#i PROMISE i'll post more chapters of my actual wips soon
Red Flags
Oh my god I've been so burnt out I'm so so sorry but I WROTE SOMETHING FINALLY
“Right, so…” Lily starts, settling down in front of the others with a coffee in hand, “what are we thinking?”
“I have a feeling we’re all thinking the same thing,” Mary says, shaking their head to themself. As Lily glances around, everyone nods in agreement.
Remus Lupin has terrible taste in men.
It’s an infamous fact among the group, really. Somehow, Remus manages to find every weird, rude, and downright horrible man on the face of the earth. He's not stupid, but he is impressively good at ignoring all of the warning signs. Lily remembers, more than once or twice, picking up the pieces, shouting at the exes, even stopping Remus from taking them back. It always sucks to see him that upset, and Lily just couldn't take it anymore.
So, they've developed a system.
It involves a lot of internet stalking, going through social media after social media, looking for pieces of evidence, things they can mention directly to the guy in question. If they can figure out if they're exactly the same as the others, which they usually are, they can scare him away before it’s too late. Remus isn't exactly… aware, of their system, but it works, and they need it to keep working. It's better that Remus is a little upset that his boyfriend of two weeks has ghosted him, rather than a painful betrayal.
This newest guy, though? They can't find anything.
“You’d think someone with the name Sirius fucking Black would have something slightly shady on his socials!” Marlene says with a groan.
“I mean, the name’s red flag enough, right? Everyone knows the Black family,” Peter says, but James is intervening before anyone has a chance to agree.
“Hold on, they essentially got rid of him five years ago. I don't know that we can still hold his name against him.”
Yeah, that makes sense. Unfortunately.
“Okay, well… what does he do for a living?” Mary tries, only to get a good few shrugs.
For someone who posts ten times a day, this guy is really quite quiet about his private life.
“I think he's a doctor,” Peter says eventually. “That’s what I found when I looked him up. Pediatric Surgeon?”
“Oh, so he literally saves kids lives,” Marlene says, exasperatedly throwing her hands in the air. “I'm sorry, he can't be Mr Perfect! This isn't how Remus works!”
Lily wants to say that maybe it is, maybe he's turning a corner, but she bites her tongue. They don't actually know anything real, anything substantial, about this guy. All they know is that he grew up in a very prominent family, and can build a careful social media presence. That means nothing.
They need to dig deeper.
“You know what this means, right?” Lily says grimly. “We have to meet him.”
Remus knows exactly what his friends are up to.
They think they're so brilliant at hiding their little… background checks on anyone he even so much as mentions wanting to date. Well, he can't exactly blame them. He's dated some absolutely horrendous people, and he knows that. Showing up at Lily’s as a crying mess wasn't exactly his finest moment, so he gets why they're so concerned.
Sirius, though? God, they’re never going to have to worry again. For a good few weeks, Remus had thought he'd made Sirius up. He's never fallen for someone as quickly as he's fallen for Sirius, even though they're taking everything so slowly. Honestly, he'd move in with Sirius tomorrow, if he asked, but Sirius is too good to ask that so soon.
That doesn't stop Sirius from panicking a little, as Remus keeps setting the table for dinner with his friends.
“What if they hate me? I mean, what if I set a really bad impression and they hate me forever-?”
“They definitely won't hate you. Believe me, you'll click with them. Especially James. I have a feeling he's going to love you.”
James is always the most supportive. He at least tells Remus before the others start to interrogate them.
“But what if-”
“Hey, don't panic.” Remus reaches out and takes both of Sirius’ hands in his. It sends a little thrill through him, the way Sirius’ breath catches in his throat. “Just… don't feel intimidated when they start asking too many questions, and you'll be fine.” Sirius nods once, and Remus squeezes his hands reassuringly.
There’s a knock at the door before they can kiss.
Remus groans as Sirius drops his head onto Remus' shoulder. He takes a breath and takes a step away, as Remus tries to quash the nerves. He knows how much they're going to love Sirius, but it isn't really helping. He doesn't want them freaking him out and scaring him off.
Still, it's too late to give them all the boot now, so, with a slight hesitance, he accepts his fate and opens the door.
“Hey, guys! You’re all here… at the same time,” he says, sticking a perplexed expression on his face. Mary smiles brightly as Remus steps aside to let them all in.
“What a coincidence, right?”
They’re really bad at hiding things.
James is the last one in, and Remus holds him back quickly.
“Please tell me they're not grilling him. Sirius is nervous enough.” He knows the answer already, but James shrugging apologetically only confirms it.
“They didn't find anything online. You know what that means.” Remus nods once, trying to bite back a groan. “They're doing it because they care.”
“I know. Just… please give him a chance. He's… Prongs, he’s amazing.” He watches James’ face soften, and it gives him the slightest glimmer of hope.
Maybe this'll be okay.
“So, Sirius…” Marlene starts, the moment they all settle at the table.
God, it's already starting.
“What’s your favourite thing about our Remus?”
Honestly, Remus is pretty sure that's a tricky question. He's never seen anyone answer it right. There's always something wrong with the answer. It almost feels like a cruel start.
“Oh, wow, I don't think I could pick!” Sirius says with a smile. “I mean, unless you let me pick everything,” he adds with a wink. It draws a smile out of Remus, and James is already positively beaming. The others, though, exchange a confused glance.
“What, so you can't think of anything?” Peter says disbelievingly.
“Oh, I just meant- I think everything about him is amazing.”
A blush immediately spreads it's way across Sirius’ face and, oh, Remus could look at him forever; could watch his face turn rosy until the end of time.
“What d’you think of his writing? Y’know, his breakout piece on euthanasia?” Lily asks, resting her chin in her hands.
“I thought his breakout piece was his intersectionality one?” Remus turns to him, stunned. He didn't even know Sirius had read any of his articles.
He's also right.
Christ, he must be ticking some kind of box for his friends.
“Right, this is stupid,” Mary interrupts Remus’ train of thought, and he's already dreading whatever they're about to say. “If you have any intentions of hurting him, we’ll quite literally kill you.”
“Mary!” Remus says quickly, his hand reaching out to grab Sirius’.
“No, he needs to hear this!”
“Why? Because you couldn't find anything when you looked him up?”
It's enough for the group to lapse into silence.
“Listen.” Remus forces himself to take a breath and slow down. “I know why you do all of this, and I get it. Really, I do. I appreciate how much you care. Sirius, though, he's… guys, he's wonderful. You don't have to worry this time.”
James nods, Mary also seemingly placated. The others, though, turn to Sirius.
Yeah, that makes sense.
“Honestly, I’ve never felt this way about anyone. I wouldn't dream of hurting him. I'm falling in love with him more every single day-” He cuts himself off with wide eyes, immediately turning to Remus.
