#hye — star ★
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senazzzz · 9 days ago
halo :3 how have u been <33
Sorry for the late reply, it's been kinda hectic because of studies but what about you? :)
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bbyarin · 3 years ago
That Bad Bitch Songs
— Songs that can make you feel like you're that bad bitch (mostly from female artists)
7 Rings — Ariana Grande ★
All Hands on Deck — Tinashe
Anck Su Namun — YEZI ★
Bad Boy — Red Velvet
Black Dress — CLC
Blank Space — Taylor Swift ★
BO$$ — Fifth Harmony ★
Bon Bon Chocolat — EVERGLOW
break up with your girlfriend, i'm bored — Ariana Grande
Bubble Pop! - HyunA
Cause I'm God Girl (feat. Il Hoon Jung) — HyunA ★
Cherry On Top — 10:45
Cider — YEZI
Circus — Britney Spears ★
Dally (feat. GRAY) — Hyolyn
Dangerous Woman — Ariana Grande
Egoist (Olivia Hye) (feat. JinSoul) — LOONA
Expectation — Girl's Day
Fancy (feat. Charli XCX) — Iggy Azalea
Female President — Girl's Day
Fetish (feat. Gucci Mane) — Selena Gomez ★
Gashina — SUNMI
Get It — Pristin V ★
Gimme More — Britney Spears
God is a woman — Ariana Grande ★
Hobgoblin — CLC ★
Hot Pink — EXID
How's this — HyunA ★
Indigo — NIKI ★
Lip & Hip — HyunA
Look What You Made Me Do — Taylor Swift ★
Lotto — EXO ★
Mine — Slayyyter
Miniskirt — AOA ★
Movie Star — CIX
New Rules — Dua Lipa
NO — Meghan Trainor
Not Shy — ITZY ★
Not That Type — gugudan ★
NUNU NANA — Jessi ★
Obsessed — Mariah Carey ★
Power — Little Mix ★
Red — HyunA
Salute — Little Mix
Secreto — YEZI
Senorita — (G)I-DLE
Short Hair — AOA
Snapping — CHUNG HA
Something — Girl's Day
Strawberry Trapper — Guilty Kiss
Talking Body — Tove Lo
Touch (feat. Basick) — SoRi
We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together — Taylor Swift
Wild Side (feat. Cardi B) — Normani
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daebakoreandrama · 3 years ago
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Drama: Hometown Cha Cha Cha (2021)
Starring: Kim Seon Ho, Shin Min-a, Lee Sang Yi, Gong Min-Jeung, Kim Young Ok, Lee Bong-Ryun
Rating: ★★★★★
Despite the slow pace of the drama, I decided to give it 5 stars because of the moral of the story and HOW MANY TIMES IT MADE ME CRY >.< OMG
Now let's dive in some of my favorite scenes:
1) The Chemistry Between Hye Jin and Du Sik
I honestly loved that the director them be friends before they realized they had feelings for each other. Some would say that they were friends and some would beg to differ (haha) mainly because they had a lot of banter, but I personally think that was their way of showing their care for each other.
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2) The community of GongJin
I think if I wanted to live in a community, I would choose to live in GongJin even though it's the countryside/suburb. The people of the community had so much story and background that it makes you grow to love each and other character despite their baggage and past. I think watching this drama really showed me that everyone goes through their own trouble and under all of it is just someone who wants to be heard and loved.
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3) Their cute moments
Despite how CRINGE these moments were, I really did think they were cute. LOOK AT THIS DIMPLEs. How could you not smile at them!?
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4) When the entire community thought they were dating when they weren't yet
This just reminded me of all the nosy aunties and uncles that ask when you have a boyfriend when they come over for Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner >.<
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and then when Du Sik had to act like he was Hye Jin's boyfriend for the day in front of her parents (hahahahah).
Don't get me wrong, her Sunbae was also super nice but I didn't get 2nd lead syndrome that much in this drama.
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5) Their engagement scene
Legit when Du Sik said "no" and Hye Jin was like "... what do you mean no?"
