nouvomond · 1 year
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yeongwvnhi · 4 years
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Supernatural creatures AU
Taglist (send an ask if you want to be added): @twancingyunhoe @vickylamore @glxwingstar @se0--0ho @seohospepe
Genre: angst!!, fluff, suggestive
Rating: 16+
General Warnings: Supernatural creatures (vampires, werewolves etc), blood, violence, weapons, language, death, poisoning and just dark themes in general.
Chapter Specific Warnings: mentions of a funeral and a mortuary,talking about death, blood and talking about internal bleeding, needles, refusing to eat (mentioned once), talking about cause and time of death (mentioned once), mentions of a lack of anatomical activity, lots of crying lol
Pairing: ONEUS x fem reader 》 choose your ending
Synopsis: somehow you came back to life just about a day after dying, scaring the poor guys who work at the mortuary one late night as you flee, not knowing where to go before they found you.
Word count: 3k [thanks to @moongaera for beta-reading <3]
–> for reference: Y/N - Your Name,, N/N - Nickname
》Previous《 》Next《 》Masterlist《
"Hyung, stop thinking about what could have been" Leedo interrupts the sorcerer's train of thoughts. "I know what you're thinking and it's not your fault. No one is mad at you for failing. You tried your best" 
Seoho remains silent and Leedo sighs, the two of them making their way back to their residence. 
"Oh you're ba- What happened?!" The owner of the house greets them first, almost losing it at the smell of blood and the way the two men's hands are covered in the now dark red/brown-ish substance. 
"Seoho Hyung was asked to try and save someone, but turns out the poor girl got so heavily poisoned he was powerless" Leedo explains. "I'll explain to you in a bit, we're just gonna go and wash up" 
The man just nods and watches the two of them walk away with pity swimming in his eyes. He knows how much it hurts his friend to not be able to help someone who so desperately needs it. 
"Hwanseok.." your mother speaks and puts her hands on your father's shoulders. "We should… organize Y/N's funeral" 
Yongjun hasn't come out of his room again after Haeryeong explained to him that you, his older sister he looked up to, has died. 
Your father just nods, knowing he has to let go. 
So about an hour later a van from the city's mortuary came and got your body. Your parents filled out all the papers regarding your burial and watched as the workers drove away. 
Everything was pitch black and so… cold. But not the kind of cold that made you shiver, no, that type of cold that keeps you cool but at just the right temperature. It's hard to describe, yet you found comfort in it. 
It's like you're dreaming of nothing but that nothing was still something. 
And you felt heavy. So damn heavy that you can't move a muscle, it's like you're paralyzed. 
The only thing that indicates you're still somehow awake were the distant voices. You couldn't differentiate them except for one deep voice. 
After that, you kinda flaked out and now you were just confused. What was happening? and why couldn't you wake up or anything? Because it felt like an eternity. 
"J-Junghwa please tell us you're pulling a sick prank on us right now" a close friend of yours says with a shaky voice. 
"Yeah! No way- No way did that happen!" Hae-in also says, tears welling up in her eyes. "You were with her, what happened?!" 
Junghwa rubs his face and looks at the three girls in front of him. "I'm telling the truth - I swear I am! I had to get the Necromancer but even his efforts were in vain. She died and her parents probably already had someone pick her up…" 
Hae-in breaks out in tears, sobbing into her hands before Yura takes her into her arms, also silently crying. 
"This feels so unreal" Hana says, trying hard to not break down as well. 
"I know… I'll miss her so much" Junghwa says, eyes getting glassy. "I just… thought I'd let you guys know.." 
Yura and Hana nod at him while Hae-in continues sobbing into Yura's shoulder. 
Junghwa turns around and wipes his eyes, making his way back home. 
"Seoho, how do you feel today?" 
"You have to eat" He says, pushing the plate of toast towards him. "Woong is going to short-circuit when he realizes you are not eating the breakfast he prepared for you" 
"But I don't feel like eating, Hyung" The sorcerer fights back, hands going up to hold onto his head. "I just failed a very influential and nice man! I couldn't save his daughter because I didn't see what poisoned her!" 
