#i adore the ending song. why yes i cried. i CRIED ALOT
The new episode of amazing circus was so good. Did you see it?
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this is me to Caine for killing him (but it’s really no surprise Caine did something messed up like that or mybe he doesn’t want to mix up humans and NPCs in the circus)
and this is to Jax for being an asshole to Gangle
Jax, being so rude and disrespectful to Gangle, was definitely uncalled for (still love him tho) Ragatha should really say something to him about it instead of focusing on Pomni all the time (which all I see is toxic positivity) 🤷🏻 LIKE GIRL DO SOMETHING! why are you letting Gangle being yelled at by him 💀 but that’s just Jax being Jax. he’s just some guy playing his part.
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(justice for gummigoo!)
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puppy-phum · 3 years
get to know me
am going to mix these two different tag games into one post so thank you a lot for tagging me @jazthespazz and @i-am-just-a-kiddo ♥
it’s somehow funny to do these same games again after a while so let’s see what I come up with:
Part I
name: real name petra but i prefer vish/vishie over here ^^ 
pronouns: she/her
star sign: aries ♈
height: 178cm (which am coming more and more proud of while i realize how damn tall every cdrama actor is lol)
time: 10:37pm as am answering this one
birthday: 10th april!
nationality: finnish 
fave bands/groups: ah well this is always a hard question but let’s go with these: BTS, DAY6, OneRepublic, Hurts, Oneus, Hoppipolla, TXT, Red, Mamamoo
fave solo artists: (forgive me if i’ve assumed any of these wrong) Novo Amor, Talos, Crywolf, Liu Yuning, SYML, EDEN, PVRIS, Joker Xue, NF, Halsey, Sleeping At Last, Nuz, HyunA, Sam Smith, Taemin
song stuck in your head: it’s OneRepublic’s Rescue Me bc of the song tag game i did earlier today :’D that one always gets stuck in my head whenever i as much as see the title lol 
last movie you watched: i think it’s The Yin-Yang Master (2021)? I haven’t watched any movies after that bc am so busy with all of my dramas haha
last show you binged: i think binged would be The Journey Across the Night! I watched that as a whole in 4 days
when you created your blog: in 2013 
the last thing you googled: ummm i think it was “what is a ball of wool called” bc of fic purposes haha as a non native speaker i always get a bit lost with words like this 
other blogs: none, i just dump everything here like the idiot i am 
why i chose my url: dates back to my intense summer of binge reading J.R. Ward’s Black Dagger Brotherhood series. Vishous was my favorite of the brothers haha. i first used this username in some random game on my nintendo ds lol 
how many people are you following: 358 which somehow feels like a lot but also like way too few?? i should probably search for some new blogs with other topics than cql, bts and/or dmbj bc i do love a lot of things at once 
how many followers do you have: over 800 
average hours of sleep: i’d say around 7h
lucky numbers: i remember answering 5 previously? i don’t really have a lucky number but 5 pops into my head
instruments: nope, no. not touching those tyvm. i admire everyone who can play any instrument tho
what i’m currently wearing: black jeans, socks with foxes on them (plus my woolly socks), a gray cardigan (my fave thing ever!) and an orange/brown top
dream job: writer would be ideal but that is very faaaaar into the dream zone 
dream trip: around different parts of asia to taste all the amazing food ;; maybe a road trip of sorts through europe? or inter railing? another trip to london bc i miss that ;; a trip to the very northern part of lapland to see all the auroras etc! i’ve never been that far north :’D 
fave food: if i need to quickly name something then sushi. otherwise am pretty fine with anything spicy 
top three fictional universes you’d like to live in: i remember thinking about this a lot the last time i answered this but hmm. currently i’d say dmbj still bc that world is fascinating AND i would love to talk to the characters. mass effect would be the second one currently bc i miss those games and the space stuff is super cool! and the third one would be assassin’s creed rogue bc that is my fave ac game and i like the northern sea and the places in it AND i could probably be one of abstergo’s employees instead and just test/play those simulation games haha 
Part II
Last Song: am currently listening to my playlist with just everything so i have Andrew Belle’s The Enemy playing right now (also I only just now realized that Andrew Belle also sings Pieces which is one of my fave songs? my bff linked that to me after it played in some tv series she was watching)