But he was actually going to propose on his terms that day too LOL
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6) Their Wedding Photos
I loved that they wanted to take photos on their own without the entire community behind the camera or watching them. They made their relationship truly about them and I'm so glad that Du Sik was about to find his own person that he could rely on.
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7) The Grandma
Words can't describe how attached I got to this grandma. She was such a pivotal character in the drama because she was there for Du Sik when he was about to commit suicide, and when everyone in town had turned their back against him she was the only one who brought food to his door everyday. She was such a kind soul and not gonna lie, it kinda reminded me of my own grandma.
I think the directors did a beautiful job making the story come full circle because if I remember in the beginning of the drama, the grandma had said that she'd be there for Du Sik until he found his own person. And once Du Sik had reconciled with Hye Jin, the grandma passed away peacefully in her sleep :(
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kirbichis · 3 years ago
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Loona 1/3: terra
Odd eye circle: meio da terra
YYXY: Éden
✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───────────✧
Cores e animais que as membros representam:
Heejin: 🐰 / rosa choque
Hyunjin: 🐱 / amarelo
HaSeul: 🕊 / verde escuro
Yeojin: 🐸 / laranja
Vivi: 🦌 / rosa
Kim lip: 🦉 / vermelho
Jinsoul: 🐟 / peixe Betta azul
Choerry: 🦇 / roxo / 🍒
Yves: 🦢 / borgonha
Chuu: 🐧 / pêssego / 🍎
Gowon: 🦋 / turquesa / 🍍
Olivia Hye: 🐺 / cinza / ameixa
✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───────────✧
LOONA 1/3:
Heejin, Hyunjin, Haseul, Yeojin e Vivi são garotas normais que vivem em nosso mundo, mas foram escolhidas para fazer parte do Loonaverse. No MV da Heejin, ViviD, ela meio que nos apresenta ao Loona. No MV da Hyunjin, Around You, vemos ela com uma paixão, mas não consegue se declarar e se sente mal por isso. Em Let me In, vemos Haseul em um conflito interno, onde parece que ela tenta matar uma parte da personalidade dela mesma, e aparentemente quando consegue ela meio que se arrepende (nesse MV podemos ver que Haseul está em um carro dirigido por "ninguém", mas na verdade era uma das meninas do OEC que estava dirigindo {podemos ver o mesmo carro em Girl Front}, elas tentam ajuda-la em seu conflito, mas como não é a mesma dimensão, Haseul não as vê). Em Kiss Later, vemos Yeojin em um mundo de "sonhos" que mostra que ela meio que se perdeu das outras meninas, ela acabou parando em um outro mundo. No MV da Vivi, vemos as memórias dela de quando ela era humana, onde aparece um garoto, mas na verdade, esse garoto é a Yves (pois no MV de New, mostra elas fazendo exatamente as mesmas coisas que a Vivi fez com o crush), ela modificou a história para si mesma, sendo assim a Yves seria um garoto na história dela. No MV de Love&Live, Vivi é um android, e quer ser normal de novo, ela está livre no mundo, porém se sente presa em si mesma, ela quer voltar a sentir as coisas dos humanos.
✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───────────✧
Em Eclipse, Kim Lip invoca um eclipse, ela quer encontrar Jinsoul para reunir todas as meninas do Loonaverse. Em Sing in the Rain, Jinsoul aparenta estar "presa", ela parece estar fugindo de algo ou alguém. Em Love Cherry Motion, Choerry parece estar saindo da dimensão de OEC e está indo para a dimensão de 1/3, ela esta junto com Haseul e Yeojin, mas Kim Lip (após encontar Jinsoul), encontra Choerry e chama ela para se juntar a OEC. Nesse MV tbm vemos que Choerry tem poder de se transportar entre as dimensões quando come uma cereja, e pode ver e achar todas as garotas do Loonaverse atravéz de seus espelhos (tanto que ela vê o espelho dela mesma, uma outra versão dela mesma). Em Girl Front, OEC se juntam e começam a procurar as outras garotas (no mapa da Choerry vemos os adesivos dos animais que as meninas representam), (tbm, nesse MV, vemos várias versões delas mesma, que podem ser por elas estarem viajando pelo tempo e pelas dimensões). Sweet Crazy Love se passa antes de OEC se juntar, nele mostra elas descobrindo seus poderes (nele tem uma cena importante onde alguém tira o fone de ouvido da Jinsoul). Em Loonatic, vemos uma garota correndo em volta de OEC enquanto as mesmas fazem cara de "nojo", que seria a Yves, (pois ela que tem o toca fitas, que ela dá para Vivi depois), esse toca fitas seria "mágico", que teria sido usado para OEC se teleportar junto (tbm, em New, Yves troca os ALL STAR brancos do OEC pelos sapatos do YYXY).
✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───────────✧
YYXY se passa no Éden, lá vive Olivia Hye, ela possui múltipla personalidade, ela possui a fé (Yves), o amor (Chuu), a esperança (GoWon) e a raiva (ela mesma) (YYXY são a mesma pessoa pois podemos ver em "one" e é reforçado em Love4eva, pois na cena em que todas estão dançando, na verdade era apenas Olivia {que quando juntas, estava feliz, mas ao estar sozinha se sente incapaz, apesar de receber aplausos, não sente como tivesse feito um bom trabalho}). Yves quer sair do Éden, ela quer ser livre, então ela come o fruto proibido, a maçã, porém ela não pode cair do Éden pois ela é parte da Olivia, então ela tenta persoadir as suas outras personalidades para que todas comam do fruto proibido e caiam juntas. A Chuu, Yves convenceu facilmente, pois Chuu era apaixonada por Yves (estranho, pois se parar pra pensar, ela se apaixonou por ela mesma kkkkk), enfim, Yves não dava bola para Chuu, mas quando Chuu viu que Yves comeu o fruto proibido logo quis tbm, assim ela comeu do morango, seu próprio fruto proibido, e assim Yves passou a nota-la, (porém, a cena em que elas aparecem juntas em Heart Attack é um sonho da Chuu). A GoWon foi mais difícil de convencer, ela estava indecisa se comia ou não o fruto proibido, então Yves pediu ajuda a Choerry, entregando em New, uma maçã para ela, que Choerry entrega para GoWon. No final de One&Only, GoWon come do Abacaxi, seu fruto, e sua cor de cabelo muda (como em uma borboleta que sai do casulo, ela evoluiu) e ela é coroada por Yves rainha de si mesma, mostrando que pode ser quem quiser. Em Love4eva, todas estão fugindo da "escola" (que é como se fosse o Éden, um lugar cheio de regras) para ir ao jardim do Éden secretamente e deixam Olivia para traz, porém GoWon olha para traz, e encara Olivia (por isso GoWon é o X em YYXY, pois ela é o intermediário entre Yves e Chuu para Olivia Hye), tbm mostra que as meninas não gostam de Olivia, a excluem, pois ela quer ficar no Éden, porém no final do MV, vemos que Olivia vai para o jardim, talvez procurando oq as outras acham de tão interessante lá, oq ela não entende. Mas aí vem a história da Olivia Hye, ela não queria sair do Éden, então Yves meio que a empurrou (como vemos em Egoist, Yves solta Olivia) então Olivia come do fruto obrigada por Yves (por isso em Egoist, quando Olivia come sua fruta seus lábios sangram, pois ela não queria come-la), então todas caiem do Éden juntas e ao mesmo tempo, e assim que caem, elas se separam e não são mais a mesma pessoa, e sim pessoas diferentes. Quando Yves cai do Éden, se passa a história de Everyday I Love You. Quando Chuu cai do Éden, quem a acorda em Heart Attack, é a Haseul (que está com as roupas do The Carol, ou seja, é exatamente no mesmo "natal"). Ainda em Egoist, Olivia se revolta com Yves, e tenta encontrá-la de qualquer forma, então ela procura OEC (ai vem a cena do fone de ouvido da Jinsoul), foi a Olivia que tirou os fones da Jinsoul, ela estava atrás da Jinsoul em Sing in the Rain, ela a capturou e deu cerejas a ela para que ela se teleportasse e encontrasse a Yves, porém, ela não era a Choerry (que não a ajudaria por ser cúmplice de Yves), então não conseguiu nada de Jinsoul. Vivi acaba resgatando Jinsoul (em Everyday I Need You), e com raiva, Olivia transforma Vivi em android (ai vem a história de Love&Live). (Outro motivo pelo qual Olivia pode ter transformado Vivi em android foi pq Vivi tinha ligação com Yves, e Olivia queria vingança, então juntou o útil ao agradável e "matou" Vivi).
