#i actually like started writing a blurb for the caption
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Yet Unnamed
Chapter 7
Masterlist | Ch 8.
🥳Y/n first date🥳
Warnings for Yet Unnamed: Kidnapping, cuffs, injuries, drugging by injection, mentions of needles, lots of swearing, kissing, fluff, angst, idiots in love all around, sharp weapons being thrown for fun, zombies.
Nothing within reflects anyone or anything irl. Pics off pinterest.

Your ‘Introducing our 9th member’ YouTube video was being filmed today. You were in a room just a couple of doors down from where the boys were going to shoot their part of the video. But while they were together, you would be all alone, and you were terrified.
“I can’t do this.” You were nearly hyperventilating as you stood on the set. Your knees felt like jelly in a bad way and your mind raced with all the worst outcomes. You paced and fidgeted through hair and makeup, struggling to get into your outfit because your hands shook so badly.
Chan stayed with you for as long as he could. He stopped your pacing and rubbed the tops of your arms from behind as you both looked at the set again. “Yes, you can. It’s just questions about you. Be yourself. Be honest.” He replied.
The problem was you suddenly had no idea who you were. What was your favorite color? Are you a cat or dog person? What did you fucking do for fun? You had no fucking clue anymore.
You turned from the set. Because this was going on YouTube you had planned most of it and you would also edit together the video later, but you had actively been avoiding thinking about your part in the actual footage. You have never been on camera like this before. Millions and millions of people would watch this video and judge everything you said and did. They would ruthlessly rate how you looked down to every individual eyelash. You would be MEMEd and GIFed within minutes of the video premiere.
“We can just release the photos and write a blurb about me on the caption. They don’t need to know me. They really don’t care.” You argued nerves getting the better of you.
Chan smiled at you softly and kissed your forehead, completely understanding your panic. “You can do this. STAY will love learning about you. And you have all of us in the studio down the hall if you need anything. We will keep our phones on. Call or text any of us, and we will be over in a flash.” He promised. He held your face in his hands, careful not to smear your makeup.
He took a deep, purposefully slow breath, waiting for you to follow his lead. Then he took another, and another. Until your nerves were at a more manageable level. For now.
Chan stood just off camera as you waited in the comfy plush white chair. Final checks and adjustments were being made. This part was all director and camera work. Your work came before and after this.
Before you knew it, they were calling Chris away to start their own checks, and he was waving one last time before leaving you alone.

You tucked your phone away with another deep breath. You can do this. You can do this. You can do this. You don’t have a choice. You already committed. You can do this.
The interviewer cleared their throat and began. “So start with your name.”
You plastered on the practiced pleasant face you had been working on. “My name is l/n f/n, and I am the 9th and final member of what is known as the Stray Kids soul group.
“How did you find out you were the 9th member?”
This was the whole reason we were doing this interview. Hopefully to stop anyone from ever finding out you were kidnapped and drugged into this situation. Not that you didn’t choose to and want to stay. You didn’t regret your choice at all. Not even once. “It was actually JYP who found me using his incredible reach and resources. He brought me to Korea as a surprise to Stray Kids.” It physically hurt to say anything decent about that disgusting man, but it was a necessary evil. And the story was close enough to the actual truth to be an easy lie to keep.
“Were their any issues in the beginning? Beyond the language barrier?”
You blinked. You had come up with and approved the questions, but the language barrier part was improvised by the interviewer and unexpected. Though you had agreed to some improvisation to make it seem more like a conversation, it still caught you off guard.
“They do not know it, but I am fluent in Korean. I learned from my grandfather at a young age. He taught me everything about my culture and heritage. It was very important to him.”
Now it was the interviewers turn to blink, stunned and thrown off. They recovered quickly, though, and immediately switched languages.
“You never told them?”
You shrug with a playful smile. “They never asked. It was never an issue. They all speak English well enough. And I was curious about what they would say if they thought I didn’t know what they were saying.”
“Well they will certainly know now. What do you think their reactions will be?”
“I think they will be shocked. It will be fun to see their faces when they realize.”
You were relaxing into the interview now. You had found the groove and were feeling good about how this was progressing. The questions about your speaking Korean got you off track, but in a good and natural way.
Plus, it gave you an idea. You would need to record their reactions later when they find out. It would be entertaining and fun. Something STAY would enjoy watching as much as you will.
Your interview ended first, which wasn’t shocking. Their answers would take longer because there were more of them. You still stayed off their set though, so they would feel free to answer honestly. You would see their video later when you edit it anyways.
Instead, you doom scroll online and sent funny Stray Kids memes to the boys. Spamming them with themselves. You found it endlessly funny to find ones that make you crack up and share them with the boys. They had the best reactions.
But only a few memes in Lino appeared and dragged you gleefully to their set. It was the same color scheme as yours was. But instead of a single chair there was two overstuffed couches and a coffee table with some snacks. They had several pillow and fluffy blankets to use and get comfy with. It was meant to be a cozy, comfortable chat.
You werent supposed to be a part of their interview. This wasnt in the script. "You are missing the point of having seperate interviews." You point out as Lino set you firmly between him and Hyunjin.
Hyunjin thew an arm around your shoulders. "We missed you."
"And you were blowing up our phones with memes." Chan rolled his eyes.
"Hey, I love looking at Stray Kids memes! I'll always be a STAY at heart. Now your number one fan!" You wink at Chan teasingly, making red dust his cheeks.
"We are almost done anyways. We spilled all the dirt on you already." Seungmin munched on a snack from the coffee table.
"Oh good. I feel less guilty now about spilling the tea on you." You didnt actually spill any Stray Kids tea and you doubted they spilled dirt on you, this was all banter for the camera.
For the next fifteen minutes you cuddled on the couches, chatted, and played around. You honestly forgot that you were being filmed or that there were staff in the room watching you. It was just you and your soulmates chilling, like any night at home.
The next morning over breakfast you noticed Chan acting fidgety. He kept glancing over at you as you scrolled through the socials you hadn't deleted yet and caught up on emails.
They had already sent you the raw footage from the interviews to edit together. But you weren't going to work on it today. Today was your day off and you were going to try very hard not to work.
"What's on your mind, Channie?" You finally asked clunking your phone onto the tabletop.
Chan coughed, choking slightly on his food as he was called out. Bin smacked his back and Lino rolled his eyes. "Can't even eat properly. Getting old enough that we have to puree your food before giving it to you?" Lino teased. You kicked his chair and gave him a look to be nice. In response he stood and left the room, coffee in hand.
"Chan? Everything okay?" You ask again when he was back in control of himself.
He cleared his throat twice to buy himself some time. "We haven't really talked about it. Just kind of brushed by. But we were talking and decided to ask. You can always say no. We would respect that one hundred percent! And it wouldn't change anything if you did! Promise!" He started rambling. Words vomiting out of his mouth that made sense but had no context for you to understand what he was referring to.
You really had no idea what he was trying to get at. He hadn't asked a question for you to say yes or no to. He hadn't even alluded to a question. Did he expect you to be able to read his mind? Because while you were learning the little tells of your soulmates, you had yet to master reading their mind. That would take more time.
Bin cut Chan off eventually, ending his rant and clearing things up for you. "We wanted to know if you want to go on dates with us. Individually and group dates. Like we do with each other already."
"Yes. That." Chan agreed letting out a breath and giving Bin a thankful look full of relief.
You bit your lip to stop from smiling as you felt like being a gremlin and teasing the man a bit. "Yes what, Chan?"
"Ugh, really?" Chan immediately caught on to your teasing.
Hey, if you were going to be asked out on your first date from a soul mate, it was going to be done properly. There would only be one time that you got to go on your first date with Chan and it would be done right, damn it. Even if you had to tease it out of him. You smiled and waited patiently, sneaking a teasing glance at Bin.
Chan sucked his teeth. "Willyougoonadatewithme?" His mouth didn't even move as he spoke quickly.
"I'm sorry, I didn't get that. Say again?"
"You make me regret this already." Chan sighed pinching the bridge of his nose. Bin laughed. "Will you, Y/n, my sweet, sweet, loving and beautiful soul mate. Who likes me enough to at least put me out of my misery one way or another. Will you please go on a date with me?"
"I would love to go on a date with you, my handsome Channie." You answer trying to hold back the giggles from his over the top third attempt at asking you out.
"Really? You want to try and be romantic with us?" Chan seemed surprised by your acceptance.
"I mean yeah. I thought we were naturally heading that direction." It's not like you hadn't been affectionate with each other. It was little things right now. Cheek kisses, hugs, cuddles, sneaky head kisses. But affection nonetheless.
"Awesome! I'm first. We are going in age order to keep it fair and not cause arguments." He explained.
You shrugged. "I know nothing about that. You are the only one who has asked me out." If he didn't think you would make each and every one of them properly ask you out, he did not know you well enough yet. You were going to drag them through asking you out just like you had Chan. And you would savor each and every memory from it.
"Thats their problem. Can you go today? Because I kinda already have a date planned."
"You have the date planned already even though you didn't know if I would say yes or not?"
"Well I figured if you said no, I could still take you just to have fun together in a nonromantic date way." He shrugged.
You wanted to coo. He had thought a lot about this date. Thinking through all possibilities so you would be comfortable. It was very sweet of him.
"What should I wear?" You asked.
"Casual. Movable. I would suggest pants." He informed. "I'll pick you up in 2 hours?"
You paused. "We live together. Where are you picking me up from?"
"Your room, obviously! It's our first date, let me do it right, Y/n, gosh!"
"Okay sorry! Two hours, my room. Got it." You fake salute him with 2 casual fingers.
Bin snorted, quietly watching your whole exchange. "You are such a nerd." He pushed at Chan playfully.
"Maybe. But this nerd has a date!" Chan shouted that last bit throughout the apartment. He stood with a huge smile and put his dishes away before coming to give you a kiss on the cheek and leaving the room with a bounce in his step.
Just over 2 hours later you laughed in delight when you saw where he was taking you. "Axe throwing! I've never done it before!" You took his offered hand as he opened the car door for you, and you went to the front desk.
"I saw you watching videos a couple times and thought it looked fun. I've never done it either." Chan admitted. This was new for both of you then. It will be fun to learn it together. And most likely be really bad at it together.
The instructor led you to a 'lane' and demonstrated how to throw an axe and a star. There were several projected fames you could also play so you weren't just throwing axes at a wooden board over and over again. It included tictac toe, hangman, and a zombie killing game.
You of course started with killing some zombies. You expected to miss every time since you had never thrown either weapon before, so you shrieked in happiness when your very first throw stuck into the wooden wall without a problem.
"Aha! You see that! It actually stayed!" You hopped and thew you arms around Chan, already having the time of your freaking life!
Chan laughed in delight and caught you with a huge smile on his face. "And you got a zombie first try!" He pointed out.
"Your turn! Your turn!"
You spent the hour and a half time limit playing each game in turn, the smile never leaving your face. And you only stabbed yourself once with the sharp point of the throwing star. You hadn't even really noticed, but Chan immediately did.
As soon as he saw the tiny drop of blood on the back of your hand, he worriedly grabbed it. It was no more than you would get at the doctor from a finger prick test.
"It's okay, babe. I just wasn't careful when I removed it from the wall and one of the points got me. It doesn't even hurt." You vaguely panicked when you realized you let a pet name slip, but Chan didn't notice, to preoccupied digging into his pocket.
Amazingly, he pulled out a band aid and antibiotic ointment. "You brought first aid?" You asked him in shock.
He ignored the obvious question. "You should still take care of it. Don't want it to get infected or scar." He mumbled brow furrowed in concentration as he nursed your hand.
You melted. He thought ahead so much that he came prepared with first aid in case something happened with the sharp weapons you were going to be using. He really prepared for everything.
Sighing in fond exasperation, you were completely smitten with him and his caring personality.
When your time was up for axe throwing, he took you for some food nearby, both of you still smiling.
"This was super fun, Channie. Thank you so much!" You were swinging your hands between you as you walked slowly back to the car, enjoying your time just you and him.
"Thank you for agreeing to come. Especially since we gotta be so careful and secretive in public." He responded.
It's true, though you hadn't really noticed it much, too focused on the man you were with and how much fun you were having. You both had to disguise yourself out in public so no one would see you together and spoil the upcoming reveal. You had easily accepted it as the norm when he brought it up at the beginning of the date.
Once inside the security of your apartment building, he immediately removed the disguises, looking relieved. You giggled and mussed his flattened hair into something a bit better. He let you, with a thanks and smirk when you were satisfied.
In the elevator, you didn't let yourself overthink it. You leaned in and pecked his lips before moving away again and looking ahead.
However, he caught your wrist gently in his fingers and slid his other hand to cradle your face and neck as he pulled you close again. You met the kiss halfway this time. The kiss was still a mild one but lasting much longer than your peck on the lips, and you let your body melt against his.
You eventually made it back to the apartment, sharing one last kiss before rejoining the others.
Lino appeared as you were removing your shoes, his arms crossed.
"Finally! I thought we were going to need to send a search party for you! We need to set a curfew." He chastized.
"Lino, hun, it's not even dark out." You pointed out patting his shoulder as you used it for balance.
"A time limit then. Or check in points. Something!"
I looked up at him. "Do you do that with your other dates?"
"No, but it's different with you!"
Chan kissed Linos's cheek in greeting. "Sorry we worried you. We will check in next time." He promised soothing Lino gently.
Linos posture relaxed. "It's just. You know there are dangerous fans out there. It's a risk to let your guard down too much." He sighed.
You were reminded again how different your life was going to be now with Stray Kids. Even a simple date was more of a risk. Going out in public at all was putting yourselves in danger. Not just from being recognized, but to be mobbed as well. And if we weren't careful, someone could overhear or see something that could damage Stray Kids' reputation. The realization was kind of mind-boggling.
"Hey, you're back! How was it?" Felix asked as soon as he saw us. He didn't seem to be as worried as Lino was.
You felt your face light up as you remembered. "Amazing! We went axe throwing! It was so fucking fun!" You gushed. You immediately brought out your phone to show off the pictures you took.
"Hyung setting the date bar high, huh?"
"It's not a competition, Lix."
Lix laughed through his nose with a half smile.
"We are a group of eight men and one woman. Everything is a competition when it comes to you." Lino stated. Chan and Lix nodded in agreement. You sighed and rolled your eyes.
The rest of your day off was spent catching up on chores and unpacking the boxes of your stuff that had finally arrived. You also needed to build a bookshelf you bought. It had been leaning on your wall since it had been delivered. You were procrastinating the headache and frustration of building the damn thing.
So, keeping up with ignoring things you didn't want to do - or build - you started by unpacking what you could without the shelf. Mostly what little clothes you decided were worth keeping, and the collectables you couldn't bring yourself to give up.
Admittedly a lot of the collectables were Stray Kids and other K-pop memorabilia. Other groups that you stanned. You couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed by all of it for the first time in your life. But there was no way you could let it all go.
So, you hung up your fan made OT8 skzoo art in the frames on the tree Hyunjin painted and set up your skzoo plushie collection on your dresser. Your multiple K-pop shirts got put away carefully and the acrylic stands went on the dresser and desk. One or two even on the bedside tables.
After a few more sentimental items were set up or put away, you could no longer ignore the bookshelf. You were at a point that you could no longer put the rest away without it. Everything left was set to be displayed on it.
You dumped the boxes contents unceremoniously on the floor before looking for the instructions that got buried. The noise attracted a curious Han.
"Oh! It's so cute in here!" He complimented looking around at the new additions.
