justdaniel-eh · 2 months
eheheh ehehahaha hhahahahah
Hi chat it is 2am New sprites WIP :D I am enjoying making AnoVerse content hehehehe
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he is so SQUISHED
The bug that I accidentally found was fixed in 10 minutes by the way. Any clipping issues are easy cos they're not code and are instead hitbox issues LOL
For now anyway,,,
Alright. I'm gonna make the idle anim and then sleep. Goodnight fellas.
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trappedtowers · 21 days
Hi Trapped Towers followers sorry for radio silence TT hasn't been on the brain
However erm with Scarefest upcoming here's some fun facts about how the scare mazes will fit into the lore:
Scare mazes themed to rides will mostly be considered when writing that ride/areas story (i.e. Subspecies has its own whole section in Chapter 1). However, some scare mazes may be seperated (i.e. The Sanctuary).
There will only be a small handful of unique scare mazes that get their own featured moments in the main story. The rest will be considered for bonus stories and extra content no matter the form this story takes.
The scare mazes that get their own focus will be the ones that can be found in/around the Towers. Which is a lot. I won't be giving the exact line-up, and it won't be massive as they have a story to share along side Hex and a major turning point overall. That's all you get to know 🤭
Trust I am handling this story as well as I can. I want to be faitful and true to how Alton Towers has presented its stories, while also taking liberties and running with what I feel fits. Creating new spaces, characters, and more to tell the story I want to.
I'm still deciding how the story will be told too. But that will be found out some point in the future.
For now, I think TT may be taking a back seat while I focus on my career and my silly little game (AnoVerse). I hope to be back on this account soon enough though ❤️
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i love how my gut reaction with an anoverse thred being updated is “SHIT they responded oh fuck oh fuck oh fucjk”
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filamentt · 4 years
Modular spiral coil inserter that is designed to quickly assist in spinning color coil onto your documents
Overview:  Modular spiral coil inserter that is designed to quickly assist in spinning color coil onto your documents.Part of the GBC line of modular equipment.  It is designed to stack on top of the MP2500ix, MP2000C4 or the Magnapunch.Canbe used as a stand alone inserter to help increase productivity as partof an assembly line process. Perfect for getting those large jobs donefast.
Features / Strengths:
Includes aset of coil crimping pliers and a convenient holder to hold yourpliers. This way you don't lose them when you aren't using them andthey are always nearby when you need to finish your books.Includes a spine former on the top of the machine for forming documents up to 35mm thick.Hasan adjustable bottom roller to accommodate larger diameters of coil.Many coil inserters use fixed rollers making them very ineffective withlarge diameter coil.With the CC2700 both rollers movehelping to give your coil better traction and to reduce problems withinserting. This is a feature that many lower end inserters don't offer.It has a large diameter top roller to help provide better friction when inserting coils.Uses a convenient foot pedal that allows you to hold the coil and the book without worrying about turning on or off the machine.
Itworks better with large sized coils than other inserters but stilldoesn't work very well for coils that are larger than 30mm. For coilsthis large you need to consider a spine former such as the HD-4101. Youwill also get better results with large size coil if you are using anoversize oval hole pattern or are using 3:1 pitch or 2.5:1 pitch coils.TheCC2700 comes with the GBC premium brand name. It is a great addition toan existing GBC binding system. However, for budget conscious shoppersthere are machines available with similar features that cost quite abit less money.
Heavyduty metal construction. This machine is built to hold up in highproduction environments and is often used by binderies and print shopswith a great deal of success.There really isn't a lot to gowrong with this machine. However, the clear drive belts that run therollers will sometimes need to be replaced. These belts are simple China Nylon Twisted Yarn Manufacturers toreplace and are relatively inexpensive.
This is one of the highest quality spiral coil inserters available on the market.A great companion for your GBC modular binding punch.Ideal for high volume users such as printers, copy shops, binderies and in plant print shops.Not the cheapest option available on the market but the reliability makes it worthwhile.
Article Tags:         Modular Spiral Coil,        Spiral Coil Inserter,        Modular Spiral,        Spiral Coil,        Coil Inserter
Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory
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justdaniel-eh · 2 months
🌻Faremont Outskirts🏙️
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Some concet art I did between 3am and 4am for AnoVerse. It's not perfect, there's loads of little changes I could make - but it's purely to get the concept across and hey. I did it.
So here's some notes regarding Faremont City and it's surroundings!(All locations names subject to change because idk how to name stuff lol)
Faremont City sits in the North-East corner of Fimidaia in the Illuman region. It borders the coastline, with Sunset Park being located by the beach itself (something like Blackpool Pleasure Beach for example).
The land surrounding the city are inspired by some memories of travelling through the British countryside. I have a very specific memory of seeing a purple one and thinking it looked beautiful - so as you can see, purple flowers. The team's house is also amongst these fields, just away from the busy city life. Minister built it there for the peace and quiet. The city was never quite his thing.
To the West of Faremont City begins the mountainous region of Snowdrana, home to Mount Starfor. Mount Starfor I'll expand on later, but you'll explore that area eventually within the game!
