#hyper ventilating/sobbing
125storejuice · 3 months
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woso-dreamzzz · 4 months
Bear getting fake arrested when she has a tantrum and actually thinking she’s going to jail and breaking out in hyper ventilating sobs and begging Keira and Lucy not to send her away and Keira’s all like look what you’ve done now as she tries to soothe bear
Lucy: *also in tears* I'm sorry!
Keira: Then unarrest her! Set her free! Freedom for Bear!
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caspersickfanfics · 5 months
*busts door open* IM BACK
I’m not gonna be too weird about this but- ironically- today was a day of much crying, and from that I was re-reminded of few things that got me thinking about the other nights rants so I have just a few more considerations~
again- not necessarily a fit for the current fic situation BUT. Types of crying. I feel like Cyno really doesn’t cry much at all. And maybe this was a given lol but I wanna talk about it anyways 😭
He’s just that kind of person and I feel like that tracks with canon. Even if he isn’t bottling up emotions, like if he’s sad and he’s letting himself feel sad, even then he may not cry that much. but if he is crying- or sobbing due to fever-addled hysteria- it’s him doing everything he can to keep it quite. Like muffled sobs, or just tears spilling uncontrollably, and so much, sniffing. That kind of crying you get when you just can’t stop crying even if you really want too. Maybe because it’s so stifled it lands in his body, so he’s stiff, or hunched or shaking a little. And! I feel like it’s so much easier to slip into hyper ventilation when you’re not breathing cuz you’re trying to hold back tears.
I think under Tighnaris care and comfort he’d be a bit more vocal? Maybe? Or!! Or when it gets really bad and he can no longer help it that’s when his sobs sound like, well, sobs. And that’s new territory for nari and cyno both. I think Tighnari would need some serious comfort after all this himself because it’s scary seeing your partner in so much distress even if you know they are okay and kinda just out of it.
I think cyno would try really really hard to communicate well, but he’s struggling cuz he’s sick enough and emotional enough that he’s not quite making the most sense? He’s stumbling over his words and he’s not quite sure how to explain what hurts and in what way- But he knows that he’s worrying nari and so he’ll try his damndest to make sense, and at the very least be honest. Maybe not at first but once they settle into his recovery I think he’d try 🥺
I also was thinking about more comical things Cyno would get upset over? Idk if it’s the vibe at all lol, but if his fever is high enough or if say the meds he’s on add to the loopy ness, I can picture him being very very distraught over just how *pretty* nari is. Maybe not full on crying but I can see him just starting and pouting cuz his partner is just…too perfect??? And if anything happened to him what would he do??? His EARS!! They are so soft- and he falls apart
idk these aren’t as fun as the ones from the other day but oh well lol 😑
WELCOME BACK AHH!!! I'm sorry you had a crying day and I'm sorry to post this so late when you sent it ages ago!!!!!!!! I hope you're feeling better now and if not, I'm sending you all the hugs!!!
This ask has me in a chokehold because I do think about characters crying a lot and I agree with you I don't think Cyno cries much at all. Even though I want to make him cry all the time LOL. Honestly though him and Tighnari both, especially in the canon world, I really have trouble picturing them crying.
100% agree that Cyno would be pretty quiet. My instinct was that he cries without realizing it and that's why he's quiet but I am now obsessed with your (paraphrased) "he is quiet on purpose which can lead to hyperventilating" like. Yes. And that progression to sobbing is really intriguing, definitely seems like something I'd like to explore if I can work it in somewhere!!!
I also headcanon Cyno as being very honest with Tighnari! I could see him downplaying stuff unintentionally - like, he's always a little banged up, so he brushes off discomfort without a second thought sometimes. And he might initially resist Tighnari urging him to look a bit more closely at that, but he'll cave eventually.
I also could definitely see Tighnari having a hard time with Cyno really crying, depending on the situation............ and at the same time I could see him actually being reassured by it. Like, finally, Cyno's letting himself being completely open. Finally he's letting himself be honest and feel things fully. But also Tighnari is going to frequently check his temperature to make sure it's not gotten to a dangerous place to be causing this. And freaking!! Absolutely to Cyno crying over how pretty Nari is and how much he loves his ears/tail/claws/etc. Maybe apologizing for "springing Collei on him" all those years ago and Tighnari is laughing because, like, he adores Collei and is so glad Cyno brought her to him.
