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yuukirita · 4 months ago
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It's actually a very happy chapter if you don't know about SecondBee Au... Compared to the last chapter at least. This one will make you laugh at least once (I hope)
Hug hug (or a single nod of the head)
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sunsetsandsunshine · 3 months ago
meltdown goes crazy holy fucking shit.
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littlepurplewakiya · 1 year ago
I really like to imagine Saiou having a whole collection of wacky dangle earrings to wear because he deserves nice things BUT I'm even more attached to the hc that he owns/wears *only* the ones he has in canon - they're actually very sentimental bc either Edo or Mizuchi gifted them to him.
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cogbreath · 11 months ago
i wonder if i will be able to grow a full beard
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pocket-jack · 3 months ago
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A minor misunderstanding, that's all, folks
When you craft a ring that hypotheticaly will rid your homie from most of the SMILE effects without harming him in the process, and he thinks you're proposing to them. It's just something that happens. (Right?)
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pizzabox-box · 6 months ago
Is it possible if Peppino will come back to life in the Dead Man Walking AU?
Unfortunately I don't think that's a possibility.He got his head bit off, there's no recovering from that.
(Excuses, you make anything happen)
..But! purely hypothetically there could be a way to bring him back.
Okay, so what if we (purely hypotheticaly) build a new Peppino? All we need is a body and a soul. And it's been already established that his spirit is hanging around..yapping, interupting my blogs..
The only thing we need is a body. Where do we get a body? Well,he's a ghost of some sorts, I'm pretty sure he could just posses somebody, but that's finicky and unethical. No, we need a clean slate. We need a body without a mind. Where do we get this? Cloning vats. "But all of the cloning vats were destroyed when the WAR exploded, and even if some survived they probably got crushed under the rumble!"
Hah, that's not an issue! We build the cloning vats from a scratch! Pizzahead figured out how to do it, so how hard could it be?? Now we have to find out how to make a proper clone, preferably without a mind of it's own...uhh..ummm. Hmp. We will figure that along the way!
If noone else here has any better idea, let's get to work!
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employee052 · 6 months ago
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im imagining the countdown ending would be somewhat awkward given that the player cant really do anything but watch the countdown. but im just imagining that hed go through his usual script only for the player to add some input at the end because they kinda can now, and it gets cut off with the narrator going "what-" (KERBLAM)
but GOD i want to *hypothetically) put in domestic fluff so bad!!!!
i just had this idea on what if instead of making it virgil it gives you the option to design him yourself with 3 prompts and 3 answers each. or one that lets you design him yourself by showing you how to put your art assets in to the game for you! (this might be too big to hypothetically code in but who knows aksjhd)
hey uhhh quick question to everyone in the tsp fandom
lets say, hypothetically, if there was a narrator dating sim, what would you like to be in it? /genq
just curious
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tiredofthehumanlife · 7 months ago
Oh I love sandwiches
Barbie dolls: rosekiller x ftm!reader
Word:1.7k kinda
Summary: you're feeling dysphoric and don't want to leave the house so Evan and Barty toss out their plans to love on you
Warning: lots of dysphoria, hypothetical misunderstanding, mentioned that you have tits mostly as a joke but it's Abt chest dysphoria so yk, sex jokes, it's Barty and Evan what were you expecting, slight mentions of past bartylus and slight mention of you hypotheticaly banging James, you blow off regulus kinda but he's understanding it's not written that he is but just trust me, you guys cuddle, evan is shirtless for a second, thats pretty much it I think
A few weeks ago, Regulus invited you and your two boyfriends over for a housewarming dinner. He and James recently moved into a new house, and now that they were settled, they wanted all their friends to see the new dwelling. You weren’t even sure how all those people would fit at the dining table, but you believed in Regulus.
And a few weeks ago you were excited. You wanted to see the new house and imagine where they would put all of Regulus’ books. You needed to see their kitchen. As of right now, you didn’t want to be anywhere near another human at all.
