#i LOVE GOOB PLAYERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
opikiquu · 2 months
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goobly goob gooberton
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luna-comet · 29 days
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Name : Girble
Age : 15 years old
Brothers : Scraps and Goob
Ability : Push
ICHOR : 2000
Girble It's my new oc! He is serious but is very kind to people he likes
Personality :
He is quite serious, and wants to achieve his goals and will do everything to achieve them, so he can end up being cold and rude to the person, but inside, he is a very kind and even friendly person , but he shows his side more when he is close to his brothers (but not always, only on some occasions ).
[BI]He can also be very protective of his siblings , Especially with Goob, and since he was a child, he has been very protective of him. (at some specific moment, he may even cry for losing his brothers ).
Push : When he is being chased, he uses his arms, curls them up and then uses all his strength to push the enemy very far, leaving him stunned for 4 seconds (but he can push players ), That's why your arms are wrapped .
Appearance :
He has gray fur with white spots, black eyes, and two fangs, has curled arms I had a scarf around my neck and purple and red hands.
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Name : Luna
Age : 18 years old
Brother : Astro ( twin brother )
Ability : Sweet Dreams
ICHOR : 6000
Luna !! What to say about this lovely moon waning..
She is very lovely, kind to everyone!She is kind even to those she doesn't know well. She is always willing to help others and try to calm them down, and will try to be a great friend!
She is Astro's twin sister, she has an opposite personality to Astro, instead of being introverted like Astro, she is much more extroverted and likes to socialize more. But she respects this side of Astro and doesn't want to force her to interact, she loves her brother very much , She will always be willing to help him, I wouldn't say she's overprotective like Girble, but she just wants to make him more comfortable.
Sweet dreams : When a Twisted is near her, she can make that Twisted sleep for about 3 seconds, which is a good amount of time to be able to escape (however, it does not work on Dandy).
More tapes ? : When all the machines are done and it's time to go to the elevator, she will earn 30 more ribbons.
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Well...I really hope you enjoyed it^^ !!
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toons-and-doom · 2 months
I have a headcannon that some twisteds are slightly aware
(Vee, Goob, Astro)
idk bro I just LOVE angst
Definitely! I love having characters doing evil things and unable to control themselves :D!!
Most get the mercy of being unaware of what their doing to others, bud I’d imagine some have more awareness due to trying to resist their infection, perhaps that’s why they look so visably upset about their condition ?
Goob wants to go home, he’s so scared out of his mind but when he approaches a toon there is this instinct to hurt hurt hurt which he can’t control-
Bro isn’t hugging people out of malice- he’s just scared but he keeps hurting people.
Vee is more angry if anything. I’d imagine she’s the least infected (ain’t by much) out of the three and has more awareness but that doesn’t help with her lack of control and the state she is in. Sometimes, when there aren’t rooms on a floor, she can gain a second of control, only for her to lose her grasp again and again. Basically Sisyphus. Pursing a goal near impossible.
Poor Astro was probably a big player in the Ichor operation, which is why he feels so much grief and despair, as he may blame himself. Bro isn’t trying to regain control, he’s just to guilty. I think he does wish there was something he can do, but he’s mostly powerless.
They shall all suffer :3
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friendlyfatbee · 1 year
5th Hottest Ghost: Amadeus Wolfgeist
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Darling? Sorry- Darling? Sorry-
Looks: Taking into consideration the heavy inspiration from W. A. Mozart and Beethoven, our timeframe for judgement on beauty standards is put at the late 18th century into the early 19th century (unfortunately I could not get specifics for Austrian or German beauty standards during this time period except for beauty standards of adolescent boys in Austria here.) So judging off of photos during this time period, Amadeus nails this category with his long thicker coat and general appearance. His only downfall, however, is his baldness and need for a wig (its implied with the other white wigs in the room off the Great Stage he wears them, along with his baldness showing in his stunned animation.)