Oh, wow.
“You love me?” Remus asks. It's almost like his friends just… vanish, in that moment. All he can see is Sirius, sitting beside him, telling him that he loves him.
“Shit, I didn't mean to say it like that!” Sirius groans, his face reddening by the second.
Okay, accidentally telling him that he loves him.
“I wanted to plan something nice, think of the right thing to say, not just- God, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean for this-” He buries his head into his hands, muffling his panicked rambling.
“Sirius?” He tries quietly. Sirius just shakes his head minutely. It's really bloody endearing.
Remus is going to have to go about this differently.
Slowly, gently, he reaches out and pries Sirius’ hands from his face. He lets himself lace his fingers through Sirius’, as their eyes meet and Remus’ stomach flips.
“I love you, Sirius,” he says softly. “Christ, how could I not?”
Sirius’ face brightens in an instant, and Remus can't help but beam right back at him. He can practically feel the tension in the room lift.
He has a feeling his friends won't be worrying about him anymore.
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groenendaelfic · 9 months
Hi, I just wanted to make sure if you're okay? You used to post fics so regularly and now you're so quiet. I hope you're doing fine and are just busy with real life stuff?!
Hi, and thank you for checking in as well as your kind words. Same to the two lovely anons who sent me love. Thank you.
A very Happy Lucia to you and everyone who celebrates, or who could do with a bit more light in their life. (physical or metaphorical)
I'm sorry for being so quiet recently. I assure you I'll be back and that all my wips and outlines will be finished. (yes even Ghost!Erik, although I'm not making any promises as to when)
I'm as enthusiastic about YR and Wilmon as I was a year ago and I doubt that's going to change anytime soon. It's just that the holiday season has hit me harder than I hoped it would, and so my writing time has been mostly taken up by blankly staring at the screen and then being surprised when the alarm goes off an hour or two later.
It's the first time in eight years that I'm celebrating without my soulmate, and missing them and our two angels is especially hard right now.
I have a very active support network though and I know things will get better. Right now I'm just ... super lonely while at the same time being surrounded by too many people who mean a bit too well.
On a happier note I'm over 15k into the final chapter of Faroe Gone and still in Tórshavn, with only about 1k being stuff from the outline, so it's going to be a very, very long final chapter.
Also the next chapter of ALaWHEO has theoretically reached posting length about a month ago, but I really want them to actually get inside the palace and not just have a 4k car ride where nothing happens. So uh ... yeah.
Also, also I've been valiantly resisting the urge to write Kings Wilmon's first state visit to movie-rwrb's London snippets. It would be a good distraction, but also I'm not sure it would be any other levels of good. I haven't even finished reading the book.
Also, also, also my muse insists it'd have to be Phillip and James III's pov, and I suspect that'd top even The Getaway's level of self-indulgence, if that's even possible.
Anyway. Happy Lucia. I promise I'll be back, although no promise as to when. All the best! 💜🧡
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fragileizywriting · 6 months
i have a five-week gap soon where i don't have anything to post in between it. i have a few ideas on how to fill them, but i need your help. this is going to be kind of a long post with a poll at the end, so i'll shove all of this under a read-more.
option 1: title of the wip is "silk and satin", explicit, a kwamiswap fic where lady noire uses adrien's apartment to nap. they never meet, ever, so this was never discussed, but adrien knows that lady noire's been showing up and leaves gifts behind. he's kind of like a sugar daddy, but not really— all she needs is the gratuitous use of his walk-in shower, his bed and blankets, and a place to lean back against to put her hand under the waistband of her panties. 5 chapters, reveal at the end (maybe), adrinoire endgame.
option 2: title of the wip is "job huntin'", explicit, a demon lovin' fic where adrien and luka meet for the first time. the two of them get into some scuffles— namely, adrien dealing with the fact that there's a first in elysium who refuses to talk about the fact that he's a first— while luka deals with the fact that adrien is gabriel's son. this will presumably be in only adrien's POV though, so. eh. i'm not sure how i'd get that point across... anyway, i'm unsure how many chapters i'd need, but i already have 2 chapters ready. lukadrien endgame.
option 3: title of the wip is "marinette and adrien are succubi", explicit, a demon lovin' spinoff where it's an au of an au. marinette is a cradler in paris and owns a brothel, where her favorite customer (luka) comes in regularly to the glory hole. there's no way to meet the actual customer face to face because of [plot and good reasoning i have yet to figure out yet]. marinette and adrien are dating, and adrien is her little boytoy. adrien is simultaneously obsessed with luka's cock yet also hates him, because he's concerned that luka will take away his girlfriend. 3 chapters minimum. lukadrienette endgame.
option 4: a collection of all the oneshots i have yet to finish, ranging from teen to explicit, all without any connection to any of my AUs i have. i'll post 5 oneshots in total, one per each week.
all of this is conjecture— i'll try really hard to do the one that wins, but since i have ADHD, i'm prone to pivoting sometimes. not always— i definitely do my best to post what i've promised— but i just want to make sure everyone knows that i'm tryingngngngn.
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sleepyrxsetea · 2 months
blog intro
i'm making a new intro to include my WIP's as well!
howdy! my name is Rose and i've been around for over a year now! i would love to meet more writers and overall cool people! this blog has a writing/book reading focus while also having a few other things here and there (so descriptive, ik)
i have two alt blogs as well. @eye-motive is my fiction podcast blog (The Magnus Archives. at this point it's only tma and tmagp and some Malevolent here and there) and then @sleepyrxserambles is random stuff that is not podcast or writing specific (it's the wild west on there)
DNI: bigots, TERF’s, ableist’s, homophobes, transphobes, interphobes, bots, you get the idea i hope
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some quick facts:
-xe/they nonbinary aroace spectrum being
-favorite games are open world rpg games, Animal Crossing and Omori
-i read a lot. most of it is high fantasy (but my true favorite books are actually shitty paranormal romance. 'mostly high fantasy' is a cover up i tell so i don't get judged even harsher by the people in my life for liking the books even though they make me ridiculously happy)
-um...moving on from that rant. i also like gardening (new lore unlocked)
-i like watching anime! some of my favorites are BSD, Horimiya, Banana Fish and Sailor Moon. i also read manga, some of my favorites have been Fruit’s Basket, The Promised Neverland and Sailor Moon
-i like Sailor Moon. i’m not sure if you can tell or not
-i also like watching vtuber’s in my spare time. I don’t have any particular favorites but I do watch Gavis Bettel often
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now, the WIP's! i'm only putting one for now because it's the only one i'm dedicated on working on, lol (it's below)
Harrison Weber And The Serial Murder Case Of The Theater Troupe (otherwise known as Harrison Weber And The Serial Murder Case On Oxford Street. i'll also make a better name eventually, promise)
in this WIP it is kinda like Sherlock Holmes with a twist. Oliver Briggs is the newest assistant to the big shot detective, Harrison Weber, known for his expertise in solving serial murder cases. Fresh out of college and still trying not to hurl at the sight of blood, Oliver has been assigned to take the lead on a new case so his boss can see what he is made of. There has been a murder in a local park and the victim turns out to be someone Oliver knows, his childhood friend. While trying to grapple with this loss, unexpectedly his old babysitter passes. Then his cousin. As he looks into their deaths he realizes that they are all connected by only three things; himself, the theater troupe his mother had been a part of and a deadly fire that happened 13 years ago. Will Oliver be able to find the killer before they kill again? Or will he have to suffer the loss of yet someone else he holds dear?
