#hyunjae x gn!reader
jinkoh · 5 months
fall back on me
hyunjae x gn!reader
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summary: to say you hadn't been pleased when you’d found out hyunjae was your soulmate would be an understatement. he was loud and annoying and all the two of you ever did was bicker. and yet, somehow, you wanted to be there for him
part of my soulmate series
tags: soulmate au (sharing bruises), childhood frenemies to lovers, high school au, hurt/comfort, some fluff, SFW; warnings: implied abuse/domestic violence, mentions of injuries and blood
wc: 3.8k a/n: can someone tell me why this is almost 4k when i thought i'd stick to tiny <1k drabbles for this series? is it bc i am currently so very in love with leehyunjae?? perhaps?? we may never know
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“I think I could really miss out on P.E today,” you sighed as you slung your gym bag over your shoulder and followed your friends out of the classroom.
“You could always miss out on P.E, y/n,” Siyeon corrected with a raised eyebrow. “I remember in middle school there was a time where you purposely forgot your gym clothes every. single. week.”
“Eh? For real?” Minji chimed in in surprise.
“Yupp, even got detention for it, but showed up without again the week after.”
“Let bygones be bygones already, Siyeon,” you complained, a little uncomfortable about her bringing it up. Not that it wasn’t true, but you’d had your reasons at the time. Now however you simply didn’t like sports. You weren’t very good, especially with ball sports, and you knew you’d get an earful about it if you got hurt.
“Fine,” she agreed, almost disappointed to drop the topic. Minji on the other hand didn’t mind much, her attention grabbed by something else—or more accurately: someone else. The guys from the basketball team were coming your way, Juyeon, Jacob and, of course, Hyunjae. Minji seemed absolutely delighted; it wasn’t a secret that she basically crushed on all of them. You weren't half as excited about this. When Hyunjae met your gaze, a small grin tugged at his lips and he came your way. You let out a groan. You really weren’t in the mood for this.
“What a passionate greeting,” he said with a small shake of his head, “is that any way to treat your beloved classmate?”
“We’re not even in the same class, Jaehyun.”
He dramatically clutched his heart. “So cold, y/n, so cold.” Then his gaze fell onto your gym bag. “P.E? Really?”
“Yup. We’re playing basketball.”
He scrunched up his face. “If only you were half as gifted as me.”
“It’s not like I want to play either. But I’m hardly the one making the class schedule now, am I?”
“Right. Guess there’s no way around it. Just don’t fall again, those were some nasty bruises last week.”
“Mhm,” you rolled your eyes. “I’ll try my best.”
“Well sadly, your best isn’t all that good, y/n. You know, I could give you some pointers.”
“Nah, thanks, I can handle myself.”
“That’s just empty words,” he complained, “I need a bit more than that to feel reassured.”
“If the ball comes my way I’ll just catch it with my face,” you deadpanned before pushing past him.
“Not funny!" He yelled after you but you didn’t turn around again, just giving him a half-assed wave over your shoulder.
A second later, Minji was jogging up next to you, completely baffled by the whole interaction. “How do you know Hyunjae?! Do you have something going on?”
“Ew, no,” you immediately replied.
“But he clearly cares for you!”
“For me?” You couldn’t help but chuckle. “Hardly.”
Siyeon came up between the two of you, casually slinging her arm over Minji’s shoulder. “They are soulmates,” she explained matter of factly, “Didn’t you know?”
“He is your soulmate?! Why didn’t you tell me, y/n?”
“It’s not like it’s something to brag about.”
“Duh?! It is! We’re talking about the Lee Hyunjae.”
You made a disgusted face. “Exactly.”
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In High School, Hyunjae was one of the popular kids. Maybe it was because he was tall or because he played basketball or perhaps it was that charming smile of his—either way, everyone was enamored by him. The guys wanted to be his friend and the girls wanted to get into his bedsheets and even the teachers seemed to like him despite his bold demeanor. 
You however felt a little different about him. You’d been in the same school since elementary, so you’d basically seen him grow up. While he was the cool and charming Hyunjae to everyone else, to you he was still Jaehyun, the odd one out, a kid that seemed unable to read the room or purposely didn’t. It wasn’t that he’d never had friends, it was that he couldn’t seem to keep them, sooner or later being left behind for being loud and annoying or for taking one of his pranks too far. The teachers had deemed him a troublemaker, unable to focus and distracting everyone else and your opinion of him wasn’t much better. 
You’d found out he was your soulmate in 4th grade, when the bloody knee he got from playing soccer made your own knee turn red and blue. To say you weren’t pleased was an understatement. You had no intention of being close to such a troublesome kid, worried about ruining your grades and tired of his exhausting personality. Any time you spoke to him, you just ended up bickering about his missing homework or him skipping out on cleaning duty. Honestly, it was draining your energy. So, you kept the whole soulmate thing your little secret, never telling him what you’d discovered. It was easy enough—he was never paying attention to you anyway, so he wouldn’t notice if you shared a bruise or two from time to time. You didn’t tell anyone else either. As far as you were concerned, you didn’t have a soulmate. A lot of people didn’t have one anyway and as long as neither of you got hit in the face no one would find out.
You started to reconsider in middle school though. It wasn’t that you suddenly liked him, even if you had to admit that he’d gotten more bearable. He’d calmed down a little and his pranks too were not completely lacking in sensibility and consideration anymore. Actually he was barely playing pranks at all, keeping a low profile more often than not. And there was something else. 
At first you’d thought the bruises were from playing soccer again, and you would have told him off to be more careful if that hadn’t meant outing yourself as his soulmate. But you realized he never actually joined the guys playing soccer anymore. And it would barely explain the bruises anyway—if they were on your knees, sure, but on your ribs and upper arms? You had your doubts. As they kept appearing, littering your body to a point where you didn’t dare to change in front of other people anymore, your worries grew. Something was wrong, but you didn’t know how to address it and much less if you should in the first place.
“Long sleeves?” Siyeon asked one day during recess, eyebrows raised in confusion.
“I don’t know, I think it’s kinda cold,” you lied.
“Cold? It’s summer! Y/n, I can literally see the sweat running down your temple.” She shook her head in disbelief. “I swear to god, we only have weirdo’s in this class. Hyunjae is the same.” She nodded over to him. You thought he’d been sleeping, his head resting on his arms, but at the mention of his name he looked up. Your gaze briefly met, and for a second there was an odd expression on his face, his eyes lingering on your covered up arms for a second too long. You felt your chest tighten, thinking he knew, and for the first time it wasn’t the soulmate part that frightened you. More than that you worried about the fact that you knew such a deeply vulnerable thing about him. You weren’t close, so surely he wouldn’t want you to know. You opened your mouth, wondering if you should say something, but then he turned back around, resting his head on his desk again as if nothing had happened. Maybe his odd gaze had just been your imagination.
You didn’t go swimming even once that summer, and you assumed neither did he, because the bruises never really left, new ones coming before old ones could heal. You skipped out on P.E class claiming you forgot your things, or changed on the toilet instead and no one seemed to question it, deciding it must simply be a rebellious phase for you. You knew it couldn’t continue like this, but you felt so helpless, caught up in something that shouldn’t be your business. With the history you shared, what could you even say, that wouldn’t sound condescending and meddlesome coming from you? You felt like the issue was slowly eating you up from the inside and a part of you wished you could just wipe off all the bruises and get rid of the connection that tied you to this mess. But even if you could, even if you woke up tomorrow without a single bruise, your skin a blank slate, Hyunjae would still have them. He would still wake up with the same injuries, covering them up for no one to see. It must be lonely, you thought, to go through so much pain all by yourself, hiding it away when really you want someone to notice and hold out a hand to you.
When you spotted him still lingering in the half dark classroom after school was long over, sitting on the floor against the wall and playing something on his phone, you decided to talk to him. 
“You’re still here.”
Hyunjae looked up at you, surprise flashing through his eyes, before he focused back on the screen that was casting a blueish light onto his face. “Mhm.” He shrugged. “You gonna rat me out to the teachers?”
“Aren’t you going to go home?”
“Yeah,” he said, but he didn’t show any intention to leave at all.
It wasn’t exactly how you expected the conversation to go. You’d thought it would be easier. Or maybe you were just caught off guard to see him so calm for once, his energy seemingly used up over the course of the day. He wasn’t making snappy comments or bad jokes. He was just sitting there.
At a loss of what to do, you plopped down next to him, leaving some space between you. You glanced at his phone, watching him play. He didn’t comment on it, but you noticed the way he tilted the screen the tiniest bit so you could see better. The two of you probably sat there like that for almost an hour, until a pop up warned him that he was running out of battery. 
“Shit,” he grumbled, reluctantly closing the game. He shoved his phone into his pocket, but even then he didn’t stand up.
“You don’t want to go home, do you?” You asked and you didn’t expect him to be honest, but he was.
“No.” He paused for a moment before looking over at you, searching for something in your eyes. A sense of fellowship, perhaps. “What about you? You don’t want to go either?”
You hesitated. “That’s not it.”
“Then why?” But it seemed what he was really asking was how? How do you know then, when you’re not the same as me?
“I was worried.”
“About what?”
There was another pause and then he laughed, but it didn’t sound convincing. “Why are you always so meddlesome? You don’t have to bug me about my homework anymore, you know? You’re not my mom and I’m fine.”
“But you’re not,” you insisted.
He looked almost angry now and it was weird to see him like that, because through all the years you’d known him, through all the fights you’d picked with him, you’d never seen him angry, not really. “Don’t act like you know me. You don’t know anything.”
You bit your lower lip and closed your eyes, trying to gather some strength. Your fingers clutched the hem of your shirt, holding onto it with a grip so strong it made your knuckles turn white. “I do know,” you pressed out, your voice trembling as you pulled up your shirt enough to reveal your ribcage. Hyunjae made a choked up noise, but it took you a second longer to find the courage to look at him. When you did, there were tears in his eyes. He looked onto your skin in horror, and you knew that he understood what it all meant. You let the hem of your shirt fall back down. 
“I’m sorry,” he whispered and the way he sounded so shaky, so vulnerable, made tears well up in your eyes too. He wrapped his arms around his body, as if that could somehow hide away the truth you both already knew about.
“You have nothing to be sorry about, Jaehyun. It’s not your fault.”
“But I—,” He trailed off. “I’m so sorry.”
“I promise you don’t have to be sorry. And you don’t have to endure it all by yourself either.” You reached out, gently, carefully grazing his hand with your own. To your surprise he didn’t flinch away. Instead, his fingers wrapped around yours. He held onto you like a lifeline, his grip almost painful, but you didn’t complain. In a way you felt grateful that he wasn’t pushing you away. It was weird, because you’d never thought you cared about or liked him. But right in that moment, you thought maybe you did. At the very least you wanted to be someone he could rely on and why would you want that if not because you liked him to some extent?
It would be delusional to think you could magically fix his situation. After all, you were just a kid at the time. But still, you tried to at least be there in ways you could. You’d stay behind after class with him, keeping him company as he played his mobile games. Sometimes you’d use the time to do your homework, and eventually he even joined in, getting you to explain things he had missed due to getting distracted in class. You liked the way his face lit up when he got them right. You were also the one to suggest the basketball club to him. Because you’re tall, you said and it wasn’t a lie, but mainly it was because they practiced late and it gave him a reason to stay behind. You never talked about the bruises again, but you thought they became fewer, the less time he spent at home. Until suddenly, they just stopped appearing.
“We moved,” he ambiguously explained one day, but you understood just fine without him having to say more.
“So…you can go home now?” You asked, looking up from where you were crouched over your math workbooks.
“Yeah.” He paused. “But you still have to explain the homework to me though.”
“Okay,” you smiled and you thought he was smiling too, his head already hunched over the formulas in his book again.
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“You’re kidding, right?” Hyunjae greeted you as soon as you came out of the changing rooms after class. He was leaning against the wall, clearly having waited for you. His nose was red and slightly bruised.
“Don’t be mean,” you replied with a pout, your voice slightly muffled by the towel you were holding up against your face, “I have a nosebleed.”
“I can see that." He shook his head with a sigh. "I didn’t think you meant it literally when you said you’d stop the ball with your face.” 
“Neither did I, but it seems this is what fate wanted.”
“Fate my ass. You just suck at sports.” 
“Be grateful you only get the bruise and not the bleeding.”
“Mhm, thanks for not completely ruining my face.” He pushed himself off the wall and started walking down the hallway. After a few steps he turned back around to you. “Stop standing there like a fool. Come.” He didn’t check again if you were coming along, but he didn’t have to because you plodded after him, gym bag in one and the bloody towel in the other hand. Hyunjae stopped in front of the infirmary, knocking but not waiting for a response before pushing the door open. It was empty either way. You awkwardly stood in the doorway while he rummaged through the cabinet.
