#hunger story
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hungrytummyprompts · 2 months ago
How about tired with a side of extra whump?
As soon as the door closed behind him, Kurt collapsed straight into his bed. He didn't even bother removing his shoes, or his hero gear. Hell, the hero gear was best left on as much as possible. He'd live in it if he could, it was the one thing he had that protected his skin from his own powers. Anyway, his main goal for now was to just sleep until he felt at least a little rested, which would be...six years perhaps? Yeah, that was in line with how exhausted he felt now. He'd even elected to stay in a room in the team base instead of making his way home home, even though that would certainly leave him more at risk of Katharine's nagging about getting injuries seen to or whatever else. Honestly, she was worse than his ex sometimes.
It probably would have been easier to sleep if he had let her treat his wounds. Then he would just have to deal with the nausea that came with the excess acid in his system (thanks, acid powers) and the way that excess acid made it difficult to eat properly.
Speaking of which, he was starving. As usual. His belly gave its usual complaints, a low, longing groan that bid him to get out of bed and go back to the common room. He pushed himself up on his arms, yawned and decided 'fuck it'. A second later, he was face down in the pillow again.
Sleep didn't come easily, much to his chagrin. Despite his exhaustion, the aches and pains across his body digging into his psyche every time he tried to relax bothering him more than he'd care to admit. Hunger was digging at his belly like a frantic animal, and now he was no longer in the midst of battle his stomach decided it was cool to complain. He shifted position for a while, trying to get comfortable if it was the last thing he did, and ended up on his back, one leg bent up, one arm slung over his eyes, the other draped languidly over his poor neglected stomach. In this position he could really feel it sinking in from lack of food, each miserable grumble like a knife to his already sore body.
He didn't neglect it on purpose, of course. If he could control it, he'd be eating well every day, enough even to become good and fat. He imagined how it would feel to be completely stuffed with good food and thought it would be the ultimate fantasy.
The problem was his acid powers. His body naturally overproduced saliva, enough that he was either forced to swallow it down or spit it out with frankly ridiculous frequency. There was always a pause in conversation when it was his turn while he cleared his mouth of the latest stupid puddle. It meant he always had a huge amount to spit at enemies, but outside of a fight situation it was nothing but a pain.
Additionally, the saliva his body produced was a highly corrosive acid. More potent than anything else he'd encountered in his life so far. His body didn't seem properly equipped to handle it either. Any time it touched his skin, it burned. He had scars around his mouth, his lips mostly scar tissue, his hands and arms carrying the proof of old burns. The inside of his body had some protection. It still burned his mouth and throat, but not enough to cause obvious major damage. Sometimes he would gag as the acid slid down his throat, his body bringing it back up as it begged him to get rid of it, and jesus fuck did that hurt, and having more acid in his stomach than he was supposed to was just awful. It hurt, especially when his stomach was empty, it made him feel sick, it bloated him and gave him ulcers, it just sucked more than anything.
Overall, this made simply eating and drinking normally highly unpleasant. Anything in his mouth caused it to water, which of course meant more acid spit, it would quickly become some nasty mush before he could even chew it, his body would try to reject it when he swallowed, his stomach wouldn't even absorb whatever made it in properly and there was a fair chance he would throw up later.
Okay, maybe some of the neglect was willful avoidance of a very unpleasant process but mostly it was just hard to get anything good into his stomach. A stomach that was currently throwing an absolute tantrum in his exhausted body. He dug his fingers in against the miserable organ, just wishing it would stop. He was tired and just wanted to sleep without his tummy screaming at him. It was too much, he couldn't do it anymore.
At some point in the mess of misery, he must have fallen into a light sleep because he was startled awake by his door opening. He knew who it was without looking. The whole room stank of death and rot, which didn't help the nausea at all. He couldn't judge Katherine for it though, it was a shitty side effect of her powers too.
"Get out."
She instead placed something on the desk. He caught the scent of broth and groaned as his stomach clenched and howled. Katherine huffed.
"I could hear your stomach from all the way down the hall. Eat, you idiot."
