oliverreedmasterass · 4 months
Jake being nervous before performing with Mirador and Josh comforting him…
Addison!! Here ya go :) (My first draft of this was like 10x goofier than this, hopefully it's more touching than stupid now)
Must I Go Bound?
Words: 4.5k
Warnings: language, mental breakdown, Sam's feet
“Jake!” Josh hollered from the backstage area of the St. Louis arena. “Shit,” he cursed under his breath. “Where could that fucker be?” 
Josh had been pulled to the side by one of their roadies, asking if he could snag Jake to get his in ears fitted. Josh figured it would be relatively easy to track down his twin but, after twenty minutes of searching to no avail, he was starting to get worried. 
In the lead up to Jake’s debut with his pal, Chris Turpin, as the band Mirador, Jake had seemed like he was more excited than nervous. Compared to the shy teenager who had to turn his back to the crowd, this older version of Jake commanded the stage with such ease and grace that Josh knew it was only right that he start a new band. 
Josh had even shared a nice breakfast with Jake that morning at a local cafe, cracking each other up while brainstorming monologues Jake could give during his performance. 
“You’re gonna have to thank Greta Van Fleet for letting you guys open,” Josh had told Jake, which made him boom with laughter, wiping fat tears from his eyes. 
So, when they went their separate ways, Josh to get fitted into his jumpsuit, and Jake to practice his guitar a bit more, Josh assumed that things were going great. But, after practically tearing the arena apart searching for his brother, Josh knew something was up.
Jake was the master at masking his emotions, afterall. 
On his third loop around the concourse area, Josh ran into Chris, who looked equally on edge. 
“Jake?” they asked each other. At that, they both frowned. 
“I can’t find him,” Josh shared. 
“Me neither,” Chris shook his head, his eyes darting around in the hopes that he would catch a glimpse of his missing bandmate. “We’ve got our final soundcheck coming up soon. I really don’t want to go out there by myself.” 
“You’re not going to,” Josh promised him. He gave Chris a pat on the back and then hustled for the doors leading inside the arena. The hoards of seats surrounding him were all empty and, through the flashing lights, Josh could barely make out any of the sections above him. 
Stupid Jake always wearing black, Josh grumpily thought to himself. If only the guy could wear neon and a sign above his head that read, “HEY JOSH, I’M RIGHT HERE!” 
With a sigh, Josh started to walk up and down the rows, hoping he would eventually stumble across Jake. 
It took about ten minutes of wandering until he literally stumbled over his brother in section 117 row 4. 
“What the?” Josh hollered as he sprawled to catch himself. After regaining his balance, he fumbled for his phone so he could shine a light on what had tripped him up. It was frankly a concerning sight. Jake, still dressed in his street clothes, was curled up on the floor, next to a pile of discarded french fries that had been missed by the janitorial staff the previous night. His hair swirled around his blank face that was gazing at the seat in front of him, unblinking. “Jake!” Josh attempted to get his attention, waving his hand in front of his eyes. He remained motionless. “Shit,” Josh thought aloud. “Are you dead?” It was hard to see through Jake’s loose-fitting clothes if he was breathing or not, so Josh opted to kick him in the stomach. 
“Oomph,” Jake coughed out. 
“Come on, dude,” Josh softened his tone. “You gotta get up for your soundcheck.”  
Jake continued to lay stiff on the concrete. Josh was desperate to get some kind of reaction out of him, so he plucked a cold and soggy french fry from the ground and started to poke it into Jake’s left nostril. His brow furrowed when he realized that Jake’s mouth didn’t even curl into a frown at the sensation. 
“He’s entirely catatonic,” Josh realized. “Fuck.” 
Josh first started to run back to the concourse to grab Chris, but then decided that it would be better if he took Jake with him, so he squatted back by his side. With a loud grunt he managed to lift Jake’s ragdoll body over his shoulder and started the tough trek up the stairs. Well, at least Josh didn’t have to worry about doing any additional cardio before their set. 
He did a half-lap past the shuttered food stands before he stumbled across Sam and Danny, who were playing with Rosie. 
“Why are you holding Jake like a sack of potatoes?” Sam called to Josh after throwing Rosie’s tennis ball over Josh’s head. Josh squatted a bit to avoid getting pelted with the ball and, in his moment of weakness, wound up juggling Jake in his arms. Danny and Josh both gasped as they watched Jake tumble from Josh’s grip onto the floor in a tangled mess. To the surprise of no one, Sam burst into laughter. 
“God, is he okay?” Danny gaped at Jake. Josh kneeled by Jake’s limp side and carefully cradled his head in his hands, guiding it over to his lap where he could lay more comfortably. Josh snapped his fingers in front of Jake’s eyes, but the guy didn’t even blink. 
“I think he’s going through it,” Josh decided. Sam approached his side and squatted down so he could be closer to Jake. 
“I remember him pulling something like this the first time we played at Fischer Hall,” Sam nonchalantly remembered as he stroked his mustache. “I had to stomp on his foot to get him to snap out of it.” 
“I just shoved a french fry in his nose but that didn’t work,” Josh looked at Sam in sadness. 
“You did what?” Danny’s voice shook before collecting himself. “We need to get him back to the green room before anyone finds him.”
“He’s got soundcheck in, like, fifteen minutes,” Sam said after glancing at his Hello Kitty watch. “At Fischer Hall I had to do an entire line dance on his feet. I don’t know if I’ll have enough time to do that now.” 
“You’re not gonna do that,” Danny corrected Sam. “We can’t go breaking Jake’s feet.” 
Sam hung his head in disappointment. Josh had zoned out through their bickering and, when he came back to, he realized that he had been absently combing his fingers through Jake’s long hair. Jake must have really been out of it, because he was usually unbelievably sensitive about people touching what he called “God’s gift.” 
Danny looked around at his band and huffed. He hated how he always had to be the one to take the lead. The Kiszkas were frankly a mess more often than not. 
“Come on,” he ordered as he leaned down to grab Jake and stretch him over his shoulders. Josh, Sam, and Rosie trailed a few paces behind him as he led the charge towards the backstage area. Danny had a plan. 
The three men huddled in the bathroom, surrounding Jake who was flopped over on a folding chair, his eyes still glazed. “Are you sure this is the best idea?” Josh whispered to Danny. Danny tossed the shower head from hand to hand while staring Jake down. 
“I think it’s the only way,” he decided. “Pull the lever, Sam.” 
Sam twisted the knob, letting a powerful stream of cold water release from the nozzle in Danny’s hands. He took in a deep breath and then raised it to Jake’s eyeline, releasing the flood of water straight into his face. Danny, Josh, and Sam all watched, their breaths hitched to see if Jake would come back around. While his eyes flinched at the water and he sputtered every so often, he showed little sign of life. 
“Stop it! Stop it!” Josh waved his arms over his head. “This isn’t doing anything. And now he’s soaked.” 
“He was kinda smelling bad though,” Sam pointed out. “So it wasn’t entirely for nothing.” 
“There’s got to be another way,” Danny grumbled, deep in thought. Then, his eyes brightened. “I’ll be right back,” he excused himself, and then hurried away. 
While Danny was gone, Josh attempted to pat Jake dry with a towel and Sam grabbed a blow dryer to fix his hair. “Hey, I’m pretty good at this!” Sam called out as he pointed the blow dryer towards the back of Jake’s head, making his wet hair fly out in all directions. Josh wanted to point out that Sam was transforming Jake’s hair into a frizzy mess, but he kept his thoughts to himself. 
A few minutes later, Danny rushed back into the bathroom, holding Jake’s old reliable out with one hand. “You see this, Jake?” Danny asked his friend, slightly out of breath. Jake gave no response. Danny shot Josh and Sam a concerned glance. Jake usually lost his mind if he saw anyone other than his road tech handling his guitar. “I’m gonna mess with your guitar, Jake,” Danny tried again. Sam couldn’t help but bug his eyes. Danny was really putting his life out on the line in order to get Jake back. When Jake didn’t even bother to raise an eyebrow in Danny’s direction, he cursed to himself. “Okay,” he tried again, “you leave me no choice.” With a trembling hand, Danny reached into his back pocket and retrieved a pair of wire clippers that he had found laying by the sound board. He maintained eye contact with Jake as he opened the clippers and hovered them over his E and A strings. “I really don’t want to do this,” Danny warned Jake with a firm tone, hoping to get any kind of response from him. Nothing.
The room went silent. Danny’s chest heaved up and down as he braced himself for the worst, but nothing came. Jake continued to stare at a spot just above Danny’s head, looking like there wasn’t a single thought behind his eyes. 
“I think we need to call an ambulance,” Danny decided.
“Wait, hold on,” Sam cut in. Before anyone could stop him, he sent his bare foot flying heel-first down on Jake’s toes. 
“Sam, no!” Josh and Danny both hollered at him. 
“If it worked once, it has to work again!” Sam huffed out in determination. “I’ve got this!” 
Danny placed Jake’s guitar on the bathroom sink and had to physically pick Sam up to move him and his dangerous dogs away from his brother. “I said quit it!” Danny groaned out in irritation. Sam decided it was in his best interests to flail his feet around in the hopes that he might make contact with Jake again. 
“I’m gonna lock you in a closet, Samuel!” Danny warned his friend. 
“I dare you!” Sam called back, his feet still flying. With a scowl on his face, Danny hauled Sam out of the room. The sound of a heavy door slamming shut echoed through the bathroom, followed by cries and scratching noises. Danny stomped back into the room, wiping his hands off on his pants. 
“I need a cigarette.” 
Josh arched his head up to study his friend. “But you don’t smoke, Danny.” 
Danny sighed, leaning up against the sink. “It seems like a good time to start.” 
A knock rapped on the outside of the door, and Danny and Josh whirled around to see who it was. Danny was about to yell at Sam to get back into the closet when he saw that Chris was standing in the doorway, gaping at the sopping wet Jake. 
“Oh, that doesn’t look good,” Chris murmured. Josh’s stomach dropped; he had really hoped that Chris wouldn’t have to see Jake in his catatonic state. It was sure to make him feel all the more on edge before their big debut. 
“It does look bad,” Danny acknowledged, “but we’re working on it.” 
“By ‘working on it,’ does that include locking Sam in the broom closet?” Chris asked, jutting a thumb back out towards the hallway. “Because I heard him yelling some pretty rude things about you in there and wanted to see what was going on.” 
Josh hated to be the bearer of bad news, but he figured that Chris had already put most of it together. After releasing a deep sigh and smacking his hands together to get everyone’s attention, Josh motioned towards Jake. “He’s going through it.” 
“Obviously,” Chris deadpanned, staring at his bandmate. Before Josh or Danny could say anything else, Chris moved up to Jake’s side and kneeled in front of him, grabbing his damp hands. Briefly, Chris turned back to address the rest of the room. “You sprayed him with the showerhead?” Danny and Josh both shrugged. It seemed like a good idea at the time. Chris sighed and focused his attention back on Catatonic Jake. “Hey,” Chris softly spoke to Jake. “I know you can hear me in there.” 
Jake stared forward. Josh was pretty sure he hadn’t blinked in well over 20 minutes. 
“I get that you’re nervous for tonight, and that’s a totally reasonable thing to be feeling,” Chris continued. “Hell, I’m scared shitless too. But those people who are lining up outside right now love you. Like, cult-levels of love. I’m serious. You’re one of the most talented guys I know, and I’ve been looking forward to getting out there with you and showing everyone what we’ve got. We’ve been working our asses off for this, and you deserve to be in the spotlight. Whatever you’re afraid of, it’s entirely in your head. You’re a rock star.” 
Josh could tell that the weight of the situation was starting to take a toll on Chris. He had been praying under his breath that Chris’s heart to heart would break Jake’s spell, but it didn’t seem to be enough. Chris came back to his feet, straightened his suit, and let his shoulders fall. 
“I’d better get out there for our soundcheck,” he excused himself. As he walked past the sink, he stopped in front of Jake’s guitar and gaped at the cut strings. “And I better restring this thing,” he added, taking the guitar with him. 
“Thank you!” Danny called after him, but Chris gave no other response. 
“Hey, Danny,” Josh broke the silence in the room. Danny turned to look at him. “Can I have a moment with Jake alone?”
“Of course,” Danny was quick to oblige and made his way back into the hallway, where he could make sure that Sam and his feet hadn’t broken free from the closet. Josh shut the bathroom door and took a seat on the toilet across from Jake. 
“It’s just you and me,” Josh spoke levelly to his brother. “No Danny, no Sam, no Chris. Just us.” 
He stared deep into Jake’s whiskey-colored eyes, trying to signal to him that everything was going to be okay. 
“This is a step way out of your comfort zone,” Josh continued. “But that’s how we grow. I mean, you were the one who told me back in high school that my doubts and fears were the only things holding me back. The same thing applies here.” 
Still nothing. Josh turned his gaze away from Jake and focused on studying his hands, which he was twisting around in his lap. 