The older one frowns and sits down next to his friend, taking his hands and looking him in the eye. "Listen Seoho, this is not your fault. Everyone makes mistakes and it does not help you one bit if you dwell on them. Instead, take them as a lesson for what you can do better next time. There is always a chance for you to prove yourself and this was not the last one, okay?" 
The sorcerer feels tears building up in his eyes at his Hyung's words and nods quietly, afraid his voice will break if he speaks. 
The older one gently guides Seoho's head to his shoulder and lets him cry it out. He understands the pain his younger friend feels almost too well. 
The younger one of the two quickly composes himself and wipes away his tears. "Thank you H-Hyung" 
Said man just smiles gently and pats his shoulder. "It's okay" 
"Seo-ie Hyung~ did you eat your food?" 
"Ah shit, here we go…" 
You could feel your senses coming back to you one by one, hearing being the first. 
"Cause of death?" 
"Spirit-Iron and Vampire-Root poisoning and rapid internal bleeding" 
"Time and date of death?" 
"4:37pm, January 25th 2920" 
"Name and age?" 
"L/N Y/N, 23" 
The two men got interrupted by a loud banging noise. 
"Ah shit, what did the intern do this time again" 
"We should check it out, it's not like she's going anywhere" 
"You're right, let's go" 
That's when you opened your eyes, sterile white light shining down on you as you sat up. 
To your surprise you were still in your clothes which were soaked in blood, but luckily not sticking to you anymore. You sat up and your feet met the ground. 
You tiptoe around the examination table and towards the door, carefully peeking around before navigating your way through the building with the help of signs hung up. 
"HOLY FUCK!!" you hear one of the two men scream. "THE CORPSE IS GONE! WHAT THE FUCK!!" 
You were surprised you weren't panicking, but that was a problem for later as you sprinted outside and into the forest which was near the mortuary, not paying attention to your surroundings. 
"What?" Your father's voice sounded through the living room and your Mother peered up. "What do you mean 'her corpse is gone'???"
Haeryeong could feel the feeling of dread creep up inside of her as she listened to what Hwanseok was saying. 
"Oh god" he mumbles. "N-No I don't think you should try and find her body- I'll take care of it. Yeah goodbye" 
"What the hell happened?" Haeryeong asks, eyes wide. 
"The mortuary called and said Y/N's body is gone" Hwanseok explains, "this must be some sick joke" 
"Do you think the Necromancer has something to do with it?" 
"As much as I want to believe he's not at fault, he's the only one who's capable of such thing" 
"What do you plan to do, Hwanseok?" Haeryeong asks, eyebrows furrowed in worry. 
"I'm going to pay him a little visit tomorrow" 
You finally stopped running when you felt like you were far enough into the woods, sitting down against a tree. 
That's when you started noticing the details. 
No breathing, no racing heartbeat or pulse, no sense of fear or threat. 
What the hell was going on? Weren't you just on your way home from that frat party with Junghwa? Your drink tasted weird and everything was spinning until it just went black. 
Did someone put a weird potion into your drink? 
You don't know for how long you've been sitting there, but it somehow felt like an eternity and it dawned on you that you were most probably dead. 
The lack of a heartbeat and breathing was worrying and so fucking confusing, if your body would still be able to you would've totally panicked. Yet here you were, sitting totally calm against the bark of a tree, trying to grasp the situation. 
It was just so illogical how your brain is still working but your heart doesn't beat. It defies all the knowledge of the body's anatomy and it drives you wild. 
Slowly getting up again you try and see where you can go, but everything is just so dark and you can't see past the thick trees and small rays of light the moon provides, but you heard what felt like every little noise. 
And then the crunching of leaves and twigs snapping got your attention, head whipping around to look towards where the noise was coming from. 
You were on high alert as you kept your eyes on the spot. 
"Are you lost?" A male voice asks you, but you remain silent and press yourself against the tree. "Hey don't be scared" 
You hold your tongue at the snarky reply that was about to slip out when the man steps forward onto a spot illuminated by the moonlight. 
"Who are you?" You ask, getting ready to defend yourself. 
