#hxh goldie
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reversalsun · 9 months ago
Hello fellow HunterxHunter fans! I've got a quick PSA for you.
A few times now I've noticed AI slop clogging up the HxH tags, most often this "characters in Ghibli style" type post. Really desperate for engagement type stuff, you know?
Anyway, I would highly recommend blocking @console-pokeballs-rupees as they've mucked up the tags with this sewage a few times already, and I for one prefer to see the art of real artists.
Examples below the cut 👇
Here's their most recent HxH garbage
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Pretty clean looking, but there are always devils in the details. The ties on Killua's shirt don't make sense. They seem to be completely different shapes, with one noticeably missing the flare at the end and neither having any detail on the knots.
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Next up is Illumi. There are a few things to look at here. First we have an organization/laying issue. Robots have no sense of depth or theoretical layers within an image, illustrated here by the grass sprouts up in Illumi's hair.
Additionally, the background details are hazy and don't seem to be anything more than the suggestion of grass. Grainy backgrounds like this are common in AI and something to look out for. You can see the grain a bit on every image on this set, but this one seemed like the best example.
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And finally, and oldy but a goldy, Chrollo is missing a finger.
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Please cut out the art theft, @console-pokeballs-rupees . You're only embarrassing yourself.
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thekilludustfanclub · 2 years ago
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This gift for my 18th birthday was what kept me up at night and gave me new ideas and AUs for this gorgeous hxh rarepair!!
I’ve been thinking a lot about how Killua would be like in a school environment and especially how he’d react if he knew a special cutie was in the same year as him but sitting in the far corner back of the class. *sigh* the high school drama would send me 😩😩
I picture Goldie as the shy girl who can’t properly formulate phrases to the point where her classmates (and teacher) would think she’s actually mute. But once she and Killua get paired up for a school project, he’ll slowly but surely get to know her more without needing to force words out of her mouth. Even when the project would end and they won’t have to be together anymore, Killua would want to hang out with her privately from now on cuz he’s having those weird butterfly feelings around her and doesn’t know how to properly take care of them so he thinks she might be able to help cuz she’s “apparently” (in his words not mine) the cause of it 😭💕
Slow and steady steps towards an adorable romance between the two would be much appreciated for Goldie (but ESPECIALLY Killua) since they are not the type to be very public about their emotions.
I just see them hanging out together when no one’s looking like when he’ll bring her outside to the rooftop and eat lunch, or when they’d be sweeping the classes at the end of the day together, or when Killua would simply show off his awesome skills at sports secretly hoping that she saw him winning a point for the team.
And NO ONE in the class would be able to figure out that these two were actually dating since Killua is so good at not giving him and his cutie any unnecessary attention.
These two would be so pure and sweet together omg my heart literally can’t take this- 😭😭❤️❤️❤️
The Loner and The Shy Girl 💙💛
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thekilludustfanclub · 3 years ago
✨Hell yeah ✨
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Killua x gold dust girl
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benniewho-art · 4 years ago
this is living in my mind rent free
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jakeythepup · 4 years ago
I like writing stories especially AUs and different HCs or just the fandom‘s 
I will write your AUs/HCs/Ships (really Anything). If you request it, I probably write it!
Here are some Fandom‘s that Im in
MCYT (Dream smp, Aphmau, Stampy, Hermitcraft, Etc)
Fnaf/Afton family
Harley Quinn
The promised Neverland
Demon slayer
Sander sides
Ryguyrocky/Goldy, Etc
(This List will be updated multiple times) And More!
You can request different fandom‘s if you want
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scarletsunshine404 · 3 years ago
Happy Kurapika Month 💕
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depressing cute things are my favorite
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physcomitrium · 6 years ago
do u have any jrock reccomendations uwu
OKAY SO im gonna try to organize this best i can as more an intro into jrock/visual kei and try to organize it from heaviest to least and some older and newer groups. 
intro groups (groups that heavily influenced modern jrock and visual kei):
Dress Romance Iconoclasm
Malice Mizer:
Au Revoir Le Ciel Gardenia
X Japan:
Endless Rain Kurenai Rusty Nail
Luna Sea:
Gravity True Blue Believe
These are the just the main ones I recommend, but some other oldies but goldies are the pillows, Glay, B’z, Shonen, Knife, and Boom Boom satellites.
