#cozy with big daddy Elvis
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kiankiwi · 1 year ago
Whenever I see Big Daddy Elvis, I just wanna cuddle up with him so badly; being held against his hairy chest would be a dream.
ABSOLUTELY!!! (Idk if you’re talking about big daddy as a cg! Or as just a husband but regardless!)
HUSBAND BIG DADDY ERA : I can just see us snuggling up against him on a winters night (he falls asleep when we’re up late reading and we’d rather cuddle up against him (we’re laying back against him as we’re laying in between his legs?) than put on another blanket!!!
CG!BDE: I can see us demanding to sleep in daddy’s big bed bc we hear the beginnings of a thunderstorm and we’re really afraid of the dark +thunder and we’re cuddling up against his shirtless chest and he has his arms wrapped around us tight bc he knows we get spooked by the big noise/
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wanderingelvis · 2 years ago
...I am obsessed with CG Elvis. Imagine him rocking his sleepy little while he feeds her a nighttime baby bottle of warm milk before he puts her to bed.
Here's a bedtime routine headcanon! 🍼🧚🏻
🧚🏻 Masterlist 🧚🏻
Pairing: CG!Elvis x Little F!Reader
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Elvis knows that giving you a stable and structured routine is the best way to care for you, as his little
No matter what, he will always give you the same bedtime routine, even if his show overruns or he's exhausted
It's a three step routine; washing away the dirt from the day in the form of a bubble bath or a shower if you're up past your usual bedtime, Daddy and baby time wherein Elvis will pick a relaxing and soothing activity to make you feel drowsy if you're not already, and putting you to bed accompanied with kisses
It usually doesn't take much for Elvis to convince you to start going to bed, you're a compliant baby, you know Daddy knows best
He'll just crouch down by you where you're playing with your dolls and teddy bears, he'll softly utter the words, "It's my little baby's bedtime," and you'll pliantly nod, your head feeling fuzzy and tired, so you always feel even smaller than in the daytime
He'll carry you if he thinks you're too little, but usually, you'll take his large hand with your little one, your other hand clutching your bunny plushie, and let him lead you to be washed by him
You love the feeling of being washed and touched by Elvis, your Daddy knowing all the sweet spots on your body that make you feel all warm and special
And Elvis loves washing and touching you, nothing makes his heart swell like seeing you practically preen at his touch, your eyes closed in bliss
Like any good Daddy, Elvis makes sure you're squeaky clean all over before he takes you out of the tub, wrapping you in a fluffy towel
Even if you whine a little that you wanna stay in the tub, even just for little bit longer
"Uh-uh baby, you stay in that water any longer and yer fingers and toes will go all wrinkly like a prune," Elvis tells you when you do that pout and big bush baby eyes that he almost can't resist
You frown adorably. "Ew Daddy! Don't wanna be a pwune!"
"Then you gotta be a good girl and c'mere," Elvis chuckles at your sweet state
Elvis is always gentle when dressing you for bed, asking you simple questions so he can gauge how little you're feeling
Your favourite part of bedtime is when Elvis gives you your bottle of warm milk
You adore the feeling of the warm milk filling your tummy, making you feel drowsy and soft
You always sit on Elvis' lap for your bottle, his large hand slowly palming soft circles on your tummy, making your struggle to keep your eyes open
Depending on how little you're feeling, you'll hold the bottle yourself, but if you're feeling real little, your Daddy will hold it for you, feeding you as he tells you sweet nothings
He won't tell you it, but having you look up at him with those big, round, glassy eyes filled with love whilst you sweetly take the nipple of the bottle he's holding for you, between your pink lips, is perhaps one of the most perfect sights he's ever seen
And he's seen a lot of sights
"Such a pretty girl, my pretty little sleepy girl." Elvis coos softly, as your eyelids begin to grow heavy and close, your eyelashes fluttering
That's when Elvis knows you've had enough milk, when your trying too hard to even keep your eyes open, even if it's cute to watch you try
Elvis will then rock you gently in his arms and you can't help but nuzzle into his hold, never wanting to leave his warmth
But you both know that he'll have to put you down in your cozy, plush bed eventually
And when that happens, you're out like a light
taglist: @prompted-wordsmith @vintagegirl2005 @imaginationlast @presleyenterprise @librafilms @ccab @wolywolymoley @wwebaby657 @billhaderstan420 @waiting4brucewayne2adoptme @elvispresleywife @ellie-24 @hollbunn @sassanoe @gothicphantom @eliseinmemphis @fallinlovewithurlove @presleyhearted @elvisbf @slimerspengler @octobers-snow @meetmeatyourworst @reddie-freddie @domaniquessidehoe @mygreenlights @kxnnxy @lana-4life @littleloveysworld @dandelionxbby @s0phlabrunette
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kylo-hen · 4 years ago
Saturday Morning
A/N: I started this little blurb last night at like 3 AM and then I decided I would just finish it up and post it this morning. This is a product of extreme baby fever and love for Clyde “big bear” Logan. I’m a whore for Clyde just in case anyone wanted to know
Dad!Clyde Logan X Mom! Reader
Summary: Clyde lets you sleep in while he takes care of your son for the morning. 