that is my first time writing a summery, lol. also the last two sentences are kinda bad but i needed a hook
also i don't want to say the twist but if you look at my other posts you can tell
but, some updates. i am currently working on fleshing out the characters so that they feel actually human and making a chapter outline. i haven't started to write the first draft yet but plan on doing it soon! i will update more here and on actual posts. i don't really write mystery so we'll see how it goes :D
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thank you for reading! i really appreciate it :D stay safe, take care of yourself and remember to take it easy sometimes
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melodygatesauthor · 1 year
Weekly Update - 07/09/2023
There's a LOT to cover this week but it's all REALLY important so please read <3 (below the cut) ~
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~ Cruise ~
I'm going on a cruise from 07/15/2023-07/23/2023! I really shouldn't have, but my family peer pressured me into it and now I can't get my money back if I back out so I'm going anyway lol.
I paid extra to have WiFi in my cabin, however I don't know how good it will be. I refuse to pay the ridiculous amount of money to use the data on my phone out there. That being said, my online time will be limited.
If for any reason I cannot access my internet or have issues getting on Tumblr @whatthefishh will give you all an update letting you know. (She hasn't confirmed this with me yet but I assume she will lol)
I'm going to be trying to get some works written ahead of time and scheduled to post while I'm away so it will be like I never left! (except I won't be able to respond much).
~ Masterlist ~
My masterlist is ALMOST complete. Once I'm done with it this time I will NOT be changing it again (unless my aesthetic changes but that will only be a cosmetic update). I'm happy with the way it's organized right now and I don't think it can get any better than it is personally lol. (I'm very proud of it please praise me)
~ FAQs ~
I'm working on an FAQs list to hopefully mitigate some of the repeat questions I get, or so I can just link them instead of having to respond to each individual question.
~ Thank You ~
The biggest thank you possible to those who sent in tips this week. I can't thank you enough. I added the tip thing without the expectation that people would actually use it so to have so many of you this week blew my mind. I love you, and I appreciate you more than you can know.
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Disclaimer - I never know which way the winds of inspiration will blow. Timeframes aren't a promise/guarantee, they're a goal.
Fic Updates Legend:
Blue - should be posted this week
Pink - In progress actively (working on but will not be posted this week)
Red - Backburner Fic (will work on later. See WIP list for status)
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Long/Chaptered Fics Updates
A Bit Dodgy - This fic is currently on hiatus. The plan is for it to return 07/31/2023. Things may change and if they do I'll let you all know! Thank you for bearing with me. More detailed explanation here.
Always Yours, Never Mine - Chapter 2 is coming right up! Just a couple scenes to add and it will be good to go. I'm thinking I'll be able to churn out one chapter a week but don't hold your breath please haha, things are getting really busy, but this fic is at the front of my mind right now for sure. - New chapter this week
The Fractured Moon - currently working on These Fractured Knights (TFM Bonus Chapters) 🫣😏 - Hoping to have the next chapter out this week. This has been moved to "longfics" since it will be at over 40k words upon completion. - New chapter this week
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Mini-series Updates
Feeling You Can't Fight - New chapter coming out this week.
Not a Doctor - Part 2 coming soon - not for a while though.
Worth the Risk - taking a small step back from this for now. It’s not at the top of my inspiration list so I’m moving it down the line temporarily. - will work on a later date
The Good Doctors - idea by @burnincrown - Dr. Marc Spector - It's going to be a long time in the works, and it will probably replace TFM when that one is done. In development - Work on it a different week
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Requests Updates
There are 4 ficlets left for my 1k follower celebration. Finally getting them done (I'm almost at 2k now lmao but won't be doing a celebration until a different milestone).
As a reminder, once these requests are finished, my requests will be closed for good. You can see the post explaining that here. Thank you again for the support and understanding!
Moon Boys X f!Reader by @simpforbritgents
Asking for something like Feeling Flustered where the moon boys are doing guided phone sex.
Marc Spector X f!Reader by @blueflowerhat
Marc shower sex based on AI prompt.
Nathan Bateman X f!Reader by @campingwiththecharmings
This is the prompt that hit me like a Nathan-shaped mac truck! -> “if you don’t like my teasing why are you moaning”
Nathan Bateman X f!Reader by Anon
Cam girl reader x Nathan - Nathan turns to a cam girl, he's been kinda stalking her. (Excited hehe)
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That's all for now guys! I love you all and thank you so much for all the support you continue to give no matter what. You're amazing <3
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cuubism · 1 year
wip update
since I have a good number of actively-posting WIPs that some lovely people have been very kind about and invested in (and which I am very slow in updating), I figured it might be only polite to post a little update on where those are.
the melting press of the sun (dreamling) - Never intended this as a longfic, there may or may not be more than the 2 chapters it has now. I have a bit more written but it's disjointed and incomplete. I intentionally didn't leave any brutal cliffhangers on what I did post for this reason. We'll see if that one comes back.
Deja vu, Deja connu (dreamling) - The slowness in updating probably belies how deeply emotionally invested I actually am in this fic. Chapter three is just a major challenge--it's very long, covers a lot, has lots of fluff in the first part (fluff is kinda my Achilles heel, though not quite as much as wedding scenes, which this chapter also has) and a lot of heavy content later. But I have the whole fic outlined, a bunch of chapter 4 and 5 written in advance, and I'm super excited about the stuff that comes later, so it will definitely be finished, just... slowly. At least for this chapter.
In Waking Dreams (dreamling) - My current priority for an update. Chapter 4 just hit 10k and will probably hit 15k before its done (god help me), and I feel somewhat obliged to finish chapter 5 as well so I can post them in quick succession. Chapter 4 necessarily ends on a cliffhanger as it catches up to the events of chapter 3, but I feel bad about two cliffhangers in a row. But that one soon, I hope. (chapter 5 has a lot of the juiciest, long awaited scenes promised by the fic's premise, so I hope you will like that one when it's finally done 😅)
IRL (malec) - Fic that I have a tendency to get stuck on for 15 months, then write a ton of all at once, repeat. But I actually picked it up again the other day for the first time in ages, and I think I know all of the events of the chapter now, so who knows! Maybe I'll actually manage an update!
