#huntik headcanon
parusahontas · 1 year
Dante's past headcanon: He is an Amazon child
I've some thoughts about how we know nothing about Dante's past and I think I finally figured it out , thanks to the 1×19 Ladies' Choice.
Before we start to dig it up I want to tell you that unfortunately I do not know the comic-canon, so if there are some points I might have missed, please feel free to share.
So the things we know it's canon:
•Metz found the resting place of the Legendary Titan, Behemoth, however upon trying to take it from its resting place, he was cursed.
• On his travels, he saved the life of a young Amazon queen in Turkey. They got romantically involved and she died some time after that.
says HuntikWiki.
(I'm not sure are we accepting canonically Metz as Hippolyta's father or not but for the sake of this headcanon I do.)
I think the lifesaving situation between Metz and the Queen I mentioned earlier is about Behemaot's curse. They found Body Titan together and it's the reason why the Queen's life was in danger too. Afterwards, Metz tried to help her with his healing power and it worked for a while. This theory explains well both, why the Queen passed away so early (again I'm assuming she is not a Seeker, [based on canon], so that's how she affected more than Metz ) and also why is that Ring stayed in Amazons until our team arrives.
Metz probably thought it would be safer if the Titan stays where it belongs; Amazons' area has its own protection spell and he is the only person knows how to get there. Since he was involved with the Queen, he had connections with the Tribe too. If both of them could keep this secret, then the Titan's itself would be in safe. The Body Titan is another reason besides his wife, why he stayed in touch with Amazons.
So here comes Dante in this picture.
According to the mythology, Amazons cannot keep baby boys with them. (As far as I know, they either drown them or send them back to their fathers) But one day, a Seeker baby boy was born in the Tribe. He was so powerful that you can tell he is a something different from his birth. Therefore, the Queen decided to give him to Metz, the most trustworthy Outsider, her husband and also a strong Seeker.
If Dante's parents were friends of Metz or something like that, I'm sure it would have been mentioned in canon. Furtermore there weren't any other signs that Dante is also comes from streets like Zhalia, we haven't any painful flashbacks or stories.
This also kinda backs up why he is such a strong Seeker, because even if they aren't Seekers, I think Amazon women have their own kind of magic too.
And I find it very poetic actually, how later on that Amazon kid falls in love with another Amazon queen.
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ktlnz · 1 year
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I can fix her (makes her worse)
I can’t do the huntik style for shit so I won’t even attempt to
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ropuszysko · 1 year
i just realised
we never really explored how traumatic it would be for dante to pull this whole comet thing??? like??? you know you are supposed to die and the only thing possibly saving you is an amulet that may or may not work??? which like, you die anyway, you can just be brought back to life? WE'VE SEEN HIS ASHES THIS MAN LITERALLY BURNT TO DEATH. IN SPACE. COLLIDING WITH A FUCKING COMET. if that doesn't give you ptsd i dont know what does
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emyy250 · 2 years
Fanfic Update Schedule: 2023 and onwards
This has been on my mind since I took my hiatus at the end of 2021. I've decided to semi-retire from fanfiction and focus on my original works. Here are my plans for my remaining stories.
The Misfortune of Mack Garcia
To be Finished
A Mother's Sins
The Life of a Pet Owner
The Princess and Her Foxes
Misadventures in the Mundane World
Changing Perspective: A Pet's Tale
To be Continued Later
Gargoyles Mermaid Anthology
Emergency Babysitter
My Monstrous Family*
Gargoyles Drabbles*
Huntik: AUs, Drabbles, and Oneshots*
Steampunk Snippets*
Huntik AU*
Huntik Pets*
Huntik chats/headcanons*
Gargoyles Tumblr Chats*
The Trust of a Vixen
Do Androids dream of Redheads?
My plan is as follows: Publish whatever was unpublished from before, work on the "To be Finished" list, then onto my other fan project.
This will not be like my old writing schedule. I'm going to do one story at a time until they're done. That being said if I'm in a rut, I'll take a step back and work on another story.
On the topic of my fan project, I don't want to say too much about it because it's still in its early stages. But for those on the Huntik discord, know that I truly do want this to happen.