Now and then between all the fields, there will be woods scattered about. They're more South, hence why they aren't within the image. The forests begin to grow larger the further South you go until you reach Foremeer where the region is mostly forest.
There's plenty more still to learn about the world of AnoVerse, but for now I think that's all I'll share. If you've read this far - here's some sprites hehe.
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That last little fella won't be used. I really don't know why I still have him. But there he is.
Anyway uh yeaa that's all bye I'm gonna actually try finish this running animation haha
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justdaniel-eh · 2 months
✨AnoVerse Gameplay (Scoring) Stuff✨
I'm gonna be so real I'm mainly doing this cos I wanted to share new prototype footage but OBS was kicking my butt so instead. Screenshot and ramble about how the games score system will work :D
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As you might be able to see above, the prototype is. Coming along. Compared to the last bit of footage I put on my tumblr. I've still PLENTY to do, such as level assets, backgrounds, proper UI, etc. But functionality is kinda my core focus besides from the odd now and then switch to the graphics (i.e. when I got sick of the static player and red walls).
The first thing I really want to talk about is what platforming features I want to just have in this game. You can see in the screenshot above a point system, "sparks", a timer, and down in the bottom left a combo system. These are the most fundemental gameply features for seeing how well you do in a level.
Completing a level will give you a rank from "Eh" to "Incredible" which is based off of your score and time. To get the highest rank, the required targets must be met. Hopefully, I can make the ranks balance out, so say if your score was bad your time might make up for it, but for a true perfect rank you must meet the max requirements for both.
Ways you can up your score is by collecting sparks and attacking enemies - fights being the more impactful way to earn points. Sparks are more so a currency, being useful in various shop points. Collecting one will net you a small point score of 10 - and will charge up your combo meter. While they may not be worth many points, they can work well for quick resets to your meter if you need a little extra time before reaching your next enemy.
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I can't lie I took a break from writing uuhhh here's some older concept art trying to figure out the direction I wanted to go for level UI.
Alright that's all goodnighttt
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justdaniel-eh · 2 months
I wanna ramble so it's time to talk about
Pre-warning: this post is gonna be a LOT cos I don't think I've talked AnoVerse lore much publically. I will do a public AnoVerse lore breakdown at some point. Or at least what I'm fine with revealing.
Also, I really hate how there's no yellow text honestly I cannot keep sufficing for orange, that's not Minister's colour that's Danny's 😭
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Gonna be so real guys help I have no idea how to put his little patchy beard into the smaller format god send help (in short, the sprite is still not done)
Minister is our teams unofficial leader, not just by being the oldest (in his late 20's roughly), but also because he's by technicality the one who really started it all. Though, in the end of the day, the 4 of them have never even discussed the idea of a team name let alone roles or positions haha. Minister himself is a massive nerd engineering, mechanics, and science. He spends a lot of time locked down in the basement, tinkering away at little inventions, but ends up needing to go out and about now and then anyway.
His most beloved creation is Myr (seen to the left of Minister in the sprites above), his handy assistant robot. She follows her creator most days - the two only splitting if Minister is needed in two places at once, or if Minister needs an extra pair of eyes on the house. He would probably go crazy if she were to ever break or get damaged.
Minister's story though is also our beginning to AnoVerse. Appearing out of literally no where in Faremont roughly a decade ago, he began making a name for himself, fixing and creating devices for the townsfolk. The money he saved from these jobs allowed him to save to begin building his own house on the outskirts, sick of the noise the city brought, and also just wishing to be more isolated and alone.
Then one night in late Winter, there was a knock at his door. A poor kid stuck out in the cold and snow, needing a shelter to stay in. Minister really wasn't one for unexpected visitors, but alas he couldn't leave a child to freeze in the snow - and thus, Deejay began staying at Minister's house.
The two eventually formed a bond. Deejay got Minister to become a tiny bit more open and less isolated, even if it was with him. Minister gave Deejay a place to call home. Generally though, that's all you need to know for now.
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Above: Minister in his early 20's, shortly after Deejay appeared into his life, and before being fired from his job at the time.
Anyway, here's a list of Minister's relationships with other characters
I am about to name drop a ton of characters I haven't quite mentioned before be ready LMAO
As previously mentioned, Minister provided Deejay a home. Between the other 3, Minister has the closest relationship with Deejay. Someone he can confide in and rely on when he needs to.
Minister's relationship with Another is... rocky. You'd imagine Minister to be closer with one of his creations, much like Myr. But something about the way Minister looks at Another, you can see hints of... disappointment? It's odd and not something Minister wishes to open up about. The two generally tend to never speak 1 on 1 unless absolutely necessary.
Minister doesn't know much about Danny... just that he kinda barged into the house one day, made himself at home, and Deejay convinced him to let him stay. Though, he feels the less he knows the better.
Minister and Grant Evco (AnoVerse's main villain/the head of Escenic for those who do not know) have a complicated history. One that kind of stays in the past... but it really impacts how much they seriously dislike each other now. Though, for what it's worth, they still have enough respect to not destroy each others reputation.