“I don’t know what’s going on inside your head right now, but I’ve been there too. I’ve had those scary thoughts before, that I’m not good, that I’m wasting people’s time, that I should save the humiliation. But, Jake, you have to remember: you love to play. And people love to watch you play. You’ve got this unspeakable talent, and you don’t give yourself enough credit. You’ve built this life for not only yourself, but the rest of us from the ground up, which is, like, insane. Watching you play out there, whether I’m on stage with you or not, is what makes this all worthwhile. Seeing that big smile of yours, there’s nothing like it. Don’t you want Chris to get to experience that too?” 
Josh could have sworn that he saw Jake’s eyes shift. Suddenly feeling empowered, Josh kept sounding every thought on his mind. 
“I’m not sure if it’s about singing in front of people, playing songs that you haven’t put through rehearsal a whole lot, or what, but you’ve got absolutely nothing to worry about. You’re gonna go out there and blow everyone away.”
“It’s not that,” Jake’s voice surprised Josh. With a short gasp he snapped his head up to face his twin. Jake’s eyes were now studying the ground, his shoulders hunched. 
“What was that?” Josh asked, scooting to the edge of the toilet seat to get closer. Jake seemed to be thinking, and then spoke a dial louder. 
“It’s not that,” Jake repeated himself. “I’m not worried about singing or playing new stuff.” 
“Then what is it?” Josh tried to meet his eyes, but was unsuccessful. Jake looked as though he was trying to spot every speck of dust on the tiled floor beneath his feet. The silence hung between them, but then Jake wiped his hand down his face. 
“It’s about playing without you.” 
Josh’s heart dropped. 
“Jake, I’ll be there with you for our set.” 
“I know,” Jake huffed, raking a hand through his frizzy hair. “I just know that it will feel wrong, like there’s a part of me that’s missing.” 
“I’ll be in the wings the entire time you play,” Josh promised. “But this is your time to explore the unknown, Jake. We’ve been at this rodeo for a while. I think it’s about time that we change things up.” 
“You’re right,” Jake murmured. 
“The second you get out there, you’re going to have the time of your life,” Josh assured him. “You and I both know how much you love seeing the audience eat up your every move. Well, you’re gonna get that on steroids. And, it’s not like you’re going out there alone. You’ve got Chris and your band with you too.” 
Jake nodded and his eyes finally met Josh’s. Josh gave him a sad smile when he saw that Jake had some tears welling up. 
“I almost feel like I’m leaving home all over again,” Jake admitted. “This is really hard.” 
“Oh, come here,” Josh motioned for Jake to join his side. It was a relief to see Jake comply and stand to his feet, shuffling into his arms. “You’re gonna be okay,” Josh soothed him, stroking his back gently. Jake placed his damp head on Josh’s shoulder, and Josh didn’t have the heart to tell him to move it since it was ruining his jumpsuit. “Man, if I had known that opening for us was gonna put you through this much, I would have vetoed the whole idea,” Josh tried to joke. He was glad that he heard a light chuckle come from Jake, in between his staggered breaths.  
“I’m surprised you didn’t put your foot down,” Jake said into Josh’s shoulder. Josh had to frown at that. 
“And summon Super Bitch? I would never do that to my brother!” 
“You do it to Sam all the time.” 
“That’s because Sam deserves it.” 
Jake let out a laugh that Josh could tell meant he was going to be okay. He released Jake from his grasp and, as Jake stepped away from him, he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror above the sink. “Oh god,” Jake stopped in his tracks to gape back at his reflection. “What the hell happened to my hair? It looks like a lion’s mane.” 
“Sam blow dried it,” Josh tried to carefully explain. Jake turned back and glared at his brother. 
“You let him do that?” 
“You were literally catatonic, Jake. I figured if anything would make you snap out of it, maybe it would be that.” 
Jake tsked as he fingered through his poofy hair, and then he let his hand drop to his side, defeated. 
“I’m gonna have to take another shower,” he realized. 
“I’ll leave you to it,” Josh offered, making his way to the door. As he was about to turn the handle, Jake called to him.
“Hey!” Josh whirled around to face him. “Thanks,” Jake gave a small smile. 
“Anytime,” Josh grinned. And with that, he stepped out into the hallway and gently shut the door behind him. He breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Jake click the lock on the handle and turn on the shower. Danny was quick to join his side. 
“Did you break through?” he was unable to contain his curiosity. 
“I’m a miracle worker, darling,” Josh joked. From inside the bathroom, they could hear Jake going through some of the vocal warmups that Josh had taught him. 
“Oh thank god,” Danny heaved. “I was bracing for the worst. I told Chris I could step in for Jake if he needed a hand, but we both knew that wasn’t gonna end well.” 
“Jake definitely owes us financial compensation for emotional distress,” Josh agreed. 
“Me-me-me-ME-me-me-me,” Jake belted from the shower. 
Josh and Danny both seemed committed to waiting outside the bathroom for Jake to make sure that he didn’t run on them again, but it didn’t take long for their attention to shift elsewhere. They had been in the middle of discussing what jumpsuit Josh could change into since the one he was wearing had gotten soggy when they saw Rosie run down the hall. Danny bent down to pet her, but she trotted straight past him, towards the closet where Sam was still locked. Rosie made her way to the door and let out a short bark. 
“Atta girl, Rosie!” they heard Sam’s muffled voice congratulate her from inside the closet. Josh and Danny both watched with their mouths hung open as Rosie dropped a key from her mouth and used her paw to swipe it under the gap at the bottom of the door. Within seconds, Sam had jiggled the handle and freed himself. “SUCK IT!” he hollered the second he stepped foot back into the hallway. “YOU CAN’T CONTAIN SAMUEL FRANCIS KISZKA!” 
“It didn’t take me 28 years to learn that one,” Josh grumbled to himself. 
Seemingly entirely unbothered by the fact that his best friend had manhandled and thrown him into a closet, Sam plodded back to Danny’s side and rested an arm on his shoulder. “So,” he started, looking between Josh and Danny. “Where’s Jake? I gotta get back to stepping on him.” 
“He’s showering,” Josh answered at the same time as Danny said, “You wouldn’t dare.” 
Sam glimpsed between the two of them and shook his head with a chuckle. “So which one of you opted to do the line dance on his feet?” 
“Neither of us!” Danny called out. “What the hell is wrong with you?” 
“You can’t blame me for devoting my time and energy towards something that I know works,” Sam stated like a know-it-all.  
“You’re gonna end up on a watchlist one of these days,” Josh mused to himself. It was a miracle that Sam had only been arrested once. His younger brother seemed entirely unbothered by his observation since he gave Rosie one more loving pet, and then pointed towards the green room. 
“I need to get my camera set up for Jake’s set,” he excused himself. “I’m gonna be Mirador’s tour photographer by the end of this shit.” 
“You wish,” Danny called after him as he sauntered away. 
It was good timing that Jake got out of the shower after Sam had left the vicinity. Otherwise Sam probably would have found himself in an unfriendly headlock as penance for what he had done to Jake’s hair. Jake opened the bathroom door in nothing but a towel and gave Danny an apologetic smile. 
“Hey,” he greeted the tall drummer. “Sorry about everything,” he added, while making a grand gesture with his hands. 
“I get it,” Danny reassured him with a shrug. “You’ve got a lot on your mind right now.” 
“Actually,” Jake countered, “the only thing that’s really on my mind is where my Mirador stage outfit went.” 
“That’s what I like to hear,” Josh congratulated him. 
About thirty minutes later, Jake was back in the green room with the rest of his bandmates, tuning his guitar that Chris had fixed. Across from him, Josh beamed at Jake in his loose black suit and silk top that exposed the string of pendants around his neck. Jake looked like he was entirely in his element, that he was exactly where he needed to be.  
Chris, Sam, and Danny were in the middle of an intense ping pong match that involved playing with bananas instead of paddles, but that was cut short when their tour manager popped his head into the room. 
“Ten minutes to stage, Mirador,” he shared before whisking away. 
Josh could tell that Jake’s body language stiffened ever so slightly at the realization that his performance was coming soon, but he tried hard to hide it from the rest of the room. While it worked on everyone else, Josh could see straight through his facade. That was one of the perks of being twins with the guy. 
“Can you step out with me for a second?” he stared at Jake and nodded towards the hallway. It didn’t take much coaxing to get Jake to follow behind him. 
The second they were out of the sight of everyone else, Josh engulfed Jake in a tight embrace, which Jake was quick to return. “Whatever you’re thinking right now, get rid of it,” Josh sternly told him. “Even if I’m not out there on stage, I’m always with you, okay?” 
Jake squeezed him tighter. “Okay,” he agreed. 
“You’re Sir Jacob Thomas Kiszka,” Josh reminded him. “And don’t you fucking forget it.” 
“I won’t,” Jake couldn’t help but laugh. “I was knighted and everything.” 
“Damn right,” Josh released him from his grasp to look him down. They had grown so much, even in just the past few years. Josh couldn’t formulate into words how proud he was of his brother. They had overcome so many hurdles and came out much stronger than he could ever imagine.
The roadie from the start of their drama-filled evening came up behind them and cleared his throat, holding out Jake’s in ears. “I’ve been looking all over for you,” the guy said through grit teeth, obviously at his wit’s end. “Can you let me know if these fit okay? Not that I can do anything about it, I’d just like to feel like I did some part of my job today.” 
“Oh god,” Josh clutched at his head in embarrassment. “I’m so sorry about that one, Ralph. We kind of got caught up in some other stuff.” 
“Whatever,” Ralph grumbled. 
Jake quickly tucked in his in ears and gave Ralph a big thumbs up. “They fit perfectly,” he told him. “I’m all good to go.” 
“You bet you are,” Josh pulled Jake back into his side. Jake leaned into his embrace and couldn’t help but let a wide grin stretch from cheek to cheek. 
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fanfictasia · 1 year
Star Wars One-Shots - Blood-Touched (Part 2) - Wattpad
Blood-Touched Chapter 2: Part 2, a star wars fanfic | FanFiction
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kittpunk144 · 9 months
art trend WOOHOOO
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I did that draw two comfort characters trend thingy with glamrock Freddy and Future Leonardo.
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sylenth-l · 7 months
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[🚧 WIP] @makoredeyes wanted someone to collect Osiris after the bath incident, but I think I'm only making it worse 🙃
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letthewhumpbegin · 5 months
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Ben-Hur (2016)
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seafoodsoda · 1 year
All jokes aside, ain’t it real fucked up that AO3 problems are still happening hours later just because some shmucks
(who, mind you only claim to be behind the DDoS attack but for all we know are just taking this chance to steal attention and make the situation all about them and their beliefs, for all we know there could actually be a whole separate source and they actually know Jack diddily squat about how to work a computer)
With absolutely zero power outside of, what I assume, making long Twitter threads about how much they hate the gays get to just dictate what we’re allowed to fucking read with some fucking spaghetti code and ruin the whole thing for everybody. Like, if what they say is true, it’s not even trolling at this point, it’s literally “we have decided that since we don’t like lgbtq+ or mature writing, nobody gets to read it!” Fuckers somehow brought book burning to the digital age. I’m 22 years old sir I will read what I please.
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sixpennydame · 1 year
North Star✶Chapter 7
A Levi Ackerman x oc slow burn
Previous Chapter | Next Chapter | Series Masterlist | AO3
Levi fights to keep you alive, and you decide if it's worth it all.
Warning: mentions of death
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Levi follows Mathieu into his home and to a bedroom, where he opens a large cedar chest. He takes out a few items of clothing and hands them to Levi. “You should be able to fit into some of my son’s old clothing. Make sure you cover as much skin as you can - it’s going to be cold and windy up there, and frostbite can settle in fast if you’re not careful.” 
Mathieu then lays out a map on the table and takes out a compass. “I assume, as a former soldier, you know how to use one of these?” Mathieu asks, to which Levi nods. “The glevora trail starts on the southern slope of the mountain and was meant to be taken by foot - it’ll take too long in this weather on a horse. But there’s another, faster trail slightly to the west,” he points on the map, “here.” He folds up the map and gives it to Levi. “Prince was made for this kind of weather, but it’ll still be treacherous, especially if the blizzard hits before you make it to her.”
“Then I better get going,” Levi responds as he changes into the wool sweater and waxed coat given to him. Mathieu pulls out some gear and supplies and as both men head to the stables, there’s already a change in the air. 
“Levi, it’s likely when you find her that she’ll be weak and maybe even a little confused. Besides not eating for over 3 days, opening the bridge takes a toll on her body and mind.” He puts a hand on Levi’s shoulder. “And keep your own wits about you. Strange things are said to happen in the mountains on the solstice.”
“I will.” Levi mounts Prince, who eagerly stomps his hooves. He pulls on the reins gently to control him and then looks down at Mathieu. “Thank you, for your help. Let the council know that she’ll return safely down the mountain with her duty accomplished,” then he rides out of the barn and towards Mount Aspe.