You flapped your hands at him, blushing. "Stop looking! I was STAY before ever meeting you, I couldn't just let all this stuff go! I spent years and a lot of money collecting it!"
"You are too cute!" He gushed just a little teasing.
You sighed. "Whatever. You may not want to stay in here. I'm about to curse a lot trying to put this stupid shelf together."
"Want some help?"
"Thank you for the offer, but it's okay."
"You sure? I don't mind. I kinda like doing stuff like this. Plus, it will go faster with two people."
Yah, true, sure. But You were used to doing things alone and you just knew you would get frustrated and snap at Han. Then later you would feel terrible. This was all still too new and you didn't want to hurt any of them on any day, but you really didn't want to make them hate you and send you away.
But still, the offer was tempting. "Okay. I'm sorry in advance, though, for anything I may say or do." You warned him
Han waved you off with an easy smile and sat on the floor across from you. "Don't worry about it. I understand."
Together you open the instructions and lay it flat on the floor. There were a lot. It unfolded to poster size or bigger. Sure, it had pictures, but not nearly enough to make up for the sheer number of instructions there were.
You suddenly regret every decision that led you to this moment right here. The work ahead of you seemed so daunting and impossible.
"Okay. It's a shelf. Can't be too difficult." Han said quietly, more to himself to you.
As it turns out, even building furniture is better with your soulmates. Han had this cute little frustrated pout that melted your own frustration any time you saw it. In between the two of you and the directions in two different languages, you were managing to figure the shelf out well enough.
"I think we put this piece on upside down." You said tilting your head sideways.
Han studied the shelf, then the picture on the directions intently. "Damn it. We did. Fucker!" He concluded.
You laugh as his pout increased and he began to grumble under his breath while removing the upside-down piece. Your laugh made him look over at you, and something he saw made the frustration leave his facial features and be replaced by a soft smile.
Finally, after 90 minutes, you both dusted off your hands and stood back, admiring your handiwork. He helped you move your new, extremely heavy, 5-teir bookshelf to a nice blank spot on a wall. It fit perfectly.
"Now you just got to fill it up." Han sighed. He flopped on your bed and made himself comfortable.
You kick the box half full of books, albums, and photocard binders gently with your bare toe. "That's the easy part."
You bent and grabbed some books first. You had kept several of your favorites that had beautiful dust covers or printed edges. Some were signed by the author. And some were just your favorites. Worn down from being read over and over again.
You place them on the shelf in such a way that it displayed the beautiful art or edges. You took great pride in your little collection. And you would have fun collecting more and adding them to the empty spaces you still had on the shelf.
The albums came next. You had acrylic stands for displaying your favorites or the ones with amazing covers. They are placed just so to show them off.
The photocard binders are something that you spent a lot of time on and were very particular about how they went on the shelf. You didn't really display them like the books or albums. There were a select few favorites in protective cases and displayed, but very few. The binders went on by group and placed in timeline order within their respective groups. You were slightly OCD about it, and it drove you nuts when anyone messed with them.
Finally finished unpacking, you glanced over at Han and noticed with a start that he had fallen asleep watching you finish your room. You carefully grab a blanket and drape it over him, tucking him in gently. It was late, and he had stayed up to help you. The least you could do was leave him to sleep. And you really didn't mind sharing the bed with him for the night.
Quickly and quietly changing into your pjs, you crawled slowly into the bed next to him, scootching under your comforter carefully and flipping off the light. Relaxing when your movements didn't wake him up. To prevent gossip and rumors among the group, you left the door open. You weren't sure how 'that' part of the relationships worked yet and didn't want to cause problems.
It was odd sleeping with another body next to you. You were used to sleeping alone. But that being said, you fell asleep quickly and deeply. Feeling content and secure among your soulmates, and doubly so with one closer than usual.
Yet Unnamed Taglist: @fackeraccount @velvetmoonlght @hyunjinstolemyheart @vampkittenb82 @happy-jj @estella-novella @demigoddreamon-blog @tiana-maxivar @ms-flowergirl @jennibahng @whatdoyouwanttocallmefor @mimimiloomeelomi @simpforskz143148 @xxeiraxx @lil-bear08 @brbwritingfanfic @jisungs-iced-americano @zofia515 @missvanjii @malyxsoulpersonal @silentreadersthings @pixie0627
General Taglist @stellasays45 @beebee18 @weird-bookworm @velvetmoonlght
#stray kids#skz stay#skz fake texts#stray kids fake texts#stray kids texts#stray kids smau#skz smau#skz fanfic#bang chan#3racha#stray kids chris#stray kids lee know#stray kids minho#changbin stray kids#hyunjin stray kids#han stray kids#stray kids jisung#felix stray kids#stray kids yongbok#seungmin stray kids#i.n stray kids#jeongin stray kids#Yet Unnamed#first date#stray kids x y/n#stray kids x you#stray kids x reader#stray kids date
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Jannik Sinner x Reader Blurb of Jannik's dynamic with his PR manager... he's not the most cooperative. Honestly, he straight up ghosts his social team. But reader makes all of that somewhat bearable... but he never really gives it, or her, much thought. Until... Rewatched "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days" earlier and so the yellow dress scene was on my mind. I love a good formal-wear reveal, you know. Warnings include... reader in a dress, observations of reader's body (nothing specific, descriptive, or characteristic, and it's relatively brief!), basically Jannik eye-fucks reader
Jannik Sinner wasn’t a difficult client, exactly. He was always polite, professional, never outright dismissive of the many media obligations that came with his career. He never argued when you handed him a schedule packed with interviews or a list of deliverables for brand partnerships. He nodded along when you explained why a certain post or event was important, why a particular sponsor wanted more engagement.
But he could be slow to agree, sometimes a little reluctant. It wasn’t like he ever jumped at the chance to fulfill any PR duties—you often had to coax him to participate at all. And that was an understatement.
Painfully long amounts of time passed before he'd respond to your texts about social media. He’d take forever to approve posts or captions, to film the requested clips that you had to practically chase him down for. His messages were always short, efficient, and oh so polite—and they were anything but eager. It was obvious that this wasn’t an aspect of his lifestyle he wanted to do, it just happened to be another chore he understood to be a necessary evil.
That was the first thing you had learned to remind yourself when you took on the role of managing athletes’ social media and PR. They didn’t hate you, they hated your job.
And Jannik was no exception.
He had made it very clear from the beginning that this side of his career—the sponsorship shoots, the media requests, the perfectly curated Instagram posts—was not his priority.
"I just want to play tennis," he had said flatly, after you cut off his seventh take of a video meant to thank the dozens of guests that came to Nike’s most recent event just for him. He had to list each person by name, and he seemed to always stumble on the same few—he was fed up before you even started filming, if you were honest. You should’ve just been grateful he was sticking it out at all, some of your other clients weren’t quite so gracious.
"And I want you to play tennis," you had countered, before handing him his phone with a reminder to actually post something. “So let me manage the part of your career that exists outside the court, so you can focus even more on the game. Just—let’s just get through this. We’re so close, I promise.”
It had been like this since the start—a delicate balance between his reluctance and your persistence. He didn’t like the PR side of things, but he respected that you had a job to do. And despite the slow responses, despite the way he’d let your calls ring out more often than not, he still did what you asked.
“Jannik?” You said over the phone after he finally picked up, you’d tried him for days.
“I need you to write a caption for the series of photos I sent you the other day. It can be simple, I just want it to be from you.” You hadn’t bothered with pleasantries, cutting straight to the chase.
“I—” He started to speak before you heard the audio shift, the other end sounding like he moved the phone away from his ear to swipe through the photos. Probably for the first time, too, you thought to yourself.
You gave a moment for him to look through the handful of images, but after a minute of silence passed you rolled your eyes and spoke once more. Prompting him, “Jannik?”
“Yeah—still here.” You could picture the expression on his face, brows probably furrowed as he continued to stare down at his screen. “I don’t know what I should say, I—I have no words.”
“You have no words…”
“...No.” The smile in his voice was undeniable, you huffed a little to yourself knowing it was in response to your exasperation.
“Okay well—I’ll write out a couple options, and you pick the best one, okay?” You almost always ended up offering the same thing.
“You’re the best. Thank you.” And he really did sound sincere.
“—And Jannik.” You’d cut off his gratitude, worried he might quickly end the call and then escape you once more. “I’m going to send those options in literally a minute. One minute. So please, please respond as soon as I send it. We need to get the post out tonight.”
He hadn’t even tried to conceal his laughter at that, “Will do. You have my word.”
And he had stuck to it, much to your relief.
Because, though he never said it outright, you had come to understand one thing over time: he always did it because it was you asking. He listened to you, even if he didn’t like what it was that he had to do. And if you were being honest? It was hard not to let that go to your head.
Beneath the quiet irritation, the way he sighed when you asked him to redo a shot, the way he ghosted half of your messages but never fully ignored you—you liked him. Not in the abstract, professional dynamic way. It was a little more than that. It was in a way that made your stomach flip when he rolled his eyes but still did what you asked. In the way that made it infuriatingly difficult to separate your job from him.
The majority of your interactions with Jannik were based on professional pretense—it was the only reason either of you two ever corresponded. He’d never seen you outside of that lens.
When the opportunity did come, you’d leapt at the chance. You didn’t have to just be in the background of one of his tournaments or one of his appearances. You weren’t the voice over the phone or a text handling his media schedule.
For the first time, you could just come as you were. As yourself.
It was when you got to attend a formal event as a part of Jannik’s team, a lavish evening filled with sponsors, press—much like the kind of networking opportunities you usually had to force Jannik to attend. But, this one was to celebrate the supporting staff of athletes, honoring team's like Janniks. People who took on roles such as your own.
The rest of the group had reached long before, the coaches and the trainers being the main honorees. So that night, Jannik had shown up by himself. And so had you.
All dressed up and everything.
You didn’t quite know what to expect when you walked into the venue. But you felt him before you even saw it—his attention, locked onto you like a forehand down the line, unwavering and precise.
And when you met his gaze across the room, something shifted.
Jannik had always been reserved with you, and with the cameras. Controlled, rarely letting anything slip. He had mastered the art of restraint, of keeping things measured—his emotions, his words, his reactions; it was one of the few saving graces that actually ever aligned with your role's needs.
He was someone who could endure five-hour matches in blistering heat without showing so much as a crack, who could walk into press rooms and deflect questions with practiced ease. The kind of person who could tune out entire stadiums, silencing all external noise with nothing more than sheer force of will. But now?
Now, it was like he had forgotten how to breathe.
And he wasn’t just staring—he was stunned. Wholly and completely, unapologetically caught off guard.
His grip around his drink went slack, his fingers barely curled around the glass, his usual, effortless posture straightening to betray him. His body had frozen mid-motion, caught in the middle of some half-formed thought or conversation he no longer had the ability to process.
It was like every reaction of his was scripted—everything he did seemed too dramatic to be real. But you’d seen too many of his acting attempts to believe that he could have faked the way he’d looked at you. The way he’d felt.
He did an obvious double take, and his pulse seemed to both stop and race at the same time. His lips parted, practically gaping at you as his entire being seemed to suspend for a moment in time, his gaze tracing the length of you, unblinking.
It was like his brain was struggling to catch up to something his body had already registered.
And when his eyes finally lifted back to your face, there was something almost vulnerable behind them. Like seeing you like this had peeled a layer back, left him open in a way he didn’t know how to hide. His mouth opened, as if to say something, but nothing came. No sarcastic quip, no coolly measured greeting.
You had Jannik Sinner completely speechless...
And that only continued throughout the rest of the night.
His glass still sat untouched in his hand, his usual air of nonchalance nowhere to be found. His eyes dragged slowly over you every so often, taking in the drape of your dress, the dip of your shoulders, the small of your back. How you seemed to be even more yourself than usual, something about the way you carried yourself without the usual responsibility of your job taking the front seat.
It was like you couldn’t get rid of him—not that you wanted to.
You felt him watching you, eyes trailing on your every movement at nearly every part of the event. Like he couldn’t look away.
So, smirking to yourself, you had a thought—a feeling. It was like every begrudging moment between you, every reluctant task, every slow message of his… it had all been a slow build up to this.
You exhaled, rolling your shoulders, hyperaware of the weight of his attention. It was heavy, thick in the distance between you, pulling at you even if you turned away. Because even when you weren’t looking towards him, you still felt it—his gaze on you, following the curve of your spine, the way the silk of your dress hugged against you with every step.
It wasn’t just that he was seeing you done up for the first time. It was you, outside of the job, outside of the role you played in his world, outside of every guarded interaction that had kept this from happening sooner. And, that fact...it got him. It really did.
He marveled at the fact that he hadn’t seen it before. That he hadn’t seen you, not really.
As you connected with the rest of the team, he lingered in place, sticking to himself for most of the night—eyes trained on you even as you spoke to those closest to him. He didn’t come up to you until the end of the event neared, and you couldn’t tell if it was nerves or if he just wanted the time to process the shift in all its gravity. Time to continue admiring you.
And when he finally made his way over to stand right by you, his shoulder sturdy and just slightly offset from yours, he easily pulled your attention from the surrounding chatter when he ducked his head down to your ear—
“No words—I have no words.”
Can't really claim that there's a lot of substance to this one. It's not so much love at first sight, as it is lust at second glance... Nothing wrong with a little, late realization though
Finally posted not too far off from my intended schedule time, for the first time in like 2 weeks!! A win... a win!
If you haven't already, check out yesterday's fic!! 'Tis one of my favs rn xx
#jannik sinner#jannik sinner x reader#jannik sinner blurb#jannik sinner one-shot#jannik sinner fanart#jannik sinner smut#atp tour x reader#tennis#tennis fic#jannik sinner fluff#Jack Draper x reader#GameSetAttach#jannik sinner one shot#jannik sinner fic#sinner#forza jannik
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Something where someone (your pick from shoresy or LK) ask to meet up by text but you say you have a man in your bed, they're confused af but turns out you rescued a cat?
STOOOOPPP IM OBSESSED WITH THIS LMAO!!! Thank you so much for sending this request in, it's so perfect and I had tons of fun writing it! I decided to do little blurbs with everyone I've written for in both the LK and Shoresy universe so I hope you enjoy <3
Fatal AttraC(A)Tion
Shoresy, Wayne, Daryl, Coach x gn!reader
Warnings: cussing, suggestive language
"I know I'm like, always confused, but I am extra confused right now."
Shoresy had just finished hockey practice when he texted you, asking if he could come to your place to hang out for the rest of the night. He certainly wasn't expecting your response of: "Please don't come over !! I have a man in my bed rn!!"
"Oh, that's no good, mah boy! You best get yourself o'er there and send the unlucky bastard scramblin' out tha door!"
"You're right, Hitch, you have a point. I'm not letting another man come between me and my partner and I mean that in both entendres."
"Settle down," said Goody, taking a sip of water.
Shoresy was quick to leave the barn and head to your place, nervous to see who he was going to find lying next to you. As he entered the bedroom door, he pushed up his sleeves, getting ready for a fist fight. To his surprise, there was no human man to be seen anywhere. Instead, he was greeted with you and an unfamiliar orange cat lying on his side of the bed.
"Look baby, Shoresy's home! My favorite two men in this whole world," you cooed, the cat purring as it cuddled up to you. Shoresy relaxed, happy you were just messing around with him, and looking forward to cuddling two very cute creatures all night.
You felt bad joking like this to Wayne, knowing he had been cheated on in the past, but you couldn’t help yourself as you sent the text message: “can’t meet rn. me and my other man are in bed.”
