#i 'm screaming this is the most sirius thing ever
thetorturedpoetsfest · 2 months
Welcome to Day 19 of The Tortured Poets Fest!
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Click the links listed below to check out all of the content our lovely Tortured Poets have created for all of us today! (and go to our bio to access the rest of the AO3 Collection)
✍️ get the matches, toss the ashes by elidereads & @thefogofthefuture 
Ship(s): Theodore Nott/Astoria Greengrass
Rating: M
Astoria considers the navy ink. Thinks about the postal owl and her familiar eyes. We would know if they put him back in Azkaban, Draco had always told her. He’s too clever to be found unless he wants to be.
Glancing at Daphne, she says, “It’s Theo.”
“How could you possibly know that?”
“Because I know him.”
(Or: Newly divorced, Astoria Greengrass receives a mysterious letter from someone she hasn’t heard from in five years.)
🕯 even if i die screaming by horansbaex
Ship(s): James Potter/Regulus Black
Rating: M
an exploration of grief
The other thing about grief is that it’s a lonely road because Regulus wouldn’t talk about it. Not at school, not with his friends, definitely not with his brother. The days continue to pass and you don’t understand where everyone gets the energy to go out, to fall in love, to be with family, to hang out with friends, because something earthshattering has happened; but you go out, you hang out with family and friends even though something earthshattering has happened. Even so, a shattered earth continues to spin, and Regulus continues going to work, cleaning his apartment, going out with his friends on Tuesdays and Fridays, having breakfast with Sirius on Saturdays and dinner with Lucius and Draco on Sundays.
🗝 unforgivable sins by lucio
Ship(s): Lucius Malfoy/Narcissa Black Malfoy, Draco Malfoy & Narcissa Black Malfoy, Narcissa Black Malfoy & Andromeda Black Tonks
Rating: T
“Sacrifices must sometimes be made.”
“And in the name of sacrifice,” you say, voice hard, “you would let him into your ancestral home?” You cannot imagine a bald man with a snake’s eyes ordering you to bring him tea, like a common housewife. Panic seizes you at the thought of what he might do to Draco, what cruel devilry might seep under your son’s door and into his vulnerable mind.
You were raised as a Black. You know, better than most, that whatever the Ministry may deem unforgivable magic, some horrors are unimaginable.
(Or, Lucius invites Voldemort to live in the Manor after disappointing him at the Ministry, and Narcissa decides that this is a step too far. Loosely inspired by The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived by Taylor Swift.)
📜 the price we paid (for peace) by alibraryofsoulsandstars
Ship(s): James Potter/Lily Evans
Rating: Gen
“It…it involves us, doesn’t it––this prophecy?”
Lily already knows the answer.
“It does,” Dumbledore confirms gently––gravely.
“...and it isn’t good news, is it?”
Lily Evans Potter has always been made of fire, not ice––and when fate decides to come for her son––oh, does she let it burn and rage.
🖌 Underneath the same moon, in different galaxies by mercurialwitch @mercurial-witch
Ship(s): Remus Lupin/Sirius Black
Rating: M
That night, Moony and Padfoot howled at the moon, their hearts beating in sorrowful unison aching for each other.
A glimpse into the lives of Remus Lupin and Sirius Black, two separate lives oceans apart.
𓇢𓆸 who's afraid of little old me? (you should be) by avian_TARDIS @avian-tardis
Ship(s): James Potter/Regulus Black
Anyone who knows Regulus Black’s story knows that Taylor Swift’s Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me? fits him perfectly. Here’s how.
Be sure to check our page for the last day of reveals tomorrow! Until then, Tortured Poets <3
🩶 Your mods,
@wolfpadx @multiimoments @heartsoncover @lemonlans @mercurial-witch @steveahoi damagecontrol & shewritesmaybe
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broomsticks · 2 years
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@wanderingbandurria ahhh friend <3 <3 <3 how do i even start this??? you are just -- one of the best human beings i know! so so so so kind, and interesting and fascinating and just -- all around aaaaaaaaaaa. i ADORE your characterizations and the stories you tell and you feel things so deeply and you have such wonderful perspectives on things and you have such endless patience to share all that with us. the amount of incredible wolfstar meta i've found backscrolling your blog... unparalleled!
suspense and action and pining and interiority and adventure and discovery! water language • wolfstar • 7k, M. ohh, the scary scary hope of a first war getting-together fic.
romance and mystery! Ridiculous Things that Magic Does when You Are in Danger • cho/ginny • 8k, T. love a feisty ginny and intriguing cho, not only are the characterizations stellar but the PLOT! the magical HCs! there’s just something about canon-compliant cho/ginny that just. is SO interesting.
weirdest and wildest! The Language of the Soul • wolfstar • 8k, T. strange hogwarts castle magic conspiring to bring wolfstar together! always a top-tier trope.
this story was meta on so many levels, i LOVE. The waiting room • wolfstar • 10k, M. therapy fic! story-within-a-story! the trope-subversion with teacher!sirius! the tentativeness of wolfstar getting to know each other mirroring our tentativeness with getting to know them in this modern au — ahh, so smart, it worked so well.
echoes of the past! History and Social Sciences • jeddy • 3k, M. eeee, i love how i can /feel/ the shades of wolfstar bleeding into your jeddy in this postgrad au.
ofc i do have to finish with your wolfstar hurt fest babyyyyyy. Time moves in circles (and straight lines are just an invention) • wolfstar • 19k, M. one of the fucking saddest and most beautiful canon divergence fics, i've ever had the misfortune to read, seriously. i love this so much even though i was screaming the whole way through and for a good half hour afterwards!
for an explanation of why i just wrote you a whole ~thing~, check out this post & the ‘mutuals march’ tag below!
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fonkeloog · 2 years
Love in Silence
Okay. Remember all those snips and teasers about mute Sirius? Well! the fic is here! It's probably the most personal thing I've ever written, and I'm kind of nervous to share this.
Where Sirius goes mute, Remus is extremely supportive, healthy coping mechanisms are learned, and love is all around. Especially in the silence.
title: Love in Silence
pairing: Remus/Sirius
rating: M
Link: AO3
have a little snippet under the cut :)
"Padfoot, I'm home!" Remus calls as he walks through the door. He stops in his tracks almost immediately once the silence reaches his ear. "Pads? Sirius, where are you?" He calls, fear gripping his heart as the rucksack falls to the floor with a dull thump. "Sirius? Love, if this is a prank I don't like it." 
Remus' feels himself becoming frantic. A billion thoughts of 'he left. They killed him. He's bleeding out somewhere' race through his mind as he suddenly found himself sprinting towards the bedroom, desperate to make sure his boyfriend was okay.
As he reaches for the doorknob he freezes. There's a choked noise coming from the room and although the fear hasn't left him, Remus feels calmer knowing that Sirius is breathing. He knocks on the doorframe and opens the door. As he walks in, his heart shatters into a thousand pieces. 
Sirius is sitting on the bedroom floor. His chin resting on his knees as he's gasping for breath. Panic attacks aren't uncommon, but Remus isn’t sure that this is one of them. Because they never are this quiet. Quite the opposite actually. It's often screaming and crying and shouts of fear and agony. Never quiet. Not with Sirius.
But that's exactly what seems to be the case. Sirius is trembling on the floor; his right arm has clearly been scratched raw with tiny cuts from the rough treatment. His left hand is pulling his hair and the look in his eyes is one of pure terror. It’s all signs of a classic panic attack, but the silence is new and it puts Remus on edge. Sirius seems to have noticed his boyfriend’s presence, as he turns to look at Remus with his big grey eyes full of fear.
"Hey love," Remus whispers. He doesn't know why, but he feels like if he were to speak aloud, he'd ruin every chance he has at figuring out what happened. "Can I hold your hand? You're gonna hurt yourself like this," Remus waits for Sirius to answer, but all he gets is a frantic head shake. 
"Okay, can you tell me what I can do?" 
Sirius looks at him, shaking like a leaf in a storm as he tries to scramble away from his partner. Remus frowns, Sirius never has episodes like this and he feels very out of his depth. Deciding to give Sirius space, but not leave him alone, Remus sits down on the other side of the room. Away from the door, showing Sirius he isn't locked in. 
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quindolyn · 3 years
subby Jamie fluffy (Smut?) where he wakes up in the middle of the night and sucks on the readers titties to drink from her tits because she's lactating after giving birth to their daughter. I don't know if this makes sense but I hope it does!
Lactation Kink || James Potter
A/N: I'm not even sure if I should include "kink" but I will admit that there are some very smutty overtones so read at your own discretion. I tweaked the request a little bit in terms of the circumstances but the bones are still there. I hope you enjoy.
Warnings: lactation kink, light sub!James and Dom!reader, not much I don't think, all acts are completely consensual and if they needed a safe word they'd have one
Word Count: 1851
Sirius Black and Remus Lupin were life savers. They could only watch their two closest friends creep closer and closer to death for so long before doing something about it.
After giving birth to a beautiful baby boy seven months ago you and James had come to understand a new definition of the word exhaustion. You were absolutely enamoured with your baby boy, James the same way if not worse, always keeping him cradled in his arms, Harry’s little head nestled into the crook of James’ arm.
Regardless, there is no amount of parental love to counteract the complete lack of sleep the two of you have endured. “Sleep when the baby sleeps” they all say, it's excellent in theory if only the baby would actually sleep.
No, instead you and James were subject to months of newborn induced insomnia,
You’d barely understood what Remus and Sirius were saying when they offered to watch your son for a few days, give you and James some time alone. Even though every part of your being screamed for you to take them up on their offer there was that small, annoyingly persistent, voice in the back of your head. The voice of maternal guilt.
Your friends wouldn’t hear any of your arguments, listening as you insisted that Harry was still far too young for you to leave him, you could barely stand a few hours, how were you supposed to survive days?
Despite your insistence that it was far too early to leave Harry with his godfathers for an extended weekend when the following Thursday rolled around you and James were rather unceremoniously kicked out of your own house, told that reservations had been made for you at an expensive spa and resort and that you were not to return home until the following Monday.
They’d even packed your bags for you.
You and James had successfully made it through the first night away from your baby, your quality of your sleep however was not up to par as you tossed and turned, worrying about the little boy you’d left at home.
Even cuddled up to Jamie’s chest your sleep was more like a light sheet over your consciousness giving you a shallow, unsatisfactory, reprieve.
What you needed was for sleep to hit you over the head with a baseball bat, knock you unconscious for hours and give your body time to recover.
After a long, exhausting day of taking advantage of the resort's numerous spa treatments, your wish of deep, meaningful sleep seemed as though it might actually just come true.
Minutes after laying your head down on the pillow, James slipping into bed behind you, you were out cold. Pulling you closer so that he could bury his face in the crook of your neck James was close behind you.
Finally, sleep.
Your tits hurt, they fucking hurt. You were finally getting some quality sleep but the discomfort in your chest became intolerable and you were lulled back into a dreaded state of consciousness.
You’d been so ready for sleep and the peace that it would bring that you’d forgotten to pump your milk before getting into bed. You find yourself regretting that decision now, you shift slightly in James’ hold, just as tight as it had been when you’d fallen asleep. The clock on the bedside table reads three in the morning.
Fuck me, you think, your thoughts still blurry from sleep, carrying a weight in your temples that lures your head back down to the pillow as you fall back into your spot in James’ arms. You’re going to have to get up eventually, that much you understand, but the prospect of getting up and finding the pump, hooking it up, then actually sitting there while you pump sounds nothing short of absolutely dreadful.
You can only lay there for so long, on your back so as not to apply any pressure to your breasts, staring up at the ceiling before your tits go from hurting to feeling like they’re about to explode.
Eventually you’re forced to begin to fuss in James’ arms, trying to find the seal that will let you get up hopefully without waking your husband.
Even asleep James’ grip is insistent, he’s like quick sand, the more you try to maneuver your way out of his arms the tighter his hold gets, the closer he pulls you to him.
“Jamie, you gotta let go,” You murmur, hoping to appeal to the half asleep man.
“Where you going, angel?” His voice is the crashing of a wave against the shore in your ears, low, rumbling, calming. That voice alone is enough to have you considering just climbing back into bed with him, exploding tits be damned.
“Forgot to pump Jamie, m’tits feel like they’re ready to explode.”
He flickers his eyes open, worry etched into his irises, already blanketed in sleep, “Hurting?” Raising his head his eyes drop to your tits, like maybe he’ll be able to see your affliction.
“A little bit,” You nod, your hands combing through his unruly curls before making another attempt to rise from the mattress, “Gonna pump and then I’ll feel all better. I’ll be quick.”
“No,” He whines, god you miss the sound of his whine. His arms are like steel as he pulls you firmly back onto the bed, “M’thirsty anyways.”
Confusion heightens in you before James turns you so you’re fully on your back before slipping under your arm, resting his head on your chest.
Nimble fingers find the neckline of the silk camisole you’d found in the luggage Remus and Sirius had packed for you, sons of bitches also packed every single pair of lacy panties you own.
With little difficulty he slips the thin strap down your shoulder allowing him to tuck the soft material of the top under your breast.
“Miss my girls,” He whispers as he bares your breasts, they’re swollen with milk but the way he’s looking at you you’d think they were something far more precious.
“I’ll be gentle,” His promise comes just as he latches onto your pert nipple, carefully guarding his teeth with his lips, the last thing he would wanna do is hurt you.
It bears little resemblance to the way he used to suck your tits, fervently like they were the only things keeping him grounded, sometimes they had been. Now he proceeds with a new sense of caution but that doesn’t mean it’s any less pleasurable.
“Jamesie, ‘s for Harry, you can’t drink the baby’s milk,” You regrettably push him off your tit, he looks anything but pleased.
“They were mine first,” He whines, throwing you a dirty glance that falls completely flat given the immense adoration that lies just behind it, “And I told you (Y/N), ‘m thirsty, want your milk. Wanna make you feel good.”
Giving you his most convincing puppy dog eyes he leans back in, he latches on efficiently and sucking with an increased vigor you feel a feeling of fullness swell in your breast as your nipple tingles. It’s a feeling you’ve gotten used to but so rarely has it ever turned you on as when James is the cause of it.
He hums in satisfaction as the warm milk seeps into his mouth, it encourages him in his efforts causing him to latch on tighter. A little too tight.
“Easy there baby,” You hiss, “M’tits are sensitive.”’
He complies immediately, loosening his lips around your nipple the sensation becomes pleasurable once more. The pleasure helps distract from the discomfort which, at least in the tit James it latched onto, seems to be dwindling. The other breast is left aching until you feel a similar sensation coming from your nipple.
“You’re leaking.”
Casting your eyes downward you see that he’s right, you’re leaking slightly out of your unattended nipple. It's not unusual for it to happen but usually you just brush it away with a warm washcloth, not wanting to have a sticky mess on your chest.
Carefully, he brushes the pad of his thumb over the over sensitive bud.
“Can’t let it go to waste,” He brings his thumb to his mouth to suck it clean, the visual is almost enough to make your head spin.
You can’t remember the last time you saw James subby, ever since you’ve had Harry it's been sleepy handjobs and once you fully recovered, him pushing you up anywhere he could and taking you right there. It’s like parenthood awoke something far more dominant inside of him but as he latches back onto your tit you’re reminded how beautiful he is when he submits to you.
