#hyoi pears
weepingtalecowboy · 22 days
Fanfic prompt : Wild defiantly has a list of all the chain's animal species just to be absolutely sure that he doesn’t kill one of them or something
He isn’t allowed to hunt bunnies of any sort of color (not after the last time he accidentally shot a dirty legend who looked brown instead of pink)
He refuses to hunt wolves
He is careful with small critters in case it is a minish or something (he can’t see them but he can be careful with any small creature in case it is actually a miniature four)
He isn’t allowed to cut down trees without permission from time (time nearly lost his arm that day )
He isn’t allowed to catch fairies anymore (Rulie still hasn’t recovered from the trauma he suffered when Wild tried to shove a fairy him in the slate )
He isn’t allowed to hunt birds and seagulls especially (Legend was ready to murder him and wind freaked out when Wild shoot a gull he used at the moment and unfortunately wind can feed any sort of bird with hyoi pears not just seagulls)
Just to be safe his list includes hylians , humans , gorons, Gerudo, rito and Zora
But because the list is this ridiculously long he always asks an animal whatever or not it is sentient
Because the likelihood of another sentient animal is way to high to risk a it
Random deer grazing on a field
Wild trying to be safe with his hunting: Are you sentient or a hyrulian in disguise because I want to kill you
Random deer looks up at him : * nodding at him *
Wild : god damn it
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gryphonlover · 6 months
A Pear and a Portal
Words: 11,662 Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Summary: When Link comes across an odd mass of darkness swirling in the middle of the Great Sea, of course he has has to investigate! Such a strange new sight needs sussing out, and Link is willing to use every puzzle-solving tool he has at his disposal to do so- up to and including a certain little pear. He probably shouldn't have pulled out the pear.
Thoughts: This is a hilarious take on the "Wind meets the chain" idea. I've read this particular fic more than once and laugh just as much every time. It's a personal favorite of mine.
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aquanutart · 1 year
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somnimagus · 1 year
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feeding the seagulls
[id in alt!]
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ninebaalart · 1 year
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Hyrule Food
I was trying to pull items from each area of the map of Hyrule for this but I don't think there's really that many regional dishes even in Tears of the Kingdom. Anyway you have the Hyoi Pear, Creamy Heart Soup, Raw Rock Roast, Hearty Bass and Monster Rice Balls.
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mossyvoxel · 15 days
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something a little different ^^
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ebbing-terror · 1 month
Pears when they see Lynn coming.
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Also, Mahito making a pear-shaped transfigured human for his wifey.💚💚💚
@cursedfortune @distortedkilling
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for the blorbo sheet: idk if he's blorbo to you, but wind mayhaps?
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A pretty solid Wind if I do say so myself 😎👍
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raycatzdraws · 9 months
Silly interactions...
Wind uses the hyoi pear on Sky's loftwing for fun, thinking the bird will be like everyone else (pretty much "no thought, head empty")
Instead this bird has an intricate web of thoughts, opinions, holy stuff, he's pretty much like a sage, and so on. Wind is shocked.
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Hylian creation myth directly to the brain.
"Your loftwing, Sky!!! It knows things! It knows things!!!"
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rebornofstars · 23 days
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous.  Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it!  And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
i was tagged by @starwolfie! thank you!
my wiplist as of 30/8/24:
the cursebreaker
the primordials
sing me to sleep
fruit bats (series)
lu hunger games au (series)
yestermorrow (name pending)
stationary point
darkling i listen
out in the woods we rot
peter parker on reddit
200 hyoi pears
sepfember (yay!)
fan joy july (sadly i dont think it will ever be finished)
before the rain stops
uhhhhh.... those are all my wips i guess..... hit me up if you wanna chat about them xx. i might have to be cryptic for some because of spoilers though... im gonna go grab some breakfast now and then get back to working on ch20 of cursebreaker hohohoho. love you guys 💞💞
and now for tagging time! the fun part! i can't remember who has already done this or not, so! no pressure to respond! @rosehipandroots @crazylittlejester @noorahqar @savimatteo2810 @jellyfishvibes @not-freyja @musical-chan @zarvasace @tashacee @a-manicured-lawn @artemistorm @serbii @nancyheart11 @across-violet-skies @needfantasticstories @elle-rosewater @anime-obsessed @hotcheetohatredwastaken .... if any of you are working on some juicy wips right now, please consider me SUPER interested 👀👀👀
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This is the most useless random writing bit but it was an idea and I had to do it. Gosh why are there so many characters though. XD
Link's Favorite Item
The group of Links had settled for the night, settled by a fire. Smith prodded it occasionally, ensuring it stayed bright and fed. Glider sat beside it, eyes halfway to glazing over as they watched the flickering flames. Sky seemed halfway to dozing off while Wind and Forest had started some sort of silent face making contest. While Ordon and the Spirit had left to walk around the campsite.