When Wayne received said text message, he sped over to your place in a flash, his stoic expression turning the slightest bit more sour than usual. After he slammed his truck door closed, he rolled up his sleeves, readying himself for a brawl. However, when he entered your bedroom, he just stood there very confused.
“Here’s the man I was talking about.” You held up a black cat with white paws. “I just rescued him! Isn’t he cute?”
Wayne stood in silence for a few moments before speaking. “Okay, y/n. Y/n, okay. That is a very cute cat.”
He took several big strides and abducted the cat from you, cuddling it close to his chest.
“You can have him back after I get an apology for making me worry.” He scratched the cat under its chin, making it purr. “And after I get an apology for not adopting two of these.”
“Does this mean what I think it means?”
Daryl was at MoDean’s trying to decipher the text you had just sent him. It was a picture of you lying in bed with a mass of blonde hair on your chest, captioned “don’t come over, my man and I are having alone time.”
“I knows y/n, we all do, and that doesn’t seem like their types of behaviors,” said Squirrely Dan.
Katy then spoke up, “But it is weird. I think you should go check it out. Let us know if you need backup.”
Daryl agreed and drove his van over to your house in a hurry, confused as ever. He walked into your bedroom, fully expecting to see you with another man, but what he actually saw couldn’t have been further from what he assumed.
“I got us a cat!” you exclaimed, holding up the cream colored cat. “Isn’t he just adorable?”
“You really threw me for a loop with that text,” Daryl said, frowning, but perking up when the cat ran over to his leg and started nuzzling him. “He is really cute though. This is the only other man I’d ever want in my bed.”
“Me too, Daryl, don’t worry,” you said, pulling him in for a kiss.
“I’m kinda busy rn, me and my man are lying in bed.”
“What the fuck are they talking about?!”
Coach was ready to crush his phone in anger. What did you mean, your man? HE was your man, your only man! He furiously typed back a response, telling you he’d be over at your place in no time, and he spent the whole trip muttering to himself about how he was going to kick that guy’s ass for laying next to his partner. He practically busted your door down, huffing and puffing as he stared you down. You were completely unbothered by Coach’s abrasive entrance, even laughing about it, as you lounged with a cat running in circles on your bed.
“Coach! Glad to see you made it to meet our newest roommate.”
“Don’t scare me like that, y/n, I was seriously pissed off!” He was pointing an accusatory finger at you until the cat pounced on it, clawing lightly at his skin. Coach immediately broke into a smile, cooing and giving the cat scratches on its ears. It looked like your two favorite men got along swimmingly!
#letterkenny x reader#shoresy x reader#shoresy x y/n#shoresy#wayne x reader letterkenny#coach x reader letterkenny#daryl x reader letterkenny#dary x reader
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Hi azzie how are you??? When will you post next xxxx
Hii anon!! Sorry guys, I kinda went AWOL for a bit here, I’ve been somewhat swamped 😭 anon are you British? X hehe, just curious bc of the kisses.
I had a dream where I did a get to know me post and then got SWATTED 😭 would we want a get to know Azzie? I don’t think so, but lmk! Send questions if so (don’t SWAT team me 😭)
Writing Updates: trust, I will have Ben Shelton posts and a Jude blurb coming up eventually! If not this week, then next.
I’ve got a (albeit, belated) Halloween party coming up + a lot of work shifts this week + college starts tmr :( but I’ve got a lot of free time if I push out these assignments so..pray for me.
Azzie Updates + ChitChat: First of all I wanna say: tysm for the love on the works this past week!!!!! :,) you’re all so sweet and kind, I always say I love tumblr so much and it’s only bc of people like you guys liking and reblogging and commenting and sending me feedback that makes it such a sweet, fun, great place!
Second off, question! are any of those crazy amazing Ben Shelton TikTok editors with the freaky ass captions on tumblr? Bc I’ve been scrolling through posts all night, literally cackling at those captions and in awe of their editing skills, they need to proofread my writing drafts, they’re the realest mfs here.
I’ve just checked my inbox for the first time in a few days- YOU 🫵 😧 are FREAKYYYY AS FUCK 🫵😧 … HOLYYY SHIT???? Are we all ovulating..? The amount of NSFW requests you people want me to write, and you guys write it so sweetly too it makes me laugh sooo hard “Azzie hey girl! Love you! can you write a blurb about me and Ben and in public and he’s crazy and-” - TOUCH GRASS OH MYYYY GOD! GIRLS! Hahah kidding I’m just as bad……did you guys see that NSFW Ben Shelton tarot reading from @castingspellsanddaisies ? i am actually….feral?.. I can’t stop reading it … my face is WARM thinking about it; wdymm he’s good at it (duh ofc he is)…. Let me test that out…for research and writing purposes, obviously.
Um, anyways.. I underestimated an assignment of mine and I’ve been grinding on that (literally due in 3 hrs…almost done it tho!), I’ve another one due Wednesday + uni starts back tomorrow and I’ve got to go for attendance, so I’m prob pulling an all-nighter tonight 😵💫 im SICK of university and im sick of STEM, i deserve to be living the Morgan Riddle life but Ben Shelton edition. Sorry not sorry!
I’ve also been super badly sick, I passed out at work the other day and I’ve got no appetite whatsoever, I had a fever earlier this week - idk what’s going on w me! Autumn-winter always makes me feel like I’m a Victorian child. I feel wayyyy better than how I did a few days ago, but I’ve trying to take it easy and relax a bit, pls forgive me 😓
maybe tmr after I finish all my pending works I’ll write smut in the library…like a freak 💀😭 we’ll see anyways, good chat, back to my assignment I go 😞
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Indie Music Rec: Carsie Blanton
I wanted to promote an independent musician I'm a fan of, so here's a music rec post!
Music: Folk, country, punk, maybe pop with some songs if you squint? Some love songs, some protest songs. Tempo varies wildly based on song. Definitely catchy. Some are sing alongs.
Vibes: Leftist, anti-capitalist, clearly channels her rage at the system into much of her music. Funny. Genuine. Passionate. She might just be on tumblr now actually it looks like the url is taken and probably actually by her but not used since 2018
Identity: From the American South, Jewish, Millennial-ish. Doesn't really center her own identity or story in most of her music.
Carsie Blanton... where do I even start in recommending her?
There's how she's about as far left as my own corner of tumblr tends to be. (I swear I heard her describe herself as politically "somewhere between Bernie Sanders and Karl Marx" but now I can't find the quote. It sounds about right, though.) How she refers to herself as "socialist" unabashedly and rails against the excesses of capitalism. How one of her songs has the lyric "you're just a Democrat, I'm a revolutionary".
How she has a song inspired by her response to the Charlottesville rally, and how the rally hit home for her, as she grew up in central Virginia as one of the only Jewish kids around.
How her songs channel her leftist rage, advocate protest, tear apart the system we're living in.
But importantly, she's not just writing protest songs, she's writing catchy protest songs that are genuinely quality pieces of music to boot.
When I saw her in concert a couple months ago, she mentioned how Dolly Parton's "9 to 5" is great because it's about as far left as you can get while still being a catchy pop song, and I think Carsie Blanton's own music fits that pretty well too.
I posted not too long ago about how my mom saw her posting something pro-Palestine and thought she was going too far because of it. I looked up the post in question; it had the caption "Free Palestine" along with some informative text that wouldn't look out of place in a tumblr post. Nothing radical, nothing anti-Israel. Just support for the Palestinian people. And while that might cost her some fans in and of itself--I think my mom's lost some interest in her because of it--I think it's a good example of how her leftism isn't just an act, or deployed just when it's popular. She speaks out for what's right, regardless of what the rest of the world thinks.
Now, that's enough of an introduction, I think. So I'll leave you with some examples of her music, and a quick blurb about each song I'm linking.
This is the one in response to Charlottesville, and it's the sort of fast-paced, angry song you might expect:
This one's also very anti-capitalist but a bit slower and more mellow, though that's not to say it won't get stuck in your head fast:
This is the one that first got her on my parents' radar, a fitting tribute to beloved country artist John Prine:
Apparently this one's big on Tiktok? I believe it, it's got the fast pacing and witty lyrics for that crowd. (Age-restricted because it uses the word "bitch" a lot, I imagine. Title is "Ugly Nasty Commie Bitch".)
This is the one with the lyrics I quoted above, despite being not generally a political song, just a fun silly listen:
Not quite as upbeat as the title might make it seem, but very fitting vibe for the current moment given, y'know, everything:
Are you an American with deeply divided feelings about what that means given your place of privilege in the world but being stuck in a system that keeps causing harm? Carsie Blanton feels that too:
Another slower, mellow one, and not political this time, but this one's gotten stuck in my head a few times lately:
And finally, a sing-along that seems like the perfect way to wrap things up:
#i've been thinking about this post for long enough time to actually make it#i've had buck up stuck in my head for hours for some reason#personal#shitpost#music recs#carsie blanton#music artists#Youtube
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Originally a Land of the Fallen Fairies blog, with the occasional rottmnt. This has evloved into 'rottmnt superfan makes an AU and 100+ posts with three followers (one of them being my sibling) and goes insane. /pos.
(the old stuff is still here btw)
Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles AU.
Is this show the best thing to ever exist? Yes. Did the fandom make it even better? Also yes.
Can I try combining the two? Here's hoping.
This AU consist of - the older sisters, Mikey getting more 'episodes', Donnie getting validation + being besties with Baron Draxum and so on and so forth.
If the links don't work, try this post
Concept post
Backstory ramblings
Frida, daughter of Big Mama and the eldest turtle.
More Frida, and Louise - the one trapped in another dimension.
Basically a bookmark for Donnie reference
Frida's upbringing.
Louise, the god-child of the other dimension
Louise plays with old Kraang mechs
Leo meets Frida
Louise has her own fashion show. (ft- old Kraang mechs)
Frida and Donnie hack the government
Legalize Nuclear Bombs trio
Frida fights with Leo
Louise gets a glow up
'I understand you, little brother'
Baron Draxum raised Louise
Frida meets Louise. ft: turtle tots
Donnie headcannons
Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Show Notes.
As a rottmnt superfan, I think it's very shameful I have not actually watched the full series. I have been trying to get myself to watch all of it for literal months, and I will finally start now.
To keep my motivation to actually watch my favorite show (wow) I will be writing down little things I like/notice/one sentence summary of each episode.
Plus I want to do the AU with the events of the show but a "little to the left" including the missing sisters, Mikey getting his deleted episodes back, ideas that couldn't be used because the show was cancelled, fandom ideas, etc. etc.
AND this is also doubling as info from each episode, so that way I don't forget anything important.
(Like I forgot Heuso existed. Who does that?)
Mystic Mayhem
Mystic Mayhem Donnie notes.
The Land of the Fallen Fairies.
A story about some non-humans with no human contact and is as far from reality as possible.
A story told in captions and multimedia that is meant to be my comfort story. It's about a unreliable narrator that is so in faer head that the actual plot happens in the background. Literal civilizations are dying and faer guardian may be destined to kill faer, but Anuli has something more to think about. Fae can't stay happy or go for too long without making a mistake that ends up hurting everyone else, so fae uses faer hyper fixation to fix faer overthinking and general incompetence. After all, if Anuli isn't the antagonist anymore, fae will get a happy ending, right? That's the hope anyways, that one day fae will be someone that will put the other's care to good use instead of wasting it.
General tag
Anuli's thots
fiddle leaf figs
"I have a tree?"

Meet Anuli, your resident tree-less dryad. (The others are baffled, how can a tree fairy not have a tree?) Fae is story obsessed, and constantly overthinking, to the point where reality is just something fae has to deal with from time to time... and it's getting really unpleasant actually. Why does everything Anuli tries either fall apart or go well but... not really be the thing that gets fixes what fae messed up. If only fae could live in a constant daydream-
oh. Bad idea.
milanote - where most of the info is
The Mundane Magic series
Based off a tumblr post, here's a story about having control about what your mundane magic.
Part one - the concept
Part two - character prose
#pixie ocs#storytelling#oc stuff#fiction#take care of yourself#dryads#oc story#oc#oc art#ocs#my ocs#original character#digital art#oc rp#writeblr#writer things#writers on tumblr#writerscommunity#writers and poets#creative writing#writers#writing#the land of the fallen fairies#anuli the dryad#Anuli#needle felted#needle felting#rise frida
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Thiam AU: Monroe and her gang of hunters has managed to kill all of Scott’s pack except for Theo and Liam. Theo convinces Liam that the only way to survive is to kill.
#thiam#twedit#liam dunbar#theo raeken#teen wolf#i actually like started writing a blurb for the caption#but then it quickly became like 1500 words so ig im just writing a fic based off of this lmao#liam has cried twice already#so here's a visual to keep me motivated to finish#char: theo raeken#char: liam dunbar#tv: teen wolf#*#my gifs#mytw#100
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Worship me
Warnings: 18+, unedited, yandere au, idol yoongi, stalking, online harassment, mentions/fantasies of sex and masturbation, obsession
Note: I wrote most of this in an hour. No one speak to me, I am unheathily in love with this yoongi. Also, I didn’t have the brainpower to write a like actual story with scenes and stuff, so I’ll probably post the little blurbs and such to go with this.

Until recently, Yoongi never found himself absorbed in his social media. Other than his members, and close personal friends he didn’t find himself scrolling aimlessly or jumping to see anyone’s new posts. That was until he stumbled on your profile. He was bored one night, and couldn’t sleep as he tossed and turned in bed so he went scrolling through his feed to check out what the other members were up to. He huffed as he accidentally clicked on Jin’s likes rather than hearting them.
He would’ve click off right away like usual, but he stopped at the last second to see your profile nestled towards the top of the list. He tilted his head, why not check out some profiles? It would pass the time and hopefully bore his insomnia away. Maybe it would have worked if he hadn't spent well over an hour just looking at your posts, reading every caption; piecing together some kind of life story to go with your admittedly cute face. He closed Instagram and called it a night, thinking nothing more of you.
Too bad he woke up the next morning, sleep-deprived and cranky; only to open Instagram and scroll. Just for a few minutes to wake up, but eventually, he found himself typing in your username without much of a thought as to if you had posted- you had. He had to stop himself from liking it. What was he thinking? He could only imagine what would come from his official account liking some random girl's post just minutes after she posted it.
No more, he told himself, there was no need to go to your profile to kill boredom. He got ready for the day and headed to the studio to do something far more productive.
Productivity came hard though, as every day his desire to check your profile grew. He couldn’t help it, you were so cute and your posts were addicting- there wasn’t even much special about them, Yoongi told himself one evening, but still he looked. After a week of taking in every selfie and photo, reading your captions closely, and making his way through your older posts; he had completely sunken into the never-ending hole that was stalking your profile. He made note of everything you did, your likes, what you ate that day; it felt weird at first, but every day he found himself caring less and less. He was alone, doing it in his free time. You posted it all for people to see, so didn’t he have a right to look?
Every few minutes he checked for your updates, he hated not being able to follow you. Sometimes the temptation to do so struck him hard, but he held off. He wanted to comment, and tell you how beautiful you were. How much he loved your interests and humor, hated how you interacted with other men in your comments. He wanted to talk to you, this wasn’t fair. Didn’t he deserve to talk to you?

Yoongi was drinking more than usual, why? He couldn’t say. Maybe sipping on liquor and staring at you has become his new favorite pastime. He spent god knows how long locked in his studio doing it, his work neglected as he favored you. He’d get tipsy, get flirty and think about everything he’d say to you. He typed it out sometimes, teasing the idea of sending you a message.