He raised a hand and waved her away,  waited until he heard her leave and shut the door and sat up to look at what she had brought.
Simple soup. Some kind of vegetable soup by the smell. His belly begged him to get up, take those few steps to the desk and eat the whole thing. When had he last eaten? It looked so good and he was so hungry, and he could tell what Katherine had meant. His tummy was growling non stop and so fucking loud, even before she'd brought the soup in. He contemplated dragging himself out of bed to eat.
Then lay back down with both hands pressed to his belly. He would eat later, he promised himself. For now, he was just too damn tired.
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hollow-pocket · 1 year ago
[CW: this is a hunger kink story. contains painful hunger that is not sated]
[since this story is with my OCs, some context: Ora is a prophet who has left her power source for the first time. she is travelling with her friend Viv. prior to this, Ora never needed to eat]
First Hunger part 1
Ora skated her fingers over her shirt, pressing lightly on her belly. It felt odd, achy and hollow. She wondered if it was a herald of something, a prophecy she was feeling instead of seeing.
The cramping in her stomach twisted deeper, and she gasped in pain. Viv looked over, concerned. “Are you alright?”
Ora pressed her palm against her tummy, which was gnawing at her awfully. “It feels- like something’s wrong with my stomach,” she muttered, stroking her angry belly with both hands now.
She felt out the most painful area, a hollow pocket beneath her ribs, and pressed. Her stomach rolled, then released the awful cramp with a loud rumbling noise.
Another pain started building again, but Ora just stared at her belly. “What was that?”
Viv groaned. “I should’ve guessed. You’re not connected to the immortal chains anymore, that means you’re becoming more human. We’ve already seen you get tired more, it seems like you get hungry too.”
“Hungry,” Ora said softly, fluttering her hands around. Pressing into her belly had made it ache on the outside too, and she didn’t want to make it hurt more even for some relief for what she now knew must be hunger pangs.
“Here, let me,” Viv said, and her eyes were strangely dark, half lidded like she was enjoying herself.
Ora felt heat rise to her face, but lowered her arms and settled back in her seat. Viv untucked her shirt, allowing herself access to Ora’s bare abdomen.
“Where are the pains?” Viv asked, striking up Ora’s aching tummy.
“Here,” she said, guiding her friend’s hands to the horribly empty feeling part of her stomach.
Viv massaged the area, releasing another starved growl.
“Damn, you sound empty as hell,” she murmured, eyes still flush with something like excitement.
Despite the pain, Ora found she was enjoying herself.
“Well, technically I haven’t eaten in years,” she points out. “And my stomach isn’t pleased about it.”
Viv twisted her fingers, and Ora’s stomach let out another hollow groan. “It sure isn’t,” she said. “Here, I don’t have anything safe for you to eat but-“
She produced a corset. Ora laced it up gracefully, grateful for the pressure it put on her caving tummy.
“Cmon,” Viv said. “The sooner we get to the next town, the sooner we can fill that empty belly of yours.”
Ora nodded, ignoring the protest her weakened stomach gave at having to keep walking.
Humans dealt with hunger their whole lives. Surely she could manage it for a few hours.
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runawaymarbles · 9 months ago
Reading Mockingjay as an adult is extra devastating because. Of course the plucky teenager and her ragtag friends aren't going to sneak into a government building to kill the president with a bow and arrow. That's absolutely ridiculous. It's the kind of thing that's only possible in the kind of propaganda that Coin developed. But she's so good at it that in some ways she tricks the reader into thinking that's the kind of story this is, too--even after 3 books reminding us that pretty much everything that Katniss does the second she volunteers is manipulated by adults pulling strings to make propaganda in some form or another.
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tooth-with-eyes · 9 months ago
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Reaper is everything.
The respect he had for the other tributes. The grave he made for the fallen tributes. He was completely exposed and could have been killed by anyone, but recognizing those kids and respecting them the way they deserve was more important to him. The way he tore down the symbol of the government that was supposed to protect them, and used it to cover the bodies of the kids it failed so badly. His calm demeanor. The love he had for his sick and fragile district partner. The love he had for Wovey. The way he protected those gentle souls the best he could. He didn't even try to fight. He knew he wasn't going to kill any of these kids. He's the original revolution. He wasn't going to play the capitol's games. He didn't let them turn him into something he's not. He is everything good.