Warnings: FLUFF, Babies/being a mother, more fluff, a baby wrap/baby bjorn, breakfast.
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     There is something to be said about sleeping in when you’re exhausted. When the weight of your eyelids slips away with each waking minute you spend in the throws of a subconscious wasteland. The sun streaming in through the window in the bedroom, long having risen and now streamed in through the thick weathered branches of the tree that twisted over the house. The bird’s song has come and gone; the worm already been stolen by those awake to take it. And through all that there was peace.
     Waking up for the first time past the suns rise was not something I was ever expecting, not with a seven-month-old baby. As I lay, still steeping in the sleep induced haze, in the sunlight cozied up in the layers of blankets I insisted on pulling out every winter I couldn’t help but feel an absolute sense of joy rush though me.
    Clyde logan was the best man I could have ever asked to spend my life with. He was uncharacteristically smooth when it came to the turbulence, I threw his way. The bad days always met with a slow and solid response of care, the worse days with gentle reminders that he would always love me, fights always ended in a calm discussion, and hardships were fought together.
    We had both wandered so long through life without a partner, spent days wondering if love was something, we would be able to treasure or if it was a distant memory we would have to forfeit to some greater and higher purpose. When I found him, I knew almost instantly that if he wasn’t the one for me there was no one out there. His tall and broad frame matched with a deep and husky southern twang made my heart flutter a million miles an hour. We married within the year.
    We wasted no time after getting married, knowing both of us were getting well into our thirties, it was time for our family to grow, and grow it did. Five months after we were officially married, we found out we were expecting, and the love only grew from there.
    I was pulled from my thoughts by the lingering smell of breakfast being made in the kitchen. Stretching out and realizing I had slept in until ten AM, an unspeakable feat for anyone who had a young child, and Clyde was letting me. My heart swelled with unspeakable appreciation for the man I loved, and with no other contemplation I rolled out of bed to greet my husband.
     Clyde was a sight to be seen, donning a pair of comfortable sweats and no shirt, with a baby wrap keeping our son pressed to his chest. The joy in my heart elevated with a deep carnal lust seeing the back muscles of the man I loved plating up some breakfast in the light of the peaceful morning. He was humming some old Elvis song as he rocked our son back to sleep. I crept up behind the pair of boys wrapping my hands around Clyde’s waist, resting my head in the divot between his sturdy shoulder blades.
    He tensed for a moment before realizing it was only me. “Scared me Darlin’” he chuckled, turning in my grasp to look at me. He leant over and gave me a quick kiss, the baby noticing his mom and beginning to squirm around in his wrap. “How’d ya sleep?”
     His iron gaze softened in my direction, waiting my response, “I slept great bubba,” His cheeks flushing at his favorite nickname, “Thank you for letting me sleep in so late.” I pressed a soft kiss to his shoulder and changed my attention to the baby kicking his legs around for attention.
    “Woah there little man,” Clyde laughed at his son about to turn a big fuss if he isn’t in his mother’s arms in the next few seconds. “Looks like little Ollie missed his Mama, Huh? Me too.” He addressed leaning down so I could pull him from the front wrap. Oliver reaching for my hair as soon as I was in his reach. Clyde watching with affection in his eyes as Ollie snuggled into my neck with a happy smile and a fistful of my hair.
     “It’s amazing how much I can sleep when I don’t have to breast feed every couple hours.” I commented in a high baby voice so Ollie thought I was talking to him. The features of his face reminiscent of his fathers above us, a striking comparison in almost every way.
    “I’m glad you got some rest Darlin, lord knows you’ve been needin’ it.” He replied, Clyde had been worrying himself sick for the last month over my rest. Making sure I was sleeping as much as we could allow while I was still breast feeding but as soon as Ollie could cut back Clyde wanted me to take it easy. His worry extending to all avenues of his life but he never seemed to worry about anything as much as he worried about Oliver and I.
     “Didn’t even hear Ollie boy wake up!” I spoke in to the boy directly, him giving me a babble in response, excited his Mama was up and ready to play this morning. “Did you wake daddy this morning? Did Ollie boy wake daddy?” I performed for Oliver.
     “Nah, Daddy wanted to have a little bit of a boy mornin’ so Mama could rest.” Clyde played along with the performative baby talk for the sake of his son. “Made breakfast for ya’ Darlin’, I’ll go get him washed up while ya eat.” He took the boy back in his arm and up the stairs of our little farmhouse leaving me to eat.
     Breakfast passed with the same peace as before but I missed the coos and conversation my boys brought. Thankfully Clyde worked diligently despite his one-armed challenge and emerged with our son donning a new onesie his aunt had dropped by with just a few days ago.