Subject: I Love You (malec) - Fic that I shamefully left with ONE CHAPTER remaining for a full year now. Honestly not sure why. Someday I will pick it up tho, I swear to god, or maybe I'll just cut the chapter short and make it an epilogue. (Actually maybe I do know why. It's another damn proposal/wedding scene. My absolute weakness and failure, I should stop writing them entirely)
mind & heart, body & soul (malec) - This fic haunts me, it follows me around 24/7 like a vengeful spirit that can't find rest. I can't wrangle it back into making any sense in my head, but for the sake of both my own sanity and the story's frankly frightening number of readers (I love you but you scare me), I've been trying to do one final chapter to offer some kind of wrap-up. Hopefully I can manage it.
Leviathan (malec) - My long held passion project that I have, in classic form, not touched in months. In fact I've been stuck on the same chapter I'm on now since probably 2020, when I first started writing the fic. This particular middle part of the fic is just vexing me to no end. At some point, I will decide on a course of action, inevitably flawed, and just power through that chapter (I say, for the 2nd year in a row). Why did I give this story two big villains again? Or think having a whole separate story arc in the middle of the fic was a good idea? Ah well.
in the palm of your hand (malec) - The one and only multichapter I finally caved and marked abandoned. I learnt my lesson with this fic about letting a oneshot expand into a completely unplanned longer fic. Boy did I...
I feel like I don't express it enough, but I really appreciate everyone who's ever read one of my fics, commented, kudos'd, chatted with me about them on tumblr, made podfics or art or translations, shared headcanons in my inbox or your own fics with me... I'm always blown away by the kindness and interest, and love getting to share little (or big!) stories with you and am so happy when you enjoy them ❤️ I love doing fandom with you.
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Update / Personal Post Rant
I've been working on some new chapters to a few of the WIPs I have going, including for "No Good Men Left To Spare", "Control", "Been in Love", and a one-shot smut piece for Graves x Reader. My hopes that I can get at least one of these out by this weekend.
However, I just needed a space to vent (you don't have to read this)(also TRIGGER WARNING for DV), I recently got in a spat with my bf and he destroyed my keyboard (he almost broke my laptop too, I had to plead for him not to), and then he threatened to abandon me in a state thousands of miles from my hometown because he was mad that I was "disrespecting him" by "having an attitude with my tone of voice" that he didn't want to deal with it on a trip HE brought ME on.
I'm saying this though because I've been really shaken up and out of myself for days (this has been an ongoing problem in my relationship), and it's made writing a little difficult to sit and concentrate on these past couple of days.
Though, it did feel amazing to get back on here and read things and actually feel a sense of joy in something. I read a really nice comment someone left for one of my fics on Ao3 after my spat, and I cried, but in a good way, because writing really does make me happy, and I'm so incredibly thankful that no matter who is in my life, that this isn't something someone can take away from me.
I know once I'm home, I should feel brand new again. Please be patient with me and I promise I'll have more to post soon! ❤
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envexenveritas · 5 months
20 Questions for Writers
Thanks for the tag @serenbex
Me, a writer? (doesn't really feel like it at the moment, why does this scene have to be so, frweg?)
I finally finished answering! Hopefully, soon I'll finish more fic?!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently, Doctor Who
But I've never really stuck to writing one fandom.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
All of them! There are only 5!
Nicole's Supernatural Really Bad Day Carmilla, Wynonna Earp crossover. Flash fic from when everyone was talking about Danny and Nicole being cousins.
Two of a Kind Kate Stewart/Osgood fic in @ncruuk's Osgate universe, set just after The Day of the Doctor.
I Couldn't Let Her Die Legend of the Seeker, fix it fic, Dahlia's not dying today.
The Ghost of Heathrow Tegan/Nyssa. Ace gets in contact with Tegan, there have been reports of a ghost in Heathrow Airport and she looks an awful lot like a woman from Tegan's past.
I've Always Wanted a Laser Eye Carmilla, Ghostbusters (2016) inspired by @toodrunktofindaurl's picture
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes! Lovely comments, must reply to lovely comments!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I haven't really done angsty endings, I like things to end up happy even if they're not happy all the way through.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
The Ghost of Heathrow - I haven't finished it yet, but I promise it will be happy.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I tried once. I've never published it.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Yep, yep they're in the list. I don't think they're that crazy.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
I don't think I have an all time favourite, it changes with my fixations. My favourite ship has been Nyssa/Tegan for an awfully long time now.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Everything I've posted online I fully intend to finish. It just might take a little while.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I'm pretty sure I've got a good grasp of dialogue and character voice.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
If you asked me when I was in school whether I had a problem writing scene description I would laugh in your face. But scene description, scene description that actually fits into the story I'm telling. It just always sounds so wrong and exposition-y.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Use it sparingly
Use an actual human translator
Find a diegetic way to explain the meaning
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter - It was an impossible fandom to avoid in secondary school.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Ghost of Heathrow - as long as I can get this next damn chapter to work.
Tagging @technicallywrite, @fivenyssateganadric, @daystarsearcher I've already tagged @ncruuk why not again?
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munsons-maiden · 1 year
I'm so excited to read more of your work! And I swear I'm not being antagonistic when I say this but... Why wait for season 5? We don't even know for sure that Eddie will be back. In fact, with his new filming schedule it's looking less likely 😭
I promise Im not trying to be mean or anything! I guess it's still possible he could come back in a flashback or something but idk. 💔
Anyway sorry ily
No worries, your ask doesn't come off as mean or anything, dear 🖤
It doesn't have anything to do with ST5 or Eddie's return (in which I still firmly believe but that's beside the point rn), it's for creative reasons.
I want to stick to a posting schedule with weekly updates of my series on certain days of the week, and with Worlds Apart, I realized that's impossible if you still have to write the chapters. It was super stressful for me, pressuring myself to have the next chapter ready as soon as possible plus while writing I got to a few plot points where I got better ideas than what I'd originally planned but since the prior chapters were already posted, it wasn't possible to change certain plot points afterwards. Since most of the Eddie WIPs I'm working on are series, not oneshots, I decided I'd take the time I needed to actually write the entire story so I could guarantee weekly updates without the pressure of having to write a whole chapter in the matter of a few days, plus there's the advantage of still being able to go back and make changes when I feel they're needed. And since inspiration always changes for me, it means I'm not able to write one series after another so I'll be able to start posting one while working on the next, but I'm switching between them, working on all of them basically at the same time.