I've also been thinking about Tighnari and crying. I picture him as a nonchalant but infrequent crier. Maybe some anxious/frustrated crying in extreme situations, but generally if things aren't going well, he compartmentalizes to figure out a solution. If something is upsetting to him and it's really shocking, maybe he'll shed a few tears without realizing, but then he'll wipe them away and do what needs to be done. If he's in a lot of pain, he'll cry but be really reassuring ("It just hurts a little, don't worry. Could you possibly help wrap this? My hands are a bit unsteady" tears running down his face) to anyone who's around the whole time, while treating his injury if he can. And... I think if he finds out someone he really cares about had something bad happen to them, he'd respond with rage. Even, like, Collei with her Eleazar - if anything worse had happened to her, I don't think his initial response would've been to cry. It would've been "I'm going to fucking murder who or what ever caused this disease." And then when things calm down he'd go to his hut, hide under the covers, curl up into a ball and sob.
Hm. I dunno if you've picked up on this by how much I wrote but. Personally..... I think this was just as fun as your previous asks sdjkfsdjksfj thank you so much for sending ittttt ily <333
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mystk · 9 months
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Comfort in pain
Soft!Muzan x Soft!S/O
TW; Nightmares, panic attack??
Not my best work 😢😢
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Muzan woke up in a cold sweat, bolting upright with a gasp,"Fuck, fuck.." he hissed under his breath, choking back a sob as the oppressive fear slowly melted away.
He was in bed, safe.
He sighed, reaching out to hug his lover, only for another wave of pure panic to wash over him as he made contact with blankets instead of flesh.
Distantly he was aware he was hyper-ventilating, scanning the room to find them.
The creaky bedroom door opened, snapping Muzan out of his paralyzed state as he snarled at the intruder, lips curled back to reveal his teeth.
"Muzan?" He groaned at the familiar voice, falling back against the mattress, "Fucking bastard."
The bed dips on one side as ?? Sat down, "You good?" Muzan grunted in response. "Scared me."
A warm hand cupping his face was all Muzan needed to calm down, leaning into the touch as he sat up, half-crawling half dragging himself into ???'s lap, burying his face in their shoulder.
"Nightmare?" Muzan didn't respond, pressing his face into the crook of their neck and sighing.
"Just- hold me." ??? Didn't argue with the request, wrapping an arm around Muzan, "I'm here whenever you want to talk about it."
"I know." Muzan replied, yawning.
#out of motivation 😢
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bix-bom · 1 year
Marble Roomies AU Lore !!
The guys didnt go through everything with The Operator, but they have the feeling that they did.
Let me explain:
So the guys went through everything in a different timeline, they see all of the stuff happen as memories they didnt actually make or as dreams/nightmares that feel too real. They sometimes get flashes of memories in different places or while doing different things, like an extreme sense of deja vu.
Some scenarios where this has happened:
One day, the guys were all over at Alex's place cleaning and packing. They just bought the house they now live in and Alex was the first one to move in after they cleaned and redid the whole place. Tim was grabbing some open boxes and came across the mask. He knew it was probably just from some project Alex had to do for a thesis or something, but as he looked at it he started to have a panic attack. He dropped the box and shakily held the mask, memories he didnt even know he had clouding his brain. He fell to the floor and sat shaking, sobbing,  and hyper ventilating. Jay heard the commotion and ran into the room, the others following not far behind him. Jay grabbed the mask from Tim and grabbed his arms, trying to get him to explain whats happening. After everything calmed down, they all sat in the room together silently. The mask sat on the floor in the middle of the room where Jay threw it. Nobody knew what the mask was from, besides Alex but he just knew it as the mask from a past project for school. They all felt uncontrollable fear, sadness, anger, everything. They all knew what it was, but they didnt actually know, it was their memories but not theirs. Theirs from a different world, different timeline, one thats still linked to them somehow. This left the guys shaken up, and for some reason Jay felt the strong urge to call Jessica and make sure shes ok. Apparently she had a lot of anxiety all of a sudden at the same time that they did, weird coincidence huh? They all agree to take a break and ask Jessica if she wants to go out to eat together and she accepts happily. They go to a small diner that they hang out at pretty regularly and talk, though there are times when everyone got quiet and it was the type of quiet that hung heavy in the air and invaded everyones lungs like a thick smoke. As soon as everyone got back to Alex's place, they threw the mask out. Or at least they swear they did, but it was in the back of Tims trunk somehow. They all threw it away together? So why is it back?
