#i actually got mad bc i forgot just how long he lasts in the series. FAR TOO LONG IF U ASK ME.
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bbrabbits · 1 year ago
im like sincerely so sorry bc my most shameful flaw is that envy is one of my favorite characters in the entirety of fma which is like. listen it's genuinely irredeemable but she knew exactly what she was doing when she made envy the pinnacle of gender envy bc my non-binary ass is NOT immune to feeling the gender envy to the highest degree for that little freak
#mine#i feel less ashamed for being hornee abt shin tsukimi do u understand. how humiliating that is.#literally dont even perceive me this is my greatest sin ok AT LEAST IM SELF AWARE#THEY LITERALLY DO ALL THE MOST HEINOUS SHIT IN THE ENTIRE SERIES NEXT TO KIMBLEE#AND THEY /BOTH/ GET OFF ON IT TOO WHICH MAKES IT WORSE#BUT THEYRE JUST SO PAINFULLY GENDER IM TOO WEAK TO RESIST#i want their voice. i want it so bad it's so painful i hate them so much. but i also adore them. and hate myself for that#she was targeting ME SPECIFICALLY when she made them frfrfrfr#fma#i hesitate to even put this in a tag but i feel like other trans ppl will get it. right. u get it right or am i just a lonesome fool#also. js. i hate kimblee. i fucking DESPISE kimblee actually. worst piece of shit ever in the whole series.#i actually got mad bc i forgot just how long he lasts in the series. FAR TOO LONG IF U ASK ME.#& also. i. feel like. i should get points too bc envy is rly the only absolute irredeemable piece of shit i actually enjoy#bc usually. i am a sheep. & i HATE them. but. i am also a sheep. to gender envy. sooooo. unsurprising exception.#but like otherwise unless u wanna count like my man dracula from castlevania which i feel like is not comparable bc he was VALID#envy is the only villain i actually truly like. any other 'villain' i like is more... morally grey. or. understandable. u know. u get it.#anyway. dont ever perceive me for this im ashamed#& also no the irony of having the mention of jealousy/envy as a my most strict boundary & yet having the literal embodiment of envy#as one of my fav characters in my favorite anime of all time is not lost on me. i am a walking contradiction we all know this#at least they're not THE favorite. u can take a very predictable guess on who that title goes to
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[3] Career Fair
Summary: James holds a parents' career fair, to which Liam's mom is invited.
Notes: Marauders modern elementary school AU, kindergarten teacher!James Potter x nurse!reader, mom!reader x son!OC (Liam), inspired by this post by @ravishinglavishingluvr. Hah, remember last time where I said I was updating semi-regularly? Ok well I actually mean it now, I promise lmao. Not edited but I'll do that tomorrow. Also kinda short, sorry
A/N (1/8/2024): okok I came back here to change the names of some kids bc I forgot that this is a marauders au so I can use the names of like real kids from harry potter smhhhhh please don't get mad at me this is my first time writing an au
Previous Part: Seeing Each Other Around Town Next Part: Liam and James Make You A Birthday Gift Series Masterlist here
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James ended up pushing the career fair back a couple weeks because there was a conflict in the schedule
(not because you emailed him back saying you wouldn’t be able to come the day he had originally planned it)
(and definitely not because he asked you to send him your shift schedule so he could make sure you could come, and you were working overtime for two weeks straight)
(James was pretty sure your work schedule violated some labor laws or something, but he was in no place to question you)
Liam is soooo excited for the couple days leading up to the career fair
Because his mom is cool af and he can’t wait to show everybody just how badass you are
(You had Liam pretty young, so you’re totally the parent who all the kids think is the coolest person alive and who all the kids’ older siblings have crushes on and who all the kids’ parents judge because of your age and assume you’re irresponsible, but we don’t have to talk about that)
James is also excited because he hasn’t had a real conversation with you in a couple weeks and he really just wants to talk to you
Poor Sirius and Remus have had to deal with him swooning and fawning and over you and also helping him frantically prepare for this career fair because “guys it HAS to be perfect”
But at long last, the day finally arrives
James scheduled the career fair in the afternoon so he could threaten children with canceling the event if they misbehave, so both he and his kids are bouncing off the walls in excitement all morning
He eats lunch in the library with Remus and Sirius, and they both spend the entire time hyping him up
(It’s mostly Sirius tho)
“You’ve got this, Prongs—be smooth—be nice—you’re a nice bloke, that’s not gonna be a problem for you—”
And eventually, it’s time
The parents that are participating in the fair arrive ten minutes before James has to get the kids from the cafeteria so he can explain to them what’s going to happen (because god knows the majority didn’t read the goddamn email he sent)
You’re a little late (profusely apologizing again, and it reminds James of the first time you met back at parent-teacher conferences) but you read the email the night before (and take another piece of James’ heart hostage while you’re at it) so it’s no worries
James’ summary instructions take a shorter amount of time than expected, so the ten or so parents all get to talking
And ofc James takes this opportunity to talk to you
You’d emailed back and forth about the fair but you hadn’t really talked in person since that night in the grocery store, and James was starting to feel like he’d die if he went another day without talking to you
So he’s plotting his route to you across the classroom when he notices you’ve secluded yourself a few steps away from the majority of the parents’ conversation
James is also horrified to discover you look slightly uncomfortable
Like you’re somewhere you don’t belong
And of course James can’t have that
So he sidles up next to you and asks how your day is going, if your boss gave you a hard time getting off work early, how the chocolate chip cookie dough from a month and a half ago was—anything he can think of, really
By the time James has to go get the kids from the cafeteria, you’re smiling and laughing, and James desperately wants to keep you like that all the time
He shakes himself out of his daydreamy state on the way to the cafeteria because this is your JOB, James, you can’t be distracted by your favorite student’s mom. His sweet, kind, whip-smart, dazzling … mom …
(In the back of his mind, James knows he’s screwed, he just has no idea what to do about it)
(CERTAINLY not act on it, because that would be a complete conflict of interest and totally unprofessional of him)
(But it’s just a crush)
(It’s fine)
Liam’s on the lookout for you as soon as he steps through the door, and he beams the sweetest little chubby-cheeked smile when he finds you and points you out to his friends
You wink playfully at him, and he and his friends giggle excitedly as they sit in their seats
If James is being completely honest with himself, the career fair was a little disappointing
The majority of the parents’ presentations were kinda lame
And they didn’t make their jobs understandable or appealing for the kids
Dean's mom (she’s regional manager of a popular grocery store chain) complained to the class about her boss pretty much the whole time
Luna’s father, a rather eccentric professor at the local university, just spewed a bunch of nonsense technical jargon about the soul or the meaning of life or something that not even the adults in the room could understand
And Draco's dad (he owns the local insurance company and is just obscenely wealthy, which explains quite a bit of his son's attitude) straight up said he hated his job, so there’s that
But then there was your presentation
James is sure he’s in love by now because you made being a nurse sound so amazing
You talked about how you’re in charge of taking care of people when they’re sick or hurt, how it’s nice to be able to help people, how even when your job gets hard, you feel like you’ve made a positive impact at the end of the day
Once the parents left, James asked the kids who’s presentation they liked the most
And ofc every kid in that room agreed that yours was the best
And a solid 75% said they wanted to be a nurse lmao and he was just so proud
Proud of his kids and also you because your presentation was just so fucking good
As James is taking the kids out to the buses, Liam thanks him for inviting you to the career fair
Ofc James says it was no problem and that you’re really cool, so it was a pleasure to have you there
And Liam kinda gives James this … look … and is like “… yeah, my mom is cool …”
And James gets this horrible feeling that Liam somehow knows
Knows he’s completely smitten for Liam’s mom
Fallen head over heels
Practically in love at this point (though James has a nasty habit of throwing that word around willy-nilly)
(Liam kinda freaks James out a bit sometimes lmao)
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Next Part: Liam and James Make You A Birthday Gift
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dorizardthewizard · 2 years ago
Ninjago Crystalized E22 - E30 thoughts
forgot this was in my drafts
EP 22
ronin is a legend. he got done so dirty like... he had such a good arc in s5 only for the writers to revert him to a generic thief. and the ninja were just chill with getting him locked up in ninjago’s prison for the worst criminals?? what the hell guys. add onto this how corrupt/ incompetent the leadership and justice systems in ninjago seem and... phew, that’s some bootlicking from our favourite little legos /hj
nya knowing stuff about plants is so cute. let them have more interests outside of ninja-ing!
the production value on these fights really is good
oh wow master wu could really use an elemental dragon right about now!
"i fished out the last one" LOL
doing it again in the same canal LMAO thats an L having to give wu mouth to mouth. also not sure that’s what you should do with someone who still has water in their lungs
EP 23
aww cute jaya moments
nya has her powers back! wow i sure enjoyed her well developed arc that was so worth them bringing her back!! /s
aww i love these kids having their own little counterattack. kiddos aren’t your families looking for you?
love how antonia went from wanting to quit to being adamant they should fight back
"i am not about to lead a bunch of children against the embodiment of evil and darkness!" soooo like every other season? "that never stopped you before!" TOOK THE WORDS RIGHT OUTTA MY MOUTH LOL DRAG HIM
kind of surprising just how many times wu wants to quit and others have to remind him that ninja never quit, my brother in fsm you taught them that
btw this should have been the s10 ending just oni instead of the overlord. still mad about how rushed that season was.
EP 24
honestly idc about lloyd’s whole angst with his dad, they act like sensei garmadon never existed. evil garmadon hasn’t even been around long enough for lloyd to be super disappointed in him on a personal level like that. why can’t he instead be angry at this garm because he’s not the father he remembers and only serves as a walking reminder that he’ll never see sensei garmadon again.
dragon form let’s goooo
side note i miss lloyd saying dregon
omg the ice emperor are we actually talking about this
oh we're just gonna brush over it and make it a joke. got it.
borg tower yet againnnn also this guy was so focused on his projects he didn’t realise the apocalypse was happening? i love him
pixal: ronin why are you helping us?
EP 25
few notes here bc i was too busy staring at the lava
the way he softly calls coles name when he wakes up ToT
kai fighting by himself to protect cole dsfgsd lowkey wish that fight had been extended for the wump but also so skylor can come just in the nick of time
i like the implication that skylor doesnt keep those powers forever, she has to touch an elemental master again to “recharge” so to speak. makes her much less op so that’s cool.
wu broadcasting on all frequencies but wouldn’t the bad guys hear him too?
that transition from the ninja running over the manhole to lloyd and garmadon being in the sewers is super cool. i love cinema.
lloyd's argument with garmadon gives the implication he's mad at him for never being a good father but THATS A MOVIE PLOT NOT THE SERIES ARRRRGHH
what could’ve been cool if instead they made lloyd not want to embrace his oni side bc he's scared of the anger and resentment building up in him over all these years of being the green ninja. y’know like the fandom keeps harping on about but is never actually portrayed in the show.
one thing i like about these new seasons is the clear motifs and musical character themes. paper delivery professionals for the win.
the paper kids wearing home made outfits with pots on their heads gives me such codename kids next d00r vibes
actually i like these post apocalyptic vibes, with everyone trying to look for each other and hiding but rallying secretly.
aww that happy moment with the family then kai and skylor hhhhngngng if only they delved more into skylor and her childhood crying
EP 26
omg kai finally having his speech skills back!!!
weeeeell kinda. actually it's effective lol he's so cute with kids.
had to pause this skylor and kai moment bc im dying from cringe. also lmao all these seasons and they weren't really together? oh he hasn't even spoken to her all this time?? skylor was at nya's funeral i swear ToT
here's an F for the lava fans. it was a pleasure shipping with you o7
zane is broken yet agaaaaim
if jay and the others could figure out the hint about the newspapers then surely the bad guys could
also she's basically antonia lmao could they not have thought of a different design
"that paycheck of yours? kiss it goodbye"
stop fakeout deathing me with zane lmao we've done this 50 times already. wow she gave up pretty quickly huh.
oh for god's sake they'll reverse the fakeout death THAT quickly? i give up. and he lives just because of an emotional speech? please
can't believe tommy made a big deal about this and made everyone think they would split up somehow. oh wait he does that all the time and the fandom runs away with it every time. if you wanted emotional moments for zane and pixal you had a story about suppressing grief and trauma right there! why was pixal ok with him completely turning off his emotions earlier anyway?
oh well pixal's squeal of delight was adorable though
EP 27
lloyd: relying on others isn’t weak!
cheers i’ll drink to that. again this could have been really impactful after an arc about trusting too much to mistrusting too much to finally hitting that balance.
cuta jaya moment but nya's arc this season is basically generic “believe in yourself” and like. we've done that before. they literally just brought her back to return to the status quo for the “last” season.
racer 7: speed. i am speed.
ok i know i complain about ignoring the old seasons but at least they tried to tie in the other new seasons like calling vania and benthomar and all that. it's basically a replacement for when previous seasons would bring back the other EMs and such and i guess it makes sense since this is a different era of ninjago. all of that falls apart when they insist on bringing back characters like garmadon though...
oh finally they didn’t fall into the canal for once!
oh no if they make cole and vania get together i’m gonna...read the entire hs epilogues and hs2. worst thing i could think of.
the others are either gonna find another way to find out what happened and come to help them in the nick of time, or this was just a way of explaining why no one else came to help.
EP 28
oops i watched the final eps drunk after a party and I still haven’t gone back to rewatch them ^^; umm fun moments, dragon form was ???? out of nowhere and should have had a whole season centred around achieving this form, Nya’s character regressed, rushed ending considering how much history they had to tie up, llorumi bad and i miss those little legos already
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bethhxrmon · 4 years ago
passed down like folksongs, chapter fifteen- steve x reader
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[gif credit to @flyingrichardgrayson​]
chapter fifteen- time, mystical time, cutting me open and healing me fine
series summary: Living in Hawkins was never easy for anyone. However, it becomes ten times more difficult than usual when you catch feelings for one Steve Harrington. What should be a simple schoolgirl crush ends up being complicated by your step-brother, Tommy Hagan, and the mysterious goings on in the town of Hawkins. [masterlist]
pairing: steve harrington x female! hagan! reader
chapter summary: With all of the events of the Upside Down behind them, Steve finally finds it in himself to open up about the past.
warnings: swearing, hurt/comfort, fluff
word count: 3.5k
a/n: Wooo!!! Technically what I would consider the last chapter!!! Because of that, I will be uploading the epilogue tomorrow, so hopefully one of those will get to go in the steeb tag (also bc classes started up again and I don’t wanna upload in the middle of a school day okay)
It was towards the end of July when the official funeral for your step-dad was held. There had been a service for all those who were killed in the fire a week before. One you ended up getting dragged into. Not that it was bad, Steve went with you. Though, it was clear he was just as keen to be there as you were.
Though, being at an actual funeral felt somehow worse. Steve kind of felt he had been to the worst one already when he went to Billy Hargrove’s a couple of days ago. He specifically told you that you shouldn't go. That he was mostly there to watch out for the kids. It was understandable. You remembered that Hargrove had a step-sister and if Steve felt like he could be helpful, you didn’t want to intrude. Especially when you wouldn’t have known anyone all that well.
Steve also insisted on going to your step-dad’s funeral when the time came as well. Not because he thought you needed him the way you needed someone at Barb’s funeral, but because he didn’t want you to be there alone. While you would have had your mom, she was so busy dealing with all the serious arrangements that you wouldn’t have wanted to give her any stress.
The only thing she let you handle were the flower arrangements. Most of which was dark red, almost black roses and assortments of white flowers. You never knew what sorts of things he liked. In all fairness, he never bothered to tell you much.
You tried to ask Tommy, just to see if grief changed him any. It only made him angrier. Your working theory was that he was convinced his dad left everything to your mom instead of him. Which was a possibility, but you knew that he’d turn out fine. He was leaving for college and with his dad gone, you were pretty sure that you were never going to see him much again after the funeral. That only made you look forward to it that much more.
All you wanted was for him to no longer be in your life. After all the things he did and comments he made and how much he came in between you and all the things you wanted to say and do, you probably should have wanted more. Maybe it would have made sense for you to have wished he had been the one to die in the fire, but you didn’t. He was so close to being gone and you could only be glad for that.
After all, had he not gotten his dad to vouch for him, you were pretty sure he would have been staying in Hawkins like Steve. Though, you were glad Steve was staying for a while. It meant there was time for both of you. No, you were never going to get him walking up to you at your locker or have him hold your hand as he walked you to class, but that was okay. What mattered was that you had him now and it made all the difference in the world to you.
With how nice it was outside, the actual burial was taking a long time as people talked to each other, trying to console your mom for her loss. It made you want to roll your eyes out of your head.
“You know, like, a month ago all these people were still calling my mom a cheating slut behind her back,” you said, leaning up against a tree.
Steve nodded, “Yeah, I know.”
“What, were your parents saying that?”
“Uh, yeah, they did… not that I really hear them talk much,” he sighed, “But, my mom always worries that my old man’s gonna divorce her for some younger woman like Tommy’s dad did.”
You nodded, “That makes sense… I just wish people wouldn’t be so damn nice about it now. It’s so fake and patronizing. And all for some guy who wasn’t even that great anyway.”
“Do you wanna get out of here for a bit?”
“Steve, I should at least stay-”
“Not out, out. Just maybe to someone else’s grave?” he took your hand, “Come on, I think you could use a few minutes somewhere else.”
You were pretty sure you knew where he was going with this, so you went ahead and followed Steve through the cemetery. It was pretty this time of year with many trees giving shade. Families still left all sorts of flowers on graves and the grass was well-kept.
Sure enough, Steve led you right to where Barb’s headstone was. The grave was relatively well-kept, though the Hollands ended up moving to the next town over. Enough for a fresh start, but also close to where their daughter was.
“I really hope ghosts are real,” you said softly.
Steve nodded, “I’m sure they are.”
“Well, if they are… I really hope Barb’s doing okay. I- I still think about her a lot. The things I said and the things I wish I’d said instead had I known I was never gonna see her again,” you took a shaky breath, “I don’t think I’m ever going to feel like I’m actually over it.”
He wrapped an arm around you, “I know what you mean.”
“How? Sorry, I- I just… I never really thought you missed her all that much.”
“I guess it’s not that I miss her. Well, not in the same way you do. It’s more in the way I really wish I didn’t have that party. And how I miss being able to look at my pool and just see a pool. Instead, all I think about is her and whatever she must’ve gone through.”
You leaned into Steve, “Did she disappear there?”
“Probably… no one really knows how it all happened.”
Every day it felt like Steve was getting closer and closer to telling you what happened. He would let odd and end details in. Though, none of it was enough for you to figure out what happened. It was enough at this point that you were pretty sure it was worse than whatever chemical leak the lab got accused of.
Still, no matter how curious you got or how badly you wanted to know everything, you weren’t going to make Steve say anything that he didn’t want to. It was enough that you knew he was going to tell you. Or that if he never told you, it wasn’t because he was trying to dupe you. It was because he simply couldn’t bring himself to talk about every awful thing that had ever happened within the last couple of years.
“Oh, um, I think I forgot to leave this at your stepdad’s grave,” Steve said, pulling out a white chrysanthemum from the inside of his suit jacket.
You felt him press it into your hands, “Oh, did you want me to leave it here?”
“Whatever you want. You could put it in my hair if you’d like,” he suggested, grinning.
You rolled your eyes, though you couldn’t help but chuckle a bit as you knelt down and set the flower at Barb’s grave. Hopefully, she somehow knew that you still cared about her after all this time. That while it didn’t sting to the same degree, you knew that most of the damage could never be fixed. Not really.
“Is it okay if I tell you what happened to Barb?” Steve asked, sitting down on the grass.
You moved over to sit next to him, “Of course, if- if you’re ready, I wanna know.”
“Okay, well, I just don’t want you to get mad at me for not telling you when I knew. ‘Cause I’ve known a lot longer than you have and I’ve beaten myself up over it every day, but I really thought that telling you the truth was going to get you hurt,” he ran a hand through his hair, “I- I know it’s stupid, but I was told I couldn’t tell you. Technically, I’m still not supposed to, but you saw what happened at the mall and… it’s all connected and you deserve to know.”
You held his hand, “Well, you’re telling me now, aren’t you?”
“Yeah, you’re right, I am. Um, do you remember how Will Byers disappeared around the same time?” Steve asked.
He explained everything that he knew about the Demogorgon. At least, that was the name the kids gave it. How it went between dimensions and hunted people. It was attracted to blood and Barb had just the luck of cutting herself at his party. Something that he never thought would have been a big deal. He never even invited her, Nancy just insisted she come. In hindsight, Steve still didn’t get it, but it didn’t matter because she ended up getting killed either way.
No one knew if she died due to exposure to the other dimension or if she was eaten. Well, if anyone knew, they never told Steve about it. In all fairness, at the time he only cared about not getting into trouble for that said stupid party. He hadn’t realized how bad things truly had been.
Steve even tried to explain why he had cut you off so many times at that time. Right when you needed someone the most, he knew he couldn’t be around you when you were that hurt by what happened to Barb. It would have only made him more guilty.