Many of the works on the "To be Continued Later" list are one-shot collections or just meme stuff.  Which is why I feel comfortable leaving them for the time being. As for the "Unsure" list, I really would like to continue them, but I couldn't in good conscious put them on one of the other lists. I don't know where to take the plot(s). The ones with asterisks are lower priority. Finished stories will be crossed out. I'll edit this post as needed.
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zhaliacain · 4 years
One of my favourite headcanons for Zhante is that Zhalia will either cut or at least trim her own hair whenever she feels like it. She’s good at it so it’s fine.
Problem is Dante stabbed himself in the forehead with scissors as a teenager trying to cut his own hair and now he can’t stand getting hair cut by anyone other than a professional. Literally he can’t even stand other people cutting their own hair because it makes him feel squeamish.
So he hates Zhalia doing it herself because although he knows she’s perfectly capable it still makes him squeamish so he’d have to leave but paranoia response doesn’t want to leave in case she stabs herself in the head like he did. It’s that non serious fight they’re always having and Dante offers to pay for Zhalia to go to any hairdresser she picks but she refuses.
-please, I am literally begging you to go to a professional, I will pay for you to go, please put the scissors down.
-Dante I am cutting out a hairband that got knotted in my hair, calm tf down
-you stabbed your self one time! You use a razor everyday anyway, and who points the scissors at their face?!
A) I’m not that stupid b) I’m a trained spy, I know how to hit my target, and C) if you hide the scissors again I’m just going to use shadowpoint and it won’t just be my hair I’m cutting!
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earannariven · 4 years
Huntik headcanon: a bachelorette party
Zhalia will refuse to hold a bachelorette party before her wedding with Dante. She realizes that her only friend-girl is Sophie. Zhalia has no any closer female friends, so she would not want to see anyone else at the party. But spending a bachelorette party with only Sophie was pointless, because it would be Sophie who would help Zhalia organize the wedding, look for a dress, prepare for the wedding. She will spend many days with her before the ceremony, will be morally supportive Zhalia, and these days will be their bachelorette party, because this time, which they will spend together as the only best friends for each other, will be cool.
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weirdponytail · 5 years
Huntik and another theory on Zhalia’s family (El Al Flight 1862)
Hey all.
I haven’t posted Huntik stuff for a while. I started watching some more Air Crash Investigation last night and remembered a certain episode involving the crash of El Al Flight 1862. 
Now, I’m just going to be lazy and not go back and check my facts, but if I’m not mistaken there are several conflicting scene locations when we see Zhalia as a child. Sometimes in S1 it says Amsterdam, sometimes it says Rotterdam, and then in S2 we get the new info that her orphanage was in Rotterdam. 
I’m going to go out on a limb and say that, when very young, Zhalia was originally in Amsterdam. She was transferred from an Amsterdam orphanage to the Rotterdam one due to overcrowding/not a good fit because tiny weepy murder child/bad system(? not trying to make assumptions on the child welfare system of the Netherlands based off a children’s cartoon). 
Why Amsterdam first? 
El Al Flight 1862 crashed in Amsterdam, nose diving into two large apartment complexes in the year 1992. The official death count on the ground was 39 (total was 43), but due to the high number of undocumented immigrants living in the buildings, many believe that the actual count is much higher. Most immigrants living in the buildings were from Ghana and Suriname, but this does not mean that immigrants from other countries and areas were not living in the buildings. 
Because we don’t know Zhalia’s age (and I still believe that Zhalia and Klaus only have an estimate due to her situation and just take the middle number or whatever is needed for missions), it is possible that she was 1-4 years old around the time of the crash and was either in a daycare away from the apartments or was found in the wreckage after surviving in the buildings themselves. Her parents and/or other family/guardians could have been killed in the crash and, because of a shaky or nonexistent record of their residence, their deaths were never recorded and any other family that Zhalia could have had were never contacted. 
At such an age Zhalia would have likely not remembered her parents or had any memory of the crash besides a lingering trauma of suddenly being alone and/or torn away from what she knew and was familiar with. Due to the issues with body identification after the crash, lack of DNA records and immigration records, as well as Zhalia’s own clandestine work repeatedly creating and dismantling/destroying identities for herself, it’s no far stretch to say that she, and even Klaus (having met her at least a year after the event), could possibly never know how her parents died or connect the events to her being placed in the orphanage. 
Anyway, thanks for listening to my depressing thought concerning true history and Huntik. 