Another instance was when the guys were hanging out late at night in Tims place. His stuff was only half packed up so they decided to stay the night so they could get to work when they woke up. Tim was a little off the whole day and nobody thought anything of it. At some point during the night everyone got pretty open. They all talked about random things, things that frustrated them, things that hurt them, things they love, reminiscing the past.They never did this often, but when it happened it helped them feel more human to eachother and bond. It was especially weird for Brian or Alex to say anything but that night they did. Maybe everyone was feeling emotional because of the house change, the progression of time hitting them harder now than ever. Maybe they'll have these nights more often when they all move in together. Some time during that night, Tim became silent. After a depe conversation between Jay, Alex, and Brian about their fears for the future and how they wish the past was different, they notice how quiet Tim is. Brian asks first whats wrong and Tim hesitates before finally speaking. He tells them about these visions, these memories that he doesnt remember doing, this tall pale monster, the murder and hurt between all of the guys. Everyone sat stunned and silent and Tim poured his heart out. Finally, he told them about his childhood in the hospital, his schizophrenia, and how even with his medication he gets very vivid episodes and sees the Operator. After he finished, the guys slowly agreed that they've also had these visions and they dont think its only Tims schizophrenia. They all told eachother about the things they've been experiencing and all of their theories. Maybe they all had schizophrenia by some freak coincidence? Maybe they all have some sort of shared delusion? Maybe they all shared this experience in a past life? Maybe they are all on the brink of time together, living a life they shouldnt have, they accidentally went in the other direction of the timeline? Who knows. But what they do know is that they all feel a little closer, a little more seen, and are willing to take on whatever they are going through together.
Ill def do more of these in the future but if you guys have any ideas for any, send them in! Doesnt have to be angst it could be literally anything. Also doesnt have to be just my au it could be normal mh, creepypasta, slenderverse, or whatever other arg! Thanksssss <3
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screwzara · 1 year
LDF AU, p4 a Truth
Boboiboy was devastated when Aliya died. She was his aunt, he loved her so much, but he never really thought about how she died.
He was so wrapped up in his grief, taking care of Ali, and making sure Auntie Liya wasn't forgotten, that he never thought how odd it was that she died in a car accident.
She wasn't a bad driver, always followed the rules and never broken them. Of course being a good driver didn't mean she wouldn't get into an accident, bbb would think about this fact then put into a box because he’s got too much stuff to deal with.
If her car wasn't in the shop. It had broken down a few days ago, forcing Aliya to carpool with her co-workers or take the train. Auntie Aliya was the only one dead, or hurt, but she couldn't have been the only one in the car.
Also, there wasn't a report of any car accident the day she died, and considering the road she took were heavily used, an accident should've been on the news, but there was no news at all, almost like someone was trying to make sure it wasn't on the news.
His parents were relieved, Uncle Zali was already a bit famous, and they didn't want any attention on the young mourning kids.
So to make it simple, Bbb knows he has a lot of trauma regarding Auntie Liya's death, being scared of going into cars the year she died, worrying that his parents might die, stuff like that. He thought he had closure, he thought her death was unexpected but not horrible. She didn't look hurt, when they buried her, he almost started bawling because it looked like she was sleeping, and the fact she wasn't hurt so bad. But he was so glad she didn't die in pain.
Looking back almost ten years later bbb realises that there were a lot of things he didn't know.
And a lot more emotions.
Because he's 90 percent sure he's having a panic attack.
When Ali first told him what happened with Nicki, and the MAYOR OF CYBERAYA, he was feeling too many things to really process that Aunty died like that.
His adik, was practically being taken advantage of by not one but two adults
Not to mention the fact he almost got killed because of them, which is also a fact he's probably going to have a panic attack about later.