You knew it was the dysphoria making you feel like your chest was big enough to convince everyone who glanced at you that you were a woman. You needed to go to this dinner to support your friends. But the longer you looked in the mirror the more you wanted to go out into the backyard, dig a hole, and live inside forever.
Should you have just told your boyfriends? Yes, most definitely. But you were nothing if not a horrific communicator. So instead, as any mature person would do, you hid in the back of your closet. Evan’s winter coats were hanging in front of your face. It was calming to smell Evan and sit in the dark silence. You ignored the thought of having to do laundry later as you wiped your nose on the sleeve of your jacket.
“Rosie, do you remember where you hid our lovely boyfriend?” You heard Barty’s muffled yell from the living room. You sniffled trying to stay quiet so they didn’t find your hiding spot.
“Oh yes, I put him in the silverware drawer next to the spoons,” Evan yelled back sarcastically. You stifled your snort at Evan’s comment. You heard the silverware drawer slam back into the counter.
“Not there.” You winced at Evan’s groan. You waited patiently as Evan and Barty settled into silence. A few minutes passed in silence before the closet door slid open. Barty sighed when he saw you, squatting down to get at eye level with you. Evan stood over him, staring down at you.
“Hello, darling. Why are we hiding in the closet? You came out years ago.” You ignored Barty’s bad joke, looking at the wall instead. Evan must’ve found it bad, too, because Barty let out a loud groan in pain. You glanced at him to see him rubbing the back of his head.
“I can’t go.” You muttered. You heard Barty scoff.
“Oh is that all?” You threw a discarded button across the closet floor. Evan patted Barty’s shoulder.
“Why not?” Evan asked, trying to push the closet door open more. You rested your head against the wall.
“I’m sick.” You whispered. Barty hummed.
“You don’t seem sick to me.” He said, earning another disapproving sound from Evan. You faked two coughs. Barty and Evan hummed.
“Aha,” Evan said. “See he is sick.” Barty nodded. You pressed your lips together, pretending you didn’t hear their strong sarcasm.
“Come on, baby. Why are you really hiding in the closet?” Evan asked.
“is it Evan’s ugly shirt?” Barty asked, pointing his thumb back at his other boyfriend. Evan scoffed and ran his hands down the front of his shirt. Evan moved back to look in the mirror.
“What’s wrong with my shirt?” Evan asked with a sad tone. Barty snorted while you sniffled. You picked at the peeling paint on the wall.
“‘s nice.” You muttered. You just wanted to fall asleep right where you were. Evan and Barty could go and say you came down with the flu.
“Okay, so it’s not your hideous button-down; what is it? could you possibly give us a hint?” Barty said. Evan joined you two at the closet again, only now you noticed him eyeing the shirts that were hung up. You sighed, tugging at the fabric of Evan’s winter coat. You yanked it down, letting the hanger clack around on the rack. You pulled it over your body like a blanket, pulling the coat up to your nose. You took in a deep breath. The smell of your laundry detergent and a hint of Evan’s cologne washed over you.
“I don’t like my body right now.” Your voice was muffled by the fabric of Evan’s coat. Evan hummed.
“Right, well did you have to manhandle my coat to tell us that?” Evan asked, glancing up at the wooden hanger still swinging. Barty sighed, looking back at Evan.
“Yes.” You whispered, but you doubt anyone heard it because Evan and Barty started quietly bickering.
“Rosie, have you heard of a little sensitivity and sympathy? You’re being a bit mean to our amazing boyfriend here who’s having a bit of a rough day.” Barty whispered back at Evan.
“I’m just being a little humorous. Is humor not allowed when people are upset?” Evan said, swinging his hand in the air. Barty pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Not at-look how upset you’re making him. He’s crying into your coat, missing the Evan you once were. The Evan with a little sympathy.” Barty said. He pointed at you. Evan glanced at you before looking at Barty, disappointed.
