#hvala ti
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ti-i-ja-mozda-nekada · 3 months ago
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rosetta-j-stone · 19 days ago
24th Advanced Slovenian Class AKA last SL class of 2024:
Teacher: ..and so if "govoriti" is the imperfect form of the verb "to tell" what would the perfect form be?
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diathadevil · 2 months ago
☕ Best gift you've ever gotten and/or given?
Recently I gifted my friend Tura @thecandlecutie a little Kirby figurine!
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(I forgot to take a pic of him so here's the closest I could find online!)
Best recent gift I got though? Angie @dvanaestmrva drew me Aideen and Klaus for my bday 😭😭😭
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(Serbian translations are in Alt Text!)
I shit I cry I fucking NEED to find a proper frame for this so I can properly keep this artwork safe AAAAA--
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bunny-banana · 6 months ago
Welcome back, Bijelo Dugme
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lilacerull0 · 20 days ago
iritantan esej u tagovima jer me probudila stvaralačka misao...
#ferranteposting#lila je onaj komadić ljudske naravi u kojoj neka baka ne dozvoljava da joj pomogneš s trgovinom iako se evidentno muči#da je pitaš da li joj je teško što su je udali s petnaestak godina ili što joj nisu dali da ide u školu#ona bi se tu začudila na pitanju jer joj je takav život bio prosto i nema tu neke preterane filozofije#mislim da to promiče ljudima ovde jer ona nije za sažaljevanje nego za pohvalu#ne zbog toga što su ti događaji sami po sebi definisani tim značenjem već zbog toga što ih ona tako nosi#normalno je videti je tako iz perspektive osobe u 21. veku kojoj je hvala bogu nezamislivo da doživi liline nedaće#i to nije relevantna izjava za sve ljude ovog sveta danas ali jeste za one koji imaju privilegiju da ferante čitaju a ne da ferante uistinu#žive zadovoljavajući u potpunosti detalje tih iskustava#kao ajde ja mislim da se vremena samo prividno menjaju ali je fakat da bi lila danas išla u školu makar malo duže#i samo bi doživela modifikovanu verziju svog iskustva kao što ga bezbroj lila u svetu već i doživljava#ali kao i dilan ona je usko povezana sa svojim ličnim 'sada' i upravo joj ta neodvojivost dozvoljava da#razume dalje od konkretnih brojki iza godina koje su je zakačile#ALI BUKVALNO the times they are a-changin' -> dilanov prelazak u rok muziku. to je njena priča#ona sanja o otvaranju vrata nekim novim naraštajima i u krajnjem dolazi do zaključka da su mnogi ljudi#pre nosili njeno lice i lica svih njih i da su isto tako sanjali o novom i zato je važno da ona ta saznanja o napulju iznosi#baš eleninoj ćerki a ne eleni lično i mnogo je serija propatila što nisu malo dublje u tu tematiku zašli#jer lila kao neko ko je fizički prikovan za svoje rodno mesto do momenta nestajanja vidi ceo svet kroz#prizmu napulja i što je najdivnije od svega ona ga zapravo iz te perspektive baš jasno sagledava#i snaga te percepcije na elenu deluje kao misao vodilja kroz sve#ona je ta koja putuje i gleda gradove koje lila zna samo kao delove rečenica i ona ih gleda i lilinim i svojim očima#a u eleninom činu pisanja se krije jedna istina života koju pored nje jedino enco spoznaje#a to je da se jedina revolucija od značaja krije u malom. možda će nju zaboraviti kao pisca#na šta aludira onih poslednjih nekoliko stranica i solare eto skončaše kao svi mafijaši pre njih#i lilin biznis s kompjuterima je pojeo zaborav ali elena neće zaboraviti lilu. i to je revolucija.#franko je meni tu dirljiv jer on dođe do polovine tog razmišljanja to jest uvidi da ne može on jedan#da nosi teret univerzuma ali njega to saznanje pojede isto kao što i lilu obeshrabri u tolikoj meri#da kao da snaga njene tuge rasplete radnju i dovede je do kulminacije#elena svojim sećanjem na sve ove ljude prekida začarani krug i čini ih drugačijima#svi su isti svi su ponovili prošlost i mnogi će njih ponavljati ali ELENA SE SEĆA!!!!!! njih baš takvih. i to znači nešto
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besedar · 5 months ago
ideja za tatu: zvezdam zvezd
(ker se izgovori kot zvest, ampak ni smešno, če razložim)
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tenyardstowitchyard · 3 months ago
You are so perfect!! >< I really admire your drawings
ohhh my god, thank u, thank u, Aaaa omg i dont have words to say how much i happy to read this
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gamajun · 2 years ago
Shuffle your favorite playlist and post the first five songs that come up. Then copy/paste this ask to your favorite mutuals. 🎶🎧💜💙🤗
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there we go❣️
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tenyardstowitchyard · 2 days ago
Oh, thanks ! I am totally okey with me being tagged! some folks that i really love @whimsy-beetle @queruloustea @foileadeux @little-demy @bonon-bobani @raddest-laddest  @yaloellie i am really sorry if any of you dont love being tagged! just know that i absolutely love you! ( Also i wonted to tag more,but i have very bad name memory ... so this are one whose name i remembered :D
positivity train!