They say in the middle of the fight with the adrenaline pumping you can't feel yourself loose a limb, it's what happens later that hurts like hell.
They're right, because he’s certainly feeling the pain of the fact that Aunty Liya died saving Cyberaya because of some stupid old man's ego, and her misguided former best friend, and her family thought, no were told, she died in a car accident of all things.
He can't breath, he think with a hysteria he hasnt felt in almosta year. He's had panic attacks before, after a hard fight, or just reaching his limit after a horrid day, but this one takes the cake.
He grips the sink the tightly, and tries to count to ten. It works with varying degrees of success.
Eventually his knees buckle and he's hyper ventilating on a cold bathroom floor in the middle of night, the tears start slipping down his face and bbb, so, so tired, just stops all notions of trying to stay calm, and sobs.
Ironically, he hasn't cried this much since he found out, incorrectly, how Aunty Aliya died
U, sweet anon, have graced me with more angst to burn my already bleeding heart to ashes
*screams* i might make bbb go against M.A.T.A in the form of very very inconveniencing pranks to get back at them-
Plus he'll most definitely try to pummel someone at this point
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phantomdecibel · 1 year
Finished s4 and good GOD. They put their entire magussies into that! Which is the second time I’ve used that joke but they deserve it because *CHRIST* DUDE!
God, I can’t believe the finale was a fucking THREE PARTER and no one told me! Hot fucking damn. Holy shit. Hyper ventilating screaming kicking.
…do I want to know what a ‘magussie’ is–
HELL yeah it’s so fucking g o o d –
The way Jon was laugh/sobbing in despair was just… *chefs kiss* muwAH. Amazing. Also the infamous “hello Jon sorry for the deception” XD
(good cows!! Good Cows!!!!!!)
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quitealotofsodapop · 11 months
[I feel like an entity that could help Akino and Carmela in this instance would be Kṣitigarbha, the bodisattva of Hell, and owner of Diting (the dog who could tell SWK and LEM apart). His big thing is relieving those in the underworld of torment and suffering. I could see him bargaining with the Ten Kings or King Yanlou/Yama to let Carmela's soul leave the afterlife with Akino, less the demoness wreck havoc upon the Underworld in her grief and vengance.]
Wait.. what if..
When Akino, Macaque and a few other family members visit Diyu, Kṣitigarbha offers Carmela to Akino and Carmela is holding a small ball of energy that was meant to be their kid?
What would the reaction of the elders (great-grandparents, grandparents, ECT) when they see Carmela holding the small ball of energy?
JAHAJSB angst /pos
sequel to this post. Character death tw for it too.
Akino sees the little soul-ball in Carmela's arms. Pauses. Blinks.
And breaks down *sobbing*.
Multiple family members + Carmela's soul are required to bring Akino out of her hyper-ventilating. Diting probably even gets in for some dog comforting.
The elders are similarily shocked/grieving, especially PIF (who I hc has lost a pregnancy before) who rushes forward to hug Carmela and Akino both. This accidentally proves to Akino that her high-standard great-grandma really does approve of their relationship to some extent. Some of the elders are sad but understanding, not every new soul makes the full journey the first time.
Once everyone leaves the Underworld (Ox-Head and Horse-Face acting as escorts), the little soul ball just sorta... disappears. Carmela and Akino have a long night of crying and talking once they get home.
A few days later Carmela notices that her symptoms havent changed from since before her trip into the underworld... and starts yelling excitedly for Akino to get her a certain test.
I hope you like the little extra happy I added at the end /pos
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teary-eyed-tiaras · 2 years
"They're all gonna laugh at you!"
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"A howl of laughter could be heard coming from the very back of the crowd, it was one of Tord's annoying friends that followed him around every where, probably patryk. It broke through the stunned silence and began a chain reaction of giggles among the crowd, all directed at the boy covered head to toe in pigs blood standing on the stage.
Jon stood there horrified, clenching his eyes tightly, he could feel the wet warmness of it and smell the metallic stink of it as it dripped down his nose. It was too cruel, this could not be real. It was too evil even for jon's class mates, who had already proved themselves to he evil as could be through their years of torment. This was just too hard to imagine, Jon froze there, hoping that if he could just keep his eyes shut he could pretend none of this was happening, but that became harder and harder the more his classmates began to laugh, forcing Jon to finally open his eyes and face the reality right in front of him.