Personality: OOZES confident and egotistical nature with his mere movements and gestures. Of course we get to experience his dynamic personality throughout the fight and it’s multiple phases, seeing Amadeus being calm and collective before completely snapping with rage toward Luigi. This man is SUAVE, he knows in his introduction animation that he can both scare and impress others with his skill depending on his piano skills or, well, ability to throw chairs. There’s an odd sense of grace if Luigi stuns him while his piano is open and he poses dramatically before laying back down, resuming his possession. There’s even a display of desperation as Amadeus claws at the ground trying to get away from Luigi if Luigi is vacuuming him and Amadeus gets far enough. All this personality and dynamic nature was put into one character that already has a big impression on players with a boss fight that has multiple stages and cutscenes this ended up creating a character that almost everyone undoubtedly loves (though if you don’t I understand that-) Amadeus actually accepts his defeat as he gives a final bow in his defeat animation, that little extra bit of pizzazz and effort put in instead of Amadeus just raging at Luigi during his last free moments adds to more of the intrigue this character invokes for the player.
Survival Rate: Minimal because not only is Amadeus incredibly powerful regarding his possession skills and arms with seemingly no limit but, HELLO THIS GUYS JUST THROWS BOMBS WAY TOO EASILY.
Niceness Rate: Kinda in the middle? I mean the ballerina goobs seem to be having a good time and Amadeus doesn’t scold or support them from what we see. Amadeus seems more focused on himself and intimidating or impressing Luigi that its difficult to distinguish if Amadeus would actively be nice or rude to others.
Overall, while Amadeus is a personal favorite of mine, I would also prefer not to get blown up. But if anyone were to get a successful romantic relationship or a friendship with him, his long arms definitely give the best hugs. And for the romantics, you BET he would serenade you.
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hollenka99 · 6 months
Rewatching MTR and hearing Goob talk about how much he loves baseball and wants to be a professional player someday makes me hope he does achieve that dream. Even if he ends up as some regular guy who plays baseball on the weekend with his friends, he'll be able to keep the game close to him. Cornelius might even offer to make him something related to it.
Honestly, Goob deserves the world. And in the Robinsonian utopia, I hope he gets it.
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megabonniex · 8 days
Toon XML's Finishing extraction quote: "Woohoo! One down, more to go!" "I did good something!" "I can't wait for rap battle against someone!"
Toon XML's Activating ability quote: "Shoo, shoo! Back away from my friends!" "Better stay away from us!" "Not so fast!"
Toon XML's Descending to the next floor quote: "I'm so happy!" "I want to cheer anyone up!" "We'll never give up!" (If player doing solo as Toon XML, it replaces "We'll" with "I'll")
Toon XML Interacting with Toons:
Astro: Hey, xml? XML: What is it? Astro: When how you always stay happy at all times..? XML: Well, I had a good dream! Astro: Oh... I see
XML: I love your music! Boxten: Thanks..? XML: Maybe you can use your music for rap battle! Boxten: Rap battle? Is that fun? XML: Yup! It's really fun! Boxten: Oh! I can't wait to try it!
XML: Hey, brightney! Brightney: Hm? Yes, xml? XML: If you feel down, tell me to bright you up! Brightney: Is that puns..? XML: Yes, it is light puns! Brightney: Ah! Haha! Good one!
Goob: Hello, xml! XML: Oh, hey there! Goob: I heard you like hugs! Wanna hug? XML: Omg, yes!! I want hug!!
XML: GASP! So adorable!! Pebble: Arf arf! XML: Who's good boy? You are good boy!! Pebble: Bworf!!
Razzle & Dazzle
Razzle & Dazzle: Awww! Look at him, he's good angel boy!! (What if he was terrifying..?) XML: Hello, razzle & dazzle! How was your day? If you feel sad, I can try to cheer you two up! Razzle & Dazzle: We're doing great! He's just sad at all times! (I'm always sad...) XML: Oh, I'll try to my best for cheer dazzle up!