“Can you not stand there like some playmobil figure? Sit,” he nodded towards the bed in the corner.
“You really keep on insulting me today, huh?” you complained but you plopped down on the mattress anyway.
Hyunjae met your gaze with a grin. “Today? Always.”
“You’re insufferable.”
“Mhm, says the one who gave me a super ugly bruise on my face.” He sat down on the wheeled swivel stool, scooting it over until he was right across from you, a box of wet tissues in his hand. “Now let’s clean up that mess.”
When you lowered the towel he pulled a disgusted face. “That’s so gross.”
“It’s just a nosebleed,” you put the towel up again with a frown, “and I never said I needed your help anyway.”
“Don’t be silly.” Hyunjae moved your hand away and tilted his head to take a proper look. “It’s not bleeding anymore, is it?” He mumbled, carefully wiping away the blood stains beneath your nose. It didn’t seem like he actually wanted a reply, so you stayed quiet, fixing your eyes onto the trees outside the window so you didn’t have to look at him this close up. Maybe it should have felt weird to have him take care of you like this. But it didn’t, because Hyunjae was always like this. Even with all the bickering and arguing, even when his friend circle was so vastly different from your own, when it came down to it he’d have your back.
“Can I ask you something?” you broke the silence while Hyunjae momentarily stopped his ministrations in your face to switch out the tissue.
“You mean what I did to deserve a soulmate as clumsy as you? I’d like to know that too,” he replied as he got back to work, but you ignored the silly comment.
“Why didn’t you try to keep it a secret?”
“What?” He sounded genuinely confused about what you were talking about.
“That we're soulmates. Isn't it embarrassing?”
Hyunjae huffed a laugh, not lifting his focus from where he was getting rid of some blood that had made its way into the corner of your lip. “Why would it be embarrassing?” 
“I don’t know. Because you’re one of the cool kids now.” 
That put a challenging grin on his face and he glanced up. “You think I’m cool?” 
“You know that’s not what I mean.” You rolled your eyes.
“Hm,” he paused to think for a moment. “It just never occurred to me. I don’t think there's anything embarrassing about it. You being my soulmate was never something that seemed worth hiding. And I know you'd never tell anyone the things I do want to hide.”
His words made you feel a little guilty, remembering all too well how keen you’d been on keeping it a secret when you'd first found out. 
“To be honest,” Hyunjae continued, “when you told me I felt sorry. But I also thought I got impossibly lucky.”
“Yeah,” he stared at his hands as switched out the tissue again, even though there was barely any blood on it. It felt like he was purposely avoiding your gaze, something that didn’t happen all too often. “I really liked you, you know? Even before you told me.” 
“But I was so mean to you.”
He tilted his head in confusion. “Really? Were you mean?” 
“I was totally mean. I always bugged you to hand in your homework. And I scolded you when you didn’t do your cleaning duty.” 
“Yeah. I kinda liked that.” 
You let out a snort and it made a new wave of blood gush out from your nose. 
“Ew.” Hyunjae scrunched up his face as he held up the tissue to catch the blood.
“Are you a masochist or something?” 
“Don’t be like that.” He gave you a dissatisfied pout. “At the time it meant a lot to me. You were the only one who cared enough to get angry. Even the teachers had given up on scolding me. I think I would have repeated a year if it wasn’t for you. So I was grateful. And in middle school too…,” he trailed off. You both knew what he was talking about anyway. 
“I didn’t do anything, though. I didn’t do anything to help.”
“You did. You were there for me. You made me feel less alone. I think I have a lot to be grateful for. So there isn’t really any reason for me to be embarrassed about you, is there?” 
You felt your cheeks flush with heat, taken off guard by his sincere response. It’d never occurred to you that he could think this way about everything. You hadn’t expected him to value it so much, because you’d always felt like you hadn’t done enough, like you hadn’t been good enough of a soulmate for him. So the way he spoke so fondly about you now almost made you want to tear up. 
“Still, isn’t it bothersome?,” you mumbled, trying to distract from how flustered you were. “What if you want to date? Wouldn’t they be put off if they knew you had a soulmate?” 
“What, are you worried about my love life?” Hyunjae grinned, “Or is it you who’s bothered, because you think the reason you can’t get any is because of me? Trust me, y/n, that’s not why. It’s just not very attractive to have blood gushing out of your nose.” 
“Shut up. I was being—” 
“But I might be willing to take responsibility anyway.” 
“—serious,” you completed your sentence, before what he’d said actually reached your brain. “What?” 
He shrugged. “I’m just saying. If you’re worried about ending up all alone because no one wants a klutz like you, you always have a soulmate to fall back on.” When he looked up, his expression was serious, eyes not shying away from yours. “Fall back on me.”
You’d been sitting way too close this entire time, with him tending to your face, but now that he was looking at you so intently it suddenly made you feel nervous. You almost wanted to pinch yourself to make sure this was actually happening. When you replied your voice came out quiet and a little raspy. “I don’t think it’s considered falling back if I never wanted anyone else to begin with.”
A silly smile spread on his lips, making his eyes form crescents. “It’s because I’m so cool, right?”
You shook your head in disbelief before you let your forehead bump into his. “It’s because you’re such an idiot.”
“Hm,” he hummed, his gaze dropping to your lips, before coming back up to your eyes again. “I think I can live with that.”
You weren’t sure who closed the gap between your lips. Maybe it was you, but it didn’t seem to matter either way, because he cupped your jaw and kissed you back. It tasted a bit like iron and a bit like disinfectant and it still made your heart flutter.
“You know,” he eventually mumbled into your lips with a grin, “your nosebleed is making this kinda gross.”
“Don’t ruin this for us.”
“I’m not ruining it. I’m making it special.”
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series masterlist | tbz masterlist
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aventvrinne · 2 years
No Point.
crush!hyunjae x gn!reader
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Warning : angst, rejected.
Summary : You got rejected by your crush, Hyunjae.
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"There is no point liking me," Hyunjae said, "because you know I don't like you, and I wish I never met you, honestly."
"Just pick someone else," he added, "please."
In a world where everyone is beautiful and perfect, how can you ever be rejected?
You were so sure that you were the one for him. Hyunjae was always nice to you, and he always made you feel special. But then one day he rejected you. He told you that there was no point in liking him because he didn't like you back.
You tried not to cry all over again. This time though, instead of crying uncontrollably, you just sat there and stared at him with empty eyes as he left the room without saying anything else to you at all.
You felt like an idiot. How could you have been so blind? Why hadn't you seen the signs?
Why did you even try?
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kyaroscuro · 10 months
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It's not hard to be close to Hyunjae, on the contrary, it's as easy as being in love and god knows how much you love each other. Then why are you so shy?
pairing : boyfriend!hyunjae x gn!reader genre : established relationship, fluff, first love, discovering each other warnings : a bit suggestive? notes : hi hello, my name is what you want it to (yes i'm obsessed), this is the very first work i'm posting here and i hope my feelings will be conveyed. everything came from this post and i oops! writing this was a breath of fresh air and i'm even more in love now (sigh). anyway, let me know what you think about it <3 there might be a smut part 2 one day... words count : 1246
You've been dating Hyunjae for 3 months now and you've never been intimate with him. Intimate in the sense that you've never seen each other's skin, you don't change in the same room nor take showers together and god you've never done anything sexual (although you do tease each other a lot).
And it's not that you don't want to be intimate with him, oh you want it more than anything, probably since you met him, his pretty eyes and goofy smile. But you're both kind of shy around each other, it's your first relationship and you want to get it right.
To be honest, it's more than that. You are so in love with him that sometimes when he kisses you a little longer or when his hands find your waist you feel overwhelmed and the overflowing feelings make you nervous, not knowing what to do next.
You'd think that Hyunjae would be confident and take things in stride but the truth is that he's just as shy and scared as you are. You see him blush every time you reach out to hold his hand, every time you initiate a kiss and crawl closer into his embrace. He's never been in love with anyone like this before and yet he's been in relationships before. For him, it feels like you're his first and his last. It may be cliché but he sees himself growing old with you, getting married and having children in a nice, cosy home. He wants to call you his, to wake up with you in his arms and also...
"Angel, it's early come back to bed," his rough morning voice will always make you shiver, another thing you love about him.
When you turn around, you find him staring at you with half closed eyes, a smile and an outstretched hand. If he were the devil, you would have walked right into his trap. He hums, feeling content to have you in his arms again, kissing the top of your hair.
"Hyunjae," you whined
"I know, just a few more minutes"
As if on cue, he holds you tighter and your head is pressed against his chest, listening to his heartbeat. It's calm, but with a sudden race, as if it were about to explode. Unconsciously, your free hand comes to feel it as you give him your gaze. He's already looking at you with sparkling eyes, his beautiful eyes full of stars that sometimes you wonder if you could drown in them. Your very own starry sky.
You lean in, bathing in the warm sensation of your lips on his. The kiss is soft and tender, like a good morning greeting, but becomes intense and passionate with his hand cupping your face and gentle caresses on your waist. An open-hearted kiss into which you both pour your vulnerability and feelings. When you pull away, you feel as if your breath has been taken away, your heart flutters in ecstasy and you want to dive in again. Time has stopped for a moment. You lock eyes and suddenly feel much hotter, it's addictive but you peck his lips in a low giggle.
"We're going to be late"
"Let's call in sick then"
The change in mood startles you, he pins you to the mattress and starts kissing you all over. It's playful and you give in too easily until he starts tickling you. Oh war has begun and being late is the least of your worries.
Love is not supposed to be easy but loving Hyunjae is the easiest thing ever.
Love is as easy as a date, because no matter where you are, he will always make you feel at home. Love is as easy as giving you the key to his apartment, because he wants to come home to you. So why isn't it easy to be intimate with your loved one? When you trust each other beyond words, when love isn't enough to describe how you feel, when you want to cherish each other through all the steps of life?
Present <3 (1)
How about a movie night? Blanket fort, fried chicken, you and me I would say that you have me with you Because I am the only thing you need? Cause I want you in every way You got me baby, I am all yours
There you are, blushing like a mess at work, butterflies in your stomach. One way or another the shyness will go away, every day you feel the need to be closer to him than you already are and he shows the same needs in his own way. Hell, the first step was going to his place every day and still not moving in together.
The first time he kissed you ? You came back from your third date, it was pouring and you ran back to his place holding hands and laughing because it surprised you. He gave you his jacket since you were clad in a dress and yet you were soaking wet. He offered you to take a shower and when you came back with his clothes on, something shifted in his mind. You were so pretty and you were his. His to court and kiss. So he kissed you. Longer than intended. And you kissed back as long as he did, making him smile through the kiss.
That day and memory are still etched in your mind and you wouldn't change a thing about it or maybe make out a little longer...
So when he texted you to say he was coming back home with the chicken, you were on a mission. Doing the fort was your pleasure, the chicken his and the movie your typical friday night.
"Baby I'm home!"
Unlike usual you run up to him for a hug and a kiss, only to have him giggle at your eagerness.
"Missed me?"
"A lot. How was your day?"
"Fine, i just really need to shower"
"Kiss me? Before you go"
Another chuckle.
"You know I'm just a door away? But I'm happy to oblige"
To be honest, you want to shower with him and you have wanted to for a moment without knowing how to ask. For now you will settle for some cuddling and maybe some skinship.
"Do you need anything angel?"
"You're so clingy today, what happened?"
"I- I just want to be close to you"
"How close?"
He snuggled up against you with his question, looking at you with doe eyes. You took the opportunity to put your hands on his chest, his hair was still slightly damp from showering and he was just glowing. For you, he's the most beautiful man alive and he's yours.
Suddenly you shiver at the feel of his hands on your bare skin. The room feels too hot, it's almost like it's spinning. His giggling sends shivers down your spine and he tries to move his hands away but you block him.
You see a gleam of surprise in his eyes, wondering what your next move will be. It's his time to be confused by your hands under his shirt. He blushes hard feeling a twist in his gut, you have never been this enterprising before. He cups your head and kisses you like his life depends on it, panting and sighing.
"Jae," you let out a small moan at his roughness.
"i want to be close to you too"
"In every way?"
"In every way."
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dlrvuio · 1 year
bf!juyeon random texts
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genre - fluff, idolbf!juyeon x gn!reader (ft. hyunjae)
warnings - one swear word (sh!t)
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2023 | please do not copy, repost, or claim my work
reblogs, likes, and comments are appreciated
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cloverdaisies · 7 months
# UR SUCH AN EMO! 。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
— choi chanhee x gn!reader
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₊⊹⁀➴ description: the popular kid meets his unconventional match in one of the school’s most hated emo’s. from lab partners to cleaning buddies: the events that caused social royalty to fall in love with someone from the very bottom of the high school food chain. 。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
₊⊹⁀➴ genre: angst, fluff, enemies to lovers.