Last Movie Last Stream: i didn’t want to mention the same movie again or skip this question and i’ve wanted to talk about this anyway so! i watched Liu Chang’s bday live last night :’D it was so much fun even if i couldn’t understand anything. it was just nice to watch him being himself and have fun and chill with his fans. also the songs were amazing ;; i cried with Liu Sang’s character song as well as the ending. and all the while i couldn’t turn my gaze away from his eyes! he has such pretty eyes and they were absolutely Sparkling throughout the whole stream, it was so nice :’)
Currently Reading: Devotions by Mary Oliver (i adore her poems! they’re a very nice change after Siken haha) and then some uni stuff for a course about culture and mental health plus my thesis
Currently Watching: Douluo Continent, Word of Honor, The Long Ballad 
all of these are amazing and make me feel different things! i started Douluo Continent just a while ago and am now on ep 16 i think? it’s been very pretty and very chill and i watch it during the weekend while i wait for new episodes to the other two :’D it’s nice to see Xiao Zhan again and i’ve enjoyed the rpg game type of feeling in it? the group of seven is doing amazing and it’s interesting to watch them craft their team work! Word of Honor again has reached the ending and i just hold my breath with it. am not too far gone with it so i am not getting as heavy feelings about it as i probably could but i enjoy it  alot still and i do cry at times ^^ and then The Long Ballad has just blown me away! i didn’t expect to love it this much and be this invested in it but everything about it has been such a positive surprise and it keeps making me super emotional! i love the characters and the story and the romances even! it’s a great accomplishment for me. also yes i cry on the daily bc of hao du and bc of ashile sun’s hair haha
(i am also rewatching Ultimate Note kind of and been thinking about getting into rewatching Reboot bc it has been on my list ever since i finished it)
What is antipoetry to you: okay hmm i had to google this too and have to agree with Kiddo here. i don’t have strong feelings about poetry tbh, i wasn’t into poetry that much before maybe a bit over year ago? Siken has really blown me away haha. but i have always loved song lyrics which i never thought as poetry but then Kiddo said to me that they consider them poetry and yeah ok. i agree? so idk poetry can be whatever i suppose. i’ve never seen any rules in it anyway. i know there are many rules for different types of poetry but then again. i feel like poetry has always been just words put together to feel things and i guess that is the core purpose of every written type of art in the end right? 
Currently craving: a drama as good and as personal as The Journey Across the Night. that show really just stole my heart and i want that feeling back. i think about that show every day. i miss Li Jia and his two partners. i miss the vibes. i miss sitting on my floor watching it and just sobbing my heart out haha. also! craving a properly subbed, whole version of Anti-Fraud League. only the first 12 eps are badly subbed out there. wetv has... blocked? deleted? the whole show??? i need it to my life, i wanna see Xiao Yuliang being cute as Mi Ruo and i wanna know where the story goes smh 
thank you so much for these both! i had fun ^^ also am sorry this is so long but haha if you’re asking me to talk about myself and my interests then this is what you get :) 
tagging (to do which ever part you want or both!): @cross-d-a @jockvillagersonly @humanlighthouse @kholran @xcziel @minmoyu and @leonzhng ♥
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swiss-cheeze · 4 years
Spencer Reid & Aaron Hotchner || S/O plays the harp
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Aaron Hotchner
Okay so.
First of all you and Hotch met when you were walking your dog.
Poor Beth
Your dog, whatever name or breed, decided to become, ahem, horny.
And of course
Your dog picked Hotch to...well you know.
“(D/n)! Get down! I am so sorry sir”
The laugh, THE LAUGH, Hotch gives off just.
You melt.
“Its alright i've dealt with it before”
He was sweating after a 4k run but he looked
And so did you,
To him.
You two got to talking when Hotch took an interest in your dog and you swapped numbers; you wanted to take Hotch for coffee as an apology for your dog going to town on his leg.
The coffee date went well and you two went on more, and more, and more, and more!
When Hotch found out was when you came into the Beauro one day.
He introduced you to the team and as you shook hands with everyone Derek took notice of your especially calloused fingertips.
“Do you play the guitar or something (Y/n)? Your fingers are rather colloused”
This made you smile, you were proud and happy whenever someone asked you this, especially when you see their face when you tell them.
“Sort of, I actually play the harp!”
“The Harp?” that was Hotch, “you never told me you play the harp”
“It's never come up”
Anyway, when that happened Garcia was IMMEDIATELY asking for you to play something for the team, you unfortunately said you couldn't at the moment as you weren't able to transport the huge bloody thing.