“I’m crying because I have tits you dickheads.” You muttered. Barty and Evan’s heads snapped towards you.
“Right, sorry, love,” Barty muttered. Evan tilted his head to the side.
“Would you like to try a different outfit? Or we could drive you over there in a blindfold?” Evan offered. You shook your head.
“I just want to stay home, you guys should go through.” Barty clicked his tongue. You looked away from the wall to look at him.
“You know, Fuck Regulus-“ Barty started.
“You already did that.” Evan pointed out.
“-We just won’t go. Who says we need to be there in person to support him? We’ll set up a new dinner, and tell Regulus something came up.” Barty said, standing up and dusting his hands off. Evan hummed, crossing his arms over his chest.
“It’s not a horrific idea. What do you think?” Evan asked, looking down at you. You shrugged.
“I don’t want you to miss out on hanging out with all your friends.” You said, picking at a loose string on Evan’s winter coat. Evan cooed, making you pull the coat further up your face to hide your embarrassment. Barty’s hands found the bottom of the coat, lightly tugging the coat away from your face.
“We won’t, we see them all the time. We just won’t go to dinner with them, no biggie.” Barty knocked your cheek with his knuckle, making your lips tip up just slightly.
“Not to mention, I don’t like Regulus’ cooking so this is favorable.” Evan started reaching for his shirt buttons. He nimblly unbuttoned them all, untucking his shirt from his pants, and tossed it over his shoulder all in a couple of seconds. It appears undressing you and Barty was great practice for him.
“Okay?” Barty asked, drawing your attention away from Shirtless Evan. You stared into his eyes, trying to see if he was just lying in your favor. He gave you a small smile that eased your nerves.
“Okay.” You whispered into the woven fabric of Evan’s coat. Barty quickly stood, holding his hand out to you. You took it, letting him help you stand up.
“Rosie, would you mind calling Regulus?” Barty asked. Evan nodded before leaving the room to inform Regulus that they couldn’t make it. “What will make you feel better? Cuddles? Snacks? Money?” Barty asked, lightly massaging the inside of your arm. You hummed, thinking through your options. You tilted your head from side to side deciding which one you wanted more.
“cuddles?” Barty nodded. He pointed to the nearby bed and the door that led to the living room. You pointed at the bed. Bary nodded again, before turning around to face the bed. He jumped to the bed landing face first into the mattress. You snorted before joining him on the bed, granted with a little more grace and charm. He quickly pulled you into his arms, tightly wrapping you up. You hummed at his excessively tight squeezes.
You heard Evan gasp at the doorway. You pulled your chin over Barty’s shoulder to see him, smacking Barty’s legs with his “ugly” shirt.
“No shoes on the bed,” Evan said, punctioning it with another smack. You glanced down at Barty’s feet to see he was indeed wearing his dress shoes on the bed. Barty groaned before kicking them off. Evan sighed and pinched his nose bridge before deciding it wasn’t worth the fight. He joined you and Barty on the bed, announcing that he was taking his shoes off beforehand. Evan lay on the other side of you, effectively squishing you between the two of them. He rubbed his nose against your cheek, giving you a light nuzzle before pecking you. He trailed his kiss back to just in front of your ear.
“Sometimes your brain is just mean to you, it doesn’t mean you’re any less of a man. You’re lovely, and so handsome you don’t even understand. Just got a contrarian for a brain, that’s all.” You hummed, nuzzling your face back against his. Barty agreed, pinching your side. You jerked, giving him a reprimanding flick on the nose.
“You’re the manliest man I’ve ever known. You top James and he eats woodchips for breakfast.” Barty jested, nodding his head like he was speaking fact. Evan snotted next to your ear.
“I hope he’s not topping James without us watching,” Evan whispered, earning a scoff from you and a loud, boisterous laugh from Barty. You shook your head at them both, hating that they were making you smile with their bad jokes.
