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Jusepe de Ribera, Magdalena Ventura with Her Husband and Son, 1631, Museo Fondación Duque de Lerma, Toledo, Spain.
The Guardian: The Bearded Woman of Abruzzi: a 17th-century hero of gender fluidity
[...] Ribera’s painting Magdalena Ventura, also known as La mujer barbuda – The Bearded Woman – shows its subject breastfeeding her baby. This is Ribera’s none too subtle way of showing us that Ventura is anatomically a woman, for there is no sign of that in her face. Her huge, black beard makes her look like an Old Testament patriarch. Her facial features too are heavy and powerful, in other words they conform to common assumptions of what looks “masculine.” Her body is big and muscular, her hands strong and hairy. Her clothes are finely coloured but gender-neutral – again, they evoke a Biblical prophet. Ventura’s husband, standing behind her right shoulder, looks less of a man than she does. His beard is smaller, his physique slighter. Ribera captures the fact that he is overshadowed by his wife’s fame, for Magdalena’s defiance of 17th century images of womanhood made her a celebrity in Italy. She came from Abruzzi where, according to the inscription on a stone slab in Ribera’s painting, she gave birth to three sons before her beard suddenly grew when she was 37 years old. In the painting she is 52. Ribera painted her in Naples, where he worked as a court artist. The city was under Spanish rule and Ribera, born in 1591 in Valencia, mixed a Spanish sense of gravity with the courageous realism Caravaggio had introduced to Naples a quarter of a century earlier. The Viceroy of Naples, fascinated by the fame of “The Bearded Woman of Abruzzi”, commissioned Ribera to paint this mysterious masterpiece. The inscription calls Magdalena Ventura a “great wonder of nature”. That says a lot about how she was seen. Ventura crossed boundaries and broke down categories. Today, we might see this as a conscious and radical defiance of oppressive norms. In the 17th century it made her a curiosity, perhaps even a monster. There was no concept of social progress, let alone of gender revolution. The order of nature was God-given and unchanging. There was no idea of evolution either in the forms of animals or the customs of human beings. Yet there were manifest exceptions to the order of things: hybrid beasts, cross-bred plants, prodigious births, and bearded women. Ribera portrays Ventura with a calm and sombre naturalism. He also gives her great dignity. She is a unique being in his eyes: someone who is neither one thing nor another, and yet whose humanity outshines what looked to contemporaries like freakishness. This painting embodies what makes Ribera such a moving and memorable artist: his tender, compassionate eye for the real world. He is one of the stars of the National Gallery’s exhibition Beyond Caravaggio, which is well worth seeing this Christmas or when it tours to Dublin and Edinburgh in 2017. Yet even by his standards or those of Caravaggio, this is a radical work of realism. It puts truth before all conventions of beauty. Art in Ribera’s day saw women as goddesses and saints, martyrs and nudes. Here a woman with a man’s beard and a man’s face stands breastfeeding her baby. Ribera sees beyond the conventions of art and the assumptions of his time – if someone does not fit our expectations, their uniqueness has to be recognised for what it is. Ventura is a fact. She is real. Here she stands. In her absolute originality, Ribera sees not just some freak of nature but the wonder and enigma of individuality itself. Magdalena Ventura broke every law of her world – and Ribera immortalised her for doing so.
(Jonathan Jones)
#art#Jusepe de Ribera#Magdalena Ventura with Her Husband and Son#The Bearded Woman#La Mujer Barbuda#Magdalena Ventura con Su Marido#Magdalena Ventura#Spanish art#Italian history#Abruzzi#17th century#1600s#1631#Toledo#Spain#Museo FondaciĂłn Duque de Lerma#hypertricosis#women in history#articles#The Guardian#Jonathan Jones
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Behind the scenes...... @goneinsixty60 interview with me. Stay Tuned for the full Interview! @therebelpatriot @kingthai #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #talk #talkshow #media #socialmedia #instagram #instagramers #vlog #blog #podcast #videographer #capturethemoment #whosyourpuppetmaster #boss #lights #camera #action #puppets #muppets #children #kids #hypertricosis #beardgang @RepostIt_app
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Two lovely ladies from the Mageblood Chronicles!! #DommieBeaumont #juliettemarcheau #themagebloodchronicles #illustration #hypertricosis #romani #1930s #1940s
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Fur: An Imaginary Portrait of Diane Arbus or How a Woman Fell in Love with The Grotesque
This movie is 18+.
What can I say of this movie? Is not for people that want a completely historically accurate biography or are history nerds or even Diane Arbus nerds. In fact that’s why is called an imaginary portrait. Nothing that you see here is real or happened.Â
But jeez, this movie is so artistic and a beautiful monster romance. Long story short, the plots tells the story of Diane Arbus (played by a magnificent Nicole Kidman), a housewife that serves as her husband assistance in his photography study. Diane has two very rich, very oppressive parents and a very supporting husband. And two kids. But somehow, she feels trapped in this suburban life. Later she meets a strange new neighbor, Lionel.