The ST5 release is simply the deadline I set to hold myself accountable😂
And the WIP list will make it possible to update my progress I made on each story/series so those who are waiting for new stories can see I'm making progress!
Sorry for that long ass monologue, dear 😂🖤
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insecateur · 2 years
2022 fic wrap-up!
Here it is, my 2022 fic wrap-up! I'll divide it in three parts: general rambling about writing, month-by-month discussion of what I wrote in more detail, and a conclusion about what I'd like to get done this year a.k.a. 2023!
(I wrote so much I'm sorry.)
General Thoughts and Rambling about Writing
I've had multiple times when I'd say I stopped writing. I wrote a lot when I was younger, both fic and original, always in my native language (French.) I also roleplayed a fair amount. Back in 2011, after a very bad time in my life, I stopped writing. My last attempts were roleplaying posts; I think by that time I hadn't written fic in over a year. 
For a little while, I focused on drawing exclusively. I even created an original webcomic that's currently discontinued. Then, in 2013, Pokémon X&Y came out–
I'd planned to write posts about my main X&Y fic series on Tumblr, but only wrote one and then never got around to writing the rest. I still want to, though! It probably covers most of what I'd want to say already, so I'll be brief: I got back into writing fic in 2013, for Pokémon X&Y, in English this time, and then lost steam the next year for a variety of reasons. I got back into writing again in 2015-2016, writing more or less exclusively for myself without sharing it except on dreamwidth and password-locked blogs. At the time, I think I felt self-conscious about posting fic on AO3 that I didn't think was "up to par," not to mention I felt guilty about my lingering WIP...
In late 2017, I got into a brand new fandom, Yakuza, and for the first time in four years started to focus my creative energy in something that wasn't Pokémon X&Y. I still thought about it a lot (Lysandre especially) but I was able to get into new ships that I was excited about for reasons that weren't "this reminds me of my ultimate blorbos." In 2018, I started working on a Yakuza fic that I then gave up on, until (encouraged by one of my friends) I got back into working on it in 2020.
I don't know what did it; I'd guess it was having someone who could cheer me on and who was also a writer, maybe, but in 2020 I really started finding pleasure in writing again. I finished the fic around the end of the year and got very sweet feedback (which I was surprised about because the topic of the fic isn't something I expected people to care about haha.) I was itching to write more but I was also kind of exhausted. I figured maybe this was going to be my fanfiction swan song, which I was pretty happy about, honestly. I still think it's a pretty good fic.
Then, in 2021, Pokémon Masters EX grabbed me by the throat–
It felt kind of eye-opening. It felt like I was back in 2013/early 2014 and suddenly I was fueled by the raw power of OTP. I reread my unfinished WIP, that I'd continued further from what was posted on AO3, and thought: I can finish this. Not only that, but I can make what I've already written better. It doesn't matter that it's been almost eight years, it doesn't matter if nobody cares to read it. I can do this, for me.
And I did!
Not only that, but it kickstarted me into getting back into writing for real. I posted the finished, rewritten (in parts) version of the fic in November (I promise I'll talk about this in more detail soon,) and then in December I posted another fic about them. Which then brings us to, of course, what this post is actually supposed to be about: 2022.
What I Wrote in 2022 (And Other Considerations)
I started out still riding that high from having finished my long fic, and posted two fics related to it in January, turning it into a series:
* The Pangs of Disprized Love: This one is an outsider POV taking place between two of the later So Long as We Can Say chapters. It was really fun to write, despite the subject matter! The last SLaWCS chapter is actually probably my favorite, as a post-canon aficionado, so getting to write more of that was a treat.
* And With Your Hands Your Hearts: This one is a more or less direct sequel. A marriage proposal... How corny. It felt like what the characters needed after everything they'd gone through, though. I had very strong mental images for this one and I'm still pretty happy with the result.
After that, I got to work on the sequel to Et Surtout Mourir de Langueur, the first part of my mutual pining saga. At the time, I ran into two issues:
— I was embarrassed by the idea of writing and posting smut on AO3. (Yes, this seems insane to me too now.)
— I was worried people would be put off by me writing Lysandre as submissive more "aggressively." (As in, actually making it clear that was what I was going for, and not just implying it.)
Because of this, I started getting writer's block, and found myself stalling after deciding to actually include explicit scenes in (what would become) Le Bien l'Ennemi du Mieux. But something very special would happen to me that month...
Indeed, February is the month I came to know Noah a.k.a. @jonphaedrus. Which seems both so long ago and way too little time. I will refrain from gushing and just say that had we not met, I might have never started posting E-rated works to AO3 and I might have even given up on writing that second mutual pining fic. So there.
Thus, in March, thanks to Noah (and Grey!)'s support, I finished and posted:
* Le Bien l'Ennemi du Mieux: They continue pining, but this time they fuck explicitly. A lot. Way too much if you ask me. The romantic tension does not resolve in this fic and did not resolve period in 2022 but it will in 2023 I promise.
My SLaWCS energy had not left me however, and so after taking a short break I started work on a direct sequel to And With Your Hands Your Hearts, where I'd explore Augustine and Lysandre's backstories at last. This quickly became a multi-chapter project, which I was anxious about because SLaWCS (the original fic) had been my only successful attempt at that, but the fact that I had been successful once – and now had support from a fellow prfr appreciator and author – helped carry me to victory.
So, in May, I successfully published:
* Wisely and Slow: Definitely one of my favorites from the year. A three chapters story about dealing with your demons and finding a new place to belong to in the world. I could talk more about it but I won't... for now. This is the last (plot-relevant) SLaWCS story I've posted so far; the next one is going to be the wedding one and I'm SO excited to work on it. SOON.
Taking a break from longer fic writing, I wrote this treat for Noah:
* That Give Delight and Hurt (Not): I feel like this was the first step toward me going full self-indulgent when it comes to publishing smut. It still has feelings, but there's no pretense of a plot, just two characters engaging in D/s fun. It was my first time posting actual PWP on AO3... emotional...
In June, struck by a sudden bout of inspiration at the very end of a challenge from a Discord server I was in, I wrote 20k in a week:
* Perfect as a Statue, Unadorned: A Xerosic/Lysandre fic where Lysandre is a robot. It's also one of my favorites from this year! Very underrated imo. It's long, it's an AU, it's for a rarepair... so I'm not really surprised, but I do wish more people would give it a try. Oh well.
And then, finally embracing my id fully, I wrote and shared what is probably still the most unhinged thing I've written in 2022:
* All in a Day’s Work: Also known as "Rocket Lysandre free use" which tells you all you need to know. Truly just pure bottom Lysandre PWP. I think about the tag "I Want That Pokémon Villain Obliterated" regularly. I originally wasn't even planning on posting it but doing that freed me from any kind of worry about what I was "allowed" to post on my AO3, because nothing else can come close to it. Also very underrated imo but not for the same reasons LMFAO.