₊⊹⁀➴ word count: 4.1k+
₊⊹⁀➴ a/n: happy belated birthday @sanaxo-o , ily a lot, hope you enjoy this little piece i put together 4 u 🫶 it’s been in the works for a while but i really wanted to complete it for you. 。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
₊⊹⁀➴ warnings: mentions of bullying, frequent arguing.
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The sound of crashing drums and noisy guitar riffs leaked from your headphones, lazily dragging your shoes across the pavement as you were unwillingly met with the gates of the hell that was school. As usual, the halls were like the inside of a incredibly overpopulated zoo, with heads being met with the sides of lockers and the boisterous roars of students celebrating the beginning of the last semester of senior year.
You couldn’t be more excited to finish school, considering school simply wasn’t the safest place for anyone with alternative taste in anything. You clumsily made your way to your locker, abruptly pausing the music in your headphones before placing them on the shelf and shutting it with a slam.
“Someone’s not happy.” You sighed at the voice beside you, a familiar voice that has haunted your nightmares since you were at least 14 years old. “If you wear anymore eyeliner, you’re gonna start looking like your cosplaying a panda.”
“Good one.” One of other boys perked up, cheering on the other with a pitiful snicker sucking up to him like a little minion in goggles and dungarees ready to steal the moon.
Sunwoo definitely wasn’t the nicest guy to be around in high school, it certainly didn’t help that your locker was conveniently placed next to his so you got the divine pleasure of seeing him everyday. It also didn’t help that his group of minions congregated around that space 24/7 during every break like they had nowhere else to be.
However, he wasn’t the worst of the bunch. If anything it was a boy called Chanhee, he always had something to say, in fact too many things. “Your headphones are making my ears bleed.” , “Try not to wear black challenge!” , or just simple things sometimes like “I HATE your shoes.” You couldn’t deny you brought that upon yourself after one time you’d made fun of the fact he’d worn a beret to school, yeah the entire, “dAd yOu CaNt dO tHiS i WaNna gO tO fAsHioN sChoOl” comment you’d made didn’t sit well with him.
He stood towards the back of the small circle, him, Sunwoo and Changmin were the only ones that had arrived on time surprisingly, as some of that group seemed to only turn up half way through the day when they felt like it. The others weren’t as bad either, Hyunjae was a nice guy and so was Haknyeon, the rest you hadn’t had too much interaction with, thankfully.
Breezing past them with a sigh, you threw your bag over your shoulder and decided it’s best to ignore them rather than make any attempt to clap back. Besides how could you waste anytime when you had the extremely fun class that was chemistry to rush to?
“Okay class, welcome. Take your seats.” Your chemistry teacher welcomed you in with a jovial smile, his combover gelled so stiffly it would survive a hurricane intact. "We're jumping straight into some lab work today, I've assigned you partners based on ability."
The entire class let out a unanimous groan at the thought of set partners, the excited glances made by bestfriends across the room being replaced with long frowns. However, for you, this was simply the best case scenario since you didn’t have any friends in this class. At least that’s what you thought until the teacher spoke some unfathomable words that sent you spiralling as soon as they fell from his tongue.
“Y/n, you’re with Chanhee on this bay.” He called from the second row, you glanced over at Chanhee who rolled his eyes with a groan grabbing his bag and grumpily shoving it down next to his stool.
“Don’t get me wrong, I’m not happy either.” You laughed sarcastically, sitting beside him as he rested his head on the desk in frustration.
The teacher went on to explain the test you’d be carrying out, different chemicals reactivity in water, recording the results and comparing the differences. It was pretty simple, since it’s was just a warm up to ease the class into the semester. Hopefully the time would pass fairly quickly so you wouldn’t have to sit next to mr. miserable for much longer.
“Are you just going to sit there or help?” You sighed, watching the boy sit up with sleepy eyes peaking through the strands of his dyed blonde hair. You passed him a pair of protective goggles, dropping them in front of him as he jolted awake.
“Sorry, I fell asleep you’re that boring.” He replied satirically placing his glasses on. He sported a false smile gleaming off his white teeth, his eyes creasing and smile lines faintly showing at each peak of his lips.
“Charming.” You raised your eyebrows momentarily, filling the plastic basin with water and placing it on the table in front of you. You took turns dropping chemicals into the water watching the the chemicals fizz or even catch light at times. Recording the sound and visual on paper as well as the time taken for it to stop.
“So why do you hate me so much?” You asked the boy curiously, crossing your arms as you watched him scribble down some more notes in his workbook.
“I don’t?” He laughed slightly, shaking his head, his golden earrings dazzling under the light. “I’m more annoyed I have to work with you, because to him, hopefully I can get your grades up.”
“So you’re crying because you think you’re doing charity work? Get over yourself.” You snickered, not breaking eye contact as he stared you down with an intense glare, his pupils darkened in silent rage.
“Maybe you should get over yourself, huh? You ever thought about that, don’t talk to me on your high horse when you had no reason to make fun of me for what I wear in the first place.” Chanhee spat, thankfully the ringing of the school bell paused the argument, diffusing the tension in the air.
The class was dismissed, and in your next few classes you couldn’t stop thinking about what you would have said back to him in that conversation. Perhaps something along the lines of “Isn’t that what you and your group have done to me everyday for the past 5 years?” If the bell hadn’t rang there would have probably been some sort of cat fight break out.
Soon it was lunch, and as you were sitting with your friends on your own table you felt an intense stare across the room. You looked up inquisitively at the feeling of eyes on you, spotting the same group of boys Sunwoo, Chanhee and the others you like to call the minions ( come on they literally have one called Kevin ) staring at you like hawks. You rolled your eyes and continued talking with your friends, eyes occasionally wandering to the other side of the room. You needed another drink, squashing your empty carton of apple juice and throwing it into the trash can nearby —landing a pretty cool trick shot.
“He’s not very happy with you.” A polite voice chimed from in front of you in the line of the canteen, “Said you got in a bit of an argument.”
You turned to see Haknyeon, nibbling on cherry tomatoes from a plastic packet like a small mouse, whilst heartily filling up his lunch tray and sliding it across the surface.
“I can tell that, the minions seem to have a bit of a staring problem.” You chuckled looking over the group where they were trying to land food into each others mouths from large distances, yelling boyishly when Juyeon caught a grape from across the cafeteria.
“He’ll get over it.” Haknyeon shrugged, as he got to the front of the line ready to pay for his food. He held out the plastic packet of tomatoes he was snacking on and offered. “Tomato?”
“No thanks, I hate them.” You laughed slightly, listening to the beep as his card was accepted on the lunch reader.
“More for me then.” He shrugged, stuffing his face with another before flashing the brightest and cutest smile you’d ever seen. You paid for your drink, sitting back at the table with a sigh, glancing back over at Chanhee as he smiled and laughed along with the other boys in glee.
Next period after Lunch was English, the sound of the teacher reciting quotes from The Great Gatsby singing you to sleep like a lullaby. It also didn’t help in front of you, Chanhee and Hyunjae were sat working away taking notes. After the argument you’d had this morning with him, the presence of Chanhee couldn’t put you anymore on edge.
“Hey y/n… y/n? Wake up.” Hyunjae flung a pencil towards your head, abruptly causing you to sit up straight at your desk eyes sensitive to the bright lights around you.
“What?” You rubbed the top if your head where he’d hit and groaned in annoyance. “I was getting a good amount of sleep there.”
“I’m having a party on Friday, you wanna come?” He asked, with bright eyes and a grin of genuine interest spreading across his face.
“You know, I always say no.” You replied with a sarcastic jingle, situating your head back on your desk and yawning tiredly.
“That is not happening. Even if you say yes there is no way I’m letting you come.” Chanhee chimed in with a shocked gasp, laughing to shake off the thought of you being at one of Hyunjae’s events.
“Can’t you just be nice? Y/n’s my friend and actually is pretty damn cool if you get to know-” Hyunjae laughed, thinking the other boy couldn’t be serious but was sharply cut off before he could finish his sentence.
“Are you even my friend?” Chanhee scoffed, immediately going back to his work and not making eye contact with him. Hyunjae shrugged at you, offering a sympathetic smile and going back to his own work.
You didn’t pay anymore attention to the pair of them, your head reintroducing itself back to the table planning to nap the rest of the lesson away.
“Jesus wake up.” You felt a push at your arm, “You can’t interrupt my sleep and then start snoozing behind me.”
You looked up at Chanhee in annoyance, raising an eyebrow whilst observing the disgusted look on his face. You smiled, taking a breath, choosing your words carefully before speaking to the brown eyed boy.
“Will you do us both a favor? And stop speaking to me?” You spoke calmly with a false sweetness loading each word like a bitter bullet, watching as his eyes rolled to the top of their sockets and back.
“That’s enough! Y/n and Chanhee! Both of you out of the classroom.” The teacher demanded, fed up of the disruption from the corner of the classroom. You both got up, more than annoyed leaving the classroom door with a slam.
“You’re so dead for this.” Chanhee glared at you in annoyance his palm resting against his forehead as he tried to destress.
“Deserved. If you kept your mouth shut we wouldn’t be here, would we?” You smiled as he sighed, it was quite funny watching him being kicked out of class for the first time — a place you’d been so many times before, but for him it was more than ego crushing.
“What brings you both out in to the corridors?” The sound of heels clicking down the corridor, has both your heads turning towards the principal with a sigh. “Kicked out of class.”
“Not intentionally.” You groaned, hating having to encounter the woman considering she had her eyes on you 24/7 for sleeping through classes and not doing any homework contributing to your grade.
“Y/n, you can’t be pulling down the reputation of some of our best students like Mr. Choi here. Seeing as the both of you aren’t in lesson, the music store room actually needs cleaning and it would be amazing if you could help.” She smiled, passive aggressively clasping her hands together like a fly.
You’ve got to be kidding me, was the only coherent thought to pass your brain, it was only the first day back and you’d already gotten yourself into so much in just a few hours. She brought you to the storage room, where there was clutter everywhere, cardboard boxes, trash, old instruments just scattered over the unseeable floor.
“It might take a few days, so I’ll make sure you both commit to this for at least an hour each day until it’s clean. No free periods after lunch, got it?” She cocked an eyebrow at the two of you, pulling the dusty chain for the dim light bulb that barely lit the room.
“Yes Ms.” You both replied unenthusiastically, beginning to move boxes to make some walking room amongst all the chaos in the room.
“I could really use a coffee right now.” You groaned as the door slammed shut behind her with a deafening screech, the both of you covering your mouths with your forearms due to all the dust.
“You’ve just slept like a sloth for an hour and you need coffee? Pfft.” Chanhee scoffed, adding on a cough at the end blowing the dust out of his face with a look of disgust painted all over his face. “I can’t believe you got me into this.”
“You got yourself into this because you can’t keep yourself quiet, you’re just always dying to say something negative to me.” You put down the box you were carrying into a pile in the corner, the fragile cardboard wearing thin.
“Only because you for, some reason, think it’s okay to be mean to me too!” He snapped back once again referencing the time you’d made fun of his outfit one day, pulling his red sweater over his palms as he lifted another box.
“I was actually gonna say earlier, don’t you think I hear the same thing everyday from your gang of guys? Do you think that one time I made fun of you outweighs the last 5 years of you making them at me?” You turned around, tears welling in your eyes as you spat your words of frustration out in to the air. A moment of silence lingering, the tension in the air so cuttable and cold it felt like shards of ice hitting your skin, the nerves and adrenaline painting a pink color your in your cheeks.
“Just because they made fun of you, or even just Sunwoo, does not mean for even one minute I thought that about you too.” He softened his voice having seen you get so vulnerable on the topic. “Plus you give Hyunjae a pass, why did you go for me? Why did you make fun of me? I still get slander for the way I dress and act to from them-”
“I could ask you why they get a pass? If they’re so mean to you and you don’t think they should be mean to me, then why are you even friends with them?” You laughed in frustration at the boy justifying years of torment to not only you but himself, it simply made no sense.
“Because I don’t know anything else? Is that what you wanted to hear?” He threw up his arms in frustration watching as your lips sealed in silence. “Or the real answer, because I’m too scared to say I got hurt by it? I don’t want to seem fragile or like I can’t take a joke. I’ve known them since when we were kids, they’re still my friends, my day 1’s. That’s the truth.”
Seemingly emotional, he turned around to the wall slightly frustrated he’d let his guard down, however also perhaps in a state of processing the reality of his own actions and feelings. As if he’d had some sort of emotional awakening, as if the cogs finally started turning on why he was so hurt by what you’d said to him. He was hurt by you, because he’d already had his confidence worn down by the same people affecting you.
The both of you began unboxing the items in the storage room in complete silence, not uttering a single word other than a few coughs or mumbles about how much dust was in the room. You began opening a rather dusty box, a large rectangular one attached to a smaller chunkier box. You opened it and let out a quiet “cool” as you found a brand new electric guitar attached to an unopened amp.