Lionel, played by a Robert Downey. Jr, who I didn’t recognize the first forty five minutes that I watched the movie until I put the volume to maximum because he was completely covered in fur.Â
And when I mean covered with fur, I mean completely.Â
The man in question has a condition called hypertricosis, wish is known as the Werewolf Illness and is dying because of it.Â
He is a wig maker and ex circus freak that attracts Diane with his wit and helps her to explore her fascination with the grotesque. While her husband does photographs to models and clothes. Diane starts to be fascinated by corps, people with with abnormal features, nudists, etc.Â
What I love more of this movie? The eroticism. The actors have a breathtaking sexual tension to but their romance is constructed slow and taking their mutual interests and dreams. There are scenes when they talk about sex, scenes when they are naked and just inches from each other, but they don’t touch. Hell, we don’t even see Lionel’s face until the last twenty minutes of the movie, but unlike other monster romances when the public is somehow disappointed because the monster returned to his “prince” state, here there is another plot point sides them making love. In any way, the sexual tension and the building of their relationship is so good that you don’t care if Diane screwed the guy being furry or not.Â
But part of me says that RDJ can be sexy even if he is covered with fur like, hell.Â
(But also is pretty funny when she cuts shaves his hair because she cuts him pretty badly in some parts and the the haircut is sloppy AF).
The ending is bittersweet, since Lionel dies, but they make love for the first/last time before he dies and is a beautiful scene. Diane leaves her family (yeah, she is not pretty perfect princess protagonist so prepare yourselves) and becomes a famous photographer.Â
So. totally marvelous, brilliant movie. A monster romance the please the Prince and Monster lovers, because he doesn’t change in personality at all when he goes “prince”. Beautiful cinematography and marvelous acting. Take a look, Reylo fandom!Â
Submission by @ambitious-witch
#reylo vibe#reylo#exophilia#monster love#film#movie#monster#submission#grotesque#exophilia film#exophilia movie#exo tag
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#UdahTauBelum : Hypertricosis
Agenda : #udahtaubelum Materi : Kelainan dan Penyakit Genetik Hypertrichosis. Tanggal : 11 April 2017 Pemateri : @gerimis-manja (Sisi Aprillia) Kelainan dan penyakit genetik adalah penyimpangan dari sifat rata-rata manusia, serta merupakan penyakit yang muncul karena tidak berfungsinya faktor-faktor genetik yang mengatur struktur dan fungsi fisiologi tubuh manusia. Berdasarkan sifat alelnya maka kelainan dan penyakit genetika dapat digolongkan sebagai berikut : 1. Kelainan dan penyakit genetik yang disebabkan faktor alel dominan autosomal. 2. Kelainan dan penyakit genetik yang disebabkan faktor alel resesif autosomal. 3. Kelainan dan penyakit genetik yang disebabkan alel tertaut dengan kromosom seks/ kelamin. 4. Kelainan dan penyakit genetik yang disebabkan oleh pengaruh aberasi kromosom. Hypertricosis (Sindrom Ambas) adalah kelainan genetik dengan jumlah yang abnormal dari pertumbuhan rambut pada tubuh. Kasus ekstensif Hypertrichosis telah informal setelah disebut Sindrom Werewolf. Ada dua jenis Hypertrichosis : 1.Hypertrichosis Umum (terjadi di seluruh tubuh) 2.Hypertrichosis Lokal (terbatas pada wilayah tertentu) Hypertrichosis biasa terjadi karena bawaan (sejak lahir) atau diperoleh dikemudian hari. Pertumbuhan berlebih dari rambut terjadi pada daerah kulit dengan pengecualian rambut androgen (wilayah wajah, daerah kemaluan, dan daerah ketiak). Kasus hypertrichosis pertama yang dicatat oleh sejarah adalah pada akhir abad ke-15 dan diderita oleh seorang pria yang bernama Petrus Gonsalvus asal Canary Islands. Bukan hanya menimpa diri Petrus seorang, gangguan tersebut juga diderita oleh keluarganya, yakni dua orang putri, seorang putra, dan seorang cucu. Selama 300 tahun setelahnya, ditemukan sekitar 50 kasus gangguan serupa. Pada abad 19 sampai awal abad ke-20, para penderita hipertrikosis tampil sebagai performer untuk pertunjukkan sirkus. Salah satu yang terkenal pada masa itu bernama Julia Pastrana. Dalam pertunjukkan sirkus, para penderita hypertrichosis dipromosikan sebagai manusia jelmaan hewan. Banyak dari mereka bekerja sebagai orang aneh dan dipromosikan sebagai orang yang memiliki