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kiankiwi · 1 year ago
Whenever I see Big Daddy Elvis, I just wanna cuddle up with him so badly; being held against his hairy chest would be a dream.
ABSOLUTELY!!! (Idk if you’re talking about big daddy as a cg! Or as just a husband but regardless!)
HUSBAND BIG DADDY ERA : I can just see us snuggling up against him on a winters night (he falls asleep when we’re up late reading and we’d rather cuddle up against him (we’re laying back against him as we’re laying in between his legs?) than put on another blanket!!!
CG!BDE: I can see us demanding to sleep in daddy’s big bed bc we hear the beginnings of a thunderstorm and we’re really afraid of the dark +thunder and we’re cuddling up against his shirtless chest and he has his arms wrapped around us tight bc he knows we get spooked by the big noise/
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kiankiwi · 11 months ago
Very husband!elvis having fun during a NYE party
elvis, you are something else
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queenofdisaster88 · 7 months ago
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me after watching evey jake gyllenhaal movie ever made in a week😝💞💘🩷😩😩
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elv1sstuff · 2 months ago
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january 10th 1970 🌚🚬
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your-nanas-house · 1 year ago
"For five minutes"
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◇ Pairing: Husband!Elvis Presley X wife!Reader
◇ Warnings: smut, humping, cum, domestic, daddy Elvis (they have twins Jamie and Jessie)
◇ Summary: Elvis still has too much hope for long 'alone time' with his wife, their babies remind him that there's no hope anymore.
◇ Note: Sorry for the mistakes and the English.
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It was around 8pm when Y/n woke up, her back sore and in pain due to her previous quick nap made with their twins in the baby playpen— she had found herself sleeping on one of Jamie's toys for nearly an hour before Elvis found her.
Elvis, her lovely husband, who was still asleep or so she hoped, in their huge comfortable bed.
Obviously he wasn't anymore— sadly, since the new addiction at their little family he began to nap almost alert in case there was some problem and he had to intervene, even if the twins Jamie and Jessie started crying.
It was just a little thing to help his wife, who took care of the two boys all day long.
That's why he was half awake as Y/n started to move slowly in a sitting position to head to the bathroom while letting a soft groan of pain leave her pretty mouth
"Hmmph—" he murmured, making a cute but funny noise as he forced his eyes open to check on her
"Honey?.." Elvis murmured with his tired voice, sending a shiver down Y/n's spine
"Shhh, go back to sleep, love" she tried, moving her feet on the cold floor, knowing too well that her husband wasn't going to just go back to sleep like she was hoping for.
Elvis' big hand searched her in the dark, finding finally her back
"No, I just heard ya groan in pain and ya got me concerned...you allright, baby?" He asked softly, shifting closer to her so that his strong arms could hug her hips while he stayed in his lying position.
"Yeah, yeah— don't worry, sweetheart" Y/n reassured him as she rubbed her painful back, arching it softly in an attempt to get ride of the uncomfortable sensation.
Her delicate fingers wrapped around his hand, freeing herself from his grip before placing a loving kiss on each finger of his while leaving the bed.
Elvis watched her get up, his blue eyes looking her up and down lazily
"Ya sure...? Ya still seem in pain now... If ya are, don't be so stubborn, baby, I don't want ya hurting yourself—" he started, earning a soft huff from his lovely wife
"It's just my back" she murmured as she stretched a bit, sighing in frustration.
As soon as the words left her mouth, Elvis was in a sitting position, his tone shifted in a more demanding tone, just like the tone he normally used when the twins did something that they shouldn't have done
"Lay down on the bed, I'll give ya a back massage, yeah? Just relax" he whispered the last two words against the sheld of her ear as soon as she lied down for him.
"That should be more comfortable, right?" Elvis asked, as he continued to massage her back, focusing on the areas that she seem to be in pain with, pressing his thumbs into her sore muscles— making her hum in agreement, letting soft moans escape her mouth.
"Ya feeling better now, right?" Elvis asked after a couple of minutes, his hips moving slightly against the curves of her ass, his covered cock nearly resting between her soft cheeks
"Bit better, yeah" she hummed again, feeling his hard on against her— a soft blush covered her hidden face
"Is someone excited?" Y/n asked, earning a soft chuckle from her husband.
His voice got lower when he replied
"Can't hide anything from you, can I?" as he continued to massage her back
"I mean I know we've got the boys in the other room but... We could lock the door for five minutes?" He suggested while pressing his body against hers, humping her ass in a teasing way.