There’s a cold wind blowing down through the mountains and into the valley, and it stings at Levi’s exposed face. He’s never been particularly comfortable in freezing temperatures, but he feels focused, more than he has in a long time; his winter training for the Survey Corps is coming back to him.
It’s quiet, only the crunch of Prince’s hooves in the snow can be heard. The scent of pine trees wafts in the wind and Levi marvels at how different this landscape is than anything he knew in Paradis. The higher he climbs the mountain, the energy seems to change as well; as if the very trees and rocks around him wait in expectation. The wind bites at his face and his muscles tense.
“You weren’t made for the cold, were you, Levi?” Hange used to tease. She had once tried to make a heating mechanism for their winter uniforms that would keep them warm as well as hinder the ODM gear from freezing up, but it ended up catching fire during the first trial run. 
Why am I thinking of Hange now of all times? Levi asked himself. He re-focused on the task at hand, which was navigating this mountain trail. Snow had fallen last night, covering everything in a fresh, sparkling white, but it made navigating the correct route challenging. He had to depend on his compass and map more often than not. 
Mathieu had warned that the daylight hours were particularly short during the winter solstice, and Levi was glad that he’d started his trek early. Clouds were beginning to build overhead and it urged him forward - he was quickly running out of time. As he came into a clearing, he could see a fire burning in the distance, then the lights in the sky began to appear, flowing from one end of the sky to the other. It really was a magical sight to see, even to a skeptic like Levi. Then suddenly, the wind changed and clouds began to cover the lights and darken the stars. Sensing the start of the storm, Levi urged Prince onward toward the fire’s light, the wind and snow bearing down on him, making it difficult to see.  
When he finally arrives at the stone circle, you are nowhere to be found. His heart races as he searches around the immediate area, calling your name. He finds the cave where you had set up camp and ties Prince there. The wind continues to pick up, creating a complete white-out; Levi can barely see in front of him, but he ventures past the camp and altar, desperate to find any sign of you. Placing his arm in front of his face to block as much of the blizzard as possible, he trudges through the snow, ignoring the growing pain in his knee. “I can’t see shit out here.” 
“This really is quite a storm, isn’t it?” says a voice from behind him. Levi’s eyes widen and then he quickly turns around. 
It can’t be. It’s impossible.
The wind and snow have stopped and it’s as if everything is frozen in time. Levi blinks his eyes a few times, wondering if his mind is playing tricks on him. 
“Yo.” Hange gives a little wave. “Long time, no see.” They’re wearing the Survey Corps uniform, brown hair tied up in their usual way, but no eye patch. 
“This can’t be real..” Levi marvels.
They feel around themself. “If I’m not real then you are having one very convincing hallucination,” they laugh then grab Levi’s hand to put it on their shoulder, “See? Real as can be.”
Levi quickly pulls back his hand, but he can still still feel the texture of Hange’s jacket. “How is this possible?”
“Your guess is as good as mine. I suppose there are some things that just can’t be explained.”
Levi remembers sitting against a rock after the final battle and seeing all his comrades faces, Hange and Erwin at the forefront as they disappeared into the smoke. “I just never thought I’d see you again.”
“Well, I am dead, so I suppose that would be a logical conclusion,” they tease. “But I haven’t been too far away this whole time. It looks like you have a good thing going there in Mursa.”
“It’s nice. Peaceful. But,” his glance turns downward, “I don’t know what I should do anymore.”
“Just keep doing what you’re doing - living life.” They move toward Levi. “After all you’ve been through, you deserve some peace.”
“But I shouldn’t be the one still here. I should -” 
He thinks about all the times he should have died, but he kept fighting and pushing forward, even when he didn’t want to. Friends, family, comrades - they’ve all moved on without him, to whatever is beyond this world. But he can’t help but feel like he’s cheated death; that his Ackerman blood gave him an unfair and unwanted advantage. Living shouldn't feel like a curse.
Hange puts a hand on his shoulder, stopping him mid sentence. “You should live. The world is such a big place - explore it! That’s what the Survey Corps does, isn’t it?”
They smile. “Your time on earth is a gift, Levi. That’s why they call it the present.” Hange laughs heartily, a gleam in their eye, then nudges Levi’s ribs. “Get it? I think I just came up with a saying.”
Levi rolls his eyes. “You’re still as annoying as ever.” Then his face softens. “I’ve missed this.” 
There’s so much he wants to say at this brief moment. That he’s thankful for their friendship. That he wishes he’d been the one to give his life that day. 
“Ah, Levi, don’t be getting sentimental on me now.” Hange smiles, then begins to walk away into the trees. “I’ll see you on the other side, someday. Now go on…she needs you.”
The snow and wind pick back up and Hange disappears amongst the white. In their place, Levi sees footprints. He follows them through a grove of trees, until he starts finding pieces of clothing: a scarf, a coat, a hat, all leading to a figure amongst the trees. 
“Catherine!” He yells, running toward you just as you drop to your knees. He catches you and holds you close. 
“I’ve got you, Catherine. I won’t let you go.”
You don’t respond. Your eyes are open but seem to be in a trance-like state. Levi knows he has to act quickly; he grabs you and hoists you on his back, dragging you along and picking up your discarded clothing along the way. He’s pushed his body to the limit today, and his knee throbs, but he pushes through until he reaches the cave. 
Now shielded from the snow, he places you down and wraps you in blankets. He quickly gets a fire going so that he can assess what kind of state you’re in. The fire slowly comes to life, illuminating the cave and your frail body shivering. 
Levi crouches in front of you and places his hands on either side of your face. You’re freezing to the touch, your hair in icy clumps clinging to your head, your lips blue. 
“Catherine! Catherine! Can you hear me?” 
Your eyes are half open but it's as if you see right through him; your eyes are completely focused elsewhere, like there’s another world in front of you. 
“Martin? You came for me?”
Levi thinks back to his winter survival training. Your confusion and physical state all show signs of hypothermia and minutes can determine whether you live or die. He knows he has to act quickly to raise your body heat.
Having discarded your coat and warm layers, the rest of the clothing you wore was soaked and cold. “Catherine, I need to get you warm. I’m sorry, but I’m going to have to take off your clothes.”
He takes a deep breath, then starts to undress you. “Please don’t hate me for this, but it’s for your own good.” He lifts the sweater over your head then pulls off the heavy wool pants. Once you’re only in your camisole and underwear, he places you inside the sleeping bag and begins to undress himself. Both your coats and clothing are placed next to the fire and when he is down to only his underwear, he crawls into the sleeping bag with you. 
Your body is like a block of ice next to him, and it takes his breath away a bit. He piles the blankets and furs on top of you both and then zips up the sleeping bag. There’s no time to think of the awkwardness of it all because he knows this is the fastest way to warm your freezing body.
His arms wrap around you as you lay beside him, your head against his chest. He rubs your back and arms to encourage your blood to circulate, all the while hoping he acted in time. 
The night passes and the blizzard dies down to a light snow falling. Prince stomps at the ground as the dying fire casts tall shadows along the cave walls. Levi crawls out of the sleeping bag only to add more wood to the fire, then his arms are around you again. Your head fits perfectly in the crook of his neck, and he feels your uneven breathing against his skin. The lights in the sky eventually fade, and to Levi’s relief, your body begins to warm, little by little; he finally allows himself to fall asleep just for a brief moment.
You’re going to make it.
——- ✶ ——-
“Don’t go! Take me with you!” You yell out to Lars. You find yourself running deeper and deeper into the trees, trying to catch up to him, but snow is whipping at your face and stinging your eyes. 
It feels as if the world is spinning around you and then everything stops: the same empty feeling you had as you watched Martin’s airship fall from the sky. “You’re wrong, Martin, I’m not a strong person,” you say out loud - or at least, you think you say it out loud. You’re having a hard time differentiating between what is real and what isn’t. Honestly, you don’t really care.
Despite being surrounded by snow, you suddenly feel so hot. You start taking off your scarf and hat, then your gloves and finally your coat as you walk aimlessly among the trees. There’s a part of you warning that this is wrong, that you’re going to freeze out here. 
And maybe that’s ok. You can almost see the thread connecting you to this life fraying. Just a little longer and it’ll snap, and you can be with Martin. Just a little bit more, and all your pain will be over..
Then there’s darkness.
You blink and you’re at the top of Mount Aspe. Thousands of stars are sparkling around you and the lights in the sky fade in and out, flowing through the air and around the moon. There’s no snow, only the endless sky surrounds you.
You shouldn't be here, Catherine, a familiar voice says. They wrap their arms around you.
“Take me with you. Or let me follow.”
Not this time.
You can’t see him, but he’s here, with you. You feel his arms, his breath against your ear. But you can’t turn around. 
Don’t be afraid to enjoy your life and all there is to this frail world. Make friends, sit in the sun, ride Aster, laugh until you cry. Embrace it all. I want that for you.
A star in the distance starts shining brighter and brighter. You close your eyes.
“But it’s hard”, you reply.
All good things are hard. 
“I’m alone..”
You’re not alone. 
Everything gets dark around you as you feel your body shutting down. You feel yourself falling, and you almost give into it - 
…but something inside you - a tiny spark - says this isn’t how it’s supposed to be.
Martin’s words grow in your heart. You want to live.
You feel a pair of hands grab you and pull you into them. Who is it? You feel like you’re floating. Are you dead?
Someone’s calling your name. “Martin?” Did he come back? That’s impossible - he crossed the bridge. Someone’s taking off your clothes. That’s fine, you think, it’s so hot. No..it’s freezing. You feel arms around you. So warm. Feels like home. 
You hear a heart beating against the chest your head is laying on. This is real. You’re alive. 
When you open your eyes the cave is still dark, but the sun is slowly rising, shining through the entrance. You’re completely buried in blankets and there’s a body next to you, their arms around you and their head resting on top of yours. Your hands move along their bare chest; the scars you feel are unfamiliar. The touching rouses them from their sleep and they take a deep breath. When you look up, you see two long scars marking a porcelain complexion.
You feel his muscles tense underneath you and he shifts a bit, putting a small space between your bodies. But his arms stay around you.
“What are you doing here?”
“I can tell you all about it later. Right now I just need to know you’re ok.” One of his hands gently touches your face and neck. “You’re feeling warmer. Let me stoke the fire and heat up some water for you to drink.”
He moves to unzip the sleeping bag, but your arm pressed next to him  quickly reaches across his chest. He looks at you and you pull your arm back. 
You’re now fully aware that only the thin fabric of your underwear and camisole is keeping you from being totally nude next to him. “This was the most effective way to raise your body temperature,” Levi mentions, as if reading your mind.
“No, I understand.” Your arm reaches across him again. You’re not sure how or why Levi is here, but right now, it doesn’t matter.  “Don’t go just yet.”
There’s silence, and then Levi pulls you closer to him, his arms warmer than any blanket could be. 
You rub your legs together for some extra warmth, and Levi notices. “Do you want me closer?” He asks, and you nod your head. At that, his leg drapes over yours. The weight of his body and the warmth emanating from his core assures you that you’re still alive. 
You need this. You need to feel another human next to you, to know that you’re not alone. His chest rises and falls and you find that your own breathing syncs with his, each inhale and exhale pulling you back to this world.
“Thank you..” you quietly say into the curve of his neck. “I don’t know how you found me out here, but I thought it was the end.”
Hearing that, he pulls you in even tighter. He’s never felt so close to anyone before, and now that the danger of the situation has lessened, he realizes that he wants to be near you beyond just protecting you. Having you in his arms feels natural, as if you replace an emptiness he thought would never be filled. He could hold you like this forever.
But this isn’t the time for those feelings. Levi takes a deep breath.  “You could still be in danger. I need to keep you warm and hydrated while I find a way off of this mountain. The faster we can get you back to Mursa, the better.”
He begins to sit up. “I’m sorry, but I’ll have to move so I can get you something to drink.” 
You let go of him, realizing you are indeed incredibly thirsty. When was the last time you had a drink? As Levi shifts away from you and opens the sleeping bag, a surge of cold air hits you and you shiver. He quickly gets out and zips you back in, then he puts on his clothes. 
Your body feels as if it has had all the energy sucked out of it, and you doubt you could move much even if you tried. You go in and out of sleep as you hear Levi putting logs on the fire, only being roused when you feel his arm underneath you to help you sit up. He places a tin mug to your lips. 
“I need you to drink this slowly,” he says with care. You cough up the first gulp, but after a few more sips you take it in your hands and finish it off. Levi looks relieved.
“That’s good. If you were suffering from serious hypothermia then you wouldn’t be able to drink at all.” 
He pours you some more water and as he instructed, you drink it slowly, letting it soothe your parched throat. You can feel its warmth move all the way down to your stomach, making you even more comfortable. 