“I know I shouldn’t have said those things, and you were smart for not wanting anything to do with me at the time,” Steve said.
You frowned, “You were grieving too. I never thought about that… I mean, you were still a total asshole, but I thought you were just doing it because you could. Because you wanted to just hurt me even more. I- I’m so glad that I was wrong about all of that.”
“I’m still so sorry that I said those things. That I told you she wasn’t going to come back. I knew she was dead and- well, hearing you talk about her like she just went on a road trip was hard to hear.”
You nodded slowly, “Yeah, I never really thought about that.”
“Of course you didn’t. I’d be surprised if you put all the clues together on your own. I- I wanted to tell you, just so you know. I felt awful about never telling you what happened. Like, when I saw you biking all the way out-”
“Why didn’t you tell me then?”
“Well, I um… I didn’t think you’d believe me,” he said, shrugging, “Plus, if I didn’t let you do some sort of digging, I figured you’d just try the whole thing again and- I couldn’t leave you on the side of the road like that in the first place.”
“I mean, I guess you’re right,” you admitted, squeezing his hand.
In all fairness, you wouldn’t have believed almost anything that Steve told you. Though, it made a lot more sense. That entire first year after Barb went missing made sense. How Nancy and Jonathan seemed to both be aware of something completely unknown to you, that wasn’t you going crazy. You noticed all those weird things because there were weird things happening around you.
You took a look at the watch Steve wore, “We should probably get back, or I should anyways.”
“I’ll go with,” he replied as he got up, helping you off the grass, “I heard there was supposed to be some really good food after all this funeral stuff.”
You laughed as you got up and walked back to where everyone else was. No one seemed to notice that the two of you had been gone for a while. It seemed like people really had been shaken by this happening to someone they knew. Though, most of the town was in that boat. Around thirty people had been killed by whatever happened that night. You just knew it was a lot more complicated than some fire.
The funeral eventually ended and time continued to press onward. It was getting to be August once more and it was a lot better than the first time you tried to be with Steve. He was a lot more open, even if he didn’t explain himself completely. That wasn’t what you wanted. What you wanted was for him to know that he could trust you and that you cared about him.
Some nights, the strange monster would haunt your dreams and it would force you awake in the middle of the night. Steve wasn’t always there when you woke up, but he was always ready to answer the phone. Then, he would sneak up into your room and hold you close until you officially calmed down.
While you didn’t mention it, you thought it was stupid of you to be so hung up over something you saw. Something that didn’t even feel real. Steve was the one who dealt with all that. It made sense for him to be so shaken up about it. Though, you knew he would have insisted that you had every right to be scared of that thing. You would have been an idiot to not be scared of that sort of thing.
One morning, you were in the garden, watering some red tulips when Steve came in. He tended to pop in whenever. While the summer was nearing an end, you saw a lot more of him than you had before. Sometimes it was with the kids or with Robin, but he was getting paid rather nicely after losing his job since the place burned to the ground.
You two got plenty of time alone, but you were used to that. What you weren’t used to was him holding your hands in front of the kids he watched while Dustin would make some comment about it. While it was a quick way to make your face heat up and look at the floor, it also meant that Steve cared about you enough to show you to other people. That was more than you ever expected in the past.
“So… before everything at the mall, did you ever see anything weird that you couldn’t explain?” he asked, leaning on one of the tables inside your greenhouse.
You shrugged, “I don’t know, what constitutes weird?”
“Uh, let’s say something you saw once and then never again. Something you always had questions about but never got an answer that made sense, those types of things.”
You stood there and looked around, trying to think of something. The last couple of years had been so odd and you never expected to get a serious answer to your questions. Yet Steve was right there, always more than happy to offer an explanation at this point.
“Oh! I got it, back around last Halloween, when all the farmers lost their crops, everything I had planted in the ground just went rotten. Our new tree died and it was from some weird, slimy fungus. I think it was from some slugs I caught on a couple of plants, but they were really odd slugs too.”
Steve  looked at you, “Wait, you saw actual slugs? Were they normal and you just didn’t recognize them or… what?”
“Well, I don’t know, they didn’t have the right coloring and they were hiding in some of the shadiest, darkest parts of the greenhouse which made it so hard to find them and throw them out,” you explained, “Wait, why do you ask?”
Steve took a deep breath, “You’ll wanna sit down for this one. I know exactly what you’re talking about.”
You went out of the greenhouse and sat on the lawn. Steve sat next to you and began to explain what happened all those months ago.
While you were busy wondering what could have been if Steve had decided to get back with you before that point, he had been learning about how those slugs were actually monsters. That the rot in the ground was from that other dimension. You had been a mere few feet away from tunnels that ran throughout the entirety of Hawkins.
Every time you picked up a slug and threw it out into the lawn, those things were going to molt into things similar to the Demogorgon creature that Steve described at the funeral. You had been so close to such a terrible fate this entire time and you never would have guessed it.
“So… you’re saying I’m really lucky to be alive right now?” you asked.
Steve nodded slowly, “Yeah, uh, I guess I am. I- I guess I knew about the whole thing with your plants, but I didn’t really connect it all until now.”
“Makes sense why you were with all those kids now,” you said.
At least, you were able to understand why Steve would be the one watching all those kids while Will was possessed by something from that different dimension. You just could barely believe that it happened twice. Well, technically three times, but you didn’t know much about the events of that summer.
To try and make up for such a jarring conversation, Steve got you lunch at the diner you liked so much. It just felt so surreal that you could have ended up exactly like Barb. Only, you weren’t so sure you would’ve had as many people out looking for you. Steve probably would have tried to do something, but he probably would’ve figured out what happened to you.
At least you wouldn’t have had some poor girl on a wild goose chase that she set up for herself just to try and find you. There was something mildly assuring about that. Though, if nothing else, hearing that finally got you to feel like you truly were lucky to still be around.
Time continued to pass by and you stayed with Steve. He was so good to you and you did everything you could to make him happy. School started and he was starting to look for another job with Robin as it became clear he wasn’t going to be getting whatever severance pay he had gotten for forever.
All the finances that dealt with your step-dad’s passing were still being sorted out. Though, it seemed more and more like everything was going to go to your mom. He never had a will in place, no matter how hard Tommy tried to insist they keep looking. At this point, you were sure he was just trying to delay the inevitable. Not that you thought your mom was going to cut him off. Though, you mainly hoped that just because it would keep him out of Hawkins.
The leaves on the trees were starting to turn orange, red, and gold in the park that you walked through with Steve. You had just gotten out of school and you wanted to see him. It had only been a day, but you had spent a lot of that day seeing other dumb couples getting to see each other the whole time.
“Hey, I think it’s about time I told you why I was so late to your party,” Steve said as he pulled you over to a park bench.
You nodded, “Okay. Is this the last thing of all the stuff that I’m technically not supposed to know?”
“Yeah, I think this is it. And if anything else happens, I swear I’ll tell you the first moment I think anything is going on,” he squeezed your hand, “It’s funny, because I was actually really close to telling you about this one before any of the crazy stuff happened.”
Steve finally explained everything with the Russian code that Dustin found that summer. How it all led to the Russian Base in the mall that had been spoken about on the news. The reason you didn’t see him at work was because he had been stuck down there, getting tortured by Russians. All the while the Mind Flayer that pulled the strings a year ago came back for more.
Your step-dad had both been killed by the monster and was the monster all at once. It made a lot more sense once Steve explained what happened in full, but it did make you feel sorry for him. Mostly because you couldn't imagine what being killed like that must have felt like. 
“So, that thing I saw that night, that was a bunch of melted up people?” you asked, furrowing your brow.
Steve nodded, “Yeah, it’s pretty gross to think about, but that’s how it happened. It’s all over this time, though. At least, I think so.”
“Hey, I’m sure it is. Whatever gate existed before is closed now and no American or Russian is gonna be able to change that again. It’s over,” you insisted.
At least, you hoped it was. You couldn’t blame Steve for being skeptical about it after the same thing happened three times. Still, you had been around through all of that one way or another. You weren’t planning on leaving now that you knew the full story.
taglist: @flyingrichardgrayson​ @stonersteve​ @scooprtroopr​ @insideafictionaluniverse​ @l0ve-0f-my-life​
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twoidiotwriters1 · 4 years ago
Written In The Stars CX (Harry Potter xF!Oc)
A/N: I just hope you guys are actually enjoying this book bc you’ve been extremely quiet and it’s making me worry jfdg -Danny
Words: 4,785
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Listen to: ‘Lemon To A Knife Fight -by The Wombats
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Chapter Eight: Arguments.
"Today we will be mixing a potion that often comes up at Ordinary Wizarding Level: the Draught of Peace, a potion to calm anxiety and soothe agitation..."
Mel discovered that pouring all her attention into the classes was an excellent way to keep Harry and his stupid ogling towards Cho away from her thoughts. She wasn't going to bury herself in homework and miss the fun, but for the first time in her life, she was going to put herself first.
"A light silver vapour should now be rising from your potion," called Snape.
As on queue, the surface of Hermione and Mel's started to create a mist, Snape barely looked at them without saying anything.
"Potter, what is this supposed to be?" She heard the Professor ask in quite a nasty voice.
"The Draught of Peace," said Harry shortly.
"Tell me, Potter, can you read?" "Yes, I can."
"Read the third line of the instructions for me, Potter."
" 'Add powdered moonstone, stir three times counterclockwise, allow to simmer for seven minutes, then add two drops of syrup of hellebore.' "
Mel noticed Harry's face shift slightly at the last line.
"Did you do everything on the third line, Potter?"
"I beg your pardon?"
"No. I forgot the hellebore..."
"I know you did, Potter, which means that this mess is utterly worthless. Evanesco. Those of you who have managed to read the instructions, fill one flagon with a sample of your potion, label it clearly with your name, and bring it up to my desk for testing. Homework: twelve inches of parchment on the properties of moonstone and its uses in potion-making, to be handed in on Thursday."
She knew it had been unfair to vanish Harry's potion, but she picked up her things, delivered her own, and left the classroom in silence.
"That was really unfair. Your potion wasn't nearly as bad as Goyle's, when he put it in his flagon the whole thing shattered and set his robes on fire," Hermione commented during lunch.
"Yeah, well, since when has Snape ever been fair to me?"
"I did think he might be a bit better this year. I mean... you know... Now he's in the Order and everything."
"Poisonous toadstools don't change their spots. Anyway, I've always thought Dumbledore was cracked trusting Snape, where's the evidence he ever really stopped working for You-Know-Who?"
"I think Dumbledore's probably got plenty of evidence, even if he doesn't share it with you, Ron," snapped Hermione.
"Oh, shut up, the pair of you," said Harry. "Can't you give it a rest? You're always having a go at each other, it's driving me mad..." He turned and left.
Ron and Hermione looked at her in search for an explanation.
"I think he was pretty clear, wasn't he?" Mel raised a brow. "You two fight a lot."
"Look who's talking!" Ron said heatedly. "You and Harry have been arguing all the time!"
"We don't even talk!"
"You do! But you only fight!" Hermione pointed out. "It's strange, you barely speak and when you do, you end up yelling."
"We still fight less than you two."
"Fine," Hermione replied irritatedly. "We'll stop fighting, but Harry has to stop lashing out on us, we're not the ones he should be treating like this."
"Well then, you tell him that," Mel scowled.
Hermione looked like she wanted to keep arguing, but Ron stopped her and mumbled something Mel couldn't hear.
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"D'you realize how much homework we've got already? Binns set us a foot-and-a-half-long essay on giant wars, Snape wants a foot on the use of moonstones, and now we've got a month's dream diary from Trelawney! Fred and George weren't wrong about O.W.L. year, were they? That Umbridge woman had better not give us any..."
"I reckon I can handle it, but if you got any problems I'll help you, you just have to pay me five knuts per essay!" The girl joked.
"I think I rather fail everything, thank you..." Ron pouted.
"Well, good afternoon!" Umbridge greeted them in that unnerving voice.
"Good afternoon," said a few.
"Tut, tut– That won't do, now, will it? I should like you, please, to reply 'Good afternoon, Professor Umbridge.' One more time, please. Good afternoon, class!"
"Good afternoon, Professor Umbridge," Everyone replied. Mel and Ron shared an amused grin.
"There, now. That wasn't too difficult, was it? Wands away and quills out, please. Well now, your teaching in this subject has been rather disrupted and fragmented, hasn't it? The constant changing of teachers, many of whom do not seem to have followed any Ministry-approved curriculum, has unfortunately resulted in your being far below the standard we would expect to see in your O.W.L. year. You will be pleased to know, however, that these problems are now to be rectified. We will be following a carefully structured, theory-centred, Ministry-approved course of defensive magic this year. Copy down the following, please."
"Theory-centred?" Mel looked at Hermione. "I'm hating this already..."
"Has everybody got a copy of Defensive Magical Theory by Wilbert Slinkhard?" A few replied humorlessly, the woman interrupted them. "I think we'll try that again. When I ask you a question, I should like you to reply 'Yes, Professor Umbridge,' or 'No, Professor Umbridge.' So, has everyone got a copy of Defensive Magical Theory by Wilbert Slinkhard?"
"Yes, Professor Umbridge."
"Good. I should like you to turn to page five and read chapter one, 'Basics for Beginners.' There will be no need to talk."
Everyone listened. Everyone except for Hermione, who kept her book closed and raised a hand in the air, waiting for Umbridge to notice her. An awful lot of time passed before Umbridge finally decided to address the girl.
"Did you want to ask something about the chapter, dear?"
"Not about the chapter, no."
"Well, we're reading just now. If you have other queries we can deal with them at the end of class."
"I've got a query about your course aims."
"And your name is — ?"
"Hermione Granger."
"Well, Miss Granger, I think the course aims are perfectly clear if you read them through carefully."
"Well, I don't. There's nothing written up there about using defensive spells."
"Using defensive spells? Why, I can't imagine any situation arising in my classroom that would require you to use a defensive spell, Miss Granger. You surely aren't expecting to be attacked during class?" The woman laughed, Mel found it extremely irritating.
"We're not going to use magic?" Ron asked in surprise.
"Students raise their hands when they wish to speak in my class, Mr — ?"
Hermione raised her hand again.
"Yes, Miss Granger? You wanted to ask something else?"
"Yes. Surely the whole point of Defense Against the Dark Arts is to practice defensive spells?"
"Are you a Ministry-trained educational expert, Miss Granger?"
"No, but —"
"Well then, I'm afraid you are not qualified to decide what the 'whole point' of any class is. Wizards much older and cleverer than you have devised our new program of study. You will be learning about defensive spells in a secure, risk-free way —"
"What use is that?" said Harry. "If we're going to be attacked it won't be in a —"
"Hand, Mr Potter!"
Several students now had their hands up.
"And your name is?" Professor Umbridge asked to one.
"Dean Thomas."
"Well, Mr Thomas?"
"Well, it's like Harry said, isn't it?" said Dean. "If we're going to be attacked, it won't be risk-free —"
"I repeat, do you expect to be attacked during my classes?"
"No, but —"
"I do not wish to criticize the way things have been run in this school, but you have been exposed to some very irresponsible wizards in this class, very irresponsible indeed — not to mention, extremely dangerous half-breeds."
Mel gasped quite loudly. Several of her classmates stared at her in anxious anticipation.
"If you mean Professor Lupin," piped up Dean Thomas, who was as upset as her, "he was the best we ever —"
"Hand, Mr Thomas! As I was saying — you have been introduced to spells that have been complex, inappropriate to your age group, and potentially lethal. You have been frightened into believing that you are likely to meet Dark attacks every other day —"
"No we haven't," Hermione said, "we just —"
"Your hand is not up, Miss Granger!"
"How can self-defense be inappropriate at any age?" Mel asked, her hand up without waiting for the teacher to giver her permission. "Why does it matter? Isn't it better if we manage to learn it while still young? It makes room for more knowledge–"
"More knowledge?" Umbridge's eyes had a dangerous glint. "What kind of knowledge, Miss Dumbledore?"
Mel opened her mouth but she did not speak. Umbridge knew her name without needing to ask for it.
"Just..." The girl hesitated, measuring her words, "general..."
"It is my understanding that my predecessor not only performed illegal curses in front of you, he actually performed them on you — Did that help you, Miss Dumbledore?"
"Well, he turned out to be a maniac, didn't he? Mind you, we still learned loads —" Dean commented.
Mel was starting to like Dean better than other years, she made a mental note to buy him a few sweets on their next visit to Hogsmeade.
"Your hand is not up, Mr Thomas! Now, it is the view of the Ministry that a theoretical knowledge will be more than sufficient to get you through your examination, which, after all, is what school is all about. And your name is?"
"Parvati Patil, and isn't there a practical bit in our Defense Against the Dark Arts O.W.L.? Aren't we supposed to show that we can actually do the countercurses and things?"
"As long as you have studied the theory hard enough, there is no reason why you should not be able to perform the spells under carefully controlled examination conditions."
"Without ever practising them before? Are you telling us that the first time we'll get to do the spells will be during our exam?"
"I repeat, as long as you have studied the theory hard enough —"
"And what good's theory going to be in the real world?" Harry blurted out.
"This is school, Mr Potter, not the real world."
"So we're not supposed to be prepared for what's waiting out there?"
"There is nothing waiting out there, Mr Potter."
"Oh yeah?" Everyone stared at him in expectation.
"Who do you imagine wants to attack children like yourselves?"
"Hmm, let's think... maybe Lord Voldemort?"
Mel swore under her breath, this was exactly the kind of stuff they were supposed to be avoiding, and Harry had run straight into the trap.
"Ten points from Gryffindor, Mr Potter. Now, let me make a few things quite plain. You have been told that a certain Dark wizard has returned from the dead —"
"He wasn't dead– but yeah, he's returned!"
"Mr-Potter-you-have-already-lost-your-House-ten-points-do-not-make-matters-worse-for-yourself," said Professor Umbridge, her demeanour changing, but barely. "As I was saying, you have been informed that a certain Dark Wizard is at large once again. This is a lie."
"It is NOT a lie! I saw him, I fought him!"
"Shut up!" Mel hissed, but Umbridge spoke louder.
"Detention, Mr Potter! Tomorrow evening. Five o'clock. My office," She looked like she'd just been granted her biggest wish, which Mel didn't like at all. "I repeat, this is a lie. The Ministry of Magic guarantees that you are not in danger from any Dark wizard. If you are still worried, by all means, come and see me outside class hours. If someone is alarming you with fibs about reborn Dark wizards, I would like to hear about it. I am here to help. I am your friend. And now, you will kindly continue your reading. Page five, 'Basics for Beginners.' "
Harry stood up.
"Harry, no!" Hermione cried quietly, she turned to Mel with a pleading look, but she crossed her arms and looked ahead. He handles his own stuff, she convinced herself, too pissed about his careless behaviour.
"So, according to you, Cedric Diggory dropped dead of his own accord, did he?"
"Cedric Diggory's death was a tragic accident," she said without missing a beat.
"It was murder. Voldemort killed him, and you know it."
"Come here, Mr Potter, dear." She said sweetly.
Professor Umbridge pulled a small roll of pink parchment out of her handbag, stretched it out on the desk, dipped her quill into a bottle of ink, and started scribbling, hunched over so that Harry could not see what she was writing. Nobody spoke. After a minute or so she rolled up the parchment and tapped it with her wand; it sealed itself seamlessly so that he could not open it.
"Take this to Professor McGonagall, dear," said Professor Umbridge, holding out the note to him.
Mel was wondering what was going to happen to Harry when she walked out of the classroom and a younger student stood in front of her, handing her a note. Mel opened it quickly knowing from whom it was, she read it with a new sense of purpose.
'Sugar quills. Tonight after dinner.'
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Mel sat down in front of the Headmaster and stared at him, waiting. Dumbledore seemed unimpressed.
"You've got your first class with Professor Umbridge."
"That woman is as close to being a Professor than I am to being a mermaid."
"Professor McGonagall told me Harry had an outburst in the middle of her class."
"He did."
"Why didn't you step in?"
Mel frowned.
"Was I supposed to, sir?"
"You're certainly not obliged, but after all these years I assumed you knew better than to let him speak about Voldemort in front of a member of the Ministry."
He didn't sound upset, but there was an edge on his voice that made her feel uncomfortable about her indifference.
"I tried to get my point across, but she knew who I was and after that, I didn't dare to speak. I didn't want to give her a reason to believe my lessons are more than what they are..."
"I'm afraid Fudge is not entirely wrong about your lessons, Mel."
The girl looked up at the man in confusion.
"After the events of last June, I've decided to advance your classes to N.E.W.T levels," Dumbledore replied calmly. "I beg you forgive me, but your studies to become an animagus will have to wait. You'll be learning legilimency and occlumency, and nonverbal spells that you will try to do wandless."
"That's..." Mel started, taken by surprise. "That's okay... why?"
"Professor Umbridge will refuse to teach you in practice because Fudge doesn't want you to learn more than what you already know," Dumbledore explained. "I can't allow that to be your case. I need you to be ready."
"Ready for what? You're not... you're not saying I'm bound to take your place?"