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insignificant457 · 1 year ago
The scene was powerful in the book, but there was just something about watching reaper collect the bodies of the dead tributes in the arena. The way he removes the weapons from their hands, lays them out nicely, giving them the smallest bit of dignity in death. The contrast to the capitol gasping in shock as he pulls down the flag, not in rebellion, but in mourning. The way mourning in the hunger games IS an act of rebellion. “How are you going to punish me now?” The feed then immediately cutting to the news of the death of one capitol boy, whose death will be avenged upon those who had nothing to do with it. Only certain deaths are allowed to mean anything. God. Suzanne Collins knows what she’s doing.
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sanjarka · 10 months ago
haymitch's games are great and all but the fact that we may see katniss's dad IN SOME WAY SHAPE OR FORM
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lotus-pear · 10 months ago
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HIII SORRY FOR NO NEW ART have some concept sketches for the fic i'm working on instead
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hungrytummyprompts · 2 months ago
Hmmm how about klutz?
 Lesley Lee Wayne was a great many things. Spy, assassin, master of manipulation, espionage and subterfuge, their boss' ultimate ace in the hole and a real stone cold bitch. When at their best, they could really show off. Hell, they could juggle some of the most dangerous weapons imaginable with a blindfold on and not get a scratch on them. They were an acrobat, smooth, limber, with the sharpest mind you could imagine. Nothing could stop them, nothing at all.
Apart from, apparently, missing a meal or two.
The job should have been exceedingly easy by Lesley's standards. Get in, take out guards through non-lethal means or preferably evade them completely, deactivate the security system, infect main computer system with virus, assassinate a greedy, morally bankrupt CEO who nobody would miss, make it seem like a suicide at best or an inside job at worst, get information from paper documents, get out, don't leave a trace. Simple. Easy. No problem whatsoever.
Slight problem.
Because as good with his hands as he was at his best, it turns out when hungry, he had a tendency to fumble.
Get in.
There were three potential entrances to the compound. The front gate, heavily guarded. He could get in if he either took out the guards or stole one guard's uniform and access key and pretended to be him. Most of the guards were a lot bigger than him though, so it would be hard to find a uniform that fit. Lesley had tragically stopped growing before he even hit five feet.
The skylight. There was a rock formation near the compound that allowed someone with a good run and jump to get across to the roof and get in through the skylight. It would bring him immediately close to the target, but further from the server room and security hub, and would probably set off an alarm if he wasn't careful.
The vents. It would be easy to either find or make a gap in the barbed fencing and sneak to the vent on the ground level. They'd seen a layout of the building, including the vent work, and there was a channel of vents big enough for him to squeeze his tiny self through without getting caught in any fans or anything stupid like that. It would probably be dusty and a tight squeeze, but there would be a direct route to the server room.
It took a moment to weigh up the pros and cons of each potential route, and then he was at the fence with his best wire clippers. He knew exactly where to cut to make a gap just large enough to squeeze through, raised the clippers and
The clippers fumbled out of their hands and into the mud. Cursing quietly, they went to pick them back up, overbalanced and reached out to try and correct themselves. Their hand closed around the barbed wiring of the fence and they gritted their teeth, internally cursing their clumsiness. It was rare for them to be clumsy, but it was late and they hadn't eaten a thing today. It was no wonder they were a bit shaky. It couldn't be helped though, they'd been busy, very busy with very important things, and totally not avoiding eating because they were worried about getting motion sick on the journey over because vehicles of all kinds were their kryptonite, absolutely not. Yes, super important mission prep work, not at all anxiety about throwing up all over the plane or car.
With a sigh, they worked away at the fence again before crawling through, ignoring the empty pit in their core as they made their way over to the ventilation system. They would have to unscrew a plate to get in, but that wouldn't be too hard.