After Levi feeds and waters Prince, he comes back over to you. “I’m going to check outside and see if we can get down this mountain today. It’s still early, so if the trail isn’t too bad then we should be able to make it.” He puts your hat on your head and smooths out your hair. “I’ll be right back.”
Alone and finally feeling coherent, you try to piece together the events of last evening. Nothing about this has been what you expected, but you were able to see Martin one final time, and you opened the bridge. Martin’s final words are etched on your heart, and although there’s a part of you that still yearns to be with him, there’s another part that believes what he said, that there’s so much more for you to experience in this life.
Because there is still goodness here - Levi is proof of that. He hasn’t yet told you how he knew you were in trouble, or how in the world he found you freezing in the wilderness, but the fact that he’s here makes you realize that you might not be so alone in this world after all.
You eventually doze off, so you’re not sure how long Levi had been out there before he’s gently waking you. “Catherine, I think I’ve found a way down, but if we’re going to make it before the sun sets, then we need to leave soon. Can you get dressed?”
“Yes..I think so, but Levi, I need to stay here. How will they believe I’ve accomplished the ceremony if I don’t come down on my own.” 
“Did the elders say that was a requirement?”
“Well, no, but..”
“Then I’m taking you down off this mountain.” Levi gathers your clothing as you amble out of the sleeping bag. You silently acquiesce to his assistance, as he helps you put on each layer. “Catherine, you’ve done what you set out to accomplish. But if you stay up here any longer, you’ll..”
He looks down as he ties your boots. The words stick in his throat. “This ceremony isn’t worth your life.” 
His hands are gripping your ankles as he looks up at you, his grey eyes piercing and serious. You can tell there’s no point in arguing with him. “Ok, Levi, you’re right. I’ll go with you.”
Levi packs what he can in Prince’s saddle bags, then helps you onto the saddle. He knows you’re still weak, so he has you sit in front of him, his arms around you as he grabs the reins. “Lean on me if you need to, ok?” He says gently as he prods Prince to move forward. It’s still cold, but the sun is shining brightly; it reflects off the snow and you both squint to see. Despite the chaotic events of last night, it’s now eerily calm; in fact, if you didn’t feel the way that you did, you’d almost think that you’d imagined everything that happened.
Riding down the mountain, Levi recalls the events that led to finding you, leaving out the part about meeting Hange. He’s still trying to figure that out in his mind. Another thought he keeps hidden is his growing endearment for you; the feeling is so new and unknown to him, he’s not sure he could even describe it.  
You listen in awe as Levi speaks, amazed that someone would go through such lengths for you. The fact that he cared that much, gives you conflicted feelings and you’re not sure you’re ready to deal with something like that. 
Martin told you to love again, but how could you? 
You do know that you feel safe with Levi. Physically and psychologically he’s been through so much, but there’s this inner strength about him.  You wonder if you would have been that strong if faced with such losses.
“If you hadn’t come when you did, I don’t think I would have made it. I thought I was strong enough to be glevora, but in the end, I couldn’t complete what I set out to do.”
“What are you talking about? You did exactly what you needed to do. You climbed up a big-ass mountain, stayed there for several days without food, and opened the bridge. Don’t diminish your accomplishments.”
His voice is stern. “You can’t control the weather. Unless you have some skill you haven’t told me about.”
That makes you laugh just a little bit. “You’re right. I guess I’m just worried about what everyone will think, when they see me come down the mountain like this.”
“You can’t control that either. People are going to think what they wanna think. So what if it wasn’t executed perfectly in the end? Were Martin and the others able to cross?”
“Yes..they were.”
“Then it was a success. Stop being hard on yourself.”
“Yes sir,” you tease. In your heart, you know he’s right, even if he has a gruff way of putting it. 
“You’re strong, Catherine. You don’t give yourself enough credit. I wish you could see what I see.” 
“What do you see?”
“An amazing woman who has never let the struggles in life defeat her. You’re a fighter, but you’re too hard on yourself. You’re your own worst enemy, in that regard.” 
There it is again, that brutally honest way of speaking - but it’s refreshing. There are no pretenses with Levi.
“There’s no fault in wanting to be better and stronger, but you should celebrate your victories too.” His voice softens. “And for what it’s worth, I’m proud of what you’ve done, and I’m sure Martin is too.”
You can feel your cheeks getting hot and you’re glad that Levi can’t see you. “Thank you…for being honest with me. I appreciate that.”
For some reason, when he says he’s proud of you it feels like the biggest accomplishment. He makes you feel like you’re worth something.
About halfway down the mountain, your body starts to feel tired again, but you try not to slump over. Levi has enough of a challenge navigating his way down this mountain, and so you struggle to sit up and stay awake.
You should have known that he’d notice. “I told you - you can lean against me if you’re tired. I can take it.” One of his hands reaches to your shoulder and pushes you against him. You don’t resist it. He tightens his arms around you so you won’t fall and you let your head fall on his shoulder.
“Why are you so kind to me?” You ask, your voice hoarse and barely a whisper.
There’s a multitude of ways he could answer this, he thinks. It’s in his nature to help others, it’s what he does. He would have done it for anyone, be it Mathieu or Albert, or shit, even Max. 
But that’s not why he raced to the top of this mountain and searched for you through the snow. You’re not just another person he saved; he realizes that he cares for you deeply - he’s just not ready to admit that out loud yet.
And so he pauses for a moment, thinking about how he should word this. “You once told me that you were happy we were friends. Well, I feel the same way. You’re my friend and I don’t want to see you get hurt.”
He stops himself from saying more. He wonders if his pause in answering gave his feelings away, or the tone of his voice.
But when he looks down at you, you’re already asleep.
——- ✶ ——-
Not many people notice when you arrive in Mursa. It’s too cold for most to be out and about, and so Levi takes you straight home. He noticed a few hours before that your condition was taking a turn for the worst again; he knew it was risky to make the descent in one day in such cold, but you wouldn’t have lasted long in that cave if he’d waited. Now he’s wondering if he did the right thing. 
As Prince stops in front of the house, you’re met by Albert, Luka, and Max.
“Shit, what happened?” Max exclaims, helping Levi to bring you inside.
Levi doesn’t answer but takes you straight to your bedroom. “Max, run and get Dr. Egli. Tell him it’s urgent.” He looks at the other two men. “Luka, take the horse back to Mathieu’s. Albert, find the village elders. Tell them that Catherine has completed her task and returned from Mount Aspe.”
There was an authority in Levi’s voice and it had the three jumping to their tasks without question. 
Once Dr. Egli arrives, Levi has changed you into clean clothes and covered you with blankets, recalling the events to the doctor as he checks your pulse. “She was conscious this morning. I thought it best to get her back here as soon as possible, but I’m worried I made everything worse.” 
The doctor opens your eye to check dilation. “No, you made the right call. Keeping her up there would have been dangerous. Honestly, I’m impressed you were able to make it down safely and in good time.”
By now, the others have returned home and are standing restless beside the entrance to the bedroom. 
“She’s extremely dehydrated, physically exhausted, and suffering from a mild hypothermia. Continue to give her warm water to drink. She should only consume liquids for now - I’d suggest bone broths.” He begins to pack up his case. If her condition begins to improve, you can have her take a warm bath, but nothing like that yet.”
“Isn’t there some medicine or something you can give her?” Levi asks.
“There’s not much more that can be done. It is really up to her will to survive now. She has to fight.”
——- ✶ ——-
It’s so cold.
One moment you were riding with Levi down the mountain, his strong arms holding you up as you drifted in and out of sleep, and then everything became cloudy and disoriented. Your body goes numb, but you feel separate from your physical self, your mind in another place entirely. 
Your eyes open and you’re in Mursa, and a voice tells you to hold on.
They open again and you’re in your bedroom, a cold stethoscope on your chest. 
Time has lost meaning. You live only from one small conscious moment to another.
You hear muffled voices outside your room.
“And you saw it? The fire burned through the night?”
“Yes. The wind from the blizzard made it almost impossible, but I made sure the fire stayed lit throughout the night. She completed her tasks as glevora.”
“What would you, an outsider, know about it?”
“Because I experienced it myself.” This voice got stern. “The bridge was opened.”
The voices fade. You open your eyes once more to see Levi sitting next to your bed. 
“Hey. You need to drink this.”
Warm liquid fills your stomach. The fog is clearing, but you still feel lost, clawing your way back to life.
Come back, Catherine.
Come back.
Your eyes open. The room is dark and still around you, only a clock marking time in the distance. You stretch your sore muscles and turn to see a figure sleeping in the chair next to you, his head leaning on his hand.
His head lifts up immediately and his features brighten when you say his name. “Hey. How are you feeling?”
“Better, I think. How long have I been home?”
“You’ve been in and out of sleep for two days.”
“Two days…” you push the bedding away. “I need to talk to the elders and let them know the ritual was completed.”
Levi stops you from getting up with a gentle hand on your shoulder. “It’s the middle of the night. And they’ve already been by. I took care of it.”
He helps you lie back down. “Let me get you something to drink.”
As he leaves, you begin to remember some of the moments from the last few days. In every memory, Levi was there, getting you to drink, checking your temperature, helping you through. You’re sure if it wasn’t for him, you’d be dead by now. 
This man, who a few months ago was a total stranger, has saved your life. And perhaps, even given you a reason to live.
——- ✶ ——-
In the morning, everyone is coming by to check on you. It’s the day before Jul and the mine is closed until the new year, which means Max, Albert, and Luka have been charged with taking care of you until Levi returns from working at the stables. Pots and pans clamor as they make meals for you and you wonder if Levi will box their ears later for making a mess in the kitchen. There’s always at least one of them with you in your room, almost as if they’re afraid to let you out of their sight. You generally don’t like people making a fuss over you, but you’re too tired to feel uncomfortable. 
Luka and Albert spend the afternoon with you in your room playing chess while Max seems to be busying himself around the house. 
“Jul is tomorrow - shouldn’t you all be making your way home to see your families?” you ask the two men as they stare intently at the board.
“We couldn’t leave until we knew that you were gonna be ok,” Albert says, moving his rook.
Luka studies the board. “All of our homes are a quick train ride away anyway. We’re all planning to leave in the morning.” He moves his queen. “Check.”
You fall asleep to them arguing over who’s a better chess player. When you awake, the sun is going down and you hear more voices in the corridor. You decide to venture from your room to see what all the commotion is about. 
In the sitting room stands a tall evergreen tree. Luka is wrapping sparkling tinsel around it while Albert and Max look through a box of decorations. Even Levi is there, but he seems to be supervising the three others.
“Luka, it’s all lopsided, are you blind?” Levi complains. “And why the hell are we decorating a tree with all this shit anyway?”
Before any of them can answer Levi, Max spots you in the entryway. Seeing you brace yourself against the wall, he runs over to help you.
“We wanted to surprise you and give some holiday spirit to the place,” Max says as he helps you to the sofa.
“So this is what you were up to this afternoon.” You smile at Max. “Thank you.”
Max blushes. “We just wanted to see you smile.”
You help them decorate the tree and as the evening wears on, they sing songs and read stories of Mursa’s holiday traditions, which Levi listens to with growing interest. 
And through it all, you smile. You’re so thankful for these four people and the effort they’re taking to help you, but the weight of this week still falls heavy on you. It’s almost too much for you to bear.
“I’m still feeling a bit worn-out, so I should go to bed. But thank you, all of you, for making this evening so special.”
They all walk with you to your bedroom, “Happy Jul!” and “Goodnight!” being said as everyone hugs you. 
Levi is the last one in your room but instead of leaving, he closes the door. You look at him, that same pleasant smile across your face, but he just stands there, his arms crossed.
“Stop. You don’t have to do that with me,” he says bluntly.
“What do you mean?”
“Smile like everything is fine.” He moves closer. “You’ve been through a lot. You don’t have to act like you haven’t.”
Slowly, the ends of your mouth turn downward and tears fill your eyes.
In an instant, Levi is sitting on the bed and pulling you into an embrace. He lets you cry, your tears soaking the collar of his shirt. 
Just like that, three years of pushing through and saving face come crumbling down and you let it all out with each sob.
There’s something about this man that makes you feel like you can be yourself; you can take off the mask and lay bare all your fears and anxieties. For once, you want to share those feelings with someone.
But for right now, it’s enough to be here in his arms.
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Tags: @youre-ackermine @mrsackxrman @mrsackermannx @ricecrispiebirb @son-of-a-banchi @leviismybby @nube55 @dont-f-with-moogles @levisfavoriteacup @littlerequiem @shining-yuu
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skruttet · 1 year
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also the combined poster for the film fest
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engels-art-gallery · 2 years
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@darkestprompts Promptober
Day 8 Back from the dead
Imagine you pray to the Light for a miracle, and you are granted one!
The biggest miracle of all! The Miracle of life.
A second chance.
