#hypnotic sex
totallyshattered · 2 years
5-Star Ride
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Alison's plane touched down, and she was so relieved to finally be home!
She trudged off the plane, still in the button-down blouse, pencil skirt and heels she'd been wearing in Chicago. In the rush to get out of her hotel room that morning, Alison had forgotten to pack her duffel bag with a change of clothes for the flight. She hadn't realized the mistake until after she checked her suitcase. and the uncomfortable clothes just added to her weariness.
The whole trip had been exhausting. Well, less of a trip, more of a tour. Alison hadn't been home in almost 3 months. She worked as an aide and layout designer to an advertising executive, Mr. Alexander Tennyson, and they'd been doing a cross country campaign for a new pharmaceutical product line.
She’d been transferred under Mr. Tennyson specifically for the campaign and had spent nearly every waking moment of the previous six months with him. He was a tall, Oxford-educated man of African descent with impeccable taste and skill at their business. His deep voice, chiseled features, well-pressed suits, and almost imperial manner had enamored Alison the entire time.
Alison had been at his beck and call, working on the project itself, running errands, getting food, and doing everything Mr. Tennyson and the firm had needed. She’d gotten PAID, but 12-hour days had been the norm, they were in a new city every few days, and then there had been that little incident where she'd gotten drunk and fucked Mr. Tennyson two weeks before the end of the tour.
She shivered, thinking about it. It had been incredible. She'd fantasized about him since she was transferred under him, and when they'd finally hooked up, he was so manly and masterful, he took complete control of the night, and she had let him do things she'd never have dreamed.
But, in the cold light of day, she'd been mortified that she'd given in to her lusts and had rejected him far too harshly the next morning when Mr. Tennyson had tried to broach the subject. The hurt in his eyes haunted her, and the cold deadness that followed had made her cry in her lonely hotel room more than once since.
He hadn't mentioned it again, and he'd remained completely professional, but it was obvious that he was still upset and just going through the motions with her. Alison felt she didn't owe him anything, but she knew she'd handled it wrong and was ignoring all of her feelings from the last half-year.
Deep in her own thoughts, she wandered listlessly to baggage pickup, grabbed her suitcase, and headed to the exit while her regrets and snippets of their passionate night spiraled through her brain.
Not that it mattered anymore, she sighed to herself. He’d probably transfer her away soon now that the job was done.
As she neared the exit, Alison pulled out her phone to set up a ride-share home. She changed accounts to select the corporate account, so she didn't have to go through the pain in the ass of expensing it but was only half paying attention as she swiped through the options.
When she hit submit, her phone buzzed, and the app made a sound she hadn't heard before. She frowned and checked the status. It looked normal, scanning for rides, so she shrugged it off.
She exited the airport and was immediately hit by an icy blast that her light overcoat could not compensate for. Alison shrieked and ducked back into the relative shelter the building offered.
Alison asked one of the porters if she could sit inside and wait, but was told, no, all ride-share clients had to sit in the loading zone. She tried to give him the sad kitty face, but no go.
Finally, she trudged out, found a seat in the ride share waiting area, and hugged her arms around herself, shivering.
Then she waited.
And waited.
Aaaaaannnnd waited until, at some point, she dozed off on the bench despite the brisk wind.
Alison dreamed about Mr. Tennyson. Dreamed about begging forgiveness, dreamed about submitting to him again, and dreamed about servicing his every desire.
Sometime later, she was wrenched from her dreamers sleep by a firm shake.
"Hello, young lass, are you waiting for a ride?" Asked a nondescript, middle-aged man in a bomber jacket and newsboy cap. His voice had a slight brogue that she couldn’t identify in her bewildered state.
Alison shook her head, "...ride? Oh, yes! I'm sorry, I was waiting, and I must have dozed off!"
She tried to stand on shaky legs when the driver scolded her, "Sit down, you daft girl. Stay there and let me do my job."
If she were more awake, she probably would have snapped back, but tired as she was, she obeyed his order.
The driver loaded her bags into a surprisingly nice town car and then opened the door, beckoning her inside. Alison was still a bit shaky when she stood, but she made it into the car before collapsing on the seat.
Oooo, she thought, it was so warm in the car, and the seats were even heated!
Now, wrapped in warmth, her sluggishness returned tenfold, and she smiled slightly as the driver got in and began the trip. He called himself Shane and told her he'd get her to her proper destination.