sifat manusia dan hewan. Hypertrichosis kongenital atau bawaan tidak dapat disembuhkan. Sedangkan hypertrichosis yang didapat (acquired) dapat ditangani dengan cara menghilangkan faktor penyebabnya. Baik hypertrichosis bawaan maupun acquired dapat dikurangi dengan tindakan hair removal. Tindakan hair removal bisa dipilih yang sifatnya temporary atau sementara, maupun yang permanen. Metodenya pun ada berbagai macam, mulai dari pemakaian produk atau obat-obatan, waxing, mencukur, threading, sampai penggunaan laser hair removal. Jalan yang lebih singkat untuk memperbaiki penampilan yang terganggu oleh hypertrichosis adalah dengan metode bleaching rambut atau menggunakan produk kosmetik. Sesi tanya jawab/diskusi : 1. Anggun : Jadi satu-satunya cara di pangkas ya bulu-bulunya? Jawaban : Iya kak. Jadi bisa dengan hair removal . Atau dihabiskan bulu nya secara perlahan. Itu mengganggu kesehatan secara fisik gak? Jawaban : Gak kak, itu cuma kelainan doang. 2. Dharma : Bagaimana pendapat sisi mengenai masyarakat kita yang cenderung mengaitkan kelainan ini dengan mistis, seperti anak genderuwolah, titisan lah? Jawaban : Fenomena dalam masyarakat itu? Mungkin karena banyak yg masih awam. Masih belum memahami mengenai kelainan ini. Dulu masa ada pamerannya, tour gitu. gak cuma kelainan genetika pada hewan, pada manusia juga di pajang. 3. Fadilla : kalau rambut yg nempel di tahi lalat terus cuma ada 3 itu boleh dicabut gak si? bakal numbuh lagi gak kalau dicabut? Jawaban : Kurang tau sih kak, soalnya itu kan gak termasuk ke penyakit Hypertrichosis tadi Kesimpulan : Walaupun masih ada sebagian dari penderita kelainan ini yang belum dapat diterima secara sosial, sebaiknya mereka jangan dijauhi. Apapun alasannya, mengucilkan apalagi sampai mengambil keuntungan dari kelainan yang diderita oleh mereka merupakan perbuatan yang tidak terpuji. Dan juga kalau ada orang yang (maaf) secara fisik gak sempurna. Baiknya jangan kita lihatin terus, kasih pandangan yang kasihan itu jangan. Alhasil merasa bisa merasa drop and down. Jadi ya biasa aja.
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so i forget what Halloween it was, but we decided to go as classic carnifolk- my sis was a fortune teller, bro-in-law was the strongman, and i was the bearded lady.
i could understand why that would offend an actual bearded woman, but the simple fact is if i had just stopped using hair removal creams/waxing/epilating/and sometimes shaving my face for a month or so, i'd be sporting a decent chin curtain.
i don't have hypertricosis, but i do have PCOS, and thus i am blessed with dark hair that grows on my fuckin' face. and we all know how kindly society takes to women having body hair of any kind, so it's been a source of agony (literally) keeping it "under control". for a long time now i've been taking care of my ladyburns and chin whiskers.
why i feel the need to talk about this at nearly midnight i don't know.
well, i drew a picture so i guess it needed some context.
so because i have a great sense of curiosity, i speculated my hairgrowth. i guess i've always been fascinated by beards and facial hair; my favorite non-nuclear male relative sported an excellent handlebar moustache for the years i knew him (my paternal grandfather, known affectionately as "Chubby Grandpa", passed on when i was three or four), and i'm always telling my boyfriend he should try certain styles of beards, muttonchops or goatees, which he never ever does, so then i was like "WELL I'LL DO IT MYSELF... in my head"
i'd clearly curl my ladyburns and sport a classy goat.
and i don't smoke, and if i did just let my face be, i wouldn't necessarily start smoking, but i thought "i'd look like a lady dwarf... hey, i need a pipe"- also, churchwarden pipes are rad. if i did smoke tobacco, i'd smoke it from a pipe, and it would be a churchwarden pipe.
so... yeah. *shrug*
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The beautiful Fedor Jeftichew (1868 - 1904), also Jo-Jo, “The Russian Dog Face Boy”, processes the charm and elegance of the beast in the Beauty and the Beast.
Jo-jo suffered from the medical condition hypertrichosis. He toured with his father, Adrian, who developed the same ailment and had performed in french circuses.
#Fedor Jeftichew#Jojo#Dog face boy#hypertricosis#hipertricose#freak#abnormal#freakshow#fenómeno de circo#aberração#monstruo#monster#monstro#dog face#pelos#cabelos#hair#furry
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