He wanted to send them, so badly.
He’d get upset, start drinking more and then get sloppy with his messages. They turned from light and flirty to downright awful. Paragraphs filled with how much he wanted you, in every way he wanted you. How he thought about going to that cafe you were always at just to see you, how he wanted to give you everything, how he wanted to touch you; how he wanted to fuck you and never speak to you again, or how he wanted to be with you forever. Use you. Love you.
Sometimes he would get a little too worked up thinking about, staring at pictures as you went out in cute outfits with your friends. Tonight was starting to feel that way, he was leaning back at his desk, eating up your new post about going out to the bar with some old friends. You weren’t that dressed up, inches of your skin weren't on display. You looked how you usually did, but Yoongi found himself shifting in his seat uncomfortably as his cock twitched in his pants. He was growing warm, mouth a bit dry as he m ogled over your pictures. Never had he considered himself to be so needy like this, but he couldn’t help but to slip down his pants and tug at his cock. Just thinking about you did something to him, made him want to whine for you to touch him; be with him.
He stood, one hand keeping him propped up against his desk as his head lulled down, little grunts and half moans filling the dark studio. His eyes fluttered open, looking at the space of the empty desk beneath him. He could imagine you laying there under him. Thrown with care in a rush of passion, his hungry eyes traced your every curve. Sometimes his fantasies felt so real, in the daze of lust he’d reach for you under him only to be reminded that you weren’t there.
He’d wake up the next morning and feign guilt for even thinking to speak to anyone that way, but deep down he knew he had passed guilt a long time again. What he said was true, and he wanted you to know it. He never felt guilt for getting off to the thought of you though. You were always posting such cute photos, didn’t he deserve to do it?

Two months into his insistent stalking a new face started to appear in your posts. Though you always said he was a friend in your captions or comments, Yoongi felt an immense weight of jealousy on his shoulders every time. Sometimes he could barely look at your profile, you posted too much with that damn guy. It pissed him off, unreasonable anger boiling in his as he gripped his phone tighter and rolled his eyes. The way you let other men put their hands on you. His arm was thrown over your shoulder, smiling ear to ear, or how when he held your waist in one.
He’d get drunk and think about all the nasty things he’d call you, and all the horrible things he’d do to that guy if he ever saw him.
Call him insane, but he created a fake profile just days after so that his fantasies of talking to you could be true. Still, locked in his dark studio with desire squirming and eating at his insides, he went all in. He couldn’t calm himself down to play it cool- he was damn near begging you to stop posting that guy, to accept his affection and not his. He went on and on about you, how he had been watching your profile- how one day he saw you at your favorite cafe, that he waited for hours hoping you’d come.
You read it but didn’t reply.

Tonight he was fuming, and a bit tipsy as he looked at your new post. He wet his lips, eyes burning as he kept a hard stare on his screen. Whoever that guy you are with was, he looked pathetic. Yoongi could only sneer. If only you knew that he had messaged you, not some random faceless man, but Min Yoongi- the Min Yoongi. Far superior to any random man you would ever post in your feed.
Rather than continued to gravel at the will of your Instagram feed with fucked up fantasies of you, occasionally hoping to see you in public and just look at your beauty. He should be making you chase him. If only you knew, you’d be at his fucking feet in an instant. The image sent a thrill to his head. He didn’t care about keeping his ego in check anymore. He was Min Yoongi; a genius producer, a worldwide superstar. Other men could never compare, you should be at his feet begging for every part of him.
He deserved you, how dare you disrespect him? How dare you not reply to his messages, shouldn’t you be grateful? You post so much, didn’t you deserve this?
He dragged a hand through his hair, his mind clouded with lust as he stared at your story. You were laying in bed with your cat, smiling as it walked over your stomach, the camera panning up to your smile as you giggled. A harmless video was no longer harmless to him, everything set him off. Everything you did made him want you more. He couldn’t recall a time that he had yearned so hard for someone, but it felt so good. He lets out a light sigh, rubbing himself over his jeans as he thinks about how you’d look so much better laying in his bed, or over his desk, or anywhere as long as he was there.
Though, he didn’t whine for you or think about how much he wanted you with him; he thought about how he deserved your presence. You should be here letting him have you, he deserved it. He was Yoongi, you should be here all over him. His eyes passed over his liquor bottles sitting untouched, he had stopped having to get drunk to think about you this way weeks ago. He ignored what that said about him, or how it marked how he was changing every day; falling deeper into a worse person.
He didn’t care anymore, he was Yoongi. He could do what he wanted, he had every right to treat you like this in his head and through the messages you still ignored. He wondered for just a second what the others would think of him if they found out. One day Namjoon had almost seen the messages on his phone, and Yoongi almost challenged him to see them and say something. So confident in his obsessions he was.
He was Min Yoongi after all, he deserved to have you at his feet worshiping him.
#bts#bts x reader#bts imagine#yoongi x reader#yoongi imagine#min yoongi#min yoongi imagine#min yoongi x reader#suga x reader#suga imagine#bts suga#yandere suga#yandere min yoongi#yandere yoongi#yandere suga x reader#yandere min yoongi x reader
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can you do a blurb or hc of spencer and readers first date together?
this was my list of places i think he'd like to go on dates
for a first date, i'm going to say a museum
i think he'd only pick you up if you know each other well before because otherwise it can be a little awkward
and he'd bring flowers, of course
probably takes you to one of the Smithsonian like natural history or air and space museum or maybe the national gallery of art, depending on what you're interested in
not the national archives museum because i would kill him or myself out of boredom
very nervous to start with, but then he decides not to listen to morgan's advice and starts talking facts
and he knows everything
literally everything
maybe it's less of a surprise if you work with him but if you don't, it's like wow
at some point he tells you, not in a braggy way, he helps them write with the little display captions (idk what they're called but you know what i mean)
but the whole time he just tells you facts
with all the little hand gestures which are so cute
and his voice is so nice to listen to
you debate recording him and starting a podcast
he probably gets distracted for a moment talking to some little kids like he's their tour guide
apologizes profusely afterward but you don't care because it's so cute and he's so good with kids
he's even cuter when he tells you about the times he brought his godson(s) there
and you spend so long there, probably until it closes
then he's like 'i know this wasn't the plan, but would you like to get dinner?' and it's so much more confident than he was when he asked you out
takes you somewhere relatively, like fancy enough they only take reservations
and he's just like 'oh, yeah, i know the chef'
who comes out to see him
which is a little intimidating because he's smart, handsome and everyone seems to love him
because he sort of dominates the conversation before, he's asking you lots of questions and getting to know you while you eat
and he's actually hilarious, you discover
so you're pretty much laughing the whole time and have a bunch of inside jokes
he's a great listener as well and you're sure he'll remember little details about you
he's so perfect you're unsure about why no one's snatched him up, but you're thankful everyone else is too ignorant to realize how amazing he is
which you tell him
and he gets all shy and blushy
i think he'd pay which can be kinda awkward but he's chill about it and doesn't think twice
then he takes you home, like walks you to your door and everything, because it has to be over at some point :(
and you're like :(
and he's like :(
you're both stretching the rest of your time together out as long as possible
and he's all nervous again, like he was when he first asked you out because 'i really liked hanging out with you' but he's not sure you did even though you were smiling the whole time
and you reply with something teasing before telling him you'd love nothing more than to go out with him again
and he gives you that perfect smile
so you kiss him, probably only on the cheek
bonus points if there's lipstick involved
and he tells you goodnight and as soon as you shut the door, he presses his hand to where you kissed him and grins
then he drives back to his place in silence with a stupid big grin
and he probably calls you that night or the next morning, no weird waiting games
#spencer reid#criminal minds#spencer reid x reader#spencer reid headcanon#spencer reid hc#spencer reid fandom#spencer reid x y/n#spencer reid x you
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"now we're stopping the world, stopped it in its tracks. nothing's too broken to find our way back so before it's over, before you run...didn't we have fun?"
♡ pairing: ilja dragunov x fem! reader
♡ note: not checked for grammar or spelling mistakes / i'm so happy ilja won tonight but that doesn't mean that i'm not heartbroken over walter finally losing. anyway, here's a small blurb for all you ilja stans.

"your ex has his big match tonight, you excited to probably see him lose again?" Indi asked jokingly. you rolled your eyes, not wanting to joke about a match you were nervous to watch. "I know tonight for him is a big deal so I don't really want to jinx him or for that matter, Walter," you replied, taking a sip of water.
Indi sighed sensing the excuses rolling off your tongue. you were tapping away nervously on your laptop and you filled out last minute paperwork for the pay-per-view event. she noticed every time you had your nose deep into your laptop it was for one of two reasons. you actually had to get work done or you were so nervous about something that you consumed your life with work until whatever it was that was making you nervous passed.
"what has you so glued to your laptop? I thought all NXT work was finished yesterday?" you shook your head, not responding as you continued to, "Regal wanted me to respond to a few emails for the taping on Tuesday. where's Dexter? I'm surprised the engaged couple isn't together right now," you poked, making Indi smack you on the back of the head.
the entire building was buzzing from excitement. you heard makeup and costume screaming at each other about finishing their clients so the other could get started. wrestlers walked back and forth through catering, chugging back water and standing by the curtains to eat while they watched whatever match was going on.
"look, Walter's over there," Indi whispered. you looked behind you, seeing Walter along with his two henchmen walking to an empty table. you could sense Walter's energy the minute he walked through the door. it was like the biggest unkept secret that Walter carried this energy that just scared anyone who dared to provoke him. "man, Ilja's going to get it rough, regardless if he wins tonight or not," you whispered to Indi as she agreed.
you and Indi remained talking to each other as you watched Dakota's match against Raquel. you were on the writing team for their storyline so you kind of had to pay attention to the match to see where it went after it ended. you managed to be so engrossed into it that you hadn't heard Indi calling your name for a good minute until she finally shook you.
"they want you in makeup and costume, something about Regal wanting you," Indi said. you nodded, closing your laptop and shoving everything int your bag, "I'll be back," you murmured. Indi laughed knowing you weren't exactly coming back anytime soon.
you walked as quickly as possible, not realizing that Regal had no business in makeup and costume but since your mind was so plagued with the thoughts of Ilja's match, you hadn't put two and two together.
once you arrived to makeup and costume, you saw Ilja sitting on one of the chairs as one of the makeup artist apologized profusely to you, "this was all Indi's idea. I swear she was the one who put me to this," she confessed as she walked out of the makeup stall, leaving you with Ilja, the air becoming thick.
"I know this isn't all of Indi's doing so what do you want?"
Ilja and you stared at each other, minds racing as the two of you heaved in anger, "I'm not staying on the UK brand, Lacey and I got offered a better deal as a tag team on the main NXT roster and I'm not just letting that go," you repeated to Ilja as he tried to grab your hand again. you quickly shook it off knowing that all he was going to do was try and convince you to stay again.
"why are you so against me going?" you asked again. this time, Ilja stood up, looking into your eye with so much intensity, "if you leave, I won't ever see you again. I won't leave the UK brand and you look like you're dead set on leaving it," you huffed knowing what Ilja was saying was true.
the offer NXT had for you in Florida seemed hell of a lot better than what the UK brand was offering you at the moment and teaming as a tag with Lacey didn't sound as bad as what you were currently doing. you grabbed Ilja's hand and rubbed it softly, "this might be the end for us but it's not all bad. you have a chance at the belt here while I try to go do the same thing just in Florida. maybe this isn't the end, just a see you later?" you asked knowing Ilja was trying to hold in his tears.
you knew Ilja was the kind of man who didn't hold back his emotions. he cried when he felt the tears coming but today he tried as hard as he could to hold it together, "we'll be together again, I promise," you whispered to him.
you felt your leg pulsing as you tried to calm your thoughts down. you had taken a nasty fall down during a match and you knew it was your ankle that had taken the hit or your achilles. a part of you was begging that it was your ankle but in the back of your mind, you knew it was your achilles and an achilles injury usually meant a prolonged healing process.
the medics tried to find the source of your injury but there wasn't much you could do while in the area. it didn't take long for them to wheel you into an ambulance and rush you over to the hospital to actually check out what was wrong. the entire time throughout the ride and waiting on your results, you kept getting a multitude of texts from everyone wondering what happened.
you heard a knock on the door and whispered a 'come in'. the doctor walked in with a pile of paperwork and wary smile. "what's the damage?" you asked, quickly cutting to the chase. he handed you the paperwork and while you could understand somethings, a lot of it was confusing.
"your achilles, it took most of the damage and it's an injury that you won't be coming back from."
your heart stopped hearing the news. you knew an achilles injury was pretty nasty but you never thought it would be the reason why your career ended. the doctor could see your face drop in complete sadness as you tried to hold back sobs. he knew it was best to not continue as you hid your face into your hands. no one thought that a random Tuesday night match would be your last.
Ilja sat on his bed, scrolling through his feed on Twitter when he heard the tweet from your account.
it was a photo of you holding the NXT UK Women's belt close to your heart. his heart sunk as he read the caption.
"didn't we have fun? don't say it was all a waste."
he quickly scrolled through your account to quickly come across the official WWE account. they had made an announcement that you were no longer available to wrestle due to your injury and Ilja knew more than anyone how hurt you must've been. you had moved your entire wrestling career to Florida in order to pursue the women's belt there and now, all of that was gone.
a part of him wanted to text you to make sure you were okay but he knew better than to do that. the two of you hadn't spoken since the breakup and texting you could bring back memories he was sure you didn't want back. a lot of your career was defined as a inter-gender tag team with him and that was how the two of you got signed together.
Ilja bit his tongue back and decided against texting you.
you watched the match from the monitors in the back. Ilja had said nothing to you when you asked what he wanted but he brought you in for a searing kiss. you were promptly taken back by his action but you let it happen, missing the way his arms hugged you and the way his intense eyes stared down at you.
Indi stood next to you as she saw you tapping against the table nervously. she knew you'd probably kill her later for making you reunite with Ilja but she knew better than anyone that the two of you belonged together. just like her and Dexter, you and Ilja needed to remain with each other. there was even a few wrestlers on the roster she had to scare away in order for her plan to work.
you saw the way Ilja's chest was turning red as Walter continued to chop at it, making it bleed and creating small cuts here and there. Indi stood next to you as she watched Ilja put Walter in a very easy chokehold. it wasn't one that seemed that Walter would falter too but it happened in an instant, Ilja had him wrapped so tightly that it seemed Walter was about to pass out.
"holy shit."
Walter was quickly tapping himself out of Ilja's grasp as the bell rang. Indi turned over to you to see the way you dropped your bag and without thinking, ran out of the curtains and onto the ramp. a few of the producers called your name to return but you were too far out to hear what they were saying.
the crowd was going wild to see you practically sprinting down the ramp. Ilja hadn't realized what was going on but you snatched the belt away from the ref and stood in front of him, holding it up high as Ilja tried to process what was going on. "you won, Ilja! you finally did it!" you yelled, shaking the belt in front of him.
Ilja's breath hitched as he grabbed the belt and held it tightly for a moment before putting his leg on top of Walter's chest, "you did it," you whispered to him. Ilja screamed in victory as you grabbed his hand and made him hold the belt higher to show the crowd that he had in fact dethroned Walter after 800+ days
you had no idea what this meant for you and Ilja going forward but you had the inkling feeling that somehow, someway, Ilja had crawled his way back into your life. not that you were complaining of course.