Depois que YYXY caem na terra, que se passa a história de 1/3, e enquanto se passa essa, se passa OEC tentando se encontrar, após Jinsoul ser libertada e Kim Lip procurar por ela e por Choerry.
✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───────────✧
LOONA mobius:
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( eu sei é meio complicado de entenderKKKK)
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dearkeita · 3 years ago
number ~three~ !!
show name; extraordinary you
my personal rating; ★★★★★★
( six stars out of five !!!!! )
I didnt watch this show for a LONG time cause i firmly believed that i would cry my heart out.
i was right.
despite this, i really enjoyed and appreciated this show, all of the characters had their own story and wished and beliefs, which really tugs on the viewer's heartstrings </3 . I will admit it gets a little bit confusing, but its clearer later on.
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synopsis (from wikipedia) ;
The series follows high school girl Eun Dan-oh (Kim Hye-yoon) who is a student at a prestigious academy. One day, by chance, she discovers that the world she lives in is a fantasy world of comics. She and everyone else are merely characters in a comic book entitled Secret, all under the authority of their omnipotent and omniscient Writer. Dan-oh is only an extra character and, worse, the Writer gave her a lame set-up: she is engaged to her long-time crush who despises her, and she has a heart disease and is expected to die soon.
Not satisfied with this fate, Dan-oh decides to forge her own destiny by changing the story's plot and finding her own true love. Her hopes of freeing herself from the Writer's control becomes stronger than before when she unexpectedly meets nameless Student Number 13 (Rowoon). But as the events around Dan-oh and Number 13, whom she named as Haru, gradually starts to have parallels with the Writer's previous work Neungsohwa (trumpet creeper) changing her destiny could have a price to pay.
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episodes; 16
where to watch; netflix (probably with other streaming sites)
extra notes/warnings/opinions;
this is so sad. please bring tissues and prepare for angsty edits. haru and dan-oh 4 ever!!! but gyeong was also so sweet to her at the end, but he was just the wrong person in the wrong book </3 this concept was just EXTRAORDINARY. (haha. get it. haha..)
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Films TV Forecast
Completed in February
Films watched (at theatre): Shoplifters, Asako I&II, Long‘s Day Journey into  Night, An Elephant Sitting Still, The Castle of Cagliostro
In a very rare occurence, all those films
happened to be asian : chinese, korean and japanese
intensely compelling and superbly shot 
rank from very solid acting to best performance of the year worth an award (Sakuro Ando in Shoplifters)
belong to completely different genres, which made the viewing even more special in each case
deserve 5 stars.★★★★★ 
But the real masterpiece if i must only pick one is  An Elephant Sitting Still, which is truly on another level. An  experience  of 3h50 devastating and unique. 
On Netflix: The Villainess  ★★★★☆
It was a “tour de force” on the technical level: the 3 main fighting scenes were the best i have ever seen on screen! Sadly it came at the expense of the character development, but the little i saw of the relationships was enough to break my heart and infuriates me. I’m still recovering and thus i have a hard time to rewatch the film, but will continue to post more gifs. The actresses as expected stole the films: Kim Ok Bin and Kim Seo Hyung had a powerful and fascinating mentor/mentee relationship/chemistry, which deserved SO MUCH more attention and screentime. I can’t wait to see them play together again.       