if you see this or are tagged in it, tag a couple of your favorite mutuals/blogs and let them know you appreciate seeing them on your dash!
@h0neysugarfree @blueberrylovv @bequiteanddriveeeeeee @cherri-bomb-bomb @eg0mechan1c @fatrexicisback
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yatoayato · 1 year ago
trebam ubrizgati pjesmu (i video) one of your girls u svoje vene asap! dosl ambrozija mojeg bijednog života sja
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kradljivac-kostiju · 1 year ago
vrijeme je da svoj mrtvi drugi blog nazovem mesni-darivatelj i nesto napravim s njime ja ngm
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minyoongislaysme · 2 years ago
bonjour! pour le speak your language day asks, je suis curieux: ✌ et ☮
Bookk <3
✌ : favorite proverb/saying from your language
Idk if this counts but: Uhvatiti boga za jaja (to grab god by his balls)
☮ : translate the first lines of your favourite song in your language
Not my fave (I don't have a fave) but I have been singing this one the whole day
(She is) so beautiful, so beautiful Now that she's young She has a great gift Her jobs are important Her job is the emperor
Tako lijepa - Boa
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nada-kandze · 1 year ago
Anyway shoutout to beings who are human+ or similar. Whose human part is the largest or entirely equal part of their being. Who are still enough Something Else for it to be more than just hearted, but who value their human part too. Don't hear that from y'all but y'all are absolutely welcome here.
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jokeroutsubs · 2 months ago
Joker Out’s third studio album, 'Souvenir Pop', is out now!
We here at JokerOutSubs have, of course, translated all the new songs: Muzika za decu, Ako toga više neće biti, Mesto duhov and Sonce, as well as transcribing the new English song, Lips.
Check them out below the cut, as well as our Lyrics Translate page for more lyric translations! Full ‘Souvenir pop’ masterpost with further translations coming soon!
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Transcript and translation by IG marija_rocen, review by IG irenalemajic, @moonlvster, IG mia_djordjevic_ig, proofread by IG Gboleyn123
Muzika za decu (SRP)
Nek' se čuje glasno ova naša pesmica
Pronađena izgubljena zlatna dečica
Tu su rokeri, hip-hoperi, cajkaroši, poperi, hipsteri i pankeri
Uvek može biti gore, hvala onom tamo gore
nismo TikTokeri
(Pa dobro malo i jesmo)
Šta me gledaš tako lepo, nerviraš me strašno
Obriši se ispod nosa, pao si u brašno
Ništa pametno da kažeš, pa si našo da me lažeš
Pa si našo da me lažeš
Ne znamo šta radimo dok si budućnost gradimo, sami se sebi gadimo
Ne znamo šta radimo pa pusti barem muziku da đuskamo i slavimo
Ovo nije rokenrol, ovo nije rokenrol
Ovo je, ovo je muzika za decu
Ovo nije rokenrol, ovo nije rokenrol
Ovo je, ovo je muzika za decu
Muzika za decu, muzika za decu
Muzika za decu, muzika za decu
Ajde ugasi muziku ako smeš
Ajde ugasi muziku ako smeš
Ajde smej se ako smeš
Smej se ako smeš
Smej se ako smeš
Ugasi muziku ako smeš
Ovo nije rokenrol, ovo nije rokenrol
Ovo je, ovo je muzika za decu
Ovo nije rokenrol, ovo nije rokenrol
Ovo je, ovo je muzika za decu
(Muzika za decu, muzika za decu)
(Muzika za decu)
(Ovo nije rokenrol, ovo nije rokenrol)
(Muzika za decu)
(Ovo nije rokenrol, ovo nije rokenrol)
Ovo je muzika za decu
Music for Children (ENG)
Let this little song of ours be heard loud and clear
Golden children, lost and found
There are rockers, hip-hoppers, folk and pop fans, hipsters and punks
It can always be worse, thanks to the one up above
We aren't TikTokers
(Well, we are a little bit)
Why are you looking at me so nicely, you annoy me terribly