"I-" the guy stumbles over his words, probably not having expected this question, "I'm Seoho, the Necromancer" 
That's when you notice the black outline of the Spellmark around his left eye, a stark contrast to his light skin. 
You take a tentative step forward, more into the moonlight and you see the man's eyes widen. "No- No this can't be real" 
Furrowing your brows and tilting your head you ask him, "what can't be real? Do I know you?" 
He sinks to his knees in what looks like shock and you go closer, squatting down in front of him. "Hey what's wrong?" 
Seoho looks almost mortified as his eyes meet yours. "I-I watched you die just a few hours ago! There w-was so much blood!" 
A confused pout forms on your lips as you tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. "That explains a lot…" You mumble, "I woke up in this mortuary and ran into the forest without knowing where to go" 
Your little explanation seems to have stirred something in the guy as a sob wrecks his body and you don't know what to do with yourself right then and there. "Hey- please don't cry!" 
He laughs dryly and wipes his eyes. "I'm sorry this is just- overwhelming" 
"But aren't you used to seeing dead people come back to life?" You ask. 
To your surprise Seoho shakes his head. "That's what everyone thinks, you know?" He sniffs a little and regains his composure. "But I have only ever revived one person" 
"Yeah so… it's kind of new to me" He says, "and I actually didn't revive you, Y/N" 
"What? Hold up- what?" You're taken aback by his statement and look into his eyes, disregarding the fact that he knows your name. "What do you mean? Are you saying I came back to life by myself??" 
He runs a hand through his black hair, exposing his forehead briefly before answering you. "It looks like you did, yeah. I don't know how that's possible but-" 
"Hyung, where did you run off to?!" Someone yells from a distance away and you see the man tense. 
"You should go back to your friend, I'm sure he's worried" you suggest and stand up. "I think I'll go back home-"
"No!" Seoho frantically exclaims and you give him a surprised look. "I mean- don't go home! I should check up on you first!" 
Playing with your fingers, you think about it for a second before the new voice calls out again. 
"Seo-ie Hyung~" he chimes. "Where are you~" 
The sorcerer gives you a pleading look as he also rises back onto his feet, his taller figure slightly towering over you. 
"Fine" you give in and a smile breaks out on his face, a cute eye smile hiding his eyes in a crescent moon shape. 
"Hyungie I found you!" The voice exclaims from behind Seoho and quick footsteps approach you two as the guy jumps onto the older one's back. "Ohhh who's that?" 
The guy is shorter than Seoho and his hair a bright pink, his eyes flashing yellow for a second as he curiously blinks at you.
"Uh.. hi?" You awkwardly greet and wave your hand at him. 
He hops down from Seoho's back and approaches you, circling around your figure. "How would you never want to die?" 
The question catches you off guard and you furrow your brows while watching his movements. "I guess being burnt alive sounds pretty gruesome" 
He starts laughing hysterically only to stop after a few seconds. "I see~" he says and stands in front of you, holding out his hand for you to shake while Seoho watches you two closely. "I'm Hwanwoong! What about you?" 
You take his hand cautiously and shake it, his strong grip startling you slightly, not having expected someone of his size to be so strong. But then again; never judge a book by its cover. "I'm Y/N" 
"Your hand is awfully cold, N/N-ie" He comments. "Are you sick?" 
"Woongie, that's enough" Seoho finally steps in, "we should head back, yeah?" 
Hwanwoong releases his grip on your hand and nods with a big smile. "Should I hurry back first and tell Grumpy Hyung about your guest?" 
You hold back a laugh at what he called his older friend. 
"Yeah, do that" Seoho nods and cracks a smile. "But don't call him Grumpy, you know he hates that" 
"That's why he is grumpy hyung! But okay, I'm going~" Hwanwoong giggles like a child and starts running away. 
"I'm sorry for this… weird encounter" The sorcerer turns to you with a sheepish smile. "You know how shapeshifters are" 
"It's fine don't worry" you wave it off, "he's actually quite alright" 
Seoho snorts at what you said and clears his throat. "Just wait until he has a fit… then he's not so alright anymore" 
"We should go now" 
You bite back the question you were going to ask and opt for just nodding as you follow beside him, navigating through the woods. 