“Do we have a power outlet in here?” You turned to Chanhee with an excited smile, he didn’t look up at you but just pointed to a old looking socket on the wall. You plugged in the amp, attaching the connecting wire to the guitar and played a slightly off key chord due to the guitar being untuned.
“Oh my goodness, that’s so loud stop.” Chanhee laughed slightly, a giggle from pure joy, not a sarcastic or mean one, a genuine chuckle. “We don’t have time for this.”
All of a sudden he returned to seriousness, the laughter pausing as quietly you put down the guitar neatly in the corner of the room and unplugged the amp. Clearly it was impossible to clear the air or bitterness with this guy, you may as well give up trying to reconcile at this point.
“I see how it is.” You sighed, lazily continuing the move the plethora of boxes around the room to try at least uncover the floor of the storage room by the end of hour.
Around 10 or so minutes later the bell rang, signalling the end of the day and soon the hallway outside was filled with muffled laughter trapping you both in the musty room until the storm passed. He didn’t say anything to you, asides from slinging his bag over his shoulder and leaving, it felt as if the conversation earlier seemingly had no effect on his feelings of hatred towards you.
Since it was the end of the day, you went to retrieve your headphones from your locker opening it up to a note that read:
“Ur Such An Emo!”
“Real original, ur so funny!” You uttered, crumpling the paper in your fist and letting out a deep sigh before putting your headphones around your neck.
“Didn’t like my note?” Sunwoo asked leaning against his locker with a cocked brow and his arms folded across his black wash denim jacket.
“Not really. I almost forgot how unfunny you were for a second though.” You sighed closing your locker door, only to have your arm gently grabbed back.
“I’m only joking, you do know that, don’t you?” He asked, his condescending smirk saying much otherwise. Despite it being ‘not that deep’ to him of course it was frustrating being the butt of the joke everyday for you.
“Sunwoo shutup for one minute, will you?” Chanhee approached him, pulling his gentle hand from your arm and turning back away from you coldly.
Almost shocked for words, you stood there for a moment before quickly rushing away from the scene down the hallway. Chanhee? Chanhee Choi? Defending you? Perhaps the conversation did have some impact on the way he thought of Sunwoo and his minion clan.
“So about that party, Friday night.” The cheery voice of Hyunjae beside you forced you to take off your headphones on your way out of the gates. “Are you coming?”
“Maybe.” You sighed, clutching your bag on your shoulder with a delayed and airy chuckle.
“That always means no, doesn’t it?” He laughed in response, trying to make eye contact as you only kept your eyes on the pavement ahead.
“Pretty much.” You shrugged, briefly nodding a goodbye to the boy before parting your ways to walk home. The trees hung over the sunny sky in September, leaves drooping, getting ready to decay orange and make the departure from their branches. Birds flying over the neighborhood in crowds, humming the scene a soundtrack as you stepped through your front door home. Crashing into your bed, you huffed wondering why Chanhee had defended you yet still acted as if he hated your guts.
。𖦹 ⋆。°✩ —
Friday soon stumbled upon you, the rest of the week hadn’t been particularly interesting, however Chanhee hadn’t spoken to you since Monday. Everyday the hour at the end of the day that you’d both designated to cleaning the music store room, he remained silent not speaking a word to you everyday, ignoring your questions, jokes and thoughts - only speaking when necessary with the odd “excuse me.” or sometimes even a brief “pass that over.”
Today wasn’t any exception, he strolled in on the last hour without any polite “hello”s or quite frankly any acknowledgment of your presence in the room at all. You’d had enough of trying to entertain yourself with your own thoughts and turned around to the boy with a quick snap. He’d chosen to wear a more toned down outfit than usual that day, straight fitted black jeans with a loose tucked in black t-shirt. In his ears he’d opted for small silver hoops which complimented the thin silver chain around his neck.
“I can’t take it anymore, why’ve you been ignoring me all week?” You huffed out, watching as the boy did nothing but shrug in the most annoying and frustrating fashion. “You don’t know, really? It’s killing me, did I do something to upset you? It can’t be nothing.”
“I’m not sure why I’m ignoring you, I’m actually not.” He sighed, carrying himself within a register that translated words of genuine truth. He finished packing one of the last boxes, placing his palms on the top and beginning to stare into nothing but space.
“Then can you stop?” You laughed walking through to the thin aisle of shelves where you’d been placing organised boxes for the past week. You gently put your last box down, turning and accidentally bumping into Chanhee as you hadn’t noticed he’d moved from his original spot to move his own box.
You caught eye contact with him, forgetting to apologise for bumping into him instead you were lost for words. As you looked into his hazel brown eyes, you couldn’t seem to catch a single coherent thought other than how unreal he looked in the warm lighting above him.
“Can you not? I just nearly dropped my shit.” He rolled his eyes and huffed a huge sigh of frustration forcefully breaking his eye contact with you.
“Jeez I’m sorry, didn’t see you there.” You groaned, returning the eye roll, annoyed he’d began picking arguments with his unpredictable attitude once again.
“If you’re going to apologise try not being rude about it.” He clapped back, you immediately whipped your head back around, slowly walking back up to him and shaking your head in disbelief.
“Shouldn’t you be the one apologising? Didn’t you start the argume-” You began, before you were unexpectedly cut off by him passionately smashing his lips against yours, his hands cupping either side of your face. You couldn’t help but immediately reciprocate the kiss, the shock fading away almost instantly. You pulled away looking at him with a bewildered expression painted across your face, not expecting him to even have that kind of action programmed into his perfect little system.
“Uh, Why? I thought I was ‘such an emo’.” You asked, not being able to contain your laughter as he mirrored your chuckles, a smile plastered on his face as he locked eyes with the ground.
“Well first of all, never tell anyone what I’m about to say or you’re actually dead.” He looked up at you with a pair of sparkly eyes, “I like you? Even though you’re such an emo. I guess.. I have for a while, I always thought your style was really cool and I’m sorry I made fun of you.. I don’t really know why I did it.”
“You’re so awkward quit being so nervous about it.” You laughed as he chewed on his lip trying to hide the nervous grin creeping up. “I guess there’s always second chances, apology accepted.” You teased him, placing a boop on his nose with your finger.
“Thanks.” He spoke softly, his cheeks turning bright pink as you placed a kiss on one side of his face to reassure him. “Uhm, So you coming to that party tonight?”
“Sure I will.” You smiled, grabbing your bag as the last bell of the day sounded. “I guess I like you too, by the way.” You added before quickly escaping through the music storage door, leaving him behind alone, his brain running marathons and his heart beating out of his chest. His phone screen lit up and sending an aggressive bell sound to be muffled thorough the denim of his jean pocket:
y/n: oh and u looked like such an emo today xo
Chanhee laughed, his fingers shaking nervously over his cracked phone screen as he thought of a reply. When he got home he’d continue to text you until the very sunset, when his eyes simply couldn’t stay open any longer. For him, he finally felt accepted for who he was and what he liked — similarly so did you.
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from-izzy · 8 months
"what do you think of flowers/bouquets?" | tbz hyung line
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you mean what i think about you?
​PAIRING » the boyz x gn!reader (not proofread 😭 are we surprised?) TROPE/AU » established relationship au!, non-idol au!, smau! (text messages) GENRE »​ FLUFFY BOYFIE TBZ HYUNG LINE, with some angst, sangyeon is a very thoughtful boyfriend (and when's it my turn?), jacob to the rescue!!, younghoon is crying (I'M SORRY---), hyunjae's really...maximum comfort and hurt/comfort honestly (i love that man) WORD COUNT » 389​ ESTIMATED READING TIME » ~2 mins (for all) WARNINGS (lmk if i missed anything!) » none!
navi/masterlist!! 🤍 98 line 🤍 maknae line 🤍 part of 'especially to you...'
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it's hard to explain how this is part of the 'especially to you...' series but the tl;dr is that flowers are very related to me and i've always thought about them as a being and how similar i can be to them and so, this was born!
also these took way longer than i thought 😭 and this is what i call: dunning-kruger effect in full motion 😭😭😭😭😭😭
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navi/masterlist!! 🤍 98 line 🤍 maknae line 🤍 'especially to you...' tags (send a dm/ask if you would like to be here!): @deoboyznet 📢❤️ @k-labels 💙🤍 @k-films 🤎🎞️ @kflixnet 📺🍿@heemingyu
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kimsohn · 8 months
𓇼 4:38 am
pairing . hyunjae x gn!reader about . 480 words, fluff warnings . none! ↳ dedicated to @from-izzy please go to bed
your eyes flutter awake as you wake from another restless dream. the ceiling of your bedroom is all too familiar to you right now, darkened by the shadows of the night that peer in through your window.
today is one of those many days you can't seem to succumb to your dream state. opening your eyes to yet another failed attempt at sleeping is something that's plagued you for far too long this night, and you're quite sick of it.
you roll over, the blankets furrowing around you as you shift in bed. the clock reads 4:38 am, and you sigh as the weight of your sleeplessness dawns upon you. it'll be the start of a new day soon, but you know you'll find yourself nodding off during work time and wishing you'd gotten just a little more rest.
"can't sleep?"
a voice echoes from behind you, and you roll back around to see hyunjae next to you. his eyes are sleepy and his voice is tired, but his focus is only trained on you and your gaze.
"did i wake you up?" you ask, reaching over to touch his shoulder. "i'm sorry."
he responds by wrapping his arm around your waist, pulling you close enough to rest your head against his chest. you feel the cloth of his thin white tank top against your skin, and his taut muscles shift around you as his hand curls around your abdomen.
"don't worry about me. you have work in the morning; it's a problem if you can't sleep."
you sigh against his chest, moving your hand to wrap around his frame. somehow, this position is more lulling and comfortable, and you don't want him to escape from your fingertips. you don't know what time he ended up at home or what time he slipped into bed, but his voice alone is enough solace for you.
"i've tried, jae. i guess it's just one of those nights."
he traces the pads of his fingers across the back of your skin. you shiver, feeling the coldness of each press against your skin.
"can i do anything for you? maybe some milk? should i change the fan setting?"
"no, it's okay. let's just stay like this."
he hums, tapping your back twice before resting his palm flat against you.
"you sure you don't want me to sing for you?"
you smile, knowing he can sense it. you could never say no to that, even if he tried.
the familiar tune of priority drifts from his lips, a song he knows you love. his fingertips sway along your back with the beat, and soon enough, your eyes fall shut and your breathing evens out. maybe, you weren't restless after all; you were simply just missing your home.
"goodnight, my love," he whispers when the song ends, pressing a kiss against your forehead. "sleep tight."
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stayteezdreams · 26 days
Sleepover Event Drabble Masterlist
These are all the drabbles written for the Fate Ships from my Milestone Event.
I am adding the taglists to this post, as I did not add them to the drabbles themselves.
Stray Kids:
'Rest' (fluff/cute)
'Forever' (romantic)
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'Finally' (cute/tiny bit of angst)
'Comfort' (angst/comfort/fluff)
'B for Effort' (fun/humor/fluff)
'Oops' (cute/fluff)
'Waste of Time' (fluff/cute)
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'Hurt' (comfort/light whump)
'Not For Long' (cute/fluff)
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Tomorrow x Together
'Home' (domestic fluff)
'Crazy' (cute/fluff)
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The Boyz
'Distracted' (funny/fluff)
'Returned In Kind' (fluff/cute)
'Dare' (fluff/cute)
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Other Content
*other content requested from the Milestone Event
Yunho Scenarios: Subtle ways he shows you he loves you (cute/fluff)
Mingi Scenarios: Subtle ways he shows you he loves you (cute/fluff)
Yeosang + Autumn Mood Board
Ateez Whump Scenarios/Headcanons (whump/cute/fluff) ^Hongjoong/Yunho/San/Mingi x Gn!Reader
Ateez; Scenarios + Drabble: First realization of Love (cute/angst/fluff) ^Hongjoong/Yunho/Mingi x Gn!Reader
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I did not add any of my taglists to the drabble posts themselves, but I will be adding them here for anyone who missed them and might want to read them! (deleted double tags, so if you aren't in a taglist you requested to be in dont worry)
All Groups/Members:
@otsilliak, @brattybunfornct, @bahng-chrizz, @otakutrash669, @tinyelfperson,
@pinievsev, @teenyfinds, @everythingboutkpop,  
@shymexican, @stillwjk-channie-lixie, @luckypaintertyphoon
Everything: @soso59love-blog, @hongjoongsprincess, @tunaasan, @thedistractedwriter, @dear-dreamie,
@thunderous-wolf, @briqnne, @hyukssunflower, @dinossaurz, @skz1-4-3,
@staytiny2000, @demonlineslut, @vnessalau,  @dancinglikebutterflywings, @tunafishyfishylike
Jongho/Seungmin/Minghao: @lieutenantn
Mingi: @ye0nvibezzn
Stray Kids:
Everything: @laylasbunbunny, @prettymiye0n, @thedistractedwriter,
@msauthor, @vnessalau, @3rachasninja
Yeonjun & Seventeen: @ye0nvibezzn
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sungbeam · 1 year
𝐚 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐲
lee hyunjae x gn!reader
1.3k words, suggestive, kissing/making out, he's uhm shirtless pffft 🤣, swearing, est. relationship au
a/n: idk how this ended up in my google docs istg 🧎🏻‍♀️
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The bathroom door opened with a trail of steam wafting out, and clung to the polished wood floors of yours and Lee Hyunjae's bedroom. You glanced up only once with the sort of nonchalance you had been employing this entire day, eyes flickering up to the man emerging from the heat for a second and no longer, before returning to the book propped open in your hands.
