#hydraulic classifier
thearchercore · 8 months
lestappen gate brazil gp update!
charles did not wear the ferrari kit or a ferrari partner brand ONCE this week. he wore his own brand CLACE that he had to kill after the ferrari contract didn't allow him to continue it. (carlos, on the other hand, wore team kit or the ferrari clothing line)
red bull was actively tracking charles during quali as the only non-rbr driver. they also had charles' onboard cam on their pitwall.
charles and max were super close again???
charles seemed close with brad, max performance coach, and then got congratulated by him
max calling charles charlie on main
dts crew following charles and max
charles voiced concerns to xavi about the state of his car and a possible issue, xavi told him it's okay which lead to...
charles DNSed the race after an issue with "car systems which led to a loss of hydraulics supply, meaning he had no power steering and no gearbox command"
charles held at gunpoint by the ferrari PR people and said he can't confirm what went wrong even though he has an idea
max and gp calling charles "charles" and not "leclerc" in their radios as every other team
charles gave one of the most devastating interviews of his career that blew up everywhere after his DNS
ferrari kept calling charles' 'DNS' a 'DNF' even though FIA classified it as a DNS
max telling to an interviewer he understood his french, probably unrelated, but wanted to end it on a high note lol
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valyrfia · 3 months
*insert michael jackson gif*
Let it go with the excuses already, today was on him he couldn't even beat his teammate today how you people expect him to fight max?he will put it in the wall in the last lap, oh wait it already happened, my bad
also max recommended devries lol let's not take those guys words , charles is currently fighting fraud allegations, unless his 2019 or 2022 start is coming it's only going downhill
Okay, fine, I'll bite. Let's compare Charles's and Carlos's perfomances in order to try and determine with as little bias as possible.
In order to constrain our parameters of our investigation to their current abilities as drivers, let's take the our period of investigation to be the whole of the 2023 season, plus the first three races of the 2024 season. We'll exclude the following races for Carlos due to circumstances beyond his control: Qatar 2023 (fuel leak leading to DNS), Las Vegas 2023 (10 place grid penalty due to track not being properly maintained), Jeddah 2024 (appendicitis). Likewise, we'll exclude the following races for Charles due to circumstances beyond his control: Bahrain 2023 (DNF due to technical issues), Jeddah 2023 (10 place grid penalty due to exceeding allowed quota), COTA 2023 (DSQ), Brazil (DNS due to faulty hydraulics).
There are cases to be made for other races for both of them, but these are races where they were either involved in a collision leading to a DNF or where grid penalties apply, so there's argument for driver error there. With regard to grid penalties, we're going to go by the final decisions made by the stewards regardless of whether the penalties were appealed or not. Races where they suffered technical issues in race but they still finished are not counted, as it shows a driver's ability to handle an unpredictable car.
Before we discount the races listed above entirely, let's have a look at where the driver who didn't have difficulties finished.
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So we're discarding pretty much the same number of points between them, so I feel happy discarding the following 7 races entirely from this analysis: Bahrain 2023, Jeddah 2023, Qatar 2023, COTA 2023, Brazil 2023, Las Vegas 2024, Jeddah 2024. Furthermore, in Las Vegas, Carlos finished 6th and in Jeddah, Charles finished 7th. This brings their points total across the discarded races to 46 for Carlos, 45 for Charles. However, Charles managed to score those points over fewer points-scoring races, and with a higher average finishing position, so for the sake of not convoluting ourselves we'll call it even and commit to just examining the points and stats of the remaining races not excluded from our investigation. The table below shows those stats. For simplification, sprints are not considered.
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So I think there are a few key things we want to consider: overall performance, reasons for retirements and driver reliability over our chosen time period. So we'll go one by one for each and examine in a little more depth.
For overall performance, it's easiest to see in a quick head to head. Carlos wins in race wins, Charles wins in poles, they tie in number of retirements (although Carlos was classified in ABU23 due to finishing 90% of the race distance), Charles wins in higher average finishing position, Charles wins in higher points total.
Next, we move on to reasons for retirement. Charles retired twice, once upon collision with Lance in Australia 23, and once in Zandvoort due to a damaged floor. Carlos retired once in Belgium 23 due to a collision with Oscar Piastri and once in Abu Dhabi 23 due to being lapped and running last without pitting.
For driver reliability, I want to consider the variance in Charles and Carlos's race finishes for reliability. A quick recap for the non-STEM people who may be reading this: the variance measures the spread of numbers in a dataset, and how far away they are from the dataset's mean. Thus, a smaller variance indicates less spread in positions that a driver has finished in, in turn indicating higher reliability. Charles has a variance of 6.46, Carlos has a variance of 8.25. It is therefore possible to conclude that Charles is the more reliable driver of the two. While on the subject of reliability, it is also worth noting that Charles has not dropped outside the top 5 since Monza last year.
So overall, anon, I'm afraid I have to reject your notion that Charles is washed or even approaching becoming washed. The data show otherwise. The only category where Carlos is superior to Charles in our time frame is race wins, race wins where Charles deliberately adhered to Ferrari strategy in order to help Carlos, and Max Verstappen was out of commission for the win for one reason or another. Carlos wins in luck, but for driver reliability, points scored, finishing position, Charles is the clear winner and the numbers show it.
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usafphantom2 · 3 months
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SR-71 “Ichi-Ban” – Buried in the Deepest Ocean on Earth
Throughout the 60s, Lockheed Skunk Works were building some incredible aircraft – the A-12 Oxcart and SR-71 were and still are some of the fastest vehicles ever made. These technical achievements were incredible. Before home computing and the internet, there were aircraft capable of more than 2,000 mph.