"Are we there soon? It feels like we've been walking for days" You complain and Seoho chuckles. 
"Don't worry we'll be there in 2 more minutes, Y/N" 
Then you suddenly realized that he knew your name before you even told him or his friend. 
"Wait.. you knew my name before" 
"Did you forget what I said? About watching you die under my hands?" 
"Your father had someone get me" 
You remain silent, since it made perfect sense now. 
Seoho leads the way through a particular dark part of the forest before a giant building comes into view. 
"That's it" He says and looks at you. 
"Woah" You comment in astonishment and meet his gaze. "This is where you live?" 
The sorcerer gives you a proud smile and nods. "Yup. I live here with five other friends. They're my family" 
A soft smile also reaches your face. 
"Ohh Seo-ie Hyung is back!" Hwanwoong's voice is loud as he practically yells that. 
Both Seoho and you turn your gazes to the front door, Hwanwoong's bright pink hair standing out against the dark interior, a taller man in a red suit standing next to him. 
Seoho takes a hold of your wrist and drags you towards them. "Hey Hyung" he greets the taller one. "Did Woongie tell you?" 
"Yeah" the guy nods, his attention then on you. "May I ask for your name?" 
He speaks very… formal, detached even, you notice. "I'm L/N Y/N" 
The man gives you a tight smile. "You can call me Ravn for now. Nice to make your acquaintance" 
"Ah, me too" you awkwardly bow a bit, making a chuckle erupt from the tall guy. 
"Let's head inside" Seoho speaks up again and enters with you first up, practically shoving you inside before the other two follow close behind. 
He shows you into a hospital-like room and makes you sit down on one of the four beds. "I'll be right back okay? I just need to get my assistant" 
"Alright" you nod and watch him leave, closing the door behind him so you decide on just looking around the room. 
It looks pretty sterile, IV-Bags next to every bed but without fluid, monitors of all kinds and also a sink next to the door. It looks like they took lots of instruments from a hospital room. 
You don't remember where you heard it, but you're pretty sure someone once told you that the Necromancer's healing abilities were pretty weak, so he had to rely a lot on potions and normal things like they are in here. 
Just when you finished your thought, the door opened again. 
"No way" a green haired man says and looks at you, calmly sitting on the bed while Seoho closes the door behind them. "You- How?" 
"I told you, I don't know. That's why I got you to help me check her up" 
The two guys go and grab some stuff from around the room and put it on the table next to the bed you're sitting on. 
"Hey uhm" you speak up, "I heard you're not that good with healing stuff" 
A pang of hurt flashes across his face for a second after your comment. 
"Ah! I'm not making fun of you! It's just that-" with frantic hand motions you try to explain yourself, "I'm one of the best healers in this land so maybe I could help you out..?" 
The hurt in his face immediately gets replaced with relief and he exchanges glances with his companion. "I mean, I don't see why not" Seoho bashfully smiles at you. "It would mean a lot to me" 
You smile back at him. "Okay we can talk about that later, right? What kind of stuff do you need to check?" 
"Well first of all we need to check your blood" the green haired guy starts explaining, "then we need to check your vitals and brain activity and lastly abilities" 
"No physical tests or anything?" You ask and raise a brow. 
"What Leedo forgot to say" Seoho now answers, "is that yes, we will do physical tests, but they come after the stuff he listed" 
"Ohh I see" you nod in understanding. 
Seoho goes to grab a syringe and you watch him closely. "I hope you're not afraid of needles" 
"Actually I am" you reply, bending back a bit to get away from the instrument. "I've always hated them" 
A frown pulls on the sorcerer's lips. "I'm sorry. We do need a bit of your blood though…" 
You fight yourself for a few seconds before giving in. "Please make it quick" and the man nods, patting your knee briefly. 