Dumbledore fell silent for a moment before continuing.
"I don't want you to be my replacement. I want you to cover all the aspects that I cannot. I understand, thanks to Emily's letters, that you and Harry have grown apart during this summer, is that true?"
Mel thought about it for a moment before speaking.
"You need me to stay close, don't you?" She said in resignation. "Want me to become Harry's guard? You'll find that hard to achieve, as soon as he found out about the lifeline he cut all ties... He's convinced that this way is safer."
"What we're doing is important and we can't afford to fight in times like this. If you don't stick together, then we already lost."
"It's not that I don't care," Mel started, getting a bit irritated. "I just that he's been acting up on everyone–"
"Have you stopped to think that maybe he's acting this way because he's been cast out?" Dumbledore asked carefully. "He pushed you away, and you decided to push even further. He felt guilty of the pain you went through. I'm not saying you owe him kindness, but I surely expected more of you, Mel. You've always been understanding. What's different about this time?"
'What's different is that he broke my heart', Mel thought bitterly. However, his words did cause her to reflect on her actions.
"We'll start next week then, with the new lessons?" She asked weakly.
"Indeed," He stood up. "I must ask you to keep them in utter secrecy this time. No one must know."
"Umbridge could be listening," Mel nodded.
"Keep a low profile," The man told her once they were standing at the door. "Don't give Professor Umbridge a reason to punish you."
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"I believe He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is back, and I believe you fought him and escaped from him," Luna approached them in their way to Herbology. She said all this quickly and without blinking.
"Er — right," said Harry.
"I also believe you and your grandfather are misunderstood geniuses."
"The Headmaster's not my grandad, Luna," Mel replied politely.
"I know," She said like it was obvious. "You can laugh!" Luna exclaimed, unaware that the laughter coming from Parvati and Lavender had nothing to do with her words. "But people used to believe there were no such things as the Blibbering Humdinger or the Crumple-Horned Snorkack!"
"Well, they were right, weren't they? There weren't any such things as the Blibbering Humdinger or the Crumple-Horned Snorkack," Hermione mentioned.
"D'you mind not offending the only people who believe me?" Harry asked after Luna left.
"Oh, for heaven's sake, Harry, you can do better than her! Ginny's told me all about her, apparently, she'll only believe in things as long as there's no proof at all. Well, I wouldn't expect anything else from someone whose father runs The Quibbler."
"I don't think Luna's a bad person," Mel defended. "Just because she chose to believe in something you don't, it doesn't make her stupid or crazy."
"I know that," Hermione rolled her eyes. "But c'mon, Mel..."
"I don't want to hear another word about Luna's 'madness'– she's all right. I don't want to hear any of you calling anyone crazy- I'm sick of that bloody word..."
"I want you to know," Ernie approached them the same way Luna did, "that it's not only weirdos who support you. I personally believe you one hundred percent. My family have always stood firm behind Dumbledore, and so do I."
"Luna's not a weirdo–!" Mel started, put Harry stoped her.
"Thanks very much, Ernie," He stared at her expectantly.
If she was supposed to prove her point on uniting the houses with good manners and a kind attitude, she had to start now.
"We appreciate it," She kept a smile firmly on.
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"Oy, Potter!"
"What now?"
"I'll tell you what now," Angelina stormed towards them. "How come you've landed yourself in detention for five o'clock on Friday?"
"What? Why... oh yeah, Keeper tryouts!"
"Now he remembers! Didn't I tell you I wanted to do a tryout with the whole team, and find someone who fitted in with everyone? Didn't I tell you I'd booked the Quidditch pitch especially? And now you've decided you're not going to be there!"
"I didn't decide not to be there! I got detention from that Umbridge woman, just because I told her the truth about You-Know-Who —"
"Well, you can just go straight to her and ask her to let you off on Friday and I don't care how you do it, tell her You-Know-Who's a figment of your imagination if you like, just make sure you're there!"
"You know what?" Harry grumbled, looking over his shoulder to make sure Angelina was gone. "I think we'd better check with Puddlemere United whether Oliver Wood's been killed during a training session, because she seems to be channelling his spirit."
"What d'you reckon are the odds of Umbridge letting you off on Friday?" said Ron as they entered the Great Hall.
"Less than zero. Better try, though, hadn't I? I'll offer to do two more detentions or something, I dunno... I hope she doesn't keep me too long this evening. You realize we've got to write three essays, practice Vanishing Spells for McGonagall, work out a countercharm for Flitwick, finish the bowtruckle drawing, and start that stupid dream diary for Trelawney?"
"I already finished half of all that," Mel said with a pleased smile. "If you didn't spend half of your time moping about homework, you would've done so as well."
"I don't remember asking to be lectured," He replied.
"If it weren't because the teachers are pushing schoolwork down your throat, you wouldn't be learning at all."
"Does it look like it's going to rain?" Ron asked, trying to break their argument and looking at the sky reflected on the ceiling with mild worry.
"What's that got to do with our homework?" said Hermione.
"Nothing," Ron blushed.
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"So, dear ol' Ronnie," Mel sat down next to him in the common room, putting an arm around his shoulders. "Trying out for the Quidditch team, are we?"
Ron let out a choked squeak.
"How d'you know?"
"Oh, please," The girl rolled her eyes. "You asked for a new broom! You brought it with you, and you want Harry to be there on Friday because it'd make you feel better. Am I wrong?"
Ron's ears turned scarlet, which was enough confirmation.
"I think it's a great idea," She continued. "I mean, I've seen you fly and I've seen you play... sort of– I could help you if you want?"
Ron hesitated.
"Would you? I don't want to ask Fred and George because they'd laugh at me."
"They probably would," Mel agreed. "I would try out myself but I don't own a broom, so better you than someone else."
Ron let out a heavy sigh.
"I could really use some help, Mellow."
"No worries, mate. We got this."
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Mel was having the worst cramps on her right hand ever since the start of the evening. She thought it was thanks to writing more than she was used to, but after a specially sharp pain, she hissed and grimaced, when she looked down she saw a hand that wasn't hers with the words 'I must not tell lies' carved into the skin.
"Mel, you're all right?" Someone nudged her shoulder and Mel blinked coming back to her senses.
She held onto her hand tightly, breathing unevenly she examined it only to see her skin untouched, her anxiety shot up at a dangerous speed.
"Yes," the girl stood up, leaving her stuff abandoned as she walked to the portrait. "I forgot something in the library..."
She rushed out the door not knowing where to go.
'Look for Harry', She urged herself, running towards Umbridge's office.
Ten minutes later she came face to face with Harry, who stopped abruptly at the sight. Mel stopped too, examining his face carefully and picking on the way he was sweating.
"Hi," She said tensely.
"Mel," Harry frowned. "What're you..."
She looked down at his right hand, Harry was quick to hide it.
"What are you doing here?" He asked with a straight face.
Mel wanted to say what she'd seen, but then she remembered what Dumbledore told her, and she was certain that telling Harry the truth would only cause him to push her away, so she lied.
"I was studying with Neville in the library and I forgot my books there, I was on my way to pick them up."
Harry nodded shortly.
"See you later, then."
Mel frowned, last year he would've offered to go with her, but it was clear that he was adamant to keep his distance. She felt stupid, running out of the tower like that after such a minor inconvenience. Harry was clearly okay! It didn't matter what she'd seen, he could handle it on his own.
"Yeah, see you..." She walked past him, her eyes fixed on the back of her hand, rubbing the skin in circles.
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In the middle of her training session with Ron, a cramp pulled all the way to her elbow and she closed her eyes for a moment. It had happened every evening since Tuesday, normally she would just drown the pain and focus on her surroundings, but she was especially tired that night.
"I think we should call it a day, Ron," She sighed. "C'mon, it's getting dark..."
They walked in silence until Ron pulled her behind a statue at the same time the twins walked past them followed by a bunch of first years.
"Ron, you have more dignity than this," She whispered. "You need to stop acting like a baby around your brothers! How're they going to take you seriously if you don't give them a good reason?"
Ron was about to reply when a voice called for them.
"Guys? What are you doing?"
"Er — nothing. What are you doing?"
Harry frowned at them.
"Come on, you can tell me! What are you hiding here for?"
"We're– We're hiding from Fred and George, if you must know," said Ron. "They just went past with a bunch of first years, I bet they're testing stuff on them again, I mean, they can't do it in the common room now, can they, not with Hermione there."
"You're a terrible liar," Mel mumbled beside him. He elbowed her arm roughly, causing her to grunt.
"But what have you got your broom for, you haven't been flying, have you?" Harry asked.
"Have you, Ron?" Mel pressed.
"I — well — well, okay, I'll tell you, but don't laugh, all right? I-I thought I'd try out for Gryffindor Keeper now I've got a decent broom and Mel's helping me train. There. Go on. Laugh."
"I'm not laughing," said Harry, glancing briefly at her. "It's a brilliant idea! It'd be really cool if you got on the team! I've never seen you play Keeper, are you good?"
"I'm not bad, according to Mel," said Ron, smiling a bit. "Charlie, Fred, and George always made me Keep for them when they were training during the holidays."
"So you've been practicing tonight? With Mel?"
"Every evening since Tuesday... Fred and George are going to laugh themselves stupid when I turn up for the tryouts. They haven't stopped taking the mickey out of me since I got made a prefect."
"You'll do fine, and if they try to mock you, I'll make sure to hex them afterwards," She replied.
"I wish I was going to be there," said Harry.
"Yeah, so do — Harry, what's that on the back of your hand?"
Harry froze, attempting to hide his hand away.
"It's just a cut — it's nothing — it's —"
Ron grabbed Harry's forearm and pulled. There, exactly the same place she'd been feeling pain all week, were the words she'd seen on her vision. Ron let go of his hand.
"I thought you said she was giving you lines?" He asked coldly.
Harry stared at the both of them, suddenly looking smaller than before.
"She's... she's been making me use this quill... she says it doesn't need ink and I think that's because, well, it's using my blood."
Mel felt her mouth dry. Harry might have been acting up, but he certainly didn't deserve that.
"...I've been writing the whole week with it– and it's been cutting deeper each time," Harry concluded as the reached the Fat lady portrait.
"The old hag! She's sick! Go to McGonagall, say something!"
"No. I'm not giving her the satisfaction of knowing she's got to me."
"Got to you? You can't let her get away with this!"
"I don't know how much power McGonagall's got over her."
"Dumbledore, then, tell Dumbledore!"
"No," said Harry.
"Why not?"
"He's got enough on his mind," said Harry.
"Well, here's a different solution," Mel started. "You go to her office tomorrow, you finish your detention, and then you keep your mouth shut for the rest of the year."
"You can't be serious..."
"I talked to Dumbledore the other day and–"
"And of course you're telling me this just now. What did he say? Surely he asked you to stay out of trouble–"
"He asked me to step in," Mel replied over his voice. "I should've stopped you from getting detention in the first place. I find it funny that exactly the same year I decide I don't give a flying troll about you, suddenly everyone wants me to defend you–"
"Well, I reckon you should —" Ron started, but the Fat Lady interrupted their chat.
"Are you going to give me the password or will I have to stay awake all night waiting for you to finish your conversation?"
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Next Chapter —>
@dee123ksha @vampiregirl1797 @siriuslysirius1107 @stardusthigh @mikariell95 @vernon-dursley @thesuitelifeofafangirl @tomshollandz @kylosleftbuttcheek @reverse-hxlland @bloodorangemoonlight @omiwashere @t-rexs-world
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watchmegetobsessed · 5 years ago
Different - Adam Sackler (pt. 5)
OMG thank you so much for all the kind words and love you’ve showed to this series, you made me so happy! as i said, this story sits close to my heart so i’m very happy that so many of you enjoyed it! this is officially the last part of this series so thank you for reading, but i think i will surely write more about Sackler bc im just OBSESSED with him. so follow me or ask me to put you on my Adam taglist if you’d like to read more from me!
series summary: Hannah lets you move in with her and Adam as you are her second cousin and in need of a place to live. Your relationship with Adam starts rocky, but things soon seem to be taking a turn.
pairing: Adam Sackler x Reader
word count: 5k
PART 1 - PART 2 - PART 3 - PART 4
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If you had to specify the worst period in your life, you’d point to the three months that followed that one hell of a day, without hesitation. You never in your life would have thought you’d end up this hurt, because you somehow always thought you’d have Adam. But you didn’t, because you decided to push him away and even though it broke you in every possible way, you still told yourself it was the right decision to make. The only one you thought you’d made in a while.
He tried to call you hundreds of times for a week after everything that has happened, but you declined all of his calls, and if he left you a voicemail, you just deleted it without even listening, because you knew if you heard his voice that would just make it even harder. You wanted to call him a lot of times, when you were questioning if you’ve made the right decision, your fingers lingered over his contact in your phone several times, but you never called.
For obvious reasons Hannah broke all contact with you and you couldn’t blame her. You deserved everything you got from her and maybe even more. Her words burnt into your mind and you found yourself repeating them in your thoughts quite often, as if your consciousness wanted you to remember how horrible of a person you are. Not that it wasn’t true, to be honest.
It took you three months to somewhat settle down and be able to continue with your everydays after everything that has happened. But it doesn’t mean you forgot any of it. That void Adam left in you was still there, you just learned to ignore it and pretend like you don’t miss him every day of your life.
Tyler quit after the incident with you, being the clever grown man that he is, so at least you had one less thing to worry about. But your days started to blur into one big mess. It took you long to actually try to pull yourself out of this slumber-like state. What really helped you is that you started taking yoga classes. Twice a week you took one hour to yourself, to connect with yourself and do something for your own good.
There’s a juice bar near the studio where you go and you are heading there right now as well, dreaming about a freshly pressed green juice. Walking in you are welcomed by the tiny bells above the door and the sound brings a smile to your face as you stand in line.
When you finally get your juice and pay for it turning around you look for an empty table where you can peacefully read through your emails until you finish your juice, but you stop breathing for a second when your eyes meet a familiar gaze.
“Hannah,” you breathe out as she is looking right back at you from a table in the corner. She has her phone in her hands and a sandwich with a red juice on the table.
“Want to sit?” she offers and for a moment you feel like this is a trap. “Come on, I’m not gonna scream at you I promise,” she chuckles taking her bag away from the empty chair at the table and you take the seat shyly.
“Thank you. I didn’t know you come here.”
“I don’t. I was just in the neighborhood and got hungry,” she shrugs looking down at her half eaten sandwich.
There is a long, awkward silence between the two of you and you have no idea what you should say. The last time you saw her she was basically cursing you out for stealing her boyfriend, but now she seems cool with being around you, which is quite surprising to you.
“So, it’s been long since we last saw each other, huh?”
“Yeah,” you nod, a thousand things on your mind that you want to say, but none of them really comes out. So then you say that one thing that obviously needs to be said. “Hannah, I’m so sorry for everything then went down. I don’t know what has gotten into me, I honestly didn’t want to hurt you, that was never my intention.”
“I know,” she nods with a warm smile and you are more than surprised by her reaction.
“You do?”
“Yeah,” she chuckles. “Look I’m not saying that what you did was right and that I wasn’t supposed to be mad at you, because it was pretty fucked up, I hope you see that. But I lashed out on you a little too hard and not even for the right reason. I mean, when Adam accidentally dropped that you two have kissed, my mind went into chaos pretty fast.”
“That’s the normal reaction to finding out such thing.”
“Yeah, but I wasn’t mad because you kissed. I mean, kissing is not even that big of a deal, I have kissed Elijah several times when I was dating other men. Now I know that he is gay, but you get the point, right?”
You just nod, thinking you are following her trail of thoughts though you’re not sure where she is heading with it.
“I was hurt that you two had feelings, I’ll admit that. I wasn’t expecting it to happen, but I’m mature enough to know that it’s not really something you have control over. I mean, I couldn’t control my feelings when Adam and I were just casually sleeping together and I fell for him. I didn’t mean that to happen, but it did!” she chuckles and you crack a smile as well. “Listen,” she sighs laying her hands out on the table. “I’m sorry for calling you disgusting, that was a little… too over the top.”
“Honestly, I think you had every right,” you sigh shaking your head.
“No,” she sighs. “The main reason why I was mad was because… I wasn’t the one who pulled the plug.”
You stare at her for a few moments, confused by what she meant by those words.
“I’m sorry?”
“Yeah, you heard it right. I wanted to be the one to break up with Adam and it bothered me that I ended up being dumped. It hurt my ego, because I was very sure I’d be the one to just end it and walk away like this badass, independent woman, but my breakup plan didn’t go as planned. When I went home that day with the pure intention of breaking up with him we quickly got into a fight and Adam just blurted it out, that he has feelings for you and that you already kissed and he wants to break up, right before I could say it so he took my chance. I didn’t get to be the one who ended it and it bothered me way more than it should have.”
“I’m sorry for being a bitch, it was really unnecessary. It still doesn’t change the fact that you fucked my boyfriend,” she adds pointing at you.
“Oh, I didn’t fuck him,” you shyly correct her and genuine surprise shows on her face.
“Really? Because I thought Adam just didn’t want to make me angrier and that’s why he said you just kissed.”
“No. When the kiss happened I felt so ashamed that I told him that nothing can happen until you and him are not officially done. I know it doesn’t make the whole situation better, but I wasn’t gonna be that girl who sleeps with someone else’s boyfriend.”
“Huh,” she huffs to herself, rearranging her whole viewing of what has happened. “Okay, this makes it a little better, still fucked up, but not that much.”
“Good to know. Not that it changes anything, but… yeah.”
“So you really haven’t talked to Adam since then,” she figures from the way you look.
“Did you?”
“I did,” she nods and you raise your eyebrows at her. This conversation is full of surprises. “We met about a month ago at Ray’s birthday. At first we were awkwardly avoiding each other, but then he actually came up to me and apologized.”
“That’s nice.”
“Yeah. Following that, we had a nice talk and I can really tell the guy is suffering.”
“What?” you whisper, feeling your heart immediately breaking.
“He didn’t take it well that you shut him out. And I’m not just saying this because this is what I think. He straight up told me. He told me all about how he hasn’t felt like himself ever since you didn’t let him into your place that night.”
“He told you about that?” you glance away from her. You weren’t expecting her to know so many details.
“Yeah. He really thinks he ruined you.”
“Ruined me?”
“Y/N, Adam is wired differently. He took it like he was to blame for everything and that you blame him for how everything turned out to be.”
“I’m blaming myself, not him.”
“I told him that this is probably what you think, but he would never believe it if it’s not coming from you.”
You sit there in silence, because you don’t know what you could say. You feel horrible knowing Adam has been suffering since your parting, but you still haven’t changed your mind. There’s no way Adam and you could ever make it work between the two of you, you could never do that to Hannah.
“I know what you are thinking,” Hannah speaks up pulling you out of your thoughts. “You’re thinking that you can’t be with Adam because it’s not right.”
“This is the truth. I did enough harm with my stupidity.”
“I wouldn’t mind if you got together with him.” “What?” you look at her with wide eyes. Is this a trap?
“Honestly, I’m over it. Despite everything that happened, I love you and I obviously love Adam in some way and it hurts me to see both of you like this. If it’s my blessing that’s holding you back, you have it.”
“But do you actually mean it?”
“I genuinely do. I’m working on being less selfish, something I’ve been told to be quite a lot lately and I think this is a right step towards that. I don’t really have a real reason to bring up why I shouldn’t let you be happy. It would be an egoistic move from me to watch you both suffer when I could easily help. I was over Adam when it all happened, we distanced way before that, this whole thing hurt me in a different way that has nothing to do with you or him. Would it be strange at first? Of course, but I’ve seen and been through stranger things in my life, so I’m not surprised anymore.”
This conversation has truly taken some surprising turns and you would have never thought that by the end of the day you’d have such a relief on the one thing that’s been weighing down on you for so long.
The two of you stay there in the juice bar for another hour or so, just talking and reconnecting, smoothing everything out that’s been building up in yourself through the months spent apart. She brings you the change you couldn’t give yourself and it finally pushes you out of this hell of a circle you’ve been running in for too long.
It takes you an entire week to build your courage up to face Adam. When you leave to his place that evening you’re not even sure if he still lives there, but you decide to take the chance and if it turns out that he has moved, you’ll take it as a sign that you weren’t supposed to meet him.
As you stand at the door silently, you wonder if he is on the other side. If he looks the same or if something has changed on him. Did he get a haircut? Did he maybe shave? Does he even want to see you? The questions keep flowing in and out of you until you just stop thinking and force yourself to knock on the door.
You hear shuffling from inside and then the door flies open and there he is, standing right in front of you in a pair of dark jeans and grey t-shirt, staring down at you with the most surprised look you’ve ever seen on his handsome face.
“Hey,” you shyly greet him with a small smile.
“Hey. Wha-what are you doing here?”
“I uhh—I wanted to talk to you. Is it not a good time for you?” you ask suddenly feeling like you are bothering him, after all, you just showed up unannounced, he might have plans or company over. Your stomach churns at the thought of the latter.
