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madneocity-universe · 2 months ago
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Lucky girl syndrome: Hye Jung
Same old note: pode e vai ser alterado no futuro. Altas doses de pataquada.
Seu pai não sabe como ela, uma coisinha pequena de nada, pode ter tanta personalidade e se afirmar tanto depois de um passeio pelo bairro no carrinho de bebê, mas sente que sua esposa vai entender assim que ela coloca os pés dentro de casa e começa a relatar tudo o que viveu naquela tarde enquanto ficava de olho na caçula deles.
— A garota quase me quebra a coluna tentando se pendurar no carrinho e girar o corpo tentando procurar o foco da confusão, love. Tudo isso com os olhos DESSE TAMANHO e CHORAMINGANDO de sofrimento até conseguir ver a vizinha discutindo com o marido por causa do lixo que ele esqueceu de tirar! — Jun ia contando, atordoado, apontando para a filha pequena no cadeirão, muito alheia a conversa dos pais por estar ocupada mandando um bananinha amassada com aveia pra dentro. — Você tinha que ver, igualzinho a você! Igualzinho a gente!
Essa era Hye Jung, e sua existência era um acontecimento propriamente dito.
— Mamãe, papai… Minha barriga quer bolo…
E se aquele apelo sofrido não fosse adiantar, ela ia sim escalar aquela cama enorme e se deitar em cima da cabeça dos dois, confirmando sua reclamação com o som de seu estômago roncando e ainda avisando bem por alto que sua fralda noturna estava cheia e fedida pra caramba.
Era o jeitinho dela, era o mood dela: se agarrar na perna do pai até ele lhe dar colo e sair por aí na vizinhança com ela, afim de se atualizar da vida das outras famílias. Bater na porta do banheiro todos os dias, sem falta, assim que sua mãe entra porque sente muito a falta dela e não se importa de estar lá enquanto a mais velha faz o número 01, que dirá o número 02. Pedir por uma cama mais baixa pra conseguir descer da mesma com facilidade e então fugir para o quarto de Seo toda madrugada, o obrigando a ouvir sua conversa fiada de bebê ainda descobrindo as palavras enquanto cutuca o nariz dele e morde todos os seus sapatos até arrancar pedaço.
Porque ela fazia o que queria. Era a dona daquele lugar por direito.
E ai de quem decidisse o contrário em seu lugar.
— Eu acho que você vai ser boa na Corvi-
— Que? Não, não. Meu irmão tá na Grifinoria. Pode ir me tirando daí e me botando onde ele tá, tá maluco?
E aí que começou o ano letivo sendo suspensa porque ameaçou queimar o chapéu seletor e dar descarga no que sobrasse? Odiava ser contrariada, odiava não ser ouvida e em seu coração a escola não ia ser a mesma coisa se não estivesse onde seu irmão mais velho estivesse.
Mesmo que lhe coubesse o julgamento, depois.
— Tuas notas tão podres, mas é coisa de Grifinoria, né? — Dizia sem peso no coração, alisando os laços na cabeça com toda a arrogância que lhe cabia, independente de ter o brasão do leão em seu peito também. — No final do ano tu prova que foi o brabo e ganha regalia, igual todos os outros. Aiai, o patriarcado.
Ela podia ser muitas coisas, incluindo uma mimadinha que se derretia pelos pais e uma chorona quando o papo era não ter suas vontades atendidas, mas se tinha uma coisa que ela se orgulhava por ser e não negava de forma alguma as inclinações, era a independência e a capacidade de se defender sozinha, de tudo e todos.
Tinha treze anos e não queria beijar aquele mini ruivo francês de óculos nem se a outra opção fosse ter seu braço arrancado por um pitbull, e se ele não entendia e não queria soltar seu braço, ela ia apelar pro trauma, do jeito que tinha aprendido com os pais.
— E aí que você me acha bonita e acha que a gente devia casar? Nem Merlin agradou todo mundo e teu pai foi corno no altar por um homem meio bicha, calvo e que roubou tua possível mãe na frente de um país inteiro! — Ia esbravejando, puta da cara, tirando seu braço daquele aperto com tudo antes de bater uma das trancinhas na cara do garoto que já estava aos prantos. — E se você voltar, eu mando meu irmão te arregaçar!
Independente de Seo acabar indo com Deus, família era família.
E só por família ser família, ela aceitava ouvir suas questões de adolescente que foi passado pra trás, enquanto o consolava com a cabeça deitada em seu ombro, internamente torcendo pra que o universo tirasse toda a dor de seu irmão e mandasse pro primo dos dois.