    “Look at my handsome boys!” I exclaimed as they walked into the kitchen. Clyde laughing down at his son basking in the praise of his mother. “Ollie is so handsome, just like his Daddy!” I continued on, kissing Oliver all over his face and giving the same sentiment to his father.
    “Ollie’s been makin’ a big ol’ fuss that Mama didn’t join us.” Clyde huffed out, exploring the same sentiment as his son even if he did ask for me to relax downstairs while he took care of it. I always picked out Ollie’s outfits, Clyde claiming I was the ‘fashion expert’ of the house, and Clyde preferred to take a backseat to my ‘expertise’. “He’s a Mama’s boy, that’s for damn sure.” Clyde joked.
     “Oh, I don’t think so,” I argued bringing Oliver back into my grasp and rocking him around on my hip, “He just likes havin’ his Mama and Daddy’s attention all at once.” I explained while Clyde watched with glee at his two favorite people dancing around on a Saturday morning.
     “Oh, I don’t blame ‘im for bein’ so attatched to his Mama.” Clyde explained, wrapping his arm around my waist, bringing me and Oliver to nestle on his chest. “Not when his Mama’s so cute.” He commented.
      Clydes words only served to make my heart burst more. If there was a moment I wished I could frame, a singular moment in time where everything was just right, It would be that morning in the kitchen. The same kitchen that every rushed morning out the door for work, late returns and dinners eaten in the early mornings, the hushed arguments, the cherished reconciliation, and the life that happened within those four walls. There was a little nugget of perfect that morning and no amount of life could come around and change that.
A/N: Thanks for reading another complete self indulgent piece of work lmao. Come swing by my inbox and let me know what you thought! I also take requests for your self indulgent ideas!
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peaceloveelvis · 1 year ago
I want to curl up like a kitten and snuggle into him so much right now 🥺
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Look at the dark line between his chest and belly😮‍💨
@elvisalltheway101 @mercsandmonsters
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madimoo31 · 6 years ago
It’s crap but this is the first time writing Destiel stuff so yeah.
“Papa!” The little curly blonde haired girl yells as she runs into Castiel's office. “What is it Claire?” He says worriedly. “Come dance with me!” “Bee, you should be in bed by now. Daddy is coming home late tonight and he won’t be happy to see that your still up.” Claire looks up pleadingly into her papas eyes with her big baby blues and Cas is done for. “Fine, give me a minute to finish this.” Cas says but the six year old is already out the door. Cas walks into the living room and sees Claire perched on the armrest of their big tan chair that sits next to Cas’s old record player. “Need any help?” He asks. “Nope.” The little girl in her bumble bee pajamas hits the play button on the record player and Cas is dumbfounded. “When did you learn to do that?” The beginning of a song hums out of the machine and into the cozy living room. “Daddy showed me.” Claire says as she hops off of the chair and grabs Cas’ hands, that we’re almost three times the size of her own. “Now are you going to dance or not.” She says sassily and swings their arms. Cas swoops her up into his arms and places her on his hip. Claire giggles and wraps one hand around Cas’ shoulder and holds his other hand so that their almost in the position for waltzing. Elvis pours out of the record player, soft and slow. Wise men say only fools rush in….. When the song is ending Claire is fast asleep in Cas’ arms with not only Cas singing those last parts of the song but Dean too as he walks through the living room with a smile on his face.
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Episode 1 & 2 - Show Notes
So here’s how Mistakes & Mixtapes works: Each month you get two mixtapes an our podcast is like the extended liner notes! Links below for both Orono’s and Adrienne’s mixtapes (Spotify playlists), and some extra notes on some of the songs we don’t get to in the first two episodes!