American/European TV shows: none. I noticed i have a harder time to come back to western fictions once i watched a lot of asian films/drama 
Kingdom (on Netflix)  ★★★★★
It’s probably the best k-drama of the year. That goes without saying that (based on the budget) no other k-drama will be able to bring this level of productions values, but the most amazing thing about this improbable zombie tale in medieval korea is the writing that used effectively the best fantasy tropes and mixed it successfully with actual international issues (the refugees crisis).    
The Hymn of Death:  ★★★☆☆
This drama felt like an unfinished business, that never reached its full potential. Sets, costumes were impressive (maybe too pretty) and Shin Hye Sun as the lead heroine was the heart and soul of the drama but the writing was too timid: it didn’t dare to be as dark as it should have been which sounds inexplicable considering its plot. The true story of two artists and lovers who choose a double suicide to escape the oppression/censorship coming from living in Korea during Japanese violent colonial occupation, and the unbearable heavy social pressure to sacrifice their life and their love to support their families  is enough exceptional by itself, and doesn’t require a lot of additional work to be brilliant.       
J-drama: Stepmother and Daughter's Blues (2018).  To rate...
I’m halfway through it and not sure how to rate it yet. Sometimes, it’s just a beautiful heartwarming family/slice of life drama, sometimes the writing is so sexist but seems so far away to realize it that i just feel discouraged and don’t even have the energy to blame anyone. The actresses are adorable: Ayase Haruka and the first little girl who played her step daughter  Yokomizo Naho deserve all the stars.             
To watch in March:
Cinema: Ash is purest white
Drama: to complete the ones i started and to explore more historical fictions.
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bananafail · 2 years ago
Playful kiss eng sub ep 4
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Playful Kiss (YT Special Edition) BTS 1 (10. Source title: 120901 BEAST on MBC Every1 Weekly Idol Ep.01 ( ENG SUB) | ▬▬★ SO.BEAST !
Source title: Ep eng sub - free search & download - 2587 files Playful Kiss Special Edition ep 5ĮNG SUB Cartoon Kat tun ep114 pt 1 (19.05 MB) This song is also known as the bed song because its first heard during the honeymoon bed scene in ep 15 Song. Playful Kiss Special Edition ep 5 (165.29 MB)
640 Views 6:30 TOP10 Most Viewed Korean Drama OST Music Videos 200529.
•1.0K Views 5:58 RemixSweet Scenes in .
Playful Kiss Special Edition ep 4 avi (7.59 MB) Playful Kiss Season 1 Episodes 4 English Subtitles Romel Lavilla Fate brings polar opposite high school classmates (one obsessively attracted to the other, the other indifferent to all advances) to live under one roof. Source title: Bản đặc biệt của Playful kiss trên youtube và những vid NG (update ep 7) - SS501 & TripleS VietNam Forum Mischievous Kiss: With Jung So-Min, Kim Hyun-joong, Tae-Sung Lee, Hye-Young Jung. Playful Kiss Special Edition ep 4 avi (200 MB) HowL Playful Kiss Special Edition OST Part 2 HowL Playful Kiss Special Edition OST Part 2 (8.97 MB) More story, more conflict, moreeverything. Source title: Playful kiss special edition srt - freeload - 18 files We don’t exactly pick up the same momentum started in the last episode, despite my fervent cheers of, Come on, Show You can do iiiiiiiiit I just adore Ha-ni’s embarrassingly realistic girl-with-a-bleeding-heart-crush so much that I want more for her. Playful Kiss Special Edition Making Film 1 253 w/ G-Dragon (English Subbed) wp.5000 results found, page 1 from 500 for ' eng sub playful kiss special edition episode 1' Playful Kiss Special Edition Making Film 1 (10.85 KB) 1 w/ English Subbed wp.me/p1GfSf-i6 10 years ago Star Date with BEAST (English Subbed) wp.me/p1GfSf-ic 10 years ago 9 w/ English Subbed wp.me/p1GfSf-ig 10 years ago 13 w/ English Subbed wp.me/p1GfSf-ik 10 years agoĢPM Show Ep.