Rinku was working on a device of some sort, ratcheting pieces of metal together with furrowed brows. The Engineer was watching intently, eyes wide with wonder and curiosity. Rinku ignored him in favor of her focus on the work.
"Say..." Hope started as he propped himself against Rinku's back. She glanced up momentarily to glare forward. Sky stifled a laugh. "What's everyone's favorite tools of the trade?" He asked, grinning. "I'll go first. Best thing to exist is the Magical Sword."
"That's boring, anything other than a sword or shield!" chimed Wind, hands moving sharp and quick.
Hope stuck his tounge out at him and he laughed. She sighed, thinking for a moment longer, "The Clock, then. ...man I miss the clocks."
Forest tilted his head, squinting, "Why are clocks important for you?"
"Oh, they stopped time for a bit. I could just do whatever until moving on. It was nice."
"Where did you get THAT?" Forest demanded.
"Monsters dropped em" Hope shrugged, "OK Rinku's turn." Forest gaped at the redirection, clearly still wanting to interrogate him about the time stopping clocks.
Rinku huffed, "Too many and too many different reasons for them to decide."
"Oh come onnnnn," Hope whined, "Pick the first one that comes to mind!"
She glanced down at what she was working on and raised the half done device. "Switch Hook."
"Oh!" The Engineer gasped, "That sounds cool."
"What's a switch hook do?" Sky asked, leaning to look.
"You switch places with what you shoot with the hook." She shrugged, "I lost my old one. I'm trying to make a new one..."
"Absolutely incredible, you must be brilliant" Hope cheered, leaning his face close to hers. Rinku's face flushed, and she shoved a hand in his face making him squawk.
Engie giggled and spoke up, "Can I count my train?"
"HA, if I can't pick my sword, you can't pick your train. We all know you're the train kid."
Engie sighed, pouting as he thought some more.
"Hyoi Pear!!" Wind offered with a grin. He signed, "I can use them to control seagulls."
Rinku snapped her attention to him with wide eyes, "Excuse me?"
"That's my thing." Hope complained lightly.
"The seagulls don't mind it too much. They're mostly there for the free food." Wind said, "Plus, who wouldn't wanna fly around like a bird."
Sky nodded sagely, and Smith shook their head quickly.
"Okay, okay, I've got it." Engineer announced, "The whip!"
Several heads turned toward Engineer with varying levels of surprise and confusion.
"...What?" He muttered awkwardly, "It's a good multi-use tool. I could attach it to wood bars some birds would hold to, and it'd fly me around. Wind's thing reminded me of it."
"Ohhhh" whispered Glider.
"I expected some sort of high-tech future gadget..." mumbled Forest with a slight pout.
"I'm the one with those." Glider said with a laugh, "My favorite is the slate. Of course."
"Yeah, you're so obsessed with the thing you won't let anybody else touch it." Rinku mumbled.
"It's important and I don't need anybody messing with the settings." They huffed.
"Favorite part of the slate then." Forest demanded, smiling.
Glider hummed, leaning backward and looking at the sky. "Bombs." He concluded.
"Bombs? Dang it! I should've gone with bombs." Hope complained.
"Endless bombs."
"You can't be serious." Smith said.
"No way!" Forest shouted.
"Oh come, on why is all your stuff so cool." Engineer grumbled.
"On Hylia, how-?" Sky whispered.
"Who’s helping me steal that thing?" Wind laughed.
Rinku shook her head, though she gave a very inquisitive look at the slate.
Glider laughed, "Still not letting any of you touch it."
"Well, excuseee us for being interested in the most interesting thing you have."
"What about you, Sky? You mentioned that your time had ancient tech, too." Glider deflected.
"Oh! Er. Well there's the Beetle."
"A bug?" Smith asked, raising a brow.
"It's like a flying machine?" He scratched his head, and gestured to show its size, "it's shaped like a beetle and it gives me a view of what it sees and can pick things up."
"Now I want to see it," Glider said with a light pout.
"Can we?" Rinku asked, tilting her head.
"I don't have it with me... I would've if I knew I was going to wind up traveling across- well. Everywhere." Sky chuckled, shrugging.
"Well, I like the Pegasus boots." Smith offered, stomping on the ground twice to showcase the boots he was wearing.