So this is some of the heavier groups and a bit of the older ones. Though NEW NEW groups you don’t really see much of the visual kei aspect, but I’ll get to that.
The GazettE:
Falling Taion Filth in the Beauty
Dir En Grey: (Warning: These guy are super musically and visually intense. So if that’s not your thing, There’s plenty of other bands!)
Yokan Kasumi Cage
Kamikaze Horizon Redeemer
Fake Divine After Light Seaons Call
Hyde is also the frontman for VAMPS and and L’ar~en~Ciel, so i totally would check them out too, those are my main recs but some others are Girugamesh, Exist Trace, Nightmare, Ling Tosite Sigure, maximum, the hormone, and Galyneryus (if u like hxh you’ll recognize them)
Okay so these are more of like the visual focused, dramatic, operatic bands! theyre newer so to speak, like anything past 2000
Blue Flame Prismatic Hana
Egoist Raven Revelation
Mantenrou Opera: (this one i debated adding to my heavier list, but theyre much more operatic, no pun intended, to me so i’m putting them here)
Anomie Helios Burning Soul
Destiny- The Lovers Aristocrat’s Symphony Truth
Those are my top suggestions but some others i’d rec are LM.C, Mejibray, Diaura, DatuRΛ (disbanded :( ), An Cafe, Vistlip, and Acid Cherry Black
So, I’m not gonna add songs to the list since it’ll be a bit longer, but these are some of the more of the modern and less visual focused band, that definitely have an influence from western alternative rock.
One Ok Rock (they’re literally the best, and I just saw them live, it was amazing!!!!)
Swanky Dank
Survive Said the Prophet
A Crowd of Rebellion (heavier, but the emo influence is very present)
Another Story
Abigndon Boys School
Orange Range 
These are some girl bands that’ll be a smal list because sadly there’s not nearly as many as there should be
Scandal (highly recommended!!)
Stereopony (disbanded :( )
BABYMETAL (you probably know gimme chocolate)
Tokyo Jihen
Ali Project
Dazzle Vision
Aural Vampire
Puffy AmiYumi
Mary’s Blood
Shonen Knife and Exist Trace also fall under this category!
I know this is like waaaay more than you asked for, but I wanted to give you a few places to start since idk your tastes! Other people can use this list too if they wanted to check any out.
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godmodebeginswithlesbians · 3 years ago
ok so last night i had a weird dream right and ive been thinkin of it all day like. wow. thanks subconscious /gen
ok so it was the greed island arc of hxh except instead of actually being greed island it was more like bisky had replaced yuugo in the promised neverland for the goldy pond arc. but like with the greed island plot points and hunting demons (entire dream took place after bisky started training emma and ray)
i woke up before my brain could fully add majoras mask to the mix (as is common nowadays) but link was tailing them also cus he saw bisky transform and went :0
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fanboyscribbles · 5 years ago
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No movies for today. Just purely #ThePromisedNeverland after psyching myself with the anime last night. Went full on manga mode today. From Chapters 1 to 94 and then my phone just decides to die on me. Hahaha! Yep, I decided to re-read the chapters covered by the anime just to see how much wasn't covered. Arcs covered post-anime run: Promised Forest Arc reminded me of HxH when Gon was still finding his way to participate in the Hunter Exam. It was nerve-wracking just because you have kids treading through unchartered waters or should I say forest filled with who knows what. Search for Minerva Arc was kinda slow and frustrating in a way. But damn Ch. 74 was a treat. My heart is full. Haha! Also, I know we've already established how smart these kids are, but they still keep on impressing me. Just wow. Goldy Pond Battle Arc was just too damn intense. I think I breezed through the entire Arc in two hours to better appreciate both the art, story, and battle. Boy was it a page-turner!! I wonder if they'll cover Promised Forest and Search for Minerva arcs in the upcoming season. Seeing how they tackled the first arcs in just 12 eps, I think they can do the same for this one since it's also just 36 chapters. And the end of Search for Minerva Arc would be a damn good cliffhanger for a third season. Hahaha! 80 more chapters and a number of arcs to go before I catch the latest! https://www.instagram.com/p/B_crejuFK4h/?igshid=md2gx6ako2q
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stealchain · 8 years ago
13 people id like to know better
Tagged by: my main gal goldy @martiangirlfromtalloniv
Name: django kai
Nickname: dj , pika , or kai
Star sign: scorpio
Sexual orientation: bi
Hogwarts house: idk i was never into harry potter
Favorite color: blue
Cats or dogs: cats but dogs are cool too