But, being on the bleeding edge of technology comes with risks. Either through lack of understanding or difficulty in manufacturing parts to tight enough tolerances, accidents can and will happen. This was to be the unfortunate fate of the SR-71 known as “Ichi-Ban”.
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The Lockheed SR-71, known as the ‘Habu’.
SR-71 #61-17974 was based at Kadena AFB, Okinawa, Japan and made quite the scene for the locals who lived close by.
Read More: Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird – The Plane Designed to Leak
The unusual aircraft drew a lot of attention thanks to the unusual shape and jet black paintwork. The SR-71 became known as the ‘Habu’ locally, thanks to its resemblance to the Habu Pit Viper.
The Habu Viper.
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The shape of the Habu Viper’s head has a strong resemblance to the SR-71.
As these aircraft were spyplanes, pilots did not become aces in the traditional sense, but with every mission flown a Habu was painted onto the side of the Blackbird. Once amassing 5 missions complete the crew would be considered an ace.
#61-17974 had the most operational missions complete and a large Habu was painted on the tail of the aircraft as a mark of respect. The snake was wrapped around a red ‘1’ and in the local language, ‘number one’ translated to ‘Ichi-Ban’.
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The SR-71 known as "Ichi-Ban".
In April of 1989, just like many missions flown before, Pilot Lt. Col Dan House took Ichi-Ban into the skies above Kadena and everything seemed normal.
Nothing was reported by House or by his RSO Blair Bozek that would indicate any issue.
That was until House pushed the throttles on the pair of J-58 engines to maximum power. As Ichi-Ban hit Mach 3.0 the bearing in the left-hand compressor failed and caused the immediate destruction of the engine whilst travelling at over 2,000 mph.
The Wreckage of SR-71 "Ichi-Ban".
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The damage from hitting the water was immense.
As the J-58 exploded, shrapnel was sent flying damaging the SR-71 and most critically severing hydraulic lines. Even the best and most experienced pilots ever would not be able to save such a badly damaged plane.
House did not give up, incredibly aware that the death of his RSO and himself was imminent, he managed to steer the Blackbird into a shallow descent and decelerate as quickly as possible.
Ejecting from aircraft is not a pleasant experience for anyone involved and doing it at Mach 3 would have been suicide.
The US could not let the wreckage fall into the hands of the Chinese government.
It was extremely important to recover the wreckage as the technology was highly classified.
However, extreme skill combined with a lot of luck meant that the wounded aircraft found itself below 10,000 at low enough speed for both House and Bozek to safely eject. They landed in the sea where some local fishermen came to their rescue.
Ichi-Ban continued going down and eventually smashed into the waters of the South China Sea.
Despite the age of the SR-71, the US could not let the wreckage be recovered by the Chinese. It was too technically advanced. It was not long before the wreckage had been salvaged and transported back to the Kadena Air Force base.
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The tail of Ichi-Ban.
There were several options of what they could do with the wreckage of Ichi-Ban: scrap the aircraft and sell the metal to the highest bidder in Okinawa, send it back to the US for disposal, or bury it.
Typically the fastest and least expensive option was chosen.
Read More: The F-22 Raptor – The Fighter of the Future
But, the story does not end there – the Pacific Air Force would not permit burial of the aircraft at Kadena because facilities were constantly under construction for new tenants. Meaning that it may be a possibility that it would need to be dug up and moved somewhere else.
The SR-71 was an important aircraft to many.
Crews were very fond of the SR-71. Fitting that a full military honours burial was done to see her off.
Burial at sea seemed the most fitting option but required help from the US Navy. After all of the bureaucracy was settled the SR-71 #61-17974 was transferred to a waiting vessel.
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Her remains were taken out to sea on Christmas Eve 1989 and buried with full military honours. Pushed off the side of the vessel, Ichi-Ban sank 25,597 feet into the ocean where she lies at the bottom of the Mariana Trench.
Are there any SR-71 still flying?
Though the SR-71 still holds the record for the highest altitude in horizontal flight, it’s no longer in use. In fact, Clarence “Kelly” Johnson designed this aircraft for Lockheed with the latest technology of the time. The plane’s pilots even required special suits to survive the extreme conditions the planes created. However, the US retired the planes in 1989 for political reasons and would only have brief reinstatement during the 1990s, after which the US permanently retired them.
@Stealthy360 via X
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bikebound · 1 year
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Powerbrick For Sale: 1995 BMW K1100RS “Vengeance” by @thepowerbrick. Featuring ported heads, upgraded injectors, hydraulic clutch conversion, pie-cut stainless @mad_exhausts 4:1 system, @acschnitzer_motorrad billet wheels, @silvermachine_seats saddle, @motogadget electronics, Marlboro livery, and much more. Price and details at BikeBound.com/Classifieds. ⚡️Link in Bio⚡️ https://instagr.am/p/Cu62q91O9uN/
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reality-detective · 1 year
Let's investigate the 4 chemicals in Palestine Ohio's train derailment and their so-called slow burn operation that our government said was safe.👇
A chemical warfare agent in WWII ☠️
Is vinyl chloride harmful to human health?
⚠️Exposure to vinyl chloride may increase a person's risk of developing cancer. Human and animal studies show higher rates of liver, lung and several other types of cancer. Being exposed to vinyl chloride can affect a person's liver, kidney, lung, spleen, nervous system and blood.
How much vinyl chloride cause cancer?