You wrap your arms around his neck, letting your fingers dance along the nape of his neck as you feel yourself unwinding with every second he sucks at your tit, bringing you relief.
“You full yet?”
He gently lets your tit slide from his mouth before responding, “Does it still hurt?”
The genuine concern in his voice has butterflies erupting in your stomach, you learned a long time ago just how sweet and caring James is but sometimes it hits you harder than you were expecting and you’re left feeling just as giddy as you did in the beginning of your relationship.
James seems to have sucked you dry, or at least to a point where your tit no longer burns with the feeling of an impending explosion.
“No s’all better baby, did such a good job,” You guide his face up towards yours, “Got a little milk on your lips,” You lean in, kissing the milk off his swollen lips.
It’s sweeter than you expected but maybe everything was sweeter coming off his lips.
You take your time admiring his face, hazel eyes that look a little more brown than they did yesterday, lips an impossible pink. Thick, long lashes you remember envying for as long as you’ve known each other cast their shadows along his cheekbones. He’s perfect.
You run the pad of your thumb along his bottom lip before letting him suck it into his mouth, when he couldn’t get to your tits sucking on your fingers always used to help James calm down. For the life of you you can’t remember the last time he’d sucked on your fingers. If it’d been in the last seven months you’d probably just been too tired to remember.
Letting your digit slide from his mouth James hauls himself over you, careful not to brush against your breasts, to lay on your other side. He moves with a surprising grace considering just minutes ago he’d been in the throws of sleep, you’d forgotten how well he moved.
“Other one now,” He murmurs, eyes glued to your tit as his hands move to cup it, giving him better access to your nipple.
“You sure baby? I can just pump this one and you can go back to bed, s’okay.”
“No,” His brows furrow with his empathic response, if he wasn’t already on top of you you’re sure he’d pull you closer in fear that you might escape, “Mine.”
taglist: @randomoutsiders @weasleyposts @amourtentiaa @kittykylax @superbturtlemakerathlete @oliviashea05 @pinkandblueblurbs @thatvenusbabe @itsmentalillness @zzzfour @Greenlyblue @emmaev @temporaryissue @gubleryum @msmb @marauderswhore07 @st0nesnglitter  @miraclesoflove @shadesofvelma @drachoesimp @ashlovesthemarauders @artemis1orion @skaratjung @ava-brooke-blog1 @fairyprettygirly @Ohwowimlonley @padfootswife @roonilwazlibswhore @swearingsolemnly @Teenwolfbitches28 @lilypad-55449 @jamespotterslover @lilytheally @mo-jean @jeannelupinblack @wh0reforthemarauders @myalupinblack @ashesandstars @daisyyy2516 @siriusmydeer @remugoodgirl @itzstacie @planet-wolfstar @steveharringtonswhore @saintlike78 @thatdummymarie @cedricisnotdead @pretty-pop-princess-hs @saggyb1lls
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fruitcoops · 3 years
Night Changes
This isn't based on an ask, but I've had some early-Cap ideas brewing and think about the first time the team heard him laugh a lot. His and James' friendship is so sweet in SW--the beginning of it must have been such a shock to them both. SW credit goes to @lumosinlove!
So maybe James had bitten off more than he could chew. It wasn’t the first time, to be sure, but coaxing (read: drag kicking and screaming) his new teammate out of the carefully-constructed mosaic of scowls that made up his entire personality was proving to be a little more challenging than he previously expected. With most rookies, all it took was some elbow grease and overenthusiastic inclusion in group events to get them to open up—with his brand-new soon-to-be best friend, he had to handle things a little more delicately.
Sirius Black was a puzzle wrapped up in one of those freaky code-breaking machines from World War Two Lily liked to talk about. He was one of the best hockey players James had ever seen, but off the ice he seemed to shut down. The intense focus on his face smoothed out into almost perfect neutrality, and in the four months since he joined the Lions, he had never once smiled for real in front of the team. He sat in his stall and padded up in silence, then went out and kicked ass before following Pascal home like a living shadow.
Naturally, James took it as a personal mission to pry Sirius Black’s closed-off persona open like a stubborn oyster. He tried including Sirius in group events—the rookie went along with a quiet “yeah, sure”, but sat at the table and nursed a single drink for the entire night. He tried getting into friendly banter with him on the ice, but it was like Sirius had never joked with anyone in his life. Hell, he even tried finding him a girlfriend, which tanked harder than the goddamn Titanic.
“Rookie!” James shouted down the hallway.
Sirius jumped and turned around, obviously confused. “Me?”
“Yes, you,” James laughed, jogging over to toss an arm over his shoulders. “What’s up?”
“Not much.”
He waited for Sirius to continue, then rolled his eyes and gave him a friendly shake. “C’mon, man, how was your weekend? Has Dumo coerced you into being a stay-at-home babysitter yet?”
Sirius’ frown deepened. “What? I come with him to practice every day.”
Change tactics, change tactics— “Got any plans for Friday?”
James knew the answer, of course; it was always no or not yet or a simple shake of the head. If he was a less observant man, he would have assumed Sirius didn’t actually want to hang out with the team. But the longing looks toward their easy rhythm and the way he always tilted himself toward locker room conversations told a different story. “None yet,” Sirius said with a shrug.
James gave him a friendly slap on the back. “Good, ‘cause I’m having a party at my place and you’re not allowed to miss it.”
“Why not?”
“Because I want you to be there, duh.” The bewilderment didn’t fade from Sirius’ face, but beneath it—well, maybe James was just seeing things, but he looked almost hopeful. He ruffled Sirius’ hair and headed for the locker room. “Friday at five, rookie! I’ll be waiting!”
The week passed in a slog of practices and cold weather. Sirius clammed up more and more as the party drew closer, but James didn’t miss the way his eyes flickered between the rest of them like he was analyzing a play. He would make one hell of a captain someday, if he could just relax a little.
“Hey, rookie, want a ride?” he asked when the big day finally arrived.
“Don’t you want to go home and set up first?” Sirius’ brow furrowed. For an eighteen-year-old kid, he was awfully thoughtful. James couldn’t wait to see him let loose a little. “I wouldn’t want to get in your way.”
“It’s a yes or no question,” he teased, poking the bit of exposed shoulder through the widening hole in Sirius’ under armor.
“I…” He faltered, then the corner of his mouth twitched up. It was the closest thing James had seen to a smile from him yet. One point for Potter. “Sure, Pots. Thanks.”
“No problem. Meet me at my car in five or so, yeah?”
“Oho, fancy French,” James laughed, turning back to unlace his skates.
It wasn’t until thirty seconds after Sirius left the room that he remembered he never told the rookie what his car looked like. Horrible, terrible visions of the poor guy wandering around the parking lot—or, god forbid, thinking James had left without him—flashed through his mind. It would undo everything he had been working so hard to build.
“Shit,” he hissed under his breath as he shoved his gear into his duffel with reckless abandon and hurried out of the locker room. His legs would be stiff from trying to run so soon after a grueling drill practice, but it was worth it to save his friend. “Rookie? Hey, Sirius, you still here?”
There was no response. James cursed again and made a beeline for the door to the parking lot. Please, God, don’t let him get lost. I need him to trust me.
“Oh, thank fuck,” he panted as he burst out onto the half-frozen concrete.
Sirius looked up from his phone with a strange expression. “Are you okay?”
“Thought I lost you for a sec.”
“You said to meet at your car, yes?” He glanced between James and the car in sudden worry.
“Yeah, yes, absolutely, I just—” He made an aborted gesture and dug his keys out of his pocket. “I realized I forgot to tell you which one is mine.”
Sirius blinked at him. “I know what your car looks like.”
“Because you drive it here every single day and you gave me a ride three weeks ago.”
‘Dumbass’ went unsaid, but James could feel it hanging in the air. He coughed lightly. “Right. Anyway, you can toss your bag wherever and hop in the passenger seat. My place isn’t far from here.”
Sirius took his duffel as he unlocked the car and settled both in the trunk with more care than James’ poor, battered bag had ever seen in its life. That was another thing that confused him about Sirius Black—he was so careful. He walked quietly for someone so tall, and each movement seemed pre-planned.
Each movement, that is, until he tried to get in the car. “Uh, Pots?”
“That’s m—oh.” James covered his mouth to stifle his laughter as Sirius tried to fold himself into the passenger seat and failed miserably. “I’m sorry, my girlfriend was sitting there last. Uh, there’s a lever on your right—yeah, there, just give it a pull and—”
With a harsh ka-chunk, the seat slid all the way back. Both men froze. It took everything in James’ power not to burst out laughing at the deer-in-headlights shock on Sirius’ face.
“Yep, that one,” he managed. “Nice job.”
They drove in relative quiet—James chattered on about weekend plans and hummed to the radio while Sirius watched out the window with the occasional monosyllable response. It took James a bit by surprise how comfortable he was, even without a steady stream of banter. Sirius might have been stubborn and silent and determined to foil all James’ plans at getting him to socialize, but he was calming to be near, like an anchor on unsteady water. Despite his overall quiet air, he was obviously paying attention to every word that left James’ mouth.
“You’re a good guy, y’know that?” he said as they turned onto his street. Sirius glanced over in surprise. “Most people tune me out within, like, five minutes.”
“I’m a good listener.”
James opened his mouth to respond, then paused. “Was that—Sirius Black, was that a joke?”
Something akin to mischief—mischief!—crossed his face. “Maybe.”
“Were you roasting me?” James gaped at him. “Oh my god. The guys are never gonna believe this.”
“Probably not.”
“You sick bastard. They won’t believe me.”
“You can give it a shot,” Sirius said with a shrug as the engine turned off. Pieces began to connect in James’ head as he stared, incredulous, at the rookie he thought would never even crack a smile. Four months of work had not been wasted, as he had feared; every joke, every one-sided conversation, and every attempt to get Sirius involved had been seen and heard and taken to heart. When he thought about it, he wasn’t sure he had ever seen Sirius actively agree to something unless James asked personally.
“We’re friends,” he said aloud, too surprised and too happy to hold it in. Not friends in the way James was with the rest of their loud, over-the-top teammates, but friends all the same.
“Well, yeah,” Sirius said as if it was obvious.
James unbuckled his seatbelt and socked him lightly on the shoulder, barely suppressing a shriek of excitement. “Love you, man. Grab your shit, we’ve got a party to set up.”
As much as it pained James to say it, having someone around who was six-foot-three was a huge help. There was no blow to his pride as he dragged Lily’s stepstool out; no grudging acceptance that he simply couldn’t reach those last two inches on the wall. Instead, he could foist any and all responsibility on his brand-new best friend in the whole wide world and focus on the things that mattered, like putting anything breakable or important far away from the grubby hands of his inebriated teammates.
His success was still ringing in his ears when the guests finally arrived—throughout the evening, James rode the high of accomplishing his mission to pull Sirius Black into his tight-knit circle. Every minute of those four months was worth it.
Midnight came and went, and by one-thirty in the morning James’ cramped living room was packed with tipsy hockey players in a vague imitation of a circle. “Non, non, I’ve gotta good one,” Dumo said, hiccupping. The room fell quiet as he leaned forward. “What do you call a body of water with a chicken in it?”
“What?” Kasey whispered, starry-eyed like a kid at Christmas.
“A swimming pool.”
The room stayed quiet, and then someone started to laugh. Slowly, they all turned to the source of the noise, and James felt a ripple of shock roll through the team as Sirius snorted. “It’s a swimming pool,” he said around a smile, his accent thick from three drinks. He had a nice laugh; James could get used to hearing it. “Like—poule, like chicken?”
His whole face was alight with happiness. James wasn’t sure whether to cry or cheer. That’s what I’ve been waiting for, he thought. That look, right there. Sirius fit in among the group like a missing piece of their puzzle, snickering away as if he hadn’t been stoically silent a day in his life. His laugh was downright bubbly.
“I don’t think they get it,” Dumo said into the rim of his cup.
Sirius shook his head, trying to catch his breath. “D’accord, so—so ‘chicken’ in French is poule, yeah? So a chicken in a body of water is a swimming poule. Do you get it now?”
A few oh’s of understanding washed over them, but several people continued to stare. “Too drink for this,” Sergei grumbled, though James could see the smile pulling at his mouth as Sirius turned to him with bright eyes.
“But it’s funny!” Sirius protested, so earnest it made James’ heart hurt.
“I think it’s funny, rookie,” he assured him with a clumsy pat on the arm. “And it’s my house, so I say Dumo gets a point this round.”
Kasey hiccupped. “Hey, anyone who makes the rookie laugh gets points in my book. No offense, dude.”
“None taken,” Sirius said, though his cheeks were pink.
James nudged him with his shoulder as Talker started a knock-knock joke. “It’s okay,” he said under his breath.
Sirius picked at the label on his cup. “I know I haven’t been very social,” he muttered.
“It’s okay,” James insisted. “It always takes rookies a while to warm up, so we’re just glad you’re happy. I’m glad my best friend is having a good time at my party.”
A heavy silence fell between them as Sirius looked over, eyebrows raised. “Best friend?”
“What, like you didn’t see this coming?” James slung an arm over his shoulder. “Yes, you French-Canadian nerd, you’re my best friend. And that means I’m your best friend, and there’s no take-backsies.”
“What the hell is a take-backsie?” Sirius laughed. “Did you make that up?”
James grinned. He had the feeling this was the beginning of an excellent friendship.
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vbpotter · 3 years
Mafoy (James Potter x Reader) Pt.2
Part 1 
A/n : Y/m/n stands for ‘Your Marauders nickname’
Also - Requests are open <3
" Sirius , Who is she ?" Harry asked as he came upon a Picture of the Marauders and Lily with a girl . The girl had always been in most of the pictures , but Harry never asked anyone about who she was . 
Sirius Froze as he turned around to face Harry , his face expressionless . 
The duo was currently sat in Sirius's room at Number 12. Grimmauld Place , Harry was going through pictures Sirius showed him as Sirius cleaned his room and told Harry about the story behind every moving Picture .
Sirius came up to sit beside Harry . Sirius gently took the picture in his hands staring at it .
It was one of Sirius's favorite pictures (Mainly because it didn't have the rat in it ) . This picture was taken on James and Lily's Wedding Day . Sirius - The Best Man- had his glass of Firewhiskey raised in the air , Remus was standing as the Gentleman he was - a large smile on his face . Then there were Lily and James , beside each other - not looking at the camera but into each others eyes . And then finally , It was Her. She stood there happily , her outfit very different than the others . While the Others wore suits and dresses , she stood there in a  sleeveless yellow floral summer dress . She looked effortlessly amazing . She stood out from the crowd , and her charming smile playing on her lips was just a plus factor to her beauty . Though , if you looked closely , her eyes were slightly glassy , Sirius couldn't figure out if they were tears of Joy or Sadness . But , he later realized that it was probably both . 
" Y/m/n"  Sirius whispered 
" Wait ... the fifth member of your group you never told me anything about ?" Harry asked and Sirius nodded , tears swimming at the brim of his eyes. 
" Tell me something about her " Harry said , his voice commanding and confused . No one ever told him anything about this new girl , and he didn't know why .
