quest also involved stealing treasurers from the Red Caps hole to sell in order to raise the money for the egg. While the dragon egg purchased did end up being an acromantula egg, at the time this side quest was very out of character for Charlie as he had never done or attempted to do anything illegal to our knowledge before then. Since Hogwarts Mystery doesn’t give a clear timeline of how long an event or activity takes, we are uncertain the span of time in which ‘Egg Hunt’ took place. However between making plans, stealing from the Red Caps, selling the stolen goods, working a minimum wage job to raise the rest of the funds, buying the egg, waiting for it to hatch, and taking it back to the forest to join the other acromantulas, it’s safe to assume that side quest would take at least a week in real time. 
Another possible example of a manic episode is the Adventures in Curse Breaking TLSQ in year six. After Bill mentions one of his missions at Gringotts is taking him to the dragon sanctuary in Romania, Charlie can’t get it out of his head that he’s also going. He even goes as far as showing up to Bill’s job and demanding he take him along. After an arrangement is made to take Charlie, along with the player and a few of their friends, Charlie sneaks out at night to find the golden egg Bill’s looking for on his own. Charlie’s ‘adventure’ takes him to a hungarian horntail cave where he breaks one of his legs and gets trapped there until we find him the next day. While Charlie does manage to find the golden egg, Bill is not shy to remind Charlie how dangerous and irresponsible his little excursion was. 
At the beginning of year six in the main story, Charlie admits to the player that he’s planning on dropping out of Hogwarts to move to Romania because he cannot cope with the events of the previous year. It’s completely understandable he feel this way based of how year five ended, and he’s in fact not the only character struggling to cope with what happened. He is left irritable and irrational for the first half of the year; being quick to snap on people (such as yelling at Bill for teaching their friends Langlock because Ben attacked him with it,) and easy to upset. However over the course of the year his mood does improve. 
Charlie’s also known to be rather reckless in his day to day life. His favorite hobby is flying into the forbidden forest alone to search for dragons. He also mentions spending time at the black lake feeding the giant squid cereal. One could also consider flying an illegal and untested flying car his father modded from Ottery St. Catchpole to the highlands of Scotland rather manic. For the most part Charlie is oddly energetic and happy. While that’s necessarily a bad thing, it always struck me as odd how, up until year six, almost nothing seemed to bother him. We also see, during both main dialog and side dialog, that Charlie loves to talk (almost as much as he loves to eat.) Charlie also has an obvious hyperfixation on dragons. Not a day goes by where he doesn’t talk about them, read about them, or search for them. He even mentions preferring dragons to people. While Hyperfixation isn’t associated specifically with bipolar disorders, it is a common sign of neurodivergency. 
Due to lack of major depressive episodes I believe it’s most likely Charlie fits into bipolar I disorder. However there are four main questions to ask when considering someone for disordered emotions, thoughts and/or behaviors. 
Does it deviate from cultural norms for what is acceptable?
Is it maladaptive? (preventing someone from properly adapting to situations in a way that suits their best interest.) 
Does it cause the individual personal distress or threaten other people? 
Does it cause discomfort and concern to others? 
While I’m not caught up on wizarding culture during the 1980s, I believe it’s safe to assume a handful of Charlie’s behaviors are not typically considered acceptable. His behaviors are also quite clearly maladaptive as they constantly involve putting himself at unnecessary risk. While he’s not always putting others in danger, Charlie does often show remorse and distress after coming down from a manic episode. While the characters in Hogwarts Mystery may not react strongly to Charlie’s actions, I personally as a player am a bit concerned for him. 
I’m not here to say for sure that Charlie’s bipolar or struggles with bipolar I disorder. What I am here to say is it’s definitely something to consider as a player, and it’s not completely out of reach for one to think he might. 