You felt his eyes on you, the weight of his stare so blatant that you almost—almost—gave in.
"Yn-ie," he hummed in amusement, his hand braced on the bathroom doorknob.
"Hm?" In your head, you had to enunciate every word on the page to keep focus. Or at least, some semblance of focus.
He gave a soft chuckle, letting go of the knob and disappearing into the closet just beside the bathroom door. Your pounding heart sobered just a little when his gaze left you, and you were able to regain focus. You just needed to last until morning, and you would win the stupid, light-hearted bet the two of you had made last night. It was something about Hyunjae being as distracting as he was. If you could last a day without giving into him… well, you got bragging rights. Again, it was something stupid, it was immature… and yet, the two of you were taking it far too seriously.
You had a feeling he was about to ramp it up though.
The closet light turned off and you heard Hyunjae's feet as he padded his way across the room over to where you were propped up against the bed's headboard.
You still didn't pay him any mind as he settled on the edge of the bed right next to you, the mattress dipping slightly as he took a seat.
His hand came down softly over your upper right thigh, his palm warm and firm. You were hyper-aware of the fact his thumb was rubbing circles into your skin and his other fingers were curled around the inside of your thigh. "Hey, baby. You listening to me?"
On instinct, you lifted your head, and you almost gave yourself away right then and there.
Dear fucking god, the visual in front of you would have brought you to your knees in an instant if not for the stupid bet. Here he was—dark brown curls messy and damp, his legs clad in a pair of low-hanging gray sweats, his hard and carved chest bare for you to fully adm—
You caught yourself, stumbling only once. You met his laughing eyes. "Of course I'm listening," you sniffed, smiling. "Have a nice shower?"
"Yeah," he sighed. "Missed you though. There were some places that needed your touch, babe."
"Ah, is that so?" You teased, eyes returning to your book. What was going on again? Something about Moriarty striking—
Your breath hitched as Hyunjae suddenly rose up and threw one of his legs over you. You held your breath the entire time it took for him to slowly mount himself over you, straddling your thighs, until all you had was an eyeful of hard-earned muscle and flesh. You swallowed, hard.
"How's the book?" He asked with a laugh in his voice, all while bracing his hand against the headboard behind you and peering down at the pages of your book with you.
You stammered, "Fantastic."
"Really?" He lifted his eyes to yours. And goddamn it Hyunjae, he held that eye contact as he brought his thumb to his mouth and licked the pad of it. He then used it to flip the page backward. "I think you might need to read it over again."
A nervous feeling bubbled up in your chest—you were not about to lose this bet. Not when you were so close to winning. "Want me to read it to you?"
"Do you mind?" You gestured to his position on top of you. Dear god, why was it so fucking hot all of a sudden—?
Hyunjae's mouth spread into a wolfish grin, dark eyes blown wide sparkling with utter mischief and triumph. He knew he had you. "No, I don't mind at all. Go on, honey; I'm very comfortable."
The expression on your face probably read something along the lines of ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS? And it only spurred Hyunjae on more as he licked his lips between grins. He leaned back a bit then, but only to casually stretch his arms over his head, that eye contact never breaking. (Okay, well, it broke when you went to watch the literal muscles in his arms flex—)
"You're being unfair," you grunted. The book in your hands lowered to your lap.
He giggled then, cute and giddy. It was a terrible contrast to his physical appearance. "All's fair in love and war, baby. Is this you waving your white flag?"
You rolled your eyes. "Not a chance." To be fair, as soon as he sat down without a shirt on, you had lost. But you weren't about to admit that; he had to work for it.
His eyebrow cocked upward, tongue sticking out of his mouth as he leaned forward again. His thumb met the corner of your lips. "You're drooling."
"You're so annoying," you muttered. But you didn't push him away.
In fact, you let him trace your bottom lip with the tip of his thumb. He bit his own, his thumb pressing into your lip and watching intently at how plump it was. "You love it," he murmured back at you.
You did. You really fucking did.
"Can I kiss you and we call it even?"
Your eyebrows flew upward, book discarded as you crossed your arms over your chest. "Absolutely not."
He pouted. "Aw, so I still kiss you and I win then?"
"Hyunjae," you said through a small laugh. Oh, you were so going to lose, but why did you hate it and love it at the same time?
He beamed then, hand moving to cup your cheek and caress your cheek. "I haven't gotten to kiss you all day, baby. Give a man a break, hm? A little mercy."
Your mouth widened, albeit unwillingly, into an embarrassingly large grin, partially out of disbelief. "Mercy? Oh, you want to talk about mercy?"
Hyunjae laughed. "Yes! You literally left for work this morning without kissing me and I've been trying to think of all the ways you could make it up to me after I've won."
"You—" You huffed, speechless. Your brain was a glorified puddle at the moment. "And your first thought was to climb into my lap?"
"Technically, my first thought was the shirtless thing. And you can't blame me—whenever you climb into my lap, I can't help myself."
Your smile turned into something shy as you realized just how right he was.
Hyunjae cooed, puckering his lips as he grasped your chin. "Aw, baby's gone shy now, hm?"
You somehow found the strength to weakly brush his hand away. "I hate you."
"Mm, okay. Say I believe you. Can I kiss you?"
Oh, you were hitting yourself over the head—you sighed, pressing a hand to your forehead. "Fine."
He let out a delighted, little sigh, "Thank god." He wasted absolutely no time at all, bracing his palms against the bed on either side of your body to lean over your body and crush his mouth against yours. There was something admittedly satisfying about finally being able to feel home in a person once again.
Your arms came up around his neck and tugged him down to you, because if he wanted this, he would have to come to you. After all, he won the bet. But maybe you didn't care anymore.
Hyunjae's brows furrowed as he pressed himself harder against you, coaxing a hum of approval from your throat. Your toes curled at the dizzyingly perfect pressure of his lips against yours—his shampoo was suffocating your lungs, his hands now moved to grapple at your waist, your hips, to pin you down in place and anchor himself like a sailor gone overboard.
You gently nipped at his bottom lip, and he rewarded you with a soft moan. "I think—" he breathed haggardly between languid kisses, "—that we both win."
He tasted your laughter on his tongue, and it practically made him ascend. "You know what? I think you're right."
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tbz m.list
permanent taglist: @tayunji @im-a-big-mess @honeyhuii @crazywittysassy @seomisaho @stopeatread @enhacolor @rnjfy @jaehunnyy @kpopjackie @spiderrenjunfics @soobin-chois @stayarmytinyzenmoa-l @mingiholic @ethereal-engene @ja4hyvn @vatterie @yogurteume @justalildumpling @hyunjaespresent-deobi @hongyangi @pxppxrminty @nerdypastacalzonespy @zhaixiaowen @wtfhyuck @jcmdoll @winterchimez @kflixnet
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hyungseos-cafe · 9 months
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Pairing: Enemy!Hyunjae x GN!Reader
Genre: Angst and fluff
Warning(s): Hyunjae is a meanie butt, swearing
Word count: 2.2k
Summary: Hyunjae, your sworn enemy always made it his goal to show off his achievements to your detriment. Now that you were working at rival companies he suddenly softens seeing you struggle, but why?
A/n: Hi Izzy! Thank you so much for placing your order with Hyungseos-cafe! I really enjoyed writing this and I hope you enjoy reading!!!
Order for @from-izzy
┊⋆ ˚✯✩. Songs to listen to while reading: Paris in the rain - Lauv, Hold my hand - LeeHi, Song for love - Lyn .✩✯⋆ ˚ ┊
Taglist: @deoboyznet
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“Why don’t you go bother someone your own size” You would tell Hyunjae, today was your essay, yesterday it was your presentation. Every day Hyunjae would find something to point out to you, how did he always find something you lacked? No clue, what you knew was he was a perfectionist. You were the same, always double, even triple checking your work before turning things in. Your outfit, always pressed and steamed with not a hair out of line. 
Things were pretty rocky throughout college, why? Hyunjae. Always told you when he got a higher score than you. He felt the need to one up you, to do better, be better than you. He had this ego surrounding him that never allowed him to back down when it came to you. It was unfortunately, really to always have to do well. 
“No, but you don’t understand! Who starts a thesis with a question? You don’t do that!” Hyunjae sighed, his temples ached 
“This is a draft for fucksakes Hyunjae! This paper is not even due til the end of next month!” 
“That’s besides the point! Start with a quote or some sort of statistic, not a question” 
That’s how it always went for you, argument after argument. It was hardly ever cordial between the two of you. You were best friends, so what happened? Your parents were worried seeing how stressed you’d become after talking about Hyunjae.
“Why don’t you just ask him what’s wrong rather than trying to gnaw each other's heads off?” Your parents suggested, but it was never that easy when it came to Hyunjae. 
“You guys don’t understand, he won’t give me a minute of his day to let me question him! He always tries to show how right he is” You tried to explain to your parents, they continued to look at you with concern before completely dropping the subject. Your parents loved Hyunjae, they were best friends with his parents since they too also met in college. 
As your college career slowly came to an end, your relationship with Hyunjae continued to sour. It got so bad once that you had to leave campus and drive the hour back home just to get away from him. He blew up on you for not returning his messages and calls because he knew you had a big test coming up. He wanted to see how you were doing, but instead of answering, you ignored him for the entire day. He was worried sick, but what he didn’t know was that you were in fact studying and just happened to lock your phone to avoid distractions. Unfortunately that “excuse” did not work on him and instead he began berating you, calling you forgetful and inconsiderate. 
That was the last string, you broke down and promptly left his sight as you cried all the way to your dorm. It took Hyunjae until graduation to apologize, but by that time it was too late. You had moved out and cleaned your dorm before graduation and stayed with a friend who lived off campus. This time, you blocked his phone number so he wouldn’t be able to contact you. 
Truthfully he felt bad and wanted to fix your friendship, but he slowly began to think he’d deserved the silent treatment after blowing up on you like that. He tried many times during the graduation prep to get you by yourself, however your other friends knew of your situation and kept him away. Hyunjae was heartbroken and angry at himself for getting so carried away that he pushed you two apart. 
Flash forward a few years after gaining some experience volunteering and interning, you were ready to enter the workforce. After hundreds of applications and many interviews later, you were accepted into one of the largest sales marketing companies in the city; Maverick Inc. Being that you were still new, you had to work your way to being an executive sales representative. Of course it was grueling work, but it all paid off because you finally got the raise that you've worked so hard for. 
However everything slowly went downhill when you got word from your manager that a certain someone was hired at the competing marketing company; C.O.D.E Inc. and got his raise two months before you even though you’ve been working at your company for longer. It had been so long that you forgot about Hyunjae, but seeing that he continued to rise above you angered you. Couldn’t he have left some success for you instead of stealing the spotlight?
C.O.D.E Inc. was conveniently located down the block from your building which meant there was a chance for you to run into each other during your lunch breaks. Unfortunately that time came all too soon when you got in line behind him for coffee. 
“Well, look who it is. Are you visiting?” He snided, a smirk plastered on his face 
“I work at Maverick Inc. thank you very much” 
“Wait, like you actually made it?”
It was your turn to order, so as to not blow up at the poor barista, you quickly placed your order and stepped out of line to wait. 
“Yes. Where are you working”
“C.O.D.E Inc. I just got a promotion too. My manager said I’m on the fast track to becoming an executive”
“Wait, already? Didn’t you just start there like 6 months ago?”
“What, are you jealous that you didn’t make it as far as me? With your grades I don’t know how you even got your position” 
You were fuming at this point, what gave him the right to speak with you like that? You hurriedly went to grab your order and ran out of the coffee shop. Again, Hyunjae knew he blew it. You meant everything to him, yet he couldn’t keep you close. Why? He thought being mean to you would help quell the love he felt for you. 
You were the apple of his eye and truth be told, his heart raced when he ran into you at the coffee shop. You were always put together, not a hair out of place and walked with a certain confidence he’d only dream of having. 
The next day, he ran into you again at the cafe. This time however, you seemed distressed. Your hair in disarray, clothes wrinkled with various coffee mugs lining your table, so many cups the baristas began to worry. He noticed you had dark circles beginning to form under your eyes. 