— Acho que você devia matar Theo de pancada e curar o coração dolorido da sua crush com beijinhos, porque traição não se perdoa e você tá é perdendo tempo chorando as pitangas aqui. — Analisava a situação com calma, antes de acrescentar. — Você é um homem ou um coitado? Pensa nisso e de qual versão ela ia querer se agarrar por aí, depois você me conta.
Sempre muito compreensiva, sempre muito sensível a decisão dos outros, pensava consigo mesma, enquanto voltava pro próprio quarto e constatava que ela era mesmo uma pessoa maravilhosa, andando em linha reta para seu closet e a porta secreta que devia ser sua sessão de roupas de verão, mas se tornou um santuário com todas as capas de revista com o rosto de River Potter, com um pôster central ornado por velas em formato de coração e uma imagem de Buda que sua avó materna lhe deu de Natal na última ida para Los Angeles.
— Espero que todas as meninas que cheguem perto dele se tornem HORRENDAS e eu seja a única que ele ache bonita. Espero que ele tenha sonhos comigo, só pense em mim e entenda que a gente tem que ficar junto… Tipo… Pra ontem. Pra sempre, até o mundo acabar. — Sussurrava em tom de oração, as mãos debaixo do queixo bem juntas como se ela estivesse fazendo um ritual, depois de colocar um papel com o nome dos dois num copo cheio de açúcar. — Não deixa aquele garoto olhar pra outra saia que não seja a minha, por favorzinho. Amém.
Era assim que ela conquistava o mundo: por bem ou por força da persistência.
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aiworld1 · 2 years ago
I will upload an AI video that runs toward the extreme reality that I have made so far. It's been made recently from the top, so if you look at it from the bottom, you can see the progress. If you don't like low quality, please watch the latest one. Don't tell me you like it. Just enjoy itFirst of all, the recent version has made the movement smooth with checkpoint change frame interpolation.
그동안 만들었던 극실사를 향해 달려가는 AI영상 올려봅니다. 상단부터 최근에 만든거라 밑에서부터 보시면 점점 발전된 과정을 보실수 있고 저퀄이 싫으시면 최근것만 봐주시면 감사하겠습니다. 절대 좋댓구알 해주지 마시고 재미로만 봐주세요~일단 최근 버전은 체크포인트 변경 프레임 보간등으로 움직임을 부드럽게 만들어 보았습니다.
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hejihra · 4 months ago
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Kang Hye-jung as Mido.
Oldboy (2003) dir. Park Chan Wook.
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icaruswalksnet · 1 year ago
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_mariahwasa IG Story
Hwasa supporting Kang Hyejung’s new book essay 🎇
#Kanghyejung #강혜정 #반은미치고반은행복했으면
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acridcandy · 2 years ago
& that's just how we do it ⏤ featuring @sourires
"baaaabe," aera coos, pivoting to face her friend with a pout, "don't look like that, it'll be super fun. i think i need this? we need this!" she grins as if this isn't the third time that she's been out this week, it only being a wednesday. as if the reality of a test in their shared class on the next day isn't a thought within aera's mind, especially considering that she hasn't cracked open a book ( outside of class ) in god knows how long.
the general idea is what hyejung attempts to get through to her, always the dulcet tempered angel on her shoulder that makes a valiant effort to lead her away from temptation. and as her beacon of light amidst the stormy seas that makes her life in this year, her best friend that faithfully remains by her side throughout it all, her words naturally hold more weight that anyone in her life. and yet the two of them still find themselves in the back seat of her drivers car, on their way to arrive at the club of choice within a couple of minutes. it's quite foolish to waste effort on altering aera's thinking once she decides on an idea, no matter how detrimental it may be, so instead of indulging in a back and forth with her friend she throws out the idea of coming along so she doesn't get too trashed. and it's not a form of manipulation to get what she desires, but a genuine matter considering that hyejung is not the one for nightlife; instead it's some form of a compromise, she thinks. and maybe their perspectives are aligned since she agrees, a sense of warmth permeating her body before pulling hyejung into a hug.