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writer-k-pop · 4 years
The Glass Smith (l.d.n) - Waning Crescent Hotel
Please read this (W.C.Hotel) if this is the first post of this series that you see. Warnings: Swearing, Mentions of death Genre: Angst, Hotel Del Luna AU, Choose your own adventure, SVT x Fem! Reader Staff: Yong (Spirit General Manager) / Jiwoo (Human General Manager) / Soon Bok (Room Manager) / Mun Hee (Front Desk Receptionist) / Shin (Grim Reaper assigned to Waning Crescent) Word Count: Ending A - 5.3k / Ending B - 5.2k
W.C.Hotel | Seventeen Masterlist | Masterlists
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"Wait for me!" Mun Hee yells after me, his footsteps echoing off of the walls.
"Walk faster." I call out behind me continuing on my purposeful walk out of the garden.
"Did, did you want me to send up your unfinished champagne to your office?" Mun Hee asks when he catches up to me.
I wave a hand, giving nearly zero thought, "Whatever."
"Is that a yes?" Mun Hee steps in front of me, stopping me from continuing forward.
I roll my eyes and remind myself to put a stopper on his growing confidence, "Send it up."
Mun Hee nods, happy that he got an answer and steps aside. As we bust into the lobby, the regular day to day sounds of the Waning Crescent Hotel fill my ears: the faint piano music playing, the dings of the elevators, and the sounds of guests milling around. I spot Jiwoo standing across the lobby from me and make a bee line for him. But in my haste, I fail to notice another guest walking in a different direction until...
"Ooomf." I grunt when I collide with another body. The guest wobbles and I reach out my hands to steady them. I don't need a guest falling in my lobby.
"Oh, are you alright?" The guest, female, asks in a very familiar voice.
I look at the guest's face and nearly choke on air.
"Ch-Chaewon?" I stutter, not believing what my eyes are seeing.
Chaewon smiles warmly at me, "(y/n)."
"Chaewon." I repeat her name, a small degree of happiness creeping into my voice. Pulling her into a hug, she sighs over my shoulder and wraps her arms around my waist. With the moment of happiness passed, I pull away realizing that she's in my hotel but I keep ahold of her hands. "Why are you here?"
Laughing, Chaewon waves her hand at me, palm where I can see. "My lives are up. Lived a solid 9 of them and been here a whole nine days." My eyes widen in surprise and Chaewon smirks. "And you failed to notice me."
I glare at Mun Hee and he slowly backs away. "I didn't even know you had checked in."
Chaewon nods, "It's understandable. Your hotel has been pretty busy while I've been here." She looks around the lobby with a love filled gaze, "It's much busier than when I was around."
"Not that much has changed, has it?" I wonder, looking around in the opposite direction.
"Actually a lot has changed." Chaewon corrects me, "Especially you."
"Me?" I scoff, letting go of her hands, "I haven't changed."
"Oh yes you have." Chaewon points a finger at me.
"Name one thing that has changed." I challenge her and rest my hands on my waist while popping a hip with sass.
"Well, for starters, your style has greatly improved." She looks me up and down with a smirk. All I can do is roll my eyes. "And you didn't let me fall over when you ran into me when you used to let guests just fall without a second thought. Thirdly, your face has the warm glow of a woman loved by 13 perfect men."
I lick my lips, contemplating how I'm going to combat this one but Yong's voice beats me to the punch.
"Chaewon. There you are." Yong walks towards us from the doorway where all departures exit. "Are you- (y/n)."
I look between Yong and Chaewon then the hurt floods through my body. "You were going to leave without seeing me?" I ask.
"Of course not." Chaewon shakes her hands towards me, "I was going to wait outside and have you come see me off. But this way, you can walk me out too."
The hurt subsides almost immediately and I immediately link my arm with hers. "After the nine lives you lived, and the one when you were with me, I will be honored to walk with you."
Out of the corner of my eye, I see Jiwoo standing with a guest but his gaze occasionally glances over.
I lean close to Chaewon's ear and whisper, "You did introduce yourself to your family line, right?"
Chaewon smiles and nods, "I did. Actually Mun Hee was the one who made that meeting happen a couple days ago."
Jiwoo respectfully bows to the guest then shuffles over to where we are still, somehow, standing.
"You're leaving already?" Jiwoo asks.