His bloody hands trembled in shock, tears began to form in Jon's eyes as he started to hyper ventilate. His eyes darted back and forth between his body and the laughing students, no matter where he looked there was nothing but humiliation.
The only voice that wasn't laughing or gasping in horror was Matt's, who had taken to the stage to yell in Jon's defense.
He had only taken Jon to the prom for Edd's sake, since he had been so upset about the "bathroom incident" he thought asking his friend to do him a solid and take Jon to prom would help relieve his guilt a little and give Jon some much needed happiness. It wasn't easy to convince him, but Edd wore Matt down till he accepted, and despite being forced to come, Matt had to admit he was actually having a fun time, and even felt a little sorry for Jon that it wasn't a "real date". After spending all evening with Jon he couldn't just stand by and let everyone laugh at him, he had to jump on stage and usher him away, he even took his suit jacket off to cover him up. Just when he opened his mouth to speak some words of encouragment though, a metal bucket from the rafters fell down and hit him straight on the head. Matt jerked to the ground, sprawling himself out on the stage and closing his eyes. Jon gasped and bent down to check his head but the crowd continued to laugh, unaware that just moments from now Matt would he dead from the blunt force trauma.
One of the many snickering voices stopped though, and muttered a soft "Matt?". Jon looked around for the mysterious voice before finally looking up at the rafters and seeing two hooded figuires in red and blue scamper away off of one of the platforms above. Of course it was Tord and Tom, who else would it be?
Jon covered his face in frustration, determined to not let his classmates see his tears. He jumped off the stage and began to run through the crowd.
Everyone looked so wonderful, the boys wore fantastic tuxedos with pretty little flowers on the lapels and the girls dressed in full on ball gowns with shiny stilleto's like they were princesses straight out of a story book, and then there was jon. Hystereically sobbing, covered in animal blood, and being viciously mocked. Some of the boys even started to chant "plug it up" which then eventually turned into almost everyone chanting it.
Jon hated them all, he hated them with a thousand times the vitriol that they hated him. through watery eyes he could see a blonde adult running towards him with opened arms, but Jon ignored him, he didn't need any fake sympathy. He needed to get out of there. Running through the crowd the students side stepped him like he had the plauge, "Good" jon thought "at least they aren't-" he fell on his face, tripping over some ones out stretched leg. He trembled and winced at the pain but just continued to crawl, half expecting some one to kick him while he was down.
Finally reaching outside, he collapsed on the ground, the warm wetness of the blood contrasting with the cold dry grass. Jon heaved, his face contorted into a pitiful expression. He raised his hands above his face and stared at his twitching bloody fingers.
"Stupid..." Jon mumbled to himself. He was right, how foolish he must of been to go to the dance, he should of known some one would of done something to ruin everything, and to think how perfect it all was until the bucket fell and splashed him.
He danced and nobody told him to stop embarrassing himself, he talked and no one told him to shut up, and he ate and not a single person even uttered the word "fat" or "chubby" around him. He felt accepted. He felt happy. It was a lie. Jon let out a whimper, thinking of how long he spent sewing this tuxedo only for it to get stained with blood, he'd have to throw it away when he got home. A week of work for absolutely nothing.
Jon still couldn't believe it, he had thought last week was the breaking point, after what had happened in the boys locker room he really thought anything else would just be small potatos in comparison. Jon was always known as that freaky religious kid, it was no secret that his father was such a zealot he thought everyone would go to hell except for him. It was was one of the many reasons they picked on jon, along with his low intelligence, childish nature, gullibility, and puniness, but they never imagined he would be so stupid enough to mistake a cut on his leg for menstruation.
When Jon first came out of the shower crying and screaming a bunch of non sense about eve and the original sin and the curse of blood like a mad man, the rest of the boys couldn't even believe it. He begged and screamed for help but all of them just gawked in awkward silence. Sure, jon was a total wuss but why was he so upset over a tiny cut on his thigh? It wasn't until Tord finally put the pieces together and enthusiastically shouted "oh my god, he thinks cis guys can get periods." that everyone finally understood.