Orono’s Mixtape for December:
Father Stretch My Hands Pt. 1 - Kanye West - Epic drive across Vancouver
We’re so Lost - Princess Chelsea
Springtime - Jeffrey Lewis - Walking around Kitsilano, listened to this song. It was getting dark, I was out to get some groceries… vibey as hell song, you’ll get it when you listen to it
Ghost Town - Kanye West Ft. PARTYNEXTDOOR
Femme Fatale - The Velvet Underground
You’re so Cool - Jonathan Bree - S-A-R-C-A-S-M (but also a poignant truthfulness to the whole song)
I Can’t Stop Your Memory - Of Montreal - Very emo, very relatable, ;-(
Say It Ain’t So - Weezer
Ottoman - Vampire Weekend - When I was going through my Vampire Weekend (tumblr indie child) phase, I watched this music video for Kid Cudi’s remix of this track, where he just raps over the instrumental of this song. It’s a really lowkey video, he’s just rolling a blunt and rapping to the camera. Put in this song cos my whole week reminded me of this song, also Kanye-Cudi
All Mine - Kanye West
Who Loves The Sun - The Velvet Underground - Didn’t mention this in the podcast but alongside Ye I listened to Loaded a whole lot. Great record, great song. I specifically remember daydreaming about listening to this song in the car on a sunny, cozy afternoon, but pretty sure we were just going to the supermarket on a gloomy day lol
Man On The Moon - R.E.M. - I love the movie with the same title as this song, starring Jim Carrey. It’s about Andy Kaufman, who’s an absolute legend. Also watched the Netflix documentary about the movie, “Jim and Andy,” which is really fascinating as well. I watched the two while we were on tour and I loved them so much I ended up rewatching them a few times… made my mom watch them with me as soon as I got back home
Wii Tennis - Splash Daddy - A very catchy, very lols song that YouTube recommended me
No Mistakes - Kanye West
Time - Pink Floyd
Comfortably Numb - Pink Floyd
Heroin - The Velvet Underground
Cortez the Killer - Neil Young, Crazy Horse - I found out about this song because of one of my favorite bands, Slint--on the deluxe version of Spiderland there’s a cover of Cortez the Killer that they did at some Battle of the Bands type event when they were teenagers, it’s so sick. The lyrics are trippy and spooky as fuck
Hound Dog - Big Mama Thornton - Somehow went down an Elvis Presley wormhole. This is the (apparent) original of his hit song Hound Dog
Mo Bamba - Sheck Wes - How the fuck did I not know about this song. One of the biggest songs of 2018 with over 250 million listens on Spotify, didn’t recognize it at all. Thanks YouTube recommendations, I was hooked instantly
Here - Pavement - I’ve been trying to read Infinite Jest for a very long time now (lol), I have 2 copies of it now (one in London, one in Japan) so that I won’t have to carry this hefty ass book around. Anyway I think I tried to read it again on this day, and I was reminded of the movie about DFW, The End of the Tour, starring Jason Segel and Jesse Eisenberg… when the credits roll they play this sweet cover of Here, so yeah
Happy Just Bumming Around - Voom - The title says it all
Wrecking Ball - Miley Cyrus - I just had this song stuck in my head for some reason, guess I relates to some of the lyrics for the first time??? lmao
Two Broken Hearts - Rivers Cuomo
She Fucks Me - Ween
Smells Like Teen Spirit - Nirvana - Another YouTube one, came across a video titled "Smells Like Teen Spirit" by Nirvana Re-Mixed in a Major Key.” It’s sick, sounds like Weezer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dVehv_LDWaE
Satellite - Guster - One of my favorite YouTubers Drew Monson did a cute cover of this song so shout out to Drewwwwww
Mistletoe Fixing You - GibiASMR
Angie Baby - Helen Reddy - Stumbled upon this song on Tumblr. It was a #1 in December of 1974, sung by Australian Singer Helen Reddy but I remember reading that it was originally written for Cher to sing. The lyrics are super cryptic and fun
Holiday - Weezer - I am on holiday.
Sweet Caroline - Neil Diamond - ‘Tis a sports game classic. Was talking to a friend about drunken, glorious singalongs to this sweet tune
Adrienne’s Mixtape for December:
No Mistakes - Kanye West - Couldn’t remember what the song was that we listened to when Kuba drove us home from the Mint party, but knew it was Kanye so...NO MISTAKES.
Mint - Dumb - Dumb played at the Mint Records’ Ridiculously Early Xmas Party
Eyes Without A Face - Billy Idol - Urban Outfitters & the Space Jam Soundtrack, Cindy Crawford workout videotape) // Music Video that made his eyes fucked for three days.
Chinatown - Luna - the scene from the bus with the guy in Chinatown
Steely - Marnie Stern - “I always hear that song at the right time”
Beautiful Blue Sky - Ought - Orono brought sunshine to Vancouver
Seer - Woolworm - Vancouver’s sweethearts
This is America - Childish Gambino - we almost went to the show
Means That Much - H. Hawkline - Cate Le Bon affiliate, she’s my fave.
Say It Ain’t So - Weezer - It was a donut shop miracle
Thinning - Snail Mail - listened to this song a lot in 2018, including this particular day
Cold Blooded Old Times - Smog - Garbage Dreams covered this at Kat Gardiner’s “Little Wonder” book launch, and she told me that this song was originally part of the book but that part got edited out! I love little coincidences like that.
1880 Or So - Television - Just a real catchy guitar riff that I keep getting stuck in my head!
Girl You Want - Devo - Songwriting inspo song
Only You - Yazoo - We had a band practice and it turned into a sweet night of DJ “Cheffica” (Jessica Delisle from fellow podcast Retail Nightmares) cranking out hits and trivia, including this one.
Greyhound - Calpurnia - Garbage Dreams opened for Calpurnia the night before Finn Wolfhard’s 16th birthday. I like this song cause it talks about taking the Greyhound to Seattle, which is a very Vancouver thing to do.
Melty - Milk - MUSIC VIDEO! Milk played the Calpurnia show. *At the time of the podcast, there was no Milk on Spotify but now there is so I did a switcheroo! The song I played a million violins on is here.