You guaranteed them that you would play it at J.J.’s wedding if she wanted, (she did).
Of course you played for her when her wedding came around.
Hotch and the team had to go out of state due to a case that had come up but you promised Hotch that when he came back you would play for him.
Time comes and Hotch is at your apartment watching in awe as you play a cover of A Thousand Years and Sweater Weather on the harp.
Almost made a grown man cry.
When you were finished he made you bow and then clapped until his hands were red.
As time went on you and Hotch obviously got closer and alot more in love, you moved in eventually and played concerts for Hotch and Jack!
And of course the team
Every now and then Jack would ask you to play your harp so he can fall asleep, it's funny because whenever you do this it ends up putting both Hotch AND Jack to sleep.
Win win.
But he loves it, and the team does too.
Spencer Reid
Much like Hotch,
Spencer loves your harp playing.
Spence found out earlier in your relationship than Hotch did,
Because he went to one of your concerts.
It was an anniversary for Beethoven or something, something Spencer liked.
And you came on and the sound.
That you could make.
On that harp.
Spencer was so,
He didn't know why or what for but there was just this energy that you gave off when you played and it just,
At one point you brought Spencer to tears.
Not that anyone on the team knew.
After the concert Spencer tried his best to sought you out but to no avail.
He went home feeling rather distraught and lonely.
Time passed.
Like 2 weeks.
The team got a case and after a little while they found out the unsub had gone to your concert the same time Spencer did!
And that the unsub was the one that left those random flowers on your desk that smelt unprecedentedly like your ex.
Luckily the unsub was just a dude that had a fascination with people who looked like you because he was wronged by someone in the same nature blah blah blah.
And of course, before they found the unsub, they had to ask you a few questions.
And boy.
Did Spencer.
Blake had never seen Spencer act this timid around you, Derek had never seen Spencer this happy around you (you had to be brought in just in case the unsub was watching and wanting to kill you).
After the questioning Spencer got the courage to ask you out!
Of course you said yes cuz like.
He's handsome, cute, adorable, smart, funny and alot more.
After a few dates, the two of you decided it was time to go offical.
A little while later Spencer told the team.
At the same time Spencer had finally told you he already knew you played the harp.
“Well, besides the fact your fingers are calloused, i've seen harp music sheets in your bag and a lot of your music taste resolves around the harp AND you’ve got a giant harp in the corner of your room”
You do.
“I've seen you in concert”
You laughed.
“Why didn't you tell me before! When did you see me?”
He tells you the concert and that it was before the unsub when you two first started going out.
“Did you enjoy that concert?”
“Yes it was great!...”
“Brought me to tears”
“The concert or me?”
You teased him about it,
And then gave Spencer his own little concert.
It always made you so happy when Spencer was happy.
After a case he would ask you to play a song on the harp and 1 of 2 things always happened.
1) he cried, spilled everything that happened during the case and then you two cuddled and went to sleep.
2) he falls asleep, you guide his half asleep butt to the bedroom, and fall asleep with him.
Of course he tells you what happened when he wakes; when he’s ready of course.
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bottomlwjrights · 4 years
MO DAO ZU SHI REREAD:Thoughts™️....and Stuff
Chapter 40
“They should’ve been able to talk, to say who they were, to shout for help. However, the awful thing was that somebody had cut all of their tongues off before this.” In case i havent said it enough, i hate Xue Yang!!!!
I dont have anything funny or witty to say, this whole situation is just sad
“She instinctively hated him and refused to settle. And so, whenever Xue Yang went out night-hunting with Xiao XingChen, she’d secretly follow them. Even when they were in the same house, she didn’t lower her guard.” She lived constantly on guard for, what, years?
Nobody told xxc stories when he was a kid, which I believe to be a crime
The first disciple to leave the mountain, YanLing DaoRen, was an excellent and renowned cultivator, but suddenly became a villian for some unknown reason and died under thousands of swords, according to xxc (parallels wwx a little)
“‘The second disciple was a girl and also very outstanding.’ Wei WuXian’s chest felt warm. She was ZangSe SanRen.” 🥺
“How would an outstanding and beautiful cultivator settle on a servant. This story’s so cliche. It’s probably made up by some poor scholar.” Oh little A-Qing... (wait this mirrors lwj and wwx’s love story, except of course the death part, because in my eyes they just cultivate to immortality and live happily ever after, together forever)
