#hydrocotyle asiatica
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fiverr0fjg · 7 days ago
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Green Gotu Kola Seeds Centella Asiatica
Green Gotu Kola Big Leaf Seed (Centella Asiatica) Organic Vegetable Planting Non-GMO The herbaceous plant is also known by many pretty names, such as Hydrocotyl Asiatica, Leucocyte, and Tuspera. They originated from Australia, the islands of the Pacific, Melanesia, and Asia. Gotu kola belongs to the family of beef stalks; the stem is thin, smooth, and green in color, with roots growing on the ends (burning) of the stem. This is an herb that has cool properties and is very medicinal in traditional medicine. Features: Rare Seed Collector Plants grow and thrive. Planting all year round Small leaf coriander is naturally selective and of good quality. Harvest time is 25–35 days after transplanting. Harvesting lasts many years. The number of seeds planted per 1000 m2: sowing: 2–3 kg, transplanting: 1–2 kg Specs: Germination rate: 90% Planting season: All Year Harvest time: 25–35 days after sowing Type of seeds: Vegetable Flower seeds. Vegetable Planting Non-GMO Indian Pennywort
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noisyexpertwolf · 9 days ago
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shubhamja · 3 months ago
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e2r3t4 · 6 months ago
Composición y origen:
Planta; clasificadas en la familia Hydrocotyloideae, Apiaceae, ahora en la Araliaceae.
En hábitats es un género de plantas acuáticas o semiacuáticas, en las regiones templadas y tropicales de Asia, América del Norte, Sudamérica y más abundante en Nicaragua, también en Europa.
Características clínicas:
Ictiosis. Psoriasis. Lupus. Esclerodermia. Dermatosis costrosas, con gran descamación. Lepra. Gangrena después de una amputación. Acné. Vértigo con aturdimiento. Congestión con pesadez en la cabeza. Neuralgias craneanas. Dolor con hinchazón en el occipucio, con sensación de constricción y gran sensibilidad al tacto.
Pinchazos en los ojos. Conjuntivas inyectadas. Visión turbia. Mirada fija. La piel es el órgano de acción más importante de Hydrocotyle, especialmente bajo la forma de una tendencia a la psoriasis, induración, infiltración y exfoliación. Manchas casi circulares, con bordes elevados y escamosos. Manchas rojas con escamas blancas. Eritema con intenso prurito. Acné rosácea.
El remedio homeopático, se elabora acorde a casos clínicos.
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vitiligocare · 1 year ago
होम्योपैथी में सफेद दाग का इलाज
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सफेद दाग का होम्योपैथिक इलाज किया जा सकता है, लेकिन ध्यान देने वाली बात है कि होम्योपैथी इलाज को बेहद व्यक्तिगत रूप से निर्धारित किया जाता है और यह चिकित्सक के परामर्श के साथ किया जाना चाहिए।
सफेद दाग के इलाज में निम्नलिखित कुछ औषधियां और उपाय आमतौर पर इस्तेमाल किए जाते हैं:-
इस रोग को आसानी से पहचाना जाता है। अन्य रोगों से अंतर स्पष्ट करने के लिए वुड लैम्प टैस्ट, स्किन टैस्ट और बायोप्सी टैस्ट करते हैं।
बीमारी के लक्षण
शरीर पर छोटे-छोटे सफेद दाग/धब्बे दिखाई देते हैं। कुछ लोगों को खुजली होती है। धीरे-धीरे ये सफेद दाग आपस में मिलकर बड़ा धब्बा बना लेते हैं। कुछ रोगियों में धब्बों के बढऩे की गति धीमी होती है और कुछ में तेज होती है। इसके अतिरिक्त कोई विशेष लक्षण रोगी में नहीं दिखते।
सावधानी भी जरूरी
जीवनशैली को आरामतलब नहीं बनाकर काम में व्यस्त रहना चाहिए। खाने-पीने में अधिक चटपटा, खटाई कम लें। बच्चों के चेहरे पर हल्के भूरे दाग हो जाते हैं। चोट लगने, जलने अथवा शरीर पर हल्के भूरे रंग के धब्बे होने पर जल्द से जल्द इलाज कराना चाहिए।
रोग के प्रकार
फोकल विटिलिगो में छोटे-छोटे धब्बे शरीर के किसी विशेष भाग में होते हैं। म्यूकोजल विटिलिगो में सफेद दाग, होंठ, पलकों, जननांग, गुदा में होते हैं। एक्रोफेसियल विटिलिगो में दाग चेहरे, सिर और हाथ पर दिखते हैं।
Arsenicum Sulphuratum Flavum: यह औषधि सफेद दाग के लिए सामान्य इलाज के रूप में प्रयुक्त होती है, विशेषतः जब दागों के किनारों पर या त्वचा के जोड़ों में होती हैं।
Hydrocotyle Asiatica: इस औषधि का उपयोग बड़े साफ़ेद दागों के लिए किया जाता है, जो खुद-ब-खुद ठीक हो सकते हैं या फिर खुद-ब-खुद फैल सकते हैं।
Arsenicum Album: इस औषधि का उपयोग सफेद दाग के लिए किया जाता है, जब रोगी को खुजली, जलन, और त्वचा के आसपास दर्द होता है।
Sulphur: सल्फर एक और होम्योपैथिक औषधि है जिसका उपयोग सफेद दाग के इलाज में किया जाता है, विशेषतः जब रोगी को खुजली, सूजन, और गरमी की अधिकता होती है।
रोग का सही चिकित्सक की सलाह पर भरोसा करें: होम्योपैथी में सही उपाय का चयन करने के लिए चिकित्सक की सलाह और निरिक्षण के माध्यम से उपयुक्त दवाओं का परीक्षण किया जाता है।
ल्यूगो किट ( Leugo Kit ) लंबे समय तक एक प्रमुख और प्रचलित उपचार चिकित्सा है। ल्यूगो किट सफेद दाग या ल्यूकोडर्मा त्वचा विकार का सबसे प्रभावी उपचार है।
ये Oldforest Ayurved द्वारा बनाया एक मात्र प्रोडक्ट है, जो आपको भी इस बीमारी से छुटकारा दिलाने मैं सक्षम है, हम मानते है की हमारी 8 साल की प्रैक्टिस मैं ये प्रोडक्ट ने खूब सफलता प्राप्त की है। इस बीमारी से ग्रसित हजारो मरीजों ने कुछ ही महीनो मैं और कम से कम मुल्ये मैं ल्यूगो किट की मदद से सफ़ेद दागो को जड़ से ख़त्म किया है।
आप ल्यूगो किट खरीदने के लिए www.vitiligocare.co पर जा सकते हैं या आप +91 8657-870-870 पर संपर्क कर सकते हैं।
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Gotu Kola
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Scientific Names: Centella asiatica, (synonym Hydrocotyle asiatica), C. coriacea Other Common Names: Indian pennywort or water navelwort, talepetrako, marsh penny Overall Safety: 😐
Therapeutic Efficacy and Considerations:
Flight Microangiopathy: 😐 One trial has demonstrated improvement in ankle edema at various flight durations. More research is warranted, but the current evidence is not sufficient to support a recommendation for this indication.