"oh! by the way, you saw that stupid post gossip girl put about me having a fucking addiction? isn't there a way that i can, like, sue her for slander or something? because i'm going to be so real right now and say the only thing that was true was me being kicked out a bar, but that's because the owner is lame, broke, and likes to be mean to pretty girls," she rants in an attempt to divert while fishing out her phone from her clutch, "so ... i miiight have said some little bittle teeny white lies about that on my insta stories and made the place look bad, and my followers totally bombed their reviews online. i think they're currently at 1.5 stars when you search them up," she chuckles, satisfaction reverberating off the interior of the vehicle as she turns the screen in hyejung's direction to view the infinite amount of deception displayed, "do you love that for me? i love it for me. anyway that's why we're going to insomnia instead since one, they probably won't let me back in because of this; and two, the owner isn't mad at the world because he has a receding hairline and his kids don't love him or whatever."
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leehallfae · 3 months ago
“i’d like to know how far / i’ve gone / how much farther there is / to go / how absence / unfathomable / becomes / something i can carry”
— hyejung kook, “dead reckoning”
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literarycatchall · 4 months ago
“I’d like to know how far
I’ve gone
how much farther there is”
— “Dead Reckoning,” Hyejung Kook (2024)
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putah-creek · 4 months ago
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silkcoeur · 4 months ago
Dead Reckoning
to estimate one’s position without instruments or celestial observations
calculating direction and distance traveled from the last known fix while accounting for tides, currents, grief
drift       numbness sudden storms of pain unexpected joy
to reckon is to believe something true to reckon with the dead
is to believe I can know them an airy thinness gleaming
despite the distance traveled
I’d like to know how far I’ve gone how much farther there is
to go       how absence unfathomable becomes
something I can carry
Hyejung Kook
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foetry · 1 year ago
Spring Coronal
Again this year I’ve failed the peonies that came to us
when we bought our house in summer, not knowing what
pink and white glory grew in the northwest. After the first May,
still childless, seeing how a single bloom could overflow
the cup of my hands, the stems bowing to the ground
under their weight, I bought cages to circle the red shoots
after they crowned but only used them once. Arrow-like
as they emerge from the earth, the just unfurling leaves
look like fingers, reminiscent of intestinal villi and sea anemones,
moving with unexpected purpose. It is the force that through
the green fuse drives the flower, drives me to try and fail
again to conceive, which turns the leaves green, my eyes green,
everything greening and growing before my scaffolding
is in place. Again this year I’ve failed, but I haven’t been outside
in eight weeks without precautions against “the sickness”
as we’ve come to call it in our house, long days spent only
with my children, four and six, and my husband. A surly demand,
a dropped dish, misplaced keys, and I find myself wearing a crown
of overtowering rage, like the sun’s corona flaring,
the outermost layers of atmosphere flung violently into space,
invisible to most instruments except during a total solar eclipse,
as in 1869, when scientists detected a spectral green line,
possible indication of a new element they called coronium,
but in 1943, that grassy green was identified as iron
in a forbidden transition, half its electrons stripped away
by heat exceeding a million degrees. The world is burning
while I drift in a bubble of comfort but seized by anger
day after day until one evening I step out to find the peonies
that have managed to stay upright now reach my hips,
the pinks already perfuming the air, the whites still closed
tighter than a fist. The next morning I wake
with my grandmother’s voice in my ears, something
about mislaid glasses, and for long moments, I can’t recall
if she’s dead or alive. When I remember she’s gone,
I sob, unable to control my shudders, waking my daughter
who uncurls from my side and asks, “Why are you crying?”
How to explain the weight of loss pressing down
after a brief reprieve. The weight of a knee on a neck.
Children in detention while pandemic spreads. I don’t.
Instead I say, “I miss my grandmother who died.”
She gently pats my cheeks, then presses her forehead
against mine, so close all I see is the dark Cyclopean
blur of her eyes. Maybe it’s better to be unmoored
by rage and grief, to burn away that which binds us,
enriching the earth, making space for new growth.
Maybe my inability to cage a living thing isn’t
a failing at all. Better to let the green drive us
in a wild unfettered tangle, blooming or not,
to feel the comfort of my daughter’s touch, the renewal
of pain a small price for my grandmother alive again
in my mind while the peonies dive headfirst into the dirt.
Source: Poetry (July/August 2021)
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aheartofdawn · 3 months ago
As Democrats struggle to come to terms with the results of this week’s election, some young women are looking abroad for inspiration. Women across social media have been exploring an idea called 4B, a protest movement in South Korea that calls for women to boycott men.“Now I am, how you say this, a ho, but I really want to get behind this 4B movement,” begins one TikToker, who goes on to say she approves of women withholding sex from men. “After this election — where women were pretty much told to their faces that no one gives a shit about them — don’t forget, ladies, we do have power. And you know the kind of power I’m talking about. Giving up our bodies to men is a choice. We don’t have to do this.”