Studies of long-term exposure in animals showed that cancer of the liver and mammary gland may increase at very low levels of vinyl chloride in the air (50 ppm). Lab animals fed low levels of vinyl chloride each day (2 mg/kg/day) during their lifetime had an increased risk of getting liver cancer.
Is vinyl chloride a hazardous waste?
⚠️Vinyl Chloride is hazardous to the environment.
What is ethylene glycol used in?
DESCRIPTION: Ethylene glycol is a useful industrial compound found in many consumer products. Examples include antifreeze, hydraulic brake fluids, some stamp pad inks, ballpoint pens, solvents, paints, plastics, films, and cosmetics.
How is ethylene glycol harmful to humans?
An overdose of ethylene glycol can damage the brain, lungs, liver, and kidneys. The poisoning causes disturbances in the body's chemistry, including metabolic acidosis (increased acids in the bloodstream and tissues). The disturbances may be severe enough to cause profound shock, organ failure, and death.
How does ethylene glycol affect the brain?
Ethylene glycol (EG) is a toxic alcohol that causes central nervous system depression and multiple metabolic abnormalities including a high anion gap metabolic acidosis (HAGMA), elevated osmolal gap (OG), and acute kidney injury. Few case reports of EG intoxication report brain MRI findings.
Is ethylene glycol a carcinogen?
🚩EPA has not classified ethylene glycol for carcinogenicity. Chronic Effects (Noncancer): The only effects were noted in a study of individuals exposed to low levels of ethylene glycol by inhalation for about a month were throat and upper respiratory tract irritation.
Is ethylene glycol monobutyl ether harmful to humans?
The substance is irritating to the eyes, skin and respiratory tract. The substance may cause effects on the central nervous system, blood, kidneys and liver. A harmful contamination of the air will be reached rather slowly on evaporation of this substance at 20°C.
What is the use of monobutyl ether?
It is used as a solvent in surface coatings in paints; as a coupling agent in metal and household cleaners; as an intermediate in chemical production; and is also found in brake fluids and in printing ink.
Is butyl ether toxic?
⚠️Acute Health Effects☠️
The following acute (short-term) health effects may occur immediately or shortly after exposure to Butyl Ether: * Contact can irritate the skin and eyes. * Repeated or prolonged skin contact may cause rash. Breathing Butyl Ether can irritate the nose and throat causing coughing and wheezing.
Is ether toxic to humans?
⚠️Breathing Diethyl Ether can cause drowsiness, excitement, dizziness, vomiting, irregular breathing, and increased saliva. High exposure can cause unconsciousness and even death.
Is ether a carcinogen?
► Bis(Chloromethyl) Ether is a CARCINOGEN in humans. There may be NO safe level of exposure to a carcinogen, so all contact should be reduced to the lowest possible level.
Combustible. Above 60°C explosive vapour/air mixtures may be formed. NO open flames. Above 60°C use a closed system and ventilation.
Is ethylhexyl acrylate toxic?
Like any reactive chemical, 2-Ethylhexyl acrylate can be hazardous if not handled properly. May be harmful if swallowed. Ingestion may cause gastrointestinal irritation or ulceration. Limited dermal contact or vapour concentrations attainable at room temperature are not hazardous on single short duration exposures.
Is Ethylhexyl acrylate copolymer safe?
Although the monomers may be toxic, the levels that would be found in cosmetic formulations are not considered to present a safety risk. Accordingly, these Acrylate Copolymers are considered safe for use in cosmetic formulations when formulated to avoid irritation.
Are acrylates safe?
The International Agency of Research on Cancer as well as the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have classified acrylates as a possible human carcinogen. Exposure to acrylates has been linked to skin, eye, and throat reactions [1] as well as more serious health consequences such as: Cancer.
Is ethylhexyl harmful for skin?
Ethylhexylglycerin is not safe due to its performance as a contact allergen.
Is ethyl acrylate carcinogenic?
⚠️Cancer Hazard☠️
* Ethyl Acrylate may be a CARCINOGEN in humans since it has been shown to cause stomach cancer in animals.
🚩Spoiler Alert⚠️ It's NOT safe and in fact it is highly toxic☠️
This will affect millions of people and it may flow into the Mississippi river as well. 🤔
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kurisus · 1 year
Chapter 104-2 thoughts
We're truly in the endgame now, and with this, there are only three full chapters left. Scary thought. Spoilers under the cut.
So first off, whether or not you've seen my posts about the manga ending, I won't bore you with the 8000 words of me being upset that I could easily churn out, but in summary (a) I am sad and (b) there's plenty of time left to wrap everything up, don't worry.
With that out of the way, let's talk about the chapter itself. Last time left off with the creation of a new dimension (via a wish) that seems to have sealed our main characters inside, with others unable to enter it.
As I correctly predicted, the house I spotted is the house in which Father raised Nora and Yato, both of whom have reverted to their weakest forms. Since trash dad is all-powerful here, he was able to force Yato into a kid (who is unable to fight back as easily) and Nora as the embryo-esque water monster she was before being named by the koto no ha. Yukine has also become the wolf (though tbh I think we all thought it was a cat) he was starting to turn into whenever he lost control of himself, right before Father named him and again when he was fighting Yato. I'm interested to see what Hiyori will look like. Perhaps her ayakashi form from the hospital chapters? I've been saying for years that we're not done seeing that form, so now would be a prime time to bring it back.