Venous Hypertension: 😐 Five placebo-controlled trials have all demonstrated decreased edema and symptoms, although patients with mild symptoms did not seem to experience much clinical benefit. More information is needed both on long-term safety and extent of efficacy before a general recommendation can be made. Gota kola may be a possible treatment option in patients with severe edema who have failed or refuse other available therapies. Dose: 30-60 mg triterpenes three times a day.
Sedation/Anxiety: 🙁 Only one preliminary study relating to anxiety has been conducted. It found a reduction in startle response in healthy subjects. Use for sedative or anxiolytic effects is not recommended at this time.
Sedation/Anxiety: 🙁 Only one preliminary study relating to anxiety has been conducted. It found a reduction in startle response in healthy subjects. Use for sedative or anxiolytic effects is not recommended at this time.
Chemistry/Pharmacology: The primary ingredients are triterpenoid saponins, madecassoside, and asiaticoside, as well as asiatic and madecassic acid. Madecassoside and asiaticoside seems to be responsible for decreasing venous pressure and improvements in microcirculation in venous insufficiency. These also have effects in wound healing by decreasing inflammation and glycosaminoglycan and collagen synthesis. Topical application of extracts increases collagen synthesis, intracellular glycoproteins, and mitotic activity and enlarges keratohyalin granules in scar tissue to reduce their appearance. Some antioxidant effects might be responsible for protection of the gastric mucosal lining observed in animal studies. Potential sedative and analgesic effects could be associated with GABA-B receptor binding or increases in GABA. Two other terpenoid constituents, brahmoside and brahminoside, may also be involved with these activities.
Drug Interactions: May have additive effects with sedative drugs; high doses may interfere with the activity of antidiabetic agents, hypolipidemics, and antihypertensive drugs.
Contraindications/Precautions: Pregnancy and lactation (due to lack of information on effects); may elevate blood glucose, triglycerides, and cholesterol levels; may have cross-sensitivity in patients who are allergic to members of the celery family.
Adverse Effects: Hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, hyperglycemia, sedation, GI upset, photosensitivity, hepatotoxicity. Topically: burning sensation, contact dermatitis, or pruritus.
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kokmok02 · 3 years ago
Gotu Kola The Renewal Herb and also its Herbal Remedies
Gotu Kola, Centella asiatica or Hydrocotyle asiatica is a plant that has been long made use of in ayurvedic practice, as well as in folk remedies in various other aboriginal traditions. Lately gotu kola, has actually been seen by western physicians and herbalists as a medication with different medical healing buildings. It is used rather differently now then it was in the times there are some locations where the usages cross over and also therefore give some substantiality to old people knowledge of medicine. Today you can locate Gotu kola at most organic food shops and it is even being made use of sometimes in various industrial items.
Gotu Kola's different names include water pennywort, Indian pennywort, thick-leafed pennywort and gota kola. The initial literature written on Gotu Kola originates from ancient culture, many going over gotu kola's usage in medicine. In Some literature it is used for boosting brain feature, and also producing a sense of sharp leisure. There is some study supporting this nowadays. Gotu kola coming from the eastern and being used little in some nations was made use of mostly for healing the urinary system in western herbalism, till it was gotten by the natural food market more recently. Ever since, even more western research study has actually been done into the effects of the natural herb. Some medicinal uses on gotu kola as people remedies consist of generating durability, regenerating the mind, along with generating a state of tranquility. In some countries it was observed that elephants, renowned for long life, fed heavily on the plant. Giving rise to belief in the residents of its result on longevity. It is stated that the fallen leaves of the gotu kola plant look like both hemisphere of the mind. Within the last 15 years or so because the rate of interest in herbalism has actually gotten even more of a footing in the commercial market (or has the business market got a grip in herbalism), there has actually been contemporary scientific research into gotu kola and also its results on both the mind and also its injury healing top qualities. Chemicals associated with its sedative effect are triterpene. Other chemicals related to its medicinal top qualities consist of flavonols, amino acids, fatty acids, sterols, saccharides, and certain mineral salts. As well as important oil, polysaccharides, and also specifically the glycoside asiaticoside as a wound-healing agent.