“Hey, are you okay?” Hyunjae gently questioned, afraid that if he spoke too loud you’d run off. 
Instead of answering, you slowly nodded as you carried on typing up the final sales report for the quarter. Sensing you were lying, he pulled out next to you and took a seat, offering you a smile as you pushed your mugs to the side making room for him.
“What are you working on?” Hyunjae inquired, looking over to your screen.
“Why do you suddenly care?” 
“You didn’t answer my question”
“I’m working on the quarterly sales report that I was assigned at the last minute. It’s due in 3 days and I’m not even halfway done” You pushed your laptop forward and put your hands in your hands. The stress is evident with how tense your shoulders became. Slowly you started to slump into the table, falling asleep. 
Hyunjae took the opportunity to grab your laptop to see how far you’ve gotten so far with the report. In the 6 months that he’s worked for his company, he’s had to write many monthly reports. Noticing that you were 40 pages into your 100 page report, he used this time to let you rest while he finished your report. Writing reports was one of the tasks he liked the most about his job, not the arguing with clueless executives over trivial matters.
Instead of going home as he’d been excused early, he stayed at the cafe writing your report until it was complete. As soon as he’d finished writing, he noticed you began to wake up. He quickly closed your laptop and began working on his own, carefully breathing to slow his heart. 
“Y– you’re still here?” You asked, sleepiness laced in your voice 
“Yeah, I’m not letting you sleep here all alone. Besides, the cafe is almost closing” 
“Oh, thank you for staying with me” You smiled, stretching out before getting up to gather your items. 
“See you around Hyunjae” 
“See you around” 
The next day, you sat in shock, your report was complete. It wasn’t your work though because who on earth writes this elegantly, yet so succinct? There was only one person… Hyunjae. You didn’t have any time to think before submitting the report. Your manager was blown away by how well you had written, gave you a raise due to your efforts knowing you worked on short notice.
“I am so pleased by your work, the report was most pleasurable to read. Thank you for providing me with our group numbers on short notice. As I have seen you working hard, I will be giving you a promotion and a raise. Since our office will be closing due to renovations, the company will be off for a month. Enjoy your break and thank you for your work and time” The email read, you sat at your desk in pure shock. Hyunjae wrote your entire report for you, earning you not only a promotion, but also a raise. 
There was a chance you’d run into him at the cafe, so every day for the next few weeks you showed up at the cafe sitting at the same table you’d sat at last time. You never saw him until one day when you were about to give up. 
“Oh, you’re here” Hyunjae quipped, he smiled at you for the first time in a while 
“Hey! I uh, I wanted to thank you”
“For what?” Hyunjae knew, but he wanted you to say it.
“For finishing my report, I only knew because only you could write so well. And guess what? That report earned me a raise and a promotion!” 
“Are you serious? That’s amazing! I’m so proud of you” 
“Thank you Hyunjae, how can I repay you?”
“Adatemaybe” Hyunjae spat out 
“A what?” He blushed, shy that his feelings got the best of him. 
“A date” Hyunjae whispered, he began biting his lower lip, nervous you’d reject him. 
“Why all of a sudden?” You questioned him and considering how he’s been talking to you, you were confused. 
Hyunjae sat you down at the closest table which happened to be at the very back of the cafe. His eyes began darting around to the surrounding tables and brought his hands down to tap his thighs, he nervously cleared his throat before meeting your eyes. 
“I thought I would explain myself and please just listen okay? It’s kind of a lot” You nodded as you turned to put your full attention on him. 
“I realized pretty late that I actually enjoy being around you and I know. I should have realized back in college, but I was too busy trying to be better than you. In doing so, I really just pushed you away along with my feelings for you– which began in college. The very first day you walked in Mr. Moon’s business literature class, I knew I had to talk to you. We became friends, right? We were so close our first year, but then I realized I actually liked you” 
Hyunjae paused, the air suddenly leaving his throat seeing the sun settle gently across your face. Your features soften under the warm golden rays, the way your hair was slightly messy to your smile. 
“Anyways, sorry. I just. I didn’t know how to make it up to you, so I wrote your report for you. You know how much I enjoy writing, so it came pretty easy and plus you do a great job recording data which made my job easy. All I really needed to do was explain the data, input all the data and that was pretty much it. I hope you were okay with that and I didn’t over step” He exhaled, looking at your eyes, his face calmed and a warm smile slowly forming. 
“Wow Hyunjae, I don’t know what to say”
“You don’t need to say anything, I can just leave” He began to stand up when you held onto his wrist, there was a tingling sensation felt by the both of you. 
“Don’t go” Hyunjae softened by your touch, this time sitting on the chair next to you. 
“I cannot thank you enough for finishing that report. I’m sure you probably could tell how stressed I was, but turned out okay because you were looking out for me. So to that, I am forever grateful. 
I literally got a promotion and raise because of you” 
“Wait, are you serious? That’s incredible!” You leaned onto his shoulder as you smiled, interlocking your fingers, smiling up at him. 
 “Also if that date offer still stands, I’d like to accept” 
“I mean my office is going under construction and I have a month off, so yes”
He met your eyes again before pressing a soft kiss on your forehead. The two of you sat in conversation until the cafe closed about what you two would be doing for your month-long break and how you could help him collect data for his next report.  You really were his kryptonite, he just never told you.
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andkisses · 1 year
♡ it's a promise | sunghoon ♡
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sunghoon has been your friend for the longest time, and he gets you–which is why you fell in love. and you’ve been sending out feelers to see if he, well, feels the same. and now it’s time you found out.
♡ sunghoon x gn!reader | wc. 1.2k ♡ genres/tropes: banter, confessions (?), fluff, friends to lovers ♡ mentions of/warnings: pet names (u call him pretty boy) ♡ a/n: this was originally something i wrote for hyunjae from the boyz but i for the life of me cannot remember if i posted it or not </3 this is also a revamp rather than a repost because ended up writing some more for it ^^ ♡ masterlist ♡
The moon hangs high against a curtain of glassy stars, casting soft electric light through the small kitchen window. It’s hard to play without any light, but he refuses to turn on the overhead. You watch as he deliberately stares at the other side of the board, deep in thought. With a heavy, exaggerated sigh, Sunghoon leans back, eyeing you over top of the Battleship board. “E4.”
You fake a giant frown. Then, you offer a small tut-tut, shaking your head as you pick up a white piece to taunt him. “Miss.”
Sunghoon sighs again dramatically, rolling his eyes and slouching in his chair. “Why do I invite you over if all you ever do is make me lose?”
“I’m sorry?” you laugh, relishing in how well you’re playing and how bad he’s doing. “You lose all on your own, pretty boy.”
There’s a slip in his façade as he offers you a small laugh before going back to staring at the board. “Go on.”
Sunghoon’s apartment is small—a kitchen, a bedroom, a bath, and a room that’s somehow meant for dining and living but is not large enough to fit the appropriate furniture for both uses. It’s crowded and cramped, but feels so much like Sunghoon you can’t imagine him living anywhere else. There are his favorite albums on the wall, a stand of plants in the corner. Elements of brushed gold whenever they can be—pots, trays, the hooks on the wall for his keys. It’s cozy, even if you’re just sitting at his tiny two-person kitchen table playing what appears to be an ancient copy of Battleship.
“C8,” you say, and laugh when Sunghoon smiles again, waving around a white piece of his own in similar fashion. You take it from him, fingertips brushing his own. A spark, surely. “See, if I was the one making you lose, I would have hit that time.”
“Y/N, you’ve already sunk three of my battleships,” he says.
He’s good at hiding, but you’ve known Sunghoon long enough, been his friend, to see when his armor cracks. When your compliments affect him more than they should, more than just friends. When the names you choose to call him sink into his skin and stay there. Ever since you realized your feelings, you’d been testing to see if he felt the same way back. You like to believe you’re reading the signs and reactions correctly, but then again, there’s no better way than asking. Being upfront, being honest.
But could you really ask?
As brave as you feel, as confident as you are, it’s your best friend you’re talking about. Wouldn’t asking if he likes you—like-likes you? Like, for real—make things between the two of you weird if he didn’t feel the same way?
But there’s no way he doesn’t feel the same way. Surely friends don’t always invite the other over, pay for their food, help them cope when work is stressful. Sure, maybe friends do that, but a single friend? Doing everything? All the time?
Lost in your thoughts, you’re oblivious to the boy across from you, even if he is the subject of your worry, Sunghoon has slowly leaned forward, just enough to see around the board and locate your ships. “Hey, not fair!” you say, reaching forward to bat him away with your hands. “That’s cheating!”
“No, it’s not! You were thinking so hard you were on another planet, what else was I to do?” he argues, reaching to hold your hands in his to stop you.
You stand up, trying to see Sunghoon’s side of the board, trying to see if you’ve done more damage to him and can still win, even if he knows exactly where your boats are. Sunghoon stands too, lacing his fingers between yours, pushing back against you, laughter on his lips. As soon as you clear the table, he’s pulling you close.
You're trapped in his arms, but you can’t help but laugh too as you curl into his touch, his warmth, and smile as you feel Sunghoon do the same. You’re still shuffling, fighting for purchase, but in the small space, you end up tumbling over the back of the couch, Sunghoon now inches away above you. Your laughter dies down, the smiles still present, stuck in this haze around you.
You see the stars from before in his eyes, a happiness you’ve only ever noticed when he’s with you, just you. He smiles wider somehow, as if he can’t believe what’s happened to him. “I have a question,” he asks.
“What?” you whisper, even though there’s no one else.
Sunghoon’s smile fades slightly, his eyes darting back and forth between yours, before returning. It’s like he’s already confident in your answer. “If I kissed you, what would happen?”
Your own smile grows, your hands anxious to pull him closer. To finish this. It would be so easy—him only just propped up by his hands on either side of your shoulders. All you would have to do is wrap your hands into the front of his shirt and pull. Your words are ones you’ve imagined saying for a while. “I think I would fall in love with you.”
He leans in, and you desperately want to touch his face, run your hands through his hair, but you feel stuck in the moment, denial small but loud enough in  your head. “Is that a threat?” he asks, in a whisper so low it feels almost like a hiss, like a dare.
It breaks you from your stupor. You reach up to thread your fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck and pull him closer. “It’s a promise.”
He tastes like coffee and chocolate, and his warmth is more than you could have ever imagined. His hair is soft beneath your fingers as you dig into his scalp. It feels like time has stopped and restarted all at once. You gasp when you feel Sunghoon’s arms scoop beneath you, pulling you close to him and upright. Your legs are a tangled mess, half in his lap half off the couch. Sunghoon moves away first, and if you weren’t so damn content you’d frown at the absence of him.
His hands come up to cup your face, bringing warmth up your neck. He stares at you, eyes wide in the moonlight. Like you’re a dream come true. And maybe you are, because you’re certain  you’ve dreamt this exact moment yourself, so what’s to say he hasn’t either?
“Does this mean you’re my boyfriend now?” you ask, leaning forward to chase after his lips. And he lets you, pulling you closer. Your nose bumps into his and your teeth clack against his but you don’t care. One hand leaves the side of your head to roam down your back, splay large against your ribs. His warmth is everywhere, intoxicating. Your hands, which had found purchase gripping the front of his shirt, are back in his hair, nape of his neck. You savor how he shivers beneath your touch.
But then, his lps leave yours and start a trail down your jaw, making you shiver and laugh all at once. What a unique feeling–warm and ticklish and absolutely divine. Sunghoon stops himself when he gets to the corner of your jaw, just below your ear, and places one more kiss on your lips. You get everything you ever read about being breathless after kisses. When he pulls back, he rests his forehead on yours, eyes shut, with the happiest smile.
His hands flutter down to lace themselves in yours. “I would do everything for you,” he whispers. He opens his eyes and looks at you, and you feel it in your core that he’s telling the truth. “Anything. Everything.”
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jinkoh · 3 months
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if I could hold my breath around you
hyunjae x gn!reader
tags: fwb (enemies with benefits) to lovers, college au, some angst some fluff, suggestive, heavily implied sexy times, making out/kissing, warnings: mentions of alcohol consumption
wc: 1.8k
a/n: been listening to just exist by eliza&the delusionals and boy did it make me delusional
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There weren’t many things Hyunjae and you could agree on. In fact there were only a few people you could relate to as little as him. You differed in everything from the music you liked and the hobbies you pursued to the way you thought your shared group project should be handled. To your own and your friends' dismay you kept clashing at almost every meeting, unable to find any shared ground. But in all this dissonance you could at least agree on one shared truth: You absolutely hated each other.
“Fuck, I love you,” Hyunjae breathed into the skin of your neck, his fingers digging into your hips that’d been grinding into his clothed crotch just a millisecond ago. But now you were frozen in place, staring at him in shock while his lips left sloppy kisses beneath your jaw.