Wipe your nose, you fell into some flour
Nothing smart to say, so now you lie to me
So now you lie to me
We don't know what we're doing while we're building our future, we're disgusted with ourselves
We don't know what we're doing, so at least play some music so we can dance and celebrate
This isn't rock 'n' roll, this isn't rock 'n' roll
This is, this is music for children
This isn't rock 'n' roll, this isn't rock 'n' roll
This is, this is music for children
Music for children, music for children
Music for children, music for children
C'mon turn the music off if you dare
C'mon turn the music off if you dare
C'mon laugh if you dare
Laugh if you dare
Laugh if you dare
Turn the music off if you dare
This isn't rock 'n' roll, this isn't rock 'n' roll
This is, this is music for children
This isn't rock 'n' roll, this isn't rock 'n' roll
This is, this is music for children
(Music for children, music for children)
(Music for children)
(This isn't rock 'n' roll, this isn't rock 'n' roll)
(Music for children)
(This isn't rock 'n' roll, this isn't rock 'n' roll)
This is music for children
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Transcript and translation by @moonlvster, review by IG mia_djordjevic_ig, IG irenalemajic, IG marija_rocen, proofread by IG Gboleyn123
Ako toga više neće biti (SRP)
Prošlo je već devet dana, još se nisi vratila
Ja ću da sačekam još malo,
možda mesec, možda dva,
pa da otvoriš vrata ko da ništa nije bilo
I da te klasično pitam kakav ti je bio dan, da se gubimo u malim pričama
Šta ćemo za ručak, imamo li neki plan, da l' se izlazi večeras il' se sudimo na stan?
Da se grlimo i ljubimo, grlimo i ljubimo, i da si šapćemo
da se volimo, i da se sprdamo i smejemo dok si noge grejemo
Ako toga više neće biti, ljubav je najobičnija laž
Ako toga više neće biti, ako me stvarno ostavljaš
bez da me jednom pogledaš i da mi jedan razlog daš
Prošlo je već mesec dana i još te nema tu
Više-manje slabo spavam, da ne zakasnim u snu kako otvaraš vrata ko da ništa nije bilo
I da te klasično pitam kakav ti je bio dan i da se smejemo svim malim pričama
Šta ćemo za ručak, imamo li neki plan, da l' se izlazi večeras il' se sudimo na stan?
Da se grlimo i ljubimo i grlimo i ljubimo i da si kažemo
da se volimo, i da se sprdamo i smejemo dok si noge grejemo
Ako toga više neće biti, ljubav je najobičnija laž
Ako toga više neće biti, ako me stvarno ostavljaš
bez da me jednom pogledaš i da mi jedan razlog daš
Mene nema, znam da znaš
Prošla je godina dana
Ako toga više neće biti, ljubav je najobičnija laž
Ako toga više neće biti, ako me stvarno ostavljaš
bez da me jednom pogledaš i da mi jedan razlog daš
Mene nema, znam da znaš
Mene nema, znam da znaš
Znam da znaš
If That Won't Exist Anymore (ENG)
Nine days have already passed, you still haven't come back
I'll wait a bit longer
Maybe a month, maybe two
For you to open the door like nothing happened
And like always, I'll ask you how your day was, so we can get lost in the little stories
What will we have for lunch, do we have a plan, will we go out or decide to stay at the apartment?
So we can hug and kiss, hug and kiss, and whisper to each other
That we love each other, and joke around and laugh while we warm our legs
If that won't exist anymore, love is nothing but a lie
If that won't exist anymore, if you're really leaving me
Without looking at me even once or giving me a single reason
A month has already passed and you're still not here
I sleep more or less poorly, so that in my dreams I won't be late when you open the door like nothing happened
And like always, I'll ask you how your day was, so we can laugh at all of the little stories
What will we have for lunch, do we have a plan, will we go out or decide to stay at the apartment?