Baba O’Riley - The Who - Covering the Who is the best thing I’ve ever done
Wrong Song - Nashville Soundtrack - I watched so much Nashville in a very short span of time. I did not become a better songwriter as I’d hoped.
Tame - Pixies - Supermoon covered this song on tour in August and I love the drum fill at the end, and that drum fill keeps haunting me in songs this month!
Nevermine - Forth Wanderers - Band writes songs like pen pals, made me think of us trying to make this podcast! And how we’ll have to write our theme song!
Permanent - Carla Sagan - Montreal band who are very cool. I was reminded of them because I re-watched this film the Voyagers, which is about Carl Sagan, and the ULTIMATE MIXTAPE // also this.
Destroyer - Lala Lala - listened to this song a lot in 2018 and on this particular day.
Postpartum Party of One - Dim Wit - Family xmas card from Dim Wit’s singer & guitar player Jeff - very sweet that he sent it to me, and also they are a very cool band! They wear wigs and lab coats and one time the drummer played the drums with his feet while he did a handstand and maintained it for like, a while.
Flickering Lights (Will Likely Fail You) - The Luyas - Big windstorm in Vancouver!
Twin Falls - Built to Spill - Christmas, etc.
Some Time Alone, Alone - Melody’s Echo Chamber - (Alone, Alone in a cabin)
Deep Red Bells - Neko Case - Saw Neko play live for the first time this year. She played this song from the album Blacklisted, which was one of my faves probably when I was 19!
Local Sports Drama - The Lentils - (Canucks RIOTS - a lil local sports drama every decade or so in Vancouver. This was mentioned in the bonus sports section of the podcast that did not make the cut.)
Satellite of Love - Lou Reed - My friend’s cabin has a pretty big record collection and every time I go there we have listened to Lou Reed’s “Transformer” in its entirety and it’s great.
Ploughing Out Part 1 - Cate Le Bon - “On the last day of the year, I’m just happy to be here”
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kiankiwi · 1 year ago
‧₊˚❀༉‧₊˚. Nighttime routine with CG!Elvis & Babyspace!Reader? ‧₊˚❀༉‧₊˚.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
-skin-to-skin contact?
-nighttime bottle(s)
-nightmare comfort?
-accidents? (If comfortable with) /nf
-waking up in the middle of the night (maybe , reader’s crying, wanting comfort?? Or waiting for E?)
whenever he notices you starting to get tired or cranky, that's when it's bedtime.
He first offers you a bottle (doesn't wait on baths so that happens before the nighttime routine officially starts after dinner and bathtime!
After a bottle, he brings you to your closet to pick out your jammies and your sleep sack
He makes sure to give you tons of kisses and does a few affirmations with you :( "you are kind. You are smart. You are beautiful" etc. and you just babble along as he makes funny faces at you.
He tries to get in at least 20-25 minutes of rocking with you and since you're still a little too young for books, he just talks to you bc you LOVE daddy's voice
And you prefer to have daddy's shirt off when you're snuggle bc you sleep better when you're warm and cozy and you love daddy's familiar smell. It makes you feel so safe
Sometimes if you were fussy at night, E gave up on leaving you alone in your crib and brought you to his big bed which is exactly where you want to be so he leaves a show on for you and just hangs out a while with you until you nod off on your chest.
Elvis ears perk up anytime he hears you whimper (whether it be on the baby monitor or next to him in his bed) and he rubs your back a bit or gives you bum pats to calm you down
But if you're scared enough you'll pee and E has no problem changing you, you can't help it.
But as he changes you despite how gentle he's trying to be, you always tend to wake up when daddy's changing you at night. And when you realize daddy is changing you, you lose it and start to WAIL feeling embarrassed and gross so daddy quickly cleans you up all the way and picks you up, bouncing you a bit and going "sh sh sh" over and over trying to calm you.
"It's alright little love. You're just a little one, you couldn't help it! Daddy knows sweetheart, it's alright. It's all over now"
Elvis has to be SUPER careful leaving the room or getting out of the bed because you're quite a light sleeper and you don't like knowing daddy is gonna leave you
You do often wake up and wait for daddy to come get you but of course you're alone less than five minutes before he picks you up and gets you whatever it is you need
Sometimes he'll get you a midnight snack bottle and you two pass out cuddling on the couch with Bluey on in the background
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kiankiwi · 2 years ago
just wanted to say I love your writing sm!! 💗💗
I was wondering if I could request a cg!elvis (specifically big daddy elvis 👀) with a little reader where she is in the swimming pool at Graceland and acting very bratty and refusing to get out. elvis gets her favorite things, stuffies, toys etc. to bribe her out of the pool but she still refuses, then he promises her cuddles and she finally gets out and he wraps her in a big towel and they hug for a while by the pool🥺
THANK YOU SO MUCH you have no idea what that means to me <3333 Feedback is always loved. 70's E coming right up!:
You and E were having a day together and it was wonderful weather so you and E were lounging in the pool. You had been in here for hours and were starting to get pruney. E had noticed you were getting pruney as well and in fact it was time for your nap as well so he figured it was finally time to get out and dry off.