I'm interested in what trash dad classifies as "those sacrificed" to birth Japan. The Emishi, an indigenous people assimilated into the larger Shinto pantheon? The spirits who became corrupted and turned into ayakashi instead of being named as shinki? All the souls of the dead, regardless of whether they turned into ayakashi or not? Something else? The creatures we've seen (can we call them koto no creatures or something?) don't look like any characters we know, despite having rather distinctive appearances.
Whatever they are, the art was cool as fuck this chapter. For some reason I thought being this close to the end meant we wouldn't get any new monsters introduced, but apparently not.
With having Izanami's crest over their eyes and wrists, they're clearly of Yomi, so my inclination is to say they're ayakashi, given a more human form in trash dad's weird dimension bubble. They're also bad news in Yato's eyes, considering his desperation to drag Nora away. From Shiigun's POV, we can also see the creatures clawing at the surface of the water, showing they're able to leave this dimension, where I guess they'll zombie-fy all of humanity unless the main characters stop Father.
One thing I'm really interested in is, when trash dad was choking Yato out, he recalled of all panels the one where he's crying. Yato looked terrified when he was doing that, and even had the thought "I'm scared," so my thought is it's because trash dad said "Your father will always be on your side" at that time. Yato has realized that was always a lie, he was only ever a tool, and he has now outlived his usefulness. His father will kill him, and kill Nora, and everyone else who gets in his way, so he can pretend he fixed his issues all those centuries ago.
Side note, Father said there are no reincarnations in this world. I wonder if he thinks Yato is able to reincarnate in the regular world? Which would mean Hiyori's belief is enough to bring him back even if he dies, which I really hope he doesn't.
So, speaking of which, Yukine to the rescue. My god I have so many emotions about this. Yato's last thoughts being "Why...?" the same as Yukine's final thoughts. Yukine breaking out of the fridge like he never was able to, in a burst of cherry blossoms, to save the only real father he ever had. Yall mind if I [gets put in a hydraulic press]
Yukine has resolved his internal struggle about not existing in the world--he's happy to exist as he is, by the side of people who care about him.
His whole monologue, and the raw feeling of seeing his bloodied fingernails, really drives home the horror of his existence as a character. I'm trying to write something that isn't just summarizing what Yukine himself said, and failing. He said it all perfectly.
And thus concludes his character arc, although as I have stated repeatedly I really want to know what became of his father. Since they're in this dimension surrounded by what could be corrupted spirits of the dead, I wonder if his father will appear among them. Or if they're saving that for an epilogue-type thing? But if it's left unanswered, I won't complain, because that will mean the fic I wrote back in 2020 hasn't been disproven, lolol.
Anyway, there's a lot to appreciate this chapter, from driving Father's viewpoint that his "kids" were tools home to Yukine standing up to an abusive father figure, but it's hard to come up with the words for what that means to me. I'll probably just reblog a bunch of posts with various incoherent sobbing noises in the tags.
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umseb · 11 months
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"Malaysia GP (2nd Race): Not classified. Hydraulic system error – “The hydraulic pressure unfortunately dropped into the basement (in round 40), and everything depends on that. I couldn’t shift down, couldn’t shift up, got stuck in second gear, lost the power steering and so on. In the end, I had to give up…” (Sepang International Circuit, Sepang)." - august 2, 2023 📷 @.sebastianvettel / instagram
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neilfromtwt · 11 months
Object Lore: Taxonomy
Since the society of objects has grown to its current state from nothing in only two thousand years, the taxonomy of plant life species is very limited. However, object taxonomy has been developed in the recent age. General objects are classified with the Obiectum family and the subfamily of the type of object, but specific kinds of objects are grouped farther.
Obiectum primis, known as the ancient object, is the classification for objects with characteristics that were only found with objects before the year 0. These objects soon evolved to be more developed after the rise of object shows, but they were recorded by early objects. There has not been any discovered art of ancient objects, but their descriptions have led to theoretical sketches of what they could have looked like.
Ancient objects are characterized by several features. They had thicker limbs in order to retrieve fruit from trees easier, teeth fit for an herbivorous diet, and rough outlines that did not change. Since most ancient objects had no predators, they did not develop many features that other subspecies did. As well, the type of objects were less varied, since there was no need to distinguish one from another.
Obiectum bonorum, known as the asseted object, is the classification for objects with characteristics from more evolved societies before the year 0. These objects became the dominant subspecies of the early age, overtaking the ancient object. Asseted objects are named after and most known for their specific type of limbs, known as asset limbs.
Asseted objects are characterized by features such as teeth fit for a more omnivorous diet, thinner limbs to swim better, and smoother outlines for more swimming mobility and ease of escaping aquatic predators. Their object type tends to be more varied too, as they have a need to refer to each other. Due to all the natural advantages asseted objects had, they were more intelligent. This intelligence allowed objects to survive, invent, and thrive.
Asseted objects are most known for participating in object shows, the most notable example being Battle for Dream Island. The contestants of the object show and their descendants were responsible for the use of the alien technology left behind by the show host and the other things they discovered to evolve society to what it is today. Asseted objects are still around today, although less common than the modern object, and they are highly regarded.
Obiectum stultus, known as joke objects, are characters that evolved from ancient objects. For more information on joke objects, click here.
Obiectum recens, known as the modern object, is the classification for objects with characteristics developed most recently. These objects evolved from the asseted objects to have more range of motion, diversity, and adaptability. All modern objects are omnivores, but some communities prefer different diets.
Modern objects are characterized by their many social and adaptability features. They have smooth, size changing outlines that can control the blood flow of the object, faces and limbs with more range of motion and expression, and more object variety. Modern objects seem to be affected by things such as liquid inside them unlike asseted objects.