Shut up, wwx, you’re not a villain
Xxc describing sl makes me uuuh wanna cry “A very good friend of mine.” “A sincere man of noble nature.”
Shut the fuck up Xue Yang, no body cares
Shut up!!!! He went and got her candy!!!! And then gave her candy everyday!!!!
Sl said to A-Qing the exact same the xxc said to her, like almost word for word... hold i...
Also note that wwx said they must have been very good friends to be so much alike 
Why did he hesitate???
“Song Lan answered straight away, ‘His height is similar to mine. His appearance is rather fine. His sword is carved with patterns of frost.’” Dont ask why this drove me crazy 
Sl was looking for xxc for years....
“For some reason, Song Lan’s face was extremely pale. He stared at the door of the coffin home, as if he would rush inside if he could, but was too scared to do so.”
“The instant he heard the [xxc’s] voice, Song Lan’s hands trembled so much that A-Qing could clearly see it.”
Sl was so angry his entire body was shaking
Xy is disgusting
After the attack of Baixue temple, while injured, sl said some nasty things to xxc....sounds alot like the aftermath of Nightless City....
“Who was the one who said ‘from now on, we won’t need to meet again’? Wasn’t it you, Daozhang Song? He listened to your request and disappeared after he dug out his eyes for you, but why have you come to him now?” Shut up shut up shut up
Fuck Xue Yang!!!!
“Song Lan looked down at Shuanghua’s blade, which penetrated his heart, then slowly looked up again. He saw Xiao XingChen, who calmly held the sword.” Im gonna cry
“Slowly, Song Lan fell to his knees before Xiao XingChen.” Yup im crying
“At such a time, if Song Lan passed his sword to Xiao XingChen’s hands, Xiao XingChen would’ve immediately known who he was. He’d be able to recognize the sword of his closest friend with just a touch.” He would have known sl’s sword by just a touch....
Sl didnt pass his sword to xxc so that he didnt have to bear the burden of knowing he killed him.....
“...large drops of tears rolled from her eyes. Although she was scared, A-Qing reached out to close Song Lan’s eyes. She then kneeled in front of him and put her palms together, ‘Daozhang, please don’t blame me or the other daozhang.’”
She kowtowed in front of sl’s body....
A-Qing is smart and quick witted, pulling such a fast lie like that
“Cut a few dozens of times on her face so that she’ll never have the guts to go outside again.” 😧
How xy can say something like that and then offer up a plate of bunny shaped apple slices that he cut himself is beyond me
“Looking at the plate of cute, delicate slices, disgust filled both A-Qing’s and Wei WuXian’s hearts.” Yeah me too
(Chapter 41 & Chapter 42 below the cut)
Chapter 41
A-Qing didnt wanna tell xxc about sl...
“The blood grew more and more and eventually leaked through the bandages, trickling down from where his eyes once were.” God he’s crying ....
“Originally, the injury of his eyes would bleed whenever he had excessive thoughts or emotions, but it hadn’t recurred in quite a long while.” I hate this
“...after Xiao XingChen managed to calm down, he told A-Qing, ‘A-Qing, run away.’” I hate this so much
“I can’t go. I need to find out what exactly he’s trying to do...If I left him here alone, I’m afraid that the people of Yi City would sink into his hands.” Y’all gotta stop with this selfless,self sacrificing, being a good caring person shit man, its okay to save yourselves sometimes
“A-Qing’s sobs weren’t faked anymore. She tossed the bamboo pole to the side and clung to Xiao XingChen’s leg...”
“Xiao XingChen asked coldly, ‘Was it fun?’ Xue Yang took another bite into the apple that was still in his hand. He only replied after calmly chewing for a while and swallowing the fruit, ‘Yes. Of course it was fun.’” I hate him
Even the idea that xy did all this because he was bored...
“My finger was my own, while those lives were other peoples’. They wouldn’t be equal no matter how many lives I killed. It was only around fifty. How could it have possibly been equal to one of my fingers?” I cannot even begin to express my disgust...
This is all so sad....
“… Is that you, ZiChen?”
“Even if the two swords had just clashed, Xiao XingChen should be able to tell who the other was from only the strength of the attack...He turned around slowly and reached out a quivering hand, feeling for the blade of Song Lan’s sword.”
“… ZiChen… Daozhang Song… Daozhang Song… Is that you…?” Im crying again
And he’s crying nonstop
“… What happened…? Say something…”
“Xiao XingChen stood blankly in front of Song Lan. Putting his hands on his head, he wailed as though he was ripping his chest apart.” I cant handle this shit im about to stop reading
Fuck you, Xue Yang
“At this moment, Wei WuXian saw himself in Xiao XingChen. Him, who failed miserably as he stood drenched in blood, who couldn’t do anything except silently acknowledge the critiques and accusations, who was wholly beyond hope, who could only cry in despair!” Yeah i didnt need that in the middle of all this