“No! Come in!” he shakes his head realizing he hasn’t even invited you in. He closes the door behind you and running ahead he collects some abandoned clothes from the floor and couch so you can sit down. You just smile at him as he throws them into his bedroom before joining you.
“So what’s up?”
“I… I met Hannah the other day.”
“Mm,” he hums, curiously waiting for the rest of the story.
“We talked about a lot of things and we kind of reconciled which was very nice and needed. And she told me about things I didn’t know, the reason why she lashed out so hard on me a-and that she met you a while ago.”
“Yeah, we ran into each other at Ray’s birthday,” he nods confirming the information you got from her.
“She said that you didn’t take well what happened… between us.” You glance at him and his gaze is just so intense, it’s making you feel a lot more anxious than you already are.
“I mean… Yeah, I’m not gonna lie, it’s been pretty fucked up for me.”
“I wanted to apologize.”
“For what?”
“For… making you believe that I was blaming you for everything. It was never true, I blamed myself for what happened. I thought that I failed not just Hannah but you as well and that I deserve to be left alone and suffer the consequences of my own actions.”
“Fuck, Y/N, you know we were in this together, why would you blame it all on yourself?” he sighs, frustrated to find out about your feelings.
“Why would you blame it all on yourself?” you repeat his words, feeling like it’s relevant to ask the same thing from him. “We both made mistakes.”
“Yeah,” he nods pressing his lips together into a thin line.
“I’m sorry for not letting you in that night, but I really thought I don’t deserve the smallest happy thing in my life after hearing Hannah lash out on me.”
“You were really driving me crazy. You didn’t even give me a chance to actually talk to you, just shut me out right away.”
“I’m sorry, but there’s nothing I can do to change the past,” you say chuckling lightly. He nods in agreement. “Hannah told me some other things too.”
“Like what?”
“That she doesn’t want either of us to stay miserable and if she is the only person standing between us she is giving us her blessing.”
Adam sucks on his breath as the conversation just took a sudden turn he was hoping to happen, but didn’t think it would really.
“So… What does this mean?” he nervously asks and you find it adorable how this huge man, full of muscle and masculinity can look like the cutest creature on Earth.
“Adam, I’m sorry for the way I reacted back then, but I had a lot of time to think and my conversation with Hannah really put things into their place.”
“Alright,” he nods.
“And I think that… If you still want to, we can… give it a try. Give us a try,” you finally say and you see his eyes brightening up immediately, as the corners of his mouth curl up.
“Is this for real? You’re not just fucking with me, right?” he asks gasping and you can’t help but chuckle at his genuine reaction.
“I’m not fucking with you, Adam,” you say shaking your head.
You watch him let his head fall back as his fits fly into the air.
“Fuck yes!” he happily shouts before quickly bouncing back and cupping your face in his hands he kisses you the way he has imagined so many times since the first time your lips touched.
You let the sensation take over your whole body as your hands grip onto his broad shoulders while his hands slide down to your waist and he gently pulls you until you are sitting on his lap, knees on each sides of his, bodies pressed together.
“Fuck, Y/N,” he breathes out, burying his face into your neck as you hold him tight, fingers laced through his hair, just taking the moment in, embracing every emotion as it is, letting them flowing through your body, right into him.
The heat of the moment quickly turns into something sentimental and moving, everything crashing down on you at once and you just let yourself experience it the way it comes to you.
“I really thought I lost you forever,” he mumbles against your skin, placing soft kisses below your skin. “Swear to God if you dare to do it again, I’m gonna lose my fucking mind,” he chuckles making you laugh as well while the damn tears start forming in your eyes again.
“I’m sorry,” you breathe out lifting his head and brushing his hair out of his face you just stare into his eyes, those beautiful, hazel eyes you’ve missed so much. “But I’m here now.”
“Yes you are,” he grins before kissing you again.
His lips tug on yours, taking his time with you, while his hands run up and down on your body, exploring every bit of it, but he doesn’t move further. He doesn’t try to take your clothes off or push it and you find it very comforting and securing that he still remembers the things you talked about months ago. But you feel like you are more than comfortable with him to take this next step.
“Adam,” you mumble against his lips, your hands sliding down to his stomach where you grab the hem of his shirt.
“You can… You can go for it.”
Stopping he leans back so he can look into your eyes, looking for any sign that tells him he shouldn’t, but you just smile at him shyly.
“Are you sure? Because I’m completely fine with doing nothing, just… lying in bed and being with you.”
“I’m completely sure,” you say pecking his lips shortly. He seems uncertain as you pull his shirt up, but he holds his arms up and lets you undress him, tossing the shirt to the side before laying your palms out on his chest.
Then slowly but surely he gets into action. His hands reach under your thighs and he stands up with you in his arms, carrying you into his bedroom and laying you down to his bed, getting on top of you. His large hands fumble with the small buttons of your shirt, but you reach down to help him and a moment later the shirt is gone and he is pulling your pants down before undoing his own jeans.
You feel secure and comfortable with him, but it’s still a challenging moment regarding of your general anxiety. When he looks down at your body that’s only covered by your lingerie you feel insecure about it and he quickly realizes it.
“You’re beautiful,” he breathes out as he gets on top of you, kissing you sweetly. “Fucking gorgeous,” he smiles before kissing every inch of your face, making you giggle.
Your lips reconnect and soon the rest of your clothes are gone, leaving both of you naked under his sheets.
“Just tell me when something doesn’t feel good, okay?” he asks after he rolls a condom on and you nervously nod. “Hey, we don’t have to do this if you don’t want to,” he assures you seeing how nervous you are.
“I want to, I’m just… I don’t want it to be disappointing to you,” you say quietly.
“That’s impossible. You can never disappoint me, I could come just by looking at you naked,” he jokes making you laugh.
“Oh, so how come you haven’t finished yet?” you ask smirking at him.
“I’m really struggling to hold myself back. You can’t fucking imagine,” he grins kissing you gently. “Don’t think about me, think about yourself. I’m pretty fucking sure what feels good for you will feel amazing to me as well.”
You just nod your head licking your lips as he reaches between you and him and positions himself to your center. He looks you in the eyes one last time, as if he is asking for the final permission and when you nod, brushing his hair out of his forehead, with one slow but confident push he is inside you.
You gasp at the feeling, given the fact that it’s been so long since you’ve been with someone and he is pretty gifted when it comes to his length. But he lets you take your time to adjust to the feeling, staying still and peppering your face with gentle kisses.
“Y-You can move,” you tell him quietly.
“Yeah,” you nod and moving your hands to the back of his neck you let out a moan as he slowly starts rocking his hips back and forth.
“Fuck, you feel so good,” he growls into your neck.
At first it feels a little uncomfortable and strange, but you start to loosen up and do what Adam told you; just focus on yourself. Pulling your legs up you let him hit a way better angle, making you moan as he thrusts inside you and you slowly start to find what feels the best for you.
“You good?” he asks breathing heavily and you just nod, biting into your bottom lip as you wrap your arms around his neck. “Do you want to switch it up?”
“Like… me on top?” you ask unsurely.
“It’s an option.” “Um, yeah,” you say, trying to keep your confidence as he wraps an arm around you and carefully flips the two of you over, so you are now sitting on him. You start moving your hips, not too sure what you should really be doing.
“Relax, just do whatever feels good for you,” he comforts you, his hands holding onto your hips as he gently starts guiding you, giving you a direction to start.
It takes a few seconds to finally find what you enjoy the most and when you do, you just go for it.
“Yes, fuck!” he moans, his head sinking into the pillow. Reaching up his hands cup your breasts as you buck your hips up and down, taking up the pace that feels just right.
“Adam,” you moan his name, hands on his chest as you keep moving, feeling your orgasm building up inside you.
“Yeah, you’re doing so fucking great,” he groans, thrusting his hips up matching your rhythm and you whimper from the feeling.
He pushes himself up into a sitting position, wrapping his arms around your body, your hands on his bare shoulders as you just keep moving and panting, your cheek pressing against his. Turning he kisses your jawline, one hand sliding down to your ass, the other one up into your hair at the back of your head.
“Fuck,” he growls and you know he is close, but so as you.
You pick your pace up, desperate for release, you let your head fall back and his lips meet the soft skin on your neck, kissing down on your throat and the moment his fingers dig into your skin at your ribcage you explode.
“Fuck!” you gasp, falling out of your rhythm as your orgasm washes over your body. You hear Adam grunting as he thrusts a couple more times before he comes as well.
Your panting fills the silence in the room in the next few seconds as you come back down from your high, eyes turning back to Adam who is already looking at you in awe.
“What?” you shyly ask.
“And you thought you would disappoint,” he grins kissing your shoulder. “You fucking… sex goddess.”
“Stop!” you chuckle, leaning down you kiss him softly, the raw passion is gone and replaced by a deeper, sensational feeling.
“You don’t regret it, right?” he asks a little later when the two of you are lying next to each other on your sides, facing each other, his hand playing with yours on the pillow.
“No, of course not,” you smile as he laces his fingers together with yours and pulling your hand to his lips he places a chaste kiss to the back of your hand.
“Alright. Good.”
“This is so crazy,” you exhale softly, watching him in awe.
“What’s crazy?”
“How this all turned out to be. So different from what I imagined.”
“What did you originally imagine?” he asks with a curious smirk on his full lips.
“Honestly, I don’t know,” you admit chuckling. “But not this for sure.”
His hand reaches out and he pulls you closer to him, legs tangling together as he kisses the tip of your nose, making you smile.
“Well, this is our life now. You are stuck with me.”
“What a tragedy,” you tease him, earning him to squeeze your hip gently. “The greatest tragedy of all times,” you add making him chuckle.
Making yourself comfortable in his arms you feel your eyelids getting heavier with each blink. Kissing his lips softly one more time you let them close and stay closed as Adam kisses your forehead.
“Promise me you’ll be here when I wake up,” he whispers and you open your eyes looking at him, seeing that need for validation in his eyes.
“I’m here to stay, don’t worry,” you reassure him before you let your eyes close again and this time, you slowly drift to sleep, feeling his fingers gently caressing your side until the very last moment you’re awake.
 You smile to yourself upon hearing the front door open and close and when you see Adam walk in a moment later you get up from your bed to greet your boyfriend the proper way on his birthday.
“Hey,” you smile at him kissing his lips softly.
“Hi, I missed you,” he grins giving your ass a gentle squeeze before letting go of you and walking over to your bed he throws himself onto it with a tired sigh.
“How was your day?”
“Just the usual, nothing extra. The guys on set got me a cupcake,” he chuckles to himself.
“That’s cute,” you say crawling onto the bed, thinking about how adorable he would look like with a tiny cupcake compared to his size.
Reaching over to your nightstand you grab the white envelope you’ve had prepared for him, his name written on it in cursive to make it look fancy.
“Happy birthday,” you hand it to him with an excited smile.
“Y/N, I told you no gifts!” he looks at you with narrow eyes. He really did say he doesn’t want anything for his birthday, just to be with you, the only person he is interested in as he said. But you just couldn’t contain yourself and you had a funny idea about his gift.
“I know, but it’s not really a gift. It’s just… something I owe you.”
“Is this a pair of your panties?” he jokes and you just shake your head at him laughing.
“Just open it!”
He gives you a puzzled look as he opens the envelope and looks inside. He pulls out the twenty and five dollar bills with an even more confused look as he holds them up while you just giggle to yourself.
“What is this supposed to be?”
“This is the twenty-five bucks you paid me when we went out with Hannah. I felt like I should pay you back.”
“But why?”
“Because… I would rather not have you paying for a moment in our relationship that was kind of significant.”
“We really bonded that night, huh?” he chuckles placing a hand on your thigh as he puts the money and the envelope away. “Did you think we would end up here back then?”
“Not then. But I was already having thoughts about you.”
“Me too,” he admits smiling.
It’s kind of crazy thinking back at that day now, two months into your relationship with him, it all feels so surreal. You’ve definitely come a long way from ignoring each other in the apartment to being so madly in love.
Leaning closer he kisses you softly, his hand holding your chin tenderly.
“I love you,” he whispers and a wide smile stretches across your face. It’s not the first time he said it, but every time feels like the first, making your heart flip in your chest, completely whipped for this tall, weird but so amazing man you get to call your boyfriend.
“I love you too,” you mumble back before he grabs you by your waist and a moment later you are lying on the mattress, him on top of you, kissing down on your neck.
“Babe?” he asks stopping at your chest, looking up at you from under his dark eyelashes.
“Can I ask for one thing for my birthday?”
“Sure,” you smile down at him, curious about what he wants.
“I want to fuck you on the kitchen counter,” he bluntly states, and you just chuckle, combing his hair with your fingers.
Rolling off the bed you just walk over to the kitchen counter pushing the boxes and plates to the side before hopping onto the top and crossing your leg seductively, smirking at him while he is still on your bed, watching you completely amazed by you.
“Well, happy birthday to you, big boy,” you say in a low tone and it drives him crazy immediately. Jumping off the bed he rushes over to you, uncrossing your legs so he can stand between your knees.
“Best fucking birthday ever,” he grins before pressing his lips to yours.
general/forever taglist for Adam Driver
i do separate taglists for different people, but not for different works of mine! if you ask to be on my Adam taglist, you’ll be tagged in all of my Adam fics!
@superdriver @siren-queen03 @holacherrycola90 @spencer-is-amazing @unusual-kindred-spirits @hailthemightywoecloud @holy-kylo-stars @kowalskibro-adamdriverblog @hurricanesunset @writerandee @luxury-0pps @prncess91 @malefoygal @zaahidahhh @filternotincluded @fire-in-her-veinz​
if you’d like to be taken off or added to the list, please let me know!
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haec-est-fides · 4 years ago
Filodox’s Trials of Apollo Reactions [Part I]
Welcome to part one of a reflective journey through Trials of Apollo ft. my original ebook annotations! I’ll be your host, 2020!filodox.
For this first episode, we’ll be going back to May 2016, the beginning of it all: The Hidden Oracle.
Annotations for this round are brought to you by 2016!filodox.
Is there anything we should know before we begin, 2016!me?
2016!filodox: I swore on the Styx never to read another Riordan book after he killed Octavian. And yet here we are.
... Alright then! Let’s get started.
But first, a more detailed overview on how this series will work: I will excerpt bits and pieces of the books based on what I highlighted / annotated on my first read. Beneath each quote, I will share what I wrote in the annotation. Below that, I will (occasionally) laugh at my past self, clarify the note, or say how my view has changed.
I encourage questions, comments, and concerns (of which there may be many), so go ahead and use that replies feature if you feel so inclined! However, these are just my opinions and (occasionally) emotional reactions, so no hate pls. <3 (Or, if you do send hate, pls make it funny.)
Now, diving right in with Riordan’s dedication!
To The Muse Calliope. This is long overdue. Please don’t hurt me.
2016!filodox: Hurt him. He didn’t even name the chapters.
As you can see, I had yet to experience Lester’s haiku and was already mad based on the table of contents alone. I went into this series very salty...
I inflicted a plague on the Greeks who besieged Troy.
2016!filodox: At least he did something right. Once.
I was just,,,extremely ready to die on Octavian’s hill. (Though I was a huge Troy / Aeneas stan before all this, just to be clear.)
Is anything sadder than the sound of a god hitting a pile of garbage bags?
2016!filodox: I actually find this particular god crashing into a dumpster quite amusing.
I also blamed Apollo for what happened to Octavian. I think that had a lot to do with how Apollo acted on Delos in Heroes of Olympus, basically disowning Octavian and whining about how some “creature” scammed him? That was bullshit. Apollo needed to own the fact that he blessed Octavian, but he just abandoned him and denied all the blame. TL;DR I had a grudge, okay?
My mind stewed in confusion, but one memory floated to the surface -- the voice of my father, Zeus: YOUR FAULT. YOUR PUNISHMENT.
2016!filodox: Wait, is this bc everyone blames Octavian and therefore Apollo? Bc lol but also no?
*cough* Octavian did nothing wrong 2k16 *cough*
Zeus will reconsider, I told myself. He’s just trying to scare me. Any moment, he will yank me back to Olympus and let me off with a warning.
“Yes...” My voice sounded hollow and desperate. “Yes, that’s it.”
2016!filodox: Apollo is a self centered frat boy, I forgot...but it is slightly...endearing? *narrows eyes*
Ah, how close I was to stanning Lester in the first chapter, when he was at his most “goddy”. You know, I actually made a rule for myself when I started reading Trials of Apollo that I would not under any circumstances stan Apollo. That was a naive goal, because it was never really a danger.
Regardless, Zeus had held me responsible for Octavian’s delusions of grandeur. Zeus seemed to consider egotism a trait the boy had inherited from me. Which is ridiculous. I am much too self-aware to be egotistical.
2016!filodox: I am going to Murder him.
*chef kiss* the hypocrisy ! the lack of self-awareness !
“I just...I assumed -- I hoped this would be taken care of by now.”
“You mean by demigods,” Percy said, “going on a big quest to reclaim the Oracle of Delphi?”
2016!filodox: That sounds like a decent quest, or you know, QUESTING FOR THE SIBYLLINE BOOKS
I’ve always said I can see the future but an inch to the left. Also, I don’t like Ella.
It warmed my heart that my children had the right priorities: their skills, their images, their views on YouTube. Say what you will about gods being absentee parents; our children inherit many of our finest personality traits.
I mean ?
Apollo, when Austin and Kayla show ambition: THEY GOT THAT FROM ME <3
Apollo, when Octavian (or Nero, or Caligula) shows ambition: srry i don’t know him ??
He had a weak jawline, an overlarge nose, and a beard that wrapped around his double chin like a helmet strap. His hair was curly and dark like mine, except not as fashionably tousled or luxuriant. His lips curled as if he smelled something unpleasant. Perhaps it was the burning seats of the bus.
2016!filodox: Nero ???
Not quite sure how to feel looking back at this moment. Call out post @ myself for instantly recognizing Nero, when afaik this scene was before we had any hints that Roman emperors were even a plot point? But here’s the thing: I don’t remember why I could recognize him so easily. I don’t remember where 2016!me obtained this ancient Rome knowledge. A mystery.
On another note entirely, did Nero really like,,,astral project into Apollo’s fever dream to address him directly? Because Rhea does. And sometimes Python does. But Nero? Can he do that?
The man laughed as flames licked at his purple sleeves. “You’re not sorry yet, but you will be. Find me the gates. Lead me to the Oracle. I’ll enjoy burning it down!”
2016!filodox: I too enjoy burning things down. # Nero confirmed
My only comment here is “oh you sweet summer child,,,”
Oh. Perhaps some of you are wondering how I felt seeing [Will] with a boyfriend rather than a girlfriend.
2016!filodox: No, actually. I wasn’t wondering. I was plotting how to kill you, them, and quite a few other people. Do you think I could trade you for Octavian?
Oh man, back at it again with the salt. XD
I could only remember my conversations with Octavian, the way he’d turned my head with his flattery and promises. That stupid boy...it was his fault I was here.
A voice whispered in the back of my mind. This time I thought it might be my conscience: Who was the stupid boy? It wasn’t Octavian.
2016!filodox: I can’t really...explain my emotions upon reading this. I’m still not quite okay, but this...it’s bittersweet in a way. I don’t know if this is a poor attempt at a proper closure, the author’s way of beating a dead horse, or just a way to make Apollo seem pitiable. Whatever it is... Octavian was important enough to remain in Apollo’s mortal memory. He somehow made promises to a god and had Apollo wrapped around his finger. And despite being so much like Apollo, the god blames him. Like everyone blames him. But Apollo also realizes, accepts on an infinitesimal scale, that “it wasn’t Octavian”. He wasn’t perfect, but neither is Apollo. Apollo is (at least) subconsciously admitting his own guilt in the whole affair.
...yeah. I will note that this bit isn’t meant to develop Octavian, but rather uses Octavian as a prop to support Apollo’s development? Which is why it still stings. Like thanks, I guess.
“Your judgement in the past has been...questionable. I wonder if you have chosen the right tools for this job. Have you learned from your past mistakes?”
2016!filodox: Nero has made plenty of mistakes to learn from
Love how I just assumed it was Nero back in chapter 10 and went with it, zero hesitation. Also love how I heard Python say Nero has made mistakes and went “oh absolutely”. In fact, here’s something funny in retrospect that will become more and more apparent: I did not like Nero in 2016. Or, at least, I thought I didn’t. There’s something really odd going on here that baffles me, looking back...
“A triumvirate is a ruling council of three,” I said. “At least, that’s what it meant in ancient Rome.”
“Which is interesting,” Rachel said, “because of this next shot.” She tapped her screen. The new photo zoomed in on the building’s penthouse terrace, where three shadowy figures stood talking together....
2016!filodox: Is it bad that I’m smirking? Because it’s getting interesting ~ *clear malicious intent*
Wow, edgy. Triumvirates are just a neat, Roman thing and I stanned.
“The last triumvirate I dealt with included Lepidus, Marc Antony, and my son, the original Octavian. A triumvirate is a very Roman concept...like patriotism, skullduggery, and assassination.”
