ariseastrae · 1 year
I hamve a headache...
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cliffburton · 1 year
heard "blackwashing" being said unironically yesterday. in fucking latam
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14raweggs · 5 months
having stress based minor hallucinations does not pair well with a distaste for light and having a black cat
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If you were a bug you would be a beetle btw
Oooo, a specific kind in mind? or just a Little Beetle Guy
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poppy-ghost · 4 months
can any1 tell me why nyguil does nothing for me but give me a hwadache. I know it gives headache from dehydration so why doesn't it make me sleepy. or stop my coughing
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gaykillermoth · 11 months
bit miserable. i have a bit of a hwadache and am incredibly dehydrated from my medicine. i feel anxious and cant describe why. everyone is dozing and for some reason its putting me abit on edge. i want to do things but my head is fuzzy and im tired and demotivated
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faerociousbeast · 1 year
oh man spiderverse is giving me hwadaches just from Gifs
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narcupid · 2 months
i have a headache it hirts ro bad and i deserve it but also i dont. im too fuxking fivine to have a goddamn hwadache.! ?!?!?!! how pathetic i am to have a fuckinf HEADACHE when im a god. jesus christ,
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glazedvsion · 1 year
have a hwadache
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gumballrightfoots · 1 year
i love waking frkm a long ass
wake up! then not a wake then wake up nap and getting a fucking hwadache
why tf js it so bright
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amerasdreams · 3 years
From writing today
pang struck my chest…where Dazzle had branded me—
I screamed as I writhed underneath her—
Strong arms trying to tamp me down—
“Hey—hey, it’s all right.” The pressure released.
Burning violet eyes beside me, concerned. Sabra rubbed my shoulder, twined her tail around my neck. She lay down close to me again, as if sensing my distress. I clung to her like a rock in a violent river.
Vy crouched a few feet away, hovering as if not sure what to do, how to help me.
“Vy—I’m sorry.”
“No—I’m sorry. I should’ve thought first before touching you. I—” She narrowed her eyes. “What can I do to help?”
“Just—anything besides something that reminds me of it. I—” I was still something that reminded me of it. She still had her mark on my body. A scar, because the medpatches had been too late to keep it from forming. “I just—still need the scars taken out.”
“We’ll get that taken care of today, if possible,” said Vy. “The deeper damage was the priority… the deepest, though, will be harder to heal.”
“I—don’t want to think about it.”
“I know. I didn’t want to face it—what I felt, imprisoned on Con. But—facing it, in the end, is the only thing that will heal those wounds into scars.”
“That’s…the most I can hope for?” I slid my hand along Sabra’s back, her purr soothing me a little.
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tamaharu · 2 years
phoenix and gumshoe hooking up once and neither of them acknowledge it except for phoenix buying and wearing the "ok bitch call the cops ill have sex with them" shirt around town. and thats why gumshoe refuses to do it again.
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witchblade · 3 years
I used to be okay with it but now fsr I can't stand LE's voice 😑
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zhuhongs · 3 years
besties im having Such a shift omg...
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mirkwood-trash · 3 years
Great... First night of 4th of July weekend ...
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nursey-patrol · 4 years
listen tiny homes are cool ig but watching these white people talk about how theyre gonna shove their two kids under 4 into 400 sq ft all whule acting like its economical......im Mad
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