" Y/n Malfoy .......Yes Harry , Y/n Malfoy . Lucious Malfoy's younger sister " Sirius added , seeing Harry's shocked state.
" She was a Gryffindor..........And a Blood traitor in her family's books , much like me . She was the most beautiful person inside out , I have met till this date . She was the one who kept held us all through our dark times , she was the one trying to keep others happy , giving every piece of her to us . She was our little ball of sunshine, who lived in darkness , but none of us knew . Sometimes, guilt courses through me Harry , realizing that we could have saved her ....But looks like I failed in this , J-just like I did in everything" Sirius said , his voice cracking .
" She was tortured at home , Harry , mercilessly . She never told us , just to make sure we weren't worried . Her parents hated her , she was left in the shadows , the dark lord wanted her , she was broken .And to top all of it up , The Boy she loved never loved her back . He couldn't see how beautiful she was ,he never saw how strong she was , Never . Hell , she didn’t even need help to kick ones arse. But The Boy she loved , that one was blind , he was blinded by someone else and failed to notice that he had the perfect person right in front of him ." Sirius said as he tried to hold his tears in .
" She must have been a wonderful Person . The Boy was a bloody idiot , I am pretty sure about that " Harry said , though he was surprised when Sirius gave a shaky chuckle.
"Do you realize that you just called your dad a bloody idiot ?" Sirius asked . Harry sat there for a moment in confusion , that was until realization hit him.
But,before he could say anything else, Sirius continued .
" You know Harry , A part of loving someone truly is being happy in their happiness . Being Happy when they are happy and carrying them when they are sad . A part of Loving someone is accepting , accepting that you will be happy even if they didn't chose you . These things were accepted by her , unlike someone else " Sirius said and he basically spat the last part out for a reason Harry did not know, yet . 
"She accepted the rules of love, Harry . She did everything in her power to keep the people she loved Happy , even it meant loosing her own . And then there is the harsh reality that she was killed by her own brother" Sirius said , and a look of loathe crossed his face . Harry sat silently , taking everything in .
"I clearly remember it . We were on an Order mission , it was the most horrible we had ever been to . Spells here and there , glass shattering ,walls blasting , everything being destroyed . That was when Malfoy's hood fell off and he decided that it was enough . He caught sight of Lily , the only muggleborn in our group and sent the killing curse her way " Sirius said and Harry let a sharp intake of breathe .
" It all happened so  quickly that we were hardly able to notice it . I remember it . A loud shout of "Lily!" and then a flash of blinding green light and then a thud . And the next thing I know when I  turn around is Y/n . Her lifeless body laying on the Floor , scratches on her face and body , her lips slightly agape . But what made me scream was her eyes . Those beautiful E/c eyes looked calm and peaceful . I had seen them sad , broken , happy and cheerful , even angry .........But never so calm . It was as if s-she had f-finally found peace .......It was as if she was finally content . It was - " Sirius said , his voice breaking as tears finally started pouring form his eyes . 
"The death eaters Fled after that , and Malfoy , he didn't even glance at his dead sister . " Sirius wanted to continue , but , was cut off by Harry .
" What - What was My D-Dad's reaction ?" Harry asked hesitantly . Sirius exhaled shakily.
"James ...........He was broken.....Didn't even talk to anyone , not even Lily........Until......" Sirius said trailing off 
"Until?" Harry asked.
"Until a week later . A week after the attack , when everyone was still shook , It was revealed that Lily was 6 weeks pregnant with you ....." Sirius said .
"What?" Harry whispered .
"Hmmm..........That night , Y/n not only saved Lily , But she unknowingly saved you too , Harry . James , he was the happiest we had seen that week after that " Sirius said .
" If she was alive.........She would have taken care of you like her own son , if not better . Partly because You are James's son . But , the bigger reason being that you had spent your childhood without love , something she knew exactly how it felt like . " Sirius said , sniffing . There was another large Muffled sob echoing the room . It wasn't from Sirius, though .
Harry's head snapped towards the door , where Remus was leaning against the door , crying into his sleeves . 
"James and Lily did love each other, Harry. But for us , It was always James and Y/n ........." Remus said , his voice a muffled sob . Though , Harry wasn't listening . He didn't even know when Sirius and Remus left the room . 
As he sat there , staring at the young and beautiful girl on the photo, he realized that he had been saved by a person's love more than once .
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awanderingdeal · 3 years
An unfair race
I finally finished this! This fic is kind of a follow on to Endless Nights. Note: That fic is rated M and contains some sexual content, but you do not need to read it for this to make sense. I wanted to combine Finn talking with Heather, and an aspect of the discussion after that fic, where we talked about athletes in particular using exercise as a coping mechanism, and how this can sometimes turn unhealthy.
Some content warnings for this one: over exercise (if you'd like to skip the explicit description of this, skip to after the first stars, although there are a couple of mentions throughout), food mentions, self-depreciation and mentions of coming out/being outed.
Rating: T
If you feel I missed any content warnings or need to change the rating, please drop me a message!
The characters in this fic are from the sweater weather universe and belong to @lumosinlove
Finn’s entire body ached as his feet pounded against the path once more. His form was sloppy now, shoulders too hunched over and his strides falling without any real control. He forced himself onwards, breaths coming in fast pants, the straining muscles of his quads screaming desperately for more oxygen. And yet, his brain still whirred, obnoxiously loud thoughts pushing their way back to the forefront each time Finn managed to grasp a few blissful quiet seconds. He’d lost count of the number of times he’d passed the statue of the girl and her ducks, the smile on her face that he normally found so comforting becoming more and more irritating with each meeting. As he came to the gates of the park, Finn contemplated going home, but even just the reduced speed had brought the taunting thoughts back with a vengeance. One more go.
"H, has her jacket on. Has everybody got their game faces ready, boys?" It had been at least 30 minutes since James had made the joke as they all tumbled from the locker room, yet the sound of bright laughter still rang in Finn's ears.
He watched as Heather tugged her suit jacket more tightly around her, their eyes meeting for the third time in short succession. Fuck. Finn pushed his tongue against his mouthguard, sinking his teeth into the hard plastic. Later, self-inflicted as the need would be, he would complain about the new one he’d have moulded, each guard always feeling slightly different. For now, the rhythmic clench of his jaw was soothing.
Finn forced a breath through his nose, trying not to react too visibly as Heather dipped her head once more to add another scribbled note to the small, black book she carried everywhere. He forced himself to look away, knowing his constant glances were giving away his unease. Whilst Heather didn’t come to every training session, not even most, it wasn’t that uncommon to see her hovering around the edges of the ice, and ordinarily, only the very newest of the team paid any attention to her beyond an initial greeting.
“Earth to O’Hara!”
Finn held up his hand in apology, shaking himself back to the training session. Kasey’s eyes bored into him. It wasn't his usual intense stare, but something more concerned and Finn waited for the inevitable question. After a long few seconds, Kasey's eyes dropped to the puck, passing it back to Finn to take another shot.
The numbers on the clock inched forwards, slow and heavy like the sweet sticky molasses Leo was so fond of. Still, when Coach finally dismissed them for the day, Finn found himself wanting to take another lap. If he could get his thighs to burn enough then his head would race a little less, and it wouldn’t be too suspicious; Finn’s record of being last on the ice was surpassed only by Sirius. Before Finn could really consider it, Leo was next to him, knocking their shoulders together.
“Hey,” Leo cocked his head slightly, hair ruffled from the mask he’d recently pulled off and his pale skin glistening with sweat. He looked as beautiful as ever. Illogical as it was, it somehow made the dull ache in Finn's chest worse. "Everything good?"
"Yeah," Finn tried for a smile. "Busy brain today, that's all." There was no point brushing the question off completely; Leo was scarily observant. He and Logan often joked that he had eyes in the back of his head. Finn had no doubt he had caught the many pucks he had missed over the last hour.
"That sucks," Leo said, scepticism leaking into his voice. "Is there anything I can do to help?" Finn followed his glance behind them to where Logan was tussling with Jackson, loud rumblings of French intertwined with their laughter. "Or Lo, perhaps?"
"I like it when he looks like that,” Finn sighed.
"Mmm, me too” Leo hummed, his features softening. “Don’t think I didn’t notice that change of subject though, Sir. You don’t have to talk to me about it, but please don’t bottle it all."
Finn slumped into his stall, smiling as Leo lifted his hand to press a kiss to the knuckles. “I’m dealing with it.”
“Baby,” Leo started, his next word morphing into a stunted exhalation of air. His eyes closed briefly, his shoulders squaring before he relaxed them. He opened his mouth again, the sentence uttered clearly not what he’d originally planned on saying. "I'm going to take my padding off and head to see Lars. I think Loops is sticking around so I can get a ride with him if you two want to go home?"
Finn thought back to the quiet look of concern on Logan's face after he'd got home from his run the previous evening, and to the creased lines of worry at the corners of Leo's eyes earlier. "I think I might go and see Heather," he shrugged.
"Thank God," Logan appeared, wrapping his arms around Finn's waist. "Your runs were getting ridiculous."
"You didn't say anything?" Finn turned in Logan's arms, to rest his chin on top of his head.
"We were going to give you one more day. Leo wanted to speak to you this evening, only I had faith.”
"Oh, fuck off," Leo laughed. "You were just avoiding the conversation."
“I’m offended that you would even suggest that,” Logan burrowed into Finn’s chest. The sweat soaked gear they wore didn’t smell great, but neither of them seemed to care.
Moody huffed as he veered around them, his arms filled with tape. “No canoodling in the locker room.”
“As lovely as this chat has been Finn, if you really did just come in to catch up then I’m going to have to ask you to leave. I’ve got a couple of sessions this afternoon, and a mound of paperwork to complete,” Heather shifted in the forest green bucket chair. They were new since Finn had last been in here, replacing an ugly leather thing that Heather had always complained was too stereotypical. She’d removed her jacket now that she was back in her heated office, the item hung on the back of the door where it rightfully belonged.
Finn, freshly showered and changed, sat cross legged in the chair opposite. He reached forward to grab more pretzel sticks from the bowl on the table between them, puckering his lips as his tongue protested another injection of salt. “You know there is something I could do with your opinion on.”
Despite the reaction being minute, Finn saw the tiny upwards quirk of Heather’s lips. “Go on,” she encouraged.
“It’s dumb,” Finn muttered, drumming his fingers against the arm of the chair.
“Thoughts don’t have moral value Finn, it’s what we do with that’s important.” Heather pulled a handful of tissues from a box on the table, holding them out. “Tap away, but please spare the upholstery.”
“Sorry,” Finn grimaced, cleaning his hands of the salty residue.
“No need to apologise, I’m just still a bit precious about the new furniture.” Heather smiled. “Why do you think your issue is dumb?”
“It’s -” Finn tugged at his sleeve. “I can just never be happy with what I’ve got can I? I spent 8 years saying that if Logan could just love me back then I’d never complain again. And now I’ve got Logan and Leo and I’m still not happy.”
“What’s making you unhappy?
Finn breathed in deeply, scrunching his eyes shut. He’d spent weeks stuffing the pain into the tiniest box he could in his brain, and now here Heather was asking him to just - talk about it?
“Finn, look at me?” Finn did as he was asked, lifting his head to find Heather’s kind eyes. “I’m going to reiterate something I’ve said before. You can say anything you want here. It doesn’t matter if it’s selfish or unkind or if you think it’s stupid. Unless I think you’re a danger to yourself or anybody else, then nobody is going to hear about it.”
Finn bit his lip, wiggling his toes beneath his legs. “I get jealous,” he rushed out. “I get jealous of Cap and Loops and Potts and Lily and all those other couples who just get to hug and kiss and tell the cameras how stupidly in love they are.” He paused, the panic of having told somebody matching the relief, but now the words had started tumbling out he couldn’t stop. “I get so angry about it. Sometimes, for the tiniest second, I hate them. All of them.” he whispered, barely able to admit it. “And then I just feel worse. Because I love them too and it’s not their fault. Cap and Loops didn’t even get a choice in the matter. How messed up is it to be jealous of somebody that got outed?”
“Emotions are complex. It is possible for you to have sympathy for Sirius and Remus, whilst still feeling jealous that they now can be more open about their relationship.”
'I don't like it," Finn huffed. The sentence had come out mimicking a toddler having a tantrum. Finn wanted to act like one too, to throw himself on the floor and scream.
“Have you spoken to Leo or Logan about it?”
“No,” Finn frowned. “It would just make them sad and I don’t want them to pressure them. I don’t want them to know I think such horrible things.”
“Okay,” Heather nodded. “Imagine one of them came to you and told you everything you’d just told me. What would you say to them?”
“Wait.” A distressed noise fell from Finn’s lips. “Do they talk to you about this too? Both of them make a comment here or there, but we talked about it not long ago and we agreed that we weren’t ready.”
“Finn, you know I can’t tell you about what I discuss with Leo or Logan.”
“It was worth a shot,” Finn shrugged.
“So, what would you say?”
“I’d say they are entitled to be jealous. I'd say it’s not fair we don’t get to do everything the others do just because the world is homophobic and close minded and can’t imagine the three of us could love each other exactly the same as every other more traditional couple. I’d say that I know they don’t hate Cap or Loops or Potts or Lily, they hate the situation and that’s completely understandable. It fucking sucks and they can be angry about it." Finn drew in a hulking breath, Heather's outline a little blurred through his wet eyes. Each word had sent an aching pain through his body, similar to when he ran, only now he felt like was chasing something cathartic rather than running away.
"Earlier you said what you had to tell me was dumb," Heather said. "Can you explain why you think that it's dumb for you to feel that way, horrible even, but if it were Leo or Logan their feelings are valid."
"Maybe it's not dumb," Finn looked down at his hands, tracing over the freckles there. "But that doesn't change the fact I don't like having those thoughts. Especially when I don't want to act on them. I’m okay with waiting to tell people about us, if we ever do. They're not ready. I'm not ready."
"That’s something we can work on. Helping you to reframe those thoughts, I mean.” Heather slipped her notebook from where it had been tucked beside her and made a note. Finn leaned his elbow on his leg, tucking his chin onto his fist, trying to make his attempts to see the page surreptitious. Capping her pen, she gave a small chuckle, “I’m just leaving myself a reminder of what we’ve discussed. You can always ask what I’m writing, I’m not trying to keep secrets from you.”
Finn sat back, the book no longer quite so interesting now that it wasn’t forbidden. “So? That’s it?”
Heather hummed. “For today. I think you’ve got a lot to think about already. I’ll schedule some more sessions with you over the next few days, okay? It’ll give me a chance to get some new pretzels.”
"Thanks," Finn laughed, then gestured at the empty bowl. "For the pretzels. And the talk."
“That’s what I’m here for,” Heather said. “I’m just going to ask one thing of you before I see you next. Please try to keep your evening runs to a reason-”
“Who snitched?”
“There was no snitching, as you call it. We’ve just known each other for a while now, Finn. And as an employee of the Lions whose job it is to make sure you’re at top playing ability, I don’t want you to injure yourself. As your psychologist, I want you to have healthy coping mechanisms and exercising to that extent is not healthy.”