#wwe x reader#wwe imagine#wwe#nxt uk imagine#nxt#nxt uk#nxt imagine#ilja dragunov#ilja dragunov imagine#ilja dragunov x reader#fics#wrestling imagine#wrestling fic
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how to (not) be internet famous - peter parker
summary: peter parker becomes internet famous overnight and doesn’t exactly know how to deal with it, which causes him to end up in a precarious situation.
words: 4k
warnings: rien, mes amis!
a/n: part of the unsolved mini-series! just wanted to write a lil blurb w some world building before i go into more ghost/ghoul hunting. also goes without saying that this is minimally edited, sorry lol
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Peter Parker did not intend on becoming famous.
It was quite literally an accident—a byproduct of being in the right place in the right time. But, completely out of his control, Peter Parker helped solved an Unsolved mystery.
It was one of Buzzfeed Unsolved’s most viewed episodes; the story of Peter Quill, a little boy who went missing right after his mother died. Of course, one theory was that he was abducted by aliens. That was the joke theory.
Until Peter Parker and Y/N Stark proved that theory to be correct.
Being fans of the show, the duo was vaguely aware of the existence of Peter Quill, the mysterious boy who went missing. It wasn’t until Thor traveled back to Earth with the rest of the Guardians did Peter and Y/N recognize Peter Quill.
Of course, their first instinct was to interview him about how he got abducted and ask about some space stories. Their next instinct was to invite Ryan and Shane of the Unsolved Network to interview him as well.
This subsequently made the internet blow up. And Peter Parker became famous because of it.
The video titled “We Solved A Buzzfeed Unsolved Case” garnered millions of views overnight, with thousands of comments flooding the video. Peter’s Twitter went from less than a hundred followers to more than a hundred thousand overnight, and his Instagram blew up in a similar fashion.
He was used to Spider-Man being famous, but Peter Parker had never gotten that much attention before. It was surreal.
He found himself sitting on the brown leather couch at the Avengers Tower (where the Stark family alose happened to reside) the morning after the video was released, staring at his texts blow up in front of him.
Ned: Dude you’re famous?? You’re on the YT trending page!!
MJ: can i meet ryan and shane? also warning: flash and brad don’t know you’re dating y/n so their texts may be a little hostile…
Flash: Damn Parker, how do you know Y/N Stark???
Brad: Why haven’t you brought Y/N around?
Betty: Peter you HAVE to let me interview you for the school news! When are you free??
“What the hell is going on…” Peter whispers, jaw unhinged as notification after notification caused his phone to ‘ding’ out of control.
“Hey Pete,” he hears a voice flow into the living room. His girlfriend walks past him, not before pressing her lips to his cheek. His cheek warms at the contact and his eyes follow her pajama-clad body into the large kitchen.
“Did you see the video you posted?” Peter calls after her. Y/N shakes her head as she throws a banana along with other frozen fruit into the blender.
“No…why?” she calls back. “Do you want a smoothie?”
“No, but thank you,” Peter replies quickly. He turns his body to face her and raises his voice at the sound of the blender turning on, “It’s trending. Like, everywhere.”
“I figured it would,” Y/N calls back, the hum of the blender drowning her voice out.
“How are you so chill?” Peter asks her, slightly bewildered.
“There was paparazzi in the hospital waiting room when I was bored. You get used to stuff like that,” she answers, before making her way back to Peter, smoothie in hand. She positions herself on the couch, placing her legs overtop Peter’s lap.
He places his arms over her shins instinctively. “I’m definitely not used to stuff like that,” he mumbles, still scrolling through his notifications.
Y/N scoffs, “You’re Spider-Man, honey. That comes with press.”
“Spider-Man is famous, not me,” he counters.
The sound of the elevator opening and deep voices conversing cut the couple off as they turn towards the door. Tony, followed by Steve, Bucky, and Natasha file into the common floor, all deep in conversation. They don’t seem to notice the young couple, so Y/N decides to make them known.
“Morning!” Y/N calls out.
Tony’s head snaps up towards his daughter, before shifting and narrowing his eyes at Peter. “We were just talking about you,” he says, walking towards the two.
“Oh?” the younger Stark challenges.
Natasha lets out a soft laugh before patting Peter on the shoulder. “You need a public relations lesson,” she says to Peter.
“A what?”
Y/N lets out a fit of giggles. “It’s to make sure you don’t say something stupid to a large audience,” she tells him, and Peter scrunches his nose.
“Why would I need a…oh.”
Tony smirks at him before showing him his ever-rising Twitter followers. “Yeah, oh. That video you posted basically broke the internet. Even old man Steve is talking about it.”
Steve rolls his eyes but smiles sympathetically at him before handing him a grey folder. “Protecting Spider-Man’s identity is still your number one priority, right?” Steve asks and Peter nods. “So, we need to make sure you don’t say anything stupid or post something that gives away who your alias is.”
“So, what’s in the folder?” Peter asks the adults in the room.
“Homework,” Natasha answers. “I’ll help make sure that your identity stays a secret, but I need you to make sure you read that document very carefully. They’re full of general best-practices and protocol for if your identity is exposed.”
“Got it,” Peter whispers, mostly to himself.
“Great,” Tony says with a pat to his shoulder. “It was a funny video, by the way. Can’t wait to see what you kids come up with.”
Over the weekend, even though Natasha, Tony, and Y/N prepared him as best they could for the storm that would most likely ensue on Monday at school, Peter still didn’t feel prepared.
He stood in the middle of his room, gnawing at his lip and choosing between the dark blue sweater and the maroon sweater. Granted, the sweater wouldn’t make that much of a difference and hide the fact that Peter was still a big nerd, but he had a feeling he needed to make a good impression today.
“Babe, you are overthinking it,” Y/N mumbles from Peter’s bed. Like most weekends, she spent the night at Peter’s place. Although things do tend to get a little heated, most nights the couple just watch movies, play video games, or take a walk around the block.
“You’re not the one going to a public school,” Peter mumbles back. It was true; Tony had tried sending Y/N to Midtown, but the paparazzi was getting unbearable, so she took online classes instead. Y/N didn’t mind missing out on the high school experience—her life was so surreal that nothing could make her feel normal, except Peter or Morgan.
“That wasn’t what I meant,” Y/N groans and rolls out of bed. She shivers at the cool breeze caused by the AC being blasted on high as she wraps Peter’s flannel around her body even tighter. “I meant that you’ll look really good in whatever you wear, honey.”
Peter rolls his eyes but turns to face his girlfriend, dark blue and maroon sweater still in hand. “I don’t know why I’m so nervous,” he admits.
“Afraid everyone will look at you differently?”
“Afraid everyone will think I don’t deserve someone like you…”
Y/N gives him a soft smile before closing the gap between them. She peppers kisses along his shoulder, his neck, then finally his lips. Peter ducks down to look at her, wrapping his arms underneath the flannel she’s wearing and around her waist.
“I love you, ya know that right?” she whispers into his collarbone.
Peter hums in response.
“And the world doesn’t get to decide who or what you deserve. Because you deserve a hell of a lot more than what I can give you.”
Peter groans, “Don’t say that. You give me everything I need.”
“And that’s what matters,” Y/N replies. “Not what anyone else thinks. Okay?”
Peter pulls away and gives his girlfriend a sincere smile, “Okay.”
“Good,” she muses before pressing a final kiss to Peter’s lips. She then takes the maroon sweater from his hands. “Wear the dark blue sweater, I want to wear the maroon one.”
Despite Y/N’s encouraging words, Peter’s still nervous.
He’s nerves kick in as soon as Y/N has to leave his place while he packs his school bag. He’s nervous on the subway on the way to school. He’s nervous as he crosses the street towards campus. He’s nervous when he’s walking toward the school entrance, so much so that he can hear his heartbeat over the podcast he’s listening to. And he’s especially nervous when people openly gawk and stare at him as he makes his way to his locker.
Luckily, MJ and Ned are there to save him.
“They’re all staring,” MJ comments as Peter yanks his locker open and reaches for his calculus textbook.
Peter laughs nervously, “I’m aware.”
“You know that clique of really hot sophomores who won’t shut up at lunch?” Ned adds on as he stares at his phone, “They’re all thirsting over you on Instagram.”
Peter slams his locker shut in surprise, “Wh-what?”
Sure enough, Ned’s phone is filled with screenshots of the video on Allison’s Instagram story with the caption ‘hmu peter ;) or i may have to fake needing a tutor to talk to you.’
Peter gags. MJ snickers.
“Oh my god, this is awful,” Peter shudders as he turns around and makes his way to first-period calculus. Ned and MJ follow suite. “Don’t they know I’m dating someone?”
“Peter, if we barely knew you were dating someone until we met her and started handing out with her,” MJ deadpans.
“Speaking of your girlfriend,” Ned butts in, “are you going to tell her about Allison?”
“No, she’d probably laugh. And it’s not a big deal, right?” Peter answer honestly, smiling slightly at the thought of Y/N laughing her ass off at the thought of sophomores at his own school acting thirsty on main.
Ned stops dead in his tracks, “What if she was actually talking to you?”
“Ned, what—”
“Hi, Peter!” a high-pitched voice attempting to sound sultry cuts him off.
MJ laughs in amusement before walking away as Peter squeaks out, “H-hi, Allison.”
Ned pats his shoulder encouragingly before walking away, giving Peter a ‘you’re on your own’ look.
She bats her eyelashes at him, giving him a shy smile. Peter’s distracted by her bright pink outfit—she looked straight out of an early-2000s movie. It suited her, but it wasn’t really Peter’s preference.
“I watched your video, it was really funny,” Allison says, inching closer to Peter.
“Thanks, um look, I gotta go—”
“You doing anything tonight?” she immediately asks.
No, Peter thinks, but he racks his brain for an excuse. May is working so he can’t use her, Tony is at the Avengers’ Compound, MJ has art class, Ned is working on a group project, maybe Y/N…
It’s too late. “Great!” Allison quips, “I’m having a party tonight and you’re invited, hottie. I’ll AirDrop you the details.”
“Uh, thanks,” he mutters pathetically as she practically skips away.
It wasn’t just Allison’s invitation that stuck out to him; it seemed like everybody more popular than Peter was giving him some sort of attention. If Peter didn’t know better, we would’ve been flattered. Instead, he was suspicious.
By lunch, Peter had been invited to three parties, a football game, a boat ride, and more invitations to hangout than he could count. Even Mr. Harrington made a jab at Peter’s internet fame.
As soon as the bell rang, Peter bolted out of his English class and ran out the front gates to take a breath. Even as Spider-Man, public events often felt overwhelming. Now, with no excuse to leave and no disguise to hide his flustered expression, the few minutes of silence he had at beginning of lunch was the only break he got all day.
“You don’t look too hot, babe,” he hears a voice say. From his spot leaning against the railing of the school entrance, he lifts his gaze and finds Y/N Stark staring up at him from the bottom of the stairs.
He stands up immediately and meets Y/N halfway down the stairs. He smiles widens as he gets close to her, “What are you doing here?”
“MJ texted me—said you were feeling overwhelmed,” she says nonchalantly, but concern laces her features. “You doing okay?”
“Just not used to so many people giving Peter Parker attention. And the feeling that they probably just want to hang out with me because they want to be famous makes me icky.”
Y/N hums and reaches for his torso to give him a hug. Peter is on the step above her, so he wraps his arms around her shoulders and rests his chin on her head. “I know how you feel,” she mumbles.
Peter laughs half-heartedly, “Got invited to a shit ton of parties, though.”
Y/N chuckles into his chest, “Oh really?”
“One of which is tonight. Got any plans?”
“Hmm…maybe,” she tells him. “Dad wants me to be his plus one to a gala thing, but I don’t really want to go.”
“You’d rather go to a shitty high school party?”
“I’d rather do anything, honestly.”
A honk from a car parked on the curb catches their attention. Peter looks up and finds Happy peering his head through the window of a black sedan. “Hate to break you two up, but I really don’t want to be swarmed by high schoolers,” Happy shouts, “so we should get going, Y/N.”
Y/N sighs, “And, that’s my cue.”
“I’ll see you tonight, maybe?” Peter asks hopefully, pressing a kiss on her forehead.
“Maybe. Text me the address, but don’t bail on the party,” Y/N tells him before giving Peter a proper kiss. Another honk from Happy causes them to break away, followed by the school doors opening and more and more people filtering outside. A series of shocked gasps at Y/N Stark and Peter Parker in such a compromising position prompt Y/N to start walking down the stairs.
“See you, Peter,” Y/N shouts as she quickly makes her way down the steps.
Peter waves to Y/N in the passenger seat as her and Happy drive away. His phone the buzzes with a text from Y/N:
Y/N 🥰: hang in there bb, love you!
“Yo, dickwad!” Peter hears Flash shout from behind him, “Why didn’t you introduce me to your Stark friend?”
Peter sighs. This was going to be a long day.
“You don’t have to go if you don’t want to.”
“I want to May…it’s just that—”
“It’s just that you want Y/N there?”
Peter sighs and shakes his head. He sits in the passenger seat of May’s car as she’s parked outside Allison’s house where the party is taking place. He’s beyond uncomfortable: the girl who was shamelessly flirting with him was sending him DMs, asking him when he was going to show up to her party. His skinny jeans—the nice ones saved for special occasions—were still a little stiff because he never really wore them, and he’s sure he’s made sweat stains on his white t-shirt.
“I guess, I just want the high school experience, to feel normal. Even if it’s a fake normal,” Peter says honestly, fiddling with his hair in the mirror. “But everything is easier with Y/N around.”
“Did she answer your texts?”
“I sent her the address and she said she would try to find an excuse to leave the gala early, but I don’t know if she’s gonna make it,” Peter says dejectedly.
May nods understandingly, “If you want to leave, just send me an SOS. I’ll come pick you up.”
“Thanks, May,” he says before pressing a kiss to her cheek. He doesn’t feel his body move, but his feet carry him out of the car and towards the front steps of the house. He doesn’t realize he’s reached for the door until he’s already inside, looking around at the darkened house illuminated by colourful lights and blaring with music.
“Peter!” he hears someone call from the top of the stairs. It’s Allison, clad in a sheer top, lacy bralette, and tight leather pants. He tries not to gawk at her, but he gulps in nervousness as she approaches.
“You made it!” she exclaims over the rumbling bass. Without warning she pulls Peter into a hug, pressing her body close to his. His muscles tense in surprise, but he feels Allison shiver.
Fucking great, Peter thinks as Allison eyes him up and down, biting her lip.
“Do you want a drink?” Allison says, latching onto his bicep and guiding him further into the house.
“Um, sure,” Peter says as he tries to remove his arm from her grasp while still remaining subtle. He fails, and Allison proceeds to run her nails up and down his arm.
Someone shoves a solo cup in Peter’s hand, and he takes a few big gulps immediately. His powers can’t get drunk, but he can sure as hell try if he has to handle Allison’s not-so-subtle advances towards him all night.
“I’m glad you came,” Allison suddenly whispers in his ear before biting his ear lobe in an attempt at seduction.
Peter whips his head around to confront her but before he can say anything, she’s left him to chat with her friends who have been watching the whole interaction in jealousy and awe. Great, Peter thinks before wiping his earlobe clean of her spit.
The party isn’t too bad; a few games of beer pong are going on the patio and people are taking turns jumping into the pool in just their underwear. Peter makes small talk with some people he recognizes, but for the most part, he leans against the wall and watches Flash pretend to be good at beer pong. Every few minutes, he checks the time on his phone and hopes for a text.
At 9:15, Peter has been at the party for forty-five minutes and is on his third drink. He still doesn’t feel buzzed.
At 9:24, Allison checks up on him again and tries to get him to strip with her and jump into the pool. He declines.