“He could only whimper in pain, ‘Please. Let me go.’” Im really going through it
They all died in such horrific ways
Thank goodness thats over!!!!
Chapter 42
Wwx really implied that xy killed Chang Ping as revenge for xxc huh....wow no
Even in death, A-Qing is brave. Thank you for your contribution in ending that mf
Lwj cuts off xy’s arm when he reaches towards wwx
There was so much blood on the ground that wwx almost slipped in it, gross
Lmao i didnt think lwj would be the one to just toss a pouch to someone but here we are
Wn just squatting on the ground, chillin
Okay yanno what im still confused as hell as to why the juniors were lead to yi city...
God that makes me so angry, Xue Yang keeping the piece of candy for years and holding onto it when he died, like even the idea that he liked xxc and still decided to torture him to death good lord
“Lifting up the hem of his robes, Lan WangJi stepped over the high threshold in an elegant manner, then nodded.”  Wwx just looks at lwj do literally anything and is just like “he’s so elegant 😍 so graceful 🥰 look at my lan zhan, so pretty 🥰😍🥰”
“When he wakes, say I’m sorry, it wasn’t your fault.” Wow....
“He still wore the dark cultivation robes. Standing alone, he carried two swords, Shuanghua and Fuxue, he brought two souls, Xiao XingChen and A-Qing, and walked another path.” Wow.... i wish for you the best, Song Lan
Lsz standing and wondering if xxc and sl would ever meet again....
I agree with jl, death is too light of a punishment for xy
Lmfnck ljy cried the loudest out of everyone sjnckck
The juniors light incense and burning paper money for them 🥺 they’re so sweet
ItS nOt lIkE yOuVE DiEd HoW wOuLd YoU KnOw iF DeaD pEoPle ReCiEve PaPeR MonEY
“How come? Was I really that much of a failure? Was there not a single person who burned paper money for me? Was it really because nobody burned them that I didn’t receive any?” STOOOOOP
“Looking at his calm face, Wei WuXian thought to himself, Really? Had he really not burnt anything?!” Okay i don’t remember if he actually did or not but nonetheless this shit hurted
The hunter was probably the same person who lead them together to yi city with the corpses, BUT WHY THO
Awwww wwx happy to see Lil Apple
Stop teasing jl, wwx, its not nice
Even though the lookout towers are a good idea, and benefit smaller more remote towns, i cant help but wonder if there was some kind of ulterior motive behind them
“Almost all of the dishes were covered in red. Paying attention to Lan WangJi’s chopsticks, he notes that he ate mostly from the milder dishes, rarely the bright-red ones. Even when he did, his expression remained the exact same. Wei WuXian felt something tug at his heart.” uGGgGgGHhHhH 
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fr3aklike-me · 2 years
yesss, they’re really relatable too and it’s so fun to read them !! i haven’t read a lot of it but i do really like watching it, with other people ofc. i couldn’t watch a horrifying movie alone tho, only true crime hahaha. but yessss it’s so cool and takes on such a deeper meaning when it’s used like that, it’s super interesting. yes yes i will definitely start making one !!! omg, okay those sound really good i’ll have to read them, are they book books or online ? it makes me feel so comforted and warm when you like them so much omg, it’s so sweet. ahhhhhh kfjjdhd i literally do it everytime, and omg you’re giving me butterflies and making me blushhh you’re so cute. yesss i wanna pick flowers for you🥺 and kiss you in the flower field, and write about you, and then we can bring a picnic and lay there and talk and watch the sunset<3 and omg, you’re so sweet, you do the same thing to me, im literally gushing over you so much. and it’s okay, sometimes it’s easy and sometimes i just don’t sleep until i’m so tired i can’t stay awake anymore, but that’s also why i love waking up at like 5 even when i don’t work bc then by 10 or so i’m dead tired yk ? and on those nights too if i feel like i can’t or don’t wanna sleep yet i’ll go sit somewhere else in my room and go on my phone or write till i’m more tired, bc if i lay in bed doing something, even if i’m exhausted it’ll keep me up way longer. and it’s great tho bc i have plans tomorrow morning for breakfast so i have to be up early !! it’s so exciting hahahha i just love the morning sm. and i slept so good !!! it’s really good, like pretty, but if you don’t focus on the lyrics too much in some songs then it’s not as sad which i love. okay i’ll write out the order if you wanna check it out, and i can explain the songs too !! actually i talk alot so i’m gonna put it in a separate ask lmaooo but yess i love every song !! and omg yes it’s so much fun to do that in the car, music sounds so much better in the car too it’s so fun. it wassss, but in the end i cried in a good way too, like you’ll have to see but it’s really good, and yes omg the religious aspect too, and it’s so relatable to so many people. well of course, id come just for you, id also care a lot more about seeing you than any tourism too. seeing you is definitely my secret motive in coming to Canada… i really would i hope you know hehe. me too, like i’m so so happy i did