Poppy: Hey, xml! Are you hungry? XML: Of course, you should go buy something from restaurant! Poppy: Good idea! I know you have favorite food! XML: Oh! What is it..? Poppy: Pepperoni pizza! XML: Holy, you DO remember my favorite food...
Rodger: Say, XML... You have a wings... Can you try to fly? XML: Of course, I can! I'm angel! Rodger: Woah, I never seen that... I could add it to research XML: Huh..? Rodger: That's what detective do XML: Woah!
XML: I love your tail! Scraps: Oh, thanks! XML: And... Dress is pretty fit for you! Scraps: Wow, I never thought angels being nice to me...
Shrimpo: XML!! XML: Huh, yeah..? Shrimpo: PUT YOUR STUPID HALO AWAY, IT'S TOO BRIGHT!! XML: Hey..!! It's not stupid! And it's not glowing too! Shrimpo: YOU ARE TOO DUMB TO REALIZE XML: I'm gonna tell her about this!!
Tisha: Aww! You are so cute! XML: Hello, tisha! Tisha: Your clothes looks so clean! Same with your wings too! XML: Heh, thanks! I always keep it stay clean to avoid getting dirty! Tisha: Amazing!
Teagan: Hey, xml. Wanna have a tea party with me after this? XML: That's sound fun! I'll ask her about this! Teagan: Who..? XML: My girlfriend, girl! Teagan: Oh! That's sound great choice!
Toodles: Your wings are pretty cool! XML: Thank you! Toodles: And is your halo are glowing..? XML: Yup! It's for blackout only! Toodles: Wow, you can keep me safe from darkness!
Vee: I have one question, xml! XML: Yeah, what is it? Vee: What is 9 + 10? XML: uhh... 21? Vee: That's incorrect! Of course, you don't know what math is... XML: What?! I can't understand math! Vee: ...That explains
Girl (1)
Girl: Extracting ichor was relief! XML: I agree! We should go to park for date! Girl: After this? XML: Yup! Girl: Great idea!
Girl (2)
XML: Every toons are really nice! Excepts for shrimpo... Girl: What shrimpo did do to you? XML: He calls me dumb! Girl: That's very rude! I'll better go to see him if he's here!
Girl + Shrimpo (Bonus)
XML: Why is shrimpo here..? Girl: Don't say his name before he gets your-- Shrimpo: XML!!! Girl: ...Attention XML: Huh? Shrimpo: YOU ARE STINK, XML!! XML: That's not very nice... Girl: Do you want to mess with me?
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pjunicornart · 4 months
FIRST OF ALL I LOVE UR LITTLE OTP SO MUCH. how they never crossed my mind baffles me bcuz that is gen such a good pair??
ANYWHO any hcs?? im so curious like yes yes tell me more about ur ot4.,.,..
Hey! Sorry it took me so long to get to this. It was because my body was basically BEGGING me to take a break... I had a pounding headache and my drawing arm and hand felt heavy and sore. So to any artists out there... don't be like me. Take breaks. In fact, I'm probably not gonna be posting any art for a few days so I can give my body time to rest. Unfortunately, I inherited my father's workaholism...
ANYWAY. Glad you like it! Meet the Robinsons needed more... gay. So, I provided! When I first revisited this movie and saw all four of those characters I knew my gay ass brain was gonna do something with them. And that, it did.
The piece I did was them within the AU. Let's give the characters some brief summaries before going into detail (under the cut)... - Lewis is a nerdy finger gun bi disaster. 'Nuff said. - Goob is a jock type. - Lizzy is the goth girl, with a hint of weirdcore influences. - Franny is the choir girl. - All of them are 16.
Lewis He was the one Goob, Lizzy, and Franny had in common. Essentially, all three of them liked Lewis "in that way." The three of them had kind of silently agreed they all wanted to get with Lewis. Nevermind that Lewis was completely oblivious to all of this and deep within his own bi panic! In this AU, he attends high school like everybody else, but he does go off campus for a couple of periods for college classes. He's a star student! Not popular in the sense that he's the school hot shot, but in the sense that everybody knows him for being very kind and an overachiever. Oh, and Lewis was never given up for adoption! He lives with his birth mom and about-to-be step-dad.