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Update : They Say I Was Born a King's Daughter Read on @tapas_app. Support the author. Reference code : FUJO417Q #theysayiwasbornakingsdaughter #legnakim #bichu #tsiwbakd #ongoingmanga #manhwa #webtoons #hwanseok #jinsu #hwanseongkim #sangheekim #fullcolorpages #webcomic #coloredmanhwa #mangasupernatural #mangareincarnation #mangarebirth #manhwarecommendation #webtoonrecommendation #tapasapp #tapasticwebcomics
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nouvomond · 1 year
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0 notes
yeongwvnhi · 4 years
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Supernatural creatures AU
Taglist (send an ask if you want to be added) : @twancingyunhoe @vickylamore @glxwingstar @se0--0ho
Genre: angst!!, fluff, suggestive
Rating: 16+
General Warnings: Supernatural creatures (vampires, werewolves etc), blood, violence, weapons, language, death, poisoning and just dark themes in general.
Chapter Specific Warnings: drinking, poisoning, blood, major character death
Pairing: ONEUS x fem reader 》choose your ending
Synopsis: somehow you came back to life just about a day after dying, scaring the poor guys who work at the mortuary one late night as you flee, not knowing where to go before they found you.
Word count: 2.1k [thanks to @kingleedo for beta-reading <3]
》Next《 》Masterlist《
The loud music was keeping the whole street awake. Another frat party from your friend group is taking place again. The smell of potions, alcohol and other mixtures hung heavy in the air as you were dancing with your friends. You all had a glass of whatever you drank in your hands and were swinging around to the beat of the Songs that were playing and just enjoying yourselves. 
"Hey Y/N!" your friend calls over the loud music, "Junghwa and his friend keep glancing over here and talking, I saw them mouthing your name a few times!" 
A confused pout forms on your face as you sneak a glance at said guys only for them to quickly avert their eyes. "Thanks for letting me know, Hae-in" You mouth over the booming bass and she smiles back at you, mouthing a 'no problem' right back at you. 
Finishing your potion in a swift sip you shake a little and put your glass down on the kitchen island, feeling the nice buzz keeping you relaxed as your eyes lazily fly over the crowd in the house. This really was one of those parties where half of the campus came. 
At some point Junghwa came over to you and leaned in to talk to you, "You look tired, should I take you home, Noona?" 
With half-lidded eyes you barely register him but nod, not knowing what kind of potion you actually drank - you doubt it was one to give you the buzz you were desiring as you felt anything but energetic - lethargic actually. It felt like it was draining everything out of you from the inside out. 
Junghwa's worried look goes unnoticed by you as you scramble to get your stuff and leave, just waving at your friends across the room before exiting with Junghwa in front of you. 
"You look like you drank some Vampire's booze instead of yours" He comments as he watches you struggling to even step forward without stumbling. 
"I- I think so too" You mumble, body feeling heavy, like something was pulling you down and to the side. 
"Y/N careful-" Junghwa was barely able to finish his sentence before you fell. 
Luckily, he's got quick reflexes so he caught you. "Noona you really don't look good" 
"Take me to my father" You mumble, feeling hot all of a sudden, then shivering like you're in the deepest winter. "I-I think someone put Spirit-Iron in my drink when I was distracted…." After that you were out like a light and Junghwa panicked, so he ran to get you home. 
"Mister L/N!" Junghwa yells after entering the huge house, you in his arms, still unconscious. "It's an emergency!" 
Hwanseok was practically flying down the stairs after hearing that and didn't know what to say. "What happened?!' 
Junghwa hands you over to your father and follows him quickly into the house's own infirmary. "She said someone must've put- uh… spirit-iron in her drink" 
He watches all the color draining from your fathers face. "No way" 
"Because Y/N could die because of that if we don't get help within the next 24 hours!" Hwanseok almost yells. "Fuck, I hope Seoho is in the city" 
Junghwa recognizes the name and lights up. "I think I've seen him a few hours prior to the party somewhere, sir" 
Hwanseok puts you into the bed and goes down into the kitchen with Junghwa. "We need to find him, he's our only hope since Y/N can't do anything" 
"I know where to find him" Junghwa says and stands up, "I'll go and get him immediately" 
"Thank you, Junghwa" Your father says and gives the man a tight smile, watching him leave. "Haeryeong!" 