Chaewon smiles warmly at him, "What's with the 'already'? I asked to be the last departure for the night. It's more like 'finally.'"
Jiwoo chuckles lightly, "Well, if I say finally, then it might sound like I really want you to leave. But that's just simply not true."
Chaewon releases my arm and opens both of her arms for Jiwoo, "I know it's not true."
Jiwoo walks into her arms and they hug each other.
"Seeing how you carried out your duties at the hotel, I want you to know that you're doing our whole family proud." Chaewon says quietly, "I'm so proud of you." She says and emphasizes the 'I'm.'
Seeing the two together, and hearing Jiwoo sniffle, my stupid heart realizes something.
Even though I was the one she worked closest with and even though I'm the one who actually knew her, I'm not the one who should walk her to the car.
Jiwoo pulls away and takes in a breath to steady himself to say good bye. But I place a hand on his shoulders, bringing the attention to me. I turn to Chaewon and straighten my shoulders.
"Chaewon, I know you wanted to have me escort you," I say, looking at her and memorizing her face one last time, "But there's someone who deserves it more."
"(y/n)..." Jiwoo whispers my name and I turn to him.
"Walk her out. I want you too." I tell him with a nod.
"But she... she knew you." Jiwoo says in awe.
The side of my mouth twitches in a memory filled smile, "I know. But I still think you deserve to walk her out." I shrug, "But I can make it an order if that'll prove how serious I am."
Jiwoo quickly shakes his head.
Chaewon wraps me up in a tight hug, "You really have changed." She whispers in my ear, "Thank you, (y/n)."
I give her waist a small squeeze, "No, thank you, Chae."
We pull away and Chaewon takes Jiwoo's offered hand. Yong and I stand side by side as they walk away. Just before they reach the door, Chaewon turns around.
"Don't feel bad about not coming to my funeral, (y/n)." She calls out, "I know why you didn't and I'll give the Gods a good earful for it."
A smile grows on my face as I wave and then Chaewon turns back around. Jiwoo opens the door for her and she's gone.
I stare the closed door for a few moments longer while the hotel continues about its day around me.
"Dino?" I remember the reason why i was in search of Jiwoo or Yong in the first place.
"Room 112." Yong responds and we turn away from the door.
"How long?" I ask.
"Seven." Mun Hee answers from my other side.
I breathe in and out, resetting my mentality for the day. "What's on the agenda for the rest of the day?" I ask and Yong holds an open file in front of me.
"First, the chefs have asked you taste some new dishes they concocted." Yong lists off the first item. Half of my stomach twists in fear of what they made while the other half wonders what delicious tastes they've melded together.
~The Seventh Day~  
I'm standing in front of Dino's glass shop but the whole world seems to have a sepia filter over it. The door is closed but the open blinds and the sign on the door say the store is open for business. In the windows, glass vases and glass sculptures sit on shelves and glisten under the sun.
In the rear of the shop, and just barely in my view, someone shuffles around. I find myself walking towards the door and just before my hand touches the door handle, I hesitate.
What if it isn't Dino? I wonder.
Before I can find the answer for myself, the door swings open and a young male, probably in high school, stands in front of me, holding the door open with a smile. He looks familiar but I can't remember his name.
"(y/n)." He greets me with my name. "Dino said you would be coming around today. He's in the back." He gestures for me to follow him inside and my body does.
Walking in, I look around the shop and take in all the delicate glass works colored with streaks, spots, and tints of all the colors of the rainbow.
"So, this is your first time here?" The employee asks me.
"Yeah, it is." I answer.
"Dino's working on a project but let me go get him for you." He says, "Feel free to look around, I'll be right back." He mentions before disappearing through a veiled doorway.
I walk through the isles, admiring every single piece and their curves and delicate parts. The shelves are filled with everything from simple vases to plump little animals to sturdy glasses made for wine and other drinks.
In the back corner of the shop, standing alone in a protected shelf, sits an intricate dragon. It's snout is raised to the sky as its stream of fire is frozen in time. It's tail wraps around a leafless tree acting as a protective barrier.