Michael (Goob) He's the ACTUAL school hot shot. Star baseball player who holds the school athletics records. I'll admit, Goob was kind of my way of making Jock Paperjam from the OG NaJ AU not problematic, and like how I imagined him being. To channel the trauma and come out from it, y'know? (Heh, I even gave him his face shape...) He's the tallest of the four, and the strongest, too. Only his girlfriends and boyfriend know how sweet and loving he is. His love language is definitely physical touch and protection. I specifically imagine him holding Lewis close to his chest while laying on the couch. Goob is not a bully, I want to make that clear. He's just a little cocky.
Lizzy Ah yes, the goth girl. I expanded her special interest from ants, to bugs in general. Her favorites are still ants, obviously. I imagine she has a couple of creepy crawlies in resin sitting on top of her dresser. Like a tarantula named Nacho. She's not necessarily full goth, because in the image I drew she has purple as well. So she's more of a pastel goth, maybe nu-goth. Lizzy is definitely a teaser! Her favorite to tease is Goob, because she likes to see him get worked up. She may be small, but she's a fire cracker!
Franny Last - but certainly not least - Franny. She's in the school choir, and is overall very musically gifted. Both of her older brothers are away at college, so it's just her and her mom in the house. Within the relationship, she's the one who showers them with kisses and hugs. She's very bubbly and energetic, and she has no bad bones in her body... except when you talk shit about her boys and girl, then you better hope you're not karate chopped in the throat. I also turned up her love for frogs into a hyperfixation, hence the froggy bucket hat. You have no idea how tempted I was to buy that hat when I saw it in Hot Topic...
The ship name is really quite simple: Family.
I saw the templates in your other ask! I'm gonna keep there for a bit, and I'll fill them out when I'm not actively dying hopefully!
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mithrilhearts · 1 year
Random Writer Anon!!
When you get this answer one of the questions (or all if you really want!) then pass it on to 5 writer friends! 🥰If you have more than one WIP, pick at random! We want you to talk about your works, and celebrate with you! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
Don’t worry if you don’t know how to answer these questions, I’ll be back with more next Sunday. 😉
What are you most excited to write with this WIP?
How has this WIP changed since the “daydream/brainstorm” stage?
Who is your favorite character in this WIP and why?
Oh!! This is so wonderful!! I love the idea, Anon!! <3 And I thank you (and a handful of others) for dropping into my inbox! :) I'm going to answer all of these with different fics, so let's get going!!
Let's talk about....Bookbinder//Songwriter!
What are you most excited to write with this WIP?
OKAY!! So I have a great answer for this one. The next chapter I think I am going to touch base on a little flashback, to truly flesh out and highlight just how Bilbo and Thorin met. If you recall in chapter one, and even in one of the later chapters (...7 I think??) it's known that Thorin struggled HARD to ask Bilbo out, or do anything, because he's a big goob, and we love him. I want to show off exactly what happened - was it love at first sight? Did someone say something silly in embarrassment? We're going to find out, and I am so excited to do it! Also, there are some conflicts on the horizon, and I'm sure many of you who are familiar with the fic can guess as to what. If not, I'll leave you with this little hint: it doesn't hurt to be wary when those who abandoned you suddenly come out of nowhere with "good intentions". Success of others makes people do anything to get a hold of it.
How has this WIP changed since the “daydream / brainstorm” stage?
So this started out as a request, probably for a one-shot at the time, and it terrified me. Brainstorming it was....agonizing lol just as it was scary. This is my first modern au style fic, and it was so intimidating. Initially I was just going to do this as a few one-shot highlights, and then after the....second chapter??? I think??? I decided to just make it a full fic - it's one of those that could go on forever, I think, and it's evolved so much since the start - just as I've evolved with it. I've learned to love modern aus, and what started out as a scary experience and what I felt was an "underrated" fic, has become one of my favorites, and a fan favorite to many.