"Five minutes you say?" Y/n teased, giggling softly, moving her butt slightly up so that he could grind better.
Elvis leaned down a bit, taking advantage of the new position, and started to kiss the back of her neck "I might even stretch it to ten, if ya ask nice enough..." he murmured against her skin, earning an amused giggle from his wife
"Wow, how unselfish from you, dear".
Elvis' lips kept moving on her bare skin, traveling down her spine, nibbling and leaving kitty-licks wherever he wanted
"Just want to make my woman feel better, that's all" he replied in an innocent tone, smiling at the soft chuckle that made Y/n's body shake under his.
He slowly moved down her body, moving up her nightgown to expose more of her skin
"Would you like to feel even better, baby?" he asked, pinching and kneading her ass, while waiting for her consent which came followed by a purr
"Lock that damn door, honey".
Elvis got quickly up, getting more and more aroused by the situation— so much so that he almost started running, tripping along the way but managing to lock the door.
His blue eyes looked quickly at her, who was still laying down on the bed a teasing but loving smile on her face
"What are we waiting for, huh?" She asked, biting her bottom lip as she moved in a sitting position.
He walked back over to her, and gently pushed her back, making her spread her legs for him as she stayed down
"Ya better hold on tight, sweetheart" he warned teasingly, growling softly against her calf which was in his grip now.
Y/n laughed softly, her eyes on him the whole time
"Why? Because you're keeping your motor runnin' for me?" She joked, referring at one of Elvis' characters line, earning a small amused huff from him
"That's part of it—" he murmured, kissing her calf before letting it go to lay on top of her, pinning her down on the comfortable mattress.
Elvis leaned down, holding her wrists with his hands, to steal a passionate kiss, biting gently on her bottom lip before speaking in a tender way
"Mmm... I love you, baby..." he murmured as if it was a reminder before his mouth started nibbling hungrily her neck.
It felt nice, Y/n's back was already arched and her breath was heavy but they needed to move things a bit faster so not to try their luck
"We need to be quick, love" she reminded him, rolling playfully her eyes when he brushed it off, taking his time to appreciate her body
"Oh I'm not going to be quick to finish, sweetheart— I wanna enjoy this moment with you" he murmured, kissing her cheek.
His attention moved back to her body, and he leaned back close, raising her nightgown more to expose her tummy so that he could hide his face in it
"You won't enjoy it as soon as we get interrupted by the babies" she warned him with the tone of a mother intent to scold her bratty child.
It didn't sounded as a threat to him though, Elvis just moved back up to kiss her forehead and chuckle at her affirmation
"They're all sound asleep, baby, and we locked the door for a reason, remember?" He kissed down her neck and then moved down to her chest, cupping her mommy breasts in his big hands.
Y/n smiled slightly, letting him go by the pace he choose
"Mhhmm, just wait, I will get off alone if they cry and you haven't worked your magic yet" she promised with a tender tone, making him bite her tigh before replying, laughing it off again while taking her nightgown off
"I'll work my magic, alright... I won't let my pretty wife enjoy this by yourself after all, what awful husband would I be—" he trailed off, stopping to speak too busy sucking and nibbling on her now bare breasts.
He lowered his pants as he kept his attention of her breasts— till a soft cry that got louder interrupted the quiet and hot moment.
His blue eyed shot up, there was worried and panic in them, Y/n could tell but they were too deep in lust to stop now, his hips were already grinding against anything— now dry humping her clothed sex in an animalistic way, his gaze remaining on the door.
It took him just a small amount of time to shoot his load on her, moaning silently, his mouth open and his eyes half closed— even less time to get up and leave her there to go check on the twins while he put back on his pajamas pants.
Y/n took care of herself with her hidden dildo, accepting later on her husband's oral apologies while telling him with a satisfied smile that she told him and that she was right.
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@gabile18 , @mrsfullbuster500 , @rex-ray , @elizamalfoyy, @eovjjj , @wife-of-magic-monkeys , @jeremiah-va1eska , @gothamchic16, @rabbiteggz , @dieg0brandos-wife , @rottenecstasy , @lazyexcuse , @teh-vampire-bunny , @lobotomy-lover , @slasher-smasher , @sleepycreativewriter
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jhoneybees · 11 months ago
Have you ever thought about when you read fanfics, you feel so comfortable in that universe you're reading?? I'm specifically talking about Elvis X reader or CG!Elvis X little!Reader.
It just feels like home, homely, and gosh to live in that universe would be a dream, yeah it's probably a fan 'thing' I don't know how to explain it.