I was slowly getting into the habit of writing regularly, so in July I decided to try my hand at writing short fics/ficlets based on prompts I found or that were sent to me. This way, I successfully wrote five ficlets:
* Phototaxis, Show Off, The Precious Time That We Have, Then We Shall Need Each Other & Aspectabund
I also participated in BDSM Exchange, with a fic! Which was my first time writing fic for an exchange – before that, I'd only done art.
* Viens Me Libérer de Mon Sommeil (Je Suis à Ta Merci): An OT3 (Diantha/Sycamore/Lysandre) fic for Noah! It has all of our favorite things: D/s, Lysandre getting run over, BDSM therapy... I nearly finished it in time for frenchflagshipping day, too, but missed it by three days. Alas.
Powered by pure hubris, in August, I decided to try my hand at Writer's Month... and couldn't pull it off (in parts because I got very, very sick mid-way through.) I'm not going to link all of my fics for that separately (they span from August to December) but I will namedrop a few I especially like. Otherwise, you can check them all out in my series! (Shout-out to the series-within-a-series specifically for the bodyswap storyline, too. I'll finish it in 2023! I swear!)
My favorites from August were:
* My (M37) friend (M32?) keeps alienating everyone we know with the way he presents his opinions: Absolute classic. A reddit post parody. I'd still like to write a sequel/spin-off someday.
* A Comedown of Revolving Doors: Kind of a weird one; I just caught a vibe and followed it without being completely sure where I was going with it. I do enjoy the result though.
* It’s a Mechanical Bull, the Number One: Bottom Dom content for the soul. I still think this one was very big-brained of me. Also the title does not get old.
* Hit Me With the Way They’re Flaunted: It sure is over 3k about Lysandre getting his tits tortured/played with. What else can I say.
August was also the month we started posting courage is the most foolish thing in the world a.k.a. roleswap! I am not involved in the writing (as in, I don't write it; I am definitely involved in the ideas and concepts) but I couldn't not give it a shout-out. 
For September, I'll cite this one:
* Something in Your Head You’ve Been Fighting All Along: It's cakeverse. I found out about cakeverse completely randomly and have not stopped thinking about it ever since. I'll probably write and/or draw some more at some point... It's still at the back of my mind.
I also participated in another fic challenge: to write an AU fic of no more than 5k words. It turned out a lot more difficult than I expected; I apparently do not do well with max word counts. Still, I managed to post:
* From the Throat, I’m Tied to You: A very horny soulmate AU. I just decided to write the kind of soulmates I'd like to see in fic, heh. Despite how hard it was for me to get the words out, I do enjoy the result, and it was fun to work on!
In November, I posted a fic for the exchange Fic In A Box! I feel like I've already talked about this one a lot LOL, so I won't get too into it.
* do let the old enmity be: A recursive fic for Noah's main prfr series. It's all in-universe stuff, and probably the most fun I had working on a fic this year. I was very pleased to see so many people enjoy it!
I also kept working on my late Writer's Month prompts, and my favorite for that month is obvious:
* Let Your Backbone Slide: My first time writing trans porn... finally, I can put what I want to see into the world (Dom trans/cis sub, in case that wasn't clear.) I like this one a lot, tbh. I'd like to write a sequel/related fic sometime soon.
Finally, the last month of the year: December! My end of the year was really busy. I had a lot on my mind. Still, I managed to post a few more Writer's Month fills and one very special fic:
* De nouvelles saveurs: My last fic of 2023! And it's in French! It's 12k words of flirting via baking croissants. Before writing a short thing for my FIAB fill, I hadn't written in French in over a decade... so it was an interesting experience. I am pretty happy with the result though! The croissants (quaso) got baked and that truly is all that matters. 
I'll finish this off by giving a quick shout-out to the old fics I posted throughout the year. These are the fics I wrote back in 2016, as mentioned in the introduction of this post. Noah slowly encouraged me to post them on AO3, even the ones I was the most embarrassed about. Since they've all been backdated, I don't remember the exact month (of 2022) they were posted on, so I'll just give them to you in their original chronological order:
* Fighting With My Weak Hand: A post-canon story about Lysandre trying to earn forgiveness. (Yes, it was already my shit in 2016.)
* Status Symbol: Car sex.
* A Lesson in Self-Control: Omorashi. 
* This Is the Finest Game, It Ain’t Even Got a Name: Spy AU. Very self-indulgent.
* Midas Touch: Lysandre doesn't masturbate. Augustine investigates.
* Give Me Fire, Burning Hell: My original soulmate AU.
Phew. Okay, now that that's all out of the way–
What 2023 Has In Store (Hopefully)
I have a lot of WIPs.
See, at the beginning of 2022, I told myself I'd only have one WIP at a time. That way, I could focus on one thing, and get things done at a good pace. Unfortunately, as I began writing more and more, and chatting with Noah about ideas, I started listening to the devil on my shoulder telling me I could just work on multiple things at once.
...and I could! At the end of the day, "a lot of WIPs" isn't actually even that many WIPs. Still, I have a bunch of stuff I'd like to get done in 2023, writing-wise:
— I have an unfinished SLaWCS smut spin-off that's like two scenes away from being done and has been for months. I really need to get back on that.
— I have, of course, part 3 of my mutual pining series. I'm nearly 10k into that and Arceus knows how long it'll get. But I'll finish it this year for sure!
— I have the few prompts left from my Writer's Month, most of which I have ideas for if I haven't already started them. I will complete it this year (and not give the prompt list for this year a try, I'm sorry–)
— I have a few challenge fics I started and never finished that I might or might not go back to. (One I'm fairly confident I can finish; the other I have no idea where to go with so it might stay unfinished forever. Maybe I'll share what I have at some point.)
— I want to write in French more!!
— And, last but not least, I'm desperate to write more SLaWCS. I want them to get married!! I spent most of the latter half of 2022 writing shorter fics, and I really want to get back to longer works. I want to drop 60k of wedding planning that only five people will read. This is all I need to stay alive.
As for the rest... I'm still itching to participate in exchanges and other fandom events, so I have plans in that vein, but I don't want to give it away too early. I'm very grateful for the support I've gotten this year, no matter the content... Thank you for all your comments, asks, tags, kudos... I wouldn't have written this much without you! I don't know if I can aim for more than I did in 2022, but I'd like to keep at it, at least. 