So we can hug and kiss and hug and kiss and say
That we love each other, and joke around and laugh while we warm our legs
If that won't exist anymore, love is nothing but a lie
If that won't exist anymore, if you're really leaving me
Without looking at me even once or giving me a single reason
I'm gone, I know you know
A year has passed
If that won't exist anymore, love is nothing but a lie
If that won't exist anymore, if you're really leaving me
Without looking at me even once or giving me a single reason
I'm gone, I know you know
I'm gone, I know you know
I know you know
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Transcript by IG Gboleyn123, X klámstrákur, @kurooscoffee
Lips (ENG)
Heavy breathing
In our Garden of Eden
We have a drink while I’m bleeding
In your arms
Can we discover
Naked undercover
With the pressure we’re under
We could make diamonds
Put your lips on mine
Put your lips on mine
You single-handedly wiped the smoke off my rose-tinted glasses
Suddenly I feel the choke from the hand of time, as it passes
Who would’ve guessed we would end up in this mess
Try to pass the test without breaking from the stress
I belong with you, not the earth and not the sky
And you say you feel it too, yet try to find a reason why
This love will kill us in the end, like waves kill castles in the sand
True love and pain go hand in hand.
Put your lips on mine
Put your lips on mine
Put your lips on mine
Put your lips on mine
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Transcript, translation and review by @kurooscoffee, X coffeebiscuitxx and a member of JokerOutSubs, proofread by IG Gboleyn123
Mesto duhov (SLO)
Moje mesto je mesto duhov,
še svojega praga nisem spoznal.
Tukaj po ulicah neki straši,
noben več ne sanja, noben več ne spi.
Mimo mene lebdijo sami žalostni ljudje.
Nazaj v nostalgijo včerajšnjega dne.
Pod nogami se trese.
Zapihal je veter, da vse nas odnese.
Pa pa pa pa pa. Pa pa pa pa pa. Res je blo lepo.
Pa pa pa pa pa. Pa pa pa pa pa. Zdaj pa več ne bo.
Umrla je muzika, ugasnil je smeh.
Solze utopile so iskre v očeh.
Pod nogami se trese.
Zapihal je veter, da vse nas odnese.
Pa pa pa pa pa. Pa pa pa pa pa. Res je blo lepo.
Pa pa pa pa pa. Pa pa pa pa pa. Zdaj pa več ne bo.
Pa pa pa pa pa. Pa pa pa pa pa. Res je blo lepo.
Pa pa pa pa pa. Pa pa pa pa pa. Kratko in sladko.
City of Ghosts (ENG)
My city is a city of ghosts,
I didn't even recognise my own doorstep.
Something is haunting these streets,
no one is dreaming anymore, no one is sleeping anymore.
Only sorrowful people are floating past me.
Back into the nostalgia of yesterday.
The ground is shaking under our feet.
The wind has blown to sweep us all away.
Pa pa pa pa pa. Pa pa pa pa pa. It really was beautiful.
Pa pa pa pa pa. Pa pa pa pa pa. Now it won't be anymore.
Music has died, laughter has gone out.
Tears have drowned the sparkle in their eyes.
The ground is shaking under our feet.
The wind has blown to sweep us all away.
Pa pa pa pa pa. Pa pa pa pa pa. It really was beautiful.
Pa pa pa pa pa. Pa pa pa pa pa. Now it won't be anymore.
Pa pa pa pa pa. Pa pa pa pa pa. It really was beautiful.
Pa pa pa pa pa. Pa pa pa pa pa. Short and sweet.
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Transcript and translation by @chaosofsmarty and a member of JokerOutSubs, proofread by IG Gboleyn123
Sonce (SLO)
Izgubil sem vse,
čemur ti si rekla sonce.
Ko pade zadnja kaplja,
mene več ne bo.
Pazi na korak,
da prehitro ti ne mine.
Ko zajemaš zrak,
vdihni še spomine.
Učila si me, da sem vse,
a očitno vreden nič.
Tudi brez mene se vrti naprej,
preliva kri v kič.
Mogoče pa nisva dovolj glasno jokala.
Mogoče pa ni dovolj jasno bilo,
kako sva se bala.
Mogoče pa najine so solze odveč,
za ceno udobja vsi kriki preveč.
Mogoče le naju bolelo bo,
da ni naju več.