"Oh those are useful," Rinku said with a nod.
"Or- well actually maybe the fire rod..." He mumbled, eyes flickering red. Va shook his head, frowning, eyes turning green, "Actually, the roc cape was really useful... fighting a wind mage and all..... or no! No," blue overtook green with a gesture of his fist, "The power bracelet!"
"OH just pick one!" Hope huffed. Rinku reached up to flick his ear. Hope squeaked, finally leaning up off her.
"They were all useful for different things!" Smith complained, sighing. "Hmm. I guess my favorite thing as a kid was the Kinstones."
"What are those?" Forest asked.
"They're magic tokens that you could match with people, and lucky things would happen.... they were a bit of a fad," Smith said with a shrug.
"Ohhhh that sounds fun." Engie mumbled. "I like matching games."
"What about matching games?" Ordon's voice picked up. Hero's Spirit followed after and settled to float beside Sky, tilting their head.
"Hope asked us what our favorite items were." Sky explained.
"Smith got magic stones to match with other people in his time!" Engineer said.
"Oh! Sounds interesting."
"What's your favorite?" asked Forest.
"Oh, hm." Ordon muttered, brows pinched "Fishing rod?" He offered tentatively.
"What?" Hope spat, "I know you're a fluffy farm dog, but at least pick something worthy of adventuring with!"
"Fishing is just fine of a thing to like," Rinku defended with a light glare back at Hope.
"Oh no I can think of something more adventurous," Ordon mumbled, "eh....the Dominion Rod was fun?"
"What does it do?" Wind asked.
"Let me control certain statues. Mostly just walk em around." He said, "not the most generalizable tool, but fun."
"You are. So boring." Hope muttered.
"Y'all are welcome." Ordon said with a smile.
The group giggled.
"I think other than the Spirit, the only one who hasn't answered now is Forest."
"Oh! Oh..." Forest frowned, pensive as he considered. "Well."
"No pressure, really," Sky said with a light smile.
Forest crossed his arms, "No, I know it. It's the Ocarina." He said eventually. "It is the single most important tool throughout the entire time I've traveled."
Hero glanced at him, their face changing to look like Forest, then an older version of him. Then they flickered to look like a much younger Smith, and a small pink haired Rinku, and back to their self. "Ocarinas tend to be important, don't they?"
"Why do you say that?" Engineer asked, glancing at Smith and Rinku.
"Oh, they just. Keep coming up in my head." They shifted to look like Engineer, clad in green, then Sky and eventually Hope, small and pensive, "Musical instruments in general, really."
A small quiet pause settled through the space. Hope, the usual one to interrupt silence, stared at the echo of his smaller self.
"Huh." Glider eventually huffed, just to fill the space. "Actually, Hero, what about you? Out of all the things you can recall, what's your favorite item?"
The Hero shook their head to clear their mind, shifting back to normal. "Oh boy. I don't really know I- ....wait. Why did so many of you have boomerangs? They're not even useful half the time."
A flurry of noise broke out at once. Rinku snorted. Hope flailed his arms, complaining as if it was a stupid question. Engineer and Wind both laughed. Ordon mumbled something about monkeys and fairies that only Sky seemed to have paid attention to, eyes going wide. Glider just shrugged.
Ultimately, Hero never really answered the question.