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Jay halstead × Will halstead
Happy new year yall!! Here's to another year of my favorite brothers and me putting them through the worst case scenarios yay. This is for @resanoona 's 3k bingo Fiesta, square filled is hurt comfort (again)
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Will glared at him, tired of his childishness "That's it--" he huffed "--Jay I swear to God I will call Hailey"
"You wouldn't dare"
"Oh yes I will. You really wanna wake her up in the middle of the night just to lecture you?" Jay bowed his head at that, choosing to look at the bathroom tiles from where he was perched on the edge of the toilet. "That's what I thought"
"I'm alright Will, really."
"You were stabbed!! I should be dragging your ass to med right now, you know that?!!"Jay rolled his eyes, choosing to not reply.
The next hour was spent with Jay pouting throughout Will's ministrations at his abdomen, petulantly swatting his hand away and zoning out from Will's lectures.
Will wrapped a strong arm around Jay's waist and lead him towards the couch for some much needed rest, pushing pain meds into Jay's hands with a stern look on his face that left no room for arguments.
Soon, Will was combing his fingers through Jay's hair, hearing soft snores leave his lips.
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popularisland · 2 years
When the narrator and Stanley go to different indie games they end up in FNAF 1
✨Imagine the potential dialogue✨
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granonine · 1 year
God's Salvation
Psalm 91:15-16. He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him. With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him My salvation. The he in v. 15 refers back to the one who has chosen to set his love upon God. There are several promises in these two verses. God says He will answer the prayers of those who set their hearts upon…
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whateverloomis · 3 months
Hi! Can i ask for a billy loomis x reader where she gets a tattoo of his name either in the side of her breast or in her hip and she shows him and they fuck (if you decide to put the tattoo in her ass he would def drill into reader doggystyle 💀)
This was incredibly fun to write. Thanks for your request anon 💋
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🔞 Warnings: AFAB reader (she/her,) cheating, shower sex, fingering, roughness, reader has pre-determined interests, reader has tattoos, implied size difference, unedited
Word count: 2.6k
"That's ridiculous Stu!" - "A dare is a dare Tatum, she has to do it!" Stu countered while laughing. The couple, Randy and you decided it was a great idea to play truth or dare while drunk. Sidney and Billy had to leave early and the four of you got bored. Stu was obviously the one who suggested the game.
"I mean, he does have a point." Randy said and Tatum gasped in disbelief; "Wh- Are you seriously siding with Stu on this?! YN! Are you even okay with this?" Tatum asked and you sighed, closing your eyes in defeat. "Look, I appreciate your concern Tate, but I mean... I already have tattoos, another small one isn't going to hur-" - "This is Billy's name we're talking about here, YN. What if Sidney sees it? Or even worse, what if Billy sees it? These two idiots aren't going to keep their mouths shut." The girl has a point, but you honestly didn't care. It could easily get covered up with something else in the future.
"You're right on that one." You said and glared at Randy and Stu before continuing; "But I can get it covered up once it heals, plus it's going to be hidden-" - "What about when we go to the lake next weekend, hm? It wont be hidden there, your hip is going to be exposed." Tatum interrupted.
You didn't know why she was so concerned. Maybe it was because of the whole "tattoos are permanent" or "don't get anyone's name tattooed" mentality.
You smiled at Tatum softly and placed your hand on hers reassuringly; "I'll be fine, okay? We're all friends and it's not going to be an issue. It'll just be for some laughs and then I'll get it covered up, okay?"
Tatum sighed, visibly calming down and glaring at Stu and Randy; "You guys are paying for the cover up too." - "What?! That's not part of the dare!" Randy complained and Tatum rolled her eyes; "It is now, dumb ass." - "That's enough guuyyss, who's up next?!" Stu finished the argument.
As promised, you went to the local tattoo shop and got "Billy Loomis" tattooed on your right hip.
"Hooh, that looks hot not gonna lie." Stu said while sticking his tongue out. Tatum rolled her eyes playfully and blew a bubble with her chewing gum; "I gotta say, it is a hot placement."
You smirked at your friends and stood up straight so the tattoo artist could put protective film over the ink.
"If Sidney wasn't with Billy he'd 100% be into this." Randy said and you gasped, smirking at him; "Randy shut up! Oh my God..." - 'Who said he wouldn't like it now?" Stu said and smirked at you. You bit your lip in response and rolled you eyes playfully. You knew they were just teasing and joking around, but having your crush's name tattooed on you was a total turn on, and you felt like a little slut with your dirty little secret.
When you arrived at your house that night, you couldn't stop staring at his name engraved with ink on your skin.
You modeled in front of the mirror with the bikini you were planning to wear next weekend and imagined how Billy would react to you looking as hot as you did with his name on you. You wondered if he'd actually like it, like Randy and Stu said. If he'd get turned on by it. Hell, if he'd fuck you because of it. Your imagination ran wild with all the possibilities.
Billy had always been low-key flirty with you, and you had to admit that it confused you considering that he has a girlfriend, but you figured that he's comfortable being around you and maybe follows your lead just for fun. I mean, friends casually flirt sometimes jokingly so you guessed it was normal between you guys.
It was finally the end of the week and you were leaving to the cabin that Stu's parents own. There's apparently a huge lake that's perfect for the hot summer sun.
Your bag was made and you were once again admiring Billy's name on your skin. The tattoo was small enough to peel and heal just enough to get in the water during the week.
You were putting sun block on your skin and the tattoo looked vivid with the moisture of the cream. You couldn't wait for Billy to see it.
Stu pulled up to your driveway and honked the horn of his parents van. You jumped in excitement and ran down the stairs, bag in hand. Taking a deep breath to calm yourself down, you opened the door and walked towards the car.
Everyone was already seated and there was a space reserved for you at the very back with Randy.
"You ready to show Billy your new tatt- Ow!" you hit Randy on his bicep and Billy looked back from his seat. "Show me what?" He asked, confusion written all over his face.
Stu let out a breathy laugh and Tatum thumped him. Billy looked at the couple suspiciously and bit his inner cheek in annoyance. Luckily he didn't question you again, but he definitely knew something was going on with how obvious everyone was being.
After a three hour drive, you guys finally arrived at Stu's cabin and settled in before heading outside and picking a spot to set up a picnic in front of the lake.
The sun was shining bright and the water looked a nice teal color. It was still and quiet.
You could hear the birds and the wind swishing the trees. You helped Tatum and Sidney set up everything before sitting down on the blanket to bathe under the sun.
Taking your short flowy black sun dress off, you revealed your indigo blue bikini. It hugged your body perfectly and exposed just the right amount of skin and curves.
You sat down on the picnic blanket next to the girls and made eye contact with Billy who was taking his shirt off next to you. He raked his eyes up and down your body before giving you a subtle smirk. You bit your lip and looked away only to find Stu giving you a knowing look followed by a breathy laugh. You flipped him off and he shrugged, laughing before running into the water with Randy like a maniac.
Tatum gave you a knowing look as well and you nodded at her before looking at Sidney. "Hey uh, Sid..." You started; "I have something to show you, but I'm giving you context first because it's a little weird."
Sidney looked at you, a subtle smile on her face mixed with confusion; "Yes?" - "Last week when you and Billy left Stu's house early, the rest of us playd truth or dare an-" - "Oh my God, did you kiss Randy?" She asked jokingly and you placed your hand over your mouth to suppress a loud laugh; "What?! No! No... Ugh okay, I got dared by Stu to get Billy's name tattooed on my hip and I did it." You finished quickly and showed the girl your new ink.
Sidney gasped and laughed at the sight. "Oh my Gosh, you're crazy!" - "You see Tatum?! I told you she wouldn't get mad." You said, rolling your eyes at the blonde and she gasped; "Hey! I'm just trynna look out for my girlies, God."
All three of you laughed and looked ahead at the lake. "I wonder what Billy will say." Sidney wondered and you looked at her; "Do you think he'll get mad or something?" - "Nah, I don't think so. Well, maybe at Stu for being an ass and making you do it." Sid replied and you nodded in response, sudden nervousness taking over.
After a while, you and the girls decided to get in the water and enjoy the cool temperature after sun bathing.
You approached the shore and Stu swam towards you like a shark waiting to attack.
Before you could dip your whole body in, Stu gasped dramatically. "Oh myyy, YN? Is that a new tattoo?"
You looked at him in disbelief and thumped him; "Shut up, Stu" - "Damn would you look at that! It is a new tattoo" Randy said and looked at Billy. Subtlety wasn't part of both your friends at that moment.
Billy glared at both of them and then stared at you and the girls.
"What the hell is going on with you guys? You've been acting weird since we picked up YN." - "Ugh, Stu dared me to get your name tattooed on my hip and I did, okay?" You answered quickly, annoyance written on your face.
Billy raised an eyebrow and smirked, followed by a laugh. "You actually did it?" He asked while walking towards you.
Stu was trying to hold his laughter in but could barely do it. Tatum smacked his bicep and glared at him. "Don't be an ass." She whispered, the situation clearly being awkward for you.
Billy crouched down in front of you and you showed him the ink, trying to maintain distance, but he was making it impossible.
Billy ran his thumb over the tattoo and let out a breathy laugh. "You're insane." he said and looked up at you. He was amused and his touch made goosbumps arise on your body. It didn't go unnoticed by him and he smirked.
The boy stood up and towered over you, looking straight into your eyes. You blushed at his close proximity. "I like it, it looks hot on you," he said, loud enough for only you to hear before swimming away.
The rest of the group joined him and started playing with water guns and other toys, however you stood in the same spot a few seconds longer, but Randy snapped you out of your daze.
"You coming?" He asked, and you swam towards him. "Didn't know you have a little crush on Billy boy." he said, and you looked at him, faking confusion. "I don't know what you're talking about." - "Oh c'mon, you were tense as a rock." - "Shut up Randy. Even if I did, he's dating Sidney so I'd have to get over it." You countered and he lifted his hands in defeat. "Chill, I'm just messing with you." He laughed softly before swimming along with you.
After being in the lake nearly all day you decided to take a shower before joining the group. Little did you know, Billy was also in the cabin waiting to get you alone.
Walking into the bathroom, as you were closing the door something stopped it from moving. You opened it to check what was blocking it and saw it was Billy.
You gasped in surprise and looked up at him. "You can use it first, I can wait a few more minutes to shower." You said and Billy walked a bit closer to you. "Mm no, you go ahead. I don't mind waiting here." He said and stepped in with you, locking the door behind him.
"What um... Are you doi-" - Before you could finish your sentence, Billy pushed you against the wall and kissed you. You yelped against his lips but returned the kiss without thinking about it a few seconds later.
Billy pulled back and looked away, biting his lower lip. "Fuck... Sorry, I've been wanting to do that all day... For so long, at this point." He whispered.
You were at a loss of words and in disbelief. He actually wanted to kiss you? Wanted to feel your soft lips against his?
"Billy I... Why? You're with Sidn-" - "Fuck Sidney... God, that tattoo... My name on your skin? I wanted to fuck you right then and there when you showed me." He admitted, running his hand over your hip.
You couldn't believe what was happening. Billy Loomis wants you just as much as you want him. All this time you could've had him.
The feeling of want consumed your body. You didn't care about Sidney. Selfishness took over you and God did the thrill feel good.
You didn't waste anymore time and kissed him again, quickly reaching for his hair and pulling at the strands.
He moaned as quietly as he could and pulled you against him by your hips.
Billy squeezed the flesh and moved his hands up your back, untying your bikini straps followed by the ones over your neck.
The piece of fabric fell on the floor and he grabbed your tits in his large hands, squeezing them softly while pinching and playing with your nipples. The little moans you released made his cock twitch, it begging to be set free.
"Fuck... You're so hot." Billy whispered while snaking one hand down your body and untying your bikini bottoms.
He ran two fingers between your folds and felt the wetness coat them. He brought his hand up to his mouth and tasted you, moaning as a response.
"You taste so fucking good." He said and you whined at the sight. Billy gestured to the shower with his head and looked into your eyes; "Let's get in there."
You widened your eyes in surprise and bit your bottom lip; "Are you crazy?" - "Maybe, I mean... You wanted to take a shower, right?" He replied, smirking.
In the shower, the water ran hot over you. Billy had you against one of the cold walls, your tits pressing against his chest while he finger fucked you and rubbed your clit with his thumb.
"Fuck... Fuck, Billy please." You begged him to move his hand faster, but he was torturing you with his slow movements.
You squeezed his fingers with your cunt and it only made his cock harder against you.
"You feel so good around my fingers baby." He whispered in your ear and your breathing picked up. You were trying to be quiet but fuck he was making you feel so good that you wanted to scream.
You grabbed his cock and started to stroke it just as slow as he was fucking you with his fingers. He cursed under his breath and kissed you impossibly slow. You guys were driving each other crazy, and Billy didn't want to wait any longer to fuck that sweet cunt of yours.
Pulling his fingers out of you, the emptiness made you moan quietly against his shoulder.