Shane did the normal driver shtick, asking her questions about herself, her trip, her job, etc. Allison answered the questions far less guarded than she would normally because she felt so warm, so drowsy, that she didn’t think to hold back. She only just managed to stop herself from describing her night with Mr. Tennyson.
Shane wasn't fooled, though. He zeroed in on her sudden silence, “Did something happen between you, and your boss?"
Allison flushed, "Um, that's not really your business, Shane."
"Sir," he corrected sharply.
The directness startled Allison, "Wait, what?"
"You should address men properly when they are leading you," he elaborated condescendingly. "I am leading you to your proper destination, you should address me with respect. You call Mr. Tennyson 'sir' when he directs you, don't you?"
Alison's bleary mind tried to latch onto a coherent response, but all that came out was, "Yes, sir."
"Good girl," he responded smugly.
Alison flushed.
"Now, tell me what happened?"
The story flowed out of Alison. Every detail.
Drinking a few too many cocktails at the client mixer.
Shamelessly making out with Mr. Tennyson after the client called it a night.
Grinding on his bulge on the dance floor.
Being ordered to come to his hotel room and practically creaming herself.
Actually cumming when he'd pulled her head down to suck his huge cock from the passenger seat of the rental.
His hidden fingers buried in her cunt from behind while she desperately tried not to make a sound during the seemingly endless elevator ride to his suite.
Being stripped and servicing him on her knees in the entryway of the room.
Giving and getting licked, sucked, and fucked on every surface in the room and in every position Mr. Tennyson twisted her pliable body into.
Feeling his bare rod fill her unprotected pussy with potent cum at least four times before they’d passed out.
Waking up to being taken and filled again during the night, and then falling asleep with his cock in her mouth when he ordered her to clean it with her mouth.
And finally, the shame, the panic she’d felt the next day, and her subsequent mistreatment of her boss.
Alison was mortified, beyond embarrassed, and almost impossibly turned on as she finished the story.
Shane, smirking, but saying nothing, offered her a drink that looked like a flavored sparkling water.
After that whole train wreck, a drink sounded good to her though she wished it was something stronger.  Shouldn’t she be home by now?
The liquid inside was a bright neon pink color, the kind she'd loved as a teen, but had tried to distance herself from as an adult. At that moment, the nostalgic feeling of pink was a comfort instead of an embarrassment.
Alison hesitantly took the bottle, but before she could open it, Shane reached back and grabbed her wrist firmly, but without pain.
"What do you say, girl?" He growled.
Despite her exhaustion, adrenaline spiked through her. Her mind searched for the answer while her eyes were locked with his harsh gaze. Finally, she sputtered out, “Thank you! Uh, sir. Thank you, sir!”
He smiled at her, though it didn’t reach his eyes. “Better, but that’s twice. You’d better not forget yourself again on this ride.”
Rattled, Alison finally got the bottle opened and sipped the saccharine liquid, and to her surprise, the drink even tasted pink. She giggled and took another sip, trying to keep her dignity, but just ended up gulping it down, little rivulets of pink escaping her lips dripping on her black coat.
Alison finished the bottle in one long draught and felt a different kind of warmth pour through her. Goosebumps raced down her body as if she was being caressed with slender fingers. She gasped for air at the feeling and then began giggling again.
"Have another," Shane ordered her. Part of Alison tried to rebel against being commanded, but the Pink told her to be a good girl and have another.
“Yes sir. Thank you, sir,” said the Pink Ali.
Alison opened the second bottle and began to gulp the oversweet elixir down. The feelings intensified, and she felt the heat surge through her.
It was so hot, and it felt so good, but at the same time, she was so tired, all she could do was moan, giggle, and drift.
Shane’s voice cut through the haze, “Doesn’t it feel good when you do what you’re told?”
“Uh, um, what?” Mumbled Alison. She couldn’t concentrate, couldn’t think.
“I told you to take a drink, you did it, and then you felt good, right you stupid girl?” Asked Shane.
“Yes… but, the drink,” Alison tried to respond. She felt so strange. Were her clothes tighter? Did her tits always bulge out from her shirt like that?
“No,” he cut her off. “You already felt good when you obeyed, didn’t you?”
“And then when you obeyed again, and took another drink, and it felt even better, correct?”
“So,” the sneering Shane concluded, “It feels good when you obey.”
“Good girl, good girl.”
Pink Ali beamed. Yes, she was a good girl, she obeyed.
“It’s proper for a stupid lass like you to obey men.”
“No, not… not stupid,” Alison responded.