Modern objects are not much smarter than asseted objects, but they are much more empathetic. As shown in Battle for Dream Island, asseted objects can tend to be numb to the pain of others or even sadistic. Death and injury of others usually takes a much larger toll on modern objects.
What is also unique about modern objects is the variance of limb structure. Ancient objects and asseted objects all have bones in their limbs. Modern objects have different limbs depending on the object. Light objects such as paper have limbs that are held up by a hydraulic system of blood, medium objects such as wood have limbs with cartilage, and heavy objects such as glass have limbs with bones.
The outline of an object acts as its veins. All other objects before the modern object have static outlines that don't change thickness, but the modern object has outlines that can change with temperature. They open wider in the cold and thinner in the heat.
Obiectum primis, Obiectum stultus and Obiectum bonorum always bleed a clear liquid called vitro, (although there are few exceptions with asseted objects where they bleed red blood) which is why object show characters usually don't appear to bleed. Modern objects, however, mostly bleed red blood, but modern objects filled with liquid usually bleed that liquid.
Finally, modern types of objects have different traits. Alcoholic objects are nearly immune to the effects of alcohol, save for a few cases, book objects have photographic memory because all the events of their life are written inside them as they happen, etcetera. Objects that are not modern objects do not have these traits.
Objects that can be classified as different subspecies have yet to be found, but it is likely that they exist. Searches in suspected areas within the last ten years have come up empty handed. Nevertheless, it is impressive how the object species and society has grown so fast and so wholly. Still, there is always more to discover about the past, present, and future.
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killa-trav · 11 months
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sebastianvettel: Malaysia GP (2nd Race): Not classified. Hydraulic system error – “The hydraulic pressure unfortunately dropped into the basement (in round 40), and everything depends on that. I couldn’t shift down, couldn’t shift up, got stuck in second gear, lost the power steering and so on. In the end, I had to give up…” (Sepang International Circuit, Sepang)
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mivolasvivi · 1 year
SCOTUS basically just nerfed the EPA’s ability to regulate under the Clean Water Act. This is INFURIATING as a hydrologic engineer since it shows a fundamental lack of understanding of basic hydrology, hydraulics, and ecosystem dynamics in a changing climate.
Basically the definition of a wetland is now limited to areas connected to federally regulated waters by a “continuous surface connection”. The legal history of groundwater rights in the US is a whole different story, but this is such a narrow definition that shows a surface level (no pun intended) understanding of hydrology. People like to think of rivers and lakes as discrete units. But they’re not. They’re part of a larger interconnected watershed. Hence why federal regulations make sense in the context of wetlands. Not to mention that it’s just ridiculous to classify wetlands based on flowing surface water, when several key wetlands really aren’t related to any rivers.
This shows a greater trend about our unwillingness to adapt to climate change as well. Basically a couple built a house on an area that wasn’t a wetland, but was later classified as one, and regulatory agencies wanted them to return and restore the land. Obviously that’s shitty, and it’s probably a good thing that SCOTUS sided with them. But the legal precedent for reclassifying wetlands is insane.
We’re already seeing pushback from homeowners buying land in FEMA designated floodplains, and this certainly won’t help matters. The sad reality is that we will not be able to create a sustainable built environment in areas where we historically may have been able to. Like Florida coastlines, for example. Sticking our head in the sand and pretending that wetlands aren’t important, floodplains aren’t changing, and the climate is stationary is just a road to disaster in the long term that will have serious consequences.
When it’s legal to build in a floodplain or wetland, who do you think ends up in these high-risk areas? Often it’s the most underprivileged members of society who can’t afford to live elsewhere. This is just as much of a socioeconomic catastrophe as it is an environmental one.
The way we regulate water in the US is already insane, with agencies like the EPA, USACE, state governments, and interstate compacts causing a mess of tangled legislation. The complexities of our hydrologic cycle in a changing climate really can’t be left to individual stakeholders since we all live here and drink the same water that goes through the water cycle at the end of the day.
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whewchilly · 11 months
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sebastianvettel Malaysia GP (2nd Race): Not classified. Hydraulic system error – “The hydraulic pressure unfortunately dropped into the basement (in round 40), and everything depends on that. I couldn’t shift down, couldn’t shift up, got stuck in second gear, lost the power steering and so on. In the end, I had to give up…” (Sepang International Circuit, Sepang).
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standardtitaniumu · 1 year
Titanium Metal - Qualities As Well As Uses
Pure titanium is a light-weight, tough, silvery-white, shiny metal. It has unique strength as well as deterioration resistance homes and also a high stamina to weight proportion.
 The name Titanium itself is stemmed from the name of God of planet 'Titan" in Greek folklore. The name implies stamina.
 Titanium is a chemical element with the sign Ti. It has an atomic number of 22, inhabits team 4, duration 4, and also block d in the periodic table and is classified as a transition steel.
 Titanium is the 9th most abundant element in the Planet's crust but is by no means discovered it its pure kind. Its major minerals are anatase, brookite, ilmenite, perovskite, rutile, titanite, too lots of iron ores. Rutile as well as ilmenite are its economically important minerals.
 Considerable deposits of ilmenite are found in Western Australia, Canada, China, India, Mozambique, New Zealand, Norway, as well as Ukraine. Substantial amounts of rutile are mined in The United States and Canada and South Africa.
Titanium Tube
 One of the most considerable residential properties of Titanium are its strength, its resistance to rust as well as it stamina to weight proportion.
 Titanium is 45% lighter than steel but it is just as strong. It is only 60% heavier than aluminium but is 100% more powerful.