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A remove of gotu kola is currently being used to treat varicose veins, as specific laboratory outcomes show an impact on promoting the synthesis of collagen in the walls of the capillaries which helps them hold their tone as well as feature better.This is a treatment approved by the payment E essay. Scientific settings additionally are noticing gotu kola's results on healing surgical lacerations and also skin abscess. In one trial was provided to individuals with parasitical infections that damage the bladder. 3 fourths of these patients recuperated well, with little or no bladder scarring using Gotu kola Centella asiatica. Many various other reports are hailing gotu kola as an effective wound-healing medication, it seems to inhibit scab development and also therefore aid with the general healing process. Doses of gotu kola inlcude.5 to 1 gram three times a day. Tea is made by pouring water over half a teaspoon of dried leaves and soaking for ten minutes. Most standard remove must be taken in 60 to 120 mg daily, fluid essence (1:1) 2 to 4 ml a day.
There is research that states different possible negative effects of the medicine that recommend caution in it being utilized daily for even more then around 6 weeks. Alleged allergic reactions from gotu kola have been attributed to the existence of propylene glycol. (Crellin and also Philpott) And thus ought to be used carefully. It is also kept in mind that high doses of the essence have a sedative impact on little animals.
Medical uses plants have been getting an increasing number of popularity, which is why they are gaining a lot more respect as well as recognition in western society. Herbalism is likewise getting raised attention from governmental companies seeking to limit and also manage accessibility to such herbs. Though there would be advantages of this it would drive out the independent herbalist producer, and turn over much authority to the pharmaceutical firms. This can be checked out as a double-edged sword, a curse and a true blessing.
Gotu kola particularly is one natural herb with much medical promise that has a lot to be researched of in the west. Its just a nugget of value waiting to be manipulated by western pharmaceutical company's, supplement industry workers, as well as entrepreneurs of all kinds! A member of the ubelliiferae family, gotu kola is connected to carrot, fennel, parsley and also dill. But it has neither the feathery leaves neither the umbel arangment of little umbrella like flowers, goto kolas slipping stem grows in marshy locations and produces follower shaped leaves concerning the size of a brittish dime for this reason the name pennywort. A mug lke clutch of inconspicuous flowers creates near the ground.
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168699 · 2 years ago
Hydrocotyle Asiatica Extract Market, Global Outlook and Forecast 2022-2028
Hydrocotyle centella asiatica extract wshows strong anti-inflammatory properties and prevents damage of skin tissue as a result of aging process. Just like estrogens it influences fibroblasts metabolism and the synthesis of collagen fibers.
This report contains market size and forecasts of Hydrocotyle Asiatica Extract in global, including the following market information:
Global Hydrocotyle Asiatica Extract Market Revenue, 2017-2022, 2023-2028, ($ millions)
Global Hydrocotyle Asiatica Extract Market Sales, 2017-2022, 2023-2028, (MT)
Global top five Hydrocotyle Asiatica Extract companies in 2021 (%)
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The global Hydrocotyle Asiatica Extract market was valued at million in 2021 and is projected to reach US$ million by 2028, at a CAGR of % during the forecast period 2022-2028.
The U.S. Market is Estimated at $ Million in 2021, While China is Forecast to Reach $ Million by 2028.
70% Content Segment to Reach $ Million by 2028, with a % CAGR in next six years.
The global key manufacturers of Hydrocotyle Asiatica Extract include Hunan Warrant Chiral Pharmaceutical, Guilin Layn Natural Ingredients Corp, Plamed Green Science Group, Xi'an ACETAR BIO-TECH INC and Shaanxi Meihe Biochemics, etc. In 2021, the global top five players have a share approximately % in terms of revenue.
We surveyed the Hydrocotyle Asiatica Extract manufacturers, suppliers, distributors and industry experts on this industry, involving the sales, revenue, demand, price change, product type, recent development and plan, industry trends, drivers, challenges, obstacles, and potential risks.
Total Market by Segment:
Global Hydrocotyle Asiatica Extract Market, by Type, 2017-2022, 2023-2028 ($ Millions) & (MT)
Global Hydrocotyle Asiatica Extract Market Segment Percentages, by Type, 2021 (%)
70% Content
80% Content
90% Content
Global Hydrocotyle Asiatica Extract Market, by Application, 2017-2022, 2023-2028 ($ Millions) & (MT)
Global Hydrocotyle Asiatica Extract Market Segment Percentages, by Application, 2021 (%)
Cosmetics Industry
Pharmaceutical Industry
Global Hydrocotyle Asiatica Extract Market, By Region and Country, 2017-2022, 2023-2028 ($ Millions) & (MT)
Global Hydrocotyle Asiatica Extract Market Segment Percentages, By Region and Country, 2021 (%)
North America
Nordic Countries
Rest of Europe
South Korea
Southeast Asia
Rest of Asia
South America
Rest of South America