"Took me forever to get the tree right." Dino says, creeping up next to me, "And I still don't think it's 100% correct. There's not enough life in it."
I smile, "I think it's correct." I glance over the tree again, "It never had any life anyway."
"That tree wasn't the one I was trying to emulate." Dino counters before turning and walking towards the counter. "I wanna show you this."
I turn away from the tree and follow Dino, "Show me what?"
Dino smiles and reaches under the counter then brings out a black box. "These." He states and lifts the cover of the box.
He removes the tissues laid across the top to reveal two beautiful glass champagne flutes. I take in a sharp breath and gaze over the two glasses.
The base is perfectly flat. The stem encases a braid of three tinier braids. The bowl's glass smooth with the tiny braids from the stem spreading out like the branches of a tree. The entire flute is tinted with streaks of dark blue and white. It reminds me of the nights at the hotel.
"What do you think?" Dino asks, never taking his eyes off of my reaction.
"They're amazing." I answer him, glancing up in time to see his smile.
"Good, cause I made them for you." Dino says, "Since you enjoy champagne and all." He explains.
"They're for me?" I question, part of me not believing it to be true.
Dino nods quickly, "Of course." He picks up one of the glasses, "Hold it, see how it feels in your hand."
I hold out my hand and Dino sets the glass down.
But the second my hand meets the cool glass, the flute cracks and then explodes.
I startle awake and nearly roll off the couch but my hand reacts and catches me before I can fully register anything. Blinking a couple times, I look around my office.
The dark night has successfully chased away all traces of the sun. In front of me, an open champagne bottle sits next to an empty champagne flute. But it's different from the one in my dream. This one is simple glass with simple straight lines and no character. It probably only cost a mere $10 in any store.
Running my hands over my face, I begin to wonder why the glass would've shattered in my dream. Maybe it represented Dino's heart and how I completely and utterly shattered it when I left.
"I hate dreaming." I groan when the thought crosses my mind.
Picking up the boring champagne flute, I turn it over in my hand and a frown grows on my face.
"I hate all of this!" I yell and throw the champagne glass to the side without looking. I close my eyes and listen to it crash against the wall. I listen as the pieces fall to the floor and shatter some more.
Pushing my hands against my thighs, I rise to my feet and stretch. I take in a deep breath and head to my upstairs room to change out of yesterday's clothes.
2 hours later, I'm freshly showered, changed, and made up for the day. Opening my bedroom doors with flourish, I walk back down the stairs to find Jiwoo waiting for me with a couple files in his hands.
"Late morning?" He greets me when I reach the bottom step.
I shrug, "More like late night." I correct him and make my way over to my desk.
"My roommate had the same thing, though I figure for different reasons." Jiwoo says as I sit down in my chair, "These are the guests who checked in during the day." He sets down the opened file in front of me. One of the many differences between Yong and him. Yong leaves the files closed until I open them. Jiwoo opens them for me whether I want to look at them or not.
"We had 6 check in?" I look over the list quickly.
"There was a..." Jiwoo pauses, "a terrible accident." I look up and his eyes are clouded over with immense sadness.
I decide not to press the situation as I can tell from him that the whole human world must be hurting from it. And if the whole world is hurting from it, then it was a massive tragedy.
"How many departures do we have tonight?" I continue on our usual daily info session.
"Just 3." Jiwoo says after some of the sadness is erased and places another open file on my desk.
I nod and glance over the short list.
"Ah, Shin's outside the doors and he wanted to talk with you." Jiwoo remembers and points a thumb towards the closed doors.
I sigh, "Alright, send him in."
Jiwoo bows. "Then I'll leave you be."
I wave him off and he walks to the doors. Just after he steps out of my office, Shin steps in, dressed in his usual black robes.
"(y/n)." He greets me and stiffly walks to stand in front of my desk.
"Shin." I greet him in the same manner, "What did you want to talk about?"
Shin shrugs, "I was kind of hoping you would tell me."
I scrunch my face in confusion, "I don't have anything to talk to you about?" I say as more of a question.
"I was guided to come see you this morning." Shin explains.