 Titanium is basically as immune to rust as platinum, and can holding up against acids, salt services, as well as also the extremely destructive chlorine gas.
 The humane blend of light weight as well as wonderful stamina in addition to its resistance to rust and also warmth makes it ideal for airplane, spacecrafts projectiles and so on. In sports it is used for making light as well as solid noises, bicycle frameworks, golf clubs etc. Titanium likewise discovers use in making eyewear structures, light-weight laptops, bone and oral implants in medicine.
 Titanium vanadium alloys are extensively made use of in aviation in the manufacture of landing gear, hydraulic tubing, fire walls, etc.
 Yet probably the really business and also mass intake oriented use of titanium began with the crafting of titanium jewelry as well as today Titanium precious jewelry industry is amongst the fastest growing market sector in fashion jewelry industries.
 Titanium is honored with almost all the high qualities important to become an appropriate medium for crafting precious jewelry. It is solid and long lasting, it is immune to rust, and it is hypoallergenic significance that it does not established off allergies with the skin.
 A gorgeous, putty-grey shade differentiates titanium from the silver, gold as well as platinum used in jewelry. With different types of gloss it can be given either a matte or a glossy coating.
Titanium Sheet
 The setting of Titanium in the periodic table (team 4, period 4, and also block d) identifies it as a change metal. Among the common residential or commercial properties shared by all change steels is that they are able to develop colored substances primarily by anodizing. The process entails producing oxide layers of different density and refractive residential properties on the steel surface. This characteristic is used for crafting titanium precious jewelry in practically every shade of the rainbow.
 Titanium is utilized for crafting precious jewelry items like jewelry, pendants, bracelets, rings, wedding bands, money clips and so on.
 The metal is frequently viewed as an icon of toughness as well as indestructibility and also this has made titanium wedding bands a preferred option for pairs that desire their marriages to continue to be as strong as well as indestructible.
 There is a particular magical top quality concerning titanium as well as it seems specifically appropriate that titanium (before it was so named) was found by a male of God-Reverend William Gregor-in Cornwall, England, back in 1790. It is likewise proper that 5 years later the metal was in fact called titanium, after the Titans, the Greek gods of planet by the German chemist Martin Heinrich Klaproth.
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usafphantom2 · 6 months
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On Dec. 9, 2018, my father, Colonel Richard “Butch” Sheffield, former SR-71 Blackbird Reconnaissance Systems Officer (RSO), died. Before he died, he said, “Linda, get my stories out there.” To honor him, I’m going to share one of his many stories. Dad‘s book was very close to getting published, but it is on hold.
This is the story of an SR-71 Blackbird testing mission that went wrong.
On July 29, 1968, I sat at my desk in the 1st. SRS when the phone rang. Someone from PSD said Jim Fagg had just failed his pre-flight physical and could not fly today. Did anyone want to take his place? I told them I would be right over.
I rushed over to PSD, took the pre-flight physical, ate the pre-flight meal, and rushed downstairs and suited up in my pressure suit for the flight. I did not have time to get my checklist, so I took Jim’s checklist and flight data from him. Ben Bowles, Jim’s pilot, and I had known each other for a while, and he was one of the wings' best. They had already taken him to the aircraft and strapped him in so we could make an on-time takeoff.
The mission was one we had been flying to test out the aircraft’s long range. It went from coast to coast and covered just about every state across the country. We made an on-time take-off, refueled, and flew to the East Coast, refueled, and were heading back to the West Coast, accelerating to Mach 3.
We were at Mach 2.88 and 68,000 feet over Oklahoma when the right engine suffered a catastrophic failure. The aircraft became very hard to control, and we could see the right engine burning even though we had shut off its fuel. Ben asked me if I wanted to “get out.” My back was still sore from ejecting the year before. I thought if I eject again, it might break my back, so I said, “No.”
It was a very rough ride down from 68,000 feet. The aircraft was bucking like a bronco. We were running lots of different checklists; (1) engine fire; (2) engine failure, (3) generator failure, (4) hydraulics failure, (5) descent, and (6) others (still classified).
I had declared an emergency with Air Traffic Control on the UHF radio, squawked emergency 7700 on the transponder, and given Ben the heading to Carswell, AFB, Texas (I picked Carswell because it was in front of us, and Ben had landed there before in B-58’s) called Beale on the HF radio to tell them we were landing at Carswell, while we were running all those checklists. I told Ben, “I wish I had my checklist,” because Jim’s checklist was set up for a left-handed person.
I could see the fire & smoke coming out of the engine even after we shut off the fuel. We had fuel tanks in the wing of the SR out to near the engine. If the fire reached that fuel, we would blow up.
As we approached Carswell, smoke was still pouring out of the right engine. I said to Ben that if it were still burning when we stopped on the runway and the fuel pools, it might explode. He agreed. I suggested we fly by the tower and ask them if they could see flames, which we did. They said there were no flames, and we landed. The fire trucks surrounded us once on the runway, and I could see the fire chief making a large circle with his hands and arms—it was the size of the hole in the engine. What we didn’t know at the time was the forty-gallon oil tank in the wing was burning, and shutting off the fuel did not put out the fire. Kelly Johnson, developer and manufacturer of the SR-71, said later that this was the only blackbird that ever flew structurally unsound (the right wing had warped due to the heat. It took three months to fix this SR 71.
If only this airplane could tell the stories, she could tell.~Linda Sheffield Miller
@Habubrats71 via X
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ssarkosghost · 2 years
Nuts and Dolts Week DAY 4 - Repairing Each Other
Day 4 of @nuts-and-dolts-week​ and also the first story that’s definitely in an AU. Quick tidbits for background info.