Middle East & Africa
Saudi Arabia
Rest of Middle East & Africa
Competitor Analysis
The report also provides analysis of leading market participants including:
Key companies Hydrocotyle Asiatica Extract revenues in global market, 2017-2022 (Estimated), ($ millions)
Key companies Hydrocotyle Asiatica Extract revenues share in global market, 2021 (%)
Key companies Hydrocotyle Asiatica Extract sales in global market, 2017-2022 (Estimated), (MT)
Key companies Hydrocotyle Asiatica Extract sales share in global market, 2021 (%)
Further, the report presents profiles of competitors in the market, key players include:
Hunan Warrant Chiral Pharmaceutical
Guilin Layn Natural Ingredients Corp
Plamed Green Science Group
Shaanxi Meihe Biochemics
Get the Complete Report & TOC @
Table of content
1 Introduction to Research & Analysis Reports 1.1 Hydrocotyle Asiatica Extract Market Definition 1.2 Market Segments 1.2.1 Market by Type 1.2.2 Market by Application 1.3 Global Hydrocotyle Asiatica Extract Market Overview 1.4 Features & Benefits of This Report 1.5 Methodology & Sources of Information 1.5.1 Research Methodology 1.5.2 Research Process 1.5.3 Base Year 1.5.4 Report Assumptions & Caveats 2 Global Hydrocotyle Asiatica Extract Overall Market Size 2.1 Global Hydrocotyle Asiatica Extract Market Size: 2021 VS 2028 2.2 Global Hydrocotyle Asiatica Extract Revenue, Prospects & Forecasts: 2017-2028 2.3 Global Hydrocotyle Asiatica Extract Sales: 2017-2028 3 Company Landscape 3.1 Top Hydrocotyle Asiatica Extract Players in Global Market 3.2 Top Global Hydrocotyle Asiatica Extract Companies Ranked by Revenue 3.3 Global Hydrocotyle Asiatica Extract Revenue by Companies 3.4 Global Hydrocotyle Asiatica Extract Sales by Companies 3.5 Global Hydrocotyle Asiatica Extract Price by Manufacturer (2017-2022) 3.6 Top 3 and Top 5 Hydrocotyle Asiatica Extract Companies in Global Market, by Revenue in 2021 3.7 Global Manufacturers Hydrocotyle Asiatica Extract Product Type 3.8 Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3 Hydrocotyle Asiatica Extract Players in Global Market 3.8.1 List of Global Tier 1 Hydrocotyle Asiatica Extract Companies 3.8.2 List of Glob
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bnlmedimartdigital · 2 years ago
BNL-9 Psoriasis drop
BNL-9 Psoriasis drop medical care drops is indicated for disease of the skin vulgaris and disease of the skin like disease of the skin. it's a proprietary mix of many medical care herbs like Berberis aquifolium, cal. carb. hahnem etc., hand-picked for his or her ability to deal with common disease of the skin marked by red, itchy, scaly patches (psoriasis) and disease of the skin like disease of the skin (skin patches become rough and inflamed with blisters that cause haptic sensation and bleeding)
Tip: Doctors advise BNL-9 PSORIASIS DROP alongwith different medicines for effective disease of the skin treatment in homoeopathy. apprehend a lot of here
Dr.Reckeweg BNL-9 PSORIASIS DROP Clinical Indications
Psoriasis vulgaris (Also referred to as plaque disease of the skin or chronic dermatosis) , psoriasis-like disease of the skin (a chronic skin condition that causes red, itchy, and dry rashes on the skin.)
About disease of the skin
Psoriasis vulgaris is that the downside primarily associated with the system. disease of the skin vulgaris could be a long run chronic condition of skin that's caused by over active system. In disease of the skin skin cells grows quicker that lead to white, thick, red or silvery patches of the skin. New skin cells grow chop-chop in days instead of in weeks. In few cases disease of the skin runs within the family. The symptoms embody inflammation, flaking of skin ordinarily showing on knees, scalp, elbow, feet, hand or lower back. Keeping healthy weight will manage disease of the skin. Eliminating alcohol and lowering the consumption of sugar will facilitate to enhance disease of the skin.
Dr.Reckeweg BNL-9 PSORIASIS DROP Ingredients
Berberis Aquifol. Q,
atomic number 20 element.
Hahnemanni D30,
Graphites D12,
Hydrocotyle Asiatica D2,
Natrium Chloratum D30,
Arsenicum Album D12,   Mode of action of individual ingredients in Dr.Reckeweg BNL-9 PSORIASIS DROP The key properties in BNL-9 Psoriasis dropDrops square measure derived from the subsequent ingredients in treating disease of the skin vulgaris. Berberis aquilfolium-proven medical care constitutional remedy for disease of the skin. It skin revival and healing properties square measure legendary Cal. carb. Hahnem. - treats T.B. (TB like bacteria) laid low with long length. It conjointly treats fat, fair, soft sort conditions of body and impaired nutrition. Graphites - treats honest and fat patients. It conjointly treats onerous, rough and constant condition of skin areas. It treats the eruptions that oozes out a sticky exudate (mass of cells associated fluid that has seeped out of blood vessels or an organ, particularly in inflammation) Hydrocotyle asiatica - treats thickening of epidermoid layer with removal of the oldest dead skin cells (exfoliation) of scales. It conjointly treats circular spots that have the scaly edges Natrium chloratum - treats weak (debilitated) and soft operating of body that tends to glandular disorder. It conjointly treats disease of the skin vulgaris that has inflammatory skin problem touching the scalp and face (seborrhoeiac) disease of the skin.