“Yes, you are stupid,” Shane confirmed, smirking. “You don’t respect men properly, you don’t have any manners and need instructions like a child, and you tell all of your personal business to perfect strangers. Only stupid girls do that.”
“Yes, yes I’m so stupid,” agreed Ali as Alison subsided again.
“You are a stupid girl. Stupid girls obey and respect men. You should always obey and respect men.”
“Yesss…,” Ali was getting stronger. Her skirt felt tight, her panties wedged between her big ass cheeks.
“It feels good to obey, and stupid girls need to obey men. Men like Mr. Tennyson,” continued Shane.
At the mention of Mr. Tennyson, Ali moaned, “Ohh, yessss…”
“It feels good to obey Mr. Tennyson. You always have to obey him like a servant, don’t you?”
Alison clawed her way back, “No… not always… not a servant… just a job…”
“Stupid girl!” Scolded Shane. Alison winced, tried to hold on. “It is your job to do whatever Mr. Tennyson says to do so he can do his work, yes?”
“Uh, uh, yes,” stammered Alison losing her grip.
“If you have to do whatever he tells you all the time, it means you always obey him, and obedience feels good.”
“Yessss,” Ali agreed, she started rubbing her plumping thighs. They were so smooth. Her nails were so cute and pink.
“You obey everything Mr. Tennyson says, obeying him feels good. Servants always obey, it’s their job. You are his servant.”
“I… I am… servant,” Ali wheezed, feeling so good.
“Good girl,” Shane rewarded Ali. Ali beamed, and her fingers slipped into her thong to rub her pussy.
Shane continued, “You are Mr. Tennyson’s servant. You love to obey him. It feels good. It makes your stupid girl cunt drip.”
“YES” Ali gushed, figuratively and literally.
“You take care of all his needs. Whatever he needs, you obey, right?”
Alison made a desperate surge. “No, not… not everything he needs… Not...  everything…” She was getting weaker and weaker. It felt so good to let Ali talk. It was easier. Felt so good. Why was she trying so hard?
“Yes, everything,” Shane reinforced. “Remember when you took care of his needs as a man. When he told you to follow, you followed. When he told you to suck, you sucked. When he told you to fuck, you fucked. When he told you to cum, you came.”
“Oh yes! Yes!” Ali groaned happily. She began stroking her other fingers across her cock sucking lips. They felt so good, they felt so much bigger, so much more sensitive, like she had another clit on her lips.
“Heehee, pussy mouth,” Ali giggled.
Shane rolled his eyes and continued, “So, obeying Mr. Tennyson doesn’t just feel good. It makes your pussy wet. Stupid girls like you get wet when they obey strong men like Mr. Tennyson.”
“I… I… “ Alison tried to deny it.
“You obey Mr. Tennyson. Obeying him makes your pussy wet. You are wet for Mr. Tennyson. Say it!”
“I get wet from Mr. Tennyson!” cried Ali, exultantly. Her fingers were buried in her pussy now. She pinched the nipple of one of her massive tits that had finally burst free of her blouse.
“If you obey Mr. Tennyson, and obeying makes you wet, and you do anything for him including taking care of his manly needs, you aren’t just a servant, you’re a slave.”
“Noooooo…,” wailed Alison weakly. There wasn’t much left of her.
“You are a stupid girl who only obeys him. Your only value is serving him and servicing him. You help him do his work. You drain his cock. It’s all you’re good for,” Shane grinned at her in his review mirror, enjoying her transformation. “You are his slave.”
“Yes! Yes, Ali is Mr. Tennyson’s slave!” Ali squealed happily. She wanted to cum so bad. She wanted to cum on Mr. Tennyson’s cock.
“Slaves don’t call their owners by their names,” Shane told her. “What do they call him?”
“Mmmmaasstteeerrrrr!!!” Ali exulted. It seemed Alison was gone.
“Good slave,” said Shane, his job done. “Now, don’t cum until your Master tells you. He would be very angry.”
Ali gasped, “Oh no, I’ll be a good girl, I won’t cum until Master says so!” It was so hard, she was so warm, so wet, so horny, she wanted to cummmm. But she had to obey!
Ali continued to edge, the rest of the world forgotten. She vaguely heard Shane talking, but not to her.
“Yes sir, it’s done. I’ll be there in a few minutes. You should bring a blanket. Mmhm. Mmhm. Yes, Mr. Tennyson, I expect payment on delivery”
Ali heard him say Master’s name! She was going to Master! Shane was so nice to take her to Master!