Ohhhh, wait. I think I’d watched the HBO series Rome by 2016, which would at least partially explain my ancient Rome knowledge. (Amazing tv show btw!)
“He heard them talking in Latin.”
“Latin? Were they campers?”
Pete spread his hands. “I--I don’t think so. Paulie described them like they were adults. He said one of them was the leader. The other two addressed him as imperator.”
2016!filodox: !!!! (obligatory 💕)
I was such a simp for Latin in high school. And the Roman Empire. Still am, but hey.
“The Beast is planning some kind of attack on your camp. I don’t know what it is, but it’s going to be big.”
2016!filodox: Runs in the family I guess
The Octavian / Triumvirate parallels are everywhere... 👀
“The emperors made themselves gods. They had their own temples and altars. They encouraged the people to worship them.”
2016!filodox: # deify me
*smacking my past self with a stick* You stop that! Edgy child!
Anyway, a much better point here is like,,,the Imperial cult was huge in the ancient Roman world. Looking at Apollo’s explanation here, why did only the “worst” three emperors get to be immortal? Did famously “good” emperors like Augustus and Marcus Aurelius have the option of becoming minor gods, but they chose Elysium or something? Are there slightly less infamous emperors just hanging around anywhere as minor gods? A lot of Roman emperors live on in human memory is all I’m saying.
“Wait!” Will said as I reached the door. “Who is the Beast? Which emperor are we dealing with?”
“The worst of my descendants.” My fingers dug into the doorframe. “The Christians called him the Beast because he burned them alive. Our enemy is Emperor Nero.”
2016!filodox: I honestly can’t believe it took this long to reveal this? Was anyone surprised?
Nero’s reveal is rather late in the book compared to Commodus, Caligula, and even Tarquin iirc? But it makes sense, being the first book of the series. Also love how 16-year-old me was like “this reveal is silly because everyone, like me, recognizes Nero on sight” and didn’t question that assumption at all.
“Germani.” Instinctively, I moved in front of Meg. The elite imperial bodyguards had been cold-blooded death reapers in ancient Rome. I doubted they’d gotten any sweeter over the centuries.
2016!filodox: BITCH. See? This is why I love Rome. They knew what they were doing.
Ngl, as someone of Germanic heritage, I felt really represented by the Germani, which is hilarious on so many levels.
He tried to compensate for his ugliness with an expensive Italian suit of purple wool, his gray shirt open to display gold chains. His shoes were hand-tooled leather, not the sort of thing to wear while stomping around in an ant pile. Then again, Nero had always had expensive, impractical tastes.
2016!filodox: I don’t exactly like Nero, and actually think he was quite the shitty emperor, but I guess I mildly respect and “like” him on principle (in this book at least).
OH YOU SWEET SUMMER CHILD. I was so convinced that I didn’t actually like Nero, despite all of the lowkey evidence to the contrary? Who hurt you, past me? (Lmao, it was Tacitus, Suetonius, and Cassius Dio.) My working theory is that I was too much of an Emperor Augustus stan at the time to admit liking Nero. It’s hysterical. Look at me equivocating like a champ.
I’d been so proud of my son, the original Octavian, later Caesar Augustus. After his death, his descendants became increasingly arrogant and unstable (which I blamed on their mortal DNA; they certainly didn’t get those qualities from me).
2016!filodox: I’m glad Apollo and I can agree on something. Augustus was amazing and those who came after him...significantly less so.
See! The propaganda really got to me, what can I say?
Nero clasped his hands as if in prayer. “Oh, my. It seems we’ve had a slight miscommunication. You see, Apollo, Meg brought you here, just as I asked her to. Well done, my sweet.”
2016!filodox: This was obvious but I still find it...gods, the only word I can think of is “delicious”
. . .
“The Beast killed my father. This is Nero. He’s -- he’s my stepfather.”
I could not fully grasp this before Nero spread his arms.
“That’s right, my darling,” he said. “And you’ve done a wonderful job. Come to Papa.”
2016!filodox: Okay, but we should have known this since it became apparent her weapons were Roman. Also, oof. Also also, WHY did Riordan feel the need to add that last line? Why?
“After the fire, we’ll rebuild,” he said. “It will be glorious!”
2016!filodox: The amount of times I have used this very logic is worrying.
For (some) context, Firelord Ozai is my favorite character from AtLA. <3
The scene might have been funny except that the Germani were now back on their feet, five demigods and a geyser spirit were still tied to highly flammable posts, and Nero still had a box of matches.
2016!filodox: Oh, I find this plenty amusing!
The emperor stared at his empty hand. “Meg...?” His voice was as cold as an icicle.
2016!filodox: The various ways his tone / voice have been described throughout this conversation are just 💕
*looks at camera like I’m on The Office*
Seriously, though. Nero’s voice is like the central descriptive element of his character because he’s so manipulative. It’s really cool and a great use of detail.
[Meg] turned to Nero. “You told me never to lower myself to my enemies’ level.”
“No, indeed.” Nero’s tone had frayed like a weathered rope. “We are better. We are stronger. We will build a glorious new world. But these nonsense-spewing trees stand in our way, Meg. Like any invasive weeds, they must be burned. And the only way to do that is with a true conflagration -- flames stoked by blood.”
2016!filodox: Real 👏🏻 Gods 👏🏻 Require 👏🏻 Blood👏🏻
I was way too enthusiastic about this whole situation, wasn’t I?
Nero grinned. “Good-bye, Apollo. Only eleven more Olympians to go.”
2016!filodox: Wait, shit, WHAT
Having read Tower of Nero, this probably had something to do with Python interfering with the Fates, huh? But does that mean it’s more Python’s plan or Nero’s? If this was Nero’s plan (with his 12 kids literally replacing the Olympians) that’s,,,really fucking bold.
Then I heard the screaming from Camp Half-Blood.
2016!filodox: Music to my ears ~
I’m presenting every edgy detail of my annotations so I have a proper case file when I inevitably have to face the question “On a scale of one to ten, how relatable is Emperor Nero and why should you have realized it’s a ten sooner?”
In a flash of silver light, the camp’s magical barriers collapsed. The Colossus lurched forward and brought his foot down on the dining pavilion, smashing it to rubble like so many children’s blocks.
2016!filodox: Payback! Dear gods, I can’t stop smiling! I’m just like “YES!” I know this will all probably get fixed or whatever but I’M HAVING A MOMENT.
I’ve learned to appreciate the small wins. <3
Percy grabbed one of the crown’s sunray spikes. He sliced it off at the base, then jabbed it into the Colossus’ forehead.
2016!filodox: As much as Nero is FAR from my favorite, I really don’t like defacing ancient (or replicas of ancient) statues and art...
This is where I just start laughing at myself tbh. I was so insistent on not liking Nero. Like, I sound like I’m in denial. Peak equivocation. What happened to that heart emoji a few chapters back? Why did I suddenly make it about *checks notes* ancient art? Updated translation: nooo don’t ruin the Colossus Neronis it’s so sexy aha
Just as the [arrow] reached its apex and was about to fall back to earth, a gust of wind caught it...perhaps Zephyros looking kindly on my pitiful attempt. The arrow sailed into the Colossus’ ear canal and rattled in his head with a clink, clink, clink like a pachinko machine.
2016!filodox: HOW MANY EX MACHINAS IS THIS ?! The dryads, the arrow, Percy, the enchantment, and THIS ?
One of my criticisms of Trials of Apollo in general is just that the stakes are so much higher and Riordan usually solves that problem by having his heroes win on long odds. The chances of them succeeding at like,,,anything they attempt are astronomical, but of course they manage. It’s not surprising but it does get a little tiring.
“Yo, Nico,” Leo called, “please tell me that’s it for the physical abuse.”
“For now.” Nico smiled. “We’re still trying to get in touch with the West Coast. You’ll have a few dozen people out there who will definitely want to hit you.”
2016!filodox: Oh I’d love to hit him. With the flaming, Imperial gold payload of an onager. Preferably WITHOUT the Pontifex Maximus attached to it -- unless of course you mean the false pontifex, Jason Grace.
Leo was the salt in the wound for this one, ngl. He rekindled my undying ire over Octavian’s death. As I said at the beginning of this, I was extremely ready to die on Octavian’s hill after Heroes of Olympus. That sentiment sticks around for a while...
And we can call that a wrap!
Though it may seem like it, my annotations are not, in fact, a compilation of Nero’s greatest hits. There are a lot of scenes of his that I love (naturally) but I didn’t have anything to say about them when I first read the series. Maybe I’ll share those another time.
In any case, I hope you got something out of this ridiculously long post! Until next time! <3
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chipchopclipclop · 5 years ago
Any ships for the Witcher?
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this WAS under a readmore BC TUMBLR LIKES TO BREAK WHEN YOU EDIT ASKS I GUESS bc it started to get embarrassingly long but im pretty much a multi shipper in any fandom or thing im into but also especially with geralt if hes involved bc i like to hc him as being in love with like…80 percent of the people he knows and is a hashtag #openrelationship king bc the way this game treats him being weirdly exclusive annoys the fuck out of me we, live in our city now.
geralt is involved
Geralt/Dandelion - ouch my dick ouch my balls the original brain dick pounding. I pretty much like any iteration of them with each other but no show geralt bc game geralt is superior in every way 2 me (PERSONAL PREF PLS NO FLAME (him with no beard is fucked up also)) i usually dont like the pair though if people depict dandy as some… naive pure waif or some such…. this man is a hoe and stupid through and through dont overlook this. its important.
I am also actually am a sucker for geralt singing his praises quietly fr no goddamn reason aside from hes infatuated with him and getting weirdly defensive about him and everyone else around him is just like. Christ. this is influenced by me never being able to pick the bully options when i was playing w3 ( i am whipped)
Geralt/Eskel/Lambert - soon as i knew they were more wolf witchers my brain entered a state of superflux. which means i followed them around making mooney eyes constantly, Im more fond of Geralt/Eskel leg of this ot3 bc they have such. old married couple energy and i am in love with Eskel but i love and respect our king lambert as well and he deserves a good ramming, DONT WE ALL? I REST MY CASE.
i also like to think like geralt, the two are pretty open relationship wise by nature tho i could say this about any of these characters bc i like poly hawhaw but something about witchers being seen as unemotional and unfeeling but these guys just having alot of love to give to each other and with others…poetry 😔
Geralt/Yennefer - i have complicated feelings on this pairing bc the show confounded me in how it happened and then it felt so faking weird in w3 bc of all the weird jealousy love triangle stuff i was forced to sit through as well as yen p much just calling me a dumbass donkey every hour before being like alright. time to fuck randomly. and it was executed bad. i didn’t like it and it was bad.
BUT. the potential here is still good and i like a cagey yennefer who finds it hard to trust opening up more slowly to geralt bc hes just like. straightforward…. i think their convo on the boat was kind of cute too… i think i just am really not into the THEY’RE TIED BY DESTINY TO EACH OTHER. LIKE. LITERALLY. aspect of their relationship especially when they seem to clash to hard against it. when she broke the wish with the djinn though and they were acting sweet with each other it made me kinda 🥺 uhu…. my goth wife….
i also dont mind these two deciding they work better together platonically as well though and being like, chummy exes lolol the ribbing that would entail…
Geralt/Yennefer/Dandelion - i think aqua gave me the idea for this but i am tickled by the thought of Dandelion landing himself TWO powerful beau’s who will step in to defend him from the stupid shite he gets himself into 24/7. Yennefer walking in front of him while he gets cussed out by someone just saying “Is there a problem?” smiling menacingly… does that not fuck…. i say it does !
i think her and dandelion’s relationship is just…..very funny and not dramatic so its very fun to think about even romantically. and also geralt is there and plays the beleaguered straight man.
Geralt/Regis - i am putting this here even if i have not finished blood and wine yet bc oh my godddddddddddddddddddddddddddd [smacks head with rock] also my first interaction with w3 was watching a friend play one of his quests with another friend and and all three of us go mad bc we were like IS THIS MEANT TO BE DRIPPING WITH SEXUAL TENSION AND INNUENDO. WHAT IS GOING ON. ARE WE LOSING IT. HELLO. we all deserve a big word speaking vampire boyfriend
Keira/Geralt - they are cute…. i dont need to defend myself….her being so pompous around him is so funny 2 me
Geralt/Zoltan - i like zoltan okay, actually these two have similar retired dad energy but zoltan is the one who makes them go out for date night still
Geralt/Zoltan/Dandelion - i am thinking about it i am thinking about it
edit: Yennefer/Eskel/Geralt/Lambert - poki put this idea in my head just now GEE YENNEFER HOW COME YOUR MOM LETS YOU SMASH THREE WITCHERS?
not geralt centric
Triss/Yennefer - oh my god they were schoolmates.png and yenn calling triss her best friend made me go hmmmghhh 🥺 also im sick of this series being like oh no my best friend slept with my boyfriend, DRAMA! they are also dating okay shut up #lovewins, i need to intake more witcher content to further solidify these two as a pair in my head but its on the agenda. i am looking. i am watching. WAITING.
Eskel/Dandelion - take my faves and smack them together like barbie dolls also dandelion having a type thats just - witcher is comedy gold on top of that? eskel being flattered a pretty dude like this is into him…cute
Ciri/That One Readhead Girl Whose Name I Forgot - you know in the quest where ciri asks you to come around with her in novigrad and help thank the people who helped her and one was the cute barmaid with freckles, they were so cute what the fuck it lasted all of 5 minutes and i cant stop thinking about it, ciri’s government assigned girlfriend (i am the government)
Regis/Dandelion - when i was walking around his sick basement in w3 he had a book that dandelion has written about him in there… and all it said was nice things… and regis kept it in clear view? much to consider… thinking on this….
Priscilla/Dandelion - these two…surprisingly wholesome… also god i love bards. i dont think about the end of the quest where she gets owned for no reason they’re just faking chilling in novigrad making bank. ALSO i still cant believe these two dont come with you when you’re forming the avengers crew to defend kaer morhen how r they gonna write about it if they arent there !!!!!!! let them sit in the rafters and throw bombs conspiratorially !!!!! smh !!!!!
Priscilla/Yennefer - think pris having a hero crush on yennefer is very cute… she meets her for the first time and her thoughts r just oh god shes even prettier than the song said she was [brain explodes into mush] also her singing about her when geralt rocks up dare i say gay activity ?
Keira/Lambert - find it very funny w3 was like ‘and then keira decided to pick up lambert to roam around with her like he’s some weird fucking stray cat whos hair she likes to fuss over’ also lambert being forced to behave around her scholarly friends lmfao
Dandelion/Everyone okay - this man be fucking
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extreme-technicality · 4 years ago
does talking to an anon help about ninjago help? cuz I'm down
Okay now that I know I won’t be clogging people’s dashes buckle the fuck in my dude and I should stress that I literally would not be talking about this as much as I will be if I didn’t genuinely enjoy the show. I’m gonna go season by season and just Rant
S1 has the serpentine as the bbeg and like, as far as villains go they’re p lit. They’re early enough that they haven’t been done to hell, things are fresh, the characters and dynamics are being fleshed out, and all in all s1 is a pretty solid season. There’s some fuckery that gets brought up re: how the FUCK aging works and what the actual timeline of Ninjago is and how Wu and Garmadon fit into that timeline, fuckery that LITERALLY NEVER GETS RESOLVED IN A SATISFYING WAY BC ITS REVEALED IN A LATER SEASON (s8, dw we’ll get there lmao) THAT THE ONLY REASON THE FIRST SPINJITSU MASTER, WU, AND GARMADON LIVED AS LONG AS THEY DID IS CUZ THEYRE BASICALLY DEMIGODS AND ITS IMPLIED THAT LLOYD WILL ALSO LIVE FOR A LONG ASS TIME WHICH MEANS ONE DAY HES GONNA OUTLIVE ALL HIS FRIENDS AND EVERYONE HE EVER LOVED WHICH IS A FUN THING TO THINK ABOUT AT NIGHT But anyway I digress, s1 also coincidentally introduces Lloyd (he wasn’t in the pilot episodes that set up the rest of the series) and the existence of Evil Dad Garmadon.
S2 is where Garmadon starts acting a lot more Evil and a lot less Dad. He’s the main antagonist for that season, and I actually read somewhere that the show was originally slated to end after s2 which high key explains the fuckery of literally every single season after this lmaooooo. Much like s1, I really can’t find much to complain about, the first two seasons are pretty decent as far as I can remember
S4 is honestly one of my favorites, even though the romance crimes continue (the love triangle bullshit is continuing and honestly I maintain that Cole, Nya, and Jay should all have gotten together and in my personal canon they DID, and also Kai has a forced romance) the VILLAIN makes up for it imo. He’s campy!! He’s funny!! He’s a clown!! He’s serious enough that if he says “I’m gonna kill you” HE MEANS IT and that’s so fucking refreshing!!!! S4 is honestly 8/10 just for the villain alone, don’t like that it retconned the SHIT out of the elemental masters and how many different elements there are TO master but eh, it’s ninjago, shit is stupid.
S5 was…interesting? OH WAIT I FORGOT TO MENTION THAT S3 INTRODUCED A GARMADON WHO WAS A LOT LESS EVIL AND A LOT MORE DAD, HONESTLY I THOUGHT IT TOOK A LOT OF THE FLAVOR OUT BUT THATS JUST ME LMAOOO. anyway s5 killed Garmadon, and I was a little sad cuz I like him okay??? I just think he’s NEAT, he’s got big dad energy, he was teaching Lloyd some shit that just got DROPPED and literally was never brought up again which is honestly a theme in Ninjago. Ninjago drinking game: take a shot every time they introduce a plot point or ability and drop it at or before the end of the season. WHICH THEY ALSO DID IN S5 WITH A DIFFERENT POWER ACTUALLY, so all the ninja are masters of Spinjitsu right, well s5 introduced the concept of Airjitsu which only Spinjitsu masters can learn and it lets them FLY and they used that for seasons 5 and 6 and then they nEVER BROUGHT IT UP AGAIN EVEN THOUGH IT WOULDVE COME IN HANDY FOR S E V E R A L DIFFERENT SITUATIONS ACROSS THE SEASONS, ONE OF THEM WOULD BE FALLING TO THEIR DOOM AND MY ASS WOULD BE YELLING “YOU CAN FLY, DUMBASS” - anyway, they do that again later lmao it’s fine. But what’s low key NOT fine is they made Nya the WATER NINJA!!! Like I’m not mad she has powers, except I kinda am, she was doing just fine as Samurai X and honestly the only reason she has super special ninja powers is for plot reasons. Also Cole got turned into a ghost, but by s7 he’s????? No longer a ghost????????? And that’s NEVER addressed or reasoned away, so like. Cool lmao
S6 didn’t happen. Like, canonically, s6 ends with wish fuckery that undoes the entire season and none of the characters remember anything that happened except Jay and Nya because S6 is the season where they get back together so they remember all those events for???? Feelings reasons?????? Unclear, moving on. The actual bbeg for S6 was a djinn with a vaguely Spanish accent, and to this DAY I don’t know why they made him have a SPANISH accent. Djinn are Arabic, not Spanish!! They’re not central or South American, either!!!! Your villain design makes no sense, do better
S7 had MORE time fuckery, and retconned what happened to Kai and Nya’s parents and hmmmhmhmhmhmhm that makes me Upsetti Spaghetti :3 not just the retconning, but the fact that they LITERALLY brought them back oNLY TO NEVER MENTION THEM AGAIN!!!!!! LITERALLY!!!!!!!! Okay so at the VERY very beginning, like pilot episodes beginning, Kai talks about their dad like he died/left fairly recently, BUT s7 contradicts that and claims that both of their parents were essentially abducted when Kai and Nya were little kids, which makes me question what in the fresh fuck two little kids were doing for all those years alone. SETTING THAT ASIDE FOR A HOT SECOND, their parents were also apparently good friends of Wu’s and old war buddies (from the Serpentine wars, which is YET ANOTHER bit of the timeline that doesn’t quite add up but honestly I could make a whole other post about that shit). But if they were such good fucking friends, why didn’t Wu check in every now and again??? What the fuck was Wu doing that was so fucking important that he couldn’t have been assed to visit his friends ONCE in like TEN MOTHERFUCKING YEARS and realize “oh shit, they’re not here and there are two tiny children running around unsupervised…My Kids Now : )” LIKE????? WU YOU LOW KEY SHOULDA LOOKED OUT FOR YOUR FRIENDS’ KIDS BETTER, THEY COULDA DIED BRO!!! Uhhhh the time fuckery also results in Wu getting yeeted ahead in time a bit and the ninja gotta find him
Season. Eight. I have…mixed feelings about this one. The beginning absolutely SLAUGHTERED me, and not in a “this is so fucking funny” way. No, the beginning made me feel like I was being flayed alive with just about every episode because Ninjago was back on its forced romance bullshit and this time it was Lloyd’s turn on the chopping block. That hurt my soul cuz like, look at that mans color scheme, he’s CLEARLY alloaro, why are you forcing romance on my aro man, why would you hurt me like that, BUT ALSO BECAUSE HE AND THE GIRL HE WAS BEING SET UP WITH HAD A LITTLE HEART TO HEART REALLY EARLY ON AND IT WAS THE MOST QUEER CODED SHIT!!!! IT DEADASS READ AS A CONVERSATION BETWEEN AN OUT AND PROUD QUEER AND A CLOSETED QUEER AND THEY MADE!!! IT!!!!! STRAIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!! The only thing that kept me watching at first was wanting to find Wu, and then I started enjoying myself once Cole found a plot-relevant baby and had fatherhood thrust upon him. Everything went from “ehhhhh” to “holy shit this FUCKS” once it was revealed that Rumi (Lloyd’s love interest) wAS PLAYING HIM THE WHOLE TIME AND WAS EVIL AND HAD AN EVIL GIRLFRIEND!!!!!! LITERALLY IMPROVED EVERYTHING ABOUT THE SEASON FOR ME, I COULD EVEN FORGIVE THE WHOLE “let’s resurrect Garmadon, but as evil as possible” BULLSHIT!!!!!!