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emsuacasanet · 3 years ago
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Creme Facial Clinique Smart Clinical MD Duo (50 ml) Creme Facial Clinique Smart Clinical MD Duo (50 ml) é um produto de qualidade, pensado para pessoas exigentes que cuidam da sua imagem e que procuram os melhores cosméticos para realçar a sua beleza. Se é uma destas pessoas. os produtos Clinique 100% originais foram feitos a pensar em si.Sexo: MulherUnissexoCapacidade: 50 mlIngredientes: PolybutenePolyglyceryl-3 beeswaxPolygonum cuspidatum root extractPolymethyl methacrylatePolyquaternium-51Polysilicone-11Polysorbate 20Porphyridium cruentum extractPotassium sorbatePotassium sulfatePropylene carbonatePropylene glycol dicaprylatePrunus amygdalus dulcis (sweet almond) seed extractPullulanPyrus malus (apple) fruit extractSaccharomyces ferment filtrateSaccharomyces lysate extractSea whip extractSigesbeckia orientalis (st. Paul's wort) extractSilicaSodium hyaluronateSodium benzoateSodium citrateSodium dehydroacetateSodium hexametaphosphateSodium hydroxideSoy amino acidsStearic acidSucroseTetrahexyldecyl ascorbateTocopheryl acetateUrsolic acidWater (Aqua)Yeast extract\faex\extrait de levureAcetyl carnitine hclAcetyl glucosamineAcetyl hexapeptide-8Acetyl octapeptide-3Adenosine phosphateAminomethyl propanolAminopropyl ascorbyl phosphateBhtBiotinButylene glycolButyrospermum parkii butter (shea butter)CaffeineCalcium chlorideCamellia sinensis leaf extractCaprylyl glycolCaprylyl methiconeCarbomerCentaurium erythraea (centaury) extractCentella asiatica (hydrocotyl) extractCetyl estersCholesterolCitric acidCreatineCucumis melo (melon) fruit extractDecarboxy carnosine hclDimethiconeDipeptide diaminobutyroyl benzylamide diacetateDipropylene glycolDisodium edtaDisteardimonium hectoriteErgothioneineGlycine soja (soybean) proteinGlycine soja (soybean) seed extractHdi/trimethylol hexyllactone crosspolymerHydrogenated polyisobuteneHydrolyzed soy proteinHydroxyethyl ureaHydroxyethylcelluloseHydroxypropyl methylcelluloseIsododecaneIsostearyl neopentanoateJojoba estersLauryl peg-9 polydimethylsiloxyethyl dimethiconeLeucineLinoleic acidMenthanediolMethyl glucose sesquistearateMicrococcus lysatePalmitoyl tetrapeptide-7Palmitoyl tripeptide-1Peg-10 dimethiconePeg-100 stearatePeg-150Persea gratissima (avocado) oilPhenoxyethanolPhenyl trimethiconePhytantriolGlycerinLactic acidCetearyl alcoholCetearyl glucosideLecithin2-hexanediolAlcohol denat (ethyl alcohol)IsoleucineTipo: Creme Facial anti-rugas e hidratantes https://emsuacasa.net/pt/cremes-anti-rugas-e-hidratantes/160742-creme-facial-clinique-smart-clinical-md-duo-50-ml-0020714985509.html
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dryingzangel · 4 years ago
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Phytofoam is a patented secret star ingredient in this Secret 21 Calming Milk Cleanser- a beautiful concoction of natural plant extracts with gentle yet powerful foaming and cleansing properties. . Secret 21 Calming Milk Cleanser also contains other active ingredients such as Fagus Sylvatica Bud Extract, Hydrocotyle (Centella Asiatica) Extract and lactic acid. . This cleanser is able to remove impurities and makeup residues effectively without stripping my skin off moisture. I love how clean and hydrated my face feels. I just need 1 cleanser to complete the mission. . The lactic acid also helps to gently exfoliate to prevent dead skin cells and sebum from building up in the pores. Combined with effective cleansing, there is visibly less acne and comedones. . For those who have sensitive and dehydrated skin prone to breakouts, this cleanser is really helpful. . For more information, visit @secret21official ! . . . . . #yingzangel #secret21 #milkcleanser #cleanser #skincare #skincareproducts #skincaretips #pencucimuka #pembersihwajah #love #cleansing #flawless (at Teluk Cempedak,Kuantan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPJ6ImCsMc9/?utm_medium=tumblr
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argokaraganda · 4 years ago
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Реотон Комплекс, коллоидная фитоформула Состав -Каштан конский (Aesculus hippocastanum), экстракт семян (20 % эсцина) 250 мг; Диосмин (Апельсин сладкий (Citrus sinensis), экстракт кожуры 95 % - 250 мг; Гинкго билоба (Ginkgo Biloba), экстракт листьев 24 % - 30 мг; Готу кола (Hydrocotyle asiatica), экстракт травы - 30 мг; Кверцетин - 30 мг; Пикногенол - 50 мг; Витамин С - 40 мг; Гесперидин - 25 мг; Рутин - 45 мг; Витамин Е -15 мг; Кальций (лактат) - 20 мг; Фосфор (трикальция фосфат) - 20 мг. Описание • Выпускается в виде коллоидного раствора, что обусловливает высокую степень усвоения (до 98 %) и максимально быстрый эффект; • выпускается на FDA-лицензированной фабрике в соответствии с наиболее строгим фармакопейным стандартом cGMP; • не содержит генномодифицированных и наномодифицированных компонентов; • содержит ингредиенты, обладающие эффективностью, доказанной многолетними исследованиями в клиниках европейских стран. Свойства • Комплексная формула для многопланового воздействия на венозную систему (уменьшение явлений варикозной болезни, улучшение венозного и лимфатического оттока, уменьшение отёков, создание благоприятных условий для заживления трофических язв). • Эффективно повышает выносливость, работоспособность, облегчая состояние и самочувствие при варикозе: устраняет тяжесть в ногах, зуд, судороги, синдром усталых ног, отёки. • Оказывает регулирующее воздействие на крупные вены и на мелкие сосуды (улучшает микроциркуляцию). (at Бизнес Центр Казахстан) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPAncBJBQhD/?utm_medium=tumblr
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cognitionboosters1 · 4 years ago
Gotu Kola - The Healing Herb
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Gotu Kola, Centella asiatica (L.) or Hydrocotyle asiatica is a plant that has been for some time utilized in Indian ayurvedic custom, just as in people cures in other native practices. As of late gotu kola, has been seen by western specialists and herbalists as a medication with various therapeutic healing properties. Despite the fact that it is utilized fairly distinctively now then it was in the hours of the Rg Veda there are a few spots where the utilizations get over and hence give some generosity to old civilizations information on medication. Today you can discover Gotu kola at most wellbeing food stores and it is in any event, being utilized every so often in different business items.