“What?” you asked.
He looked up at you with a dazed expression, momentarily stopping his ministrations. "Hm?"
“Jae, you just said you love me.”
Hyunjae’s eyes widened before he let out an awkward chuckle. “Did I? Well, never trust what people say during sex, right?”
“So, you don’t? Love me?”
He didn’t respond immediately, his eyes clearly searching yours for some kind of clue that told him the right answer, as if there was any. “I—listen,” he finally pressed out, “this whole arrangement has been really confusing for me, okay?”
“Oh god,” you let out a breathy laugh, more disbelief than amusement, “you’re in love with me. Lee Jaehyun is in love with me.”
“Don’t call me like that,” he murmured, no longer meeting your gaze. And then, after a small pause, “So, I take it the feeling’s not mutual?”
“God, no! Hyunjae, I hate you!”
He winced at the harsh words, and you suddenly felt sorry for him. You moved from where you’d been straddling his hips, adjusting your clothes and letting yourself fall onto the mattress next to him instead. “Fine, maybe hate is a little strong but—that's how it's supposed to be, isn’t it? I never thought you'd—I don't know. We're supposed to hate each other!"
“It doesn’t have to be that way, though.” There was a pout on his face and it shouldn’t look so cute to you but it did. “I mean we get along in bed just fine, don’t we? Why can’t we try that outside the bedroom too?”
“But we—what would the others think?”
For a moment he just stared at you and it was clear that he was feeling hurt. He pressed his lips together tightly before pushing himself off your bed and slipping back into his t-shirt that’d landed on the floor at some point. “Really?” He shook his head with a huff, “That’s what matters to you right now?”
“No, it’s fine, you made yourself clear. I’ll find the way out.”
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You barely remembered how this stupid arrangement between the two of you had started. Maybe because the both of you had been drunk the first time it had happened, the constant quarreling suddenly turning into a different kind of tension that had you stumbling into some guest room at a party, spitting out insults in between heated kisses. From there it had somewhat taken on a life of its own, and you’d ended up in bed together more often than you were willing to admit. You’d kept telling yourself just one more time, this will really be the last, but the sex was just too good to call it quits. Hyunjae had you figured out so quickly, knowing exactly which buttons to press. And there was also something so satisfying about seeing the guy you hated feel good beneath your touch, moaning out your name…
Still, through all of this you’d been convinced that you didn’t care, not about the arrangement and even less about him. But now that it was suddenly over, you found yourself oddly unhappy. It wasn’t just the sex that was gone, it was like your whole relationship had changed overnight. Hyunjae avoided you when he could, and he didn’t bother arguing with you during the group project meetings anymore. You’d never thought you’d ever miss it, but you did. The way he was just shrugging now, even when you directly asked his opinion was infuriating. It was as if he didn’t care enough anymore to argue back and that was a more painful experience than expected.
“What has you so distracted recently?” Chanhee looked at you, clearly a little upset that you hadn’t been listening to whatever story he’d been telling to you and Eric. You'd met up with them in between classes to pass the time before the next lecture.
“Nothing much. Sorry, what were you saying?”
“Forget about it,” he huffed but you knew he wouldn’t hold a grudge about something like this.
“Oh,” Eric suddenly exclaimed, “Isn’t that Hyunjae? Feels like I’ve barely seen him these days!”
Before you could say anything, he waved him over and to your surprise Hyunjae actually walked over, even if he looked a little reluctant about it, even more so after this gaze briefly met yours.
“Hey,” he greeted sheepishly, hands shoved into his pockets and shoulders pulled up.
“What’s up with you these days, man? You’re barely ever around.”
“Nothing much,” he vaguely replied. “Just been busy.”
You felt Chanhee’s gaze on you, but you made a point of not returning it, worried that he had somehow, magically figured something out. Instead you tried to make eye contact with Hyunjae, hoping to somehow communicate to him that you wanted to talk, but he never looked your way at all.
“That sucks. But still, you should show your face more,” Eric pouted. "We're about to go eat, are you coming?"
“I’m actually on the go right now, just wanted to say hello real quick.”
“For real?!”
“Sorry, sorry,” he laughed awkwardly. He still didn’t look at you. “I’ll join you next time?”
“You better keep your word!”
“Of course,” Hyunjae smiled and it looked so forced it drove you mad. “Bye then.”
“Jae, I—” you pressed out, taking a timid step forward, reaching for him, but your voice was too quiet and he was already five steps ahead. You lowered your hand in defeat, mouth firmly shut. What were you trying to do anyway?
“Jae?” Chanhee asked with raised eyebrows. “Since when have you been calling him Jae?”
“Huh? Oh, no, I was going to—” But you couldn’t come up with a sensible excuse. Your brain had more pressing things to think about. “No, forget it.”
You’d always felt like Hyunjae was everywhere, constantly annoying you wherever you went, but now it was suddenly so hard to find the tiniest chance to speak with him. Another one had just slipped right through your fingers. Did that mean this was it? That you’d never speak again? That you’d never kiss again?
You couldn’t let that happen.
“Y/n, you are coming to the cafeteria with us though, right?” Eric asked but you barely registered it.
“Excuse me for a bit,” you mumbled, already rushing after Hyunjae.
“Why is everyone behaving so weird nowadays?” you could still hear Eric’s voice.
“It’s not everyone,” Chanhee argued, “It’s just those two.”
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“Jae, wait!” You were out of breath when you finally caught up to him. He stopped, but your hand instinctively grabbed the sleeve of his sweater anyway, scared that he’ll just walk away again without hearing you out.
"What?! What do you—" His voice was harsh, but the moment he met your desperate gaze he softened up, "what do you still want with me, y/n?"
"You're avoiding me."
"Well, yes?"
He almost laughed. "What do you mean why? You didn't want me, y/n, and that's fine, it's fine, but expecting me to act like nothing happened is a little mean, even for you, isn’t it?"
You wanted to say something, explain to him why he still shouldn't ignore you. But you couldn't. He was right. You'd clearly rejected him, so why were you running after him now? You should leave him be, give him some space.
And yet, the fingers holding onto his sleeve tightened their grip.
"Give me a break, y/n," he sounded tired. "Just go and live your life and do your own thing. Without me."
"I can't," it almost immediately broke out of you. "Trust me, if I could just exist without you, it would make it easier, for the both of us. But I can't, I—," your voice broke and you hadn't even noticed that tears had welled up in your eyes, but they were already spilling out, running down your cheeks. "I tried, but I can't. You're constantly in my head and I keep wondering if maybe I am on your mind too or if you're already over me and—I miss how we used to banter and I miss your dumb remarks and I miss kissing you and I just miss you, Jae. I miss you so."
For a moment he stayed silent. You didn't dare to meet his gaze, so you kept your head down, watching your tears dropping to the ground one by one. You realized somewhere in the back of your mind how embarrassing this was for the both of you considering you were still on campus. But you couldn't bring yourself to really care.
"I miss you," you pressed out again, unable to endure the silence.
"I'm not," he replied and his voice sounded hoarse too, but you barely registered that over the meaning of his words. He didn’t. He didn't miss you. Your fingers finally let go of his sleeve, but before you could pull away your hand he caught it in his own.
"I'm not over you, I'm so clearly not over you. Do you think I'd be avoiding you if I was? I just—you didn’t want me."
You almost violently shook your head. "I was wrong. I was all wrong. I want you, badly, so please don't avoid me anymore."
"So badly," you nodded, desperate to make him believe you.
"How do I know it's true? You have a record of being wrong, after all," he said and you were ready to assure him over and over again, but when you looked up he had a mischievous grin on his lips.
"You're mocking me," you complained with a pout.
"Didn't you say you missed our banter?"
Not like this! you wanted to argue, but then he cupped your jaw and leaned in close and it made the words die on your tongue.
"I also missed it," he whispered and you felt the words fan over your skin, "and I missed kissing you, too."
And then he did just that, kissing you all soft and sweet the way boyfriends do.
"Fuck," you breathed into his lips, "I love you."
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daisyvisions · 1 year
Lee Juyeon Masterlist ‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. ✧˚₊‧⋆‧
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Series ‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. ✧˚₊‧⋆‧
➤ to be written…
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One-shots ‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. ✧˚₊‧⋆‧
➤ Mr. Valentine (to be written…)
➤ Change Your Mind
You befriend your college’s resident fuckboy who’s been eager to get with you since day one. But after a rollercoaster of emotions between your friendship, he wants you more than you could ever imagine.
➤ Kinktober Day 22 - Cuckolding
➤ Kinktober Day 31 - Cockwarming
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Blurbs & Requests ‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. ✧˚₊‧⋆‧
➤ All Part of the Training (bf! x spit kink)
➤ Head in the Clouds (blowjobs ft. Sangyeon & Hyunjae)
➤ Teach Him a Lesson (foursome ft. Hyunjae & Eric)
➤ Behave... (dubcon x fingering)
➤ I’m Your Good Boy (gn! reader x blowjob)
➤ Comforting Silence (aftercare)
➤ Yandere! Juyeon & bathroom sex
➤ Juyeon's Kinks and Turn-ons
➤ [10:48PM] A Night To Remember
➤ [7:07PM] Distraction
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Others ‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. ✧˚₊‧⋆‧
➤ mean!Juyeon thoughts
➤ Stress-fucking with Juyeon
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Hard Hours ‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. ✧˚₊‧⋆‧
➤ under construction 🚧
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kyaroscuro · 5 months
Fairytale Love
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A fairytale love represents an unrealistic love in which people might fall in love at first sight or expect to live happily ever after. It's real though? That perfectly defines your relationship with Hyunjae.
pairing : boyfriend!hyunjae x gn!reader genre : established relationship, fluff, childhood bestfriends to lovers, proposal warnings : a bit suggestive? bc hyunjae is a menace but reader is as well, one curse word notes : it started from learning that hyunjae drives a mercedes (which is kinda hot to me) to just being whipped over the man! it's really all cute and i love it very much. enjoy!! words count : 2365
To say that today was an important day is an understatement. You have gone from childhood best friends to lovers to finally celebrating your fifth anniversary as a couple. It’s only fair that after spending your entire childhood together you now plan to grow old together.
Hyunjae is nothing but wild and mischievous and that’s what you like about him. The way he used to tease you in high school because he got better grades than you. Or the way he made fun of you at parties because you’re lightweight. Despite being the jokester, he’s always there for you. Sure, he scored higher on your last exam, but that’s only because you stayed up all night studying together. And whenever you got drunk at a party, he always made sure you got home safely, tucked into your bed with a kiss and a glass of water on the bedside table. He was always the sweetest. Not just to you, but especially with you. And you remember having the best time of your life with him. Sneaking out at night to go to the convenience store. Going to art exhibitions and laughing at how you could do the same, but still being in awe of the talent people have to create such works. Taking the silliest and cutest pictures together, trying all those trends like the couple picture where he had to pick you up only to fail miserably and laughing until you cried. The insecurities? The nights spent comforting each other and crying in each other’s arms from deadlines, exhaustion or heartbreak.
You can’t quite remember the moment you fell in love with him? Maybe it’s because you’ve always been in love with him, you just didn’t think your feelings were romantic until Eric called you out on it. You’ve been jealous before.
When you were 14, he came home with chocolates for valentine’s day and you were so pissed off that he accepted them. Shouldn’t he only accept your chocolates? It wasn’t fair! But on white day, he wrote you a sweet little letter, asking you to go on a picnic with him. Dressed in your prettiest outfit (maybe you wanted to look pretty for him, too, to impress him) you went to the meeting place to find him waiting for you with a bouquet of flowers, your favourite food and, of course, homemade chocolates. You weren’t so angry anymore.
You vaguely remember him telling you about his first kiss when he was 17. He had this huge crush on someone in his class and, as his best friend, you encouraged him to asked them out. When he called you later that night, you could feel the smile in his voice and that alone made your heart sink. But you eventually got over it when you started dating Sunwoo a few months later. Sunwoo was a breath of fresh air, he made you feel alive. You don’t regret dating him and you were really in love with him, you just happened to drift away when you couldn’t escape your feelings for Hyunjae. You’re still good friends and Hyunjae tends to be overprotective when you’re with him. Later in your relationship, Hyunjae told you that he was jealous of Sunwoo because he got all your firsts and saw you at your most vulnerable.
At 21, you were both single and not ready to get involved in another disastrous relationship. Hyunjae had started working as a banker, while your work at the dance studio took up all your time. Nevertheless, you decided to move in together, for the sake of convenience, friendship and bills. That’s when you met Eric and when things started to move.
“Sweetie, you don’t move in with your childhood bestie just because the rent is expensive and it’s close to your respective jobs,” he has said one Wednesday afternoon in between your dance classes.
“Doesn’t he need to pick you up every day too? Man, all he wants to do is show off his Mercedes and his girlfriend?” you would have slapped him for that.