Billy moved you towards the see through panel of the shower and pressed you facing forward. Your tits were squished against the glass and you could see the reflection in the mirror above the sink. You looked impossibly hot, and when you felt Billy lift one of your legs to the side, slipping inside your sopping cunt? It was over.
You let out a moan that was too loud for your liking and Billy covered your mouth with one of his hands while the other held your hip to keep you pressed against the glass.
He snapped his hips against your ass and filled you up deliciously with his cock.
You craned your head to the side and grabbed a fist full of his hair, pulling his head towards you and kissing him.
You breathed heavily into each other's mouths as Billy pounded into you.
Thanks to him working you up with his fingers you were incredibly sensitive, so when he reached between your legs and rubbed your clit in circles it was over for you.
You moaned against his palm and came around his cock, squirting in the process. Billy looked down between your bodies and the sight of his cock pumping inside of you while you squeezed your walls around him was enough for him to reach his own high.
Billy pulled out and jerked himself, cumming over your ass.
The water slowly washed everything off your body and you turned around to face him.
"This will be our little secret, hm?" Billy whispered and you bit your lower lip, nodding in response before initiating another make out session.
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papipedroo · 8 months
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Rupture (Joel Miller x Reader)
Part Five of Whiskey Tears
Rated: Angst | Sexual Innuendos | Assault | Mentions of Rape | Violence | Torture
Summary: You, Joel, and Ellie have been a trio from the start. You were a family, but you find your relationship with Joel withering when he starts to pull away. Now a new comer makes her way into Jackson and into Joel’s heart…
Joel was drowning. Not in the metaphorical sense that he has experienced from time to time, feeling as if the weight of the world was pressing down on his lungs… No. Actual drowning.
“Again.” Heather had four men shove him backdown into the river.
There was barely any time to gasp for breath with each shove back under the icy frost. It was as if he grew numb to the freezing temperatures each time his head went under water. He was going to start getting hyperthermia soon.
“Bring him back up.” Heather ordered and once again he was brought up to the surface from the icy depth.
Joel coughed up water, finally able to catch his breathe. His clothes were soaked to his skin and the rim of his eyes were rimmed red.
Heather crouched in front of Joel. A long sigh left her lips as she spoke, “We’ve been at this for a while… Are we going to talk now or do I have to bring Ellie out here? Tell me Joel, have you taught her how to swim yet?”
It was a known fact by anyone that Joel’s looks could kill any threat in his path. There was a promise looming in his gaze, one that only told of impending murder. Two of the men had tightened their grip on his arm and shoulder from the way Joel tensed.
“What.” He stated as if he wasn’t trying to catch his breath moments ago.
She crouched in front of him. Three steps and his shotgun was the only thing between them.
“It took three days and now this town and everyone in it, is mine.” She stated.
“Good for you.” Joel gruffed out, the least bit interested.
“You know what I want, Joel.” Heather was becoming irritated now, “I want your allegiance. I want your loyalty. I want you.”
He didn’t dignify her with a response, his glare the only thing keeping her from feeling empowered.
She sighed, “You know that your brother and his wife refuse to cooperate… For days now, my friends have talked about shooting them… They make a good point that it would put your family out of their misery from living in the way that the world is now. Especially with a new life that will be coming soon.” Her gaze flickered to the gun as Joel began to struggle against the four men in an attempt to ring her neck.
“I decided against that though. I knew it wouldn’t make you happy so I locked your family away instead. I promise you that they are safe…” Her hazel eyes looked past his glare and into his broken soul, “If you cooperate that is.”
Joel didn’t like the way her mouth curled into a condescending smile. She knew that she got him.
The warmth of the fire did little to create a comforting warmth in your body as you cried out into a soiled cloth from the overwhelming pain. Mikel’s hands worked to clean out and stitch the wound he caused to your leg as you faded in and out of consciousness.
“Just a little more, love.” His tender words did nothing, they were nothing, and he would never be anything to you.
You wanted Joel… You wanted your little Ellie… You wanted to go home… You missed your family and you regret that the last words spoken to Joel were of anger. You regret that you couldn’t see Ellie’s face that morning. You regret not having tea with Maria. You regret not helping Tommy surprise Maria with a baby crib.
“Why won’t the bleeding stop?” Mikel’s voice held panic, “I need to cauterize your wound.”
I shook my head faintly at that, but it meant no difference as he left and returned with a blade scorching hot from the fire.
There were so many regrets that you couldn’t amend and now… Now you might die without seeing what could have been.
“This is going to hurt.” Mikel said as he gently place a cloth in your mouth.
You screamed as soon as the blade touched your skin. It hurt more than the pain of the gunshot as your eyes rolled to the back of your head. Your body shook before slacking against the bed.
Your vision blurred as your mind went dark.
It took two days before you were able to gain your bearings. The pain in your leg was dull as long as you didn’t move it around too much. Your eyes tracked the motion of Mikel’s shadow pacing just outside of the cabin door. His words were set in a hush whisper as he spoke to someone else. Someone you didn’t recognize. You strained your ears to listen to what they were discussing.
“So… Jackson has been overtaken.” Mikel asked, “Are the townspeople alright?”
“Yes.” It was the voice of another man, “Heather did what she said she would and it…” You strained your ears to hear, but missed part of what he said. You did however hear him say the word, “Success.”
“That’s good.” You could hear Mikel’s sigh of relief, “I hope that with time my love and I can return. I want us to be able to live peacefully…”
“We are glad to have you apart of our group. I will see you and your girl soon brother. Let the red dawn rise.”
“Let the red dawn rise.” Mikel repeated and a pair of footsteps traveled away from the house.
You quickly lied back down and pretended that you weren’t eavesdropping on their conversation. Mikel stepped inside the hut, snow falling off his coat as he removed the cowboy hat from his head.
“I know that you’re awake little pisi.” He said. The sound of his boots traveled across the room as he walked closer.
You weren't sure if the last word was an endearment or not, but it made your stomach twist in knots. You felt nauseated at how quickly he tell into the role of a lover with the high expectation of you doing the same. You wondered if that could be your safest way out of here.
Maybe playing along with his delusion will help let his guard down before making your escape. It was the only option you had being as you were wounded and he had the antibiotics to help you and if you just shot him that would do you any good.
Yes, you would have control over yourself and medicine, but how long would you need antibiotics for your leg to heal and with Jackson being overrun… How were you supposed to get more? No... This was the safest option. You just had to play your cards right… For now at least.
"Who was that?" You spoke with a scratchiness to your voice from being in and out of consciousness these last few days.
Mikel's quick observations had him getting you a glass of water before you even had the chance to ask for some. It seemed he was a little too observant. Something that you had to be wary of.
"A new friend from town." His answer was vague, something that you had already expected. Of course he didn't trust you enough to divulge any information from the que that was staged.
"They've taken everything haven't they?" You asked another question or more of a statement.
He looked away from you and towards the fireplace, "It's better this way."
"For who? For you?" You scoffed before taking a sip of water. You didn't realize how thirsty you were until the cup was empty in less than a second. You continued, “Clearly you have gotten everything that you desired.”
"I did this for us." He snapped back, a glare held in his blue eyes as he got up from his stood as stormed to the fireplace to place some more logs in, “This is better for us. This place will be our home until you have settled in to our new life. Everything that we have and will receive soon is a happiness more than we can ever imagine.”
"How?" You muttered, "Everything was fine before. The townspeople were happy… I was happy. We were all comfortable and at peace in our own way. There was no reason for any of this. You took my choice away from me."
"But there was a reason." You could see the way his fingers gripped around one of the logs. You could tell that you were pushing his temper, “He was not good for you. Everyone could see that. He hurt you, discarded you, betrayed you. He did everything that I will never do to you…” Mikel gently traced his fingers over the bandage on your leg, “Again. I promise.”
You kept your mouth shut, afraid to set him off. He was clearly trapped in his own delusions of what could be and saying anything towards the two of us would clearly make him angry. Instead you focused on talking about the people who took him in. Who he once considered friends.
"How could you betray everyone?" You spoke quietly, "The people who took you in and gave you a home? You took their trust and ripped it to shreds Mikel."
"I didn't!" He threw the log across the room. The wood crashed against the wall before knocking over a crooked picture frame, the two crashing to the ground.
At least that was better than him crushing your leg.
"Tell that to the ones whose corpses litter the streets.” You replied, your voice still soft, but making its point across.
The room filled in a deafening silence.
Light flickered in through the cracks of the jail, creating enough light for Ellie, Tommy, and Maria to see. The raiders didn't care enough to turn any of the lights on for their prisoners, but at least they remembered to bring food and water.
"Bitch." Ellie exasperated as she pulled against the old bars of the jail.
"Language Ellie." Maria sighed as she rested against the back wall.
"I think this predicament calls for a little language sweetheart." Tommy murmured as he check the strength of the cell bars on the other side.
"Those bars were made to hold, you know this." Maria explained.
“I know sweets. I just want to make sure we’re not missing anything.” Tommy explained gently.
Maria nodded, "I know dear, it’s just… You both need to save your strength. We need a solid plan to get out of here."
Tommy thought for a long moment as he concocted a plan to safely get out of here.
"We'll wait till one of em lets their guard down." Tommy spoke quietly once a plan formulated in his mind
He stepped back from the bars, his military training kicking in as he spoke, "I've been watching their movements. They only care about how much damage they can inflict with the biggest weapon. They don't seem trained or vigilant. Their shift changes are every twelve hours. Group B is more docile, they’re tired from the day and are easily deceived. We can make our move towards midnight when they are exhausted.”
He looked at Maria, “This is where you come in dear. I need you to pretend that you are going into labor. Scream as loud as you can. Ellie, I need you by her side at this point and I need you to be loud and panicked. Once they opened the cell, I can get one of their guns. Then it'll be easy to get out of here. We have four hours left until shift change so we just have to be patient and don’t set off group A." He looked towards Ellie.
She raised her hands up in surrender, "What?"
"Ellie." He pressed.
"Okay okay." She sighed, "No setting them off. Got it."
And there it was. It was small and had barely a percentage of working, but it was a plan that could just as save their lives. As long as they played their cards right that is… Tommy sat next to his wife, wrapping her in his warmth to keep her from the cold. At least these raiders kept the blankets in here. He watched as Ellie curled into one to try and get as much rest as she possibly could. Tommy made a silent promise to himself that no matter what happens, he would keep his family safe.
He could only hope that his brother had everything under control on his end... If he was alive for that matter.
"My family." Joel huffed as he was shoved with the tip of a rifle.
"Follow me." Heather walked through the streets.
The snow was gently falling now making it easy to see, "You'll see them when I can trust you again."
“You’re the one who broke that trust.” He pointed out.
Heather of course didn’t like that as she huffed, “I did what I had too.”
No. You really didn’t.
Joel didn't reply as he quietly assessed the four men that were guarding him. He knew that Heather could handle a gun, but he can take her easily. The two to his left looked to be brothers with the way they mirrored each other, they were both to upbeat as if they enjoyed this kind of work. They would be easy to take down. The one on his left was skinny with a shaky hand and a frightened look in his eyes. Joel knew that if he took the two out on his left first then that one would go off runnin. Now the one behind him with the crooked nose and a nasty snarl... He was going to be a problem.
"You will be kept under guard here.” She said.
“My. Family.” Joel repeated. His was a man of few words, but he was persistent.
“They will be able to live here with you once I know that you can be trusted. Wouldn’t want you to get the band back together and ruin my entire plan, would we?” Heather gave him a look, “No more talk of this. Now get inside and change. I have plans for you and I don’t want you dying from hyperthermia.”
With that, Heather left and the four guards remained. One of the upbeat brothers shoved him inside the home. The three young men headed inside with Joel while the tough looking one kept guard just outside the door.
“I reckon don’t need to show ya where the shower is.” Link laughed as he took off his coat.
Joel didn’t give him an answer and began to make his way upstairs.
“Oh! And we found all yer weapons so don’t even think about looking old man.” Link’s brother Preston said as he pulled off his beanie, his short dirty blonde hair tussled.
Joel had an urge to punch that kid in the face. But he resisted as he reached the top of the steps and out of their sight.
“Don’t even think he’d be able to reload the damn gun even if we gave him one.” Preston laughed.
“I wouldn’t be so sure about that Link.” The younger, scrawny looking one spoke.
“What?” Link wrapped his hand around the back of his neck that was covered by his shoulder length brown hair, “You scared of an old man Mathias?”
“All I’m saying is that I wouldn’t get too comfortable.” He said quickly moving himself away. Joel could hear the three of the shuffling to the living room.
“Yeah right.” Link rolled his eyes, “I could kill that old man with one hand tied around my back.”
The sunlight was beginning to drown in the dusk and Joel knew that if he wanted to get to his family alive then he would need to be smart in his next moves.