“I know,” Finn unfolded his legs, stretching them out. They’d gone stiff after being sat on for so long, the sensation coming back with an uncomfortable tingle. “I’ll try to keep the runs in check, promise.” His gaze fell on the closed door, steeling himself to leave. He stood, sending Heather one last smile. It was safe in here, but his boys were out there.
“See you soon, Finn.”
Stepping out of the office, Finn closed his eyes, giving himself a second to compose himself. A rustle of movement to his left caught his attention, startling a little at the sight of Leo and Logan. They sat on the floor, Leo’s hand resting on Logan’s knee where they were hunched to his chest.
“Sorry,” Leo scrambled to his feet, his arm outstretched to let Logan pull himself upright too. “We didn’t want to wait too far away. In case, well, I don’t know, you needed us.”
Finn joined them, immediately finding Logan attached to his side, his familiar warmth exactly what he wanted right now. “I’m okay,” he assured. “I’m not sure I’m ready to talk about it with you guys just yet. I need a bit of time to process, but just you being here makes things better. I’m going to see Heather a bit more too.”
“Proud of you.” Leo flanked him on the other side, taking his hand. Finn didn’t get to be in the middle often, Logan usually claiming the spot, and he felt like he had a kind of shield. “We just want you to be happy. And safe.”
“Can we go home, please?”
“Ouais, home,” Logan agreed.
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wistfulrat · 4 years
Tumblr media
this week’s fics! feat. bakeries, bookshops, bisexual awakenings of the angsty and fluffy sort, wolfstar goddads being tender as hell, desi harry reconnecting with his culture, domestic drarry, a lap dance set to akon’s smack that, and more!
But That’s History by @ebbet - 54k - T Harry Potter starts his first year as Muggle Studies Professor only to find that Draco Malfoy has been hired to teach History of Magic.
listen to me. this is one of the funniest drarry fics i've ever read. i was cackling in my bed at 2am because harry’s internal monologues throughout this fic are unhinged. insanely quotable. “what was he, a lothario” and “you were crushing me with your muscular thighs!” are lines that live rent free in my empty head. harry has never played anything cool a day in his life. there’s a faculty meeting where the teachers are planning the yule ball and debating the merits of a DJ when harry decides he must defend his muggle-music-loving honor by dancing seductively to akon’s smack that while a blushing draco loses his mind. i fucking screamed. and the best part is that in between the comedic scenes threading the overall story, you have extremely tender moments of like, padma patil helping harry become a more rooted desi by sharing their cultural traditions, harry proudly donning his sherwani. draco wrestling with his past, going to harry’s lgbtq+ club for students, being sheepish with ron and hermione. ugh, comedic writers with emotional depth are clever and talented as hell!!
Realities, Unfurling by @ebbet - 45k - M Draco Malfoy is released from Azkaban into a changed world.
incredible collage-fic told from multiple povs. 8yrs post-war and everything’s changed. the current state of the magical world unfolds via slice-of-life snapshots from a truly stunning cast. non-binary harry whom is running a non-prof org dedicated to building tolerance and establishing equality for marginalized identities. post-prison-release draco whose life will be changed by the internet. neville’s tender relationship with blaise. andromeda’s fiercely protective mothering. remus and sirius being alive and very hot and just, the tender goddads harry deserved. cho chang being brilliant. baker pansy’s softened edges. found families abound. harry being flustered by their crush on draco and making personalized playlists on an iPod nano.
that all might sound narratively cluttered but the author more than pulls this off. glorious, start to finish.
Knead by @jovialobservationanchor (an @hd-erised​ fic) - 83k - E This is not a story about Harry renovating Grimmauld Place. This is a story about coffee shops and brewpubs, about Ginny and Luna on a farm with creatures, about magical Oregon, coastal road trips, flying, friendship, and Draco Malfoy's lean arms.
cinematic. a love letter to oregon’s expansive landscapes and lively cities. it’s harry finding home in unexpected places and people. in the vast silence of rolling fields, endless coasts, and starry night skies big enough to feel like you’re adrift in space. and it’s also the lingering, intimate quiet of early mornings in a bakery, sitting on a park bench overlooking the city as you eat ice cream next to your crush. it’s harry watching ginny and luna dance and work around each other like bees. it’s the slow unfolding of harry and draco’s relationship as they fill each other’s quiet. finishing this fic is like waking from a good dream. transporting, immersive, lovely. 
Harry Potter and the Bisexual Awakening by @writcraft - 20k - E Harry is perfectly content being single, heterosexual and living in Godric's Hollow with his very clingy rescue dog, Snitch. When Draco Malfoy turns up on Harry's doorstep demanding that Harry teach him how to drive, things quickly become a lot more complicated.
first of all, i feel very seen by draco being a gay-who-can’t-drive. it’s called representation. but mostly i love the ease of harry and draco’s banter, a flustered harry discovering his sexuality, and the way this fic addresses biphobia. also very emo over this exchange: “I think I might be scared of you, but probably not for the reasons you think.” “Yes.” Draco stares at Harry. “I think I might be scared of you too.”
Forged through flowing water by @tedahfromtayla (an @hd-erised​ fic) - 40k - E When Hermione sets up a diplomatic mission to begin repairing the damage British colonisation did to Indian magical communities Harry isn’t going to pass on the opportunity to visit and help his family’s home country. Maybe he should have asked a few more questions about the personnel she had recruited for it before signing on because Malfoy surely has an ulterior motive to be there.
so much to love about this fic. the beautiful settings, from kolkata to mumbai, to the holi festival and colorful lively streets, to remote cave settlements and old intricate temples. it’s harry in the homeland, reconnecting to his family’s heritage and confronting the weight of imperialism in his history. it’s nipping the white savior complex in the bud. this part: That is what England left behind. That is what it still stands for, despite whatever mask of respectability and honour it presents. . .You don't get to step aside and let someone else deal with the mess. You have to listen and learn and then act, Malfoy, you need to learn how to fix your own mess. This is why we're here. my indigenous ass cheered. HP certainly sells the british fantasy but HP fanfic?? fuck jkr, fuck the crown. i love that this fic doesn’t romanticize england’s history. i love that we get to see the vast resilience and beauty of post-colonial india.
Purity Control by yrfrndfrnkly - 28k - T In which Harry tries to ignore his trauma with fantasy Quidditch but Malfoy's Thereness™ is distracting and all his classmates want to talk about are unicorns, virginity, and Muggle music.
tender 8th year fics where they go from bristly as fuck to understanding and soft 100% guaranteed to make me emo as hell. all the teens have traumas and no one wants to talk about it but eventually Things are Talked About. it’s good of the adults to finally notice. everyone just wants someone to hold their hand. and this part: “You’re the only person around here who’s a bigger mess than I am.” “I thought maybe we could be a mess together,” pls don’t look at me as i weep over their gentle empathy.
Advent, a comic by dustmouth - WIP - T It's Harry and Draco's first Christmas together and Draco is determined to live his full yuletide fantasy, come hell or high water.
dustmouth, patron saint of whimsical drarry. whose illustrations singlehandedly reinvented wizarding fashion. whose cheeky and tender comics are like a soothing balm to the utter depravity of this carnal world. harry and draco being domestic, draco’s xmas spirit brand being “traditional unhinged”!! extremely my shit. we’ll absolutely be reading this all december.
Little Spaces by @dracoladon and @lazywonderlvnd​ - WIP - E Draco's back from France and working on the spell damage ward at St Mungo's with Hermione, who invites him over for dinner. Without telling Harry. This is a roleplay, which means Harry is written by one author (lazywonderland) and Draco by another (dracoladon).
the switch in distinct character voices works so well for this fic!! tonally i feel like i'm watching an episode of the office. i personally love harry and draco being Pissed Off at how much they want to bone each other. the battle of the tapenade was the most riveting dinner scene i've read in a minute. clever, hilarious, emotionally tense. can’t wait until that inevitable moment post hate-sex when they’re gonna be like “oh noooo it’s a Heart Boner as well!! >:((” hell ya we’re subscribing for chapter updates.
Dragons Don’t Know Paradise by @teacup-tai​ - WIP - E In 2004, when Remus spends two scary weeks in the ITU due to complications of pneumonia and his HIV condition, Sirius walks around the house like a ghost and Harry finds comfort and strength in Draco through a chat in an online LGBT forum. Harry falls for him, but Draco has a lot of secrets and, before long, will need to come clean—even if he believes that no one is able to understand a dragon.
non-magical bookshop AU. remus and sirius’ relationship is a marvel. the ease of their affection with harry makes me so emo. draco’s friends being insistently present even as he tries to isolate himself. this is a story about acceptance, found families, and falling in love at a distance. the intimacy, the longing, the tenderness. what a fic!! i keep coming back to this part:...he looks at ease, inside his body, a body he needed to fight for. He’d made peace with his struggles and his scars. And Draco realises he wants that. He wants to be at ease inside his body, the body that now carries a virus. He wants to be at peace with his own existence. you hurt for draco so deeply but you get moments like these where he affords himself a kindness that feels foreign and it’s just!! the boys navigating grief and learning to be vulnerable. so good.
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achliegh · 2 years
The Major League
TW: Food, swearing, first date, if there are more please let me know.
Baseball Boys meeting and falling in Love
What could go wrong… ;)
Beta: @punkkkkboi
Most Characters belong to: @lumosinlovelove
James and Lily’s house, Hogwarts 2020
How was James so good at this game? It’s such a weird thing to be good at. Sirius was sitting on the couch, Lily was right next to him while their curly haired friend sat on the floor playing Octo-Dad. It was the weirdest game Sirius has ever laid eyes on.  He and Lily were sharing some popcorn with various things added to it to add some interesting textures. Like gummy bears and m&ms. Lily also had a single serving tub of cream cheese for some reason. He didn’t ask. 
Remus was due to show up sometime soon, they were all hanging out today because Lily wanted to see Sirius and Remus get along for her own two eyes. Sirius wasn’t super stoked about it, but watchin James play a game where he was an octopus was pretty funny. 
They were watching him for a while, he was getting so frustrated, screaming at the screen in spanish when he would lose. His face was so red and his hair was wild from him running his fingers through it. Lily just watched, smiling at her beloved husband. Giving him suggestions that she knew would get him to mess up. Eventually James gave up and curled up on the couch with his head in Lily’s lap to pout. 
“Stupid game.” He had his mouth full of popcorn and was just staring forward as he grumbled. “I could have beat it!”
“You were pretty good at it, rather impressive.” Sirius takes James' old spot on the floor and picks up his controller to go back to the main menu to find a new game to play.
“I’m here! I brought dinner!” Remus walks in the door carrying a couple to-go boxes from the cafe the four of them always go to and maneuvers his way over to the dining room table. Setting them out one to every chair. “Pick the right chair and you get the right order, I have no idea what Sirius always ordered so I just got what he ate last time.” Remus sneaks a peak into a box and sits at that chair as everyone else files in. 
“I think I got James’.” Lily is looking in the box she sat in front of and deciding whether or not she should eat it or trade for her usual. “I’ll keep it, a Hot-Beef sandwich sounds food-I mean good.” She blinks a couple times. “Am I far enough along to claim pregnancy brain?”
“You’re asking the wrong people, Red” James laughs at Remus’ comment and kisses her hand, opening his box to find her food. He was never a fan of these fancy sandwiches but he would make due for her. 
“I need to hang out with Ink more often, you three are clueless.” She smiles at the three completely different looks she's getting. Sirius is offended, James is alarmed and Remus is agreeing as he nods his head. 
“I haven’t seen Ink in a couple of months, what's she up to?” Lily and Ink have been best friends since elementary school. They were inseparable all throughout school, Ink was Lily’s maid of honor in her wedding and even gave her and James the tattoos on their ring fingers that they have so when they aren’t wearing their rings for work people still know they are taken. 
“She's great actually, she has officially opened her own shop! Her and Marlene are running it together with Mary and I think they are hiring a new person here soon! Her name is Andy I think?”
“Andromeda!? Whoa wait a second.” Sirius wipes his face with his napkin. “Andy is my cousin, she was exiled from the family for some secret reason and I haven’t seen her in years!”
“Well she is working at Ink’s shop so you can come and see her!” Lily smiles brightly at him and he returns it, feeling rather excited at the thought of seeing his cousin again. 
“What's the name of the shop?” 
“Olive and Otto, it's named after her late parents so be respectful.” She shoots him a warning glance. 
“Your family throws people out of the family?” Remus looks at Sirius with a bewildered look.
“Yeah, it comes with the old world views and rumors in the tribe.” 
“Can I ask which tribe you’re from?” Remus doesn’t know a lot about Native culture at all so he wasn’t sure what was acceptable to ask and what wasn’t. He genuinely wanted to know more though.
“Well, we were given the name Navajo by Eurpoeans but we call ourselves Dine’.” He looks at Remus and takes a drink from his straw. Remus nods and they keep eating, having silence fall over the two of them. 
“I think I remember you talking about her.” James looks at Sirius. “That was right after we painted the school mascot statue thing pink, right?” Sirius starts laughing and nodding.
“Those two weeks of dentition were worth it. Dumbledicks face was priceless.” Sirius and James launch into a conversation about all the shit they did at school. Remus didn’t go to the same school as these three so he has no idea what they have done. 
“What about the time we stole all the teachers' copies of textbooks from the lounge and sold them to students for $50.” 
“Or the time we wore the girls' uniforms because your pants had a hole in the knee and were told to change so we stole Lily and Ink’s skirts from their dorms!” 
“You guys lived in dorms?” Remus breaks up the conversation looking at them confused. “Did you go to Illvermorny? The private school downtown?” All three nod. “Wow.”
“What school did you go to?” Sirius thought Remus went to their school but it's so big he just never knew he existed. 
“I went to Rowena School for Delinquent Boys…” 
“You were a delinquent?” Silence and then laughter bursting out of Sirius. 
“Yes, I got in trouble for arson when I got mixed up with the wrong people so, yeah I was a delinquent. My parents never understood why I was sent there after one crime but.” He shrugs. “My guess is because I came from a poor neighborhood but who knows.” He takes a bite of his bread that he dipped in his soup. 
“Well it does explain your scar a bit, it makes you look… not scary but I don’t think most people would mess with you.” 
“I got it before I got in trouble, playing baseball with rocks when I was in middle school. It gave me my second concussion, if I get one more then I can’t play sports so… don’t touch me above the shoulder…. Unless you’re Lily.” He smiles when Lily winks at him. 
“Oh I didn’t know.”
“Never told you.” Remus smirks at Sirius and it annoys him. 
“How did you meet James and Lily?” He just goes back to picking at his food with his cheek resting in the palm of his hand, resting his elbow on the table. 
“I met James at a camp, I think it was our junior year?” James nods. “James had just moved here and went to the Batters Up camp, I think it was held at Greenhouse stadium? Anyway, he was getting made fun of by some brat from Sytherin and I stood up for him. Then I went to his house for dinner and probably ate the most I have ever eaten in my entire life.” He closes his togo box because he's done with his food and picks up his cup to drink his sweet tea. “Lily I met at a museum, the Divination one on 58th street. I was there with my school on a weekend and she was our tour guide, we started talking about how dumb the measuam was before talking about what books we were reading and then we were friends. That was after I met James, so I heard her complain about him a lot.” 