S9 is a continuation of s8, Garmadon is back and 1000% Evil, 10% Dad, but none of the Dad energies is directed at Lloyd - it’s all directed at Rumi, and honestly I could write a whole ass post on just RUMI cuz that’s honestly my DAUGHTER and I LOVE HER and I’m MAD SHE DIES AT THE END OF THIS SEASON!!!! SHE DESERVED THERAPY AND TO LIVE WITH HER GF AND MAYBE SOME CRIME. AS A TREAT. RUMI DESERVED BETTER AND LOW KEY IM GONNA WRITE A FIC ABOUT IT, BUT ANYWAY WHERE WAS I
Ah right, so s9 has the four major Ninja stuck in the original dimension with no way home, while Lloyd has no powers (cuz he almost died last season) and has to somehow lead a resistance against Garmadon (who has taken control of Ninjago City and is working on the rest of Ninjago). Actually, s9 is pretty cool. Like, the end of s8 and into s9 are low key my favorite episodes, and I kinda wanna rewatch them now -
S10 is a FUN one. Garmadon got got last season, but he didn’t DIE, so he’s in cold storage and now there’s Another Threat and he’s the only one who knows wtf they’re up against so they let him out and he works with them. The funny part is, he is still Very Much Evil and doesn’t quite Get emotions like he did when he was, uh, human lmao, sO HE WOKE UP EVERY DAY DURING THAT SEASON AND DECIDED TO CAUSE PROBLEMS ON PURPOSE. IT WAS THE FUNNIEST FUCKING SHIT. 1000000/10 MY FAVORITE GARMADON, he ended that season by literally fucking off into Ninjago and they never decided to track him down 😭😭😭😭😭and I’m so SAD about it dude
S11 has another Serpentine as the bbeg, though in the setup to that they retconned how the fucking Serpentine tribes and history work??? I think???? Also Wu was a good 150% angrier and generally Done with the ninja’s shit, which was honestly refreshing tho I’m not quite sure I liked what the refreshed view was, but whatever lmao. S11 also had the ninja get yeeted to the dimension farthest from Ninjago, and honestly - okay, so they didn’t all go at the same TIME, Zane left about a week or two before the others did but there was time dilation fuckery afoot which I’m not too mad about cuz low key it makes sense. What I AM mad about is that they didn’t play the angst up to its full POTENTIAL!!!!!! Zane was EVIL in the other dimension!!!! Okay so I’m Ninjago he was only gone for maybe a week or two, but DECADES had passed in the other one, and all that time Zane was alone and disconnected from everyone he knew and loved, with a staff that boosted his power while slowly corrupting him and Turning Him Evil to help him, and like???? The thought of Zane trying to find a way home, trying to get SOME sort of message back, while he has to use the staff more and more to help him survive the long, lonely decades, so that by the time his family DOES show up its too late??? BRO. B R O. THAT JUST HITS DIFFERENT, BUT NINJAGO DIDNT DO THAT!!! THEY MADE HIM EVIL DUE TO MEMORY WIPE!!!!!! MEMORY WIPE IS BABY SHIT COMPARED TO A LONG, SLOW CORRUPTION!!!!!!
S12 was alright. It went into Cole’s mom, touched on some of the adventures she had had, threatened another forced romance (this time on poor Cole, just leave my mans ALONE) but thankfully didn’t follow through this time, introduced cool new powers that honestly hasn’t been elaborated on since that’s the most recent season I think lmao
Anyway thanks for reading and letting me rant!!!! I have,,So Much More I could talk about, PLEASE ask me about Rumi, some of my headcanons re: Garmadon and Wu’s dynamic, the Serpentine, my top five times they butchered Kai’s character for Plot Reasons, or anything else I brought up here that you want me to elaborate on!!!
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elliot-orion · 5 years ago
Can you answer 1, 5, and 44 for all those characters you mentioned?
heck yea! thanks! this is going to get very long tho so brace yourselves lol. I’m going to do them grouped by characters.
1. What is one word to shut them up?
I’m going to assume this means like a word that gets them to stop talking for a not so great reason and not just “quiet!” but i might be wrong and just be in the mood for some angst. For Ben, it’s kind of moot because they don’t talk, but saying anything at all with an angry tone would definitely get them to freeze up.
5. List 3 fears; one surface-level fear, one repressed fear, and one deep dark fear.
Oh my god you have no idea how perfect this question is because fear is a Huge aspect of this story considering Ben is Nightmare and their powers completely revolve around fear. Ok so, surface fear is sleeping, which has a very not surface level reason, but i’d still count it. They will do fucking anything to not sleep (tho funny enough they don’t drink caffeine, it sends their powers all wack). A repressed fear... hmm im not sure if this means like a fear they don’t acknowledge or fear that they have but don't know the reason for. I’m going to go with it just being a slightly less bad but still big fear, and/or something they don’t know the reason for but still are afraid of if i can think of something. So for repressed fear, it’d be showing their wrists. They don’t know why it’s so anxiety provoking for them, they never cut and their only bad scars are on their neck not their wrists, but if they aren’t wearing long sleeves or dont have bracelets covering their wrists then they get antsy and anxious. For Deep Dark Fear, i could list just about any of the fears Carter left them with, sure, but the Carter shit really falls under the “trauma” category rather than simple “fear” category since the reason they are afraid of shit like making noise and people being mad is because of their trauma. So i’m going to go with their powers. Their powers scare the shit out of them, partially bc they literally see and hear everyone’s worst nightmares whenever they are near someone. they are constantly surrounded by fear and always have been. that’s fucking awful honestly. but also bc when THEY get scared, other people suffer since they are an empathetic type. and they dont want to hurt anyone. So... yea.
44. What’s one thing they wish they could do more often, but can’t?
We’re back to the sleep thing here. god this kid needs a five day nap, they are always exhausted. But dreams are Carter’s domain, and if they sleep, he can find them, hurt them, whatever he wants. So they can’t, not until Carter is gone.
1. What is one word to shut them up? 
Ollie has a few words/phrases that almost always will send them into the past at some point. “Duck!” or “Grenade!” or anything that might be shouted on a battlefield, certain quotes from historical figures, some names or dates, stuff like that. He goes nonverbal when he’s particularly lost, so that’s a surefire way to get him to shut up.
5. List 3 fears; one surface-level fear, one repressed fear, and one deep dark fear. 
Ok so, surface-level is ovens. He will not use an oven, or any microwaves, or any kitchen appliances that could start a fire. He also refuses to take a bath and prefers someone being in the other room when he takes showers. This is 100% because he gets lost in time so easily that he’ll forget what’s going on in the present time. I cannot stress to you how many times this kid has almost set his house on fire bc he got lost in 1620 and forgot he had the oven on. Baths usually make him head back to a time with lots of water, be it in the middle of a fucking ocean or during a flood or whatever, and he hates that bc usually, he doesn’t show up in a nice safe place and he’ll feel exactly like he’s drowning even if he isn’t physically drowning. Showers he slips a lot in for similar reasons, hence why he prefers someone who’s listening nearby. For repressed fear, he’s afraid of dying, even if he acts fine with it. No one acknowledges it besides the other Elementals, but Oliver is the Time Elemental. Time isn’t a recognized Element, but the Elementals just Know. Even though he’s just 18, he’s only got a few years left, and he’s just got to put on a brave face bc there’s not much he can do about it. For Deep Dark Fear, he’s terrified of losing the remaining time he’s got left. Even though he’s only 18, because of PlotTM, he’s only got a couple of years before he burns up, and he’s terrified to lose it.
44. What’s one thing they wish they could do more often, but can’t? 
Watch documentaries. Funnily enough, Ollie is a massive history nerd, always has been, and he used to watch a ton of documentaries before he got his powers. But even nature or space ones will inevitably make him forget when he is, and so he can’t watch any. He also can’t read any historical fiction books (which sucked when he was younger, his favorite book series had been the Magic Treehouse) for a similar reason. He can read history textbooks, though, since they just list facts and dont show footage or make it seem like it IS that time. 
1. What is one word to shut them up?
hmm. tricky... Let’s go with Hotspot. If you’ve read sparks fly, you get why.
5. List 3 fears; one surface-level fear, one repressed fear, and one deep dark fear. 
Surface level is probably dogs. He’s been attacked by multiple dogs, multiple times since most animals don't vibe with his whole dark aura of death thing. But getting attacked by dogs is the one that stuck most. He gets nervous around Ollie’s service dog, Edison, but Edison is so well trained he just doesn’t care and being near him actually helps Morty with that fear. Repressed fear is definitely death. Which yea, i know, that’s weird considering he’s the death elemental but hear me out. 1 unlike sparky who gets overwhelmed by too much electricity, Morty gets basically drunk when he’s around too much death. Hospitals, battlefields, large graveyards, etc, and the thing is, he loves that feeling. and it scares him how much he loves it, partially bc he knows what the last death elemental was like and doesn't want to be like them (for reference, the guy went on a mass murder spree and started a couple of civil wars since the death elemental will live until the high rates of death stop, even if it’s past when Elementals normally die and you know they didn’t want to die). 2 Morty’s very existence is a sign that mass death is coming but there are no wars going on and that scares the shit out of him. 3 One Eye literally planted the fear of his powers, killing, and death in his mind to try and limit the damage he could cause and to prevent another situation like the last death elemental. For Deep Dark Fear, Morty is terrified that he can’t trust his own memories or even what he knows about himself. One Eye manipulated his memories and mind so so much and for so long. Morty’s always doubting what he knows and what he believes bc its not like One Eye HASNT planted shit, and he’s always on edge bc he doesnt even feel safe in his own damn mind.
44. What’s one thing they wish they could do more often, but can’t?
As of the start of the story? Be with Ben. For most of the time the two have known each other, they were online friends, until they both ran away together when they were 17. But about 4 months ago Morty left to go back to the SA headquarters, even though it’s literally part of his biggest fear to go back, because Ben was facing a double threat of either Carter getting them, or the SA, and Morty is determined to get the SA to leave them alone (ok technically the Supers Association and Heroes do leave them alone bc One Eye is scared shitless of Ben, but they send assassins like Scout and Hall after them all the fuckin time, and not all of them have sorta morals like the triad). In general tho, hear Ben’s voice. He just wants Ben to feel safe. (Morty is a fucking romantic no matter how tough he likes to act i swear)
I’ve got to do my interview now and this post is long enough as is, so I’ll do the same questions for Matty and Blue afterwards!! thanks!!
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thefabelmans2022 · 5 years ago
for the writer asks: 💜👶👀⭐️💻🎀💬💭💘 + one you want to answer that you haven’t been asked yet!! xoxox
i'm so sorry this took me long. i'm not gonna make excuses i just forgot about it i'm so sorry.
💜: top 3 favourite lines
god that's so hard but i'm gonna go with:
"He was a part of a group, a collective, a chain of seven. When there’s a chip in one link, the other six keep it together." from An Abnormal Defect of Moral Control (IT)
"...there’s a small, quiet, guilty part of him that hopes it isn’t a joke, and thinks that maybe together they can live with the sadness, and maybe he loves this stupid boy with all of the madness in his soul. And there’s a lot of madness in it." also from An Abnormal Defect of Moral Control
"Lindsay checked out her nails as the boys fought...She made a mental note to go to the salon after rehearsal, assuming the boys hadn’t killed each other by then." from TBA (Arrested Development)
👶: advice for new writers
this is such cheesy advice god but i think one of the best things you can do is just write. if it's bad, so what? it's still writing, and it's still practice (practice makes perfect!) and you can learn something from it. you can look back at your "bad" writing, figure out what it is you don't like about it, and remember that for the next thing you write.
another piece of advice is probably simpler: read. i think stephen king says this in On Writing. read fic, read books, look at what you like and try and emulate it (but don't like straight up copy it).
👀: favourite response to one of your works
my friends always leave the sweetest comments on my stories ily guys. on my most recent fic (shameless plug - you're in a hammock with a beautiful boy, IT, reddie, 600 words, mutual pining, check it out) dee (@gobbluthlesbian) left an amazingly sweet comment and i cried lmao. jj (@foxmulldr) said some really lovely stuff about the narration and writing style in An Abnormal Defect of Moral Control (not linking it again i've already linked it twice) and all of the comments on that fic from other people with ADHD made me so happy. along those lines, some people with bipolar disorder left really nice comments on Magic And Bees (again, AD) and on that same fic the first comment was from @pega-and-the-pen and i had just finished see you on the b-side (MOST ICONIC AD FIC) so i freaked the fuck out when i got that email
⭐: how do you get your inspiration?
mostly from music, which is probably why most of my fic titles are song lyrics. other times it's from conversations with my friends, and tbh sometimes i just daydream about fictional characters and sometimes turn those daydreams into fics.
💻: three works of yours that are must reads?
Magic And Bees (Arrested Development - bipolar Gob gets help from Tobias)
A Bluth Family History (Arrested Development - 20th century history as experienced by the Bluth family)
An Abnormal Defect of Moral Control (IT - Eddie stops taking his medication and tries to cope with the re-emergence of his undiagnosed ADHD)
🎀: favourite story
of mine or just in general? my favourite of mine is probably either An Abnormal Defect of Moral Control because it's very much based on my own experiences and it's really personal, or TBA because i'm a sucker for band AUs and i really like the dynamic between the characters.
in general: the Piano Man series by @valenciaperez (which i mention a lot but i'm not gonna stop i will preach the Piano Man gospel until i die), The Edification of Eddie Kaspbrak by @rebeccabunch, see you on the b side, babe by @pega-and-the-pen
💬: describe one of your completed works in three words
me? completing a story? it's less likely than you think
A Bluth Family History: history, pop-culture (i hyphoneates it it counts), family
💭: any ideas for a possible WIP?
maybe? as well as the billions of WIPs i already have i've been thinking about an IT fic about mike and eddie being the last two losers left in derry, and i've kinda got a post-chapter 2 fix-it fic idea but rn it's mostly just excerpts from the Losers' club group chat
💘: what's your favourite AU? least favourite?
i'm always a slut for a band AU!! i'm also lowkey always a slut for a friends with benefits AU but pretend you didn't hear that.
anyway, i don't know if i have a least favourite AU, but i think i often like the idea of hogwarts AUs better than the execution, if that makes sense? like i like thinking about what houses the characters would be in and all that but i'm not really as interested in the actual hijinks they get up to. which is ironic considering one of my many unfinished fics IS a hogwarts AU.
one i haven't been asked but want to answer:
✏️: favourite thing about writing
the feeling of having made something.
(and the friends i made bc we commented on each other's fics ily alex)
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starspatter · 6 years ago
WIP Challenge
Tagged by: @summertime-children
Tagging: @astrologista, @atsushishelteredinmoonlitjasmine, @benditlikegumby, @cryptoriawebb, @ibmiller, @iceperialprincess, and @otherwise-uncolonized
Challenge: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous.
I'll also do what deta did and post comments + short fragments.  (Be warned it'll be very long though, and most of these are actually Pokémon fics since I was a much more prolific writer when I was younger, and that was the fandom I wrote mainly for.)  I also won't be including "Heroes and Thieves" on here (or any DC/superhero stuff really since I’ve essentially “done” everything I had planned for now), as *technically* it is all already completed in draft form, and I'd like to keep things a surprise for whenever I do end up posting~
Hero and Seek
“Well, we’re all together now, so let’s have some fun, all right?  Don’t worry, it’s really simple.  One person is the ‘demon’, and the others have to hide from him.” “Eh?  A ‘demon’?  But that’s scary!” Three pairs of eyes turned up to her in fear.  Those eyes, which screamed and streamed the stark color of blood the first time she saw them – not just from tears, but from the ‘monster’ they believed dwelled deep within.  She thought for a moment, then removed her scarf. “How about this then?  Whoever’s the ‘hero’ has to find and rescue the others.  It’s a very important Blindfold Brigade mission!”
I’ll start with the one Kagepro fic I did attempt at least, which I described previously here, but is basically about Ayano + the Meka Trio playing “Hide and Seek” for the first time.  (I actually had it originally titled as that but just came up with this new version on the spot lol I’m so clever~)  For some reason I’ve always been hesitant about reading/writing Kagefic, but I actually got a fair bit farther in this than I thought, so perhaps I should try to finish it someday... Princes and Frogs
“K-Koizumi-senpai… Um… Please go out with me!” Itsuki stared down at the tiny underclassman, watching a rose mantle spread slowly over her cheeks as she gazed back with shy, but determined hope in her bespectacled eyes.  The older boy could make out his own handsome face reflected off the lens, a virtual image embellished by sparkling hearts and stars.  With dim satisfaction and relief, Itsuki ensured that his bright, patient smile betrayed no hint of the weary sigh that whispered behind it.
This is an intro excerpt of the first chapter I planned to write for an ItsuHaru fic from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, which I only ever posted the prologue for.  ItsuHaru was my first obsessive OTP, and I still think about returning to this story someday (especially since I have now proven to myself I *can* finish a full chapter fic if I put my mind to it), but it’s been so long I feel like I’d need to refresh my memory of the whole series/am still holding out hope for a Season 3 to motivate me again. *shot*
Fall to Pieces
As Itsuki stared at Yuki’s vacant visage, his resentment kept building.  His hands clenched, rigidly gripping the edge of the table.  Somehow, it just didn’t seem fair.  That she could so easily ignore the madness fate had dealt them, never reveal any signs of suffering or bitterness towards her situation, and yet always, always wear the same damn expression on her face. How could she possibly stand it? He can’t stand it. (any more)
An ItsuYuki one-shot, where Itsuki basically blows up at her from pent-up frustration over having to wear a mask all the time and his hidden feelings for Haruhi.  The two start to form a connection over their respective “unrequited loves”/understanding of each other’s pain, and one thing leads to another...  Like “Heroes and Thieves”, this is in fact technically “complete”, since I actually used the leftover steam from the former towards finishing at least one thing I started a long time ago - although I’m still not sure I’m totally satisfied with it/kinda want to wait to figure out what I’m doing with my other ItsuHaru fics before I publish it by itself.  (Incidentally the working title comes from an Avril Lavigne song lol.)
Little White Lies
“Perhaps the best thing for the princess would have been to fall in love.  But how a princess who had no gravity could fall into anything is a difficulty--perhaps the difficulty.” -George MacDonald, The Light Princess - Haruhi Suzumiya was walking on air. Itsuki could tell by the way she glided into the clubroom, sailing like a paper airplane – or a balloon with an inflated ego to match.
...Yeah that’s as far as I got with this.  This was meant to be a “White Day” story, which is Japan’s “answer holiday” to Valentine’s Day, where guys reciprocate by giving gifts to the girls who gave them chocolates.  I always wondered how the boys actually responded in-universe, and I imagine Itsuki secretly stressing out a lot about taking care to not upstage Kyon, but at the same time wanting to sincerely express his genuine appreciation and feelings towards Haruhi - whatever they may be.  In the end, he settles on a copy of “The Light Princess” by George MacDonald, which I highly recommend reading since it reminds me so much of this pair, and in general is such a fun and snappy “tongue-in-cheek” take on the fairytale genre. Sora in Wonderland
But wait- this one was a bit different from all its brothers and sisters.  For one thing, it was wearing a fancy waistcoat with pockets- and sleeves that were far too long for it.  As soon as it passed by her head, it stopped and slowly turned its head around to stare directly at her with its huge circular yellow eyes.  Sora stared vacantly back for a full five seconds before the information registered in her brain and she suddenly yelled, “Hey!”, and sat bolt upright.  The Heartless panicked upon hearing her voice and fled at top speed across the white sands, headed towards an opening in the rocks; Sora jumped down off her perch and immediately chased after it, no longer caring about the heat.  The Heartless hastily disappeared inside the cave, and Sora soon followed after, determined to catch the freaky little thing and ask it some questions, like what it was doing on the island at this time, and where on earth did it get a waistcoat.