Gotu Kola's different names incorporate water pennywort, Indian pennywort, thick-leafed pennywort and gota kola. The first writing composed on Gotu Kola comes from India, most examining gotu kola's utilization in medication. In Indian writing it is utilized for improving cerebrum work, and making a feeling of ready unwinding. There is some examination supporting this in America. Gotu kola hailing from the east and being utilized minimal in America was utilized generally for healing the urinary parcel in western herbalism, until it was gotten by the wellbeing food industry all the more as of late. From that point forward, more western exploration has been done into the impacts of the herb. Some restorative uses on gotu kola as society cures incorporate delivering life span, recovering the psyche, just as creating a condition of quiet. In Sri Lanka it was seen that elephants, prestigious for long life, taken care of vigorously on the plant. Offering ascend to confidence in local people of its impact on life span.
It is said in India that the leafs of the gotu kola plant resemble the two side of the equator of the cerebrum. In Sanskrit, it is called brahmi (Brahma meaning inestimable cognizance). It is accepted to help the progression of energy in the mind between the privilege and left halves of the globe. In India it is likewise utilized as a decongestant and to lighten sinus issues. (Fellow) Taken before sleep time it is accepted to advance a sound rest and ready arousing. A Sinhalese precept states "two leaves a day will fend mature age off", proposing its belongings that are being explored today on infirmity.
Inside the most recent 15 years or so since the premium in herbalism has acquired a traction in the business market (or has the business market acquired a traction in herbalism), there has been current logical examination into gotu kola and its consequences for both the mind and its injury healing characteristics. Synthetics related with its calming impact are triterpenes, and the saponins bramoside, and brahminoside (Crellin and Phillpot) (the last two appearing to come from the Sanskrit word Brahma). Other synthetics related with its restorative characteristics incorporate flavonols, amino acids, unsaturated fats, sterols, saccharides, and certain mineral salts. Just as fundamental oil, polysaccharides, and specifically the glycoside asiaticoside as an injury healing specialist.
A concentrate of gotu kola known as TECA is as of now being utilized to treat varicose veins, as certain lab results show an impact on animating the synthesis of collagen in the dividers of the veins which causes them hold their tone and capacity better. (Graedon and Graedon). This is a cure affirmed by the commission E monograph. Clinical settings likewise are seeing gotu kola's impacts on healing careful entry points and skin ulcers. In one preliminary TECA was managed to patients with parasitic diseases that harm the bladder. Three fourths of these patients recuperated well, with almost no bladder scarring utilizing gotu kola. Numerous other reports are hailing gotu kola as an amazing injury healing medication, it appears to hinder scab development and accordingly assist with the general healing cycle. Dosages of gotu kola inlcude .5 to 1 gram three times each day. Tea is made by pouring water over a large portion of a teaspoon of dried leaves and soaking for ten minutes. Most normalized concentrate ought to be taken in 60 to 120 mg each day, liquid concentrate (1:1) 2 to 4 ml daily.
There is research that states different conceivable results of the medication that recommend alert in it being utilized every day for all the more then around a month and a half. Claimed hypersensitive responses from gotu kola have been ascribed to the presence of propylene glycol. (Crellin and Philpott) And hence ought to be utilized mindfully. It is additionally noticed that high portions of the concentrate sedatively affect little creatures. Creature research additionally shows that some gotu kola constituents can lessen ripeness. Scarcely any results are reported, these incorporate contact rash, others getting an infusion of the medication built up an agony and staining of the site. One case including ingestion the medication included somebody getting a rash over the whole body; there is slight worry for photosensitivity too. Likewise one part of c. asiatica, asiaticoside, might be a cancer-causing agent. (Graedon and Graedon) . There is likewise a report that gotu kola ought not be utilized with drugs for diabetes or hypertension (Castleman).
Today you can discover gotu kola on the racks of practically any wellbeing food store, it is acquiring notoriety as are numerous other herbs, basically on the grounds that they work. I have seen showing up in supplements available today that fuse a combination of herbs and phytochemicals (polypharmacy), that gotu kola is utilized in certain blends utilized for melancholy. These likewise typically fuse a blend of GABA, L-dopamine, passionflower and St. Johnswort also. This is potentially due to gotu kola's quieting yet somewhat invigorating quality. If I somehow happened to advertise gotu kola maybe I would make an investigation pill intended to be two or three weeks prior and during finals. This pill would incorporate Ginko to expand blood stream to the cerebrum. Calamus root as a well established cure on memory and the sensory system. Maybe some rosemary for rumored impacts on sensory system. Gotu kola just as basil, for its uses in ayurvedic writing for constructive outcomes on the mind. Likewise I would toss in some nutrient B12 and maybe riboflavin. This I am very certain would function admirably, in making one all the more intellectually ready and fit. This is because of individual experience and exploration.
I utilize these enhancements during seasons of test taking and notice somewhat less weakness which I trait to gotu kola however I don't feel excessively invigorated or an expansion in pulse, I additionally notice a greater amount of a capacity to focus. Another thought for a herbal cure that I accept would do very well is a color advertised for scar and wound healing. Since gotu kola isn't promoted as an injury healing specialist I accept this has a ton of potential available. I'm certain once individuals got the outcomes, it would turn into an immense dealer. I, when all is said and done, have offered it to various companions who needed slices to recuperate and have thought that it was useful. One young lady I offered it to that had an appalling mishap on a bicycle cut her face totally. She discovered it to be a wonder drug, maybe with nutrient e it would be a superior item. A considerable lot of the therapeutic cases here made in this paper have come from my examination just as my very own insight. This is the reason I picked it as a plant to expound on as I see a lot of potential to make a feeling of ready unwinding, simplicity of melancholy, focus, and wound healing.
Therapeutic employments of plants have been acquiring and greater fame, which is the reason they are acquiring appreciation and acknowledgment in western culture. Herbalism is additionally acquiring expanded consideration from legislative associations trying to direct and limit admittance to such herbs. In spite of the fact that there would be advantages of this it would drive out the free herbalist maker, and hand over much power to the drug organizations. This can be taken a gander at as a blade that cuts both ways, a revile and a gift.