Who is your favorite character in this WIP and why?
This is a terribly hard question. I think the obvious answer(s) is Bilbo and Thorin, respectively, as they ARE the main characters of the story, my blorbos, the ones I put into any universe and dote on whenever I can. I could sit here and ramble for ages about why I love this version of them, but I think I can convey that the best in the fic itself. So for a non-bagginshield answer.... Radagast - While he's not been in the fic a lot, he's like the uncle/grandpa figure in Dis and Thorin's life, especially since they've lost their brother, father, and their grandfather Thror disowned them. He's a supportive adult who is typically on their side, and while sticking true to his portrayal in the movie, he's quirky and odd, and I love him to bits. He also has a pet raccoon that lives in the trash cans behind the bar??? AWESOME. He's been rooting for the Durin family, and I feel like can provide a safe space for them, as well as advice when needed. Is it good advice? That remains to be seen. Nori - The mischievous little gremlin, and Dwalin's significant other, as well as bass player for Durin's Desolation. He's SUCH a fun and cheeky character to play with, but he has a wonderful heart in his chest too. He's a fantastic partner for Dwalin, and while yes, he gets on the nerves of everyone ever, he genuinely cares about those around him. He gives me a great excuse to put some silliness into the chapters whenever he is around. Sometimes you just gotta be silly, dirty, and annoying, I guess lol
Thank you so much for this ask!! I'm so glad I got to babble about this fic a little bit!!
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nico-wastaken · 10 days
Yo!!! Dandys world player!!! Hiii!!!
Question for the crowd:
Who's your main and who are you saving up for if you are saving up at all?
That's all lol
(also I love your art)
Hii!!! Thanks for the question, I currently main Glisten! (or Goob, for distracting), I think I'm saving for a main. Probably Vee, since she's really good gameplay wise! ^_^
Also, thank you! Glad to see people liking my art :3
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lotgreys · 2 years
Get app pool party panic
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#Get app pool party panic update#
#Get app pool party panic Patch#
#Get app pool party panic download#
Fixed a bug that caused the black-screen-fade in/out before and after a minigame to not play.
Cleaned up the "player disconnect" code, to allow AI to take over leavers when playing the board game.
Water sounds in "Bubble Bumper" were turned down.
Fixed a bug that would cause a crash when showing the russian text for one of the quality settings in the options menu.
Fixed a bug that would cause the waiting room music to play twice.
Once you set the game settings and closed the menu you could not re-open it to change settings.
Fixed a bug that would prevent players from opening up the "Game Setup" settings menu on the main menu/online waiting room.
Fixed a bug causing the wrong game mode to be played after starting a game, exiting, and then starting a new game.
Added missing winner vfx for "Candy Brawl".
If the host readies every other player will be forced to ready when the timer runs out.
Added a "game start timer" while playing online.
Roll dice, win minigames, collect trophies! Whoever collects the most trophies before time is up wins!
The board game mode is now playable for everyone! There are two board game maps: "The Temple of Goob", and "Willy's Pizza Party".
I'm still looking at porting to consoles too, (xbo, ps4, switch) but that's something that's still a little while away (early 2018 hopefully, though!) I'd like to make another board game still, and some updates to the Gauntlet are still long overdue, and maybe a few more minigames in early 2018. So very sorry if you're experiencing this! If this hasn't happened to you and you played an online board game all the way to the end without issue, please let me know too, so I can gauge how many people this is affecting, and hopefully narrow it down somehow. If this has happened to you, please let me know. Seems like it's a desync issue, where each player thinks it's a different players turn, spawns the dice block above the wrong player and then causes the game to get stuck because no one can hit the dice block (because it's not above them).