OKAY SO I TOTALLY FORGOT THIS WAS A THING but apparently I tried to write a Kingdom Hearts parody of “Alice in Wonderland” lmao.  I’ve never actually played the games (aside from half of CoM), but it was probably inspired by a crossover art my friend drew? ^^; Also Sora is a girl in this bc that’s my headcanon and I’m sticking to it. XP *shot* Note: The following fics are all Pokémon-related so I’ll just be listing them in roughly chronological order (from most recent to ancient, although they’re all pretty old at this point). Stranger
The elder slowly rose to his feet, gazing at the boy, the champion, the stranger.  “In all this time, why didn’t you come back?  You could have seen for yourself how she was.” Lance wanted to yell something defiant, like a child.  But he wasn’t a child.  Children were forgiven for their mistakes.  And he didn’t want to be forgiven. The professor’s ancient hand came to rest on the boy’s shoulder.  “It’s the way this town works.  We don’t talk about things that happen outside our own world.  Maybe it was too long ago – too late for you to understand.” Lance didn’t say anything. “At least talk to Delia.  She’s been wanting to see you.” “Sorry.  It’s too late.” “You’re a bastard.” “I know.”
So this looks to be among the last things I’d written before taking a long break from fanfiction circa... 2007, jeeze.  Over 10 years, huh.  But, I think it speaks a certain amount of maturity that it’s the piece I liked most upon rediscovering.  It’s based on an idea I once had that Lance was (unknowingly) Gary Oak’s father, and he was friends/rivals with Ash’s father, who originally won the title of Champion but relinquished it so he could be with his “wife” and kid (or rather, then-pregnant teenage girlfriend).  *Something* happened though (I forget what I had in mind) and he ended up dying, leaving Lance bitter and depressed so he refused to return to Pallet Town because of too many painful memories.  (Though he *cough* “comforted” their other female childhood friend for one night of drunken grief before he left. ;()  What I like most about it honestly is the parallels bw Lance’s relationship with Ash’s dad and their sons’, and that amidst all the angst I enjoyed portraying the earnest energy and optimism of Ketchum(?) senior (”like father like son” after all).  I was definitely inspired by Mitsuki’s father in Full Moon wo Sagashite/Maes Hughes from Fullmetal Alchemist by making him a total “dork dad” who’d brag about his (illegitimate) family on national TV during the championship tournament lol.
Either way, I get the feeling this really wasn’t what I had in mind when I made my decision to quit training.  I mean that in an intuitive sort of way.  Like, sometimes I feel as if I’m not meant to be here, like my life should have ended up differently someplace else.  Perhaps this is just one of those weird inconsistencies I told you about.  Perhaps not.  Even after all that’s happened to me recently, I still can’t really be sure about it.
...No seriously, I have no idea where I was going with this.  As far as I can tell it’s written from the POV of Gary Oak, whom I’ve always had a lot of... “complicated” feelings towards.  It probably has something to do with another concept I’ll discuss next, although for some reason it sounds like I was going for some sort of AU? *shrug* By contrast to the above, it reads like a whiny teenager complaining about his life - which makes me cringe but is probably an accurate portrayal of who I was at the time. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ This one was actually dated a little after the previous, so my best guess is it was some kind of vent rant where I would “give up” writing/creating and “childish” ideals for a while, as I was wont to do - but I still always come back to it somehow... RainbowMolly
Molly stepped out from the car and onto the dusty road, her heart beating wildly.  She could hardly believe she was actually here, of all places. The ride had been long and mind-numbing with anticipation, and now that they’d finally arrived at the destination, it all felt somewhat surreal to her. A small bear clambered out from the vehicle, joining her as she stopped to take in the rustic view that met her bright blue eyes.  She smiled and picked up her Teddiursa, cuddling its warm, fuzzy body close to her own. Her gaze traveled down the road which stretched in both directions, houses lining up against its margins. She followed it with her eyes towards a hill in the distance, on top of which sat what looked like a quaint little farmhouse with a windmill, turning in the summer breeze.  She breathed in the country air, catching whiff of a faint salt smell from an ocean in the distance. So this was Pallet Town.
...Why I didn’t actually name the file “Chasing Rainbows” - which was the title I had planned for this - I don’t know.  This dates back to an old idea I had where I believed Molly Hale from the third Pokémon movie was secretly the true “God” of the Pokémon world - in the sense that the entire universe was an unknowing fantasy of her own creation, similar to Haruhi Suzumiya (ok fine this was totally a crossover/rip-off of the same concept so sue me OTL).  In a place where children never seem to grow up and can go on grand fantastical adventures forever, Gary always struck me as an anomaly who willingly *chose* to forego such a life to pursue more “adult” interests by becoming a researcher.  So I saw him as filling the role of “Kyon” - the cynical narrator who was destined to ground “God” and bring her back down to earth, but at the same time be won over by her innocence and charm and learn to appreciate “kids’ stuff” again.  However, the Legendaries were actually aware of the power Molly holds, and so saw Gary as a threat to their very being - as by “waking” the dreamer and having her face reality meant erasing their kinds’ entire existence.  As the “apocalypse” nearly occurred in the third film, Mew and Celebi took on human disguises (in the form of May and Max respectively) to investigate Ash, who was able to calm Molly and “save” the world by “perpetuating” the delusion (and whom Molly totally has a crush on btw *shot*).  So it’s a bit of a love triangle lol, with Mew and Celebi (*cough* an alien and a time traveler, get it? *shot*) acting as mediators/interference.  (Although Mew might’ve secretly shipped Gary and Molly herself. ;O)
And these blades, these damned scythes that attached themselves to my arms when I was born, a curse upon me since birth, though it had not been apparent up until now.  They were covered with blood, the vital crimson liquid that flows through our bodies, now dripping down the steel surface in a webbed pattern, drops beginning to splatter the pure, emerald grass below.  The arm felt heavy and weak as I tried to lift it, as if it did not belong to me, but that was only a wishful thought.  I gazed calmly at it, inspecting the intricate designs the flow of the substance had created, as if it were an abstract piece of artwork. Tentatively, a pink tongue rolled out and caught a small droplet of it just before it fell from the sharp edge, just to convince myself that it was real.  The semi-sweet, metallic taste confirmed this.  I had indeed taken these men’s lives, just as I had taken hers.
So I remember this was written from the POV of a Scyther who seemingly went on a murderous rampage.  I only know that I wanted to give him an “Edward Scissorhands”-like story, since the idea of having such sharp objects attached to one’s limbs so that one could never directly “touch” another without being a danger is pretty tragic.  I suspect “her” was someone (a human?) he cared about but killed by accident, and after that he was only seen as a symbol of power/treated as a tool to incite fear before eventually rebelling against his “master”... Roses
“If you love someone, you should give them something that’s yours. That shows how much you care for them.” In the darkness, I pictured his smiling face, explaining to me as he wrapped a present for his girlfriend. His blue eyes were shining with a sort of spirit unfamiliar to me; I guessed, a feeling of love.
Another “dark” take on a Pokémon’s biology (I really liked writing explorations of those back then lol), this time of Roselia.  The idea was that a Roselia was so in love with her trainer that she would do anything for him - including allow him to cut off her arms so he could give them to his girlfriend.  I actually ended up turning it into a poem at one point:
Love is like a rose they say, And affection leads to grief they warned. For in the end love betrays, Its Beauty maimed by a poisoned thorn. You gave me pure water with a smile. Your cheerful face became my sun. I offered up my blood to you, And in return demanded none. Chop off my wrists, and tie them together. I’ll gladly bleed myself to death. In order to give you that which I hold most dear. My dear, my dear, Won’t you accept this bouquet? You take it, smiling warily. A blush creeps onto your face. And in those eyes I can see A garden of roses stretched out, Composing a wondrous place. Then you bound my hands in lace, And brought them to the girl next door. You presented them to her with grace. … My blood continued to pour.
She smiled at me, although something about her expression indicated something wasn't quite right.  I watched as she glanced over towards the west, her gaze lingering momentarily on the setting sun.  The glowing, orange sphere was slowly sinking behind the distant mountains, peaks cloaked in a pale, lavender haze illuminated by flickering beams of gold and scarlet cast across the horizon.
More accurately, I found this buried in a “catch-all” file where I had several (mostly finished) fics saved.  This was meant to be from the POV of an Eevee who had just evolved - supposedly into an Espeon due to happiness and bond with her trainer, which is what both wanted.  However, since it took place at sunset, she didn’t realize she had become an Umbreon instead, and her trainer ended up abandoning her for it. ;( It was a warm
Children’s shrieks and laughter echoed across the park as they flocked towards each other, and soon were chasing one another round the playground, weaving in and out between the swings as they partook in an innocent game of Tag.  One child was It; she was trying desperately to catch one of her friends so that they would take over the job instead.  Then it would be her turn to run away, for none of them wished to play the loathsome role of It.  Or was it because they feared being tainted by the person’s touch?  It must have been one of the two, for while she would struggle to reach them, catch hold of them, they would only flee, thoroughly enjoying the fact that they were vexing her.  Twice she nearly caught one.  Her fingertips were almost within reach of one of the other girls’ dresses, whose russet tresses were flowing wildly from the rush of movement and shining with golden highlights as the rays of the sun struck individual strands.  The target shrieked and shook her head, whisking her skirt free in time to escape capture, laughing with glee at the sight of the girl left behind, miserable and alone. 
Yeah I totally just went with the default beginning of the first sentence lol.  I guess this comes full circle with the first Kagepro fic I mentioned (although I’m not even sure I was aware back then that the Japanese version of the game literally called “It” a “demon”, which is even more fitting).  I believe this was part of a Pokémon series I was writing involving a creepy little girl and Mewtwo who would bring about the end of the world or something like that, but generally I guess I was just going for a “Catcher in the Rye” feel. *shrug* Golden Lights
The pale, rosy fingers of dawn were filtering in through the Granite Cave entrance, basking a small area near the opening in pinkish illumination.  Just out of reach of its expanse sat little Mika, huddled in the gloom of the shadows, watching the light creep steadily towards her as the glowing ball of fire rose slowly towards the East.  She knew about the Light that came from Outside.  There were plenty other small apertures broken into the cavern walls and ceiling that allowed some thin streams of gold brilliance to trickle through.  She had always done well to avoid them.  The brightness was like poison to her skin.  But they weren’t the Lights she’d had described to her by the old Crobat that always resided now deeper within the underground chambers, dozing now, most likely.  He wouldn’t awaken until night came round, and she did not wish to rouse him and perhaps disturb him from a pleasant dream.  She was very wise about things like that, being the young child that she was.  Still, she would have liked to hear a story to comfort her just then.
Last one I could find, about a Sableye who, like Icarus, literally “flew too close to the sun”.  In this interpretation I imagined that Sableye were creatures who could not stand sunlight at all, as it would cause their skin to burn.  But Mika (pronounced like “Mica”) always dreamed of going outside to see the “Light” anyway.  She was eventually tempted by Mew to leave the cavern under her angelic PROTECTion and step into the Light, who was acting as Ho-Oh’s messenger to “recruit” souls to “live eternal as an element of Ho-Oh’s Guarding Flame“, as the PROTECT faded and a “holy fire” began to spread.  I guess I was going for a Biblical/”Rapture”-esque reference.  (...Man I sure was obsessed with the endtimes as a kid. *shot*)
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firebirdsdaughter · 6 years ago
... I found a Zi-O raw!
More thoughts below! Warning: this is ESPECIALLY long! (please do not feel at all obligated to read the whole thing)
Sougo driving the bike off the road and then ducking beneath the curb to hide from Geiz reminds me of Emu, in full golden-dreadlock mode, hiding behind a corner from the people-turned-bugsters and peeking out like a little kid.
The small twelve year old--er... Sorry, sixteen year old--is playing hopscotch w/ the dead guy. That they just... Left there? I guess Geiz popping up did distract everyone.
And... As I suspected, he’s back. Well--suspected bc preview images, but... Ya know.
Woz! That actor is having a lot of fun and I appreciate it. I’m wondering if they had to do that scene multiple times bc he had trouble pulling the hood up smoothly.
The fact that he disappeared from the outside the temple just to appear immediately at Sougo’s house is both unnecessary and hilarious.
Also: ‘I Woz-proofed my house, but he still got in!’
Aw, Geiz is a good boo. I guess maybe he and Tsukuyomi were going back to find Another Build when... Another Build found them.
And another aw, she’s worried about him! They’re cute. I love friendship.
Oh! Baseballs this time! Does that mean he found a Best Match?
And Sougo’s here! Yeah, thinking about it, saving his life is probably one of the best things you could do to make Geiz pause about killing you--given that future you tried to kill him, it’s an antithesis, so... Did that make sense?
On that note, I think Woz told him were they were/that Geiz was fight Another Build? I know he said Geiz’ name while invading Sougo’s house. Where was Junichiro in that scene, anyway?
On that note, apparently Sougo is vaguely okay at baseball.
Oh my god, the dramatic music, and then the damn eye shine... If we could have seen Geiz’ face, I’m sure it would have been ‘WTF???’
Oop! He Rider Kicked! Congrats on the first one, Sougo! Though... It may not have stuck.
And then he just runs off, in full transformation. Oh, my baby, my loser. Well, Geiz and Tsukuyomi can keep it busy so there are no new victims.
Wait. Did he just run... All the way to Nascita? I guess... I guess they’re in the same city? Huh. ... Do all KR series take place in the same city? Is this all just supposed to be Tokyo? ... No, that can’t be it.
I love how he just kinda tried to dive into the fridge.
Aaaaaaand.... Here are the dorks! Wait... Shouldn’t Misora and Souichi be here? Eh, maybe they couldn’t get the actors back (or couldn’t afford to w/ everyone else they were planning/wanted to bring back).
You know, while I do mostly agree that maybe they coulda waited an ep before diving into the Build cameo, I think they may have been trying to use it to establish the ‘schtick’ of the season so to speak (at least the beginning schtick--like how w/ Build it was ‘find and fight Smash’ and w/ Ex-Aid it was ‘find Bugster Virus patients’) using a Rider that, as it had just finished, everyone was already familiar w/. Though in regards to that, obviously they start w/ Build bc he’s the most recent. But the point is, I’m thinking it may have been meant to be the ‘tutorial’ or ‘introduction’ incident of the series. I could be wrong ofc, and like I said, I do think would probably have behoved them to wait an episode, I think I get why they did it this way. That... May have made no sense. I’m sorry.
God, even in this small scene, the chemistry between these two remains amazing. Glad Eiji and Atsuhiro seem to be having fun.
So... I accidentally paused it at a moment where Sento looks like a scared rabbit and Ryuuga looks like he’s being protective. Cuties.
Also, I guess the Time Jackers are stealing the powers long-distance? Speaking of Evil Cutie Baby Boy (that’s his name, right?) there was a shot in the trailer of him freezing Build and Cross-z in time to harass Sougo. Wonder if that’s in this ep? (it probably is, and then I’ll be too lazy/stubborn to delete this bullet point later)
Oooooooo! And we get Geiz’ Rider Kick! That was interesting!
The teleporting Ride Watches strike again! Seriously, who made those things? They get around faster than mosquitos! ... Maybe.
So... What, it just had to get double-Rider Kicked, or just Rider Kicked twice to die? I am the confused.
Pfffft. Sento and Ryuuga screaming when they realise they’re hugging. Well, half hugging.
Oh! So... Something just rewrote time? So Sento giving Sougo the Build Ride Watch in 2018 creates a stable time loop for something that’s going to happen in 2017, which 2018 Sento remembers bc it’s his past, but that Sougo doesn’t understand bc it’s his future. Time travel.
Wait... Are we just completely nixing Sento’s actual first meeting w/ Zi-O? Bc even if it’s from Sougo’s future, it’s from Sento’s past (the movie), and the Sento of now should remember it. Maybe. Though maybe that got retconned so he forgot. Again. Time travel.
Oh! It did come back! Wait... Why did Sento and Ryuuga’s memories change when Geiz kicked it? Or... Maybe they just ‘reset’ like that every time it’s destroyed, and then when it respawns they get rewritten again. Or maybe talking is a free action.
Aw, poor Geiz has Rider Kicked too many times and worn himself out.
Oh. So they have to use the power of the Rider that the power was stolen from to destroy it?
Sougo correctly identifying Geiz as his secondary and handing him the Cross-z Ride Watch. Love them.
Speaking of which--have I mentioned I love Geiz?
I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I know I said I would stop doing that. I just really love secondaries, okay!
Geiz is taller than him and he’s gonna be the grumpy big brother and it’s cute! Fight me.
No, no, again, please don’t. I’m a mess rn, I’ll cry.
Aw! They ran Fast Like Sonic together! I think Sougo saving their lives is what’s making Geiz willing to work w/ him temporarily--not to mention the, er, Another Rider attacking people. Geiz is a good boy. But I’m sure he’ll get more hostile again once the situation is over.
It’s is Time Majin! I feel so deceived.
Oh! Hey, it’s the Best Match Boys again! Can they transform? Maybe. I honestly don’t care anymore. Not in a negative way, though. I’m more not bothered bc I’m enjoying this--if that makes sense?
So the format seems to be--they meet the Riders somehow (be it in the past, or in the present). A Time Jacker, meanwhile, goes back in time and creates Another Rider. So what our heroes have to do is find the Rider in the present and fix their memories--even temporarily--to get the Ride Watches from them and create a stable time loop of some kind, then go back to that time period (again, if they’ve been there before) and destroy the Another Rider there to set things to rights. So maybe more like the Riders are lending them a portion or piece of their power rather than it being ‘taken’ or anything, and they’re not really effecting the original flow of the previous story, just adding a scene were ‘monster that wasn’t a MOTW showed up and then some time traveler folks did, too.’  Ofc we’re only part way through the ep, so there could be other effects, I don’t know yet.
OH. MY. GOD. Another Build sees Ryuuga and then just... GLOMPS him. And shouting ‘BEST MATCH!’ While Sento just kinda is like ‘WTF?’
But oh boy is he probably gonna be mad at Ryuuga for rejecting him...
I guess the guy also got... Connected to Build’s memory somehow? Bc he was able to identify Ryuuga as Cross-z w/out any outside clues, and I don’t think it was common knowledge? After all, he was still a wanted criminal at that point, right?
Oh! They can transform, but it’s glitchy as hell. I see... But why is Ryuuga being glitched? I get Sento being effected, bc Another Build is, well, right there, but there isn’t Another Cross-z, so what’s happening w/ Ryuuga?
Well, either way, it’s still nice to see Cross-z’s original suit again. Shoulda said that last ep, too. That was a damn good suit. Glad they were able to keep it active, even just for these few eps. Might get scrapped after though. Still grateful, however.
The other dork boys! Are here! Yay!
Ah! Evil Cutie Baby Boy! Also, hey, there’s that scene I was talking about. No, I’m not going to delete that bullet point out of spite. Spite for what? Don’t ask me.
Geiz is like ‘... Oh. You.’ at Uhr. Like, that’s his expression. I love it.
Meanwhile, Sougo has no clue what’s going on.
I should note that I don’t actually know if Geiz knows who Uhr is, bc he didn’t say anything like Tsukuyomi did w/ Woz. I just drawing conclusions from my reading of his expression.
This boy has the cutest damn smile I wanna hug him to pieces I’m dying here. He’s clearly a shit but he’s got such a baby face and he’s just a kid and I’m feeling parental for evil murder children someone help me.
I thought only Schwarz could freeze time, though? Well, maybe he can just doing over a wider area for longer.
Well, Sougo’s response to Evil Cutie Baby Boy seems to have won him some points w/ Geiz... You’re doing a good job making up for your poor communication in ep 1, honey.
Actually, one thing that bothers me about Uhr’s appearance is that the strand of his hair w/ the feather in it (that all the TJs have--yes, they’re TJs now) just cross right across his forehead and never moves and it’s kinda distracting.
Aw, look, boys, you’re already synchronised in putting your Drivers on. Ya’ll are gonna be friends whether you like it or not!
Four Riders, no waiting!
Oh, no... They got de-Ridered!
Well, we now know that Sougo can’t swim, I guess. Or... Maybe just not in the suit? Also, awwwww, Geiz pulled him out.
Woz here on par w/ Kogure for unexplained abrupt entrances. If there’s a crossover between Zi-O and LuPat, I really hope there’s a scene where they do it to each other or something.
Sougo looking around like ‘Ah! Where’d he come from!’ is really funny, too. He even looks up at the damn sky.
Also, I’m just gonna assume he’s got a Time Majin hidden somewhere. Unless there’s another way to jump through time they haven’t shown yet.
He did it!
Ah, so this is the memory that Sento had earlier.
Oh and, hey, Woz smiled! Not sure if that was a good thing, but he’s got a nice smile.
And... There he goes again.
Oh, wait... Are we gonna get Geiz’ reaction to Woz? Admittedly, Tsukuyomi only got to act surprised and ask what he was doing there (and got no answer), but Geiz hasn’t seen him yet. Does he know him, too?
Okay, I’m really liking the trend of people ignoring Woz’s speeches to do other things. Like the first time when Sougo was wondering at his transformation, and here where Sento whispers to him. It’s funny and I hope they keep doing it. I’m also hoping one day (if Woz shows up to do this every time Sougo gets a new Ride Watch) that some day someone (probably Geiz or Tsukuyomi) is gonna shove him aside or at least tell him to shut up and he gets offended. Double funny if they cover his mouth.