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weepingtalecowboy · 22 days
Fanfic prompt: the chain wants to make Wind have a childhood and because of that they enforce bed time
And wind instead of fighting them on their decision
Just agrees to go to sleep and at first they are nervous about him lying to them
And all stay at the tavern that night but no matter how much they checked
He didn’t sneak out nor did he wake up the entire time (he didn’t even flinch when someone tested if he was pretending)
Nothing happened the entire time and they checked on him and he truly seemed unconscious
So after a while the chain starts hanging out at pubs while one member stays behind in case of an emergency (usually legend or twilight because they don’t seem like the type to hang around public places for no reason )
Doing adult stuff (the good old life regretting decisions)
Like gambling
Drinking till they pass out
Playing cards
And more
What the chain didn’t know was that Wind was having bird adventures and committing crime (with seagull Marin and the occasional flock of other birds)
Because if you use hyoi pears you are unconscious
A perfect ability to get sleep and commit arson at once (and make people permanently afraid of gulls and birds of any kind)
The chain quickly became aware of a crazy seagull that was spotted stealing important documents and try to find it in case it was trained by a spy
(Legend was even more pissed at the fact that a seagull was used for the purpose of infiltrating a dangerous area)
And that is always an unpleasant experience because you have to be political about it for people (because spies can quickly derail into a full on war because of that they decide not to take Wind with them ( hypocritical because they let WILD and RULIE OF ALL PEOPLE WITH THEM )
Wind seemed unusually happy to not get to come with them and stay
And after seeing the gull behave more cautious and careful than before they took the mission
It only seems to confirm that the spy knows that they are looking
That is a dangerous situation for Hyrule
(Wind is just sending the others on a wild gull chase not realizing that he is about to start a war )
When the chain sees the gull get close to a tavern they are staying at they all freak out badly
Because that was the ONE day that they all had left together and wind is completely alone and a pretty easy target
Because how could they not notice that the spy would target the only person who was part of their group and by themselves a lot
After trapping the gull securely with a magic binding they find Wind not waking up anymore no matter what they do the gull just starts gulling more aggressively by laughing at them (wind is in hysteria because that was not at all what he wanted )
After leaving to figure out what it did to wind
They all start freaking out again because no matter how much they try (and hyrule tries a lot ) wind isn’t waking up anymore
And even the lens of truth show that wind is missing his literal soul
What kind of monster are they dealing with
Wind also starts freaking out because he just realized that he can’t get back to his body and that he is trapped in a bird cage
The whole thing only escalates further when he escapes and snatches Wild‘s slate trying to communicate but instead accidentally bombs a warehouse with important items in it
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fever-project · 7 months
LU AU | Power Shift
A strange dungeon challenge forces The Chain’s items/powers to swap with each other! Oh my! Aka an idea I had that started with me thinking about what would happen if Warriors drew the 4Sword after reading “My Heart’s Forsaken Me”, which then spiraled into this, somehow. Speaking of Wars, let’s start with him:
Warriors - Four - The 4Sword has spilt him up and he can’t convince his other selves to rejoin. His different colors represents different parts of a Five/Four man band, instead of just different emotions.
Green - The closest to the original and The Leader. Very embarrassed by his other selves. He wears the regular Hero’s Clothes, a green tunic with a blue scarf. The rest of the color’s clothes are based on other Hero’s Clothes outfits in the HW game.
Red - The mischievous one who’s always butting heads with the others, he’s The Lancer. He loves to use all of Four’s items, and if the dungeon didn’t ban him from using other people’s weapons, he would steal borrow all the items he wants. He wears the red(since there’s two of them)Wind Walker version of the Hero’s Clothes, a red tunic with a teal scarf.
Blue - The one who would be the sweet one if not for getting constantly frustrated by the other colors. He’s very friendly to Time and Wind, but mostly Wind. He looks kinda sad around Time, and is generally very expressive. He’s insistent on helping anybody he can, he’s The Heart. He wears the Grand Travels version of the Hero’s Clothes, a blue tunic with a red scarf and yellow pants.
Whitney - Similar to Vio, this guy has more of a normal person name, a combination of White and Pinkie, the first two nicknames that were suggested to him. Like Vio, he was also named by Red. He wears the Koholint version of the Hero’s Clothes, which is almost fully white, with the scarf being a light pink and some pink accents on his tunic. He’s the silent tactician of the group, he’s The Brains.
Four - Sky - He is not at all used to carrying around the Master Sword, it being practically the length of his entire body. Once he can successfully swing it, he is able to do a Skyward Strike, but it’s a bit of a challenge. Quite a few of Sky’s items are similar to some of his own, so he mostly knows what he’s doing. He loves the Beetle, he uses it all the time and tries to figure out what he can do to upgrade it. So far, he hasn’t figured anything out yet. But unfortunately, he now he has to deal with Sky’s limited sprinting stamina, sadly not being able to use his Pegasus Boots.
Sky - Legend - Now Sky’s the one who can run to his heart’s content. He has face planted into many walls however. He also has many magical items that he has no idea how to use. It’s a little overwhelming to say the least. Why does Legend have so many rings? At least the Tempered Sword is cool.
Legend - Wind - He can use all of Wind’s items perfectly well, but whatever amount of paranoia he had has now gone through the roof. His items, his precious items that could easily kill Sky if he’s not careful with them, his precious items that could get lost, his precious items that he can’t use-needless to say that he’s not having a good time right now. But he’s holding on, just sticking close to Sky’s side to make sure everything’s okay. And also to laugh at him when he keeps face planting into a wall.
Wind - Twilight - Wind is having the time of his life right now. All of Twilight’s items are so fun to use, he loves the cute little Bomblings and uses the Spinner a lot with Red!Wars. The most exciting thing is that he can turn into a wolf-a sea wolf/coastal wolf specially-with the Shadow Crystal. It’s not too different than experience than using a Hyoi Pear on a seagull, in his opinion anyway. He is very wrong. He also now has Twilight’s marking on his face, and he thinks he looks cool.