Sun (ENG)
I've lost everything
That you called the Sun
When the last drop falls
I'll be gone
Watch your step
So it doesn't pass too quickly
When you inhale
Breathe in the memories, too
You taught me I was everything
But apparently worth nothing
It keeps turning without me,
Shedding blood into kitsch
Maybe the two of us didn't cry loud enough
Maybe it wasn't clear enough,
How afraid we were
Maybe our tears are redundant
For the price of comfort, all the screams are too much
Maybe it'll hurt only us
That we're gone
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leclercloml · 1 year ago
Blaugrana Girl | PG8
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pairing: pedri gonzalez x modric!reader
summary: barcelona's golden boy and La Liga's starboy, who've been single for a while and have finally started dating someone, and that someone turns out to be none other than the daughter of the famous midfielder of their biggest rival and the 2018 Ballon d'Or winner, Luka Modric.
genre: SMAU
warnings: google translated spanish and croatian, grammar mistakes i guess, incorrect match dates (to match the storyline)
author's note: I can't believe this is my first time doing a footballer fic even though football is my favourite sport alongside f1, anyways hope you guys like it
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liked by judebellingham , lukamodric10 , pedri and 4,789,629 others
ynmodric 🕶️🤍
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lukamodric10 moja prekrasna kćer 🤍 (my gorgeous daughter)
⤷ynmodric Hvala ti dad 🫶🏻 (thank you dad)
⤷username THE father and daughter duo.
toni.kr8s hermosa chica 😊🤍 (beautiful girl)
⤷ynmodric gracias, tío!! (thanks uncle)
⤷username she's basically daughter of every older player in rm 😭😭😭
⤷username it's adorable 😭🫶🏻
username she's so iconic for being a culer, I love her sm.
⤷username yeah the fact that her dad is a madrid legend but she's a culer makes it 10× funnier
⤷username she's a culer?
⤷username yupp, Luka said it himself in post match interview against barca "yeah we won, my daughter might be very sad, since she likes barcelona more"
username she's an icon, she's a legend and she is the moment.
username she's so beautiful 😭😭
username her fashion sense tho>>>>
fedevalverde Eres tan genial, ¿ser mi amigo? (You're so cool, be my friend?)
⤷ynmodric no.
⤷rodrygogoes 😂🫵🏻
⤷username rodryyyy 😭😭😭
⤷username i love these three so much 😭
username wifey.
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liked by judebellingham, toni.kr8s , pedri and 2,749,730 others
yourinstagram no I still haven't forgave him for 2 goals against us but I guess he's kinda cool.
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judebellingham I have apologised 10 times already.
⤷ynmodric yes, and I do not forgive you, and that win was beginners luck
⤷username what a bitch hating on the team her father play for and calling our rivals "us" ungrateful bastards.
⤷username WOAH calm your horses, it's all joke when Luka, Jude and other madrid guys don't mind it, why is it bothering you sm, a lot of players kid support their dad's/mom's rivals, it's common in football world chill.
⤷username "ungreatful bastard" bro she is literally the most grateful person ever.
⤷username chill out, it's all joke and just because she supports barca doesn't mean she's "ungreatful".
username i love the mad madridistas in comments, cry more.
⤷username no but imagine hating on someone just because they don't support your favourite lmfao.
username Jude x y/n 👀
⤷username say another word and I'll finna throw hands
username pedri you ain't slick with that like.
⤷username homeboy thinking he can pull her.
⤷username he's can tho-
⤷username he can but I don't think Jude will miss his chance
⤷username this is exactly what I hate, she would post just one player and the shipping is there, first with Valverde (he literally had a girlfriend) and then Rodrygo and now Jude, can you all just stop?
⤷username fr fr, like her dad plays for that club, it's obvious she's gonna be friends with the players around her age and by these shippings you all are just ruining their friendship.
username pedri liked.....
⤷username he likes all of her posts...and vice versa....
⤷username and she's a culer....
⤷username yeah we know she's a culer you don't need to mention it every 2 seconds.
⤷username yeah you're right but she's a culer 🤷🏻‍♀️
⤷username lmao 😭
⤷username Luka wouldn't like that
⤷username did he told you that?
username ok but why do I ship.
⤷username kys.
⤷username STRAIGHT to the point 💀
username alright can we stop talking about jude and pedri and talk about HER like she look so beautiful.