With that revelation everyone began to laugh and crack jokes about jon being a woman now, or how he should get pregnant just to stop it, all of which only served to scare jon even more. It only got worse when Bing remembered his girlfriend had accidentally swapped her gym bag with his and she had left some of her "supplies" in the bag. Next thing jon knew he was crawling on the floor having a panic attack about hell while every guy in his class crowded around throwing feminine products at him while chanting for him to "plug it up!" over and over again.
It didn't matter that Jon seriously thought he was going to hell, it didn't matter that his father would most definetly hurt him later for this, it didn't matter that he fell to the floor and hit his head on the linoleum during the chaos. It was funny. Even Edd was laughing and throwing things like everyone else, only he had enough sense to try and apologize to Jon later and actually felt some remorse.
The nightmare only ended when their teacher finally stormed into the bathroom and told everyone to shut up and get the hell out. That was supposed to be as bad as it got, nothing could ever top the humiliation of that day, but Tord found a way. Jon stood up, fully prepared to walk home and start sobbing to his father about how right he was. That everyone at the dance laughed at him, bracing for inevitable beatings and insults he flung at Jon when he did things he didn't like. Jon just wanted to go home, but the thing was, he couldn't. There was something pulling him back towards the gym. A strange feeling, rising inside of him like lava in a volcano ready to burst. Years of torment had been leading to this, years of "i found out jon has a crush on laurel, let's tell everyone" and "Let's force Jon to eat something gross" and "Let's invite Jon to play hide and seek and then leave him there". It was time for action. It was time for change. It was time for him to use his power.
Jon had forgotten about the miracle, the strange force that had been following him ever since he was a kid, the thing that made objects throw themselves off the table whenever he got mad, or made the lights above him in the locker room go out when he was especially hysterical. The power. Jon cocked his head slightly to the side, his face turning from sadness to satisfaction. A light chuckle left his mouth, "Of course..." he muttered, approaching the school doors and envisioning it in flames.
Still inside, the students had finally gathered around matt's body to see if he was okay, their attention was quickly stolen though by the sound of glass shattering above them and the lights all going out. Sparks flew and glass fell down causing students to cower under tables. Jon had to really focus to make the glass shatter, but it was well worth it. Next would be all the windows, the the disco ball, then the bleachers, and then the sprinkler system. It was gonna rain on every single one of his bullies, it would mess up their hair and ruin all the food, make the floor too slippery to dance on, just like how they messed up his suit and ruined his night. Oh it would just be so beautiful. Jon's one and only complaint about the idea was that the water in the sprinkler's sadly couldn't be blood..."
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doctorguilty · 1 year
Hhh pt 3
I also had a full blown panic attack this morning like sobbing and hyper ventilating and almost screaming and stuff, not for any specific reason I just got hit with a sudden wave of incapacitatingly terrible feelings, I had to take ativan to calm down and go to sleep
So anyway yeah just. The nightmare doesn't end
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shygirl1925 · 2 years
Just a quick update on how my day has been. So far I have had a panic attacks about the thought of leaving the house, had uncontrollable sobbing from the panic attack, threw up from sobbing and hyper ventilating, took one of the pills I got from the hospital when I tried to unalive myself, got high as fuck from said pill, cried in my room at night for two hours with no knowledge of why I was crying, nearly outed myself to my mum bc I was high and started wondering if unaliving myself is suicide or merci.
So....all in all my day has been about average, how about you?
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lamb-entertainment · 4 months
WBMM Chapter 4
The robber looks Vinnie up and down. Vinnie’s face has gone pale, scared like a deer in headlights, knowing you're in danger but not knowing how to save yourself. The robber presses the gun into Vinnie’s chest. Vinnie takes a sharp exhale out; I watch as tears start to drip down his face. His whole body is shaking. The robber looks even angrier now. 
“Don’t you start fucking crying! Look at the way you’re dressed you clearly got money so don’t start BULL-SHITTING me now!” 
Vinnie was still wearing his work clothes. Button-up white shirt, red tie, black suit jacket, black formal slacks, with dark brown shoes. Vinnie responds to the robber with a weak panicked voice, on the edge of tears and ready to jump. 