"Guided?" I repeat his word, "Guided by who?"
Shin nods his head upwards towards the sky and I understand his answer.
I sigh. The Gods love messing with my head and my heart.
"My dream last night." I start, giving into the Gods schemes.
"Was something odd?" Shin wonders.
"It started out as a memory, but then it quite literally exploded." I explain while standing and walking to the cabinet where I keep the specific champagne flutes hidden. Rummaging around, I finally find and pull out the dusty black box.
"It exploded..." Shin repeats my words. His eyes watch me as I walk back to my desk with the box.
I open the box and peel back the tissue paper so Shin can see them. "The memory was of the day Dino gave these to me." I continue, "It was also the first day I had ever visited his store front." Shin gingerly picks one of the flutes up and examines it closely, "Dino handed me one and the moment it touched my skin, it cracked and exploded."
"This is amazing work." Shin comments, his eyes fixed on the stem. Probably wondering how Dino was able to intertwine and insert the braids so perfectly. I always have.
After a few moments, Shin returns the glass to it's cushioned box. "So it shattered."
I nod.
"And you're worried because you don't know what it means." Shin continues spewing information I already know.
"Yes, I'm worried." I stare at him, "Memories don't just change like that. Especially not mine."
"You were sleeping though." Shin points out.
I let out a puff of air, "Even in my dreams, my memories don't change."
As Shin opens his mouth to answer, a knock sounds at the door.
"(y/n)." Mun Hee sing songs through the door.
"What Mun Hee?" I call back and Shin closes his mouth, placing his hands behind his back.
The door opens and Mun Hee pokes his head in, "Oh, hey Shin." He greets the Grim Reaper with a smile before looking at me, "Yong is bringing Dino down now."
I nod and wave him away. Mun Hee silently closes the door.
"We can continue this after?" Shin suggests carefully.
"No, I'm sure I'll figure it out by the end of the day." I shake my head and stand up.
"Mmm." Shin hums in understanding and walks next to me as we exit my office.
Once the doors are closed behind us, Shin takes his leave.
"I will see you at the forest, later." He bows and walks down the hall before turning the corner and disappearing from my sight.
I chew on the inside of my lip in thought and make my way to the elevators. The entire way to my garden, the image of the champagne flute exploding in my hand replays over and over. Like the one part of a song that always gets stuck in the mind.
When I do reach the garden, the memory vanishes and is replaced with Dino inspecting every inch of the bare tree.
He lowers his gaze from a branch and meets mine with a wide smile. I return the smile and immediately cover the distance to him. Dino's arms instinctively wrap around me and he sighs contently.
"Hey." He whispers in my ear.
"Hi." I say, squeezing him tighter.
When we pull away and I pause to take in Dino's appearance. His clothing is simple enough but comfortable and looks great on him. Though when has he ever looked bad in an outfit...
He has a warm smile on his face and his eyes are full of life, or at least the memory of lives lived to the fullest.
"What?" Dino asks when I've stared a few seconds too long, "Is there something on my face?"
I shake my head, "No, no. I just, it's been a long time since I've seen you."
"Ah, so you were in awe of my good looks." Dino strikes an exaggerated model pose then raises an eyebrow at me.
Laughing, I shake my hands in a visceral answer of 'no.' Dino laughs at my reaction and returns to a normal standing position. When our laughter dies down, his gaze is again captured by the tree that looms above us.
"So the metaphorical tree actually exists." Dino guesses, following one of the branches to the trunk.
I clasp my hands behind my back, "It does."
Dino reaches out to touch the trunk and a shiver runs down my spine when his fingers meet the rough, old bark. "I always thought it was just a metaphor for yourself. It's why I was never satisfied with the way the glass tree looked. I always saw you with so much life but the glass trees I made always looked so lifeless..." He trails off and pulls his hand back to his side.
"The tree is as dead as I am." I state, "For every day it doesn't age, neither do I."
"You, my dear, have much more life than this tree would ever have in a million years." Dino compliments me and I half smile.
"I thought you created the glass tree just right." I inform him. "With just the right amount of death and the perfect sliver of life."