you’ve only brought the good tears<3 omg that’s literally the sweetest thing, i read your responses a lot too, they mean so much to me. jdjdjjsjs aww you make me so happy, im smiling at this too like you’re the sweetest ever. yesss omg i will, i wanna talk to you all the time. ahhh im always melting from you, im so happy you feel that way bc of me omg you’re so cute jkfjsjhs angel, that’s what you are. and omg don’t worry, you needed to sleep and i’m glad you did, you were up pretty late <3 and wow that’s so early for sunrise omg, ours was at 7:00 a few weeks ago that’s crazy !! thank you, it was so nice omg, but aww hopefully you feel more awake soon, im so excited to speak w you too 💗
in all fairness, watching horror movies with other people is sometimes so much more fun than watching them alone. my friends and I will sometimes make fun of everything, laugh, break the tension, and it's so much fun. do you like watching them with friends? same, they sound so good, and The Jasmine Throne has South Asian rep, which I love so, so much. I saw some of them are in my library, so I'm so excited to sign some out. and, yeah, they're book-books, like published novels. though, I'm sure you could find some of them online or in PDFs. ooooh, if we read one at the same time and updated each other - that'd be so cool. you do it everytime? omg that is actually just so fucking adorable, like the image has me literally melting because it is just so sweet that you feel things strong enough when reading my responses that you do that jflkdjfl and blushing too? brb gonna scream, that is so cute, holy shit. stopppp, that made me smile - the idea of us writing about each other, maybe letters to exchange later on, and just eating the picnic together and then resting afterwards on the picnic blanket, sharing small kisses every few moments as the sun sets. omg, my spring-loving, yearning, cottagecore ass is legitimately melting and feeling so many things rn at the thought of all of this. oooh, for sure, waking up so early consistently and then doing work throughout the day definitely makes it easier to be so sleepy in the evening that you're ready to fall asleep by the time you get into bed. like, now, I stay up so late, but back in high school, when I'd wake up around 7AM every morning, it was so easy for me to get tired by 10PM. it's so great you know yourself so well, and exactly what'll make you tired and keep you awake. sometimes, it helps to read, or watch a documentary, or my friend watches art restoration videos like this or this, and watching the process is so satisfying and definitely helps lulling one to sleep. omg that sounds so exciting! I hope the breakfast is so much fun! same, like, I do enjoy the quietness and privacy of nights, but on non-Ramadan days, I love waking up early and having lazy mornings where I get to do as much as I want, like write or watch a movie or read. it's such a refreshing feeling. what do you do on early mornings? ooh, okay, nice, so they're good to listen to even if you don't want to be saddened by any music. yes, yes, please write them out and the order, if you're also good with doing it! I'd love to hear what you have to say. omg, I think I'll cry too, I know what happens in the end bc I've spoiled myself a few months ago dfjoldkk, but it sounds super emotional. "I'd come just for you," djfdjf that is the sweetest thing ever. not gonna lie, I'd want you to come just for me too, because I'd probably stay latched to your side the entire time and want to fill all your time together.
me too, like, when I saw your response when I was at the dessert place, I got so excited and felt so tender while sitting there. they really hold a special place for me. whenever you say you smile at a message, that literally makes me feel all the more sweet because the image there is just so, so cute. we definitely can stay up together one night <3 I'd love to spend those hours speaking with you. yes, omg, of course I feel that way with you, you're so kind and considerate. "that's what you are" - okay, I cannot compute anymore, you are making me soften into a blob of feels over here. omg 7:00 wow! yeah, ours is pretty early now, I'm so glad bc we had quite the long winter. I'm so glad the rest worked well, you deserve such good, fulfilling rest <3
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grungebeauty666 · 8 years
I got chu. (This is my main blog.... I dont know if I've told you that? Or if you knew? Tbh I almost forgot what I was doing as I was getting ready to send this) but! You should do all of them because they are adorable af and ily and wanna know more about you!
I got chu! I think you never told me, but now I know :D Awe, ily too ^-^
1. What have you eaten today?
Oreo’s and a Cripsy Chicken Burger from Burgerking