So here's to another year of Pokémon fics... and art! If you've read this whole thing, thank you, too! I appreciate it! 🙏
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smzeszikorova · 2 years
2-In-One Tag Game 🙃
So I got tagged for two different games. @writingpotato07 tagged me for Last Line, and @the-stray-storyteller tagged me for Heads Up Seven Up. Which made me squeal with joy, but also I'm kinda unsure what to do since these games cover pretty much the same ground. I've technically got two WIPs if we're counting Theodore Diaries (which, as I mentioned before, takes place in the middle of Book 3 from the perspective of a character I haven't introduced yet), but pretty much all my lines in that document are very spoiler heavy. So instead, I'm thinking I'll post my last seven lines from P&K 1 and call it a two-for-one. Unless you all revolt, in which case I'll post both, but don't say I didn't warn you about the spoilers.
Thanks so much for the tag, by the way! The fact that y'all actually wanna see my most recent writing really motivates me to write more stuff (that way I won't just have chapter 4 material to draw from).
Tagging @sunhunger, @bookish-galaxy, @god-of-identity, @graciecreates, @the-child-of-darkness, @unluckybasil, @moonandris, @aye-write. If any of you are interested, take your pick from these two tag games. Better yet, do both! If you don't want to/if you've already been tagged, no pressure! I'm also leaving this as an open tag for anyone else who wants to participate! :D
I'm not exactly sure what a line is in the context of prose, so I'm just gonna post the last seven sentences.
Be warned, this passage is very new, so what you're seeing is basically what my writing looks like unedited. I promise it's better after I've had a couple days to revise.
Ok, no more blabbing. Here we go!
From Pemoki and Kenacia:
“That soon?” Lyn’s eyes widened. “Catherine—” But before he could say anything else, Catherine stood on her toes and kissed him, and again his eyes went dark. "Try not to count the seconds, love," she said. "Just hold me. Relish every moment you've got left with me, and then take comfort in the knowledge that there'll be many, many more when I return."
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gayhoediaz · 2 years
12 and 29? 🫶🏽
12. how many wips do you have in your docs for next year?
oh, it depends on what we're considering a wip. if we're talking stories that have actually been started, but won't be finished until next year then it's two! one of them is an explicit three chapter story exploring their sexual hang ups, and figuring out the best way to communicate their needs. the other one is a patrick x richie fic that i work on whenever my looking hyperfixation comes back around - it might not even be up in 2023 tbh, we'll see. most of that fandom has moved on, so i'm just writing it for myself. (except for @dickley-buddie who i dragged down the rabbit whole with me this year and i'm very proud of that mwah) i'll post it when it's finished, for sure, but we'll see when that might be. if we're talking planned or outlined wips, then it's a lot more. i'm finally gonna work on that private chef au i promised everyone like six months ago. i haven't forgotten about it, i just want to have enough time to dive into it, because i'm really excited to write it!
29. favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
oh god. i need you to know that once i post a fic, i don't remember anything about it. and i have written a lot this year, so i genuinely have no idea. that being said, i am partial to this entire scene in grow as we go:
“You look very pretty, by the way,” Buck says, eyes wandering over Eddie’s face, and up to his hair, his hand soon following - but Eddie flinches away, putting his own hand up in between them as a barrier. 
“Hey, you’re gonna ruin it - she’s very expensive,” he says, barely getting through the words before they’re both laughing - warm, bright chuckles bouncing around the room. When they start to trail off, Buck bends his arm a little bit more, tugging Eddie closer, as he places his other hand on the side of his face, nudging their noses together. 
“I’m very sorry.” 
“You better be,” Eddie hums, right as Buck grins and goes in for a warm, languid kiss - not too much, just in case they’re interrupted, but certainly more than a peck. He pulls away, only to be tugged back in for another one - and then a third, Eddie’s arm coming to rest around his waist. 
When they part, Buck stays right where he is, leaning his forehead against Eddie’s temple, listening intently to the sigh that leaves his lips. 
“What?” Buck asks quietly; Eddie brings a hand to his hair, resting some of the strands in his palm, looking down at them for a second before he turns to meet Buck’s eyes. 
“You think she’s gonna be mad?” 
“Yes,” Buck says without a single second’s hesitation. “She’s six. She’s gonna be mad at you,” he nods, as he tucks a strand of it behind his ear (making very sure to stay away from the butterfly clips.) It’s long now - really long - past his waist, in fact. Eddie could probably have cut it a little bit at some point, but Buck knows that he would never do that - this was never really about having long hair, as much as it was about not cutting it. Once he cuts it, he’s cutting it. 
Eddie huffs a laugh, teasingly knocking his temple against Buck’s. 
“Maddie can take over your chair, Jee’s getting too old for butterfly clips,” Buck shrugs then, only to have Eddie turn his head, a deep frown line developing in his forehead. 
“Too old for butterfly clips?” he asks, an extremely dramatic look of offense on his face. “Excuse me?” 
Buck tilts his head back with laughter, Eddie’s soon joining in, bouncing against the walls of their happy home. 
ao3 wrapped (writers edition) 📝
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sleepyrxsetea · 2 months
i wanted to do a more formal introduction for my current WIP that is filling the most brain space!
Harrison Weber And The Serial Murder Case Of The Theater Troupe (otherwise known as Harrison Weber And The Serial Murder Case On Oxford Street. i'll also make a better name eventually, promise)
this WIP it is kinda like Sherlock Holmes with a twist. Oliver Briggs is the newest assistant to the big shot detective, Harrison Weber, known for his expertise in solving serial murder cases. Fresh out of college and still trying not to hurl at the sight of blood, Oliver has been assigned to take the lead on a new case so his boss can see what he is made of. There has been a murder in a local park and the victim turns out to be someone Oliver knows, his childhood friend. While trying to grapple with the loss, unexpectedly his old babysitter passes. Then his cousin. As he looks into their deaths he realizes that they are all connected by only three things; himself, the theater troupe his mother had been a part of and a deadly fire that happened 13 years ago. Will Oliver be able to find the killer before they kill again? Or will he have to suffer the loss of yet someone else he holds dear?
that is my first time writing a summery, lol. also the last two sentences are kinda bad but i needed a hook
also i don't want to say the twist but if you look at my other posts you can tell what it is ^^
but, some updates (since i've posted about this WIP before). i am currently working on fleshing out the characters so that they feel actually human and making a chapter outline! i haven't started to write the first draft yet but i plan on doing it soon! i don't really write mystery so we'll see how it goes :D
maybe i'll post the first chapter once i actually write it, dunno yet.