⤷username oh my god finally! Everyone is just "oh Jude and y/n i ship" , "oh pedri in the likes, I ship" NO! it ain't about them, it's about y/n.
⤷username she so fucking gorgeous
username mother. (she's 19)
username y/n i would lick the floor you walk on.
⤷username WOAH! now calm down there.
username new friendship at bernabeu
username beautiful!
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liked by pablogavi , _rl9 , ynmodric and 56,739,428 others
pedri força barça ye FUERZA TENERIFE!! 💪🏻💔🏝️
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pablogavi vamos hermano!! (Let's go brother!!)
⤷pedri Muchas gracias hermano ❤️. (Thank you so much bro)
⤷username brothers 😭😭🫶🏻🫶🏻
⤷username THE golden boys.
⤷username i love them your honour
_rl9 eras increíble pequeño (you were incredible little one)
liked by pedri
⤷username ahhhhh they're literally a family
⤷username mes que un club 💙❤️
username pedri potter 🎩🪄
username he's baaackkkk
username you were amazing pedri! Praying for tenerife 🫶🏻
username força pedri y fuerza tenerife!
adidas magician 🪄
⤷username adidas admin is just like us fr.
ynmodric incredible performance! praying for tenerife 🇮🇨❤️
⤷pedri muchas gracias y/n, realmente lo aprecio ❤️ (thank you so much y/n, i really appreciate it)
⤷username ajssvakdbsnkshdksdj yes yes yes
⤷username screaming!!!!!
⤷username she have commented on Lewy's acc multiple times but this is the first time she have commented on Pedri's post, we're winning!!!
⤷username the red heart 😭😭😭
⤷username y/n baby come back home.
⤷username am I dreaming???
⤷username they'll be the power couple.
username y/n's comment is gonna make a lot of madristas mad 😭😭
⤷username who even cares about them.
username vamos pedri!!! Visca barca!
tenerife, canary islands, spain
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liked by judebellingham, vinijr, pedri and 2,749,825 others
ynmodric no fire could ever burn the beauty of this place 🏝️
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username she's so beautiful wtf
username y/n adopt me please.
vinijr hope you're enjoying your vacation 🏝️
⤷ynmodric very much 🌚
⤷username excuse me? What's that emoji supposed to mean?
username canary islands?? TENERIFE??!!
⤷username what's wrong with canary islands?
⤷username nothing it's just she's in Tenerife!
⤷username yeah well then what's wrong with tenerife?
⤷username you're joking right? You do know who's from tenerife?
⤷username who?
⤷username pedri, the barca midfielder.
⤷username excuse me???!! WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK??
judebellingham spending summer alone? Might be boring af.
⤷ynmodric who said I was alone?
⤷username WHOEVER is with MY wife, leave.
⤷username see I'm not trying to be delusional and all shit but whenever someone mention canaries or tenerife the only person i could think of is Pedri 😭
⤷username THEY would break the football internet.
⤷username i can already imagine the headlines 😭
username oh my god this was not on my 2023 bingo card.
username i always shipped them so.
⤷username me too 😭😭
username imagine pedri posting himself in canary islands after this
⤷username lmfao that would be iconic.
tenerife, canary islands, spain
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liked by pablogavi , _ferminlopez, ynmodric and 26,739,198 others
pedri summer break 🏝️
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username the muscles I'm on my knees.
⤷username predicted what?
⤷username go check y/n modric's post, her and pedri are spending summer vacation together !!!
⤷username I JUST DID HELLO??!! SOMEONE EVEN COMMENTED SAYING "imagine pedri posting himself in canary islands after this" and he did 😭!!
⤷username he saw the comments and went like "alr let's give you all what you want" icon fr. 😭
pablogavi I wonder when was the last time I saw that location on a post 🤔.
⤷pedri keep wondering.
⤷username under y/n's post!!!
liked by pablogavi
⤷username he liked!!!
⤷username they're together 😭
⤷username Jude punching the air rn
⤷username they were just friends.
⤷username pedri and y/n THE power couple
username if they ever had kids yk the midfield genes are gonna be crazy
⤷username they've not even confirmed their relationship yet and you're already talking about kids 😭😭
username this is MY roman empire
_ferminlopez looking good hermano 😉
⤷username HE KNOWS.
username this was not on my 2023 bingo card
⤷username same 😭
⤷username it was on no one's 😭😭
⤷username never
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liked by pedri , judebellingham, vinijr and 3,638,629 others
ynmodric it was supposed to be a surprise or soft launch or whatever but y'all are literal Sherlock Holmes, so here it is, the love of my life, the most precious thing to me, MY beautiful boyfriend, te amo bebe ❤️ (AND don't worry y'all dad approves)
tagged; pedri
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pedri was the last pic really necessary???