Joel carried himself up the steps, worn out and tired, but a plan formulating in his mind. He walked past each room, all of them open and ransacked. The bedroom to his door was wide open, the same chaotic mess dawning his floor.
A floor that hadn’t been tampered with. Maybe the heavens were on his side. He hoped that this same luck would stay on his side.
Joel only halfway shut his door. He didn’t want to make any noise for what he would do, but he also needed them to hear the creak of his door. He made his way to the bathroom, his boots hitting the floor rougher than usual to have them think that he was an old man, one that made noise wherever he went.
He turned on the water to his shower before silently walking back to his room. With the stealth of someone even a clicker wouldn’t hear, he retrieved a 9mm pistol and a tactical knife from under the floor board. It was the weapons that he got for his firefly and he silently thanked her for keeping them hidden here. He checked to make sure it was loaded before heading back to the bathroom to take a much needed shower.
He needed the cover of night to exact his plan.
“How did an old man like that even pull someone like her?” Preston wondered as he took a sip of the whiskey he swiped from Joel’s cupboard.
“I don’t know man, but I went by Mikel’s cabin the other day.” Link said.
“Mikel has a cabin?” Mathias wondered, “He’s a new member like me right? Does this mean we all have the choice to leave if we want to?”
“Mikel’s barely apart of this group and I ain’t tellin you where that cabin is.” Link shook his head, “You get any ideas of leaving, you know where your body is gonna be.”
“Dude, he has the life out there. I got a peak of her before he closed the door and let me tell ya, even half dead she’s a peach. I swear either he railed her so hard that she couldn’t move or that gunshot wound is really getting the best of her.” Link laughed with his brother chuckling along with him.
“Romanians man, they sure know what they’re doing.” Preston replied as he and his brother clinked their glasses.
Joel wondered if his favorite color was red with how much he has been seeing it lately. He silently creeped along the hallway and down the staircase, not one creek in the floorboards as he drew closer to the laughing hyenas in his living room. He wanted to kill them.
“You shouldn’t talk about women like that.” Mathias interjected, “That girl could be seriously hurt you know.”
“What would you know, you virgin?” Preston scoffed as he poured another glass of whiskey, “I bet you haven’t even seen a woman naked before.”
Mathias continued over stuttering words, “Just because I haven’t seen a woman naked before doesn’t mean I don’t know right from wrong. It’s not right to disrespect them.”
Joel briefly thought about sparing the kid. It seemed to him that he had no idea what he was doing with a group of blood thirsty raiders. If Mathias played his cards right then maybe he could survive.
“Sometimes… You really show your age kid.” Link shook his head.
“How about you come talk to us like real many when you’ve got your cherry popped alright?” Preston’s voice boomed in laughter, “I’m going to go take a leak.”
The other two though… There was no mercy left in Joel. He wanted to tear them apart until their guts painted his carpet his favorite color… But he thought against that because his firefly picked out that carpet and she would hate it if it got ruined.
Preston was easy as Joel waited in the hallway by the stairs. He was covered by the shadows that Preston didn’t even have a chance to scream as Joel dragged his into the darkness, a hand around his mouth and a knife imbedded deep into his neck.
And then he waited as patiently as he watched his next victim fall right into his trap.
“Yo Press! You get lost or somethin?” Joel heard Link yell.
When Link didn’t receive an answer from his brother, Joel knew he got him. He heard Link stand up as fear rippled down the raider’s spine. Link’s hands quickly grabbed his rifle as he called out again, “Preston!” And he listened intently for the response of his brother.
“You don’t think…” Mathias’s voice trailed off as he gulped.
“No. We would have heard that old man walk down the stairs if he were up.” Link shook his head, “He probably just can’t hear me, the drunk bastard. Go take a look.”
“What?” Mathias’s eyes widened in fear, “Why do I have too? He’s your brother. You should go see if he’s alright.”
“Because I’m the one with the gun and what I say goes.” Link pointed it towards the kid, “You want me to remind you of the last time you disobeyed me?”
Mathias shook his head in fear.
“Good. Now go take a look.” Link motioned to the hallway.
Joel listened as he heard Mathias trudge slowly to the hallway. Joel noted the kid didn’t have a gun, leaving him to believe that his was most likely by the front door.
“Preston?” Mathias stuttered out as he ventured further into the hallway. He was terrified, his hands shaking because he knew that something had happened and here he was being sentenced to death by a mad man.
“Please—” Mathias thought it would be best to try and plead for his life, but before he could finish, Joel’s hand was wrapped around his mouth.
“You don’t want to die right?” Joel spoke low, barely above a whisper.
Mathias struggled to shake his head no from the tight grip that Joel had, but he got his point across.
“Then go out there and distract him. Keep him from looking towards the hallway.” Joel commanded, “Do as I say and you live to see another day kid.”
Mathias gulped as he nodded. Joel let him go and watched as the kid tried to get his footing. Mathias straighted out as he tried his best to look normal.
“Anything?” Link asked as soon as Mathias appeared.
Mathias walked around him and waited till Link’s back was facing the hallway before he explained.
“I found your brother passed out in one of the guest rooms.” He lied. From the corner of his eyes he could see Joel creeping out from the shadows so he continued, “He probably thought that you and I could handle the rest of the night on look out.”
“Like hell I’m going to stay up. You and that big oaf out there is going to keep watch. I’m heading to—“ Before Link could finish speaking, Joel hit him across the head with the blunt end of his gun.
Mathias blubbered his words as he looked between Link and Joel.
“The man outside. He loyal to your cause?” Joel asked.
“Yes.” Mathias answered truthfully and he knew that he just condemned another one of his squad members to death.
“You gonna run?” Joel asked.
“No sir and…” Mathias spoke quickly, “I’m not loyal to them. I just want to survive, I swear. I barely know this group.”
“I know.” Joel took his knife out of his belt loop, “Tie him up in the kitchen. Ropes in the closet.”
With those orders, Joel left out the back door with one mission in mind. Embed his knife as deep as he can into the skull of the raider outside.
That left Mathias alone and he listened to Joel’s orders. He found the rope where Joel said it was and dragged Link to the kitchen where he heaved him up on one of the dining chairs and tied him to it.
“You know you deserve this.” Mathias muttered whether to convince Link or himself, he didn’t know, “I’ve sat by long enough as I watched you and your brother pillage, rape, and torture to get your way. You deserve this.” He made sure to tighten the ropes.
Joel rounded the corner of his house, his eyes focused on the man who stared straight ahead. He was alert as he sat in his chair, gun held securely in his hand. Joel prepared himself for an altercation as he veered closer.
With his knife raised, Joel took one more step just as the man clocked in on his position. The large man popped up from his seat as soon as Joel embedded the knife into his shoulder. With a grunt the man charged, trying to lift his rifle to aim, but the gun was too long and Joel was too close. Joel quickly grabbed the gun as they tussled on the front porch. Thankfully the tall muscular man didn’t try to yell or scream for help. I guess he figured he could take care of Joel himself.
Oh how wrong he was…
Mathias could vaguely hear the sounds of Joel and Kent fighting outside until suddenly it was quiet. He wondered with a racing heart who had won and if he should run? If Kent had won then maybe he could play victim? Say that Joel was the one who tied Link up. Should he hurt himself too? Try to make it seem more convincing? Before he could make a decision, the front door opened and in walked Joel who dragged Kent in behind him.
“He awake yet?” Joel asked calmly as if he didn’t just kill another man.
Mathias shook his head, “No.”
Joel set the lifeless body by the other one, both in sight of where Link was knocked out. Joel didn’t have time however, to wait for Mathias to wake up. He needed to find out just where this cabin was. He had enough, lying low now that he had all the information he needed about his family.
Joel stuffed a dish towel in Link’s mouth before shoving the knife deep into his leg. That was the quickest way to wake him up.
Link woke up with a scream as he felt pain rippling from his leg and throughout his body. His head was pounding and the world seemed fuzzy, but he could make out Joel leaning over him like a monster you would tell your children about.
“You’re going to tell me how to find my girl or you’re going to end up just like your brother over there.” He pointed towards the lifeless body, Preston’s shoes barely peaking of the hallway. He took the gag from Link’s mouth.
Link raged as he struggled against his ties, now he was fully awake, “You fucker! I’ll kill you!”
“Answer.” Joel twisted the knife.
“I ain’t tellin you nothin.” Link spat with venom.
Joel glanced over to Mathias, “Get me a bucket of water and another towel.”
Link’s gaze followed Joel to Mathias who was standing in the archway, “You’re with him? After I took you in? You dirty fucking little traitor. After all I’ve done for you, I should have skinned your ass when I had the chance!”
Mathias ignored him as he went on to collect the things that Joel asked for.
“Don’t look at him. Look at me.” Joel drew his attention back to him with the twist of this knife causing Link to groan out in pain. Joel spoke slow so that every word could sink in, “I am going to drown you. It’ll be slow and it’ll be painful. Or you can tell me where my girl is. The choice is yours.”
Link glared at him as anxiety and fear rippled through his body. He could see it in his eyes that Joel’s words rang true, “I don’t know.” He stated quickly as Mathias returned.
“Well now we both know that is a lie.” Joel placed a towel over his face, “Lean the chair back.” He ordered Mathias.
“You should tell him.” Mathias suggested.
“Fuck you.” Link spat back at him.
Mathias leaned down close to his ear, “You already did that, remember? Against my will.” Link shuttered from fear at Mathias’s next words, “You deserve this.”
Mathias leaned back up and nodded towards Joel, “Do it.”
The night was long with each pour of water, with each gasp for breath. Joel felt no remorse drowning a man with no morals and no regret.
“I don’t remember!” Link gasped as soon as he was allowed breathe.
“Try again.” Joel stated before dumping water on him as he struggled for breath against the soaked towel.
“Okay!” Link gasped, “Just please. Please stop! I’ll tell you! I’ll tell you!” Joel held out a map and a pen, “You’re going to point to where it is on the map.”
Mathias set the chair back on the ground. Link’s breath was ragged as he took the pen between his teeth and marked a spot a few hours away from Jackson. Once Joel was satisfied with that answer he glanced towards Mathias.
“He’s all yours.” Joel took a step back and motioned to the knife.
Link looked between them with wide eyes before settling on Mathias, “No. No. No. No. No. Wait. Please! Wait. I’m sorry! No! Please! Don’t!” The last words that fell from his mouth were blubbering pleas as Mathias shoved the blade deep into Link’s heart.
“Now you can’t hurt anyone anymore.” Mathias whispered as he watched the light fade from his eyes.
Mathias stood still for a moment as he tried to catch his breath and calm his racing heart. He felt numb, but he also felt free. He had a choice now as he turned to Joel.
“How old are you kid?” Joel asked as he grabbed the whiskey bottle from the table. He took a long sip as he waited for Mathias to answer.
“Nineteen.” Mathias answered as he looked away from his once abuser.
“I…” Joel’s words felt empty as he struggled to say them, “I’m sorry for what happened to you.”
Mathias didn’t give him an answer and Joel understood why, “Where are we going next?” Mathias asked instead.
Joel’s eyes widened slightly from Mathias’s question. He didn’t really understand why the kid wanted to tag along with him, but he didn’t refuse. Joel set the empty bottle down before handing over Kent’s rifle, “We’re going to get my family back.”
“Okay.” Mathias nodded as he took the gun. His green eyes shined bright with determination. It was as if he finally had a true purpose now and it felt exhilarating.
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cyberrose2001 · 2 months
Under Pressure
MTMTE Rodimus x Reader
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Relic and I have been... discussing... very hard about an ask they got a couple days ago so I wrote this eheh (THANK YOU FOR DISCUSSING THIS WITH ME AND LETTING ME WRITE THIS ILY)
Also please yell at me if I forgot any warnings!
Loosely based of this ask over on @callsign-relic's blog
Warnings: Human reader, Giant/Tiny, Non-Con(?), Nocturnal emission, Crack fic(?)
Word count: 1,887
Rodimus denies it every time, but he's a heavy sleeper. He snores like a congested rhino; he constantly sets twelve alarms that only barely stir him from his slumber. Despite being captain of the ship, his sleep schedule is far from tip-top shape.
And no, you're not a stalker. You're just Rodimus' observant little 'pet' human, always there, with a California king on his bedside dresser. Yeah, you're treated like royalty by an incredibly hard-to-deny hot alien robot.
So, as the ship ventured further into deep space and the nights got colder, you whined and begged to stay with him.
Rodimus was very hesitant to let you join him in the berth. As much as he cared about you and would kill an army for you, he didn't want to accidentally kill you, which was very much a possibility in any scenario on this ship. But he caved. You had mastered the sad, wet cat look, and Rodimus had the willpower of a rock.
Relishing in victory, you're curled up comfortably against Rodimus' lower plating for the third consecutive night in a row, warmed by the large servo of a sleeping giant. The entire palm of his hand covers your back in subconscious protection, and every so often, you feel a twitch of one digit. It's tranquility and a rare comfort, the touch of another you haven't felt since being on earth.