Cheers mates!
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huntikjunktik · 4 years
Dante and Zhalia Going to the night market and buying each other street food and trinkets. A busker starts playing sappy love songs whenever they walk past.
(Don’t know exactly what a night market is, gonna assume it’s an outdoor market that happens at night, like the farmer’s market with food trucks and stuff)
Zhalia initially claims she doesn’t want anything, when they plan the trip. Nothing. But Dante sees the way she eyes a few cute little (as Zhalia would call them “girly”) necklaces and gets one of them for her, despite her protests.
It quickly devolves into a contest of who can read the other’s body language and figure out what they want faster. They don’t get too many things for one another, they’re both still practical after all, but they get at least two items for each other each.
Then they turn their attention to food. Zhalia, surprisingly, has fairly set tastes in food and only gets one or two small things she knows she will enjoy eating. Dante is more adventurous, and will get many types of food to try. He will share, even though Zhalia said, before he purchased his own food, she was happy with what she had. She’s curious about the new foods, if only a little.
They’re both already being, what they feel, is appropriately sappy. They just enjoy the music and the evening.
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reverienne · 5 years
What do you think about Zhante's early times (like from 1×3 to Klaus' first orders to Zhalia) I believe that there are more than just missions, maybe some texting, phone calls or secret meetings ?
If you define “secret” as “without Sophie knowing”, then it’s pretty much canon.
I mean, in s1e04 “Into the River of Secrets” Zhalia tells Dante that it would be faster if they split up and Dante tells her “Call up if there’s trouble” which means that they exchanged phone numbers before their trip to Rouen. Then, judging by Sophie’s surprise at Zhalia’s presence in the graveyard in s1e03 “Words of Truth, Heart of Lies” and Dante’s words “Take it easy. I asked her to come, alright?”, well, maybe Dante DID plan their graveyard trip a few minutes after the rescue and asked her to come in person, but maybe they just exchanged phone numbers a few minutes after the rescue and then he called/texted his request sometime later? Either way, I’m pretty sure that they exchanged phone numbers as soon as they left the hotel. It’s only practical to get your saviour’s phone number, especially in such a hostile city like Prague. Then Lok (and Sophie)’s surprise at Zhalia’s presence in s1e07 “The Legacy of Thor” and Zhalia’s words “Dante asked me to come!” are yet another strong indicator that Dante asked her, again, quite discreetly, not openly via his holotome but maybe via a text message on his phone… which doesn’t mean much, really. Dante knew that Sophie wouldn’t approve of Zhalia’s company and it’s certainly a case of “It’s easier to beg for forgiveness than ask for a permission” (though with Zhalia’s competency helping to save the day, you know that Sophie would have to grumpily admit that Zhalia was useful after all, no begging involved).
Personally, I do think that there was a certain amount of texting between Dante and Zhalia in the first half of the series but it was all kept short and professional? I strongly believe that they became a couple only after s1e20 “The Unseen Guide” and whatever happened before that, well, doesn’t compare to the content of their Logosbooks in the second season in the slightest, if you know what I mean. 😜
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neopuff · 7 years
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pride month!! // ft. boys i headcanon as gay
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parusahontas · 4 years
Zhalia's Farewells
The most heartbreaking scenes in the show are definitely Zhalia's goodbyes to Dante/ the team. And in each one of them she uses her Thoughtspecter magic to leave, have you ever thought why?
Goodbyes have two sides; the one who stays and the one who leaves. Both of them are painful (depends on the context of course), but just think about a little bit Zhalia's life. First she left her country (probably she was born in) to survive, because going to Vienna with Klaus is her only chance. She thought from now this place is her home but no, Klaus trained her as a spy and she had to leave Organization to infiltrate Foundation. New place new life but this is just temporary so she shouldn't get used to it, right? But she did. In Dante's team she was feeling better than any other homes she lived. But then she had to left them too because some bad things happened and she couldn't stay no more. But she found a way to forgive herself (not completely but enough to get back) and came back after all. Then, when she thinks finally she had a place that she doesn't have to hide and can be herself, the duty called her one more time. She had to left her only true home, her loved ones. Again.
