#pca enforcement squad
s3znl-gr3znl · 2 months
"Code 5, corp AC spotted."
Date [redacted]
Coordinates [redacted]
Subject: Independent Mercenary Attack On Coral Survey Outpost 11C.
Officer Daniels had barely received the COM before the approaching AC turned the cadre of drones on the front line into slag.
"Its too fast! Code 1-5!" Cried one of his subordinates, the sound of alarms blaring slightly audible through the mic. "I cant get a lock- AUGHH."
Before he could blink, Daniels watched the merc bisect three of his subordinates MTs in a single motion, the pulse blade dimmed slightly by the hydraulic fluid and mechanical viscera. Daniels pulled his eyes from the security cam and bolted out of the room.
Of course an AC shows up during maintenance.
"Status," Daniels barked into his wrist-mounted COM.
"Sir...tearing through..cant contact...system," came a garbled response. Daniels found some small comfort in hearing his chief engineer's voice.
"Fire up my HC, I'm going to deal with this pest myself."
"Sir? Shouldn't we wait for backup?" His chief's voice now clear thanks to proximity.
Base COMs are still working. Something else is going on here. Did someone leak our objective?
A few moments later, Daniels arrived in the hangar and surveyed the mass of frantic bodies hurridly disconneting fuel pumps and diagnostic cables from his HC. Chief "Patty" rushed to his side and gave him the datakey for the HC.
"I doubt we'll get any backup, Patty," Daniels said as he climbed the stairs leading up to the cockpit. "Keep trying to get through, I'll hold them off until the COMs interference clears up."
Daniels had this dream a thousand times. He had it again as he climbed into the cockpit of his HC. Fire and ash awaits those who seek Coral.
The words echoed in his mind, like a faint ringing.
Dani, you can't beat them.
"Not now, Anise," he shuddered.
"Sir?" Came the chiefs voice through the COM link.
"Its nothing. Code 2-3, attending scene."
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vibrantacorn · 17 days
Blue Moon
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Designed mainly as a slightly heavier version of Fading Monarch, the AC I've used for a lot of the campaign.
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lorcanaloser · 1 year
Failing a mission too many times in Armored Core VI locks you out of it?!?!?
I kept screwing up the mission of beating the PCA enforcement squad whatever and I must have just quit out of the mission entirely 2-3 times and now it's just GONE, I can't select it and it's not in my replayed mission list
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feybeasts · 1 year
PCA enforcement squad can suck my ass
(in hell, because I took ‘em down in three tries)
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