⤷ynmodric what? you look cute!!!
⤷vinijr you really do 😹
⤷username lmao 😭
⤷username divided by rivalry united by y/n
⤷username el clasico gonna be more fun now
pedri te amo mucho ❤️
⤷ynmodric te amo mucho también❤️
_ferminlopez we're not sherlock holmes, you both are just stupid.
⤷ynmodric OK rude.
⤷pablogavi he's right tho, you both made it so obvious 💀
⤷pedri go away, both of you.
⤷username I'M DYING 😭
⤷username i mean they're not wrong, they both made it so obvious
lukamodric10 where did you get that picture from???
⤷ynmodric I have my ways don't worry.
⤷username I'm speechless.
pedri mi mujer 🫶🏻 (my woman)
⤷ynmodric yours only 🤍
⤷rodrygogoes gross 🤢
⤷ynmodric go away hater.
fedevalverde hermoso 😍 (beautiful)
⤷ynmodric thank you fed, but why tf do you comment like a 30 year old aunt.
⤷fedvalverde I do not??
⤷username you do 😭
⤷username I'm sorry valverde but you do 😭😭
⤷ynmodric I mean you guys were so worried about his reaction and all stuff so
⤷username you won 😭
⤷ynmodric I'm surprised you sherlock people didn't found out earlier, guess i outsmarted you all.
⤷username outsmarted us fr fr
username they're the IT couple
username pedri you better treat my woman right or else 🤺
⤷username stop you're embarrassing.
⤷username 💀💀💀
lukamodric10 sviđa mi se, dobar je dečko 🤍(I like him, he's a good guy)
⤷ynmodric zaista je vrlo simpatičan (he indeed is very likeable)
⤷judebellingham @/pedri you have the approval from big man
⤷pedri appreciate it 🤍
⤷username never in my 1000 year of life i would've thought that barca players and real madrid players would have this kind of interaction
⤷username me too girl me too
pedri te amo ❤️
⤷ynmodric Yo también te amo ❤️
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liked by ynmodric, pablogavi, _rl9 and 38,839,327 others
pedri my no. 1 fan aka the love of my life, te amo mucho ❤️
tagged; ynmodric
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ynmodric proud to be the no.1 of the most perfect boy known to mankind
⤷pedri hi this is fer, pedri just throw his phone across the wall and started sprinting in the entire house
⤷ynmodric help what 😭😭
⤷pedri not true!!!
⤷feeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrr he's blushing like a school girl
⤷ynmodric he do look very pretty with those pink tint on his cheeks
⤷feeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrr he died, dead.
⤷username this have to be the cutest most adorable-st and funniest reply chain I've ever read.
⤷username pedri is whipped 😭
pablogavi i had to watch you both make out infront of me to get that picture and in return i get no pic credits????
⤷pedri it's not about you.
⤷pablogavi it should be.
⤷ynmodric 📸; angry bird
⤷pablogavi I am not???!!!
⤷pedri you are
⤷ferrantorres you are
⤷_ferminlopez you are
⤷judebellingham you are
⤷vinijr you are
⤷username not Jude 😭😭😭
⤷username my man played 1 match against him and already looked devastated 😭
⤷username divide by rivalry united by yn and pedri
⤷username that rhymes 😭😭
username this is the most iconic thing ever happened after 18.12.22
ynmodric mi amorrrrr ❤️
⤷pedri ❤️❤️❤️
⤷username cutiesss 😭😭
ynmodric fuck it, imma pull a frenkie, 👵🏻❤️👴🏻
⤷pedri lmfao😭
⤷mikkykiemeny stop 😭😭
⤷frenkiedejong what's wrong with that emoji??!
⤷ynmodric absolutely NOTHING 🫶🏻!
⤷username she's so fucking iconic!!!
⤷username my favourite wags.
username they're literally the cutest and the best couple ever
username they're an absolutely icon
username do you want real love or do you just want what they have.... what's the difference actually??
username bro scoring on and off pitch
ynmodric Te amo mucho mi amor ❤️ (i love you so much my love)
⤷pedri Yo también te amo mucho mi amor❤️🫶🏻!!(I love you so much too mi amor)
⤷username GOD IT'S ME AGAIN
username they're the best fr
username i love them your honour.