The TikTok tag #4bmovement currently has thousands of posts with millions of views, and Google search interest in the term spiked after the election. Some of the social media posters are clearly joking out of a combination of rage, stress, and sadness — but others are more serious.“Once you can get out of your mind that you will not be missing out by engaging in this behavior, you will be better off,” one earnest TikToker says. “I encourage you to reclaim your power and have really honest conversations with yourself about whether being in a romantic relationship with men at this point in time is worth it.”
The tenets of 4B are extremely different from the kinds of feminism that tend to flourish in the US, where popular culture places a premium on choice and empowerment. Mainstream feminist campaigns here usually celebrate women’s ability to make their own decisions and do whatever makes them feel best as individuals.The point of 4B and Escape the Corset, however, is not to make women feel more fulfilled or more at home in their bodies. It is also not to put pressure on men as individuals to reform their ways. The point of 4B is to send a message about the structure of society — to say it’s not acceptable that you are valued only for your fertility and sexual appeal — and to ensure your independence.In an academic paper about the movement, author Hyejung Park translates a 2019 video from the South Korean activist group SOLOdarity: “It is true that tal-corset [Escape the Corset] comes with some inconveniences,” the activists allow. “When your hair is short, you might have to get a haircut more frequently, and you might need to buy a whole new wardrobe for tal-corset. Nevertheless, we practice tal-corset because it is not about being more comfortable. It is about not being a doll, a second-class citizen.”
The idea of refusing to wear skirts for the sake of your politics, even if you like them, is an attitude that has been out of favor in American feminism since the end of the second wave in the 1970s. Still, there is a discipline and a radicalism to this form of activism that you can easily understand feeling attractive for America’s angry young women in this moment. It supposes a world that so emphatically decenters men and their desires for women that men themselves disappear from a woman’s life. After the US elected a symbol of masculine aggression and violence to our highest office for the second time, a person can see the appeal.The idea of such severe and uncompromising protest also makes sense considering the reams of smirking rape jokes that the mere discussion of 4B online has provoked. Many American 4B TikToks have comments from men under them crowing, “Your body, my choice,” a refrain that young fans of far-right influencer Nick Fuentes have reportedly taken to parroting in schools.“[W]omen threatening sex strikes like LMAO as if you have a say,” a post from one X account with 122,000 followers went.
It’s worth remembering, though, that the divide between left and right in this country does not neatly map across gender divides. While we won’t know until later how the numbers break down, early exit polls say 45 percent of all women and 53 percent of white women voted for Trump. Trump surrounds himself with enabling women, and the likes of Marjorie Tyler Greene gleefully shriek misogyny across the floors of Congress.A possible lesson of the Women’s March era — that feminist reaction to the first Trump term — is this: Uniting in a large group as a pure expression of rage is not always sustainable. The Women’s March collapsed because of vicious infighting, which is traditionally what happens to large leftist groups in the US.Perhaps it’s time for American feminism to get specific and disciplined about its action points. 4B is specific and it is disciplined, which is part of what makes it difficult to translate out of its cultural context and into America. It is clear on its goals, which are to take personal autonomy through the force of one’s own denial, rather than to ask for it at the polls or in interpersonal relationships.A line of inquiry American feminists might take from 4B is this: What are you going to work toward? And what are you going to do to get there?
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loviwonnie · 1 year ago
006. poor girl got hated for being hot (written + 0.8k words)
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you have a dance practice today with your team, therefore, you went to the store in advance and bought snacks so that you would have something to eat. after filling the bags with a bunch of stuff, you happily walked back to school.
you've missed this routine so much. spending school days with friends, having lunch in the school cafeteria, dancing after school, and tired but happy to go home. you missed it so much while living in a completely different continent for a year.
“can't wait to go home, i am so tired” gyuvin groaned and barely walked, holding heavy bags in his hands.
“we haven't even started,” haerin looked at him sceptically and lightly slapped him on the back.
“don't be a bore, gyuvin. i know you missed it too,” wonyoung exclaimed and yes, she was right.
gyuvin, your childhood best friend, missed those days when you were with them and lay tired together on the floor in the studio. even though he doesn't talk about missing you, but shows it with his actions. he would repeat your habits or eat your favourite snacks, as taki has noticed.
“yes, i did,” he rolls his eyes and shyly grins.
but before the practice, you had one more class so you patiently waited until the end of the school. however, something didn't let you focus properly on the lesson. you only had to turn around once to see jungwon who was looking at you and turned away as soon as you caught him. ‘that's strange’ you thought and got back to your work.
after a few hours of chemistry class, you finally got free and headed to the sports hall. your friends were already there, waiting only for you, so without wasting any time you went to the studio. it was not so far from the sports hall, so you guys arrived fast.