Favorite fictional characters: shit, , leorio , melody , gon , killua , pairo , chrollo , shalnark , kite , aka everyone from hxh thats Not hisoka illumi or tonpa , the kagamines , meiko , william macbeth , lupin , tbh i COULD go on all day
Dream trip: i have no idea
When was this blog created: like Maybe march of 2016 ?? i cant remember
Number of followers: too lazy to check bur its like , around 200 or somethin
When did this blog reach its peak: it hasnt lol
Tagging: i havent been here in Ages so idk u can do it if u want
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benniewho-art · 4 years ago
here I am with more crossovers nobody asked ✌️
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ninjabelle · 4 years ago
Love this ask! Here's some of my fave ships/character dynamics and analyze worthy shows for anon:
-yullen from d.gray-man! Ive written a bunch of meta about their dynamic and development as the story progressed and their opinion of eachother changed but honestly there are other pairings in the manga too with just as much intrigue and even if you don't ship shit dgm is amazing at giving every character substance and a significant backstory so it's perfect to get obsessed over and lost in!
-jonadio from jojo's bizarre adventure but if im completely honest it's more what the fandoms done with them as opposed to what we got in canon, but the absolute mutual obsession being molded into hatred instead of something better always echoed a very toxic version of griffguts to me so it's worth a go! + once you get into jojo there will be so many ships with every new part even if the story gets a bit out there you'll have content forever! Special mention to part 5's brugio that antis have a field day with but that I personally find very interesting since it's 2 people sharing a dream and ideals yet still being very different in their approach. I could write an essay on Bruno alone tbh!
- meronia from death note which is an oldie but goldie but the concept of opposites attract is very strong here and I feel like if people ignored lxlight for a second and also remember that matt had like 4 panels they might appreciate it more!! So much wasted potential there tbh, I found them the most interesting thing about the second part of death note yet they barely got developed.
- johan x tenma from monster. For which I might get demonized but uhhh again with the clash between ideals and ways of thinking and doing I can endlessly rewatch the show, it has like 74 episodes and I've not grown tired after like... 4 or 5 full goes yet! You don't have to ship anything there for it to be worth analyzing. It's really well written and not nearly as popular as it deserves to be. The themes are deep and thought provoking and I remember dramatically dropping myself on my bed to lay there in AWE when I finished it. The only time I've ever done so right after a final episode of anything ever.
-hiei x kurama from yu yu hakusho! They're also opposites (again! I have a ship type lmao) but between the lines theres a lot of substance to their ship because by all accounts they should dislike eachother but don't. Theres this cool sense of mutual respect there that blossoms into something more and I'm weak for stuff like that. And since it's also by togashi lemme just add a far more sinister one:
- from hxh: hisoillu. Now that one is completely different but LOVE their weird friendship yet willingness to obliterate the other the second that becomes necessary or whatever. As a ship I feel you can write a lot about them, especially Illumi who, given how he was raised, should not be as close to Hisoka as he has become yet seems completely unaware he's being a massive hypocrite about it and lying to himself. I adore a good self-unaware character! And lbr, hxh is a goldmine for ships of all kinds and they're ALL fleshed out and well written. Anyone who hasn't seen it yet loves theorizing needs to get into it!
- literally any ship or character from netflix's castlevania. Tbh it just ended and I was blown away by some of the character arcs, special mention to alucard and isaac. Really if you stan the gays the bis and the polys this is THE show. The main trio are all very different yet work brilliantly because of that and even though some characters don't get the screentime they deserve the whole thing is great to really dive into and analyze.
- lestat x louis from the vampire chronicles. Gotta end this list on a high note and what better ship than one that the author herself FORBADE to be written about for years. Luckily for us anne rice gave in and there is now content galore but really, from watching the movie as a kid It pretty much started my love for that very precise 'these ppl Can't Stand eachother yet Cant Live Without eachother either' dynamic I still adore so much today!