Aside from his hands slipping every time he thought he'd gotten a good grip on the screws. He cursed under his breath and focused so hard on just getting the screws undone that he went ahead and did all of them. He only needed enough loose to move the cover so he could squeeze through but when the whole thing came off he wasn't ready for it. It came down on his foot hard and he had to clamp a hand over his mouth to stop himself from crying out. Shit, this was going badly. Clutching his injured foot in his free hand, he hopped back from the vent and tried to resist the urge to punch something.
Once he'd scrabbled inside the vent (extra fast and extra clumsy because he was absolutely certain someone was coming to investigate the sound of the vent dropping) he realised he couldn't turn around to put the cover back in place. God damn it.
Deactivate the security system and upload the virus.
The next place to be was the main server room, which this ventilation system had a direct path to. The narrow metal passage seemed to act as an echo chamber whenever Lesley's poor tummy sounded off, at this point throwing a complete tantrum in protest of its emptiness. They stifled a groan as they pulled themselves through to the server room, making absolutely sure the room was empty before kicking open the cover and dropping on in. They walked past the cameras and server systems until they got to the computer. The security system would have to be shut down before the computer system could be infected, it was just a matter of how. They would need to hack the system and turn everything off or manipulate it so the enemies wouldn't notice it was all switched off. Their belly gave a nasty cramp and a stuttering moan and they sighed, kneading a hand in against the hollow pocket as they considered their next move.
Then their foot caught on a wire and a plug pulled out of the wall, taking out the entire server room, main computer and all. Lesley swore loudly, got back to their feet and kicked the nearest piece of tech, then swore again as they clutched their wounded toes.
Plus side, it would take time for the security system to come back online. Minus side, they didn't know what else had gone down, but they now had to plug it back in and get the main computer back online.
Which took far longer than Lesley would like to have admitted. Once that was done, however, they had to get through the next phase of the plan - getting to the assassination target. Hopefully without their noisy stomach giving them away.
There were two guards standing outside of the CEO's room. Take out guards non-lethally. He had a good little tool for knocking someone out, a good old fashioned tranquiliser. He raised his hand to ready the damn thing, and then his body decided fuck this, it's food time and his vision started to swirl, his fingers unresponsive. The dart fell from his hand and skittered across the floor, casually bumping into one of the guards' feet.
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shinynewmemories · 9 months ago
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Screaming crying throwing up etc over the fact that D12 weddings involve not only the TOASTING of BREAD but also the SINGING of a SONG. "There's always a traditional song we sing" are you FREAKING kidding me Suzanne?? How am I supposed to be normal about this? Knowing that Peeta's first memory of Katniss had her SINGING a SONG and Katniss' first memory of Peeta had him BURNING BREAD? Aughw maybe I'm losing my mind but what if Suzanne invented the toasting based off of Katniss and Peeta's first moments and not the other way around. What if the entire D12 wedding ceremony was created for the sole purpose of solidifying the idea that Katniss and Peeta have been spiritually married since they were 11. What if it's all always been about them. What then
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mikuyuuss · 1 year ago
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“You'll see my face in every place
But you can't catch me now”
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wardensantoineandevka · 5 months ago
this is just how they flirt tbh
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urania-draws · 6 months ago
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AU where D'Arce, Ragnvaldr and Cahara leave the dungeons with the girl (and maybe Moonless) and they all go live together after joining Celeste are super happy for the rest of their lives!!!! :3
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everlarkyuri · 8 months ago
today my mom told me about how my five year old sister came up to her with a ken doll and asked if he was “katniss’s girlfriend from the books”
apparently me and my other sister talk about peeta enough that she knew he was blonde & also had relation to katniss??? so not only is peeta mellark ken but also katniss’s girlfriend. Groundbreaking stuff here guys
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justafewberries · 15 days ago
y’know how all of the books we have revolve around a d12 winner? after sotr there will be only one d12 victor remaining without a dedicated book.
Peeta Mellark
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im-tired-404 · 7 months ago
Me when I see a piece of media about something I’m hyperfixated on:
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