"You don't see what I see." Dino leans in and whispers before walking over to the bench. He lets out a breath as he lowers himself onto the bench, much like an old man.
"And what do you see?" I question and cross my arms over my chest.
Dino smirks and motions me closer with a single finger.
I take three steps closer then stop.
Dino just shakes his head and does the same 'come closer' motion.
Four more steps and I'm standing right in front of him.
"Closer." Dino says and I lower myself so my face is just in front of his.
"I see a woman, who pulls on the optimism of every situation, a woman who showed no fear even in the face of a burning furnace." Dino stares into my eyes, "I see a woman who loved every part of me." He wraps a hand around the back of my neck and collides his lips with mine, shocking me for only a second before my body responds from memory.
When we pull apart, Dino has a mischievous spark in his eyes and I just laugh as I sit next to him on the bench. Once I'm seated, I lean my head on his shoulder and he wraps an arm around my shoulders.
"Did you keep the shop?" I ask, suddenly hating the silence that surrounds us.
Dino nods, "I did. Tae Oh took over the shop when I retired but I still visited." Dino's apprentice's face flashes in my mind.
"Your kids didn't take over?" I wonder because he'd often talked about his dream to pass the shop down to his kids.
"I never had kids of my own." Dino tells me, "I never even married."
I sit up straight and look at him in disbelief. "You didn't marry?"
He nods while avoiding my eyes.
"Why not?" I ask though i'm slightly afraid of the answer.
"I just never found anyone that matched with me." Dino shrugs.
My shoulders slump as I hear the unsaid ending to the sentence bounce around my head.
'After you left.'
"After you left," Dino says, "I wondered if people were really meant to only love one person in their lifetime. Maybe that's why I never found anyone else. Maybe I was too engrossed in that thought that I couldn't see the others in front of me." Dino grabs my hand and looks over at me, "But I don't regret it."
"You don't?" I ask, trying to understand.
"What do I have to regret?" Dino argues, "I lived a full life. Tae Oh essentially was my child and I somehow became a father to him. I got to watch him grow up and have a family of his own. I didn't have anyone to come home to, but then again, I didn't exactly want anyone to come home to."
I frown knowing that he never found another love.
"But don't you worry." Dino says, booping my frown, "In my other lives, I had lots of loves. In fact, in my fifth life, I swore I was in love like 4 different times." He tries to lighten the mood and for the most part, I let it, but a small part of me is still sad for his first life.
"Tae Oh was good to you, then?" I ask, diverting the conversation.
"The best son-not-son a man could ask for." Dino says proudly, "He received awards for his glass work and was really famous. He always told me I could retire early and he'd support me but gosh, how could I?"
"You could've." I put in my two cents.
"I could've, yes, but then what would I do?" Dino questions me, "He and his wife didn't have any kids I could watch over so I'd be stuck at home watching TV like an old fart."
I laugh out loud at his simile. "Fair point, fair point."
"And besides, our works were selling like crazy and there was no way Tae Oh was going to be able to handle all of them by himself." Dino continues, "So I had to stay on."
"So caring as always." I stroke his hair with sort of teasing smile.
Dino rolls his eyes, "Whatever." He says and chuckles, "By the way, what did you do with those flutes I gave you? Did you use them?"
"I still have them." I tell him, then lie, "I bring them out from time to time."
Dino narrows his eyes at me in suspicion. "Liar."
"I do." I defend myself, "Though time to time usually means a few hundred years between uses."
"(y/n)." Dino exclaims, "They're meant to be used, not on display collecting dust."
I smile in embarrassment and Dino gasps.
"You kept them stored away?" He realizes with wide eyes.
I press my lips together, unsure how to respond when I'm pretty sure my facial expression says the answer.
Dino places a hand over his heart and feigns pain. "Ah, my heart. All my hard work and you put it away in storage for hundreds of years at a time."
I push his shoulder and he over dramatically falls over, "Stop it, they were too precious to use constantly."
"But you did use them at least once?" He asks, still toppled over but looking at me with eager eyes.