2. Who was your last kiss with? Was it pleasant?
I think it was with one of my best friend. More or less, we do it kinda like a greeting, idk is that weird 

3. What color shoes did you last wear?

4. Who has made you laugh the hardest in the last week?
We watched Prison Break and I called Mike a »Snekay Weasel«

5. What is your favorite scent?
Natural one probably would be tea; Perfume whise Chloé Lovestory

6. What is your favorite season? Why?
Fall or Winter, because my skin is very sensitive to heat, and it itches and it’s just a no from me

7. Can you do a handstand or cartwheel?
I used to, but then I got fat lmao

8. What color are your nails?

9. If you had to get a tattoo on your face to save your life, what would it be?
A little heart under my right eye

10. What is something you find romantic?
Netflix and Chill

11. Are you happy?

12. Is there anything in particular making you happy orsad?
My best friends make me happy. Money makes me happy, because I can spend it on shit I don’t need; Part of my family makes me sad

13. Dogs or Cats?

15. Which do you prefer:a museum, a night club, the forest or a library?
Museum, I loved the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam

15. What is your style?
Really weird, because I like alot of stuff so; Grunge, Goth, Hipster, “Instagram-Ish”, Geeky, Cute and alot more mixed 

16. If you could be doing anything you like right now, what would it be?
Travel somewhere

17. Are you in a relationship or single?

18. What makes you attracted to the person you like right now?
I actually don’t like one right now

19. If you could replace your partner/best friend with a celebrity of your choice, would you? Who with?
If I had a partner, I wouldn’t. 

20. Are you holding on to something you need to let go of? If so then what? Sure, many things. Mostly feelings 😂

21. How did you celebrate last Halloween?
I went for trick and treating with my nieces!

22. Have you recently made any big decisions?

23. Were you ever in a school play?
No, but we didn’t had those anyway

24. What movie would you use to describe your life?
To Write Love On Her Arms maybe, without the drug part

25. Is there something you have dreamed of doing for a long time? Why haven’t you done it?
Youtube, and I didn’t started because my confidence is pretty low

26. Complete this sentence, “I wish I had someone with whom I could share…”
Everything, even though I already have my best friend for that 

27. What are two things that irritate you about the same sex?
Nothing tbh 

28. What are two things that irritate you about the opposite sex?
Nothing tbh 

29. What is the best thing that has happened to you this week?
I only had one day of school

30. What is something that makes you sad when you think about it?
Alot of things

31. How long was your longest relationship?
Romantic: Never happendFriendship: About 14 years now 

32. Have you ever been in love?

33. Are you currently in love?
With myself

34. Why did your last relationship end?
It didn’t

35. What jewelry are you wearing right now, and where did you get it?
I’m wearing a septum but I guess that’s not really jewelry, is it 😂

36. When was the last time you cried and why?
Yesterday, and for the most stupid thing ever. I’m really shy and have social phobia, and my mother and her husband renovate the hall, and it’s really small and I couldn’t pass her husband and I didn’t want to say that I need to go pass him so I left the hall, went back to my room and started crying. He’s really weird, in a bad way, and I dislike him, for my defense.