At 9:32, Flash loses his third game of beer pong in a row and a heard of angry freshmen finally scare him away from the table.
At 9:47, he hears excited commotion inside the house. He doesn’t bother to look inside and instead stares at the amber liquid in his cup.
He feels a hand fall on his shoulder, and he groans, finally fed up with Allison’s antics. “Look Allison, I think you’re sweet and all but—”
“Who’s Allison?”
Peter’s face breaks into a huge smile at the sight of Y/N Stark, still in her formal evening wear. The dark green, straight gown falls to the floor and the simple dress is bedazzled by nothing except the gold necklace Peter got her for her birthday and the million-dollar Stark smile.
“You made it,” he says in relief and excitement.
Y/N smirks back, “I’m overdressed.”
“You look beautiful.”
Y/N examines Peter’s outfit, “You look good too. This shirt makes your arms look huge.”
Peter blushes but takes a hold of her hands, only half-aware that half of the party is probably staring at them right now. “I didn’t think you were going to make it.”
Y/N laughs, “We were stuck in traffic. Dad wanted to get out of there too, it was pretty boring. We had to drop him off at home, first.”
“You left a boring party to come to another boring party, then. The difference is that you don’t get free dinner over here.”
Her laugh draws more attention to the duo and Peter finally finds the balls to look at the decent-sized crowd accumulating around them. He then notices a familiar face push through the people.
“Oh my god, you’re Y/N Stark!” Allison gushes as she approaches her, “Can I get a picture with you?”
Y/N smiles at her, “Um, sure?”
Allison squeals and shoves her phone into someone’s face, demanding them to take her picture. After a few photos are taken, Allison grabs her arms giddily and says, “You should totally follow me on Insta, these pics turned out really cute.”
Y/N looks amusedly at her, “Yeah, for sure…”
Allison then gasps, “You know Peter, too! We go to school together.” Allison then wraps her arms around Peter’s bicep and Y/N and Peter lock eye contact; Peter looks at Y/N in a state of panic and Y/N looks at Peter with nothing but amusement.
“Yeah, I figured,” she tells her, the amused expression growing.
Allison gasps again, “Peter! We should get a picture together too!”
Before he can really process it, Allison is pulling Peter close and shoving her phone in front of their faces. As Allison makes several different selfie faces, Y/N laughs softly as Peter smiles awkwardly at the camera. Suddenly, the feeling of lip-glossed lips touches his cheek and Peter raises his eyebrows in surprise and watches as Allison presses a kiss to his cheek in front of his girlfriend and what seemed like half the party. Her kisses trail down his neck, jaw, and ear before Peter finally gets over his initial shock and laughs awkwardly.
“Okay, um. That was kinda weird, Allison. You see, I’m ac—”
Allison juts her lip out and pouts, “But these were turning out so cute, Petey!”
Y/N Stark finally breaks out into a fit of hysterical laughter and both Peter and Allison turn to her with a bewildered expression.
“What?” Allison asks accusingly, thinking that she’s being mocked.
“Honey, he’s not interested.”
Allison’s jaw unhinges, “And how would you know?”
“Sweetheart, you’d be embarrassed if I told you.”
She scoffs. “Try me.”
“I’m dating Peter.”
Allison’s eyes bulge. The group of people watching the interaction gasp. Peter chokes on his own spit.
Allison’s face suddenly gets very, very red. “Miss Stark, I’m so, so sorry—"
Y/N holds out a hand to stop her rambling. “Don’t worry about it, love. If I wasn’t already dating him, I would be all over him, too,” she quips before grabbing Peter’s hand and leading him out of the party.
“E-erm, bye! Thanks for inviting me,” Peter calls back as Y/N leads him out of the house and towards the black sedan where the driver was waiting for the two to be done partying.
“All things considered, I would call that a pretty tame first fan interaction,” Y/N tells him as they walk towards the car. Her arm is wrapped around his torso as she leans her cheek on Peter’s shoulder.
Peter’s arm slings around her shoulders and looks down at her face. Her eyes twinkle in the moonlight and her features are light with amusement. “You’re not mad?” he asks her.
“Why would I be mad?”
“Because another girl was kissing me in front of you. And that you had to out our relationship.”
“Not a valid reason to be mad, to be honest. She didn’t know, and our relationship was bound to get out anyway.”
Peter laughs lightly, “You’re amazing, you know that?”
Y/N hums, “Yeah, I know. But so are you. And don’t worry, after a few weeks, the whole school will be a little chiller about your internet fame.”
A week later, Y/N and Peter uploaded a video where they went ghost hunting with Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes and it broke the internet yet again. Needless to say, the whole school was not very chill about it.
#peter parker imagine#peter parker x reader#tom holland imagine#tom holland x reader#peter parker#tom holland#unsolved#bf unsolved#wiener soldiers
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ours, for the rest of forever | ashton irwin

Hello friends! Here is a godparent!Ash one shot, based on this blurb about being godparents with Ashton and also inspired in part by that scene in Season 5 of One Tree Hill when Brooke is randomly looking after a baby but has to also finish fashion sketches so Lucas comes to her rescue with babysitting and it is overall very soft and cute. You know the one! Lol.
A very big thank you to Jex @sadistmichael , Anna @cheekysos , Jae @jae-writes-fanfiction and Hailey @talkfastromance4 for proof-reading and providing feedback on this when it was in its draft stages. You’re all absolute gems!
Anyway, enjoy the softness and as always, please let me know what you think! I’ve got some thoughts for a potential part 2, so we’ll wait and see how part 1 goes :)
(This is a fem reader insert)
Word count: 3.3k words
Warnings: none
More writing here | send feedback/thoughts/suggestions here
When your best friend Alice told you she was having a baby, you were over the moon. She was honestly one of the most kind-hearted people you knew, and the amount of love in her heart for others would only bloom more for a little baby to hold and cherish. Her partner James had been by Alice’s side since your university days, and their relationship was one that was literally #goals. They’d moved over to Los Angeles because James had an opportunity to work at an indie creative agency working with music artists, and when you followed a year or so later to pursue a consulting job, they’d welcomed you with open arms into the little community they’d formed of Australian ex-pats, LA creatives and generally good quality, salt of the earth people.
In the early days, there were lots of late nights (that became early mornings) running amok in West Hollywood, going from one house party to the next, but as you grew older, it became more likely to be a quiet Sunday sesh in someone’s backyard, with a barbeque cooking and someone playing their favourite tunes on a portable speaker while you floated in the swimming pool or lounged about on the grass with everyone’s various pets in attendance. When you met Ashton, he was drumming shirtless at his own house party, and then doing shots with James and their friend Calum. You were more than a little intimidated, although he had a kind face and welcoming nature, Ashton was forthcoming his opinions. On the other hand, you were always more reserved, and it took you time to feel like you belonged with their crazy crew of friends. One night, you and Ashton ended up alone in the kitchen sharing some chicken nuggets and potato gems tater tots after a wild night on the house part dancefloor, and from there you could feel a solid friendship starting to take hold.
A few months after Alice and James told you they were expecting, they’d invited you and Ashton out to brunch at one of your favourite spots. It was a little hole-in-the-wall café in Studio City that you’d first come to after Ashton wouldn’t stop raving about how good their iced coffees were. You all ordered your favourites (avocado smash with a side of smoked salmon and a hash brown for you, raspberry hotcakes for Alice, a breakfast burger for James, and pulled pork eggs benedict with a side of halloumi for Ashton) and were chatting away about your weeks at work when Alice reached down and pulled two envelopes out of her tote bag and handed on to you and one to Ashton. You took them, looking confusedly at Alice and James, who had big goofy smiles on their faces.
“Well, go on! Open them!” Alice half-shouted excitedly, squeezing James’ hand on top of the table. You and Ashton glanced at each other, perplexed, before tearing open the envelopes and finding a card inside. Yours read, “Will you be my godmother?” in gold writing on the front, and inside was an ultrasound photo with a handwritten note from Alice that made you tear up when you started reading it. You could see in your peripheral vision that Ash had a corresponding card in his envelope too, and he was standing up to give James and Alice a hug with an enthusiastic “Fuck YES! Of course I will!” that garnered some disapproving looks from the middle-aged women sitting near you. You held it together just enough to stand up and exchange hugs and choke out a “Y-y-yes” to Alice and James, before basically bursting into full blown tears of happiness and apologising profusely as your brunch was delivered to the table. As you wiped away your tears and managed to begin eating your avocado smash, you felt Ashton squeeze your hand reassuringly under the table, and when you glanced towards him he was grinning at you with a smile that was as bright as a thousand suns.
It was a normal June day at the office a few months later when your phone pinged with a text from Alice in your group chat with her, James and Ashton that
read “It’s go-time. We’ll keep you updated!”. You replied with lots of exclamation points and crying emojis, and for Alice and James to let you know if they needed anything, and a few minutes later Ashton had penned a full paragraph about the beauty of the creation of life, how he knew that Alice and James would be incredible parents, and that he couldn’t wait to meet the little one once they made their way into the world. Ashton was frustratingly eloquent sometimes. Later that night, you received a photo message of a small, pink baby snuggled up on Alice’s chest, with James’ arm thrown around her shoulders, and the caption “Charlie Rose, ten fingers, ten toes. Come visit tomorrow, she can’t wait to meet you x” and you could barely sleep from the anticipation of meeting your darling goddaughter for the first time.
Ashton insisted on meeting you at the hospital so you could visit Alice, James and Charlie together (“Dude, we’re a godparent team here! A package deal! A dynamic duo! Can’t have you getting in there as the favourite from day one!”) and you’d never seen him more gentle or smitten than when the small, wriggly bundle of blankets that was Charlie Rose was placed in his arms. Ashton rocked her gently, kissing her head, and whispering to her about how incredible she was and how excited he was to see her grow. James was snapping away with his camera, and he asked you and Ash to stand together for a photo holding Charlie, which would later be stuck on your fridge for years to come (and possibly be your phone lockscreen, but no need to mention that to Ashton).
Charlie was a tricky baby at first, resisting sleep and struggling with colic, but Alice and James were incredible and persistent and by the time she was 6 months old, they basically had the hang of this parenting thing. They didn’t want to christen Charlie in a church, but instead decided to hold one of your cherished backyard barbeques as a naming celebration for her. All of your nearest and dearest were there, and Alice’s mum had even flown in from Australia to meet her newest granddaughter. Despite it being an incredibly informal affair, Ashton insisted on making a speech about how he felt to be in Charlie’s life, to love and support her through every milestone and challenge she might encounter along the way. Charlie was happily gurgling in Ashton’s arms as he spoke, and she reached up to grab at his cheeks when he told her he loved her. Alice’s mum insisted on getting photos of everyone, including you and Ashton holding Charlie, and you tried to ignore the butterflies you felt when Ash slid his arm around your waist and pulled you into his side for a cosy photo pose. Were you actually starting to fall for him, or was it just the baby fever talking? Because damn, that man looked good with a baby in his arms.
When Charlie was almost 12 months old, Alice decided that she wanted to go back to work a few days a week. Charlie would be in childcare for most of the days, but you’d recently adopted a flexible working arrangement with your own office, and you insisted that you would love to look after Charlie for one day a week. The older Charlie got, the more adventurous she became, so what you’d originally envisioned as nice, quiet days of baking and craft activities and napping soon became full of visits to the playground and the beach and the zoo. Once Ashton heard about your regular babysitting day, he insisted on clearing his schedule as best he could, and joined the outings you and Charlie went on. It’s so much easier to cope with her boundless energy (and occasional temper tantrums) when you and Ash are together, and you have to admit it’s just as nice on the quieter days as well, when you snuggle in on your couch to watch a Disney movie, or do some puzzles with Charlie on the lounge room floor.
When Ashton was back out on tour, he’d insist on FaceTiming with you and Charlie on your babysitting day so he didn’t miss out on all the fun. Sometimes he’d read her a story or sing her a lullaby before naptime, and sometimes the timezones wouldn’t work out and he’d end up calling during naptime, so the two of you just spent a little time catching up on each other’s lives from your opposite sides of the country or the planet. Ashton also loved collecting little souvenirs for Charlie on his touring travels, and your group chat with Alice and James was regularly filled with photos of snow globes or little soft mascot toys he’d found in one city or the next. It was so cute how excited Ashton got when he found a new souvenir for Charlie, and you couldn’t help but imagine how adorable he’d be when he had his own children and carried on little traditions like this for them too.
One particular weekend, Alice and James were going away overnight to attend a friend’s wedding nearby, and despite their anxiety and nerves (and admittedly, your own), they decided to leave Charlie with you for the night as your house is the main one besides their own that she spends time in. They dropped Charlie off just after lunchtime, and after a teary goodbye, she’s soon happily playing with her toy cars and trains on the lounge room carpet (including making broom-broom noises, what a cutie) when you get an unexpected call from your boss. They’re rambling about a client needing an urgent rewrite on something that you’d submitted the previous day, a pretty sizeable project, and you could feel yourself starting to fill with dread at the idea of having to rework the entire thing while also keeping Charlie happy and entertained. After managing to jot down the gist of the rewrite on the back of a colouring in page you found on your coffee table and ending the call with your boss, you took a deep, calming breath before looking over to where Charlie was still playing on the floor. Sure, she looked content and adorable now, but nap time was fast approaching, and then dinner, and then eventually bedtime, and there was nothing Charlie liked more than stomping her feet and putting up a fight where sleep was involved. It was time to call for help, and your fingers found Ashton’s contact in your phone and hit “call” before you realised what you were doing.
“Hey, how’s it going with my favourite girl?” Ashton answered cheerily, and your heart stopped beating for a moment before you mentally face-palmed when you realised that he was talking about Charlie, not you, being his favourite girl.
“Hey Ash! All good so far, but um… I think I’m going to need some help. My boss is having a crisis, so I need to smash out some edits and new content in the next three hours, but Charlie’s due to go for a nap and you know that she -” You could feel yourself starting to sound more panicked with each word that you spoke, but Ashton quickly cut you off with his soothing voice.
“That she likes to pick a fight at nap time, yes. A truly assertive future world leader on our hands, I reckon. I’m just finishing up a demo, but I’ll be there in 20 minutes. I’ll sort dinner as well, spaghetti sound okay?” He mused, sounding as calm as ever.
“That… would be amazing. Thank you. You’re actually the best human to exist, you know that?” You gushed, feeling some of your anxiety immediately begin to disappear.
Within half an hour, Ash was in your lounge room handling Charlie’s nap time negotiations while you were furiously typing away at your laptop at the kitchen counter and fielding more frantic phone calls from your boss. Another 20 minutes passed before Ash proclaimed victory as Charlie lost her battle against sleep, and he came to see you in the kitchen and make a start on dinner. You were so lost in your task that you didn’t hear him come in, and you jumped a mile out of your seat in fright when he gently touched your shoulder in greeting.
“Jesus christ, Ash! Don’t sneak up on me like that!” You huffed, taking your glasses off and rubbing your eyes in exhaustion.
Ashton leaned on the counter opposite you and raised his eyebrows in concern. “Sorry love, didn’t realise you didn’t hear me come in. You good?”
Damn it, why was he always so nice to you these days? Remember the days when you were scared of him because he used to argue with you about politics and the state of the world? Why did those seem somehow easier because fear was more natural to you than whatever this other feeling was that you were starting to have whenever Ashton was around you.
You sighed and put your glasses back on, frowning briefly at the screen before hitting save one more time (just in case your bad luck took a turn and fucked you over with lost documents).