I smile, "Yes, I think I've used them maybe 10 times?"
"Were any of them special occasions?" Dino wonders and sits up properly.
"Once." I answer and then explain, "The day of your funeral, I sipped through 5 champagne bottles with them."
"My funeral." Dino repeats, "Not the special occasion I had in mind but oddly enough, I'm kind of happy that you at least had something to remind you of me on that day." He scoffs at himself.
I blow out a breath, "Can I ask a strange question?"
Dino raises his eyebrows, "You ask that like none of your questions were ever strange."
I giggle, "I'm serious, Dino."
"Okay, okay." Dino surrenders, "What's your strange question?"
I readjust my posture like a child who is about to ask her friend for the juiciest gossip on the street. "What was the strangest thing a customer asked you to make?"
"The strangest thing?" Dino thinks out loud, "Mmmm, there's a few that stand out."
"What's the first?" I push, leaning closer.
"Uh, I think it was the puffer fish." Dino says in thought and explains the whole situation because of my nagging questions.
After the strange creations he was asked to create, we dive into Dino's life with Tae Oh and his family. Then Dino filled the rest of the fleeting hours with stories that he kept in his memory for me. The places he visited, the people he met through his work, the fascination in people's eyes when they saw his work- that was his favorite part.
The sun lowers itself into its western bed and I shiver as the cold night caresses my skin.
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"You ever wondered where the sun leads?" Dino asks a pensive look on his face.
"What do you mean?" I ask, looking at him.
Dino leans back, sliding his hands along his thighs, "Like if you were to follow the sun, where it would lead and what you would find."
"You would find water and then land and then more land." I deadpan and he chuckles at my seriousness.
"I'm asking a serious metaphorical question here, (y/n)." Dino pouts and I smirk.
"Okay, okay." I give in to his puppy eyes, "I have wondered but I never tried. The moon is my domain and that's the one I'd follow."
"Do you think I'll be chasing the sun?" Dino asks glancing out the western windows.
"Depends." I say, "Are you the night chasing the sun or are you the sun chasing the night?"
Dino looks at me in disbelief, "Now who's the one talking in riddles." He chuckles but then sighs in thought, "If you put it that way, I think I'd be the sun chasing the night but only if you were the moon in the night."
I push him away and stand up. "Alright Mr. Cheesy." I hold out both of my hands, "Your journey towards the sun is awaiting you."
Dino holds a hand over his mouth and pretends to baby barf while standing up. I roll my eyes at his tactics but he just laughs.
"You started this." I point a finger at him and begin to walk away.
"Awww. (y/n)." He drags out my name and wraps his arms around my shoulders from behind. "You're no fun."
"I am too." I defend myself.
Dino smooshes a kiss against my cheek, "You are."
We walk out of the garden with Dino hanging off of my shoulders and our steps teeter and totter from left to right. The hotel is silent with most guests still sleeping and/or adjusting to greeting their past lives and my staff are probably just waking up to begin their duties around the hotel.
"I like this quiet." Dino whispers as we reach the departure door.
"It is nice, isn't it?" I agree and open the door. "Less aggressive on your ears than the raging furnace."
"Hey, don't diss Bertha like that." Dino says with serious eyes.
I burst out laughing and pull the door closed behind us. "I totally forgot you named your furnace."
"How could you forget Bertha?" Dino gasps.
I giggle and grab his hand tightly, "Well, I won't forget now."
"You better not." Dino says and swings our hands back and forth. "You'll come there too, right? One day?" He asks, looking at the idling car Shin is standing next to.
"One day." I nod, "I don't know how soon but one day soon I'll get there."
"I'll wait for you then." Dino whispers.
"There will be others before I get there and you might have to share." I inform him as we slow to a stop a few feet away from where Shin has the car door open.
"Then I'll fight them all and win you over." Dino says defiantly.
An airy chuckle bounces in my chest, "Don't hurt yourself in the process."
Dino sighs happily and there's a twinkle in his eyes, "I love you, (y/n)." He says and presses a kiss to my forehead.