And as a bonus, a great non-shippy (or at least not until mob's older) dynamic would be something like reimob from mp100, where you have reigen as an adult and mob as a kid and a teen being equals in terms of how much they change and develop because of eachother! I love a good mentor/student dynamic but this show took it to another level. It's my latest no.1 recommendation, just an allround feel-good show. Season 3 WHEN????
Anyway there's probably 50000 ships and shows im forgetting and anon might have seen all of em already but ehh, giving recs is always fun and if anyone sees this and has more to add please do! 🖤
This question isn't specifically about Berserk, but do you (or your mutuals, idk) have any favorite character dynamics in any other media (can be manga, books, movies, etc)? Like where their characterizations are so interesting (individually and together) and well-developed that you could write an entire dissertation about them and their interactions/thematic significance in one go?
Hmm depending on the angle you’re looking at it from I think you can get rly analytical with anything, but yeah imo there are definitely some canons that more easily invite and support an analytical look than other canons. Honestly despite being into meta I tend to gravitate towards cheesier, shallower media for fandom lol, so my recommendations are very limited, but here are a few gay ships I think you can spend some quality time thinking about analytically:
Will/Hannibal from Hannibal NBC is the first thing that instantly leaps to mind, and there’s a lot of fandom meta for it.
Utena/Anthy and Juri/Shiori and probably anything else from Utena
hoooonestly Fraser/Ray Vecchio from Due South because season 1 had this whole symbolic fall to earth arc thing going on that’s fun to dig into imo, and the characters are interestingly complex and fit together in a way that embodies the show’s themes. The writing kind of falls apart midway thru season 2 though, and it’s a very different show thematically in season 3.
At a stretch you’ve got Kirk/Spock, which fits lilke a glove into the basic themes of Star Trek TOS to the point that the first movie doesn’t make thematic sense if you don’t ship it and that’s p fun. The themes aren’t like, complex or anything but it’s still enjoyable to think about imo.
And along those same lines maybe Xena/Gabrielle from Xena - they do some neat things with the whole peace/war light/dark redemption/corruption etc stuff, and the combination of intention and slapdash writing is also fun to try to reconcile imo. like you can spend a lot of time just trying to map the development of their relationship in the somewhat conflicting subtext, and that’s a lot of fun (tho tbf by that standard you could probably throw any show with several seasons and a lot of homoeroticism in here, but hey, I like Xena so that’s the one I’m saying)
then there’s stuff I could recommend but like, not so much in a shippy fandom-y way? As much as I enjoy overthinking media I’m really not much of a film buff lol so again my suggestions are limited but when it comes to like, gay/homoerotic movies featuring relationships that embody themes and stuff:
Velvet Goldmine, Moonlight, The Favourite, The Lighthouse, Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence, Lawrence of Arabia (with a warning for racism ofc), mmmaybe Thelma and Louise, The Killer, Talented Mr Ripley, and Haunting of Bly Manor maybe despite being a miniseries and not a movie... yeah that’s what I got off the top of my head. But tbf those aren’t so much extremely well-rounded complex characters you could write a dissertation on as a relationship that relates to the themes of the film in an interesting way.
Aaaaand I got pretty much nothing when it comes to books, I don’t often read actual quality lit lol.
Anyway hope this was at least a somewhat helpful answer, and @ anyone reading this, please jump in and offer more suggestions! This is definitely the kind of question that should have more than one person answering.
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thekilludustfanclub · 3 years ago
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I wanted to play a bit with some good picrews that could help me portray her perfectly and I eventually stumbled upon this one! So I took it and wanted to see how good I could make GG and this is what I came up with.
The picrew didn’t have golden skin (it only had normal ones like white, rosy, brown, black) which was pretty much understandable given the fact that it’s not usual to find the color gold in the skin color section so when I was done with the image, I simply colored her golden.
I could’ve also not have coloured her skin so she would look more like her normal skin version when her power doesn’t activate.
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But I figured that if I kept her like that (with purple hair too) she wouldn’t have looked this iconic so I just made her in her power form instead.
Overall, I think the result was a pretty good first try.
here’s the picrew i used!
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