“Yeah, that was before James and I started studying in the same group and after he learned ASL, which I still can’t believe he did. Especially for me.”
“I’d do anything for you.” James says before she even fully ended her sentence, making Lily’s cheeks go a bit pink as she tries not to smile. 
“I know, that's why you get a haircut every month.” James starts laughing his usual loud full hearted laugh. Making Lily’s smile brighten even more. Remus wants a love like that, he wants someone who would do everything for him, someone who would look at him the way Lily and James look at each other. He wants someone he would do everything for, someone who he wouldn’t hesitate to follow everywhere. 
They all went into the kitchen together, throwing out the leftovers and recycling their boxes. Making some virgin daiquiris so Lily doesn’t feel left out. She sits on the counter, James leaning his back against her between her legs as they watch Sirius and Remus argue about the ratio of ice in the drinks.
“They are going to be the bestest of friends aren't they?” Lily whispers in her husband's ear as she wiggles her hands into his front pockets. 
“Oh definitely, if they don’t kill each other first.” James says back, wincing at the insults being thrown between their friends. 
“No you idiot! It's half ice, a third water and a third mix!” Sirius is holding the bag of mix up in Remus’ face who is looking rather unimpressed making Sirius all the more angry. 
“It's a third ice, a third water, and a third mix.” He was speaking calmly but spitting his words out like they were poison darts. “But do whatever you want, I don't care.” He waves him off and goes to stand next to James. 
“No, you do it.” Sirius grabs Remus’ wrist and yanks him back, slapping the bag of mix in his hand and hopping on the counter next to Lily with his arms crossed. He has got rather hot from being angry and puts his hair up in a ponytail to keep it off his neck. 
“Good, that's what I wanted.” Remus mumbles to himself and makes the drinks quickly, handing everyone their cups with metal straws and rinsing out the blender in the sink. He looks at Sirius who is drinking his daiquiri. He narrows his eyes when he finally notices Remus looking. 
“Fine, it's better. Shut up.” 
“What can I say, I’m always right.” He smiles to himself feeling great that he made Sirius look stupid. 
He was so easy to mess with. 
Three Broomsticks Coffee Shop, Hogwarts 2020
Noelle was sitting at a table waiting for Thomas to show up, she finally agreed to go on a date with him after years of him asking. She has always had an attraction towards him, he's funny, charming, respectful, and very good looking. She just never felt like it was the right time to say yes, she heavily  relies on her gut feeling to make decisions and she never got that solid yes feeling when he would ask before. 
Thomas and Clay came to see her after class one day, they only saw each other for a couple minutes but in those minutes Noelle felt in her gut that she should invite Thomas out for coffee. She didn’t know what it was but seeing those two bozos together made her feel something weird in her chest. 
So, meeting Thomas here after practice sounded like a great idea. His practice wasn’t over until late and she just came form rehearsals herself, she was in such a hurry she grabbed her sweatpants and put them on over her tights and leotard before driving here. She chose a corner booth because she doesn’t really like a lot of attention on her and she knows Thomas just brings attention with him being the Eagles heartthrob and all. 
She enjoyed listening to people's orders and guessing what they looked like. She herself was drinking an iced coffee with a little bit of stevia in it. She should probably eat something but she doesn’t have the money to buy anything right now so she would eat when she's home. 
“Can I have an iced matcha latte with a blueberry muffin?”
“We are out of blueberry muffins.”
“Chocolate chip muffin then.”
“Umm, it appears we are out of those too.”
“Banana nut?”
“Fine, I’ll just take the drink then! So much for tea and a muffin.” Noelle snorts, this guy really wanted a muffin. Since she didn’t know his name she would just call him Muffin Man. She opened her phone to text Thomas to ask where he was, ever since Clay convinced her to give Thoams her number she hasn’t regretted it. Clicking his name to open their messages a cup is sat down across from her.
An iced matcha latte…
“Oh my god!” She starts laughing while Thomas sits down. He raises an eyebrow at her but smiles his signature grin. He was wearing an old tshirt with the Cubs logo on it. She never noticed he has earrings before, maybe he doesn’t wear them when playing… or to her ballets. Maybe she's just oblivious and never noticed the small gold hoops in his ears. 
“What's so funny?”
“You’re the Muffin Man!” She laughs into her hand. 
“You heard all that? I just wanted a muffin.” He puts on a pout and she calms down. 
“That's all I’m going to call you from now on, Muffin Man.” 
“Giving me pet names already?” She feels her cheeks heat up, rolling her eyes. She tries not to let her smile show by drinking from her straw. “I should find one for you, something perfect.” 
“Do as you please but yours will forever be Muffin Man.” 
“Plan to be with me forever then?” He leans forwards on his forearms crossed on the table and smirks at her. 
“Who says we are together?” She mirrors him, his smirk falters a second before turning into a smile. 
“You asked me on the date, that has to mean something.” They both giggle a little while looking at each other, once their giggling calms down they just keep looking at each other. Taking in each other's features like it's their favorite pastime television show. 
“Maybe we should actually talk instead of just stare at each other. What's your family like?” Noelle says all of this while still glancing over Thomas’ face, never changing her position. Thomas doesn’t move either, just speaks without breaking eye contact that they have now started to hold.
“I grew up living with my parents, older brother Eric and my grandma. She likes to meddle in Eric and I’s relationships. I think she will adore you. Also I have a question, why are you taller than the average woman and Logan short as hell?” Noelle breaks their staring contest by laughing again. 
“Sydney and I are both really tall, we got it from our dad, I think she is 5’11 so an inch shorter than me. Logan and Aubry are both around 5’6 or 7. Also fun fact. I am the only person out of my siblings to have brown eyes.” 
“Huh, so you’re the black sheep out of the family?”
“No, I think that's Logan honestly. He has never really meshed super well with everyone but he's my little brother, I protect him with everything I can.” 
“My brother Eric, he's a business consultant with the ‘American dream’ life, a wife, a couple of kids, a dog, a cat, a white picket fence. He is definitely the black sheep in our family. Mom and Dad have their dentistry while my Grandma works at a fancy place. Honestly I don’t know what she does to make money.” He takes a swig of his latte. 
“I never knew my grandparents on either side, all dead before I was born.” 
“I’m sorry.”
“From what I heard they wouldn’t have liked any of us kids, so it's probably for the best.” Noelle starts messing with the brown braided bracelet it was a supposed gift from her grandmother to her mother. She didn’t believe it. 
“Hmm, well how about we talk about something else? Like… Clay?” He mentally slaps himself in the face, why in the world would she want to talk about Clay. 
“I like Clay, I need to talk to Logan about why he-”
“They talked.”
“Clay and Logan already talked it out. Logan has feelings for Clay’s brother now and I think they might start dating soon. I think they would be cute.”
“I’ve never met Clay's brother but if he looks like Clay then I see why Logan would go after him.”
“Do I have a surprise for you!” He grabs his phone and pulls up a picture of him and Leo together, turning it to face her. “That's Leo, his brother.” Noelle just stares at the phone for a moment. Like she is fitting a puzzle together. 
“One of them is adopted?”
“Both actually, adopted together from a foster home.” 
“Cute. Wait, did Leo introduce you to Clay?”
“Well, he was at the same table as Logan so I just got a bit too drunk and begged Logan to help me woo you. Finn volunteered Clay to help. Apparently he was a matchmaker in their highschool.” They both let out an amused breath. Thomas decides to take a risk and reaches for her hand. He goes to just hold it but she surprises him by intertwining their fingers. He feels butterflies. 
“Thomas, I want to tell you something. I need you not to make a scene about it.” Noelle looks up at him, her brown eyes sweet with a flicker of worry in them. He furrows his brows but nods. “I have actually liked you for, well if I’m being honest, since I met you that evening on the bridge.” She sees his entire face light up, squeezing her hand. 
She remembers the night they met very fondly. She had just moved to Hogwarts, this was before Logan moved here for baseball. Thomas was a rookie on the Hufflepuff Hornets team. She was invited to a party and got overwhelmed by how many people were there so she decided to take a stroll around the Hufflepuff campus, stopping her walk on the walking path bridge that goes over the small creek that runs through the city. 
Thinking she was alone she was telling herself to calm down when a stranger approached her. Tall man with a blinding smile, he approached her without fear and Noelle thought this was going to end badly with unspeakable things happening. Instead he told her to be careful, a lot of odd people come out to the bridge at night. 
She wasn’t sure how to respond, she also couldn’t look away from the soft, kind eyes of this man. He held his hand out to her to help her find a better place for a breakdown. She took it without thinking, he led her to a little sitting area near the campus library. She let go of his hand and looked around. She noticed him staring at her and asked what was wrong. Then he introduced himself, she did the same and they sat in silence until she decided it was time to go back downtown to her dorm at the art academy. He waved her off and she never expected to see him again. 
Now here she is, holding his hand once again four years later in a coffee shop with no muffins. She felt the same way she felt that night. 
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Title: I Find You All Unwoven
Author: TheStarlingsRedstart
Category: M/M
Rating: General Audiences
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Sirius Black/Remus Lupin
Word count: 1122
Having returned from Azkaban a changed man, crown prince Sirius is married off to Remus Lupin, the sickly second son of a minor house. They try to make the best of it, to be polite, to give each other space, to each keep their growing feelings tightly under wraps because how could he ever love someone like me? Then, one night, Sirius has a nightmare.
In a truly miraculous occurrence, I wrote a new fic!
it’s under the cut right here, but I’ll also add the AO3 link in a reblog
(oh and just to be clear, I despise R*wling and her views)
A sob cuts through the bizarre half-life of Remus’ dreams, and the sound of it is solid and indisputable enough that he wakes. Beside him, Sirius is still sleeping, but he must be having nightmares, because his whole body is shaking, and tears are streaming down his face.
Still groggy, Remus reaches out with one hand and carefully touches Sirius’ arm. The touch doesn’t seem to scare Sirius, so he moves his whole body closer to his – his husband, his mind still stumbles over the word every time –, gently puts one arm around him, then draws him in close and begins to rub circles between his too-sharp shoulder blades.
He remembers crying as a small child, his whole body wracked with sobs that he couldn’t seem to control, remembers how his wetnurse rubbing his back like that used to ground him, allow him to breathe again.
Bit by bit, Sirius’ breathing becomes slower, less frantic, the sobs subside, until he’s quietly weeping into Remus’ chest. Remus keeps rubbing Sirius’ back, runs a tentative hand through his hair, half-longs to brush the tears off his still hollow cheeks but shies away from the intimacy of it, so instead he just holds him, keeps his arms wrapped around the other man’s body, quietly aching at his inability to do more, until they both drift off to sleep.
The next morning, Remus wakes to find the other side of the bed cold and empty, and does not catch a single glimpse of Sirius through the entire day.
 Cold. Cold and darkness and the sea thrashing against the solid rock of the fortress, day and night, the wind howling ceaselessly, tearing any words from his lips before he’s even fully formed them. He’d tried to sing when they first brought him here, tried to find some warmth and company in the melodies he remembered from home, but you could hear no singing here, not in this wind. You couldn’t hear screams either, he’d soon found out, no matter how much you screeched and wailed and raged and begged until your throat was raw. No one would hear you. So he’d gotten quieter over the years, first his voice, then his mind, until his thoughts had slowed down to a crawl, rarely collecting themselves enough to form a full sentence. At this point, he barely remembers the songs, nothing left but for the occasional scrap floating through his mind, reminding him of what he’s lost.
He doesn’t want to go back. He doesn’t want to face Remus, doesn’t want to meet the gaze of those beautiful green eyes, like sunlight getting caught in moss, doesn’t want to have to apologise, not after clinging to the front of his smock shaking and sobbing with night terrors, not after forcing his husband (his husband) to comfort him and wipe away his tears like he’s a child, not after clinging to him when he’d promised to leave him be after their first night, not after he’s been so weak.
Remus is gentle and capable and intelligent, Remus can walk from the kitchen garden to the library and point out fifty different plants and list their uses along the way, Remus writes down his keen, astute observations in a tidy, elongated hand and at an astonishing speed, and Remus most definitely has better things to do than coddle an emaciated, prematurely greying ex-prisoner who’s still struggling to string together more than three words at a time.
So Sirius avoids him.
He spends the morning out riding, not on the magnificent black stallion with which his father has provided him, but on a dappled grey gelding with one white foot and gentle eyes. The woods around the castle are quiet when there are no hunting parties out, and large enough to get lost in. He counts twenty-three types of plant that he doesn’t know the name of.
After a brief but unsatisfactory afternoon at the practice range, where he quickly learns that his hands still aren’t steady enough for throwing blades like he used to, Sirius retreats to the gallery, thanking the heavens that no one ever comes up here. He instructs an attendant to bring him some wine, then makes a face at a particularly judgemental great-uncle on the opposite wall.
“What? You wouldn’t be having fun in this situation either.”
Talking is easier when he’s by himself, when there’s no one around who has to wait those painfully slow seconds it takes him to remember simple words. He lifts his drink in a toast to a solemn-looking couple a short way down from the great-uncle.
“To marriage! The greatest source of man’s happiness on Earth.”
He drains the whole thing in one go, then pours himself another cup. There’s still at least half an afternoon left to kill.
When Sirius finally shows up to dinner, he’s drunk. It’s not that he’s loud, singing or shouting or calling out for more, nor is he staggering or swaying. But his movements are slower than usual, more careful, and his eyes are unfocused, and not in the way they get when he’s drowning in memories.
You are awfully familiar with that man’s demeanour, given that you’ve only known him for two months, a part of Remus notes, but he tells it, Shut up, we’re married, and I’m supposed to take care of him.
Sirius gingerly lowers himself into a chair, and Remus takes in the flushed cheeks, the shadows under his eyes, the messy hair.
“You’re late.”
Remus has spent the whole day in the library, feeling like he’s sitting on hot coals because part of him kept hoping that Sirius would show up, would say something, would maybe even touch him again. After all, he usually pokes his head in at some point during the day, asks about the translation work or joins him for lunch or points out a particularly weird-looking illustration that Remus then spends the next half hour explaining.
Not today though – of course not, another part of him insists, why would he after last night, with Remus having trespassed over the line they’d so carefully drawn between them, demanding a closeness he has no right to ask for, falling asleep wrapped around him. It’s hardly his right to be upset, not when he’s spent the whole day pointedly not thinking about the feeling of Sirius’ body against his, the layers of skin and tissue and bone under his hands, the way his hair smells, the sound of his ragged breathing growing quieter bit by bit, how his fingers had clung to Remus’ nightshirt.
It’s not like Sirius owes him his time or company; it’s not like this is a romance where they got married for love. It’s fine.
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honeymooneyy · 3 years
a dog in your past life
context: fifth year, septemberish - marauders are animagii (idk how to spell it lmfao) but haven’t told remus yet, pre-wolfstar, idk i was bored and the spacing kinda weird
Remus had to admit that he sort of enjoyed styling hair.
They had been lounging around the common room when Lily began complaining about how she couldn’t get a certain braid right. Remus’ mom had shown him how to braid hair one day when Remus was bored and was entranced by her long hair. So he offered to do Lily’s hair. The girls had been in awe of his skills and now Lily and Marlene had matching intricate braids in their long hair. He had just finished off Mary’s and was about to stand and stretch when Sirius plopped down in front of him.