“Yep. Sorry. It’s just been a bit of a day. Did Charlie go down okay?” You forced a smile as you glanced up at Ashton over the top of your laptop screen.
“Yeah, she gave in once I offered another bedtime singalong. And maybe, juuuust maybe, I might have mentioned something about some sweets after dinner…” Ash looked at you guiltily, licking his lips nervously. You rolled your eyes and shook your head at him, but you couldn’t keep the small smile off your face.
Ashton got started on making spaghetti while you tapped away at your computer, and soon enough you heard Charlie calling out for Ashton in her little sing-song voice on the baby monitor you had set up on the kitchen counter (“Asht-aaaaa! Where are youuuuu! Asht-aaaaa!”). The spaghetti smelled incredible, and when Ashton brought Charlie into the kitchen from her nap and she’d had a little while to play a bit more, you settled at the kitchen table to tuck into some dinner. Well, Charlie was more interested in playing with her food than actually eating it, but yours was delicious and for the third or fourth time that day, you thanked Ash profusely for being such a gem (to which he just gave you one of those dazzling smiles in response).
After dinner, Ashton took Charlie for a bath and read her a bedtime story while you powered through the final part of the project edits you needed to finish before your boss burst a blood vessel. You could hear Ashton reading to Charlie on the baby monitor, doing all of the different character voices, and her little giggles in response were both breaking and warming your heart. Warming it with the cuteness and how much you loved that little girl and her cheeky soul, and breaking it with the guilt about how it was supposed to be you snuggled up reading to her, but instead you were frantically typing about key messages, marketing strategies and budget lines. You were doing your last section of re-writes when Ash came back into the kitchen, and this time you didn’t jump when he gently placed his hands on your shoulders. In fact, you leaned into his touch, and moaned quietly in relief as his thumbs began to work into the tension in your muscles.
“How’s it going?” Ashton asked quietly, continuing to press his hands into your back and shoulders.
“Almost there. Mostly just proof-reading now, and then I can send it and not fucking think about it for another second until at least Monday. Ash, I’m so sorry again, I know this isn’t what you had in mind for your Friday night and I should’ve been more organised but I just didn’t think that -” You began to ramble, feeling the guilt wash over you.
“Hey, hey. Stop. It’s fine. We’re a team, remember? The dynamic duo? Gotta stick together. We’ve got a whole lifetime of dealing with Charlie meltdowns and milestones ahead of us, love. It’s our job and our blessing, for the rest of forever. Don’t feel guilty over one night.” Ashton said softly, squeezing your shoulders and pressing a soft kiss to the top of your head. There were those butterflies again, and your skin was almost burning from where his hands had touched you. You simply nodded at his words, before returning to your laptop and the task at hand. Ashton stepped away and quietly began washing the dishes (honestly, is there anything this man didn’t do?) as you began typing again.
Finally, about twenty minutes later, you hit send on the email to your boss with the completed rewrites, and shut your laptop with a deep sense satisfaction, letting out a triumphant whisper-yell, mindful of the sleeping child down the hallway from you. Ash looked up from where he was sat on the couch, scrolling on his phone, and rushed over to high-five you when he realised that you’d shut your laptop.
“Right. You go shower and I’ll put the kettle on, then it’s one episode of Sons of Anarchy and then off to bed with you.” Ash began, tugging you out of your seat and pushing you towards your bedroom before you could protest.
“Wait… how did you know I was watching Sons of Anarchy?!” You turned and asked, with one hand on the door to your bedroom.
“I was stalking through your Netflix earlier when you were lost in editing land. Plus, I know you can’t resist a charming male lead who has a killer smile and looks damn good in a leather jacket.” Ash chuckled, shooting you a wink and one of those goddamn smiles.
You hated to admit it, but you felt so much better after your shower, and having Ash pull your feet up over his lap and absentmindedly run his hands softly across your legs from time to time wasn’t exactly bad either. You stuck to your promise of only one episode of Sons of Anarchy, and after pulling your groaning self up off the couch and jokingly half-carrying you to your bedroom door, Ashton bid you goodnight with a hug and a kiss to the forehead before disappearing into your guest room.
As you settled into your own bed, alone, and pulled the blankets up over you, you couldn’t help but think how nice it was to have Ash so present with you and with Charlie, and how sweet it would be in the morning to wake up together in the same house and go for breakfast at your favourite little brunch spot down the street, before waiting for James and Alice to return in the early afternoon. It was all your own little family unit, and as you felt yourself being lulled into sleep, you also felt a deep sense of content in your heart about the loved ones in your life. And then also there were those butterflies, just slowly but surely making their presence known, and getting a little bigger every time you thought of Ashton, and how much he loved Charlie, and how much she loved him and you, and how much you loved them both.
Shit. Did you actually love him? Were you falling in love with Ashton Irwin? Before you could panic too much, the need for sleep won out, and you slept peacefully knowing two of your favourite people were also sleeping calmly in the rooms either side of you.
More writing here | send feedback/thoughts/suggestions here
#my writing#ashton irwin#ashton irwin one shot#ashton irwin imagine#ashton irwin blurb#ashton irwin fanfiction#5sos imagine#5sos writing#there's going to be a part two#charlie rose ten fingers ten toes#soft AF up in here on a saturday morning#also i fucking miss going to brunch with my pals that I based alice and james on
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flowers, maybe daisies, might relieve the gloom. - an a.i blurb
a/n: i lowkey blame @sexgodashton for starting this whole mini series of boomer!ash things, but i also adore this because boomer!ash is soft as hell. and also a lil d*ddy but we don’t need to talk about that. title is from wait by sweeney todd bc i love it. alternative title was gonna be from L.G. FUAD by motion city soundtrack
word count:
warnings: ashton irwin being a thirst trapping, lemon stealing whore. i’m kidding it’s just a solo ash fic w no smut but some mild ash thirst trapping.
‘ashtonirwin started a live video.’
Ashton didn’t often go live on Instagram, but this shelter in place order had left him ultimately bored - writing a song every day before noon, sure, but anything after that was a blur. Occasionally he would have interviews or live-streams with the band, but on days without that he was left alone with his thoughts, and his thoughts weren’t always the safest place to be; so talking to fans it was.
It was going well so far, simply asking fans how their quarantine was going - bringing some of them into the livestream so he could talk to some face to face. One girl in particular had caught his attention when they began to discuss hobbies she had picked up during the time she’d spent at home.
“Yeah, I’m learning to garden. I have a tomato plant that is just starting to sprout actual tomatoes, so that’s kind of exciting,” She had said, a nervous laugh escaping.
“Well, I would hope that your tomato plant is sprouting tomatoes, it would be a little concerning if it was growing something else,” Ashton replied with a chuckle, the girl giving a small shrug but still laughing along with him.
“You should look into it if you’ve got the room at your house, I bet it would feel rather rewarding to be able to cook something with your own fresh vegetables.”
“Would save me quite a bit of money too. Can I grow yeast? I’d like to learn how to make my own bread but here in L.A. you can’t find yeast anywhere.”
The conversation continued like that for a few minutes more, Ashton taking only a couple more fans into the livestream after that to talk to before he decided he should probably do something else productive with his day. Something like learning to garden.
It surprised Ashton the things you were able to order online during this time - soil being the main thing. He also read that saving coffee grounds would help, and he was excited at the idea of his insane coffee habit wouldn’t be completely useless. He ended up buying seeds for tomatoes, mint, sunflowers, lemongrass, and zucchini. The lemongrass and mint was specifically for Calum, realizing he would be able to dry the plants out once he had harvested them so he could make the man his very own tea.
When his package finally arrived, Ashton spread the packages out, sliding them across the table as though he was some card dealer in Las Vegas. Thinking the fans would find it amusing, he took a picture of the spread and added it to his story with the caption of ‘pick a card, any card…’. Maybe it would only be funny to him, but it did prompt a fire reaction from Michael.
It seemed as though the reaction from fans were positive though, them taking to Twitter to let him know their excitement about his new endeavour. That’s where his weekly livestreams began. He would show everyone the progress he was making with his plants, and just in general him chatting with fans. Ashton never really thought of how refreshing it could be to just talk to the fans, without the worry of time restrictions or anyone’s personal safety in the way; in fact, it left him rather inspired, loving their fans even more if it were at all possible.
A particularly warm day in L.A. left Ashton wondering if he should go out to the garden that day - but it was the day he would normally livestream, and he was excited to show what he was up to that day. Ashton wanted to plant another tomato plant, and also the lemons on his infamous tree had enough for him to make some lemonade so he was going to go through that as well.
Clad in some cut off jeans, or as Calum so affectionately called them his jorts, and a white tank top, he pulled up the live option on Instagram and waited for the people to begin to filter in before he started to speak.
“Hey guys! Just gonna wait for more of you to filter in before I actually head outside, but I thought that since you guys love my lemon tree so much, I’d make some lemonade. Fuck, I sound like a YouTuber. Is that gonna be my next career, is just YouTube tutorials on how to make shitty lemonade?” Ashton laughed to himself, slicing the lemon so he could juice it, ignoring the comments he saw about murdering his lemon children.
It didn’t take him long to make the lemonade, making mild conversation with the fans while he stirred in a little bit of sugar and some cheat mint he had ordered while waiting for his own to grow.
“Alright, now that I’m waiting for that to cool, probably best we go outside and check on those tomatoes, hm?”
It had been weird at first, talking to himself; but he quickly realized that he talked to himself anyways, even without the phone in front of him, so it couldn’t have been too weird for anyone who could overhear him.
“So I wanted to plant another tomato plant today, because everyone can use a friend right now, you know?” He looked into the camera, a smile spreading across his face when he saw the flood of cute little emojis that followed. “M’gonna be like the Bob Ross of gardening. No mistakes, only happy accidents or whatever it was he said.”
Ashton began to work away at his garden, building up a sweat in the process. It wasn’t until he leaned back, glancing at his phone did he see a text from Michael flash across the top.
‘Mate, Crystal said stop thirst trapping the fans.’
Ashton’s brow furrowed, unsure of what the text was saying, “Okay so I just got a text from Michael - what’s thirst trapping? And am I currently doing it?”
Of all the comments that followed, he noticed one that said ‘I mean… I’m not gonna say either way but take a look at yourself and get back to us’. Another one told him that it was when someone wears something in order to provoke risque texts, or gain attention from someone.
Ashton pouted, looking down at his appearance. He was kind of sweaty, but he didn’t think that the fans would mind him being covered in dirt and sweat, it’s not as though they had to smell him. Though, he would admit that he needed a shower.
“Well, since my tomato plant has been… planted next to its’ friend, and I’m apparently thirst trapping you all, I should probably go shower and clean up. Is me mentioning a shower thirst trapping as well?” Ashton rubbed his face over his hands, a small huff leaving his lips, “I don’t know… Fellow youths, tweet me and lemme know. Also, may hold a poll later on what to name these guys.” He flipped the camera around, struggling for a moment, to show the sunflowers that were starting to sprout, “M’thinking of naming one Denise. Just seems like a Denise.”
After his small speech was over, he ended the stream, grinning to himself. He hadn’t meant to show off his body in such a way, but it was funny to know that even with him hardly doing anything but be himself they still lost their shit.
Glancing around at his garden, he felt himself swell with a mild sense of pride. He was still a ways off from seeing any fruits of his labour (literally), but it made him feel good knowing he did something with his time at home, instead of slipping further into his mind which wasn’t always the kindest to him.
Ashton realized that when he was gardening, it was similar to songwriting in a way where all of his self doubts and fears went away and he could just pour himself into it - the reward being well worth the risk in the end.
Once his shower was done, he sat outside in his backyard, sipping his lemonade and enjoying the sunshine - realizing that having to stay home wasn’t all too bad, if it meant he could reset his mind, and do some small part to help how he could during that time.
tag list: @haikucal @talkfastromance4 @softbabiestan @boyfriend-cal @calum-uncrowned @wildflowerirwin @irwindoll @gosh-im-short @thesubtweeter @heavenisapeach @ridingcthood @loveroflrh @mantlereid @inlovehoodx @irwinkitten @n-ctarinenga @g-l-pierce @thecurlsofgod
#ashton irwin#ashton irwin blurb#ashton irwin fluff#ashton irwin fanfiction#5 seconds of summer fanfiction#boomer!ash
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Hmmmm are you still taking requests? Yes? No? For me pleaseeee?? 😁 (don't mind me I need more sleep lol)
Please don't hate me for this but... pick any prompt you want to write..for Jake debrusk (👈 is your fault..I dont even like the bruins lol)
Congrats on 700! You deserve it 😁😘
Ugh LOVE you so much you tags always make me smile
Don’t get mad at me but someone requested prompt 23 and said pick the boy, so I made my life a little easier and combined the two
23. It’s cold today.
happy blurb weekend :)
Winter is by far the superior season in your opinion. You felt most confident when you were wearing cute layers. The best fashion was winter fashion and no one could tell you otherwise. The best food came during the winter: hot chocolate, warm, homemade soups, the holiday cookies in December. And then there was the snow. The white frozen water that fell from the sky, blanketing the city, canceling everything, was the best thing in your opinion.
The first snowfall of the year had you bouncing up and down like a child by the window, Jake watching you from the couch in amazement that someone could actually like the cold as much as you did.
“Can we please go to the Commons and have fun in the snow?” you ask him, throwing yourself on the couch next to him, causing him to spill some of his water on his chest.
“Ah, babe,” he whines, putting his glass on the table. “It’s cold today.”
“Yeah, and? It’s New England. We only have two seasons: winter and August, and it’s not August. Can we please, please, please go play in the snow?”
He groans, clearly not thrilled with the idea. You flash him your puppy dog face, knowing that he will say yes to anything you ask of him when you give it to him. “Fine,” he groans, pulling you up off the couch to go put on the proper attire, “But you owe me big time.”
“I will do anything you want for the rest of the night if we can go be idiots in the snow for a few hours,” you tell him, dragging him to your bedroom.
“I’m holding you to it.”
You drag him to the Boston Common, finding it already covered with people having snowball fights, making snow angels, building snowmen. You take his hand in yours, kissing his cheek before dragging him directly into the snow. “I love you so much for this.”
The two of you start building a snowman, the perfect sculpture that you top off with Jake’s hat from the Winter Classic a few years back. He takes a picture of you, your cheek almost touched the cold snow, lips pursed and your eyes closed, captioning it ‘ice, ice baby,’ knowing that the guys would flood the comments with chirps. He posts the photo, putting his phone in his pocket. He smiles at you, biting his bottom lip as he slowly walks toward you, one of his hands behind his back.
“What are you doing?” you ask, backing away from him.
Without a word, he launches a snowball at you, hitting you directly in the face. You shriek, gathering up snow to fire back at him, starting a mini snowball fight between the two of you. He lifts you up off the ground, spinning you around before bringing you back down to kiss you, his lips warm against your now frozen skin.
“Thanks for amusing me.”
“Thanks for making me come outside.”
#jake debrusk#jake debrusk imagines#boston bruins#boston bruins imagines#bruins#bruins imagines#nhl#nhl imagines#hockey#hockey imagines#hey don resign our himbo
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You’re fuck toxic masculinity blurbs 🥺🥺 could you write another one maybe putting on glitter on Cal and you wearing it too to pick up Aiden and Logan from school? Like how Sierra did it with Luke? You can add whatever else I just think that’s a cute concept, thank you!