Gotu kola specifically is one herb with much restorative guarantee that has a lot to be investigated of in the west. Its simply a chunk of significant worth holding on to be abused by western drug company's, supplement industry laborers, and business visionaries, everything being equal! An individual from the ubelliiferae family, gotu kola is identified with carrot, parsley, dill and fennel. Be that as it may, it has neither the feathery leaves nor the umbel arangment of little umbrella like blossoms, goto kolas sneaking stem fills in damp territories and produces fan formed leaves about the size of a brittish penny consequently the name pennywort. A cup lke grasp of unnoticeable blossoms creates close to the ground. https://www.cognitionboosters.com/
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al-hakim-homeopath · 4 years ago
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Homeopathic Mother Tincture Ø 20 ml, Homeopathic Remedies in dilution 6c, 12c, 30c, 200c, 1M, 10M, CM, in 20 ML Liquid and Globules 4g Tube buy at
AL-HAKIM Homeopathic Pharmacy Drugstore Richmond Hill Ontario
Abies Canadensis, Abies Nigra, Abrotanum, Absinthium, Achillea Millefolium, Acid Phos, Aconitum Napellus, Adonis Vernalis, Aesculus Hippocastanum, Agaricus Muscarius Agnus Castus, Agrimonia Eupatoria, Agropyron Repens, Alchemilla Vulgaris, Alfalfa, Allium Cepa , Allium Sativum, Allium Ursinum, Althaea officinalis, Ambrosia Artemisiaefolia, Anethum Grav, Angelica Archangelica, Anis Vulgaris, Anthemis Nobilis, Antimonium Tartaricum, Apis Mellifica, Aralia Racemosa, Arbutus Andrachne, Aristolochia Clematitis, Arnica Montana , Artemisia Vulgaris, Asclepias Syriaca, Asclepias Tuberosa, Asoka, Aspidosperma Quebracho , Asterias Rubens, Astragalus Mollissimus, Avena Sativa, Baptisia Tinctoria, Belladonna, Bellis Perennis, Benzoinum Odiferum, Berberis Aquifolium, Berberis Vulgaris, Betula Alba, Blatta Orientalis, Cactus Grandiflorus, Calamus Aromaticus, Calendula Officinalis, Calumba, Camphora, Capsicum Annuum, Carduus Benedictus, Carduus Marianus, Carthami, Cascara Sagrada, Cataria Nepeta, Caulophyllum Thalictroides, Centaurea Cyanata, Cephalandra Indica, Cetraria Islandica, Chamomilla, Chapparo Amargosa, Chelidonium Majus, Chimaphila Umbellata, Chionanthus Virginica, Cichorium Intybus, Cimicifuga Racemosa, Cinchona Officinalis, Cistus Canadensis, Citrus Limonum, Citrus Vulgaris, Coccus Cacti, Cochlearia Armoracia, Coffea Cruda, Colchicum Autumnale, Collinsonia Canadensis, Condurango, Conium Maculatum, Convallaria Majalis, Convolvulus Arvensis, Cornus Alternifolia, Cornus Circinata, Cornus Sanguinea, Crataegus Oxyacantha, Cucurbita Pepo, Curcuma Longa, Cydonia Vulgaris, Cynara Scolymus, Cypripedium Pubescens, Damiana, Daucus Carota, Digitalis Purpurea, Dipsacus Fullonum, Drosera Rotundifolia, Dulcamara, Ebuli, Echinacea Angustifolia, Echinacea Purpurea, Epilobium Palustre, Eriodyction Glutinosum, Erythraea Centaurium, Eschscholtzia Californica, Eucalyptus Globulus, Euonymus Atropurpureus, Eupatorium Perfoliatum (Boneset), Euphrasia Officinalis, Filix Mas, Foeniculum Vulgare (Fennel Seeds), Fragaria Vesca, Franciscea Uniflora, Fraxinus Americana, Fucus Vesiculosus, Fumaria Officinalis (Fumitory), Galangal, Galega Officinalis, Gambogia, Garcinia, Gaultheria, Gentiana Chirata, Gentiana Lutea, Geranium Maculatum, Geum Urbanu, Gingko Biloba, Ginkgo Biloba , Ginseng, Glechoma Hederacea (Ground Ivy), Glycyrrhiza Glabra, Gnaphallium Dioicum, Granatum, Grindelia Robusta, Grindelia, Gymnema Sylvestre, Hamamelis Virginiana, Harpagophytum (Devil's Claw, Hedera Helix , Helianthus Annuus, Helianthus Tuberosus, Helleborus Niger, Helonias Dioica, Herniaria Glabra, Hydrangea Arborescens, Hydrastis Canadensis, Hydrocotyle Asiatica, Hypericum Perforatum, Hyssopus Officinalis, Ignatia Amara, Ilex Aquifolium, Illicium Anisatum, Imperatoria Ostruthium, Inula Helenium, Iris Florentina, Iris Versicolor, Jaborandi, Jalapa, Jonesia Asoca, Juglans Regia, Juniperus Communis, Justicia Adhatoda, Kamala, Kreosotum, Lachnanthes, Lamium Album, Lapathum Acutum, Lappa Major (Arctium Lappa), Ledum Palustre, Leonurus Cardiaca, Leptandra Virginica, Lespedeza Capitata, Levisticum Officinale (Lovage), Linaria Vulgaris, Linum Usitatissimum, Lobelia Inflata (Indian Tobacco), Lycopus Virginicus, Maca, Malva Sylvestris, Marrubium Vulgare, Melissa Officinalis, Mentha Piper, Mentha Pulegium, Millefolium, Mitchella Repens, Monarda Fistulosa, Muira Puama, Muria Pauma, Myrica Cerifera, Myrrha, Nasturtium Aquaticum, Nux Moschata, Nux Vomica, Nymphaea Odorata, Oenothera Biennis, Oleum Cajuputi, Olibanum, Ononis Spinosa, Onosmodium Virginianum, Origanum Vulgare,
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preeya-herlittlespace · 5 years ago
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Wait, is that me doing a review of a hair oil?! Well, I am still dead against using oil on my scalp and if you have a dandruff issue you must avoid using one too! So how and why did this product land up in my shelf? As harsh the summers are this year, it has been taking a toll on my hair. I started having a lot of hair fall and this time, the reason was not dandruff but extreme dryness. So, I thought of giving hair oil a try. Biotique products had worked really well on my hair before so I thought this would be a safe choice. And here I am writing a review of hair oil for the very first time in my blog. And to tell you the truth I have actually used a hair oil after years. However,  I have not used the oil the usual way but I shall be coming to that part later. First, let’s get into reviewing this hair oil and find out if it actually worked for me. Biotique Bio Bhringraj Therapeutic Oil