Ruby recovers Penny’s body
Ironwood is blocked from taking Penny back
And that’s about it hope you’ll enjoy the story.
Darkness covered the majority of the workshop, the majority of tools and equipment silent. Except for one, in the far corner of the room, where a light bore down on the broken body of Penny Polendina. Penny herself was still fine, even though at the moment she was just a head.
Pyrrha’s counter to her assault, though brutal, still maintained the precision of a warrior at her caliber. Thus, the damage done to her was not as devastating as it looked. Of course, that fact did not ease Ruby, who was currently still trying to reattach split wires amongst her upper torso section.
It had been impressive to watch Ruby root around her body, salvaging damaged components and taking notes for improvements on the new body. However, as time dragged on, Penny had noticed Ruby’s actions slowing, her eyes fighting to stay open, and most worrying of all the increasing number of shocks that had stung Ruby. Penny needed to intervene.
“Ruby, your work efficiency has dropped by thirty percent and you have sustained at least five electrical shocks,” she started, “I would recommend turning in for the night—”
“Uh huh, sure Penny,” Ruby cut her off as she reached for a pair of wire strippers. She needed to start clearing the damaged ends if she wanted to get clean re attachments to at least give Penny a semi-functional body. She needed to get this done or else—
“OW!!” she suddenly yanked her hand away as another electrical charge surged through her nerves.
“Ruby!” Penny cried out, now extremely worried for her friend.
“It’s fine, it’s fine,” Ruby responded as she quickly tried to wave off the pain.
“No, enough is enough Ruby,” Penny snapped, “You are exhausted, for the past sixteen hours you have fought Grimm, criminals, bad guys, Atlas military, and Ironwood. You’ve then preceded to sequester yourself with my broken body in here for the last four hours—”
“I haven’t sequestered us!” Ruby tried to counter, though her voice quivered slightly
“You’ve got Crescent Rose jamming the door shut Ruby,” Penny motioned with her eyes as Ruby looked toward the workshop’s exit, where Crescent Rose was being used to bar the door from opening.
“Ruby,” Penny cut off Ruby as she began to finally process the entire situation the two where in. “I appreciate you trying to get me a functioning body, but you need to sleep and not worry about a broken machine,” Ruby’s head suddenly whipped toward Penny’s, her eyes now blazing with fury. Penny was shocked by this revitalized look in her friend’s eyes. She started to search her voice recorder to see what she said wrong, only for Ruby to snatch her head and force the two into an eye stare.
“You are not a broken machine Penny,” Ruby stated vehemently, causing Penny to sigh.
“No, I don’t care what Ironwood said, you are you Penny and no one is going to take that away,” Ruby railed on past Penny’s attempt to speak. Penny herself was at a loss for words as warnings about potential hydraulic leaks flashed in the corner of her eyes. “Oh, sorry sorry,” Ruby suddenly panicked as tears began to fall from Penny’s cheeks. Quickly she tried to wipe them away, “I’m sorry Penny, I didn’t mean to be too harsh I just—”
“No no, sniff, it is fine” Penny interjected, “I needed that…I’m fine now. Hic!!” her last words silenced by a hiccup.
“Penny, it's alright to be upset,” Ruby started again as she sat down, still holding Penny’s head. “You’ve had it the worst out of all of us—”
“Penny you were torn to pieces, then classified as a weapon by Ironwood, he tried to force you back despite your protests, and then almost had you arrested,”
“And you Ruby Rose just fought an evil huntress, nearly put yourself in a coma, and are missing your teammates,” Penny countered, knowing she wasn’t the only one having a bad day, “I won’t have you working yourself to death over me, so please rest for a bit.” Ruby however looked back at the jammed door.
“I can’t Penny,” she whispered, leaning in, “you are right I am missing my team, Yang’s still in the ER, Weiss was taken by her father, and Blake just vanished,” she continued standing up. “I can’t do anything for them, me their leader.” Ruby quietly walked to the barred door, staring at it. “I wasn’t with them and now I can only wait, but I can help you, Penny,” Ruby twirled around, and Penny noted the slightly crazed look her eyes. They did not suit Ruby at all.
“I know Ironwood won’t stop because of Prof. Goodwitch’s threat…I can’t be out Penny, 'cause if I am,” and something caught Ruby’s words in her throat with a wet cough. “Because if I am, I might lose you, Penny,” she finally forced out. Penny’s eyes widened in surprise, as she saw the beginnings of tears threaten to spill from Ruby’s eyes. For a moment her brain was at a loss of what to say, as Ruby was right. Atlas didn’t back down lightly, but now wasn’t the time to worry about that now. Ruby was her sole focus now.
“Ruby, come closer please,” she asked and Ruby slowly made her way back to the workbench. “Sit down please,” Penny pushed and felt her spirits soar as Ruby dropped into a chair. “Listen there is obviously something bigger going on, and that this is only the beginning,” Penny started “and I can’t promise that you won’t lose me,”
“Because I have a safety net, and once I am combat ready again, I will help you get your team back together and solve whatever this is,” Penny continued past Ruby’s attempt to interrupt. “But if we are to do this my body will need to be fixed by the most accomplished, most adorable, and most dedicated Huntress in Beacon,”
“Penny,” Ruby tried to sound stern, but her red cheeks muffled her tone a lot. It also caused Penny to let lose a blinding smile.