Junghwa was walking through the rather busy streets of Seoul towards the forest, hands in his pockets and fast paced steps. He didn't exactly know where their house was, but he knew it was deep in the woods. 
"Yah" Someone calls after him from behind. "Where are you heading?" 
Junghwa halts his steps and turns around, eyeing the blonde guy who stood a few feet away from him. "Is that any of your business?" Junghwa gives a snarky reply. 
"I think it is, because you're heading for my home, phantom" 
Junghwa clicks his tongue. "I'm looking for the Necromancer" 
The guy raises a brow and crosses his arms in front of his chest. "What do you want from him?" 
Junghwa groans and pinches the bridge of his nose. "My friend drank a whole glass of spirit-iron and her father said she has less than 24 hours to live" He says, "Is that reason enough?!" 
The blonde guy's eyes widen and he steps forward. "Fuck okay" he hisses, "You wait here, I'm bringing him" 
So he relents, running into the forest and Junghwa waits. 
"Mister L/N! I'm back!" Junghwa loudly announces after entering the house with two more people. "I brought… them" 
Hwanseok meets them at the entrance and bows. "Thank you Junghwa" He says and then turns to the other two. "And thank you a lot for coming" 
"Don't worry about it" the one with green hair speaks up, a friendly smile adorning his face. "We're here to help after all" 
"Let me see what I can do" Seoho then says and Hwanseok leads them into the room you're in. 
"Oh god, the smell" the grain haired guy says and scrunched his nose, "it reeks of spirit-iron" 
Your father turns to him. "Junghwa told me how she said she thinks she drank it" 
Seoho steps closer, inspecting you closely. "When did he bring her here?" 
"About 3 hours ago. They were at a party" 
"I see…" The sorcerer nods and puts a gloved hand on your forehead briefly. "Spirit-Iron is illegal, I wonder who got it and how it got into her drink. According to her state, she doesn't have much time, but you knew that already, I presume" 
"Can you.. do anything?" Hwanseok asks with trembling hands. 
Seoho exchanges glances with his companion for a few seconds before he speaks. "You see, Mister L/N, his healing abilities aren't all that strong… he can only try and get the toxin out of her system"
"But I can't guarantee for her to wake up again" Seoho adds, a frown pulling at his lips. "If you want me to, I will try and get it out of her, but like I said, I can't guarantee anything" 
Your father hides his face behind his hands, a shaky exhale escaping him. "Please… please do it" He almost begs, "If you can't save her… at least you tried" 
The two men look at each other again at the state your father is in. "Come on, sir, we'll leave him to do what he can and I'll try and explain everything to you" 
Hwanseok just nods and lets the other guy lead him away, closing the door to the room and hoping that Seoho can help you. 
"Okay Sir, first of all, I'm Leedo and I accompany him almost everywhere he goes so I know what he's doing" Leedo starts explaining, "he's going to use some magic and pull the iron out of her between the cells- I know it sounds disgusting, but it doesn't hurt and is the safest way to get everything out. Then he will try and stabilize her vitals with a few healing spells" 
"How high are the chances that she's going to make it?" Your father asks with glassy eyes and Leedo sighs. 
"You said it's been 3 hours so… about 65 percent, since you acted quickly. I'm sure she will get through, Seoho Hyung knows what he's doing, even if he's not the best healer" 
Hwanseok nods, running a hand through his hair. "Thank you, I'm sure he will get her back" 
Leedo pats your father's shoulder and stands up. "This procedure might take a while. How about we ask if the one who brought her here knows something more?" 
"That sounds like a plan. He's probably talking to Yongjun right now" Hwanseok says and stands up, gesturing Leedo to follow him while walking down a hallway. "Yongjun is Y/N's younger brother. I bet he already knows what's going on after my wife freaked out" 
"I'm sorry to hear that, I hope she's alright" 
Your father nods and opens a door, revealing your brother and Junghwa. "Hey, Junghwa, come with us please" 
Said guy wordlessly nods and follows the two men back into the kitchen, all taking a seat. "You're the one who brought her, right?" Leedo asks and he nods. "Alright, Junghwa. I'm Leedo and I want to ask you a few question if that's okay" 
Again, he just nods while Hwanseok silently listens in. "So, Mister L/N told me you brought her here from a party?" Leedo asks, eyes meeting Junghwa. 