"Time's up baby, time to go in and get in your jammies!" You stopped your splashing, trying to read Elvis's face to see if he was just kidding or not. "No, I wanna play." Elvis stands up from his beach chair and walks to the edge of the pool crouching down to talk to you. "I know you want to play baby but you're getting pruney lovie. And it's time for a nap. C'mon bubs you can get all warm and cozy and have some snuggles, huh?"
You back up and lean back, positioning your hands as if you're going to splash Elvis. Elvis raises his eyebrows and puts his hands up to somewhat defend himself from the water. "You better not splash me, Y/N. Don't even think about it." You eye him for a minute before backing away from the idea, but still not getting out of the pool like your daddy asked, going over to grab the ball in the air to make it splash once it comes back to you.
Elvis sighs and walks into the house thinking bribery is the only thing he can think of to get you out of that pool. Usually when you notice him walk away from you, you lose it screaming and crying but you're so caught up in playing that you don't notice he left until he comes back with your favorite blankie over his shoulder and your favorite stuffie in his hand. He shakes it to catch your eye.
"Hey baby, who's this? Wanna come hug your friend? He told me he missed you!" You eye your favorite plushie and oooh do you want to snuggle your face into your blankie but you look around at all the toys in the pool and how nice the water feels on your tanning skin. "No daddy I stay here. Play here."
Elvis has to supress a groan and he tosses your blankie and your stuffy on the beach chair and turns back to you and you scream. "Hey! Don't throw Bubbles! Be gentle daddy!" You're angry now. And you glare at him so he knows it. Elvis keeps trying to coax you gently. "C'mon baby don't you want snuggles? Snuggles with daddy?" Elvis can tell you're actually considering it but at the last second you scream, "NO! PLAY!" Elvis groans, "You little--" Elvis stops to pace a bit and then gets down on all fours by the edge of the pool and reaches out, grabbing your arm and pulling you toward him, picking you up. "Enough, you little monster. We're going night-night then we can play some more later."
You try to wiggle out of his hold and you try to use the advantage that the pool water makes you slippery but you're daddy is prepared that you're gonna start flailing and catches you every which way you go. "No, no, no. We're going in. No negotiations." He knows that too big a word for you to understand in your headspace but you do understand the word no and the fact that he literally just pulled you out of the pool. Elvis takes you to the edge of the sliding patio doors where he meets Jerry who's ready and armed with a warm fluffy towel. Elvis holds you and Jerry wraps the towel around you, tucking it around you securly while you just cry and cry into your daddy's shoulder.
"Oh I know, I know it's the end of the world, I know baby." Jerry chuckles, rubbing your back a bit to comfort and dry you a bit before you go into the house to get ready for naptime.
Eventually after about fifteen minutes of Elvis patting your back and swaying you back and forth still outside, you finally quiet down, just hiccuping and sniffling.
"We doing better, honey?" Elvis asks as he pulls back to look at your face. And sure enough, you're dozing in his shoulder. Elvis chuckles. "Of course little one. All that upsetness and now you're passed out. Jer look at 'er." Elvis walks over to Jerry who's laying up in a beach chair and turns so that he can see you passed out on your daddy's shoulder. "Oh my gosh.." Both the men chuckle and chuckle even more when you feel Elvis's chest move with laughter and you whine at him, wanting to be still. "Sorry lovie."
I was writing about sunshine and pools while I see snow falling lol
I hope you enjoyed! I hope it was okay <33
I also love how 70's e can be the most stern <3
If you have any ideas or requests let me know <333333
Happy reading
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kiankiwi · 2 years ago
Here's an idea; Elvis comforting little!reader when they wake up in the middle of the night with a bad tummy ache after secretly eating too much candy? Thanks!
You are so good at this! <3
Elvis wakes up at an ungodly hour to a hand smacking his face. And is that sniffling and hiccuping he hears? Oh no. He bolts up reaching around in the dark for his bedside light switch and what he lays his eyes on is not a pretty sight. Your sitting beside his bed, on your knees, your pajamas covered in vomit and you're trying to swallow your sobs.
"Ooh no," He sleepily drawls. "What happened, baby?" You swipe at your wet eyes with the back of your hand. "Daddy.. I'm sorry.. I couldn't..." Elvis, not caring that you're covered in sick shushes you and swiftly picks you up, settling you in bed beside him.
"Hey, no no baby. It's not your fault. It just snuck up on ya, didn't it?" You nod, giving a sad "Mmhmm" and Elvis has to resist the urge to coo at you.
Elvis eyes the open bathroom door as you sit beside him. "You feel like you're gonna do it again, honey?" You shake your head, wiping your nose on your sleeve. He nods. "Alright.." He looks around the room, trying to come up with a plan of action. What he needs to do first.