“he was just looking at you?” taki asked you, after hearing your story of what happened in chemistry class.
“no, he was staring!” you exclaimed and wanted to say something more, but some female voices and laughter you heard from the studio immediately caught your attention. “does someone have to be there at this time?” you asked, looking confused at your friends.
“uhm no, at this time, the studio should be free for us,” wonyoung checked the time on her phone and had a confused expression as everyone else.
you carefully opened the door and saw a bunch of girls in cheerleader uniforms. they all looked at you with some strange expressions on their faces and the girl who was standing in the middle was approaching you with slow steps.
“hyejung, what are you doing here? today is tuesday, our time to use this studio,” wonyoung got closer to her and the smirk on Hyejung's face pissed her off.
“why can't we use the studio? don't be so greedy,” she rolled her eyes.
jungwon and his friends who were passing by the studio stopped at the door after hearing sounds from inside.
“but we have indicated the day and time when we will use the studio, haven't we?” haerin stepped forward and stood beside wonyoung.
“oh please shut up, it's not a big deal,” hyejung crossed her arms and this is when you lost your patience, after quietly standing and observing the whole situation.
“that's enough, hyejung, right? sorry, didn't quite catch your name. haerin clearly said that you discussed the time of using the studio. i don't know why you would prefer to practice in this small studio rather than in a large sports hall where all of you, 15 people, would fit. even so, you are embarrassing yourselves for not keeping your words and being irresponsible, hence it makes you look disrespectful and dishonest,” you confidently ended your speech, looking at how hyejung’s face began to boil and blush with anger and shame, probably.
she was speechless, everyone were. even jungwon and his friends who were standing outside and listening to it all. yet they were incredibly amazed by your determination and confidence. hyejung walked out from that place with her fellow cheerleaders. she was startled to see jungwon behind outside of the studio and got annoyed as soon as she saw niki’s, ricky’s, hanni’s, and eunchae’s smirks.
“omg yn, you are insane! insanely cool!” taki hugged you behind your back and you couldn't help but smile at your friend's compliments of you putting hyejung in her place.
still smiling, you noticed several people standing at the door out of the corner of your eyes and immediately met with jungwon’s gaze, who was both surprised and impressed. however, your eye contact was interrupted because of eunchae who ran into your studio.
“yn!!! that was amazing! you are so cool,” she exclaimed with so much joy and just stood there admiring you.
“she is really something else,” you grinned and again caught jungwon staring at you.
“okay eunchae, we have to practice now” you walked the youngest to the door and closed it, giving her and the others a last wave.
“hyejung deserved that, yn should get a reward for doing god's job,” niki said, walking slowly down the hallway along with his friends.
“yeah, someone had to do it and i am glad that it was yn” hanni agreed with him still remembering hyejung’s face that was as red as a tomato.
“alright guys, i have to go now, my extra classes are starting soon” jungwon suddenly declared and left.
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icaruswalksnet · 1 year ago
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blobyblo IG: 📚
제목의 중요성 / The Importance of the Title
Watch with Eng Subs👀 https://youtu.be/Iz0ClJkkmtM?si=gtTsL49lMIxalhsK
#북스타그램 #북스타그램📚 #Bookstagram #Kanghyejung #강혜정 #반은미치고반은행복했으면
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hetchdrive · 4 months ago
pspsps Terrors I have a poem recommendation for you. I’m subscribed to the Poem-A-Day emails from the Academy of American Poets and today’s poem is “Dead Reckoning” by Hyejung Kook.
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khiphop-discussions · 10 months ago
What are some fun facts or funny/wholesome khiphop stories, events, whatever they may be that you heard of? I feel like I always see the tea and beef but nothing else somehow 😆
Hold on let me think back. I think I've talked about most of these before but they are scattered across different years and posts:
Giriboy thought he was the best rapper in Korea until he heard Lil Boi (I think Giriboy said this when he was the producer on SMTM)
Epik High was at a phone store a LONG time ago (NOTE: Epik High used to kinda be assholes sometimes back in the earlier days). A lady came in to get a new phone screen or a screen protector (can't remember which). DJ Tukutz just said out loud "Just buy a new one". The lady just walked out without finishing any transactions. It turns out that lady was Kang Hyejung (Actress/Tablo's wife)! I guess it didn't leave TOO bad of an impression as Tablo and Hyejung were still able to get married and have a family later when they officially met BUT I wonder how awkward it was when Tukutz actually met her officially. Also if he ever apologized for being a jerk LOL . I'm honestly shocked AF she didn't tell him off cause Tablo has told other stories about her before and she seems to have a strong personality. Maybe she wasn't in the mood that day or she was just embarrassed. I can't remember where this story was told. Probably an interview or a variety show.