2 w/ English Subbed wp.me/p1GfSf-io 10 years agoĢne1 TV Season 3 Ep. 23 w/ English Subbed wp.me/p1GfSf-is 10 years ago Due to Geum Hee's picture of Seung Jo and Ha Ni asleep, the whole school finds out the two are living. 63 w/ English Subbed wp.me/p1GfSf-iw 10 years ago
1 Night and 2 Days 1 vs 100 2ne1 2ne1 TV 3 2PM 2PM Show 100 points out of 100 5000 Questions After School Announcements Beast Big Bang Boyfriend Boys Over Flowers Champagne CNBlue Come To Play DBSK Dream High f(x) Family Outing FT Island Full House Happy Together Heartstrings Hello Baby Season 4 Idol Maid Intimate Note Invincible Youth IU Jang Geun Suk JYJ K-drama K-pop K-show K-Wave Station Kim Hyung Joong Kim Hyun Joong Kiss the radio Lee Min Ho Lee Seung Gi M! Pick M&D MBLAQ Miss A My Girlfriend is a Gumiho Night After Night Oppa Band Park Shin Hye Playful Kiss Quiz that Changed the World Radio Star Rain Running Man Secret Show Shinee Shin PD Sistar Sistar19 SM Town SNSD SS501 Star Date Star King Strong Heart Super Junior Super Show T-ara Trax U-Kiss We Got Married 2 Win Win Wonder Girls YeoYouManMan You're Beautiful.
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eanimes-xyz · 3 years ago
Semantic Error
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★★★★ - Semantic Error - 시맨틱 에러 스페셜
Semantic Error Anime
Computer scientist Chu Sanwoo is the epitome of a relentless and strict person who abides by the rules. While working on a Humanities group project with freeloaders who don't put in any effort, Sangwoo wisely decides to remove their names from the final presentation. But he never imagined how connected he would be with the man whose plans to study abroad were thwarted by this project. Person of interest: Campus star everyone knows, Jang Jae-young from the design department. He has it all: skills, looks, marital status, and good relationships, except for one big problem: Chu San. What happens when an engineer and an artist, whose personalities are like oil and water, have to work together? Jang Jae Young is like a semantic error in Choo Sang Woo's ideal world. Will Sangwoo be able to debug this?
Semantic Error Characters
- Main Characters- Jae-Yeong Jang - Sang-U Chu - Supporting Characters- Ji-Hye Ryu Read the full article
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daebakoreandrama · 3 years ago
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Drama: Nevertheless (2021)
Starring: Han So Hee, Song Kang, Chae Jong Hyeop, Lee Ho Jung, Yang Hye Ji
Rating: ★★★★☆
Now let's dive into a few of my favorite scenes:
1) Han So Hee and Song Kang's chemistry
I think these two did a beautiful job with all the scenes depicting the captivated "aura" these two characters were supposed to have for each other.
And props to them because there were some racy scenes but I think they handled it beautifully.
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2) This couple!!
Honestly, I thought they were annoying at first. Well, the girl at least just because she couldn't make up her mind about who she liked. But clearly the guy knew that he had feelings for her. And even after they got together, she was just too hard for him to really read. However, they still ended up together (which is really cute) because they worked past their issues.
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3) Jae Eon's flirting
If you ever want to see a flirting monster--- watch this drama. Jae Eon literally doesn't stop with any girl. And he's also super nice so a lot of girls fall for him.
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4) The First LGBTQ couple I've seen in a kdrama
I know there has been another LGBTQ couple in another kdrama but this is personally the first one I've watched. I think they did a really good job hinting at the fact that the two characters has feelings for each other.
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I finished this drama with severe second lead syndrome because I LOVE DO HYEOK. His character is so precious. He is a successful noodle chef that also does videography and honestly who doesn't want a man that can cook and has a job... (raise you hand!)
Besides that, he treats everyone with care... ESPECIALLY NABI. That's why I wanted him to end up with her, but what can we do? Nice guys always finish last.
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