14raweggs · 43 minutes
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By popular demand. The second part. WOAH HAY!
Please don't pay attention to stylistic differences.
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14raweggs · 44 minutes
happy 4th everyone
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14raweggs · 44 minutes
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i hope she keeps drawing this face forever
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14raweggs · 49 minutes
okay i made another quiz but this time it’s which monster you’ll get to hook up with. reblog with your result!!
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14raweggs · 58 minutes
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YERI & CHUU ♡ Self-On Kode / 240702
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14raweggs · 1 hour
AI people: we're just as much artists as you are, you gotta be so observant and go through so many correcting phases for the picture to look good uwu also AI people:
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14raweggs · 1 hour
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14raweggs · 3 hours
hey ao3 can you like give the extra $38k you made from this month’s funds drive to charity
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14raweggs · 20 hours
if the muppet show was still airing chappell roan would guest star and thered be a running bit of miss piggy thinking shes trying to steal kermit but shes actually trying to flirt with miss piggy the whole time
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14raweggs · 1 day
my new job is so good except for this part
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14raweggs · 1 day
Please return us to a world where Notp and squick are used for a ship you don’t like instead of just making up a load of bullshit about how immoral it is or w/e lol 
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14raweggs · 2 days
you call this place "wall greens" yet its walls... are not green? how very pecuilar...
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14raweggs · 2 days
So remember how I bought a motion activated night light for the toilet? Well the cats seem to have discovered it. So I went to for a late night piss and was greeted to an ominous sight
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14raweggs · 2 days
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She's doing a great job 💸
Miku design by @/rain_symphonies on the twtts
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14raweggs · 2 days
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for your consideration: kermiku.
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14raweggs · 2 days
bsd confirms and then affirms that even when atsushi has no conscious control over byakko, byakko doesn't attack people unless atsushi is in mortal danger; and even then, is discerning (such as by attacking gab instead of akutagawa in 55 minutes). however, when byakko first meets dazai in the warehouse, it attacks him on sight. this is because byakko is wise.
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14raweggs · 2 days
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Since you guys liked Marcille as Kermit that much, it seems fitting to thank you for my 12k milestone with MORE Kercille. And this time, Miss Falin is also here.
Thank you so much again everybody! MWAH 💗
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