Sento and Ryuuga just watching the math move slowly along. Sento doesn’t seem pleased. Ryuuga just looks confused.
Oooooh! I see! Now this adds to the formula. They give the Riders the Ride Watches in the past, so that they carry them w/ them and it... I dunno, learns about their power, or is just there and ready in the future present/when they’re needed. And that’s why Sento and Ryuuga had them in their pockets! Rest of the proposed format still holds.
Eh? Katsuragi? Though... His personality doesn’t seem different at all? And he’s still on good terms with Ryuuga... And... I don’t see how what happened there would change him into Katsuragi? Maybe... Something went wrong w/ the Another Build power return? Plus, when Sougo went to see them at Nascita earlier in the ep, it seemed like he was Sento then, didn’t it? I could have sworn Ryuuga called him that? So it’s not actually that big a change? I’m confused.
Geiz is just like ‘Tsukuyomi, I literally saved him earlier, I think it’s pretty clear I’m taking a pausing from being terminator for the moment.’
Hm. So he’s going to try and investigate why the alterations are happening? So maybe he figures it out and that’s why Sento is still Sento in the present? You know what, I’m not gonna worry about that stuff, it’s just gonna give me a headache.
Oh god, he comes downstairs and they’re both in his house, I love it. I guess Geiz saw the sign at some point, and when he decided to hold off on the killing Zi-O plan was like ‘oh hey, that could be useful!’
Tsukuyomi, nailing the fake introduction. Geiz here being a grumpy bear (though he still nails the fake introduction, just as a grump). I love this so much.
Sougo has the ‘I just woke up’ excuse for any nonsense he might accidentally say.
Tsukuyomi denies the handshake and Geiz is just like ‘hi, I’m gonna threaten you now’ (I assume that’s what he’s doing).
And then Geiz and Tsukuyomi reacting to the food (I guess it’s not what they’re used to--can’t tell whether it was a positive or negative reaction though).
Oh, hi Woz! are you the narrator?
EMU! So you’re a full-on paediatrician! Good on you!
Excited for next ep! Looking forward to seeing my grouchy emo surgeon son and his gamer ray of sunshine again! Seems he’s calling Emu ‘paediatrician’ instead of ‘intern’ now, hee hee. More primary-secondary friendship, give me more, MORE! Ahem. I also just really loved that particular relationship and I hope they get friendship interactions. Though I don’t think there’s been a Brave Ride Watch? Maybe there has and I missed it.
Sorry for the long post! Imaginary cookies and a hardy handshake for anyone who actually read to the end.
... Have I mentioned I--JK.
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hyyunjinn · 7 years ago
Things I Love About Stray Kids (2/∞)
a/n: hello, this is gonna be a series now because 1) I’m really happy this week, like I legit haven’t been this genuinely happy in a long time and 2) I love them more than I thought sO HERE WE GO AGAIN!
okay, this is sad but, the fact that he believes he’s the only one who carries the team? he’s blaming himself for the eliminations and didn’t even want to rejoice with everyone else because he wanted them to forgive him first. like no chan, it was never your fault--you already do so much for the team and everyone knows that. but it’s definitely admirable 
that *O* face he does is super cute yo
hiS CURLY HAIR IS S U C H a look
“i really love you guys”
^^ gave me a heart attack
his awkwardness lmao 
hello can we have a mini series of chan’s kitchen please
yo his killing parts in aLL THE SONGS S I G H 
i love watching him perform
giving his pizza crust to chan slkfjdasfd
that dark blue, red cuffed plaid flannel he wore last ep? A BLESSING
he seems so insecure ever since the “not a main vocal” criticism and like? he’s working so hard? so fill up his role because he feels like he doesn’t uphold it? like idk what “not a main vocal” means but i just want everyone to appreciate how much he’s taking care of himself to improve
he, can dance to Lie, Begin, Dope, Blood Sweat and Tears, Spring Day, idk probably all BTS songs w h a t  t a l e n t
okay but also, we have to talk about that brown jacket/striped shirt look he wore last ep bc it iS C U T E 
he’s also that lowkey weird that if you don’t catch it, you won’t know so he passes off as the normal one of the group and it makes it x4837234 more funnier
him giving up on Felix’s Korean
also, the fact that his earrings are just these black circles and tbh it’s sorta hot b y e
bonus: i miss him so much and i really really really i need more content of him and get to know him better before i combust
is so willing to help everyone in the group oh man he’s so kind
doesn’t even get mad when everyone picks on him and just goes along with it
goes with the flow of things so well--he gets along with everyone pretty nicely and I think that’s pretty cool
H I S  B O Y F R I E N D  O U T F I T S man changbin stans how you doin
what was that extra pose when taking a picture like klasjdflskadf 
like laying on the ground for the perfect angle? wHAT A MOOD
how he wants so badly to improve? i really admire how much effort he’s putting into his rap and it’s really amazing to watch and hear the improvement since hellevator 
he seems like he has his life together and has a pretty nonchalant facade but seeing through the cracks of his insecurities makes him so human and like him so much more than i think i would? 
he’s so bright and happy and optimistic everyone needs a Jisung in our lives
casually just smushes his face into the camera so i can see his pretty eyes duh thanks kid
okay but when he was singing that parody of Don’t Wanna Cry he did this little thing to his vOICE THAT SOUNDS SO AMAZING I CAN’T GET OVER IT LIKE LAKSJDFLASDF WTF TA L E N T
he’s so annoying i love him asldkfjasdf like idk if i like him behind the cam and annoying his members or on screen doing something weird honestly probably both
no but seriously? he’s so optimistic and supports everyone and he’s so wonderful and kind and super talented but i think we know that and s i g h i hope ya’ll appreciate this mess of a boy bc OH MY GOSH I FORGOT TO MENTION THAT I LOVE BRACES JISUNG HAHAHAHHAHAHA
honestly, i really just like his black hair and i think ya’ll should know this 
he’s such a hard worker?? when he showed us the time at 5 in the morning--I have a feeling he stayed up that long rather than waking up at 5 kid don’t do that it’s not healthy but! he’s doing so much and it’s amazing
his orange smile laskfjdlasdf
him adjusting jeongin’s outfit was so cute hehe
the way he clings onto jisung is super cUTE UGH THEY’RE LIKE ATTACHED BY THE HIP AND IT’S SO CUTE idk if it’s bc they’re a day apart so they’re like “WE’RE TWINS NOW” or bc jisung can speak english apparently? something like that?
i think people forget that he’s more than just a meme and a deep voiced boy? i love watching him practice dancing in the background and like? he’s part of dance line? LET ME SEE HIM DANCE MORE OMG
HELLO THIS IS MY UNDERRATED BABY WHO DESERVES THE WORLD bc he’s funny as heck guys why do you not notice this
honestly im gonna say it agaiN: HIS FACIAL EXPRESSIONs especially when he has that dumb dazed look askldfjasdf what a boy
messes around with Jeongin in the back
when he cornered jeongin u H 
he writes things in his journal to improve! and he is! 
i really hope he stands out a little bit more when he performs! i hope he’s working on it! but I also like how if you are a seungmin stan, you’ll notice the small things he does when he performs and it’s like a little secret only people who deserve to know, knows and he knows it’s just between him and his fans saklfjsadf
when he decides to be a lil sht like that one time chan and hyunjin was arguing and he’s just like “we’ll take three ramens and a packet of dumplings” or something like that 
can i just say that his clothing style is probably my favorite because i gush about each outfit he wears like all the time?
he’s so into singing and you can see it every time he does and it’s wonderful
his escalator impression was hecka nice
this baby always has a smile on his face and it’s the most infectious smile ever and i love him i love him please stay as happy as you can be because you deserve everything and more
when he was all shy shy with all the girls screaming his name at the busking: tag yourself i was the girls spiritually yelling his name
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cheezybiouwiou · 4 years ago
a briefing so i don’t have to repeat myself
My parents got divorced when I was one. He ‘went on holiday’ to Switzerland when I was about 6, the only contact I’ve had with him has been like through letters when we’ve tried to change our names in court or something.
I’ve lived in three countries and moved house over 30 times - it sounds weird but there’s always been a good reason.
We were like the famous five kids (my cousins, my sisters and I) for years, but then my aunt’s a little crazy, so long story short we fell out and didn’t see them for like 8 years (side note, saw them this summer and it was weird but nice).
Uncle is batshit crazy and a psychopath, we don’t talk to him. He likes to remind my mum that he could kidnap/murder us every so often which is fun. My grandma has alzheimers (so does my great aunt), and my dad’s side of the family we don’t have contact with. Everyone else just isn’t around or is dead I’m pretty sure (that’s not tragic it’s just old age yk).
Umm, so, mum was determined to send us to private school, so after the divoce although we stayed in private education, she/we sacrificed a lot to get there. We weren’t poor or anything, just life was tight. That at one point led to us moving to Spain for a year (wonderful but crazy experience, I was like 6 at the time and genuinely my heart is in Spain. We have a house there in this tiny village, it’s kinda the only constant I’ve had in my life.
After that we moved back to England and I went to a boarding school (very minimal boarding at first though, so easy). Had an amazing time, yada yada then my mum met my soon-to-be stepfather. Long story short again, he had a bit of money and they got married quick, it seemed great at first but he turned out to be a wackass hoe as well.
A series of unfortunate events involving us moving into my grandma’s to look after her and my batshit uncle threatening to kill our cat and kicking us out of that house led to us moving a bajillion times between holiday rentals for like a year. We then ended up moving to Shanghai, again seems incredible at first until you remember that this is the point at which he started showing his true colours and being super emotionally abusive to my mum. Shanghai also happened to be a really convenient way to isolate a person. Anyways, I got sick of it after a year because the education was shit so ended up going to the UK and going to a super uptight full-time boarding school for the next year.
Went here, homesick as shit and my brain decided it would be a perfect time (when I’m in a super intense academic and conservative environment where the only person I have in the country is my sister) for my ✧・゚:* issues *:・゚✧ to manifest/me to actually understand shit. So yeah, bad year for me. This was also compounded by my mum (yk cut back to China where she’s being emotionally abused and my other sister is having a shit time) having an absolute breakdown. Idk the timing worked out great bc my shit time coencided with hers and she couldn’t cope with that on top of my homesickness and on top of her issues so this, combined with the multiple arguments that I had with her, meant that she told me to stop bothering her and so I did. We didn’t talk for weeks, and now I have ✧・゚:* emotional scars/trust issues and our relationship has never been the same *:・゚✧. 
Anyways, she escaped by some miracle and we ended up back in England all together. This was when we returned to the flexi-boarding school (the one from before China) because it was the only one we could afford to go to. Sooo that place was super negligent and basically all I can say is that they had a really good PR team to stop all those suicide attempts within that school from going public.
Anyways, the first year was iffy, but as I said before, the issues that were becoming more apparently at the last school were kinda becoming more and more apparent (I now know it’s anxiety, depression, and then a possible spicy element of ADHD that we haven’t even got to yet). There was also another issue in that I’m bisexual and I was figuring that whole thing out (this is a side note but I’m probably non-binary but that’s a whole other issue that I’m confused/in denial about), but that led to me becoming friends with basically just the queer kids in my year because all my friends stopped talking to me. At this point I started almost full-boarding again.
Then I started dating one of my friends (Draco, AFAB but confused about their gender identity). Started off sweet, but long story short we dated for a year and a half and I’ve never been more broken (tried to kermit the frogicide 3 times hehe they barely counted as attempts yeet). Uhh there’s a lot to unpack with this one but I’ll try to simplify:
They had abusive parents (physically and emotionally)
They had bipolar
They also were raped by their dad multiple times
They were super manipulative. I wasn’t allowed to be happy about anything because it made them feel bad. 
I wasn’t allowed to feel confident in my body because they had severe body issues. I ended up developing an eating disorder (all I ate was tea, toast after midnight and like milk and digestives).
I started self-harming.
My relationship with my sisters and mum was atrocious. It was definitely a huge part my fault, but not entirely.
As a group we were definitely very toxic. But yeah, on top of all this their best friend committed suicide, and they’d been in emotionally abusive relationships. This led to them being super suicidal. There was I think from November to February where every time they left school to go home, they’d literally try to kill themself. And I’d be stuck while they’re messaging me the whole time saying like “sorry you’re not enough to save me”. Every night. For months I was spending my whole life literally just trying to keep them alive.
Idk if I blame them, because it was definitely their trauma that made them act like it, but some of the stuff they did was manipulative and shit. Lying to me a lot, promising they’re telling the truth when actually lying. Constantly pushing me away, and then being mad when I couldn’t talk to them because they blocked me. Telling lies to my friends to get them to stop talking to me and then stopping me from telling my friends the truth (I wouldn’t tell them just because Draco made it seem like it would hurt Draco, and I was terrified of doing that). That sorta stuff.
I became a therapist for a lot of kids in my year, and so all that pressure of keeping like 20 kids from committing not-alive, on top of my issues just wasn’t a good look for me.
This led to as I said, the eating disorder, and also heavvyyyy dissociation. It also led to alcoholism which was just an unexpected turn. I just didn’t realise how bad all of these problems were at the time. Not a good time, a lot of loneliness, skipping lessons, that sorta thing.
Anyways, mum managed to get me out of the school (after a breakdown and an ambulance having to be called to the school because I drank too much). I did my GCSEs from home by some miracle, and she moved me to the local sixth form. I broke up with the person, and then had a few months over the summer that were life changing.
I moved to a new sixth-form, and it’s been rocky and uphill and super hard but I worked my ass off and I’m in so much better of a place than I was. It was rough at the start, but basically I had a pathetic amount of CBT therapy from the NHS, and the only good thing it did for me was to let me know that 1) I hate CBT, and 2) I already managed to teach myself a lot of the coping skills in the last year.
Then corona rolled around, and my anxiety went through the roof again, depressive episodes came and went and I’m still getting no help. But yeah, it basically made me realise that sure I’ve come a long way but I’m barely holding it together. It most CERTAINLY isn’t helped by the astronomical stress levels I’m getting from my A-levels and just generally existing at the moment is hard. I’m also low-key lonely because people kind of suck (I lost almost all my friends from my old school, don’t get me wrong that was for good reason, but that doesn’t mean that it didn’t suck. But yeah, I also got into a group of people at the start that were kinda shitty and so now it can be kinda lonely because it’s hard to make new friends).
My relationship with my mum has improved but it’s rocky as fuck. She’s very childish and I’m pretty sure hit the jackpot for trauma in every capacity but just pretends that sHe’S fiNe. While I’m writing this, she’s been incredible. Genuinely incredible. But also she can be one of the biggest problems in making me want to cease existing. She can be extremely manipulating and invalidating of my emotions, and generally make me feel like I’m going insane because she knows that I have no power over my life. She’s admitted it’s because she has to be in control of everything, but admitting it doesn’t mean it’s not toxic. It’s one of the hardest things in my life when it gets bad.
So yeah, I think that’s most of it!
Also side note, I may have attachment issues from the constant moving schools/houses/issues with my mum/dad leaving/crazy stepdad/i completely forgot to mention my step-brother who nearly got institutionalised in china because of schizophrenia that i didn’t see after that/constant changing schools.
Also second side note, only figure out recently and I’m probably completely wrong and I can’t remember it properly because I was so young but a kid a few years older than me might have touched me up when I was younger. It wasn’t anything serious, it just made me uncomfortable when I realise. I don’t know if I want to talk about it though because there’s a part of me that wonders if I just invented this trauma to make me feel special or some shit and YES I’m aware that’s the dumbest shit to ever think but oh well. Edit: also I feel like I have no friends/they're constantly changing. Also, childhood Moreton bullying.
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superemeralds · 8 years ago
Sonic 25th anniversary art book review
Hey guys, it’s Shadow. I bought this book. And I’m really emotional about it.
This review will feature a lot of pictures to prove my points.
TLDR; Don’t buy the book. Just ask me if you want a picture of anything. I believe other ppl already made scans of the good pages but If you want me to I can make scans of the few pages that atually do have concept art.
edit: you can buy the book ofc i just think its not worth it, mostly when you are poor as fuck like me and u go in for an investment. (though it would help maybe getting another, better one? I’m kinda conflicted here)
Onto the review:
Fist of all: this book is bigger than you think.
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This is an intuos pen&touch small as size ref
The book weighs a ton and the quality of color and pager is amazing! 10/10 for quality. The binding seems lovely too.
Opening up you immediately feel the sonic atmosphere and you are greeted with text that i was unable to read because it had long ass fucking text in unnecessary passages.
I guess it could be of interest for some hardcore fans, or people who know nothing about the series at all, but as a fan it is very disheartening to see a fuckton of text about one single game, and then have other games completely dismissed from existence.
Sonic and the secret rings was totally left out and not mentioned once in the book, design changes like they happened in riders were not explained.
But. I need to get back in track and start with some formal stuff here.
The book has 245 Pages.
About 160 of those pages are dedicaded to the classic games ( 7 first years of sonic the hedgehog)
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(pictured is the distribution between classic area 1991-1998 on the left; and the entire rest of sonic to the right)
And, don’t get me wrong, I would not be mad about this if there was actual good content like tons of sketches and level concepts! But there’s none of that.
instead we get this:
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Huge prints of ingame sprites. A fuckton of them.
It’s nice to see how they designed the enemies but why Did they print out pixelated sprites so huge and with so much care for clean back grounds and then have messes like this
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These two pages are the only ones in which these characters were ever mentioned at all.
Blaze’s debut game, Sonic Rush, was not mentioned once except for the little “info” on her page saying that she did actually debut in this game and it did, infact, exist.
We get worse pages, though.
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These two are the only pages to 06 that we do get to see, and silver didn’t even get a double spread page. They just slapped the sketches on there, tiny, crowded.
How did they introduce other characters? Let’s have a look at a classic character!
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wow that is neat!
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t-theres more?
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that feels kind of unnecessarily big but okay.
(he got one more double page of art with him and sonic together and he is seen in multiple other art pieces for other games throguhout the book. He’s also on one of those cool pages that you can extend out for a parnorama of chemical plant)
I thought! Hey every character will get such a cool introduction!
The last character to get one of these is Shadow.
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I thought: hey cool concept art! I can’t wait for everyone to have concept pages vs Final pages! Mostly cant wait for the silver one haha (we all know how that ended)
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b-black on black? Shadow SA style art from 1998 ????
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Boom shadow from 2016??? But boom came out 2014 ??? (they got that right w all other charcaters)
What comes right after that boom shadow, though? Big the cat.
and after big comes this disgrace.
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This is the first time we see our God of Destruction: Chaos. And, besides a sonic battle spread, it is the only time. We don’t get to see perfect chaos. We don’t get to see SADX concept sketches. all we get is this:
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It’s the same hue of orange. Why is it the runners model? We don’t know. Theres no concept of the echidna tribe, nothing to the lore...
Infact, the only modern game they offer concept art of is SA2.
Like w the classics they gave us stuff like this
below is all just for sonic 1 (or just sonic in 1991 in general as the book tends to organize things)
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( i decided to leave out the 30 more pages of sprites and promotional art and unrelated jumbo that was more abt sonics image as new mascot for SEGA)
The below art is for sonic 2
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kinda sparse, and not as much, but still colored concept art for the levels and stuff, right! I mean there are also tails sprites and promotional art and box art and variants and all that!!
lets move on to the more modern games!
Oh cool the SA games!!!
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screenshots next to concept art! Me likey!
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Wow that’s so cool! I’ve already seen two of those in generations but that’s fine! Cool having them physical now!
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Oh my god! So much concept art! This is so cool! Even when non of it is colored I cherish it its so good!
I can’t wait to see this for all the games!!! Story book ones!!! yes!!! I’d like to see early concepts of riders!!!
(I totally forgot how little pages were left at this point)
I can’t wait to see unleashed concept art!!! The one I saw in my game is sooo good cant wait to have this shit printed!!!
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Dragon road? nice! Oh hello there promo art!
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woha a double spread page! This image is really unspectacular but I guess it’s nice!!! Can’t wait to see-
oh. Oh. that’s already all there is to unleashed.
Concept art? Who is that? Never heard of her.
Box art and characters is all we know. Screenshots maybe
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anyone ask for a giant ass print of a screenshot of greenhill classic? no? too bad.
Don’t get me started on the 7 pges of Sonic Boom they have squeezed in there
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While I hate boom, we can’t dismiss this horrible layout choice. Tiny pictures? Really?
What’s on the next page then that you don’t have the space for making them ncie and big?
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Did they literally use a filler on that right page? You could’ve used that for concept art.
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Maybe I’m the biased one who thinks of Modern games to be of importance and for them to be more aesthetic and pretty and all that (i mean its mainly bc my fucked up brain cant process the classic games, too much color, too much going on, too sharp on the eyes)
but is it too much to want an even spread between classic and modern? To want justive for all the amazing characters?
If you didn’t get the book yet, then please dont. It’s not worth your money.
There are 5k prints of this book, and I sure as hell hope that there will be 5k disappointed fans.
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