The final major person in Minister's life is Samantha Heel - the head of defensive operations for Faremont City. The two end up working together a lot due to the amount of times the government commissions work off of Minister, but have had history before even then as they have both worked in the same company on a couple occassions in the past decade. And though Minister will never confirm anything... They might be sneaking off together now and then. She's definitely the person he's closest to, maybe barely just above Deejay.
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Above: my favourite piece of Minister and Deejay. A remastered piece, originally from a comic. All done by @/evilredyoshis. I cannot stress how much art she's done for my projects in previous years, as usual go drop her a follow or show her posts some support.
This. Is a really long post. For something that I probably need to give LOTS AND LOTS MORE context and world building around before anyone even touches this.
Anyway that's all goodnight hehe :))
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justdaniel-eh · 3 months
And now we're back to AnoVerse woohoo
The circle continues. We're back to AnoVerse and these stupid trees after god knows how many months (like half a year plus).
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JoyLand had a very short lived existance in my brain this time I really can't lie, but AnoVerse has been on it ever since I kinda dropped off it for a bit because there's so many WIP songs (finished songs here) and so many WIP sprites and the base of the game is almost there ???
Some of y'all may have seen this in discord server from last year, but since I'm talking about AnoVerse, here's a video of me messing around with a WIP build that shows menus, world map, save files, etc.
I know there's literally no actual gameplay here, but to be fair I have coded a platformer so many times it's just a point of literally copy pasting old code. Where as menus, save files, etc. They were new to me - so I wanted to get deep into it! Something I hadn't tried coding before.
I wanna add a proper options menu too before I even add the platformer gameplay haha. That's something I'd really like to just mess with.
To top this little post off though - here's some art stuff
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Alright that's my rambling over bye bye
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trappedtowers · 5 months
Trapped Towers Dev History ~ How We Got Here (Part 2)
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(Middle art piece done by @/evilredyoshis)
Hey everybody !!
Part 2 of the "How We Got Here" blog posts today. After covering the original Trapped Towers, Undertale AU territory, Megalovania Hell, and much more... we're finally getting to the original project side of stuff. Almost. A little more Undertale AU stuff to push through, but this is the transition period for it all.
So, without further ado - lets get back into it.
August 2020 - May 2021 ~ Seeing Change:
2020 was an interesting year. The end of 2019 had seen me begin to focus on original projects and ideas again, with Undertale content taking a backseat as I hadn't uploaded in ages. AnoVerse was born and pushed me to learn more coding than I had before. But as the months indoors passed by I ended up finding myself back to one place... Trapped Towers.
Looking through everything there was, this was the first time I'd gone "this really isn't that original or unique... I should make it more unique" and so that's what I started doing. Rewriting, designing, composing, crafting ideas galore for what a new Trapped Towers would be... but it was slow as I kept popping in out of it since I'd just start game development classes and they took priority, as well as my music which slowly began to get lots more attention than expected.
On the music side though, a plan began forming in my brain as the 3rd anniversary of Ministry of Death began approaching and my brain told me it was finally time to make Ministry of Death 4. A showcase of the new direction I wanted to take Trapped Towers, while also celebrating and saying goodbye to what it once was. I started building it up. I remastered V1 and posted it 3 months before MoD's 3rd anniversary. V2, remastered and posted 2 months before.
Then I got ill. And I couldn't finish V3 remastered in time for 1 month before... so I changed my plan of action. At the beginning of 2021, I teased Ministry Of Death 4 finally, with a snippet I'd already made showing that it wasn't just going to be another "megalovania". I then delayed V3 remastered to the initially planned release date for V4, and V4 got pushed back to my own 4th anniversary since I started making music - March 20th.
So V3 remastered happened, then eventually the day came for V4. I'll never forget it, it felt amazing that day. The love and support and excitement from friends, fans, etc over what turned out to be a ~7 minute orchestral battle piece was great. Seeing reactions in live time, getting messages and DMs... it was incredible. All the while too I had began to start pumping out ideas for the new Trapped Towers more rapidly than ever, creating a major document to contain all the information, dropping the Undertale AU title and beginning it's adventure into an original fan project...
This all led up to May 14th 2021, when I officially opened applications to join the new Team Towers (later renamed TeamT).
Old Content:
A lot of concepts and ideas between this time began to merge together as past this, TeamT basically had the base I'd provided to work with - but not every story beat was worked out yet. 2021 Trapped Towers was still filled with plot holes, blank chapters, under-developed characters and so much more. Not to mention when planning this the original reboot name was going to be "Trapped Towers: Revisited" ??? I just found that out from an old tweet of mine as I was looking that's CRAZY.
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The screenshot of the "public doc" I did find, but the public document doesn't actually exist anymore as it got turned into an old private one. As much as I want to share an old document like that - this time period is entering when Trapped Towers story beats were starting to form properly and there is some major spoilers that are still relevant.
There's not loads else to share though so !! I hope you enjoyed part 2 of this small little series. I will ensure that part 3 is written up for tomorrow !! Until then, cya
- JustDaniel
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