"Alright, let's get you out of these yucky jammies, hmm?" He stands from the bed and puts you on his hip, where you're content just resting on his shoulder as he takes you to his large ensuite bathroom with the jacuzzi tub.
"Bubbles, daddy?" You ask as Elvis sits you on the closed toilet lid as he pulls your arms up so he can remove your soiled top. "No, not this time baby, we're just gonna wash you off a bit okay? We don't even have do your hair." Your eyes went big at that. You hated doing your hair most bath times because it often got tangled as it dried.
Halfway through your quick bath, you leaned your head back tiredly against the wall with a yawn. "Tired daddy." He nods. "I know baby. How does your tummy feel?" You shrug, poking it. "It hurts but not pukey hurt." Elvis could work with that.
He nods. "Is it still sore?" You shake your head and decide to show him. "Feels like this..." You show him your two hands and start opening and closing your fists trying to show him how it felt like it was intensely cramping up. "And it feels hot and yucky." You absentmindedly wrap one arm around your midsection under the warm water.
You look away as Elvis studies your face for pain, feeling guilty. "Yeah, I'm sorry baby. I wonder if you ate something bad. Because daddy's not feeling icky." Elvis raised his eyebrows prompting you to go on. He knew that as a consequence of always having dinner guests that adored you, many of them would sneak you treats or candy and often times sneak you way too much of it just to please you so they would become your 'favorite' Mafia member. Tonight the culprit was Jerry.
"Uh, Jerry gave me a cookie after dinner.. and I asked him for another one after that and he said no because he said you'd get mad and while him and you were playing the game with the balls (pool) I snuck three more... I'm sorry daddy."
Elvis sighed, looking at you with a look of concern and disappointment. "It's okay baby but now do you know why daddy would've said no? You feel icky and then you get pukey baby." You nod, looking down as you start to cry again. Elvis picks you up, wrapped in one of his fluffiest towels and sways from side to side as you continue to cry on his shoulder.
"It's alright baby, you're okay honey. Here, let's get you in something cozy and then you and daddy can snuggle up in bed with a show okay?" You nod. "Daddy can I sleep in one of your shirts?" You loved how they swallowed you up and made you feel cozy and safe.
Elvis gives you one of his favorite house shirts and as expected it hangs off you. As soon you're dressed again, you raise your arms up, wanting to be carried even though the closet isn't even twenty feet away from the bed "Oh baby, you really don't feel good do you?" Elvis never denies carrying you because he loves feeling needed and/or wanted. And he enjoys the closeness.
Elvis sits you in the large bed and puts his hands up as if to silently tell you to stay. "Stay there, okay? I'm gonna go grab a bucket just in case." You nod sleepily.
Not even two hours later, you're up and nauseous again, poking Elvis in the face. "Wha' whasamatter?" He mumbles, still half asleep. "Daddy!" You whine. He remembers the events of earlier in the night and bolts upright, surprised you're not already covered in sick again. He grabs the bucket, thrusting it under your chin and you both just wait for the inevitable as he rubs your back.
"It's okay baby. You're just fine. Just let it out if you need to."
Ten minutes later, nothing happened. You look over to Elvis and you almost look surprised. "You okay baby? Not gonna happen?" You shake your head. "N-no, I'm sorry for wakin' you daddy." You whimper, silently crying. "No no baby. I'm glad you woke me because I want to be there if you don't feel good because I know it's going to make you feel better to have me here. You're okay baby. You sure you're not gonna puke baby?" You shake your head. "No, I'm okay daddy." He nods.
Setting the bucket on the floor again, Elvis lays back down, curling his tall body around you becoming the big spoon that you definitely need tonight. "Can I give you a tummy rub? Would that help?" Elvis waits for consent before he inches his fingers above the hem of your shirt and kneads his fingers into your belly. "Is that okay?" You nod. He snuggles into you, glad that he can literally feel you relaxing back into him. He sighs and pecks your shoulder. "Don't feel bad if you need to wake me again, okay?" You nod and wait a minute before you sleepily ask. "Do you need to go to work tomorrow daddy?" He sighs. "No baby. You need me. Colonel can wait one day." You nod and Elvis smiles when he hears you whisper, "No more cookies" before finally passing out.
I know this might not be exactly what you requested but I really hope you liked this sickfic! I'm glad I finally got another fanfic up <3 Hope you enjoyed.