The car finally pulled up to a gated, modest sized, but elegant house with a well-manicured lawn. The electric gate opened, and Shane pulled in.
All 6’4” of Mr. Alexander Tennyson waited at the bottom of the steps, a blanket slung over his arm.
Shane stopped, got out, and opened the passenger door. The smell of sugar and arousal flowed out. Tennyson smirked at the vision inside. A caricature of his assistant sat, head back, eyes closed, fingers pumping in her cunt, awaiting her new life.
“Come here, Alison,” he ordered.
Ali’s eyes fluttered open, and she set her eyes on Master. She cried out for him and leapt from the car. She embraced him and burst into tears.
“I’m sorry! I’m so sorry,” the tiny remaining shred of Alison sobbed out. “I love you, Master. I always wanted to be yours!”
Tennyson’s face softened. He bent down, wrapped her in the blanket, and lifted her, holding her close to his chest. He whispered to her, “I know, Alison. I forgive you. I love you, too. Now you’re mine forever.”
Ali fell asleep in his arms as Master carried her into her new home.
Shane picked up all the luggage he had stowed in the car and took it into the house and feeling very smug at another job well done.
The Full-Service package was expensive, but he guaranteed satisfaction.
Shane checked his phone, making sure the wire transfer had gone through. He confirmed it, closed the door, and got back into his car.
Just as he was about to drive off, he felt a buzz at his elbow. It was the bimbo’s phone, still open, and sitting on the completed screen for the ride-share app. She’d never even noticed the destination change or the Full-Service package request. Stupid girl.
He picked up the phone, smiled evilly, and rated the trip 5-stars. Shane always took them where they needed to go.
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bi-b0i-band · 5 months
🫦Mmm so sweet🩵
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kafka-pilled · 2 years
i’m soooo sensitive to fingers snapping it’s unreal. it’s like my brain skips for a second and then i have to regain my train of thought. sure, a sleep command could probably drop me under at that point, but if a different command is given before i’m able to recover, well…
if they snapped and said “suck me”, i’d just have to pull their dick out as quickly as possible and start sucking. i’d just have to. would be so. desperate to obey.
i love that i feel compelled to obey at the snap of a finger.
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larabray · 1 year
Am available for hookup,First in my mouth then right up in my pussy
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cashblightganon · 2 months
I want to break your mind.
I want to decimate all the autonomy you lay claim to.
I want to seize every power you think you possess.
I want every dollar you have to your name.
I want you begging to be used.
I want you grateful to be destroyed.
I want you distraught at the thought of keeping anything from Me.
I want you to smile at the negatives in your bank accounts because you know it means you served Me the best you can.
I want your all.
I want you to know you’re Mine.
I want you to live like it.
I am the first thought you have when you wake and the last thing you remember as you drift off to sleep.
I am an itch that demands to be scratched only with service.
I am the picture on the back of your eyelids.
The shadow in the corner of your eye.
I am a monolith to block your vision and the microscopic floaters you can never ignore.
I am illusion.
I am clarity.
I am the spider hanging over your bed.
I am the monster below.
I am what goes squeak and creak and crack and bump in the night.
I am intangible and constant.
Like fear.
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dreampencil · 1 year
I think Misha Collins has us hypnotised by some kind of witchy love spell. I think his eyes squirt out lusty love juice through the internets
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kellygirlcaged · 3 days
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doubledomme · 8 months
There has been a deal struck
Once a month, both subs can dom me at the same time. They’ll plan the scene with my limits in place and I won’t know a thing until the night. It will be a full 48 hours of whatever they want with breaks sprinkled in.
Their first night is at the end of this month and then the end of each month after that.
So a special little message from the subs:
Send in your suggestions on how we can absolutely make our domme useless for 48 hours. Our basic plan for the first one is along the line of 48 hours of maid/sex toy. A list of chores with a special little outfit and some special little toys. 1 wants to incorporate some puppy play into it and training. 2 wants to do some hypno the night before.
We know from another domme that our domme can be such a good puppy and oh look she’s blushing. Send in your suggestions and requests. Pleaseeee
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corvidclub · 4 days
finally saw the 'armand was basically raping louis throughout the entire relationship because mind powers' take in the wild I honestly thought that was a sick joke y'all were making...anyways completely unrelated but does anybody remember how we actually saw on screen louis disassociate during sex with lestat and how makers and fledglings can canonically feel each others emotions and lestat presumably kept having sex with him despite this
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larabray · 1 year
Am available Am hungry. 🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆🍆
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cashblightganon · 2 months
It’s always “make Me your slave” and “I wanna do anything you want” until I tell you to give Me all your money heheheheheh
All a sudden you get to st-stuttering and tr-tripping on words but did I fkin stutter? No. I said give Me all your money
Are you a slave or not? Because last time My Black ass checked, slaves don’t get paid. Sooo why would you?