Just UGHHH to feel Elvis engulf you in his firm, strong arms, resting your head on his chest after his long day of recording, getting kisses on the cheek from him and getting called darlin', sweetie, sweetheart, baby, babydoll, doll, love bug, my girl.
UGHHHHHH I miss him so much, I want to cry.
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Just look at him...oh. my. god.
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brideofmountairy · 6 months ago
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me and him🎀 (he doesn’t know how i feel, and quite frankly thinks i hate him) any ideas on how to get his attention with out being obvious about it?
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nastasya--filippovna · 5 months ago
The Beauty of Queer Love
Carol, Call Me By Your Name, Good Omens x Love Me Tonight; Elvis Presley
for @ivankaramazov07 (I promised this ages ago for your birthday and I've finally got round to making it ten months later <3)
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elvissluttiestwhore · 11 months ago
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So I just making something and accidentally made this perfect masterpiece 🥵
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kiankiwi · 2 years ago
Does anyone want to send me concepts of fluffy husband!e I’m just thinking of how sweet and reassuring he is :(
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sissylittlefeather · 8 months ago
Have a new TikTok edit featuring my husband, Dr. John Carpenter.
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fiftiesbbydolldress · 2 months ago
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for me i care only to share your name
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therealslimshakespeare · 1 year ago
Sarge & lil Mama blurb
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Coming soon from a Baby Rosalee Chapter, circa 1960
…With both hands clutched to his chest, Elvis and Elaine watched to see if baby so much as twitched but 48 hours of traveling seemed to catch up with their Rosalee and she didn’t move a muscle. Elvis carefully snagged a pillow and brought it under Elaine’s arm now she was holding all the weight and she carefully snuggled into a position she could maintain without moving for however long the press conference took.
“You alright mamas?” he asked her as he gravely reviewed his precautions for her comfort.
“I’m perfect.” she whispered, pursing her lips and he leaned over her gently, pressing his forehead to her mouth as he knew she wanted. “Oh I’ve stained you.” she lamented, the faded remnants of her lipstick having transferred to his golden face.
He snickered softly and rose from the bed with as little motion as he could, using those strong thighs of his to leverage straight up without a bounce and when he was successful in not waking the Schnucki Monster he went into the en-suite bathroom and reviewed the pale kiss mark above his brow. It was barely noticeable and rather affectingly situated, like a pretty stamp above his more mobile eyebrow.
As Elvis stared at it his heart twisted with a burning loyalty for the woman in bed with his five children while the Colonel’s words ricocheted in his mind until he found himself emphatically redoing his lashes with more than a moderate coat of mascara and after a moment's hesitation, he opened Elaine’s matching toilette bag and took from it today’s shade of coral. Unscrewing the gold cap he pondered it for a moment before leaning into the mirror and gently dabbing it onto the places where her kiss mark failed to make an outline. He was cautious not to overdo it, pulling back to review his entire face and take in the effect.
Elvis had no desire to make her favor look garish, but neither did he want it unnoticed. He looked rather like one of last war’s recruiting posters, white smile, long hair, fresh face with a big smooch printed thereon.
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p1tabread · 7 months ago
i need to see someone make a good omens animatic to this
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salahgrsnt · 10 months ago
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my gorgeous man. miss u more than anything🤍🕊️❤️
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castielsbees · 1 year ago
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my 2023 spotify wrapped (and my thoughts)! (i've been looking forward to this for so long)
Top 5 songs:
Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy (thanks good omens/ineffable husbands brainrot!)
Ramble On (thanks dean winchester)
Carry On Wayward Son (...the spn brainrot is terminal, what can i say)
Twist and Shout (i don't even know what to say for myself.)
Bohemian Rhapsody (always impeccable)
Top 5 artists:
Hozier (unreal unearth my beloved. also so many fandom scenarios oh god oh my)
Queen (forever one of my all time favs)
Led Zeppelin (yes i am a dean-coded deangirl what can i say)
Elvis Presley (i can dig-)
David Arnold (...good omens and sherlock soundtrack.. yeah.)
-apparently i'm in the top 0.5% of hozier listeners, i think that's pretty impressive :D
...aaand the manacled podfics are my top podcasts i can't say i'm surprised
if only i'd started getting into the marauders fandom earlier this year bc i've listened to an UNGODLY amount of Bowie these past 2 months but it didn't count towards my wrapped sadly. i'm predicting next year he'll be in my top 5 artists for sure.
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