“You’re the dudest dude ever, I love sucking your dick,” Barty said, staring into your eyes like he was telling you the ending lines of a rom-com. You sighed before tipping your head up and smacking a kiss on his lips. Barty tugged you closer by the front of your shirt. You nipped at his bottom lip. Not that kind of night, and pulled back. You twisted in an awkward position to peck Evan, too. You settled back into your cuddling position. You pulled Evan’s hand closer to your chest, pressing it against your heart. Evan lightly kissed your shoulder. Barty threw one arm over your side, caressing Evan’s bicep. You three fell asleep like that, intertwined and reassuring with your friends somewhere on the other side of town, eating Regulus’ questionable food.
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ahhhhhhhhshoot · 2 months ago
Hypotheticaly if I was Huntly would you tell me when your parents aren't home and leave your door unlocked🤔
oh absolutely hehe
raped in my childhood bed sounds like a memorable occasion....
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your-localfunk · 2 years ago
When you can't fuck their mum fuck their sister
I have another wtf story related to Nevermoor, kinda, :D👍
warnings: homophobia, cursing, caplock words, Hollowpox spoilers
So basically I had a friend, we ain't friends anymore who I got interested enough to read Nevermoor, this was like 1 month ago, a week ago we sat down and started sharing some theorys we had together, btw I didn't know much about her at the time, and she hit me with "I don't like the idea of Morrigan and Cadence together, it's disgusting". I sat there dumbfounded and suprised and then I asked why, she told me "I don't support gay people you know, they are weird and disgusting." Then I hit her with "You know Miss Cherry has a girlfriend right?".
She didn't like that answer and started fucking screaming "WHAT DO YOU MEAN? I LIKED HER EW" and stuff like that.
The best part is she didn't know I was pansexual and when I told her that she was pissed beyond the universe. She told me to never talk to her again and left.
Jokes on her, I'm dating her lovely beautiful sister, so she can't escape my pansexual ass :)
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darrellenjoyer · 4 months ago
horror story: this creature will disguise its throat as a slide or tunnel to lure creatures into its digestive system
me: uouyhhhhoouuuuuuuuujjj. hypotheticaly where would this creature be located
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delionsstuff · 1 year ago
kenshi washes the dishes at home because johnny hates to do it and does it terribly, and kenshi is a bit of a clean freak and even with his hands he can feel when the dishes are perfectly clean.
and maybe - hypotheticaly of course - johnny just likes watching him, so extremely focused on something that his eyebrows furrow, and his lips look so good when pursed strictly together...
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darknoverse · 1 year ago
gijinka moment wahoo
idk y'all let's say hypotheticaly i went insane. cuz Gijinka .
thank u server homies love y'all btw
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en-bitch · 8 days ago
Soooo hypotheticaly. If I got an itch for some entertainment. And this entertainment is you tied up and surrounded by guard girls. How many of them do you think you'll be able to take, before you gonna tap out, love? 😘
Also how many times do you think you gonna need to say your safe words before I stop them (I rolled d20 for that :3)
Vhjghjj😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 hhmm, bunny can take a pounding, although maybe after the third I might struggle. As for number of times, lemme roll a d20 thinking about a cuute dragon and see... Apparently it's only 4 but I think it might be more
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numberonepartyboy · 10 months ago
wait. if two ghosts (sandstorm. hypotheticaly.) in ninjago universe kiss sloppily would they die
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ivory--raven · 1 month ago
so like hypotheticaly if you were being chased by 100000000000 bees because you accidentaly danced incorrectly and declared war upon their entire species, where would you hide? i need to know fast, theyre catching up to me and im running out of time
somewhere cold cause they don't like that so really anywhere in the us north of like broward/miami-dade area gjfjgjgjdjrj or paris apparently
or. cause I divine your identity you could swim underwater for a really long time. swim into a cave. this is a terrible idea because it's dangerous but it would work
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