#Get app pool party panic Patch#
I'll try and squash them as soon as they appear!ĮDIT: Patch 1.3.1 is available now, that *should* fix this issue.Įdit: As expected, seems like there's a major bug while playing board games online that somehow didn't show up in internal testing.
#Get app pool party panic update#
If you have any suggestions or comments for the current boards, or if you have ideas for new boards let me know! I'm always open to suggestions to make the game even better however I can! These two boards have gone through some pretty substantial testing, but putting a game mode update of this size live to the world some bugs will inevitablypop up. Currently the board game is 100% translated to the following languages: English, German, Turkish, Dutch, Italian, Russian. There are still some translations that are not yet complete for the Board Game mode, but they will bet hot-patched into the game as soon as they're completed (over the next few days or so). The pizza shops will run out of pizza so plan your route carefully!Ī board game mode has been the most requested feature since Party Panic hit Steam in Early Access over a year ago, so I hope this satisfies everyones hunger for a board game and everyone has fun with this new game mode. He will trade you a trophy for some pizza. Your goal in this map is to buy pizza from one of the three pizza shops scattered around the map and then return to Willy. Willy loves pizza (more than his children, as we learned in the Trophy Island update). This is the "starter" map, and is simple and straightforward, recommended to be played first! Trap items are very useful on this map, so buy them whenever you can!Ģ) Willy's Pizza Party.
#Get app pool party panic download#
That's right! Party Panic now has a board game mode, and you can download and play it RIGHT NOW!ġ) The Temple of Goob.
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puppybytes · 4 years
Top 5 artifact creature tokens.
5. Hornet (duel decks Phyrexia vs the Coalition)
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The precursor to the locusts from the Locust God and only one of three tokens with both flying and haste. Wizards has done the mighty hornet a great disservice by not even printing the token with the first printing of hornet cannon. And don’t even get me started on the design, the wings, the legs, The dripping venom. it’s A gorgeous token and that’s why it deserves the 5th place on this list.  and totally not because I’m an insectfucker.
4. Myr (Magic Player Rewards 2004)
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It’s here, it’s queer and it’s ready to rumble. all myr may be created equal but this litte fellow was created a little more equally than the others, look at those spikes! (especially the big spike in,,, that place) The threatening expression, the SHEER POWER STANCE. A very good boi 
3. Thopter (Ravnica Allegiance)
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Look at him boy, we love a small flying magic blue missile. I especially like the runes used as wings. it’s just a babie mass surveillance drone, we love it. sleek design, cutie babie. I wouldn’t mind having one of these little drones zoomin around my head 2. Golem (Core Set 2020)
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Golem!!! stoney boie go blep!
1. Myr (Commander 2018/ Double Masters)
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eurofox · 4 years
Right I loved this series but still have some questions
Ok I wasn’t sure about the ending at first but having looked up stuff about the earlier series I had forgetten I’m happier with it but I still have some stuff I’m not too thrilled with and unsure about.
I liked the last series and the whole alt world didn’t turn out to the the disastrous storyline I was afraid it would be so that’s good but it felt so rushed. A few more episodes and less time lingering on shots of people staring solemnly could have really helped here. Alt martha almost speedruns the journey that takes jonas weeks to get through. Ok there’s no jonas in her world and no mikkel which makes things a bit simpler but it still seemed way too rushed.
 I get Charlotte and ullrichs affair in the at world was to show that he’ll always be a player regardless of time/space but it felt so out of character for Charlotte ,imo. Even if she is in a marraige which is pretty much over at this point.
Magnus and Franciska, whatever the time/place really don’t do shit do they? They grab martha for adam but that’s it. lots of shagging but one of the few people who don’t have kids.
Fucking Helge had a kid, someone fucking that goob is a plothole in my eyes lmao. And I’m guessing helge’s dad was a rapist, probably a russian soldier judging by the name on the tree and the time period.
So tronte isn’t reginas dad, is it supposed to be Bernd then? Was that creepy bit with the money meant to imply he’s a nonce? Maybe that was too subtle for me.