"I did" He agrees, "We were at one of our University's frat parties and she was with her friends almost the whole time" 
"Where were you? And did anyone seem suspicious to you?" The green haired man asks, folding his hands in front of him. 
"I was always in her line of sight" He answers and scratches his ear, eyes averting to the left for a split second. "I was talking to a friend myself, so I didn't see much going on where she was standing. I only passed by once to go to the bathroom" 
Leedo nods, making a mental note before continuing. "Does she have enemies?" 
At that question, the male goes quiet for a minute, before finally answering. "I don't think so. I only know how there's one girl in our year who's jealous of her about pretty much everything, but I'm not sure if she was at that party" 
"Okay, thank you, that should suffice for now" Leedo nods and pushes the hair which was falling into his face back with a hand. "I think Seoho Hyung is almost done, I'll go and check on him" 
Hwanseok nods and Leedo leaves to go back into the infirmary room, just at the right moment. "Quick! I need your help!" Seoho frantically exclaims, hands pressing down on your stomach. "I don't know what happened, but while I was extracting the Iron- this huge wound opened!" 
Leedo hurries to his side, taking Seoho's place and pressing down on your wound so the sorcerer could seal your wound. 
"Hyung, something is horribly wrong with the smell of her blood" Leedo comments and meets Seoho's frantic gaze. 
"What do you mean?!" 
"It smells like Vampire-Root" 
Hwanseok has sent Junghwa home after Leedo went back upstairs and has calmed his wife down, now sitting in the living room and trying to keep a positive mind by reading through the newspaper. 
It worked until about an hour later both Leedo and Seoho came downstairs, hands bloody and faces fallen. 
"Oh bloody hell what happened!" Your father yells in shock as he almost falls out of his chair and speed-walks towards the two men. 
Seoho's head lowered as he stared at the blood on his and Leedo's hands. 
"There were complications. Not only was your daughter poisoned with Spirit-Iron but also Vampire-Root. There was nothing we could do" Leedo spoke for Seoho. "We're so sorry.." 
Your father broke down on the spot and the two men exchanged sorrowful glances. "S-She was the b-best healer in thi-this land" he sobs, "what an i-irony that she got poisoned" 
"Sir I wish I could do more for you but-" Seoho says, voice catching in his throat, "but i can't bring her back" 
"N-No we wouldn't want you to" your father shakes his head. "I'm still thankful t-that you tried to help" 
"I think we should leave…" Leedo says. "Again, we're so sorry" 
"It's okay… I-I hope you find the door" Hwanseok sobs and the two guys leave right away, shortly before Haeryeong finds her husband.
Seoho and Leedo take a secluded path back into the woods, hands still bloody and sorrow in Seoho's eyes, but they couldn't care less. It irked Seoho to no end about the blood on them from someone who never did harm to anyone before, but still got poisoned in such a brutal way. It was more angering for Seoho to know he failed. He's certain he could have saved you, but yet you died under his and Leedo's hands. If only he knew about the Vampire-Root earlier, he could have definitely saved you, but now it's too late and he couldn't bring you back - his conscience would never let him, and neither would his friends. 
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yeongwvnhi · 4 years
내꺼 하자 chapter 1 - Teaser
Supernatural creatures AU
Pairing: ONEUS x fem reader
Genre for the teaser: angst
Warnings for the teaser: drinking, poisoning, major character death, blood
Word count for the teaser: 295
Finishing your potion in a swift sip you shake a little and put your glass down on the kitchen island, feeling the nice buzz keeping you relaxed as your eyes lazily fly over the crowd in the house. This really was one of those parties where half of the campus came. 
"Because Y/N could die because of that if we don't get help within the next 24 hours!" Hwanseok almost yells. "Fuck, I hope Seoho is in the city" 
Junghwa halts his steps and turns around, eyeing the blonde guy who stood a few feet away from him. "Is that any of your business?" Junghwa gives a snarky reply. 