“Do me! Do me!” Sirius crowed, lolling his head back so it bumped into Remus’ knees and giving him silver puppy dog eyes. “I want my hair all pretty.”
Remus couldn’t find it in himself to say no so he just just gave a small nod and clicked his tongue, “Your hair’s already pretty, what are you on about?”
“I want it like theirs.” Sirius pointed his chin towards the girls who were now settling down near the fireplace. “I don’t usually style my hair.”
“You put your hair in buns sometimes,” Remus mumbles, shifting on the couch so Sirius’s was resting against his knees instead between his legs. He had broader shoulders than the girls and it just felt awkward to be spread out like that. “Your man-buns.”
Sirius laughs at that, his eyes twinkling as he continues to stare up at Remus, “Oh shush Moony, you know you love them.”
If only he knew.
Remus doesn’t reply to that, instead carding his fingers through Sirius’ hair, attempting to find his part. Unlike the girls, who had chatted with Remus the entire time, Sirius just lets out a soft sigh and lets his eyes fall shut, resting his head against Remus. Remus takes that as a good sign, and begins braiding a portion of his hair, being careful not to tug too hard.
Sirius looked as if he was in pure bliss, his eyes still shut as he let Remus style his hair. Even when James came around to ask if they wanted to play charades with the girls, Sirius just hummed a no, just shifting in his position on the carpet.
“Sirius,” Remus starts, leaning forward to talk quietly so it didn’t bother the current round of charades, “Do you even want your hair done or did you just want someone to play with your hair?”
Sirius opens an eye, lazily, before closing it again and mumbling, “What’s the difference?”
“You’re silly.” Remus smiles, before running his fingers through the braid to open it up. Instead of starting a new braid he just begins to run his fingers through the long silky hair, and then playfully scratches at Sirius’ scalp as if he were a dog. “I think you were a puppy in your past life.”
Sirius stiffens at those words before playing it off, “Cmon, Remus, you gotta agree it feels nice. No one ever plays with my hair.”
“You could just ask,” is the only reply Remus could muster. He didn’t want to admit that he rather enjoyed playing with Sirius’ hair. But honestly, Remus enjoyed most things that had to do with Sirius.
Remus hadn’t completely noticed that he had zoned out until Lily plopped down onto the couch next to him with a silly grin. And then she started making eyes at the way Sirius was sitting in front of him, his hair at the mercy of Remus.
‘Shut up,’ Remus mouthed at her, before turning back to Sirius and bowing his head so she couldn’t see his pink cheeks.
Instead she just leaned in to whisper, “Whipped.”
With a giggle, she stood and returned to the game of charades, tossing her fiery hair behind her shoulder. The girls were thoroughly disappointed with the way James and Peter were dominating the game, winning each round. So now the teams had been shuffled around and Peter had gotten Mary, Lily got James, that sly git, and Marlene stayed with Dorcas.
Remus wasn’t completely sure how James had convinced Lily to be on his team, but he was beginning to suspect it had something to do with the way Peter and Mary were blushing around each other.
Lily on the other hand looked peeved, James was now miming something for her and it wasn’t clear what he was trying to portray. With a scowl, she huffed, “Stop flapping your arms, if I didn’t get it the first time, I’m not going to get it now.”
“I’m not fla-“ James began before the others shushed him collectively.
Remus looked away from his friends’ antics to Sirius who was now looking up at him, sleepily. “Yeah?”
“You stopped. ‘M tired,” Sirius murmured, nestling into the side of Remus’ knee.
“Why don’t you go to bed?” Remus asked gently, despite the fact that he knew Sirius would refuse. It was a common occurrence nowadays for Sirius to wake up in the middle of the night with a scream, but it still broke Remus’ heart every time. He couldn’t imagine what must’ve happened over the summer.
“It’s lonely up there, everyone’s down here, I don’t wanna go alone,” Sirius whined, sounding much like a small kid.
Remus didn’t comment on it, instead standing up and offering him a hand. “I’ll come, I’m a bit tired too, maybe I’ll read a book or something.”
Sirius gave him a hazy grin, “You’re the best Moons. Hm, moons and Sirius the star.”
Remus cracked a smile at that as he began herding Sirius up the stairs to their dorm. Better he get in bed while he’s still sleepy.
You’re such a mom.
Sirius’ words from earlier that week echoed through his head and he had to laugh at that. He was a mom, of sorts. Sirius doesn’t exactly have anyone to dote on him, so someone’s gotta do it. While he might hide it behind jokes, James also often acts as if he’s Sirius’ mom. Even Peter has stayed awake with Sirius after a particularly bad night. No one ever mentions it the day after, because it’s just another normal part of their day. In the end, they were always there for one another, because if not, who would?
Remus smiled at the thought of the little family they had formed.
see the spacing is so big idk why ^^ lol might make a part two bc it’s part of a fic i’m writing
part two
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malikaihii · 2 years
Asks are always open!!
You can request anything you’d like except smut, someone not listed, r@pe/or explicit s@ and do not get mad if I don’t do your request. I most likely had no idea for it or was uncomfortable writing it.
Master lists: https://malikairose.tumblr.com/post/690074991743713280/dont-cry-darling
Prompts: https://malikairose.tumblr.com/post/690078932913045504/prompt-lists
People I wrote about:
Stranger Things
Steve Harrington
Nancy Wheeler
Robin Buckley (only with female/NB readers unless you want a platonic portrayal)
Eddie Munson
OOC Billy Hargrove (Basically his character isn’t racist if I write him)
Jonathan Byers
Poly!Ronance (only with female/NB readers unless it’s platonic)
Harry Potter
Young!James Potter
Young!Sirius Black
Young!Peter Pettigrew
Young!Remus Lupin
Scream (1996)
Billy Loomis
Stu Macher
Heather C
Heather D
Heather M
Keep in mind I will use gender Neutral terms unless asked other wise since I am non-binary!
Also not the biggest scream fan I just like billy and Stu so if it’s ever innacurate i apologize!!!
I also haven’t seen Heathers in a while so if anything is wrong that is why!!
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fruitcoops · 3 years
Ok so what sbout remus/sirius being too sick to go to an away game so the other one has to go alone, and then tons of facetime conversations and "get well soon" videos from the team?
This is related to this fic about Remus and Finn bonding over terrible reporters--hope you enjoy! SW credit goes to @lumosinlove, and the Loops/ Talker bonding is for @lee-1012!
TW for illness
“You don’t look so good.” Remus frowned as he held the inside of his wrist against Sirius’ forehead. “And you definitely have a fever.”
“Non.” Sirius sat up on his elbows with a groan, then almost immediately flopped back down.
“Yes.” He leaned back on his heels and checked the clock—they had two hours before they had to be at the airport. “Baby, I don’t think you should—”
“ ‘m going.”
“It’s not a good—”
“Gotta go. Games.” Sirius cracked one glassy eye open. “Two weeks away. I’ll take the first couple days off.”
Remus sighed through his nose and brushed his sweaty hair out of his eyes. “You shouldn’t go on the plane if you’re sick. Not just for your sake, but for the rest of us. We don’t need everyone to come down with this.”
He received a halfhearted glare in response, but Sirius finally huffed and curled on his side to nuzzle against his thigh. “I’m gonna miss you.”
“I’ll miss you, too, baby,” Remus said quietly, bending to kiss his temple. They hadn’t been apart for that long since before he was a player, nearly a year prior. Hell, he had never played a game without Sirius, let alone two weeks’ worth. “Lily will check on you, okay?”
Sirius mumbled an incoherent response and cuddled closer when he began combing his fingers through his hair. The second alarm beeped, loud against the quiet of their bedroom; time to go, he thought ruefully. Sirius touched his knee as he started to stand. “Love you. Be safe.”
“Love you more.”
“Love you most.”
“Go back to sleep,” Remus said as his heart clenched. “I’ll let Coach know what happened, but you’ve got to rest and take care of yourself. Hydrate or die-drate, yeah?”
“Yeah. Love you.”
“Sleep,” he repeated, kissing his forehead once more before hauling himself out of bed and tucking the covers around Sirius’ shoulders. “I’ll be back before you know it.”
The clouds were a soft, pastel pink around them as the sun rose—Sirius’ favorite. If his phone was correct, Lily would be there soon to let Hattie out and make sure Sirius wasn’t pushing himself too hard. The thought brought Remus a bit of relief, but not enough to quell his concern.
Talker poked his forearm, snapping him from his reverie. “What’s going on?”
“Just worrying.”
“About Cap?”
Remus waved a hand vaguely. “And Hattie, and Lily, and whether he’s got a cold or something worse. Feels weird being here without him.”
Talker hummed his agreement and offered one of his earbuds. “Want to listen to half of Bohemian Rhapsody with me? It’ll give you five minutes and 55 seconds of relative peace.”
“It’s too quiet,” James groaned just before he pressed ‘play’.
Across the aisle, Remus saw Kasey roll his eyes. “Your husband is sick, dude, not dead. He doesn’t talk to you on planes anyway.”
“It’s the principle of the thing, Bliz.”
“Oh my god,” Kasey muttered under his breath, securing his headphones tightly over his ears.
James let his head flop to the side with a baleful look. “Loops, you’re on my side, right?”
“I’ve got you, buddy,” he assured him. Talker stifled a laugh, and the opening chords began as more clouds rolled past. Remus let himself drift with them, taking deep breaths to soothe his worries; Sirius would be fine. He had the sniffles, or at worst the flu, and he would be join them for the second week in top form. There was nothing to worry about.
“He’s got pneumonia,” Lily sighed.
“He what?”
“A mild case, but the doctor said it would take a week of antibiotics and rest before he’s close to a hundred percent. No hockey for about a month, too.”
Remus stared at the wall of his empty hotel room, lost for words. “Well, fuck.”
“Pretty m—absolutely not, go lay down.” There was a rustling noise and two grumbling voices. “Sorry about that.”
“Will you put me on speaker real quick?” Remus asked, pinching the bridge of his nose until he heard a faint click. “Sirius? You there?”
“Yes! I miss you, and I was just going to tell you that it’s really not that—”
“Please sit your ass down. Lily, if he tries to fuck around and find out exactly how nasty pneumonia is, you have full permission to sit on him. I miss you too, love,” he added after a short pause.
“He’s blowing you a kiss,” Lily informed him. “Oh, and he’s giving me the puppy eyes.”
“Resist if you can. Love you both. Give Hattie lots of cuddles from me.”
“We will,” she promised.
The second the call ended, Remus groaned aloud and thumped his head against the wall before padding down the hall. Just my fucking luck. The door swung open after the second knock; Arthur’s face fell. “How bad is it?”
“Mild pneumonia.”
“Yep. Doctor said he’d be out for a month.”
Arthur rubbed his eyes and nodded, motioning Remus back towards his own room. “Get some rest, then. I’ll let everyone know in the morning. Any idea how he got it?”
“Not a clue.”
“Thanks for the update, Loops. Sleep tight.”
“I will,” Remus lied as he headed back for a sleepless night between cold sheets.
Lily sent updates every few hours; most reported that Sirius was sleeping well and looking better with each passing day, but Remus couldn’t help but feel overwhelmingly guilty. If something happened while he was hundreds of miles away, he would never forgive himself. He had sworn in front of their closest friends and family to be there in sickness and in health—what kind of husband ditches their partner for one of a million roadies?
This one. He stabbed a piece of broccoli and shoved it in his mouth. And then he goes and makes an idiot of himself for the world to see.
The interview was supposed to be easy, but he couldn’t let it roll off anymore. Not when he couldn’t answer their questions even when he wanted to, not when he was states away from the love of his life while he was sick, not when he felt helpless and shoved aside in every current aspect of his life.
“So.” The chair next to him creaked as Talker planted his full weight in it and set his plate decisively on the table.
“Oh, pissy Loops. Haven’t seen you in a while. Talked to Cap yet?”
“Yeah.” Another piece of broccoli fell victim to his frustration.
“How’s he sound?”
“Sweet.” Talker continued to munch away on his dinner. “Anyone ever told you that you have the general disposition of a wet cat when you’re upset?”
Remus tried and failed to keep down a smile. “I seem to recall you bringing it up on occasion, yes.”
His dark eyes softened and he bumped their elbows together. “He’ll be okay.”
“I know.”
“Really, Loops. Cap’s going to be just fine. Lily doesn’t sugar-coat this kind of stuff, and he’s a tough guy. Mild pneumonia doesn’t stand a chance. Besides, we’ve only got four days left and we need you to kick some ass out there.”
If Remus was a little more emotionally vulnerable, he would’ve burst into tears. Instead, he settled for leaning his temple against Talker’s with a quiet ‘thanks’ and allowed himself to be pulled into a side hug. Across the dining hall, Finn shot him a thumbs-up and a wink. “Love you, man.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” Talker teased. “The internet is already coming to your aid, you know.”
“Not only have those asshole reporters become a new meme, you’ve also got a shit ton of people bringing up past mistreatment of athletes in the press room. You’re the face of a revolution, Loops.”
“I’ve been the face of too many revolutions for one person,” he groused, not even bothering to duck out of the way when Talker ruffled his hair.
“Well, one more won’t kill you.”
Remus’ heart raced as he stepped off the plane. The logical part of him knew that Sirius would be waiting outside the security gate, but everything else screamed to see him now, now, right now so he could be sure he was alright. At least he had sounded healthier on the phone the night before—Remus wasn’t sure what he would do otherwise.
“Deep breaths,” James reminded him as they walked toward the baggage claim. “I’m sure he’s—”
An excited shout broke through the thick crowds. Remus’ heart skipped a beat, and then he was running, racing through the people that parted for him as his vision tunneled. His carry-on hit the ground with a low thud that he hardly heard as Sirius lifted him straight off the ground and held him tight.
“I love you,” Remus said immediately, locking his ankles around Sirius’ lower back and squeezing his eyes shut. “Are you okay?”
In lieu of a response, Sirius pulled back and kissed him, cradling one side of his face in his warm, warm hand. Two weeks may as well have been an eternity. He broke away after a moment, searching his face for any signs of illness or pain. “I’m fine,” Sirius said softly, as if he could read his mind. “I promise. A little tired and sore, but there’s no lasting damage.”
“Don’t do that again,” Remus said into the side of his neck as he hugged him close. He smelled like home. “Not when I have to leave.”
Sirius’ arms were steady around his back. “I won’t.”
“I’m going to grill you on everything as soon as we get home.”
“I know.”
“But right now, I’m just going to hug you because I missed you and I worried myself into a hole, like, every night.”
He could feel Sirius’ smile against his shoulder. “I know.”
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malfoymanortings · 4 years
lavender velvet //part five
SUMMARY: she had her fathers eyes, his aristocratic looks, her grandmothers spite, her mothers heart, but the one thing she didn't have was the love of her father that her god brother received. juliet black finally meets her father who has already decided who his child is.
PAIRINGS: to be decided.
hello again! as always, if you would like to be added to the taglist, just let me know! thank you to everyone who gave me feedback last update. it really makes my day. enjoy! xx
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“We’ve got to wake them up, it’s nearly time to leave!”