“Seriously I-I don’t have anything. I just got off work. I mean haven’t you ever seen office work attire before or is robbing your main profession?” 
Please, Vinnie no. He’s trying to lighten the mood like he always does when he’s nervous. Shit. 
“OH, you think your SO GOD DAMN FUNNY HUH!” 
The robber slams the bottom of his gun into Vinnie’s forehead with such force that Vinnie falls off his chair and onto the floor. Vinnie starts hyper ventilating, and sobbing. The robber squats down and grabs Vinnie by the shirt, pulling his face close and putting the gun under his chin. Fear strikes Vinnie’s eyes like lightning, fear that consumes a person as if it’s fire. 
“I’m going to ask ONE more time! Give me your FUCKING wallet! 
I can’t control myself any longer.  I curl up slamming my arms on the table in pain feeling my body turn to full vampire. Everything hurts like it’s being ripped apart, like my flesh is outgrowing my skin. The robber notices me writhing in pain and turns to me letting go of Vinnie. 
“What the hell are you doing?”  
The robber gets up and away from Vinnie, standing a few feet in front of me pointing the gun at my head, as I continue to violently shake. I feel the pain stop. The transformation’s done. I stop writhing around, becoming unsettlingly still. I let my wrath wash over me entirely, letting myself drown in it, even though I know I can’t breathe like this, but I don’t care as long as the robber isn’t breathing either. The robber looks at me freaked out. Still, he tries to intimidate me, not realizing just how much danger he’s in. 
“HEY, I’m t-talking to you!”  
I look up. The once angry expression the robber had is now replaced with agonizing fear, he can’t do anything but stand frozen. In his moment of hesitation, I jump up, like a rabid dog, lunging at him. I grab him by the shoulders and throw my weight into him, tackling him to the cold tile floor. I hear his gun go off. An immediate ringing in my ear occurs and I let go of him. I grab my ears trying to block the noise, the sound was disorienting, but I have to protect Vinnie. My eyes meet with the robber’s, and I throw my arms forward, one after the other crawling towards the man at an ungodly speed. I reach him and pin him down before he’s able to react. I’m fighting the urge to feast on his blood. I just have to make sure no one else gets hurt. The robber tries to fight back. Terrified, his body shakes, throwing his head back and forth and pushing with all his might, trying to aim his gun at me. He’s about to overpower me when I move my hand from his wrist to his gun prying it from his grip before he pushes me off knocking the gun out of my hand and across the floor, sliding behind me. I can feel myself losing to the insatiable hunger for blood, my grasp on reality slipping. The robber scrambles to get the gun, while I try and fail to hold back my hunger. I can’t control myself any longer and while the robber dives past me I grab his body slamming it to the ground and sinking my teeth into his neck. I hunch over, curling my head into his body and I start to drink. It tastes so much better than I could even conceptualize, it’s liquid life, nothing can compare. I feel the robber try to push me off as I gluttonously drink.  
“Please… stop I... I want to live.” 
The robber’s voice isn’t afraid or terrified any more, it’s weak, begging me to stop.  
 I quit drinking his blood and sit up. Blood drips off my mouth coloring my fur red. What have I done? My body starts to shake, and my breath gets heavier. Was I going to… kill him. The sound of sirens gets closer, and I get off the robber completely. I freeze up covered in blood and in full vampire form. I’ll be killed when the cops get here, I feel tears line the bottom of my eyelids. I don’t know what to do but cry. What is happening- I never wanted this. I just wanted… I don’t even know what I want I’m still 18. I’m going to die unfulfilled and directionless. I’m scared. I don’t know what to do, I can’t fix this. 
Just then the cashier grabs my wrist pulling me behind the counter and to the back door that leads to the alley behind the ice cream parlor. We run for what seems like miles. She then suddenly stops, and I practically slam into her, being too out of it to know what’s going on around me. Panic continues to swell up in my brain as I stand in the cold snow waiting for the cashier to say something. The cashier puts her hands in my face waving at me, trying to get my attention. 
“What can I do to help?” 