“Really, think about it for more than two seconds. I know you’re in a kind of routine because you’ve known him all your life, but he’s more than your childhood friend, try to think of him as a man”
“I have seen the way he looks at you, I can tell he sees you as a person he wants to cherish and spend his life with, not as his friend. But again, if I’m wrong you can blame me for putting it in your head, and if I’m not… no need to thank me”
“You think so?” you replied after a while.
“You’ll still be best friends, it doesn’t change anything. I’m just saying he might want to kiss you too”
And true enough, you came home earlier that day, deep in your thought, not expecting to see his shoes at the door.
“Y-you’re home already?” he greeted you, stuttering. “You told me you had classes till 7”
“I gave them to Eric, wanted to think about something. But how come YOU’re already home?”
“Are you okay hon?”
Honey. Who calls their best friend a pet name? Isn’t it misleading?
“I’m fine, don’t worry. What have you been doing, it smells so good,” you said with a smile
“Oh, just dinner for us. Surprise, I guess?”
You were struck by the romantic setting of your apartment. Rose petals scattered on the table with a huge bouquet in the middle, dimly lit candles adding to the atmosphere and a gentle, relaxing breeze coming from the open balcony.
“I wanted my confession to be special,” he chuckles “but now that you’re here, I know that anything would have been fine since it’s you and me. And I want it to stay that way for a long time. I love you and if you allow me, I would like to be your partner”
“Idiot, we’re both idiots” you cried. “I’m yours Hyunjae, I always have been. I love you so much more”
Your first kiss was a little awkward but that’s ok because you’ve got a lifetime of kissing to do. You may have ruined his surprise, but you wouldn’t have it any other way, everything about you is spontaneous and beautiful, and this day was no different. In the end, you still can’t believe Eric was right.
So now, five years later, you’re getting ready to spend your anniversary in a fancy restaurant. You’ve travelled a long way to get here. And you wanted to make it even more memorable by proposing. Double check of your outfit : stunning make-up and hair, jewellery on top and accessories to match. The ring in your bag. Now all you have to do is look pretty and wait for your gorgeous boyfriend to arrive in his hot suit driving his even hotter Mercedes. You’re not one to brag about your possessions or hotness, but Hyunjae’s driving has always been a sight to behold. His habit of putting his left hand on your thigh, driving with the windows down and one hand on the wheel make you melt. Maybe you can just brag about that once in a while.
You hear the roar of his Mercedes engine from afar and you smile, knowing that soon he will come to the front door of your newly bought house and say “I’m home, love”. Then he will kiss you and ask you about your day. If he is tired, he will hug you a little tighter and longer, and if he has missed you a little too much, he will kiss you urgently even before taking off his shoes. You’re so used to the life you’ve built that you want your future to be exactly the same. With him. And children.
“I’m home, love!” There he goes.
“Finally! I missed you so much, I couldn’t stop thinking about being with you after you left”
The blush on his cheeks was even pinker than yours. And that has to do with the fact that you consumed your love this morning, as soon as you woke up.
“Baby, you don’t want to turn me on when our reservation is in half an hour, do you?”
“Oh, we did worse in less than thirty minutes when we were at my sister’s wedding,” you smirk
“Yes, we did, and I intend to take my time with you tonight. Let’s go hon”
After locking the door, he takes your hand in his to lead you to the passenger seat. Never one to disappoint a gentleman, he opens the door for you and makes sure you’re safely inside before closing it.
“Have I told you how beautiful you are?”
“Mhhhh several times already, but go on, I don’t mind hearing it again”
The restaurant is about fifteen minutes from home, which gives you plenty of time to discuss trivial matters such as how has been work for him, whether his colleagues are being annoying again, whether his workload is ok and when he might take time off for holidays (implicitly, your honeymoon). You had more freedom at the dance academy, so you never had any problems arranging schedules. Like today, you took the day off to be ready on time and do some work around the house. But Hyunjae always insisted that you could do whatever you wanted, he was the first to believe in you when no one else would and when you opened the academy, he was the proudest man alive. And yes, he helped with the funding. The two of you complement each other perfectly.
“A reservation for two under the name of Lee Jaehyun”
“This way” the waitress leads you to a table overlooking the sea, which you swear has been decorated in the same way as Hyunjae’s first dinner for you after his confession.
“It’s beautiful, thank you,” you don’t know if you said it to the waitress or to Hyunjae but you are in awe. Everything is perfect and you’re here with the love of your life to write a new page in your book.
“Have I told you how hot you are? I think it’s a crime to look so hot, even when you’re driving, I’m only human, you know? “
“I don’t think you ever have, but please tell me more often and maybe I’ll drive you more often if you like it so much”
“I like you,” you stick your tongue out at him and he rolls his eyes.
You eat in relative silence, if not for some jokes thrown haphazardly and quiet laughter as answers. You enjoy each other’s presence, bathing in the soft atmosphere given by the restaurant’s lights. You’re drawn to the sea; it looks calm and soothing, so you tell Hyunjae in between bites that you want to go there when you’re done eating. And this anniversary date couldn’t be more perfect. From starter to dessert everything was delicious, the kind of meal that satisfies the heart and mind. When you’re ready to leave, the waitress comes over to thank you. She also tells you how beautiful you are together; you radiate love and it’s hard not to notice how much you love each other. She wishes you all the best and you feel touched by her gesture. Hyunjae seems to feel the same way, as he bows one last time with a smile before taking you out.
“I can’t believe people see us like this,” he says once you’ve reached the beach
“Me neither, we’re so hopelessly in love with each other that we live in our own world and…”
“And people are happy to witness our happiness.”
“I think that is the greatest compliment anyone had ever paid me,” he nods and agrees
“Not even when I told you I loved your voice this morning?” you recall your morning escapade.
“Shut up,” you laugh and slap him
The two of you walk a little further along the fresh sand until you find a good spot to watch the sun set. It’s getting a bit cooler as it’s early april but Hyunjae’s arms find your shoulders to protect you from the cold breeze. You snuggle into his embrace, looking at his features more than the scenery. He’s really beautiful. And he’s yours. He grins when he feels your eyes on him.
“I know I am a whole landscape worthy of your attention but the sun is about to go down, baby”
You giggle again, so it’s time. Before you can get out of his arms, he puts his jacket over your shoulders and kisses you. Then you see the orange hue of the sky lighting up his beautiful eyes as he gets down on one knee. You gasp. He did not.
“Like I said five years ago, no matter what I’ve planned, no matter what time or situation we’re in, when it’s you and me nothing else matters. The sun is about to set, but my feelings for you are like a flame that that cannot be extinguished and that never stops growing. Maybe it's because of the fire you light in me every moment. I love you and I want to be the only one to love you for the rest of my life, for the rest of yours and for the rest of ours. Would you allow me to be your partner for life ? Would you marry me ?”
He did it. That idiot is smiling at you with bright eyes and a beautiful diamond ring in a velvet box. God you love him more than you’ve ever loved anyone.
“Idiot. I ruined your confession back then and you ruined my proposal today, now we’re even,” you can’t help the smile spreading across your face. “We’re both idiots in love, I love you and I’m still yours, will always be now”
It’s playful, the way you like it. In a way, he’s still your best friend, the best friend you’ll spend your life with. Except now, you kiss him more often, you get intimate and you will have children together. You love him so much, you could be living you own real fairy tale.
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sugarcherriess · 2 years
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Happy First Year Anniversary, My Loves!
I will be celebrating this event by opening drabble requests!
✨ The theme of this event will be: Mythical/Supernatural Creatures and Fantasy Elements (ex; mermaids/vampires/fairies, etc). Hence, the title: Fantasia.
✨ You can request One Idol + One fantastical element + One type (ex; smut/angst/fluff/humour)* per request.
✨ You can send multiple requests but they have to be separate entries/asks.
✨ Make sure you mention whether you want y/n to be fem/gender neutral, etc.
✨ Anyone in the pairing can be the mythical creature or they can both be humans venturing into a fantasy journey! You can choose how you want it to be!
✨ For example: Fairy Eric smut scenario with Fem!y/n or GN vampire y/n angst scenario with vampire Sunghoon, human y/n and human Seonghwa finding sirens, etc
✨ Requests will close after 21 January’ 2023.
*In Enhypen, I will not write smut about anyone besides the hyungline.
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Masterlist -
The Boyz
Sangyeon x Succubus!Reader (smut)
Incubus!Sangyeon x Reader (smut)
Werewolf!Jacob x Reader (spicy fluff)
Alien!Younghoon x Reader (smut)
Churchboy!Younghoon x Succubus!Reader (smut)
Siren!Hyunjae x Reader (smut)
Demon!Hyunjae x Reader (smut)
Creepy Alien Ally!Hyunjae x Adonis (smut) /Event Special For 🥛
Serpent Prince!Hyunjae x Seadragon Queen!Milk (smut) /Event Special For 🥛
Werewolf!Hyunjae x Tiny Little Bunny!Adonis (smut) /Event Special For 🐶
Priest!Hyunjae x Demon!Reader (smut)
Catboy!Juyeon x Reader (smut)
Evil Shapeshifter!Juyeon x Reader (smut)
Vampire!Juyeon x Vampire!Reader (angst)
Catboy!Chanhee x Reader (fluff)
Changmin x Ghost!Reader (humour or fluff)
Incubus!Changmin x Succubus!Reader (smut)
Vampire!Kevin x Reader (angsty smut)
Wizard!Haknyeon x Witch!Reader (smutty fluff)
Fairy!Eric x Reader (smut)
Puppyboy!Eric x Reader (smut)
Vampire!Eric x Angel!Reader (smut)
Vampire!Jay x Vampire!Reader (fluff)
Vampire!Jay x Reader (smut)
Siren!Seonghwa x Reader (smut)
Vampire!Yeosang x Reader (smutty angst)
Vampire!Jongho x Human/Vampire!Reader (smut)
Vampire!Beomgyu x Reader (smut)
Vampire!Taehyun x Angel!Reader (smut)
Taehyun x Succubus!Reader (fluff or smut)
Huening Kai x Siren!Reader (smut)
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seokgyuu · 10 months
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Lee Sangyeon...........................................................………. $27 With his origins in the Korea of 1996, Lee Sangyeon is a real classic best enjoyed with a glass of sweet Chardonnay. His strong taste can be overwhelming but you will soon learn to appreciate it.
Jacob Bae........................................................................... $26 Canadian supreme, the sweet taste of this special will melt right on your tongue and longing for more. With it's hints of maple and strawberry it fits perfectly with freshly brewed coffee.
currently in the works: lord, have mercy! ✧ being a priest's son, jacob is anything but experienced when it comes to intimacy. when you meet him at a wedding, you make it your goal to change that. ✧ jacob x gn!reader / strangers to fwb to lovers, religious guilt, smut. (18+)
Kim Younghoon.....................................................………. $26 A hearty meal originating in the Seoul of 1997, Kim Younghoon is perfect for a filling lunch or dinner. Some people even swear by him as a splendid experience for breakfast. Served with a sunny side up and an iced americano this might even be true.
Lee Jaehyun.........................................................………….. $26 Easy to enjoy, Lee Jaehyun (also known as Hyunjae) comes with many health benefits. He is rich in vitamins and sweet at the same time. Enjoy it with a soft drink of your choice on a hot summer day for full effect.
Lee Juyeon..........................................................…………... $25 A spicy dish that could easily burn you if you don't watch out. Best served with a glass of milk or yakult.
Kevin Moon...........................................................………….. $25 Recently revamped, this small meal has become a bigger one. We added a new side dish of honey glazed cottage cheese, this in 1998 first served dish is something to enjoy with a glass of our best Merlot.
Choi Chanhee.........................................................………... $25 The sweetest treat on this menu! With style and an artistic twist, this sweet treat will make you crave for more. Pair it with our signature hot chocolate for the full experience!
Ji Changmin............................................................……….. $25 What might look like straight out of a horror movie is actually just our very own Ji Changmin dish containing a very medium rare steak and beetroot drenched fries. It tastes especially good with a glass of our Malbec.
Ju Haknyeon..........................................................………... $24 With his exceptional taste, Ju Haknyeon has everyone who tastes him asking for more. As one of our most beloved dishes, the slightly sour but addictive taste of lemon mixed with the sweetness of plum, it has revolutionized our menu.
Kim Sunwoo............................................................……….. $23 Kim Sunwoo is famous for luring our fine dining guests into his colourful and appealing appearance. Filled with fruits, our Kim Sunwoo is one of the sweetest treats on the menu, but if you feel up for it you could also try his spicy version spiked with ginger.
Sohn Youngjae........................................................……..... $23 A wild mix of vegetables and beef, Sohn Youngjae has an exquisit taste that is almost for everyone. The rich spices of Korea mixed with the welcome and basic American style kitchen make this dish well rounded.
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