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thebiggerbear · 8 months
Writing Updates - Feb 2024
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Hey guys! Sorry for all the spamming of masterlists lately, I'm just trying to get set up so when I come in to post works in the near future, it's bing, bang, boom and I don't have to spend so much time linking. It's just easier for me tbh. I will say though that I don't post any masterlist unless there is something currently being written/outlined for the character/ship/fandom. :)
I have a lot I want to accomplish over this year but for this month I'm primarily going to be focusing on:
AO3 Request One Shot - SDV Leah x Insecure!Reader
Tumblr Request One Shot - Dean x Angel!Reader
Chap 2 of Ghosts (I know I keep saying it but I promise I will get this out sooner rather than later, I'm still working on it, promise)
finishing the fleshing out of Part 2 of Follow Me
Jake Gray one shot (I am SO excited for this one, I recently rewatched this movie and this idea popped into my head, I really hope you guys like it!!!)
also gonna try to get out the Jake x Dakota one shot I had an idea for around the same time if I can
Another Jason Teague work that just popped into my head last week that I really want to dive into
another Multi-Character Prompt Response project (that will start delving into characters I've recently added to the character masterlist while also bringing back a familiar few)
the short story for Beau I previewed last month (it's basically written, I just have to go through and make some tweaks here and there)
A John Winchester one shot
A Benny Lafitte one shot
2 more Dean one shots
posting Chapter 1 for Keep Me Inside
revisiting Chapter 4 of Holding & Chapter 3 of Thunder
the one shot I previewed last month for CJ has actually turned into a prompt response so I would like to get that out along with its sister prompt response for another character
sequel to Dean's "Sleep. I'll keep you safe."
I'm currently also working with the Twi/HP/HL/SPN/GoT//MCU/TWD/Outlast characters/ships I've posted about and visiting those worlds/dynamics has been a lot of fun
a Whipplocke one shot that popped into my head over the weekend
and more! (not saying it will all get done by the end of Feb, but I do plan to dedicate my writing time to the projects listed)
I will be posting a sort of WIP masterlist soon. Ngl, it's huge (it's making my beta's head spin and want to pop off lol), but a lot of it is in groups, like the prompt responses.
If you'd like to be tagged for anything, please feel free to let me know in the tag form. I still have to update it but if there's anything not there that you've seen here or something you want to see, just let me know and I'll add you/add it. :)
Happy February!!!!
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loonysama · 2 years
Ask Game: 🧠 and 😈
Not-Quite-WIPS... Honestly, where do I start!? I get new ones all the time! I'll stick to just two here:
1. Last Unicorn AU (Frozen - Kristanna; Helsa; Aroace Elsa): the 4 spirits have left the forest a long time ago, so Elsa is on the search for the illusive 5th spirit to help save the others. She gets captured by Honeymaren and Ryder for their zoo, but clumsy assistant Kristoff frees her and reindeer Sven. Then they meet Anna, who has been raised by rock trolls, in the forest. Then they meet Prince Hans and King Wesselton at the castle by the sea. One day I will set words to this one but not anytime soon...
2. Frozen MMORPG (tentatively titled "In Real Life") (Kristanna; Elsamaren; Hans/Anna; Kristoff/Ryder): A group of OCs (the Frozen gang with different names) play Frozen: The MMORPG together when the Honeymaren OC (who is into it) meets the Elsa OC and drags her along to play with her brother (Ryder OC) and roommates (Sven and Kristoff OCs). Elsa OC recruits her brother Olaf OC and sister Anna OC, though Anna OC is very unwilling at first. Meanwhile, Anna OC and Kristoff OC know and hate each other in real life, but they fall for each other in game as they help each other through break-ups. What will happen when worlds collide and they find out who they are in real life? I have nothing written for this, but it has to manifest bc it's my husband's prompt and he specifically requested it for a birthday/anniversary gift. So it has to become more than an outline in my head at some point in the very near future...
3. Oh lots of drabbles/one shot ideas for the Kristanna Halloween Days event. Still pondering those, but I do have outlines (in my head) for Haunted Arendelle (birthday present for an IRL friend that actually reads and likes my fic) and Spellbound (birthday present for me!). Haha! I shall leave you in suspense for those.
What do I do that my readers hate? I can't be sure, but I give my characters flaws and they make mistakes (sometimes huge ones) and there's consequences. For example, in one story, Kristoff is an alcoholic, and he gets arrested for his third offense drunk driving (no one gets hurt) and gets sentenced to 5 years in prison, and it lands him in a coma another time. In that same fic, Anna loses her temper and says some really, really mean things to someone that didn't deserve her harsh words. And doesn’t take the morning after pill even though she promised she would. Every time I post chapters like that I always assume people will stop reading, but they keep showing up. I'm not sure that doesn’t mean they don't hate me, though lol.
Also, I'm sure, taking huge gaps of months and months between chapters for preservation of mental health. I know I shouldn’t feel bad about that, but I can’t help feeling a little guilty. I actually do have every intention of finishing them eventually! Promises!
Thanks @true--north for giving me an opportunity to talk about my pre-wips! Do you have any WIPs (or pre-WIPs) you want to talk about?
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starpunchsoup · 3 years
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers (◠‿◠✿)
this is literally so sweet but honestly i don't even know if i've written 5 things yet haha but i'll still go through my writing tag and rank the things i've written
1) I'd Do Absolutely Anything For You - WIP, 6 chapters published (AO3, tumblr)
this fic is my baby. i'm hoping to make this AU a total series rewrite, and then maybe get some spin-off one shot stories out of it?? i'm still updating and still writing, so we'll see how far i can take it, but i'm really excited to get more of this out there. new chapter soon, i promise!!
2) 2021 Klaine Advent - Complete, all entries on AO3
i'm super proud of this one! this was the first writing challenge like this i had ever done, and the fact that i got it done (mostly) on time was super uplifting too. i think days 1, 5, 11, 14, 16, 17*, and 23 are my favorite entries, if you just wanna read the highlights ;)
*17 is my favorite favorite though. super proud of that one :')
3) Tell Me It's Okay - Complete, one chapter on tumblr
i've never actually posted this one to AO3, but i probably should now that i think about it haha. this is quinn and mercedes bonding after S1 ends and she's still living with mercedes and trying to decide if she wants to live with her mom or not. i'm super super proud of this one, but i was very shy about promoting it, so i don't think many people saw it. so feel free to give it a read now! maybe i'll publish it on AO3 this weekend and promote it then!
4) The Void Doesn't Feel So Empty - Complete, one chapter (AO3, tumblr)
bestie blam action!!! this one is really short but very important to me. we deserved more blam content dammit!
5) Like Passing Ships - WIP, 9 chapters published (AO3)
i'll admit, i've kind of fallen off of this one. i have more chapters written, i'm just not very happy with them and i'll have to edit them heavily before i'll be happy publishing it. i do hope to wrap this one up soon, because the premise i think is super fun and i'm really proud of the party scene haha
thank you sm for sending this to me! turns out i had just enough <3
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