(A/N: I feel like Elvis says baby so much but I feel like the real Elvis did that)
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tabloidtoc · 5 years ago
Star, June 29
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: Brad Pitt dumps Jennifer Aniston again 
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Page 1: Matthew Perry falls into a funk after his recent breakup leaving loved ones frantic about his well-being 
Page 2: Contents, Joe and Melissa Gorga work out in their home gym 
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Page 4: Hayden Panettiere’s Fresh Start -- coming out the other side of a toxic relationship she has hope for the future -- in addition to improving her relationship with ex-fiance Wladimir Klitschko she wants to get her career back on track 
Page 5: Kate Winslet fell in love with New Zealand while filming Avatar 2 recently so much so that she’s seriously contemplating moving there, even after Lea Michele issued a mea culpa about her diva behavior the comeuppance kept coming so she’s reached out to costars like Emma Roberts and Jonathan Groff but so far no one’s vouching for her good name and she feels betrayed, stepping out as lockdown restrictions eased in California Maria Shriver’s newly smooth face comes from Botox and filler and laser resurfacing and skin-tightening procedures but she needs work on her neck and decolletage so the contrast is less apparent 
Page 6: Now that Justin Hartley has been flaunting his new romance with Sofia Pernas his This Is Us sister Chrissy Metz who considers Justin’s ex Chrishell Stause a friend can no longer keep quiet because Chrissy isn’t one to not express her opinion especially when she feels someone’s being hurtful, The Real cohost Amanda Seales announced her departure from the show saying people at the top aren’t respecting the necessity for black voices to be at the top too, Star Spots the Stars -- Lily Collins, Justin and Hailey Bieber, Emmy Rossum, Kylie Jenner using Luxie’s cruelty-free beauty brushes, Tim McGraw sharing a passionate speech about ocean pollution, Lucy Hale, Cedric the Entertainer 
Page 8: Star Shots -- Heather Graham and Odessa Rae at the beach, Brooke Burke leaving the exercise studio, Winnie Harlow on a hike in Big Bear Lake 
Page 10: Kiddie Care -- Kylie Jenner and daughter Stormi, Molly Sims tows her kids Grey and Scarlett while on a bike, Chrissy Teigen and kids Luna and Miles sifted through their many costume options 
Page 11: Jason Biggs and sons Sid and Lazlo, Brigitte Nielsen and daughter Frida 
Page 12: Machine Gun Kelly and Mod Sun enjoy a boys’ night out at Craig’s, January Jones, Kerry Washington 
Page 13: Gavin Rossdale, Ariel Winter 
Page 14: SNL’s Michael Che hosted a comedy show from the flatbed of a pickup truck in Long Island City, Mario Lopez showed his support for Mark Wahlberg on his 49th birthday, RHOBH Dorit Kemsley taking out the garbage 
Page 16: John Boyega gave a powerful speech about racial injustice and inequality at a Black Lives Matter demonstration in Hyde Park, Adam Sandler at the beach 
Page 17: Scout Willis and her dog Grandma, Kim Zolciak-Biermann and husband Kroy Biermann 
Page 18: Normal or Not? Lucy Hale put her dog Elvis in a backpack for a hike -- not, Justin Bieber multi-tasked while riding a bike barefoot -- not, a dressed-down Christina Milian pumps gas -- normal 
Page 20: Fashion -- stars charm in puff-sleeve minis -- Madeline Brewer, Ali Larter, Millie Bobby Brown 
Page 21: Lucy Boynton, Naomi Watts, Camila Cabello 
Page 24: Kelly Clarkson and Brandon Blackstock are over 
Page 25: Khloe Kardashian was worried about going public with her being back together with baby daddy Tristan Thompson because of the backlash it would create but she’s been spending a lot of time with Tristan and really believes he’s changed and she’s throwing caution to the wind and making it official and has already been spotted openly getting cozy with him at a friend’s birthday party, Denise Richards and Aaron Phypers’ marriage continues to be rocked by former Real Housewife Brandi Glanville’s allegation that she and Denise had an affair, Hayley Erbert is patiently waiting for Derek Hough to propose but Derek is skeptical of marriage and worries that they are both children of divorce and he fears that he and Hayley could repeat the pattern 
Page 26: Cover Story -- Brad Pitt dumps Jennifer Aniston again -- after reuniting during lockdown the onetime golden couple are over as Brad gives Jen her walking papers
Page 30: Kim Kardashian and Kanye West together but alone -- the fighting’s gotten so bad that Kim and Kanye can’t stand to be under the same roof and now friends fear the pair are at the breaking point 
Page 32: Jennifer Garner wants her old life back -- as Ben Affleck and Ana de Armas take their romance to the next level Jen is eyeing them with envy 
Page 34: Blamed & Mom-Shamed -- they can’t even breastfeed in peace! For famous moms there’s no end to the flak they catch from the parenting police -- Shay Mitchell, Amy Schumer, Alicia Silverstone 
Page 35: Chrissy Teigen, Shawn Johnson, Hilary Duff, Jessica Simpson 
Page 36: Health -- staycay essentials -- Brooke Burke 
Page 38: Beauty -- PRIDE yourself 
Page 40: Entertainment 
Page 41: Q&A with Joel McHale 
Page 48: Parting Shot -- Nina Dobrev does a cartwheel at the Welcome to Utah sign on her QuaranTrip
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