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choicesfandomappreciation · 2 months ago
It’s spread kindness week! And who would I be if I didn’t leave a bit of pink & glitter for everyone to enjoy 🩷 ✨
I haven’t been active a lot. I’ve been dealing with the passing of my beloved dad. Which is still hard to grasp for me. It‘ll be 4 months on 11/29/24 and to know he touched so many lives of people who’ve known him in person and those who didn’t means a lot to me. But honestly? I’m glad and thankful to have been able to spend as much time with him as I could. Especially when it was time for him to go, you all came together with prayers, kind words and support, something I’ll never be able to repay or forget. So thank you for that! I hope you know how much this means to me 🥰
So I’d like to mention some people that I call friends 🌸 (don’t worry this won’t be the only post I make 🥰)
@aallotarenunelma I am beyond happy we’ve grown close and that we’re able to talk and exchange messages. It’s as if we’ve know each other for years and I’m so so happy we’re friends. Your constant support and kind words, help me through the toughest of my days. Our chats about our characters & stories and the way we hype each other up means the world to me. Puno mi znaći što si uz mene, nemogu ti opisati koliko mi znaći, hvala još jednom puno na svemu 🩷 Grlim te 🩷
@cariantha Cariii! It’s hard to find words and describe how much our friendship means to me. Not only do you make me laugh with all your stories, but you’re a true friend. I remember when you first joined tumblr, I was so happy to see a new person join our little family fandom. And then I saw all your stories and I fell in love with your writing and Sawyer & Ethan. It brings me a lot of joy to know you’re here. Your reblogs and your gif game is on point girl! Thank you for being there for me, for making me laugh and simply for being my friend. Love you to the moon and back 🩷
@mysticalgalaxysstuff I know you’re rarely on tumblr M but I do miss you and our talks. I hope you see this message and you’ll feel hugged 🩷 Your outpouring of love and friendship is and will always be appreciated 🩷
@secretaryunpaid You were one of the first people I’ve met on tumblr and we instantly connected. I hope you know how much our friendship means to me. Keep on shining! 🌺🩷🌸🥰
@thosehallowedhalls Caro!!!! You’re back. Which means I can tag you again, and you’ll see this message 😍 I am so so happy we became friends and shared messages. Your stories, your characters and you as a person make this fandom even brighter so thank you for all your kind words and burst of positivity it means the world to me 🩷🌸
@aria-ashryver Ariii! First of all. What a light and luminous presence you are despite everything that you’re going through. You find time and space for all of us. Whether it’s a kind message or a kind word, please know it’s more than appreciated. And don’t even get me started on your stories they’re amazing 🩷 Keep on glowing 🩷
@dutifullynuttywitch Léa! You’re one of the nicest and kindest people I’ve ever met! From the time you joined I just wanted us to be friends and we became friends 😍 (how awesome is that?) Thank you for being you! Kind, compassionate, nice and a damn good writer 🥰 And all in all an amazing person, never let anyone tell you different 🩷
@quixoticdreamer16 Your constant enthusiasm and support really are amazing. You’ve been so kind to me and everyone else. You take the time to reblog and leave a comment under my stories and for that I’m truly grateful. Thank you for being my friend and thank you for being you 🩷🩷
@jerzwriter Els 🩷 Where to start?! You were one of the first friends I made on tumblr. I saw your stories & your writing style and was really impressed. I was like damn she’s good! The joy and laughter I experience when I read your stories helped me through many dark days in my life and for that I want to thank you. Thank you for being supportive, thank you for being my friend, thank you for being real when I needed it and thank you for just being you! Never change because that’s what makes you unique 🩷
@the-pale-goddess Hilde! I had to mention you my dear friend. Even though you’re barely on tumblr these days that doesn’t mean I don’t miss you and obsess over Tiffany & Ethan and your stories. You’re such a talented writer. You’re a beautiful and amazing person inside and out. You’ve been so supportive of me, my stories and my characters it’s truly amazing thank you for that! I hope we’ll see more of you on tumblr. Sending a lot of hugs your way 🩷🩷
Again thank you to everyone who’s ever touched my heart it means the world to me 🩷🩷
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