"I love you too." I tell him and close my eyes to memorize the feeling of his lips against my skin.
Dino pulls away, squeezes my hand briefly, and then lets go of it. I watch silently as he greets Shin with a polite nod before sliding into the car without a look back. The sure slam of the car door closing pounds against my heart like a sledge hammer.
Every inch the car drives away, my heart tears apart further and further. When the car finally disappears into the forest fog, my knees give out and I fall to the ground with my clutching my chest. A few tears manage to escape. I watch as one drops into the dirt and disappears.
And back in the hotel, in my garden, a white chrysanthemum does the same.
It takes a little bit of time but eventually the ache in my chest subsides enough for me to rise back up. With a deep breath, I pull my hair behind my shoulders and turn away from the forest. I face the hotel and prepare to face the night.
Return to the Navigation Page (Waning Crescent Hotel) to choose the next guest.
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"You call yourself the moon and yet you shiver in the cold." Dino notices me shiver against the night air.
I chuckle, "I'm not immune to everything."
"Let's hope that the other side is a lot warmer than here." Dino says and stands up with dramatic flourish.
I follow suit and stand nearly chest to chest. "Shall we see if that's true or not?"
Dino grabs my hands and smiles widely, "Hell yes."
As we walk out of the garden, Dino does a couple skips in happiness and while I do feel a great amount of happiness that I get to leave with him, there is a seed of sadness tucked away in the shadows.
We walk hand in hand to the lobby where Yong, Mun Hee, Soon Bok, and Jiwoo stand solemnly.
"So this is it?" Mun Hee asks with tears in his eyes. "This is the day you leave us?"
I wrap him up in a hug, only a tiny bit annoyed that he's being so sappy. "Maybe I'll get punished again and be back here by the end of the year." I try to joke but Mun Hee abruptly pushes back from me.
"Don't you dare say that. You better not return here." He says angrily through his tears.
I chuckle, "I won't come back. I promise."
Turning to Soon Bok, I thank her for her service and her amazing work. Something I never did and should've done more.
Next onto Jiwoo. I also thank him for his and his entire family's service then I unclip the bracelet that has held him to this place.
"When you leave today, you won't be able to find this place again." I inform him, "I hope that you'll be able to go and live your life happily."
Jiwoo nods, "Thank you for letting me work with you. I won't ever forget you."
I smile sadly, "You will. But thank you."
Finally I reach Yong who is sniffling and trying so very hard not cry.
"You'd think after all these years of waiting that I'd be prepared for this day." She says through sniffles.
"Thank you, Yong." I rests my hands on her shoulders, "For everything. Thank you."
With lips pursed together, she leans forward and wraps me in an unexpected hug. But I soon wrap my arms around her and squeeze her tightly.
We pull apart after a couple seconds and I wipe the few tears that have escaped from her eyes.
"Keep this hotel running beautifully." I tell her before Dino grabs my hand again.
With final waves of goodbye, Dino and I walk out to the foggy forest that will take us to our resting place.
At the edge of the forest, Shin stands next to an idling car, a somber look on his face.
"(y/n)." He says when we reach him, "It has been an honor working with you. I wish you both a peaceful rest." Shin bows his head and I pat his arm.
"The honor was mine." I tell him with a smile. Now the tears start to line my eyes as the realization fully sets in.
I'm free. I served my years of punishment and now I'm free to let my soul rest.
I turn back towards the hotel and look up to the top where the rooftop patio is outlined with bright string lights. Then to the mid floors where random room lights are turned on, some guests staying in while others opting to experience the hotel's many services. Then to grand base where guests would be milling around, waiting their turns to leave this world.
"(y/n)?" Dino softly asks pulling my attention to where he sits just inside the car, "Are you ready?"
I take one last quick look at the hotel before turning away from it. "Yeah, I'm ready. Let's go."
I lower myself into the car and Shin securely closes the door after I am completely inside. As the car begins to drive forward, Dino securely grabs my hand and I let his warmth guide me towards our final destination.
In the garden, the final chrysanthemum withers and dies so that no more stand at the base of the bare tree.
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