Until he rolls over.
Rodimus, choking on his snores, flips over onto his stomach and nearly tosses you off the berth if not for the grip he has on you. Despite almost winding you and making an audible 'Oof' sound, he doesn't wake up, his unconscious body assuming another comfortable position.
It takes you a few moments to register what the fuck just happened, but you realise that you're now underneath Rodimus. Almost his entire body weight is now pressed against you and pins you to the berth.
Oh god, you think to yourself.
This is less than ideal; this was not supposed to happen. How the hell are you, a tiny ass human, supposed to get out from under him? You probably shouldn't even be alive right now with how restricted your breathing is, not to mention how hard he flopped on top of you. But thankfully, with how Rodimus' legs have fallen into position, it leaves you with just enough room for your chest to rise and fall.
"God." You whine, muffled as your cheeks squish against his abdominal plating.
Your mind runs wild as you try to think of a way out. Maybe he'll just roll over again soon? God, you hope so; you can handle only so much weight, and Rodimus feels like he could hold down a cargo ship. Probably because he can.
But until then, however long that may be, you need to try something at least.
"Rodimus?" You try to wiggle but to no avail. He has you pinned pinned, and you use what little breath you have to yell out to him, "Hello? Are you awake or what?"
A loud, seemingly exaggerated snore replies to you. He's still deep in recharge, ruining any chance you have of waking him up yourself. You try to use your nails to scratch the surface of his frame, hoping it would tickle him or something, but that doesn't work either.
"Great." You roll your eyes, only you would ever end up in this type of situation. If only you had listened to Rodimus when he first said no, then you wouldn't be currently experiencing a near death experi-
"Y/n..." Rodimus' hoarse voice crackles above you, sending vibrations through your bones.
"Oh, thank god," You sigh in relief. You attempt to wiggle around some more, hoping to get his attention this time, "Listen, can you get off me now? This kinda hur-"
You squeak softly in pain as his sharp pelvis presses against you, and you hear your name again. This time, though, the tone of his voice came out as a whine, like a soft plea.
Because of where you were positioned before you became a pea under a princess' tower of mattresses, Rodimus' lower panels rested right against your stomach. This means you can feel his panels start to bulge slightly.
Oh no, you think to yourself bleakly once again. You're not sure how similar Cybertronian anatomy is to humans, apart from a crude explanation by an engex drunk Swerve. Still, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that you're feeling him getting hard. Putting two-and-two together using two out of the five senses, you've realised that Rodimus is nearly boner deep in a wet dream.
And not to assume, but you're thinking that the star of the show is you.
It's also the wrong time to cackle to yourself about getting crushed by your crush.
You might have some issues to work out after with Rung.
"Oh fuck," You reasonably panic, trying to push against his heavy frame weakly with your pinned arms, "Oh fuck fuck fuck fuck-"
You start to thrash against Rodimus when your arms fail, your tiny body rubbing up against him. This doesn't help at all, you've come to realise but actually digs you in a deeper hole as he begins to rock his pelvis into you.
Rodimus moans your name again as he sleepily grinds against you. Whatever he's dreaming of, it must be an insanely hot pornographic fantasy of you. The bulge grows bigger, pining you down further into the berth. He shutters and lets out a soft groan before his plating shifts, and you feel a very thick, very hard, and very hot object slide up against you.
Oh god, it's his dick.
Swerve might not have told you all the details, but he seemed to conveniently leave out how fucking huge Cybertronian cocks are.
As if you thought this couldn't get any more debilitating, you now have the head of Rodimus' spike pressing against your face. It's as if the Alaskan bull worm had slithered up between yourself and Rodimus to give you a kiss. The behemoth of baggage has already started leaking what you would believe would be the Cybertronian equivalent to pre-cum, smearing all across your face.
At this significant turn of events, you've realised you have come to a crossroads.
Either struggle and continue to wiggle and wrangle your way out from under him, but risk pleasuring him, whether or not he could feel you squirming against him anyway with how small you are compared to it. Or, the more realistic and obtainable outcome, lie still and take it until he wakes up from an orgasm.
Who are you kidding? You don't have much of a choice at all. Both options risk you drowning in alien robot cum. It's wishful thinking as Rodimus starts to rut against your entire body again.
"Y/n..." He whimpers again, though very garbled and unintelligible. Every roll of his hips causes more pre-cum to dribble against your face and down your chest, and with each, it spreads all around in between yourself and his train-sized spike. Making an absolute mess of you.
If you weren't getting humped up against right now, you would indeed find a way to kill him for ruining your only set of pajamas.
"Rodimus-" You gag as a spurt of pre-cum falls into your mouth, "Guh- Rodimus stop-"
His work of venting increases, and so does his rutting. The comatose mech gasps and hitches his breath, oblivious to your cries and pleas for him to stop. He pushes up against you in heated desperation, fucking into your soft body like a grind pad.
"Rodimus! Wake the fuck up!" You start to heat up yourself; the increased pressure and friction of his plating will give you a fucked up version of carpet burn if he doesn't wake up. Sweat drips from your skin, adding even more lubricant to his incessant grinding.
"Wha- Oh, Primus!" Rodimus rears his drool-covered helm and cries out in equal confusion and unrestrained pleasure. He's woken up by his overload as he shoots his load up against you, flooding the minimal empty space left between you both with hot transfluid.
"Oh god-" You couldn't close your mouth in time when a spurt of transfluid hit you in the face, causing you to cough and spit it back out, only for more to splat you in the face.
Rodimus moans tiredly, shuttering violently as his spike pulses and leaks the remainder of his overload against the berth.
Or what he thought was the berth. Since when did he use a self-service mod on his spike? Especially when he shares a room with-
"Hey!" Cough, "Are you done?"
His optics slam open in horrific realisation.
"Oh no," Rodimus rolls over onto his back, his softened wet spike flopping against his abdominal plating, "Oh no, no, no..."
He looks down where he once lay, and his face plates flush a bright blue. Laying in a puddle of his transfluids was you, his little human, sopping wet with a highly unimpressed look on your tiny face.
"Oh Primus, Y/n," Rodimus scoops you up in his servos, gently tossing you from hand to hand as he wrings them off his transfluids, "I am so sorry, I- frag what was I thinking!" Rodimus babbles and holds you to his face, "Are you okay? God, I'm so stupid-"
"Ughh," You lay limply in his palm, exhausted and out of breath, "After that... I don't know anymore."
Rodimus hides his blush with a servo before pinching the bridge of his nose, "I'm glad you're okay, but what were you doing down there?"
"Great question," You lift your head up to deadpan him, then eventually drag yourself to sit up. Sticky, pink transfluid drips down your body. Your face, and hair, are all drenched in him, "It's not like you rolled over in your sleep and had me pinned for nearly half an hour. What the hell?"
Rodimus blinks, and his face turns a deeper shade of blue as he rubs the back of his neck, "Oh, so that's why I had that dream about you..."
Is he serious right now?
"Oh, you think?" You wipe your lip when it starts to drip into your mouth, "I think I could tell when you started moaning my name in your sleep."
"Well, you're just so tiny and soft and-" The red and yellow mech bites the knuckles of the servo not holding you in embarrassment. "But what was I supposed to do, huh? Hold it in?"
God, he is.
"I'm literally gonna kill you, Rodimus." You shiver, his transfluids cooling against your skin. You can't believe he dares to look you in the eye, "I am never begging to nap with you ever again, or maybe at least warn me next time."
"No offense taken," Rodimus nods in agreement for once, watching you wring your hair out, "I'm sorry, Y/n, I really am. I can help clean you up? As a sincere apology from yours truly?"
"As long as I don't come into contact with more of this stuff," You flick a bead of transfluid off your finger into his direction, "And you better be sorry, or it'll be a long time before I might actually let you fuck me."
"Wait, you'll what-" Splat, "EWUGH!!"
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almond-tofuuu · 7 months
Hi, I saw you were taking requests and I was wondering if you could write something like Zayne waking up from a nightmare and MC comforting him?
Absolutely adored your sleep-aid btw!!!!
Hi hi! 🤗 Thank you for the request, hopefully you enjoy this!
And I'm glad you happy you enjoyed the sleep aid!!!
Heart's refuge
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Zayne x reader
Warnings: slight description of violence/injuries, Zayne has a nightmare, slight angst, Zayne is vulnerable (pls sir stop bottling everything up) comfort, possible ooc Zayne? ig 🤷🏻‍♀️ reader comforts him, established relationship
lmk if I missed anything ☺️
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It was happening again.
Zayne was frozen in place, his legs refusing to move, his body no longer under his control. He was forced to watch, powerless to help as the group of wanderers closed in around you. Forced to hear every scream of agony, every desperate plea for help, forced to witness the gruesome sight of your bloodied body being brutally tossed to the floor like a discarded doll. Only then did his legs begin to work again, allowing him to rush to your side, just in time to watch the life flicker out of your eyes, feel your body turn as cold as the ice that ran through his veins and fall limp in his arms. Zayne cradled you in his arms, bloodied hands clutching the fabric of your shirt, tears falling from his eyes as he whispered apologies over and over again.
"I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough"
"I'm sorry I couldn't save you"
"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry"
Groaning softly, you blink open your eyes, allowing them to adjust to the dim lighting of Zayne's bedroom. As your sleep-addled brain slowly wakes up, you become acutely aware of the biting cold that's settled into the room, a thin layer of frost coating the blankets. A sudden whimper brings your attention to Zayne, his body lying beside yours is dusted with ice crystals, chest rising and falling rapidly, face contorted as though he's in pain. Although the sight is heartbreaking, this isn't the first time you've seen him like this, you came to learn quite early on in your relationship with the stoic doctor that he was often plagued by nightmares, horrifying images that would interrupt the few precious hours of sleep he was able to squeeze into his busy schedule.
Carefully, you grab his arm, shaking him slightly in an attempt to wake him up from whatever nightmare he was trapped in, calling his name softly at first, voice getting louder when he still didn't respond. "Zayne.... Zayne wake up!..... Zayne it's just a dream, you need to wake up sweetheart!"
Zayne bolts up from the bed, hand clutching at his chest as he gasps for air, panting wildly as he struggles to get enough oxygen into his lungs, eyes searching frantically around the room before landing on you. He stares at you for a moment, his brain, still half-asleep, attempting to separate dream from reality.
"It's okay.... It was just a dream... You're safe now" you whisper soothingly, hands gently cradling his face, brushing away the hair sticking to his sweat covered forehead. "Try to match my breathing, okay?.... In......." You take a deep breath in, smiling softly when you see his chest rise more steadily, copying you. "And out.........In.........And out, good job baby" you continue to simply breathe with him, whispering encouragement until his breathing finally returns to normal, his eyes no longer glazed over as he scans your body and face, as if he's searching for something, before you feel his body relax.
"There you go, that's better. Let me go get you some water-" as you make a move to stand, your pulled back by your hand, body falling into Zayne's chest as two strong arms wrap tightly around you, holding you against him so securely, as if he's afraid you'll slip through his fingers like smoke.
"Don't go.....just stay here.... Please" Zayne's voice, though muffled by his head buried in your neck, comes out as nothing more than a broken plea, the sound so vulnerable it makes your heart hurt. Just what kind of darkness was he forced to endure to shake him up this badly? Zayne was notorious for his self control, never showing weakness even to you, always preferring to take care of his problems quietly by himself. So to see him now, so raw and vulnerable in your arms, clinging to you as if it's you're the only thing keeping him from falling apart completely, you realised that whatever he saw in his dreams must've been harrowing.
Settling into his embrace, you wrapped your arms around his broad shoulders, one hand rubbing soothing circles on his back whilst the other played with the soft hair at the base of his neck, feeling him sigh in content at your gentle touch. You couldn't help the fond smile that spread across your face, it still amazed you how truly adorable Zayne could be sometimes, often reminding you of a grumpy cat.
"Do you want to talk about it?" You question softly, breaking the comfortable silence that had fallen between you both. "You don't have to if you don't want, but I'm here for you Zayne.... You don't have to deal with everything on your own"
For a while he remains quiet, and you accept that this is yet another thing he's going to keep to himself, but after letting out a heavy sigh, you hear his murmured response.
"I don't want to talk about what I saw.... I don't want to relive it" He raises his head, piercing green eyes meeting your own, his voice raw with a vulnerability you've never heard from him before. "I need you to promise me you'll be more careful, especially when dealing with wanderers. You're always so reckless with your life and as much as I want to, I can't always be there to protect you."
Zayne's hold on you tightens, face moving closer to rest his forehead against your own, an action so simple yet it conveys a depth of emotion that words can't. His breath fans over your face as he whispers softly, voice breaking slightly as he fights to control the intensity of emotions building up within him. "Please.....I can't bear to lose you....I'm not strong enough"
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