Twilight - Time - The markings on his face have been replaced with the ones Time have. He is…kinda confused on what they mean and Time isn’t really giving him any straight answers about it, but the masks are very cool and fun to use. But the strange feeling he constantly has, the strange, almost whispers that he can barely hear, he knows something is wrong. The spirits of Termina are awake, trying to get him to fight literally everything. The Lens of Truth is pretty useful, and magic is cool.
Time - Wild - This wouldn’t be the worst set of items for Time to have, if not for the fact that he also got Wild’s curse of everything just crumbling in his hands all the time. It sucks and he is not at all used to it. Everyone’s a bit more sympathetic towards Wild now. Time’s also a whole lot better with a bow now. He wasn’t bad with them before, but now time seems to slow down when he jumping down from a platform, bow drawn, raining down arrows on the enemies. But now he can’t even tread water without wanting to collapse into himself like a pile of goo. Damn you stamina.
Wild - Hyrule - He was excited about the unlimited* arrows at first, but unfortunately, he was struck with the tiny wallets that can only hold up to 999 rupees. The magic and the rest of the items are amazing though, even though he keeps burning through his magic meter since he keeps thinking it’ll refill on its own. It does not.
Hyrule - Warriors - Since in HW you use items from different games, Hyrule can just use whoever’s items he wants. Basically ignoring some of the limits set by the dungeon. He didn’t understand the combos, weak point smashes, focus spirit, all of that stuff until Wars tells him about it. He still doesn’t really get it but he tries.
I don’t really have a story for this, just spun a wheel and thought this would be a fun idea. Anyone can take any part of this concept and run with it, please @ me so I can see. I also think the name Whitney is inherently funny.
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vioshortforviolence · 2 years
Hey listen! The links should all do a cucco gliding race!
I can see Twilight challenging them to do the gliding game at his Lake Hylia
Time manages to land on that tiny rotating platform with ease (how one cucco can carry an adult man is anyone's guess, even without his armor lol)
Legend would've landed there too, but Time shoved him off-course to claim it for himself, because he plays to win 😎
Then Legend spots Warriors near him and he tries to knock the cucco out of Warriors' hands to make him fall into the lake
He succeeds but Warriors manages to grab Legend's leg and they both plummet together lol
Wind unsuccessfully tries to control his cucco with a hyoi pear
Sky lands last because he spent time just holding and petting his cucco
Four shrinks down to Minish size and rides on the back his cucco, telling it where to go (you can talk to animals when shrunk in MC)
Hyrule transforms into a fairy and flies beside Four (I headcanon that he can't swim, so he wouldn't want to risk falling into the lake...)
Wild spends the entire time chasing Twilight and being a nuisance
Twilight spends the entire time trying to get Wild off his tail

AKA: Links don't follow rules and it's just a mess lol
Who won? Who knows; no one was paying attention to notice! Wait, what even were the rules again?
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rastro-writes · 7 months
Do you have a blorbo related head cannon you have yet to share with the world that you would like to? If so what is it?
My Blorbo, or your Blorbo?
I’ll do both.
Sky; Sky is embarrassed that he named his Loftwing Applesause as a toddler, but tells everyone his name is Crimson. Zelda knows, and lets him delude himself, his Loftwing gets fussy when he introduced him wrong.
Applesause; “Soul-bonded, why do you not share my real name! Why are you ashamed of me?!?”
The Chain finds out Crimsons real name when Wind uses a Hyoi Pear and it mind melds Wind with Applesauce so he can tell the Hero of Wind his real name. Sky is paranoid Crimson Applesauce just spilled all his embarrassing stuff to his gremlin little bro. That came later. Wind is glad the pears have a fun use.
My blorbos; Wild and Twilight.
Twilight loves hanging around Wild as Wolfie, because Wild gives the best head scratches, as he did it all during his first adventure with Wolfie, and doesn’t make fun of him for the head scratches like the others have. So it’s more relaxing.
Only other person allowed to give head scratches is Wind, and that’s because Twilight can’t bring himself to deny him.
Wild once gave Twilight head scratches as a hylian, and it was the most relaxing thing ever. No witnesses either, so bonus. Twilight secretly hopes Wild does it again.
Thanks for the ask @majorproblems77 it was a lot of fun to share!
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penumbraphantasm · 1 year
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hyoi pear lookin ass
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