No of course you’re not getting paid. You’re just the middleman. You’re the railroad that delivers My money to Me.
So hand it over,
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brainwashboy · 1 month
Sorry I infodumped about sex toys when you pulled one out. It reminded me of a Wikipedia article I just read. Do you still think I'm mysterious and cool?
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a-dash-in-the-middle · 2 months
extra tired, feet hurt, would do it again 10/10
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freaky-littlespace · 3 months
iffy baby
tw- this contains age regression hyper sexual stress, I do not condone the fetishization of littles however if it’s a littles choice to have sex then that is their business, happy reading.🍼❤️
it was a dark evening and the rain was super loud, this lulled you to sleep, the rain and thunder was so peaceful and the cold air felt great against your warm blankets. You started daydreaming about your caregiver who was a naga, he was so nice and sweet despite him being a snake. Your mind wandered to a much darker daydream. Imagining more adult things, it wasn’t your fault, you just had an active imagination and had problems with your libido at times. You tried to brush it off but you could feel an iffy coming, you tried holding a pillow between your legs but that didn’t work. You get up out of bed and go to the kitchen hoping you could get a snack to take your mind off it, you open the fridge and get a bottle of chocky milk and cookies, you sit down to eat when you feel a large hand on your waist, “hey sweetie why are you up so late, were you hungry” you refuse to turn around because when he put his hand on your waist like that he was usually going to use his power to hypnotize you into going back to bed, “y-yez sur” “babbyyyyy turn around and look me in the eyes while I’m talking to you”. You turn around and see his face and chest hovering over you, your dirty thoughts roll in and your iffy comes back, daddy’s voice goes to a more effeminate soft British accent “oh baby are you ok your eyes look glazed, are you blushing? Baby you seem to be really sick you need to go back to bed” . You look away denying that your not ok “I is fin can me go now” he responded “baby are you hiding something, look at me”. He grabs your face and his eyes turn swirly colors “what are you hiding from daddy” “I-i-i h-h-had I-i-iffy”. He stops “baby if you were iffy you could of just told me, I would of helped you, is it the one that doesn’t go away when you want it, come on let’s go to my room we are getting this sorted out”. You are lead to daddy’s room which is filed with snake aesthetic stuff and a nest of piles of pillows and blankets as a “bed” he calls it. “Now do you want clothes on or off, on it is.” Daddy puts you on his nest and coils around you tightening around your happy spots your neck belly and thighs “you comfy baby, now let’s get rid of that iffy, no no I’m not going to hurt you tonight no biting forced hypnosis nothing, first I’m going to kiss you is that ok” he starts kissing your lips no tongue, “now I’m going to tighten my tail”. He constricts around you making it harder to breathe and your belly and thighs get squeezed making you whimper and giggle “you like that baby, you like when daddy plays with your thighs and tummy, they’re so soft daddy could just (his voice gets dark and flirty) squeeze the life out of you~.” He whispers in your ear making you whine “now can daddy touch your iffy or is it to early, want me to use my mouth or hands, mouth it is” . He opens you onesie by its crotch and starts teasing your iffy with his tongue making it drip with pre. “D-d-dad-ddy-y I-i-i-i w-w-want mom-more I-I-I” he responds “baby do you feel comfortable with daddy going to town on you”. You nod your head. He starts bobbing he head up and down on you, making you whine and whimper, after a few minutes you cum in his mouth. “Baby you did so good for daddy, and next time don’t be afraid to ask, daddy doesn’t like using his power on you he knows you like keeping your secrets but next time this happens knock on my door and I’ll come get you situated ok baby”. He cleans you up and puts you in your little room with your pacifier and teddy “good night…prey”. You fall asleep with your thoughts mellowed out into a puddle of sweet thoughts about you and daddy fading into sweet dreams.
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cult--of--hypnos · 3 months
@ the hypnocommunity: what educational content ( I don't really like that word, but I'm blanking on a better one) you recommend on the subject of hypnokink? Think of books, documentaries, movies, etc.
Personally, I'm looking for more information on being a better hypnotist. I understand that practicing is the name of the game, but I feel like you gotta understand the rules, risks, and limitations of the game before you play properly. But of course, any and all resources are great to share!
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