“I can’t imagine Georgie would be too happy if we broke up their little cuddle sesh.”
“Will the lot of you shut the bloody hell up?” Juliet groaned, lifting her head off George’s chest. At some point in the night, it appeared she had laid her head on his chest, his fingers tangled in her hair, their legs twisted together. The bare skin of her thigh rested against his crotch, and her cheeks flamed as she realized the git had morning wood. 
“Turn the volume down,” grumbled George, moving to wrap his arms around Juliet. “‘M sleeping.”
“Georgie,” Juliet sat up, adjusting her shirt. “It’s time to wake up. Freddie and Ron have seen to that.”
“Blimey,” George blinked sleepily, protesting as Juliet took her blanket off of him, climbing out of the bed. “What’ja do that for?”
“Sorry to interrupt the love fest,” Fred grinned at Juliet, glancing over to George. “But mums going to be right pissed if you both aren’t ready within the next twenty minutes.”
“Better get to it then.” Juliet brushed past the two boys, leaving them to go get ready.  
As she left the room, she could hear George berating Fred and Ron, who kept teasing him over Juliet having been in his bed. She shook her head, rolling her eyes. What was the big deal? They were best friends, and had been for years. They did this all the time. 
Although, he never usually woke up so excited, her mind reminded her.
“You’re being ridiculous.” she quietly reprimanded herself, walking into her room.
 Ginny was the only one in there, quickly shoving her items into her trunk. She gave Juliet a grin as she walked in, her eyebrows furrowed.
“You’ll want to hop in the shower now if you plan on it,” she slammed her trunk shut, turning back to face her. “Where did you sleep last night?”
“With George,” Juliet responded casually, ignoring the way her cheeks heated up as she said where she had been. What was wrong with her this morning? “I couldn’t sleep.”
“Aw,” Ginny pouted, a hand on her hip. “My bed’s always open if you ever get lonely.” 
“Oh, shut it,” Juliet took a pair of jeans and a sweater, after placing her blanket in her trunk. “More of that, and I’ll tell Dean Thomas you’re switching sides.”
Ginny tossed a pillow at her, which she carefully ducked. She slipped out of the room, laughing as she did. Ginny was shouting something after her, but she ignored it and quickly made her way to the bathroom. She showered fast, and by the time she was done she could hear Molly yelling at none other than the twins.
“What’s gotten into her?” Juliet questioned Hermione and Harry, who were standing outside the bathroom conversing. 
Hermione threw her a look, her arms crossed. “Fred and George nearly took out Ginny.”
“Is she alright?” she asked, running her fingers through her damp hair.
Hermione nodded, and Molly yelled up the stairs.
Hermione jumped like she had been scalded, running down the stairs, while Juliet and Harry each departed to their rooms to grab their things. The portrait of her grandmother was now screaming at them, joining in on the headache inducing ruckus. 
Juliet grabbed hold of her trunk, dragging it behind her. She made it to the doorway before an anxious squawking came from behind her, and she cursed as she realized she very nearly forgot her new owl.
“Need a little help, love?” George appeared at the top of the stairs, already heading towards her and brandishing his wand. 
“If you could be so kind,” Juliet smiled gratefully, letting him levitate her trunk while she took the cage with her owl. “I still haven’t named her yet.”
“If only it were a boy,” George grinned at her as they were walking down the stairs, Harry ahead of them. “You could have named it after me.”
“Right, that would have been my first choice,” Juliet teased, a small smile on her lips. “Georgie junior.”
“Has a lovely ring to it.” responded George, a smile in his voice.
At the bottom of the stairs, Harry was standing next to Mrs. Weasley, who was berating a large black dog who stood next to Harry, it’s tongue sticking out as he looked up at the Gryffindor. Juliet felt her stomach drop as she realized her father was going to be accompanying Harry to the Hogwarts Express, rather than her. George seemed to pick up on her mood, because he reached over and squeezed her hand.
“Juliet,” Remus appeared in the hallway, beaming at her. “George, you too. Fred and Ginny’s waiting for us outside, we’ll be apparating.”
“What about our luggage?” Juliet questioned, feeling slightly better that she would at least have Remus to take her to Hogwarts.
“Mad Eye’s taking care of it,” Remus paused, picking up on her mood rather quickly. “Sirius isn’t even supposed to be leaving Grimmauld Place. He won’t be able to say goodbye to you at the station, it would be too obvious.”
“Right, he’s going to leave for Harry though,” she snapped back, a flash of hurt going through her chest. She wished she hadn’t known that information. “He can’t even be in human form, for a minute, just to say goodbye to his daughter.”
The black dog nudged her leg, staring up at her with apologetic eyes. Juliet rolled her eyes, and stormed out of the room. She didn’t want to get his pity. It was his love she had wanted all those years, and she would be damned if she settled for pity. 
Fred and Ginny stood on the front porch, pausing their conversation as she appeared outside.
“Good thing Georgie went up for you,” Fred winked, giving her a side hug as she stepped off the front step of Grimmauld place. “Might’ve had to leave without ya.”
“We would never have done that,” Remus grinned, stepping out next to them. “That would mean I’d be stuck with her the entire summer.”
“God forbid.” Juliet faked disgust, widening her eyes.
The twins and Ginny laughed, and Remus acted offended. He gave her a wink, though, letting her know he got the joke.
“Alright then, Fred and George, take Ginny, go on and apparate there,” Remus motioned them forwards. “Juliet and I will be right behind you.”
The twins nodded, and with a grin and a loud crack, they were gone.
Juliet took Remus’ hand, looking up at him as she did. He smiled down at her, ruffling her hair. “Ready, kiddo?”
She nodded. “I think I’m going to miss you a great deal more this year.”
“I daresay I feel the same,” Remus agreed, clearing his throat. “Christmas isn’t that far away, at least.”
With a loud crack, and an uncomfortable tugging at her navel, they ended up at the back of Kings Cross station, away from any eyes. The twins and Ginny were already there waiting, and with Remus leading the way, they made their way to the front where everyone else from their household was already waiting. Including Moody, who indeed had all of their luggage.
“I suppose you’ll be with Malfoy on the train there,” George said, taking hold of Juliet’s wrist before she went to grab her things. “So I’ll say goodbye now.”
Juliet laughed, looking up at him to see he had an odd look on his face. “It’s not like this is the last time you’ll ever see me, you nutter. I’m sure we’ll be spending Christmas the same way we did summer hols. Plus, I bet I could fit a few Hogsmeade trips together into my busy schedule.”
George grinned, ducking his head down as his cheeks flushed. “Right, I know.”
Juliet shook her head, wrapping her arms around him in a hug. After a moment, he hugged her back tightly, his head on top of hers, her face against his chest. She felt something again, a fluttering in her tummy, and she found herself a tad breathless when they pulled away, her cheeks hot.
“Be safe this year,” Remus took her in for a hug next, patting her head. “Try and help keep Harry out of trouble.”
“Make sure you take care of the twins if they cause any mischief,” Molly added on, giving her a hug and a conspiratorial grin. “Now that you’ve jurisdiction over them.”
Juliet grinned a true smile. “Right on that, Molly.”
Molly moved onto George, ignoring his protests at their exchange. Juliet grinned again, taking her trunk and her owl off the trolley Moody had gotten. The black dog nudged her leg again with his nose, butting its body against her.
“It would have taken you an extra two minutes at most to say goodbye to me in person, y’know,” Juliet said quietly, looking down at the dog who stared back with doleful eyes. “Think as your daughter, you owed me that much.”
“Onto the train now, hurry!” Molly shouted, shooing everyone towards the gleaming express. 
Juliet followed after Fred and George, with Hermione, Ron, Ginny, and Harry close behind them.  Hermione made a comment about Sirius, saying he shouldn’t have come. Juliet agreed with her, and Ron shot back at the both of them.
“Well,” said Fred, clapping his hands together. “Can’t stand around chatting all day, we’ve got business to discuss with Lee. See you later,” and he and George disappeared down the corridor to the right. 
Juliet again felt something funny in her tummy as she watched George’s red hair slip into the crowd. 
“I better go find Draco,” she announced awkwardly, rolling her eyes when Harry and Ron stiffened. “I’m sure he’s already in the Prefect carriage.”
She bid her goodbyes, giving Ginny and Hermione a hug, a polite smile to Ron and Harry, before heading down towards the Slytherin compartments. She planned on finding Blaise, Crabbe, Goyle, and Pansy, to drop her things off, before going to the Prefect meeting.
Of course, they were nothing but predictable. As usual, the compartment at the back of the train was occupied by the Slytherins. They greeted her as she entered, Blaise standing to give her a kiss on the cheek before taking her owl and trunk.
“I see you’ve got yourself a familiar,” Pansy stated rather grouchily, eyeing the Prefect badge pinned to her robes. “As a present for being made Prefect, I assume.”
“Wow, Pans, you did get smarter over break,” Juliet noted, giving the girl a look. “Jealousy isn’t very becoming of you.”
“Since when has Pansy cared about that?” Blaise questioned, sitting back down in his seat.
“You’re late for the meeting y’know,” snapped Pansy, twisting her hair up and pinning it in place, her usual fidget when she was upset. “Draco left five minutes ago.”
“I’d better get going then.” Juliet turned, leaving the Slytherins behind. 
The Prefect compartment was near the front of the train, but thankfully she wasn’t the last person to arrive. Hannah Abott and Ernie Macmillian from Hufflepuff appeared at the same time she did, and she entered behind them, spotting Draco’s silver hair right away. He was looking distastefully at Hermione and Ron, the latter of which glared back at him.
Lovely. It was already going smoothly, then.
“What took you so long?” Draco asked scathingly as she sat next to him, glaring at her.
“Hello to you too Draco, hope you had a lovely summer,” Juliet replied sarcastically, crossing her legs. “Not my fault we chose the furthest compartment every year.”
“Mother was disappointed you weren’t at the station before she left,” he muttered under his breath, his glare softening. “You must have nearly missed the train.”
“I’ll make it up to her,” Juliet waved her hand dismissively. “She loves me, I doubt she’s that upset with me.”
“She assumed it wasn’t your fault,” Draco responded carefully, his tone funny enough to make her glance over at him. “I’m sure you had an… interesting summer.”
She narrowed her eyes at him, but before she could question him, the meeting began. They went around the room, introducing each other, and everyone received a parchment with their duties written on it. 
They would be in charge of the younger students of their house-- leading them to the dormitories, getting them situated in their new environment, giving them directions, and overall being a helpful hand for them. They would also help patrol the train and the corridors at the castle, and help teachers when needed.
Juliet was surprised to find that nearly an hour had passed before the meeting was adjourned. She followed Draco out of the room, noticing rather too late that he had a glint in his eye as he stared at Hermione and Ron. 
“Father told me what to expect, he was a Prefect in his year you know,” he told Juliet pompously, arrogance clear in his tone. “He was most displeased to hear that they lowered the standards of who could be a Prefect, however.”
Ron’s ears turned red, and Hermione muttered something to him under her breath, a hand on his arm. Draco smirked, happy to have gotten the effect he wanted. Juliet felt torn, her love for her asshole cousin battling the care she held towards the Weasley’s and Hermione. 
Before she could make up a decision in her mind, Ron and Hermione were heading down the hall, presumably towards their compartment, without a backwards glance. Juliet frowned, feeling as though she had done the wrong thing.
“How was your summer, anyways?” Draco asked her as they headed towards their compartment. “Mother kept asking about you. I swear, I nearly hexed myself to death.”
“It was alright,” Juliet replied, shortly, unsure of how much she could say. “I think I’ve had better.”
“What, your father wasn’t as great as you thought he was?” the words came out of Draco’s mouth so casually, yet they hit her like a ton of bricks.
“How do you know?” she hissed under her breath, swatting his arm. 
“Hey!” Draco protested, rubbing his arm. “A big black dog arriving with Harry Potter wasn’t exactly the most inconspicuous entrance, y’know. Although I was surprised he wasn’t with you. Mother was sure he would have been guarding you, if he showed at all.”
Juliet felt hollow once more. Even Narcissa expected Sirius to love her. “Well, turns out the chosen one is more interesting. More important. Shocker, hm?”
“You can’t be serious,” Draco paused, tugging her arm to stop her. “He cares more about Potter?”
Juliet shrugged, angry that she could feel tears prick her eyes. “S’not a big deal. Fifteen years have gone by just fine without him.”
“Out of everyone, Potter,” snarled Draco, surprisingly Juliet with his intensity. “You’re a thousand times more brilliant than him.”
“I’m glad you think so.” Juliet responded quietly.
“Let’s get to the compartment before the Trolley witch leaves,” Draco said after a moment, pulling her along with him. “I think you could use a butterbeer and perhaps a pumpkin pastry.”
Juliet allowed herself to be tugged along, a smile on her face. Even if her father didn’t care for her, she would always have Draco. The Weasley’s and Remus too, of course, but it was nice to know her blood relatives still cared for her as well. Ignoring Lucius.
Draco made good on his words, getting her an abundance of sweets, refusing to let her pay, to the dismay of Pansy. They settled into their compartments with their friends, discussing their summers and laughing as they ate their snacks.
In that moment, Juliet was happy to be somewhere familiar and safe. Even if Pansy still glared at her from time to time. It was as she said, jealousy was unbecoming of her. It was proven every time her face turned an unflattering shade of maroon each time she caught a glimpse of the Prefect badge sitting proudly on Juliet’s robes. 
A grin on her face, Juliet decided, summer aside, this school year was going to be good. It would be worth the near disastrous summer she had endured.
taglist: @person1839 @treblebeth @big-galaxy-chaos @spooderham 
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safebubblebycyg · 3 years
oh, what was that? trans remus??? yes PLEASE:
-washes his binder...never?? james or sirius always does it for him, peter wont touch it because "merlin knows how long it's been, moony"
-trans werewolf? yeah that's fun, two times of the month, how cute
-not cute. they've synced up before and the only person allowed in the dorm was reg and that was only because he was the quietest out of everyone remus knew
-"you think i can cry out all the estrogen?"
-rambles to madam pomfrey about how likely the wolf is to just rip off his chest completely and how it would be the only thing he could ever thank the wolf for
-extra cranky if he breaks a rib during the moon because he gets banned from binding
-the real reason his posture is so bad
-his dad never taught him how to shave or tie a tie so sirius does both for him
-got told he screamed like a girl once so he sat in the dorms practicing his screaming until he lost his voice (sirius may or may not have turned said persons skin green)
-the reason he started knitting was so that he could make clothes that fit him the way he wanted them to
-didnt eat for a week because he was positive that he chewed too feminine
-sirius tends to end up with a remus on top of him most nights with a mumbled request of "can you help me take my binder off, my shoulders hurt too much" because the little shit wears it from like 7am to 2am (until james found out. james was not very happy. james is a scary mother hen.)