“But to do that you need to rest, and,” Penny added a bit of force to her words to forestall another attempt, “you do realize that Prof. Goodwitch would be absolutely fine with you taking my head and core to bed with you,” Ruby suddenly blinked as Penny’s proposition entered her head.
“Ooooh,” Ruby finally said as it all hit her, and Penny almost cheered as a small shine entered Ruby’s eyes again.
“Yep, so why don’t you grab Crescent Rose, what are you doing?” Penny asked as Ruby turned around and leaned under the workbench behind the one, she was set up on. With a swift kick, Ruby unlocked a secret bed that popped out from under the desk.
“Ta-da!!” Ruby announced as Penny’s jaw dropped. “Yeah, found this one day and I guess I just forgot we could sleep here,” Penny opened her mouth, only to close it with a shake of her head.
“Hahaha, oh Ruby never change,” Penny laughed as Ruby scooped her head up and the two settled in the bed. Soon the two drifted to sleep where the terrors of the waking world disappeared in the trust that the other would be there to help them when they next awake.
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So, in Brazilian environmental justice, the Bolsonaro administration has flexibilized regulations for fracking in a new edict, conceding to requests from oil companies.
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A draft edict submitted for public consultation between March and April of this year on the Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME) website requeired a minimum distance of 1,500 meters between the well drilled for fracking and aquifers that could be used domestically or industrially, and that the wells where the hydraulic fracturing would be carried out be at least 500 meters away from any inhabited building.
In the public consultation, the Brazilian Association of Independent Oil and Gas Producers (Abpip) and the Brazilian Institute of Oil and Gas (IBP) opposed the first point, and Abpip opposed the second.
In the end, both requirements ended up suppressed from the current Transparent Well project prepared by the MME, the National Petroleum Agency (ANP), Energy research company (EPE), and the Investment Partnership Program (PPI), linked to the Ministry of Economy. The document only establishes that projects are not accepted “when there are technical studies that demonstrate that the execution of hydraulic fracturing will affect the base of an aquifer that can be used domestically or industrially”.
Ilan Zugman, director for Latin America at the organization 350.org, considers that the document is overly simplified and imposes few restrictions on a “dangerous and harmful” technique such as fracking, which he classifies as “reckless”. “The removal of these prerequisites made the process even easier for companies”, says Zugman. “Of course, it will be studied on a case-by-case basis, but it is absurd that there are no greater restrictions. On the contrary, they tore down restrictions that were already very fragile.” 350.org is one of the 16 civil society organizations that, in a note released on Friday (9), criticized the public notice and asked for its “immediate revocation” to president-elect Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (Workers' Party - PT), vice-president Geraldo Alckmin (Brazilian Socialist Party - PSB), the coordinator of the transition team's Environment working group, senator Jorge Viana (PT), and also rapporteur Pedro Ivo Batista. The signatories of the text point out that the Transparent Well represents “imminent risk of irreversible damage to the entire Brazilian society and to the global climate”, since the unconventional oil and gas obtained via fracking are fossil fuels, whose burning produces greenhouse gases (responsible for global warming). Furthermore, fracking is associated with earth tremors and contamination of aquifers.
From now on, according to the announcement, companies that want to frack unconventional wells in blocks or fields under their concession will be able to submit proposals, which must be analyzed by the MME within 90 days. Projects may be submitted for two years, until December 7, 2024. The selected proposals will have incentives, such as a reduction in the payment of royalties by producing companies to state entities. The law determines that financial compensation be paid in an amount corresponding to 10% of oil or natural gas production, with the provision that the ANP may reduce the amount to 5% in specific cases.
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minimac-mspl · 2 years
Do you know?
Did you know that how we maintain our machines can be classified in various types and what is interesting to note is each technique has some benefits and some consequences.
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In this article, we will understand different types of maintenance techniques their pros and cons along with a brief guideline on how they impact a company’s cost structure with some interesting facts. Contact Minimac to schedule maintenance: +91 7030901266
There are four types of maintenance strategies:
1. Reactive Maintenance: Maintenance is scheduled in response to operational failure.
This type of maintenance is very useful for lowering initial cost, reducing manpower cost as you need fewer staff members and doesn’t require any planning. On the contrary, this strategy compels you to keep more inventory to brace for unexpected failure. This not only leads to a higher cost but also makes the project budgets unpredictable.
2. Preventive Maintenance: Maintenance is scheduled according to historic trends, experience or reliability data considerable guesswork is required.
Preventive maintenance helps plan operations better and provides a better grip on the project budget as you don’t have to keep a lot of inventory on the shelf. However, sometimes we end up sending parts that do not require maintenance which leads to unnecessary expenditure and work.
3. Predictive Maintenance: Progression of failure is monitored. Machine repair is scheduled prior to a catastrophic breakdown.
Reduction in maintenance costs, reduction in repair and Overhaul time and reduction in spare part inventory are some of the advantages of this technique, however high implementation cost, expense on manpower training and increased manpower are some of the downsides.
4. Proactive Maintenance: Ahead of the first initiation of failure, not in response to failure. Focused on the root cause.
This is one of the superior types as the elimination of the cause of failure saves a lot of costs and contributes to the project’s profitability. However, this can be only applied if the manpower has greater diligence and are consistent with observing and recording their feedback. Also, read https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/functions-hydraulic-oil-reasons-its-contamination-anshuman-agrawal/
We at Minimac Systems Pvt Ltd. not only design a maintenance schedule for the lubrication oil but also provide a range of OIL PURIFICATION SYSTEMS & FLUSHING SYSTEMS. Minimac stands for MINImum MAChinery Maintenance.
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