Was Eva’s motivation to save the child she had? If so, why couldn't she be arsed even naming the poor bastard? and the origin/agnes pairing to have Tronte, idk, feels forced. The origin could have used more fleshing out, even if he was ultimately just a red herring.
Agnes was so underutilised, I’m disapppointed that her story just fizzzles out and we never see her again after she goes on her mission.
Did alt hannah have a miscarraige? I thought egon was there to deliver the baby or something but then we never see them again and I guess she had to go on to have Silja.
Still don’t really get why Jonas killed his mum. I know he’d be angry as she was the reason they got stuck by nicking the time machine but that scene seemed odd. Why did silja have the scar?
Another reason this felt rushed to me was because there seemed to be a lot of Adam/Eva/Claudia just explaining loads of complex shite instead of showing us. How did Claudia find out there was another world? why would she vanish if her bloodline survives outside of time travel?
I really enjoyed the series and glad that the writers had an end in mind from the start (unlike certain shows). This is just some stuff I’m confused about.
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anxiousbunny04 · 4 years
👌 what does page think of ranze,ravi and xeno Also what does fell!page think of fell!ranze (aka team mates of the edge)
"He's always so kind and funny, he even help me with the goob problem, he's a really good friend. In fact i still apologyze for that time Minny tie him up for the gamer girl night"
"When we first meet he scared me, but now he doesn't anymore, i like be with him. Sometimes i even wanna ask him if i can sit on his shoulder and read something for him but, i never done it"
"He seem a really nice guy and a good soccer player, but i don't like when he hits me behind the head with the ball, he often hit ‘that spot‘ and i start feel....things. but i know he doesn't do it on purpose so I forgive him."
Fell! Ranze
"Him and his sisters are pretty chaotic, and i love it! He seem a really good fighter with that katana, maybe we could train together some day"
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kennydennys · 5 years
What I’ve gathered about Luigis Mansion 3 characters based on what I’ve heard on discord and tumblr, along with just my General Impression™️:
Hellen: I think she owns the hotel? She’d probably kill me without a second thought. I’d let her.
King Boo: I know this one! Big boi, absolute unit, absolute bastard. Dunno what role he plays in the game but he’s very cute and I like him.
Luigi: The best brother, do NOT @ me I don’t take criticism.
Gooigi: Goo Luigi??? I have no idea what the hell his deal is but he looks like Luigi if he was made of jello.
E. Gadd: Okay so I have no goddamn clue what’s up with this dude. I think he’s the dude who gave Luigi the fancy ghosty machine? Mostly cuz he looks like a scientist. Also he looks a little bit like a very young Dr. Robotnik.
Goobs: Kinda like the Goombas of ghosts? Like, basic enemy, but kinda the Trademark™️ one? Also they’re very cute and I love them a lot.
Hammers: They look like Anger from inside out.
Oozers: These mfs look like the oogie boogie man got deflated like a balloon.
Slinkers: Purble bois? They have two little tail things so that’s neat. Definitely gremlin energy. I vibe with that.
Trappers: I know nothing about them other than that they’re orange.
Steward: He’s a bellhop. And he’s just doing his best. Probably overworked and underpaid. Twink supreme. He’s cute and I like him.
Chambrea: Looks kinda like a really nice mom, but I know she tries to kick the player’s ass so maybe not quite.
Kruller: (To the tune of “Pompeii”) Paul Paul Blart Mall Cop Paul Paul Blart Mall Cop Paul Paul Blart Mall Cop Paul Paul Blart Mall Cop-
Soulfflé: Probably French? Not really sure. Would sell your soul to Satan for one corn chip.
Amadeus Wolfgeist: He makes the classical musician in me really really happy. “No talk me I’m angy.” Is literally just trying to play the piano and be dead in peace but Luigi exists so he goes apeshit. Which, yknow, understandable. Twink.