37. Name someone pretty.
Emilie Autumn

38. What did you receive last Valentines Day?
A text from my bestfriend 😂

39. Do you get jealous easily?
I do

40. Have you ever been cheated on?
Friendship whise definitely 

41. Do you trust your partner/best friend?
Yes, I do.

42. Ever had detention?
Yeah, I skipped classes alot when I was in highschool

43. Would you rather live in the countryside or the city?
City. I like the countryside, but I like privacy. Not knowing everyone, not getting judged by a bunch of old people

44. What do people call you?

45. What was the last book you read?
To all the boys I’ve loved before by Jenny Han

46. How big of a nerd/dork are you?
Way to big

47. What kind of music do you listen to?
Everything actually

48. How tall are you?
“””Tall”””; Im 4”9

49. Do you like kids?
Yes, I love kids! 

50. Favorite fruits?
I usually don’t like fruits, but probably bananas

51. Do you wear jeans or sweats more?
Leggins all the way

52. What’s your earliest memory?
My sisters trying to throw me into a river as a joke

53. Ever had a poem or song written about you or to you?
Yes, by my niece

54. Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
Both, but only if I take the pictures

55. Do you have a collection of anything?
Pencil’s, life of an artist am I right

56. Do you save money or spend it?
I used to spend it, but I’m trying to save more now, since I’m moving out soon

57. What would your dream house be like?
I prefer smaller ones because I’m paranoid

58. What top 5 things make you the angriest?
Ignorance, racism, sexism, violence, doublestandarts

59. What top 5 things always brings a smile to your face?
Food, netflix, books, friends, free wifi

60. You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do?
Well, I get fired then

61. You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?
a) Everyoneb) Probably still watching netflix and youtube alldayc) No, I’d be glad it’s over

62. Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart.
People that are completely happy and share their happiness with other people, to make them happy too

63. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?
England or Switzerland, since two of my friends live there

64. Do you like the beach?

65. Ever sleep on the couch or a bed with someone special?
Define special, to me everyone that I love is special, so I guess

66. Do you have a middle name? If so what is it!
Mine is Marie 

67. Do you talk to yourself?
Yes, I do that alot

68. Describe your hair.
Short, wavy/curly, silver-blue 

69. What is the meaning of life.
I don’t know yet 

70. What is your ideal partner like?

71. Do you want to get married?

72. Do you want to have kids?
Maybe, I’m not sure

73. Like or dislike your family?
I dislike most of them

74. Are you Chunky or Slim?
Just fat
75. Would you consider yourself smart?
I’d like to, but I think I’m rather stupid

76. What would you change about your life?

77. Religious or Not?

78. You’re drunk and yelling at hot guys/girls out of your car window, you’re with?
Probably my best friend 

79. You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, is that a problem?
No, I love him lmao

80. Does anyone regularly (other than family) tell you they love you?

81. If the person you wish to be with were with you, what would you be doing right now?
Watching netflix, eating pizza and drinking alcohol 

82. So, the last person you kissed just happens to arrive at your door at 3AM; do you let them in?

83. Do you like when people play with your hair?
Yeeeeeees, I love that, it feels so good

84. Do you like bubble baths?
Yes! I also love bathbombs especially from lush

85. Have you ever been pulled over by a cop?
Nah, I can’t drive

86. Have you ever danced in the rain?
As a kid

87. Do you trust anyone with your life?

88. What was your first thought when you woke up this morning?
My neck hurts

89. If money wasn’t an issue, what top 10 places would you travel to? (You get to stay at each place for a week)
EnglandSwitzerlandJapanItalyAmericaFranceGreeceMexicoThailandParts of Germany maybe, I don’t travel around much here

90. How was your day today?

91. Play an instrument?
No, I tried playing piano, but my fingers are too small lmao 

92. Describe the what you think of the ocean.
I hate it, it’s deep and scary and dark, just no

93. Do you believe in aliens or ghosts?
Ghosts, yes

94. Honestly, are things how you wanted them to be?

95. Do you have a mean bitchy scary side?
It’s my only side 🌚

96. When are you vulnerable?
When I’m confused

97. How much free time do you have?

98. Do you like to go hiking?
No omg 

99. Odd or Even Numbers?

100. Would you ever go sky diving, bungee jumping , cliff diving, wing suit gliding, parasailing, snorkeling, or other extreme activities?
No, no, no, no, no, no and no
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