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Biotique Bio Bhringraj Therapeutic Oil For Falling Hair is an organic therapeutic oil that is a blend of bhringraj and amla. These ingredients are known to treat many hair problems. They work together to nourish your scalp intensely and strengthen each hair strand, promoting hair growth and diminishing graying. It claims to treat alopecia and other causes of hair loss. This hair oil comes in a semi-transparent cylindrical bottle with a green screw cap.  Claims - This intensive formula features pure bhringraj, butea frondosa, amla and Centella blended with coconut oil and the healthfulness of goat milk to help treat alopecia and other causes of hair loss. Nourishes the scalp and strengthens hair strands to encourage fresh growth and help diminish greying. Prevents hair loss by nourishing the scalp.It ‘strengthens the hair strands and reduce breakage.Helps to prevent premature greying. Ingredients – Bhringraj Plant (Eclipta erecta)- 0.6%, Amla Fruit (Emblica Officinalis) – 0.4%, Tesu Flower(Butea frondosa) – 0.45%, Mulethi Stem(Glycyrrhiza glabra)- 0.35%, Brahmi Plant(Hydrocotyle Asiatica)- 0.5%, Cow milk- 5%, Goat milk – 5% Priced at – 159/- INR for 120ml , 265/- INR for 200ml, 950/- INR for 800ml. Biotique Bio Bhringraj Therapeutic Oil For Falling Hair comes in three different sizes- 120ml, 200ml, and 800ml. The 800ml bottle comes in a pump dispenser packaging. Shelf life – 36 months from the date of manufacturing. Fragrance – The smell makes me nostalgic, it takes me back to my school days when my mom used to massage my hair with Keokarpin oil. It smells almost the same… sweet and soothing. How to use – Like any other hair oil. Open your hair and comb your hair throughout so that there are no tangles. Now, create sections and begin by applying oil throughout your hair. Apply oil all over your hair.  Where can I find them? – Should be available in any good drugstore. You can also get your hands on them online by clicking these links below : Nykaa - Bio Bhringraj Therapeutic Oil 120mlBio Bhringraj Therapeutic Oil 200mlBio Bhringraj Therapeutic Oil 800ml Amazon - Bio Bhringraj Therapeutic Oil 120mlBio Bhringraj Therapeutic Oil 200ml
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If you have read my blogs you will know I am not someone who oils my hair often. Okay, forget often I stopped oiling my hair long back after my dermatologist said oil aggravates dandruff. So this time when I was having this terrible hair breakage due to dryness and no sign of dandruff whatsoever, I thought of going back to the good old hair oil for rescue. And as Biotique products have worked well for my hair before I thought of trying out the bhringraj oil. Bhringraj oil has a number of benefits which helps in curing hair fall and scalp infections. Helps in strengthening the roots, cures premature greying and promotes growth of healthy and strong hair. My Verdict I have been using this for the last 2 months and I see a considerable change in the texture of my hair. The dryness has gone and the hair breakage problem is a little better though it hasn’t stopped. The best part of this hair oil is that it isn’t sticky and heavy on the head and washes off easily. I don’t have an issue of grey hair or split ends so I cannot comment about that but, it did help make my hair softer and moisturized. One problem that I had with using this hair oil was my scalp was itchy. Though after washing off the problem did not persist I wanted to be careful with using oil. I have had an issue with dandruff and I do not want it to come back again so, I went ahead to use the oil on my hair differently and it has been working well so far. I made a hair serum by mixing 4 parts of distilled water, 1 part of bhringraj oil, a few drops of tea tree oil (check out the benefits of tea tree oil - https://herlittlespace.com/2019/04/18/what-is-tea-tree-oil-how-does-it-benefit-your-skin-hair-and-health/ ) and a few drops of lavender oil. The mixture is stored in a spray bottle and it helps me to spray across my hair evenly. This serum seems to be working just fine for me and I think I am going to continue using this till I don't see any dandruff in my hair. P.S - I am trying and working on youtube videos for these DIYs, skincare, haircare, and travel, etc. Hopefully, that will give a better idea about the quantities and how I use them. Stay tuned :) Keep Glowing! xoxo
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maremaia-blog · 7 years ago
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Gotu kola (also known as Centella asiatica or Hydrocotyle asiatica) has long been an important natural remedy in Chinese, Ayurvedic and other primarily Asian traditional medicine systems. Growing abundantly in swampy wetlands, this perennial groundcover has a particularly long list of traditional uses, but is perhaps most renowned for its ability to promote longevity – so much so that gotu kola is commonly referred to as ‘the fountain of youth’. As a nootropic (or ‘smart drug’) and adaptogen, gotu kola is also known for its ability to enhance cognitive function, rebuild the nervous system, and reduce stress and anxiety.
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