I can’t speak. I don’t know if it’s from being in full vampire or maybe my anxiety, but I just can’t speak. My panting breaths fill the empty silence. 
“Please, just let me help you.” 
I grab my phone. Pepper is my emergency contact; the cashier can call her. Pepper will know what to do. Luckily the cashier gets the message and calls someone, hopefully Pepper. I can’t pay attention to the conversation as my adrenaline fades, so does my vampire-ness, and I get struck with an agonizing pain. It’s the same as when I turned earlier, but since my adrenaline has faded. I feel everything. I can’t help but scream as it feels like my flesh is getting scraped off by a burning hot knife. I fall into the freezing snow; the 2 extremes collide blinding my senses. I continue to scream, now sobbing from the pain, the cashier looks horrified. This isn’t like any other pain I’ve ever even heard of. I start blacking out. Watching as the cashier reaches toward me grabbing my shoulder and shaking me, trying not to let me fall asleep. I stop screaming and just let tears pour down my face silently. Fuck, I can’t fall asleep! What if I don’t wake up?! I’m trying so hard to hold on, but I’m so tired I can’t help but close my eyes... 
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toystorylover · 11 months
dream diary: dream 4 (part4/2)
Kinda gory ig....
I looked over and noticed, my other ferret walking in. Her name was rose. I watched as she slowly walked in, i was horrified. She was the ferret that I held in my arms when she died...in the real world...
I reached my hand out, trying to grab her before the dogs could, but then a golden retriever scoops her up and bites her in half. The blood splattered everywhere.
I fell back onto my knees, holding matthias's dead corpse. I was crying and crying saying "STOP STOP PLEASEE" practically begging them to stop it.
The dog chewed and chewed and then spat her out. I reached for her corpse and held both of my dear pets tightly. I cried and cried and cried. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry.." I sobbed.
I realized something..This house has appeared in my dreams before...My tears dropped one by one as I thought about how it was all my fault...All..MY...Fault...I hugged matthias and rose's corpses tighter as my vision distorted and became swirly.
I woke up, hyper-ventilating with tears coming down my eyes, my face burned and my chest hurt. When I finally calmed down, I got ready for the day and pretended it never happened....
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wishfxljikan · 2 years
It’s been a couple of hours since his last bout of energy was sapped away from him. Attempts to escape his icy prison have been futile, as the rainstorm that followed the blizzard had.. frozen his exit out from his hellscape shut. With his emergency rations falling low, and his strength constantly sapped, he can’t help but think that Phobos and Enki are in such a panicked state, knowing he’s gone missing, knowing that anything could’ve happened to him.
Clawing his way out, using his abilities to get out, also proved futile. He hadn’t sharpened his claws in so long that it wouldn’t even be useful to try unless he spent precious time resharpening them, so, as panic set in, and as he begun to hyper-ventilate, Orion stared at the ground. At least there wasn’t snow inside the cave, it was just.. him and nothing else in this small cavern. The land-shark sits there, he has an idea but he needs to break through some of the snow on the inside. This... this is reminding him of something.
He’s reminded of one of the torture chambers, it was just as cold, but.. there was also sensory deprivation and starvation, and given the fact there was no natural lighting in here, and the food issue was starting to pile up, Orion sits in the corner, trembling like a mad man, his entire body vibrating with the sheer panic flowing through his veins, his throat, his heart, they began constricting, and he didn’t know what to do anymore.
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[ / “I’m going to die here. “ / ]
Saying with confidence, Orion finally breaks down crying in said corner, trembling, convulsing, futility in trying to keep himself stable in these times, but  his strength is leaving him, and the current living conditions, with the context that he can’t even contact a soul, he’s.. trapped. He’ll die here. He’ll die. In the point of trying to calm himself down, he sings, it’s stuttered, it’s broken up in-between his sobs.
 // Just because I’m alive Why do you smile so much? No matter how sad, how much I want to disappear— If only all my reasons to say good-bye— Went away.//
 // Even if I were wiped away That wouldn’t change some hundred million people But there’s something preventing me, And showing me that face, I can’t hear to laugh about it  //
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blueboyluca · 3 years
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We are all doing ok this morning
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hey everyone ya boi is single again (and trying and failing to hold it together rn)
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