#i NEVER do that
hitorimaron · 7 months
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Inspired by Time Signature by @letteredlettered
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h0lyhandgrenade · 2 years
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cincincinnanom · 10 days
TOGACHAKO WEEK DAY FIVE!!!!!! On their first date it rains and Himiko thinks to ruins everything bc they both have ~rain trauma~ and yeah they end up dancing in the rain and then kiss <3
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airas-story · 2 months
Hi! I have a prompt! Stephen as a singer, (like Elvis Presley's career), and Tony as Priscilla?
I did not know much about Elvis and Priscilla, so that was some interesting research for me. That research heavily influenced how this drabble turned out.
“Gonna love you all my life,” Stephen sang softly, holding Tony close as they swayed together.
He’d been gone two months with his last concert tour and coming home to Tony was perfection. Or it should have been.
“I love you, you know that, right?” Tony asked.
Stephen’s anxiety spiked. “I know.”
“You’re the love of my life,” Tony continued. “You are my life.”
Stephen had done what he could to ensure it. “I know.” 
Tony kissed him gently. “I want a divorce,” he said, when he pulled back. “You can’t be my life. I need to find my own.”
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twopercentboy · 5 months
I watched one boy boy video 4 days ago and now I'm hyperfixating on I did a thing and boy boy and I'm going to lose it
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watchmegetobsessed · 2 years
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Harry has been your first ever crush. As your brother’s best friend, it was kind of inevitable to fall into the cliche of yearning after the boy that always hung out in your basement, playing video games with your brother and eating out the fridge. He was practically family. Well, not to you, because you always harboured deeper feelings for him, but you kind of always knew he only saw you as a little sister. with an age gap of four years, he always felt like he was out of your reach, way too old for you.
But the years went by, he went off to college with your brother and you did the same when your time came and suddenly you weren’t a little girl anymore but a 26 years old woman with a buzzing career and a whole new, independent life away from where you grew up.
You were visiting home and it happened to be at the same time your brother did too along with Harry who was still his best mate. Your mom invited him over for dinner and you were nervous to see the boy you were so desperately in love with as a teenager. You put on a nice dress, did your hair and makeup and excitedly waited for him to arrive.
When he walked in it was like all the air got knocked out of your lungs and suddenly you were thirteen again. He had the same smile on his face, a bouquet of flowers in his hands for your mom and he wore a blazer over a button down shirt which felt like an odd outfit for him but he somehow still made it work. His eyes locked on you and it seemed like he was speechless, taking the new, grown you in. Last time he saw you you barely just turned eighteen, you were definitely starting to look more mature then but you were nowhere near your current form.
“Y/N, hi!” he softly greeted you before pulling you into a hug.
Dinner felt like heaven and hell at the same time, because you couldn’t stop staring at Harry, you wanted to ask a million questions but you kept quiet, sipping on some red wine. You played some board games later and talked some more before the boys went down to the basement for some nostalgia and your parents called it a night. You showered and tried to get yourself to bed bout you felt so restless, you went down to the kitchen to make yourself a tea but were met with Harry already putting on the kettle.
“Can’t sleep?” he asked with a cheeky smile as he grabbed a mug for you as well, still moving around the place like it was his home.
“Too much on my mind,” you shrugged.
“Maybe it would be easier if you unloaded some of it,” he suggests, pouring the hot water into the mugs.
“You want to have a heart to heart with me, Styles?” you chuckle as he hands you the mug.
“Only if you want to.”
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea.”
“Why not?”
“Because I don’t trust myself around you.”
Your bold answer surprised him as he looked at you over the brim of his mug, analysing your words wildly.
“Did I do something to earn that?” he asked at last.
You shook your head. “No. But I’m feeling very nostalgic right now and I feel like a teenager again. And as a teenager I was madly in love with you.”
You had no idea where this courage was coming from, the flirting, the eye contact, it was all so daring but you couldn’t and didn’t want to hold yourself back.
“Is that so?” he hummed and his face was unreadable.
“Yeah. Surprised?”
“Not entirely. I had a suspicion, but I guess it never registered in my mind.” He took a sip of his tea, his eyes glued to you. “But I guess it hit me in the head when I saw you tonight.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” you tilted your head to the side.
“It means that I didn’t see the little girl anymore, just the beautiful woman you are today and for a moment I debated whether you still feel the dame about me or if you’ve moved on.”
Now he was definitely returning the flirting and you liked where it was going. There was a switch in the air that just added more to your confidence as you put your mug down and moved closer to him.
“What would you do if I still felt the same way?”
Harry stared down at you, his eyes lazily wandered down to your lips and then back to your eyes before he answered.
“I would find out how bad you really want me and then show you that I feel the same way.”
You couldn’t tell if you actually moaned or it was just in your head, but you both moved towards each other at the same time, only for the moment and opportunity to be crushed by your own brother who came into the kitchen with heavy steps, making you jump back instantly.
“Alright, I’ll give you a ride home, bud, I’m ready,” he announced, jiggling his car keys before he headed out.
“How long are you staying home?” Harry asked in a rush, pure lust swirling in his eyes.
“Come over tomorrow?” he asked, backing towards the door, but still looking straight into your eyes. You could only nod before he smirked and walked out, leaving you alone in the kitchen with your hammering heart and the realisation that you literally just seduced your brother’s best friend.
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djeterg19 · 2 months
Well I was wrong when I said we were finally getting to the meat of the story in Sunset Vibes because that episode didn't address the corporate stuff OR the naga stuff and it's so frustrating. The relationship stuff didn't even hit because Lin is supposed to just unconditionally trust Sun and not question or mistrust him, Yo forgave Sam with basically no build up, and they randomly made Prim and Pim have a past. The one I wanted given more time is being short changed and not even MosBank's chemistry is making me like the way Sun treated Lin. If your partner expects you to never question them even when they are actively trying to make people believe they are in a relationship with someone else and they haven't told you about it or why they were doing it... that's a yikes from me. Sam and Yo are the only ones I care about at this point and they got about 30 seconds of airtime.
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honeymilkbubbletea · 1 year
Post po polsku? O cholera co się stało? 👀
Anyways Arachkids ale są w najlepszym kraju na świecie UwU (sarkazm)
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Well anyways, don't take this too seriously XD
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missronasaidno · 1 month
today, my dumbass discovered ao3's dark mode... after roughly 12 years of using the site.
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lewmagoo · 3 months
i am seconds away from having a full fledged pms induced breakdown 🙃
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afrobunnie · 1 year
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its the right ear leon...maybe you have a shot
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kaklord · 1 year
requested by @hubba-the-bubba
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he's slaying
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ace-dodo · 10 days
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ryelleart · 1 year
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Working on a thing that was supposed to be for the show’s anniversary, but ended up not being the case bc I always overestimate my ability to leave messy sketches alone 😭
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lowcallyfruity · 1 month
Last night was crazy cause as soon as I touched a bed I fell asleep
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