Can you see now how hard are all of these farewells for her? She's always on the move, always have to go forward and never turn back. She's always the one who leaves and has to burn down the bridges she left behind. She had no place to come back and never will have, the woman knows and accepts that already. But when Dante comes into the picture, for first time in her entire life she wanted to be the one who stays. The woman wants to stay with the man which means to her a home. And that's why she uses Thoughtspecter in all of this time.
Because she just can't walk away from Dante.
She knows that one word from him will be enough to stop her. One single word. Although she wants to stay so badly, she had to go. Because of the betrayal or for Blood Spiral. Zhalia is aware of what she has to do and for that she must keep going. So she stands up and summons up her strength. But walking is a process and she isn't powerful enough to keep doing it. She doesn't want to make watch her leaving to Dante and couldn't stand to the idea of feeling his eyes on her back.
So she disappears just like that. It's the easiest way. She was there before a second and then gone. Like a dream, fades away. Because it's the only move that she can pull herself together enough to do.
Also she used it when her apartment exploded too because watching her home to burn is too painful.
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ktlnz · 3 years
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I’ve reread huntik comics (2) and now guys girls and nonbinary pals let me introduce: my zhalia x ryder / young zhalia brainrot 😪
(I guess by this point I’ve pushed my short hair zhalia headcanons too far ugh)
((also these sketches are barely related to any canon stuff from the comics, 99% of the narrative above is generated by katlinz and katlinz only))
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ropuszysko · 1 year
you can disagree, BUT:
if by any chance the miracle of 3 season of huntik happens, it will be a fuckin disaster. when you think of it, we just created our own lore over these 12? years in our bubble of ~8 people and 52 frogs in a trench coat pretending to be the 9th (me).
can you imagine what happens if suddenly we dont know each others usernames by seeing them. and i specifically mean a big amount of people joining in a short time, bc ecosystems are fragile and at this point we clearly are one.
not to mention having new canon to digest. im sorry, but my cute little maldaptive daydreaming is what created canon for me, not iginio straffi 🙃
im sure it may have pros like someone finally heairng about this godforsaken show. but ughhh im not too sure
(its worth noting i am like 4 hours past bedtime)
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ancientseeker · 3 years
Hello, seekers! This is what you need to know if ye wanna request anything!
I will write about mostly anything that I am familliar with, but these are my base fandoms
Rise of the Guardians
Huntik: Secrets and seekers
Drifters (historical sci-fi comedy anime)
Avatar (the animated series, but maybe the blue guys as well if there are any really cool ideas)
Inazuma Eleven
Shaman King
Many more but I can't remember at the moment
Male x Female
friends to lovers
some mythological/hystorical characters x reader
series (maybe not everytime, maybe I'll see the idea better as an oneshot but I will indeed text you about it if I decide to do it!)
will try from time to time to do your/my original characters x reader if I am requested to
!!!WON'T DO:
Male x Male
Female x Female
anything I feel unconfortable with
Love y'all!
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zhantelover · 3 years
Some appreciations before I begin
I wanted to give a special appreciation to the accounts that have inspired me the most (I hope it doesn't bother you):
@jesslysue: Yours was the first account I found, because I simply couldn't live without searching the internet for a Zhante kiss fanart. I fell in love with your art and your posts, and thanks to that I discovered even more accounts. So, thank you!
@fablewolf44: OMG, I honestly don't know how to express how thankful I am for having found your account. It is my go-to place when I'm huntik nostalgic. I especially love your "conversation" posts (I guess they should be called headcanons? idk). Anyways, thank you so much for sharing your love for Huntik, you're awesome!
@lilium-heart: Your stories are the absolute best! They were the very first fanfiction I’d ever read and I completely fell in love, thank you so much!
@weirdponytail: Thanks to your story “Show, not tell” (which I really liked) I discovered the fanfiction.net website, and it’s been my ally ever since. There are so many amazing huntik stories that I wouldn’t have found without you so, thank you.
Also thanks to everyone who does fanart and posts headcanons, you have no idea how much you inspire me altogether (enough to make me create an account when I have no other social media 😂).
Have a nice day (or night) ❤
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zhaliacain · 3 years
Sophie: Zhalia must be a spy! And she’s up to something! She’s probably planning to take down the foundation as we speak!
Klaus: so what have you learned about the foundation during your mission?
Zhalia: uh… the health insurance policy is really good… we have dental… and uh… they let you collect and keep your air miles?
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