"Let me see what I can do" Seoho then says and Hwanseok leads them into the room you're in. 
"I see…" The sorcerer nods and puts a gloved hand on your forehead briefly. "Spirit-Iron is illegal, I wonder who got it and how it got into her drink. According to her state, she doesn't have much time, but you knew that already, I presume" 
"I was always in her line of sight" He answers and scratches his ear, eyes averting to the left for a split second. "I was talking to a friend myself, so I didn't see much going on where she was standing. I only passed by once to go to the bathroom" 
Hwanseok nods and Leedo leaves to go back into the infirmary room, just at the right moment. "Quick! I need your help!" Seoho frantically exclaims, hands pressing down on your stomach. "I don't know what happened, but while I was extracting the Iron- this huge wound opened!" 
It worked until about an hour later both Leedo and Seoho came downstairs, hands bloody and faces fallen. 
Taglist - @twancingyunhoe @vickylamore @glxwingstar
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Update : They Say I Was Born a King's Daughter Read on @tapas_app. Support the author. Reference code : FUJO417Q #theysayiwasbornakingsdaughter #legnakim #bichu #tsiwbakd #ongoingmanga #manhwa #webtoons #hwanseok #jinsu #hwanseongkim #sangheekim #fullcolorpages #webcomic #coloredmanhwa #mangasupernatural #mangareincarnation #mangarebirth #manhwarecommendation #webtoonrecommendation #tapasapp #tapasticwebcomics
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This is great news for TSIWBAKD. Season 2 is releasing next week..yaaayyy!!! Manhwa : They Say I Was Born a King's Daughter Read on @tapas_app. Support the author. Reference code : FUJO417Q #theysayiwasbornakingsdaughter #legnakim #bichu #tsiwbakd #ongoingmanga #manhwa #webtoons #hwanseok #jinsu #hwanseongkim #sangheekim #fullcolorpages #webcomic #coloredmanhwa #mangasupernatural #mangareincarnation #mangarebirth #manhwarecommendation #webtoonrecommendation #tapasapp #tapasticwebcomics
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Manhwa : They Say I Was Born a King's Daughter Read on @tapas_app. Support the author. Reference code : FUJO417Q #theysayiwasbornakingsdaughter #legnakim #bichu #ongoingmanga #manhwa #webtoons #hwanseok #jinsu #hwanseongkim #sangheekim #fullcolorpages #webcomic #coloredmanhwa #mangasupernatural #mangareincarnation #mangarebirth #manhwarecommendation #webtoonrecommendation #tapasapp #tapasticwebcomics
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This father's idiocy level is very high 😀😝 i love it. Manhwa : They Say I Was Born a King's Daughter Read on @tapas_app. Support the author. Reference code : FUJO417Q #theysayiwasbornakingsdaughter #legnakim #bichu #ongoingmanga #manhwa #webtoons #hwanseok #jinsu #hwanseongkim #sangheekim #fullcolorpages #webcomic #coloredmanhwa #mangasupernatural #mangareincarnation #mangarebirth #manhwarecommendation #webtoonrecommendation #tapasapp #tapasticwebcomics
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Manhwa : They Say I Was Born a King's Daughter Read on @tapas_app. Support the author. Reference code : FUJO417Q #theysayiwasbornakingsdaughter #legnakim #bichu #ongoingmanga #manhwa #webtoons #hwanseok #jinsu #hwanseongkim #sangheekim #fullcolorpages #webcomic #coloredmanhwa #mangasupernatural #mangareincarnation #mangarebirth #manhwarecommendation #webtoonrecommendation #tapasapp #tapasticwebcomics
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Manhwa : They Say I Was Born a King's Daughter Read on @tapas_app. Support the author. Reference code : FUJO417Q #theysayiwasbornakingsdaughter #legnakim #bichu #ongoingmanga #manhwa #webtoons #hwanseok #jinsu #hwanseongkim #sangheekim #fullcolorpages #webcomic #coloredmanhwa #mangasupernatural #mangareincarnation #mangarebirth #manhwarecommendation #webtoonrecommendation #tapasapp #tapasticwebcomics
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