When DPR Live/Dabin worked at a Subway when he first came to Korea, Christian used to always come in and get the most basic sandwich. Like turkey/ham (can't remember exactly which meat. maybe both), lettuce, and then other basic sandwich ingredients. Dabin wanted to make something more fancy but Christian just liked the basic sandwich. Story told on IG live w/ Christian and Live
The Quiett gave the TERRBLE advice to LeellaMarz that he shouldn't save any money until he turns 30. I'm honestly shocked The Quiett would give such terrible advice like this but then again, younger Quiett did seem like he spent excessively too. Leella has actually been listening to that advice too. He has 3 luxury cars and doesn't save. HOWEVER, Leella comes from money so I guess it's not really an issue. I can't remember the jobs but both of his parents have good, well respected jobs. This story was told on Psick show.
Changmo complained about his relationships (and potentially other life struggles) so much that eventually The Quiett got annoyed. IT was just an sigh tbh but apprently that's more frustration than anyone else in Ambition has ever seen The Quiett show. I can't remember where this was but it might be from the "Tomorrows Hangover" episode with Changmo, Ash Island, and Hash Swan
Queen Wasabii used to have a crush on the YouTuber/Variety Star Dex when they were doing the show Bloody Game 1 together (I don't really like wasabii but this story is cute so I put it). This was shown on Bloody Game 1.
When Yun B was on Bloody Game 2, he was kidnapped by the outdoors team and taken to the forest. This was done while he was sleeping in the middle of the night. So he was still in his underwear when they took him. He didn't think he'd be gone long when they woke him up. Luckily he took a backpack and it had some of his clothes in it LOL. This was shown on Bloody Game 2.
Ash Island slipped and fell while he was performing "Melody" at one of the festivals last year. I can't remember which one but it's still on Youtube if you wanna go look. It's the outside festival and I think he was wearing all Black.
YEARS ago I was in B-Free's IG live and he was talking about Dok2's old hairline. I typed "Don't make fun of/talk about that boy" (I can't remember whether I said "don't talk about" or "don't make fun of") in the comments. I was just kidding and put LOL and everything but I guess B-Free thought I was serious. So he was like "Oh my bad, I'm sorry". Then I started to feel bad because I felt like I was killing the vibe LOL. He was also saying that BeWhy's hair looked painted on LOL. (Again this was a SUPER long time ago. Probably 2016 or 2017).
[The wholesome/heartwarming part] Coogie said Code Kunst is his role model now that he's in AOMG. [The not so wholesome but funny part] When Code Kunst asked why not Kian84 or Simon D. Coogie said that Kian is a writer and Simon D is handsome... He thinks him and Code Kunst are on the same tier lookswise so that's why he chooses him.
REALLY old Khiphop stuff but Masta Wu and Danny Im (1tym) used to be really close to the level of a bromance LOL. Obviously Danny and Teddy Park were really close back then but I didn't know that Masta Wu was that type LOL. But I guess it checks out cause Wu told Danny that Danny "taught him humility" when Danny was leaving Korea for the US. From Danny From LA show
More REALLY old Khiphop stuff but YG Entertainment used to have a ping pong tournament back in the days (seems like this story was at some point during the 2nd gen kpop days but possibly from before). It was fun but apparently people got too serious. Teddy went and bought a professional paddle and started kicking everyone's ass. So then EVERYONE participating at YG had to go buy a professional paddle so it wasn't so unbalanced. I don't remember who ended up winning. From Danny Im's podcast
Loopy scolded one of the mkitain members (I think Bloo but maybe it was more than one member) in front of Kid Milli. The story seemed serious when it was told but I just think it's funny to get scolded in front of Kid Milli. It was probably so awkward for everyone. I think this was old during the Mkitwon series.
Apparently, Cha Cha ends up getting more girls if him and Jay go out together. from Ben Baller's OLD podcast. I don't even know if this episode with Jay is still available or not.
I can't think of anything else right now but I think this is a nice list.
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thecutiecollective · 2 years ago
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IG: Annlee_3
📷 Hyejung Kim
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