-hits the high note in bohemian rhapsody with a mixture of the lack of his voice completely dropping and the whole howling thing from his furry little problem
-doesnt go to class some days because the dysphoria is just overwhelming
-snape is an ass about it, purposely misgendering him "have you seen *deadname*, professor slughorn requested that i hand her back her assignment." "...we dont know a *deadname* do we prongsie?" "no, 'fraid not snivilly, we do know a remus though! we'll be happy to hand this assignment to HIM once HE gets back from HIS library trip with evans, merlin knows what they're up to in there, shes a big fan of his non-greasy curls" (james willingly ignores his love for lily because james said trans rights (he may or may not have an shirt that says "stags say trans rights"))
-voice cracks that marlene copies all the damn time "hEy have you seen siRi" "nO" "fuck you mcKinnon"
-demands sirius cuddle with him during his period. no asking, d e m a n d s
-peter once thwacked remus in the chest and he legit yelled "oW MY TITS, PETE" before he could think and the entirety of their friend group went silent because deadass most of them forgot remus was trans so it was a mass of confusion
-the amount of trans jokes- "hey james, do you know what my favourite subject is?" "uh, you seem to enjoy ancient ruins alright" "trans-figuration"
-"the t in remus john lupin is for testosterone" "moony, theres no t-" "temus tohn tupin."
-"if you're a sad gay trans werewolf clap your hands" "why didnt you clap?" "im bi"
-super deep into the spiderman is trans theory
remus lupin is trans and i will take this to my grave (hAVE YOU SEEN HIS FITS???? THE LAYERS?????)
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pregnant-piggy · 4 years
Cursed - two
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           |~|CHAPTER TWO|~|
series masterlist
A/N: sorry for the long wait! You all have been amazing with comments and i feel so guilty for taking so long :( I promise i will try to let the next part follow sooner!
Warnings: scars, blood, cuts, pain, nightmares
Words: 2.9k
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‘Fine, go to her. But I don't know what you can do; she is still unconscious.’
Madam Pomfrey lets the four boys walk in the Hospital Wing. You are lying in the back, hidden behind hospital-green curtains. Pomfrey pushes them aside and lets the boys enter the secluded area. They awkwardly stand at the foot of the bed, looking at you.
You are in the same position, but you have been cleaned. The bloodstains are gone and you look better, though your health probably hasn't improved in the last twenty-four hours. The scars are still clearly visible, drawing dark red lines that contrast with your skin.
Nevertheless does your face look peaceful. Your eyes are closed and your mouth is pouting a little. If they didn't know better, the boys would say you are just sleeping.
For minutes they stand at your feet, gazes taken by the scars. It is Remus who walks away first with tears in his eyes. He can't stand to watch you any longer. Seeing you with scars all over your body breaks something in him. He had always hoped that he would never meet someone who had just as many scars as he has. Thus seeing you, with so many scars, hurts him. It hurts him deeply.
James and Peter follow Remus, but Sirius can't stop looking at you. His eyes don't just look at the scars, they scan every line of your body, visible or not. The thin sheets don't hide the curves of your body and Sirius cannot imagine what your skin looks like under them.
‘Padfoot, we're going back,’ James says softly, not wanting to scare his friend. ‘We'll see you, alright?’
Sirius just nods at his friend's words and his three friends leave him and you alone.
After what feels like hours of standing, Sirius sits down in the chair next to your bed and close to your head. Hesitantly he takes your hand, careful not to hurt you. His thumb strokes he part of your hand that his wound-free.
All of a sudden he can't take it anymore and Sirius breaks down. He tries to hide his loud sobs from madam Pomfrey, who he knows is still in the space, but every time he sees your body he cries louder. He can't lose you, not now, not ever. You are important to him and Sirius regrets never telling you how important.
Sirius stays by your side until the bell rings. He hears madam Pomfrey’s footsteps on the stone and lets go of your hand, but not before pressing a kiss to it.
‘I'll be back,’ he says to you as if you can go anywhere else. Madam Pomfrey sends Sirius a glare when he passes her on his way out, but he ignores it.
When the door closes behind him Sirius realises that he has none of his stuff. He quickly runs to the Gryffindor Tower to get his books and arrives at the class five minutes late. His classmates look up when he walks into the room but he ignores them and walks to the only place left; at the front of the class, alone. He swiftly sits down and avoids making eye contact with McGonagall. From the corner of his eyes he can see she is looking at him and he does look up to her. He expected detention, losing points or at least a comment, but all she does is send him a small smile and a nod. Sirius nods back and then focuses on his hands, the tears pricking behind his eyes.
Getting through the day is dreadful, to say the least. By the time lunch has come most year-mates have realised you are missing and rumour has it that you are at the infirmary. But no one has asked the four boys about it. Yet. Every time someone mentions your name they get chills. Afraid of any unwanted questions all the boys stay silent the whole day. Usually when the Marauders are silent it means they are up to no good, so everyone leaves them alone, afraid they will become victim of a prank.
The teachers know about you and the share of the four Gryffindor boys in the incident. They send comforting looks, or what are supposed to be reassuring looks, to the boys when one of them catches their eye. Not one professor asks them questions during lessons and a few even don't give up homework, what leads to suspicions from other students but is rapidly accepted by them when they see the weather.
Immediately after their lesson ends James and Sirius go to the Hospital Wing, taking secret passages so no one will notice them. They knock on the door and madam Pomfrey opens it.
‘Don't you have any better place to be?’ she asks but lets them in anyways.
The nurse has placed two chairs next to the bed. James and Sirius sit down and madam Pomfrey tells them that from now on they can only visit two at the time. ‘She doesn't even know you're here,’ she adds and closes the curtains behind her as she walks back to her office shaking her head.
The two best friends sit in silence. James is shuffling in his chair and playing with his fingers. Sirius just stares at you, lost for words. He is calmer than this morning, but only because James is there.
‘Do you- do you think the scars are all like... this?’ James breaks the silence. Sirius looks at the part of you exposed to their vision. He nods at James.
‘The cuts were everywhere...’ he starts but doesn't talk on. James nods back at Sirius like he is confirming what his friend said. The silence takes over the room again.
After another hour, James and Sirius give up their places to Remus and Peter. The latter take place in the chairs and James and Sirius go to dinner.
‘You can come back tomorrow,’ madam Pomfrey says with a tone that indicates there is no room for argument.
James and Sirius walk to the Great Hall while Remus takes out his book and Peter starts with his Potions homework. With the help from madam Pomfrey, who still thinks the boys have no reason to be here but is happy to share her knowledge with someone that is genuinely interested, he quickly finishes. Peter looks at you and then back at Remus and senses that his friend is not completely comfortable. He suggests also going to dinner.
‘It doesn't look like she'll wake up today and we have nothing to do here,’ Peter admits. Remus agrees and together they leave you behind in a peaceful, dreamless sleep.
That night is not much different for Sirius than the previous. He still doesn't allow himself to sleep. He is not really sure why, but something tells him that sleeping right now is just not right. How can he sleep, knowing that your life is in danger?
His friends think different. It's not like they sleep much, but they try to as much as they can, knowing that staying awake won't cure you.
Their dreams are restless. Dark places and blood show up in James' dreams, Remus dreams about all the possible scenarios you could have gone through and Peter's dreams are filled with images of your cuts.
The boys all have their own tells of having a nightmare. Remus sweats a lot and groans. It is easy to recognize if Remus is having a nightmare; when he has a nightmare, loud groans escape his throat and he starts to breathe deeply, whereas he usually makes no sounds at all and you can barely hear him breathe. At the beginning of their friendship the boys always checked if Remus was actually still breathing. They stopped when Remus woke up while James was bent over him and screamed the lungs out of his body.
Calming Remus down after a nightmare is not very hard. As soon as he realises he is not alone he calms down and does the breathing exercises he learnt when he was a little boy.
James talks in his sleep. He always does so sometimes it's not clear when he is not having a good dream. You have to listen to what he says. Usually when he talks in his sleep he will mumble innocent words that make absolutely no sense. With a nightmare, however, he talks more clearly and speaks in full sentences.
It only takes a glass of water to bring James back to reality. He can even wake himself from a nightmare. It has only happened a few times that James wasn't able to calm down immediately, but the other three boys were experienced enough to calm him down after a while.
If Peter has a nightmare he twists and turns in his bed. He will be all tangled up in his bedsheets and when he wakes up he is in full panic-mode because he can't move. After the boys have freed him from his cotton prison he will just stare at one point for a while and unwind.
The worst when it comes to nightmares is Sirius. He will move and squirm while groaning and sometimes he will even scream. It happens more than often that Sirius has a nightmare. But his friends are not aware of how often. Usually before he sleeps Sirius casts silencing charms around his bed. He doesn't like to wake up his friends with his problems.
The only thing that calms Sirius down is holding him as tight as possible can and talking to him in a soothing voice, reminding him how he is not alone and that there is no danger. Only when he can listen to your heartbeat and breathing he calms down. It is usually James who will hold Sirius, in the way his father would when James was a little boy.
But tonight no one can calm down the boys. They are all taken with their own frights.
The moon makes room for the sun to rise and when the first rays of sunshine light up the dormitory all the boys who fell asleep wake up. Their attention is drawn to the closed curtains around Sirius' bed. Behind them is no movement visible and the boys take that as a sign Sirius is asleep. He isn't though, he is awake and has been all night.
Breakfast is just as silent as yesterday. The boys are later but only a few other people are there.
‘You really have to eat something, Padfoot. You didn't eat much at dinner yesterday either.’
‘‘m not hungry,’ Sirius mutters as he pushes his plate away.
‘At least drink something then,’ Remus says and he gives Sirius a glass. Hesitantly Sirius drinks it but it tastes like nothing; he doesn’t even know what he is drinking. His throat, however, is thankful for the liquid and longs for more. Sirius fills his glass again and his friends are so smart not to say something about it.
After their breakfast the boys slowly walk to the infirmary. Madam Pomfrey had told them that she wouldn't let them in before eight o'clock and they are early.
On their way they stop twice, once because Peter has to tie his shoelaces and another time because James wanted to see something in the courtyard. When they reach the Hospital Wing it is five to eight, but they figure madam Pomfrey will let them in.
Remus knocks on the door but it is not Pomfrey who opens it. McGonagall’s head appears in the small opening. From what the boys can see she is wearing a plaid dressing gown. Her always so serious face has a worried expression on it and there are strands of hair coming from her bun.
‘You have to come back later,’ she announces and by her tone the boys notice there is something wrong.
Sirius grabs James' shoulder for balance and Peter lets out a sigh. Remus’ face whitens and his hand that was still the air from knocking drops along his body. James puts his arm around Sirius and turns to McGonagall.
‘What do you mean, professor? We just want to see (Y/N).’
McGonagall shakes her head. ‘That is not possible right now.’
Sirius’ grip on James shoulder tightens and Peter mutters something under his breath. ‘Why not?’ James asks and his voice trembles.
‘I cannot tell you now. We will inform you later.’ McGonagall closes the door and the boys hear her footsteps away from the door.
Deep in thought the boys walk back to the common room. It is filled with people who are late for breakfast or waiting for the lessons to start. Anxiously the boys sit down on a couch away from the other Gryffindors. A silence falls over them, filling the air around them with tension.
‘She'll be fine,’ James mutters more to himself than to the others. Peter nods and watches his watch. Ten more minutes and they will have the distraction from their lessons. The time passes slowly and every minute feels like an hour.
Everything is getting too much for Sirius. When his friends leave for their separated lessons, Sirius is supposed to go to History of Magic. But an hour of listening to boring stories doesn't really make Sirius excited. So instead he wanders around the deserted corridors. He goes to the lowest dungeon and the highest tower, but he doesn't pay any attention to the places he walks past. His mind is with you. Ever since McGonagall declined them into the Hospital Wing Sirius has been anxious, worried, angry and nauseous.
The cold metal of the railing on one of the towers fills Sirius' whole body with cold. The wind blows through his school robes and his hair making his whole body freeze. The tears on his face dry as soon as they fall from his eyes.
When he can't feel his toes anymore Sirius walks back to the common room. Halfway through his journey he comes across McGonagall. Sirius expects her to be angry with him walking around the school while he is supposed to be in class but she approaches him and asks him to follow her. Surprised and confused Sirius follows her.
McGonagall leads him to the Hospital Wing. She opens the door and lets Sirius in. She calls madam Pomfrey and leaves the boy with her. Madam Pomfrey walks to the corner you are and Sirius follows her. The curtains around your bed are opened a bit and a tray with at least ten different potions and salves stands on the bedside table.
It costs Sirius the greatest effort to look at you. Your body is shining from the medicines that the nurse has put on your scars. Gleaming lines cover your scars that have turned purplish. Your lips have turned a dark red, like someone put lipstick on them, and your skin is so fragile looking that is seems you can look through it.
Sirius breaks for the third time in the past two days. Madam Pomfrey explains to him how the curse hadn't left your body and was attacking you from inside. It was Peter's homework that made Pomfrey think about checking you for internal wounds. Then she discovered the curse was still in your body trying to shut down your organs and immune system.
‘(Y/L/N) is a strong girl, mister Black. I don't think many others would have made it in this case.’
But no words reach Sirius. He has sat down in the chair closest to you. Your hand is in his and he only mumbles your name. Madam Pomfrey leaves the broken boy alone with you.
‘(Y/N), stay strong,’ Sirius whispers when he moves his head closer to you. He tries so hard not to focus on the scars. ‘You'll get through this. If there is anyone who can do it, it's you. I believe in you-' Sirius’ words stay in his mouth; his gaze had shifted to your scars. He clears his throat and continues softly, ‘Don't leave me, (Y/N). I need you. You're my best friend.’ Tears well up in Sirius’ eyes and he stops talking.
Sirius stays at your bed for as long as he can. His friends join him one at the time. They are all evenly concerned and shocked, but not as much as Sirius. That doesn't come as a shock to them; you and Sirius have always been close and though Sirius will say otherwise, you are his weak spot. Many times his friends have told him that it is obvious he is absolutely, totally and one hundred percent in love with you, but always has Sirius said that he is not. However, when his friends then told him that it is obvious you like Sirius too, he would blush.
It is eight o'clock when madam Pomfrey sends Sirius away. She understands that he is worried, but the longer the boy stays with you the worse he looks. The nurse is impressed by Sirius' loyalty. There hasn't been a single minute today that he left your side. Not once did he go to the toilet and he never asked for food.
You’re in good hands.
Cursed:@starcross16 @racerparker @mytreec @hariosborn @purplefragile @blissfvll
Sirius Black:@treestarrrrrrrr​ @bumbelbeeesblog​ @with1love1anu​ @transparentttttttttt​ @sirius-satellite​ @cheoco​ @girllety​ @figlia--della--luna​ @malikinglove​ @alwaysinmydaydreams​ @eateraa​ @bi-andready-tocry​ @fangirlofbooksandpasta​ @littlemissgothgirl​ @always394patronus​ @heavenly-ascended-melodies​ @mrs-moony​ @coldlilheart​ @fific7​ @april-showers-and-flowers​
Marauders: @secretsthathauntus​ @ronniethelost​ @sognatrice-as-a-hobby​ @hxrgreeves​ @belovedadam @wecouldbreakthedistance​ @valentina-007​
Harry Potter: @kitkatkl​ @yuptha-tsme​ @sleep-i-ness​ @iamak20​ @thefuturelawyer​ @weasleydream​ @missmulti​ @deafgirltingz​
let me know if you want to be added!
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