MacFrights: Medieval king kinda theme? He’s absolutely a manlet, reminds me a little of the Burger King mascot but with more beard.
Dr. Potter: Like Chambrea, I’d assume that he’s just a nice old man trying to do his thing if he wasn’t one of the bosses. I like his gnome/plant aesthetic. Cottagecore but more goth.
Morty: BABEY!!! I LOVE HIM!!! This man has never done anything wrong in his entire life. He just wants to do his goddamn movie stuff. Let him. 11/10, good to hug, friend shaped.
Ug: Ghost hulk.
Clem: Am odd mix between a redneck, an engineer, and a steampunk. Bastard energy, I stan him.
Serpci: Hooohhghhghh... pretty snake lady,,,, Based on an Egyptian pharaoh, maybe? Either way she’s really pretty n I would like to hold her hand.
Nikki, Lindsey, and Ginny: Gremlin energy. Would play pranks on anyone unfortunate enough to let them out of their sights.
Captain Fishook: Shark!!! Pirate shark. @spinesgay likes him because he’s a shark.
Johnny Deepend: A high school jock who never quite grew out of it. Would probably ask you to play water polo and then spike the ball so hard it sends your head flying off when it inevitably hits you in the face.
DJ Phantasmagloria: Ok so first off: her name makes my ADHD go “hey WHAT?” She seems fun though. Probably the femme lesbian who knows every bit of drama that everyone else has, but makes nothing known about herself. I’d jam with her.
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g0ldenboi333 · 5 years
Okay, so I just tried the new LM3 DLC and, oh my god.
Before I get to the actual DLC, I noticed that the graphics updated? I did not know that they could make a seemingly perfect game better, but that's Ninento for you.
Out of all the costumes, I think Groovigi is my favorite. He just looks so stupid. I love it. His victory dance had me dead. The Disco floor looked really cool, it was just really bright. (I also realized that that pompadour he has on his head, is not his hair, but in fact, a hat.)
The Green Knight (love the name) had an interesting floor. I honestly wish I could just run around and explore it, but five minutes is not a lot of time.
Mumigi was a great costume, but I wasn't really a fan of the floor. It's cool and all, but it's the only floor never actually gotten past. Sometimes, the player that has the Mumigi outfit lags out of the game when the hidden room with the floor exclusive ghosts is found.
The rooms with the floor exclusive ghosts were h a r d. It was mostly because it was a small room with 5 hammers that have 300 health each. If I'm lucky, I can get a room with Goobs with 200 health.
Overall, I give this DLC pack a 7/10. It's great, but it's buggy from time to time and the new floor exclusive ghosts are appealing, yes, but seemed a little bit too tough to collect.
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confinedinthisflesh · 4 years
as it is almost 3 am, and im randomly listening to kesha, i feel i must share a story
So it was 5th grade,
my parents were going through a nasty divorce so I was home alone a lot by the time 5th grade started. i also got my second mp3 player before my sister moved out so. i was set.
i basically inherited my sister's music taste tho
so a lot of kesha.
now i am a confusing individual.
you wouldnt think i would strut around my house and do the biggest choreo based on how i acted in public, but i would
and specifically my best strut song around this time was Boots and Boys (man im too gay for that now) and We R Who We R. loved those two.
now we get to our actual story:
our final project was a book on our favorites and like a letter to ourself (I disassembled it in the 7th grade because i needed a portfolio)
now when i saw favorite song as a category i was ready 😝💁✨
also fun fact i was the "goodygoody" and the "teacher's pet" (i never tried to, i just never had great friends from 1st to 8th)
the minute the song title left my mouth, my teacher gasPED and said "huh alright, im gonna have to bleep the words but its fine"
she then warned the class, THE MINUTE I SAT DOWN WITH MY PAPER, to not choose a song with cuss words
everyone also gasped and some asked what my song was, but me being me i didnt want to share
so while many thought i chose something like "fuck you" or "i dont fuck you with"
no i chose We R Who We R by Kesha
like a total GOOB
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