Fuck toxic masculinity at all times!!! When Sierra did Luke’s makeup, that was pretty amazing. Calum wearing makeup has me feeling things 🥰🥰🥰🥰
Now that both Aiden and Logan were in school full time, the days you weren’t working could get really boring, really fast. After Calum had taken Aiden and Logan to school, you had cleaned the entire house, started the laundry and even cleaned up the backyard from when the guys and their girlfriend’s came over the night before. The most unfortunate part, was you accomplished all of that before Calum even got back home. When Calum opened the door, he looked around and pulled his eye brows together. He found you in the kitchen, leaning against the counter scrolling through your phone. “You cleaned the house already?”
You looked at the time on your phone, not realizing he had only been gone for an hour. Your face dropped and you dropped your phone to your side. A groan fell from your chest as you rolled your head around, “It’s only been an hour? How the hell has it only been an hour?” You stomped being slightly frustrated with yourself being overly efficient.
Calum laughed and snaked his arms around your waist, pressing a gentle kiss to your nose. “Well, since all of the chores are done, what should we do now?’ His voice lowered, trying his hardest to be seductive, which for some reason always made you laugh.
Not this time, though. You had all day to mess around, and all day to do whatever you wanted, wherever you wanted. A fire in the pit of your stomach ignited and you stood on your toes to press a heated kiss to Calum’s lips. His hands gripped your hips tighter as you ran your hands down his chest and stomach to the bottom of his t-shirt. The only time you pulled away from his lips was to pull his t-shirt over his head. Once his t-shirt hit the ground, he bent and grabbed the back of your legs and carried you out of the kitchen and to the living room.
Once you were done in the living room, you both moved into the bedroom for one more round before you both felt the need to just relax. Calum was laying on the bed, one hand laying across his stomach, and the other arm tucked under his head. He had pulled on a pair of gym shorts, but hadn’t bothered to put a shirt back on. Especially since you had pulled on a pair of underwear and the only t-shirt that was close to you, which happened to be the one Calum had his eyes set on. Across the room, you caught sight of your makeup vanity and you looked at Calum as a smile spread across your lips. “Can I do your make up?” Calum opened his eyes and looked at you, expressionless for a full thirty seconds. As if he were thinking about the pros and cons of you doing his makeup, he finally nodded.
You squeaked out some excitement as you grabbed his hand and pulled him over to your vanity. As Calum sat down in the chair, you sat on the top of the vanity, facing him. He ran his hands up your bare thighs and bit his bottom lip. Goosebumps shot up all over your skin as you giggled and put your pointer finger under his chin. He looked into your eyes, his eyes wide with pleading. You kissed him and shook your head, causing him to nod. He dropped his hands from your thighs as you turned to grab the first item of makeup and a brush.
As Calum sat patiently for you to do his makeup, he recorded a small clip of you pressing glitter to the sides of his eyes. He smiled and raised his eyebrows at the camera, no words were said. You paused doing his make up to let him post the video, captioning it with “’What do parents even do when their kids are at school?’ This.” As soon as the video posted, his phone started to blow up. He shut his phone off and looked back up at you, smiling at you as if you were the only thing on this planet that he cared about. You kissed him again before applying the sparkly lip-gloss you had picked out.
Calum changed into a plain black shirt, and a sparkly blazer that just happened to match his makeup. You took a video of him showing off his new look and laughed at his silly poses. By the time you were finished having a miniature fashion show with him, it was time to leave and go get Aiden and Logan. There was barely enough time for you to change out of your lazy clothes, let alone time for Calum to take the makeup off. “I can bring makeup wipes with us?” You asked as you threw your bag over your shoulder.
Calum pouted and shook his head. “I’m fine, I’m actually a big fan of my new look.” He smirked and you lifted your hand to push a lock of his hair out of his face before heading out the door and to the car.
Aiden and Logan came out of the front doors together, they were holding hands, something you had taught them to do so that if anything happened, at least they were together. You shook your head remembering that that was the type of thing you had to teach your children. When you looked at Calum, he had a big smile on his face and he was moving in a way that all of the sequence on his blazer was catching the sunlight. He moved his sunglasses off his face and squatted as Aiden and Logan approached him. Aiden was giggling, and Logan just looked confused. “What’s on your face, daddy?” Logan said, pointing at the glitter by his eyes.
“Mommy put all this on me so I could look pretty when picking you guys up from school.” Calum explained while reaching out and tickling Logan’s tummy. You could see the look Calum was getting from other parents and some of the older kids, but Aiden and Logan didn’t care. “Don’t I look good?” Calum asked raising his eyebrows and pointing to his face. Both boys nodded and giggled. “I think so too, let’s get home so we can have snacks and watch some cartoons.” Calum stood up and reached for Logan’s hand while you reached for Aiden’s hand.
As you walked back to the car, you leaned towards Calum and asked, “You can hear the people whispering about you, right?”
Calum shrugged and looked around him, “Of course I do, but I don’t care.” While still walking towards the car, Calum looked down at Logan and Aiden, “Listen to me, kiddos, don’t let anyone tell you who you should and shouldn’t be. If you want to wear makeup like me, then wear makeup, okay?” Both Logan and Aiden nodded and you smiled at Calum, nobody was going to tell any of the Hoods who they should or shouldn’t be.
Tag list: @mantlereid @notinthesameguey @viiirg0 @wheniminouterspace @thinkofmehlgh @another-lonely-heart @limer-encia @itsmytimetoodream @babyoria @treatallwithkindness
#asks#anon#requests#The Hood Family Adventures#dad!cal#dad!calum#dad!calum hood#dad!sos#calum hood#Calum Hood blurb#Calum Hood oneshot#Calum Hood imagine#Calum Hood fic#Calum Hood fan fic#Calum Hood fan fiction#Calum Hood writing#Calum Hood x reader#Calum Hood 5 seconds of summer#Calum Hood 5sos#reader insert#calum#calum blurb#calum oneshot#calum imagine#calum fic#calum fan fic#calum fan fiction#calum 5 seconds of summer#calum 5sos#calum x reader
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First Instagram
Summary: Tom visits you in New York before heading back to London, and you two go public.
Warnings: fluffly fluff fluff, feelings, smut (a wee bit)
Word Count: 1.8k
A/N: I know I said these would be blurbs but apparently I don’t know how to write short things, peep the rest of the series in my masterlist (linked in bio). Enjoy!
“Missed you,” Tom says, face nuzzling into your neck in the doorway of your apartment, bag forgotten on the floor.
“Missed you too, how are you? How was California?” You ask, pulling him into your apartment.
“It was so great, had a really good time on the talk shows and interviews and such. I know you gotta catch up on the movies but I think you’ll like this one,” he says, detaching his arms from your waist for a second to grab his bag and close the door behind him.
“You know, I watched Spiderman Homecoming, the other day,” you say as Tom’s arms wrap back around your waist. You squeal as he lifts you up, kissing you as your arms steady yourself on his shoulders.
You missed Tom, you missed his voice, you heard it often on FaceTime and through calls but something about having him here, in person, was almost like a sensory overload.
His warmth, his scent, his voice. His everything.
“Wanna see your tattoo!” Tom all but shouts against your lips, his eyes lighting up like a kid on Christmas as he sets you down and you take his hand in yours, guiding him to your bedroom and tugging down your shorts nonchalantly as you sit on the bed.
His eyes grow impossibly wider and his lips turn up into a smile, his tongue between his teeth as he kneels on the ground.
You sit up with your arms resting behind you, shivering as his hands rest on your knees, spreading your thighs further.
It wasn’t sexual, sure, it’s been a solid three weeks or so since you’ve seen him and you couldn’t wait to ride him until you couldn’t anymore, but there was an innocent twinkle in his eyes as they roam up your thigh to the small Spiderman face resting on the outer edge of your upper thigh.
“Can I touch it?” He asks, big brown eyes looking up at you, gentle fingers gliding around it.
“It’s still healing, you can touch it the next time you see me sport.”
“Sport?” He laughs, cheek resting against your thigh.
“I’ve been, ahh,” you gasp as his lips trail up your leg, leaving soft kisses in his wake, “I read the Great Gatsby, sport.”
“Isn’t that what Gatsby calls Nick?” He asks, and you don’t even realize his lips are inches away from your red lace panties until you look down at him.
“Yeah, Nick has a huge gay crush on him.”
“That’s not in the movie.”
“What? Tobey McGuire does a pretty good job at it if you ask me,” you say, voice softer now as his hands rest on your hips, fiddling with the band of your underwear under your Tattoo Dice T-shirt.
“I guess the book might be different,” he sighs.
“You could listen to the audiobook of it,” you suggest, knowing he doesn’t like reading.
“Maybe I’ll give it a try, sport.”
You collapse, literally onto the bed in a fit of giggles, which pulls Tom to laugh against you, the vibrations against you making you moan.
“What’s so funny?” He asks as he climbs onto your bed, wincing as it squeaks underneath both of your weights.
“No, just, funny, having a casual conversation while you’re sitting like that between my legs.”
“I quite enjoy being between your legs,” he smirks, nose nudging your hair out of the way so he can kiss your neck.
After a few heated rounds filled with passionate kisses, miss you, miss you more’s, and several orgasms, you collapse on top of Tom, his fingers drawing patterns on your sweaty back as you both catch your breath.
“Harry wants us to go to the Coney Island place with him tonight.”
“It’ll be packed.”
“Yeah,” he sighs, lips ghosting along yours.
“And people will know who you are.”
“Mhm,” He mumbles against your lips, tongue gently meeting your own.
You kiss lazily for a few minutes as you think.
You could go with them, get noticed with Tom, everyone would know you’re a couple. They’ve already seen pictures of you leaving the club that fateful night, but nothing was ever confirmed, nothing was ever brought up again really. But as you kissed, eyes peeking open and looking at the beautiful man underneath you, feeling his strong arm around your waist, his cool fingers against your back, you thought, what the hell?
You pull away from his lips, “let’s do it.”
“Yeah? We can tell people we’re boyfriend and girlfriend?” He asks, voice rising in excitement.
“Yeah dork, we can tell people you’re my boyfriend, now let’s shower and get ready, I wanna meet your brother.”
“So this is the very special girl Tom talks about, nice to meet you,” Harry grins as the two of you get into the car. You insisted the subway would be easier but Tom said Harry hated the feeling of the New York City subway.
“Well you’re not living until you’ve been shoved up against a million people in the subway,” you laugh but agree, this was much nicer.
“Ever been to Coney Island?” You ask and Harry shakes his head.
“It’s on my bucket list to try the hotdogs there, What’re they called?” Harry asks, camera hanging out the window.
“Nathan’s? They’re the best,” you sigh, head resting against the window on your side, Tom’s hand resting on your thigh, drawing smiley faces into your thigh around the Spiderman.
“Harry I expect like a million photos of tonight, gotta find one worthy of Instagram,” you say, and the brothers laugh.
“Don’t worry, I document like everything, you’ll get plenty of teeth rotting cute pictures of the two of you,” Harry teases and you all laugh.
On your way in to get tickets for rides, a few people recognized Tom and you happily stood back and watched as he took pictures with the fans, talking to them animatedly about the movie.
“This happen a lot?” You ask Harry as he takes pictures of the sunset.
“All the time,” he laughs.
The rest of the night is much of the same, you’re grateful nobody’s decided to mob you.
Harry practically drools over the hot dog.
You and Tom go on the Cyclone, an old wooden roller coaster, Harry hangs back to take some pictures of the nightlife.
As you are strapped into your seat your hand grips his arm tightly.
“I’m not scared,” you say straight away.
You were.
“Oh good, because I’m a little scared,” Tom laughs, hand covering your own.
You glance at him and he’s got a frightened little smile on his face and he might actually be scared.
“Alright, we can be scared together,” you laugh as the coaster starts to move.
And you grip his arm right and you’re both screaming and laughing the entire way. You glance over once during the ride as you go up one of the larger peaks, the sun was setting but it shone across Tom’s face, illuminating his slight tan and the few freckles that dotted his cheeks. He looked beautiful, and you wanted to shout it from the rooftops for the whole world to hear.
“You’re beautiful,” you whisper as the coaster pauses at the top.
“Huh?” He asks, eyebrow quirked as he looks at you.
“I said,” you start before the coaster tips and you’re falling, fast and hard, heart thudding against your chest, dropping down the jump and screaming, Tom’s screams a comfort to your ears.
As you race along the track back to where you started your grip doesn’t lessen, you’re still falling. Thud thud thud, goes your heart.
“You’re beautiful,” you say, wriggling your eyebrows as you unfasten the restraints from the ride.
“Why thank you, darling, shall we go find Harry?”
You nod, and he helps you up, hand clasping in your own, swinging between you as you walk out of the ride area.
Tom and you are playing at one of those carnival games, where you toss the darts and if you pop a balloon, you win a prize. He at first tried to insist that he could win it for you, that huge stupid teddy bear on the top shelf.
After a few tries he let you play with him and you joke that you’ll win in one go. You don’t.
“Alright, you guys tried your best, how about pick anything from the bottom shelf?” The man running the booth says, gesturing to the small teddy bears and trinkets.
“Whatcha think princess? You want the teddy bear?” Tom asks, hands wrapping around your waist and chin resting on your shoulder as you look over the prizes you could get.
“I think so,” you nod, and the man grabs one for you, handing it to you.
You hold it tight to your chest, “what’s his name?”
“Hmm, why don’t we name him sport?” He laughs and you gasp.
“It’s perfect!”
“Can we go check out the water?” Harry asks.
“My feet hurt from walking everywhere,” you grumble, hoping to call it a night.
“Here, your chariot awaits,” Tom says, turning around and holding his hands out.
“What you want to do? Give me a piggyback ride?”
“Hop up princess,” he says and you grip your new teddy bear tighter in one hand as you jump, his hands catching your thighs with ease as you grip his shoulders.
“I’m not killing you am I?” You huff as he starts to walk.
“Nope,” he assures you, thumb rubbing your thigh as he walks with Harry down to the water.
“Wait wait wait!” Harry shouts, running in front of you.
“What is it?” Tom asks, coming to a halt.
“This is a really cute picture, now act natural,” he says as he clicks away.
“Wait! We need one with sport!” You say, pulling the light yellow teddy bear out and sitting it on Tom’s shoulder as your head rests on his.
“Look over there!” He says and his hand moves from under your thigh to point at something, causing you to slip and let out a small scream, his hand scrambling back to catch you.
Harry erupts into a fit of laughter, hunched over, pointing at the photo he just got.
Tomholland2013: pretty great night visiting my girl, sorry for almost dropping you sport
Attached was a teddy bear emoji. Tom’s caption made you laugh through your sleepy haze on the way back to your apartment.
He had chosen the picture Harry caught of your mouth wide open in a scream, his eyes wide in horror as he readjusts his grip on your leg, your newly won teddy bear dangling from one hand as the other clutches his shoulder when he almost dropped you. There were a few other photos Harry snagged, of you walking hand in hand, of his chin resting on your shoulder as you picked out the teddy bear, but this one by far was the funniest and the most memorable.
“Should I tag you?” Tom asks, cheek resting on your shoulder as his hand hovered over the tag button.
“Sure,” you figure what harm could tagging you do? You were already in a million photos taken by what seemed like every person at Coney Island.
“Done,” he says, posting the photo and turning his phone off. Your eyes watch as his fingers trace along your palm, along each crease, up to your fingers, dancing along them before finally intertwining with yours.
Thud. Thud. Thud.
Falling fast.
#tom holland#tom holland smut#tom holland x reader#tom holland x fem!reader#tom holland reader insert#tom holland fluff#tom holland oneshot#tom holland fic#tom holland series#tom holland x reader smut#tom holland x you
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